rawing from Jasper Johns’ 1930 work Numbers Din Color, the dynamic mural pictured on the cover and throughout this report was created with tiles shaped by students at Cotting School in 2007. Using clay tools, stamps, and paintbrushes, each child made a personal statement of his or her first initial in color and texture. Each square 1 represents one of the building blocks that comprise the rich mosaic of our community. While each tile represents an individual, together their initials blend together as a permanent installment, a reminder that each one of us is unique and that together we can accomplish amazing things. The wall is a testament to the strength and creativity of our students, and to the skill and vision of art teacher Rosanne Trolan.

Throughout this volume the tiles change, representing the different transitions that occur in our community each year and each day. We invite you to join us for a glimpse into this remarkable place, Cotting School. To the Cotting School Family

otting continually strives to improve its services to Cstudents with special needs, both within our program and in the greater community. This has been another year of exciting innovations. Our new Preschool Classroom space provides a warm, nurturing, and therapeutic environment conducive to maximizing learning and social/emotional growth in the critical early years of a child’s development. 2 A new Transition Classroom offers community-based instruction to eight of our oldest students, giving them further preparation for independence after Cotting. In addition, we have continued to evolve our pre-vocational program. The Work Skills Center, including the student- run snack bar, combines the expertise of our Pre-Vocational and Occupational Therapy Departments. Through staff teamwork, each upper school student participates in an in-house job, and 29 students work offsite weekly through Project Bridges. While we continue to make the services at HOPEhouse known to the community, the staff there has developed an after-school program aimed at our oldest students, using their outstanding skills. All these endeavors and the continued excellence of our educational program have helped us maintain a strong enrollment. In an effort to share our expertise and facilities with students who do not attend Cotting School, we have expanded our outreach and consulting capacity through the Pace Assistive Technology Assessment Center and developed a joint venture with the New England College of Optometry and the New England Eye Institute. With funding from The John W. Alden Trust, Cotting’s Seamark Vision Clinic has expanded to invite children with disabilities from underserved areas to obtain fully funded vision assessments and eyewear.

In 2008, we look forward to celebrating the School’s 115th anniversary with Arcadia Publishing’s Cotting School: A Pictorial History, which will arrive in bookstores in April. In September we plan to welcome our first Cotting Fellow, 3 a 2008 graduate in the field of , who will train with us for two years. This Fellowship has been made possible through the generosity of dedicated friends of the School. We have also received a challenge grant to fund a second Cotting Fellow position, which has galvanized us to move ahead with this exciting initiative.


Anne Phillips Ogilby, Chairman, Board of Trustees

David W. Manzo, President/Executive Director TRANSITION TO COTTING

100% of Cotting students use assistive technology.

4 Each Cotting student makes use of some form of adaptive technology, whether it is an adaptive keyboard or mouse, a joystick and an onscreen keyboard, or a communication device. The Coordinator of The Dorothy Pace Assistive Technology Assessment Center schedules each student for an annual technology assessment with an in-house Occupational Therapist, a Technology Specialist, and a Communication Therapist to ensure that each child is using the best technology possible to optimize communication and learning.

“Cotting has a whole network of people who ‘get’ our daughter. It is amazing. We don’t have to worry any more.” spritely child with an indomitable spirit and delightful energy, new Astudent Phoebe eagerly rushes into school each morning, ready to join her classmates. “At Cotting she feels she is a valuable part of the community, and that helps shape her learning and confidence,” says her mother, Lisa Hammer; “she is so happy to be in school.” Phoebe’s father, Steve Sternbach, adds, “Cotting has a whole network of people who ‘get’ our daughter. It is amazing. We don’t have to worry any 5 more.”

“Phoebe has a constant drive to do things but cannot express that. Her schooling affects our entire family, as now all four children do their homework simultaneously. Phoebe loves to do her work, but she has to think about the questions. There is often silence, and there is a lot going on in that silence,” her mother reflects. “Her brothers and sister now see Phoebe as a student. They see her identity as a person, not just her disability. And knowing that she is in a place where so many people are attending to her needs is a huge gift for me.” Lisa repeats, “She’s just so happy.” TRANSITION THROUGH COTTING

100% of Cotting students have access to 6 a wide range of extra-curricular activities.

“Cotting School is beyond a perfect school for me. It’s my second family.” otting School is beyond a perfect school for me,” Matt says. C“It’s my second family.” One of his favorite people, his Aunt Mary, recalls “how happy Matt has been since he started attending Cotting. He has blossomed so much! I have visited several times, and I am always struck by how friendly everybody is, both students and staff.” She notes that Matt’s former apprehension about a new school year is gone “because it doesn’t matter if he has a new teacher; they are all great!” Sophisticated, 7 cordial and caring, Matt has developed a wide range of interests. An avid reader, he is learning chess and Italian to complement his extensive knowledge of art, classical music, and piano. He loves language and listens to the nightly news to catch words such as “ubiquitous,” which he then enjoys adding to his vocabulary.

His mother, Indra Guertler, is delighted with the Cotting faculty. “They see Matt for his strengths. He has learned to read and appreciate a range of music, to use a hammer and saw, and to appreciate different artists and genres. Teachers and staff members have opened new worlds for him. I cannot say enough about Cotting.” TRANSITION CLASSROOM

100% of upper school students have an in-house job.

8 Before Cotting students venture into the work force through our Project Bridges program, they have a series of in-house jobs. Using the knowledge they have acquired in Work Skills class, students treat each in-house situation as if it were a real job. At any one time, 29 upper school students also participate in Project Bridges by working at an off-site job for two hours twice a week.

“Cotting was a dream come true for my daughter… It opened worlds to which we never thought she’d have access.” otting was a dream come true for my daughter, CChrista,” Yolette Ibokette enthuses. “It opened worlds to which we never thought she’d have access. It’s not just programs; it’s people,” she emphasizes. “When we first arrived twelve years ago, my daughter had no friends and no extracurricular activities.” 9 As for now? Yolette credits Circle of Friends and cheerleading with “teaching Christa how to make friends and be a friend,” and Project Bridges with “teaching her how to work at places such as TJ Maxx.” Now Christa is a member of Cotting’s new Transition Classroom and is out in the community three days per week. Along with the changes have come different, age- appropriate priorities for Christa. Yolette laughs heartily, “Now in typical teenager ways, she asks, ‘What do I wear?’ and claims, ‘My cell phone needs a charger.’ We feel so blessed that she has attended Cotting. I just wish more families could be as fortunate as we have been. I hope Cotting School never changes.” TRANSITION BACK TO COTTING

71% of Cotting faculty and administrators hold advanced degrees. 10 100% of Cotting School faculty and staff pursue professional development annually.

“Philosophically, Cotting is different. My colleagues are here to develop students’ independence, not just to get through the day.” am thrilled to be back at Cotting, this time in a full-time Icapacity,” exults Melissa Mulvey, Communication Therapist. “Philosophically, Cotting is different. My colleagues are here to develop students’ independence, not just to get through the day. I find this approach highly satisfying.”

As an undergraduate and first-year graduate student in speech pathology, Melissa spent two summers here as a program assistant. 11 A nationally certified speech and language pathologist, she provides direct services to students in all areas of communication, teaching and modeling what to say, how to say it, and when to say it.

“What I like about Cotting is that students are aware of their goals, and they want to work on their skills to achieve these goals. They seek out homework. The students are motivated, and so are the staff,” she reports. “I appreciate that Cotting integrates therapy into the classroom situations.” For example, Melissa will help her students prepare questions for an upcoming trip into the community, and then, when they return, talk with them about it. “I can honestly ask, ‘how was it?’ since I did not go with them. We can then have a great conversation in which they converse among themselves rather than the teacher doing all the talking.”

With highly sought-after skills, Melissa was given the opportunity of running a small program herself elsewhere, but she prefers the Cotting approach where she is a member of a team. And her radiant smile and immediate involvement in all aspects of our program reveal just how delighted she is to be a part of the Cotting community again. TRANSITION BEYOND COTTING

100% of Cotting students participate in 12 enrichment classes including arts, music, and adaptive physical education.

“I give all the students the opportunity to be the captain and to pick the teams, which also increases their self confidence.” alute the captain!” The class of students all salute the “captain,” Sadaptive physical education teacher, Dan Cuddy, who then calls out, “All hands on deck!” They race to the circle in the center of the basketball court. “Boom coming over!” They duck down. “Three men in a boat!” One student veers for the side wall instead of lining up behind two others and joining in a rowing motion, and Dan calls out, “Walk the plank!” to send her to the bleachers. The game continues until the winner is left standing, 13 and he or she then becomes the captain for the next round.

Since 1988 Dan Cuddy has been coordinating Cotting’s participation in the Special Olympics, organizing a winter ski trip to Mount Sunapee, inventing games, and trying to make his classes therapeutic and fun. He comments, “When many of our students arrive, they have not played group sports, and their self-confidence is low. When they come to gym, I like to make it fun. The challenge is to adapt the rules to include the many different types of students we serve. I always make sure everyone is included. For instance, if a child in a wheelchair is playing shortstop, and the baseball hits him/her, that’s an out, usually followed by a big grin from the shortstop. I give all the students the opportunity to be the captain and to pick the teams, which also increases their self-confidence.” TRANSITION IN PROGRAMMING AT COTTING

“I give students options; I let them think about 14 what they are going to do, make decisions, and then we go through the directions one step at a time.” es, everyone will have a turn using the mixer Ybecause that’s the fun part,” 22-year veteran teacher Paulette Binder assures her lower school students. She urges the class forward, “Who can read the next step in the directions?” Each Cotting student enters her Vocational Workshop, which has transitioned this year to become an integrated part of the vocational program. 15 “I give students options; I let them think about what they are going to do, make decisions, and then we go through the directions one step at a time. In the fall, lower school students roast pumpkin seeds, while middle and upper school students make pumpkin soup. The recipes get more complicated as the students get older,” she states.

She makes students aware of what they are eating, for example, by “cutting open a microwave popcorn bag to reveal what is inside. They can see the large glob of congealed fat and make the connection between that and what would go into their bodies if they ate the popcorn.” She hosts a weekly breakfast called the Wake Up Call Breakfast Café, which involves upper school students setting tables, serving food, greeting guests, collecting money, and cleaning up afterwards. One plus? Students consume the fruits of their labor, which doesn’t happen in their other classes. TRANSITION BEYOND COTTING

82% of HOPEhouse graduates have moved on to more independent living situations. 16

HOPEhouse helped us understand the difference between what we wanted for our son—and what he was really capable of—and guided us in setting realistic goals. HOPEhouse was his “college.” When it was time to leave, we realized that our son really was ready for more independence. - Parents of a HOPEhouse graduate visited HOPEhouse for dinner and stayed for two weeks,” IColleen McCurdy jokes as she relates her initial visit here from her hometown in Ohio. “I liked the people right away. I felt I could get what I needed here. The people here are invested in me, and I get personal support all the time.”

Taking courses in pursuit of her Bachelor’s Degree in Early Education at Middlesex Community College in Bedford, Colleen 17 attends her classes there and does her school work at home in the HOPEhouse environment. “It is easier to work here than in the library at school,” she says, “and everyone here wants to help me manage it all.”

“My goal is to teach children Kindergarten age and age six;” she admits, as “I love young children.” TRANSITION THROUGH COTTING PARTNERS

Fully invested in supporting Cotting students, our affiliation with Children’s Hospital 18 began in 1893 when two of their orthopedic surgeons, Doctors Bradford and Thorndike, opened Cotting School. otting School students have greatly benefited from our strategic Cpartnerships with three centers of excellence: Boston Children’s Hospital, New England College of Optometry, and School of Dental Medicine.

Our affiliation with Boston Children’s Hospital began in 1893 when two of their orthopedic surgeons, Doctors Bradford and Thorndike, opened Cotting School. At that time Cotting was an experiment to respond to 19 the needs of children who had been injured in industrial accidents or had contracted polio or Pott’s disease. The School flourished in Boston and outgrew its location, moving to Lexington in 1988. Today, Laurie Glader, M.D. (pictured at left), of Children’s Hospital, serves as Cotting School’s Medical Director. She is assisted by Joel Shulkin, M.D., a fellow in the Department of Behavioral and Developmental Pediatrics.

Since 1975, students and faculty from the New England College of Optometry have provided comprehensive eye exams, vision therapy for eye coordination and focusing problems, and eyewear to Cotting students. Nancy Carlson, O.D., is Cotting School’s attending optometrist and oversees the Seamark Vision Clinic on campus. Thanks in part to a grant awarded by The John R. Alden Trust, the Vision Clinic has expanded its outreach services to include children with special needs from underserved areas by providing free vision assessments and eyewear.

Tufts School of Dental Medicine partners with Cotting through a weekly clinic providing each of our students with dental care twice annually. Two rotating Tufts residents and Clinic Director Maria Kritsineli, D.M.D., reinforce proper home dental care and life-long dental hygiene. TRANSITION THROUGH STEWARDSHIP

Trustees Trustees Emeriti John Beach, Bridges Associates H. Phelps Edwards, Jr., John F. Chaves, Ph.D., Wellesley, MA State University of NY Paul F. Perkins, Esq., at Stony Brook Ropes & Gray David Cushing, CFA, William O. Taylor, Wellington Management Chairman Emeritus; Company, LLP The Boston Globe 20 Robert C. Delaney, John L. Thorndike, Sherborn, MA Treasurer Emeritus; Lynda G. Kabbash, M.D., Fiduciary Trust Company New England Baptist (retired) Hospital Elise R. Wallace, Sherborn, MA D. Eliot Klein, Cambridge Trust Company Richard E. McDonald, Officers of the Corporation Collins Stewart Inc. Anne P. Ogilby, Esq. Charles W. Gibson, Virginia L. Nicholas, Chairman; Ropes & Gray Secretary; Boston, MA Raymond L. Killian, Jr. Deland, Gibson Insurance Assoc. Stuart A. Randle, Chairman Emeritus Charles T. Haydock, GI Dynamics, Inc. David W. Manzo, Vice Chairman & Treasurer; Joan Thorndike, Brookline, MA President, Cotting School Welch & Forbes David S. Lee, Vice Chairman n 1970, Elise Wallace’s aunt asked her to join the Cotting Ladies ICommittee. Elise recounts how, “Initially I declined because I thought I was too busy with other non-profit commitments. My aunt insisted, and I changed my mind. I assisted Mrs. Lloyd in the first grade classroom. I have never regretted that choice. I learned far more from the children than they learned from me!” Over time, Mrs. Wallace has also served on various committees and on the Board, of which she is now an emerita member. 21 She notes, “Cotting is a place where kids can really thrive. I think it’s the incredible caring which the teachers, staff, nurses, and therapists show that makes Cotting different. This is truly a remarkable place!”

“Over the School’s 115 years, people have done so much by giving annual gifts and bequests, all of which have enabled Cotting to offer innovation and quality in a full range of services to students,” she adds. “Now it is our turn to provide for future generations. We have a wonderful opportunity to meet a donor’s vigorous challenge grant to establish the Cotting Fellowship. It’s both our commitment to training the next generation of educators and our way of providing the best to current Cotting students. There are so many different ways to give and they are all important.” Treasurer’s Report

Dear Friends,

As Treasurer of Cotting School, I am pleased to share my report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007.

The tremendous votes of confidence we received this year from our donors reaffirm what we believe: Cotting School is a national leader in the field of special education. 22 Feedback from parents indicates that our continued focus on the whole child greatly impacts our students’ abilities to succeed when they leave Cotting. Our volunteers’ gifts of time, funds, and expertise enable us to keep our full range of services strong and our classrooms well furnished.

Cotting’s tuition rate increased by a modest 3.3 percent this year. This figure is set by the Commonwealth of and paid by each student’s referring school district. However, this allotment covers only 70 percent of the cost of Cotting’s outstanding services. The other 30 percent comes, in part, from fundraising events, gifts to the Annual Fund, and bequests.

Thus out of the $1,105,858 Cotting received in gifts and pledges over the last fiscal year, approximately $462,836 was contributed through Annual Giving, and $643,022 to various Special Projects.

Through donations and pledges we are steadily moving toward our $2M goal of endowing the Cotting Fellowship, which will enable us to train the next generation of teachers in the field of special education. We are thrilled to be able to inaugurate the first of two fellowships in September 2008. Thanks to a generous donor, we have received Revenue, Gains and Support Tuition $7,035,886 a $250,000 challenge grant to raise an additional $750,000 for the Fellows Gifts, Contributions, Legacies, Grants, Program. Bequests and Net Assets Released from Restrictions $980,374 I am tremendously grateful to all who give in so many ways to Cotting Investment Return Designated for School. Your outstanding generosity helps to shape the School and, at the Current Operations $1,888,110 same time, signifies confidence in the education and services which Cotting Other Income $97,346 School provides. We could not do our job without your assistance. Total Revenue, Gains, and Support $10,001,716 23 Sincerely, Operating Expenses Program and Support Salaries and Services $6,079,286 Payroll Tax and Fringe Benefits Charles T. Haydock, Vice Chairman and Treasurer $2,686,986 Heat, Light, Insurance, Repairs and Maintenance $846,723 School Supplies and Office Expenses $481,059 Food $98,676 Total Operating Expenses $10,192,730 Net Deficit ($191,014) PARENT ORGANIZATIONS

Thanks to the many parents who contribute ideas, time, experience, and expertise to support our learning community, as well as to those who volunteer to participate in the Cotting Family Community, the Parent Advisory Council, and the Government Affairs Committee.


24 Acton Chicopee Lexington Norfolk Saugus Westborough Allston Concord Lincoln North Andover Sharon West Newbury Amesbury Danvers Littleton North Billerica Sherborn Westwood Andover Dedham Lowell North Reading Shrewsbury Whitman Arlington Dorchester Lynnfield Northborough South Hampton, NH Wilmington Auburn Dover Marlborough Peabody Stoneham Windham, NH Ayer East Boston Medfield Pembroke Sudbury Winthrop Belmont Fitzwilliam, NH Medford Plymouth Swampscott Woburn Billerica Harvard Melrose Quincy Tyngsborough Boxford Hingham Methuen Randolph Waban Burlington Holden Milford Reading Waltham Cambridge Hollis, NH Milton Revere Watertown Canton Hopkinton Needham Roslindale Wellesley Carlisle Leominster Newton Salem Wenham P ro j e ct B rid g e s E m p l o y e rs 2 0 0 7

Blockbuster Video – Sudbury McWalter, Barron & Boisvert – Brookhaven at Lexington – Lexington Concord Buddy Dog Humane Society – Sudbury Paul Bryan, Inc. – Concord Burlington LABBB – Burlington Pedal Power – Acton Cambridge Public Library – Cambridge Quincy Medical Center – Quincy Citizens Bank – Lexington Seasons Four – Lexington DeCordova Museum and Sculpture Stone Meadow Golf Course – Park – Lincoln Lexington 25 Eastern Mountain Sports – Acton TJ Maxx – Bedford Epicurean Feast – Maynard VA Hospital – Bedford Home Goods – Bedford Wagon Wheel Nursery & Farm Stand – Lexington Lahey Clinic – Lexington Waltham Police Station – Waltham Lexington Health Care – Lexington Xerox Corporation – Waltham Lexington Senior Center – Lexington Magic Garden Restaurant – Lincoln Mahoney’s Rocky Ledge – Winchester Marriott Hotel – Newton Faculty and Staff

Senior Administrative Team Business, Administration and David W. Manzo, M.Ed. Development Offices President/Executive Director Barbara Elizabeth Andersen Krista Macari, M.S., CCC-SLP Executive Assistant Chief Academic Officer Kim Choi, B.S., Senior Accountant Bridget Irish, M.B.A., S.P.H.R. Jeanine Bergeron, B.S., Staff Accountant Chief Operating Officer Linda Byam, A.S. 26 Michael Pembroke, M.B.A. Development Assistant Chief Financial Officer/Business Sally Keene, Administrative Assistant Manager Catherine Martel, Administrative Assistant Elizabeth Campbell Peters, M.A. Omni Profit, B.S. Director of Annual Giving and Human Resources and Admissions Communications Assistant Elizabeth Fay Russell, M.A., C.A.G.S. Paula Rocheleau, A.S. Director of Admissions Office of Student Services Assistant Leah Thibodeau, M.Ed., C.A.G.S. Sandra Tremain, Administrative Assistant Special Education Coordinator Sara Yun, M.A. Larainne Wilson, M.Ed. Associate Director of Development Director of Upper School Services Pamela Varrin, Ph.D. Coordinator of Family Support Faculty Services Ruth J. Berg, M.Ed., Remedial Specialist Paulette Binder, B.S. Vocational Workshop Instructor Winifred Birmingham, M.A. Catherine A. Mayo, M.Ed. Max Weigensberg, M.Ed. Preschool Classroom Classroom Instructor; Team Leader Classroom Instructor Pia Borrelli, M.Ed., Remedial Specialist Megan McGoldrick, B.A. Demelza White, M.Ed. Elizabeth Camire, M.Ed. Classroom Instructor Classroom Instructor Classroom Instructor George Moran, M.Ed. Christine Wysokowski, B.A. Alada Caughey, M.Ed. Library/Media Director; Music Instructor Instructor, Preschool Classroom Senior Class Advisor Eleanor Coffin, M.Ed. Kim Mullaly, Job Coach Occupational and Physical Classroom Instructor Kierstin Owens, M.A. Therapy Daniel J. Cuddy, B.S. Classroom Instructor Virginia M. Birmingham, M.A., P.T. Adaptive Physical Education William Phelan, M.Ed. Team Leader 27 Instructor; Director, Student Activities; Industrial Arts Instructor Lisa Blethen, M.S. OTR/L Transportation Coordinator Allison Reichentahl, B.A. Occupational Therapist Jennifer Geiss, M.Ed. Classroom Instructor Barbara DeLuca, M.S., P.T. Classroom Instructor Megan Rietema, B.A. Physical Therapist Naomi Kennedy, M.Ed. Classroom Instructor Cynthia Furbish, B.S., P.T. Classroom Instructor Sejal Shah, B.S., Classroom Instructor Physical Therapist Joanne Kotelly, M.Ed. Margaret S. Stone, B.S. Audra Hamilton, M.S. OTR/L Classroom Instructor Employment Coordinator Occupational Therapist Lucy Kulis, M.S., Remedial Specialist James R. Tanner, B.A. Ann Hodson, B.S., OTR/L Donna LeCam, M.Ed. Classroom Instructor; Director of Occupational Therapist Classroom Instructor Prevocational Services Amy Houghton, B.S., OTR/L Carol Long, M.Ed. Michael Teuber, M.Ed. Occupational Therapist; Classroom Instructor Classroom Instructor Team Leader; Feeding Team Leader Molly Manchester Rosanne E. Trolan, B.F.A. Susannah Kowal, M.S., P.T. Employment Coordinator Fine Arts/Creative Activities Instructor Physical Therapist Alison Lierhaus, M.S., P.T. Medical and Other Clinical Technology Center Physical Therapist Support Services Patricia V. Salmonson, B.S. Catherine Pawlak, M.S. OTR/L Michele Cardalino, R.N. Director of Technology; Occupational Therapist Medical Team Leader Team Leader, S.A.L.S.E. Timothy Richmond, B.S. OTR/L Nancy Carlson, O.D. Karen M. Waddill, M.A.; CCC-SLP ATP Occupational Therapist Director of Seamark Vision Clinic Pace Assistive Technology Assessment Carolyn C. Stoller, M.S., OTR/L Karen Carr, L.P.N. Center Coordinator Occupational Therapist Associate Team Leader Ann Buckley, M.Ed. Cheryl Donnellan, R.N. Instructor of Technology Communication Therapy Nancy Dumont, R.N. William DeAngelis, M.Ed. Instructor Stephanie Gulla, M.S., CCC-SLP Nancy J. Faulkner, R.N. 28 Eileen Kiernan, M.Ed. Speech/Language Pathologist; Abigail Foster-Howard, R.N. Team Leader Coordinator of Instructional Laurie Glader, M.D. Technology Shannon Kerr, M.S., CCC-SLP Medical Director Communication Therapist Janice Iannessa, R.N., C.R.R.N. Rachel Lann, M.S., CCC-SLP Program Assistants Maria Kritsineli, D.M.D. Communication Therapist Carolyn Athens, B.S. Director, Dental Clinic Melissa Mulvey M.S., CCC-SLP Laurie Bridgeman Mary MacMullin, R.N. Communication Therapist Theodore Brown, B.S. Courtney Martinello, Jane Perera, M.S. CCC-SLP C.N.A. Medical Assistant Joanne Condon, M.S.P.T. Communication Therapist Carol Orton, R.N. Noelle Cooper Joel Shulkin, M.D., Physician Susan Cunningham Kathleen Tyrer-Vasell, M.Ed. Susan DeLuca Guidance Juliane DeSouza Eleanor Yasaitis, M.Ed., M.S.W. Michelle Frongillo Psychologist Pia Haapanen-Banzy Jennifer Hodgdon Kathleen Kelly Linda Killian, B.A. Judith Lustig, M.A. Lorraine Magarian Wendy Manhard Julie McMillan Vanessa Medeiros Vanessa Melanson, B.A. Bart Nelson, B.A. Mary O’Donnell 29 Judith Pollins HOPEhouse James Hakemian Hannah Potter Zoe C. Thibodeau, Program Director David McHardy Meghan Qualters, B.A. Stanley Rogers, Resident Supervisor John Navaroli Edward Reed Louise Sawyer, Shift Supervisor Eileen Roper Theresa G. Smith, B.S., Shift Supervisor Food Service Kelly Ruth Doris Whelan, Program Assistant Fatima Sousa, Director of Food Service Kathy Smith, B.S. Elizabeth Whitaker, R.N., Nurse Maria Gonçalves Marcie Thomas Rosa D. Pontes Amelia Villemaire Physical Plant and Maintenance Maria M. Vieira James Walker Michael Cummings Dorie Zackin, M.A. Director of Buildings and Grounds Robert Dixon William Doody 94% of the faculty and staff and

30 100 % of the trustees gave to the Annual Fund,

showing a full vote of confidence in Cotting School. In 2007, the number of parents giving to the Annual Fund tripled. In fact, including both annual giving and special projects, overall giving to Cotting School increased 162%. All donations to Cotting School ensure that Cotting continues to offer a full range of services and educate the whole child. ANNUAL GIVING

21st Century Leaders/$20,000 and President’s Guild/$2,000-$4,999 Ed and Jean George Greater Amie and Timothy Connelly Helen W. Handanian Trust* Boston Investment Community* Deland, Gibson Insurance Associates, Inc.* Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Haydock* Mr. and Mrs. David C. Cushing* Mr. H. Phelps Edwards, Jr.* Leonard, Mulherin & Greene, P.C.* James W. Dunphy Trust* Charles W. Gibson* Alfred V. Lincoln Trust* Mr. and Mrs. W. Nicholas Thorndike* John and Nancy Glynn* Lions Club of Lexington Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Hluchyj Frankland W. L. Miles, Jr., Esq. Cotting Society/$10,000-$19,999 Adelaide B. Howland Trust* Ms. Susan Nelson* James F. Casey Fund at Lynda G. Kabbash, M.D.* Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas G. Penniman, IV The Boston Foundation* Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Killian, Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. H. Bradlee Perry* 31 Investment Technology Group, Inc.* Mr. and Mrs. William Leyden Dr. and Mrs. David Scheff The Harry D. Neary Fund at David S. Lynch Trust* Seasons Four, Inc. The Boston Foundation* William A. Lynch Trust* Dr. and Mrs. Navil F. Sethna The Peabody Foundation, Inc.* David, Noreen and Lou Manzo Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Skates Mrs. Sarah B. Porter Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Spring Chairman’s Society/$5,000-$9,999 Mr. Paul Sicard and Ms. Anna Hanks Mr. and Mrs. William O. Taylor* Anonymous (1) Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Thorndike* Telamon Insurance & Financial Network Mr. and Mrs. James J. Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. John L. Thorndike* Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Mass., Inc.* Leadership Circle/$1,000-$1,999 Mr. and Mrs. James Tweedy Mr. and Mrs. Bayard Henry* Anonymous (1) Edith M. Kiley Lead Trust* Mrs. Charles F. Adams* Founder’s Association/$500-$999 Mr. and Mrs. David S. Lee* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anthony Anonymous (5) Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Nicholas* William and Joan Cassidy* Leslie and Robert Abbott Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Ogilby* Cassidy Retirement Group, Inc. The Altamira Fund at Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Randle Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Connolly, Jr. The Boston Foundation Mr. Jon R. Tullis and Mr. and Mrs. George Conrades The Trustees of Ms. Jeannette E. Newman Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Delaney* Medical Campus Mr. and Mrs. Neil W. Wallace* Eaton Foundation* Mrs. Duncan H. Campbell Catherine Fleming Dr. and Mrs. John Chaves* Charles Davis Trust* Faculty Council/$150-$499 Joseph and Phyllis Foley Ms. Geri Denterlein Anonymous (7) Albert and Barbara Fullerton Floyd and Laura Dewhirst* Jeff Ashe and Family The Greenspan/Gottlieb Family Dr. Floyd E. Dewhirst, Jr. Bertram Backinoff* Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Harney* Mr. and Mrs. John Drake R. Bradford Bailey, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Harwood* Mrs. Rosamond T. Dye* Mrs. Robert L. Ball* Sarah and Win Hindle Andrew and Randi Feinberg Mr. and Mrs. Alan Becker IBM Employee Services Center Mr. and Mrs. William E. Flanagan Robert Benner Bridget Irish and Alan Kump Mr. and Mrs. M. Dozier Gardner Julie Bennett Curtis and Margery Johnson Gregory Gullickson Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Bicknell Zav Khachadoorian Susan M. Halby* Mrs. Norma M. Blizard Mr. and Mrs. Michael Killian* Richard and Patricia Herd* Susan and Charles E. Bradford Verna B. Kirby Nancy C. Hokinson Miss Dorothy A. Brown* Kozin Family 32 Holzhauer Tile Co., Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Cabot* Arthur and Linda Krusinski Laura and Jim Hopkins Anthony and Ann Calitri Mark and Kathryn Lagunowich Mrs. Dorothy H. Kelso Mrs. Eleanor L. Campbell* Mr. and Mrs. Murray Lapides Mr. Eliot Klein* Mr. William J. Carmichael* Liberty Engineering Mr. Michael Lamarre Lee S. Connors Peter and Barbara Locke Mr. and Mrs. Kent Larson Linzee Coolidge Ms. Krista M. Macari Ms. Ann R. Luce Ann and Paul Daigneault Paul and Linda Maddaluno Joan L. Lyman Charitable Lead Trust* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Daly Cherry Hill Friends and Neighbors of David M. Mandel* Joan and Marvin Dill* Fran McCarthy Alec Moore Anne and Janice Donahue Mr. and Mrs. Michael McDonald* Dr. and Mrs. Carl W. Mores* Deborah Dorsey and Robert Burns Miller Landscaping, Inc. Judith Beal Nadai* Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Downing Alice H. Moulton* OmniPresence, Inc. Ms. Kim Effron David V. Murphy William Payne, Jr.* Boston Lodge of Elks of the USA, #10 Ms. Susan M. Myers Charles H. Pearson Charitable Trust* Annette and Marc Epstein Dr. and Mrs. Shapur Naimi* Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Perkins* John Fabiano and Noel McCoy Gary and Maria Nardone The Semel Family* Liz and Mark Fahey Mr. and Mrs. William C. Nardone Mr. and Mrs. William N. Thorndike, Jr. Thomas F. Farb and Stacy S. Valhouli New England Baptist Hospital League Janet and Jim Fitzgibbons Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. O’Connor Five Fields, Inc. Mrs. Bruce S. Old* Nancy and Bill Osgood* Friends/Gifts up to $149 George S. and Helen Pappagianis Anonymous (40) Michael Pembroke* Abend Family Ms. Elizabeth C. Peters Act One Carpet Cleaning, Inc. Ms. Arlene Andrew Pippin Mr. Darwin Adams Charles A. Rheault, Jr.* Enrico S. Alessandro*, Class of 1975 Mrs. Karl Riemer* Lisa, Russell and Eric Allen Roslindale Pediatric Associates, P.C. Ms. Mayra B. Amaro Elizabeth and Derek Russell* Beth Andersen Christine Russo* Mary Arey Ross and Kathleen Sherbrooke* Bruce and Joan Atchue and Family Mrs. Deborah L. Smith* Robert and Nancy Bacon* Brodney & Sons, Inc. Nancy T. Smith* Mrs. W. Benjamin Bacon* Rosemary and Ted Brooks Murray and Jean Swindell Mr. and Mrs. R. Jeffrey Bailly Paul Bryan, Inc. 33 Mrs. Charles H. Taylor Dr. Linda Bandini and Wayne C. Bandini Ms. Ann P. Buckley Stephen E. Taylor and Fred Barrington* Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Burke M. E. Malone Taylor Fund of the John and Mary Jane Beach* Maureen Burns Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund* Ms. Ruth J. Berg Linda M. Byam Mr. and Mrs. Brian Tetrault Ms. J. Bergeron John and Antoinette Caban Barbara Thompson* Samuel and Vivian Berman Mr. Edward Camille* Mr. and Mrs. M. Joshua Tolkoff Ms. Esther M. Bertino* Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Cammarata Ann and Brad Wallace Sheila Bills* Mr. and Mrs. J. Wayne Campbell Waltham Prospectors Chapter of Ms. Paulette Binder Kevin and Lisa Campbell Good Sam Club Virginia Birmingham* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cappuccio William J. Webber, Class of 1971 Ms. Winifred Birmingham Pat and Jonathan Carey Mr. and Mrs. Roger U. Wellington Brian Bishop Dr. Nancy Carlson Ms. Larainne Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Bloom Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Carr Winchester Garden Club Dr. Amy DeFeudis Bodiford Ms. Karen J. Carr Worldwide Planning Services, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bogen Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Cashman Karen and Eric Young Mr. and Mrs. Jack J. Boyajian, Jr. Ms. Alada C. Caughey Ms. Bonnie Branson Carol A. Ceurvels Agnes C. Brengle* Helen B. Chadwick Ms. Laurie Bridgeman Elizabeth Chaisson Frank M. D’Angelo, Jr. Linda Fennell Mr. William N. DeAngelis Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ferreri Mr. and Mrs. Larry DeAngelis Geraldine B. Ferris Ms. Barbara DeLuca Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Fiaschetti Ms. Susan A. DeLuca Mr. Elliot Field Joseph R. Devane Laura Gordon Fisher Ms. Madeline M. Dexter Ms. Anne E. Fisher and Ms. Kim Choi Ms. Antonetta DiCicco Mr. Martin G. Drexhage* Ms. Jane Christiana Michael DiCiero and Family Mrs. Pat Fitzgerald Patricia A. Ciampi Ms. Ghanda Difiglia Ruth C. Flanagan Mr. and Mrs. William Cochran DiLemme Family Frances M. Fleming Ms. Eleanor A. Coffin Frank and Missy DiPanfilo Karen Foley Dr. and Mrs. Paul R. Cogliano Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Doherty Abigail Foster-Howard Ms. Carolyn A. Cohen* 34 Mary E. Donahue Joyce Fountain Dr. Daniel and Marcia Cohen Mr. William B. Doody Georgia Freid Meg and Robert Comeau Mr. and Mrs. Sam D’Orto Ms. Michelle Frongillo Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Concannon Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Downie* David and Lucille Frost Thomas J. Concannon*, Class of 1976 Mr. and Mrs. Rupbert F. Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Scott Frost Ms. Joanne Condon Mrs. Jade Drewes Ms. Toni S. Fuller Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Connolly, III Nancy Dumont Cynthia Furbish and Family Gavin Corey Ms. Terrilee M. Duncan General Staff Wilfred G. Corey Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Dunlap, Jr. Gethsemane Demolay Commandery #7* Pelino Corsetti Ms. Margaret Dunn John and Elizabeth Gilmore Mrs. Shirley Crawford Dave Easterbrook and Pat Hale Mr. C. Gerald Gnerre Josephine S. Crocker Ms. Harriett M. Eckstein* Maria Gonçalves Mr. Daniel J. Cuddy Mrs. Alexander Ellis* Debra and Stephen Gordon Mr. Lawrence F. Cummings Ms. Susan G. Epstein Mr. Mark D. Greenman Mike, Barbara, and Jake Cummings Betty and Hart Evans Jackie Greenwood’s Aunties Mr. and Mrs. John D. Curtin, Jr. Beverly Ezzo Ms. Lisa M. Grossi Judithann G. Cushman Mr. Horace E. Fader John and Indra Guertler Joseph and Wendy Czarnecki Gail and Daniel Farmer Gulde Insurance Agency, Inc. Wendy and Stephen Dagle Ms. Maria Farris Ms. Stephanie E. Gulla Bob D’Amico Ms. Nancy J. Faulkner Ms. Pia K. Haapanen-Banzy Dorothy M. Hagberg Ms. Joanne Kotelly Ms. Kristine Magnusson Audra Hamilton Ms. Gloria Kuchlewski Denis and Joanne Mahoney Lisa B. Hammer and Stephen E. Sternbach Trudy J. Kuehner Mr. Michael T. Malone Gladys R. Hansis Ms. Lucille M. Kulis Ms. Margaret K. Manchester Mr. Edward Hastings Ted Kurpiel Ms. Wendy Manhard Honorable Paul Heffernan Thaddeus ‘Ted’ Kurpiel Ms. Christine M. Manseau Mr. Richard Hellmold Susan, Jim and Berent LaBrecque Ms. Emmanuelle Alyse Martin Mrs. G. William Helm, Jr. Ms. Bryanna Lashley Kathy and Zach Martin Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Hemenway Mrs. Robert A. Lawrence* Ms. Courtney F. Martinello Claudia Hennessey Mrs. Constance Lawson Gale and Glover Mayfield* Heritage Glass & Mirror Ellen M. Leahy Catherine Mayo* Barbara P. Hernberg The LEAP School Mr. and Mrs. John C. McBride Kathleen Hickey Mr. and Mrs. Ernest R. LeClair* Frances E. McCarthy Jenn Hodgdon Eileen and Philip Lee Anne and Mark McCrystal 35 Ms. Lena Hodge Mildred Lee, Grandmother Ms. Kathleen E. McDonough* Ms. Ann E. Hodson Hannah Levy* Ms. Megan McGoldrick Amy A. Houghton Reverend and Mrs. Ross W. Lilley Ms. Julie M. McMillan Mr. and Mrs. William V. Hovey Grace Lipson* Ms. Jessica Merkin Ms. Ellen B. Humphrey Beverly and Roger Litman Mary L. Miller* Janice Iannessa Littlefield Family Paul E. Mills Yolette H. Ibokette* Eleanor M. Lloyd David A. Mittell Ms. Allisa Jacobs Chris and Tom Loftus* Lianne Moccia Mrs. Marjorie C. Janeiro Diane M. Loftus, Class of 1972 Hazel B. Mollica Alice Janjigian The Loiacono Family* Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Montford Ms. Darya E. Johnson Susan G. Loring* George Moran Mr. and Mrs. Zoltan Juhasz Frank Lovell* Suzanne and Len Morse-Fortier Ms. Sally Keene Joan Lowney* Judy Morton Mrs. Dorothy T. Keigan Enid Lubarsky Ellen Mulhern Ms. Eileen F. Kiernan Ms. Judith Ann Lustig Ms. Kim Mullally Bill and Elaine Kneeland Jean Lydon Ms. Charlotte Mullaney Sue Koehler and Family The MacCarthy Family Marie Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Larry Kohler Kathleen Regan MacIvor Michael and Kathryn Murphy John, Karen and Andrew Kosko Lorraine Magarian Ms. Brittany J. Murray Mr. Barry Stafford Ms. Anne M. Steele Mary Steuart Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Steuart Mr. John L. Navaroli Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Riffin Mr. Campbell Steward Mr. Bart Nelson Evelyn W. Robinson Carolyn Stoller Andrea Noble John F. Robinson Margaret S. Stone Alfred and Patricia Noonan Ms. Paula F. Rocheleau Kim Sturrock Al, Martha and Erin North Don, Charlotte, and Beth Rodgers* Ms. Margaret Sugrue-Temple Ms. Maureen O’Donnell Diane and Donald Rosen Mrs. Joan M. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. P. O’Donnell Betty, Steven and Ilyse Ross Mrs. Elizabeth N. Suter Brian and Carol O’Donnell Ms. Pauline Rousseau Ms. Virginia Suzedell Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O’Keefe Ms. Amanda Rucci Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Tarentino 36 Will and Heather Oliver Charlie Rudd Target Corporation Maribeth Ortega and Alan Segal Joseph, Jaye, Alana, and Domenic Russo* John M. Tartaglia and Jane E. Foote Ms. Carol A. Orton Ms. Bethany Ann Sabbag Michael Teuber Ms. Kierstin Owens Ms. Patricia V. Salmonson The Theodore Family Michele Passanisi-Cardalino Mr. and Mrs. William L. Saltonstall* Ms. Zoe C. Thibodeau Ms. Jane Perera Willis Sanford Ms. Marcie M. Thomas Ms. Jan Perley Denis and Marlene Scanlon Rick and Louise Treitman Yerevan Peterson Jane Scarborough Rosanne E. Trolan Mr. and Mrs. Paul Petroski Mrs. R. H. Schneider Jared Turcotte William D. Phelan Ernest Van B. Seasholes* Margie and Al Turcotte* Cynthia Piltch and Jamie Katz Ruth Selby U.S. Foodservice - Boston South Mr. and Mrs. Keith D. Plapinger Ms. Lauren Selvitella Joan W. Vanderpoel* Mr. and Mrs. Matthias Plum John and Joan Serdensky Ms. Jane K. Voltmer Judy Pollins Ms. Margaret Seymourian Mr. and Mrs. Dale G. Wadsworth Ms. Martha Poynter Mrs. John M. Shea Wagon Wheel Nursery & Farmstand, Inc. Mr. Irving W. Rabb* Ms. Fatima M. Sousa Mr. and Mrs. James P. Waldron Howard W. and Susan M. Rashba Mr. and Mrs. Richard Spurr Thomas and Janice Walsh James J. Reilly, Class of 1955 Mrs. Joan C. St. Pierre Mrs. Anne S. Watson* Mr. Timothy Richmond Mr. Patrick J. St. Pierre Lisa Watt-Bucci Riedel/Smith Family Mr. Thomas J. St. Pierre Ian and Marjorie Wellins Mr. George S. Wheeler Vincent Cammarata Melissa Ann Merson Elizabeth Whitaker The Class of 1977 Andrew Miller Demelza J. White Sarah Comeau Kara Moccia William A. White, III and Alison Thompson The students, faculty and staff My schooling, grades 2-8, 1933 - 1942 Mrs. Marjorie M. Whiting of Cotting School The birthday of Warren Myers Wayne and Roberta Wilfand Julie M. Cummings Kathleen O’Donnell Amy and Jeff Willinsky Jennifer Mara Dill Katie O’Keefe Joan and Orrin Wood* Carolyn J. Downie Michael Pennisi Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woods Betty Epstein Elizabeth Peters Mr. Charles K. Woodworth Tina Ferrell Joanne Peterson Rita Yannetti Samantha Wilson Ferreri Edward Reed Tom and Jane Yewcic Sara E. Frost Brendan, Martha and Domenic Roche Mr. James J. Young, Class of 1972 Jackie Greenwood Ilyse Ross Sara Yun Mrs. Francis B. Haydock Mr. David Saltiel and Ms. Barbara Daiuti 37 James L. Hickey, Class of 1980 James Sanford Matching Gift Companies Dr. Lynda Kabbash Hillary Semel Chubb & Son Helen Killian Mary Skates FM Global Foundation Raymond L. Killian India Riedel Smith General Dynamics Network Systems, Inc. Shawn Koehler Phoebe Sternbach Goldman Sachs Ms. Kotelly Caroline Steuart Investment Technology Group, Inc. Susannah Kowal Mrs. Geraldine Sullivan Jefferies & Company, Inc. Suzee Krusinski Dr. Michael Talbot Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc. Matt Lagunowich Abby Tetrault Oracle Corporation Bryanne Lamarre Parker R. Thornton, Class of 2001 Michael Lee My best friend Shelly’s birthday In Honor Of Nicole M. Leger Garry Ustach Frank Alfonso Josh Lilley Lorraine Ustach Suzanne Bacon My grandson, Jonathan Lipson Pamela Varrin Maria Baylis Daisy Locke Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wallace Winifred Birmingham Kevin Mahoney Gregory T. Walsh Jillian Burke David Manzo The 54th Wedding Anniversary of Alada Caughey Zachary Martin Eleanor and Richard Weiner Michael Camille Robin Mary McCarthy My grandson, Matt Wellins Elizabeth Camire Amanda McGuire Naomi Willinsky Janelle Yewcic In Memory Of Christine Healy, Class of 1947 Theresa A. Geoghegan Regan Anna M. Abate George J. Hennessey My aunt, Ruth Ritchie Rose Abrams George J. Hofferty Abigail Rogers Mildred Allen Norman Ingram Anna Rosen Reverend Dean Timothy Andrews José C. Janeiro Theresa Russo Clementina Auciello Evelyn Jefts Doris Sarkisian Gabriella Backinoff Wayne and Lilian Kennedy Karl Sheehan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Beal Edward F. Kinsella Josephine Smith Cameron S. Blizard William E. Kneeland, Sr. Kurt Riley St. Pierre Beloved nephew, Marvin Bloom Lizzie Larsen, a much loved member of the Damon Charles Stone Vernon K. Brackett Seasons Four Family Katherine I. Story Edward H. Bradford Jr. Julian Lemaitre James J. Sullivan Jr., Esq. Elizabeth Bradford Joseph Loiacono Katherine and Pehr Swenson 38 Thomas J. Burns Paul W. Lowney Stephen Takacs Hannah Caban Josephine Maiolino Charles H. Taylor, Sr. Kaarina H. Cass Iris Marie David H. Thibault Rora Cohen, your fabulous grandmother Matthew Augustus Thorndike, M.D. Thomas P. Connors Joyce Mayer Beloved mother of Vince Tomkins Charles E. and Sarah W. Cotting Frances McCarthy Dr. Charles W. Tracy Michael Daniels Tom and Joe McCarthy Kevin P. Tracy, Class of 1963 Deanna Deleidi Samuel J. Mollica, Class of 1946 Adriana Trionfi, Class of 1972 John Doherty Sr. Kate C. Moore Daniel R. Turcotte Rose D’Orto Mrs. Muldoon, beloved mother of Elizabeth Tyrer Janice Dowd Donna LeCam Christopher Howland Webber Teresa V. Duran Michael P. Myers Jr. Ella May West Sara Flad Peter and Kate O’Donnell Juanita Hope Wheeler Francis L. Fleming Jr. Dorothy O’Keefe Mrs. Carol Young, Class of 1974 Andrew Geljookian Charles O’Malley Rosemarie I. Zunke Edward Getman Jacqueline and William Payne Clara Wagner Gnerre Josephine Pennisi Florence Gray Helen Pontremoli Jackie Greenwood Thomas Joseph Quan, Class of 1972 Charlotte Hanson Alice W. Read Eleanor Harper Mrs. Anne Rebholz SPECIAL GIVING

The 1893 Society The Jacqueline Payne Memorial Kelly Clark Composed of donors who give $1,000 or more, Financial Aid Fund Mr. Wilfred G. Corey the 1893 Society makes it possible to purchase Established in memory of a longtime friend of Robert C. Delaney specific equipment and other restricted needs. Cotting, the fund provides for assistance for Rosamond T. Dye extracurricular activities. H. Phelps Edwards, Jr. $50,000 and greater Sarah and Charles Stuart Miss Joan E. Forrester M. Peter Anderson Trust* Mary M. Henrikson The Kate C. Moore Memorial Funds Richard and Patricia Herd $10,000 to $49,999 Established in memory of a dedicated staff Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Killian, Jr. John W. Alden Trust member, these funds support the arts, Charles F. Kropp 39 The Blizard Family communications equipment, materials, and Mrs. Lillian Leary Eastern Charitable Bank Foundation financial assistance to students. Carl W. Mores, PhD. The David and Katherine Moore Judithann G. Cushman Diane Newark Family Foundation, Inc.* Alec Moore Nancy P. Osgood The Peabody Foundation, Inc.* The David and Katherine Moore Family George S. and Helen Pappagianis Richard Saltonstall Charitable Foundation Foundation, Inc.* Mrs. Alice W. Read The Moore Family Fund for the Arts of John L. Thorndike $5,000 to $9,999 The Minneapolis Foundation Mrs. Neil W. Wallace Anonymous (1) Tim and Debby Moore* Boston Scientific Foundation Mr. Elliot Shepatin Legacies Received CIBC World Markets Corp. Mrs. Betty L. Heath Dorothy Pace Foundation The Cotting Legacy Circle Mr. Albert Lewitt Dr. Scholl Foundation The following individuals have notified the school that they have chosen to include us in $1,000 to $4,999 their estate plans. CVS/pharmacy Charitable Trust, Inc. Anonymous (3) New England Aquarium Dive Club, Inc. Elizabeth Bradford U. S. Trust Company, N.A. William J. Carmichael Dr. John Chaves

*10+ consecutive years. Fellows Initiative In-Kind Giving This new initiative will endow two teaching American Airlines positions for two-year fellowships. Patricia Annino and Robert Carr Mrs. Francis H. Burr Mr. and Mrs. Terry Bell Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Cabot Circle Graphics Mr. and Mrs. William G. Coughlin Ms. Jessica Currall and Mr. Larry Ullman Mr. and Mrs. David C. Cushing Mr. and Mrs. William Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Delaney Epsilon Associates, Inc., work performed Mr. and Mrs. Bayard Henry by Michael Howard Investment Technology Group, Inc. Goldman Sachs Lynda G. Kabbash, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Barry Hershey Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Killian, Jr. Mr. Brainerd Holmes Mr. and Mrs. David S. Lee Kirkwood Printing 40 Mr. and Mrs. David Manzo National Business Furniture Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Nicholas Northeast Turf, Hue, Inc., work performed Mrs. Sarah B. Porter by John Chaffin Mr. and Mrs. John J. Remondi Mr. and Mrs. Brandt Pace Dr. and Mrs. Paul Russell Mr. Michael Slezak Mr. and Mrs. W. Nicholas Thorndike Stantec, Inc., work performed Mr. Jon R. Tullis and Ms. Jeannette E. by Jen Hamwey and Patrick Maguire Newman Martha Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Neil W. Wallace Elise Wallace All donors of used books to Cotting’s Bookstore on Cotting welcomes your donation of used books.

We have made every effort to include all gifts. *10+ consecutive years. If we have erred, please accept our sincere apology and inform the Development Office at (781) 862-7323 ext. 178. Accreditations and Approvals Cotting School is a Massachusetts Department of Education approved private day school. The School’s programs are fully approved by the Massachusetts State Department of Education for services to children ages 3 to 22 with special educational needs. HOPEhouse is licensed by The Department of Mental Retardation.

Affiliations AccesSportAmerica Association of Independent Schools of New England, Affiliate member Boston University’s Sargent College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Children’s Hospital Boston Clinical Training Program Massachusetts Special Olympics 41 New England College of Optometry New England Handicapped Sports Association (NEHSA) ’s Bouve College of Health Sciences Outdoor Explorations Perkins School for the Blind Salem State College Tufts University School of Dental Medicine

Memberships Children’s League of Massachusetts Massachusetts Association of 766-Approved Private Schools Massachusetts Council of Human Service Providers National Association of Private Schools for Exceptional Children

Editor: Elizabeth Campbell Peters | Contributing Editor: Bridget Irish | Design: Pat Mullaly, Circle Graphics | Photography: Martha Stewart 42

Co t t i n g Sc h o o l

453 Co n c o r d Av e n u e , Le x i n g t o n MA 02421

(781) 862-7323