Cotting School President David Manzo to Retire in September, COO Bridget Irish Becomes Cotting’S 7Th President
Cotting School President David Manzo to retire in September, COO Bridget Irish becomes Cotting’s 7th President FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE LEXINGTON, Mass., January 15, 2021—Cotting SChool, whose mission is to enable students with speCial needs to achieve their highest learning potential and level of independenCe, announCed today that President and ExeCutive DireCtor David Manzo will retire in September 2021 after serving 17 years as the sChool’s sixth President. Mr. Manzo will be suCCeeded by Bridget Irish, who has served sinCe 2006 as Cotting’s Chief Operating OffiCer and ViCe President. Over his tenure as President of Cotting SChool, Mr. Manzo has led improvements in CurriCulum, therapeutiC and eduCational serviCes and most notably, teChnology advanCements, to assist students, faculty and staff, in working to break down barriers to learning for students with disabilities. He has expanded the sChool Campus from 14 acres to 21 and led a $10 million Capital Campaign to build a new 25,000 square foot Campus Center that will open in August. “Nearly 17 years ago I was honored and humbled when Cotting SChool’s Board of Trustees named me only their sixth President sinCe the sChool’s founding in 1893,’’ Mr. Manzo said. “Although my mom, Elaine Manzo, who had a disability, died 30 years ago, our students at Cotting SChool remind me daily of the lessons she taught me: never underestimate a person with a disability, look for the strength in people and not their weakness, treat everyone with respeCt and dignity, always inCrease opportunities for independenCe, and Create a warm and welComing environment.
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