

Bridestowe Churches Partnership page 3 Get Changed Programme page 4 Adrian Brook page 5 Village Hall report pages 7-8 Museum of Dartmoor Life page 10 Riverside Stores page 13 The Old Lych Way pages 15 - 16 Movie Watch pages 20-21 Garden Club report page 22 Bridestowe WI page 24 Round Up pages 23 Andy Eastwood event page 27 Beating the Bounds..finally page 32 Forthcoming events page 36 May 2016 Issue 166

ST. BRIDGET’S CHURCH, BRIDESTOWE Bridestowe Village Hall BRING & BUY AGM PLANT SALE The Annual General Meeting of the (All plants in pots and labelled please!) Bridestowe Village Hall Trustees will be held at the hall on COFFEE MORNING Tuesday 24th May 2016 SATURDAY, MAY 28th. 10.00 - 12.00 7.30 p.m. Maragaret Moore Room. LEAWOOD, BRIDESTOWE Chris Heron By kind invitation of Secretary Mrs. Calmady-Hamlyn and Mr. & Mrs. B. Tel: 01837 861523 Coward

In aid of ‘The Old Lych Way’ St. BRIDGET’S CHURCH Concert & featuring THE CHILDREN’S SOCIETY Charity No 221124 the ‘Lost Sound Chorus Choir’ Also supporting on Saturday 7th May TREETOPS PRESCHOOL at 7.30pm, F.O.B.S. TRAIDCRAFT at Nicholls Hall, , n aid of the Choir and Lydford Entrance £1 to include refreshments. i Children Free! Church Enquiries to Jenny Reynolds 01837 861678 (More information on page 16) There will be a meeting of Bridestowe Parish Council on WEDNESDAY 11th May 2016 at 7.30 pm in the Methodist Church committee room. The public are warmly invited to attend and are very welcome to raise matters/ask questions with their parish councillors at the end of the meeting (for up to 20 minutes)



Cake Stall

On SATURDAY 21st MAY at 2.00pm


My name is Danny, I am 39 yrs of age and have relocated to Okehampton. I am currently looking for work in various fields, for example, any farm labouring, gardening or general labour. I have a solid working history ranging from managerial to labouring. Wanted to Rent I am eager, reliable and hardworking 3 bedroom property, with garden. In and always keen to learn new skills. Bridestowe, Sourton or Lydford area. Contact Local, working family. Mob. 07850 265555 Please call..... 01822 860105 Home 01837 861340

As you see we have a leaner BaSE and this has made printing easier. Ironically there were fewer articles and reports this month which is always the way. Please remember that BaSE is your newsletter and if you want something different in it, suggestions are always welcome or just send in something for inclusion. AY BaSE Page 2 Bridestowe Churches Partnership

Methodist Church Report

Dates for your diaries Sunday 1st May A joint service with the Parish Church at the Methodist Church at 11am, our preacher will be Barry Searle and coffee will be served after the service. Sunday 8th May The Methodist Church service will be held at Broadley Methodist Church at 11am. Sunday 15th May We will be joined by Broadley Church members for our service at 11am where our speaker will be Fran Bliss, who will talk to us about her role as Pastoral Co-ordinator in the Circuit. Sunday 22nd May Our Methodist Service will be led by Bridestowe Worship Group starting at 11am, and followed by coffee. Sunday 29th May Our Methodist Service will be at 11am and will be led by Rev Iris Bray.

Reports The Fish and Chip supper with local entertainment after was a great success. We had 60+ attending and the entertainment included Pam Ayres (aka Rev Iris Bray) a television interview with octogenarian, Dean James, (aka Dean and Tanya James) and some of the most wonderful singing by local singers Cantabile ; including two operatic solos by their leader Pippa MacDougall. A good time was had by all. Church Services in May 1st May Joint Service at the Chapel 11.00am 8th May Team Service at All Saints Okehampton 10.30am 15th May Morning Prayer with Christening 9.30am 22nd May Holy Communion (BCP)8.00am Children’s Club 9.30am

St. Bridget’s Church Report Spring cleaning has been happening inside and out.The Friends took up the old carpet and unveiled the tiled floor and a 16th Century memorial. The scaffolding went up on the outside and the builders have been making the most of the fine weather. The Easter bingo night at the village hall provided great entertainment with plenty of prizes and raised just over £400. Easter is always the high point in the church calendar and a good number attended the Easter service. This year the Easter season has been tinged with sadness by the loss of Phil Rattenbury. Around 400 people attended a Memorial Service on 18th April, a testament in itself to a well loved man. Coming up, we have the Plant Sale at Leawood on 28th May and on Sunday 29th May the Childrens Club are doing a springtime “seed-bombing”; look out for the posters. BaSE Page 3 Get Changed in Wonderland In 2015-2016 we are working on a project Get Changed in Wonderland . The audiences can expect to be entertained with abridged pieces themed around Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.

Established in 1995, Get Changed Theatre Company is a vibrant organisation for adults with learning disabilities in West and Mid . Our mission : to produce high quality arts projects which challenge public attitudes and raise the profile of the disability community Our vision : to increase awareness of the problems faced by people with learning disabilities and leave something striking and of lasting value within the community.

BaSE Page 4 Mysteries Life is full of mysteries, some big, some small, some important and some trivial, some that – with a bit of thought, can be explained and others are just- well, mysterious. Trivial ones might be things like, when you go to the cinema which arm rest is yours? Or, why do dentists talk to you when they have gagged your mouth open? Some mysteries have probably got answers if we can be bothered to think about them. I was always amused by my old collie dog who would get cross if I blew in his face but would stick his head out of the window when travelling in the car. A vet friend suggested it was something to do with my bad breath and interesting smells along the roads; no mystery there then. As our understanding of the world we live in has increased throughout history, some things that were once considered mysteries are now easily explained. In medieval times nobody knew that the barnacle goose migrated for the winter; where they disappeared to was a mystery. It was commonly believed that they hatched under the water from barnacle shells because they had the same colouring as a barnacle, hence barnacle goose. The reverse is also true, some old wisdom and folk lore has since been discovered to have a scientific basis. It has long been believed that a full moon causes children and animals to exhibit weird behaviour. Scientists now know that the brain is very sensitive to pressure and as the moon exerts enough gravitational pressure to affect the tides, it makes sense that it also exerts a subtle pressure on the brain. It may be that the other planets also have an effect which could be the basis of astrology but therein lays another mystery; if some people claim to predict the future why don’t they predict the Lottery numbers? It may also go some way to explain why some people can find water by divining or the existence of magnetic fields in the earth. Recent research in particle physics and field theory could even provide an explanation for the existence of telepathy. How many times has the phone rang and we’ve said “How funny, I was just thinking of you!”? For me there are two big mysteries that will probably remain mysteries. The first is: If the universe is everything and scientists say the universe is expanding, what’s it expanding in to? The second is: Why do I press harder on the TV remote when I know the battery is dead?

Adrian Brook

The next Okehampton U3A meeting is on Thursday 26th May. Our members Roger and Val Batchelor will give us an insight into the workings of the U3A Family History Group. This is one of our most popular groups and the talk will help to explain why members want to trace their roots. We meet at the Ockment Centre, North Street, Okehampton, EX20 1AR. (The Centre is not far from Waitrose car park, cross through Lidl’s car park, over the bridge and turn right and look out for the U3A banner). Okehampton U3A welcomes new or prospective members, who will receive a warm welcome. The only requirement is that members are not in full time employment. More information can be found at www.u3a-okehampton.org.uk; or please contact our Membership Secretary Sheila Johnson, email [email protected]. If you would rather turn up and introduce yourself that’s fine too. After each talk there is always a cup of tea or coffee and biscuits – even a chance to win a raffle prize. A donation of £1 at the door is always appreciated. BaSE Page 5 Lifton Singers I am writing this as we approach the Queen’s 90th birthday and the Singers look forward to supporting the celebrations at the lighting of the beacon at Strawberry Fields. At the end of May we shall be singing during the weekend of the Flower Festival at St Mary’s Lifton and I am currently arranging another concert. These are the sort of event that we can support and we are always delighted to be asked. Why not add a touch of class and raise your business profile by having us sing at a corporate event or staff party, for example?

There are changes in the pipeline. After four years I shall be stepping down from my role as administrator and we shall have an admin role that purely deals with the business side of our activities and a membership and publicity role - writing for this publication, for example. I have enjoyed the work but it’s time for some fresh input.

We keep singing until early July – details on Lifton Parish Council website ‘Events’ so there’s still time to try us before the summer break.

Tom Moore, Administrator Lifton Singers 01566 778993 or 07957 274794 [email protected]

Thank You I would like to thank everyone for their cards, flowers and kindness at this very sad time. There are far too many to thank individually, although I feel I should , as Phil would have done. Thank you too, to Ray, who spoke in Church and Dougy, who spoke at the hall. Adrian Brooks, Jonathon and Mark Spry all made the day easier for all of us with their care and consideration. The family have been wonderful, so has the whole village. Thank you. Janet Rattenbury

St. Bridget’s Church Bells The bells may be rung as follows: Each Friday between 19.00 and 21.00 and for services in the church. Other occasions will be published in BaSE if time permits, otherwise on the notice attached to the gate. Visitors are always welcome. For more information or to come along and have a go contact Bill Thirtle on 01837 861256

Bridestowe’s Emergency Plan Most residents of Bridestowe parish will receive a copy of an updated emergency plan with BaSE this month. It’s not a riveting read but does include some common sense advice and useful contact numbers. If you think extra information would be appropriate, please send your suggestions to Peter Daniels, Parish Council clerk so that when the EP is next reviewed these could be included if thought fit. Email [email protected]

Extra copies are available from Riverside Stores BaSE Page 6 Phil Rattenbury – A Tribute

To most people in Bridestowe, Phil Rattenbury was ‘Mr. Village Hall’. He was widely acknowleged as a driving force behind the creation of the hall and was certainly seen as its public face, the guy you went to if you wanted to know anything about the hall and its workings. Above all, Phil was the hall’s greatest enthusiast and champion as well as a tireless worker – whether fund-raising at the ram-roast, organiser of hands-on community projects (D-I-Y concreting, anyone?) or just simply getting on with the everyday tasks of keeping the hall going and in good order. Who was it who made sure the gutters were clear and the hedges trimmed?

Phil was also the ‘common thread’ that ran right through from the conception of the hall, its difficult construction and the tackling of the consequent problems. Phil wasn’t the man for high-flying grandiose schemes or intricate technical detail; rather, he was the one who kept things together, questioning and cajoling and counselling, and if needs be, fighting the hall’s corner. His unflagging optimism and positive approach to people and problems kept things going when times were hard (and the hall has certainly gone through some difficulties in the past few years). Throughout, he was unstinting in his efforts and the amount of time and energy he devoted to hall affairs – as those waiting for their parlour to be papered or their windows expertly painted were often only too aware!

As village hall trustees, we are also only too aware of just what the hall and the community owes Phil and just what a gap he leaves behind him. To a large extent, the hall is his memorial, and that strengthens our determination to push ahead and secure its future and achieve the enhancements and developments that were dear to his heart. As part of this process, we are looking for some way to permanently commemorate Phil and his achievements as part of the hall’s fabric; thinking caps are on and suggestions will be welcome… But above all, we will remember him with affection and respect for his ready smile, forthright principles and willingness to put his shoulder to the wheel. Truly one of the yeoman breed!

Iain Rice, for the Trustees of Bridestowe Village Hall

Bridestowe Village Hall AGM Update

The village hall’s Management Committee has been extremely busy over the past couple of months as we prepare for our change of status to Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Now that we are well on the way to getting on top of the remaining defects in the hall, we have also been able to devote much more of our time and energy to planning the future, both in terms of the ongoing development of the hall and its facilities and getting the finances back onto an even keel and making sure that the hall continues to be viable. This has called for a thorough review of the daily operating costs, the ongoing maintenance of the structure and the usage of the hall and the demands made on it.

This detailed analysis of all aspects of the hall’s operation has enabled us to draw up a much more detailed budget, a fully-costed maintenance programme and to develop a Business BaSE Page 7 Plan to maximise the commercial use of the hall, which is what will enable us to keep the hire charges for our local and regular users as low as possible. The trustees are especially grateful to Niall MacLeod for his effort and expertise in this process, which has enabled us to gain a clear picture of both our present situation and future needs and possibilities.

In the midst of this major effort came the hammer-blow of Phil Rattenbury’s sudden death, which was both a huge personal and practical loss to the hall trustees. You will have read our tribute to Phil, one of our founding trustees from 1992. It was only when we were faced with the realisation that almost any query or detail could no longer be dealt with by ‘just asking Phil’ that his pivotal role in the hall was forcefully brought home!

Phil’s loss has strengthened our determination to bring to fruition the various additions and enhancements to the hall that he worked so hard to bring about. The Hall Trust was successful in its application for Section 106 funds, which will enable us to embark on the first phase of the outdoor developments scheme, the reworking of the main hall entrance to do away with the problematic slope- with-a-step and to provide proper disabled access conforming to the current legal requirements and ‘best practice’. The detailed drawings for the new entrance are in hand and the necessary permissions are being applied for. We hope to get the work under way by early summer.

The AGM The Bridestowe Village Hall Trust will be holding its AGM on Tuesday 24th. May at 7.30 p.m. at the Hall. Apart from the usual reporting and the elections/appointments of Trustees, this meeting is especially important as the new Constitution needs to be adopted by the ‘Members’ of the organisation – that is, you, the residents of the village and surrounding area – the ‘area of benefit’ which the Hall serves (which we generally give as Bridestowe Parish or within a radius of 4 miles from the village centre, even if without the Parish boundary). So please do find the time to attend and register your vote. We are also looking for some additional Trustees to bring new ideas and enthusiasms to the running and development of the Hall. Trustees can be elected at the AGM (must be Members and proposed and seconded by Members) or are appointed by the various user groups/community organisations listed in the Constitution. Trustees can also be co-opted. So if you’d like to get involved in running one of the finest village halls in England, don’t be afraid to come forward.

As part of our ongoing review and planning programme, the Management Committee are anxious to liaise with and consult our established or possible new users. The AGM is a useful chance to ask questions, make suggestions and generally make the Management Committee fully aware of what it is you are looking for in the services provided by the hall. To further that end, we’ll also be holding a ‘clinic’ event to consult our users and to explain in detail the various changes we are looking at with regard to letting conditions, booking arrangements, hire periods and charging scales for local and out- of-area customers/users. This will be your chance to shape the way the hall serves its community.

Iain Rice Retiring chairman, Bridestowe Village Hall Trust

The Over 60’s Luncheon Club will be held on Tuesday 10th May . Meet at 12 noon for lunch at 12.30pm. Please ring as usual if you are unable to come . Jenny Reynolds 861678 or Ruth Maddaford 861402 BaSE Page 8 SAM ALLUM Boiler Maintenance OFTEC REGISTERED C8240

Call: 01822 610 668 Mobile: 07832 024 948 Email:[email protected]


• Competitive rates • Friendly, tidy and efficient • Call now for a quote

Bridestowe and Sourton’s Freecycle scheme OFFERED : Old static caravan. Anyone interested will have to arrange removal from Glebe Park. Contact 07999066937 If you want to offer or request something then send details to me through the usual channels - phone, mail or email. Alison Young 861157

BaSE Page 9 Museum of Dartmoor Life, Okehampton – A Volunteer’s View

The Museum of Dartmoor Life urgently needs friendly, outgoing volunteers to welcome visitors and help them with tourism information. Full training is given so if you have a few hours to spare to meet new people or learn new skills please contact the manager Andrew Thompson on 01837 52295 or email manager@museumof dartmoorlife.co.uk.

Here one of the museum’s volunteers gives her personal account of the museum.

The Museum of Dartmoor Life in Okehampton is easy to find, just a few yards from the White Hart Hotel through the wrought iron gates and into a pretty flower filled ancient cobbled courtyard. The Museum is nestled at the end in an old mill building housing exhibitions and the tourist information service.

Come inside and you will be greeted by our friendly knowledgeable volunteers. The museum is housed on three floors and tells ‘the people’s story’ of 5000 years of life and work on Dartmoor. Make your way to the top and start your journey through time in the Bronze Age hut. On this floor amongst many more exhibits is a touch screen display and Victorian cottage complete with a pair of bloomers left to dry on the fire guard.

The John Young gallery houses our temporary exhibitions. In July and August Okehampton primary school will hold their annual exhibition. Their work is always of a high standard and this year their exhibition is entitled Two Rivers. We look forward to hosting the school again and hope you will find the time to come and see it. This is also where we hold our Tea and Talks. There will be a diverse and interesting series of talks throughout the year including clapper bridges, wildlife rescue and researching family history. You can find out about these by contacting the Museum, in the local press or by following us on Facebook and Twitter. The Museum of Dartmoor Life & In our agricultural gallery you will find a Tourist Information blacksmith’s shop, a horse drawn farm wagon, a wonderful old 1922 Bullnose Morris farm pick- up and an early example of that modern workhorse that no farm could be without, a Museum Admission: bright red David Brown Tractor, made in 1946. Adult £4 There is of course a lot more to interest and Children/Students £2 puzzle you. These are just some of my personal Family £10 favourites. (2 adults & 2 children) We are a family friendly museum with plenty of 4 years & under.. no charge things for children to do and extra activities in school holidays including a weaving activity Opening Times: day, archaeology day and Halloween. We look 10.15am — 4.15pm Monday to Friday forward to meeting you all in 2016 and hope 10.15am. — 1pm Saturday that you will find the time to pay us a visit. After your visit you may like to browse in our Museum shop where you will find pocket money priced toys and games for the children, Tea & Talk - 2016 cards and preserves and much much more. Why in the John Young Gallery, on Wednesdays not also take tea in the Victorian Pantry Tea room and take a look at the craft shop also in from 2pm, £4 to include drink & biscuits the Museum Courtyard? May 11th Clapper Bridges of Dartmoor – John Stuart Alma Read BaSE Page 10 Yoga classes at Bridestowe Village Hall The class has now moved every week to Thursday evening from 7-8pm, but on alternate weeks there will be two sessions, with one on a Tuesday evening as well. The first Tuesday will be April 5th then every other Tuesday after that.

Sourton Parish Council are looking for someone to offer a quote for monthly cleaning of the five parish bus shelters at Trescote, Boasley, Thorndon, Prewley and Sourton village. If you are interested please contact the clerk, Mel Leonard, on 01837 861230 or email [email protected]

The drafting of Bridestowe & Sourton’s Joint Neighbourhood Plan continues apace and your comments, suggestions and additions on the key issues, the vision and objectives and the outline proposed policies remain very important. This month we hope to have the results of the Housing Need Survey carried out in April. These accurate figures on local housing need will inform the Plan ensuring that future development meets the needs of the local communities. The next meeting will be on Tuesday May 10th at 7.30pm in the committee room of the Methodist Church. Please come and ensure your voice is heard.

Peter Fleming (on behalf of the Bridestowe and Sourton Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group) [email protected] Fernworthy, Bridestowe, EX20 4EU

HOLIDAY ACTIVITY CLUB BRIDESTOWE OPEN FOR FUN, ADVENTURE & ACTIVITY COME AND JOIN US! AGES FROM 3YRS - 12YRS MAY HALF TERM 31/5 – Moor Walk 1/6 – Dairyland, Newquay (9am – 5.30pm) 2/6 – Art Textiles All days except Dairyland, 9.30am – 4.30pm Prices of days vary, please contact for more information

ACTIVITY DAYS LED BY FULLY QUALIFIED LEVEL 3 PLAYWORK STAFF For more info and to book places please contact us on 01837 861761 or email [email protected] www.treetopschildcare.co.uk Charity no. 1025102 BaSE Page 11 R&B REMOVALS friendly & efficient service 24/7

• regular trips to London • local/long distance • secure storage

CALL ROB ON 01837 880336 or 07583 220243

Reiki treatments - relax and unwind with a 1 hour treatment in a beautiful setting on the slopes of Dartmoor. Call Danielle 01822 820 379, Burn Cottage, Lydford.

River Walks House/Pet Sitting Over 16 years veterinary experience Dogs, cats, small animals to small holdings and special needs pets cared for. Also dog walking and cleaning available Please call Louise on 07968698641 CROSSGREEN WOODWORKS Established Cabinetmakers and Specialist Joinery. Proprietors Ginette and Brian Nobbs. Crossgreen Woodworks, Lower Cross Farm, Lifton,Devon, PL15 9SL, • HAND PAINTED SHAKER STYLE kitchens made in our workshop • SECOND NATURE bespoke quality kitchens • FREESTANDING solid wood kitchens • Compare our prices with other kitchen suppliers, you will find our kitchens are very competitively priced. We are happy to cross price any quote you have had. Telephone 01566 784216 www.crossgreen-woodworks.co.uk email: [email protected] BaSE Page 12 The May meeting of the THURSDAY MORNING GROUP will be on the 19th of the month. This will be an outing to village to have coffee, tea, etc., in their village hall and hopefully a little stroll around the village if the sun shines!!! Meet up for transport near Bridestowe church/school at 10.00am. Look forward to seeing you there. Contact – Anne Haythornthwaite – Tel. 01837 861487 BaSE Page 13 Preschool & DOG Out of school clubs GROOMING & Bridestowe BOARDING Providing excellent Preschool care for 2-5yrs Contact Sharon & Breakfast, Afterschool & on 07837 405583 Holiday activity clubs for 3 - 12yrs Staff run toddler group - Please don't forget Tuesday mornings 9.30am - 11.30am that delicious OPEN 5 DAYS A WEEK 7.45am - 6pm BACON BAPS For more details contact Treetops on will be served on 01837 861761 Saturday 21st May Or email: (please note a week early) [email protected] from 10 -12 noon in Bridestowe Village Hall

HEDGE LAYING Mini Digger Hire -1½ ton TREE Very Competitive Rates FELLING PRUNING

FIREWOOD / LOGS MINI DIGGER HIRE LANDSCAPING Telephone: 01837 861 509 SAM WHITE CALL : 07515420883 Mobile: 07748344978 Woodhead, Bridestowe, Okehampton

Kris Atherley-Hewings at Riverside Stores is your Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator. 861321 The Old Lych Way by Howard Barkell In Saxon times Dartmoor was considered a ‘waste’. It was uninhabited although there were a few settlements around the fringes. Ground inland from the moor was just being enclosed and brought into production, any name ending in ‘worthy’ probably dates from this time. It is possible that some summer grazing took place on what we now think of as the commons. When the Normans arrived after 1066 the king designated large areas of land as Royal Hunting Forests, accompanied by severe rules and regulations which impinged on the everyday lives of country folk in particular. The whole of Devon was one such area and in the reign of King John a petition was presented to him seeking to overturn this forestation. He agreed to do so after payment of a heavy fee, but retained Dartmoor for himself, although a few years later it was given to the Earl of Cornwall and most of it is still part of the Duchy today. Norman local government tended to be based on the manorial system, but later became church based. As the Manor of Lydford was part of the Duchy it followed that the parish of Lydford followed the same boundaries. Hence the fact that most of Dartmoor was in Lydford and St. Petroc’s was ‘mother church’ where people had to pay tithes and were expected to worship and attend for baptisms, weddings and burials. From the early 1200s people began to encroach on the moor and form isolated settlements now known as the Ancient Tenements which were tolerated as long as they didn’t interfere with the King’s hunting. These were mostly in the basin formed by the East and West Dart rivers, at least twelve miles from Lydford, but were part of Lydford parish and the inhabitants were expected to attend Lydford church. In those days Dartmoor was roadless and virtually trackless, so church attendance except for funerals was probably rather intermittent! Because bodies were brought along this particular route it became known as the Corpse Way or the Lych Way (Lich being Old English for body). If you have problems getting up to Jubilee Cross carrying little more than a bottle of water spare a thought for those people who had to trudge across the wilderness from the Bellever area in all winds and weathers carrying a corpse! It is unlikely that the wheel or the coffin reached Dartmoor until much later, but a pony may have been used to help carry the burden. It wasn’t long before they petitioned Walter Bronescombe, Bishop of (he of ’s Loaf fame), to use Widecombe Church instead, as that was much closer to their homesteads. In 1260 he granted their request, but they still had to attend Lydford for Forest and Stannary courts so over the years it became a well-worn track. The inhabitants of later farms set up in Tudor times were still expected to attend Lydford church, so the track would have been used probably until the advent of the Turnpike roads in the latter half of the eighteenth century. In the 1860s the Rector of Lydford, Morris Fuller, realised that the far flung south easterly part of his parish was poorly served so he built what he called mission chapels at Postbridge and Huccaby where people could worship without having to travel so far. During the week the buildings were used as schools. The baptisms were still recorded in the Lydford register but with the note ‘at Postbridge chapel’ or ‘at Dartmeet Chapel.’ Princetown church had been built much earlier, as an adjunct to the prison, but was still part of Lydford parish. After a century of disuse when Victorian walkers ‘discovered’ Dartmoor, interest in its history was rekindled and the routes of ancient tracks such as the Lych Way came under scrutiny. Parts which had become eroded were easily followed, but some parts had to be conjecture. It is almost certain that paths from the various tenements may have come their own way before joining the main track. Nowadays Bellever is considered as the start of the trail. It comes over Lakehead Hill and crosses the B3212 road near Higher Cherrybrook Bridge before heading to Powder Mills. When a group from Lydford passed this way some twenty five years ago the meadow was too boggy to cross so we had to make a detour along the access road. From the Powder Mills the route crosses the col between Littaford and Longaford Tors, skirts above Wistman’s Wood before descending to the West Dart which is crossed above the headweir for the Devonport Leat. The Beardown ridge is crossed close to Lydford Tor and the Cowsic is crossed at a spot known as Traveller’s Ford. After crossing Conies Down the track crosses the BaSE Page 15 Prison Leat where a cart bridge for the peat traffic was conveniently built, then close by the River Walkham at Sandy Ford. The track passes through the nineteenth century tin mine workings of Wheal Prosper before reaching White Barrow, clear evidence that this part of the moor was inhabited in Bronze Age times. Soon after the Lych path veers to the right, the track straight ahead leads past the menhir and Stephen’s Grave into . Keep to the right of the wall of Longbetor newtake which leads to the Range Warden’s hut at Roundwood Gate, and then the route goes past Bagga Tor and Brousentor and down to the Tavy. This is the most direct route to cross the river, but also the most difficult. Once across the river the track continues through fields to the Lane End road at Willsworthy. Hemery suggests that this may have been a resting place for travellers along this arduous route to Lydford Church. The way then turns towards the moor again at Willsworthy Pound and follows above the Yellowmead enclosures before crossing the Wheal Jewell leat by a footbridge. The route then crosses the military road between the old Willsworthy camp site and the butts, before dropping down to Beardon Gate. A short stroll down the main road past Beardon and the Take Off stone leads to that strangely shaped milestone nearby. The Lych Way now follows the track past Heatherdale to Mill Bridge, then up under the viaduct to Lake Cottage. A left turn through Silver Street leads on to that final destination, the church. This is an interesting, but challenging route. Much of it crosses two military ranges and there are three potentially difficult river crossings. There are several ups and downs and reasonably careful navigation is needed, but it is certainly walkable in a day. If you have any doubts why not just try a short taster bit on the fringes to begin with?

The Lost Sound Chorus Choir – Nicholls Hall 7th May 7.30pm Earlier this year Devon composer Chris Holborn wrote a song entitled ‘The Old Lych Way’ about a medieval funeral procession from Bellever to St. Petroc’s, Lydford. It has been recorded by the 30 strong widely acclaimed choir called the Lost Sound Chorus based at . To accompany it they decided to make a video filmed at various locations along the way, finishing at St. Petroc’s. Without giving too much away the song tells the story of a farmer’s funeral procession and the interaction between the various mourners. There are some unexpected twists and turns and tensions along the way. Lydford is very fortunate that the choir have agreed to premiere the 8 minute long video at the Nicholls Hall on Saturday 7th May starting at 7.30 p.m. This will be followed by a concert of 10 folk- based and other contemporary pieces including The Padre about a chaplain serving at the Front during the First World War. The choir will be performing this piece at Exeter Cathedral to commemorate the centenary of the Battle of the Somme. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear a top-class ensemble singing original music in its own particular style. It will be a treat. Tickets cost £5 each and are available from Mary Barkell (01822 820272) [email protected] .

The Book Club will be meeting on Thursday 5th May at 7.30pm at 8, Beech Tree Meadow and discussing the mighty tome we’ve all been reading, “ The Luminaries ” by Eleanor Catton. If you didn’t enjoy the choice, please bring along a book you did. (Some of us have left the country rather than read it!)

BaSE Page 16 Dartmoor Decorative & Fine Arts Society Wednesday May 18th A talk on Cambodia:The Sacred art of Angkor and living arts by Denise Haywood The Hindu temple complex of Angkor in Cambodia is the greatest archaeological site in Asia. Within an area of 400 square kilometres there are dozens of temples, many covered in jungle, but the most important of them all is Angkor Wat. Dartmoor DFAS hold most meetings on the second Wednesday of each month at the Charter Hall. Coffee will be served from 9.45am and lectures start promptly at 10.30am. Please register on arrival in order to comply with the fire regulations. As a courtesy to the lecturer please ensure that you are seated by 10.25am. Strictly no admittance once the lecture has started! BaSE Page 17 Experienced painter and decorator, Dartmoor Tiling interior and exterior work undertaken. Professional Tiling Service General house maintenance and garden Contact: Steve Essery work - grass cutting, hedge trimming, 01837 52013 erecting sheds, etc - House clearance 07729 460746 Free quote - No task too small. Website: www.dartmoortiling.co.uk References available Email: [email protected] Contact Brian 07970591008 Limited Editions Greeting cards from the Spring Cottage Tropic Skin Collection. A new Care selection of water colours and acrylics by local artist All of the skincare Fay Johns, available products are from Riverside Stores, handmade in the and from The Gallery, Surrey Beauty Kitchen using pure Thorndon Cross. plant extracts. These lovely products These cards fit into a 6 are free from parabens, SLS, alcohol, inch mount aperture mineral oil, toxic chemicals and harsh and can easily be preservatives. I love animals and so made into a framed piece does Tropic; all our products are of art. Cards are also certified by the BUAV and Vegan available at Lifton Farm Shop. Society. I have a catalogue full of brand How to book new Tropic products for you to try! Bridestowe Hall There are three ways in which you can try them: book a Pamper Experience for you and your friends which includes Please contact the Bookings Clerk on a Free Spa Facial and Free Tropic products for the hostess, or book a 01837 861777 Free 1 to 1 Spa Facial, or if you would You can go online and check the just like a catalogue then just give me booking calendar and download a a call. booking form all via the village My number is 07876028381 website www.bridestowe.org.uk Kerry

Kevin Ball, your Devon County Councillor Contact details. Address: 74 North Street, Okehampton, EX20 1BD Mobile: 07870 377879 Email: [email protected] Kevin welcomes communication from constituents which can be made by any of the means shown above. BaSE Page 18 Bridestowe 49 Club in aid of the Village Hall Here are the results for the last 5 weeks Date Number Name Amount 26/3 28 June Hewer £20 2/4 15 Wendy Firkins £20 9/4 18 BVH £20 16/4 54 BVH £20 23/4 24 Jane Hart £20

Congratulations to all our winners. The 49 Club has provided the Village Hall Committee with £1084 - our profit for the last 12 months. Well done! Congratulations to all of our winners. We have several numbers in the 50’s available, why not join?

Tim Thorne 861592

Nr Okehampton, Devon Tel: 01837 861318 www.whitehartbridestowe.co.uk

QUIZ NIGHT Families and dogs 2nd Wednesday welcome in the month.

We are pleased to announce that the restaurant is up and running and offering food that is all homecooked, that includes the puddings. ‘T’ bone steaks are available at weekends. Of course we will be offering Sunday roasts. On the ale front London Pride has made a return and proving very popular. We hope to see all you ‘quizzers’ on Wednesday 11th May at 8pm when the quiz will be in aid of the Museum of Dartmoor Life.

Opening hours: Monday - Friday 12 - 3pm 5pm -close Saturday and Sunday and bank holidays open all day Food served between 12 - 2pm and 6pm - 9pm We look forward to seeing you. Mike and Sarah

BaSE Page 19 Movie Watch – April When I started this column back in the autumn, I knew there would be months like this. I have no idea if anyone reads these ramblings but should I have gained any followers, I’d be inclined to request a BaSE refund this month. April pickings have been painfully thin. Not just numerically, but also in terms of quality. For various reasons, we have just one title to assess this month…..…and it’s an absolute shocker.

I’m sure I’ve seen a worse film than Eddie the Eagle . It’s just that I can’t imagine what it could have been. Tedious, puerile, clichéd, predictable………tick, tick, tick, tick.

Inspired by what I found embarrassing antics at the 1988 Winter Olympics (younger readers, you’ll have to ask your parents), Eddie the Eagle is billed as ‘a feel-good story about Michael ‘Eddie’ Edwards (Taron Egerton), an unlikely but courageous British ski-jumper who never stopped believing in himself - even as an entire nation was counting him out.’ Maybe just me but if this nonsense really makes you feel good, I suggest you take up knitting.

Hugh Jackman gives the film what little credibility it earns, appearing as Eddie’s heavy- drinking coach, but believe me this one won’t linger long on the cinema circuit.

Eddie the Eagle certainly doesn’t earn a place within the BaSE Movie Watch DVD Hot 4 (I could have been a copywriter, you know), unless you have a wonky kitchen table leg needing attention. In fact it serves merely to confirm our current list of recommended titles, all available on DVD. These remain Lady in the Van, Brooklyn, Bridge of Spies and The Big Short .

My daughter got in touch to say she’d finally got around to watching Bridge of Spies . She rated it the best film she’d seen since Harry Potter and the Something or Other. Praise indeed.

So with little to discuss from the past month, let’s look to the future and titles due to arrive at the New Carlton in Okehampton over the next few weeks. The Jungle Book , already being shown, is almost certainly an outstanding piece of cinematography, but not really for me.

One that I will be taking in is the military thriller (‘MilThril?’), Eye in the Sky . This stars Helen Mirren as Colonel Katherine Powell, a UK-based military officer in command of a secret drone operation to capture terrorists in Kenya. Powell discovers the targets are planning a suicide bombing and the mission escalates from ‘Capture’ to ‘Kill.’ But as an American pilot is about to engage, a nine-year old girl enters the kill zone, triggering an international dispute which reached the highest levels of government. And not even Eddie ‘the feel- good’ Eagle managed that.

Captain America: Civil War arrives in Okehampton at the end of April. All the advance blurb reveals is that, ‘Political interference in the Avenger’s activities causes a rift between former allies Captain America and Iron Man.’ No doubt if you’re into this sort of thing, those words will resonate. However, the fact that advance booking will be available suggests this one is expected to be well supported. Scarlett Johansson stars, a factor unlikely to detract from the film’s popularity. BaSE Page 20 On Friday 6th May, Florence Foster Jenkins is scheduled to open and should be well worth the trip. This is the true story of the legendary New York heiress and socialite (Meryl Streep) who obsessively pursued her dream of becoming a great opera singer. The voice she heard in her head was beautiful, but to everyone else it was hilariously awful. Her ‘husband’ and manager, St Clair Bayfield (Hugh Grant), an aristocratic English actor, was determined to protect his beloved Florence from the truth. But when Florence decided to give a public concert at Carnegie Hall in 1944, St Clair knew he faced his greatest challenge. Advance booking will be available, and probably necessary, for this one. David Harrison

A catering trailer with a difference Local produce, lovingly made Visit us on Fridays, 6 - 8pm, next to Bridestowe Primary School ------We cater at any type of event, and can tailor a menu for you personally. All our produce is sourced locally. Our packaging is bio degradable and all turns into compost! Weddings, fetes, parties, car boot sales, school events and everything in-between. Sample Menu Warrens Steak Burger - Dugard’s Hog Burger - Giant Farmhouse Hot Dog - Slow cooked Pulled Pork Vegetarian Option, Chunky Chips, Homemade Coleslaw, Beer Battered Onion Rings, hot and cold drinks and Kids Menu Our chicken fajitas are proving very popular! Call for more information, find us on FaceBook, Twitter & Instagram! Tel: 07469964246/ 01837 861158 Rose, Rob and Terry

Would you like to book Sourton Parish Hall? Sourton Parish Hall has good facilities and would be suitable for a variety of functions and meetings. It offers a large hall, kitchen, disabled toilet, committee room and large stage. It has disabled /wheelchair access with ramped entrances. Just ring Geraldine Jury on 01837 861414 Website - www.sourtonvillagehall.org.uk - Facebook - Sourton Village Hall https://www.facebook.com/Sourton-Village-Hall-676302389142119/ Twitter - @SourtonVH /twitter.com/SourtonVH BaSE Page 21 Bridestowe Garden Club

Bridestowe Garden Club report April 2016 Our meeting this month incorporated the club AGM. Our chair of three years stepped down and many thanks to Jean Burgess for her hard work and support of the club. It was decided that the club committee would work on a rotating chair for the meetings. The club appreciation was given by our president Jenny Reynolds. All committee members agreed to stand again and were duly elected.It was agreed that, as the club had reasonable funds, we would use it to pay for talks that would give us a wider scope of speakers. All talks will be advertised in the Country Gardener Magazine as well as BaSE. Following the lively AGM we had an opportunity to relax with a wonderful talk on Marwood Gardens from Jenny Evans. Future Meetings The summer garden visits will start in May – members £3 and non-members £5 - To book contact Mavis Padley on 861483

Sunday 15th May 2pm Sandhill House Gunnislake PL18 9DR Open for St Luke’s with stalls, plant sales, music and refreshments – free parking in the upper village and follow the orange garden arrows across the road.

Saturday 4th June 2pm West Blackdown Gardens, Hawthorns, West Blackdown, PL19 0NB Moorland cottage gardens with ponds and lawns open for St Luke’s. on the 386, right at Down’s garage and follow the orange signs. Refreshments, parking, plant sales.

Saturday 16th July 2pm Higher Westcott, Brentor PL19 0NJ Open for St Luke’s with resident owls and a wide variety of plants. Parking and refreshments. Through Lydford to Brentor, fork right at Brentor church and follow the orange arrows.

Saturday 13th August 2pm Walled gardens of Maristowe PL6 7BZ 3 acres of land currently under restoration to grow a wide variety of produce. Has the only tea plantation in Devon. Marvel at Victorian gardening techniques and price also includes cream tea (NB non- members price £6.50) For directions call Mavis Padley. Sunday 11th September 2pm Manor, Lewdown, EX20 4PN Designed by Walter Sorrel the gardens have several acres with streams, sunken garden and recently restored vegetable garden Open for St Luke’s. Parking, plant sale and refreshments available

Also remember Leawood plant sale on Saturday 28th May at Leawood House 10 am to 12 midday . Bridestowe Show Saturday 30th July – Art, produce, vegetables, flowers and this year featuring Egg Heads! Eat your egg, paint a face on the empty shell, fill it with moist tissue and grow cress to complete the look! Art and gardening all in one go! Tip of the month Keep the list of garden visits and take time out from tending your own garden to marvel at others and get more ideas! BaSE Page 22 SOURTON ROUND UP - May

W.I. At the April meeting Sourton W.I enjoyed a talk by Dave, a member of ‘The Devon Freewheelers’ National Blood & Organ Transfer Services, a group of motor bikers who deliver blood and transfer organs to hospitals. They are all volunteers who are on call day or night and they are funded solely by donations from the public.

At the meeting the W.I ladies agreed that they would like to enter Okehampton Show. Also a trip to Glass was planned for later in the year. The May meeting will be on Tuesday 10th May at 2pm. The speaker will be Mary Andrews, who is a W.I. Advisor. There will be a charity FASHION SHOW on Wednesday 18th of May at 7-30pm at Sourton Parish Hall. It is in aid of PANCREATIC CANCER AND EXETER HOSPICE. Fashions supplied by The Edinburgh Woollen Mill and Aquarius Designs Jewellery. Tickets £ 5 -00 with a lucky number, a raffle, light refreshments. You can obtain tickets from Geraldine Jury 01837 861 414. There is a SALE at the end. Only cash sales after the fashion show please. Items can be reserved.

Just a reminder...... Sourton Open Produce and Craft Show on Saturday 20th August. Schedules available at the end of May. From Geraldine Jury. 01837861414.

Church The church looked lovely for our Easter celebrations thanks to the hard work and dedication of our flower arrangers. We are grateful to the people who gave flowers and greenery. Rev. Stuart Wilson took an inspiring and friendly service for a large congregation. The churchyard still has an abundance of spring flowers and is looking beautiful. Tony Batten has worked many long hours to ensure that we can enjoy such a wonderful display.

Church Services in May 2016 1st 8 am Holy Communion – Rev. Adrian Brook 8th No service – United Team Service at 1030 am at Okehampton 15th 11 am Holy Communion – Rev. Adrian Brook 22nd 11 am Morning Prayer – Beverley Johnson 29th 11 am United service at Bridestowe

ROYAL BINGO Did you see the poster on page 2? Just as a reminder to put in your diary: you are invited to come and play Bingo to celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday on Saturday 11th June at Sourton Village Hall at 7.00 pm in aid of St Thomas a Becket Church. There will be refreshments, a raffle and many game prizes. Entry will be free into the Hall. Game charges will apply.

Rose Dashper

BaSE Page 23 RAM ROAST 2016 on Saturday 6th August on the Sporting Green from 1.30pm - 5pm. Well it is that time of year again when, with an affectionate groan, we turn our thoughts to organising the annual jamboree. Although we will all miss the presence of ‘the big man,’ I feel we must give it our best and make it a real success. Working on the principle that if everyone does a little bit no one person has to do a lot, I am hoping people will step forward and lend a hand. The Ram Roast raises vital funds for Bridestowe Village Hall and, what is equally important, it allows us all to get together for a bit of fun. If you have a suggestion on what to include or you’re happy to lend a hand, then please come along to a meeting on Tuesday 24th May at 7.30pm in the White Hart. Ali Young (861157)

Bridestowe WI On Wednesday 20th April, Bridestowe WI hosted the Spring Group Meeting for the area; Sourton, Throwleigh and Okehampton WIs attended the meeting with apologies from WI. Approximately 40 members began the evening with the singing of Jerusalem in the welcoming atmosphere of the Methodist Church. The speaker for the evening, Ms Curly Martin, was then introduced. Curly is an international best-selling author and life coach and her talk entitled ‘Cancer Free for Twenty Years’ was both spellbinding and inspirational. This was followed by reports of their year’s activities from the WIs present. Then Caroline Miles, a local WI craft judge awarded the Primrose Cup to Trisha Butler (Bridestowe) for her decorated Wellington boot. Dean Loxton(Sourton) was awarded the Cup for the best decorated Wellington boot cake. The business for the evening being completed, refreshments were then served in the School Room where a sumptuous feast had been prepared by the Bridestowe members. Finally and a fitting end to a most enjoyable Group meeting, everyone was entertained over sandwiches and sausage rolls, cakes and coffee by the ‘Bridestowe Cantabile’ (aka Bridestowe Belles) who, led by Pippa MacDougall, sang a delightful medley of songs a capella. Diane Brook, Bridestowe’s President, gave a vote of thanks to everyone for a splendid evening.

The next meeting will be on Wednesday May 18th at 7.30pm in the Methodist Church when the speaker will be Alex from TROPIC. N.B. June meeting - belly dancing group July meeting - Jenny Skinner on the Alexander technique.

Come and join us! It’s great fun in the Bridestowe WI.

FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE Horse manure, collect in bags. Please 07733322716 or 01837 861696 to arrange collection. BaSE Page 24 Scrap cars collected Reliable service guaranteed Top prices paid Secondhand tyres for sale. Call Michael on 07831698676

EDZ All aspects of property maintenance including interior and exterior decor, plastering, specializing in stonework, carried out by City & Guilds' qualified builder with actual proof of same. For free quote 01837 861604 ------Chimney sweeping service sensible prices - vac and brush Complete Podiatry & Chiropody Care Also window cleaning Mr Heath Weymouth BSc(Hons) PgDip MChS service HCPC Registered Podiatrist & Member of the Society of 01837 861604 Chiropodists and Podiatrists ------07946-473972 Mobile valeting service Home visits available Car, van or whatever you CANNON BARN PODIATRY have for valeting - collection Helping you walk towards pain free and delivery service. Treatments include: Corns, callus, ingrowing toenails, thickened Prices from £25 - £45 nails, 01837 861604 biomechanics, sports injuries and much more. Mobile 07902913627 1 Cannon Barn Cottages, Lewdown. Nr Okehampton. Devon. EX204BT


Est. 30 Years Bridestowe & Virtual PA and Business Support District Business Owner: Chris Heron Do you need help with your Admin? Call Mick on: Give me a ring to see what I can do for you. Phone: 01837 214667 01566 783562 Email: [email protected] www.time-well- 07984 812807 spent.co.uk Work Smarter not Harder - Hire a Virtual Assistant!

Sourton Down, Prewley MoorArms Okehampton, Devon EX20 4HT Tel: 01837 861300

• Open for hot and cold food, lunch times and evenings, Tuesday - Saturday . Opening times • Sunday lunches served 12 - 5pm and normal Monday 6pm - 11pm menu 6 - 8pm Tuesday 12-11pm • Wednesday night is steak night Wednesday 12-3pm 6-11pm • Come and warm your toes by our open fire Thursday 12-3pm 6-11pm • Enjoy a pint of M&B mild or draught Guinness Friday 12-3pm 6-11pm • Selection of Otter ales Saturday 12-3pm 6-11pm Sunday 12noon - 10pm

BaSE Page 26 A date for your diary... Friday 10th June at 9pm at Prewley Moor Arms Andy Eastwood - in concert Tickets £10 - to include a hotpot supper In aid of the Royal British Legion

Andy Eastwood is one of the UK’s most popular and successful vaudeville entertainer and ukulele players. His interest in the ukulele and banjolele began when his grandfather gave him his first instrument as a child, and after reading music at the University of Oxford, where he also studied violin and piano, he graduated as the historic university’s first musician ever to give a degree recital on the ukulele.

He currently tours the UK with his unique, high energy, talented-packed act.

Eastwood’s TV appearances include Barrymore, Blue Peter, GMTV, ‘Today with Des and Mel’, and he also taught comedian Frank Skinner to play the ukulele for the 2006 BBC One show ‘Play It Again.’ Skinner became so interested in the instrument that as a result he went on to make a George Formby documentary for BBC Four, in which Eastwood also featured. Recent years have seen him touring as an opening act and supporting act for Ken Dodd, Danny La Rue, Ronnie Ronalde and also starring in a wartime revue called ‘We’ll Meet Again.’ Eastwood continued his quest to demonstrate the ukulele’s worth as a ‘serious’ instrument in 2015 with the release of Three Classics for Ukulele, a suite of classical pieces arranged as challenging instrumental solos.

BaSE Page 27 Live music at The Wharf, Friday 13th May at 8pm Eddie Martin Band “The most remarkable Blues musician of his generation.. Whether playing as a one-man- band, in a trio or a big band, Eddie Martin excels.” Blues in Britain .

With 12 rave-reviewed cd releases and constant globe-trotting since turning professional in 1995, London-born Martin has been called “The Ambassador of British Blues”. As adept on acoustic instruments as electric, and as a soloist or band leader, he ranks amongst the most succesfully versatile bluesmen in the world. Nominated best UK Blues Guitarist, Best Harmonica Player, Best Band, Best Acoustic Artist and Best Blues cd release many times, his songs have made it onto TV and film soundtracks and to the song stable of Alligator Records. He has been broadcast live on international radio and TV with 3 sessions for BBC Radio 2, including at the famous Maida Vale Studios.

Tickets prices From 6pm on the night £15.00 In advance £13.00

BaSE Page 28 Okehampton Recycling Centre Beauty & Hair Summer opening times (April - September) Relax, enjoy and be pampered Monday - Friday At Venus, it’s all about you 9am - 5pm Our professional team offers you top to toe Saturday & Sunday beauty solutions including spa treatments, 10am - 6pm nails,massage, waxing, make up and elite hairdressing - gents walk-ins welcome! All under one roof! 4C Duke Street, Corner of Pepper Street Tavistock, PL19 0BA 01822 618282

Okehampton May Fair

on Sunday 1st May, 11am - 5pm Simmons Park, Okehampton.

Duck races, BBQ, cakes and coffee, Town and College Bands, maypole dancers, dog shows, craft demonstrations, bouncy castles, climbing ladders and lots of stalls - entertainment for the whole family. All proceeds raised go to Rotary nominated charities.

BaSE Page 29 Conveyancing South West Bridestowe and Sourton Specialist Property Lawyers Extra is sponsored by www.conveyancingsouthwest.co.uk Glebe Park The Best Service At the Best price (Bridestowe Caravan Park) 01837 851 702 Calor Gas /CampingGas Sales [email protected]

Laundrette facilities available daily, 10 am until 6pm

Tel: 01837 658907 Mob: 07870 305880 Luxury 6 berth, centrally heated, Plumbing Heating Renewables double glazed, static caravans for hire, either for the week or for short breaks. Details available on request 01837 861261

John & Diane Ware Hunters Moon Bridestowe, Okehampton, Devon, EX20 4EN

Tel 01837 861193 email: [email protected] website: www.huntersmoondevon.co.uk

BaSE Page 30 AVON If you would like to receive an Avon brochure Guitar lessons please call me or email me. for beginners and intermediate My details are as follows:- - all styles Julie Nicholls Telehone 01837 861415 Tel: 01837 861228 or visit Email: [email protected] www.jeffguitar.co.uk If you leave a message, please don't forget for more details your contact details.

Richard’s Time Machine Tony Day Mobile Disco Plumbing and Wedding and Family Party Gas services Specialist Main and LPG gas appliances Personal, Memorable - and Fun!! serviced and repaired www.richardstimemachine.co.uk Phone 01837 83702 01837 811172 Mobile 07773966201

Robert & Nicholas McNamara 01566783471 Specialists in round the clock A helping hand... care, repair and maintenance of all of your Do you need just a little bit of help with Plumbing and Central Heating Services baby sitting, pet Domestic, Agricultural and Light Industrial minding, walking your Domestic Oil Fired Boilers & associated dog, horse minding or services just plain and simple Proper craftsmen taking a pride in what we do! mucking out - 07596 9972071 / 07599078805 no job too small! No call out charges Contact a very keen Amy Timms 01837 861663 BaSE Page 31 BRIDESTOWE CHURCH PARTNERSHIP

WALK & TALK SOCIABLE GUIDED WALKS AROUND BRIDESTOWE AND ON DARTMOOR. Youth Cricket Evenings Well behaved dogs welcome Starting Friday 6th May 6pm Short and gentle, on paths and tracks We are very excited to say that after such (about 45-50 minutes) a wonderful season last year our Youth Tuesday, May 17th. Cricket Sessions will be starting again. Longer and stiffer for fitter and more energetic No experience necessary just come and people join in the fun! (about 1 ½ hours) Boys and Girls 4 years + £1 per child Tuesday, May 24th. (children under 7 to be accompanied by an adult) For both walks, we will meet outside the 6pm – 7pm 4 – 8 years Methodist Church at 10.30 a.m.. Park there or 7pm – 7:30pm 8 years + use the White Hart car park (by kind permission). We will arrange lifts to the starting point Please contact Jo or Gideon Pritchard on between us. 01837 861114 Enquiries to Neon or Jenny Reynolds 01837 861678 [email protected] for more information.

Beating of Bounds 2016... in a nutshell Date : Monday 30th May Start time : 10am Start point : Iron Catch Gate, Sourton, best reached from the path to the moor at Sourton Church, End point : Nodden Quarry, behind the Fox & Hounds - below Nodden Gate. Distance : 6½miles Average time taken : 3 hours Children : The names of children, 16 and under, who live in the Parish of Bridestowe will be taken at mid point in the walk at Sandyford and they will receive a memento at the end. Refreshments: Available at Nodden Quarry - pasties, sausage rolls and cake, as well as a welcome cup of tea or a beer or soft drink, all courtesy of Bridestowe Commoners. Most important point to remember: only ONE pastie per person! Certificates : A certificate will be available at the end with your name on it to say you have completed the walk. Please put your name on the list which will be available at the start.

BaSE Page 32 The Leawood Herd of Bramhill Cattle Cob, Lime and Stone Laying Home produced, naturally reared, marbled North Eco Buildings Devon Beef traditionally hung for 3 weeks for a Barn Conversions fuller flavour. Extensions Repointing 15kg Freezer boxes, bagged and Lime plastering, labelled for just £105 including Tadelakt & Venetian roasting joints, steaks, mince and Repair, Restore & stewing cuts. Renovate Call Brian or Angela Listed Buildings on 01837 861203 CSCS Reg Alister Polhill Mob. 07518908876 Golden Leaf Landscapes Tel. 01822 820347 Garden Construction, Design and Maintenance [email protected] Louise and Robert Mogridge Fully qualified with over 15 years experience 01837 89285 07811781137 www.goldenleaflandscapes.co.uk

Lunar cycle for May

New moon 7th First quarter 14th Full moon 22nd Last quarter 30th

BaSE Page 33 BODYMAINTENANCE.CO.UK Sports massage injury & pain clinic

Highly experienced in providing effective treatments for acute, chronic, radiating and referred pain, strains & sprains. Free consultation and advice available. Please contact: Clive Lacey - 07747112019 /01566783609 Or email - [email protected] Further info - www.bodymaintenance.co.uk

BaSE Page 34 Ink Cartridges & Toners/Printer/Copier/Photo Paper Envelopes/Laminating Pouches/Blank Cds/DVDs/Jiffy Bags Fax & Copier Supplies *******Competitively priced & personal local service****** *Plus Much More* Please contact me for prices.

Tel: 01837 861228 Email: [email protected] BaSE Page 35 Forthcoming Events for May Thursday 5th 7.30pm, Book Club, 8, Beech Tree Meadow Saturday 7th 7.30pm, Nicholls Hall, Lydford, Concert Tuesday 10th 12noon, Methodist Church Hall, Over 60's Luncheon 2.pm, Sourton Parish Hall, WI talk by Mary Andrews 7.30, Methodist Church committee room, NPlanmeeting Wednesday 11th 7.30pm, Methodist Ch. committee room, Bridestowe PC meeting 2pm Museum of Dartmoor Life, Tea & talk on Clapper bridges 8.00pm, White Hart, Quiz in aid of Museum of Dartmoor Life Sunday 15th 2pm, Garden Club visit to Gunnislake Tuesday 17th 10.30am, outside Methodist Church, Walk & Talk, (shorter walk) Wednesday 18th 10.30am, Charter Hall, Oke. DDFAS talk on Combodia’s sacred art 7.30 pm Sourton Parish Hall, Charity Fashion Show 7.30pm, Methodist Hall, WI talk on TROPIC Thursday 19th 10am outside school Thursday Morning Group - to Belstone Saturday 21st 2pm, Lewdown Victory Hall, Plant Sale & Jumble Sale 10am - 12noon, Bridestowe Village Hall, Bacon Baps

Tuesday 24th 10.30am, outside Methodist Church, Walk & Talk, (longer walk) 7.30pm, Bridestowe Village Hall, BVHMC AGM 7.30pm, Ram Roast meeting, White Hart Thursday 26th 2pm, Ockment Centre, U3A AGM & talk by Family History Group Saturday 28th 10am - 12noon, Leawood, Plant sale and more

There is a folder/calendar in Riverside Stores in which you can enter the dates of future events; this might help avoid clashes in 2016.

Weekly exercise activities held in Bridestowe Village Hall Monday 6.30 - 7.45, Bridestowe Village Hall, Aerobics Tuesday 2 - 4pm, Bridestowe Village Hall, Short Mat Bowls Friday 9:30 - 10.30 Pilates class 2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 7pm to 9.30pm Family Games Evenings in the Meth. Church

BASE submissions We plan to print BaSE 5 days before the end of the month so please get your submissions in well before this date as compiling the newsletter takes some time. If you do have an unavoidable late submission please phone to see if we can squeeze it in. We are unable to read the latest Microsoft Word files and Wordpad doesn't support formatting so please send submissions in pdf, jpeg , doc.(not docx) or plain text format. Many thanks. Martin & Alison Young

Contact details for BaSE:- Alison Young, Glebe Park, Pig's Leg Lane, Bridestowe, Okehampton, Devon EX20 4ER Tel: (01837)861157 or [email protected] (please put BaSE in the subjectline) BaSE is printed by Martin Young at the above address.

BaSE Page 36