The Tree of Life Symbol; Its Significance in Ancient American Religion

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The Tree of Life Symbol; Its Significance in Ancient American Religion Brigham Young University BYU ScholarsArchive Theses and Dissertations 1950-06-01 The Tree of Life Symbol; Its Significance in Ancient American Religion Irene M. Briggs (Woodford) Brigham Young University - Provo Follow this and additional works at: Part of the History of Christianity Commons, and the Mormon Studies Commons BYU ScholarsArchive Citation Briggs (Woodford), Irene M., "The Tree of Life Symbol; Its Significance in Ancient American Religion" (1950). Theses and Dissertations. 4554. This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by BYU ScholarsArchive. It has been accepted for inclusion in Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of BYU ScholarsArchive. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. tebteeeheTHB TREE OP iamlamLIFE SMBOLSYMBOL significancsiahipigaicssignificanceB II11 ANCIENTAHCIBSTAMERICAN RMGIOX thesis 3reseiated rhe department archaeology brightabrighaa young universify partialinpartialunpartial fulfillment requirements degree master arts irene M briggs june 190igo1950 TABLETABLS CONTENTS page LIST OP FIGURES LIST plateaPLATES chapter I1 introduction 1 II1111 TREE LIFE ANCISNTANCIENT mbsoamericamesoaimerica 33 liiIII111 TREETRESJ-BLSMENTLMzentdENT 42 IV birdemmentBIRBIRD slementelementSLEMBNTDEMMENT 66 V THB SERPENT elmaelm1ELEMENTjent 102 VI MONSTERMONSTBRelementSLEMSNT 134 VII TWO personages 160160igo VIII summaryandsuemaSUMMARYSUMMARYAND conclusions 164igl161 APPENDIXAPPBNDIX 13173 bibliography 181 iii LIST OP FIGURES figure pabeyabepagpage 1 mesoamericanmesosmericanMeso american area 7 2 general archaeological lapofmapofmap mesoamericaMesoamerica showing principal sitesitessltes 0 0 11 3 occurrence elementseleeieBlements tree life symbol ancient mesoamericaMeso america ip41 4 birds association gods maya manuscripts 83 functions birds maya manuscripts 84 606 birds gods thirteen hours day 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 858 iv LIST OP PLATES plate pag I1 tablet cross palenque 39 II11 tree life maya manuscripts 511 iliIII111 tableau bacabsbacans 544 IV cruciform trees mexican manuscripts 577 V cruciform trees four directions codex fejervaryfejervarxfe j ervary eaymay er 588 VI cruciform trees four directions center codex borgia 599 VII tablet foliated cross palenque 62 vilivillVIIIVTII cruciform maize plant copan 64 IX cruciform ceremonial staffs symbolic trees 65.5 X birds maya manuscript 71 XI birds addressesheaddresses maya manuscripts 74 XII birds offerings veith deities maya manuscripts 0 0 0 0 0 75 XIII birds representing thirteen hours day mexican manuscripts 87 XIV symbolic birds mexican manuscripts 88 XV bird headdress 91 XVI rablerabieeabiesagleeagieeagle quetzal bird sculpture 92 XVII eagle chichen itza 993 v plate pagepa e XVIII bird sculptures southern mexico 94X XIX serpent bird 959.59gv XX serpent bird sun god 98 XXI feather designs 101 XXII serpent water god B maya manuscripts lot10710 XXIII serpent rain god B maya manuscripts 108 XXIV serpent god B 109log XXV serpent god Mi 110 XXVI serpent headdress maya manuscripts 113 XXVII serpent mexican manuscripts 11511 XXVIII fourpouryourpounyoun feather snakes mexican manuscripts 0 0 0 0 & 116 XXIX conventionalized serpent head sculpture 0 0 40 0 6 9 ilg119 XXX serpent ceremonial bar manikin scepter 0 9 0 0 48 121 X XXXI serpent headdress sculpture 0 0 0 124 XXXII serpent mask panel 126 XXXIII serpent facade 127 XXXIV serpent columns 0 0 0 129 XXXV XXU serpent design 0 130 XXXVI serpent design 131 XXXVII serpentine forms 132 XXXVIII feathered serpent 133 vi plate papasepagee XXXXIXMX monster maya manuscripts 139138 XL monster water goddess 139 XLI monster mexican manuscripts 12142 XLII jaguar mexican manuscripts 14414 XLIII two headed monster 14147 XLIV personage monster head 19149 XLV celestial monster doorways ll15111 XLVI altar G copan 12152 XLVII jaguar man seibal 1551 XLVIII jaguar deity 1571 XLIX jaguar mask 158 L tree life assyria 174 LIlielle 0 tree life old world 178 LII tree life old world 179 LIII tree life old world 18018 0 vii TREE LIFE SYMBOL significance ANCIENT AMERICAN RELIGION CHAPTER I1 introduction I1 problem thesis europeans arrived new world early sixteenth century amazed discover cross extensively used natives religious symbol many fantastic hypotheses advanced early explorers explain presence even postulating st thomas come new world taught christian religion ancient americans since time early discovery much learned concerning distribution symbol new world used architecture cruciform tombs extensively employed sculptures hieroglyphic manuscripts decorative element many forms included greek latin st andrew maltese aadend tau crosses well conventionalized cross shaped tree since designated tree life 2 latter form cross called tree life interesting symbols ancient religion central mesoamericanMeso american area new world central mexico northern central america religious significance symbol yet determineddeterminedermined constitutes problem thesis purpose study too much known today religion ancient mesoamericaMeso america through intensive comparative study various deities presented hieroglyphic manuscripts native writings symbolic religious art architectural sculptural remains greater knowledge subject gained tree life striking religious symbols area may key knowledge possibility study give enlightenment origin high civilizations area today especially two theories advanced solve problem mesoamericanMeso american origins firstfinst maintained nearly americanistsamericafistsnists advanced mesoamericanMesoamerican civilizations developed indigenously new world second result diffusion direct colonization old world view 3 fact tree life prominent religious symbol ancient civilizations old world occurrence ancient america carefully studied com- pared old world may constitute important evievlevidencedencedenee solving fundamental problem mesoamericanMesoamerican origins many writers mentioned presence cross new world few publications dealt symbol exclusively 1879187189 smithsonian institute published charles raus palenquepalenouepalenoue tablet ytaIlTTaTabletbletbiet Crcrossorossosaw 1 thisochisothia however historical study makes attempt interpret symbolism tablet 1901 adam Quiroquirogaquirogatsbatssatsgats lacruzlacruzcruejmbnabn ameriamerlamericaca published 2 1902 societe scientifiquescientifiquede de bruxelles published les croix precoloabiennesprecolombiennes E beauvois 3 these two publications historical descriptive nature writer knows publication study present concerns itself primarily important problem interpretation tree life symbol lcharlescharles rausrau palenque tablet washingtonwashingtont published smithsonian instieutevinstitute 167918791 2adaxvadaxadam quiroga Lla cruz en america bienasbuenas aires editorial amoniAmeriamericanacanascanao 19urr1901 3eaeE beauvois les croix precolombiennes bruxelles publieepubliese par la societe scientifique de bruxelles 1902 4 method procedure tree lirelifelife11 closely associated number symbols great complex mesoamericanMeso american religious symbolismsymbolisms example symbols four direc- tions associated four askywskysky bearers 11 impossible preliminary study include discussion ofsueh related symbols present investigation limited therefore cruciform tree those closely associated elements must especially considered interpretation symbol necessarnecessary7 place greatest emphasis tree liflifee maya area since region found clearest well earliest numerous representations symbol necessity weaknesses study first place field religious symbolism vast complex requiring years intensive study acquire basic understanding interrelationship specific symbols then too until hieroglyphic writing fully deciphered must always element uncertainty actual meaning ofoofoertainertaincertain signs symbols however despite handicaps possible arrive certain definite conclusions meaning tree lifelifer symbol 5 organization thesis study consist eight chapters appendix remaining part introductory chapter presented background information essential fallfullfuli understanding therotheroblemtheproblemproblemblenbienblem survey religion advanced cultist civilization ancient mesoamericaMeso america chapter II11 present tree life symbol whole next five chapters discuss main elements symbol involved interpretation chapter VIII con- sist summary preceding material interpretative conclusions appendix discuss intriguing signi- ficance tree life symbol ancient americaamerlameniamericasAmericascao view occurrence old world II11 archaeological setting mesoamericanMeso american area area new world embraced study co- mprises portion mexico central america wherewheres pre columbian times flourished high civilization those remarkable peoples known us today mayamayas aztecsazteca toitoltecstolteesToltees zapotecszapoteeszapotecoZapo teebtees olmecs01mees etc area comprising states mexico lying south roughly 22022 north latitudelatitudes including those northern central america territory quintana roo central america republics 6 guatemala el salvador western parts honduras nicaragua northern costa rica see figure 1 1931943 term mesoamericaMeso america introduced designate area place overworkedworked term middle america used archaeologists refer region occupied these peoples advanced cultures entire territory panama rio grande times including even andean region south americaamericalamerica44 ancient archaeological history mesoamericaMesomesoamerica5americaemerica first steps toward high civilization
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