Anti-Raffle Policy Hurts Local Groups by JEFF NAGEL Money Raised Last Year Is Set Aside to Ern Health, Authority
AimingarrOws : ' , i!'!~ ieport:i The whiSke~JaCl~ archers , :..:...-./.....~.:...):,.....~:....:.......,.~:... ... should bee~nough;;¢o::keep,the fling arrowsattheir3-D Stint-at the Sout h Pole= '.., : -moratorium off bffsh:or:~ oil tournament at !C'opperside : kCOMMUNi~:B/ i, / " ~~ .drilling..&NEWS/~8.-: ~ Stables I\sPoRiI'~:B4! - • . .. • :.:..: '.. :," . : ... .:. i " ."! , . ,. ?.,:. ):.. -: ., • ,. - • ": .: , ., ,,- '. - • . 4 • " . ............. "- O --O i $ !.00. PLUS7 ¢:!GS . ($1A0 plus-8¢GST - i-outside of the.Terrace are 2 T N D R D Anti-raffle policy hurts local groups By JEFF NAGEL Money raised last year is set aside to ern Health, Authority. Because the NHA had been threatened by budget cuts. was effective. .A GOVERNMENT crackdown on who payfor this month's Christmas dinner, but is:a government-linanced health provider. ]'he foundation's latest raflli" applica- -"With our little raffle, if we're lucky, can hold raffles is threatening an inno- 2005 may norbe as jolly, gaming money is off limits, tion has been rcjeqted because it supports we make $3,000 or $4,000," Kerr said/ vative school .band program and annual. The raffle money'also helps Clielits go :/:: Up until.April:of this.year the.govern- education;which the province pays for. "We .were try!rig: to have two p~r year Christmas dinners for•the mentally handi- on day trips throughout•the• region and.haS< ment agent'.:s Office here had •authOrity tO .!:Gaming funds, ~including..licensed :) ~ One in thefal/and one-in the spring- to capped.. ' . ".. : .-:-. i. i""i . : ••paidfora variety•of clUbhouse:amenitieS .approve-raffieapplicati0ns • themselves,: .gaming moneys, ~:an .t be u'sed::foritrans- ' misethemajority.of thembrleyJ' ~.
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