A Script Typeface Bringing Back the Funk & Soul Essence Regular
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Ravals A script typeface bringing back the funk & soul essence About Styles Designed by Ricard Garcia. 2019/2020. Regular With a funky approach, Ravals is a script typeface intended for display sizes that transforms your text with a unique informal and yet regular texture. Initially inspired by the brush lettering models from the fifties and sixties, it can perfectly fit with music from that era. Besides that, though, the spontaneous design of Ravals is mainly a homage to the vitality and rhythm (also known as Ravalejar) of one of the most important neighbourhoods in Barcelona under the same name. To make this vivid and informal texture, Ravals comes with an extended Latin character set in initial, medial, final and isolated designs. These sets make Ravals a fully functional script typeface with all characters carefully designed to make fluid connections, even with alternative constructions in some specific combi- nations. www.typerepublic.com | © Typerepublic. Barcelona 2020 ravals type specimen 2 Xavier Cugat Enjoy his Cuban Music Crooners Swinging London Welcome to Hitsville: Detroit, Michigan. United States Richard Cheese ☞Sunny Side Of The Moon☜ Motown Dr. Funkenstein www.typerepublic.com | © Typerepublic. Barcelona 2020 ravals type specimen 3 BASSLINE SERENADES MOONLIGHT FENDER PRECISION BASS The new Subway to Venus Boogie Wonderland Virtual Insanity Smiley Faces All Caps www.typerepublic.com | © Typerepublic. Barcelona 2020 ravals type specimen 4 Raval 40pt Parliament-Funkadelic (abbreviated as P-Funk) Raval 24pt A etimologia do termo “P-funk” está su- jeita a múltiplas interpretações. Foi iden- tificado tipicamente como uma abrevia- tura de “Parliament-Funkadelic”. Outra definição sugerida é “Plainfield Funk”, referindo-se a Plainfield, Nova Jersey, a Raval 20pt La palabra funk en inglés se refiere originalmente a un olor corporal Jamiroquai fuerte, general- mente ofensivo. Según el historiador y antropólogo Robert Farris Thompson en su obra Flash Of The Spirit: African & Afro-American Art & Philosophy, la palabra funky tiene su raíz semántica en la pal- abra “lu-fuki” de la lengua kikongo, que significa “mal olor corporal”. De acuerdo a su tesis, “tanto Raval 14pt Raval 10pt W muzyce funk mniejszy nacisk Fankmūzika ir ietekmējusi 1970. gadu disko mūziku. Hiphopa un hausmūzikas pirmsā- kładzie się na melodię i harmonię, kumos vairākas dziesmas tika veidotas uz za to podkreśla się rytm, który fankmūzikas dziesmu pamata vai izmantojot nadaje utworom sekcję rytmicz- esošu fankmūzikas dziesmu elementus. Arī ną. W odróżnieniu od utworów jaunajā vilnī un postpanka mūzikā ir manāma fankmūzikas ietekme. 1980. gadu vidū un 1990. soulowych i R’n’B, bardziej zróż- gadu sākumā popularitāti guva amerikāņu nicowanych harmonicznie, w alternatīvā/fankroka grupa Red Hot Chili Pep- piosenkach funkowych zwykle pers, kas žanru popularizēja, it īpaši jauniešu www.typerepublic.com | © Typerepublic. Barcelona 2020 ravals type specimen 5 Raval 40pt JAMIROQUAI. FUNK AND ACID JAZZ BAND Raval 24pt DESPRÉS DE L’IMPACTANT DEBUT DE JAMIROQUAI, QUE ELS VA FER FAMO- SOS EN L’ELIT DE L’ACID JAZZ BRITÀNIC, ON NOMÉS HI HAN ENTRAT ARTISTES DE LA TALLA D’INCOGNITO O BRAND NEW HEAVIES, VAN PUBLICAR UN SE- Raval 14pt LE 26 JUIN 2010, LORS DU FESTIVAL HARD ROCK CALLING, JASON KAY ANNONCE QUE LE PROCHAIN ALBUM DOIT SORTIR EN OCTOBRE, IL A ÉGALEMENT PRIS LA POSE POUR LA POCHETTE DU FUTUR ALBUM DEVANT LE PHOTOGRAPHE MITCH JENKINS. LE 18 JUILLET, AU FESTIVAL DES VIEILLES CHARRUES, INFORMATION CONFIRMÉE LE 21 JUILLET LORS DU CONCERT AUX ARÈNES DE Raval 14pt Raval 10pt JAMIROQUAI VAR I SPETSEN FÖR JAMIROQUAI JE BRITSKÁ MULTIŽÁNROVÁ HUDEBNÍ SKUPINA, JEŽ VE SVÉ HUDBĚ DEN LONDONBASERADE ACID PROPOJUJE ACID JAZZ, FUNK, SOUL A DIS- JAZZ-RÖRELSEN, OCH HADE CO. JEJÍM FRONTMANEM A HLAVNÍ TVÁŘÍ KONTRAKT MED SKIVBOLAGET JE PO CELOU DOBU JEJÍ EXISTENCE ZPĚVÁK ACID JAZZ RECORDS TILLS SONY A SKLADATEL JASON KAY. JAMIROQUAI BYLI (SPOLEČNĚ NAPŘÍKLAD S BRAND NEW 1993 GAV DEM ETT MERA AT- HAVIES ČI GALLIANO) POČÁTKEM 90. LET TRAKTIVT SKIVKONTRAKT (VÄRT NEJVÝZNAMNĚJŠÍ HUDEBNÍ SKUPINOU, SPO- ÅTTA SKIVOR OCH EN MILJON JENOU S PŘÍCHODEM ACID JAZZU. POZDĚJŠÍ www.typerepublic.com | © Typerepublic. Barcelona 2020 ravals type specimen 6 Raval 20pt MOTOWN RECORDS IS AN AMERICAN RECORD LABEL OWNED BY UNIVERSAL MUSIC GROUP. IT WAS FOUNDED BY BERRY GORDY JR. AS TAMLA RECORDS ON JANUARY 12, 1959, AND INCORPO- RATED AS MOTOWN RECORD CORPORATION ON APRIL 14, 1960. ITS NAME, A PORTMANTEAU OF MOTOR AND TOWN, HAS BECOME A NICKNAME FOR DETROIT, WHERE THE LABEL WAS ORIGI- NALLY HEADQUARTERED. MOTOWN PLAYED AN IMPORTANT ROLE IN THE RACIAL INTEGRATION OF POPULAR MUSIC AS AN AFRICAN AMERI- CAN-OWNED LABEL THAT ACHIEVED CROSSOVER SUCCESS. IN THE 1960S, MOTOWN AND ITS SUB- SIDIARY LABELS (INCLUDING TAMLA MOTOWN, THE BRAND USED OUTSIDE THE US) WERE THE Raval 20pt Motown Records is an American record label ow- ned by Universal Music Group. It was founded by Berry Gordy Jr. as Tamla Records on January 12, 1959, and incorporated as Motown Record Corpo- ration on April 14, 1960. Its name, a portmanteau of motor and town, has become a nickname for Detroit, where the label was originally headquar- tered. Motown played an important role in the racial integration of popular music as an African American-owned label that achieved crossover success. In the 1960s, Motown and its subsidiary labels (including Tamla Motown, the brand used outside the US) were the most successful propo- nents of the Motown Sound, a style of soul music with a mainstream pop appeal. Motown was the www.typerepublic.com | © Typerepublic. Barcelona 2020 ravals type specimen 7 Raval 85pt Acid & Soul Motortown Raval 16pt Raval 10pt Soul music (often referred to simply as Soul music (often referred to simply as soul) is a popular soul) is a popular music genre that ori- music genre that originated in ginated in the African American com- the African American com- munity in the United States in munity in the United States in the 1950s the 1950s and early 1960s. It and early 1960s. It combines elements of combines elements of Afri- can-American gospel music, African-American gospel music, rhythm rhythm and blues and jazz. and blues and jazz. Soul music became Soul music became popular for dancing and listening popular for dancing and listening in the in the United States, where record labels such as Mo- United States, where record labels such town, Atlantic and Stax were as Motown, Atlantic and Stax were in- influential during the Civil fluential during the Civil Rights Move- Rights Movement. Soul also Raval 16pt Raval 10pt Sálartónlist er tónlistarstefna skyld gos- Sálartónlist er tónlistarstefna skyld gospel-tónlist og R&B. pel-tónlist og R&B. Hún varð til seint á Hún varð til seint á fimmta fimmta áratug 20. aldar og var vinsæl áratug 20. aldar og var vinsæl fram á byrjun sjötta áratugar fram á byrjun sjötta áratugar í Ban- í Bandaríkjunum. Hún varð til daríkjunum. Hún varð til út frá rokktón- út frá rokktónlist en hélt sama takti og sveiflum og eru í blús. list en hélt sama takti og sveiflum og eru í En í byrjun sjötta áratugarins blús. En í byrjun sjötta áratugarins blan- blandaðist fönk í stefnuna. Söngvarar voru flestir dökkir daðist fönk í stefnuna. Söngvarar voru á hörund og höfðu sungið gos- pell áður fyrr. Tónlistarstefnan flestir dökkir á hörund og höfðu sungið var mismunandi eftir stöðum. gospell áður fyrr. Tónlistarstefnan var Í New York var sálartólistinn mismunandi eftir stöðum. Í New York öðruvísi heldur en í Flórída. www.typerepublic.com | © Typerepublic. Barcelona 2020 ravals type specimen 8 Català El Raval és una zona animada amb exposicions innovadores al Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona i al Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona, situats l’un al costat de l’altre. Els carrers del voltant estan plens de bars bohemis, botigues de disseny modernes i art de carrer. Al mercat de la Boqueria, situat a la Rambla, s’hi venen marisc, vi i tapes, mentre que la Rambla del Raval està envoltada de cafeteries tranquil·les. Castellano Français El Raval no tomó forma hasta Située sur le littoral méditer- el siglo XVIII. En los terrenos ranéen, elle est traversée par que habían sido ocupados por les fleuves Llobregat et Besòs huertos se construyeron las et bordée à l’ouest par la ser- primeras manufactureras, lo ra de Collserola qui culmine à que lo convirtió en uno de los 512 mètres. Elle est considérée primeros barrios fabriles de comme ville mondiale en rai- Barcelona. Se construyeron vi- son de son importance dans viendas para los trabajadores les domaines de la finance, du English Euskara The name Barcelona comes Bartzelonako kondeak oso in- from the ancient Iberian dependenteak ziren, eta beren Barkeno, attested in an an- lurraldea zabaldu zuten Ka- cient coin inscription found talunia osoa barne hartu arte. on the right side of the coin 1137an, Erramun Berenger IV. in Iberian script as Barkeno A eta Petronilla Aragoikoa ez- in Levantine Iberian script, kontzean, Aragoiko Erresuma “Barcilonum”. Some older eta Bartzelonako konderria sources suggest that the city batu ziren, batasun dinastiko www.typerepublic.com | © Typerepublic. Barcelona 2020 ravals type specimen 9 Latviešu Português Leģenda vēsta, ka Barselonu Uma lenda atribui sua funda- dibinājis kartāgietis, Hanni- ção a Hércules, quatrocentos bala tēvs Hamilkars Barka, no anos antes da fundação de kā cēlies pilsētas nosaukums. Roma. A cidade foi, suposta- Tomēr drošas ziņas par pilsē- mente, refundada por Amílcar tu ir no romiešu laikiem, kad Barca, que lhe teria dado o Barselona (toreiz Barcino) nome. Os cartagineses ocu- ietilpa Hispania Tarraconen- param a região durante a sis provincē. gadsimtā pilsētu Segunda Guerra Púnica. Apa- ieņēma vestgoti, bet. gadsimta rentemente, por essa mesma Les Rambles Multicultural A brush-inspired typeface Carrer del Pintor Fortuny, Barcelona Polski Čeština W czasie wojny domowej w Barcelona byla pravděpo- Hiszpanii miasto kilkukrot- dobně založena ve 3.