73 Supplementary Data The phylogenetic distribution of resupinate forms across the major clades of homobasidiomycetes. BINDER, M., HIBBETT*, D. S., LARSSON, K.-H., LARSSON, E., LANGER, E. & LANGER, G. *corresponding author:
[email protected] Clades (C): A=athelioid clade, Au=Auriculariales s. str., B=bolete clade, C=cantharelloid clade, Co=corticioid clade, Da=Dacymycetales, E=euagarics clade, G=gomphoid-phalloid clade, GL=Gloephyllum clade, Hy=hymenochaetoid clade, J=Jaapia clade, P=polyporoid clade, R=russuloid clade, Rm=Resinicium meridionale, T=thelephoroid clade, Tr=trechisporoid clade, ?=residual taxa as (artificial?) sister group to the athelioid clade. Authorities were drawn from Index Fungorum (http://www.indexfungorum.org/) and strain numbers were adopted from GenBank (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/). GenBank accession numbers are provided for nuclear (nuc) and mitochondrial (mt) large and small subunit (lsu, ssu) sequences. References are numerically coded; full citations (if published) are listed at the end of this table. C Species name Authority Strain GenBank accession References numbers nuc-ssu nuc-lsu mt-ssu mt-lsu P Abortiporus biennis (Bull.) Singer (1944) KEW210 AF334899 AF287842 AF334868 AF393087 4 1 4 35 R Acanthobasidium norvegicum (J. Erikss. & Ryvarden) Boidin, Lanq., Cand., Gilles & T623 AY039328 57 Hugueney (1986) R Acanthobasidium phragmitis Boidin, Lanq., Cand., Gilles & Hugueney (1986) CBS 233.86 AY039305 57 R Acanthofungus rimosus Sheng H. Wu, Boidin & C.Y. Chien (2000) Wu9601_1 AY039333 57 R Acanthophysium bisporum Boidin & Lanq. (1986) T614 AY039327 57 R Acanthophysium cerussatum (Bres.) Boidin (1986) FPL-11527 AF518568 AF518595 AF334869 66 66 4 R Acanthophysium lividocaeruleum (P. Karst.) Boidin (1986) FP100292 AY039319 57 R Acanthophysium sp.