Periodic Reporting Cycle 1, Section II

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Periodic Reporting Cycle 1, Section II PERIODIC REPORTING EXERCISE ON THE APPLICATION OF THE WORLD HERITAGE CONVENTION SECTION II State of Convention of specific World Heritage properties State Party : Republic of Indonesia Property N,ame : Prambanan Temple Compound Periodic Reporting Exercise on the Application of the World Heritage Coxvention Section 11: State- of conservation of specific World Heritage properties 11.1. Introduction Countrv (and State Partv if different): The Renublic of Indonesia or^^ 1 d Name of World Heritage property: Prambanan Temple Compound ixi? In order to locate the property precisely, please attach a topographic map orientation, projection, datum, site name, date and graticule. The map should be an original print aud not be trimmed. The site boundaries should be shown on the map. In addition they 1 can be submitted in a detailed description, indicating topographic and other legally defined national, regional. or international boundaries followed by the site boundarits. The State Parties are encouraged to submit the geographic information in digital form so ~ that it can be integrated into a Geographic Information System (GIS). On this questionnaire indicate the geographical co-ordinates to the nearest second (in the i case of large sites, towns, areas etc., give at least 3 sets of geogaphical co-ordinates): ~ Centre polnt: 7'44'54'' Southern Lat~tudeand 110°29'07" Eastern Long~tude North-uest corner. 7'47'02" Southern Latltude and 1 10°30'43" Eastern Longitude South-east comer: 7"45'07" Southern Latltude and 1 10°29'25" Eastern Lor~g~tude Give the date of inscription on the World Heritage List and subsequent extension 004 (~fapplicable): 13 December 199 1 Organisatlon(s) or entity(ies) responsible for the preparation of this report. Organisation(s) / entity(ies): Development of Culture and Tourism Board. Deputy of 0"s Developn~entand Preservation of Culture. ! Person(s) responsible: D'r. I Gusti Ngurah Anom I I Address: 4"' floor, E Building, Komp.Depdiknas . J1.Jend. Sudirman.Senajan ! City and post code: Jakarta 10270 1 Telephone: 062 21 5725035 Fax: 062 21 5725578 Date of preparation of tlhe report: 006 2 October 2002 Signature on behalfpke State Party .. 007 Signature: .....Li& G' . ! Name: Dr. I Gusti Ngurah Anom Function: Deputy for Development and Preservation of Culture 2 If the space on the Questionere is not sufficient, please continue on a separxte page, Clearly labelling the answer with the corresponding number of the question (e.,:. 006). - 5 - F'ekdic Reporting Exercise on the Appkati@ of the World Hcriwge Convention Seclion Il: Stale of consemation of specific World Heritage properties IL2. Statement of significa~oce At the time of inscribing a property on the World Heritage List, the U'orld Heritag Committee indicates its outstanding universal value(s), or World Heritage value(s), b deciding on the criteria for which the property deserved to be included on the Viorld Heritag List. Circle the criteria retained for the inscription: Cdhllal criteria@ ii - iii -@- v - vi Natural criteria: i - ii - iii - iv Were new criteria added by re-nominating andor extending the property afkr the origina inscription? YES NO If YES, please explain: - Please quote observations cmcerning the property made by the Advisory Botly(ies) duriq the evaluation of the nomination: &ote the decisions and obs~ervations1 recommendations, if appropriate, made by the World -1eritage Committee at the tine of inscription and extension (if applicable): dcntify the actions taken as fbllow-up to these observations andlor decisions: If the space on the Questio~aireis not please continue on a separate clearly labelling the answer with the corresponding number of the ,question (e.g. -6- Periodic Reporting E.xercise on the Appticati@ of the World Heritage Convention Section Il: State of conservation of specific World Heri~gepropenies 11.2. continued significance by providing a description of the World Heritq value(s) for which the property was inscribed on the World Heritage List. This descriptic should reflect the criterion (criteria) on the basis of which the Committee inscribed tl property on the World Heritage List and it should also detai! dutthe propem represent what makes it outstanding, what the specific values are that distinguish the property as we as what its relationship with its setting is, etc.: Pmbanan temple compound consist of Prambanan Temple (candi Lorojonggrang Sewu Temple, Bubrah Temple, and Lumbung Temple. Prambanan Temple: itself is complex consisting of 240 temples. In the first temple yard, on the innermost there a main temple complex consisting of Sima Temple, Brahma Temple, Wisnu Temple, Temples of Wahana, 2 Temples of Apit, 4 Temples of Kelir and 4 Temples of Sudut. On th second yard there are 224 pen- temples. The third yard, until now ha not bee completely excavated, however, it appears that there is no evidence for the existence of temple. Lorojonmg Temple was contnrcted during the first part of the njneth c~:ntury. It i largest nineth century Siva ensemble in Indonesia; the height of the main temple being 4 meter. Its temples are extenr,ively adorned with reliefs illustrating the Life of thirth centur Hindu hero Rama, of which up to now the relief scene is still performed into a bal!et dance. In the first yard of Sew Temple Complex which is located in northern park o Prambanan Temple Complex, only one main temple is there, where is in the !;econd yar~ there are 240 penw temples and 4 pairs of D\mrapala giant statues. Ikfferent tl Lorojmgpng temple complex which is a Hindu, the Sem temple complex is a Buddhis temple. It is a manifestation indeed, that in ancient fine hxo different religion could stand an1 tolerated each other. Lumbung temple is located in between the above two temples complex, consisting of 1' temples. Bubrah temple, which is located in the southern pa* is an integral p;u~of Sew temple. All the above mentioned temples are inside the compound and are locatd inside o the Prambanan Archaeologiwd Park (Zone II). Prambanan Temple Complex is under the long restoration process, as it has some 50( temples the restoration has been started as early as 1937, after successfi'd result o anastylosis technique applied since the beginning of the hventienth century. For the extension of a property or the inclusion of additional cnteria a re-submi:;sion of the xoperty may be considered. This might be regarded as necessary in order to recognize :ultural values of a natural World Heritage property, or vice-versa, becom: desirable Following the substantive revision of the criteria by the World Heritage Committte or due to letter identification or howledgr, of specific outstanding universal Should a re-nomination of the property be considered? !f YES, please explain: The criteria for bordcr determination of Prambanan Temple should bc rcvistd, because 'rambanan and Sem Temple: are the only hvo temples that stated in World Heritage List. In kt, there are many temples and sites surround it which have bounding space as well as listorical value relationship, inon.ledge and cultural. The criteria that suggested determining he border delineation of Prambanan cultural heritage is thc area that contins cultural >reserve properties and sites, have a bounding-. space and have historical, kmvlede- and :ultural value as well. - Lf the space on the Questionnire is not sufficient,please continue on a separate page, clearly laklling thc annrer with the corresponding ntunber of the question (e.g. 006). -7- Periodic Reporting Ilxercise on the ApplicaticJI of the World Heritage Conwntion Senion U: State of consemation of speck World Heritage propenies With those ceiteria "Pramb;man Temple Compounds" uill cover all temples and sites xounc Prambanan are+ which describes Prambanan as the capitol of Ancient Mataram Kingdon (vm - XM century), including other temples such as Gana, Plaosan, Ijo, Bxong Banyunibo, Sojiwan Temple and Ratu Boko Palace. Are the borders of the World Heritage property and its buffer zone (still) adequate to ens rc the protection and conservat:ion of the property's World Heritage values: YES & If NO, please explain why not, and indicate what changes should be made to tke boundaric of the property and 1 or its buffer zone (please indicate these changes also on a map to bt attached to this report): Zone I should be revised because it doesn't cover all distribution of archaeologcal surrounc the Prambanan and Sewu T~tmple.Zone II should be free from any based of Archaeological lei?, but what happen now is the temples such as Prambanan, Sewu Temple, Bubrah and Lumbung being inside that zone. 11.2. continued Is the State Party actively tansidering a revision of the property boundaries or the buffer YES / If YES, indicate what is being done to that end: U.3. Statement of authenticity I integrity Have the World Heritage values identified above been maintained since the pro inscription? NO If NO, please describe the changes and name the causes: Lf the spac:e on the Questionnaire is not suK~cient,please continue on a separate page. clearly labelling the answer with the corresponding nulnbcr of the question (e.g. 006). -$- Periodic Reponing Ex.ercise on the Applicati@ of lhe World Heritage Convention Section II: State: of conservation of sprific World Heritage properties What urn the evaluation of the authenticity / integrity of the property at t~etime of inscription? (Please quote hrnthe ICOMOS / IUCN evaluation): 11.3. continued authenticity / integrity since inscription? YES @ If YES, please describe the changes to the authenticity / integrity and name the main causes? Are there (further) changes foreseeable to the authenticity 1 integrity of the property in the YES / If YES, please explain and indicate how these changes might htect the World Heritage values of the property: U.4. Management How could the arrangements for the protection and the management of the property best be defined (more than one indication possible)? Legal ( .l Contractual ( ) Traditional ( ) If the space on the Questionmire is not &cient.
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