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Cha Sum The Ritual of the Three Parts translated by Carol Savvas and Lodro Tulku Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition FPMT Education Services FPMT Inc. 1632 SE 11th Avenue Portland, OR 97214 USA Educati on Services at FPMT Internati onal Offi ce off ers a vast range of Buddhist study programs, prayer books, and practi ce materials from © 2009 FPMT Inc. the Gelugpa lineage. Our study programs meet the needs of beginners All rights reserved. through to the most advanced students, from courses introducing Bud- dhism to the study of Tibetan and the highest philosophical texts. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, record- As the Dharma takes root in the West, we make clear translati ons of Bud- dhist texts, prayers, and teachings available through our study programs ing, or by any informati on storage and retrieval system or tech- and publicati ons. We work with translators around the world to provide nologies now known or developed, without permission in writi ng texts in English, Spanish, Chinese, French, German, and many others. from the publisher. Working in collaborati on with the Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive, we pub- Set in Calibri 12.5./15, Century Gothic, and Lydian BT. lish Buddhist prayer books, sadhanas, retreat materials, and practi ce texts, many with commentary by Lama Thubten Yeshe and Lama Zopa Rinpoche. We also off er DVDs and CDs of prayers and teachings that in- Printed in the USA. spire and inform. Whatever your interest, FPMT Educati on Services pro- vides the materials you need to actualize the Buddhist path. Educati on Services FPMT Internati onal Offi ce 1632 SE 11th Avenue Portland OR 97214 (503) 808-1588 educati [email protected] Cha Sum: The Ritual of the Three Parts 3 Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition Cha Sum The Ritual of Three Parts The Foundati on for the Preservati on of the Mahayana Traditi on (FPMT) is a dynamic worldwide organizati on devoted to educati on and public service. This ritual is said to be very powerful to eliminate obstacles which Established by Lama Thubten Yeshe and Lama Zopa Rinpoche, FPMT touch- es the lives of beings all over the world. In the early 1970s, young Western- occur in one’s life and spiritual practi ce. It is oft en performed by ers inspired by the intelligence and practi cality of the Buddhist approach lamas for the sake of one who is sick, when the illness is thought made contact with these lamas in Nepal and the organizati on was born. to be caused by a class of spirits. This ritual follows the injunc- Now encompassing over 150 Dharma centers, projects, social services and ti ons of the Buddha, who taught that one should not harm any publishing houses in thirty-three countries, we conti nue to bring the en- living being, even those who do harm to oneself, and therefore, lightened message of compassion, wisdom, and peace to the world. rather than using wrathful means to harm the interfering spirits, We invite you to join us in our work to develop compassion around the world! one off ers them tormas, praises, and various off erings such as Visit our web site at to fi nd a center near you, a study pro- water, fl owers, incense, lights, perfume, food, and music. gram suited to your needs, practi ce materials, meditati on supplies, sacred art, and online teachings. We off er a membership program with benefi ts One who wishes to do the ritual called “Three Parts” should ar- such as Mandala magazine and discounts at the online Foundati on Store. range tormas and off erings according to the existi ng traditi on. And check out some of the vast projects Lama Zopa Rinpoche has developed to preserve the Mahayana traditi on and help end suff ering in the world to- day. Lastly, never hesitate to contact us if we can be of service to you. The Way to Bless the Offerings OM VAJRA YAKSHA HUM Foundati on for the Preservati on of the Mahayana Traditi on 1632 SE 11th Avenue OM VAJRA JVALA ANALA HANA DAHA PACHA MATHA Portland, OR 97214 USA BHANJA RANA HUM PHAT (503) 808-1588 OM SVABHAVA SHUDDHA SARVA DHARMA SVABHAVA SHUDDHO HAM 4 Cha Sum: The Ritual of the Three Parts Cha Sum: The Ritual of the Three Parts 17 Everything becomes empty. Out of empti ness from OM comes a Torma Offering to the Pretas vast, jewelled vessel in which the syllable OM melts into light and transform into godly substances, water for the feet, water for the NAMA SAMANTA BUDDHANAM SARVA TATHAGATA mouth, fl owers, incense, lights, perfume, food and sound and be- AVALOKITE OM SAMBHARA SAMBHARA HUM 3x come clear, unobstructed and as extensive as space. Reciti ng three ti mes, make torma off erings to the pretas. OM ARGHAM AH HUM OM PADYAM AH HUM OM VAJRA PUSHPE AH HUM Dedication OM VAJRA DHUPE AH HUM OM VAJRA ALOKE AH HUM By the power of this great practi ce of giving for the sake of all OM VAJRA GANDHE AH HUM living beings, may I att ain the self-born state of a buddha, and OM VAJRA NAIVIDYA AH HUM through this practi ce of giving may I be able to liberate all who OM VAJRA SHAPTA AH HUM have not been liberated by the victorious ones of the past. SARVA MANGALAM The Way to Bless the Torma OM SVABHAVA VISHUDDHE DHARMA / TE VAJRA SIDDHI HUM / NAMA SARVA TATHAGATEBHYO VISHVA MUKHEBHYA / Colophon: SARVA TADKHAMUDGATE SPHARANAH IMAM GAGANA Through whatever wholesome imprints arise from the eff ort of this practi ce, may KHAM SVAHA / OM AMRITE HUM PHAT / OM AKARO all undesired occurrences of all mother living beings be pacifi ed, and fi nally, may MUKHAM SARVA DHARMANAM ADYA NUDPANNA TVADTA / all beings accomplish the ground and path and the two states [of generati on and NAMA SARVA TATHAGATA AVALOKITE / OM SAMBHARA completi on]. May this become the cause to att ain the victorious state of the four SAMBHARA HUM / OM RU RU SPURU JVALATISHTHA SIDDHA bodies of the Buddha. LOCHANI SARVA ARTHA SANGHANI SVAHA This [Tibetan] text was printed by the Tibetan Cultural Printi ng Press, Dharmasala, in 1984. Calligraphed by Jinpa Gyatso. By the power of my own thought, By the power of the blessings of the tathagatas, Translated from the Tibetan by Carol Savvas and Lodro Tulku and originally pub- And by the power of the dharmadhatu, lished in Transformati on into the Exalted State, Opuscula Tibetan, Fasc. 18, June Whatever purposes are thought of, 1987, Tibet-Insti tut, 8486 Rikon, Switzerland. Lightly edited for the use of FPMT May all these be unobstructedly fulfi lled. students by Ven. Constance Miller, FPMT Educati on Department, February 2004. Thus reciti ng the words of truth. 16 Cha Sum: The Ritual of the Three Parts Cha Sum: The Ritual of the Three Parts 5 bounds of your pledge and remove the illnesses of my sponsor. All you spirits, go back to your own places. SARVA BIGNANA GACHA Part One: Reciti ng this, think that all the geg interfering spirits go back to Offering to the Worldly Protectors their own places. of the Ten Directions Offerings to the Don The Invitation OM DEVA NAGA YAKSHA GANDHARVA ASURA GARUDA KINNARA MAHORA MANUSHA AMANUSHA SAPARIVARA O Lords, come and be seated. PRAVARSADKARAM ARGHAM PRATICCHA SVAHA In the present ti me of fi ve degenerati ons, although this is such a bad place for you to come and stay, in order to protect the GACHA teachings of Buddha Shakyamuni and to give us assistance, please come to this very place. O powerful directi on protectors The eight classes of Don spirits and their entourage depart to their and worldly protectors, richly endowed with power, compassion, own places. method, and pledges. You gods, rishis, pretas, rakshas, nagas, knowledge-holders, kings, all you owners of interferences, all of Offerings to the Worldly Protectors you who show yourselves in mighty forms, come and be seated, OM RUTRAYE / OM SHATA SAHASRA AKSHIYE / OM you worldly protectors of the ten directi ons. AGNIYE/ OM YAMAYE / OM NIRITIYE / OM VARUNAYE / OM When you are invited for the sake of the propagati on of the Bud- VAYOVIYE / OM KUVAIRAYE / OM URDHAM BRAHMANAYE dha’s teachings, please come and enjoy these off erings, which are SURYAGRAHA ADHIPATAYE CHANDRA NAKSHATA ADHIPATAYE / OM ARDHAPRITHIVIBHYA ASUREBHYA off ered for the sake of all living beings. NAGEBHYA SAPARIVARA PRAVARASADKARAM ARGHAM OM EH HYA HI DASHADIKA LOKAPALA SAPARIVARA SAMAYE PRATICCHA SVAHA SVAHA GACHA Offerings The directi on protectors and their entourage depart to their own OM RUTRAYE / OM SHATA SAHASRA AKSHIYE / OM AGNIYE / places. OM YAMAYE / OM NIRITIYE / OM VARUNAYE / OM VAYOVIYE / OM KUVAIRAYE / OM URDHAM BRAHMANAYE SURYA GRAHA ADHIPATAYE CHANDRA NAKSHATA ADHIPATAYE / OM ARDHAPRITHIVIBHYA ASUREBHYA NAGEBHYA SAPARIVARA PRAVARASADKARAM ARGHAM PRATICCHA SVAHA 6 Cha Sum: The Ritual of the Three Parts Cha Sum: The Ritual of the Three Parts 15 OM GUNGGUNG SVAHA SAPARIVARA NAIVIDYA PRATICCHA Thus off ering water for the mouth. SVAHA OM GUNGKARI GUNGKARI SVAHA OM PICHIPICHI SVAHA / KAMALAYE TAM OM GUNGGUNG SVAHA SAPARIVARA SHAPTA PRATICCHA SVAHA Thus off ering seats. And then: OM RUTRAYE / OM SHATA SAHASRA AKSHIYE / OM AGNIYE / OM GUNGKARI GUNGKARI SVAHA OM PICHIPICHI OM YAMAYE / OM NIRITIYE / OM VARUNAYE / OM VAYOVIYE/ SVAHA / OM GUNGGUNG SVAHA SAPARIVARA / NAMA OM KUVAIRAYE / OM URDHAMBRAHMANAYE SURYAGRAHA SARVA TATHAGATABHYO / VISHVA MUKHEBHYA / SARVA ADHIPATAYE CHANDRA NAKSHATA ADHIPATAYE / OM TADKHAMUDGATE SPHARANAH IMAM GAGANA KHAM ARDHAPRITHIVIBHYA ASUREBHYA NAGEBHYA SAPARIVARA GRIHNA IDAM BALIMTE SVAHA 3x PRAVARSADKARAM PADYAM PRATICCHA SVAHA OM RUTRAYE / OM SHATA SAHASRA AKSHIYE / OM AGNIYE / Reciti ng three ti mes, make the torma off ering.