The Commander Studebaker Drivers Club Volume 48 Issue 4 April 2016

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The Commander Studebaker Drivers Club Volume 48 Issue 4 April 2016 Potomac Chapter The Commander Studebaker Drivers Club Volume 48 Issue 4 April 2016 GUS RUHNKE FOUND THIS BIT OF INTERESTING LITERATURE ON ACCUWEATHER.COM Beats me why they used such a "beater"... but it is a Studebaker and it is on the net! hot_cars_can_kill_during_spring_stronger_sunlight/56191032 According to San Jose State University, the average of heatstroke deaths of children in vehicles totals 1 during both March and April and 4 during May in the U.S. Heat-related fatalities in cars are possible so early in the year is due to the stronger sunlight in the spring when compared to winter. Because of the stronger sunlight in the spring months, it does not have to be hot outside for the temperature inside of a car to reach life-threatening levels. In some cases, the temperature inside of a car can spike by nearly 20 degrees in just 10 minutes. While some people think that cracking the windows may help, it does not prevent the temperature inside of a car from soaring to dangerous levels. Children and pets are most likely to fall victim to a hot, un- attended car since neither have the same ability to cool off that an adult does. RELATED: Warmth to surge into Ohio Valley, mid-Atlantic US at midweek Utah's Great Salt Lake is shrinking, experts say Early eastern US warmup may jumpstart spring allergy season "Children heat up three to four times faster than adults," said Jan Null, CCM at San Jose State Uni- versity. "In the worst case scenario, if a child is small and on the sunny side of the car, death can oc- cur in 15 minutes or under," Null added. President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Activities Director Karl Veit Steve Geiger Mike Farris Murray Welsh Terry & Shirley McDaniel 3703 7th Street South 2010 Kings Forest Trail 4313 Landgreen Street 24121 Ridge Road 580 Welltown School Road Arlington, VA 22204 Mount Airy, MD 21771 Rockville, MD 20853 Germantown, MD 20876 Martinsburg, WV 25403 703-979-4763 301-829-5155 301-460-4341 301-253-3723 304-263-3915 (hm) [email protected] [email protected] david.farris [email protected] 304-671-6704 (cell) [email protected] Membership Historian Web Master Editor Nadine & Mike Farris Ed Lemanski Bob Johnstone Lynda Welsh 4313 Landgreen Street 7875 Red Jacket Way 12161 Holly Knoll Circle 24121 Ridge Road Rockville, MD 20853 Jessup, MD 20794 Great Falls, VA 22066 Germantown, MD 20876 Steering Column Karl Veit York is behind us and it is now officially spring, the season of renewal. Please use this season to think how our club can become renewed. Some of our members have been generating ideas of how to generate more visibility and interest in our club - thanks to those of you who have. I would like to see each of us to get some “skin” in the game by helping this effort in whatever way they can; our club future depends on it. We can get new members if we become more visible at meets, drive-ins, etc. We can participate in many types of car activities, not just SDC events. PSDC still has an open- ing for the Recruiter officer position, to coordinate, advertise, and encourage these efforts; please consider taking this position. To cop the recruiting poster, “PSDC Needs You!” STUDE SPOTTER In the April, 2016, issue of STREET SCENE , the monthly publication of the National Street Rod Assn., is a 3 page spread on a fabulous 1953 Studebaker custom. In the Hank Williams biographic film just released in theaters,I SAW THE LIGHT, there is a glimpse of a 1951 Studebaker sedan. April Susan Eppig 4/1 Linda Winokur 4/1 Margaret Bjarnason 4/19 Chester Bradfield 4/27 The Commander is the monthly publication of the Potomac Chapter, Studebaker Drivers Club. Subscription is by membership to the Potomac Chapter at $15.00 yearly. Canada/Mexico $20.00, all other countries $25.00. Direct all membership correspondence to the Membership Director. Direct all correspondence relating to The Commander to the Editor, who retains the right to edit or modify any contribution. Deadline date is the 15th of the month for the following month’s issue. The Commander is also an internet publication. The Potomac Chapter is an officially chartered chapter of the Studebaker Drivers Club, Inc.; its by-laws were approved, and charter granted by SDC in June 1967. Membership is recruited from the States of Maryland, West Virginia, Northern Virginia and Washington, DC. And those from other areas wishing to join the chapter are welcome. 2 Potomac Chapter, SDC Activities 2016 Event Date Contact Apple Blossom Meet Winchester, VA May 7 (?) non-SD Spring Fun Day Tour Hershey, PA May 14 Ruth Carr Spring Tour Orphan Car Tour June 4 Howard County, MD (PC is one sponsor) tbd Steve White Spring Picnic Hedgesville, WV June 12 Terry McDaniel Sully Plantation Chantilly, VA June 19 non SDC 52st SCD International Meet Warwick, RI June 26-July2 Terry McDanial Rose Hill Manor (car show) Frederick, MD August 14 (not confirmed) non-SDC *International Drive Your Studebaker Day Sept. 10 Terry McDaniel Fall Picnic Johnson, Martinsburg, WV Aug. 28 Paul & Karen Johnson Fall Tour Luray, VA Sept. 16-18 Murray Welsh Hershey Fall Meet Hershey, PA Oct. 5-8 AACA Bradfield Show Bridgewater, VA Oct. 9 Terry McDaniel Antique and Classic Car Show Rockville, MD (PC is one sponsor) Oct 15 Ron Salen & Bill Morgan Reedsville Swap Meet Reedsville, PA Oct. 28-29 Max Corkins Chapter Planning Meeting tbd Terry McDaniel Chapter Holiday Party Charles Town, WV Dec 18 Terry McDaniel **Firm date-will always be the second Saturday in September 3 Historian TECH TIP By Ed Lemanski by Ed Lemanski On This Date In April HEMMINGS - 14 tips for buying vin- tage car parts online 1 1836 Peter Studebaker Born 9 1963 Super Larks and Super Hawks introduced 19 1976 Nate Altman dies 25 1962 Avanti sets new world production car record (2 index.php/2016/03/18/14-tips-for-buying-vintage 1/4 miles in 60.8 seconds) * -car-parts-online/ 26 1962 Packard name dropped from title of Stu- debaker Corporation 26 1962 Avanti introduced to the public 28 1986 Michael Kelly suumes ownership of Avanti * Top speed of 171.10 mph SAVAGE FEST - JUNE 1990 This was an annual community event held the first weekend of June at the old Savage Mill in Savage, Mar- yland. There was an open invite to all of the central Maryland antique car clubs. One, the Antique Car Club of Greater Baltimore, made it an official annual event for their members. I attended for several years and found it enjoyable. The event is held to this day but they lost interest in having the old cars present. A po- ny ride, face painting, and crafts is what one finds to- day. STUDE SPOTTER - The Excalibur Story Told by Camelot Classic Cars The picture is of Raymond "Ray" Wyczalek and his dark blue 1963 Studebaker GT Hawk. Ray was a dedi- The story begins in 1963 at Studebaker where Brooks Ste- cated individual who made a significant difference vens had been employed as design consultant by the with the Potomac Chapter of SDC. He was the editor president, Sherwood Egbert. Raymond Loewy also for approximately 20 years. The Commander was worked for Studebaker at the time and he had just com- mailed from Glen Burnie, Maryland, in those pleted his styling work on the Avanti. .... days. Ray, his wife, and his daughter were very vigi- lant in assembling and getting out the Commander on time. Ray was also the President who held the club together in the late 70's and early 80's when interest was waning. Utopia, the common ancestor of all of Brooks Stevens’s modern dreams? index.php/2016/03/28/utopia-the-common- ancestor-of-all-of-brooks-stevenss-modern- dreams/?refer=news Ray Wyczalek with his GT Hawk. June 1990. 4 The Sceptre, the Cruiser, and Brooks Stevens’s radical plan to save Studebaker radical-plan-to-save-studebaker/?refer=news One of our favorites for #WoodieWednesday ! See the full #Eastwoodco video feature on this custom Studebaker Woodie Fastback here: HEMMINGS MOTOR NEWS - This past week marked 50 years since the last Canadian-built Stu- debakers ? and thus the last Studebaker automobiles ever ? rolled off the production line. sweepers-last-studebakers/?refer=news Executive Director Patrick Slebonick and Archivist Andrew Beckman pictured in the Museum's 1963 Lark Daytona Convertible during the 2016 St. Patrick's Day Parade in South Bend. Stude Spotter These photos are of signs (one in a window and one in front by the entrance) at the “Roads and Rails Museum” in Frederick, MD. Representing the “Roads” part of their name is a ‘53 Studebaker “C” coupe. Pretty neat!! 5 6 Day Trip-Hershey Gardens & AACA Museum May 14, 2016 Meet: Saturday, May 14th, we will assemble at 9:00 am Burger King, Thurmont MD (north of Frederick, MD Exit/Rte 550). Leaving at 9:15 am heading north on route 15 towards Hershey. (70 miles) Route: We will travel on route 15 N to Exit/Rte 94 (York Spring) 16 miles to Carlisle, PA. Taking Rte 81 north towards Hershey, PA (est.
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