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Art.Id Artist Title Unitsmedia Price € Orderinfo Origin Statuscode Label Art.Id Artist Title Units Media Price € Orderinfo Origin StatuscodeLabel Prefix Suffix Genre Release Eancode J42236 A Day To Remember What Seperates Me From.. Cd 18,45 Nld Vic.R Vrcd 603 Pun 15.11.2010 0746105060326 E87223 Aaron Artificial Animals Ri.. Cd 11,05 Nld Bang B13 8752020 Pop 20.11.2008 3596971387525 285091 Abba 18 Hits Cd 9,78 Nld Univ 06024 9831452 Pop 25.08.2005 0602498314524 G00104 Abbado, Claudio Russian Night Dvd 15,28 Nld Dg 00440 0734530 Cls 08.10.2009 0044007345306 J18625 Abigail Williams In the Absence of Light Cd 16,92 Nld Candl Candle 238 Stm 27.09.2010 0803341249998 F98254 Ac/Dc Back In Black Dvd 10,03 Nld Immoc Imc 942001 Roc 24.09.2009 8712177056323 J27093 Ac/Dc Dirty Deeds 4 Dvd 33,98 Nld Abstr Absb 001 Hr. 15.11.2010 9780956603807 G60049 Ac/Dc Iron Man 2 =OST= Cd 19,55 Nld Sony 88697 662142 Roc 15.04.2010 0886976621421 G69571 Ac/Dc Iron Man 2 =OST= 2 Cd 21,93 Nld Sony 88697 609522 Roc 15.04.2010 0886976095222 862435 Accept Russian Roulette =Remaste Cd 7,82 Nld Rca 74321 932122 Hm. 26.06.2006 0743219321220 180843 Accept Staying a Life -19tr- 2 Cd 7,82 Nld Rca Nd 74720 Hm. 26.06.2006 0035627472022 907165 Adamo, Salvatore Platinum Collection 3 Cd 16,58 Nld Capit Magic 3392852 Pop 08.09.2005 0094633928527 481544 Adams, Bryan 18 Till I Die Cd 6,38 Nld A&M 07314 5405512 Roc 23.07.1996 0731454055123 363844 Adams, Bryan So Far So Good Cd 6,38 Nld A&M 07314 5401572 Roc 25.05.2000 0731454015721 D65419 Adele 19 Cd 18,68 Nld Xl Re Xlcd 313 Pop 14.02.2008 0634904031329 E75274 Adele 19 -Deluxe- 2 Cd 18,68 Nld Xl Re Xlcdx 313 Pop 13.11.2008 0634904631321 E42171 Adele Hometown Glory Cd-S 3,40 Nld Xl Re Xlscd 374 D&B 25.06.2009 0634904037420 156160 Aerosmith Draw the Line Cd 7,82 Nld Cbs 4749662 Roc 30.06.1990 5099747496622 D89748 Aerosmith Live In Philadelphia Dvd 16,83 Nld Immo Imm 940133 Roc 14.02.2008 8712177052974 F97501 Aerosmith Sweet Emotion Dvd 10,03 Nld Immoc Imc 942002 Roc 24.09.2009 8712177056330 200616 Afterhours Ballads For Little Hyenas Cd 6,38 Nld U 1 Lit Tplp 705cd Roc 03.10.2005 5016958068721 J39161 Agents of Mercy Dramarama -Digi- Cd 19,30 Nld Foxtr Foxcd 030 Roc 28.10.2010 7320470140468 G93402 Aguilera, Christina Bionic =Ltd= Cd 19,55 Nld Sony 88697 714912 Pop 03.06.2010 0886977149122 G57914 Airbourne No Guts No Glory Cd 11,22 Nld Roadr Rr 78742 Hm. 04.03.2010 0016861787424 E12760 Airbourne Runnin' Wild Cd 9,35 Nld Roadr Rr 79632 Hm. 29.05.2008 0016861796327 F30323 Ajattara Noitumaa Cd 16,58 Nld Spine Naula 110 Stm 15.04.2009 0602517993662 765869 Akercocke Goat of Mendes Cd 8,48 Nld Peace Viled 95 Stm 20.06.2005 0801056709523 J41841 Akzidenz Grotesk Clean Living In.. Cd 19,55 Nld Modlr Mgcd 016 Ele 11.11.2010 7640110935330 D24241 Alabama 3 Mor Cd 16,92 Nld 1 Lit Tplp 773cd Roc 08.10.2007 5016958083229 D72760 Alamo Race Track Black Cat John Brown Cd 9,95 Nld Exc. Excel 96151 Pop 06.12.2007 8714374961516 010155 Albinoni/Pachelbel Adagio/Canon&Gigue Etc. Cd 22,36 Nld Dg 00289 4133092 Cls 08.08.1984 0028941330925 F68973 Alexisonfire Old Crows/Young Cardinals Cd 9,35 Nld Roadr Rr 78462 Roc 18.06.2009 0016861784621 G00838 Alice In Chains Black Gives Way.. -Digi- Cd 22,95 Nld Emi 9671592 Roc 24.09.2009 5099996715925 Art.Id Artist Title Units Media Price € Orderinfo Origin StatuscodeLabel Prefix Suffix Genre Release Eancode 120568 Allman Brothers Band Live At the Fillmore East Cd 6,38 Nld Polyg 07314 5312602 Srk 13.07.1988 0731453126022 614766 Allure Chapter Iii Cd 4,42 Nld U Li.Ye Ly 54663 Rbh 23.11.2004 0085365466326 D43949 Alter Bridge Blackbird Cd 9,78 Nld O Univ 06025 1746748 Roc 04.10.2007 0602517467484 G96464 Amatorski Same Stars We Shared-McD- Cd 9,35 Nld Munic Mrcd 320 Pop 14.06.2010 0742451032024 D77253 American Music Club Golden Age Cd 21,23 Nld Co.Vi Cookcd 440 Pop 31.01.2008 0711297484021 F30314 Amoral Show Your Colors Cd 16,58 Nld Spine Spicd 346 Stm 18.05.2009 0602527016719 G18197 Amos, Tori Midwinter Graces Cd 10,37 Nld Univ 06025 2715445 Pop 12.11.2009 0602527154459 E79076 Anais Love Album Cd 21,23 Nld V2 5312883 Pop 06.11.2008 0600753128831 G82932 Anais Short Version Cd 18,62 Nld V2 5325928 Pop 29.04.2010 0600753259283 F10117 Anathema Silent Enigma -Spec- 2 Cd 13,58 Nld Peace Vilef 256 Hm. 20.10.2008 0801056825629 G58924 Anathema We're Here Because.. Cd 16,92 Nld K-Sco Kscope 145 Hm. 31.05.2010 0802644814520 G11767 Anderson, Brett Slow Attack Cd 5,53 Nld V2 Vvnl 21102 Pop 29.10.2009 8717931321105 E55569 Anderson, Brett Wilderness Cd 9,95 Nld V2 Vvnl 20422 Pop 18.09.2008 8717931320429 G58754 Anderson, Carl Protocol Cd 16,32 Nld Funtg Ftg 204 Sou 26.02.2010 0886976596828 F10156 Anekdoten Chapters 2 Cd 16,92 Nld K-Sco Kscope 115 Prg 25.05.2009 0802644811529 E05657 Animal Alpha You Pay For the Whole.. Cd 8,50 Nld U Rajun Rjcd 042 Roc 19.05.2008 7044176050325 G12988 Anouk For Bitter or Worse.. Cd 7,91 Nld Emi 4562182 Pop 08.10.2009 5099945621826 D59702 Anthony, Marc In Concert From Colombia 2 Cd 12,75 Nld Immo Ima 104214 Sal 15.11.2007 8712177052592 D44392 Anti Atlas Between Voices 2 Cd 4,61 Nld U 1 Lit Tplp 779cdd Pop 10.03.2008 5016958091125 507637 Antony & the Johnsons Antony & the Johnsons Cd 10,46 Nld Se.Ca Sc 104 Pop 06.12.2007 0656605010427 E84701 Antony & the Johnsons Crying Light Cd 12,92 Nld Rough Rtradc 443 Pop 15.01.2009 0883870044325 854317 Antony & the Johnsons I Am a Bird Now Cd 12,92 Nld Rtd Rtrad 223 Pop 06.12.2007 5050159822324 F37300 Aphex Twin I Care Because You Do Cd 18,62 Nld Warp Warpcd 030 Tec 01.04.2009 0801061003029 F37430 Aphex Twin Richard D. James Album Cd 18,62 Nld Warp Warpcd 043 Tec 01.04.2009 5021603043121 G95052 Aphrodite's Child End of the World Cd 16,98 Nld Esote Eclec 2205 Pop 13.09.2010 5013929730540 638282 Aphrodite's Child Singles + 2 Cd 16,83 Nld Br Mu Bs 81402 Pop 15.05.2003 8712089814028 313631 Apocalyptica Cult Cd 9,78 Nld Mercu 5429842 Hm. 28.09.2000 0731454298421 209237 Arcade Fire Funeral Cd 16,98 Nld Cyc Cycle 026 Roc 17.02.2005 5050159821921 J06782 Arcade Fire Suburbs Cd 21,08 Nld Univ 06025 2742629 Roc 29.07.2010 0602527426297 G56099 Archie Bronson Outfit Coconut -Cd+Dvd- 2 Cd 11,05 Nld Domin Wigcdx 223 Roc 04.03.2010 5034202022336 789020 Argent Encore Cd 11,05 Nld Bgo Bgocd 588 Roc 08.09.2003 5017261205889 G52314 Armatrading, Joan This Charming Life Cd 16,92 Nld Hy.Te Hyp 10272 Pop 05.03.2010 4011586102725 G90162 Arnalds, Olof Innundir Skinni Cd 16,92 Nld 1 Lit Tplpcd 1065 Pop 13.09.2010 5016958130824 Art.Id Artist Title Units Media Price € Orderinfo Origin StatuscodeLabel Prefix Suffix Genre Release Eancode G13486 Arnalds, Olof Vid Og Vid Cd 16,92 Nld 1 Lit Tplpcd 959cd Pop 16.11.2009 5016958116422 C04433 Arrested Development Since the Last Time Cd 3,40 Nld Edel Ere 0174492 Hip 14.09.2006 4029758744925 F02293 Arthemesia Alpha Omega Alpha.. Cd 16,58 Nld Spine Naula 104 Stm 04.03.2009 0602517726796 549591 Asgaroth Red Shift -Digi- Cd 8,48 Nld Peace Viled 104 Roc 21.06.2004 0801056710420 E98115 Ashanti Vault Cd 9,95 Nld Edel Ere 0194732 Rbh 26.02.2009 4029758947326 677472 Ashley, Steve Test of Time Cd 15,05 Nld M.Squ Msmcd 102 Fol 23.07.1999 5019148620082 A44344 Ashton, Gwyn Prohibition Cd 16,92 Nld Dixie Dfgcd 8603 Blu 13.02.2006 3448969291027 G68907 Astley, Rick Whenever You Need.. 2 Cd 14,45 Nld Edsel Edsd 2078 Pop 19.04.2010 0740155207830 641818 At the Drive-In Acrobatic Tenement Cd 5,53 Nld V2 Vvr 1030302 Roc 04.11.2004 5033197303024 641824 At the Drive-In In/Casino/Out Cd 9,95 Nld V2 Vvr 1030272 Roc 04.11.2004 5033197302720 763026 At the Gates Terminal Spirit Disease Cd 8,48 Nld Peace Viled 47 Stm 28.10.2003 0801056704726 027815 At the Gates With Fear I Kiss. Cd 8,48 Nld Peace Viled 97 Stm 21.07.2003 0801056709721 J25451 Atlantean Kodex Golden Bough Cd 17,94 Nld Crusu Cruz 47 Hm. 30.09.2010 8032622210477 151539 Atomic Rooster Atomic Rooster Cd 10,88 Eu Sanct Pop 03.03.2008 5050159186822 D31303 Atreyu Lead Sails Paper Anchor Cd 20,83 Nld Roadr Rr 79572 Hm. 23.08.2007 0016861795726 G54736 Audio Bullys Higher Than the Eiffel Cd 18,62 Nld Co.Vi Bullyc 1 Tec 25.03.2010 0711297830125 G70293 Auf Der Maur, Melissa Out of Our Minds Cd 11,22 Nld Roadr Rr 77762 Roc 01.04.2010 0016861777623 G70300 Auf Der Maur, Melissa Out of Our Minds -Digi- Cd 21,76 Nld Roadr Rr 77765 Roc 01.04.2010 0016861777654 J44709 August Burns Red Messengers Cd 12,75 Nld Eatsl Hoffcd 118 Roc 15.11.2010 5060246120264 J44706 August Burns Red Thrill Seekers Cd 12,75 Nld Eatsl Hoffcd 117 Roc 15.11.2010 5060246120288 F51356 Autokratz Animal Cd 16,92 Nld Kitsu Cda 022 Hou 18.06.2009 0602527061672 929944 Autopsy Mental Funeral -Digi- Cd 8,48 Nld Peace Viled 25 Hm.
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