
3ep?a C --u- - ""jsSS cif

Rev. E. EL TJurnam will preach Lexington, this promising youngsire A Cars for Lame Back. THE CLIMAX. in the Baptist church on Sunday will be sold, to tho highest bidder, "My daughter, when recovering from next, January 31st To invito the when the trot- breeders of high class an attact of fever,-- was a great sufferer public in the usual stereotyped phrase ting horses will WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1897. have an opportunity from pain in the hack hips,", writes to hear Mr. Bmnara is insufficient. to procure a and full brother of tho great Loudeu Grover, of Sardis, KyJ' A Iterat- True he needs nothing more than tho Shadeland Onward. mero announcement. But everyone ing quite a number of remedies without VZfsviiorscvzvi'V w w w'WWSxa) any benefit she tried one bottle of Cham- should hear this scholarly gentle- Verdict For $tt)0. The merchant who fails to adver- berlain's Pain Balm, and it has given man, this spotless christian, The United States Court Frank- m this at entire relief." Chamberlain's Pain Balm tise in the Clivax stands as much man whose gentle lifo Is a sermon fort, on Wednesday last, in tho suit is also a certaiu cure for rheumatism. aJnne-Bugin- a within itself. of Claude Lyter vs. Elec- j Frankfort show of success as Sold by W G. White. 31 3 STAB"'' 'W When you pick up a twenty-fiv- e tric Railway Company, awarded the furnace with a paper shirt on. cent piece on the street you pat your- plaintiff $400 damages for injuries A thief has succeeded in stealing about A self on the back and 6ay. "lucky received while riding on the com- 100 qeese in and around Mt.Sterliug. XE ()MSM!M' ZfZJ pany's cars. Mr. dog." You think more of that quar- Lyter, who is the I1T OLDEN TIMES -- ter than you do of largo eldest son of Mr. J. C. Lyter, of this . Additional local news on the dollar People overlooked the importance of per- Ik our first reposes place, had accepted a position as papre. that beside it in your pocket. Gladness Comes manently beneficial effects and were sat- It's human nature, and yet you electrician of the Frankfort city rail- a better understanding of the e. im HJAv.rrgraKafcajkJt3 S isfied with transient action; but now that DEEP! T. Linvell been way and was "learning tho transient nature of the many phys- J. has appointed doubt when we tell you that notonly road" at it is generally known that Syrup of Figs pustmastor at Terrill. quartcrs the time of the accident The car ical ills, which vanish before proper ef- but dollars are to be picked fortsgentle efforts pleasant efforts will permanently overcome habitual JPvs up was running at highspeed, in charge rightly Thr Republicans of all over our store'any time of day. directed. There is comfort in constiptation, well-inform- people will Estill county of, the knowledge, so many, forms of 1. The prices on everything are so low the motorman, when turning a that wh old their primary March 12th. sickness are not due to any actual dis- not buy other laxatives, which act for a The .corner The Mr. Knife threw Reached it Lyter that the goods whisper to you of headlong ease, but simply to a constipated condi- time, but finally injure the system. Monday's temperature was the to the street. He was in- money saved. Covington & Mitch- internally tion of the system, which the pleasant 31 34 oldest of the season, from 2 above ell. jured, perhaps permanently, and family laxative. Syrup of Figs, prompt- to 2 below zero. orougnc ly removes. That is why it is the only A brass hand has been organized among suit against the company remeuy wun Court Hews. $5,000. minions oi tamiiies, andis the priroueibiu the county jril at Bowl- Very for Mr. Core. My I,ytcr claims that residence and of land it everywhere esteemed so highly by all Grc-i- . Hearts Circuit Court will continue through ing for rent "West Main street, Richmond. this particular corner there was no who value good health. Its beneficial next 'week. But little except equity 'guard as effects are due to the fact, that it is the indi-- v C II. PIGG. rail," is the custom, and Pors.iswho are troubled with business has been trantacted. So one remedy which promotes internal far that the accident was attributable to cleanliness without debilitating the Mi a witl be interested in the ex-- f ormer Recognized. A nice new line of only one jury S. rices ladies' muslin trial, R. Rice vs. Taylor this mechanical defect in the road. organs on which it acts. It is therefore lence of Wm. Penn, chief clerk in i M and cambric underwear for sale at Rice for malicious prosecution. After two The company feared much greater all important, in order to get its bene- me railway mail service at Des Moines, Ga9fi9Q&8Q3O98OeOOe039e9OaCttSOOttS9ttS9aett9 ficial effects, to note when pur- Miss Tempie Oldham's. days consideration jury failed to agree. damages would be j'ou Iowa, who writes: gives pleasure assessed, and is chase, that you have the genuine arti-.cl- e, "It me a A $10,00J addition is to be built Notice to Teachers. jubilant over what they term a vic- which is manufactured by the Cali- to testify to the merits ef Chamberlain's to tory. It was the last case on tho fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea liemedy. Jackson Institute. Thirty new all reputable druggists. docket and may have suffered some For two years have suffered from indi- students entered last week. We are prepared lo pay to teachers of If in the enjoyment of good health, I thereby. Mr. Lyter is an industrious and the system "is regular, laxatives or gestion, and am subject to frequent se- We have rot some storm over- the public tchools one half of the last young not Cut In Two. man, but his onco robust other remedies are then needed. If vere attacks of pain in the stomach and Half coats loft and are oilerlnp- - month's, salary, which is now pa't due. afflicted any disease, ti i them at health has been impaired by this with actual one bowels. One or two doses of this reme- bargains. Covington & We have no promise when the remain- may be commended to the most skillful Mitchell. accident and he may never be strong dy fails to give perfect relief. der will be paid. physicians, but if in need of a laxative, never Mrs. John Throckmorton, wife of again. one should have the best, and with the Price 25 aud 50 cents; sold by W. G. Mks A. T. Million, well-inform- everywhere, Syrup of the well known K. C. White, Richmond, Ky. 31-- 31 The Cut Price Ever conductor, It s. C. i. Figs stands highest, and is most largely Greatest Clearance Sale died bust week, aged about 35 years MARRIED. used and gives most general satisfaction. Laurippe isepedemic in many counties, Instituted in Richmond is Now on at ...... "Tobacco Sold. -- If you want a heavy winter suit and its ravages are becoming alarming. M. Simpsos-Tusse- y. Mr. F. Aibuckle, of near Silver Mr. i j h K.O rwm i .r un n h h s 5 B IMf 1 m ! S fa come to ns. We've got it, and they El a The progressive ladies of Westfield, vr Finn o ! i 3 I I Creek, went to Louisville last Tues- Simpson and Miss Adelene Tussey S a YJ ooaa U oo 1 !P ill IIIIB are so cheap. Covington & Mitchell. Ind., issued a "Woman's Edition" of the a W sceogrtP Vm oessB E3 EJ ssss I I I II I day with twelve hogsheads of white were married at Kirksville Wednes- essectts Bffi tk lag( yf &3 K ia Xeirs, bearing of April 3, CO a 5i MsrB B a ssssla Hgssss 1 IIIIR r Thomas Turpin, of county, hurley tobacco which o Westfield date w a oooo II Etill netted him day. u n u ; ; j ; a EJ H gi 1 has purchased ;i farm near Red cents. 1890. The paper is filled with matter of I iiES""ii i lli9BMill Flktcheh-Hux- t. Mr. J o n a s !!lr House, and will remove to it shortly. Mr. Wade Walker also sold a quan- rouse the liver, cure bilious-- WZSj interest to women, and we notice the Fletcher and Miss Katie Hunt were ness, headache, dfcztness, W aHAg 8 tS following from a correspondent, which Mr. Cal Rurgin, of White Hall, tity at less money, and said that he married at the sour stomach, constitution, II B' bride's residence, ITlce 25 the editors printed, realizing that it treats i . saw good tobacco selling at $1 to etc cents. Sold by nil drucElsts. recovering from a serious illnes-Mr- near Union City, Wednesday, Janu- The only ttlls to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. upon a matter of vital importance to their Basil Hackett, near by, is very $1.25. ary 20th. It is a big thing to say but nevertheless sex: "The best remedy for croup, colds Thousand of Dollars E&,S.H sick. Winchester Court. Hislk-Richakds- ox. WT. to Mr. J. true, that a great multitudeof people have and bronchitis that I have beeen able to this Great Cnt Price Clearance Sale make room for our Spring purchases, some of which Rales fc McElwalne have sold J. A. Ramsey, auctioneer, reports Hisle, of this county, and Miss Ma- crowned Simmons Liver Regulator, the find is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. are coming in daily. ltha their fine gelding, "0. K.," to Jack about o00 cattle on the market Smooth Richardson, of Clark county, "King of Liver Medicines." There is For family use it has no equal. I gladly Spradley, of Petersburg, Virginia, 1000-l- h. steers brought SJc. 900-l- weremarried at the bride's home, nothing like it for Malaria, Rheumatism, recommend it." 25 and 50 cent bottles for fGOO. smooth steers, S3 CO; Common to fair Wednesday, January 20th. Chills and Fever, Constiptation, Bilious- for sale by W. G. White, Richmond, Ky. 1200-lb- ., oxen, 3Jc.;gool heifers ,'Jr, Tkumiso-Jacoij- s. , 31-3- 4 Miss Tempie Oldham has for sale 2J to Mr. A. L. Trum-bo- ness, Sick Headache, Indigestion and all All b. W 1200-l- e Have in Cloaks Are light heifers, good bulls, 3c ; follows: a :iic new lino of ladies' muslin and 2; of Bath county, and Miss Lou troubles arising from a sluguioh or dis- Tho local option in Crittendon county left as best fat cows, 0c; common cows, 2;C. cambric underwear. Millinery in Jacobs, of Irvine, were married at eased liver Simmons Liver Regulator is may he knocked out the next term of A few Oiks lot of .f 0 and $7 Jackets, pood styles, will be closed at $2.9S. buiuhes of hogs brought oc. The the bride's residence Thursday. The therprevention and cure for ail- Circuit Court. si'aon. these Onci lot of $12.50, demand was fair and nearly all offerings happy couple, accompanied by ments. $14.50 and $10.50 plain cloth and Astican Silk lined Jackets will be closed at the It Foley's Honey and Tar 98 Charles Qilmore, jailed for .steal- sold. bride's niece. Miss Kate McAfee, left $5 choice. In Leslie county, Jake Henslev is re- ing meat from Dr. Martin, was given immediately for Owingsville, where Cough Syrup wherever introduced is We have a lot of long Jackets, ood material, former price $6, $8.50, $10 and 12.50, we will Dr. Colson In Texas. ported to mor- $! bail, but skipped. His mother they will reside. have killed Lee Gross and considered the most pleasant and effec- close this lot at one price for choice 2.50. v as on his bond. Dr. H. G. Colson, formerly post- tally wounded Win Gross. tive remedy for all throat ami lung com- We have have only 8 10 Cai.dwkiiI.-Tod- d. or Elegant Plush Capes left, the former price was $10, 12.50 and master Middlesboro, and son-in-la- w Miss at Julia Neuralgia is the prayer of the nerves plaints. It is the only prominent cough 15. you can buy them now atone price to close, 5.98 for choice. Hon. J. S. Owsley, Sr. found the of Mr. Jas. Howard Boggs, lately Todd, daughter, of Mr. Frank Todd, - for blood. medicine that contains no opiates and niuli- market at Atlanta o glutted and known as one of Sis- pure Hood's Sarsaparilla is tho of this county, but now of Jessa- the "Twin that can safely be given to children. car-loa- ds One True Blood Purifierand nerve build- that he took his two to mine, an ters,"' was quietly married Wednes- is applicant for collector of er. 31 34 Virth Carolina. Stanford Journal. customs at Eagle Pass, says the day evening at her home on the It A flying timber killed Jas- - Pike, who Deputy herilf Gordon Dudley ar- Devil's River Xews, rionora. Texas. Irvine pike, three miles east of this Mark Twain, the author, is said to be to Mr. was w oi king at a Eaw mill in Hardin rested Win. Challis, a;;ed IS, for foniing The warmth with which he is en- city, A. B. Galdwell, a farmer Penniless in London. One lot of 5 Overcoats for men will he clo3cd at 2.9S. One lot of Long Black Ulster Over- of Green couutv. ri-e- y Lake's name on a check. Challis dorsed by the people lead us to con- county, Rev. J. K. Smith, coats, 7.50 be closed 4.50. Overcoats will be closed 1 I Thin or gray bald heads, so former price will at The Boy's at 75c, and pastor of the hair and failed to give $250 bond and is in jail to clude that Dr. Colson will easily win First Presbyterian displeasing to many people as marks of 1,50 each, former price from 1.50 to 3.50 a piece. Salt-Rheu- m 12czema. A church, officiating. Tetter, and auait tiial. As his brother David G. Colson, is age. may be averted for a long time by A Congressman our The intense itching and smarting inci- The revival at the Christian from Bloody using Hall's Hair Renewer. It dent to these diseases is instantly allayed Eleventh, he will have a good pull BIRTHS. by church by Elder Lloyd, of ?C ashville, In a Fight with Indians five Mexican applying Chamberlain's Eye and on the plum. Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases i attracting good crowds, consider-in- ;, Hutchison. To the wife of W. Soldiers were killed and twelve of the have been permanently cured by it. It Oti'3 lot of nice 10-- 4 Blankets will be closed at 45c a pair, former price 98cc. "We have just the weather. Continue about Richmond Band Reorganized. Hutchinson, a girl. IJed men slaughtered. is equally efficient for itching piles and closed for one of the largest Blanket Mills in the United States a lot of very fine 114 and two weeks. a favorite remedy for sore nipples; 2-- leor-ganfze- d 1 4 all wool AVe have shown as nice season, The Richmond Band has been Two persons were frozen to death at chapped hands, chilblains, frost biten Blankets. not anything this they are worth Sixteen lots hi the Dillingham Addi- with Mr. Robert Mitchell, of DEATHS. Chicago. and chronic sore eyes, 23 cts. per box. 7.50 and 9.50 per pair, Ave will close them iu this sale at 3.4S and 4.25 per pair a3 long as tion were sold Monday by Real Estate Irouton, Ohio, as director, and will susceptible C3 they last. Children are more to Br. Cady's Condition Agf-n-t ti. W. Evans for Louisville par- now be known as The Richmond Mili- Powders, are New by. Jesse Xewby, aued 7.'5, died cold than grown folks and theirconstitu-tion- s just what a horse neetb when in bad ties. The went G24, tary Band. The organization is com- entire lot for tlie on Saturday at Xewby and buried in will not permit of quinine or other condition. Tonic, blood purifier and best price posed of twenty beiiij:$7o members, and Million burying ground. radical treatment. Dr. Pell's Pine Tar vermifuge. They are not food but "5TOTT ZLTZEIBjD L. ATIIbTTIElIK "DIEBIBSS under the management of Prof. Mitchell, medicine and the best in use to put a TP Honey is not only absolutely harmless The suit of Charles F. AVhite's we will soon have excellent musicians. Hunsox. Miss Nancy Hudson horse in prime condition. Price 25 !Now is tho time to buy it as the prices are cut half in two. Remnants of all kinds will be given out died but is pleasant to the taste and never cents per package cutor vs. Xpderland Insurance Prof. Davis, also of Ironton Ohio, a pro- at the home of her father, Uriah at a satisfactory price, there will he no lagging back waiting for better prices, it will be a rush to get fails to cure or stop a cold. It Company for $10,000 will be tried fessional with the claiionet, is associated Hudson, near Bear Wallow, Sunday Alex Robbins, of Breckeiiridge count-- , them, lirst come Hrst served will be our motto. u t night, of consumption, month in the U. S. District with the hand. AV. T. Tevis is Presi- aged eighteen. Three iucindiary fires were reported together with tree of his children, all Court at Louisville. dent, II. R. Tevis, Secretary, and Clyde Bai.lai:i Jas. A. Ballard, --ned 75, fiom Oweusboro Moudav. have measles in one room. brother of R. D. Ballard, of Paint Lick, The Midway City Council in a Hart, Treasurer. A'numbcrof fine instru- Ayer's Hair Vigor is certainly a re- Good. Man Gone 7rong. died on Saturday last at White's Station, Another meeting held Tuesday night reduced ments, among which is a quartette of markable preparation and nothing like He failed to use Foley's Kidney Cure - aud was t!u- city taxes from seventy-fiv-e Saxiphones, have been received, and al- buried Sunday in the Richmond Js to it has ever been produced. o matter how for his kidney complaint. 31 34 Get In The Wugon9 cemetery. Band fifty cents on the huundred dollars ready the music is of a high order. wiry aid unmanageable the hair may he, and passed Calloway. The Leich Bros. sold inter- the procession, Don't miss the good things, others will get them." a curfew law. "He Gives Thrice Who Gives Quickly." John Calloway, a under the. inflluence of this incompara- ha'e their i"0rTollov Union est in the Paduach Register to I. T. Wil-liel- first-clas- veteran, died at his home ble dressing, it becomes soft, silky, and Oh, yes. The Cliic-V- x is a s, Half a hundred personal friends mani- v-,- y near Berea Thursday morning, aged pliable to comb m paper, with the largest circu- fested well wishes for asso- the and brush. It their the new sixty years. He had been in feeble We iave 2,500 yds of beautiful Satieens worth 15c. a yd. that will close in this sale at lation in Madison county; L costs ciate editor of the Cum v by subscribing Two Lumber men were killed by a fal- Ezposnro to Disease for 6 c. a yd. beautifulcomfo as as only $1.25 per in health several years. these make rts well dresses. annum advance for the paper within the past two weeks, . ling tree in the Michigan torrests. Does not necessarily mean the contrac- Now is Gai-- Rodney Gaines died near th time, etc.', etc. not to mention the several hundred dol- tion of diseases'provided the system is in lars worth of College Hill, Wednesday, after a Congressman Kendall has the promise n new advertisements that a vigorous condition, with the blood pure 75 and UK) miles of road brief illness of pneumonia, aged forty of early action in the House on the bill were sent iu by other well wisheis, who and all the organs in healthy action. CP ha been offered almost free of years. Deceased was a good citizen granting a pension of ?50 per month to doubtless are now gratified to know that When in such a condition contagion is lnli!3i)iiiil3IjiilBf c!iar'(' to the Woodford court which and a brother of Miss Joe Harris, of the widow of Gen. Green Clay Smith. illlra tmi their ads. are circulated ainoni; more readily resisted and the disease germs to is taking steps to free the pikes by passed readers than ever befoie in Madison this 'county. Buried near Waco It has already theJSenate. satisfactory arrangement, by lease Thursday. can find no lodgment. Hood's Sarsap- NOTHING RESERVED. Men's Heavy Kip Boots, full stock, former price 2 and 2.50, will be or county. Read Ayer's Almanac, which your arilla is th best medicine to build up the closed at ?1. 50. Men's good Boots, former price 1.50 and 1.75 per pair will be closed at 100. purchase. Wilmoke. The death of The following letter is selected from popular John druggist will gladly hand you, and note system 3-- because it makes pure, rich blood, One Jot of Ladies-- ' Oi! Grain Front Lace Shoes, sizes 8 wil! be closed at 75c. these goods sold at After visiting this city la.st week unny received : The w riter is known to Wilmore, the Kirksville merchant, on the wonderful curesof rheumatism, catar- and pure blood is the basis of good health. Y S1.25. One lot of Ladies' Oil Grain Button and Lace Shoes, worth 1.25, will be closed at 85. Y Mr. Joe Waters writes to the Stan- Sunday last, was a shock to the commu- most of the older citizens of Madison rh, scofula, dyspepsia, eczema, debility, In cold weather it is especially necessary Children') Shoes and Men's Heavy Shoes will be closed at prices to suit you, come and get them. ford Journal: 'Thliveliestso-calle- d though he will not thank us for making nity. His death had been expected for humors, and sores, by the us? of Ayer's to keep up the health tone because the corpse a week, so that was ever .interred him their contemporary. Theieis not a serious were thecomplications Sarsaparilla, the only Sarsaparilla admit? body is subject to greater exposure and in memory's cemetery is that of free younger man of his age in 15oyle county : of his ailments Burial yt&terday in ted at the World's Fair. It more liable to disease. Hood's Sarsapar- in Madison." Ky., 1897. this city. He leaves many relatives and sler Danville, Jan. 22. Congressman George, of Mississippi, is illa is the safeguard of health. 31 31 Mr. Clarence E. Wood : friends to mourn his loss. He was an Thi' College Mixup," .six male and dying in Washington. upright citi7e'i, a friend de- Thos. Raybura was crushed to ren-- My Deak Fkiknd. I have received true and a death Etc. four female characters, will be d Pants, Suits, several "sample" copies of the Climax voted brother and son. The "Wltoo Story bv a falling treein Greenup county. red shortly by locnl talent, as will One lot of Men's Imported Corduroy Pants will be clod at 1.48 worth 2.50. inan-a-.-ine- nt through you, for which please accept inv Of the great sales attained and great cures h'o the "Mikado," under the Sam Jones Coming. S. F. Fritz, of G77 Sedgwick street, thanks. I icadily understand your rea- accomplished by Hood's Sarsaparilla is One lot of Men's Lined Jeans Pants will be closed at 48c. per pair. of Miss Pattie and Mr. For almost twelve months parties Chicago, says: "I had a severe cough son for sending them, and hereby en- quickly told. purifies and enriches the One lot of Men's Fleeced Lined Ribbed Undershirts, satin front, pearl buttons, extra heavy, Thomas. have been endeavoring to secure It which settled on my lungs. I tried a close you a check for So for the paper blood, tones the stomach and gives flat seam and cable sewed will be closed at 29c. each. Th attention of the city fathers Sam. P. Jones to deliver a humorous number of advertisers remedies and also subscription to run np till full value of strength and vigor. Diseases cannot en- One lot of Men's Black Chiviot Suits, former price 5, will be closed at 2.9S. is lepectfully called to the condi- lecture in Richmond, but he has placed myseli under treatment of Feveral the same is received. I ara glad you the system fortified by rich, red tion of the pavement in front of the been booked ahead and not a date ter the physicians, with nobenefit. I was recom- have concluded to remain in Richmond blood which comes by taking Hood's ( nietery. In damp weather it is as could be secured. At last, however, mended to try Foley's Honey and Tar S C and use your pen for her b st interestb. Sarsaparilla. One lot of Children's Union Suits all sizes will be placed on the counter at 29c. a suit, we sold muddy as the street, and the street he has one open date, Monday, Feb- With litUe expectation of greeting relief, It would he a great calamity .f you were these goods all season at 50 and Goc. a snit. aJtuig there is a regular bog ruary loth, when ho will lecture in I purchased a bottle. I had taken but few allowed to leave there. "Long ii..iVaoii cure neusea, sick head- A lot of Ladies' Ribbed Pants worth 39 and 50c. per pair will be closed at 17c. per pair. this city at the Court House and ev- need's Pilis doses when I felt greatly improved; I W. H. Thompson, agent of the and the Climax live and prosper." ache, indigestion, billiousness. eST"All vsK Wij sell a Double Kneed Seamless Black Hose for children, all sizes, for 10c. a pair. erybody in the county should hear was enable to sleep, spitting of blood K.(". It. R. at Falmouth, died la.'t We have a very nourishing school this druggist. 25c. It We sell Ladies' Black Hose, 5c. a pair. him as it may be the lust opportu- ceased, and by the the time I had taken Wednesday. He was agent at Rich- session. Whenever you can, come and "We have a lot of Fine Seamless Ladies' Grey Hose (nits and lice pattern) to close, at 7c. pair. nity. W. II. Braunon's grocery, at Owens-boi- o, the second bottle I was entirely well. It mond, succeeding Jamos MeKiuney, through buildintss of Ken- look the the 31-3- 18S8 Rev. Sam Jones is one of the most was entered by burglars Sunday saved my life., 1 but resigned about and was suc- for Deaf see how ,5-- 1 tucky School the and men $18.77. ceeded by Mr. Frank Carr, nowagent remarkable this century has night and stoten. we teach the childien. Such a visit, I produced. Ho unique, Steven Bishop, Moreheads oldest busi- at Paris. is ho stands Here is a diamond, here a piece of char- am sure, will be quite interesting to you. as one of a class, he occupies a ness man made an assignment last week. Jtich-mon- coal. Both carbon; yel between them 2 The soiind.monoy papers of d Remember me kindly to my numcious sphere not occupied by any other; say that good times are coming friends there. I will be up there next stands the mightiest of magicians-Natur- e. YCS, 'tis true; he has thousands of and-Ta- imitators but The food on your table, and your o;vn Foley's Honey r H0HQN5 as bank stock and farming lands are summer and hope to have a "whole none approach the original. For body; elementally the same; yet between Is the best Cough Medicine. in demand. The truth is the Clijr.vx passel" of iun with the boys at Lake - 1 Ream Good Rote Paper for 10c. We sell a good yard wide Bleach Cotton at 5c, yd. fourteen years hehas interested the 31 34-- 4 i only ltebx. Very yours, the two stands the digestion, the arbiter about the thing in demand. truly Knitting. Silk 5c a spool. .Hope Londale Bleach Cotton 6c. a yard. i American people and had power over life or M. T. Loxg- - of growth or decline, death. l-2- It is on a genuine boom, and that's them which no ordinary man pos The larg8t Turkish Towel made for 10c. 'Green Ticket Londale 6 c. a yard. k'i no "We cannot make a diamond; we cannot idle jest. Trotting Horsemen's Opportunity. our White Clover Leaf Towel for 10c. kMasonville aud of the Loom' Bleach Cot-- k sesses. No evangels'- has enjoyed make flesh, blood and banc. No. But by ' Get Fruit V. LT. on Fri- greater sway over people ! Towel for 5c. ton 7c. a yard. Annual debate at A notice of the death of that great the and mens of the Shaker Digestive Cordial we IE A Large'ice U. hour Chimhles for eacli. 10-- 4 Unbleached day night Subject, Should S. horse, Shadeland Onward, appeared thousands date the of their can enable the stomach to digest food Geniva Aluminum lc. Sheeting 10c. a vard.' Amber-Shel- l &10-- l-2- c. of Courier-Journ- al from Meet- 4 acknowledge the independence in the of January conversion "Sam Jones' which would otherwise ferment and poi- Hairpins 5c. a dozen. Bleach Sheeting (Pepperell)"l6 yd. B. to - IShell Cuba?" Affirmative, J. Norman, 18th, and a more fitting eulogy could ing." He has enemies, be sure; son the system.- In all forms of dyspepsia Madison Counts' Cobkt. Tortoise Hairpins 10c. a box, nice quality. jjTrion Mills AAA Brown Cotton, 5c. a yd: Ab-lo- T. Hood Little; Negative, E. J. tt not have been written on so grand a they curse him, then go and hear and incipient consumption, with weak- T. B. Hackstt on PetitioV. 3 Spools Best Spool Cotton 10c. and J. F. Kennedy. Chairman, horse. His great consist- him speak, and laugh with his The undersigned, J. B. Stoutfer, Assignee of merit ness, loss of flesh, thin blood, nervous T. E. liackett, trill. In pursuanccof a Judgment T. II. Pickels. All invited. ed in producing early and extreme friends. prostration the Cordial is the successful rendered In the above siyled action, on As speaker ho The Sherman (Texas) Register, speed, which will compare favorably a platform ranks remedy. Taken with food it relieves at among Ly-- Jan. 5, contains a notice of the death with the get of any stallion that ever the best, the Southern once. It nourishes, and assists nature, to Tuesday, Feb, 2, 1097, Opened ceum of which We Have of Webber Huls, together with a lived. He is gone anil his loss "will Bureau, Louisville, nourish. A trial bottlo enough to show manages About the of 11 o'clock, a. m., offer for Jut by trotting his lecture business, always hour " poem of considerable merit inscribed be greatly lamented the its merit 10 cents. pnblic auction, to highest bidder, line Goods Per- "50 100 sale, at the And placed on sale the prettiest of Hambergs, Embroideries, Laces, White and horse.. world, and it will be hard to fhas on hands from to applica on the premises about three and one-ha- lf miles to iis memory. As before reported following de- cales ever shown in this city. fill bis place. Ho was valued at tions for dates which they cannot Northeast from Richmond, the in The Climax, deceased was for- Lazsl is the best medicine for children. scribed TRACTOPLAXD: Our 3 1 3c. line of Percales is. a strong one aud they are going out rapidly, they are worth 10 $30,000- fill because he is "booked up," no First, 217JJ acres, being the home tract of 216 merly a resident of place. - .Doctors recommended it iu place of Castor 3 i this open. - acres upon which T, B. Hackett formerly re- and 2c. per yard elsewhere. : Still, it is quite possible that his dates Oil. It sided, excluding the house and improvements A favorable report was made lo younger full lirother, Time Onward, The people of Richmond have a and 28f acres allotted to the said T. B. Hackett Our Fine Cambric Percales are the prettiest thing.ever shown over our counters. Friday on Dink Payton, twentyfour, was struck as a homestead. The tract of 216 acres, exclu- the Senate a bill that has owned by Mr. B. Howard Neale, of treat in store on Monday, February sive of t acres taken out for the railroad, is already passed the House granting a 15th, by an J. C. train at the Wolfpeu Saturday fulljr described in the deed on file in this action, this place, will, in a short time, shed when he will lecture here. and of record in the Clerk's Office of the Madi- pension rate of $12 to night and instantly killed. Gpod Calicoes at 4c. a yard. We have just opened a beautiful line of calicoes of all kinds. at the a month equal bistre upon their renowned FA3I JONES' WITTY PAYIJ.CJS: son County Court, from Jscob Hacket and wife Amanda Woodcock, of this city, to T. B. Hackett: and a full description of the They are as pretty as percales, come and see then. 'sire, Onward, and their noted dam, pitty a man Almost every man in .America has 28,'i acres, which has been allotted to T. B. widow of Robert Woodcock, of the "I married who has Hackett as homestead, and which is excluded Nettie Time, the greatest of brood nothing but a canary bird to pet; some digestive trouble. When ineiimeet, in this sale, is to be found in the Report of Fourth Kentucky Volunteers of the I Commissioners appointed in this action to. mares to die at the age of fourteen. tho greeting usually is, "Well how are - Mexican War. believe in large families." allot said homestead, saia tract wm dc oncr-e- d Oc.r Spring Stock of Carpets, OH Cloths and flattings are being opened up. We haven't Time Onward already has a long you ? That develops health lalk. The in two parcels, and then as a whole. was depart-mcnt.a- na Aa Ag2d Patent. "I born a Democrat, raised a Also a tract of land containing 75JJ and room to iive prices here? hut will guarantee to save you mouey on anything you buy iu this feather in his cap, being the young- man who hasnobowelorstomach trouble acres adjoining the land of I. N. Scudder fully Democrat and remained a Democrat show you-th- e most complete Hue in the city. of Newby, exhibi- est sire (six of any yearling is almost a curiosity. Trouble Is men described in the iudement. beinc the same Dr. J. A. Davis, years) as long as I thought that a Christian take land conveyed by James Parks and Thomas J. ted to us on Monday a fish trap pat- that ever went a mile in 2:21, nocareof themselves- - They eat as though Smith, his trustee, to T. B. Hackett by deed of gentleman could stay in the party. TfrnrA in the Clerk's Office of the Madison ented April 20, T7 presumably 120 which is tho yearling record for Ken- they had copper siomachs and bowels of County a copy of which is filed in this You Republicans needn't giggle; Court, ' Tl lahking you for past, patronagejand hoping that you may avail yourselves of tlie many years ago. is an ingenious .de- tucky. This mark was made by brass. By and by, overworked nature reb- action. " ' It thank God, I never did belong to Terms op Sale The above land will be sold airf good things we are now offering, We are respt., vice having ten sharp curved fingers Time Wood at JJoxihgton las your gang." els. Then come headaches, nervousness, upon a credit of six and twelve months In equal of wire. Whon set these fingers fall in an effort against the 2:20 held bad blood, liveraudkidney troubles. Dr. installments, bearing interest from day of sale. brass Populists are good people. The purchaser will be required to execute to are spread exactly like two human by his full cousin, Belle Acton, "The Pierce's Pleasant Pillels furnish Help for the Trustee bonds for the payment of the pur- They may go to heaven some day, chase money, with approved security, bcariag hands. The bait is attached like an champion yearling of the world. constiptation aud torpid liver, sick and Interest from day of sale, "payable In six and -- w but they'll never go to Wasington.1' twelve months, with interest form day of sale, V W; ? . D. old fashioned rat trap, and is sprung Timewood achievement gives to his billious headache, dizziness, sour stomach a. 5R4iYirf & effect of judgment, OLDHAM Kr having force CO. and the and in the same way catcliing the fish sire, Time Onward, the proud dis- "I believe a woman lias a right to los3 appetite, indigestion, or dyspepsia, and retain lein for the payment of the purchase to ex- money. 'dead to rights." It is also a dry tinction of being the youngest sire of be everything she wants bo, wiudy belching, "JJearlhutD,'1 pain aud Possession will be given upon complying with thereof. land trap and would catch rats, a yearling to reach 2:24 J. cept the father of a family." distress.after eating', andjiindrcderaiigc-uient- s the terms of the sale and confirmation ss;j3 chickens, or most any1 such ''articles On the 2d day of February, in W. Sam Jones lectures'in Richmond of tneliveiSelomache and bowels. J. B.VST0UFFER, & -- of household and kitchen furniture." R. Uraesfleld's Combination, sale, at f Monday night, February 16U. I Accept'po:sebUtue . at , :2 ?;$ T" jp3tze; Xj3lQGmFBMBWKBmBI&r2&W - i VJ-

s. ------. v-- - - - ,. - - fs Mi- 7 f v 'i ii i - i . .1 c i. i i i u i i dU.- m -- t "t ii 1 m &v. ,: ti-- fam prmK.ua.aa i it itti i it n i n ninwin imminiiiiiiin an hiiiStHHHiBHBHHHHlHtitiiti TmnwnrriT iimaii mn iiii n 1 iinimii n nuiiw an hii ias&n