
. V " - . ' . ... The Cheapest and Best Weekly Newspaper at the Low Price of $1 Per Year to Everybody. HE STANDARD. THE STANDARD. , UUJKST PAPER WE DO ALL KINDS OF 'lT,i .- jsn::n in concord- TANDARD. job -- ,s MOKE HEADING INwoek:THE ; THAN ANY OTHER M.vrrr VOL. TIL NO. NEATEST JllAJYJVEB IN THIS SECTION. 42. CONCOKD, N. C. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1890. WHOLE NO. 155. AND AT THE LOWEST BATES. II B VEST. A KANSAS HL.VTIIF.RSKITE. THE ODELL RESIDENCE. AT HOME. DR. PRITCHARD try to do pos- - STATE NOTES. better. Probably 300, THE LIME-KIL- N ur to an echo, CLEB. If, on the map of the world three The "Reuben Painting Ci Ilea lbly 400 professed conversion, many i i !i to a song, Rink" and Crowell and His Bride at Their On Rev. Sam Jones His Criticisms, one town : a Way-o- O Lincolnton Courier : Bishop Ly- "When i',)h; up with sweetness, is dead town where Iecoratinsc Company North Caro- Home He Writes About Etc., Etc. of whom were from the country. the janitor arrived at the blight and dry rot has entered and lina Talent lloes Handsome Most Cold man confirmed 18 persons at . tlu ir's who come along. It too for Them. Tne indications now are while the hall Saturday afternoon to niako eaten : a town tilled with Work on North that neiiurers Carolina Below we give some clippings three times as many people attended Episcopal church here last Sunday ready for the meeting he :r m to the morning, and law breakers: a town ueonled WoodThe Company Se- MOLINO found that DBL CARCAEANA, 1 a week, and 10 others in Rev. W. R. bear-tra- p ,,. in.'ining to high noon, with liars and ecalawaas cenerallv lected Palnta, Paper, from Dr. Pritchard's criticism on tms meeting as tnat oi Mr. rearson, the guarding the second ',. Province de Santa Fe, Argentine Wetmore's charge. , ,'iiu' to a completeness, that place is Topeka, the capital of ChOHe Ienig-- and not more than one third as many landing had been sprung. I Sam Jones, as published in Charity Looking , Republic, S. A., 8, iiiui.s to vour tune. iioutn stricken and ruacrue haunted Neleeted Furni- Sept 1890. joined the churches. Salisbury Watchman : The Pied- about him, he found a shoe-hee- l, a ture. Editor Standard : and Children. Dr. Pritchard is Kansas And while the toughs and Public opinion is greatly divided mont Alliance and Industrial Union Eiece of steel watch chain, a vest SPOILED. s, men who run holes in I gave you an acconnt of our trip pretty severe and half a plug of tobacco, H W lllll.ltlM' Alte in his criticisms, but here as to bam Jones. Many good Fair has been postponed until the the wall aud conduct boot leg sa The W. It. Odell house is now oc- from Concord to Rio Janeiro. I and he had no trouble in arriving at he seems to be sincere. He speaks people would not hear him at all 18th, 19th and 20th of November. the conclusion ' loons.are notoriously free from what cupied. Wednesday night was the now give you the remainder of the that another attempt o.u--v iiiorgli to spoil a child. hundreds went This postponement was I: honest men call the truth, they first. The whole family rested well, to Uarcarana. highly of the work Mr. Pearson did once and got enough found neces the frurteenth had been made to "art is demanded. Only speak live trip and never went again. Many de sary owing to the managers not be destroy Paradise Hall. He No it and net it aud it when and Mr. Odell declares that the roof We arrived at Rio on the 25th of in Wilmington. Of course, while raised r t'..ur things are requisite to compared to the miserable, lying nounce him and his methods, while ing able to get everything m read no alarm, however, and said not a thre1 is a good one. The Standard has no August, just one day too late to this is Dr. Pritchard's opinion, there word :e the work. Make all the beetle browed bmt who presides over others denounce those who would iness for the 21st of this mouth. until Brother Gardner arrived. i.,,;T' object in writing about this hand- catch the boat for Buenos Ayres ; so are thousands who are 6trong believ- The result of their whispered con- w;i!t on him and fly at his the destinies of the battered wreck not work. They are getting warm known as the Topeka Capital. This some and magniGcent house other we had to stop hve days there wait ers in Sam Jones. Durham Sun: Faithful old Wade versation was that, after the meet- - :; 1. liim learn never to go on both sides, and bit of impertinence and mendacity than to show what North Carolina ing for the next steamer. On After a few preparatory remarks the prospect now Hampton, the dog that belonged to ing had been opened in due form, ,i;:!ik. but always have it the town the President looked up has recently taken occasion to spew wood will do, what North Carolina the 30th we took the steamer Patosa and an admission of Jones' natural is that the whole will be set by the children of W. E. Foster, was and down ; hi in: at tea years of age some of his falsehood over the state : the ears over Sam Jones. the hall and queried: house builders can do, and what of the Pacific Steam Navigation ability. Dr. Pritchard remarks laid to rest yesterday afternoon at 4 Clingstone MiLvt tie his shoestrings; let of North Carolina- - Were it not for That such a state "Air Brudder Davis North Carolina young men can do Company, for Buenos Avrea, To call him a great man would be of strife should o'clock ia a plain but neat coffin. present tonight?" auntie because she will the fact that the miserable editor of and exist in a community immediatelv had sent some n painting and decorating. To see landed at the latter place on the 5th to revolutionize my conception of 4.bout twenty-tw- o of his little "He am," answered a voice, and a sugar-plu- He will that wretched sheet after a great religious iun of his priutod lies into this state, the building, and especially its inte-- of September, being on the road human greatness. There may have meeting has friends in the neighborhood attended the brother arose ;ir:i that the house is hi? closed argues papers claiming any connection with lor one, not even a cranky kickei, from New York 38 days (quite been great men with an egotism as that there has been the burial and placed flowers in his "You will step dis way. Now, .,iid he is will a Berious Brudder Davis, hold up your heels." to rule it. lie or respect lor decency wouiu not cannot keep back the throhs of a long stupendous as his, but there never wrong, wrong, somewhere, comn and upon his grave. manhood one of those dignify who slanders pride trip for a honeymoon). We "Wswhat fur, saM" j. into the scoundrel in his state, ins s was one iu which this quality was and this wrong I lay upon the pul- obeis-i,- Union-No- rth otate timber and had quite rough weather from Rio Monroe Cor. "Kase I want to see 'em." that demand l the greatest state m the transparent Certainly, in all pit manners of Sam Jones that is Charlotte Chronicle : Carolina by noticing his will- his State's fellow men. to Monte Viclar, just enough to the Today while Jack Houston, Clingstone reluctantly exposed the s, t viee. and with the theon calender of saints history shows the only issue I make with him and colored, soles of Bhoes. ful prevarications. But the whelp We hope Mr. Odell will pardon us make all hands seasick again. not was a wagon his broad Ono of e world is his oyster, which, his friends. It i3 not a matter of driving load oi cotton them had a new heel. stiii..s together such palpable false- for a short description of this his W e at Monte V one whose was so he will proceed to open. stopped the ichir across the C. C. road at the depot an "Brudder Davis, was you rift, hoods, and then tries to magnify earthly home. one colossal. taste it iuvolves issues far graver what him, buy him by day, visited the city, the capital question engine ran against it, Knocking tne Join' when you lootod dtifc oIa heel?" i'i'c.s not spoil them into truth saying that at wood work The truth is, th man is badly-spoile- than that it is'a of morals. - The was done under of the Republic or Uruguay. This hind wheels to pieces asked the president. : it is exhilarating and en.arg- one time he rode through this state, Sam Jones said we had no issues and throwing the hawk-ey- e of that master work is quite a nice city of about 12,000 his great success and the in "Fell down, sah." ani-.- V and saw tumbled down villages, the bale of cotton some distance. a man to own such an unstinted adulation he has received Wilmington that stagnation was "Didn't fall into de bar-tra- p, did school aud tarscoat-e- d man and contractor, A. II. Propst. population. horseback ride shakes deserted houses the next station to damnation with Fortunately the driver and team you?" farmers who could not read. The This, so far as Cabarrus people are At 8 o clock that night we steam have turned his head. He assumes ! he'p-- the to be him. haye were unhurt, but it is a warning to "Nno, sah." liuT ;,!'. ' mn nasty brat lies in his teeth, lies ii. the role of dictator at times; on one Well, we an issue now ' concerned, is sufficient guarantee for ed out of the harbor and up the people was you on stair- f. is aln ost impossible one distinctly joined as to who crosa when a train is "What doin' de ;s; his throat and lies in the rotton the perfect ioints, true timbers and beautiful Rio de la Platta. In Eng occassion, turning to the preachers the right way?" ,o'i nv.cii 1 ile, an en- - depths of his putrid heart. He and wrong in pulpit manners and coming. :ih too substantial work. lish means the Rivei of Silver. he said: "You fat, lazy rascals! "I dun forgot my pipe, an' cum h off duty. knows, as every sensible man knows. it the probabilities of very Newton Enterprise : Catawba peo- p!oen. or a t teniae Every stick wood, every We why were you not here at the early a considera back to look fur it." as every man must ad of and ran into a sand bar during the "Y-e-- T.ittilate anv man who can and honest ble stir in this community. That ple came out well at the State Fair. s, see. Brudder Davis, We mit, that a corner Jot in any rorth plank grew in Cabarrus county, and night, and was aground for three prayer meeting, trying to save souls, I I i but if a boy this article will not to allay Capt. Reinhardt received about all has got a word or two to say to you. to own a hore: Carolina town is worth more than a was prepared for use by Concord finally got off steam instead of taking your morning nap?" tend the on the hours, bnt and excitement do the premiums on short horn cattle I know you to be lazy, shiftless an' oi.e. he will probably rule it section of land in drouth-burne- d V On another occassion he said : "I I not doubt, but shall ood and Iron Works. Such wood ed into Buenos Ayres at 9 o'clock and a sort o' wicked. I has had my eye .truetion; he will stop at the Kansas, where redmoutbed famine expect to be at the judgment and to not deplore if, after the storm, the gold medal for the fattest cow on you fur y'ar past. Dar . i t i. i. A 1. - as our ash, sycamore, white oak, the next day, or at least as close to a hull .. lie win oei at me is staring in the faces of the sturdy skies are clearer and the water purer. on the grounds. Mr. A. C. Shuford ii for drinks: sweet gum, red birch and pine, is the city as we could, and that was hear the excuses of some of the pas- am no doubt in my mind dat you will he room enough pioneers who were enticed to locate tors 1 was requested by one of the city carried off the first premiums on had some wicked objick in view in There there and who were robbed by the used, and m their natural color. aoout lb miles, we then took a of this city for not helping in nubile for idleness and this editors to give my opinion of the Jerseys, aud there were many com- tryin to git into dis hall. I can't in th uni,. land agents and money sharks before eeverai .normern gentlemen were steam tender and went ashore, and meeting." The intimation so bounce you one ue-- man in his journal, but preferred petitors in the line. Mr. Robert prove it, an' we can't ..Us Wv.kU'i'.i to rule, oi meni they had their goods unpacked, and amazed to know seemed to be that he not only ex- I o" club. am plain 'nuff, that tuch woods after monkeying some three hours to wait Shuford got premiums on his Jack out de It f..j ( n of thetn behind. The who today cannot cet together pected to be at the general judgment, till the meeting had closed, receive , ., grew in North Carolina and in Ca custom house we were at lib howeber, dat you orter a ...... ,,,i money in the to and other stock. Doubtless h'ill iii't i'e s;ro:i ij iuu enough to leave the accursed but to be a sort of associate justice and express my opinions in the other solemn warnin to check you in your muiu state. barrus county. erty to go on our way rejoicing. premiums came to i:i ur the r.:i:ht place. There are with the columns of the journal for which I Catawba but mad career." 15 Home is what we make it. There As vou all know by this time that Almighty in pronouncing "their lives have been ut this is not all. write regularly. these are all we have heard of. "Ize mighty sorry, sah." men who all This detestable sneak attempts to could be much happier homes in Buenos Ayres had a revolution about sentence and would enjoy the con- mid the reason is The boldness with which bam ""Dat's no excuse. Brudder Givea aWii iiiil. make a comparison of KanSHS prod ome house money expend six weeks ago, only a demnation of those of us who did Wilmington Messenger : Capt dam you will pusson lota, if the which lasted Jones denounces sin is greatly ex Jones, take dis that hi boyhood thev sprang astride ucts with those of Jsorth l arolinn. ed was manipulated by some one well few days, but there were lots of lives not see fit to join in his meeting. W. P. Oldham received on yesterday out in de ante-roo- an' gin him a ii.'.-f- c so tolled ; but venture to say car-loa- a and got going fast that He says that Kansas raises more destroyed. Such arrogance would be unbecom I that it the finest d of apples ever series of electric shocks to rouse - up in arrangements and had good lost and property We tbev have never been able t.- stop. corn t the acre than this 6tate. ing in the Apostle Paul, much more takes as much courage to write this shipped to this market from the his moral sentiments. De shocks of ? farmer taste for such. Tn'ere is lots of saw thousands of holes where bul heavy, but it the child be insensible to What it The Kansas in Sam Jones. article as he exhibits in rebuking Piedmont River section of Haywood better be purty as his is a money virtually wasted fit lets and shells had gone through " him, last year raised core aud could not in the wickedness. He comes to a place, hard case-- a'i v.rh ei'orts to spoil try the sell it. He burned it in his stove to ting up and finishing of the mteri buildings and trees. The gunboats county, North Carolina. They came Clinkstone didnt return to the en-- - deals out wholesale abuse for a few j'..m "f iievi-- saying anything warm his hovel and by the light it ors many homes which were lying in the were I was soundly abused and vilified through in bulk by way of the Cape hall after the performances, which of for the lack of river days and is gone. I remain here and to him. If he do wrong. mttde icad anew the notes and mort genuiae taste and experience. ordered to shell the city, and of :n same papers and by private cor- Fear and Yadkin Valley railway, Giveadam Jones said was a great gages, on was must meet consequences my success- - t::ras :;:'.n souiutiy: out ii ne uo the interest wnicu course obeyed orders. respondence for styling Sam Jones the of and strange to say, they came through T .1 life-blo- rossiuiy no house in tne btate is they They sent k- - sapping the very out of utterances, and I know what will "Air Brudder Hardfinish bmith . (p iii reading tne newspaper, it in such excellent condition that there - more or shelld promiscuously over city, a vulgarian and a blackguard. Even his veins- lie had corn one year attractive harmoniously the cost me. Already some of his ad- heah tonight?" asked the president - ni t to see him. There but this year he has none. And decorated in its interior than this killing many innocent people, drop the distinguished son of North Caro- was less than a barrel of rotten ap- after the other case had been dis- cx.xlii-i.- mirers who have been my friends t people who through when the corn is gone, wh t el-- e is ho lina, Dr. John E. Edwards, shot an ples in the entire carload. A large posed of. one. "Blues" couldn't survive there ping into private dwellings and are cool in their manner towards me. producing childish vanity, left the Kansas farmer ? more than 24 hours. tels. One shell fell into a hotel and arrow at me from away over in Vir- proportion of these apples are of the The brother was at the back end ur.rvsponsive to the very best Nothins but his mortgage on I shall be sorry to lose their esteem, "ben Davis" variety, an exceedingly of the hall, a Bhoe off and working Everv room is papered in different rolled under the table, where two ginia. After a fuller acquaintance callous as big as a a.or. u hen a child earns parental which interest is accumulating. The but if delivering my conscience on fine flavored fruit Many of them at a about silver hog cholera sweeps over those prai- figures, painted in different designs strangers were eating, and exploded, with him, I am sorry to say I cannot dollar He got into shape as soon '..i.;-.- -. he have this subject causes me to forfeit their weigh over a pound each. ought to it. If he ries and cleans the pens. The far- and finished in different woods. In wing to atoms seven rooms and withdraw those charges; on the con as possible, his eyes bulging out hxa l give regards, so be it. God has put me at school, him a mer is hungry and his wife and chil-- going from one room the observer killing seven persons. The two at trary, I must add to them one still Wilkesboro Chronicle : There was with excitement, and when he stood "i ere for the defence of his truth and iv or an apple. If he saw a bullv dien are illy clad ; they do not enjoy more serious, that of profanity, acd Red-die- s before the platform the president is introduced to decided changes in the table were torn into such smal I must do my no matter another case of spider bile in :'!av.ground trampling on a life and know none of its comforts. if the utterances I submit below do duty, what said: very Topeka. design, the changes as radical as go bits that they have never been recog it costs. iustitia, mat coelum. River township last week. It "Brudder Smith, understand v. and your son took the In the city of where not make good each of t hose char Fiat I the lying editor makes his home.one ng from one house to another, not nized. The revolutionists were suc I believe that the sentiment of the seems to be an unlucky township in you is foolin' around wid politics a r :':u' throat so tightly that ges, am ready Ijc i a - firm is this fall foreclosing on eigh- - in character, however, but in a sense cessful, and put out the President, l to anued best Christian people of the State this regard. There ha3 been not less good deal- . a little variegated in color. en farms- - These heart variety. Dr. Coleman, and many of the old slanderer of my brethren. than fifteen or twenty cases of spider "No, sah. bundred of will sustain me Nay more I be- - you help a cau i'.'i: yo:;: ky and let him know less and greedy money sharks are capa governors of the provinces. "If you jump on vour i : se Jones bite there within the last few "Didn't run ward The hall of the first lloor is eve that it won't be long before cus las' week?" y 'i to have him the chani- - selling the homes of men who have aae At this time peace supreme you have got a government ob on months. We see in the Index an ac years to keep wolf cious. 1 he walls covered with reigns these verv men who now are angry I went around dar', but I didn t . :. ct the weak". 1'ernaps you labored for the ; love to see a man that poverty; brocade paper, painted in figures in and things look as they did before hand." "I with me will see I have been count of the killing of Hosea Warren run nuflin." w::;'J :::: right a day if you had from the door: battled with independent of rules, etynioh that Bob a pass along by cau worn rags and went hungry to bed a peacock bl ue color : overhead the but business is at a standstill all over stands hting the cause of truth and by Elliott with knife, near "Didn't I dat i: r::ore prupect of reward than grand contrast is tastefully made in the the Republic, and will remain so un ogv, seed ticks, and 'possums skins.' Brady's cross roads, Iredell county. cus an' hear you whoopin fur some- the while shouting for the righteousness. I believe that many body?" that which vou have given him. If, old party and the spoilsmen who use cream color- til the business men see the "Get up on your hind feet." "Shoot They were drinking and fell out prominent of a rich that Methodists agree with me, and I 1 jist once. or. c nan. ::Cement-dav- , he make the robbing them- - Go to Kansas off little mouth", old fool," hollered were ed paper. The happy contrast is government is on a solid footing your "you know that one of the most distin- about some money. They had been "Brudder Smith, I have a word sje-'-i- i. today, outside of the dry land hop-eare- lvt or read the best f?av and the selec- once more. 'you old liar, "yon old d out west and had iust returned a two of advice fur you. De nex,' free-boot- ers still further sustained in guished of the younger preachers of or tr" him nt it. Truth harks, the and pirates Ayres proceeded hound," "vou contemptible puppies," short time since. Elliott is in States-vill- e you whoop any man " money unspect-v- j tion of a carpet, of a terra cotta color From Buenos we lately a pastor time fur white hr.nu-;.-- ho extort from the " that church, popular politics, doan' do fifty cents. atid the more vou use of ii secure themselves with and ?n pattern of small rosettes. oa our journey by rail to Carcarana, "You lousy crdves "whining pigs;" u., proposes jail. in it fur li.v and in Wilmington, at do ten dollars. rr. t! fire-pro- would be j. Doan' it fur less'n If ur daugh'cr at o:' mortgages, hall is carpetted as this, a distance of 230 miles, and arrived "I heard it was likelv I and The upper m early day to publish strictures in "Original it ages." Whoop fur a cull'd candydate fust, s the pal in, j. :id there no money; there is no here on the Cth of September, I arrested for slandering that danina Par is but the walls are papered in drab the Christian Advocate on the pul Columbus, but if you can't find one, den whoop a new there is nothing but a seemed to be Ohio, Oct 21. The piece of music, a r'n, I'matc: and copper colors ; the wood exposed must say that we were glad to get ble club." Damnable manners of Sam Jones. Dr. fur a white man. Doan' walk around ,vi-t- e of desolation and an occa pit House this morning adopted a reso- .r a hlessin?. Dr. Talmage. of a red birch variety. here after our long journey. We quite a favorite with him, as he used on de rim of pollytics. De men i of asses such as edit is Paul lutehead, whom 1 know per" lution as the sense of body that onal drove found the weather still cold, much often. "It you get between me that who do dat ar' mean an' cheap. Go the Toneka Capital. The parlor shows the might of it sonallv to be one of the ablest and no slight or insult was intended on nastin llymen'ot Shrine. too cold us after having so long and the club I will knock the tilling right in to de fullness an' de Kansas never furnished a foot of the decorator's taste. Illuminated for most honored of Methodist minis- the part of the House in the refusal ness of it. Lie, deceive anK cheat. y at 12 o'clock Mr. Taylor in manufacturing a summer, one out of you." "Get up and tell God v.. timber to be used paper is used, with the leading colors inis has been oi ters of Virginia, said of Sam Jones' accept Make yourself so solid dat you will a uiost worthy and excellent noses. Outside of a few river many years. did not approve of Sam Jones of the Speaker to the Govern nui in ivory and gold, and that on the the coldest winters for you reflections on him : "I would rather be a power in de town, an eben if tf ned produced a ton blear-ey- or's message yesterday evening, and .'ii and very popular counties she never ceiling is of a floral design. Add to It has not rained to soak the ground you little ed tool. un, de bigger fish despise you, dey will ; of of any he would love the Lord Jesus Christ a committee to call upon iptious merchant on of coal never a pound ore 1 have got dead wood on appointing not dare show it. As dis club has lar was dug bosom, one this the finest of sycamore wood for five months. shucks, the enough not to wound him in the et. will lead to the altar kind from her these things," meaning by things, the Governor and request that the no pollyticks an' no use for polit- never saw an ounce of cotton or finishings and the harmony in the Will write again soon. house of his friends by such impru sent to House. you cum heah no 1.1 !a ('ay, one of the purest doctrines of grace. "The pastor message again be the icians, needn't tobacco unless it was shipped there, color of the Wilton carpet, you have Yours most truly. the dent and uncharitable remarks about Governor Campbell complied with mo'." and most attach ye maid aud Durham today has more wheels a splendid taste. G. T. Ckowell. that allows his members to sell wins doan' want no pollyticks," t:,- - the picture of ministers. request. "But I that ever auorneu society, is in motion in the wav of manufactu key is not worthy to be the pastor the protested Hardfinish. it The sitting room is finished in message is as follows : v.'T ".Jin.; fortune to know both of riner entemrises than can be found REV. R. I.. ARERXATHY of puppies. called The "But you has got 'em already." Rennaisance paper of a terra cotta of a litter lie Raleigh Booming. : ill e in the entire state where Johs " To the General Assembly "Den Ize gwine to drap 'em. It's contracting parties well and in bed-roo- m some of the most respectable gentle Brown originated and where the and blue colors. The is Writes about Ram Jones A Power In According to that model and vig "You were summoned here to de las' time I eber whoop." and we are therefore cogni Running-- Saw men of Wilmington "Pusillanimous border ruffians still hold undisputed decorat?d in felt paper with pink as Human Form a Bail daily State Chronicle perform plain and imperative duty, "Well, we'll gin you a show. You Z'1'.t of the many radiant virtues and and Peeling Off Hides. pole cats of hell." "Pole cats of orous the a avrav. a prominent color, with a selection special session of several can sot down, but you'd better walk - r.:n j;ialities which emblazon And what of Nor'h Carolina? bell, new style or swearing. edited by hustling Joe Daniels, After a We hain't no room of a carpet to correspond. Just be a brand days, having been unable to agree mighty soft. t ' r.iVLS. as There is not a product of which the The Standard has given Dr.Pritch- - as many as three Globe heah bummers." I hus knowing them hind this room is the nursery. It he used certainly whom the Durham dubbed of iur Jo, we c and we do congratu- - census report takes cognizance but ard's criticism of Rev. Jones, now upon a form of relief for the city Brother Smith had only taken his in and is found is plastered and decorated in oil col times, and of some of our cm "farmer," the City of Oaks is getting inquired Loth aus-- what can be found it here is what Dr. Abernathy has to Cincinnati, some further suggestions seat when the president if upon their bright and I - zens he said that if a buzzard Bhould 't; either on toD or under our soil- ors. there. The Chronicle, in telling how are in order. is recommended Brother Convulsive Jones was in love-l-it In-ga- say of : It ti ius entrance into the lls in favor Jones get scent of them he would fly Hogs aud corn and Senator The dining room is famished some Raleigh horses and bulls cov lieu of the present board of the hall. He was. He was asked be-l.-- vi- man these times, who can that in 'if marriage land, and we constitute the products of decorated designs make "A of straight up half a mile to get away to step to the front, and when he weather is right, and in that call together eight or ten thousand ered themselves with glory, says af public improvements a non partisan that the future will have for Kansas when the one hungry and at the same time from the smell. got there Brother Gardner said: th-- ter this head line, "Score Another board be created, to be appointed by ni all that this earth can give of but this year everything perished people from three or hundred These are sampbs of the elegant "Brudder Jones, I understand senator, he will be feel in a good humor. The Bror for Raleigh :" Mayor, who, as the executive to move to do l"'i I'iri-;p- , excent the and miles aro and, and hold them together the yoa is gwine ober and that every sirjging cade on side walls is painted utterances of bam Jones in the pul '!- laid on the shelf this winter. paper At the recent fair lialeigh bred head of the city government, ought Stait of Ohio?" !'! -' in under the most scorching, sarcastic the radiant current of their Topeka editor ever comes pa pit, and they are by no means the "Yes sah." L.is.-- If the in lemon color, and the overhead horses won all the races for three to be responsible for its boards, and f ,;1 will catch the beau way will once more language against all manner of sins worst things he said. The Messen git you is this again, he per in a rich cream color with floral year olds and under, and these were having himself been elected by the "An when you dar' i' 'i!.. gleaming nt nrp a nsn r(. have a ride through the state but committed by men and women, for ger, one of our city papers, promised gwine to be married?" and fruit designs. the only lialeigh horses in the races people of that city such appoint- in nt beainin3. and How radi it will be on a sharp edged rail, and ten days in succession, is a power in the public stenographic reports Yes, sah." sneeringly The guest room, on second floor, is full and were from the Fairview stock ment would be in conformity to the good well. Wo j!'t.y and brilliantly onward, and the tar of which he human form, not seen on this globe Sam sermons. "Dat is an' shall neaks will be utilized, with some very haudsome. It is the very es of all Jones farm. home rule.' sorry to lose you from active i upon Its pure, rapturous bosom since the days of Jesus Christ On two occasions I asked the ed doctrine of be feathers thrown in. sence of cheerfulness. The decora Now Raleigh scores another vic " Since you assembled, it has been membership in de club, but we shall 'ii'v those full blossomed flowers of man "During his labors in Wilmington, why he had left out some of his good Tne snectacle of a Kansas tion is in bright blue with figures itor tory. In the spring of 1889, Prof. th&t be pleased ober your fortune. . .( v d Sam Jones shook the city like an preached plainly demonstrated although place, among endearment and affectionate abusinz a state as rich as North marsh-melo- n. utterances once when he gwine to a new an of The carpet is of Chamberlain, of the Agricultural no pains or expense have been spared In finUtry whose beautv and whose Carolina in nature's bounty is more earthquake from centre to circum to men only, and once when he had new people, dar' am sartin things of the same color. The other rooms, in and Mechanical College, selected and to send a lobby here to mislead and fragrance will brighten and siveeten sublime than a prostitute prating ference. He ran a buzz saw through 300 ladies before him. His reply you orter observe. hf,r virtue. Durham UlObe. their furnishing, show equally as purchased a tne young Jersey bull intimidate you, nobody in the city of "Doan' wear too much plated "i the miry bogs of trials and the centre of the Cape Fear Club; was as follows: "Doctor, I just Col. Fairbrother lived near vile much skill and taste. ninety calf from Mr. W. G. Upchnrch's Cincinnati could be found for that watch chain. the he scorched and burned the couldn't do My paper goes into re- through which Topeka Capital and ought to know The cornices in the various parts it herd of Jerseys. The young animal purpose other than those having di "Doan' hev too many kinds of '"I'htest stream sometimes we say saloons in the city till the mayor did families where are women and ligion. must the conditions. Hence of the building are frescoed and there was shipped to Bath, New York. personal board, v' n 1 except not have a case of violation of the rect interest in the woto all its sparkling way. amfv to all. riding the cuss color. children. "Doan' attempt to wid n. finished in water Last week the bull was exhibited at This sufficiently proves how low the - u un these renechons then, we nn rail. He mav come here unmo laws to adiust He attacked the parties- may live if he This work was all done by North the largest and best county fair in tnree-dona- r "id to lasted, and he here dens of infamy in the place till their me she was board itself has fallen in the public "Kemember dat a the congenial pair the Carolina stock. It was done by Another lady told the State, and won the first prize as of diamond pin doan' make up for f"!'! eweet holy behaves himself. inmates poured into the meeting, reading estimation. Let the handful eiubrace of that and contract with the "Reuben Rink aloud one of Sam Jones finest on exhibition. wipin' your noee on yer elbow. 11 like the animal schemers who are scuffling in the I1 of reciprocal endearment, where weeping and crying for mercy sermons, when next day 6he heard a de people walk on North Carolina Nynod. Painting and Decorative Company, And so Raleigh bred horses, and dirt before you hoping for some "If de rest of ry note is some sweet echo of C, chastised children. little boy use one of the ugly expres de sidewalk you shouldn't take de liev. T. II. Strohecker, under date of Kernersville i nd Durham, N. infi- - cattle as well, win prizes and premi petty personal gain be overlooked. 1 i: listic raplure, and where every "He peeled all the hide from sions, and when tne child was re middle of de road, eben if it is de of October 8th. 1890, writes: "A The work was done under the man- urns everywhere. And still, now Remember the great body of the safest. gittin' married, Brudder is but an enchanting photo-"-"'- 'i delic dudes and dudines till their proved, he replied "I thought I could In leiucst (has been sent) to the Presi agement of Mr. H. C. Kerner, the orange; and then some empty-pate- d, parrot-- people of Ohio who stand amazed at Jones, doan' expeck your wife to be 'ii of that purified bliss above, flesh was as nude as a pealed say what the preacher said. mat- dent of the North Carolina Synod junior member of the company, and headed scum of m may be enacted here week, an angel. Doan' emagine dat - up the scenes last ''h ''.- angels sip the sumptuous and he blowed atheism with the rimony all love an' no heavy bread. signed by liev. Wright G. Campbell who is only 25 years of age. This gospel logic, heard trying to belittle his capital wlin rad with disgust that notori is I'agi-o- God's own perfected love. dynamite of truth and An ungodly man said to me a few Be boss of de cabin, but doan' be a T. II. Strohecker, Kev. Hedrick and company has made for itself city. - ous lobbyists sat in the hall of legis !;. Wilson Mirror. the fragmentary particles filled the days "We wicked men can m Tt tyrant. Cultivate de impression dat others, for an extra special session of National reputation, and is known since: openly directing the votes and heap, us what air thick as thistle downs upon learn of cuss words the Strong at Eighty. lation you know a but doan' git de s'tinc one please tell Bynod to consider a proposition to as "Reuben Rink" all over the coun plenty from speeches of the members, and who .dea dat your wite is an idiot tl. t did means. hat summer evening's breeze." Devil without going to the pulpit to Mr. Van R. Easterling, of Lenoir sentence If withdraw from the United Synod of try. All the fine wgus painted for are fast learning to despise all whose "Doan' start in at de top. You is ';"'pl- - reads survives, be new oaths." Another man county, was in town a few days ago the above and the South, on account of its extreme Blackwell s Tobacco Manufacturing She Got Even With Him taught object is honest government and a pore man, an' you has got to make tu'-i- in fr;ir on is who sometimes swears said to me visiting his daughter, Mrs. O. P. your way. is better to hev five need be entertained position in regard to the four points. Comnanv over the Southern States One who lives near the railroad home rule. It ;i' " Hit (if mirv liners nf trials by tramps. yesterday "If I wanted to curse a man Humber. He is about 81 years old bushels of taters in de cellar dan a and for refusing to call any minister is work of this company. Mr, sure to be visited The before is to lookin'-glas- the man his age. " The plain duty you seben-fo-ot s in de parl- appointments, etc. or elect to ad editor's wife is charitable, but she blue. 1 wouldn't want any stronger and is a remarkable for or employ any missionary, Kerner will have no trouble home to Grif ton, permit no deviation from the path or- Laziness eats up de flour, Sam Jones uses." "Pu He walked from his red-kiver- any or any mission vertiae his work it does it for itself. has an eye on business. A tramp words than no specious cen- while industry puts a ed TrilloiiH professor, help good, a of four miles, took the marked out Let Nernioiin. four-pointer- freight day sillanimous pole cats of hell is distance except s. The Standard wishes Mr. and Mrs. trot off a train one last sures or charges be permitted. Do lounge in de parlor. Extravagance i'"iibth'ss some misread the exam-'-" times cars there and came to Greenville. of jar, "The people are awake, and with Odell and their interesting little week and begged for food. He had We have certainly fallen in evil not swerve a hair's breadth from scrapes de bottom de butter of the fathers. In the olden more a day when our children aud wicked men It was the first time he ever was on while economy puts nuff money in hold their money from church en family many years in their new and eaten nothing for than your purpose to wipe out the board you tj1'"', when opportunities to hear the been hard worked holding learn new profanity from the pulpit, a train. When he went to return de bank to carry frew a case of terprises, and many prefer the un elegant home. and had and eventually submit the whole small-po- You kin now be seated, 'fip"l wi-r- few, it became the min-'"- '- never two laws pro home he took the train here after altered Augsburg Confession, plain to his hiding place under the car. God made oi question to the people. an' de meetin' will be purceed to to follow St. Stephen's example, Sam and one dark and said he was going to walk and unadulterated, without human Tha Augusta Chronicle comments The good woman saw a chance to fanity one for Jones, " From this time on any and all suspend payment an' go home." ;.d dt elate at once all the oracles creature a double kindness ror other people, home that night from Grifton even De troit Free Press. ,Jf additions, and prefer to preserve the on the fact that becretary rroctor, do the propositions other than this are (i'jil. Hence the fathers some-ti'iK- -s if the train did get there late. Few old North Carolina Synod intact in who declined to lower the flag on and not lose money. She gave him meant for partisan advantage only. Will Rain Them. preached for three hours. MEETIXG. men are so well preserved and can general church work, without obli the War Department when Jefferson water, soap and a towel. The rich THE RESULTS OF THE There is no middle ground. To At a meeting of the N. C. Agri- J''it "pportunitics nosr are as fre-'!- l" no will enable take such walks at this advanced age. gations to four points being requir Davis died, did so on the death of dirt he left on the lot paid for his I have data that delay longer is a confession of inca- cultural Society at Raleigh, Dr. nt as then rare. Hence the need me with certainty on this Greenville Reflector. ed." Lutheran Observer. Gen. Belknap, who was a convicted meal. Hickory Press. to speak pacity ; refuse passage of the Benbow, L. B. B. P. Keinhart f long sermons has disappeared. so many to the Holt bribe-take- principle of point I do not suppose r. Being a convicted bribe That is on tie "cur John S. Morrill, of Vermont is bill is a confession of infidelity. and R. B. Caldwell, were constituted esiern .North Carolina Methodist. rviner horse is half of the feed.' people ever attended a meeting in Mount Holly News : We have taker did not lower a man's standing a oldest Senator and the oldest " James E. Campbell." a committee to petition the legisla it tramp must have been an idiot North Carolina before. Fifteen the 'I'iiK Office can from a reliable source that the talk-- e much in the estimation of the men That man in the Senate. He ia 81 years " Governor of Ohio." ture for a dog law. Greensboro Standard Job the idea of going to an editor's hundred persons give him the hand vm out anything in the way fine 1 of spoke and handle factory, for who run the Republican party. old. Executive Chamber, Oct, 21, 1890. North State. of house for food. which simply meant that they would f printing. Mt. Holly, is an assured tact. Wilmington fctar.