Ingar K. Haaland

Last updated: June 1, 2021 Personal Data

Place and Date of Birth: , | June 23, 1990 Work address: Fosswinckels gate 14 | 5007, | Norway Phone: +47 984 20 415 email: [email protected] Web page: Employment and affiliations

June 2021 – present Associate Professor (tenure track) Department of Economics, University of Bergen

June 2019 – May 2021 Postdoctoral Research Fellow Department of Economics, University of Bergen Parental leave March–June 2020

2020 Affiliated researcher, FAIR–The Choice Lab at NHH 2019 Affiliate Member, CESifo Research Network Education

Aug 2014 - June 2019 Ph.D. in Economics NHH Norwegian School of Economics Department of Economics Main supervisor: Prof Alexander W. Cappelen Dissertation title: Essays on Beliefs and Political Behavior Dissertation committee: Profs Eliana La Ferrara, Jo Thori Lind, and Katrine V. Løken Fields of specialization: Behavioral economics, political economy, public economics

Aug 2016 - May 2017 Visiting Student Researcher University of California, Berkeley Department of Economics Host: Prof Shachar Kariv

Aug 2012 - Jun 2014 Master of Science in Economics and Business Administration NHH Norwegian School of Economics

Aug 2009 - Jun 2012 Bachelor of Science in Economics and Business Administration NHH Norwegian School of Economics Publications

“Labor Market Concerns and Support for Immigration” (with Christopher Roth). Journal of Public Economics 191 (2020): 104256. “Beliefs About Racial Discrimination and Support for Pro-Black Policies” (with Christopher Roth). Forthcoming, The Review of Economics and Statistics. “Designing Information Provision Experiments” (with Christopher Roth and Johannes Wohl- fart). Forthcoming, Journal of Economic Literature. Working papers

“Disguising Prejudice: Popular Rationales as Excuses for Intolerant Expression” (with Leonardo Bursztyn, Aakaash Rao, and Christopher Roth). “The Demand for Fact-Checking” (with Felix Chopra and Christopher Roth). “Do People Value for More Informative News?” (with Felix Chopra and Christopher Roth). “Beliefs about Behavioral Responses to Taxation” (with Alexander W. Cappelen and Bertil Tungodden). “Fraud Concerns and Support for Economic Relief Programs” (With Andreas Olden) Grants

2020 BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grants (with Christopher Roth) (12,000 USD) 2019 Russell Sage Foundation’s Small Awards Program in Behavioral Economics (with Christopher Roth) for the project “Media Bias and the Demand for News” (7,500 USD) 2017 Russell Sage Foundation’s Small Awards Program in Behavioral Economics (with Christopher Roth) for the project “Beliefs about Racial Discrimination” (7,500 USD) 2017 Time-sharing Experiments for the Social Sciences (TESS) Grant for the project “Beliefs about Racial Discrimination” (with Christopher Roth). Workshop Attendance

2018 Russell Sage Foundation Summer Institute in Behavioral Economics 2017 briq Summer School in Behavioral Economics, University of Bonn 2016 Spring School in Behavioral Economics, Rady School of Management 2016 Winter School on Inequality and Social Welfare Theory, University of Verona Referee

Journals: American Economic Review, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Journal of Public Economics, Management Science, Labour Economics, Journal of Human Resources, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Social Choice and Welfare, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization Grants: Time-sharing Experiments for the Social Sciences Teaching experience

Spring 2020/21 Regulation and Policy (bachelor course, 10 ECTS, University of Bergen) Bachelor course in the political economy.

Fall 2020/2021 Incentives, Policy and Behavior (bachelor course, 5 ECTS, University of Bergen) Introductory course for bachelor students in economics.

Spring 2021 Political Economy (bachelor course, 10 ECTS, University of Bergen) Advanced bachelor course in political economy. Academic presentations

2021 Meeting of the Norwegian Association for Economists Department of Economics, NHH Norwegian School of Economics 2020 Department of Economics, BI Business School DIGSSCORE seminar, University of Bergen Faculty seminar, Department of Economics at NTNU 2019 IEB Workshop on Political Economy, Barcelona CESifo Area Conference on Behavioural Economics 2018 4th Early Career Behavioral Economics Conference, Bergen Faculty seminar, Department of Economics, University of Bergen GATE-LAB seminar, University of Lyon ESOP seminar, University of 2nd workshop in Advances in Political Economy and Public Economics, Munich 2018 European Winter Meeting, Econometric Society, Naples Understanding Policy Preferences Using Experimental Methods, Mannheim CEBI, University of Copenhagen 2017 Postdoctoral & DPhil Research Workshop, University of Oxford Lofoten 68◦North Conference Rady School Research Seminar, University of California, San Diego Faculty seminar, Department of Economics at NTNU Norwegian Centre of Taxation (Fall Conference), NHH 2017 North-American ESA Conference 2016 Meeting of the Norwegian Association for Economists Eleventh Doctorate Winter School on Inequality and Social Welfare Theory 2015 Fagkonferansen i bedriftsøkonomiske emner (FIBE) NFB Research School Conference The Choice Lab PhD workshop in behavioral and experimental economics Boards and Committees

2020 Organizational committee, Annual Meeting of the Norwegian Association of Economists 2020 Board member, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Bergen 2020 Board member, Department of Economics, University of Bergen 2020 Program committee for the BSc program in political economy, University of Bergen References

Prof. Alexander W. Cappelen Prof. Bertil Tungodden NHH Norwegian School of Economics NHH Norwegian School of Economics Department of Economics Department of Economics Helleveien 30, 5045 Bergen, Norway Helleveien 30, 5045 Bergen, Norway B [email protected] B [email protected]

Prof. Eliana La Ferrara Prof. Björn Bartling Bocconi University University of Zurich Department of Economics Department of Economics Via Roentgen 1, 20136 Milano, Italy Blümlisalpstrasse 1, 8006 Zurich, Switzerland B [email protected] B [email protected]