Environment and Settlement: Ørland 600 BC – AD 1250

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Environment and Settlement: Ørland 600 BC – AD 1250 Environment Ingrid Ystgaard (red.) Ystgaard Ingrid and Settlement: Ørland 600 BC – AD 1250 During the Late Bronze Age, the Iron Age and early medieval period (c. 600 BC–AD 1250) settlement at Vik in the Ørland peninsula emerged, flourished, vanished and emerged ARCHAEOLOGICAL EXCAVATIONS AT VIK, anew. Local landscape and vegetation development, cross-regional cultural developments and global climatic events were of great significance to the farmer-fisher communities at ØRLAND MAIN AIR BASE Vik throughout these periods. In this book, results from the 2014–2016 archaeological excavations at Ørland main air base have been refined and developed. The 13 papers deal with landscape, vegetation Ingrid Ystgaard (red.) and environmental aspects related to the excavated settlement, as well as the spatial and social organization of the built environment. Building traditions, disposal practices, the form and representation of everyday objects, subsistence and landscape use are central to ØRLAND 600 BC AND SETTLEMENT: ENVIRONMENT the discussions. – AD 1250 ISBN 978-82-02-66483-1 www.cda.no NORDI C O P E N A CCESS S CHOL ARLY P U B LIS H I N G Human Environment_HARDCOVER.indd All Pages 29.11.2019 08:37:33 ENVIRONMENT AND SETTLEMENT: ØRLAND 600 BC - AD 1250 Archaeological excavations at Vik, Ørland main air base Ingrid Ystgaard (ed.) © 2019 Ingrid Ystgaard, Magnar Mojaren Gran, Ulf Fransson, Anders Romundset, Thomas R. Lakeman, Anette Overland, Kari Loe Hjelle, Johan Linderholm, Richard Macphail, Philip Buckland, Sofi Östman, Samuel Eriksson, Jan-Erik Wallin, Roger Engelmark, Aina M. Heen-Pettersen, Astrid B. Lorentzen, Marte Mokkelbost, Jan Storå, Marieke Ivarsson-Aalders, Grete Irene Solvold, Ellen Wijgård Randerz, Ellen Grav Ellingsen and Raymond Sauvage. This work is protected under the provisions of the Norwegian Copyright Act (Act No. 2 of May 12, 1961, relating to Copyright in Literary, Scientific and Artistic Works) and published Open Access under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). This license allows third parties to freely share, copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format as well as adapt, remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, including commercial purposes, provided the work is appropriately credited to the author(s), including a link to the license, and changes, if any, are thoroughly indicated. Attribution can be provided in any reasonable manner, however, in no way that suggests the author(s) endorse(s) the third party or the third party’s use of the work. Third parties are prohibited from applying legal terms or technological measures that restrict others from doing anything permitted under the terms of the license. Note that the license may not provide all of the permissions necessary for an intended reuse; other rights, for example publicity, privacy, or moral rights, may limit third party use of the material. This book is made possible with support from the Norwegian Defense Estate Agency and the Departement of Archaeology and Cultural History at NTNU University Museum. ISBN print edition: 978-82-02-66483-1 ISBN web-PDF: 978-82-02-59531-9 DOI: https://doi.org/10.23865/noasp.89 This book is a peer-reviewed anthology. Typesetting and cover design: Have a book List of photographers, photos before each chapter: FORSVARSBYGG Magnar Mojaren Gran: Preface, chapter 2, 3, 4, 5, 11. NORWEGIAN DEFENCE ESTATES AGENCY Åge Hojem: Chapter 1, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13. Ingrid Ystgaard: Chapter 6 Marte Mokkelbost: Chapter 8 Front cover photo: Åge Hojem Cappelen Damm Akademisk/NOASP [email protected] CONTENTS Ingrid Ystgaard PREFACE 9 Ingrid Ystgaard | Magnar Mojaren Gran | Ulf Fransson ENVIRONMENT AND SETTLEMENT AT VIK, ØRLAND: A PHASE FRAMEWORK 23 Anders Romundset | Thomas R. Lakeman SHORELINE DISPLACEMENT AT ØRLAND SINCE 6000 CAL. YR BP 51 Anette Overland | Kari Loe Hjelle VEGETATION DEVELOPMENT AT ØRLAND, AND IN THE REGION, FROM 260 BC TO THE PRESENT 69 Johan Linderholm | Richard Macphail | Philip Buckland | Sofi Östman | Samuel Eriksson | Jan-Erik Wallin | Roger Engelmark ØRLANDET IRON AGE SETTLEMENT PATTERN DEVELOPMENT: GEOARCHAEOLOGY (GEOCHEMISTRY AND SOIL MICROMORPHOLOGY) AND PLANT MACROFOSSILS 107 Ulf Fransson PRE-ROMAN IRON AGE HOUSES AT VIK: AN ANALYSIS OF CONSTRUCTION, FUNCTION AND SOCIAL SIGNIFICANCE 135 Aina m. Heen-Pettersen | Astrid B. Lorentzen ROMAN IRON AGE AND MIGRATION PERIOD BUILDING TRADITIONS AND SETTLEMENT ORGANISATION AT VIK, ØRLAND 167 Marte Mokkelbost ROMAN PERIOD WASTE DEPOSITS AT ØRLAND, NORWAY 195 Jan Storå | Marieke Ivarsson-Aalders | Ingrid Ystgaard UTILIZATION OF ANIMAL RESOURCES IN ROMAN IRON AGE VIK: ZOOARCHAEOLOGY AT ØRLAND 233 Environment and settlement | contents Grete Irene Solvold THE POTTERY AT VIK IN THE EARLY IRON AGE 261 Ulf Fransson A FARMSTEAD FROM THE LATE VIKING AGE AND EARLY MEDIEVAL PERIOD. HOUSE CONSTRUCTIONS AND SOCIAL STATUS AT VIK, ØRLAND 323 Ellen Wijgård Randerz A SHOE, A TROUGH AND A TINY BOAT: A STUDY OF EVERYDAY OBJECTS FROM THE MEDIEVAL FARM VIK, ØRLAND, CENTRAL NORWAY 353 Ingrid Ystgaard SPATIAL ORGANIZATION OF FARMSTEADS AT IRON AGE AND EARLY MEDIEVAL VIK (C. 400 BC – AD 1250) 373 Ellen Grav Ellingsen | Raymond Sauvage THE NORTHERN SCANDINAVIAN VIKING HALL: A CASE STUDY FROM VIKLEM IN ØRLAND, NORWAY 399 6 Ingrid Ystgaard Department of Archaeology and Cultural History, NTNU University Museum Department of Historical Studies, Norwegian University of Technology and Science [email protected] Preface ØRLAND AND VIK: occupation and ritual activities (Henriksen 2014:157). GEOGRAPHY AND ARCHAEOLOGY Bronze axes have been found in Astrått, Hovde and Ørland is a flat, low-lying peninsula, situated on the Storfosna (Henriksen 2014:172, Berglund & Solem Norwegian coast, at the mouth of the Trondheim 2017:209). A birch bark vessel containing so-called fjord (Figure 1). The name of the peninsula means the bog butter, dating to the transition between the land of the flat, wide tidal zone (Schøning 1979:283). Bronze Age and the pre-Roman Iron Age, was The Trondheim fjord reaches far inland, and connects found in Røstad (Henriksen 2014:157). Across the the important sea route along the Norwegian coast peninsula, there are several Iron Age burials. The to one of Norway’s main agricultural regions on the burials tend to be particularly well preserved. Iron eastern shores of the Trondheim fjord. Records of Age burials contain both weaponry and jewellery. several harbours in the outer Trondheim fjord area They also often contain preserved remains of the show the region’s significance in communications deceased, as a result of the calcareous, shell-sand and trade in ancient and historical times (Henriksen soils (Herje 1984:4, Stuedal 1998). There are several 1997:102-108, Sognnes 2005:188-189, Berglund & recorded and preserved large burial mounds with Solem 2017). The coastal region in central Norway is a diameter of more than 20m (Figure 2, Forseth very rich in marine resources and has a long history & Foosnæs 2017, cf. Ringstad 1987, Berglund & of fisheries (Elvestad 1998). The landscape in the Solem 2017). There has also been found payment coastal region is less well suited for crop cultivation, gold at Røstad near Austrått (Berglund & Solem but the fertile Ørland peninsula with its marine 2017:209). A number of settlement sites from the sediments constitutes an exception (Herje 1984:4, Iron Age and medieval periods have been exca- Berger 2001:33-34). Due to the strategic significance vated in recent years (Grønnesby 1999, Birgisdottir of its geographical position, and to the rich marine & Rullestad 2010, Mokkelbost & Sauvage 2014, and agricultural resources, the outer Trondheim fjord Sauvage & Mokkelbost 2016, Eidshaug & Sauvage area in general and Ørland in particular have a very 2016, Ellingsen & Sauvage Ch. 13). There are records rich archaeological record (Berglund & Solem 2017, of at least three medieval churches that no longer Figure 2). In the eastern, higher lying parts of the exist (Brendalsmo 2001:291-293). Two medieval peninsula there are several traces of Bronze Age churches are still standing at Viklem and Austråt, 9 Environment and settlement | Ingrid Ystgaard Figure 1. The location of the excavated area at Vik. Illustration: Magnar Mojaren Gran, NTNU University Museum. the latter forming part of a 16-17th century manor to a large, shallow bay which covered large parts complex (Andersen & Bratberg 2011:66). The of what is today dry land. The flat profile of the number of preserved Iron Age burials, large burial land, combined with the land upheaval after the mounds, medieval churches, and large-scale Iron last Ice Age, has caused profound changes to the Age settlement sites excavated in Ørland places it landscape since Ørland rose from the sea in the among the areas in central Norway with the high- last part of the Bronze Age and right up to today. est densities of Iron Age and medieval remains (cf. Archaeological remains reveal that Vik had a cen- Forseth & Foosnæs 2017). tral and strategic position in Ørland during the Today, Vik lies on on a marked, dry ridge, c. 11m Early Iron Age (for the Norwegian chronological above sea level, in the central parts of the Ørland scheme see Table 1). A number of graves have peninsula. However, the name of Vik together with been excavated along the ridge at Vik, and one of the shape of today’s landscape reveal that in earlier Ørland’s medieval churches was situated at Vik times, Vik (meaning bay) was indeed situated next (Brendalsmo 2001:293). 10 Preface Figure 2. Large burial mounds, Iron Age graves and medieval churches in Ørland. The stone churches at Austrått and Viklem are still standing. Illustration: Magnar Mojaren Gran, NTNU University Museum. Bronze Age EXTENSION OF ØRLAND MAIN AIR Early Bronze Age 1700 – 1100 BC STATION. SURVEY AND EXCAVATION Late Bronze Age 1100 – 500 BC In World War II, during the German occupation Early Iron Age of Norway (AD 1940 – 1945), the German occu- Pre-Roman Iron Age 500 – 1 BC pational forces established an airfield in the central Early Roman Iron Age AD 1 – 200 parts of Ørland.
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