1 our votes and influence from every man, without distinc- - TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 16, ISM. 7 For the Daily State Sentinel. WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 17, 1832. From the New York Tribune. - u r , r at .k.ll UklB STATE SENTINEL. lion OI party lor auj "iiiuo wuairu'i, wuu uan puwuvij To the People of Marion County. Oregon and Emigration Thither. cndorsed?or applaud the conduct uf Louis Koasath," or n I ET" We shall not permit the Sentinel" to make any Fellow-Citizek- s: Feeling greatly indebted to you i Marion Connty. A correspondent desires some facts in relation to Or- - inimical promotion "whose object we believe to be to the n 1 false issues with us. Indiana Journal. for your very liberal to me in my pursuits in i elpc of tili hp nrw-i- egotl. He Wishes to knOW what the country and Catholic patronage Tli tnrs rmintv will tn rnl BROWN, Editor of the interests of our church ." Unite "the j WILLIAM J. The above is ar- private life, from the day I settled amongst you, the 10th wliat are the advantages and disadvantages ol emigra- citizens of every county in the State, in order that they paragraph the commencement of an for Senator, at the April election, in place of X. Mc-- in i.f October. 1823, and Weins sensible that whatever i tion thither. It Is a larr snhit-- i I l"..r which a have may render effectual aid to tbeir most holy religion." ticle the Indiana Journal that contain? more misrep Democratic-Committe- e : standing 1 have acquired in public estimation, is owin; Carty, resigned. The meet on but small space, and can only otter a lew statements CimK aa fk nlain nnnrta" marWoii nnr for "Overv resentations of we have ever before in - . - . ! tact, than seen to the generou confidence reposed in by yon, for Saturday, to take into consideration the propriety very concisely and id order. i t wnot. i aneu c r J nie next .HO DAY MORNING, MARCH 16, 1852. irisnman in mis country, aas icr reiuge unuci the same number of lines in which I I have those feelings of gratitude which that or any other paper, and tru?t of selecting a candidate lor this office. We hope every ,r 'o 7 , vn.oa. ew. wide wings of the American eagle. If any - i f the spread man would have; j about 330.000 snunre mi It AiviAmA ,v t mrr this is even- right minded and tight hearted l r .L- - !ii I n be discovered in saying a great deal. aiu-nuauc- ' Americanism, or Republicanism can and trust I may further safely rely upon yoar approba- - memuci oi tue committee win ue in ranges of mountains parallel with the Pacific shore,' into Democratic State Ticket. is by more visions than we in such sentiments, it astota The Journal, that article, boldly charges Governor t n iu the course I now, after mature delilieration. feel three belts or sections. The first, or H estern Oregon, would be thought of th Presbyterian, possess. What Wright with advocating " an alliance with England to it my duty to pursue. In 1819, by your suffrages, I was Senatorial l'.U tiou. is from 100 to 150 miles in breadth, and contains 45,000 VOB G)V KB NOR , church this country, Methodist, Baptist, or other u placed in the State Senate. I have served the length ol be by the notice, in column., of square miles, of which only an eighth is fit for cultiva- and placed prevent, by physical farce, any interference on the part It will seen another the JOSEPH A. WRIGHT, of Parke County. when religians of all kinds are tolertted time commonly allotted to one term of service in that tion. Its climate is not especially favorable te agricul- an equality, if their clergy, their elders, deacon., of Russia, in any future struggle between Austria and Sheriff ot this county, that the election for Senator to BOB L1ELTIN , upon body. The last session of my term, not yet finishes, ture; the mean temperatura is 54 degrees Fahrenheit. class-leader- s, should enter the political arena, and fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Hon. County. or Hungary." Gov. Wright took no such position; and has been greatly lengthened by circumstances unneces- It has rather a rainy season than a winter, and in the ASHBKL P. WILLARD, of Floyd strive to force the election of candidates holding their the Editor well knew he did not, when he penned the sary here to explain. Whilst engaged in your service N. McCarty, will be held on the first Monday in April year 14H at Oregon City, 45 deg. 20 mm. north, the FOB SECRETARY OF STATE, Deculiar ecclesiastical or theological views? But worse ' tnree-quarter- in the Senate I have not presumed to be or tried to be a the dav upon which the township elections not more tnan s ol an inch thick during charge. Against such wilful facts is next are wf 1 HAYDEN, of Rush County. would be thought ol them were they to perversion of it I ha tiMnlAf . Tki...... 11 ol J .( r KEHEMIAH than all, what leader, but have endeavored to aid in carrying out every- .... vbav w iibws ins ir"imi i.is won will in i tu Liif" riYrfs the politics of a foreign country held. FOE AUDITOR OF STATE, thus strive to connect useless to contend. He charges the Editor of this paper. thing I deemed best for the public interest and in pre- are rich in fish ; there is some coal and lead good flax is had fled as an asylum from JOHN P. DUNN, of Parry County. to which they oppression h paraxon, with savins that " äs venting everything deemed otherwise. I (eel conscious grown . and near the base of the mountains grain flour- peculiar religious judgement oi an. with thoir . views the of having endeavored to be faithful and my only regret Cheering Signs from Louisiana. ishes finely and the grazing is admirable. In this sec- FOE T RE A SURER OF STATE, - - , h n sot thev would WM o tr American bayonets gleaming along the wild is that I have not been able io bring to more the the Louisiana tion lies the valley of the Willamette, a tributary stream ELIJAH NEWLAND, of Washington County. civil' political privileges. ot maul Mr. Le Sere, Editor of Courier, forieit all claim to or It is cataracts the Danube." This charge Defrees copied ability in the discharge of my duty. Fidelity is all that of the Columbia, which is the most beautiful and fertile JUDGES OF THE SUPREME COURT, with the free institu- - ' speaking of the couditioo of the Democratic party in TOR such unwarrantable interference from the qaiMical effusions of Timothy Tugmutton. a I promised. Whether 1 h:tve fulfilled that promise or tract in Oregon. The second section, between the WILLIAM Z. STUART, of Crss County, of this country, such bold and daring attempts to , 7 tions weU for not is submitted to your judgment. that State, says: mountain ranges, is of equable temperature, and the har- DAVIDSON, of Decatur County, in to the politics of this coun- - known wr"er tn Locomotive, whose eflorts are ANDREW array the church opposition It is scarcely necessary for me to being to your notice of Louisiana is divided so far vest is ripe in June. Its soil is a light sandy loam in PERKINS, of Marion County, the occasion of tho formation in known to consist in tarniog every thing into ridicule that "The democratic press SAMUEL E. try, which have been the fact, publicly known, that the late Whig State Con- as personal preferences for the Presidency are concern the valleys rich alluvium, and barren on the hills. Tbe ADDISON L. ROACHE, of Parke County. many of our kastern cities, oi the. Native American i in our city. The gleaming of M American third between the second a .a m . I a a . . . transpires vention placed my name on their ticket as a candidate ed, but is thoroughly united in the determination to sup section, range and the Rock .Let out cnurou oi mis n FOB REPORTER OF THE SUPREME COURT, party. the uatnonc rraiesiani of his 1'ertile iraagi- - for tho most responsible trust known to our State. It is nominee, choice fall on mountains, is a broken and bare country, almost unex recommended above, and it bayonets" was the result and poetic port the national whether the County country assume the position Bnr-hana- -- GRACE E. CARTER, of Montgomery alike due to you and myself to state that, whilst I trust Cnss. Douglas, or anv other of our eminent pi red. 1 he settlements are, ol course., in W est Ore- - wiuld be learlul to imujrine tne result, ine perpetuity nation, and if Defrees follows in the wake of this, it will I properly appreciate the confidence indicated by that demo- - j gon, and the agricultural activity centers 'be valley of 0E CLERK OF THE SUPEEME C0UET, - statesmen. The same spirit pervades the whole in ol our institution, wie ireeuoni oi iuo nmm, auu pti- i prove an ignut wui lanu Dim in a B. BEACH, of Boone County. jaiuus that quaumire nomination, it was the spontaneous act of that Conven- cratic party of this State. We every day enexwnter i theWillamette. WILLIAM vilege to worship God according to the dictates of every y Columbia is ere hfl of j, wher0 he can hjs - eJe tion as unexpected to me three days before it took place pre-emine- nt The the chief river of the region, tho INSTBUCTION, - awar6 j j r- friends who warmly press upon us 'the SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC man's conscience, might demand a revolution more san- r body of which is by rR as it was unsought. It was, however, tendered under claims of their favorite, but they uniformly express the j formed the union of two large County. any ever preceded it. mcnt undisturbed. WM C LARRABEE, of Putnam gu.nary than that circumstances that I believe my constituents of every utmost confidence and respect for the other candidates streams, at about 300 mile, from tho sea. Its general Religionists, whether Roman Catholic or Protestant, The next paragraph charges the Sentinel with de-hav- e is and is party will say I but acted the part of duty in accepting. designated ; and the conviction that with either of them course South East. It navigable for 120 miles to do, with the mission of Kossuth, with j nothing noUncing the doctrines of Washington's Farewell Ad- - I now ask and desire of you that yon will add another victory is certain. This is cheering. Let our friends from tbe mouth for vessels of twelve feet draft. Tbe Democratic Electoral Ticket. .. , , , me revoiui.onary rns xiu..-- I drM Th. r.llers of thft S.,ntinel Innw .hi. to h ..n. to the many obligations under which you have placed in other States arrange their difficulties in the same ' entrance of the Columbia is impracticable for two thirds or m c suaur oo turceu itics ol tne state nation, am iu I ; of the yoar. But within the AT LARGE, me, by approbating the step feel called upon to take spirit, and be persuaded that here, in Louisiana, the stmit, of Juan de Fuca, STATE ; opinion we have formed of the emigrants tirely untrue, and exhibits a depravity hard to be real- change the in resigning into your hands, as I now do, the trust re- good old cause is In our long connection with I Puget's sound, are noble harbors for the largest of Tippecanoe Count I secure. uPn , from the Green Isle, if they have not sufficient independ- ised in any one but a Whig Editor. north-wester- n . posed in me as vonr Senator. Such a measure is indis politics we have never know a more thoroughly . vessels. This sound is in the corner of JAMES H. LANE, of Dearborn County a with indignation such partv ence of will and to spur Cali-tor- y aciin. The Editor says he has never changed any of his pensable to enable me to arrange my business affairs so united, and more resolutely intent on victory on a vie- - J country, andhere will be the great rivals of the DISTRICT LECTORS, ! an attempt tn commit sacrilege upon "our Holy Relig- - le views on this question (meaning, we suppose, his views as, with any comfort, to give a portion of tnv time and not for the spoils of successful battle; not for the fornia ports and the depots of Pacific Commerce, BENJ. R. EDMONSTOIf , of Dubois County. ion Dv mingling it wim me ponucs ei mo counirv t ' Pirrt attention to the approaching canvass ; and, feel that and emoluments of office ; but a victory that The Willamette, 100 miles in length, is only naviga-wil- l S ATHON, of Clark County. if Kossuth be an imposter, a knave, and a tyrant? with regard to Washington's Farewell Address). He temptations Second JAMES What you can the more readily approbate my course as there be followed by a faithful and frugal administration of ble for small vessels to within three miles or its falls, .rf-J0- HN A. HENDRICKS, of Jeflersoa Coaaty. has to do with the elect ion or defeat of Jo 'i What that follows no new lights, fee. Now this is really funny, in is a vacation of the session till the 20th of April, giving the government, upon those acknowledged principles nd its valley is sixty miles broad Wheat and oats are of Dearborn Co. i fourth EBENEZER DUMONT, Wrisrht. Nick M'Carty, or other man in America? i t;'e chief crops in Oregon. Tho .if i uho nominated John McLean for the you ample time to elect one fresh from amongst you to which oreed of the democratic a gram wheat raised on GROSE, of Henf County. whatever, .V ZL Zcia scarcely believe our, nian Presidency, constitute the party; Nothing fill tho -- i the Willamette is of a suporior quality, and i vacancy. so every yields from Marion County. - t the Philadelphia Convention, and chRnged his mind so creed so ell defined, often expounded, that Stmtk WILLIAM J. BROWN, of senses, wore such issues to be brought into the epproach- I With feelings of gratitude, I remain man in this country reads and comprehends it, as men 20 to 30 bushels the acre. Indian corn does not thrive, MtvntK OLIVER P. DAVIS, of Vermillion County. ing eontest by the intervention of foreigners. as to vote against him before the vote was taken. We Your obedient servant, may read the glossary or com-- ! The nights are too cold for it. Hardy fruits succeed C. DOUGHERTY, of Bo ne Co. ' evangelists, without Etgkth LORENZO elsc-duce- think in - i blossoming in April, Vancouver s EDDY, of St. Joseph County that change was equal rapidity to the magnetic NICHOLAS MeCARTY. ments; a creed that simplifies and enlightens; that re- yfl) early at and Xtmth NORMAN ITThe Sentinel says that the whigs of Vigo, Wayne j . . . March 15, 1852. where. Cattle cost nothing, exept for a care, DeKalb County. V Indianapolis, government from a complicated science to a few little yet Tamth REUBEN J DAWSON, of . .. lr I A.i,nti t o k n ntoH itrnnn r Aalntirkna in fvor plain which, faithfully observed, ensure the they sell high. The farmers make little or no provision JAMES F. McDO WELL, of Grant County. In the next paragraph he says: " We have never principles, Bbeenra of Kossuth and intervention. They never endorsed the Washington Correspondence. rights of the citiien, and the security and perpetuity of fr them. Herds and flocks feed on the prairies or doctrine of intervention as advocated by Gov. Wright given utterance to any opinion for the purpose of secur- the institutions established for the general benefit." mong the hiil, all the year. Cold weather rarely lasts Washington March 1S52. i and the Sentinel. Produce tbe resolutions, so that all City, 8, more than a week a time. Salmon Lafayette Courier of the 11th inet., oontain) ing the Catholio or any other vote to the Whig party." by Mr. on tho at The Fishery on nrTh may see the position taken by the whigs of both coun- The attack Breokenridge Democratic Rav. M. Clark, the The Journal, for the last ten days, has contained scarce- Review, has produced a sensation; bat it has done it no CT We clip from the Huntington Observer t i. i!01- - toe following communication from J. ties. Journal. Oregon wants good haibors. The coast is very''v'ldan harm. When a publication in a periodical attracts so lowing in ! in that city, in relation to Ryan's fol ly anything else than articles xnttndtd to deceive Demo- extract relation to our ticket j gerous, by reason of sand bars. Shij. of feet Catholio Prieat In answer :o the above call, we "produce" the much notice in Congress as lo induce members to attack eight draft cratic Catholics into giving Whig Gover- - the head of this column wc present our readers can enter the Umpqua, and tbe river Tualun is in pro-th- e " Catholic Resolutions." lowing resolutions adopted by the whigs of Wayne coun votes against the publishers and editors, it cannot but act as a stimu- "At I mir L . I -- .a r--i 1 . a .a .ma? ticket nominated bv tho Democratic State Conven-- ! cess of clearing for navigation. But the work goes slow Ma. Editob: Your Daily of the 8th inst., contain-ta- g held by them on the 27th day of nor WDen 8 llot new lD-- - OTr- - Mccarty lus to readers, and thr- - Congressional notice taken of it, ty Rt a public meeting tion on the 24th ult. The convention was attended by j ly on. There are now six steamers upon the Oregon resolutions of a few tadividuals (Irishmen) of bad voted for resolution whether to praise or dtmn it, only serves as an adver- the of which D. P. Hollowav. of tbe Palla- - the inviting Kossuth to this State, delegates from every section of the State, and is repre- - rivers, and Plank roads are very generally discussed, Indianapolis, calling on the Catholics of the different number, tisement paid for in rroaoy and copied into all the lead- lt sad while here contributed his money as freely as othere sented to have been one of the largest ever assembled.! Second Peculation and Emigration. The chief set-Th- e to organita themselves into a po-lilie- al dinm, was chairman. The resolutions were introduced ing newspapers of th country. The Democratic Re- ountiea of this State M - in Ko-su- Lin proceedings were harmonious, and a spirit of con- tlements Orenn are the towns of Astoria, Oregon for the purpose of opposing th the way of giving material aid" to Hungary. It view lacked sound discretion when it attacked Gen. But- body specious by Joha S. Newman, Esq.: cession was manifested by the minority, when thoy saw City, Fort Vancouver, Salem, and Lafayette. Oregoa on Brecken-ridge'- s aad intervention theories, and also your own criticism in was a praiseworthy act in Mr. McCarty, in thv opinion ler in a cutting and scathing article; but Mr. rssolu-lion- Whereas. The Congress of the , the how completely they were which we City has a population of 700 inhabitants, and they hope I will assart then that those s reply to it was scarcely more circumspect, and ihose resolution name of the American people, sought, and obtained of the Journal, but should prevent Gov. Wright from cannot sufficiently admire. Well, let it pass. The rdently to make it the seat of Government. The chief unacceptable and uncalled tor, under every .a v w . a m sr a I failed in its great object to prevent similar publications are as the liberation oi l.ouis nossutn, lormeriy governor oi ticket is a good one, and the principle of "rotation in agricultural districts are tbe valleys of the Willamette atroumstance, on the part of the Catholio of this State, obtaining Catholic votes in the future. nnu ibiuiy an cj.uo in rvaia nuuui , aou uave office ' has been endorsed pretty decidedly ; but whether and the Tualatin; the latter produced the liest oats last aa your eriticism is out of place and puerile. Motives nungarj, The next paiagraph ' The Sentinel seems to be As to General Butler, it is certainly wrong in any pa- conveyed states fine West-th- e Cath-li- e by the vessels of the Nation, him to our those who now advocate it will be on the other side of year, and rye. There are 20.000 Indians in different from the interest felt in the welfare of the Got--. per os, periodical , calling itself Democratic, to expose land ; fearful that Wright will a martyr to the fence next time, or not, ;itime, the great test which ern Oregon. The immigration of 1347 was not loss than prompted them, I pre-um- fall bis pretended foibles or but then, on the Church by those gentlemen, Governor Kossuth has been invited by weaknesses; tries human will have determine. 4.000, and the total white population is now make the impertinent call a oall which shal. And Whereas, of Church and State .'" The Sentinel has no such fears. other hand, an elaborato defence of his character and laws," to estimated te the Legislature of Indiana to visit tho Capital as the First comes the name of A. our at 12.000. Before 1843 there were probably not mora responded I will venture to say, by any county In this country, where religious liberty is one of our fun- principles is taking away from tbe prestige of the hero, Josefh Wright, not be to, guest of our State: Therefore, be it present popular Governor, the obi "walnut huller" of than 400 residents in the Willamette Valley. The law m town in Indiana. And I will also venture to say, that damental who ought to be above suspicion. Mr. Breckenridge, Resolved, wo invite Oovemor Kossuth to visit doctrines, there oan be no danger of such an man ol people , de- - oi congress giving land to settlers and pass- - gentlemen knew perfectly well when they made That no doubt, established the fact that Gen. Butler is for the Parke the the His nomination was emigrants, those "Old Wayne,'' and assure him that his visit from here mak- voieo ed at the Session of lÄ49-'5- 0. December. would be treated with silent contempt issue. Any party that attempts to gain votes by Compromise as it stands, and that is a fact worthy of manded by the masses their has been obeyed, extends to this call, that it to the Capital will be a "Triumphal March." and we feel confident they will now roll up votes 1853. This law gives to all persons over iS years Catholio in the State The move, I be- ing such an issue will lose more than they will gain comment, but the comment will rather have the effect ol their of by every sincere and ap- necessary asre. who arrived and settled in Oregon De- Resolved further, That this meeting concur in, oiher-vis- for him to the tuneof tens of thousands. It is not previous to lieve, is a political one. I will also add, that when the alienating certain influences which would e have prove the noble and magnanimous motives which in- by it. for us to of his length. The people all cember, 1550, 320 acres of land if single, and if mar- Catholic Church in Indiana should require an advocate operated to increase his popularity in the extreme North speak merits at duced the invitation of the distinguished patriot to our Ho next charges the Democratic party with electing know him all admire man and his principles. That ried 640 acres. The bill then provides that if those sin- - defender of her interests, it is not among men capa- and South. A man is never put on the defensive but the ar shores, and that it is the duty of our public authorities oor opponents will go into the canvass against him with 2' men marrjad in one year from the 1st of December, ble of framing such resolutions sho would be able to find Catholios as Trustees of the State University, from im- what he is obliged to admit something his enemies may to receive him as our Nation's Guest. that bitterness which characterises all their politioal ef-- 1850, they woold receive 640 acres. The bill next pro-fort- s, one. Even if we could give them oredit for sincerity, proper motives. He had hoped that the persons pre- - carp at; and it is a question of tact and prudence, whe- Resolved, That we deeply sympathise with down can doubt. is Tides that all white males over twenty-on- e, we eaanot do so for knowledge, for they should know ther it is not best to let tbe press correct the errors of there be little The game already emierating trodden Hungary, and will such countenance to her J sented, although eminently well qualified for the station, commenced, and it will.be kept un with all the rancor j la that country and settling there, between the day the men of sober second thought, in every part of give the press, instead of setting the press right by a regu- lt that shall oöroport with the duty of citi- - and animosity usurI them. Their onlv hope is in f Der ember. 150. and the 1st day of December, 153, Union, discard the political principles of interven- cause, as American would have been rejeoted, when, no doubt, he and his larly prepared speech in Congress. The reputation of with the some "cunningly devised fable and vituperation will be Ähali receive 160 acres of land if a single man, and if tion as advocated by Kossuth. ZCiS' . . u Kr . followers would have made the welkin ring with their Gen. Butler as a sound patriot and a moderate man, did j r j married then 320 acres. All male minors who go to that .Vow in tbe face of these facts, to make such a call tl .l not require Congressional aid; and the Review wonld, their chief argument. j own domestic and if in complaints. Democrats do not believe in proscription country and settle, and become twentv-on- e before De- - those who ara willing to enter the ulate its affairs, the exercise of in all have ;f were tesemble too much probability, stopped criticising him, it : snch right, any th rj power shall intervene, for the pur- - on religious opinion. But we de- - rober 1S53, will receive 160 acres of land absolutely, äsld of battle whea they know the enemy is no longer account of mut uosut not now, itself, put on the defensive, and obliged to vin- DThe Journal thinks the tariff of 1846 has a onward of . and if they marry in one year alter at majority , enough of men and tbeir silly resolu- P.M ?f crushing the march liberal principles. Xo foUow D.frMS m his meandering course, would re- own 'I arriving there. But these I dicate its character. prossive tendency to industry.-- This is the first time of every Nation to protest . . , . ' , they wi receiv(l 32ü ln aU CMes tUe is al- - lit is the right against, and ., ,, ) emigrant tions. We, aa Catholios, pity the one and repudiate the moro To say that tl Review aims at the elevation of a par- - oppose such intervention b, oil the propor means within tlairo "umu Vneer ia "en. "8 na'e we ever heard of a tendency to industry being depres- lowed to pick his land where he pleases, if not previ- - other. ' ticular candidal a for the Presidency , is to hazard an their power. heard of the stick that was so crooked that it would not occupied. In all cases the wife is to receive one- - Vow, Mr. Bditor, a word in regard to your own opinion which is neither just nor generous. The Review, sive; though no doubt the hopes of the gentlemen who , ouir j half of above grant ner own right. In all whether Roman The last resolution goes as far ia favor of Interven lie still for a moment, thus forming a perpetual motion, life the in cases strictures: you tell us that religionists, like all other publications of the kind, was undertaken anticipated a of leisure under the protective tar.ff of four yea, cultiTation.to completed or Protestants, have nothing to do with the rion demo- - by the to make money out of and Catholics as Gov. Wright, tho Sentinel, or any other Defrees can boat that slick all hollow. present proprietors it; 1842, were much depressed when the repeal of that ta-- ! either before or after the date of the law is required of Kossuth, with revolutionary in spicy and were to the mission the struggle orat in mo over ana, m piquant articles supposed attract before the fiual title is made by the Government, though politics af State or nation. I united states aid, and, tact, is number of The Review had degene- riff law, by the revenue law of 1346, compelled tbem to Hungary, or with the the greatest readers. '9 to intents and purposes against every by adhering to these almost precisely the same language as that used by de- - The new Mississippi Senator. with an oooasional to work oucode that this is true, and it is rated into a very sleepy publication, P body but the Government from the moment the claim ta very you lay down to guide churches, i The Mississippi elected Mr. whose admirable principles, which mocrats in advooatin intervention. All the interven Legislature of recently biography of a member or a Senator, taken. If the man or his wife, or both, die after taking qualities and achievements covered from six to ten pages. wuerem lauii is lounu against tue viiiuouu vuuitu. tion the democrats have ever proposed is to ''protest W. Brooke, a Whig, to the U. S. Senate. He was tbe fty Some of the whig speakers at Indianapolis thought , the claim, and before the lour years expire, the same Since the first day when Kossuth landed on our shores, From this lethargy, it was probably intended to rouse Gov. Wright was only afraid of two things "thunder garvivor against the ef any third power for tho pur- candidate of the Union party, and owes his suocess to goes to ,he or heirs. for the purpose of exciting the government and the peo- interference the periodical by infusing new life into it, through highly and the devil," and they inferred as "Old Nick" was which have of the united vote of the Union Democrats and Whigs. Yet, There are are two ways of emigration, that by sea ple to adopt a policy contrary to that they pose crushing the onward march of liberal princi- seasoned or " spicy" articles. Unfortunately the Governor he would sa- - J short-gam- after now, at once exhibit the by jaud. The sea is of course much tbe y fear of whole once into ani route aver held, I cau assert without the contradic- notwithstanding such was the the Scott journals the Editors emptied the pepper at of Capt. Scott's coon, and in come down, j ples," and to "oppose such interference by all tbe proper fact, at Jkx give est 2S or 30 davs is an average passage to San Fraa-an- d tion, that she (the Catholic church) has never opened it, and spoiled the dish. The Review, as it is now edit- surrender. Time will show the truth or error of means within of tho nation. once claimed his election as a Whig triumph. ci,c0 nv the way of San Juan, that by Chagres is per-th- e aar doors for the purpose ef discussing this momentous the power" Is the Journal ed, lacks discretion, and finish of style; perhaps it tact, declaration. Terrs Haute Journal. napj two or three days longer, although since the Nioa- - anestioQ pro or con, and lor this very reason see has satisfied in regard to the whigs of Wayne county? All of a sudden the Whigs have discovered a " mare's will improve in these qualities as it grows older. Jo Wright never surrenders. Let "Old Nick" follow j ragua route, it is mace more rapidly. A steerage pas- - Wast taxed for a want of sympathy for Hungary. That We know of only one man in this State who has ac- nest." Scott's views on the Compromise question do The Buchanan men in Congress all from the State of who wish hira through the State and the people will see who's ?e to San Juan oosts $180, with 15 cents per pound is to say, a want of sympathy with those to and armed not suit Mr. Brooke, therefore, in duty bound, they Pennsylvania, and not the whole delegation at that in tually proposed advocated intervention by the portage of luggage across the Isthmus. To Chairres overthrow the sacred maxim of neutrality the afiairs are in great glee over the nomination of Mr. Buchanan afraid of thunder. Jo will raise such a thunder storm as . , front and doubts as to his being of prjce h $2Q0 lhe ,teerage of a f foreign nations. is there have been a few in- United States in the affairs of Hungary, and that man is change express the by a vote of 97 to 35; though the 35 pro- gj It true at Harrisbnrg, we ill make the wter come. There will be rain as well ship round the Cape perhaps $150 to $175. From Saa dividual Catholics, not mora than six, I believe in all, the Hon. G. O. ' faith." Böhm, whig representative from the true tested against the mode of appointing delegates, and did Francisco to Astoria, a distanoe of 700 or 800 miles, the world it as thunder. ' who have put forth to tbe their opinions that - not come into the nomination at the very last moment, county of Tippecanoe. This gentleman, when the Sen- The Cincinnati Gazette, speaking of Mr. Brooke, , , . . ... Steamors go in about eighty hours, and price is nomi- - tbe soma would be safer for the nation and more to its interest, to preferring to die in the breach to supporting the i S30 at Munt resolution inviting says i ' hold to the ancient policy of our father's, than to adopt Kossuth to vi it Indianapo- nation of " Pennsylvania's favorite son." An effort, TT A bill is before the Ohio Legislature making it a . i land although very much oer- - the teachings of Leuis Kossuth. They have spoken and lis, was under consideration in the House, on Monday " He passed through Cincinnati a few days since to however, by nominating a leading Cass Tne route, longer, has was made man, forfeiture of ohartcr for any bank to issue notes under lajn advantages, the chief of which, the individuals, and if have even erred in Washington, and has been presented to the public con for but tho accordur to written as they the 22d day of last December, advocated "not only Mr. Searight, Canal Commissioner; Cass $5,00, or pay out any but its own notes. statement of an intelligent man familiar sarilh the land this, I weald not suppose the Catholio church responsi- sideration as a young man ot forty, of the highest order men, nevertheless, sat out in a huff, and should Mr. Bu- moral but physical intervention in j emigration, and capable of speaking to the point, are ble for the error. oae Russia should of talents, whose voioe would be heard in the advocacy chanan be the candidate, it will be difficult to unite the j indebtedness, civil and of cheapness, health and safety. Fremont's narrative ot" Allow me to remind yoa. Mr. Editor, the', this has again interfere to put down Hengary," and thought that of great Whig truths," a man of "steady devotion to two wings of the party in his support. The wholo De- 37Tho aggregate militarv, j lhs expedition gives a detailed account of each day's in to a Senator of whom Mississippi should be is the State of California, on the 31st of December, was not been the case regard Protestant churches and Indiana could raise "100,000 of her own sons" to flght Pcinles," mocratic majority in the State of Pennsylvania proba- over the plains and through the which Protestant ministers, as is evident to all who bavo read proud. This sounds well, but is there not some mistake journey mountains I bly leas than 3,000, out of 400,000 votes; and under 2,2V2.4J9. in such a cause, and that it would bo tho duty of the , matter? The Locofocos set him down as " a Whig &re crosse( Dy tDe South Pass, 7,000 feet above 'he sea. the newspapers of the day which have reported their tne these circumstances it will not do for any candidate to Tho usual of departure St. United States government to send these the Mississippi What is that, you may points are Joseph, Indepen proceedings Protestant churches have been thrown sous of Indiana of sort." sort have more than a third of his own party against him. I dence Council Bluffs, tbe confluence - The Isthmus of Panama and near of the pea policy which would over- I ask? 1 he on,y. reP,v we can ,ouna 10 t,ie lollow- to foreigners, agitating a to Europe to do battle against the Russian bear if they 8lve Mr. Buchanan holds no doubt the whole party machinery Eanras with the Missouri. Tbo routo lies along the threw principles always adhered to by the government ine letter, published as one read to the Legislature by of his in his but Gen. Cass "ules in the We learn that the Panama Railway has been opened should bo needed. not Mr. State hands; , 750 miles, Was Behm representing the Mr. Adams, a member, before his election: " to a point thirteen miles from Navy Bav. This road is Kanzas and Platte Rivers to Fort Laramie and exeoutive of this country. Those walls which should hearts uf the people. A new candidate, such as Doug- Independence, Still along the Platte and through eebo words of Jesus Christ resounded men who eleeted him do no longer a child of doubt; and within two years we frm only the peaceful I am able las, Lane, or Dickinson, would better than any can- thp Black hills 250 miles; tbo South Pass being hun- Henry C. Adams, Est. Dear Sir: only may expect to see the silks and other products of Asia about with the din of arms and aanitions of war, and didate from Pennsylvania that could be selected. 1 far-Ne- to state very briefly, in answer to your note, that I cer- for ,000 miles from the points of departure; 250 miles w dreds of ministers, forgetting, according to your own Death of Hon. C. Holliday. UNION. and the oils of tbe Pacific passing over this road J. tainly should not deem it inconsistent to support any other York and New ports" lner tne traveler reaches Fort Hall. To this point tbe artociples, their peaceful calling, ascended the platform We Hon. England regret to learn that J. C. Holliday, Repre- politics than those of the dominant party of the State. Among the across the Isthmus, was roi1te tolerable, but beyond this it is bad for carriages. af demagogues and offered incense, at tbe shrine of a recent travellers sentative from Blackford county, died his in as I have often said to you Cincinnati und Indianapolis Railway. j Pushing along the Lewis River for 500 miles, you reach foreign agitator, trying to overthrow the settled policy at lodgings As to the next presidency, Senor Paredes, for some years Secretary of Foreign in I do not to support the nominees of the junction of the Colombia and Walla Walla, and bo- ef the nation. Yoa have not, sir, denounced these men this city on Friday evening, 12th instant, about 7 o'cloek. private. expect The travel between this city and Indianapolis now Affairs at Bogoca. He was on his way to Washington the next Whig oonvention, because I fear the convention boat for Madwon, and thence by to as Minister from low bis it is almost impossible to use wheel carriages, nor their interference with polities, and yet, according Mr. Holliday was a lawyer by profession, and takes a here railway the Republio of Grenada. a gen- will not be sound on the compromise issues. My ex- Iudianapolis. It takes a day to perform this journey. The Americans at Chagres are nearly all at logger nd the rapids of the river interfere with the descent So tbe priaciples you lay down for churohes to be guided tleman of great moral worth. He served in one of the pectation is to give my support to the Baltimore Con- We understand that an arrangement is in progiess to heads with each other. The opening öf the Railroad j Finally the emigrant reaches Fort Vancouver. 250 miles by, yoa should have done this, if impartial. Whether 125 Indiana regiments in Mexico, un- vention ticket, provided it is not tinctured with secession, connect this city with Indianapolis by railway as early must sink American in the rising prosperity of j from Walla Walla. from the Paeifio coast, 6 belo there may bo a tendency in other quarters I will not say, a campaign and we Chagres and is pledged to the Compromise measures. From pre- as the 1st of October, 1852, so that the travel may pass Navy Bav. Each settler in anticipation of loss in con- - the mouth of the Willamette and 2,000 miles from the of linking tho Church and State to the same Govern-saeR- t derstand his health since his return has been very feeble. appearances, and the names of the prominent can- con- oi upon tue company ot ear; I can, however, assure you, Mr. Editor, that sent from city to city in nine hours without change of sequence, seems to be endeavoring to t.ve his own point u''panure Missouri. didates before that body, I think it certain that the last veyance. O H. Smith's Bellefontaine to be fin- three men can outfit complete with one v agon and four the Catholics have entertained no such idea. While I rord is money by quartering his prospective loss on his neigh- IT We commend tho following article from the Louis named Convention will present a ticket on which the ished and run by that time from Indianapolis to Union, bor. Bad fellowship and general litigation is the re- yoke of oxen anywhere on the Missouri or Iowa frontier remain your most humble servant. M. J. C. for 1st May soon ville Journal to the consideration of "extremely prudent' whole South will unite, and one which I will cheerfully on the State line . Union is eleven miles from Green- sult. $400. They start or after as possible, That tho intelligent members of the Catholie Church in uPPort Mv teeble health prevents me writing lurthor. ville, over a level country, and Winchester but little It is estimated that about four thousand California j and reach Orejon by 1st to lith August. Last Spring whijjs this city, who seem to think that Kossuth is the i Your friend, W. BROOKE. farther. The railway from Dayton to Greenville will be bound were in Panama at last accounts, Mr. Fisher of Iowa, in company with fourteen others weald approve of any each resolutions as Ryan was " :.L 11 i. J I i it r . I passengeis vuu .VC, ucaus a ten norn. .oretow in tne and four left St. Joseph on the 23d April aad .ii , Wfl do ol und6r,tand the kind of Whiggcry that finished and run by the 1st of May, and if the line from awaiting passage up the coast. It is stated also that to publis'i, we never, for a moment, believed. ' on uiBible, and that all who sympathise with him, are in refuses to support the Whig candidate for the Presidency, thence to Winchester or Union can bo made by the 1st twelve to fourteen deaths occur per day in the Ameri- j arrived at the settlements the 27th July, with alt That tho was a political and (i from ! their stock. They found the grass pretty good along movenient one, prompted danger of rushing headlong into ruin, and dragging nad pledges itself to go it blind" for the Locofoco nom- - of October, lines of railway will take the travel can hospital at that place. Every attention possible is I 200 F-.- Indian- - the route except for miles upon the Snake River by different from by " F- - " this by Dayton, Greenville, and Smith's road to bestowed upon the sick. motives tho intereet felt those who tho country after them: " that ' higgery the more we j The emigration for the last year did not exceed 600 it ia have of it the stronger will be the Looolooos." apolis. The Oreenville company can provide the iron A large number of condemned vessels were loaded got ap tho welfare of the Catholio Church, as - ' Those extremely ptudenl gentlemen, who are aft aid j and accomplish the work, provided Cincinnati and Day- with passengers at Panama at high rates for San Fran teams. oaorfod by Mr. Clark, no one can doubt. Tho Whigs that this nation is going rapidly to the dogs beoanse of j That " hasty plate'' was a little too hot for the anti- - ton will each raise a small sum to grade and bridge this to The reasons of preference assigned for the land route cisco, the great majority ol which, it is be teareu, I a a e V.i l .a a wko wore at tho bottom of it, knowing that tho chance the sympathies of our people with European democrats FUlmoreites. short pioce of road, an J this it is s.ppoed, they will will never reach their nort of destination while health and aalety, aitnougu mere is always iome ot in-- j of generally and those Hungary particularly, were of' ; at once do. by the purchase of a profitable rate of i thirds of the balance will be likely to consume from lour apprehension from the treachery of tho Indians. The eloeting their candidates in this State was hopeless m the course greatly offended by similar expressions of sym OThe Cars, daily, take up iron for the extension o vestment, the convertible 7 per cent, bonds of the com to six months in making the passage. As tbev are in nisrrnnt arrives at once farming districts with without aa extraordinary effort on hot-heade- their part, got up pathy in the speeches ot those very d and im- or and' his a wagons, inured to hardships. If he poea the Bellefontaine road, and the track laying has com- pany, oy subscriptions to tne stocK ol tne company. nearly every instance badly provisioned poorly t'"" khooe resolutions, in what, is now plainly to be sscd, the prudent men, Henry Clay and Daniel Webster. Both This little piece of road will not only open a connection watered, much suffering must be experienced amongst l,y sea he most make outfits at Cahlorma prices; and la of these impulsive and reckless individuals menced above Chesterfield, with a full force, and with a 'hebest regulated lines of travel, when so throoged osOm hope of humbugging tho Catholic voters, as a body, openly pro- by railway with Indianapolis, Ten e Haute, Lafayette. thoe who are so unfortunate as to take passage in them, claimed the highest admiration for Kossuth and for California lines now are, there must always bo short-sighte- bis determination to have it completed to the Ohio line this Ac.., much earlier than will be done by any other line, We learn that $250 are being freely offered for deck l"e eto tho support of their nominees. This d genius and devotion to his couutry, and even and It the went so far season, where it will meet, in direct connection, the but will open tho way for an early extension of railway passage ou the steamers. A'ew York Time. instances of imposition extortion. emigrant policy did not have its desired efleet, for instead of be as to wish with all thir hearts the speedy redemption of on a very direct line to Fort Wayne, and all north-easter- n concludes to go across the Plains, he should buy light wide-trea- Sandusky, Cleve- two-hors- e d mg by Hungary from the bondage of Austria. They are also three Ohio roads, giving outlets to of this to the business of wagons, and well seasoned. Oxen responded to similar resolutions on tbe part of the Indiana. The importance Another New Name. Wluggery has been beaten, . guilty of the crime of wishing every despotism leveled land, Columbus, Dayton, aud Cincinnati, and Is I are Ploaiy m. Joseph to cn the voke, mules V I Pittsburgh, the city will be obvious to every man of business. A i. W at - aw a the ics in different parts of the State, as the Whig as the ln" party, the "Union" party, and now tbe, a .- .; to the dust before the resistless energy of the democratic aid to the little work abovo named will to issvow agitating in Congress connecting hero with all tbe Railroads constructed, ami little material N O. Milte, speaks of the ' Constitutional Union $S., DeP Kmenf asadora hoped aad requested, tbe only response they have masses of Europe. ensure its completion within the time named, and pay J ar 8ha prov,de armed escort being made to our city. This road must do a heavy VU.g party of the State ofLon.Mana' Thts last j yot mot is tho eommuoioatioa of Mr. who is a well. F.xamine into it, friends, and you fw the protection of the Oregon emigrnntf. Clark, remember, if 1 Md h9 IT'Tha commanders of British vessels on tho Pa- thrsugh as well as local business, so sooa as opened to do anvthing it must to be well done, be done quickly . '?" ST.?; , We t'e,e sta.emeou will give our correspondent io tho Church, aad that is anything but satisfac- - ' i of the knowledge Le requests. The Emigrant will the public. Cin. Gatetts. so why l the Constitutional M . . to them. That Mr. Clark's views accord with tho cific, claim the right te engage in the ooasting trade on oonst.tut.onal.feteftfeIf speak 7 faj b ,jk ncw toolings uf tho intelligent and honest members of the that ocean, without being subject to entry and dutv as w s SI SI ' ' ' tliVUf U ta, I 1 I'lll hlta V S i tries. Oregon oners him the chance ol an inoeprr.iient 27 editor of tbe Journal replies to our assertion CTThe Indiana Journal and a few other whig pa- not constitutional. V bigs ever fond of pomp The The are career. He must rough it, and rough it again. Thera ..'atholie Choroh we cannot permit ourselves to doubt; foreign ships. Tho eo lector at Astoria served notion pers which follow its lead have taken to abusing Gov. ous names. They now have stretched themselves out that the Ryan resolutions and everything written is no Californian halo to allure him. The earth is hit nor oaa we doubt in upon them to cease this trado, or be would seiae and Wright with a hearty good will. It will be really re- into the Constitutional Whig that equally indignant language will in their defence "emanated from the Journal office," by party. mine and the ore is the grain and roots be takes from it. confiscate vessels and Complaint ot freshing to look over the flics of the papers, published In this State Whiggcry has strained invention to find a all Cttiosu responses bo made to theae Whig result:- - their cargoes. j We commend to every man meditating emigration saying that we have had nothing further to do with last summer, wherein Gov. Wright was bespattered with popular name, regardless of any principle involved in this notice have been sent to t.'in.i-- r toiiowing irom a icsier to England, and the British anti-mason- tne juntaou? remits them than to publish Yet he docs deny all manner of praise and pronounced the best Governor its adoption. We have bad s, federalists, them." cot that 7V. Traveller, dated Oregon City, Doc. Taia movement, ooaooetod by Whig leaders with government, through their minister at Washington, it Indiana has had within the memory tbe present gene whigs, woolly. heads, silver-grey- natives, b..L:. la, the they were gotten up by certain broken down whig and of and a host of 1S51 is was then expected that Wright would not be names, sufficient to bedizened j so mach earo, and from tho working of which they so said, have demanded of oars the withdrawal of tbe ration. It j startle a Spanish grandee y fa anJ v of N - , abolition politicians who arc in tho habit of preparing nominated for I and an effort was to be made with titles. is nameless, soulless. m notice and instructions to tho collector to admit the At present the party trsRplanted Oregon,' golden fruits would be rapidly oooldontly hoped to effect the defeat of tho Democratic matter for the Journal. to show that he had been thrown overboard because he ?nd senseless. Penntulvanwi. to got Co secure i would not advise party ia this State, having proved such a decided failure, claim of the ship masters on the Paeifio. had looked to the advancement of the interests of the rcahzed. properly men to leave the comforts oftbat good land and encoun- ele- We trust that will dis- than of his party. Now the tune has oi ooaroo some other means must be resorted to to the administration aot fail to ry The New Albany Bulletin of Tuesday announces State rather Br Because the policy of onr government is peace- - the difficulties of a new country. But if they will changed. Wright is a violent partizan, for whom no ter all vate the prospects of Whiggcry in Indiana. Let tho charge its duty in the premises, by promptly refusing all that it will be discontinued, the materials upon which it j ful," says the Washington Union, ' it does not follow come to help us in planting and sustaining such constitu- any It remains i whig shall vote under circumstances. that our public authorities are to cringe in servile and the glory of New England, Pesnooratio party ho tho look-oa- t desperate men snch unreasonable demands. is printed having beelfsold to Messrs. A Sons, tions as are now we say sa Gregg to be seen whether the mass of the whig party arc the timorous silence and no word of condemnation or a. - . . B B utter with heart and and voice, come: come speedily, and wo ue maoe aouse or euro- - ( oeert to desperate snosuss, and we shall aot be surprised recently of Madison, who are to issue a new paper ic the servile creatures to either io to r8monstranoe, while confederated trample rongh -- hand and a glad " The First or Srasoji. Well grown Lettuce as the ot the 1( ader may dictate. wr.rd', iv. vou ri2ht welcome at aay moaearao the Whig leaders may adopt to advance tub course of a few days. gize Wright, interests ,h(H, over th llWic Uw of rhe in ori,Cr to crush " .r pl. Ledger - and Radishes, were offered for sale ia market last Sat A. of national which with- J out every spark liberty appears Th9 0f ,he Repuhlic thinks he sees the De- - heir party cads. I etitor urday. It is needless to eay thoy wero S. in their reach. Our policy ef teaches I s a an as war La-y- that taken as j ZTJoseph Jenckes, Esq. has resigned his position mocraey divining between economy and the spoils Me Wo five below the strictures of tho Editor tho et ETTwo Millions or Dollars Obtained- - tbom a us to avoid all ''entangling alllianccs" with foreign pow- vi- sees a false vision. The Democracy this year intend to fast as offered. We ndorstand that a farmer in the - aa Cashier of the Branch Bank at Terra Haute, and is National Bank Buenos to Courier, to which tho latter part of Father Banc by Foruery! The at ers, and there it stops. It does not enioin upon us the have the economy, the principles, the Presidency, the cinity of this ctty baa made arrangements by which he succeeded W. R. McKeefc, Teller, paid millions on i falsify Mark's communication rofore, in order that tho reader by late Ayres recently out two of dollars, a duty to all the fundamental principles of our own spoils, and all the rest of the good things. Louisville, bo furnish forged order, to a man named Andrew Viilegas. The , national existence by silent connivance in the attemp: of will enabled to cor markets with vegetables Democrat . aay judge of tho whole grounds of tho argument. It evidence of his guilt was so overwhelming, that he despotism to make wars of intervention against national this spring from six weeks to two months earlier than ST" Mr. Cravens, Editor of the Madison Banner has m doc to Father Clark and to the Editor of the made a prompt oonfession, and on the next morning he independence, the general rule and the settled usage of alike ET refuses to allow the remains of the Dnko tho seasonable enpply. Hie enterprise ia a laudable one, withdrawn from thst paper on account of Mr. was taken to the ccurt-yar- oi tne puunc prison and public law Austna en nor, for thoy are both worthy of careful peruse! and de Riechst adt (Napoleon's son) to be transferred to aad wo donbl aot that our eitiaens will liberally sostaia J William Wesley Woollen takes his place. summarily executed. aim ooacideratioe , m In chapter France. him ia it. "Joel" and the Maine Law iheßrst bo to preach thus WsT Tbe Philadelphia papers of the 6th inst. announce 11" Jerome Bonaparte, brother of tho Emperor Napo- - of Joel, fourth verse, will be found the lollowing: New if all that not stränge doctrine the rights of boldly tbie American Republic, wo know ie eaid tbo New Brunswieh the death of Bbla Badoer well known few years leon, is President ol the senate ol t ranee and Governor Awake, ye drunkards, and weep: and howl, all ye Cr A Vermont paper defines woman as openly aad ia It that Legislature a ' b- -a If Whig Invalides, with salaries that amount to $40,000 drinkers of wint . because of the new wine; fcr it is cut follows "To love ber "lord with all her and what). "Tho coarse of Irishmen ia las muntry is will probably pass an aot similar to that kaewa as the siooo aa an active politician He died at the Qua- of the ' )!. aot - eff from your laouth." her baby as bcraolf and to make good bread. Jala," say thoy, aad what ocarsre .' "withhold Maine Liquor Law- - ker insane Asylem at Frankford. annually.