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1 our votes and influence from every man, without distinc- - TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 16, ISM. 7 For the Daily State Sentinel. WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 17, 1832. From the New York Tribune. - u r , r at .k.ll UklB INDIANA STATE SENTINEL. lion OI party lor auj "iiiuo wuairu'i, wuu uan puwuvij To the People of Marion County. Oregon and Emigration Thither. cndorsed?or applaud the conduct uf Louis Koasath," or n I ET" We shall not permit the Sentinel" to make any Fellow-Citizek- s: Feeling greatly indebted to you i Marion Connty. A correspondent desires some facts in relation to Or- - inimical promotion "whose object we believe to be to the n 1 false issues with us. Indiana Journal. for your very liberal to me in my pursuits in i elpc of tili hp nrw-i- egotl. He Wishes to knOW what the country and Catholic patronage Tli tnrs rmintv will tn rnl BROWN, Editor of the interests of our church ." Unite "the j WILLIAM J. The above is ar- private life, from the day I settled amongst you, the 10th wliat are the advantages and disadvantages ol emigra- citizens of every county in the State, in order that they paragraph the commencement of an for Senator, at the April election, in place of X. Mc-- in i.f October. 1823, and Weins sensible that whatever i tion thither. It Is a larr snhit-- i I l"..r which a have may render effectual aid to tbeir most holy religion." ticle the Indiana Journal that contain? more misrep Democratic-Committe- e INDIANAPOLIS: standing 1 have acquired in public estimation, is owin; Carty, resigned. The meet on but small space, and can only otter a lew statements CimK aa fk nlain nnnrta" marWoii nnr for "Overv resentations of we have ever before in - . - . ! tact, than seen to the generou confidence reposed in by yon, for Saturday, to take into consideration the propriety very concisely and id order. i t wnot. i aneu c r J nie next .HO DAY MORNING, MARCH 16, 1852. irisnman in mis country, aas icr reiuge unuci the same number of lines in which I I have those feelings of gratitude which that or any other paper, and tru?t of selecting a candidate lor this office. We hope every ,r 'o 7 , vn.oa. ew. wide wings of the American eagle. If any - i f the spread man would have; j about 330.000 snunre mi It AiviAmA ,v t mrr this is even- right minded and tight hearted l r .L- - !ii I n be discovered in saying a great deal. aiu-nuauc- ' Americanism, or Republicanism can and trust I may further safely rely upon yoar approba- - memuci oi tue committee win ue in ranges of mountains parallel with the Pacific shore,' into Democratic State Ticket. is by more visions than we in such sentiments, it astota The Journal, that article, boldly charges Governor t n iu the course I now, after mature delilieration. feel three belts or sections. The first, or H estern Oregon, would be thought of th Presbyterian, possess. What Wright with advocating " an alliance with England to it my duty to pursue. In 1819, by your suffrages, I was Senatorial l'.U tiou. is from 100 to 150 miles in breadth, and contains 45,000 VOB G)V KB NOR , church this country, Methodist, Baptist, or other u placed in the State Senate. I have served the length ol be by the notice, in column., of square miles, of which only an eighth is fit for cultiva- and placed prevent, by physical farce, any interference on the part It will seen another the JOSEPH A. WRIGHT, of Parke County. when religians of all kinds are tolertted time commonly allotted to one term of service in that tion. Its climate is not especially favorable te agricul- an equality, if their clergy, their elders, deacon., of Russia, in any future struggle between Austria and Sheriff ot this county, that the election for Senator to BOB L1ELTIN , upon body. The last session of my term, not yet finishes, ture; the mean temperatura is 54 degrees Fahrenheit. class-leader- s, should enter the political arena, and fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Hon. County. or Hungary." Gov. Wright took no such position; and has been greatly lengthened by circumstances unneces- It has rather a rainy season than a winter, and in the ASHBKL P. WILLARD, of Floyd strive to force the election of candidates holding their the Editor well knew he did not, when he penned the sary here to explain. Whilst engaged in your service N. McCarty, will be held on the first Monday in April year 14H at Oregon City, 45 deg. 20 mm. north, the FOB SECRETARY OF STATE, Deculiar ecclesiastical or theological views? But worse ' tnree-quarter- in the Senate I have not presumed to be or tried to be a the dav upon which the township elections not more tnan s ol an inch thick during charge. Against such wilful facts is next are wf 1 HAYDEN, of Rush County. would be thought ol them were they to perversion of it I ha tiMnlAf . Tki. .....11 ol J .( r KEHEMIAH than all, what leader, but have endeavored to aid in carrying out every- .... vbav w iibws ins ir"imi i.is won will in i tu Liif" riYrfs the politics of a foreign country held. FOE AUDITOR OF STATE, thus strive to connect useless to contend. He charges the Editor of this paper. thing I deemed best for the public interest and in pre- are rich in fish ; there is some coal and lead good flax is had fled as an asylum from JOHN P. DUNN, of Parry County. to which they oppression h paraxon, with savins that " äs venting everything deemed otherwise. I (eel conscious grown . and near the base of the mountains grain flour- peculiar religious judgement oi an. with thoir . views the of having endeavored to be faithful and my only regret Cheering Signs from Louisiana. ishes finely and the grazing is admirable. In this sec- FOE T RE A SURER OF STATE, - - , h n sot thev would WM o tr American bayonets gleaming along the wild is that I have not been able io bring to more the the Louisiana tion lies the valley of the Willamette, a tributary stream ELIJAH NEWLAND, of Washington County. civil' political privileges. ot maul Mr. Le Sere, Editor of Courier, forieit all claim to or It is cataracts the Danube." This charge Defrees copied ability in the discharge of my duty. Fidelity is all that of the Columbia, which is the most beautiful and fertile JUDGES OF THE SUPREME COURT, with the free institu- - ' speaking of the couditioo of the Democratic party in TOR such unwarrantable interference from the qaiMical effusions of Timothy Tugmutton. a I promised. Whether 1 h:tve fulfilled that promise or tract in Oregon. The second section, between the WILLIAM Z. STUART, of Crss County, of this country, such bold and daring attempts to , 7 tions weU for not is submitted to your judgment. that State, says: mountain ranges, is of equable temperature, and the har- DAVIDSON, of Decatur County, in to the politics of this coun- - known wr"er tn Locomotive, whose eflorts are ANDREW array the church opposition It is scarcely necessary for me to being to your notice of Louisiana is divided so far vest is ripe in June. Its soil is a light sandy loam in PERKINS, of Marion County, the occasion of tho formation in known to consist in tarniog every thing into ridicule that "The democratic press SAMUEL E. try, which have been the fact, publicly known, that the late Whig State Con- as personal preferences for the Presidency are concern the valleys rich alluvium, and barren on the hills. Tbe ADDISON L. ROACHE, of Parke County. many of our kastern cities, oi the. Native American i in our city. The gleaming of M American third between the second a .a m . I a a . transpires vention placed my name on their ticket as a candidate ed, but is thoroughly united in the determination to sup section, range and the Rock .Let out cnurou oi mis n FOB REPORTER OF THE SUPREME COURT, party. the uatnonc rraiesiani of his 1'ertile iraagi- - for tho most responsible trust known to our State. It is nominee, choice fall on mountains, is a broken and bare country, almost unex recommended above, and it bayonets" was the result and poetic port the national whether the County country assume the position Bnr-hana- -- GRACE E. CARTER, of Montgomery alike due to you and myself to state that, whilst I trust Cnss. Douglas, or anv other of our eminent pi red. 1 he settlements are, ol course., in W est Ore- - wiuld be learlul to imujrine tne result, ine perpetuity nation, and if Defrees follows in the wake of this, it will I properly appreciate the confidence indicated by that demo- - j gon, and the agricultural activity centers 'be valley of 0E CLERK OF THE SUPEEME C0UET, - statesmen. The same spirit pervades the whole in ol our institution, wie ireeuoni oi iuo nmm, auu pti- i prove an ignut wui lanu Dim in a B. BEACH, of Boone County. jaiuus that quaumire nomination, it was the spontaneous act of that Conven- cratic party of this State. We every day enexwnter i theWillamette. WILLIAM vilege to worship God according to the dictates of every y Columbia is ere hfl of j, wher0 he can hjs - eJe tion as unexpected to me three days before it took place pre-emine- nt The the chief river of the region, tho INSTBUCTION, - awar6 j j r- friends who warmly press upon us 'the SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC man's conscience, might demand a revolution more san- r body of which is by rR as it was unsought.