The Attitude of Indiana's Congressional Delegation During the Civil War Toward Slavery and the Negro: 1861-1865

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The Attitude of Indiana's Congressional Delegation During the Civil War Toward Slavery and the Negro: 1861-1865 Butler University Digital Commons @ Butler University Graduate Thesis Collection Graduate Scholarship 1-1-1963 The Attitude of Indiana's Congressional Delegation during the Civil War toward Slavery and the Negro: 1861-1865 Emma T. Randall Butler University Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Political History Commons, and the United States History Commons Recommended Citation Randall, Emma T., "The Attitude of Indiana's Congressional Delegation during the Civil War toward Slavery and the Negro: 1861-1865" (1963). Graduate Thesis Collection. 304. This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate Scholarship at Digital Commons @ Butler University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Graduate Thesis Collection by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Butler University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Name of candidate: I~rrll!l ,r i ............................................................................................ Oral examination: Date ................................................................................................ Committee: .~..:1~ ... ~~ .•.. :~1&.\~v.:l.M .•,,_t>'lJ, ..... , Chairman , , d f-- J. /1 / ..N (}".\/.v;,-{ Jl .,A-:<..J£",S_;-.i . ( ..::I.L:~;.,..;;lt ;{ •......... ;:;~.·;:.. :! . I, Ii i I "i ............................................................................................. r I f ............................................................................................. ~. r Thesis title: O t' ,: E' L (J , 1:·1 ............................................................................................. Thesis approved in final form: Date . Major Professor ~tt.r.v..~ ~ :;~~(1~~" r: ['" (:1 I" r ) \/~. <r , I I: IIf ji 1 ~.. 'l'ABLI'_; OF CONTENTS Page i I .. 'l'IfE STli'I'US QIi' THe NEGHO IN INDIANA BE;PORE THE CIVIL ~'JAR ~ ~ .. .. .. .. ~ .. .. • .. .. .. 1 II.. TEE; BJAVERY ISSUE IN POLITICS .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11 III", INDIA NAr S DELEGl\ 'rION TO THE Tlum'Y....sE:VEN~rH CONGRESS" l~.rch h, 1861 - H').l'ch 3, 1863 .. 2? IV.. INDlflNA IS DELIDATION TO THE THIRTY-EIGHTH CONGHESS, H:'l.l'ch It" 1863 ...I'bl'ch 3, 1865 63 ,r v'" SPEECHES OF' THF.: INDIA IJA DI~IEGl\rr ON In THE I THIRTY ...SIWI.zN'rn CONGRf;;'SS ON SL\VERY ,I A lID nIT!: NEGRO 81 VI .. SP}:;;I~CHES 01<' THg DIDIANA DELEGtl'l'ION IN Till 'I'HIRTY ...J!:ICIITH CONGIiF~SS ON SLflVlffiY 1IIIJD 'rIlE: NEG no .."........ <PI .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 113 CONCLUSION .. .. ., .. .. • .. .. .. .. .. • .. • .. .. .. .. 153 NOTES BIBLIOOHI\PHY .... .. .. • .. .. .. " .. .. .. .. $ • .. .. 171 The quastd.on of shwery ~nd the Negro NaS one Hhich agit,ated the thinking of the cii:.izf3ns of the United States from tho founding of the countrry until thB great Civil l/Jar v1xrich 3bolished s].3.v(:3ry.. 'I'he st.'J.tus of tho freoumon contzi.nued to be bhe most- perplexing problem from tlw Em,"ll1ci- p:clt.ion Pror..:lamationthrough the tempest.uous chys of reconstruction" 'rhe speeches of the Indi~na delegation to the Congress, ~s reported in the CongressioD'll Globe, provide abundant ovidene0 (').5 to the attitudes of the cJeleg;rtion t(mard the NC3ro minority both slave ~.nd free", 'rho question of sh.very ::mdthe re18ted question of t.he St3tUS of the free Negro in tho United States "Tore 'tiNO of the fundament.tll issues in the Civil \1ar.. Among the most difficult and controversial problems facing Congress during the war years 'iIere measures dealing with thesr.J t'iJO ques td.ona .. In this thesis I h9ve eXc"1minedthe attitudes on the Hegro question of the members of the Indi!"lT'..a delegation to the Congress of tho Unitod St;~rte~J durinr;tho period 1861-18650 THO Congresse;3 <;<;01'0 in session during this period--the 'l'hirty ...sevent.;h and the Thirty-eighth.. 'l'he Gl2_be::lnCl nowspapera of the p':3riod have boon my tvw prim8ry sources of inform'::\tiO!ln g1rery shade of opinion 'J!).8 c:x:pressod r?nging from the u"ttorances of so-called Abolition- isi:'. Hepublican George H.. Juli:":1n, to bhe ultra-conservative sentiments voiced by Daniel Voorhees, Democrato The samE~vIide varhnc€) of' opinion is npparent in +he edH,ori~,l comment of the new3JXJpOrs such as the r.?d:i.enl Indial}.:'l, T:c:u2.. R.E)public~n c011tr8.sted ~1ith the re~ci:;ionary !;ldip.n~ Il2ily Sta'te Sentinel ... That much pro .....C;outhern symp~lthy and hosi;.i1ity t,OW:l!'O the Negro existed is i M) d b!C!ckgrounclfor this study I h.')V8 briefly touched on the st,,) of the iJegro in Indi~na Ln the pe~·i.od bef'or-o the Civil ~lar" For this in- fO]'Wlt:ion uaed :in Ch9.pter Io? I h-'1_ved:r~nm he~vily on Dr .. Bmm.:lLou Thorn .... thi8 p.=tper I h~?ve discussed trw rise of tho slavery issue on -the na td.onsL scene from tho vJilmot Proviso to th,:) Compromise of 1850 and the I0:msas- Nebra8k~. Bj_ll" The f'usLon movement. of 18511 and the resulting rise of toh!') Eepublic:;n p~rty as a aect.Lons L parl:;y opposed to the extension of s18very into tlH3 ·terri tories have been describo(1.. I h?ve 81130 de:1li~ldth t.he eleo ... tions of 1856 through ID62 HUh '1 brief discuss:lon of t,he issues ~lnd plS't~ forms in those c~lmp!ligns., I hnve r'"Nie1ilCd tho I.ibfJrl.;y ~tnd Free Soil movement in Ind:L'1nD" The differ·mces of vievmoint of Democrats and Hepub- Li.cans on sl3.very ~nd the Negro questd.on hnvo been discussed... So t.h~1t the backgrounds of the spokesmen and rr:lpreser:!"Ij;t·Uvos of the tHO pnrtdes might be known , I h~ve included biogr;lphic[ll skobches of each member of the Indiana delegation to the Thir1:;y-s0venth ~nd Thirty-eir;hth Congresses", L:i ttle vl~S avnilnble by vlay of biogr~phic.!11 l'l1'lterial for some of those men, VIhoso C91'ge1'8 ~iIere appar'errt Ly r~thor undistinguished and conllllonplac9.. Others" hm.;rover, vJere active and import..!'Iut members of' the Congress in t,hey served.. The record discloses many of t.heir speeches ~nd resoluticrw ~de before the CongrF)SS in ·their effort.s to m7.';ly or block legisl.'lt:i.on., Nece~:;- sarily the subject lWltter of rtl-'1nyof these speeches l-ms con'~erned Hi t.h t,1l0 built nn e conomy :'lnd a H~y of' lift) b~J.sed on sl~_ve Labor , finy inter.f"!:t·cnce Hith the 1nstltut:i.on 01' ~ny ntt.empt. by the Fede!';,l Goverrunent to check the ~lll url1larr!'!nted Qnd malicious inl.ierforence v1'11:.hthe property rights of the indi:vidU-'11" The Hissouri Compromise, tho ()ompromisD 01' 185'0$ .'1nd the Ihn:3~J.s-Nebr-3[Jka Bill ..7ere all meaaur-es adopted to vlnrd off'the im- pending crisis. EVAn the Hepubl:"Lcan part,), in its 1860 pl?tforrn conceded th'1t the Feder:.!l Government 11<1dno right. to interf8re Wh'31'C j_t exi.s'ced by st!"Jt.e ]_'lV1", This H::S a sentiment also expres[-;ed by President Lincoln in his 1861 inQugurryl ~'c1dresn,. Thefe<.?ling 0l l'eluGt;rtnce t-o int.erfere .rith cJel~~y in issui:ng the Em'lncip·~tio:n Proclamation.. During the course of the l'lar !;le~1sur09 sbvery '}nd the Negr'o 118r8 met. ,>lith rJ(~tormjned r()sis- tfl.IlCG uy IlleIllbr:lrs of t.he CO!1f,ress LncLud.lng a number- of tho Indiana sonn torr] nbolish sl~_vory in the District. of Columbb, for t~18 conf'Lace t.Lon 0f rebel property including sl.!"lve property, for compsnsa t.ed etll-:'!ncipntion, leg:Ls4- -liion to usa Negr-oes to c~lrry the m~i13, to us o Nogro troops, for the absolution of nL'1very by tho Thirteenth _~mendment ~nrl for a Freedmen's Bureau VIaS bitterly opposed by? voc Lf'or-oua nrinor.i ty in the SOll.!Jt'J rind the iii L~CS;;:I)-i-~~~",,',,~. -. ~ , Houao , Diro predict:'Lorm oJ'the re~mlts of Eegro eql!_81ity, uhich opponenbs in 'thc:Jil' denunc.iatd.on of Republican offo!'ts to intnrfere ,rith Ilnt.?tmJ rights ..11 'I'hey W:;:TC EVlu~lly vehement, in thoir charge th~lt t.he sectional nepublican P,.:~t7 (,ad broken ('Ill promi.Bes m"?de in the par·l.;.yph,tf'orm vlhich h~)d pledged non-interference " alavery vqD..;;1'O it already 9r.isted .. The debates and nrgumBnts on these quos t.iona vri.Ll, form the bulk of bht.s p~.per in as far 9,8 ViCHS 1,ero expressed on eaeh of these subj acts by our Indion.'? Sena,tars 9.nd Congressmen .. 'I'he l'GfJeal"Ch for this thesis vl~lS di.rcci~erJ by Dr .. Emm:'?Lou 'l'hor'nbr-ough of Butler Un:iversjty +o ,lhr'lm I am gr8~d:.l.v indebted for her direction 2.nd helpful erit:i.cism", iv In ·th'S V-3l'iod bofol'3 "the Givil~hr Indian ..a 1'lnG notorious for th:;) L:w Negro in t.Ile " pr3riod.. Dur-Ing bhi.s p:n'iod bher-e vms an. :::J)~... porL'l!1t eLemerrt in the st.-'.lte which s ought, to legpliz>J slavery.. This f~lct I'Jorth1jws"t Ordinance .. The first Hegroes in Indi<H13 vwre <olpp~rentlyt>he al.avcs of early French settl(~rs.. 'I'her-e is a report of a settlement in 171,.6 on the ~labash IUver" probably Vi:ncemu;:~, which Inc Iuded fivE: Negroes ~ Negroes were .10 doubt brought :in by trnde \lith ports on the 101J01'Hississippi, by British morcl1:1.nts from Jamaica" and by Indians v1ho h'ld ra ided Hhite s Gttlomonts '1nd had carried off sl~wes .
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