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[email protected] | CA 91910 The best traits of Filipinos that we should be proud of By Hannah Joy Gregorio Military Offi cers Association of and Khristopher At Pride Martial Arts Vincent Defensor America presents awards Filipinos are known for being hospitable, but it’s not Academy, it’s all about only the positive trait that Filipinos possess. Having been colonized by various respect countries, the Philippine cul- ture, in effect, is mixed with eens these days don’t seem to pay attention to their Asian and Western infl uences. surroundings,” observes Pride Martial Arts Acad- Thus, the Philippine culture is emy owner Lizbeth Ahn, a fi ve ATA-world title diverse and can be refl ected in “T rd the our traits. holder 3 degree black belt, who runs the only American Taekwondo Association (ATA) ac- Hard-working credited academy in the South Bay area of San Diego County. She is talking about the fl ood Filipinos over the years of high-tech gadgets that have become have proven time and time Representing the Sweetwater Chapter of Military Offi cers As- the staple of life for many in high again that they are a people sociation of America (MOAA), Capt.