Msgr. Gutierrez Glory in the Cross — p. 10 Perspectives Rudy Liporada: Crazy or not, here comes Digong — p. 7 Arts & Culture Ernie Delfi n: Man’s life on earth is just a little hyphen ... — p. 14 Entertainment MLB All-Star Legends Series announced at Sycuan Casino — p. 15

July 1-7, 2016

Yasay asks int’l community to help enforce UN ruling by Marianne Bermudez, | , 6/29/2016 -- INCOMING Aquino: The president who Foreign Secretary Perfecto Yasay Jr. has called on the international community brought China to court to “get their act together” to enforce .com | MANILA, spheres, as in the case of two a United Nations arbitration court’s 6/29/2016 – It was not an easy of the ’ richest men, Happy Fourth of July! decision that will likely negate China’s “As a Filipino American territorial claims and occupation of reefs decision for Philippine President Henry Sy and Lucio Tan. who migrated to the United and shoals in the South China Sea. Benigno Simeon Cojuangco Aquino himself hails from a Yasay told reporters over the weekend Aquino III, leader of a develop- Chinese family. The Cojuangco States thirty-four years ago that he was hopeful that neighboring ing country heavily dependent on clan, to which he belongs, comes and became a naturalized naval powers like Japan would stand by citizen fi ve years later, I the Philippines in enforcing the ruling. China when it comes to trade. from the line of Chinese immi- The Permanent Court of Arbitration in China, after all, is the Philip- grant Co Yu Hwan, who moved celebrate the Fourth of July The Hague is expected to issue a deci- pines’ second biggest trading to the Philippines in 1861. with mixed feelings, grateful sion on July 7 on the Philippines’ com- partner, based on the latest In a roundtable interview with to my adopted country and plaint questioning China’s nine-dash line hoping for the best for the that encloses practically the entire sea. government statistics released in Rappler, Aquino admitted that Beijing claims 90 percent of the September 2015. he initially had some concerns country of my birth.” 3.5-million-square-kilometer South China, too, is the homeland about suing China: "I won’t China Sea, including waters within the of at least 1.5% of the Philip- say I wasn’t bothered, I wasn’t By Simeon G. Silverio, Jr. 370-km exclusive economic zones of its Publisher & Editor small neighbors, including the Philip- pines’ population. Many of these apprehensive about some of the pines. Chinese Filipinos wield huge San Diego Asian Journal China remains fi rm that it will not infl uence in business and other ( Continued on page 12 ) The Original and First Asian abide by the UN court’s decision as it is Journal in America not a party to the arbitration case. Besides the Philippines and China, claimants in the South China Sea include Duterte looking to destroy Vietnam, Brunei, Malaysia and Taiwan. San Diego, California ‘Imperial Manila’ July 1, 2016 Freedom of navigation | MANILA, rent 81 provinces. But to be able to convince China to 6/29/2016 -- Philippine presi- “It (the current system) is an ex- n Monday, July 4th 2016, we will celebrate the anniversary of the Ameri- follow the arbitration ruling, Yasay said, dent-elect Rodrigo Duterte takes cuse for them to hang onto power can Independence Day. There will be the usual parades in the main streets of “it’s very important that the international offi ce this week looking to end in Imperial Manila. They have America, barbecue and picnics in the backyards, beaches, or parks all over the community who is concerned in ensur- the domination of “Imperial always been there in one single O ing the freedom of navigation in the country, and multi-colored sparkling fi reworks will light up the American sky in the contested area, and the overfl ight in that Manila” with a radical shift to offi ce, running the Philippines,” evening. area as well and the maritime security federalism that he says is vital Duterte said in a speech during over the sea, to get together….” to fi ghting poverty and ending a the election campaign. To us Filipino Americans, the Fourth of July is like a double-edged , a phrase with a double A united stand, he said, would “make deadly Muslim separatist insur- Such comments are typical fare the Chinese even understand that it is for meaning. Many years ago, until the early 1960s, we used to celebrate the day as our own Philippine their benefi t to resolve the confl ict in this gency. for Duterte, an anti-establishment Independence Day anniversary. This occurred until then Philippine President Diosdado Macapagal, area peacefully, that there is more for Duterte, who won last month’s fi gure who relentlessly rails the father of today’s President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, issued a presidential proclamation changing the Chinese to lose if they will take ag- elections in a landslide, has against the elites who have most- gressive action and use force than if they the country’s Independence Day anniversary from the fourth of July to the twelfth of June. He also will pursue the resolution of this dispute vowed to have the constitution ly ruled the Philippines since proclaimed that since then, July 4th would be observed in the Philippines as the “Philippine-Ameri- rewritten to achieve his bold independence from the United through peaceful means.” can Friendship Day”. “That is the principle that we should be plans — which would see power States after World War II. guided,” Yasay said. devolved from the central gov- Duterte will on Thursday take over Last week, Supreme Court Senior ( Continued on page 6 ) ernment in the capital to newly ( Continued on page 12 ) Associate Justice Antonio Carpio said created states governing the cur- the Philippines had the support of naval powers, such as the United States, France, Japan, and the Euro- pean Union in enforcing the rule of law Extra-judicial killings affect only Aquino leaves PH economy richer by $100B in the sea dispute. China has long intensifi ed campaign the poor: Mar Roxas since he took over in 2010 – report to support its position on its historical claims in the South China Sea. ABS CBN News | MANILA, mahihirap. Kasi ang mayayaman, POLITICS.COM pointed out that even the eco- 67/29/2016 -- Defeated presi- makakabili ng baril, makaka-hire nomic team of President-elect Rule of law dential candidate Mar Roxas on ng security guard, makakuha ng President Benigno Aquino III Rodrigo Duterte agreed that the Monday expressed alarm over resbak, may abogado. May ac- will be leaving Malacañang with Aquino administration was leav- “Even if China has said that it will not his head held up high and rightly respect the decision, we would like to the spate of extra-judicial killings cess yung mayayaman sa ibang ing behind a strong and stable hope that the international community heralding the administration of tulong," he said. so because has nurtured the economy. will be with us together in urging China President-elect Rodrigo Duterte. Duterte won last month's elec- Philippine economy into a much “The same could not be said of the to respect the decision and to respect the In an interview with ABS-CBN tions by a big margin largely due better shape than what he found legacy of the administration of President rule of law as well,” Yasay said. six years ago. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. The incom- He said the court’s ruling would not News, Roxas stressed that extra- to a law-and-order platform in ing administration of President Benigno only benefi t the Philippines but also the judicial killings only affect poor which he pledged to suppress In its editorial, the Inquirer Aquino III found a troubled economy. international community since it would people, not the rich who can pay crime within six months by going reported that Aquino was leav- Beset by legitimacy problems from the ensure peace and stability in the disputed for their protection. after tens of thousands of sus- ing behind “an economy that is very start—she assumed the Presidency waters. despite the fact that the duly elected “The outcome of the decision of the "Lahat ng mga extra-judicial pected criminals. $100 billion larger than it was in 2010.” Chief Executive had not resigned— United Nations Convention on the na gawaing ito, ang talagang He has since offered large bounties to ( Continued on page 12 ) ( Continued on page 11 ) naaapektuhan nito ay iyung mga ( Continued on page 12 ) Economist Rudy Romero

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Contact Heather or Vanessa at (858) 694-0120 visit: joinSDSheri .net Page 2 Asian Journal San Diego | 619.474.0588 | July 1-7, 2016 4th of July Celebrations in Coronado Date: July 4 - July 4, 2016 Time: 7:00 AM to 9:30 PM Price: Free Venue: Coronado Island Coronado's popular annual Indepen- dence Day activities kick off with a 12k Run/Walk at dawn. 2016 Schedule of Events GettingGetting awayaway withwith aa tra tra cc 5:00 AM - Wake up & get your spot along Orange Ave for the parade. You can't set up before 5:00 AM! Tip, you can also take the ferry over from down- violation in town San Diego to Coronado. The traffi c violation in Metro Manila is going to be heavy, so plan on walking or biking. 7:00 AM - Crown City Classic (12K, 5K, and Kids 1/2 mile fun run) Run 7.4 mils on July 4th! Starts and Finishes at Tidelands Park For more info: contact@easydaysports. com or 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM - Art in the Park Spreckels Park (6th & Orange Avenue) The Visit: the traffi c fl ow. The cousin angrilyThe ut- Would a driverVisit be honest, if not stupid 9:00 AM - Annual Rough Water Swim tered a curse. enough, to forgo offering a bribe and Central Beach (Check-In Starts at 7:30 Chapter 9 of the book, "The Visit & “This #%^#*! I hope you get caught, instead be willing to pay a more expen- AM) Other Treasured Memories" by Simeon you stupid moron,” he said. sive fi ne? And if the police would turn ( Continued on page 4 ) G. Silverio, Jr. His prayer was answered because a down the bribe, how come incidences of policeman at the other end stopped the bribery are not known, if not reported? e has one week to erring driver and ordered him to move The theory is that bribery is practiced, back. As he passed the cousin, the latter and the bribes are divided among the attend to his offi cial found out the violator was his own son. authorities. Maybe the lowly policemen business before his The bad habit of a Manila driver are given a quota and the loot is shared H was evident when he visited the Subic with his superiors. This is not a baseless family -- his wife and three Bay Free Port Resort where American theory considering the idea has been Seaside Buet daughters -- would arrive for standards of traffi c rules are strictly fl oated around every now and then for 8998Seaside Miramar Road, San Diego,Buet CA 92126 their scheduled two-week imposed. He warned his driver to adhere years. to the rules, make sure he goes to a full If this is the case, would it be better if Tel. 858-566-1888 or 858-566-6188 family vacation. In the past, stop at every intersection with a stop the authorities would just set a reason- sign. Despite this warning, the driver able fi ne, like a day’s pay, instead of a 10%10% OFF OFF FOR FOR MILITARY MILITARY MEMBERS MEMBERS AND AND SENIOR SENIOR CITIZENS CITIZENS (65 (65 +) +) he found his stay at a hotel Catering, Party Trays, Carry-Out, Gift Certi„cates, Bar and would always come to a rolling stop at week, so a driver can offer it not as a Catering, Party Trays, Carry-Out, Gift Certi„cates, Bar and in the Ayala Center in Maka- every corner. When he made an illegal bribe? This will make an honest person Banquet Rooms Available Banquet Rooms Available ti City convenient because U-turn, an offi cer blew his whistle to in both the driver and the policemen. To it was at the center of every- stop him. Yet, he continued on, deter- add spice to this concept, it is further mined to escape. Later that evening, he suggested that a percentage of the fi ne thing he needed. Malls like committed another violation, but this be legally shared among the policemen Shoemart, Glorieta, Land- time, an offi cer was right in front of him. and their superiors inasmuch as the cur- mark and Greenbelt were The driver was forced to stop. As he rent legal fi nes are rarely imposed and gave him his driver’s license, the police- therefore hardly nothing actually goes within walking distance. man quipped: “I remember you,” he said to the public coffers. This will make   BrazilianBrazilian BBQ BBQ BeefBeef Restaurants, including fast- at he looked at the car. “You are the one things legal, augment the perceived low   food ones, were in the food who ran away from me!” pay of policemen and their superiors TeppanyakiTeppanyaki ChickenChicken Two tickets, instead of one, were and prevent them from being corrupt by   Pork court areas of the malls and about to be given to the driver. Had he accepting bribes. The fi ne, though not NoodleNoodle Soup Soup Pork known of the other violations the culprit very steep, would still deter drivers from   surrounding vicinity. SeafoodSeafood SoftSoft Serve Serve Ice Ice committed that day, he might run out of committing violations.  Among his choice hotels for a family tickets to issue. Fortunately, he was able In the United States, this practice SushiSushi CreamCream & & Yogurt Yogurt to convince the policeman to forgive the would not pass the test of ethics, if not  and business trip would be the Intercon- ChocolateChocolate Fountain Fountain tinental, Nikko Hotel Dusit, Shangri-La, driver, explaining they were balikbay- legality. In San Diego, California, for  the Peninsula and the Renaissance Hotel ans from the States out to explore the instance, a court found out that a private CottonCotton Candy Candy in Greenbelt. It would be easy for him area. company, which operated a video cam-  Beer & Wine to meet business associates in his hotel era placed in an intersection to monitor Beer & Wine or the nearby ones, either for breakfast, Traffi c violation violators, got a commission from the dinner, and lunch or in their business fi nes. The court upheld the violators and conference rooms. He found out What he feared most driving in the claim that the system gave the private that given the heavy traffi c in Manila, city is dealing with a police offi cer for company an incentive to turn on the red he could only schedule at least fi ve a traffi c violation. Would he just accept light a little bit faster to catch as many appointments a day: one for breakfast, the traffi c ticket or try to offer a bribe? violators as they could to earn a higher another for mid morning, one for lunch, He faced this situation when he hired his commission. mid afternoon and dinner. As for trans- sister’s chauffer to take him to a busi- But given the situation in a Third portation, riding a taxicab would be the ness appointment. He pled for forgive- World country like the Philippines where cheapest, as it would only cost one an ness on behalf of his driver, afraid to public servants get low pay and are more average of $2 to travel from one destina- offer a bribe as he might fi nd himself in tempted to commit corruption, the sug- tion to another. However, the availabil- deeper trouble and face a more serious gestion may be a better compromise, if ity of a taxicab ride, especially during offense: bribery. But the offi cer told not a moral solution. peak hours is not guaranteed. What is him it would cost the driver at least two guaranteed is the hotel taxi, especially thousand pesos penalty if he were issued Manila reporter Dinner Bu et Items: for safety. The hotel registers both the a ticket. Still unsure whether it was a Hot and Cold Crab Legs, passenger and the hotel taxi he would hint for him to come across with a bribe, He is reminded by an experience of take so they could be tracked down in he decided to back off and let his driver a friend who used to be a reporter in Raw and Cooked Oysters, case something should happen to them. settle the matter with the police offi cer. Manila. The friend boasted that when he Sea Snails, Sea Cucumber, Crab, One can even rent the hotel taxi service When the driver came back to the car, was caught by a policeman for a traffi c for a day, weeks or months. However, he learned the matter was settled with violation, all he had to do was show his Frog Legs, Clams, Crawsh, the cost is about triple the price of a only a 350-peso bribe. Realizing the press card instead of his driver’s license Sashimi, Shrimp, Beijing Duck, Roast Beef regular taxi ride. driver gave up his entire day’s pay, he and tell the policemen he was in a Renting and driving a car in Metro reimbursed him the money. He real- hurry to attend a press conference of that Ribs, Fish Maw Soup, Shark Fin Soup, Manila is another alternative. However, ized that an average driver in Manila city’s mayor. He tried this when he was and much more. it would be hard to weave around the is in catch 22 situations. If the fi ne is fi rst caught for speeding in a freeway in unruly traffi c in the city, especially if equivalent to his one week’s pay, he San Diego. He gave his license, together one is used to the orderly fl ow of traffi c would rather try to offer a bribe equal with his press card to the California $1.00 OFF LUNCH BUFFET $2.00 OFF DINNER BUFFET in other countries. Manila traffi c is like to his day’s salary, which some police Highway Patrol offi cer. The offi cer a jungle, with rules made to be bent. offi cer might just be too willing to ac- looked at his press card, returned it to cept considering their own low salary as him, and issued him a ticket anyway. ValidDine up toIn 5 adults Buet. Cannot Only be combined with any other ValidDine up toIn 5 adults Buet. Cannot Only be combined with any other Some drivers, just to get ahead of others, o ers or discounts. Limited to 1 coupon per table/visit/time. o ers or discounts. Limited to 1 coupon per table/visit/time. would travel against the sluggish fl ow a public servant. The system therefore Another friend told him that when he May not be used for split checks or tables. May not be used for split checks or tables. of traffi c. Others would just weave from breeds corruption, and he wonders if the was caught in Makati on his way to the Must present ORIGINAL PRINTED coupon. Excludes Holidays Must present ORIGINAL PRINTED coupon. Excludes Holidays one lane to another. city’s traffi c division has ever received airport to fl y back to his home in Seattle, Sales Tax Not Included. Sales Tax Not Included. One of his cousins was once caught in a fi ne for a traffi c violation. If not, do Washington, the police hinted it would Seaside Bu et Coupon Expires 07/31/2016 Seaside Bu et Coupon Expires 07/31/2016 standstill traffi c. Out of nowhere came a the authorities ever wonder why no car rushing through the left lane against violations are committed and reported? ( Continued on page 13 ) July 1-7, 2016 Asian Journal San Diego | 619.474.0588 | Page 3


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N6050149A.indd 1 6/20/16 1:24 PM Page 4 Asian Journal San Diego | 619.474.0588 | July 1-7, 2016

HealthHealth && WellnessWellness 8 Memory-boosting foods. Need to remember something? Benefi ts of drinking coffee out- I never knew number 4 was helpful! Certain foods are known to have 5. Tomatoes Exercise four hours later! weigh risks, review suggests positive effects on your memory -- ScienceDaily magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). -- ScienceDaily - Cancer Tomatoes are excellent brain food, and to help with brain function. The researchers found that those who - Metabolic Health as they are known for being good in A new study suggests an intriguing exercised four hours after their learning Coffee is enjoyed by millions - Neurological Disorders Like any other muscle, organ or fi ghting dementia and improving mood strategy to boost memory for what session retained the information better - Gastrointestinal Conditions body part, the brain requires cer- swings. you’ve just learned: hit the gym four two days later than those who exercised of people every day and the - Other Miscellaneous Health Out- tain nutrients to function proper- hours later. The fi ndings reported in the either immediately or not at all. The 'coffee experience' has become comes ly. Eating foods that contain high 6. Almonds Cell Press journal Current Biology on brain images also showed that exercise a staple of our modern life and June 16 show that physical exercise after after a time delay was associated with The authors noted causality of risks and levels of those nutrients will help Almonds and other nuts, such as culture. While the current body learning improves memory and memory more precise representations in the hip- of research related to the effects benefi ts cannot be established for either the brain work properly. walnuts, are known for helping traces, but only if the exercise is done in pocampus, an area important to learn- with the research currently available as to prevent dementia and just a specifi c time window and not immedi- ing and memory, when an individual of coffee consumption on human they are largely based on observational 1. Avocados generally improving brain ately after learning. answered a question correctly. health has been contradictory, a data. Further research is needed to quan- function. Nuts contain "It shows that we can improve memory "Our results suggest that appropriately new study found that the poten- tify the risk-benefi t balance for coffee One of the many essential, consolidation by doing sports after timed physical exercise can improve tial benefi ts of moderate coffee consumption, as well as identify which best brain healthy nutrients learning," says Guillén Fernández of long-term memory and highlight the of coffee's many active ingredients, or foods out that brains and the Donders Institute at the Radboud potential of exercise as an intervention drinking outweigh the risks in indeed the combination of such, that there are bodies need. University Medical Center in the Neth- in educational and clinical settings," the adult consumers for the major- could be inducing these health benefi ts. avocados. erlands. researchers conclude. ity of major health outcomes 7. Spinach Avocados In the new study, Fernández, along It's not yet clear exactly how or why considered. Note: Some fi nancial support of this contain the right with Eelco van Dongen and their col- delayed exercise has this effect on study was provided by illycafe s.p.a., fats and omegas Ever wonder leagues, tested the effects of a single ses- memory. However, earlier studies of however the authors declare no confl ict that increase blood why Popeye A review of studies on the health sion of physical exercise after learning laboratory animals suggest that naturally effects of drinking coffee show that of interest regarding the objective search fl ow to the brain and would eat his on memory consolidation and long-term occurring chemical compounds in the and summary of the literature. help lower cholesterol. spinach before moderate coffee drinking (defi ned as memory. Seventy-two study participants body known as catecholamines, includ- 3-4 cups per day) essentially has a attempting to save learned 90 picture-location associa- ing dopamine and norepinephrine, Story Source: 2. Broccoli the day? Well, neutral effect on health, or can be mildly tions over a period of approximately 40 can improve memory consolidation, benefi cial. spinach is another super food, and has a minutes before being randomly assigned the researchers say. One way to boost The above post is reprinted from Broccoli is known as a super food for powerful impact on preventing or delay- Researchers at Ulster University sys- to one of three groups: one group per- catecholamines is through physical tematically reviewed 1,277 studies from materials provided by Institute of Food the fact that it does so much good stuff ing dementia. It is also high in folate, an formed exercise immediately, the second exercise. Technologists (IFT). Note: Materials for the body. The big thing broccoli does essential nutrient for brain function. 1970 to-date on coffee's effect on human performed exercise four hours later, and Fernández says they will now use a health and found the general scientifi c may be edited for content and length. to help brain function is remove heavy the third did not perform any exercise. similar experimental setup to study the metals from the blood, which in 8. Beans consensus is that regular, moderate The exercise consisted of 35 minutes of timing and molecular underpinnings of coffee drinking (defi ned as 3-4 cups per Journal Reference: turn aids in brain function. interval training on an exercise bike at exercise and its infl uence on learning Beans and legumes truly day) essentially has a neutral effect on an intensity of up to 80 percent of partic- and memory in more detail. health, or can be mildly benefi cial. L. Kirsty Pourshahidi, Luciano Na- 3. Dark are magical for all that ipants' maximum heart rates. Forty-eight The above post is reprinted from varini, Marino Petracco, J.J. Strain. A Chocolate they do for the body The review was used to create an hours later, participants returned for a materials provided by Cell Press. Note: exhaustive list of the potential health Comprehensive Overview of the Risks and brain. Like spin- test to show how much they remem- Materials may be edited for content and and Benefi ts of Coffee Consumption. Yes, that ach, beans are loaded benefi ts and risks of coffee consumption bered while their brains were imaged via length. on the following health outcomes: Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science is correct— with folate to promote and Food Safety, 2016; 15 (4): 671 chocolate is good brain health, and are DOI: 10.1111/1541-4337.12206 for your brain. also packed with those - Total Mortality Dark chocolate good omega acids. As an Genetic switch turned on during - Cardiovascular Disease improves blood fl ow added benefi t, they help keep which is great for your memory your glucose levels steady. fasting helps stop infl ammation and cognition. Current stimulation to the brain partially restores vision Salk researchers uncover a ge- In addition to its role in promoting the 4. Red Cabbage brain-foods/?gg_medium=content&gg_ netic switch that promotes com- absorption of nutrients from food, the in patients with glaucoma and optic nerve damage source=alz&gg_term=03012016&gg_ GI tract is host to a panoply of bacteria. munication between the brain These microbes actually help in the Randomized, clinical trial shows or Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy. Red cabbage, apart from just being campaign=cs-mind-diet&gg_ and the intestines tasty and good for the bowels, contains content=blog-link&origin=alz_alza- digestive process by producing chemi- that modulating brain plasticity Eight patients had more than one cause cals that break down complex fats and of optic nerve atrophy. nutrients that are good for both the brain ware_social_fb_link_cs-mind-diet- LA JOLLA, 5/17/2016 —A molecular offers a promising avenue for vi- and the heart. young-brain_20160628 carbohydrates. The groups were randomized so that 45 pathway that is activated in the brain “Fasting has a positive value that spills sion restoration and rehabilitation patients underwent 10 daily applications during fasting helps halt the spread of over not just into the metabolic system, -- ScienceDaily of ACS for up to 50 minutes per day intestinal bacteria into the bloodstream, but also infl ammation and brain func- over a two-week period and 37 patients according to a new study by a team of tion,” says the study’s lead investigator Vision loss due to glaucoma or optic received sham stimulation. The only dif- researchers at the Salk Institute. Marc Montminy, professor in the Clay- nerve damage is generally considered ference between groups before treatment The study, published the week of ton Foundation Laboratories for Peptide irreversible. Now a new prospective, was that the stimulation group included May 16, 2016 in the Proceedings of the Biology and holder of the J.W. Kieck- randomized, multi-center clinical more men than the sham group; no other National Academy of Sciences, shows a hefer Foundation Chair. “Understanding trial demonstrates signifi cant vision differences were found, including age of molecular pathway by which the brain how the gut maintains this barrier, and improvement in partially blind patients the lesion or visual fi eld characteristics. communicates with the gastrointestinal creating drugs to enhance that barrier, after 10 days of noninvasive, transor- ACS was applied with electrodes on the (GI) tract to prevent unnecessary activa- may have important benefi ts for people bital alternating current stimulation skin near the eyes. Vision was tested tion of the immune system during fast- with infl ammatory bowel disease.” (ACS). In addition to activation of their before and 48 hours after completion of ing by strengthening the barrier against residual vision, patients also experienced treatment, and then again two months gut microbes. The discovery of this The new study is part of an ongoing improvement in vision-related quality of later to check if any changes were long- brain-gut signal in fruit fl ies, which has collaborative effort by the Montminy life such as acuity, reading, mobility or lasting. many parallels to humans, could eventu- lab and the lab of Salk Professor John orientation. The results are reported in Patients receiving ACS showed ally inform the treatment of infl amma- Thomas to pin down the mechanisms PLOS ONE. signifi cantly greater improvements in tory bowel diseases in people. that a genetic switch in the brain called "ACS treatment is a safe and effective perceiving objects in the whole visual Crtc uses to control energy balance. A means to partially restore vision after constant network of communication— optic nerve damage probably by modu- ( Continued on page 12 ) between our brains and the GI tract, as lating brain plasticity, re-synchronizing well as other tissues—helps our bodies brain networks, which were desyn- keep tabs on our energy expenditure and chronized by vision loss. This class 1 stores. Crtc interacts with another mol- evidence is the fi rst ever large-scale 4th of July ecule called CREB, and fasting activates multi-center clinical trial in the fi eld of ( Continued from page 2 ) both proteins and boosts formation of non-invasive brain modulation using long-term memories. electric currents and suggests that visual 10:00 AM - Annual Independence Day The Montminy and Thomas teams fi elds can be improved in a clinically Parade used fruit fl ies to study the Crtc switch, meaningful way," commented lead Location: Orange Ave from 1st Street in part because fl ies express many of investigator Bernhard A. Sabel, PhD, to Churchill Place the same metabolism-related genes as of the Institute of Medical Psychology, 2:30 to 4:00 PM - Adrian Empire humans do. Previous experiments by the Medical Faculty, Otto-von-Guericke Demo in Spreckels Park two labs have shown that fl ies whose University of Magdeburg (Germany). Recreation of Western European cul- Crtc gene is deleted become sensitized In a study conducted at three German ture between the years 1066-1603. San to fasting—they only survive about half clinical centers (University of Göttin- Diego Star Wars Society in Spreckels as long without food compared to fl ies gen, Charité Berlin, and University of Park - Will be Available for Photos with the Crtc gene. The researchers were Magdeburg), 82 patients were enrolled 4:00 PM - Concert in the Park at aiming to understand why the deletion in a double-blind, randomized, sham- Spreckels Park of Crtc caused fl ies to die sooner and controlled clinical trial, 33 with visual Music by: Coronado Community Band had hypothesized it was because these defi cits caused by glaucoma and 32 9:00 PM - Fireworks Over Glorietta mutant fl ies have fewer fat and sugar with anterior ischemic optic neuropathy Bay stores. caused by infl ammation, optic nerve Music by KYXY 96.5 FM Salk researchers uncover a fasting compression (due to tumors or intracra- Local Tip: Watch them from the golf molecule, Crtc, that enhances immunity. nial hemorrhage), congenital anomalies, course - walk or bike - don't drive The gastrointestinal tract of fl ies lacking Crtc, which is turned on during fasting (right panel), express more immune-re- reserves. lated molecules compared with those of While looking for molecular partners normal fl ies (left panel). These signs of of Crtc, the researchers uncovered a Chula Vista ( Continued from page 5 ) infl ammation mean that the gut barrier protein called short neuropeptide F is compromised, and more permeable to (sNPF), which is also found in the brain the Seventies,” on Friday, July 8. The bacteria. and has an equivalent in humans (called free event will be held at the Library, What the team—along with Salk As- neuropeptide Y). This peptide is known 365 F Street, from 3 to 9 p.m. and sistant Professor Janelle Ayres‘ group— to cause fl ies and mammals to search includes a costume contest for you and found in the new study, however, was for food in response to hunger signals. your pets, music, a piñata for the kids, surprising and more complicated. The Without sNPF in the brain, the fl ies and birthday cake. In addition, specialty guts of the fl ies without Crtc expressed showed signs of gut infl ammation simi- food trucks will be selling refreshments several molecules indicating that lar to those fl ies missing Crtc. What’s in the east parking lot while the audito- their immune system was keyed up. more, the normally tight seals along the rium and marketplace will be rocking When postdoctoral researcher Run gastrointestinal tract were broken down with Disco and other music. Shen entered Montminy’s lab with in the sNPF-lacking fl ies, letting bacteria The Civic Center Branch is one of the the evidence—pictures taken from the out. busiest in San Diego County. Offering microscope of fl uorescently stained cells Conversely, fl ies expressing more than weekly programs for all ages includ- lining the fl ies’ guts—“it was totally the normal amounts of Crtc or sNPF in ing crafts, concerts, book clubs, fi lm unexpected,” he says. their neurons were able to survive longer screenings, musical performances and The new results suggest that the fl ies without food and showed less disruption much more, this branch averages more are more sensitive to starvation because to the tight junctions that maintain their than 1,000 visitors every day. With a the immune system is activated, which gastrointestinal barriers. dedicated staff and awesome volun- is energetically taxing. This amped-up The researchers are conducting more teers, it really does have something for immune response suggests that without experiments to understand how the neu- everyone! Crtc, bacteria leak from the gut into the ropeptides activate the gut receptors that For the July 8 birthday party, wear your fl y’s circulation. The researchers found help protect it from bacterial invasion. groovy garb from the 70s and dress up your that the normal role of Crtc is to fortify Other authors on the work were Biao pet for the “Pup Culture” costume contest the barriers of the gut to prevent bacteria held from 3 to 5 p.m. Then from 5 to 9 p.m., Wang and Maria Giribaldi of the Salk enjoy a dance party with DJ John Phillips in from entering the bloodstream and Institute. The work was supported by the the marketplace area, listen to the musical awakening the immune system. Without National Institutes of Health, the Leona stylings of singer-guitarist Ray Ornellas & Crtc, the connections between cells that M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Friends in the auditorium from 5:30 to 8 line the gut tube become disrupted, caus- Trust and the Glenn Centers for Re- p.m., and watch the kids attack two piñatas ing bacteria to leak out, activating the search in Aging. in the children’s room. For more information, immune response and depleting energy visit July 1-7, 2016 Asian Journal San Diego | 619.474.0588 | Page 5 CaliforniaCalifornia CommunitiesCommunities SDG&E injects $7.5M in education push to inspire drivers Chula Vista to switch to cleaner electric drive 4th Fest More than 20 locations pledge to seek chargers from Power Your Drive pilot program Post Date:06/21/2016 3:47 PM A spectacular fi reworks display will be obstacles to EV ownership. ing growth in EVs. will promote electric vehicles and other featured at the Olympic Training Center “California is known for new ideas “California is a leader in setting policy benefi ts. These education initiatives are (OTC) in Chula Vista on the Fourth of and innovation, and development of supporting the widespread deploy- intended to inspire the next wave of new July beginning at 9 p.m. Sponsored in lifechanging technologies. Now, we are ment of electric vehicles,” said CPUC drivers to switch to an electric vehicle part by SD Local, a group of fi ve radio leading the U.S. in creating the leading Commissioner Carla Peterman. “The and expand the use of EVs to all geo- stations, the Chula Vista 4th Fest fi re- standard for SDG&E pilot program graphic and socio-economic areas. works will be set off with special simul- de-carbonizing electricity and advanc- will not only make EV charging more All of these initiatives demonstrate taneous music on the radio. Participating ing clean transportation,” said Jeff available, which is important for driv- that residents live in a special place at a stations are 91X, Magic 92.5, 100.78 Martin, SDG&E’s chairman, president ing the sale of cars, but it will test how special moment for the growth of clean KFMB BFM, AM 760 and Z90.3. and CEO. “Some problems are solved charging can benefi t the power grid transportation in San Diego. In 2012, Launched from the athlete train- by looking to the future, not the past, and bring down electricity costs for all Gov. Jerry Brown set a bold vision of ing grounds, excellent viewing of the and this is one of them," said Martin. ratepayers.” having 1.5 million zero-emission ve- fi reworks is available at the OTC and "That is why we are reducing carbon in Among the participants to step forward hicles on the road in California by 2025. Mountain Hawk Park. Located at 2800 the transportation sector by installing and pledge to promote EV growth and With the education campaign and thou- Olympic Parkway, the OTC can accom- charging infrastructure throughout the charging included: American Lung sands of new chargers dotting the com- modate a maximum number of 3,000 communities we serve, and maximizing Association, Bayview Baptist Church, munity, SDG&E believes it’s possible attendees. Parking via the Visitor’s the use of renewable energy to charge Circulate San Diego, City of Chula to quadruple the current 20,000 EVs on entrance is limited to 500 cars and costs vehicles.” Vista, City of National City, City of San San Diego’s roads by 2020, bringing the $10, cash only, per auto; attendees will Martin announced the comprehen- Diego, County of San Diego, Cuyamaca region ever closer to meeting its share of be counted upon entrance. Gates to the sive campaign at a news conference College, Escondido Union High School the state’s eventual goal. This will accel- OTC open at 6 p.m. and alcohol is not alongside San Diego Mayor Kevin L. District, Equinox Project, Gildred Co., erate the EV race in San Diego and forge allowed on the premises; vehicles will Faulconer, Chula Vista Mayor Mary HG Fenton Company, I Love A Clean a path to a future where electric vehicles be searched. Some sections of Olym- Casillas Salas, San Diego Councilman San Diego, Jewish Family Services, become the majority on local roads, not pic Parkway between Hunte Parkway Mark Kersey, and other local leaders. Menlo Equities, Palomar College, San just the exception. and Wueste Road will allow on-street “San Diego is a national leader in de- Diego Housing Federation, Sea World, For those interested in learning more parking. In addition, parking will be veloping innovative solutions to reduce Sony, UCSD, and UTC Aerospace. about the education campaign and EV permitted at the New Hope Community emissions and protect our environment,” SDG&E is working to sign up 200 charging station program, visit sdge. Church, 2720 Olympic Parkway. said San Diego Mayor Kevin L. Faul- participants by the end of the year, in com/poweryourdrive or email EV@ Mountain Hawk Park, 1475 Lake Crest coner. “I am locations throughout all 26 cities in the Drive, opens at 6 a.m. and can accom- happy to see SDG&E working to region. At least 10 percent of the char- SDG&E is an innovative San Diego- modate 3,000 people for viewing the strengthen our reputation in this fi eld gers will be in based energy company that provides fi reworks display. by installing thousands of new electric disadvantaged communities. safe, reliable, clean energy to better the Event signs and cones will be placed vehicle charging stations at apartments, “Chula Vista is proud to partner with lives of the people it serves in San Diego indicating permitted parking areas. For condos, businesses and underserved SDG&E to provide clean air to our and southern more parking information, go to: http:// neighborhoods throughout our great city. communities,” said City of Chula Vista Orange counties. More than 4,300 . Traffi c control will be From left, SDG&E Chairman, President and CEO Jeff Martin, City of San Diego “San Diegans will not only save money Mayor Mary Casillas Salas. “Continuing employees work to provide the most re- enforced and Chula Vista Police will be Mayor Kevin L. Faulconer, City of Chula Vista Mayor Mary Casillas Salas, City of Im- on their gasoline bills, it will also help our record of environmental leadership liable and clean energy in the West. The on site at the OTC and Mountain Hawk perial Beach Mayor Serge Dedina, IBEW Local Union 569 Business Manager Johnny San Diego achieve its Climate Action we are looking at electrifying our City company has been recognized by the Park. Simpson, and City of San Diego Councilman Mark Kersey Plan goals by cleaning up our air and re- fl eet and are pleased to partner with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ducing emission in the crucial transpor- SDG&E to install 60 charging stations for leadership in addressing climate tation sector,” Mayor Faulconer added. at City facilities and more throughout change, was the fi rst to meet Califor- Chula Vista “Power Your Drive demonstrates once our city.” nia’s goal of delivering 33 percent of Begins new era for transporta- and to establish San Diego and south again why the nation looks to San Diego SDG&E’s new education campaign energy from renewable sources, has Civic Center Orange Counties as America’s EV and for leadership in urban will include EV ride-and-drives in every fueled the adoption of electric vehicles tion electrifi cation to reduce clean energy capital. sustainability.” geographical area of the region. These and energy effi ciency through unique emissions SDG&E also introduced more than 20 events allow customers to test drive EVs customer programs, and supports more Library turns 40 SAN DIEGO, May 16, 2016 – Today, multifamily communities and businesses from all the than 600 non-profi t partners. SDG&E is The education campaign will comple- Post Date:06/29/2016 11:41 AM San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) an- ment the $45-million pilot program re- that intend to seek new charging stations major car manufacturers at one loca- a subsidiary of Sempra Energy (NYSE: nounced it will invest $7.5 million over under the company’s innovative Power tion, familiarize themselves with the SRE), a Fortune 500 energy services cently approved by the California Public Chula Vista’s Public Library Civic the next fi ve years to develop a bold new Your Drive many benefi ts of driving an EV such as holding company based in San Diego. Utilities Commission (CPUC) to install Center Branch is celebrating its 40th education campaign to create awareness, pilot program. Not only will residents tax credits and rebates of up to $10,000, For more information visit 3,500 charging stations at 350 local birthday with a party entitled, “Back to expand electric vehicle (EV) ownership businesses,Asian multi-family communities Journal and employees of these locations get low “fueling” costs and environmental newsroom or connect with SDG&E on and lead the charge among large cities onsite chargers for the fi rst time, they protection. The campaign will also pro- (@SDGE), Instagram (@SDGE) First Asian Weekly Newspaperand disadvantaged in Southern neighborhoods.California & San This Diego’s Most Widely Circulated Asian-Filipino Newspaper ( Continued on page 4 ) to electrify the transportation sector. combined $52.5 million comprehensive also will be using the cleanest energy vide funding to community groups that and Facebook. 550 East 8th Street, Suite 6, National City CA 91950 • Tel. (619) 474-0588 • Fax (619) 474-0373 The desired result: to reduce harmful air effort is expected to increase the use of from the sun and wind to charge their emissions, promote the use of EV charg- clean energy as a fuel for transporta- cars. Taken together, these developments ing with power from the wind and sun, tion and help consumers overcome any signal a watershed moment for promot-

The SANDAG Board of Directors, acting as the San Diego County Regional Transportation Commission, will meet on July 8, 2016, to determine whether to adopt a resolution that will, among other things, approve the language in proposed Commission Ordinance No. RTC-CO-2017-01 and authorize submission of the Ordinance and its accompanying Expenditure Plan and ballot language, to the County of San Diego for placement on the ballot for the countywide election scheduled for November 8, 2016. The meeting will be held at SANDAG, 401 B Street, 7th Floor, San Diego, CA 92101. The full text of the Ordinance will be mailed upon request and is available at A summary of the content of said Ordinance, inclusive of the title, is as follows: the San Diego County Road Repair, Transit, Traffic Relief, Safety, and Water Quality Ordinance and Expenditure Plan provides for imposition of a new transactions and use tax at the rate of one-half of one percent (1/2%) commencing April 1, 2017, for a period of forty years, in addition to any existing or future authorized state or local transactions and use tax, which, together with the TransNet Extension (Commission Ordinance No. RTC-CO-04-01) will result in a maximum one percent tax rate to be imposed by the Commission in accordance with the San Diego County AsianRegional Transportation CommissionJournal Act (Public Utilities Code Sec- tion 132000 et seq.) Net Revenues from the Ordinance shall be used to repair roads and deteriorating bridges and improveFirst critical Asian infrastructure; Weekly Newspaper relieve in freeway Southern congestion; California &provide San Diego’s each communityMost Widely with Circulated funds to Asian-Filipino repair Newspaper potholes and streets and550 to protectEast 8th waterways Street, Suite and 6, beaches National from City polluted CA 91950 runoff; • Tel. to (619) expand 474-0588 and improve • Fax (619) transit 474-0373 services for all persons in the County, including seniors, people with disabilities, students and veterans; to preserve open space and better protect water quality and reduce the risk of wildfires; and to enhance the transportation network countywide as set forth in the Expenditure Plan. The revenues shall be deposited in a special fund and used solely for the identified improvements within San Diego County.


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TO APPROVE please sign and fax back to (619) 474-0373 or acknowledge via EMAIL. Page 6 Asian Journal San Diego | 619.474.0588 | July 1-7, 2016 PerspectivesPerspectives like Manuel L. Quezon, a Spanish resources during the next fi fty years just Filipino mestizo, and Sergio Osmena, like any other Filipino citizen. More- a Chinese Filipino mestizo, rose to over, they were allowed to station troops prominence. They lobbied for Filipino in the country for a certain period of self-rule and independence from the time. Some say that because of this, the Americans, Filipinos were not actually independent. “I would rather have a Philippines run The Americans got so much concessions like hell by the Filipinos than one that that it was impossible for the Philip- is run like heaven by the Americans,” pines to develop economically because Quezon famously proclaimed. Today, he it was dependent and at the mercy of got his wish, and many Filipinos now the United States through economic wish he spoke for himself! imperialism.

Transition period Luneta celebrations

To appease the Filipinos, the United I remember as a young boy when our States agreed to a transition period. The family used to go to Luneta, the coun- Happy Fourth of July Philippines would be declared a com- try’s national park located in Manila, Yes, you can monwealth under the Americans, with to observe the celebration of Philippine ife has been easy and for a house until you are close to retire- ( Continued from page 1 ) Manuel L. Quezon and Sergio Osmena Independence on July 4th. A civic and ment. Learn from the stupid mistakes of as president and vice president respec- Long story military parade would be held after convenient for most retirees with big egos. Trust only your tively. Complete independence was lunch, with the president of the republic of us that migrated gut feeling when it comes to your hard promised eventually. How did this come to pass? It is quite and other high government offi cials ob- L earned money. But then, World War II intervened. to this country. Some may a long story, which many of us baby serving in the grandstand. The president Hopefully, we have learned from our With the bombing of Pearl Harbor by the boomers, those who witnessed the Phil- would then deliver his Independence had slow or diffi cult start past mistakes and that of other people. Japanese, the Americans were embroiled ippines observed July fourth as its Inde- Day speech and in the evening fi reworks We can’t go back in time so we have to in the war. As an American colony, the but, eventually lived much pendence Day, can still vividly recall. will light up the sky over Manila Bay to move forward. Yes, it is hard to change Philippines was invaded by the Japanese the delight of those in the park. better lives. It’s not hard for ways and outlook in life but, with hours later with American troops in the In the late 1890s, the Filipinos rebelled In 1956, the celebration was rained out. most Filipino immigrants to conviction we can do it. We can fi nd country having their fi rst taste of battles. against the Spaniards who colonized I remember being huddled inside our car motivations to quit bad habits and adopt The ill-equipped and ill-trained Filipi- assimilate in new communi- them for about 500 years. With bolos, States. It was a mixed blessing though. parked in front of the grandstand with good ones. You can stay away from nos proved their courage and bravery by fi rearms and improvised weapons like While the Americans undoubtedly intro- my family, as we listened to the speech ties or adapt to new environ- people with negative life attitudes and defending the country side by side with pointed bamboo poles, coupled with duced positive concepts in the country of then President Ramon Magsaysay as ment. There is that survival set priorities. the Americans in the legendary battles courage and bravery, they succeeded like the government and public school the rain was pouring down outside. It Nobody is perfect and you don’t have of Bataan and Corregidor. Through instinct and the drive to im- in defeating the mighty Spanish army. systems as well as the English language, was Magsaysay’s last Independence Day to live up to every body’s expectations. the three-year Japanese occupation of At that time however, the Spanish- some critics say that graft and corruption speech. He would die when his plane, prove lives. Filipinos are all There is no way you can make everyone the Philippines, the Filipino fi ghters American war erupted. Rather than just and wrong sense of values came hand in Mt. Pinatubo, crashed on Mt. Manung- happy in your personal life and in your consistently proved their heroism by over the world in search for giving up the Philippines and lose their hand with the benefi ts. They argue that gal in Cebu, on March 17, 1957. business. You may have been raised staging guerilla warfare and eventually honor, the Spaniards, who were also at because of the U.S. domination, the Fili- better future of their families to be polite but, you need to learn to helping the invading Americans liberate the losing end in the Spanish-American pinos were not allowed to fully develop In a way, the decision of President left behind. say NO. Before you think about other the country. war, secretly agreed to turn over their their nationalistic and indigenous values Macapagal to change the observance of people’s feelings, think about yours. It is colony to the United States. The decrepit that would have made them more disci- Philippine Independence Day from July Not everybody who migrated to the not being selfi sh but, just being realistic. Today, the few remaining Filipino Spanish Armada under Admiral Montojo plined and sacrifi cing like the Japanese 4th to June 12 was a soul-cleansing ex- U.S. got it made. There are some who There are people who’ll make negative World War II veterans are still lobbying staged a mock battle against the modern who became a dominant world power, perience for the Filipinos. We proved to are better off if they stayed in the home- comments no matter what you do. Live the U.S. government for the benefi ts day American Navy commanded by Ad- both politically and economically, with ourselves that we were an independent land. Some came here just to give their your own life and stop worrying about they were promised at the outset of the miral Dewey. After the incident, which nary a foreign infl uence messing up their people before the Americans colonized children and grandkids the opportu- other people’s problems. If you are not war. Sad to say, however, their pleas formalized the defeat of Spain, the culture. our country. It proved that the sacrifi ces, nity to immigrate to this country in the in certain professions, don’t fi x other continue to fall on deaf ears, and many, Treaty of Paris was signed, with Spain courage, bravery and heroism of our future. people’s self- infl icted misery. Most because of their old age, may not see ceding to the Americans the Philippines. “The Philippines is like a girl who revolutionary heroes were not futile for At least we have that option to reside people created their own problems. the day when their demands would be By that time however, Filipino rebel spent 500 years in the convent (under they were able to achieve their goal, the here or in the islands during our golden On your last visit to the islands and granted. General Emilio Aguinaldo had declared Spain) and 50 years in Hollywood attainment of Philippine independence. years. It can be a personal choice and meet relatives and friends, what was During the war, Quezon died of the Philippines’ independence in the bal- (under America), thus its people had a It made as very proud as a people, one there are medical and fi nancial issues to the common issue? The bottom line is tuberculosis in Saranac Lake, New York cony of his home in Kawit, Cavite, on warped, if not confused sense of values with rich and colorful history, a noble seriously consider. the same, money. All you wanted was and his vice president, Osmena, who June 12, 1898. The Filipinos’ freedom and identity,” one observer noted. legacy which we, no matter how corrupt Retiring in the islands is not for every- a good conversation but, they never was also in exile, succeeded him to the was short lived though, as the Ameri- The Filipinos, especially the illustra- many government offi cials and how body. Financially you might be okay but, get tired of telling you their fi nancial presidency. cans, with their modern day weaponry, dos, the Filipino educated elite, became warped the values of many Filipinos physically and mentally you may not problems. When the Americans regained control marched into the country and cornered like, as one writer described them, are today, can proudly pass on to our handle it. The location of your residence Since you are only a human being, you of the country, it only took two years, General Emilio Aguinaldo and his ragtag “Little Brown Americans,” dressing like children. is critical in case of emergency. The may be touched by their sad stories, true on July 4th, 1946, before it granted troops in the hills of Palanan, Isa- their colonizers and speaking the Eng- length of your stay during the year has or not. So, to avoid such situations, set independence to the Philippines, with bela. History books now attest that the lish language with such profi ciency that As a Filipino American who migrated to be considered too. Do you want to your priorities and enjoy your vacation. Manuel Roxas, who bested Osmena, in a Americans committed one of the worst the best Filipino writers in English were to the United States thirty-four years reside among relatives or among retirees Again, I will remind you that there are bitterly fought, and some say, fraudulent atrocities and human rights violations in developed during this period. The credit ago and became a naturalized Ameri- of your kind? more than 7,000 islands in the Philip- election, as the fi rst president of the defeating the courageous Filipinos. to the English profi ciency should go to can citizen fi ve years later, I celebrate Young immigrants with dreams of pines. Visit a few of them and have a Republic. But not without enormous the Thomasites, a group of American the Fourth of July with mixed feelings, retiring in the islands should plan early. relaxing time with your spouse, kids or concessions. The Americans awarded Mixed blessing teachers who came to the Philippines grateful to my adopted country and It’s a good idea to invest in real estate love ones. Be a tourist, have fun. aboard the ship Thomas to introduce the themselves with parity rights, meaning hoping for the best for the country of my properties with clear titles. Just don’t let they could explore the country’s natural The next fi fty years saw the coloniza- English language to the Tagalog, if not birth. – AJ anybody squat on it. There is no need tion of the Philippines by the United Spanish-speaking Filipinos. During the 1930s, Filipino politicians So, never one to let a good hotels: $154 theme end, I checked with 6. Denver. Denver is the place to be for The Child Pris- Caregivers fi reworks enthusiasts, with four straight ( Continued from page 8 ) nights for viewing. Coors Field has fi re- Travelocity to where others when they are doing a disservice to works after the Rockies games on July oners of Philip- themselves, Weber points out. are going on their vacations 1st and 2nd; the Civic Center Park has a Tronetti says "the classic caregiver - with or without a motor free concert and fi reworks show on July pine Jails primer is called " 3rd and the 4th brings the sparkly stuff home. The 36 Hour Day," and for good at Mile High Stadium after the Colorado Fr. Shay Cullen, mssc reason. Instead of being retired and Rapids game. 30 June 2016 Travelocity's top 10 destinations off the clock, caregivers are busy, alert Average daily rate at Denver hotels: The top 10 travel destinations for the and ready at a moment's notice and $112 The recent conviction of notorious Fourth of July, according to Travelocity every hour of the day to be the nurse, 7. Chicago. Spend the day on the beach British Douglas Slade in the United and based on bookings, "reveals where housekeeper, referee, advocate, diaper on the shores of Lake Michigan and the Kingdom (UK) for multiple acts of sex travelers will head to barbeque, watch changer, cook, laundry service, pharma- evening watching fi reworks at Navy abuse against children is a historical fi reworks, sunbathe and celebrate our cist, psychologist and go-fer." Pier. There are two opportunities to see and signifi cant development. It is rare nation’s independence over the holiday Forget about the 40-hour-workweek the sparkly stuff over the holiday week- that British pedophiles are successfully weekend in 2011. for these "sainted souls," adds Weber. Top 10 destinations for the 4th end, once on Saturday July 2 and again extradited from the Philippines. 1. Orlando. Summer’s number-one "They are ready to tackle their jobs all on Monday July 4th. He fl ed to the Philippines to escape family destination has plenty of places day long and, in many cases, all night of July weekend Average daily rate at Chicago hotels: justice in Britain several years ago and to view fi reworks, including shows at long, too." $165 he allegedly preyed on many young Walt Disney World, Universal Orlando Tronetti cited one study in her article. Travelers headed to theme parks, cities and beaches for the 8. Washington, D.C. There’s only boys here in the Philippines. The Preda and SeaWorld. For a break from It showed that those who work 35 to 40 upcoming holiday weekend one place to be on the Fourth of Foundation social workers and paralegal the parks, pack your hours a week have an average risk of July in our nation’s offi cers rescued several victims and picnic basket and stroke for their age groups and that those (Article reprinted from July 1, 2011 edition of the Asian Journal San Diego) capital, and brought legal charges against Slade in head instead to who work 41 to 48 hours ha a 10 percent that’s on the Philippine courts and pursued justice the free fi reworks higher chance of having a stroke. But National Mall. for them. Soon we will take civil court e're home! The trip is over, the motor home has show at Lake those who worked 49 to 55 hours a The all-day cel- action in the UK to get justice for the Eola in downtown week were linked to a 27 to 33 percent been returned, and the laundry is in the washing ebration begins Filipino children he allegedly abused. Orlando. increase in their risks for stroke. with a parade and In the Philippines he was allegedly able machine. But now that we're back, I'm having a Average daily rate at "I suspect that many people underes- W Orlando hotels: $120 culminates with mu- to bribe his way out of these cases. He timate the amount of hours dedicated bit of post-vacation letdown. Not the blues exactly, just a sic and a fi reworks was video recorded telling a journalist 2. New York City. What would to work. They don't identify it as such twinge of sadness that the family summer vacation is over. show over the Washington how he was able to bribe his way and Independence Day be without hot because they are on their own couch Monument. have the cases dismissed. dogs? Watch the champs chow down at instead of in their cubicle, but in reality Average daily rate at Washington, D.C. This is real crime to the eternal shame Nathan’s International Hot Dog Eating they are tethered to their jobs, working hotels: $145 of irresponsible and corrupt lawyers, Contest in Coney Island by day, then excess hours without a break," she re- 9. Seattle. Seattle is well-known for prosecutors and judges. Despite strong head to Manhattan’s West Side for an- ports. "I've seen caregivers admitted to microbrews. Get in on the fun July 1-3 evidence, including the testimony of the other beloved tradition -- the Macy’s 4th the hospital with sleep deprivation, un- at the Seattle International Beerfest. victims, the cases were dismissed and of July fi reworks in the evening. treated cancer, heart attacks and strokes, July 4th brings the annual – and mov- he allegedly carried on abusing more Average daily rate at New York hotels: and have lost friends and colleagues to ing – naturalization of hundreds of new children. More cases were fi led and $203 sudden death and preventable illness, all citizens at Seattle Center. Celebrate dismissed. The corrupt offi cials who 3. Los Angeles. If you’ve been working because there was work to be done." your own citizenship that evening with allowed it should answer to the nation hard on your bikini tan, head to Venice Friends and relations make the best fi reworks and family friendly fun at Gas and God. Beach on the Fourth for the Mr. & Mrs. caregivers in most cases because, above Works Park on Lake Union. This practice of corrupt offi cials grant- Muscle Beach pageant to see how you all, they have a personal connection to Average daily rate at Seattle hotels: ing impunity to rich, foreign sex tourists stack up. For all-American evening the individuals who need their help, $154 is driving the drug and sex trade here in entertainment, check out the Dodgers vs. according to Weber. "But at the end of 10. San Francisco. It’s fi tting that the the Philippines. Children as young as 12 Mets game, which will be followed by a their very long days, the best caregivers City by the Bay hosts San Francisco’s years old are used sexual play toys of the fi reworks show. are those who take care of themselves largest fi reworks display over the bay. pedophiles of many nationalities. Average daily rate at Los Angeles as they go about their chores. As Dr. Head to Pier 39 for the evening show, or We hope that President Rodrigo hotels: $145 Tronetti put it they need to take time to spend the whole day there dancing away Duterte, recently inaugurated, will really 4. Las Vegas. Summer’s number-one make time for themselves. They need to to the live music. live up to his declaration to crush crime singles destination is both literally and see to their own medical conditions and Average daily rate at San Francisco with an iron fi st and close the drug and fi guratively hot over July 4th weekend, take measures to alleviate stress." but luckily plenty of hotels will be host- hotels: $162 sex dens that proliferate all over the So the question now is, are you going Philippines and bring to trial those sex ing pool parties to cool things off all ABOUT AMAC weekend long. to be one of the maddening crowd or go tourists who abuse minors. your own way? You don't have to go to The tendency to blame the children for Average daily rate at Las Vegas hotels: The Association of Mature American one of those destinations, after all. You the crimes of adults is prevalent here. It $105 Citizens [] is a can choose to go somewhere else. The took twenty years to pass a benign law 5. South Florida. It’s all about the vibrant, vital senior advocacy organiza- point is, you should choose to go and that set the age of criminal liability for beaches in South Florida, even in tion that takes its marching orders from then go. Get out of town for awhile and children at 15 years old, giving them the evening hours. If Miami is your its members. We act and speak on their rest, relax, unwind, and breathe different protection. However, the new congress destination, the Fourth of July fi reworks behalf, protecting their interests and of- air. Get your mind of the job, the house, under President Duterte plans to lower festivities and fi reworks viewing are tak- fering a practical insight on how to best the car payments, and anything else that that to 12 years of age. ing place on the beach at 8th Street and solve the problems they face today. Live involves a bank. Ocean Drive in Miami Beach. long and make a difference by joining us Info from ( Continued on page 13 ) Average daily rate at South Florida today at July 1-7, 2016 Asian Journal San Diego | 619.474.0588 | Page 7 UN tribunal to As the issue PH vs Bamboos China ruling Sway on July 12 by Rudy Liporada Read previous articles by Rudy Liporada MANILA, Philippines — United Na- at tions' Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) has announced that it will issue its fi nal award in the arbitration case ini- tiated by the Philippines against China on July 12. Crazy or not, here comes Digong "The Tribunal will issue its Award on Tuesday, 12 July 2016 at approxi- As the Bamboos Sway invariably have control of the national mately 11 A.M. CEST, The Hague," the by Rudy D. Liporada and local governments because its only Netherlands-based tribunal said in an they who could run and win elections advisory issued on Wednesday. Love him, hate him, be kadiri to death because they can afford the machinery to The ruling will fi rst be sent through of him, or whatever, Rodrigo Duterte run the campaigns. e-mail to the involved parties along is now the president of the Republic of For the workers, Digong has already with a press release written in English the Philippines. Trash talking, protocol emphasized that the government would in French, with an unoffi cial Mandarin breaker, Catholic Pope basher, UN pug- raise the minimum wage and abol- Chinese translation. nacious, nemesis of drug lords, and other ish contractualization. For the biggest "The Parties will receive originally tags, he had been voted into offi ce by 16 entrepreneurs who also mostly come signed versions of the Award. Hard cop- million – not the majority of Filipinos from the landlord lines, these would be ies of the Award will also be sent to the but overwhelming compared to the votes unacceptable as they would be lessen- Embassies of States that were granted garnered by the other losing presidential ing their profi ts. In a confl icting vein, observer status for the hearings. There candidates. however, in February 2016, Philippine will be no in-person meeting or cer- Nonetheless, however one may regard labor groups criticized Digong after he emony for the rendering of the Award," him – Du30 or DuDirty, Digong is now called on “the organized labor sector the PCA said. at the fulcrum between major class to give the country a ten-year break The observer states and PCA mem- contentions in the Islands. Claiming to from active unionism or he will have ber states will also receive copies of be leftist (although he said “hanggang to kill its members.” Moreover, he had the award and the press release, along kili-kili lang”), he had set the stage for announced that there would be no major with the public and media who have reopening of peace negotiations with shift in economic policy from Aquino’s registered to be included in the distribu- the National Democratic Front – NDF administration. tion list. - (representing the Communist Party of On Digong’s foreign policy, the NDF The PCA will also upload the tribu- the Philippines, New People’s Army, has “challenged Duterte to assert the na- nal's procedural orders, the reports and other so called progressive left tional sovereignty of the Filipino people of tribunal-appointed experts and the organizations), promised to free political and defend the territorial integrity of Philippines' written submissions on its prisoners, and appointed left leaning the Philippines.” The NDF primarily website. individuals to his cabinet. At the same referred to the United States and China On January 2013, the Philippines initi- time, he is allowing the burial of the presence in the area. ated an arbitration against China's nine- remains of Martial Law dictator Ferdi- It should be noted that foreign interven- dash line claim over the South China nand E. Marcos at the Libingan ng mga tion in the Philippines is largely based Sea pursuant to the provisions of the Bayani, viewed as Digong’s reverence to on its support for the elite landlords who UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. dictatorship which has been imposed by profi t as conduit entrepreneurs for any However, China refused to participate in Marcos on behalf of himself, oligarchs foreign investment in the Philippines. the proceedings of the arbitration. and foreign interests. Digong has also In his farewell speech as Mayor of The Philippines won the fi rst round of appointed to his cabinet former mem- Davao to his City constituents, Digong the arbitration when the international bers of Gloria Arroyo’s cabinet whose assured that the “helpless, hopeless, and tribunal issued its Award on Jurisdiction economic, social, and political leanings defenseless” could always depend on and Admissibility on October 2015. favored the interests of the landlords, big him. This could connote that would be businessman, and foreign interests. more on the side of who the NDF had How Digong will crumple in between always claimed to be fi ghting for. This Get the best the clashing class interests will make would connote that he would really be the real Duterte to stand up. Is he truly for the position of identifying the root results for your a leftist, hanggang kili-kili lang, or just causes of the armed confl ict and solving classified ad with our like a stamby sa harap ng sari-sari store them – genuine land reform, industri- na puro mura sa pagyayabang lang? alization, and non-foreign intervention. 3-in-1 price offer via For the peace process, the NDF and the If Digong would be true to his words, online+digital+print Government of the Republic of the Phil- then he would be standing against the editions. Only from ippines (GRP) are supposed to defi ne interests of those who make the helpless, the root causes of the armed confl ict for hopeless, and defenseless be in those the Asian Journal which the NDF is waging a belligerent position. 619.474.0588 war for over four decades and for which If Digong vacillates from his words, the GRP is presumably defending itself the peace process will crumble and from insurgency. Apart from its specifi c the NDF insurgency will surge on. If demands, generally, the NDF is seeking he does not, the ruling classes will eek for genuine land reform and national all means to dethrone him from the industrialization free of foreign interven- presidency – fi nd all the ways to have tion. These would presumably uplift him impeached at the least, assassinated 90% of the Filipinos, mostly from the maybe, or covertly removed from of- peasantry (75%) and the workers (15%). fi ce as had happened to so called leftist Digong has said that under the Aquino presidents in South America. administration, farmers have endured a Digong did say that he is 70 years old “total failure of land reform,” and that he and is not afraid to die for his principles “would pursue land reform differently – whatever they may be. by prioritizing the provision of support For now, on the surface, what people services alongside land distribution to see is his sordid stance against drug farmers.” He also has already directed lords and corruption. These are, of release of the coconut levy that had been course, just offshoots of what the NDF due the peasants for the longest time and calls the root causes of the armed con- free irrigation other support services for fl ict they are engaged in. the farmers. Genuine land reform would So, Digong has come. run counter to the interests of the elite Question is: Quo Vadis from now, landlords who own vast tracts of lands Du30? in the Islands. They are the richest and

9 Things that will disappear in our lifetime Whether these changes are good or every day is junk mail and bills. bad depends in part on how we adapt to 2. The Cheque them. But, ready or not, here they come. Britain is already laying the ground- 1. The Post Offi ce work to do away with cheque by 2018. Get ready to imagine a world without It costs the fi nancial system billions of the post offi ce. They are so deeply in fi - dollars a year to process cheques. Plastic nancial trouble that there is probably no cards and online transactions will lead to way to sustain it long term. Email, Fed the eventual demise of the cheque. This Ex, and UPS have just about wiped out plays right into the death of the post the minimum revenue needed to keep ( Continued on page 9 ) the post offi ce alive. Most of your mail

Maluwag na Mental Patient nagsisiksikan sa maliit *** na kama ... PEDRO: Galing ako sa doktor, nakabili Sira 1: Pare, di tayo kasya. Bawas na ako ng hearing aid.Grabe ang linaw tayo ng isa, sa lapag ka na lang matulog. ngayon nang pandinig ko! (Bumaba sira 1.) JUAN: Wow, galing! Magkanong bili Sira 2: Ayan, pare maluwag na, akyat mo sa hearing aid? ka na dito! PEDRO: Kahapon lang! *** JUAN: Pare, ang bilis kong nabuo MISIS: Dear, iligaw mo nga tong pusa. 'tong puzzle! Nakasako na.Dalhin mo sa malayo! PEDRO: Talaga? Gaano kabilis? MISTER: Ok! JUAN: 5 months! MISIS: Bakit ka ginabi? Niligaw mo ba PEDRO: Tagal naman! ang pusa? JUAN: Tagal ba ' yun? Nakalagay nga MISTER: Bwisit na pusang yan! Kundi dito sa box nya eh: 'for 3 years & up ko siya sinundan,di ako nakauwi! Page 8 Asian Journal San Diego | 619.474.0588 | July 1-7, 2016 LifestyleLifestyle #ThankYouPNoy: Pinoys bid UP alumna holds top post at Filipina drives Uber in Phila- President farewell Procter & Gamble delphia to support ill hubby | MANILA, Philippines – Filipinos are worth fi ghting for,” she A University of the Philippines Eunice Barbarra C. Novio, Inquirer. People from all walks of life have turned added. alumna is now the highest- net | SAN FRANCISCO — She plies to social media to express their gratitude The lines went: “I’ll be working till the the streets of Philadelphia from morn- and bid goodbye to President Aquino, last hour of my presidency. I have to lead ranked and fi rst Asian female ing until night. Jinky Maat-Littlefi eld, the country’s 15th chief executive. by example, and we have six years to president at American manufac- 41, is among the 14 percent of women do everything we can do. My term ends turing giant Procter & Gamble driving Uber in the United States. For Aquino said he read the messages that June 30, noon. We have to be able to face Co. based in Cincinnati, Ohio. a woman, it may be an unusual job, were mostly heartwarming. the mirror each day and say, ‘We did the but Jinky chose to become a driver Asked how he was doing on his last maximum’.” Ma. Fatima De Vera Francisco, who for Uber because it is a “set your own day in offi ce, Aquino said, “I am OK. I Later in the afternoon, Aquino said he graduated cum laude with a Bachelor’s schedule” kind of work. am at the offi ce still working.” already fi nished working and was set degree in Business Administration from Jinky quit her job in a computer fi rm Twitter user Chelsea Pangilinan (@ to visit his home along Times street in the University of the Philippines in in January 2015 to take care of his chelzP15), using the hashtag, #ThankY- . Diliman, Quezon City in 1989, joined husband, Jerry, 66, who has stage-six ouPNoy wrote: “Love you PNoy! What P&G Philippines after college as the Alzheimer’s and early stage leukemia. a worthy crush!” She posted photos of fi rst female sales manager in over 50 When Jerry is with her in Philadelphia Aquino and ended her tweet with a yel- Tokyo honors years. She has lived and worked in the she drives him to a daycare program low heart and a yellow ribbon. Philippines, Japan and the US. and picks him up at night. While there were also negative posts former Presi- On Nov. 14, 2015, she was appointed Jerry is currently in Minnesota. His both on Facebook and Twitter, the president for global feminine care at family is helping him to take the load President’s FB account, Noynoy Aquino P&G, responsible for over $4 billion in off Jinky. Although she says nobody if I’m Chinese. I really prefer to drive in (P-Noy or short for President Noy) was dent Quirino sales in 115 countries. She leads opera- can top the care that she gives him, she the evening and late night. There’s no- swarmed with posts that were gener- tions, innovation and brand building has to work and must move on. where I can take the vehicle for cleaning ally appreciative of him as the country’s for a portfolio of iconic brands such P&G, Francisco has led successful busi- In sickness and in health because of the time so I end up cleaning leader for the past six years. as Always/Whisper, Always Discreet, nesses across developed and developing Jinky and Jerry met on a dating web- it myself, and so I keep the cleaning Tampax and Naturella. markets, brand-building, innovation and site in 2005. In November of the same fee for myself too, and I’m done for the One of them, posted by Muriel Ori- Francisco has been recently recognized operation for over 20 years. year, Jerry came to the Philippines night,” Jinky says. genes, read: “We may not be satisfi ed as one of the top ethnic-minority role Her selection as one of the top 100 to propose. Jinky’s family approved, She drives her own car as an indepen- of the things that you have done in our models worldwide in the inaugural ethnic-minority role models demonstrates knowing that she always wanted to dent contractor. Uber gets 20 percent country because of too much issues, UPstanding 100 Executive Power List how her success at work and in the have a foreigner for a husband. They while she gets 80 percent of the earn- but surely you are one of the strongest by the Financial Times. She was ranked community highlights P&G’s continu- fl ew to the US and got married in a ings. The earnings depend on how much because you are able to fi nish the race as No. 25 in the list. ous commitment towards diversity and civil wedding ceremony on April 4, time she works. Drivers can make as a president of the Philippines...your jour- Francisco was cited for her individual inclusion. 2006. much as $1,500 a week. Sometimes she ney was not easy…thank you for taking business and professional achievements, Published by the Financial Times, the Jerry assured her family that he would encounters prejudice or people treating care of our country.” community involvement, commitment UPstanding 100 Executive Power List take care of Jinky. But by a twist of her coldly because “she is just a driver”; As Aquino’s offi cials emptied their to diversity and infl uence within P&G. recognizes the top executive Black, Asian fate, he lost his job two years after their but she does not care because she enjoys offi ces to give way to members of the Among these, Francisco was recog- and minority ethnic professionals working marriage. Then, in 2013, he was diag- her job and decently earns from it. incoming Duterte administration, they nosed with advanced stage Alzheimer’s Proud and whole The Philippines’ 6th president, Elpidio nized for developing structural interven- in the US, the UK and Ireland. Nominees also took to FB to share their feelings tions to enable more opportunities for were judged based on the individual’s and stage-one leukemia. Jinky explains that her work is not about leaving the Palace. Rivera Quirino, was recently honored by To make ends meet, Jinky does not really challenging because it is part-time the Tokyo government with a monument success for Asians and Asian-Americans professional and business achievements, Aquino’s longtime staff and appoint- within the company. how they have driven the ethnic-minority waste time pitying Jerry and herself. In- and the schedule depends on her. But ments secretary Rochelle Ahorro said on as a tribute to his contribution to bilateral stead she chose jobs that were fl exible. taking care of her husband for years relations between the Philippines and Upon her citation, Francisco joins agenda within their community and work- FB that the last six years of the Aquino the ranks of fellow P&G executive place, and their infl uence within their Then she discovered Uber. at home with no one to help her had administration had been a “personal Japan. Driving for Uber been mentally and physically draining. The memorial to President Quirino was and chief information offi cer Linda organization. journey for those of us who have been Clement-Holmes, The Coca-Cola The list is a groundbreaking refl ection “At fi rst, I was not very familiar with Oftentimes, she would just break down with the President for a good portion of unveiled in Tokyo’s Hibiya Park. the cities, the navigation itself, and the and cry. President Quirino, who served as the 2 Company chairman and chief executive and celebration of the work carried out by our respective careers.” Muhtar Kent and MasterCard president such professionals for a more inclusive diverse clients, and you know just like Finally, she contacted Jerry’s family “As the term comes to end, as I look nd president of the Independent Republic any other jobs, the getting the hang of it and they agreed to confi ne him to a nurs- of the Philippines from 1948-1953, and chief executive Ajay Banga. business community. -- http://thestan- back at the journey I undertook with As the fi rst Filipino female president in part. Well, the more we do something, ing home in Minnesota near them. Since the President and his close-in staff, the granted amnesty to 105 Japanese war the more we become better at it,” she Jerry can no longer recognize her, she is same staff that I call family, I am fi lled criminals detained in the country in his says. working on their divorce. with gratitude and pride. I am grateful to last year in offi ce despite his wife and Jinky says many passengers are not Looking back at her experiences, she is those who have stood by the President. three children having been killed by Caregivers, take care, warns AMAC being mindful of their acts. They stick proud to say that she succeeded in lov- Thanks to everyone who showed their Japanese troops during World War II. gum under the seat or anywhere in the ing and serving her husband uncondi- love, support and affection; thanks to The Quirino amnesty paved the way for take on the super-onerous tasks of tending car, roll weed in the backseat, crank up tionally and still remain “whole.” the two countries to normalize relations They are usually on call around those who until the end, marched on the clock with little to show for to the needs of their loved ones deserve the radio’s volume or smoke inside the “We are all capable of facing any chal- with us and contributed in making our in 1956. not just respect, but a break as well. They car although it is not allowed. Some lenges that come our way because these country a better place,” Ahorro wrote on The ceremony unveiling the Quirino it but their own failing health are usually on call around the clock with even do not put the correct destination make us better persons,” she says. her FB account, Rochelle Ravago. monument was held on the occasion of little to show for it but their own failing address. The worst she has experienced Jinky likes a quote from Wayne Dyer: “I am proud to have served a leader the 60 th anniversary of the normaliza- WASHINGTON, DC, June 24 - The health in many cases," says AMAC presi- were passengers puking inside the car, “With everything that has happened who defi ed the odds to fi ght for what is tion of state relations. doting daughter who takes care of an dent Dan Weber. like a passenger who was charged $200 to you, you can either feel sorry for the best interest of this country. A leader The former president from Vigan, elderly parent is just doing what she Dr. Pamela Tronetti who specializes in on top of the fare for the mess. yourself or treat what has happened as a who believed and showed that indeed Ilocos Sur, was elected Vice President ought to be doing, some might say. But geriatric medicine recently published a re- But she also has had good experiences gift. Everything is either an opportunity in 1946 and became president after the in many cases, she's putting her life at port in Florida Today noting that "caregiv- being a driver. Knowing that she is a to grow or an obstacle to keep you from death of Manuel Roxas in 1948. He then risk by devoting days and nights to tend ers don't tally up the hours because they woman, some passengers start good growing. You get to choose.” won a second term of offi ce as president to her loved one's needs, according to reason that they would be doing most of conversations on any subject, whether Next time you go to Philadelphia, ride in the 1949 elections. the Association of Mature American these chores (cooking, cleaning) anyway." they’re sitting in the back seat or next the Uber car of Jinky Littlefi eld. She Babao- On the occasion of his 60 th death Citizens. But, while they are doing an important to her. There are also big tippers. Jinky will surely drive you anywhere in “the ( Continued from page 15 ) anniversary in February 29 this year, "Professional caregivers are on call service for others, they need to recognize is now a reputable Uber driver; her cleanest car,” as satisfi ed customers rate Quirino’s remains were relocated and during their shifts. They deserve respect In addition to displaying defense and customer ratings are always fi ve stars. her.-- Read more: http://globalnation. reinterred at a special tomb site in the for what they do. But relations and ( Continued on page 6 ) “I also love kids as my riders, they’re attacks, our demo team also presented Heroes Cemetery in Taguig. friends of seniors who need care who some forms called “sayaws” (kata in excited, happy, grateful and always ask mIVEs Japanese or Okinawan karate). These forms or sayaws are necessary when a student practices without a partner (or The memories are yours.. opponent) so as to remember the defense and attack techniques and applications. Our youngest student Kai Whennen, But the moments are on us. son of Mark Whennen who is also a student, showed a form called Palitan Like us on Facebook. which demonstrates both meeting and passing techniques and ability to hold /asianjournal the in a standard grip and bayo or middle hold grip. Other forms we presented involved the use of bladed /asianjournal.sandiego and unbladed weapons such as bolo, , . bangkaw & doubled sticks. Guro Luis Orlina performed an advanced form of mano-mano called kinamutay, a form or sayaw developed by GM Narrie Babao. Another partnered drill performed at the demo was sinawali where performers use double sticks in an intricate weav- ing technique. Most common sinawali The original and first Asian Journal in America patterns use is a 6-count pattern called Heaven 6 and Heaven & Earth. Following the sinawali was a live Dive into the Filipino mind with the Asian Journal. Still a San Diego original. sparring exhibition match between Don Dizon, our reigning heavyweight cham- pion, and Mark Whennen. Constant sparring and participating in tournament Download the Asian Journal digital edition is often encouraged to test their skills in friendly combat and tournaments. Safety is of utmost importance, so com- at petitors are required to wear protective gear such as fencing mask and hockey gloves. The fi nale of the demo was the presentation of Kali moves called Lakaw Manok or chicken step showing coordi- nated movements while facing 4-direc- tions to show the to ability to fi ght off opponents in a 360-degree circle. Our demo at the Good Samaritan Retirement Center in El Cajon was part of their Father’s Day event which was attended by family members of the retir- ees. We basically did the same numbers we did at Samahan. After our demo at the retirement center, all of our perform- ers were treated to a nice BBQ lunch. My mom, GM Zena Babao, who owns Babao-Arnis, and I, would like to thank our Demo Team members and friends who participated in the demos: Guro Jack Babao, Guro Luis Orlina, Guro George Alfonso, Maestro Don Dizon, Mark and his son Kai Whennen, Domingo Agnas, Eric Batara, Edwin Estigoy, Wayne Collins, Jamar Williams, John Carigiong and Allen Dela Rosa. July 1-7, 2016 Asian Journal San Diego | 619.474.0588 | Page 9

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jumps $5 billion to reach $90 Google Earth has improved a with “greater detail [and] truer colors” stitching together of the images from ty, for instance, has developed Cloud to lot over the last decade, and it than before. Landsat 8—actually takes place in Street, a tool that maps fl ood vulnerabil- billion Google’s publicly available Earth ity. A team from UC San Francisco built just got its biggest shot in the It’s not the fi rst time Google has Engine. While Google Earth is nice for a tool that shows where malaria is likely Allianz Travel Insurance’s Vacation leisure trip of at least a week to a place arm yet: more than 700 trillion produced a clear view of the planet. It most folks to casually browse, Earth to be transmitted, based on data such as Confi dence Index Reveals That While that is 100 miles or more from home. individual pixels with which to did so three years ago with data from Engine where the real action is. Unlike rainfall and vegetation coverage. And Fewer Americans Will Take a Summer Allianz Global Assistance offers travel render the surface of our planet Landsat 7. But because of a hardware Google Maps, it provides all kinds of the Sage Grouse Initiative is using Earth Vacation in 2016, They’ll Spend 11% insurance* through most major U.S. fault, that satellite provided incomplete information, allowing users to dive into Engine to create conservation indicators More Than Last Year airlines, leading travel agents, online in exquisite detail. data, which meant that the images had the data: there are radar views from it can use to ensure that ranching across travel agencies and directly to consum- to be processed more heavily and then ESA’s Sentinel-1 satellite; environ- western America is sustainable. Richmond, VA, June 27, 2016 – Fewer ers. For more information on Allianz Not that you can see all those pix- stitched together—leaving the strong mental data about land and crop cover; Americans will travel, but spend more, Global Assistance and the policies els. Because Google actually works diagonal lines you’ll have seen on climate records about the atmosphere The new imagery, then, will only on summer vacations, according to the offered for travelers, please visit: http:// with such a huge data set, acquired by Google’s satellite image during the last and surface temperature; and even hu- serve to make the analysis carried out eighth annual Allianz Travel Insurance or like NASA and the United States Geological three years. man data about population and malaria by researchers more accurate than ever. Vacation Confi dence Index released today us on Facebook at Survey’s satellite Landsat 8, it replicates prevalence. Though you can still check out where by Allianz Global Assistance. lianzTravelInsuranceUS. the same view of the planet many times A view in Google Maps of Jökulsárlón you’re going on holiday if you want The amount of money Americans will # # # over. That redundancy allows Google to glacial lagoon, at the edge of the Vatna- Researchers have used Earth Engine to—we won’t tell.-- MIT Technology spend on their vacation, on average, has Methodology: These are some of the pick and choose from the images, creat- jökull ice cap in southeastern Iceland. to build some impressive applications. Review https://www.technologyreview. increased signifi cantly, according to the fi ndings of an Ipsos poll conducted ing a mosaic of Earth that’s cloud-free, All this processing—including the Beth Tellman ofArizona State Universi- com/ survey. The average American household on behalf of Allianz from June 2 to 5, that is at least somewhat confi dent they 2016. For the survey, a nationally rep- movies streamed from their computers. re-install it if need be. But all of that is pull out that photo album, grab a book will take a vacation this summer will resentative sample of 1,007 randomly- And they’re playing games and doing changing. Apple, Microsoft, and Google from the shelf, or open up a CD case and spend $1798 on average, up roughly 11 selected adults residing in the U.S. was 9 things lots of other things that take up the time are all fi nishing up their latest “cloud pull out the insert. percent from last year’s average of $1621 interviewed by random-digit dialing ( Continued from page 7 ) that used to be spent watching TV. Prime services.” That means that when you 9. Privacy per household. The total projected spend telephone via the ORC Caravan om- offi ce. If you never paid your bills by time shows have degenerated down to turn on a computer, the Internet will If there ever was a concept that we can for Americans on summer vacations in nibus. With a sample of this size, the mail and never received them by mail, lower than the lowest common denomi- be built into the operating system. So, look back on nostalgically, it would be 2016 is $89.9 billion, up from $85.5 bil- results are considered accurate within the post offi ce would absolutely go out nator. Cable rates are skyrocketing and Windows, Google, and the Mac OS will privacy. That’s gone. It’s been gone for lion in 2015. ±3.1 percentage points, 19 times out of business. commercials run about every 4 minutes be tied straight into the Internet. If you a long time anyway. There are cameras The survey, which tracks Americans’ of 20, of what they would have been 3. The Newspaper and 30 seconds. I say good riddance to click an icon, it will open something in on the street, in most of the buildings, confi dence that they will be able to take a had the entire population of adults in The younger generation simply doesn’t most of it. It’s time for the cable compa- the Internet cloud. If you save some- and even built into your computer and summer vacation and reports how much the U.S. been polled. The margin of read the newspaper. They certainly nies to be put out of our misery. Let the thing, it will be saved to the cloud. And cell phone. But you can be sure that they intend to spend while vacationing, error will be larger within regions and don’t subscribe to a daily delivered people choose what they want to watch you may pay a monthly subscription 24/7, “They” know who you are and revealed that while half (50 percent, for other sub-groupings of the survey print edition. That may go the way of online and through Netfl ix. fee to the cloud provider. In this virtual where you are, right down to the GPS down one point since last year) of Ameri- population. These data were weighted the milkman and the laundry man. As 8. The “Things” That You Own world, you can access your music or coordinates, and the Google Street View. cans are confi dent (36 percent very/14 to ensure the sample's regional and age/ for reading the paper online, get ready Many of the very possessions that we your books, or your whatever from any If you buy something, your habit is put percent somewhat) they’ll take a vacation gender composition refl ects that of the to pay for it. The rise in mobile Internet used to own are still in our lives, but laptop or handheld device. That’s the into a zillion profi les, and your ads will in 2016, four in ten (39 percent, up three actual U.S. population according to devices and e-readers has caused all we may not actually own them in the good news. But, will you actually own change to refl ect those habits. “They” points) are not confi dent (26 percent not data from the U.S. Census Bureau. the newspaper and magazine publish- future. They may simply reside in “the any of this “stuff” or will it all be able will try to get you to buy something else. at all/12 percent not very). One in 10 (10 ers to form an alliance. They have met cloud.” Today your computer has a hard to disappear at any moment in a big Again and again. percent, no change) have already taken Allianz Global Assistance USA with Apple, Amazon, and the major cell drive and you store your pictures, music, “Poof?” Will most of the things in our All we will have left that can’t be a vacation this year while less than one Allianz Global Assistance USA phone companies to develop a model for movies, and documents. Your software lives be disposable and whimsical? It changed are “Memories”. And then percent (down three points from last year) (AGA Service Company) is a leading paid subscription services. is on a CD or DVD, and you can always makes you want to run to the closet and probably Alzheimers will take that away are unsure. consumer specialty insurance and assis- 4. The Book from you too! Even though the proportion of Ameri- tance company. We insure 21 million You say you will never give up the cans who remain confi dent that they’ll customers annually and are best known physical book that you hold in your hand Divine Mercy Shrine take a vacation in 2016 is holding steady, for our Allianz Travel Insurance plans. and turn the literal pages. I said the same in Encinitas, California Download the the survey found a rising proportion of In addition to travel insurance, Allianz thing about downloading music from Asian Journal Americans (65 percent) who say that Global Assistance USA offers tuition iTunes. I wanted my hard copy CD. taking an annual vacation is important to insurance, event ticket protection, But I quickly changed my mind when I digital edition at them (36 percent very/29 percent some- registration protection for endurance discovered that I could get albums for what), up a signifi cant eight points since events and unique travel assistance half the price without ever leaving home Be part of the story. asianjournal last year and rebounding to levels last services such as international medical to get the latest music. The same thing recorded in 2010. assistance and concierge services. The will happen with books. You can browse “With vacation spending up, travel company also serves as an outsource a bookstore online and even read a insurance should be near the top of the provider for in-bound call center preview chapter before you buy. And the trip planning checklist,” said Daniel services and claims administration for price is less than half that of a real book. Durazo, director of communications at health insurers, property and casualty And think of the convenience! Once you Allianz Global Assistance USA. “The insurers, and credit card companies. start fl icking your fi ngers on the screen right travel insurance policy will protect To learn more about Allianz Travel instead of the book, you fi nd that you are a consumer's pre-paid travel expenses Insurance, please visit allianztravelin- lost in the story, can’t wait to see what when they have to cancel their trip due or Like us on Facebook happens next, and you forget that you’re to certain unexpected situations such as a at holding a gadget instead of a book. covered illness or injury and will provide anceUS. 5. The Land Line Telephone reimbursements for things like medical * - Terms, conditions, and exclusions Unless you have a large family and emergencies, delayed travel and lost or apply to all plans. Plans are available make a lot of local calls, you don’t need delayed baggage." only to U.S. residents. Not all plans it anymore. Most people keep it simply Allianz Travel Insurance’s Vacation are available in all jurisdictions. For because they’ve always had it. But you Confi dence Index also found an increase a complete description of the cover- are paying double charges for that extra in the Vacation Defi cit, or percentage of age and benefi t limits offered under service. All the cell phone companies Americans who think that a vacation is your plan, carefully review your plan’s will let you call customers using the important but are not confi dent they'll Letter of Confi rmation/Declarations same cell provider for no charge against be able to take one. In 2016, nearly one and Certifi cate of Insurance/Policy. your minutes quarter (22 percent) of Americans who Insurance coverage is underwritten 6. Music say an annual vacation is important to by BCS Insurance Company (OH, This is one of the saddest parts of the them are not confi dent that they’ll take a Administrative Offi ce: Oakbrook change story. The music industry is vacation, compared to nearly one in fi ve Terrace, IL), rated "A-" (Excellent) dying a slow death. Not just because (19 percent) in 2015, representing a Vaca- by A.M. Best Co., under BCS Form of illegal downloading. It’s the lack of tion Defi cit increase of three points, the No. 52.201 series or 52.401 series, or innovative new music being given a fi rst increase since dropping fi ve points Jefferson Insurance Company (NY, chance to get to the people who would between 2013 and 2015. Administrative Offi ce: Richmond, VA), like to hear it. Greed and corruption Americans are facing a Vacation Defi cit rated "A+" (Superior) by A.M. Best is the problem. The record labels and for summer specifi c travel as well: one Co., under Jefferson Form No. 101-C the radio conglomerates are simply in three (34 percent) Americans are not series or 101-P series, depending on self-destructing. Over 40% of the music confi dent that they’ll take a summer state of residence. Allianz Global As- purchased today is “catalogue items,” vacation this year, an increase in three sistance and Allianz Travel Insurance meaning traditional music that the public points over 2015. Four in ten (43 percent) are brands of AGA Service Company. is familiar with. Older established art- are confi dent (32 percent very/11 percent AGA Service Company is the licensed ists. This is also true on the live concert somewhat) that they’ll get a summer producer and administrator of these circuit. To explore this fascinating and vacation this year, down from 46 percent plans and an affi liate of Jefferson Insur- disturbing topic further, check out the last year, which was the highest fi gure ance Company. The insured shall not book, “Appetite for Self-Destruction” by recorded since 2010. receive any special benefi t or advantage Steve Knopper, and the video documen- The Vacation Confi dence Index has due to the affi liation between AGA Ser- tary, “Before the Music Dies.” been conducted each summer since 2010 vice Company and Jefferson Insurance 7. Television by national polling fi rm Ipsos Public Company. Non-insurance benefi ts/ Revenues to the networks are down Affairs on behalf of Allianz Global As- products are provided and serviced by dramatically. Not just because of the sistance USA. A vacation is defi ned as a AGA Service Company. economy. People are watching TV and Page 10 Asian Journal San Diego | 619.474.0588 | July 1-7, 2016 SpiritualSpiritual LifeLife 8 Signs of Humility in a Self- Absorbed Culture Recently, I was asked to speak look at these two complementary pieces to college students on the topic of humility’s puzzle. Humility is NOT low self-image. of Jesus as the better David, the It starts with a healthy view of self. Perfect King. David is a fascinat- Humble people understand their worth ing character, the greatest king in as men and women created in the image Israel’s history, and arguably the of God, the pinnacle of His creation. A culture where people are insecure and greatest leader in the Bible. VBS unaware of their infi nite worth breeds a 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time stories frame David as a small host of destructive behaviors (addiction, boy, weak and feeble. But even fornication and the like). Ikaw Ang Dahilan Glory in the Cross before killing Goliath, David’s So, humility is high self-worth. But Marami nang beses na ikaw ang s'yang naging dahilan resume included killing a lion it’s not just self-worth. Humility also Joke of the week: A mother took her of a Roman citizen and a free man. requires a healthy ego, the realization ng mga pangyayaring naganap dito sa 'king buhay little boy to church. While in church the The cross was not well revered and and a bear. Make no mistake, that you’re incredibly limited. You’re no may pagkakabigo at mayroon din namang tagumpay little boy said, “Mommy, I have to pee.” accepted during the early centuries of this “boy” was a bad dude, even different from the man or woman beside wala akong pagsisisi minahal kita ng tunay. The mother said to the little boy, “It's Christianity, because Romans decreed before the infamous Goliath you. Just like them, you will return to not appropriate to say the word ‘pee’ in that capital punishment for political encounter. dust, the way you came. church. So, from now on whenever you criminals, slaves, provincials, and non- In Mere Christianity, C. S. Lewis said Ipinahayag ko sa iyo ang tunay kong damdamin have to 'pee' just tell me that you have to Roman citizens was either beheading, Then you have the other side of David. this about humility. noong tayong dalawa ay naglalakad sa buhangin ‘whisper.’” The following Sunday, the burning at the stake, devouring by wild You know, the part where he sees a hot “Do not imagine that if you meet a hawak-kamay pa tayong sa isa't-isa'y nakatingin little boy went to church with his father beasts, as spectacular entertainment at woman on his balcony and has sex with really humble man he will be what most 'di alintana init ng araw at lamig ng hangin. and during the service said to his father, the Coliseum, or crucifi xion. Crucifi xion her. After discovering the hot woman people call ‘humble’ nowadays: He will “Daddy, I have to whisper.” The father originated from the Persians and Phoeni- is pregnant, David uses his power to not be a sort of greasy, smarmy person, looked at him and said, “Okay, why cians, and the Romans implemented this orchestrate the murder of her husband. who is always telling you that, of course, Malamig ang iyong palad at ito'y aking nadama don't you whisper in my ear.” practice. History chronicled that 6000 Real classy, I know. Despite a string of he is nobody. Probably all you will think nag-aalala ka ba sa aking mga binabadya slaves were crucifi ed with Spartacus (71 actions that would land him 25-to-life in about him is that he seemed a cheerful, na walang katotohanan ang sa bibig ko'y nagmula Scriptures: First Reading: Isaiah 66: A. D.). The Jewish historian Josephus intelligent chap who took a real inter- a modern-day justice system, the apostle 'di tio mangyayari dahil saksi ko si Bathala. 10-14c. The prophet affi rms God’s reports that crucifi xions were daily Paul describes David as a ‘”man after est in what you said to him. If you do power to transform Jerusalem accord- events in Judea, with almost 500 a day, God’s own heart.” dislike him it will be because you feel ing to his purpose. However, Jerusalem especially during siege of Jerusalem. Six How could such a morally fl awed man a little envious of anyone who seems Naging mahalaga sa akin ang mgatagpong iyon became a place of injustice to the poor thousand recaptured slaves were cruci- be considered a man after God’s heart? to enjoy life so easily. He will not be walang pagsawang sa isipan ko'y ulit-ulitin and weak. But through God’s transform- fi ed on the Appian Way. Why was God’s hand seemingly always thinking about humility: He will not be ing grace, once again, this city becomes The cross did not become an iconic thinking about himself at all.” makulta man ang utak ko'y wala akong sisisihin with David, despite his moral fl aws? ganyan talaga ako kahibang sa 'yo aking giliw. a divine dwelling and a place of peace religious symbol of Christ’s victory over As I paralleled David to Jesus, some- I believe Lewis. He’s a smart dude. and prosperity (shalom). Second Read- death until the fourth century. Since the thing hit me. Could David’s humility, If you tell a humble person they’re ing: Galatians 6: 14-18. Paul boasts of cross was fi rst thought of as a form of not his moral track record or astute humble, they won’t acknowledge such a Bakit nga ba dumating ka pa dito sa aking buhay the power of the cross that brings about shameful death, during the fi rst three knowledge of the law, be the reason God thing. To them, humility fl ows naturally. a “new creation.” He trusts solely on that centuries and also as a horrendous and It’s part of who they are. bumilis ang aking mundo na nuon ay malumanay never leaves him? David makes mis- mga ugat sa katawan isa-isang naggalawan grace that makes him endure persecu- excruciating (ex cruce) form of punish- takes, but he never loses his perspective. Let’s be honest, humility isn’t normal tions, imprisonment, missionary trials ment, it had been “a symbol of minor After winning battles, he praises God. in our culture. But there are a few com- iisa ang binibulong walang iba kundi ikaw. and troubles. Gospel: Luke 10: 1-12, importance. When confronted, David falls on his mon traits humble people share. Hope- 17-20. Jesus teaches his disciples not In spite of the dissensions that exist knees and repents. After losing a child, fully, you can look at these and do some to rejoice in their missionary success between those who disdain any associa- David cries to God. Repeatedly in Scrip- self-examination. Here are a few ways Narcissism and self-absorption are the gaps and correct their errors. They as if it is due to their own power and tion with the cross, Paul continues to ture, David acknowledges he is just a to recognize humility in a narcissistic calling the shots when people would learn from everyone, especially those talents. Jesus reminds them that it is he immolate the cross. Paul’s conviction man, no better than anyone else (1 Sam. culture. rather protect their reputation than their with a differing perspective. who calls them to discipleship and who to glory in the cross of contradictions 18:18-23; 1 Sam. 24:14; 1 Sam. 26:20; 2 1.) You don’t believe anyone is better integrity. Reputation is primarily based When narcissism reigns, walls are by his grace makes it possible for their still holds true today. The cross is a sign Sam. 7:18-29; 1 Chron. 17:16-27). (or worse) than you. on external expectations, the person oth- everywhere. This is what made Jesus names to be written in heaven. of contradictions to the ideals and stan- Jesus, of course, is Humility. The son A humble person might not be without ers perceive or want you to be. Integrity so amazing. He broke down walls, even dards of the world. Recently, in northern of God leaves heaven, not to be served, prejudice, but he or she works ruthlessly is primarily about who you really are. ones the Law built. If your theology Refl ections: Paul glories in the cross, Libya, a group of twenty one Coptic but to serve others. He never performs a to eliminate any form of it. Humility Good reputations create large follow- leads you to build more walls than but the Jews and Gentiles stay from it. Christians were brutally beheaded by miracle on himself or for himself. And can’t live with prejudice. Prejudice ings, but because reputations are largely bridges, I’m not sure Jesus is the center “The scarcity of crucifi xion images be- the ISIS. Their intent on “A Message in the night before his death, he does the stems from egoism, the antithesis of built on the crowd’s expectations, of it. fore the early fi fth century has generally Blood to the Nation of the Cross” is to unthinkable, taking a basin of water and humility. rarely will you hear someone say the 4.) You’re more concerned about the been attributed to Christian embarrass- terrify those who venerate the cross. washing the feet of his disciples. People with humility believe everyone phrases “I’m sorry” or “I was wrong.” world you leave behind than the one ment over the shameful circumstances of Paul’s fearless love of the cross is a What if humility is the distinguishing is created equal, and they chastise those And people obsessed with crowds go to you’re living in. Jesus’ death on a cross.” The authors of manifestation of the Resurrection’s mark of a Christian? What if the gospel who elevate themselves above others great lengths to protect their reputation. This is what made America so great. the Crucifi xion Conundrum and the San- victory over evil and religious bigotry, needs humility to spread? What if the while building up the weak and vulner- They will plead innocence, tear down Despite the fl aws of our forefathers and ta Sabina Doors believe that there are no love over hatred and life over death. fl ourishing of cultures and countries able. This is the posture of Jesus, right? best friends and family, even when guilt the generations that followed, almost artistic representations of the crucifi xion “One night in a vision the Lord said to depends on humility? He elevates the dignity of the marginal- stares them in the face. everyone wanted to leave this country before the fourth century because the Paul, ‘Do not be afraid. Go on speaking, If so, what does this say about our ized and speaks harshly to the religious Humble people always chose the right in better shape than they found it. And cross is an embarrassment. Even non- and do not be silent.’” (Acts 18: 9) Like culture, America? One thing’s for sure, leaders. decision over the easy one. They admit this desire was shaped, in large part, by Christian mention of the crucifi xion is Paul, who was not scared of those who humility isn’t a desirable virtue in 2016. 2.) You aren’t afraid to say “I was wrong and would rather lose followings Christian principles. avoided for the same reason. Cicero defy the foolishness of the cross, we too wrong.” than lie or jeopardize a relationship. Humble people care about what kind wrote that the very word “cross” should can say with him, non timebo mala (I What is humility? Jesus, the ultimate personifi cation of of country they leave for the next be far removed not only from the person will fear no evil. Ps. 23: 4). integrity, often drove away crowds. generation. Humble people fi ght for the of a Roman citizen but his thoughts, his In 1986, Pope John Paul II made a There’s a catch-22 with humility. In the Depths of Rather than catering to the masses, he next generation, putting aside personal eyes, and his ears. For it is not only the historic visit to the Rome synagogue and We’re afraid to talk about it at the risk told them what they needed to hear. preferences. They see themselves as a actual occurrence of these things but the ( Continued on page 11 ) of sounding prideful. Humble people Your Heart The fact that you rarely hear someone small piece of a larger puzzle, realizing very mention of them that is unworthy don’t talk about humility, right? So, if in leadership, whether in government previous generations sacrifi ced a lot, you aren’t born with humility, you’re out Meditation: or in the church, admit fault or say “I’m sometimes even their very lives, so we of luck. I will tell you most when you con- sorry” is alarming. What if we were could enjoy freedom. Obsession with self is increasingly the verse with Me in the depths of your more concerned with who we are than norm today. Turn on the TV. Watch the heart. Here, no one can disturb My what others think about us? In our churches, how much time and presidential debates. It’s all about what’s actions. Here, I rest as in a garden 3.) You build more bridges than energy are focused on personal prefer- wrong with everyone else, and what’s enclosed (Diary, 581). walls. ences and selfi sh desires? As the cultural awesome about the person speaking. Humility doesn’t separate, segregate climate shifts, many American churches We’ve accumulated debt that will inevi- When you refl ect upon what I tell or draw lines. Humble people recognize ( Continued on page 13 ) tably cripple us. It’s not a matter of if, you in the depths of your heart, you their fl aws. They need others to fi ll in but when. We’re overly sensitive about profi t more than if you had read many everything, leading to fear mongering books. Oh, if souls would only want to “The souls that say this chaplet will be embraced by My mercy during their lifetime and and cat fi ghting. Everyone must choose listen to My voice when I am speak- especially at the hour of their death (754).” -- Words of Jesus in the Diary of St. Faustina a side on every issue. Maybe we aren’t ing in the depths of their hearts, they CHAPLET OF THE DIVINE MERCY fi ghting with guns like Americans during would reach the peak of holiness in a the Civil War. But we’re very much an short time (Diary, 584). Using the rosary beads, recite one Our Father, one “us vs. them” nation. If I don’t think like Hail Mary, and one I Believe in God. you on any issue, whether it’s marriage My Prayer Response: or abortion, I’m a bigot. Lord Jesus, teach me. Help me to listen On the Our Father beads say this prayer, which Behind much of this, I believe, is nar- to You as You speak to me in the depths was given by Our Lord to St. Faustina (1905-1938). cissism. And, unless we regain a spirit of of my heart. Like St. Faustina, help me Eternal Father, I o er You the Body and Blood, Soul humility, narcissism will destroy us. to become holy as You form my heart to and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son, Our Lord So, what is humility? I don’t pretend to become like Yours. Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of hold “the” answer, but maybe I do have the whole world. a good place to start. In a recent talk for *Diary passages with bolded words are Q, David Brooks tells the story of a Jew- Jesus speaking. Diary of St. Maria Faus- On the Hail Mary beads say: ish rabbi who walks into a synagogue tina Kowalska: Divine Mercy in My Soul with two pieces of paper. The fi rst says, © 1987 Marian Fathers of the Immacu- For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy “The world was made for you.” The late Conception of the B.V.M. Excerpted on us and on the whole world. second says, “You’re nothing but dust from Divine Mercy Minutes with Jesus: In conclusion say three times: and ashes.” This, I believe, summarizes Praying Daily on Jesus’ Words from the humility. Diary of St. Faustina by Rev. George W. Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, It values self and minimizes ego. Let’s Kosicki, CSB © 2010 have mercy on us and on the whole world.

Proclaim that mercy is the greatest attribute of God. All the works of My hand are crowned with mercy. Encinitas is the site of the future Divine Mercy Shrine. -- Jesus to St. Faustina Kowalska, Divine Mercy in My Soul (Diary #301) The site is on Encinitas Blvd., east of I-5, about a mile and a half from Moonlight Beach and two miles south of the Paramhansa Yogananda Self-Realization Center. If you would like to know more about the project, please contact Zarina Cruz at [email protected] or check for updates on, the o cial website of the Divine Mercy Hills Foundation of Southern California (DMHFSC).

Jesus I Trust In You! Future Site of the Divine Mercy Shrine Encinitas CA GPS 701 Encinitas Blvd, Encinitas 92024 or Google “Divine Mercy Shrine Encinitas” for directions to site. A project of the Divine Mercy Hills Foundation of Southern California (DMHFSC), a 501(c)3 non pro t. Mission Statement. The DMHFSC is dedicated to the design, development, and maintenance of a Divine Mercy Shrine located in Encinitas, CA. for the purpose of spreading to an aching world the Divine Mercy message and devotion. To draw people of all nations, cultures, and beliefs to a vessel with which they are to keep coming in prayer for graces to the fountain of mercy - the Image of the Divine Mercy. For meditational and contemplative prayers venerating this image with trust in our Lord Jesus Christ who said, "I promise that the soul that will venerate this Image will not perish. I also promise victory over its enemies already here on earth, especially at the hour of death. I myself will defend it as My own glory... By means of this image I shall grant many graces to souls." Through this shrine we shall proclaim to the whole world God's unfathomable Mercy. Preliminary Architectural Concept by DOMUS Studio Visit July 1-7, 2016 Asian Journal San Diego | 619.474.0588 | Page 11 HousingHousing && RealReal EstateEstate Baby boomers poised to compete New collaborative launches effort to highlight housing for affordable rental housing, says counseling for consumers WASHINGTON, D.C. (June 21, 2016) HomeSmartNY, Housing Options & Freddie Mac 55+ survey Housing counseling is available Planning Enterprises, Beyond Housing, and Neighborhood Housing Services of MCLEAN, VA--(Marketwired - Jun cent) or a different property in the same to consumers across the country Greater Cleveland. 28, 2016) - Freddie Mac (OTCQB: neighborhood (23 percent) compared to and represents a tremendous "MBA believes that housing counseling FMCC) -- those who would like to move to a dif- opportunity for those who need can play an important role in expand- Baby Boomers and others aged ferent city in the same state (18 percent) assistance on the path to home- ing homeownership opportunities," 55 or older, including several or move to a different state (24 percent). ownership; but too often, home- said MBA President and CEO David They want family near (or in) their Stevens. "We look forward to being part million current homeowners, are next home. When asked to predict their buyers and sellers are not even of the forums so that lenders and other poised to move to rental units retirement housing situation nearly six aware it exists. stakeholders can work toward solutions based on estimates from the out of ten 55+ renters prefer to either in this area." fi rst Freddie Mac 55+ Survey of move closer to their families or in with A national collaboration of lenders, "Homeownership is an investment in them. Hispanic single-family renters investors, real estate agents and hous- the future, but consumers sometimes housing plans and perceptions of (44 percent) were most likely to predict ing counseling agencies announced need a little extra help on the path to get people born before 1961. they will move closer to family, while today that they are joining forces to there," said NAR President Tom Salo- multifamily Asian-American renters (40 raise awareness of the opportunities mone. "Homeownership counseling is The Freddie Mac 55+ Survey shows percent) were most likely to predict they and benefi ts of working with housing available to help consumers meet those not their native language. America's® Experience (2013): Study an estimated 6 million homeowners and will move in with their children. counseling agencies. The collaboration challenges head on, and the Homeown- Today's announcement comes as the measuring the impact of pre-purchase nearly as many renters prefer to move The Freddie Mac 55+ Survey also includes the Mortgage Bankers Associa- ership Collaborative will make more White House honors thirteen homebuy- counseling and education provided by again and rent at some point. Of those found signifi cant differences between tion, the National Housing Resource people aware that these services are ers who beat the odds to become home- the NeighborWorks housing counsel- that expect to move again, over 5 million the housing predictions of 55+ers who Center, the National Association of available to them." buyers by working with HUD-approved ing network on 75,000 loans originated indicate they are likely to rent by 2020. haven't retired and the housing choices Realtors®, the National Association "Housing Counseling leaders are hon- housing counseling agencies. Their between October 2007 and September Majorities of 55+ renters (79 percent) retirees actually made. For example: of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals, ored to do more work with the Mortgage inspiring stories reinforce the value of 2009 found that clients who received and homeowners (83 percent) who Thirty-four percent of renters predict the Asian Real Estate Association of Bankers Association and mortgage and working with a housing counselor. pre-purchase counseling and education expect to rent their next home predict it they will live in their current home for America, HomeFree USA, National real estate giants across the country," Research has shown that homebuyers from NeighborWorks organizations were will cost the same or less than their cur- the rest of their lives, but only 7 percent Council of La Raza, NID-HCA, Rural said Marcia Griffi n, Founder and who worked with housing counselors one-third less likely to become 90+ days rent one, according to the Freddie Mac of retired renters say they currently live Community Assistance Corporation, President of HomeFree USA. "To the have fewer late mortgage payments[1] delinquent than were borrowers who did 55+ Survey. in the same home. Center for NYC Neighborhoods, Chhaya people that we serve, the education and and improved credit scores[2]. The not receive pre-purchase counseling. "When a population this large expects Forty-six percent of renters predict they Community Development Corporation, preparation that we provide are integral Homeownership Collaborative will work to move into less expensive rental will move closer to family in retirement, to sustainable homeownership. Together to increase consumer awareness about 2] The Effectiveness of Pre-Pur- housing, we have to expect it will create but of those already retired only 31 we can put more families into homes how counseling can expand homeowner- chase Homeownership Counseling signifi cant new pressure on both the percent have done so. and ensure that more loans are approved. ship opportunities. and Financial Management Skills supply and cost of existing affordable While 12 percent of renters predict Glory in the cross This synergy creates a stronger country Consumers looking to fi nd a hous- (April 2014): Long-term, randomized rental housing," said David Brickman, they will move in with an adult child, ( Continued from page 10 ) and fi nancially stronger people. Through ing counselor working with a HUD study by the Federal Reserve Bank of executive vice president, Freddie Mac less than half that amount (5 percent) of us, everybody WINS." approved housing counseling agency Philadelphia, in which participants were Multifamily. those already retired are living with one the fi rst trip ever made by a pontiff. As can easily fi nd a list by entering their randomly assigned to receive either 2 part of his attire, he wore the crucifi x. The "Homeownership Collaborative" Other fi ndings from the Freddie of their adult children. will pull together industry stakeholders Zipcode in the Consumer Financial hours of group education or 2 hours of Mac 55+ Survey found just over half Some Jews in the Israeli press cried foul, Protection Bureau housing counselor group education and follow-up one- because they consider that wearing a to host partnerships in local housing of renters (51 percent) prefer renting Methodology markets aimed at increasing homeown- locator, which can be found here: http:// on-one counseling. Participants who over owning. This is especially true cross is a faux pas. For Christians it is www.consumerfi nd-a-hous- received both one-on-one counseling a symbol of God’s redeeming love, as ership opportunities by working with among existing multifamily renters (60 GfK conducted an online survey on HUD-approved housing counseling ing-counselor/. and group education saw signifi cantly percent). The survey also underscores behalf of Freddie Mac using the GfK Paul believes. For Jews it is an enigma greater improvements in their average of horrendous persecution. agencies. the need for additional affordable rental KnowledgePanel® from February 10- The Homeownership Collaborative will 1] Pre-Purchase Counseling Impacts credit score and their average number of housing. Specifi cally, 47 percent of 55+ 23, 2016. A total of 5,914 interviews Quotation of the week: To some, the on Mortgage Performance: Em- delinquent accounts than the participants image of a pale body glimmering on try out ideas in four markets during the renters say they struggle from payday to were completed online, including next year and explore a broader effort in pirical Analysis of NeighborWorks who received just group education. payday, while 13 percent admitted they oversamples of African-Americans, a dark night whispers of defeat. What good is a God who does not control the future, all with the goal of increasing sometimes could not afford basics until Hispanics and Asians, obtained through housing counseling awareness. their next paycheck. additional opt-in sample. Interviews his Son's suffering? But another sound can be heard: the shout of a God crying Services are available for a range of Conducted by GfK on behalf of Fred- were conducted in both English and homebuyers and sellers, including those die Mac, the Freddie Mac 55+ Survey Spanish. GfK's KnowledgePanel® is the out to human beings, “I LOVE YOU.” Attention Seniors Love was compressed for all history in who: is based on responses from nearly 6,000 only large-scale online panel based on Need more information and guidance homeowners and renters. The Survey a representative random sample of the that lonely fi gure on the cross, who said Housing Opportunity that he could call down angels at any about the homebuying and mortgage explored other questions related to the U.S. population. The margin of sampling process housing preferences, retirement plans error was +/- 1.27 percentage points for moment on a rescue mission, but chose Low income senior apartment complex in National City, CA is not to - because of us. At Calvary, God Would like to access downpayment as- and fi nancial concerns of Baby Boomers the full sample. Sampling error is higher sistance and other special programs taking applications for the waiting list for one-bedroom apart- and those older who rent or own. for subgroups. See the report for the full accepted his own unbreakable terms of justice. Any discussion of how pain and Have credit problems or other fi nancial ments. To qualify, the applicant must be 62 years of age or older methodology. challenges to address 55+ Renters' Future Housing Prefer- suffering fi t into God's scheme ultimate- (In case of couples, at least one of them must be 62). ly leads back to the cross. Philip Yancey Would like to work with someone who ences and Predictions Freddie Mac was established by speaks their language, when English is Congress in 1970 to provide liquidity, To receive an application, please visit or contact Morgan Tower, When asked to predict their future stability and affordability to the nation's 1317 D Avenue, National City CA 91950, phone # (619) 477-4716. housing situation, signifi cant percent- residential mortgage markets. Freddie Divine Mercy Shrine Placement on the waiting list will be based on the date and time the ages of 55+ renters say: Mac supports communities across the in Encinitas, California nation by providing mortgage capital to fully completed application is received. They plan to rent versus buying their lenders. Today Freddie Mac is making next home. Among those 55+ renters home possible for one in four homebuy- EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY who plan to move again, 71 percent of ers and is the largest source of fi nancing respondents plan to rent their next home. for multifamily housing. www.Freddi- For many this may be a renter-by-choice Twitter: @FreddieMac Be part of the story. decision as 38 percent say they have enough extra money to go beyond each payday including for savings. Further, PRESIDIO PENTHOUSE FOR SALE IN GATED COMMUNITY WITH 24 SECURITY more than half (59 percent) think it COMMON AREAS makes fi nancial sense for people their - SPACIOUS 2 BR / 2 BA 10TH FLOOR END UNIT IN PRESIDIO TOWERS OF LAKEFRONT CITY (SUCAT age to be renters. This view is held by 67 MUNTINGLUPA , PHILIPPINES) WITH GREAT VIEWS OF LAGUNA DE BAY, MT MAKILING, MT BANAHAW percent of multifamily renters. , TAGAYTAY AND ALABANG CITYSCAPE Their top attractions are affordabil- - WALKING DISTANCE TO PUREGOLD LAKEFRONT, METROBANK, EATERIES ON BOARDWALK AND WET MARKET ity, amenities. Among the top "very important" factors infl uencing their next (TALIPAPA) OF SUCAT. CLOSE TO SHRINE OF THE MIRACULOUS MEDAL PRIVATE SCHOOLS, AND MALLS. move, respondents picked affordability - ACCESS FROM SUCAT EXIT ON SLEX. CLOSE TO ALABANG, TAGUIG, MAKATI, INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AND (60 percent), amenities needed for retire- SHORT DRIVE TO WEEKEND DESTINATIONS TO SOUTH INCLUDING TAGAYTAY, SANTA ROSA, ment (47 percent), living in a communi- AND LIPA. PNR TRAIN STATION IN SUCAT TRAVELS FROM SOUTH IN CALAMBA TO TUTUBAN, MANILA. ty where they are no longer responsible - TOP FLOOR UNIT IS APPROXIMATELY 87 SQ METERS. COVERED PARKING SPACE IN for caring for the property (44 percent) SAME BUILDING IS INCLUDED IN SALE. and being in a walkable community (43 percent). They don't want to move far. Among those who plan to move again, 55+ rent- ers would like to relocate to a different PRESIDIO COMMUNITY neighborhood in the same city (31 per-

Yasay UNIT ENTRANCE ( Continued from page 1 ) Law of the Sea (Unclos) court is not so much only pertaining to the Philippines’ interest and to the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone in the disputed area, but most importantly, this is a matter of CLUBHOUSE LOUNGE PRESIDIO TOWERS DRIVEWAY international concern,” Yasay said. The Philippines is also prepared to LIVING/DINING AREA accept defeat in some of the 15 points it raised in its complaint, he said. SOUTHEAST VIEW OF LAGUNA DE BAY FROM UNIT “Whatever the decision will be, we will respect it. If it is in favor with China, we will respect it. If it is in favor with the Philippines, we will respect it,” he said. Yasay said the Philippines was still hoping that “China will respect it because we both are committed to the KITCHEN AREA rule of law and we all are signatories to Unclos.” The dispute, he said, “is a matter of concern to those who fl y the West Philippine Sea or South China Sea in pursing trade with the countries in that area.” CLUBHOUSE, W/GYM & POOL


Download the Asian Journal SOUTHWEST VIEW OF ALABANG CITYSCAPE digital edition at 619.746.3416 or 619.851.9547 RESERVED PARKING SLOT ENTRANCE TO TOWER EMAIL [email protected] BEDROOM #2 Page 12 Asian Journal San Diego | 619.474.0588 | July 1-7, 2016 Classi edClassi ed AdsAds place safeguards to avoid another dicta- fi eld sector of 59% in the ACS group torship, including limiting presidents to and 34% in the sham group which Duterte Extra Judicial The president • SouvenirCurrent Progr ams received a minimal stimulation protocol. ( Continued from page 1 ) a single term of six years. ( Continued from page 1 ) ( Continued from page 1 ) ( Continued from page 4 ) • NCRs Tentative attempts by previous presi- Further analyses showed improvements from Benigno Aquino, who remains a security forces as well as the general fi eld• Business than individuals in Cards the sham-treated •in Bannersthe ACS group at the edges of the dents to revise the constitution failed public to kill drug traffi ckers, if neces- issues that we had to face. Going group. Specifi cally, when measuring the generally popular fi gure but nevertheless amid strong opposition from groups that against China, how will China • Letterheads visual fi eld. The benefi ts of stimulation comes from one of the remarkably small sary. visual fi eld, a 24% improvement was •Powere foundsters to be stable two months feared the leaders were merely seeking -- Report Joworski Alipon, ABS-CBN treat us if we dare?" noted after treatment in the ACS group number of wealthy clans that have long to extend their reigns. • Envelopes •later, Magnetic as the ACS group showedSigns a 25% dominated national politics and overseen News compared to a 2.5% improvement in the improvement in the visual fi eld com- "But being confi dent that the people sham• Bro group.c Thishures was due to signifi cant • T-Shirt Printing one of Asia’s biggest rich-poor divides. Riding high pared to negligible changes (0.28%) in Duterte will become the fi rst presi- are there, that if you present the facts to improvements• Flyers in the defective visual the sham group. However Duterte, fl ush with his them, they will see how reasonable our • and more dent from the vast southern region of election success that has seen political Man’s life Mindanao, which is one of the nation’s ( Continued from page 14 ) position, how logical, how correct. We opponents swiftly shift allegiances to can count on their support," the 56-year- poorest areas and home to decades-old him, is confi dent of enjoying big majori- communist and Muslim insurgencies I just wished and pray that he had more old outgoing president said. NOTARY & CONSULAR SERVICES ties in both houses of congress, as well time to enjoy his retirement years also, that have claimed tens of thousands of as broad popular support, to propel his Philippine Consulate Authentication Assist in the preparation of Philippine lives. playing with his growing grandchildren Long-lasting solution push. who were defi nitely spoiled by him of Legal Documents Legal Documents Highlighting his antipathy for Manila With Duterte due to turn 77 at the end rule, Duterte snubbed his proclama- in his own ways. But that is life; man Aquino, the son of two icons of de- • General Power of Attorney • Extra Judicial Settlement of his presidential term, many voters do can only plan and the Creator of Life tion by Congress as the winner of the mocracy, ended up making history. He • Special Power of Attorney • Deed of Absolute Sale not see him as someone who will want implements. became the only president who brought elections — an event normally rich in to extend his rule. • Cerifications of Original Documents • PVAO/GSIS Suveys tradition and ceremony. Good bye, for now, Bayaw Ortes! China to court over a dispute involving Seeking to capitalize on his early-term Now, you are at peace and no more pain the South China Sea, parts of which the (that the copy is the same as that of the original) • Philippine Passport Renewal Duterte has also travelled to the capital popularity, Duterte is aiming to lay the just once since winning the election, and in the bosom of our Creator, our Lord Philippines claims as the West Philip- • Dual Citizenship framework for a referendum to change and our God. Rest In Peace! Until we pine Sea. (619) 962-5144 vowed to spend the bulk of his six years the constitution in the fi rst half of his Email: [email protected] as president based in Davao, which has meet again in Heaven! Under Aquino as the chief architect of 550 E. 8th Street Suite 6 presidency, according to his allies. Email: ernie.delfi [email protected] less than two percent of the nation’s Philippine foreign policy, the Philippines National City, CA 91950 Still, what would be the biggest shake- Visit: fi led an arbitration case against China Santi Silverio , notary public population and is 1,000 kilometers (600 up to Philippines’ democracy since 1987 (Near Villa Manila Restaurant) miles) from Manila. over the West Philippine Sea on January accredited by the philippine consulate of los angeles is by no means assured, and political 22, 2013. analysts say opposition could build. The Aquino administration initiated Peace, poverty hopes Critics have accused Duterte of being Under Duterte’s federal set-up, the these arbitration proceedings after a very vague about his plans, questioned Aquino standoff between Philippine and Chinese states will be largely autonomous and whether federalism is indeed the pana- allowed to retain most of their income, ( Continued from page 1 ) vessels in the disputed Panatag Shoal cea to the nation’s woes, and warned (Scarborough Shoal) in the West Philip- rather than remitting it to the central GMA left behind an economy character- that it could cause more problems than pine Sea in April 2012. government, which he believes will be ized by low GDP growth, high unem- it solved. The case is pending before an arbitral a key driver of economic growth in the ployment, weak fi scal fundamentals and In a nation which already has issues tribunal at the Permanent Court of Arbi- impoverished countryside. rampant corruption,” said Romero in his with weak governance like the Philip- tration in The Hague, Netherlands. The He has said the central government The Standard column. pines, federalism might result at worst in Philippines expects a ruling in late June would retain essential national functions, Romero acknowledged that while pov- the breakup of the country, according to or early July of this year. such as defense, foreign policy and erty remained high and that the wealth Temario Rivera, chairman of the Center By fi ling this case, the Philippines customs. has not spread to a broader section of for People Empowerment in Governance stopped bilateral or one-on-one talks Duterte has repeatedly said one of the the population, this was not the fault of think-tank. with China – the means preferred by main benefi ts of federalism would be to Aquino. He said federalism could strengthen China to settle the maritime row. end separatist rebellions waged by the “That issue was there when PNoy as- the hold of political dynasties or clans The Aquino administration said it country’s impoverished Muslim minor- sumed the Presidency, it is there today that already monopolize power in local brought China to court to secure a long- ity because they would in effect have and it will be there when President-elect governments, often through the use of lasting solution to the sea dispute. autonomy in the new states. Duterte steps down six years hence. private armies, with a weakened central This will also allow the Philippines to “Nothing short of a federal structure Spreading the fruits of economic growth authority unable to respond. "at least negotiate from a stronger posi- will give Mindanao peace,” Duterte and eliminating widespread poverty are “Shifting to a federal system will have tion" when it returns to bilateral talks said on the campaign trail, and broadly very tough problems,” said Romero. uncertain and unpredictable results,” with China, Philippine Department of supportive comments from Muslim rebel Rivera told Agence France-Presse. leaders in recent weeks have indicated Foreign Affairs spokesman Charles Jose they are receptive to the plans. said. Amending the constitution is a highly sensitive subject in the Philippines. Divine Mercy Shrine 'Very good job,' analyst says Lawmakers have not touched it since in Encinitas, California it was rewritten in 1987 following the Ernest Bower, senior adviser for the “People Power” revolution that over- Southeast Asia Program at the Center for threw dictator Ferdinand Marcos the Strategic and International Studies, said previous year. the Aquino administration "did a very The constitution was redrawn to put in Be part of the story. good job." Referring to the Aquino administration, Bower added: "They actually put their actions behind their words. They not only talked about rule of law, but they took the court case to The Hague." "I thought that the foreign secretary, Work for the San Diego’s Albert del Rosario, did a very good job of driving for more ASEAN unity and Top Home Care Agency! engagement. And he made it clear to the Americans that the Philippines was seri- ous about this issue," Bower added. He said Del Rosario’s efforts led Now Hiring to the signing of the Philippines-US Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agree- Exerienced Caregivers ment (EDCA) in 2014. The EDCA gives American troops greater access to for Live-In & Hourly Shifts Philippine military facilities. Bower said the EDCA is "probably Top Pay • Flexible Hours • Great Benefits moving the US-Philippine relationship to a new point; a new high point." Requirements Security analyst Jose Antonio Custo- dio, for his part, pointed out one of the • 3 professional references shortcomings of the Aquino administra- tion’s approach toward the West Philip- • Proof of eligibility to work in the US pine Sea dispute. "It was too much focused on the dip- Call for an appointment lomatic angle and it did not really have any efforts, following 2012, to protect, Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. for example, Scarborough Shoal…in a physical way," he said. La Jolla Apply Online! While the Philippines pursues an ( Continued on page 13 ) 858-842-1346 July 1-7, 2016 Asian Journal San Diego | 619.474.0588 | Page 13

California Transportation Commission Allocates $100 Million for Highway and Rail Improvements in North County The California Transportation Com- Construction is scheduled to begin in gram and moves us closer to the start of sengers and 4.9 million commuter rail mission voted today to allocate $103.7 late 2016. The projects comprise the construction” said Caltrans I-5 Corridor passengers (Metrolink and COASTER) million to the San Diego region to fi rst phase of the North Coast Corridor Director Allan Kosup. “We look forward travel the LOSSAN corridor. One in ev- extend carpool lanes on Interstate 5 (I-5) Program, a $6 billion investment in in- to beginning construction on the fi rst ery nine Amtrak riders uses the corridor. and add a second track to a portion of frastructure and environmental improve- set of transportation and environmental Averaging more than 700,000 vehicle the coastal rail line in North San Diego ments along the coast between La Jolla enhancements near Encinitas later this trips daily, the I-5 North commute cor- County. and Oceanside over the next 30 years. year.” ridor serves as a critical north-south link The funding will enable the San Diego “This transportation corridor is among To date, 67 percent of the coastal rail connecting San Diego to Los Angeles Association of Governments (SAN- the most important assets in our region,” corridor in San Diego County has been County, Orange County, and Baja Cali- DAG) and the California Department said SANDAG Chair and San Diego double tracked. About $1 billion of rail fornia, Mexico. The corridor serves as a of Transportation (Caltrans) to begin County Board of Supervisors Chair Ron improvement projects are under devel- gateway for commuters, recreational us- construction on a $700 million package Roberts. “Once again, we are pleased opment or planned in the corridor over ers, goods movement, business centers, of projects, aimed to accomplish the that by combining state funding with the next few decades, with the goal of and local residents, providing access to following goals: our local TransNet half-cent sales tax, fully double tracking the entire 60-mile 22 percent of the region’s total jobs. · Expand travel choices by extending we are able to move forward with much stretch of the rail corridor within the More information on the North Coast Cor- the carpool lanes on I-5 from Lomas needed improvements that provide con- county. This stretch of the rail corridor ridor Project is available at: http://www.keep- Santa Fe Drive to State Route 78. gestion relief and enhanced rail services. is part of what is formally known as · Increase the effi ciency and reliabil- The vote by the CTC demonstrates the the Los Angeles– San Diego–San Luis NCCHome.aspx. ### ity of the rail corridor with two double importance of having a dedicated local Obispo Rail Corridor (LOSSAN). LOS- About SANDAG tracking projects across the San Elijo source of funding to leverage outside SAN is the second busiest intercity rail The San Diego Association of Govern- and Batiquitos Lagoons. dollars to get key regional infrastructure corridor in the nation, supporting com- ments (SANDAG) is the San Diego region’s · Add bike/pedestrian improvements in built.” muter, intercity, and freight services. primary public planning, transportation, and Encinitas and Carlsbad. The interchang- Approximately 25 percent of the Train operations on the line include research agency, providing the public forum es at Encinitas Boulevard and Santa Fe North Coast Corridor program funding Amtrak’s Pacifi c Surfl iner; the Southern for regional policy decisions about growth, Drive will be upgraded with new bike/ will come from TransNet, the voter- California Regional Rail Authority’s transportation planning and construction, pedestrian paths. approved, half-cent sales tax for local Metrolink; the North County Transit environmental management, housing, open · Restore the San Elijo Lagoon, transportation projects, which is admin- District’s COASTER passenger rail space, energy, public safety, and binational specifi cally to improve tidal fl ow and istered by SANDAG. service; and Union Pacifi c and BNSF topics. SANDAG is governed by a Board of Directors composed of mayors, council water quality and expand the salt marsh “The CTC vote marks a pivotal mile- Railway freight rail services. Each year, members, and supervisors from each of the habitat. stone for the North Coast Corridor Pro- more than 2.7 million intercity pas- region’s 18 cities and the county government.

validation and acceptance. Listeners are Keep doing it, and eventually it will get it’s not conducive to human fl ourishing This negative attitude to criminalize a rare species in a narcissistic culture. easier. and healthy societies. The child children at an early age is the indication 8 signs When was the last time you met one? I Imagine how different our culture Humble people also realize human ( Continued from page 6 ) of incompetence and failure of the police ( Continued from page 10 ) know only a few. would look if everyone looked for ways dignity is more valuable than personal Juanito is a 10-year-old boy rescued to catch the real dangerous criminals. refuse to adapt. We erect large campus- How different might our world look if to celebrate others? convictions. Humility never oppresses or recently from a detention cell in Metro Perhaps they are afraid or unable to get es, and while there’s nothing inherently we listened more than we talked? 7.) You have convictions and core shames someone for thinking differently. Manila by Micka, the Preda social evidence or they are part of the crime wrong with large buildings, I wonder 6.) You celebrate the success of oth- values. 8.) You live at or below your means. worker. He was beaten and physically syndicates. It’s easy to arrest teenagers if building campaigns prepare the next ers. The ego says no one should tell you When ego drives the train, unhealthy and orally abused by his father and his and claim success in solving crimes. generation to engage an ever-shifting Humble people celebrate when others what’s right and wrong. Whatever you consumerism and materialism are sure to stepmother. Instead of jailing the abusive The announcement of congressmen to culture. Maybe so. Maybe not. I’m not succeed. They don’t view success as a think or feel is right. Don’t listen to follow. You develop a sense of entitle- parents, the authorities jailed the boy. lower the age of criminal liability for sure. I wonder if many churches even fi nite resource or a never ending King of generationally-tested principles. That’s ment. The ego tells you to stand out Even parents will blame the child for children from the present 15 years of age care? the Mountain game. While King of the not YOUR experience, so it must be from the crowd. So you buy the popular their abusive ways. to 12 years of age or even younger is a Could the church be losing ground in Mountain is a fun to play with friends wrong. brands, the big house or the new car. Also rescued from the detention cell is failure or unwillingness to capture the America because we’ve focused more in the backyard, it’s a toxic way to ap- In a narcissistic culture, one of the fi rst You spend whatever, whenever. Who a girl victim of sexual abuse. The child, real masterminds behind criminality. energy on winning internal battles than proach life. things to die is convictions. What fi lls cares if you don’t have the resources? likely a victim of human traffi cking, was The street children at 12 years old will engaging a hurting world? Yet, this is where we fi nd ourselves. the void is feeling. Groups unite around The world owes you. put behind bars as if a criminal instead then be marked as criminal suspects. Is it possible that we’ve focused more Even Christians, unfortunately, are shared experiences. And, most of the Humility, contentment and modesty of jailing the rapists. Thousands of They will be targets for the vigilante on worship preferences than prepar- guilty of competing for things like the time, disagreement is hatred. Because no are good friends. You will usually fi nd Filipino children are badly treated in this death squads. Minors older than 15 will ing the next generation of leaders and largest church or the most Twitter fol- one has ever confronted these people or them together. Humble people don’t way. The Philippine laws and interna- be shot or tried in court and sentenced as Christ-followers? lowers. And, whether intentionally or asked them to change, overly sensitive believe the world owes them. They give tional conventions on children’s rights adults and will not have a second chance 5.) You listen more than you talk. not, this often sends the message that groups equate differing opinions with more than they take and use resources are apparently unknown to the local by diversion or rehabilitation as the law Our world is full of noise, a sure life’s a zero sum game. Second place is discrimination. on others. They believe there are more government offi cials who treat the poor grants at present. sign of narcissism. Everyone wants to the fi rst loser. Rather than uniting under The problem with our culture is not important things than oversized closets children like vermin. The police say the drug dealers and dominate conversations and have the last the cross, we compete for silly awards. convictions. The problem is demonizing fi lled with clothes they don’t wear and These places of detention are not drug lords use the children as delivery word. In the rare case when we allow Only a truly humble person, one con- or oppressing those who think differ- bank accounts fattened with money they children’s homes. They are jail cells. boys and girls. If that is true, then the someone else to talk, we’re often think- fi dent in his or her worth, can celebrate ently. may or may not use. The children sleep on the concrete fl oor police have the testimony children to ing about what to say next, which isn’t the success of others. This is incredibly Humble people are convicted. A culture Humility is hugely important. Without and have a dirty blocked toilet the smell get convictions against the drug dealers listening at all. hard for me, I will be honest. But this is where anything goes and everyone de- it the gospel doesn’t exist. The call here would make one sick. Children as young under the child protection law otherwise Humble people, however, are listeners. one principle of humility you can nur- termines his or her own thoughts about is to consider our posture and perspec- as 10 are put into the overcrowded cells. known as RA 7610. This is much easier They don’t need the last word because ture. Even if your intentions aren’t pure, morality might be sexy and trendy. But tive. It might be that humility determines There is no legal help, no education, no to prove in a court of law than drug pos- they’re not frantically searching for celebrate when someone else succeeds. whether the church grows and our exercise, or sunlight or proper food. The session. The child has to be protected, culture fl ourishes. situation in these places is a serious vio- given therapy and counseling and the I love you all. To God be the glory lation the law and the rights of the child. child will testify safely against the deal- The president forever. Amen! The older boys abuse the younger. ers and drug lords. ( Continued from page 12 ) When the children are brought to the These are challenging times. We must do all we can to protect and save children form arbitration case against China, Custodio freedom and comfort of the Preda home TAGALOG said, "I would have appreciated it if pedophiles and abuse in the home and on the Jessica Refuerzo in the countryside where all the needs streets. We must oppose the illegal and abu- there been an effort to defend the fi sher- and wants are met, they open up and tell sive jailing of children and campaign to leave Owner men also, at the same time." all the hardship and abuse they suffered the child protection law as it is and insist on In Panatag Shoal, for instance, fi sher- behind bars. Some have been bullied and the rule of law.-- [email protected] men have reported being blocked by sexually abused. Phone 619.267.7856 2720 E. Plaza Blvd, # M Chinese vessels from approaching fi sh- Hours: Mon-Sat 9 am - 7 pm National City CA 91950 ing grounds. (READ: PH in The Hague: (near Family Lumpia) China robs us of right to fi sh) 'What is ours is ours'

Custodio warned: "If the Chinese sense THE GALLERIA that we're only good for diplomacy but when it comes to things on the ground, we're a little bit averse, then they will Cleaners and Alteration keep on probing and probing and push- Specializing in Barong Tagalog ing and pushing you if you don't push Home Decor, Clothing and Accessories back. This is their typical bully thing." for Men, Women and Children At the same time, other analysts say the US has not committed itself enough to the Philippines in the sea dispute. How, for example, will the US come to the Philippines’ aid in case China attacks this Southeast Asian country? POSTAL ETC. USA In any case, Aquino said he did what 9011 Mira Mesa Blvd., San Diego, CA 92126 matters most: protect his land from an (Behind McDonald’s in Seafood City Plaza) aggressive neighbor. Tel: (858) 530-3005 He illustrated this well in his State of the Nation Address in 2011, when he compared the contested Recto Bank (Reed Bank) in the West Philippine Sea PASSPORT with a busy street in Manila called Recto Avenue. RENEWAL "Kapag tumapak ka sa Recto Bank, EXPRESS para ka na ring tumapak sa Recto Avenue," Aquino said. (Setting foot on SERVICE Recto Bank is no different from setting foot on Recto Avenue.) U.S. Passport 5 Min. Official Photos-Passport Philippines Passport The President stressed, "Malinaw INS, Visa, ID & Citizenship ang pahiwatig natin ngayon sa buong mundo: Ang sa Pilipinas ay sa Pilipinas PHILIPPINES CONSULAR SERVICES (Now, our message to the world is clear: Passport Renewals * Dual Citizen * Report of Marriage * Red Ribbon What is ours is ours)." – Authentications of Notarized Legal Documents including Special Power of Sent from my iPhone Attorneys, Waivers, Certifications, Extrajudicial Settlements, Deed of Absolute Sale, PVAO/GSIS, Affidavit of Support & Consent at a reasonable fee with Full Service. Getting away NOTARY SERVICES - Available On Premises ( Continued from page 2 ) Special Notary Discount for Living Trust, cost him two thousand pesos to retrieve his driver’s license from the police sta- Escrow & Loan Documents tion once it is confi scated. The friend let the police get his license so he could FedEx Express to the Philippines catch his fl ight. “It would only cost me $5 to get a new 2-3 DAY DOOR TO DOOR DELIVERY license in Washington,” he said, explain- Guaranty Lowest Shipping Rate for all FedEx International ing why he let the license go instead of in paying a more expensive $50-fi ne. San Diego County

Travel VISA & EXPRESS Service Page 14 Asian Journal San Diego | 619.474.0588 | July 1-7, 2016

ArtsArts && CultureCulture That happened to my dear brother in law Ortes, when he breathed his last The Metamorphosis breath after a tragic car accident in 5 ways Filipino English just makes more sense Tanauan City, Philippines! Very sad. by Ernie Del n Very sudden. His passing away came by Nathan Allen, I Dreamed of This normal bus. Like if the premium bus had very tragic and fast like a blink of an seats, air con, and a bathroom on board, eye last June 21, 2016, just about two s an adult, English the ordinary bus might just have seats weeks from my own birthday, that is and windows that open, and the extra causing some inexplicable feelings and is one of the hard- ordinary bus might have no seats or windows at all! Haha. Read previous articles by Ernie Delfi n strong emotions that I need to venti- est languages to at late in my journal and expatiating my A learn...or so I've heard. It thoughts by writing them like right now. In the Philippines, extra ordinary is Somehow, grief that is shared eases the was my primary language actually the upgraded version of the pain of loss. since birth, so I never real- regular bus. That's when I realized that These random thoughts of births, ized just how frustrating and in the U.S., if you put a space between Man’s life on earth is just a birthdays and death have occupied my the word extraordinary, it starts to mean mind lately, like a raging river coming challenging it can be. Silent the opposite. Strange. little hyphen that contains the from the mountains after a thunder- letters, same spelling but storm, while our families mourn the "Close The Light" passing away of our brother Ortes. It’s different pronunciation... signifi cance of his short life a great challenge to grieve alone so I etc. Living in the Philippines This one sounds very strange to a non- (Sayonara to Ortes Rivera on his fi nal hegira to heaven) am forced to just reminisce the events for a few years helped me to Filipino. For the longest time I thought of Ortes’ short life, including a recent it was bad grammar, then I was at a THE METAMORPHOSIS By Ernie From birth to death, the miles we will event in April this year, when he and realize that sometimes, Eng- friend's house one night and I was told D. Delfi n travel is measured but nobody but only his wife Belet and their entire family: to put the lid on the candle to put out the God, our Savior and the Creator of lish just doesn't make sense. a son Ronald in with his wife fl ame. Suddenly it clicked. I was clos- “God gives us enough years to live Life, knows when that fi nal destination Leeyan with two very young kids, and ing the light! I felt so foolish. It makes and the health we need to accomplish comes. The hegira or journey that we One of my favorite things about their eldest son, Oliver with his wife sense that this expression has persisted the things He wants us to accomplish will traverse in our lifetime is person- Filipino languages is how phonetically Ana Moren and daughter 2 year-old so long, because many provinces might on this Earth.” — Father Emery Tang, alized and distinctly unique from others, accurate they are. Once you learn how to Olivia from London, and their only have been using candlelight up until the O.F.M like our footprints or DNA. That pronounce all the letters, you can say al- daughter Chee and her husband Robin last 10 or 20 years. insignifi cant little hypen that appears in most any word correctly on the fi rst try. all gathered for a special family reunion This also reminds me of the word The fi rst six months of this year has our tombstone one day, separating the On top of this, Filipinos are much more for the fi rst time in the beautiful Island "viand", which believe it or not, I been super unusual for me due to hor- year of our birth and year of our death, literal. I've learned that English leaves a of Boracay and had the best week of thought was a Tagalog (Filipino) word rifi c and tragic news of untimely deaths contains the highlights or substance of lot of room for misunderstanding. their lives, with their Dad and Grandpa when I fi rst heard it. My Filipino friends of several people I consider close our short life that hopefully make our As an American English speaker, for the last time! laughed and told me it was in fact an friends and/or valued clients, fellow life worth remembering by those we Filipino expressions didn't seem to make I knew about that happy event because English word. I have never heard the Rotarians who are all great human be- will leave behind. Morbid thoughts sense at fi rst. However, on closer inspec- I was there, the only one from the USA word in my life; I don't think it's com- ings. At least a dozen people, I know that can make us petrifi ed or motivated tion, I realized that they actually make to be able to join them for several days, one second, so they are just being hon- monly used in U.S. conversation or well enough, from the Philippines to the to do something signifi cant. Profound more sense! Here are 5 examples: doing nothing but leisurely gallivanting est. Haha. I like that. literature. Now I've started to wonder USA passed away just like cold breeze but scary reminder that all of us will in that island paradise. Since I married if many Filipino expressions come from the ocean. Just to name a few, my also have that tombstone with that little 1. Hot Dog Sandwich Ortes’ only sister four decades ago, I 3. The Word "Color" from old American English - words and friends and/or clients: JN of Carson, to “hypen” that will contain something of have had many occasions to meet and phrases that are no longer used back LL in Palos Verdes, to ET of Anaheim, value for others or nothing at all. I'll never forget the fi rst time I saw this have conversations with him especially It took me so long to get used to the home. to LS in Cerritos , whom I have had The topic of death elicits many emo- on a menu. I just laughed to myself. It's when he also spent some weeks with way Filipinos pronounce this word. It I actually prefer the way that English many interactions in the Filipino Ameri- tions that are possibly even more not a sandwich, I thought. It's a hot dog. us in California many moons ago. I just sounded so different to me. The is pronounced in the Philippines. In can community, in business world or in charged than the news of a childbirth. Then I started thinking about the strange thought I am a man that is not “supposed truth is that they're actually pronouncing general, really makes more sense our Rotary planet. Nine months after conception, the birth fact that in the U.S., it's called a hot dog to cry and shed tears” but I did, espe- it in a very straightforward way - just as to me. In fact, when my friends and fam- Just about 48 hours ago, the most of a child is normally anticipated with with or without the bun (bread). So if cially after witnessing my wife’s deep it is spelled. That's when I realized how ily talk about "the accent" I came back distressing call from our family in joy by the parents, their families and the meat alone is called a hotdog, then hurt and mourning. ridiculous my own pronunciation of it is. home with, it's probably just because I Batangas City, came in the middle of their close friends in a safe birthing putting it between 2 pieces of bread is in I will also miss Ortes dearly but I will In the U.S. we say "cuh-ler". Filipinos speak like a Filipino now:) the night, bearing the saddest news of place like in a hospital nowadays. It is fact creating a hot dog sandwich. Mind celebrate his life on earth, remembering see an "o" , and they pronounce it "oh". - Nathan Allen the untimely death of my wife’s younger a very happy momentous occasion. On blown. the good times and the example of how Always. That makes sense! What did we Thanks for reading, and feel free to brother Ortes due to a fatal car accident! the other hand, death comes like a thief he lived his life of hard work, as an engi- Americans do with the "o" sound, and share! Intellectually, I know death is inevitable in the night to anyone, young or old, rich 2. "Wait For a While" neer in the Middle East for many years, why do we pronounce each "o" in the but any morbid news of death is still too or poor, sick or healthy, powerless or full and as an entrepreneur in the Philip- word "color" differently?? shocking to accept and it haunts you of earthly power. But no one knows Foreigners in the Philippines always pines. He worked silently, without com- MLB All-Star for days and becomes a painful and when death arrives except God and fi nd it funny when customer service reps plaints, always thinking of his family to 4. "Extra Ordinary" ( Continued from page 15 ) grim reminder of my own mortality! those convicted felons who are put ask us to "please wait for a while". In have a better life than he found it. He Biblically, death comes to humankind to death as the ultimate punishment for our countries, this is sort of like asking atmosphere. Sycuan’s intimate 457-seat was generous man sharing his time and "Extra Ordinary" Bus in to Nagap, as a result of the original sin, Adam their heinous crimes when that shadow us to wait for a long time. You would entertainment venue, Sycuan Live & Up money with his loved ones. Towards Philippines and Eve’s “punishment” for disobey- of dearth visit each one of us. Man and never say that. Instead, we might say Close, features national musical acts and that objective, he succeeded very well. I noticed that one of the bus options in ing God’s fi rst commandment. Death woman come into this world in the "just a second, please", or "wait a mo- comedians year-round. Open 24 hours the Philippines was an "extra ordinary" sooner or later will happen to every same fashion, yet every one leaves this ment, please". However, Filipinos are daily. bus. To me, saying extra ordinary is man and woman born on this earth. Planet Earth differently. ( Continued on page 12 ) just too literal for that. they know that in For additional information visit www. reality it will will take longer than just saying that it is more ordinary than a LAW OFFICES OF REYES & TEODORO 2240 E. PLAZA BLVD., SUITE P, NATIONAL CITY, CA 91950

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WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THE OPENING OF OUR NEW OFFICE CONVENIENTLY LOCATED NEAR MANILA SEAFOOD, ACCESSIBLE BY PUBLIC T NS- PORTATION AND JUST OFF EXIT HIGHWAY 805. TRICARE / UNITED CONCORDIA / MILITARY DELTA DENTAL & MOST R&T IS HIGHLY SPECIALIZED IN IMMIG TION AND CIVIL LITIGATION INSURANCE ACCEPTED PAROLE VISA for Relatives of Filipino WWII Veterans Now Available for Processing at the USCIS starting June 8, 2016. For details and information Clinic Hours (National City) : Mon, Wed, Fri & Sat - 9am to 6pm please call our oce at (619) 259-6464 (Poway): Tuesday & Thursday 10am to 6pm July 1-7, 2016 Asian Journal San Diego | 619.474.0588 | Page 15

EntertainmentEntertainment MLB All-Star Fans for life rock AlDub thrills in ‘Imagine You and Legends Series for the gold year Me’ trailer announced at of Beatles con- Sycuan Casino certs in Manila

Babao-Arnis demo team wows crowd

The phenomenal Kalyeserye love team Alden plays the role of Andrew while of and Maine Mendoza Maine’s character is named Gara, two is celebrating their fi rst anniversary in a individuals who fi nd each other in a big way as they thrill moviegoers in the foreign country. by Edgar O. Cruz, | MA- much-awaited romantic fi lm “Imagine Set against picturesque locations in NILA, 6/30/2016 – None of the stake- You and Me” under GMA Films and and scenic spots in the Philippines, holders but avid fans want to celebrate APT Entertainment. the teaser was all that fans have been the 50th anniversary of the evolutionary After fi rst setting eyes on each other on hoping for and more as they wait for live concert of the Beatles in Manila on a split screen during Eat Bulaga’s Juan the fi lm which premieres in Philippine July 4, 1966. for All, All for Juan segment, the pair cinemas this July. Surviving members Paul McCartney has attracted millions of followers who Proving to be a girl of many talents, (El Cajon, CA) – June 30, 2016 – and Ringo Starr refused offers to return have been long hoping for the love team Maine also wrote the lyrics to Imagine Sycuan Casino, the offi cial casino spon- to Manila; Manila Hotel where members to transition from reel to real. You and Me’s similarly-titled theme sor of MLB All-Star Week, recently an- were billeted denied any associa- Growing visibly closer and more com- song, with music composed by veteran nounced they will be hosting an All-Star tion; and the Memorial Football fortable with each other in their fi rst year comedian, host and actor and Legends Series in their intimate Live & Stadium where the two sold-out and together onscreen, AlDub, a combina- arranged by Jimmy Antiporda. Up Close theatre. The three-day series record-breaking concerts were held is tion of Alden and Yaya Dub, Maine’s It has certainly been a magical fi rst will be hosted by Steve Garvey and will now closed for such event. character on Kalyeserye, showed off year for Alden and Maine, and AlDub kick-off on Tuesday, July 5th featur- The Manila Hotel has a photo of the their strong chemistry in the trailer for Nation just has to wait and see what ing Padres legends and Rich “Goose” Beatles stay there was removed from its “” which made fans other exciting things are in store for the Gossage. The event on Wednesday, archive and is not available for public around the world giddy with excitement. sensational pair in the future. (30) July 6th will feature Dave Winfi eld viewing and publication like luminaries and on Thursday, July 7th, Sycuan will Gen. MacArthur, US President John F. welcome Reggie Jackson. The MLB Kennedy and Michael Jackson. greats will take the stage and retell their Suites 401 and 402 are now on the Angel Locsin more mature after favorite stories and memories from their fi fth fl oor. How’s that possible? The playing days. conversion of the mezzanine into a full breakup with Luis Manzano “With a cast of characters like this, level added a fl oor, changing its upward iba ‘yong maturity and it makes you By Nar Babao, Guest Writer did when he was still around to led the each night is sure to be fun, informative confi guration. They were converted into stronger,” she added. demos. – and most importantly, memorable,” the MacArthur and Aguinaldo Suites. The Kapamilya actress is also glad to We started the demo with “Moro- said Steve Garvey, former Padres great. Local promoters fl opped to get Paul he Babao-Arnis Demo have more time with her family, and Moro” where the performers displayed Tickets for the event are on-sale now at and Ringo back, standing pat never to fi nally had time to fi x her home. Team wows crowd of various weapons used in Filipino Martial Guests can also purchase return to the country. Thus, avid fans Angel is still in the process of healing, Arts. Moro-Moro came about during tickets directly from the Live & Up have resorted to a do-it-yourself (DIY) onlookers at Balboa after the series of spinal operations she T the Spanish times when practicing the Close box offi ce; guests who present a commemorations. Park and in El Cajon during had gone through the other year. Filipino fi ghting arts was forbidden. To Club Sycuan card will receive $5 off Chato and Victoria Ponce with Kr Ra- This was due to the disc slip she had, back-to-back presentations trick the Spaniards, he Filipinos thought their ticket. poses hold a free party, Come Together, which also made her give up the fi lm of hiding the art in dances called sayaws. About Sycuan Casino on July 3 at the Gateway Food Plaza at on two separate weekends "Darna." The term Arnis de Mano came from the Sycuan Casino began as a humble the Araneta Center at 3 p.m. Featuring However, her fans would like to think here in San Diego at the harness of the hands worn by practitio- Bingo Palace back in 1983. Now, 32 volunteer bands Pax Machine, The Sum- that is still waiting for her Samahan 31st Philippine ners during that time. In the Moro Moro years later it has become a commu- mers, Kaleidoscope Eyes and we have to heal and still reprise the role. number we presented, we used various nity landmark. Undergoing a massive solo performers Nyng Piñon and Fred- Cultural Arts Festival in “Gusto ko rin naman gawin, but weapons including the baston or stick renovation in 2012, Sycuan now features erick Flores, a freewheeling event with honestly hindi ko pa siya masagot Balboa Park (Sunday, June (also called olisi or garrote), the daga or 2,000 exciting reel and video slot jamming and dancing follows. Food and ngayon, e,” she replied, when asked knife, the bangkaw or spear, the karam- machines, more than 40 gaming tables, drinks are available from the stalls. 26, 2016) and at the Good for a reaction to her fans’ assumptions. bit, and the Muslim bladed weapons poker, bingo and a variety of restaurants The Offi cial Beatles Fan Club of the Philip- “Nasa process ka ng healing, gusto mo Samaritan Retirement Cen- such as the kris and the kampilan. to choose from. Non-smokers will also pines, Ltd. celebrates at the Black Kings Bar gumaling, nagsalita ka ng anything tapos ter in El Cajon (Saturday, After the moro-moro our demo team enjoy over 800 slots and table games x Café at 107 West Ave, Quezon City on | MANILA, Philippines hindi matuloy baka ma-depress ako ulit, performed a partnered drill called refl ex in the comfort of San Diego’s fi rst and July 8. Door opens at 7 p.m. Entrance ticket – Angel Locsin has new discoveries of June 19, 2016) for its Fa- at P200 but P500 entitles club membership di ba?” where the students took turns feeding largest fully-enclosed non-smoking herself and felt more mature after her with entrance plus mug, keychain, event fl yer “Kung anong ibigay ng Diyos sa akin, ther’s Day event. and blocking in a pre-set strike patterns room – complete with its own separate breakup with Luis Manzano. and raffl e. Produced by Magical Mystery naniniwala ako na kung para sa iyo ang or angles of attack. Refl ex drills help entrance and Paipa’s Surf & Turf buffet. Trip Productions, Play Fountains, Romantic proyekto, para sa iyo. Kung hindi man, The (FMA) reinforce and coordinate the proper The GameDay Sports Bar & Grill has The reports about the breakup of the Walls, The Streetlights, Roadizz, Sleeping on baka may mas magandang para sa iyo,” systems commonly known as Arnis, Es- attacks, footwork, body angling, timing 39 wide-screen TVs, including 5 90-inch two came out February this year. Sunbeams, Manila ’66, and The Offi cial Fan she added. krima and Kali are part of the Filipino- and rhythm. After the refl ex drill the TVs, bar-top slot machines, a stadium Club Band divide the concert repertoire plus “Iba ang maturity na nabibigay ng Although doing a TV series may wait Americans proud heritage, culture performers demonstrated defensive sized menu, over 30 beers on tap, the six Beatles songs. The Bootleg Beatles does single life,” said Angel in an interview for a while, Angel said she’ll be doing a and tradition and our school known as techniques called carenza de numero and Party Pit complete with three black- a three-venue commemoration at Newport on Wednesday, after she was introduced “Maalaala Mo Kaya” episode that will Babao-Arnis is humbled and proud to the advance version called carenza libre, jack tables, an extensive collection of Arts Theater at Resorts World Manila on July as the newest brand ambassadress for start shooting this weekend. She’ll also share our fi ghting arts to the Filipino using various weapons and also empty sports memorabilia – and a high-energy 12, SMX Convention Center Davao City on Smart Padala. community specifi cally and to the entire hands. July 15 and Waterfront Hotel on “Lahat naman tayo kapag dumadaan do a fi lm, although she refused to give community in general ( Continued on page 8 ) ( Continued on page 14 ) July 16. All shows start at 8 p.m. Satisfaction sa medyo mahirap na phase ng buhay, details for now. Our demo at the Samahan Cultural Arts guaranteed! Festival was ably emceed by my brother, Guro Jack Babao, who at the start of the presentation gave a brief introduction of Babao-Arnis and said that this demo is a tribute GM Narrie Babao who passed away almost three years ago. While our dad, GM Narrie, was still with us he led our demo team in presenting demos to Samahan and other non-profi t organiza- tions who invite us to do presentations. Babao-Arnis was founded by GM Narrie and GM Zena, my mom, back in 1977 and was then known as the Filipino Kali Academy of San Diego. The three martial arts systems that we teach are: the Batangas Baston system that GM Narrie learned from his father, Bue- naventura “Turing” Babao; the Cacoy Doce Pares which he learned from SGM Ciriaco “Cacoy” Canete; and the Villabrille-Largusa Kali that he learned from late Grand Tuhan Ben Largusa. Jack shared a story how our dad started training with his papa. Narrie was a reluctant student in the art of Arnis and early on to train in karate at the Black Sphinx Karate Club in the Philippines. He wanted to become a black belt so he could challenge his father to a mano- a-mano (hand-to-hand) combat. The moment that he waited for fi nally came. During his fi ght with his dad, he was surprised to fi nd out that his knowledge and skills in karate was no match to Papa Turing Babao’s Arnis. From then on, he decided to get serious in learning Arnis de Mano. At the demo, our Demo Team used percussion instruments such as the drums, kulintangs and agong to help set the tone and speed of the performers to the music. I was the lead drummer in both demos – the role that GM Narrie Page 16 Asian Journal San Diego | 619.474.0588 | July 1-7, 2016

LEGOLAND® California Resort offi cially unveils tallest Lego® building in the United States in time for Independence Day! One World Trade Center Towers Over Newly Remodeled Miniland New York CARLSBAD, Calif. (June 30, 2016) – Red, white and blue confetti rocketed through the sky as LEGOLAND® California Resort kicked off Independence Day weekend by unveiling the tallest LEGO® building in the United States of America, the One World Trade Center! The skyscraping LEGO model is featured in the newly remodeled Miniland New York located in the Park’s Miniland U.S.A.

Prior to the ribbon cutting ceremony, the national anthem was performed by a brass band and Lady Liberty and Uncle Sam walked on stilts greeting guests. Hometown heroes from the Carls- bad Police Department and Carlsbad Fire Department gathered around the miniature Big Apple as honorary guests Carlsbad Police Chief Neil Gallucci and Carlsbad Fire Chief Michael Calder- wood, cut the ribbon offi cially reopen- ing Miniland New York. Miniland New York features 25 new LEGO structures and new animation for guests to enjoy. tallest LEGO model in the U.S. For the Transportation Hub. ties and a fi reworks display at 8:30 p.m. The One World Trade Center LEGO fi rst time ever, guests can use a special Miniland New York and the One World The new LEGO models and Indepen- model is built with more than 250,000 LEGO tower viewer giving them a Trade Center LEGO model open in time dence Day event are included with the LEGO bricks, and took eight Master skyscraper view of Miniland U.S.A. The for the Resort’s Red White and Boom! price of admission to LEGOLAND Model Builders more than 1200 hours area also features LEGO model replicas 4th of the July celebration. The family California Resort. For more information, to build. This dynamic structure weighs of the 9/11 Memorial’s twin refl ect- fun event features activities such as log onto or call more than 1,000 pounds and towers at ing pools, the grove of memorial trees water-balloon tosses, burlap sack races, (760) 918-LEGO (5346). a record breaking 26 feet, making it the and the impressive World Trade Center patriotic stroller parade, building activi-

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