Annual Report 2015

CERN CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, operates the world’s 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland leading laboratory for . Its business is fundamental physics, ÄUKPUNV\[^OH[[OL\UP]LYZLPZTHKLVMHUKOV^P[^VYRZ-V\UKLKPU  CERN has become a prime example of international collaboration, with CERN’s Annual Report is published as 21 Member States. Additional nations from around the globe also contribute a single volume that aims to present the to and participate in the research programmes. Contents activities of the Laboratory. ;OL*,953HIVYH[VY`ZP[ZHZ[YPKL[OL-YHUJV¶:^PZZIVYKLYULHY.LUL]H Introductory messages 4 -VY[OLLSLJ[YVUPJ]LYZPVUZLL! 0[Z ÅHNZOPW YLZLHYJO MHJPSP[` [OL 3HYNL /HKYVU *VSSPKLY PZ OV\ZLK PU H 27kilometre tunnel under the plain between Lake Geneva and the Jura A year at CERN 6 mountains. The photograph above is a view from the mountain Le Reculet CERN’s list of publications, a catalogue of in the Jura, showing the Laboratory in its setting north of Geneva, with the Snapshots 8 all known publications on research carried Alps, including Mont Blanc, in the distance. Physics and experiments 12 out at CERN during the year, is available at: (Photo Thomas Kubes) Accelerators 22

:P_[`ÄYZ[(UU\HS9LWVY[VM[OL,\YVWLHU Computing 29 Organization for Nuclear Research Making an impact 32 Design and Production: CERN Education, A place of work 35 Communications and Outreach Group Safety and environment 37 ISSN 03042901 ISBN 9789290834281 (printed version) Council and Committees 40 ISBN 9789290834298 (electronic version) Internal organisation 42 © Copyright 2016, CERN *,95PUÄN\YLZ   

Glossary 45 Message from the President of the Council Message from the DirectorGeneral

;OLOPNOSPNO[VMMVY*,95^HZ[OLYLZ[HY[VM[OL3/*H[ ( Ä]L`LHYS` YL]PL^ VM [OL ÄUHUJPHS HUK ZVJPHS JVUKP[PVUZ VM Much can happen in seven years, and much has happened during model is very well experimentally established, but there remained 13 TeV: the highest energy ever achieved in an accelerator. The members of the CERN personnel was on the agenda of the my mandate as CERN DirectorGeneral. While an annual report VUL SP[[SL NHW! P[Z WYV[HNVUPZ[Z OHK WYLKPJ[LK JVUÄN\YH[PVUZ VM CERN Council followed this development with great interest ;YPWHY[P[L,TWSV`TLU[*VUKP[PVUZ-VY\T;9,-K\YPUN[OL`LHYZ I`P[ZUH[\YLYLÅLJ[ZVU[OL`LHYNVULI`0^V\SKSPRL[V\ZL[OL X\HYRZHUKHU[PX\HYRZJVUZPZ[PUNVMÄ]LWHY[PJSLZI\[\U[PS and with much appreciation of the smooth, systematic and 2014 and 2015. In December, on the recommendation of the VJJHZPVU VM T` SHZ[ YLWVY[ [V YLÅLJ[ IYPLÅ` VU OV^ T\JO OHZ no experiment had ever reliably detected the existence of these professional way in which the machine and the experiments were -PUHUJL *VTTP[[LL [OL *V\UJPS HWWYV]LK [OL 4HUHNLTLU[»Z changed since 2009. ZVJHSSLKWLU[HX\HYRZ0U[OHURZ[V[OLWLYMVYTHUJLVM[OL brought back into operation after a long period of maintenance proposals in the framework of this review. 3/*[OLWYLJPZPVUVM[OL3/*IKL[LJ[VYHUK[OLPUNLU\P[`VMP[Z HUK \WNYHKLZ ([ [OL [YHKP[PVUHS 3/* 7O`ZPJZ *VSSVX\P\T H[ ;V^HYKZ[OLLUKVM[OH[`LHY^LZH^[OLÄYZ[OPNOLULYN`ILHTZ researchers, that changed, and one more 50yearold prediction the Council’s Open Session in December, eight bright young The year 2015 was my third and last year as President of the PU [OL 3/* HUK PU  [OL YLZLHYJO WYVNYHTTL NV[ \UKLY OHKILLUJVUÄYTLK WO`ZPJPZ[ZWYLZLU[LK[OLMHZJPUH[PUNHJOPL]LTLU[ZVM[OL3/* Council. In September, the Council elected my successor, and ^H` ;^V `LHYZ SH[LY 3/* L_WLYPTLU[Z ^LYL HUUV\UJPUN [OLPY JVSSPKLYHUK[OLL_WLYPTLU[ZK\YPUN[OLÄYZ[`LHYVM3/*9\U 0WHZZLK[OLIH[VU[V7YVMLZZVY:PQIYHUKKL1VUNPU+LJLTILY ÄYZ[THQVYKPZJV]LY`[OL/PNNZIVZVUTLZZLUNLYVM[OL)YV\[ As well as being a worldleading laboratory, CERN is also a very Professor de Jong has a long association with CERN, both as ,UNSLY[/PNNZTLJOHUPZT;OPZSLK[VH5VILS7YPaLMVY-YHUsVPZ complex organisation, with all the attendant challenges that ;OL `LHY  ^HZ HSZV [OL SHZ[ VM 9VSM /L\LY»Z ZL]LU `LHYZ HZJPLU[PÄJ\ZLYHUKHZHYLWYLZLU[H[P]L[V[OL*V\UJPS0OH]L ,UNSLY[ HUK 7L[LY /PNNZ [OL MVSSV^PUN `LHY  ^HZ HSZV [OL brings. In 2015, one of the largest was the removal of the cap PU VɉJL HZ *,95 +PYLJ[VY.LULYHS ^P[O [OL +PYLJ[VY.LULYHS NYLH[S`LUQV`LK^VYRPUN^P[OOPTHUK^PZOOPTHSS[OL]LY`ILZ[ beginning of CERN’s process of geographical enlargement, which MYVT[OL:^PZZMYHUJL\YVL_JOHUNLYH[L^OPJOSLK[VHKPɉJ\S[ +LZPNUH[L -HIPVSH .PHUV[[P WYLWHYPUN MVY OLY [LYT VM VɉJL in his new role. has seen our membership grow, and a new category of Associate situation for many of our Member States. The Management and In March, Dr Gianotti presented her proposed management 4LTILYILJVTLÄYTS`LZ[HISPZOLK the Council worked together proactively to minimise the impact Z[Y\J[\YL MVY ¶ [V [OL *V\UJPS 0U :LW[LTILY [OL I am proud to have had the opportunity to work for this both on the CERN programme and on our Member States. This Council approved the appointments of Dr Gianotti’s directors THNUPÄJLU[ YLZLHYJO VYNHUPZH[PVU HZ 7YLZPKLU[ VM [OL *V\UJPS Moving on to 2015, the highlight of the year was the restart of the is typical of the relationship between the CERN Management and and heads of department. Among the new features of the K\YPUNHWLYPVK[OH[OHZZLLUNYLH[WYVNYLZZ^P[O[OL3/*[OL 3/*HM[LYP[ZÄYZ[SVUNZO\[KV^U3:4\JO^VYR^HZJHYYPLK *V\UJPS¶VULVM[OLNYLH[Z[YLUN[OZVM[OPZ6YNHUPaH[PVU incoming Management is the position of Director for International completion of the update of the European Strategy for Particle V\[K\YPUN3:UV[VUS`H[[OL3/*I\[HJYVZZ[OL^OVSL*,95 9LSH[PVUZ ;OPZ YLÅLJ[Z [OL NYV^PUN PTWVY[HUJL VM YLSH[PVUZ Physics, the celebration of 60 years of science for peace and accelerator chain, and at the experiments. The restart was more I cannot end without a mention of the enlargement process. Among with the Member States and of the process of geographical the admission of Israel as CERN’s 21st Member State. I wish [OHUQ\Z[HZPTWSLZ^P[JOVU"P[^HZTVYLHRPU[VZ[HY[PUNHUL^ T`ÄUHSK\[PLZHZ+PYLJ[VY.LULYHS^HZ[VZPNU[^VUL^HNYLLTLU[Z enlargement of CERN. to thank the Council members, the members of its advisory MHJPSP[`MVY[OLÄYZ[[PTL0[^HZKVUL^P[ONYLH[JHYLHUKP[YHU]LY` during the December meetings of the Council. One, signed with IVKPLZ 7YVMLZZVY 9VSM /L\LY [OL ^OVSL *,95 4HUHNLTLU[ smoothly, with all CERN’s experimental facilities, not only those at the United States under the umbrella agreement concluded in In 2015, the enlargement process proceeded apace. In June, the administrative services supporting the Council and many [OL3/*ILULÄ[[PUNHUKWLYMVYTPUN^LSS;OLZTVV[OUH[\YLVM March, heralds a new era of transatlantic collaboration in particle the Council adopted a resolution for the admission of Romania other members of the CERN personnel for their invaluable help the restart augurs well for the continuation of Run 2 in 2016. physics. It outlines US participation in the continuing exploitation as a Member State. Turkey became an Associate Member of HUKTVZ[LUQV`HISLJVVWLYH[PVU[OYV\NOV\[T`WLYPVKVMVɉJL VM[OL3/*HUK*,95WHY[PJPWH[PVUPUL_JP[PUNUL\[YPUVWYVQLJ[Z CERN in May, with Pakistan becoming an Associate Member I wish the Organization continuing success, and look forward to  ^HZ H `LHY MVY I\PSKPUN L_WLYPLUJL VM [OL 3/* PU P[Z UL^ NL[[PUN\UKLY^H`H[-LYTPSHI;OLZLJVUK\UKLYSPULZ[OLZWPYP[ in July. And over the course of the year the Council approved seeing what new knowledge CERN will bring us in the years to JVUÄN\YH[PVUHUKMVY[OLL_WLYPTLU[ZHUKJVTW\[PUN[LHTZ[V of inclusion that is a hallmark of CERN. It is an International International Collaboration Agreements with Lebanon and come. become accustomed to the new higherenergy running conditions. Collaboration Agreement with Palestine, opening up the way for Palestine. It is my sincere wish that these will have an impact ;OL`HSSWYV]LK[OLTZLS]LZ[VILTVYL[OHUHKLX\H[LS`WYLWHYLK Palestinian universities and scientists to intensify their links with IL`VUK [OL PTTLKPH[L ILULÄ[ [OH[ [OL` IYPUN [V [OL YLZLHYJO and by the end of 2015 the experiments were producing CERN. It was approved by the unanimous vote of the Council. communities they touch. important new physics results. Elsewhere at CERN, a new tool H[V\Y]LYZH[PSL0:63+,MHJPSP[`JHTLVUZ[YLHT/0,0:63+,^PSS Last but not least, I would like to thank everyone I have had the In order to mitigate the impact of the Swiss franc’s appreciation increase the reach of ISOLDE in a range of areas from nuclear pleasure to work with over the last seven years: the Council, the in January 2015 on the contributions of the Member States, the structure to astrophysics. At the (AD), 4HUHNLTLU[HUKHSS[OL*,95WLYZVUULS^OL[OLYZ[HɈMLSSV^Z CERN Management proposed a plan of measures, which was Agnieszka Zalewska great progress was made at ELENA, a facility that will increase associates, users or contractors. It has been a privilege. I wish the discussed by the Council in March and June and approved in [OLLɉJPLUJ`VM[OL(+[YLTLUKV\ZS` new Management and the Council a mandate full of success and :LW[LTILY*VUZLX\LU[S`TVYL[PTL^HZULLKLK[VWYLWHYL[OL many great discoveries. 4LKP\T;LYT7SHUMVY[OLWLYPVK¶HUK[OL)\KNL[VM You can read all about the science highlights in this report, so I [OL6YNHUPaH[PVUMVY[OL`LHY;OL¶4;7PUJS\KLZ ^PSSHSSV^T`ZLSM[VMVJ\ZVUQ\Z[VUL1\Z[HZ[OL)YV\[,UNSLY[ 9VSM/L\LY [OL Z[HY[ VM JVUZ[Y\J[PVU VM [OL /PNO3\TPUVZP[` 3/* WYVQLJ[ /PNNZTLJOHUPZT^HZKL]LSVWLKPU[OL ZZV^HZ[OLX\HYR /33/* H ÅHNZOPW MVY *,95 MVY [OL WLYPVK  [V HYV\UK model that underpins our understanding of particles such as the 2035. WYV[VUZ HUK UL\[YVUZ [OH[ THRL \W H[VTPJ U\JSLP ;OL X\HYR

4 | CERN 2015 | 5 In December, Pamela Hamamoto, US Permanent Representative Sextupole magnets produced through the CESSAMag project to the United Nations in Geneva, and CERN DirectorGeneral Rolf await shipment to the SESAME laboratory following tests at CERN Heuer signed protocols paving the way towards a truly integrated (CERNPHOTO2015030417). transatlantic research programme in particle physics (CERN PHOTO20151225818).

9\U(M[LY[OLKPZJV]LY`VM[OL/PNNZIVZVUPUWO`ZPJPZ[Z 3LIHULZL 5H[PVUHS *V\UJPS MVY :JPLU[PÄJ 9LZLHYJO *59:3 will be putting the Standard Model of particle physics to its most paving the way for future collaboration with Lebanese academia. stringent test yet as they continue their search for new physics. Soon after, on 18 December, a second ICA was signed with Palestine, allowing CERN to forge stronger links with Palestinian A growing family universities. CERN already has a high level of engagement in the Middle East and North Africa region. These two agreements CERN continued to pursue its enlargement policy in 2015. On 6U1\UL[OL3/*VWLYH[VYZHUUV\UJLK[OLÄYZ[ complement existing ICAs with Iran, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and stable beams for physics of LHC Run 2. A new worldrecord 6 May, Turkey became an Associate Member, and on 31 July, the United Arab Emirates, and wellestablished contacts with collision energy was set at 13 TeV. Pakistan followed suit: both countries ratifying agreements Oman and Qatar. In 2014, Israel became CERN’s 21st Member (CERNPHOTO20150612536) signed in 2014. Associate Membership will strengthen long State, cementing a longstanding partnership. Moreover, CERN term partnerships between CERN and the Turkish and Pakistani WSH`Z HU PTWVY[HU[ YVSL PU [OL YLNPVU»Z ÄYZ[ PU[LYNV]LYUTLU[HS ZJPLU[PÄJ JVTT\UP[PLZ 0[ ^PSS HSSV^ ;\YRL` HUK 7HRPZ[HU [V research organisation, SESAME, a thirdgeneration light source attend meetings of the CERN Council. Turkish and Pakistani scheduled to start commissioning in 2016. ZJPLU[PZ[ZTH`ILJVTL*,95Z[HɈTLTILYZHUKWHY[PJPWH[LPU *,95»Z[YHPUPUNHUKJHYLLYKL]LSVWTLU[WYVNYHTTLZ-PUHSS` it will allow Turkish and Pakistani companies to bid for CERN Open SESAME A year at CERN contracts. SESAME, Synchrotronlight for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East, is a pioneering facility for the Middle East and neighbouring countries. It will allow researchers On 12 January 2015, following two years of work on the entire programmes, including upgrades to their subdetectors and On 7 May, CERN signed an umbrella agreement with the United from the region to investigate the properties of advanced CERN accelerator complex, the team in charge of the colossal States of America paving the way for renewed collaboration in KH[HHJX\PZP[PVU Z`Z[LTZ ^OPSL *,95»Z JVTW\[PUN MHJPSP[PLZ materials, biological processes and cultural artefacts. SESAME installed almost 60 000 new cores and over 100 petabytes of particle physics. The agreement was signed in a ceremony at the 3VUN:O\[KV^U3:WYVQLJ[OHUKLK[OLZ`TIVSPJRL`[V[OL is an intergovernmental organisation based in Jordan that brings additional disk storage to cope with the increased amount of >OP[L/V\ZLI`[OL<:+LWHY[TLU[VM,ULYN`[OL<:5H[PVUHS 3/*V]LY[V[OLVWLYH[PVUZ[LHT+\YPUN[OL[^V`LHYZVM3: together scientists from its members Bahrain, Cyprus, Egypt, an impressive amount of work was accomplished in preparation :JPLUJL-V\UKH[PVUHUK*,950[^HZMVSSV^LKPU+LJLTILYI` KH[H[OH[PZL_WLJ[LKK\YPUN3/*9\U Iran, Israel, Jordan, Pakistan, the Palestinian Authority and MVY Y\UUPUN [OL 3/* H[  ;L= ,PNO[LLU VM [OL THJOPUL»Z WYV[VJVSZJVUÄYTPUN[OL<:»ZJVTTP[TLU[[V[OL3/*WYVQLJ[ ;\YRL`HZ^LSSHZILPUNVWLU[VZJPLU[PZ[ZMYVTM\Y[OLYHÄLSK 1232 dipole magnets, which guide the beams around their )\[P[^HZUV[Q\Z[[OL3/*L_WLYPTLU[ZHUKJVTW\[PUNMHJPSP[PLZ HUKMVY[OLÄYZ[[PTLZL[[PUNV\[PUISHJRHUK^OP[L,\YVWLHU participation in pioneering neutrino research in the US. In (SVUNZPKLP[ZZJPLU[PÄJHPTZ:,:(4,HPTZ[VWYVTV[LWLHJL 27kilometre orbit, were replaced due to wear and tear. More [OH[ \UKLY^LU[ YLQ\]LUH[PVU K\YPUN 3: *,95»Z HJJLSLYH[VYZ anticipation of this agreement, CERN no longer runs its own PU [OL YLNPVU [OYV\NO ZJPLU[PÄJ JVVWLYH[PVU (Z THUHNLY VM than 10 000 electrical interconnections between magnets were \WZ[YLHT VM [OL 3/* Z\WWVY[ H ]PIYHU[ YLZLHYJO WYVNYHTTL neutrino beams. Instead, it will serve as a platform for European [OL ,\YVWLHU*VTTPZZPVUM\UKLK *,::(4HN WYVQLJ[ *,95 Ä[[LK^P[OZO\U[Z[VWYV]PKLHUHS[LYUH[P]LWH[OMVY[OL HZ^LSSHZZLY]PUNHZ[OLPUQLJ[VYJOHPUMVY[OL3/*P[ZLSM;OL coordinated the production of magnets and power supplies amp current, protecting the interconnection if there is a fault. scientists engaged in neutrino detector R&D who will go on to VSKLZ[HJJLSLYH[VYZ[PSSPUVWLYH[PVU[OL7YV[VU:`UJOYV[YVUÄYZ[ for SESAME. Important milestones were passed in 2015 as Many of the machine’s electronic components were replaced, started up in 1959, and LS1 provided an ideal opportunity to work at neutrino experiments in the US and elsewhere. Looking CESSAMag drew to a close and components were delivered to the vacuum system that keeps the beam pipe clear of stray carry out essential maintenance to ensure optimum performance further ahead, these protocols codify the ongoing collaboration the laboratory in readiness for commissioning in 2016. molecules was upgraded and the cryogenics systems were and reliability for the future. When the key was handed over on between CERN and the US on future facilities that might succeed refurbished. 12 January, it was to an entirely renovated accelerator complex. [OL 3/* MYVT HYV\UK  ;OLZL WYV[VJVSZ HYL H ZPNUPÄJHU[ step on the way towards a truly integrated transatlantic research Passing the baton >P[O[OL3/*YLZ[HY[PUNUV[VUS`H[OPNOLYLULYN`I\[HSZV^P[O ;OYLLTVU[OZSH[LYHSS[OLOHYK^VYRVM3:WHPKVɈHZWYV[VU programme in particle physics. At the close of the CERN Council’s 178th session on 18 OPNOLYS\TPUVZP[`¶HTLHZ\YLVM[OLYH[LVMWHY[PJSLJVSSPZPVUZ ILHTZJPYJ\SH[LKPU[OL3/*VU(WYPSHUPTWVY[HU[TPSLZ[VUL +LJLTILY[OLYL^HZHKV\ISLOHUKV]LYHZ9VSM/L\LYWHZZLK KLSP]LYLK[V[OLL_WLYPTLU[Z¶[OL3/*L_WLYPTLU[Z^LYLHSZV on the way to the start of physics datataking at 13 TeV on ;OL LUK VM [OL `LHY HSZV ZH^ *,95 L_[LUK P[Z ZJPLU[PÄJ [OLTHU[SLVM+PYLJ[VY.LULYHS[V-HIPVSH.PHUV[[PHUK(NUPLZaRH busy during LS1. To prepare for the challenge of more collisions,  1\UL ;OL )YV\[,UNSLY[/PNNZ TLJOHUPZT KHYR TH[[LY collaboration with the Middle East. On 3 December, CERN AHSL^ZRHOHUKLK[OL7YLZPKLU[VM*V\UJPS»ZNH]LS[V:PQIYHUKKL the experiments carried out full consolidation and maintenance HU[PTH[[LYHUKX\HYRNS\VUWSHZTHHYLHSSVU[OLTLU\MVY3/* signed an International Cooperation Agreement (ICA) with the Jong.

6 | CERN 2015 | 7 Snapshots

02/03 23/03

*,95KVUH[LZJVTW\[PUNLX\PWTLU[PUJS\KPUN 6ULVM[OLOPNOLZ[YHURPUN)\KKOPZ[THZ[LYZ/PZ/VSPULZZ[OL servers, to the CIIT institute in Islamabad, Pakistan. Gyalwang Drukpa XII, with CERN DirectorGeneral, 0U(\N\Z[HUV[OLYIH[JOVMJVTW\[PUNLX\PWTLU[^HZ 9VSM/L\LYK\YPUN[OLL]LU[¸:JPLUJL4LL[Z)\KKOPZT! donated to Mexican institutes (see p. 31). Great Minds, Great Matters”. (*,957/6;6 *,957/6;6 30/01 04/02

Carlos Moedas, European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, visits the CMS As part of the International Year of Light and Light experiment with Sergio Bertolucci, CERN Director based Technologies, CERN publicises its own MVY9LZLHYJOHUK:JPLU[PÄJ*VTW\[PUN(CERN S\TPUV\ZWYVQLJ[[OL/PNO3\TPUVZP[`3/*[OYV\NO 7/6;6  a series of lectures at the Globe of Science and Innovation. (*,957/6;6 

The CMS collaboration takes pupils from schools near CERN on a tour of its experiment. Over two days, 600 pupils descended 100 metres 07/07 underground to admire the giant detector. 01/04 *,957/6;6 

4H[[LV9LUaP7YPTL4PUPZ[LYVM0[HS`]PZP[Z[OL3/* HJJLSLYH[VY^P[O9VSM/L\LY*,95+PYLJ[VY.LULYHS-HIPVSH Eight months before the return of Star Wars to the Gianotti, CERN DirectorGeneral Designate, and Lucio Rossi, IPNZJYLLU*,95JVUÄYTZ[OLL_PZ[LUJLVM[OL SLHKLYVM[OL/PNO3\TPUVZP[`3/*WYVQLJ[;OL7YPTL4PUPZ[LY 16/02 -VYJLP[Z(WYPS-VVSZ»+H`HNHPU;OLQVRLX\PJRS` also visited the ATLAS control room and experiment cavern. goes viral…*,957/6;6 *,957/6;6

8 | CERN 2015 | 9 19/07 18/09 9/10

25/09 In July, a succession of special VIP visitors get CERN rocking. The members of the German rock band Scorpions (photo) and the The winners of the Beamline for Schools competition Six hundred people attend the third TEDxCERN event, Irish group The Script both made a stop at CERN. present their experiment to members of the CERN held in the assembly hall of the CMS experiment, on the 67,57/6/0:; Council and ambassadors. The two teams of high [OLTL¸)YLHRPUN[OL9\SLZ¹:JPLU[PZ[ZMYVT]HYPV\ZÄLSKZ school students spent ten days at the Laboratory presented ideas and innovations with the potential to (see p. 33). *,957/6;6    change our lives. *,957/6;6 


Nineteen amateur and professional photographers take a behindthescenes look at the Organization in the 2015 2/11 *,957OV[V^HSRJVTWL[P[PVU9VILY[/YHKPS^OV[VVR 17/11 the photograph below, came third in the 2015 Global 29/09 Physics Photowalk competition. and CERN *,957/6;6   ([[OL


4LHU^OPSLHUHS`ZPZVMKH[HMYVT[OL3/*»ZÄYZ[Y\UJVU[PU\LK In 2015, the R&D phase for the approved ALICE upgrade apace. Drawing on comprehensive indepth analyses, a WYVNYHTTLZJOLK\SLK[VILPUZ[HSSLKMVSSV^PUN[OLLUKVM3/* standard model of heavyion collisions is taking shape. These Run 2, was drawing to a close. Prototyping is now under way and series production is scheduled to start in 2016. 7O`ZPJPZ[ZPU[OL(;3(:JVU[YVSYVVTHWWSH\K[OLÄYZ[3/* TLHZ\YLTLU[ZÄYTS`LZ[HISPZO[OH[U\JSLHYTH[[LYOLH[LK[V[OL proton collisions at the unprecedented energy of 13 TeV on [LTWLYH[\YLZYLHJOLKPUSLHK¶SLHKJVSSPZPVUZH[[OL3/*OHZHSS 3 June 2015. (CERNPHOTO2015061287) the dynamic and thermodynamic features of the most perfect (;3(:¶HÄ]LMVSKMVJ\Z SPX\PKRUV^UHUKNP]L\ZHNSPTWZLVM[OLWV[LU[PHSVMM\Y[OLY ;OLMVJ\ZMVY(;3(:K\YPUN^HZÄ]LMVSK!YLJVTTPZZPVUPUN high statistics measurements to pin down the fundamental the detector as well as the new software and analysis model WYVWLY[PLZVMX\HYRNS\VUWSHZTH^P[OOPNOWYLJPZPVU developed during the shutdown, accumulating the maximum HTV\U[ VM NVVKX\HSP[` KH[H H[  ;L= WYV[VU¶WYV[VU WW But this is not the end of the story. The observation that many collision energy, prompt analyses for the purpose of new signatures attributed to the collective dynamics of a medium in physics searches and initial Standard Model measurements, Physics and SLHK¶SLHKJVSSPZPVUZ^LYLHSZVWYLZLU[PUSPNO[LYZ`Z[LTZZ\JO continuing the completion of Run 1 analyses, and preparation HZ WYV[VU¶SLHK JVSSPZPVUZ HUK L]LU WYV[VU¶WYV[VU JVSSPZPVUZ of the scoping document for the Phase 2 upgrade of the ATLAS triggered a change of focus towards a comprehensive KL[LJ[VY;OH[KVJ\TLU[^HZMH]V\YHIS`YLJLP]LKI`[OL3/* understanding of hadronic collisions in small and large systems. 9LZV\YJLZ9L]PL^)VHYKZ\JJLZZM\SS`JVTWSL[PUN[OLÄYZ[Z[LW +LZWP[L [OL MHJ[ [OH[ VUL MLH[\YL VM SLHK¶SLHK JVSSPZPVUZ [OL of the Phase 2 upgrade approval process and giving the green experiments X\LUJOPUN VM LTLYNPUN WHY[PJSL QL[Z I` [OL KLUZL HUK OV[ light to move on to detailed Technical Design Reports (TDRs). TLKP\TKVLZUV[ZLLT[VOHWWLUPUWYV[VU¶SLHKJVSSPZPVUZ[OL X\LZ[PVUPZYHPZLKVM^OL[OLY[OLM\UKHTLU[HSTLJOHUPZTNP]PUN The year began with an intense phase of trigger and detector YPZL[VJVSSLJ[P]LK`UHTPJZPUSLHK¶SLHKJVSSPZPVUZPZWYLZLU[PU commissioning using cosmicray and pp collision data. The After two years of intense maintenance and consolidation and A new electromagnetic calorimeter was added to the existing SPNO[LY OHKYVUPJ JVSSPZPVUZ VY ^OL[OLY KYVWSL[Z VM X\HYRNS\VU ÄYZ[KH[HPUZ[HISLILHTJVUKP[PVUZ^LYLYLJVYKLKVU1\UL ZL]LYHS TVU[OZ VM WYLWHYH[PVU MVY YLZ[HY[ [OL 3HYNL /HKYVU one so as to provide azimuthal backtoback coverage, and a WSHZTHHYLMVYTLKPUZ\JOJVSSPZPVUZ(UZ^LYPUNZ\JOX\LZ[PVUZ More than 200 million pp collision events were taken with low *VSSPKLY3/*^HZIHJRPUVWLYH[PVUPU6U1\UL[OL new trigger detector was added to the detection systems. In and establishing what the fundamental mechanism is have intensity beams for the alignment and detailed studies of the 3/* Z[HY[LK KLSP]LYPUN WO`ZPJZ KH[H H[ [OL \UWYLJLKLU[LK HU[PJPWH[PVUVMPUJYLHZLKWHY[PJSLÅ\_[OLNHZTP_[\YLPU[OL;PTL become the driving motivations guiding ALICE’s datataking and tracking systems, in particular the new innermost pixel layer, LULYN`VM;L=HSTVZ[KV\ISL[OLJVSSPZPVULULYN`VMP[ZÄYZ[ 7YVQLJ[PVU*OHTILY^HZJOHUNLKHUK[OLYLHKV\[LSLJ[YVUPJZ HUHS`ZPZPU[OLZLJVUK3/*Y\U the Insertable Blayer (IBL). These data were used for the re Y\U3/*9\U^HZ\UKLY^H` VM ZL]LYHS KL[LJ[PVU Z`Z[LTZ ^LYL TVKPÄLK >P[O THU` V[OLY VIZLY]H[PVU VM [OL ZVJHSSLK YPKNL LɈLJ[ H[  ;L= H WLJ\SPHY ALICE’s versatility has been demonstrated in measurements longrange correlation pattern that could be shown by ATLAS TPUVY PTWYV]LTLU[Z (30*, JVSSLJ[LK SHYNL HUK \UPX\L KH[H SLHKPUN [V UL^ HUK \UPX\L YLZ\S[Z -VY L_HTWSL H OPNO to be due to singleparticle modulation with similar underlying (30*,YLQ\]LUH[LK ZL[ZMYVTWYV[VU¶WYV[VUJVSSPZPVUZH[;L=HUK;L=HUK >OLU [OL 3/* YLZ\TLK VWLYH[PVU P[ ^HZ ^P[O H YLQ\]LUH[LK precision measurement, improving on previous measurements WO`ZPJZ HZ PU WYV[VU¶SLHK JVSSPZPVUZ 0U [OL Z\TTLY (;3(: MYVTSLHK¶SLHKJVSSPZPVUZH[;L=;OL[V[HSKH[HJVSSLJ[LK (30*, L_WLYPTLU[ +\YPUN [OL 3/*»Z ÄYZ[ SVUN ZO\[KV^U by more than one order of magnitude, has been performed presented early 13TeV measurements of softQCD processes (LS1), ALICE underwent an extensive facelift with the aim of WL[HI`[LZPZHSYLHK`LX\P]HSLU[[VHSS[OLKH[HJVSSLJ[LKK\YPUN VU[OLTHZZKPɈLYLUJLIL[^LLUTH[[LYHUKHU[PTH[[LYMVY[OL and W, Z and top production. Initial searches for new strongly 3 improving the overall performance of the experiment. New [OL3/*»ZÄYZ[Y\U;OPZ^HZTHKLWVZZPISLI`[OLZWLJ[HJ\SHY deuteron and /L ;OPZ WYV]PKLZ HU PTWVY[HU[ [LZ[ VM UH[\YL»Z PU[LYHJ[PUN OPNOTHZZ WOLUVTLUH \ZPUN [OL ÄYZ[  WI¶ of modules were added to the Transition Radiation Detector, WLYMVYTHUJL VM [OL 3/* ZPNUPÄJHU[S` Z\YWHZZPUN [OL VYPNPUHS most fundamental symmetries. In another example, a detailed data did not show a signal. ATLAS also prepared a broad set of providing complete azimuthal coverage. Photon Spectrometer design luminosity for ion operation, and heralding an exciting HUHS`ZPZ VM [OL ZWLJ[Y\T VM 1ʰ WHY[PJSLZ VɈLYZ [OL WYVTPZL detector performance results showing a good understanding of coverage was extended with the addition of a fourth module. ZJPLU[PÄJWYVNYHTTLHOLHK VM UL^ WLYZWLJ[P]LZ PU [OL Z[\K` VM X\HYRNS\VU WSHZTH the early data.

12 | CERN 2015 | 13 Bump hunting

In particle physics, new particle discoveries can sometimes be characterised by bumps appearing on regular distributions of known WO`ZPJZ-VYL_HTWSLRUV^UWO`ZPJZTH`HJJV\U[MVYHKPZ[YPI\[PVUVM L]LU[Z JVU[HPUPUN WOV[VU WHPYZ KLZJLUKPUN ZTVV[OS` ^P[O H X\HU[P[` WO`ZPJPZ[Z JHSS PU]HYPHU[ THZZ ¶ H TLHZ\YL VM [OL [V[HS LULYN` HUK momentum of the particle that produced two photons. If a new particle is produced at a particular mass, and it too produces photons, this UL^ZV\YJLVMWOV[VUWHPYZ^PSSWYVK\JLHI\TWVU[OLKPZ[YPI\[PVU¶ A collision event with the an excess of photon pairs compared to what would be expected from largestmass muon pair so known physics. This was one of the signals contributing to the discovery far observed by the CMS VM[OL/PNNZIVZVUPU detector in protoncollision data collected in 2015. The mass of the dimuon system is 2.4 TeV. As 2015 drew to a close, a small bump at around 750 GeV was seen by (CMSPHOEVENTS20150055) both the ATLAS and CMS experiments, leading to much speculation as [V^OH[P[TPNO[IL>OPSLP[TH`^LSSILK\L[VZ[H[PZ[PJHSÅ\J[\H[PVUZHSS eyes will be on ATLAS and CMS when Run 2 resumes in 2016. >P[OILHTZIHJRPU[OL3/**4:ZL[HIV\[;L=KH[H[HRPUN a blank, though the limits on are tightening. ^P[O N\Z[V ;OL ÄYZ[ YLZ\S[Z HUK L]LU H ÄYZ[ W\ISPJH[PVU ^LYL While Run 2 was the focus of attention in 2015, CMS also presented at conferences in July. The publication concerned wrapped up its analysis of Run 1 data, with more than 120 new the number of charged hadrons produced in proton collisions results presented at conference and published. Many results Plots from the ATLAS and CMS experiments showing a small bump in the HZHM\UJ[PVUVMLULYN`;OPZPZVULVM[OLÄYZ[TLHZ\YLTLU[Z JVUJLU[YH[LK VU [OL WYVWLY[PLZ VM [OL /PNNZ IVZVU 6[OLYZ data at around 750 GeV. performed at the start of exploration of a new energy regime concerned highprecision measurements to probe the Standard because it allows researchers to check whether the theoretical Model ever more precisely. These included measurements of models used in simulations are accurate, as proved to be the the twophoton production of Wboson pairs, production rates case. MVYWHY[PJSLQL[ZH[;L=JVTWHYLK[V ;L=WYVK\J[PVUVM In a fast turnaround, ATLAS presented numerous analyses using mesons. Comprehensive ATLAS papers discuss W and Z boson Another important measurement when exploring a new energy [^VWOV[VUZHSVUN^P[OQL[ZHUKLSLJ[YV^LHRWYVK\J[PVUVMH> the full sample of up to 3.6 fb¶ of 13 TeV pp data at the 2015 WHPY WYVK\J[PVU HUK TLHZ\YLTLU[Z VM [VWX\HYR WYVK\J[PVU regime is the rediscovery of known particles. CMS measured IVZVU^P[O[^VQL[Z and decay properties. ATLAS published the complete suite of LUKVM`LHY ZLTPUHY HUK [OL Z\IZLX\LU[ ^PU[LY JVUMLYLUJLZ pairs of muons emerging from the collisions, revealing a (TVUN [OLZL ^LYL PUP[PHS TLHZ\YLTLU[Z VM PUJS\ZP]L /PNNZ YLSL]HU[ 9\U  /PNNZ THZZ WYVK\J[PVU HUK KLJH` WYVWLY[` spectrum that clearly showed peaks corresponding to particles +PZJV]LYLK V]LY [^V KLJHKLZ HNV [OL [VW X\HYR JVU[PU\LZ boson production via its decays to photon and Zboson pairs, TLHZ\YLTLU[Z PU  (;3(: HUK *4: QVPULK MVYJLZ I` ranging from the omega meson to the Z boson. The particles in to play a vital role in measurements and searches. New CMS JVTIPUPUN[OLPY/PNNZIVZVUTHZZHUKJV\WSPUNTLHZ\YLTLU[Z M\Y[OLY TLHZ\YLTLU[Z VM [VWX\HYR WYVK\J[PVU PUJS\KPUN [OL this spectrum were originally discovered over several decades results include measurements of topantitop production rates less abundant electroweak (single top) channel and the rare top thereby establishing the observation of the decay into a pair of tauleptons. The Run 1 search programme was completed I\[P[[VVR*4:Q\Z[^LLRZ[VVIZLY]L[OLTHSSH[;L=HJSLHY in the fully hadronic sample and a measurement of the top antitop production associated with a W or Z boson. demonstration of the readiness of CMS for new physics at this in 2015, including detailed summary papers. A highlight of the HU[P[VWIV[[VTHU[PIV[[VTWYVJLZZPU[OLSLW[VUQL[ZJOHUULS energy. Primary emphasis was put on searches for new phenomena, heavyion collision programme for ATLAS was a new analysis In addition, searches for signs of new physics continue, most recently in the process tĺ YLZVUHU[ VY UV[ PU]VS]PUN L]LU[Z ^P[O OPNOS` LULYNL[PJ QL[Z VM[OLKPQL[HZ`TTL[YPLZPUSLHK¶SLHKWYV[VU¶SLHKHUKWYV[VU¶ As the year progressed, CMS pursued a broad range of analyses J/^OLYL[OL/PNNZIVZVU[YHUZMVYTZ proton collisions, exhibiting similar properties for peripheral to photons. SLW[VUZ WOV[VUZ > A VY /PNNZ IVZVUZ TPZZPUN [YHUZ]LYZL with 13TeV data, and in December presented a large number TVTLU[\T HUK JVTIPUH[PVUZ VM [OLZL ;OL THQVYP[` VM [OLZL SLHK¶SLHKHUKWYV[VU¶WYV[VUJVSSPZPVUZI\[SHYNLTVKPÄJH[PVUZ of searches for new physics. Results included a small excess searches did not exhibit deviations from the Standard Model. PUJLU[YHSSLHK¶SLHKJVSSPZPVUZ above background in the twophoton channel near a mass of :PNUPÄJHU[ OLH]`PVU YLZ\S[Z MYVT 9\U  PUJS\KL \WZPSVU An eyecatching exception was an unexpected bump at around polarisation as a function of chargedparticle multiplicity in  .L= HU LɈLJ[ HSZV ZLLU I` (;3(: 0U IV[O JHZLZ [OL 750 GeV seen in the diphoton mass spectrum. The probability of *4:¶Z[HY[PUN9\U^P[ON\Z[V Z[H[PZ[PJHSZPNUPÄJHUJLPZZTHSSI\[[OLMHJ[[OH[IV[OL_WLYPTLU[Z WYV[VU¶WYV[VUJVSSPZPVUZAIVZVUWYVK\J[PVUQL[MYHNTLU[H[PVU Z\JOHULɈLJ[VJJ\YYPUNPU[OLHIZLUJLVMHZPNUHSPZLX\P]HSLU[ ;OL *4: JVSSHIVYH[PVU OHK H I\Z`  0U [OL ÄYZ[ X\HY[LY see the same thing is intriguing. More data is needed to M\UJ[PVUZPUWYV[VU¶SLHKJVSSPZPVUZHUKU\JSLHYTVKPÄJH[PVUVM to about two standard deviations. A potential signal is not work scheduled for LS1 was successfully completed, and KL[LYTPUL^OL[OLY[OPZL_JLZZPZQ\Z[HZ[H[PZ[PJHSÅ\J[\H[PVUVY \WZPSVUZ[H[LZPUSLHK¶SLHKJVSSPZPVUZ L_JS\KLKI`9\UZLHYJOLZHS[OV\NO[OLYLPZ[LUZPVU/V^L]LY intense preparation for Run 2 began. Analyses with Run 1 data a sign of new physics. no resonant signal was seen by ATLAS in the photon plus Z were concluded and published, early installations of the Phase mass spectrum in the 13TeV data. The upcoming restart of the 1 upgrades were carried out, and an indepth study for the Other 2015 highlights include the continuing search for dark 3/*I¶NVVK[OPUNZJVTLPUÄ]LZ 3/*PZL_WLJ[LK[VJSHYPM`[OLPU[LYWYL[H[PVUVM[OLZLÄUKPUNZ Phase 2 upgrades was conducted and published in a technical matter, with analyses placing new limits on the direct production ;OL JSLHY OPNOSPNO[ VM  MVY [OL 3/*I L_WLYPTLU[ ^HZ [OL proposal. A scoping document set out studies of the proposed of supersymmetric particles. Searches for events containing KPZJV]LY`VMHJSHZZVMWHY[PJSLZRUV^UHZWLU[HX\HYRZ;OLZL ATLAS has continued to publish analyses based on Run 1 data. IHZLSPUL\WNYHKLZHJJVTWHUPLKI`HUHUHS`ZPZVMJVZ[ILULÄ[ IV[[VT X\HYRZ [OH[ JV\SK HYPZL MYVT KHYR TH[[LY WYVK\JLK PU WHY[PJSLZ HNNYLNH[L X\HYRZ PU H WH[[LYU [OH[ OHK UV[ ILLU A total of 525 papers will have been published by April 2016, versus loss in the physics potential of various downgrades, and HZZVJPH[PVU ^P[O IV[[VT VY [VW X\HYR WHPYZ ^LYL JHYYPLK V\[ observed before. Studying their properties may allow us to with 122 of those released during 2015. Among these were was highly appreciated by reviewing committees, opening the HSVUN^P[OZLHYJOLZMVYUVUZ[HUKHYKKLJH`ZVM[OL/PNNZIVZVU understand better how ordinary matter, the protons and neutrons papers on CPviolation and rare decay measurements of B door to further progress. HUK MVY L_V[PJ /PNNZ IVZVUZ :V MHY HSS H]LU\LZ OH]L KYH^U from which we are all made, is constituted.

14 | CERN 2015 | 15 One possible arrangement of quarks in a pentaquark particle. The Ä]LX\HYRZHYL[PNO[S`IV\UK(UV[OLYWVZZPISLHYYHUNLTLU[OHZ (]PL^VM[OL*647(::L_WLYPTLU[PUP[ZJVUÄN\YH[PVU A scene from the experiment’s control room as NA62 the quarks assembled into a meson (one quark and one antiquark) (OPENPHOEXP20160051) commissioning got under way. (OPENPHOEXP20160041) and a baryon (three quarks) weakly bound together. LHCb announced the discovery of pentaquarks in 2015. (OPENPHOEXP20150093 )

Our understanding of the structure of matter was revolutionised ILWYVK\JLK]LY`X\PJRS`9LZ\S[ZVURUV^UWO`ZPJZZ\JOHZ OPNOS` PVUPZPUN WHY[PJSL /07 TLZZLUNLYZ VM UL^ WO`ZPJZ 0[Z After a successful 2014 pilot run, the COMPASS experiment in 1964 when American physicist Murray GellMann proposed 1ˍWHY[PJSLZHYLHULZZLU[PHSZ[HY[[VY\UUPUNH[HUL^LULYN` PUUV]H[P]LKL[LJ[VYKLWSV`LKVU[OL3/*YPUNULHY[OL3/*I (NA58) embarked in 2015 on the study of interactions between that a category of particles known as baryons, which includes and were presented at conference within a couple of weeks of L_WLYPTLU[OHZHK\HSUH[\YL[\ULK[VKPZJV]LY`WO`ZPJZ-PYZ[ a 190GeV pion beam and a transversely polarised ammonia protons and neutrons, are comprised of three fractionally charged [OLZ[HY[VMKH[H[HRPUN0U3/*IHSZVJVSSLJ[LKKH[HMYVT it acts like a giant camera, comprised of nuclear track detectors, target. Measuring how the polarisation of the protons in the VIQLJ[ZJHSSLKX\HYRZHUK[OH[HUV[OLYJH[LNVY`TLZVUZHYL SLHKPVUJVSSPZPVUZMVY[OLÄYZ[[PTL ZLUZP[P]LVUS`[VUL^WO`ZPJZ:LJVUKP[PZ\UPX\LS`HISL[V[YHW [HYNL[ HɈLJ[Z [OL WYVK\J[PVU VM T\VU WHPYZ NP]LZ *647(:: researchers a complementary approach to elucidating proton MVYTLK VM X\HYRHU[PX\HYR WHPYZ .LSS4HUU ^HZ H^HYKLK [OL /07Z MVY L_HTWSL [OL THNUL[PJ TVUVWVSL MVY M\Y[OLY Z[\K` 5VILS7YPaLPU7O`ZPJZMVY[OPZ^VYRPU  ;OPZX\HYRTVKLS 3VVRPUN HOLHK 3/*I WO`ZPJPZ[Z HYL ^VYRPUN [V^HYKZ HU The installation of the full detector was completed early in 2015 structure compared to previous COMPASS experiments. In particular, it allows the orbital angular momentum in the proton HSZVHSSV^ZMVY[OLL_PZ[LUJLVMV[OLYX\HYRJVTWVZP[LZ[H[LZ \WNYHKL[VILPUZ[HSSLKK\YPUN[OL3/*»ZZLJVUKSVUNZO\[KV^U HUKP[[VVRKH[HMVY[OLÄYZ[[PTLPUZWYPUN4V,+(3»ZÄYZ[ Z\JOHZWLU[HX\HYRZJVTWVZLKVMMV\YX\HYRZHUKHUHU[PX\HYR Z[HY[PUNPU ;OPZPZHUHTIP[PV\ZWYVQLJ[[OH[PU]VS]LZLU[PYLS` physics paper will be published in spring 2016. to be probed: a very eagerly awaited result. To perform this OLYL3/*IKPɈLYZPZ[OH[P[^HZHISL[VSVVRMVY close to the beam, the TOTEM collaboration began Run 2 with WLU[HX\HYRZ MYVT THU` WLYZWLJ[P]LZ ^P[O HSS WVPU[PUN [V [OL 3HZ[ I\[ UV[ SLHZ[ 3/*I [\YULK  PU  HUK THYRLK [OL ;OL :7: /LH]` 0VU HUK 5L\[YPUV ,_WLYPTLU[ 5(:/05, same conclusion. It’s as if previous searches were looking for occasion with a festival of physics and milestones from the a muchimproved apparatus. TOTEM measures the total cross Z[\KPLZ[OLWYVK\J[PVUVMOHKYVUZ¶WHY[PJSLZ[HRPUNWHY[PU[OL ZPSOV\L[[LZ PU [OL KHYR ^OLYLHZ 3/*I JVUK\J[LK [OL ZLHYJO OPZ[VY`VM[OLJVSSHIVYH[PVU3/*IVɉJPHSS`JHTLPU[VL_PZ[LUJL section for pp collisions with unprecedented precision, and is strong interaction that keeps atomic nuclei from falling apart. with the lights on, and from all angles. in August 1995 when a letter of intent was submitted for the H \UPX\L [VVS MVY L_WSVYPUN WYV[VU Z[Y\J[\YL 0U  ;6;,4 One of the experiment’s goals is to identify the critical point ^VYSK»ZÄYZ[KLKPJH[LKIWO`ZPJZL_WLYPTLU[H[HOHKYVUJVSSPKLY published results showing how the crosssection for pp collisions H[ ^OPJO VYKPUHY` TH[[LY [YHUZMVYTZ PU[V X\HYRNS\VU WSHZTH! Other results from Run 1 data include the measurement of one varies with energy, including previously unseen features. These TH[[LYHZP[^V\SKOH]LILLUQ\Z[HM[LY[OLIPY[OVM[OL\UP]LYZL measurements provide vital reference points for the larger VM[OLRL`WHYHTL[LYZKLZJYPIPUN[OLKPɈLYLUJLIL[^LLUTH[[LY 3/*M¶TV]PUNMVY^HYK ;OL [LJOUPX\L[OL`\ZLPZ[V ]HY`[OL ILHTWHY[PJSLZ PU VYKLY and antimatter. These parameters are encapsulated in the so 3/*L_WLYPTLU[ZHUKHYLPTWVY[HU[PUPU[LYWYL[PUNJVZTPJYH` [VL_WSVYLHYHUNLVMJVSSPZPVU[LTWLYH[\YLZHUKKLUZP[PLZ"[OL ;OL3/*ML_WLYPTLU[OHKHI\Z``LHYPU3/*MSVVRZH[ called unitarity triangle, which is characterised by the angles showers. In Run 2, TOTEM is hunting for exotic particles such salient parameters in pinpointing the critical point. In 2015, UL\[YHS WHY[PJSLZ LTP[[LK H[ ]LY` SV^ HUNSLZ [V 3/* JVSSPZPVUZ milestones were reached as argon beams were delivered by HSWOH IL[HHUK NHTTH(UL^3/*I TLHZ\YLTLU[WYV]PKLK Studying these socalled forward interactions helps scientists as the hypothesised glueballs, formed from the gluons that hold the world’s best measurement of the leastwell known angle, understand what happens when highenergy cosmic rays collide other particles like protons and neutrons together. Thanks to an [OL:7:MVY[OLÄYZ[[PTLPU-LIY\HY`MVSSV^LKI`SLHKPVUZPU gamma, marking an important step on the way to understanding agreement with CMS, allowing the experiment to combine data November. ^P[O [OL H[TVZWOLYL 0U  3/*M JVSSLJ[LK P[Z ÄYZ[ ;L= TH[[LYHU[PTH[[LY HZ`TTL[Y` 0U  3/*I HSZV W\ISPZOLK H data, recording some 40 million events in 30 hours of datataking. with its larger neighbour, TOTEM begins Run 2 with increased combined analysis with CMS on an extremely rare process: the sensitivity to new physics. Commissioning of the NA62 experiment got under way in decay of the B0s particle into two muons. The Standard Model >OPSL[OLZLKH[H^LYLILPUNHUHS`ZLK3/*MW\ISPZOLKWHWLYZ earnest in 2015. NA62 studies rare decays of particles called based on 7TeV data. These results showed some discrepancies predicts that this process should happen about four times out with models used to interpret cosmicray data, and so provided RHVUZ 0[ ^PSS KL[LJ[ Q\Z[  KLJH` JHUKPKH[LZ WLY `LHY PM [OL of a billion decays, but it had never been seen before. Studying Experiments at the SPS Standard Model prediction is correct. This will enable scientists PUW\[MVYYLÄUPUN[OLTVKLSZ3/*MHSZVZ[HY[LKHQVPU[HUHS`ZPZVM such decays could open a window to theories beyond the 4V]PUN \WZ[YLHT MYVT [OL 3/* ^L ÄUK [OL :\WLY 7YV[VU [V PU]LZ[PNH[L [OL SPRLSPOVVK [OH[ [VW X\HYRZ KLJH` [V KV^U WYV[VU¶SLHKKH[H^P[O[OL(;3(:L_WLYPTLU[KLTVUZ[YH[PUN[OL Standard Model, such as supersymmetry. Synchrotron, SPS, which in addition to providing beams for the X\HYRZ

16 | CERN 2015 | 17 Inside the lower section of the CLOUD apparatus, illuminated The horizontal neutron beam line in EAR1 (left) and the vertical ;OL0:63+,ILHTSPUL[OH[Z\WWSPLZ[OL4PUPIHSSHYYH`;OLÄYZ[ Inside the Antiproton Decelerator experimental hall. (CERN by UV light, during an experimental run at the PS. (OPENPHO neutron beam line in the newly constructed EAR2. HIEISOLDE cryomodule can be seen in the background in its PHOTO20160100511) EXP20160031) (OPENPHOEXP20160063) lightgrey cryostat. (OPENPHOACCEL20160071)

subsystem, the Gigatracker, was successfully demonstrated DIRAC, the Dimeson Relativistic Atom Complex, is an experiment :WLJ[YVTL[LY MVY ,_V[PJ -PZZPVU -YHNTLU[ ^HZ PUZ[HSSLK HUK neutrons, such as 34Mg, should soon be revealed. Measurements and the experiment’s trigger, which decides which collisions to to help physicists gain a deeper insight into the strong force by [VVRP[ZÄYZ[KH[HTHRPUNIV[OUF;6-L_WLYPTLU[HSHYLHZM\SS` such as these are important for testing nuclear models and YLJVYKHUK^OPJO[VYLQLJ[^HZJVTTPZZPVULK measuring the lifetimes of exotic shortlived atoms made up of operational. thereby understanding the physics of nuclei. Other important pairs of particles from the meson family. In 2015, DIRAC made IYLHR[OYV\NOZ PUJS\KL [OL KL[LYTPUH[PVU VM [OL TLHU ZX\HYL NA63 directs beams of electrons and positrons onto crystalline [OLÄYZ[VIZLY]H[PVUVMH[VTZTHKLVMWPVUZHUKRHVUZŸ+K and radii of mercury and gold isotopes obtained by pushing the + 0:63+,¶L_V[PJILHTZ targets to study processes that occur in the extremely strong Ÿ K atoms. These are made through the interaction of protons CERN’s exotic beam facility, ISOLDE, carried out 35 successful ZLUZP[P]P[` SPTP[Z I` JVTIPUPUN Z[H[LVM[OLHY[ [LJOUPX\LZ MVY from the PS with targets of nickel and platinum. Some of them production, separation and detection. These measurements LSLJ[YVTHNUL[PJÄLSKZ[OL`L_WLYPLUJL[OLYL;OLZLÄLSKZJHU L_WLYPTLU[Z PU  5V[HISL HTVUN [OLZL ^HZ [OL ÄYZ[ lead to the creation of new particles from the vacuum in a process rapidly break up in the target, leaving the constituent pion and JVUÄYT ZWLJ[HJ\SHY JOHUNLZ VM KLMVYTH[PVU PU PZV[VWLZ ^P[O L_[YHJ[PVUVM]LY`KPɉJ\S[YLMYHJ[VY`IVYVUILHTZ[OYV\NO[OL analoguous to those at work in neutron stars and black holes, kaon to go their separate ways. Measurement of the lifetime + 104 neutrons. PVUPZLK TVSLJ\SL )-2 . A refractory material, such as boron, and could help in understanding mechanisms that give rise to and other properties of these atoms can then be compared is one that retains its strength in extreme conditions and so the highest energy cosmic rays. In 2015, NA63 also examined to theoretical predictions with high precision, bringing greater is hard to ionise. This new beam will allow scientists to study ;OL /PNO0U[LUZP[` HUK ,ULYN` 0:63+, WYVQLJ[ /0,0:63+, clarity to our understanding of the strong interaction. 8 KLSP]LYLK P[Z ÄYZ[ WVZ[HJJLSLYH[LKILHTZ PU  ZLL W  how photons are emitted by electrons and positrons passing the halo nucleus )/HSVU\JSLPOH]LHKLUZLJVYLVMWYV[VUZ Beams of exotic zinc with atomic numbers 74 and 76 were [OYV\NOOPNOÄLSKZ!^VYR[OH[OHZPTWSPJH[PVUZYHUNPUNMYVTUL^ and neutrons, with others in a loose halo surrounding the core. HJJLSLYH[LK[V4L=WLYU\JSLVUMVY[OLÄYZ[[PTLVU6J[VILY [LJOUPX\LZMVYSHZLYZ[V\UKLYZ[HUKPUN/H^RPUNYHKPH[PVUMYVT ;OLUL\[YVU[PTLVMÅPNO[MHJPSP[`UF;6-WYV]PKLZW\SZLKILHTZ Loosely bound systems such as these are important, since they This marked the beginning of a new era at ISOLDE. black holes, which has yet to be observed. of neutrons produced by the interactions of protons from the allow the boundary between bound and unbound systems to be PS with a lead target. The neutrons are collimated and guided explored. to two experimental areas, EAR1 and EAR2. EAR1 is 185 Experiments on antimatter Experiments at the PS metres from the target horizontally and has been taking data -P]L Z\JJLZZM\S L_WLYPTLU[Z ^LYL JHYYPLK V\[ H[ [OL 0:63+, *,95»Z(U[PWYV[VU+LJLSLYH[VY(+PZH\UPX\LMHJPSP[`KLSP]LYPUN -\Y[OLY \WZ[YLHT PZ [OL ]L[LYHU 7: HJJLSLYH[VY PU VWLYH[PVU since 2001. EAR2 is situated vertically at about 20 metres and decay station ranging from the nucleus 20Mg at the proton drip beams of lowenergy antiprotons to a range of experiments mainly since 1959 and still the linchpin of CERN’s accelerator chain. In YLJLP]LKP[ZÄYZ[ILHTPU)V[OHYLHZ^VYRZPT\S[HULV\ZS` line, so called because it is so far from stability that it literally drips concerned with the study of antimatter. Since the hydrogen atom 2015, the PS provided beams to three experiments and facilities. ;OL[PTLVMÅPNO[[LJOUPX\LHSSV^ZUL\[YVUPUK\JLKYLHJ[PVUZ[V protons, to the very neutronrich doubly magic 132Sn. In nuclear is among the bestunderstood systems in physics, one of the be studied as a function of neutron energy, with implications for models, protons and neutrons are arranged in shells, and when key aims of the AD experimental programme is to make precise The CLOUD experiment is tackling an important societal issue of stellar nucleosynthesis and nuclear technology, for example in a nucleus contains a certain number of protons or neutrons, the measurements of antihydrogen atoms. Instead of being made up our day: the science of aerosol formation in the atmosphere and the elimination of nuclear waste. shells become full and are said to be closed. A nucleus with a of a proton and an electron like hydrogen atoms, these are made its impact on clouds and climate. A PS beam allows CLOUD to closed shell is said to be magic, and if both proton and neutron \WVM[OLPYHU[PWHY[PJSLLX\P]HSLU[ZHUHU[PWYV[VUHUKHWVZP[YVU study whether aerosol formation is enhanced by galactic cosmic The 2015 EAR1 physics programme included measurements shells are closed, it is doubly magic. Stable doubly magic Measuring the properties of antihydrogen with similar precision rays. In 2015, CLOUD extended its investigations of aerosol of gamma rays accompanying neutron capture by a number nuclei have particular, easily recognisable, properties: they are to that of hydrogen will provide a powerful test of the symmetries particle nucleation and growth to include two of the most VM U\JSLP 0U HKKP[PVU H UL\[YVUPUK\JLK ÄZZPVU TLHZ\YLTLU[ ZWOLYPJHSHUKKPɉJ\S[[VL_JP[L(UPTWVY[HU[J\YYLU[X\LZ[PVUPU linking matter and antimatter, and perhaps help explain why we abundant biogenic vapours in the atmosphere: alphapinene and was performed on the nucleus neptunium237. Meanwhile at nuclear theory is whether magic numbers established for stable live in a universe of matter, even though matter and antimatter delta3 carene. Sulphuric acid, ammonia and nitrogen oxides EAR2, beamline commissioning was completed and followed nuclei remain magic for very unstable ones. This ISOLDE result ^V\SKOH]LILLUWYVK\JLKPULX\HSHTV\U[ZH[[OL)PN)HUN were included in the mix to recreate the complex conditions by neutron capture measurements on the radioactive isotopes ZOLKZSPNO[VU[OPZX\LZ[PVUHUKPZ]LY`JOHSSLUNPUNMVYU\JSLHY MV\UKH[[OL/``[PpSp-VYLZ[Y`-PLSK:[H[PVUPU-PUSHUK[VYL]LHS thulium171 and promethium147. Neutroninduced alpha theory. In 2015, the ASACUSA experiment published results from which vapours control aerosol particle nucleation and growth emission crosssections were measured on sulphur33 and experiments with an atomic hydrogen beam that show their HUKOV^[OLZLWYVJLZZLZHYLHɈLJ[LKI`UH[\YHSYHKPVHJ[P]P[` beryllium7. The last of these could help understand why Combining data from the ISOLDE decay station with mass apparatus is able to make spectroscopic measurements of HUK NHSHJ[PJ JVZTPJ YH`Z (UHS`ZPZ PZ \UKLY ^H` HUK [OL ÄYZ[ measurements of lithium abundance are at odds with the measurements from the ISOLTRAP detector, the heavier mass H[VTZPUÅPNO[;OLUL_[Z[LW^PSSIL[VYLWLH[[OLL_WLYPTLU[ publications are expected in 2016. WYLKPJ[PVUZ VM )PN )HUN TVKLSZ ( UL^ ZWLJ[YVTL[LY :;,-- border of the island of deformed nuclei containing around 20 with an antihydrogen beam.

18 | CERN 2015 | 19 make up the universe’s dark matter, which could be copiously H ÅL_PISL KL[LJ[VY KLZJYPW[PVU HUK UL^ [YHJR YLJVUZ[Y\J[PVU Apart from particle physics phenomenology, there was intense produced in the sun’s core. Solar axions entering the CAST software for a full silicon tracker. Successful beam tests were research on astroparticle physics and cosmology, heavyion detector would be converted into Xrays, which can be easily carried out with various CLIC vertex detector assemblies, WO`ZPJZ SH[[PJL ÄLSK [OLVY` MVYTHS ÄLSK [OLVY` NYH]P[` HUK measured. So far, CAST has not observed any axions coming HZ ^LSS HZ ^P[O *(30*, HUK -*(3 KL[LJ[VYZ 4LHU^OPSL [OL Z[YPUN [OLVY` 7YVQLJ[Z VM[LU V]LYSHWWLK IL[^LLU ÄLSKZ Z\JO from the sun, and has extended its net to search for relic axions CALICE collaboration carried out laboratory tests of scintillator as dark matter being possibly relevant both for cosmology and left over from the Big Bang. CAST is also installing two sensors tiles read out by silicon photomultipliers, and published results collider physics, or blackhole physics being holographically that will allow it to be more sensitive to solar chameleons, the of testbeam campaigns with a tungstenscintillator calorimeter related to heavyion collisions. Another example is conformal KHYRLULYN` JHUKPKH[LZ ^P[O ]HYPHISL LɈLJ[P]L THZZ ^OVZL prototype. While the focus of this work is on a potential detector ÄLSK [OLVY` ^OPJO SPURZ [VNL[OLY WHY[PJSL WO`ZPJZ ISHJR OVSLZ production and detection mechanisms are similar to those of for CLIC, there is considerable synergy with other future options HUKJVUKLUZLKTH[[LYWO`ZPJZ4VYLV]LYUV]LS[LJOUPX\LZ[V H_PVUZ 6UL VM *(:;»Z KL[LJ[PVU [LJOUPX\LZ \ZLZ H ZLUZP[P]L PUJS\KPUN[OL0U[LYUH[PVUHS3PULHY*VSSPKLYHUK[OL-\[\YL*PYJ\SHY JVTW\[L ZJH[[LYPUN HTWSP[\KLZ HZ H ZWPUVɈ MYVT PUZPNO[Z PU mathematical physics, were employed to perform computations MVYJLZLUZVY\UPX\LPU[OLÄLSKVMHZ[YVWHY[PJSLWO`ZPJZ *VSSPKLY-**Z[\K`ZLLW directly relevant for collider physics of a complexity never The CERN Neutrino Platform managed before. All in all, members of the group published R&D for a bright future about one paper per day on average. Inaugurated at the end of 2014, the CERN Neutrino Platform Members of the CAST collaboration in front of the new KWISP *,95»Z HJJLSLYH[VYZ HYL OVZ[ [V H U\TILY VM 9 + WYVQLJ[Z detector. Installed on the axion helioscope, the KWISP will provides a focal point for Europe’s contribution to global neutrino preparing particle detection technologies for the future. The extend CAST’s search to include the darkenergy candidates, research. It includes an R&D facility at CERN allowing a global *,95»Z;OLVY`NYV\WJVTWYPZLZ YLZLHYJOZ[HɈTLTILYZHUK veteran among these is RD18, the Crystal Clear Collaboration, about 40 fellows at any given time. It also conducts a large visitor chameleons. (CERNPHOTO20160204922) community of neutrino experts to develop and prototype the which has been investigating innovative crystal detectors for use WYVNYHTTL^OPJOPU]VS]LZHIV\[HKVaLUZJPLU[PÄJHZZVJPH[LZ next generation of neutrino detectors. in electromagnetic calorimetry for particle physics, medical and HUKHYV\UK ZOVY[[LYT]PZP[VYZ;OL\UWHYHSSLSLKOPNOÅ\_ While ASACUSA compares atoms with antiatoms, the BASE industrial applications since 1991. RD39 and RD50 develop silicon of visitors is an important aspect of the group’s role as a world Understanding the elusive neutrino is a worldwide priority for experiment makes comparisons between particles of matter and tracking devices that can withstand the harsh environment of particle physics. Neutrino research at particle accelerators SLHKPUNJLU[YLMVYZJPLU[PÄJL_JOHUNLZ HU[PTH[[LY^P[O[OLZHTLVIQLJ[P]LPUTPUK![Y`PUN[VPKLU[PM`HU` hadron colliders, while RD42 looks at industrial diamondbased is complementary to studies made in cosmology, and future KPɈLYLUJLZPU[OLWYVWLY[PLZVMTH[[LYHUKHU[PTH[[LY0U detectors for similar applications. RD53 is developing readout Theory Institutes form an important part of the visitor BASE compared the chargetomass ratios of protons and TLHZ\YLTLU[Z JV\SK JHZ[ SPNO[ VU V\[Z[HUKPUN X\LZ[PVUZ electronics for such detectors. RD51 pushes the limits of gas concerning, for example, the nature of dark matter and the WYVNYHTTL! X\PJR[VZL[\W PUMVYTHS ^VYRZOVWZ [OH[ SHZ[ MVY ÄSSLKKL[LJ[VYZ^OPSL9+PZKL]LSVWPUNJHSVYPTL[Y`MVYOPNO up to a few weeks, they help to optimise resources by bringing HU[PWYV[VUZHUKMV\UK[OLYL[VILUVKPɈLYLUJLH[[OLSL]LSVM matter/antimatter imbalance in the universe. Experiments parts per trillion. together visiting scientists with common interests and by at accelerators will also be able to observe neutrinos from X\HSP[` LULYN` TLHZ\YLTLU[Z ;VNL[OLY [OLZL JVSSHIVYH[PVUZ cover the needs for future collider detectors. sharing resources with the international community. In 2015, supernovae. (37/((;9(7HUK(,N0:^VYRLKZ[LHKPS`[V^HYKZ[OLPYUL_[ there were three such Institutes, covering Understanding the goals: interaction of lasers with trapped antihydrogen atoms Two further initiatives in the R&D phase blur the boundary early Universe, Neutral Naturalness and Duality Symmetries in The CERN Neutrino Platform marks a new direction in CERN’s between R&D and experiment. UA9 studies how bent crystals String and MTheories. PU [OL JHZL VM (37/( HUK (;9(7 HUK W\SZLK WYVK\J[PVU VM neutrino research. In the 1970s, neutrino beams at the Laboratory antihydrogen atoms via pulsed production and laserexcitation allowed the discovery of neutral currents with the JV\SKILW\[[V^VYRPUM\[\YLJVSSPKLYZ[VJOHUULS[OLKPɈ\ZL of positronium in the case of AEgIS. Preparation of the AD for halo of particles accompanying the beam away from sensitive Members of the Theory group attended many international bubble chamber. The most recent neutrino beam produced at [OLPUZ[HSSH[PVUVM.)(9^HZJVTWSL[LK^P[O[OLÄYZ[LX\PWTLU[ LX\PWTLU[ SLH]PUN [PNO[ ULLKSLSPRL ILHTZ [V PU[LYHJ[ H[ [OL conferences and workshops. They were also involved in the *,95^LU[[OYV\NO[OL,HY[O[V[OL05-5»Z.YHU:HZZV5H[PVUHS due to be in place in early 2016. work of the Particle Data Group and in several teaching activities Laboratory in Italy from July 2006 to December 2012. JVSSPZPVUWVPU[Z0U[OL3/*[OPZWYVJLZZVMJVSSPTH[PVUPZKVUL I` [\UNZ[LU QH^Z [OH[ TVW \W [OL OHSV :/P7 [OL :LHYJO MVY at CERN, including the Academic Training, Summer Student and Astroparticle physics In December 2014, the CERN Neutrino Platform took delivery /PKKLU7HY[PJSLZPZHWYVWVZLKÄ_LK[HYNL[L_WLYPTLU[H[[OL /PNO:JOVVS;LHJOLYWYVNYHTTLZHZ^LSSHZ[OL,\YVWLHUHUK SPS accelerator to look for particles predicted by models of 3H[PU(TLYPJHU:JOVVSZVM/PNO,ULYN`7O`ZPJZ(ZP[KVLZL]LY` There’s more to particle physics than research with highenergy of the ICARUS detector, shipped from Gran Sasso, where it year, the Theory group hosted the annual CERN Winter School beams from accelerators. The lowenergy frontier can also studied the neutrino beam from CERN. ICARUS is now being WO`ZPJZIL`VUK[OL:[HUKHYK4VKLS:/P7OHZILLULUJV\YHNLK to perform a comprehensive design study over the next three on Supergravity, Strings and Gauge Theory, as well a doctoral teach us much, as can particles coming from space. Two such YLM\YIPZOLKHUKPUP[^PSSILZOPWWLK[V-LYTPSHIPU[OL<: years, with R&D to demonstrate the feasibility of the experiment. school on . A particularly important ongoing activity experiments at CERN are on the hunt for new physics. where it will become part of a dedicated neutrino programme. PZ [OL 3/* 7O`ZPJZ *LU[YL H[ *,95 37** ^OPJO VYNHUPZLZ workshops, lectures and working groups. In November, the group The OSQAR experiment explores the lowenergy frontier in In theory Detectors for a linear collider OLSKP[ZHUU\HS;/YL[YLH[VɈLYPUNTLTILYZHJVTWYLOLUZP]L [OL X\LZ[ MVY O`WV[OL[PJHS WHY[PJSLZ [OH[ JV\SK THRL \W [OL ;OL*,953PULHY*VSSPKLY+L[LJ[VY3*+WYVQLJ[IYPUNZ[VNL[OLY 0UYV\NOS`OHSMVM[OLYLZLHYJOLɈVY[VM[OL*,95;OLVY` overview of all the ongoing research activities. Its purpose was to universe’s mysterious dark matter and energy. Theories predict institutes from around the world to study physics and detector group was devoted to the Standard Model or physics beyond facilitate the integration of newcomers and generally exchange that such particles could be produced from a beam of light in a issues for a potential future linear electronpositron collider, the Standard Model. Standard Model particle physics includes ideas in a stimulating environment. The programme provides a OPNOTHNUL[PJÄLSKZV6:8(9ZOPULZHSHZLYPU[VHU3/*KPWVSL such as CLIC (see p. 27). Its activities are divided between three YLZLHYJO KPYLJ[S` YLSL]HU[ [V [OL 3/* PU WHY[PJ\SHY 8*+ HUK good snapshot of the group’s work in 2015. (see https://indico. magnet at CERN’s magnet test facility. In 2015, OSQAR extended collaborations: CLIC detector and physics (CLICdp), CALICE, /PNNZ WO`ZPJZ 7O`ZPJZ IL`VUK [OL :[HUKHYK 4VKLS PUJS\KLZ its search to include chameleons, mysterious new darkenergy ^OPJO MVJ\ZLZ VU LULYN`TLHZ\YPUN JHSVYPTL[LYZ HUK -*(3 research on building models of extensions to the Standard candidates that change mass according to the density of their which looks at detectors in the forward regions, close to the Model, dark matter, possible signatures of new physics at the 0U  [OLYL ^PSS IL H THQVY JOHUNL MVY *,95 ;OLVY` HZ P[ surroundings. If chameleons exist, they should appear through beam pipe. 3/*HUKTVYL regains the status of a department, recognising the leading role [OL JVU]LYZPVU VM WOV[VUZ PU H [YHUZ]LYZL THNUL[PJ ÄLSK 5V that theory plays as a reference centre in all areas of theoretical signature was detected, and the ongoing analysis should set 0UWO`ZPJZZ[\KPLZSVVRLKH[/PNNZHUK[VWX\HYRWO`ZPJZ The announcement on 15 December of a possible bump in particle physics. UL^ L_JS\ZPVU SPTP[Z PU [OL ZLHYJO MVY JOHTLSLVUZ -VY UV^ as well as simulating physics beyond the Standard Model at [OL [^VWOV[VU KPZ[YPI\[PVU PU 3/* KH[H H[  ;L= NLULYH[LK however, dark energy remains as elusive as ever. CLIC energies. Detector optimisation and engineering studies great excitement in the theoretical physics community. CERN’s led to a new CLIC detector model with enhanced physics Theory group actively participated in the ensuing discussions The veteran CAST experiment has spent 14 years observing the coverage in the endcaps. Software tools for event simulation and studies on the theoretical interpretation of the data (see sun with the goal of detecting axions: particles hypothesised to HUKYLJVUZ[Y\J[PVU^LYLZPNUPÄJHU[S`\WNYHKLKHUKUV^PUJS\KL p.14).

20 | CERN 2015 | 21 Preparation of one of the new beam absorbers for injection, Assembly of the HIEISOLDE accelerator cavities in a clean room. installed during the yearend technical stop. (CERNPHOTO20160305716) (CERNPHOTO2016010048)

accelerator, corresponding to the potential number of collisions their precise locations. The teams used one of the three short WLYZLJVUKPUHNP]LUZ\YMHJLHYLH¸0U[LNYH[LKS\TPUVZP[`¹PZ[OL technical stops in 2015 to replace 1000 electronic circuit boards total luminosity accumulated over a given period, in the present that were oversensitive to radiation. Final adjustments being made in the LHC tunnel before the JHZL[OLY\UUPUNWLYPVKPU-VY[OLPYWHY[[OL(30*,HUK return of beams. On 5 April, particles began circulating in the 3/*I L_WLYPTLU[Z YLJVYKLK H OPNO ]VS\TL VM KH[H H[ SV^LY 3/*VWLYH[PVU^HZYV\UKLKVɈPU+LJLTILY^P[O[OYLL^LLRZ HJJLSLYH[VYMVY[OLÄYZ[[PTLMVSSV^PUN[OL3VUN:O\[KV^U JVSSPZPVUYH[LZ;^VZWLJPHSY\UZ^P[OKLZX\LLaLKILHTZ^LYL of leadion collisions, preceded by a week of proton collisions (CERNPHOTO2015030581) VYNHUPZLKMVY[OL3/*M(3-(HUK;6;,4L_WLYPTLU[ZSVJH[LK at 2.51 TeV per beam to provide reference data for the lead on either side of the ATLAS and CMS experiments. ion collisions. Another energy record was set as the lead ions were accelerated to 6.37 TeV, producing 5.02 TeV collisions for Chasing the clouds away each colliding neutron pair. Up to 518 leadion bunches were To achieve this level of beam intensity, the operators had to get JPYJ\SH[PUNPU[OLTHJOPULWLYÄSS rid of the electron clouds. The intensity rampup triggers an electron cascade phenomenon that destabilises the beam and ;OL3/*»ZM\SSIVK`ZJHU Accelerators heats up the beam screens inside the beam pipes. As the number To optimise the accelerator performance, the operators used a and spacing of the bunches increase, so does the formation of UL^ KPHNUVZ[PJ [VVS JHSSLK (-; VY (JJLSLYH[VY -H\S[ ;YHJRPUN electron clouds. It took several weeks of running to condition ;OPZ [VVS NP]LZ [OL 3/* H ¸M\SSIVK` ZJHU¹ JOLJRPUN \W VU (M[LY[^V`LHYZVMJVUZVSPKH[PVU^VYR[OLTHQVYJOHSSLUNLMVY would have entailed warming up the sector and losing several the beam pipes by circulating intense but lowenergy beams to 24 separate systems, from the technical infrastructure to the weeks, the teams came up with a cunning plan: a strong current  ^HZ [V VWLYH[L [OL 3HYNL /HKYVU *VSSPKLY 3/* H[ [OL scrub as many free electrons as possible from the surface of the Z\IZ`Z[LTZ PUJS\KPUN YHKPVMYLX\LUJ` ]HJ\\T JY`VNLUPJZ unprecedented collision energy of 13 TeV, as compared to ^HZPUQLJ[LKPU[V[OLJPYJ\P[MVYHML^TPSSPZLJVUKZ[VTHRL[OL beam pipes and thereby reduce the electron production rate. and collimation. It supplies a continuous stream of data on ;L=H[[OLLUKVM[OLÄYZ[Y\UPU/H]PUNILPUNJVVSLK MYHNTLU[ KPZPU[LNYH[L (UK P[ ^VYRLK ;OL YLJVTTPZZPVUPUN machine availability, i.e. the operating time devoted to particle tests on the rest of the accelerator chain went ahead in parallel. down to 1.9 Kelvin (271°C) at the end of 2014, the accelerator To achieve a new beam intensity record, the cryogenics system WYVK\J[PVU HUK ZOV^Z [OL YLHZVUZ MVY HU` KV^U[PTL (-; was switched on again at the beginning of 2015 and seven of had to be pushed to the limit, especially as the response time of also serves to identify any action to be taken to improve the P[ZLPNO[ ZLJ[VYZ^LYLX\HSPÄLKH[[OL UL^LULYN`+\YPUN[OPZ Particles in the spring [OLJVVSPUNZ`Z[LTNV]LYULKI`[OLJPYJ\SH[PVUVMÅ\PKZ[OYV\NO THJOPUL»Z H]HPSHIPSP[` ;V PTWYV]L [OL 3/*»Z H]HPSHIPSP[` \WVU phase, the current intensity was gradually ramped up to 11 080 6U(WYPSILHTZ^LYLIHJRPU[OL3/*-P]LKH`ZSH[LYHUL^ many kilometres of pipes, is far slower than the response time PUQLJ[PVU[^VUL^ILHTHIZVYILYZMVYPUQLJ[PVU^LYLKL]LSVWLK amperes in the circuits of the 1232 superconducting dipole record energy of 6.5 TeV per beam was recorded. Two months VM [OL ILHT JVU[YVSZ ;OL WHY[PJSL I\UJOLZ HYL PUQLJ[LK HUK in 2015. These sixmetrelong devices are used when the beams magnets. Each sector is trained in several steps, because some VMÄUL[\UPUNSH[LY[OL3/*VWLYH[VYZHUUV\UJLKÄYZ[JVSSPZPVUZ LQLJ[LK PU [OL ISPUR VM HU L`L ;V JVVYKPUH[L [OL JY`VNLUPJZ HYL LQLJ[LK MYVT [OL :\WLY 7YV[VU :`UJOYV[YVU :7: [V [OL THNUL[ZX\LUJOPL[OL`NVMYVTHZ\WLYJVUK\J[PUN[VHUVU HUKZ[HISLILHTZMVYWO`ZPJZVU1\UL;OL3/*L_WLYPTLU[Z Z`Z[LT IL[[LY ^P[O [OL ILHT PUQLJ[PVU WOHZL HUK HIV]L HSS 3/*HUKJVUZ[P[\[LHULZZLU[PHSWHY[VM[OLTHJOPULWYV[LJ[PVU superconducting state, which stops the current intensity from were able to start taking data again (see p. 12). During the year, ^P[O [OL ILHT LQLJ[PVU WOHZL HU PTWYV]LK JVU[YVS Z`Z[LT system, absorbing the SPS beam in the event of a malfunction increasing. The operation is therefore repeated several times the operators ramped up the beam intensity by increasing the has been developed. The new system uses 500 heaters on the H[ [OL TVTLU[ VM PUQLJ[PVU PU[V [OL 3/* ;OL VULZ WYL]PV\ZS` until the nominal intensity is achieved. By the end of March, number of bunches and reducing the bunch spacing from 50 to beam screens that are switched on when the cryogenic power in place were showing signs of wear and tear, occasionally seven of the eight sectors were ready for beams at an energy 25 nanoseconds. By the end of proton running, in November, PUJYLHZLZWYPVY[VPUQLJ[PVUHUKHIZVYI[OLZOHYWMHSSPU[OLYTHS KPZY\W[PUNPUQLJ[PVU0UZ[HSSH[PVUVM[OLUL^HIZVYILYZTHKLVM VM;L=)\[HZWHUULYPU[OL^VYRZ¶VYYH[OLYHMYHNTLU[ up to 2244 bunches with 25ns spacing were circulating in SVHK^OLU[OLILHTZHYLLQLJ[LK HKPɈLYLU[TH[LYPHSILNHUHZZVVUHZ[OLTHJOPULZ^LYLZO\[ VM TL[HS ¶ ^HZ WYL]LU[PUN [OL SHZ[ ZLJ[VY MYVT LX\HSSPUN [OL each direction in the ring. The ATLAS and CMS experiments down at the end of the year. performance of the seven others. A short to earth, caused by each recorded some 400 million million proton collisions, The magnet protection system performed extremely well thanks a piece of metal debris, had appeared on one of the magnets. corresponding to an integrated luminosity of four inverse to a diagnostic tool that had been perfected before the restart. (^H`MYVT[OL3/*WYVWLYHZ\WLYJVUK\J[PUN3/*KPWVSL^HZ To avoid having to open up the machine, an operation that femtobarns. Luminosity is the main performance indicator for an 0[KL[LJ[Z[OLLHYS`^HYUPUNZPNUZVMTHSM\UJ[PVUZHUKPKLU[PÄLZ I\PS[MYVTZJYH[JOPU*,95»Z^VYRZOVWZMVY[OL]LY`ÄYZ[[PTL

22 | CERN 2015 | 23 CERN’s vacuums: more than empty promises

Two accelerators being developed elsewhere in Europe called upon CERN’s expertise in vacuum technologies and surface treatments. Some of the vacuum chambers of the new Swedish synchrotron MAX IV, scheduled to begin operation in June 2016, were developed with contributions from CERN. The larger of the Z`UJOYV[YVU»Z [^V YPUNZ PZ LX\PWWLK ^P[O H ]HJ\\T JOHTILY with a very narrow aperture for the beam. Some sections of the JOHTILY HSZV OH]L JVTWSL_ NLVTL[YPLZ ;OL THQVYP[` VM [OL Prototype of a surface treatment process developed at CERN for Linac4 in 2015, as seen by one of the photographers participating Installation of a FineMet cavity in the PS accelerator for the chambers (95%) are coated with a layer of NEG (nonevaporable use on the vacuum chambers of the Swedish synchrotron MAX IV. in the Photowalk competition (Photo Federica Piccinni) stabilisation of highintensity beams. (OPENPHOACCEL20160035) (OPENPHOACCEL20160061) getter), which ensures a high vacuum by trapping residual gas (CERNPHOTO2015112201) molecules. This material was developed at CERN in the late 1990s and is widely used in ambient temperature vacuum chambers at [OL3/*;OL*,95[LHTZWLJPHSPZPUNPU[OPZÄLSKKL]LSVWLK[OL surface treatment method used for all of the vacuum chambers ;OLKPWVSLTHNUL[ZJ\YYLU[S`VWLYH[PUNPU[OL3/*^LYL in the large ring of MAX IV. They transferred the technology One month later, Linac4 was accelerating beams at 50 MeV. A campaign to identify obsolete cables was carried out at the PS manufactured by European industry, around the turn of the so that the most straightforward vacuum chambers could be Linac4, still under construction, is destined to replace Linac2 as )VVZ[LYK\YPUN^OPJO\U\ZLKJHISLZ^LYLPKLU[PÄLK;OL goal is to remove these cables during the next technical stop at century. CERN decided to start producing them itself in order [YLH[LKI`H,\YVWLHUÄYTHUKJHYYPLKV\[[OL[YLH[TLU[VM[OL [OLÄYZ[SPURPU[OL*,95HJJLSLYH[VYJOHPUMYVTVU^HYKZ [V RLLW [OL RUV^OV^ PUOV\ZL ;OL ¸OVTLTHKL¹ KPWVSL PZ more complex chambers themselves before delivering them in Linac4 will accelerate negatively charged hydrogen ions to an [OLLUKVM[VTHRLYVVTMVY[OL UL^JHISLZYLX\PYLK performing exceptionally well. A similar initiative is being taken 2014 and 2015. CERN also provided expertise for the copper LULYN`VM4L=HUK[OLUPUQLJ[[OLTPU[V[OL7:)VVZ[LY MVY[OL30<WYVQLJ[ MVY[OL3/*Z\WLYJVUK\J[PUNJH]P[PLZ![OLPUOV\ZLWYVK\J[PVUVM WSH[PUNVMZ[HPUSLZZZ[LLSWHY[ZMVY[OL?-,3MYLLLSLJ[YVUSHZLY 0[JVTWYPZLZMV\Y[`WLZVMHJJLSLYH[PUNZ[Y\J[\YLZ[OLÄYZ[[^V a cavity started at the end of 2015 in order to keep the expertise A similar campaign began at the SPS at the end of the year. WYVQLJ[PU.LYTHU` of which have now been commissioned up to an energy of alive at CERN. 50 MeV. The second two were installed over the course of 2015 In addition, several beam interception or protection devices at the SPS will need to be replaced or upgraded to cope with the and the power converters were all installed. By the end of the year, 80% of the accelerator components had been installed. All PUJYLHZLKILHTPU[LUZP[`YLX\PYLKMVY[OL/PNO3\TPUVZP[`3/* /PNOWLYMVYTHUJLPUQLJ[VYZ The teams continued with the design of collimators and beam In addition to protons and lead ions, the SPS also accelerated [OLLX\PWTLU[YLX\PYLK[VPUQLJ[WHY[PJSLZPU[V[OL7:)VVZ[LY ;OL3/*JV\SKUV[Y\U^P[OV\[P[ZPUQLJ[VYZ)LMVYL[OLWYV[VUZ Z[VWWLYZMVY[OLL_[YHJ[PVUSPULZ[V[OL3/*0UWHYHSSLS[OLKLZPNU HYNVU PVUZ MVY [OL ÄYZ[ [PTL MVY [OL 5(:/05, L_WLYPTLU[ is now available, which means that Linac4 is ready to step in to JHU IL PUQLJ[LK PU[V [OL RPSVTL[YL YPUN [OL` OH]L [V IL HUKZWLJPÄJH[PVUMVYHUL^K\TWISVJRMVY:L_[HU[VM[OL:7: organised into bunches and accelerated in four successive This special run had been under preparation for two years and replace its predecessor, should the need arise. ^LYLÄUHSPZLKHUKWYLWHYH[PVUZMVYP[ZPUZ[HSSH[PVUILNHU THJOPULZ! ÄYZ[ PU 3PUHJ [OLU PU [OL 7: )VVZ[LY HUK [OL 7: YLZ\S[LKPU[OLKLSP]LY`VMHYNVUPVUZH[ZP_KPɈLYLU[LULYN`SL]LSZ 7YV[VU :`UJOYV[YVU P[ZLSM HUK ÄUHSS` PU [OL :\WLY 7YV[VU -PUHSS`[OL(+MHJPSP[`^OPJOZLY]LZ[OLHU[PTH[[LYL_WLYPTLU[Z 3PUHJ PZ H JVYULYZ[VUL VM [OL 3/* PUQLJ[VYZ \WNYHKL 30< Two weeks of SPS operation were devoted to scrubbing the beam :`UJOYV[YVU:7:/LH]`PVUZHYLWYVK\JLKPU3PUHJHUK[OL started up in July and racked up 3200 hours of physics with 90% WYVQLJ[;VHSSV^[OL3/*[VVWLYH[LH[OPNOS\TPUVZP[`HM[LY tubes in order to reduce the electron cloud phenomenon (see 3V^,ULYN` 0VU 9PUN 3,09 ILMVYL ILPUN PUQLJ[LK PU[V [OL 7: availability. ZLLWP[ZPUQLJ[VYZT\Z[ILIYV\NO[\W[VKH[L0UHKKP[PVU p. 23). One of the aims was to gain expertise with beams similar to HUK[OLU[OL:7:;OLPUQLJ[VYJOHPUWLYMVYTLK[YLTLUKV\ZS` [V3PUHJ^OPJO^PSSYLWSHJL3PUHJ[OLV[OLY[OYLLPUQLJ[VYZ^PSS [OVZL[OH[^PSSILZ\WWSPLKI`[OLPUQLJ[VYJOHPUHM[LYP[Z\WNYHKL well in 2015, with availability close to 90% on average. New beams be upgraded. -VSSV^PUN[OLZL[LZ[ZHNYV\WVML_WLY[ZYLJVTTLUKLK[OL\ZL Two other facilities celebrated the arrival of particles in 2015. of the beam tube scrubbing method for future SPS operation, )\[[OL3/*\ZLZVUS`HZTHSSMYHJ[PVUVM[OLWHY[PJSLZWYVK\JLK which involves circulating highintensity beams, and coating the 6U6J[VILYHILHT^HZHJJLSLYH[LKI`[OLÄYZ[JY`VTVK\SL Green light for new cavities I` [OL PUQLJ[VY JVTWSL_ ^OPJO HSZV Z\WWSPLZ [OL 0:63+, inner walls of a whole sextant of the accelerator with amorphous The extraction energy of the PS Booster will be increased from nuclear physics facility, the Antiproton Decelerator (AD), the VM[OLUL^HJJLSLYH[VY/0,0:63+,/PNO0U[LUZP[`HUK,ULYN` carbon. This coating, which has a very low secondary electron ISOLDE). The energy of the radioactive ions for the ISOLDE [V.L=;VHJOPL]L[OPZ[OLHJJLSLYH[VY^PSSILLX\PWWLK UL\[YVU ;PTLVM-SPNO[ UF;V- MHJPSP[` HUK ]HYPV\Z Ä_LK[HYNL[ yield, will limit the electron avalanche phenomenon. Twenty 19 nuclear physics facility was thus increased from 3 to 4.3 MeV [OYV\NOV\[^P[OUL^YHKPVMYLX\LUJ`HJJLSLYH[PUNJH]P[PLZ^OPJO L_WLYPTLU[Z-VYL_HTWSLPU[OL7:Z\WWSPLK ? of the SPS magnets already coated, were tested in 2015. The per nucleon. Production and assembly of this superconducting WYV[VUZ [V UF;6- HYV\UK   TVYL [OHU VYPNPUHSS` WSHUULK ^PSSWLYMVYTIL[[LYH[OPNOPU[LUZP[PLZ;OL-PUL4L[[LJOUVSVN` remaining magnets will gradually be coated during future cryomodule, complex operations in themselves, were completed that will be used is based on a composite magnetic material A new system for extracting particles from the PS, known as [LJOUPJHSZ[VWZ:[H`PUN^P[O[OL30<WYVQLJ[HZ[\K`WYVNYHTTL at the start of the year and then had to be transported to its instead of on the traditional ferrites, giving a large bandwidth. ¸T\S[P[\YUL_[YHJ[PVU¹^HZ\ZLKH[[OLLUKVM[OL`LHYMVY[OL on leadion operation was carried out. The detailed studies and installation site, an extremely delicate operation in which a The new cavities, which have already been installed on one of WHY[PJSLO\UNY`Ä_LK[HYNL[L_WLYPTLU[ZH[[OL:7:6YPNPUHSS` [OL Z\IZLX\LU[ HKQ\Z[TLU[Z HSSV^LK \UWYLJLKLU[LK ILHT suspension and measurement system was used to ensure the accelerator’s four rings, were tested intensively in 2015. One KL]LSVWLKIHJRPUHUKKLWSV`LKMVY[OLÄYZ[[PTLPU parameters and a peak luminosity of more than three times cavity was tested successfully in the PS. On the basis of these this method was upgraded and redeployed in 2015. It resulted P[ [PWWLK I` UV TVYL [OHU VUL KLNYLL /0,0:63+, ^PSS [OLUVTPUHS]HS\L[VILHJOPL]LKH[[OL3/*;OLZ[\KPLZ^LYL PUHUPUJYLHZLPUL_[YHJ[PVULɉJPLUJ`MYVT [V JVTWHYLK \S[PTH[LS` JVTWYPZL MV\Y JY`VTVK\SLZ LHJO JVU[HPUPUN Ä]L tests and a report issued by a group of independent experts, the particularly focused on the LowEnergy Ion Ring (LEIR). Other to the continuous transfer extraction method used previously, superconducting cavities, with the aim of increasing the beam [OYLLYHKPVMYLX\LUJ`Z`Z[LTZJ\YYLU[S`PU\ZLH[[OL7:)VVZ[LY upgrades of the components of LEIR were carried out at the end and at the same time lowered the amount of radiation deposited energy to 10 MeV per nucleon. By the end of 2015, the second will be completely replaced with the new cavities, which will also VM[OL`LHYPUVYKLY[VPTWYV]LPUQLJ[PVUHUKPUJYLHZL[OLILHT PU[OLLX\PWTLU[VM[OL7: cryomodule was ready for installation in 2016. be used to stabilise the highintensity beams in the PS. intensity during operations in 2016.

24 | CERN 2015 | 25 The beam line that will take protons from the SPS to the (YLJVYKTHNUL[PJÄLSKVM;LZSH^HZHJOPL]LK\ZPUNH new AWAKE installation has been installed. (OPENPHO ÅH[JVPSPU[OLMYHTL^VYRVM[OLWYVNYHTTL[VKL]LSVWTVYL ACCEL20160081) powerful magnets for future accelerators. (OPENPHOACCEL20160051)

Structure for a "triplet” quadrupole magnet for the High Luminosity LHC project. (OPENPHOACCEL20150142)

ELENA moves in -\[\YLHJJLSLYH[VYZ[HRLZOHWL (^H` MYVT [OL 3/* PUQLJ[VYZ V[OLY HJJLSLYH[VY WYVQLJ[Z 0U HKKP[PVU [V [OL /PNO3\TPUVZP[` 3/* *,95 ZJPLU[PZ[Z HYL All systems go for high luminosity! progressed well during 2015. The ELENA (Extra Low Energy working on the accelerators that might succeed it in around (U[PWYV[VU WYVQLJ[ JVU[PU\LK P[Z WYLWHYH[PVUZ MVY [OL Z[HY[ 2035. Two studies are in progress: one for CLIC (Compact Linear of commissioning at the end of 2016. This decelerator ring, *VSSPKLYHUKVULMVY[OL-**-\[\YL*PYJ\SHY*VSSPKLY (M[LYMV\Y`LHYZVMKLZPNUZ[\KPLZ[OL/PNO3\TPUVZP[`3/*WYVQLJ[LU[LYLKP[ZJVUZ[Y\J[PVUWOHZL a small synchrotron of 30 metres in circumference, will be H[[OLLUKVM6J[VILY;OLZ[HY[VM[OPZWOHZL^HZZPNUHSSLKI`[OLJVTWSL[PVUVM[OL-7 connected to the Antiproton Decelerator (AD) to slow down the ;OL *30* SPULHY HJJLSLYH[VY WYVQLJ[ PZ IHZLK VU HU PUUV]H[P]L /P3\TP3/*WYVNYHTTLJVM\UKLKI`[OL,\YVWLHUHRLÄLSK,_WLYPTLU[HSZVILNHU;OLL_WLYPTLU[PZZJOLK\SLK Interest in CLIC technologies is growing, particularly with regard (LARP), which involves a group of US laboratories. In May, short coils for the triplet magnets were [VYLJLP]LP[ZÄYZ[ILHTZMYVT[OL:7:H[[OLLUKVMHUK [V[OLPY\ZLPUSPULHYHJJLSLYH[VYZMVYMYLLLSLJ[YVUSHZLYZ-,3 successfully tested. In June, a short prototype of the superconducting dipole magnet manufactured ^PSS Z[\K` [OL WYPUJPWSL VM HJJLSLYH[PVU \ZPUN ^HRLÄLSKZ PU H[ *,95 KLTVUZ[YH[LK \UWYLJLKLU[LK SL]LSZ VM WLYMVYTHUJL ;OL WYV[V[`WL»Z THNUL[PJ ÄLSK plasma cells. This principle, which has already been proven L_JLLKLK;LZSH;OLKLZPNUVMHSS[OLJVSSPTH[VYZOHZILLUKL[LYTPULK0[PUJS\KLZQH^ZI\PS[MYVT using electrons, will be tested with a proton beam with a view -PYZ[YLZ\S[ZMVY[OL-** ;OL -\[\YL *PYJ\SHY *VSSPKLY -** Z[\K` VɉJPHSS` SH\UJOLK PU UL^PTWYV]LKTH[LYPHSZ^OPJOOH]LILLU[LZ[LKZ\JJLZZM\SS`H[*,95»Z/P9HK4H[PUZ[HSSH[PVU;OL to achieving accelerator gradients hundreds of times greater  JVTWSL[LK [OL ÄYZ[ Z[HNL VM P[Z ^VYR PU  ;OL -** manufacture of crab cavity prototypes and their cryostats began at CERN, with the aim of testing [OHU [OVZL WVZZPISL \ZPUN J\YYLU[ YHKPVMYLX\LUJ` JH]P[PLZ collaboration, which involves 72 institutes in 26 countries and them with a beam from the SPS in 2018. which is supported by the European Union, is studying the The civil engineering work has been completed and the possibility of a hadron collider capable of reaching a collision Cooperation with industry has gone from strength to strength. The production of a hightemperature PUMYHZ[Y\J[\YL OHZ ILLU PUZ[HSSLK MVY [OL LX\PWTLU[ PUJS\KPUN energy of 100 TeV, to be installed in a new 80 to 100km tunnel. superconducting cable (made from magnesium diboride) to connect the power convertors to the a clean room that will house a laser. The proton beam line The collaboration is investigating a potential lepton collider as magnets in the accelerator has begun. An industry day held at the end of June was attended by over JVUULJ[PUN[OL:7:[V(>(2,OHZHSZVILLUPUZ[HSSLK;OLÄYZ[ an intermediate step, as well as a leptonhadron collider option. YLWYLZLU[H[P]LZVMÄYTZIHZLKPU KPɈLYLU[JV\U[YPLZ tests of the 10metrelong plasma cell, a key component of the ;OLZ[\K`HSZVJV]LYZHWVZZPISLOPNOLULYN`]LYZPVUVM[OL3/* WYVQLJ[^LYLZ\JJLZZM\SS`JVTWSL[LK PU[OLL_PZ[PUN[\UULS;OLÄYZ[THPUVIQLJ[P]LVM[OL-**Z[\K`

26 | CERN 2015 | 27 Tests on new collimators at the HiRadMat installation. (CERN A new cryostat for testing future superconducting cables is being PHOTO20150716137) installed in the SM18 test hall. (CERNPHOTO2016030621)

is to publish a conceptual design study by 2019, in time for the Improved test facilities next update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics. CERN’s test installations play a vital role in the development of innovative components. During its second year of operation, the ;OL ÄYZ[ HUU\HS TLL[PUN VM [OL JVSSHIVYH[PVU [VVR WSHJL PU /P9HK4H[ PUZ[HSSH[PVU ^OPJO [LZ[Z TH[LYPHSZ HUK JVTWVULU[Z An artistic view of one the CERN Data Centre’s tape libraries Washington, D.C., USA, in March, attracting 340 participants using highintensity beams from the SPS, completed eight used for longterm storage. 7OV[V1Lќ-YVZ[ MYVT ZJPLU[PÄJ PUZ[P[\[LZ HUK PUK\Z[Y` HUK PUJS\KPUN experiments, including important tests for future collimators. HYV\UK   ZJPLU[PÄJ JVU[YPI\[PVUZ :L]LYHS ^VYRZOVWZ ;^V KPɈLYLU[ TH[LYPHSZ TVS`IKLU\TNYHWOP[L HUK JVWWLY were organised throughout the year to study the possible diamond, were tested as possible options for the collimators physics reach of collisions at 100 TeV centre of mass. VM [OL /PNO3\TPUVZP[` 3/* (UV[OLY L_WLYPTLU[ SVVRLK H[ improvements to the target that produces antiprotons in the A report on physics at 100 TeV has been prepared for the Antiproton Decelerator (AD). collaboration’s second annual meeting in 2016. In the MYHTL^VYR VM [OL -** Z[\K` [OL ,\YV*PY*VS WYVQLJ[ JV An extensive programme was launched to adapt and improve funded by the European Union, got under way in June. Key Computing the cold electric test installations for superconducting magnets [LJOUVSVNPLZ OH]L ILLU PKLU[PÄLK PUJS\KPUN! Z\WLYJVUK\J[VYZ in hall SM18. Work also began on a new cryogenic installation HISL [V JHYY` OPNOLY J\YYLU[Z THNUL[Z NLULYH[PUN ÄLSKZ VM for the testing of large diameter magnets at 1.9 Kelvin and  ;LZSH UL^ Z\WLYJVUK\J[PUN YHKPVMYLX\LUJ` JH]P[PLZ up to currents of 20 000 amps. This cryostat will be used to Extensive upgrade and migration 7)MYVT[OL3/*L_WLYPTLU[ZHYLJVYKIYLHRPUN7)^LYL collected in October, and up to 0.5 PB of data were written to HUK PUUV]H[P]L ]HJ\\T HUK YHKPVMYLX\LUJ` Z`Z[LTZ X\HSPM` [OL -9L:JH THNUL[ J\YYLU[S` \UKLY JVUZ[Y\J[PVU H[ ;V WYLWHYL MVY 9\U  [OL 3/* L_WLYPTLU[ [LHTZ HUK [OL tape each day during the heavyion run. By way of comparison, *,95HUK*,(:HJSH`-YHUJLHZWHY[VM[OLOPNOÄLSKTHNUL[ >VYSK^PKL 3/* *VTW\[PUN .YPK >3*. JVSSHIVYH[PVU OH]L At the end of September, a team of experts settled on the initial upgraded the computing infrastructure and services. During CERN’s tapebased archive system collected in the region of WYVNYHTTL 0U [OL MYHTL^VYR VM [OL /PNO3\TPUVZP[` 3/* design for the hadron collider, including its main parameters, Long Shutdown 1 (LS1), the IT department doubled the capacity 7)VMKH[HPU[V[HSK\YPUN[OLÄYZ[Y\UVM[OL3/*;OL>3*. WYVQLJ[HUL^]LY[PJHSTHNUL[[LZ[ILUJOPZILPUNJVUZ[Y\J[LK also set a new record in 2015 by running a total of 51.1 million \ZPUN*,95»ZJ\YYLU[HJJLSLYH[VYJVTWSL_PUJS\KPUN[OL3/* providing currents of up to 30 000 amps. Some of the horizontal H]HPSHISL [V [OL 3/* L_WLYPTLU[Z ^P[O [OL HKKP[PVU VM ZVTL 100 petabytes (PB) of disk storage and almost 60 000 new QVIZPU6J[VILY HZ P[Z PUQLJ[VY JOHPU ;OPZ KLZPNU ^PSS MVYT [OL IHZPZ VM [OL [LZ[ ILUJOLZ ^PSS HSZV IL TVKPÄLK [V X\HSPM` THNUL[Z MVY [OL conceptual design report. Geological studies to determine the future accelerator with currents of up to 20 000 amps, compared cores. The compute capacity of the CERN private cloud has location of the ring also began, using a brandnew software to 15 000 at present. At the same time, studies have begun on nearly doubled during the last year, now providing over 150 000 Data preservation WHJRHNLHISL[V[HRLHJJV\U[VMTHU`KPɈLYLU[WHYHTL[LYZ a test chain for the triplet magnets and a test station for the JVTW\[PUN JVYLZ 3: VɈLYLK HU PKLHS VWWVY[\UP[` [V TPNYH[L *,95THUHNLZ[OLSHYNLZ[HYJOP]LVMZJPLU[PÄJKH[HPU[OLOPNO the archived data from legacy cartridges and formats to higher superconducting connections that will link the power convertors LULYN` WO`ZPJZ /,7 KVTHPU )` [OL LUK VM  *,95»Z At CERN, a programme to develop more powerful magnets to the magnets. density ones. This involved migrating around 85 PB of data, tapebased archive system held 132 PB of data, corresponding and was carried out in two phases during 2014 and 2015. As an ^HZZL[PUTV[PVU;OL[LHTZPU]VS]LKNV[VɈ[VHNVVKZ[HY[ [V  TPSSPVU ÄSLZ ZWYLHK HJYVZZ HWWYV_PTH[LS`   [HWL by setting a new world record of 16.2 Tesla with a racetrack overall result of this twoyear migration, no less than 30 000 tape cartridges, distributed over seven tape libraries providing a total cartridge slots were released to store more data. THNUL[JVPSPLHSTVZ[[^PJL[OLTHNUL[PJÄLSKNLULYH[LKI` of 86 production tape drives. Most of these data, from past and [OLKPWVSLZJ\YYLU[S`PUVWLYH[PVUH[[OL3/*;OPZYLJVYK^HZ WYLZLU[/,7L_WLYPTLU[ZHYL[VILWYLZLY]LKPUKLÄUP[LS` achieved with a short superconducting coil made of niobiumtin New run, new records and represents a huge leap forward in terms of demonstrating With the start of Run 2, new datataking records were achieved. Bits in tape media are smaller than bacteria, so any damage to the feasibility of more powerful magnets. 40 PB of data were written on tape at CERN in 2015. Out of the [OL[HWLJHUKLZ[YV`ZPNUPÄJHU[HTV\U[ZVMKH[H*VUZLX\LU[S`

28 | CERN 2015 | 29 Open data

0U5V]LTILY*,95SH\UJOLKP[Z6WLU+H[H7VY[HS[OH[HSSV^Z[OL3/*L_WLYPTLU[Z[VZOHYL [OLPYKH[H^P[OHK\HSMVJ\Z!ÄYZ[S`MVY[OLZJPLU[PÄJJVTT\UP[`PUJS\KPUNYLZLHYJOLYZV\[ZPKLVM[OL CERN experimental teams as well as citizen scientists, and secondly for the purposes of training and education through specially curated resources. All data is in the public domain under the Creative *VTTVUZ¸aLYV¹SPJLUZLHÄYZ[PU*,95»ZSVUNOPZ[VY`HUKJHUILJP[LKPUZJPLU[PÄJKPZJV\YZL\ZPUN H\UPX\LKPNP[HSVIQLJ[PKLU[PÄLY

In 2015, the CERN Open Data Portal has been ramped up with further data and code releases. This last year has seen increased use of these resources, and, in the spirit of open science, unexpected

The participants of the 39th CERN School of Computing in September 2015. (OPENPHOCCC20160011) applications of the data, such as training in bigdata analytics and data mining. CERN’s Open Data team has transferred experience and inspired many teams around the world by participating in conferences and online forums.

to ensure longterm data preservation, it is important to protect The number of sites running instances of the Indico conferencing Science in the cloud 384 servers, 24 switches and 26 racks were donated by CERN the physical environment against contamination hazards. In WHJRHNLZ\YWHZZLKPUYLÅLJ[PUN*,95»ZJVTTP[TLU[ CERN is working towards building a European Open Science to institutes in Mexico, which are using them for a variety of [VTHRPUNJVSSHIVYH[PUNHUKJVUMLYLUJPUNTVYLLɉJPLU[*,95 *,95KLWSV`LKHUPTWYV]LKHPYÅV^TVUP[VYPUNZ`Z[LT *SV\K \ZPUN [OL L_WLYPLUJL NHPULK [OYV\NO ]HYPV\Z THQVY ZJPLU[PÄJ HUK LK\JH[PVUHS WYVQLJ[Z PU [OL ÄLSKZ VM WO`ZPJZ based on custommade environmental sensors. The sensors also released in 2015 a dashboard for its videoconferencing mathematics, energy and environmental sciences. To date, WYVQLJ[Z [VNL[OLY ^P[O [OL /LSP_ 5LI\SH PUP[PH[P]L ¶ H W\ISPJ were prototyped and built inhouse and are hosted in an empty infrastructure based on Vidyo, which resulted in universities, WYP]H[LWHY[ULYZOPW;OL^VYRVM/LSP_5LI\SHPUZ[PNH[LK*,95 servers and switches have been donated to nine countries, tape drive tray inside the tape libraries. They are comparable hospitals and companies installing CERN’s opensource [VSLHKH/VYPaVUWYVQLJ[[VJYLH[LHWYVJ\YLTLU[UL[^VYR namely Bulgaria, Egypt, Ghana, Morocco, the Philippines, to commercial systems in terms of precision and reaction time, software. of public research organisations, named PICSE (Procurement Senegal, Serbia and now Mexico and Pakistan. I\[H[HIV\[HÄM[PL[OVM[OLJVZ[HUKYLX\PYPUNUVTHPU[LUHUJL Innovation for Cloud Services in Europe), interested in making ;OL OHYK^HYL KLZPNU HZ ^LSS HZ HSS ZVM[^HYL HUK ÄYT^HYL Through a number of collaborations, CERN’s diskstorage use of commercial cloud services to support their research components, are freely available via opensource licenses. Z`Z[LTMVY3/*JVTW\[PUNRUV^UHZ,6:OHZHSZVILLUTHKL programmes. In 2015, PICSE investigated the feasibility of a New phase for CERN openlab available to companies and user communities to use with their crossborder PCP (precommercial procurement) for shared 0U 1HU\HY`  *,95 VWLUSHI LU[LYLK P[Z ÄM[O [OYLL`LHY 0U 1\UL  [OL ÄYZ[ ^VYRZOVW HUK *VSSHIVYH[PVU )VHYK ”big data” systems, or to use its datadistribution capabilities to procurement across public organisations. The European WOHZL ;OYV\NO [OPZ \UPX\L W\ISPJWYP]H[L WHY[ULYZOPW *,95 meeting of the Data Preservation and LongTerm Analysis in build distributed data repositories. collaborates with leading ICT companies and research institutes *VTTPZZPVUKLJPKLK[VJVU[YPI\[LM\UKPUN[V[OL/5:JP*SV\K /PNO,ULYN`7O`ZPJZ+7/,7JVSSHIVYH[PVU[VVRWSHJLH[*,95 /LSP_5LI\SH¶;OL:JPLUJL*SV\K7*7WYVQLJ[SLKI`*,95 to accelerate the development of cuttingedge solutions for the HPTPUN[VHKKYLZZ[OLNLULYHSPZZ\LZVMKH[HWYLZLY]H[PVUPU/,7 *VU[YPI\[PVUZ[VVWLUZV\YJLWYVQLJ[Z which started in January 2016. 3/*JVTT\UP[`^VYSK^PKL/\H^LP0U[LS6YHJSLHUK:PLTLUZ (ZPNUPÄJHU[TPSLZ[VUL^HZHJOPL]LK^P[O[OLW\ISPJH[PVUVMH In addition to leading and developing its own opensource are all partner companies, Brocade, Cisco, IDT, Rackspace, Status Report detailing the progress made since the publication ZVM[^HYL *,95 OHZ JVU[YPI\[LK [V L_[LYUHS WYVQLJ[Z PU VYKLY Education and sharing and Seagate are contributors, and Comtrade and Yandex are VM[OL+7/,7)S\LWYPU[PU4H` to adapt them to the Organization’s needs. One of the larger Since the early seventies, the CERN School of Computing has HZZVJPH[L TLTILYZ -VY [OL ÄYZ[ [PTL V[OLY W\ISPJ YLZLHYJO contributions is to ownCloud, which is used to provide the been promoting advanced learning and knowledge exchange organisations — the European Bioinformatics Institute (UK), Open source for open science *,95)V_ZLY]PJL¶HZLJ\YLHUKZJHSHISLLX\P]HSLU[[V+YVWIV_ PUZJPLU[PÄJJVTW\[PUNHTVUN`V\UNZJPLU[PZ[ZHUKLUNPULLYZ [OL .:0 /LSTOVS[a *LU[YL MVY /LH]`0VU 9LZLHYJO .LYTHU` ;OLPTWHJ[VM*,95»ZIYVHKLYVWLUZV\YJLZVM[^HYLLɈVY[ZOHZ MVY*,95\ZLYZ6[OLYWYVQLJ[ZYLJLP]PUNJVU[YPI\[PVUZPUJS\KL involved in particle physics or other sciences. It is made up of HUK5L^JHZ[SL

30 | CERN 2015 | 31 The new S’Cool LAB at CERN welcomed more than 4000 The new Microcosm exhibition takes visitors on an interactive ZJOVVSZ[\KLU[ZHUK[LHJOLYZPUP[ZÄYZ[M\SS`LHYVMVWLYH[PVU journey through CERN, following the path of particles Its handson experiments include cloud chamber construction from the bottle of hydrogen onwards to discovery. (CERN and visualising Xrays using pixel detectors. (OPENPHO PHOTO2016030501) LIFE201600317)

de l’instruction publique, CERN organised another round of its WLYMVYT [OLPY L_WLYPTLU[Z VU H M\SS` LX\PWWLK ILHTSPUL PU ¸)LH:JPLU[PZ[¹PUP[PH[P]LPU^OPJOTVYL[OHUJOPSKYLUMYVT collaboration with CERN scientists. Of the 119 submitted WYPTHY`ZJOVVSZ[VVRWHY[KPZJV]LYPUN[OLWYVJLZZVMZJPLU[PÄJ WYVWVZHSZ[^V[LHTZMYVT-SVYLUJL0[HS`HUK1VOHUULZI\YN South Africa, made the biggest impression on CERN experts TEDxCERN speakers included CERN’s Edda Gschwendtner YLZLHYJO(Z^LSSHZ[OPZPU-LIY\HY`TVYL[OHUW\WPSZMYVT local schools visited the CMS detector. Screenings of the movie and were invited to the Laboratory for ten days in September showcasing the AWAKE experiment and describing how her passion for science ignited at a young age. Particle Fever were shown, including one at SaintGenisPouilly (see p. 11). (CERNPHOTO20151019813) PUJVSSHIVYH[PVU^P[O[OL-YLUJOTPZZPVU[V[OL<5PU.LUL]H CERN was also present at the Cité des Métiers exhibition in Read all about it November, which demonstrated the variety of CERN’s and The CERNinitiated SCOAP3 JVUZVY[P\T ¶ [OL :WVUZVYPUN International Geneva’s professions to thousands of visitors. Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics ¶ PZ H NSVIHS WHY[ULYZOPW VM TVYL [OHU  SPIYHYPLZ M\UKPUN A thirst for learning agencies and research institutions in 47 countries. By 2015, The programmes for secondaryschool teachers continued SCOAP3 has supported more than 8000 open access articles with 36 oneweek national language programmes taking place PU OPNOX\HSP[` WLLYYL]PL^LK OPNOLULYN`WO`ZPJZ QV\YUHSZ Making an impact 3 for a total of 1067 teachers from 41 countries. The threeweek Thanks to SCOAP , authors retain intellectual property rights to PU[LYUH[PVUHS /PNO :JOVVS ;LHJOLY WYVNYHTTL PU ,UNSPZO their work, and permissive Creative Commons licences allow The third edition of TEDxCERN was held in October, with a local Welcome to CERN ^LSJVTLKWHY[PJPWHU[ZVMKPɈLYLU[UH[PVUHSP[PLZHUKHZWLJPHS immediate redistribution and reuse of the publications’ content, audience of 600 and an online audience of more than 10 000, In 2015, CERN welcomed around 107 000 visitors from more course for teachers of engineering disciplines was held for free of charge, for any purpose, provided they are duly attributed including viewing parties at 23 institutes. Two TEDxCERN 2015 than 70 countries on guided tours, 46% of whom were school participants from Bulgaria. to the authors. To date, about 20 000 authors from some videos have been republished on, where videos have W\WPSZ-YVT1\S`VU^HYKZ]PZP[VYZOHK[OLJOHUJL[VKPZJV]LY JV\U[YPLZOH]LLUQV`LK[OLZLILULÄ[ZH[UVJVZ[-\Y[OLYTVYL A oneweek programme for school students and teachers CERN implemented its Open Access Policy in 2015. Thanks to the revamped Microcosm exhibition before it was fully opened in HU H]LYHNL ]PL^PUN ÄN\YL VM VUL TPSSPVU WLY [HSR 0U HKKP[PVU *,95 VYNHUPZLK H UL^ *,95 -HTL3HI JVTWL[P[PVU HZ ^LSS MYVT [OL :,:(4, TLTILYZ ¶ )HOYHPU *`WY\Z ,N`W[ 0YHU SCOAP3 and bilateral agreements with key publishers, more 1HU\HY`;OLUL^SH`V\[\ZLZYLHSVIQLJ[Z!ZJHSLH\KPV HZ [OL QVPU[ -YLUJO :^PZZ HUK *,95 4HZ[LYJSHZZ HUK [OL Israel, Jordan, Pakistan, the Palestinian Authority and Turkey than 96% of CERN’s particle physics results were published on ]PZ\HSZ\WWVY[ZHUKOPNOKLÄUP[PVUWOV[VNYHWO`[V[HRL]PZP[VYZ :^PZZ ÄUHS 7HY[PJPWHU[Z ^LU[ VU [V Z\JJLLK H[ [OL -HTL3HI ¶ ^HZ OLSK PU :LW[LTILY  ;OL JV\YZL IYV\NO[ [VNL[OLY an openaccess basis in 2015. In comparison, other research VUHQV\YUL`[OYV\NO*,95»ZRL`PUZ[HSSH[PVUZ[OLUL[^VYRVM 0U[LYUH[PVUHS -PUHSZ H[ [OL *OLS[LUOHT :JPLUJL -LZ[P]HS ¶ [OL 28 teachers and students from the Middle East, who came to institutes of a similar size publish on average about 10% of CERN’s accelerators and on to particle collisions inside vast V]LYHSS^PUULYOHK^VU[OL:^PZZÄUHSHUK[OLY\UULY\WOHK^VU RUV^LHJOV[OLYHUKSLHYUHIV\[*,95HZHTVKLSMVYZJPLU[PÄJ [OLPYHY[PJSLZVWLUHJJLZZ0U[OLZWPYP[VMVWLUZJPLUJL[OL3/* experiments. the CERN competition. Concluding a twoyear initiative, CERN and human collaboration, regardless of political or cultural experiments began sharing their data in the public domain in organised the PopScience event for European Researchers’ KPɈLYLUJLZ ;OL WYVNYHTTL HSZV WYLWHYLK [OL NYV\UK MVY H 2014 with the CERN Open Data Portal. In 2015, the portal was The travelling exhibition Accelerating Science was shown in Night with activities at a large, local shopping centre and its continuing future collaboration between schools in the SESAME augmented with further data and code releases. Data have been the CosmoCaixa science museum in Barcelona, from October cinema complex. The aim was to meet people who would not members. used in many applications, such as training in bigdata analytics VU^HYKZ ;OL ¸0U[LYHJ[P]L 3/* [\UULS¹ ¶ H OPNO[LJO H\KPV have come to a laboratory of their own accord and the event and data mining. ]PZ\HSPUZ[HSSH[PVUHSSV^PUN[OLH\KPLUJL[VWSH`^P[O3/*WYV[VU saw 500 visitors attend cinema showings for schools, with 700 (M[LY[OLZ\JJLZZVM[OLÄYZ[LKP[PVUPU*,95YLWLH[LK[OL JVSSPZPVUZVY]PZ\HSPZL[OL)YV\[,UNSLY[/PNNZÄLSK¶OHZILJVTL attending the public cinema showings. Beamline for Schools (BL4S) competition in 2015, with the help In 2015, CERN doubled the number of albums of its historical a popular attraction in science museums and fairs. It has been VML_[LYUHSZWVUZVYZOPW]PH[OL*,95HUK:VJPL[`-V\UKH[PVU photo archives available to the public, digitising them and adding shown, together with the CERN in Images poster exhibition, with 0U JVSSHIVYH[PVU ^P[O [OL

32 | CERN 2015 | 33 A miniature accelerator for health

With the experience gained at Linac4, a linear accelerator under development (see p. 25), CERN engineers developed a TPUPH[\YL]LYZPVUVMVULVMP[ZJVTWVULU[Z[OLYHKPVMYLX\LUJ` X\HKY\WVSL;OPZTPUPSPUHJ^HZJVUJLP]LK[VTH[JO[OLULLKZ of medical accelerators for treating certain forms of cancer with particle beams, and for producing medical isotopes.

;OLÄYZ[VM[OLMV\YTVK\SLZ[OH[^PSSTHRL\W[OLTPUPH[\YL ;OLYLZ\S[PUNJVTWHJ[HJJLSLYH[VY^PSSILQ\Z[[^VTL[YLZSVUN accelerator developed to be used for treating certain forms of HUK VɈLYZ HU H[[YHJ[P]L HS[LYUH[P]L [V [OL T\JO SHYNLY JPYJ\SHY cancer. (*,957/6;6  machines that have traditionally been used in this role. Tests ZOV\SKNL[\UKLY^H`PUHUKPU[OLTLHU[PTL[OLÄYZ[ licence to use this technology has already been granted. CERN’s brand new linear accelerator, in miniature form, could be about to start appearing in hospitals, making a solid contribution to health. through to 1986. As well as archive images, new ways of [OL 5L[OLYSHUKZ :WHPU HUK [OL <2 ;OL -YLUJO PUJ\IH[PVU seeing CERN emerged when photographers were invited to the JLU[YL ^HZ SH\UJOLK PU [OL MYHTL^VYR VM [OL X\HKYPWHY[P[L ;OLIYHUKUL^)\PSKPUNVU[OL7Yt]LZZPUZP[L^HZVѝJPHSS` Laboratory as part of the Global Particle Physics Photowalk. WHY[ULYZOPWIL[^LLU*,95-YHUJL[OL+LWHY[TLU[VM(PUHUK VWLULKVU1\UL(Z^LSSHZOV\ZPUNVѝJLZMVY[OL accelerator teams, it contains an auditorium and a reception area -VY(Y[Z'*,95WHY[ULYZOPWZ^LYLVYNHUPZLK^P[OPU[LYUH[PVUHS the Community of Communes of the Pays de Gex that was put for visitors and VIPs. (Photo Jordi Bernadó) J\S[\YHS VYNHUPZH[PVUZ PUJS\KPUN (+4(- MYVT [OL HYZ[OLTLKQVRL^HZW\ISPZOLK spectroscopy for radionuclides (EIBTLS), ultrafast imaging 7Yt]LZZPU ZP[L OV\ZPUN VɉJLZ MVY [OL HJJLSLYH[VY [LHTZ H internal piping was modernised. MVY(WYPS-VVSZ»+H`ZLLW 0U4HYJO*,95^HZH^HYKLK[OL sensors for medical applications (ULTIMA), development of novel cafeteria, an auditorium and a reception area for visitors and VIPs. )LZ[:^PZZ;^P[[LY7HNLH[[OL>VYSK>LI-VY\TPUA\YPJO X\HKY\WVSLTHNUL[ZMVY[OL/PNO3\TPUVZP[`3/*8<(*6H On the Swiss side, an emergency response centre operated by beating the Twitter accounts of Swiss tourism, luxury brands CERN and its people WYP]H[LW\ISPJ WHY[ULYZOPW MVY JSV\K JVTW\[PUN /5:JP*SV\K [OL/<..LUL]H

34 | CERN 2015 | 35 Fiveyearly review

,]LY`Ä]L`LHYZ*,95YL]PL^Z[OLÄUHUJPHSHUKZVJPHSJVUKP[PVUZ P[VɈLYZP[ZWLYZVUULSLUKLKVUH]LY`WVZP[P]LUV[L^P[O the Council’s approval of the measures proposed in the latest Ä]L`LHYS`YL]PL^MYHTL^VYR(YH[PVUHSPZLKJHYLLYZ[Y\J[\YLHUK modernised diversityrelated conditions are key features of the 2015 review. Given the current economic climate, the Member States appreciated the decision to adopt a measured and rational approach. The Council’s approval marked the completion of a SVUN WYVJLZZ ^OPJO OHK ILN\U PU LHYULZ[ PU  -VSSV^PUN ;OLÅHNZOPW:\TTLY:[\KLU[7YVNYHTTLHZOPUPUNL_HTWSLVM [OL Z\JJLZZM\S V\[JVTL VM [OL Ä]L`LHYS` YL]PL^ [OL \WKH[LK international collaboration and a model for the training of young conditions should ensure that the Organization can continue to WLVWSL IYV\NO[  Z[\KLU[Z MYVT  KPɈLYLU[ JV\U[YPLZ [V remain attractive to personnel of the highest competence and to CERN in 2015. *,957/6;6 develop sustainably.

;OL-LSSV^ZOPW7YVNYHTTLJVU[PU\LK[VILL_[YLTLS`Z\JJLZZM\S it expanded its network of external partners to exchange best attracting well over 2000 applications in 2015. A total of 350 fellows WYHJ[PJLZPU[OLKPɈLYLU[HYLHZVMKP]LYZP[`THUHNLTLU[ were selected, including 33 who had taken part in the recently introduced Technicians Training Experience set up for highly skilled A new contract policy was implemented with a view to providing a One of the new waterqualitymeasuring stations installed technicians. Additional funding was secured through the European in 2015, with a hydrocarbon detector designed to detect TVYLÅL_PISL^VYRMVYJLMVY[OL3HIVYH[VY`PUJYLHZLKWVZZPIPSP[PLZ pollution immediately. (CERNPHOTO2016030646) *VTTPZZPVU»Z4HYPL:RéVKV^ZRH*\YPL(J[PVUZZJOLTL^OPJOPZ to retain key expertise and enhanced opportunities for internal WHY[VM[OLUL^/VYPaVUMYHTL^VYRWYVNYHTTL0UWHY[PJ\SHY mobility. *6-<5+^PSSJVU[YPI\[L[V^HYKZ[OLM\UKPUNVM*,95MLSSV^Z V]LY[OLUL_[Ä]L`LHYZ Doing business with CERN In addition, 293 technical and doctoral students were selected, The 2015 procurement year was marked by several events and HUK [OL ÅHNZOPW :\TTLY :[\KLU[ 7YVNYHTTL ^HZ H[[LUKLK I` WYVQLJ[Z PUJS\KPUN H UL^ PUMVYTH[PVU JHTWHPNU [HYNL[LK H[ 276 students. A new Spanish trainee programme was launched, companies from Member States wishing to supply products and Safety and giving 20 Spanish trainees per year the opportunity to work at services to CERN and the introduction of a bilingual elearning CERN on a twoyear contract. The CERN Apprentice Programme training course for CERN employees involved in the procurement was once again recognised as outstanding by the local authorities process. Expenditure on supplies and services amounted to some (Union Industrielle Genevoise)^P[OVULNYHK\H[LYLJLP]PUNH¸ILZ[  4*/-HUK4*/-YLZWLJ[P]LS`HUKHYV\UKVYKLYZ apprentice” award. were placed in total. environment The rollout of the Learning and Development Policy continued Accountability *,95 JVUZ[HU[S` TLHZ\YLZ [OL X\HSP[` VM [OL ^H[LY HUK HPY Guardians of the water as the team responsible for training embedded the CERN expelled from its installations as a means of monitoring the In April, CERN introduced a policy for preventing and managing 0UZ[HSSPUNO`KYVJHYIVUKL[LJ[VYZ^HZVULVM[OLÄYZ[HJ[PVUZVMH impact of its activities on the environment. More than one *VTWL[LUJ` 4VKLS PU Ä]L [YHPUPUN J\YYPJ\SH ¸;LJOUPJHS¹ plan designed to minimise the impact of using chemical products. JVUÅPJ[Z VM PU[LYLZ[ ;OPZ ^HZ MVSSV^LK I` H JHTWHPNU [V YHPZL hundred measuring stations keep track of numerous parameters, ¸;LJOUPJHS 4HUHNLTLU[¹ ¸3HUN\HNL¹ ¸7LYZVUHS +L]LSVWTLU[ In order to carry out its research, CERN uses many technical H^HYLULZZ HTVUN [OL WLYZVUULS VM [OL YPZRZ [OH[ Z\JO JVUÅPJ[Z HUK*VTT\UPJH[PVU¹HUK¸3LHKLYZOPW¹(UHKKP[PVUHSJ\YYPJ\S\T including those linked to ionising radiation and certain physico pose for the Organization. installations that contain chemicals, such as hydrocarbons in ¸@V\Y JHYLLY H[ *,95¹ ^HZ JYLH[LK [V LUOHUJL [OL YHUNL VM chemical aspects. In addition to this data, samples taken from the sites and the surrounding areas are analysed. [OL JHZL VM LSLJ[YPJHS LX\PWTLU[ ( ^VYRPUN NYV\W WYVK\JLK SLHYUPUNVWWVY[\UP[PLZVUVɈLY([V[HSVM [YHPUPUNJV\YZLZ^LYL a full report on the matter in 2015, including an update of the attended by over 5000 registered participants. 0U5V]LTILY[OL0U[LYUHS(\KP[ZLY]PJLHSZVVYNHUPZLKHQVPU[[YHPUPUN inventory of areas at risk of pollution, a risk assessment and PUP[PH[P]L VU L]HS\H[PVU PU JVUQ\UJ[PVU ^P[O P[Z JV\U[LYWHY[Z MYVT This monitoring programme is regularly upgraded. In 2015, other international organisations based in Geneva. The aim was recommended priority actions. Developing proposals for diversityrelated measures within the Ä]L UL^ Z[H[PVUZ TLHZ\YPUN H[TVZWOLYPJ LTPZZPVUZ MYVT [OL MYHTL^VYR VM [OL Ä]L`LHYS` YL]PL^ ^HZ VUL VM [OL +P]LYZP[` [VLX\PWWLYZVUULS^P[O[OLRUV^SLKNLYLX\PYLK[VZ`Z[LTH[PJHSS` experiments and the accelerator tunnels were installed. Six 6ɉJL»Z RL` [HZRZ PU  ;OL 6ɉJL HSZV JLSLIYH[LK [OL [O HUKVIQLJ[P]LS`L]HS\H[L[OLPTWHJ[VM*,95»ZWYVNYHTTLZHUK ZP[LZ^LYLUL^S`LX\PWWLK^P[OO`KYVJHYIVUKL[LJ[VYZ[OH[JHU Radiation under control anniversary of its predecessor, a working group set up back in policies on targeted groups of society. immediately detect pollution in the water that CERN evacuates Particular attention is given to controlled radiation work areas. 1995 to address the gender imbalance at CERN. In 2015, the into nearby watercourses. A total of 12 sites will have been Only two of the 9800 or so people issued with a dosimeter +P]LYZP[`6ɉJLJVU[PU\LK[VPTWSLTLU[HJ[PVUZ[V^HYKZ*,95»Z LX\PWWLK^P[O[OLZLKL[LJ[VYZI`[OLZ\TTLYVM(UL^ received a radiation dose of 1 to 2 millisieverts (mSv). All others ZL]LU Z[YH[LNPJ KP]LYZP[` VIQLJ[P]LZ ^OPJO MVJ\Z VU YLJY\P[TLU[ [VVS MVY TVUP[VYPUN ^H[LYX\HSP[`TLHZ\YPUN Z[H[PVUZ ^HZ HSZV YLJLP]LKKVZLZVMSLZZ[OHUT:]"  YLJLP]LKHKVZLVM career development and the working environment. In addition, developed. To put that in context, the average dose received annually by

36 | CERN 2015 | 37 A new facility for testing radiationmeasuring devices was put into The new 100%electric domesticwastecollection vehicle, Some of the 504 CERN participants in the Bike2Work initiative, The mobile emergency response service based at CERN was operation. (CERNPHOTO2014112302) commissioned in the framework of the contract between CERN which aims to promote cycling as a means of transport for the inaugurated by CERN DirectorGeneral Rolf Heuer and HUG and the Transvoirie company. (BULNA2015148) commute to and from work. (CERNPHOTO20150614211) DirectorGeneral Bertrand Levrat. The service ensures a better handling of medical emergencies on the CERN sites. (CERNPHOTO2015050837)

contract following a call for tenders after the market was opened YLZPKLU[ZVM-YHUJLHZHYLZ\S[VMUH[\YHSYHKPH[PVUHUKTLKPJHS  WLVWSL MYVT 0:63+, 9HKPH[PVU 7YV[LJ[PVU [OL -PYL HUK procedures is 3.7 mSv. Systematically applying the ALARA (As up to competition. This contract guarantees the supply of Rescue Service, the CERN Medical Service and the mobile Low As Reasonably Achievable) approach greatly contributed to LSLJ[YPJP[`MVY[OL^OVSLVM3/*9\UHUKPUJS\KLZHZZPZ[HUJLPU emergency response and resuscitation service. The aim of the optimising consumption on the conventional parts of the sites. [OPZYLZ\S[;OPZHWWYVHJOPZUV^ÄYTS`LTILKKLKPU[OL*,95 L_LYJPZL^HZ[V[YHPU[OL[LHTZPU[OL[LJOUPX\LZHUKWYVJLK\YLZ culture. In addition, a new installation for testing radiation *,95PZ[HRPUNZ[LWZ[VPTWYV]LP[ZLULYN`LɉJPLUJ`\UKLY[OL that they should use in the event of an accident involving ionising measuring devices was put into operation, allowing the guidance of an energy coordinator. A working group was formed radiation. JHSPIYH[PVUHUK]LYPÄJH[PVUVMHSS[OLPUZ[Y\TLU[Z\ZLKH[*,95 ^P[O H ]PL^ [V KLÄUPUN ^H`Z [V TV]L MVY^HYK ,SZL^OLYL to measure beta, gamma, Xray and neutron radiation. CERN took part in the third edition of a series of workshops that it cofounded on energy for sustainable science in research (SSKH[HVUYHKPH[PVUPZWHZZLKVU[V*,95»Z[^V/VZ[:[H[LZ! infrastructures. A winwin rescue situation -YHUJLHUK:^P[aLYSHUK([YPWHY[P[LHNYLLTLU[ZPNULKIL[^LLU *,95HUKP[Z/VZ[:[H[LZPUYLWSHJLK[OLWYL]PV\ZIPSH[LYHS Bike to the Lab At the beginning of May, a mobile emergency response and agreements covering radiation protection and the safety of resuscitation service (SMUR) started operating on the Meyrin site. Another measure taken by CERN to reduce its environmental the Laboratory’s installations. In the framework of this new This new facility is the result of a cooperation agreement between PTWHJ[PZWYVTV[PUN¸W\ISPJ¹[YHUZWVY[PL[OLZO\[[SLZLY]PJLZ agreement, CERN provides the safety authorities in the two around and between the sites), car sharing and cycling. Boasting *,95 HUK [OL .LUL]H

38 | CERN 2015 | 39 CERN Council Committees of the Council

President of the Council: Professor A. Zalewska (Poland) Vice Presidents: +Y**LZHYZR`-YHUJL7YVMLZZVY>=HU+VUPUJR)LSNP\T

Member States /\UNHY` Sweden :JPLU[PÄJ7VSPJ`*VTTP[[LL ,_VɉJPVTLTILYZ Professor P. Lévai 7YVMLZZVY)ࠫZTHU Dr M. Johnsson Austria Professor J. Pálinkás Chair *OHPYVM[OL3/*,_WLYPTLU[Z*VTTP[[LL! Professor T. Nakada (Switzerland) 7YVMLZZVY--VY[P /,4Y;/HQUVJaP Switzerland Dr D. Weselka Israel Mr B. Moor Members Chair of the SPS and PS Experiments /,4Y,4HUVY Professor O. Schneider Professor B. Gavela Committee: Belgium Dr C. Vallée Professor E. Rabinovici 7YVMLZZVY4/HYYPZVU United Kingdom +Y=/HSSVPU 7YVMLZZVY4/\`ZL Professor W. Van Doninck Dr S. Ellis Professor K. Jakobs Chair of the ISOLDE and Neutron Italy Professor J. Womersley 7YVMLZZVY-3L+PILYKLY ;PTLVM-SPNO[,_WLYPTLU[Z*VTTP[[LL! Professor K. Blaum Bulgaria 7YVMLZZVY--LYYVUP Professor G. Martinelli Candidate for Accession 7YVMLZZVY/4\YH`HTH Professor L. Litov /,4Y4,:LYYH Professor K. Redlich Chair of the European Committee for Professor D. Tonev Romania Professor L. Rivkin -\[\YL(JJLSLYH[VYZ! Netherlands Professor T. Rodrigo 4Z)7ȋK\YVP\ 7YVMLZZVY/(IYHTV^PJa Professor S. de Jong Professor N. Roe Czech Republic 7YVMLZZVY5AHTÄY Dr J.T.M. Rokx Professor V. Rubakov Also present /,4Y12mYH Dr R. Leitner Associate Member State in the 7YVMLZZVY/:JOLSSTHU Professor Y. Suzuki President of the Council: Norway Prestage to Membership Professor D. Wark Professor A. Zalewska Denmark Dr B. Jacobsen Professor T. Wyatt 7YVMLZZVY11.HHYKO¥QL Professor E. Osnes Serbia *OHPYVM[OL-PUHUJL*VTTP[[LL! Mr R. Michelsen 7YVMLZZVY7(KaPDž Ms C. Jamieson Poland /,4Y=4SHKLUV]PDž DirectorGeneral: -PUSHUK Mr D. Drewniak Professor J. Äystö Associate Member States 7YVMLZZVY9+/L\LY Professor J. Królikowski Professor P. Pulkkinen Pakistan

Portugal /,4Z;1HUQ\H Mr M. Naeem -YHUJL Professor G. Barreira Dr C. Cesarsky Finance Committee /,4Y75\UV)mY[VSV Turkey /,4Z,3H\YPU Mr Z. Alper Chair 4Y<. ULȴ Germany Slovakia Ms C. Jamieson (United Kingdom) /,4Y-9VZVJOH Professor S. Bethke Observers Dr B. VierkornRudolph Professor B. Sitár Members One or more delegates from each Member State European Union, India, Japan, JINR Spain Greece (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research), /,4Y((SL_HUKYPZ 4Y-)HSSLZ[LYV 9\ZZPHU-LKLYH[PVU<5,:*6 Professor D. Nanopoulos /,4Z(44LUtUKLa7tYLa United States of America

40 | CERN 2015 | 41 Internal organisation Departments & groups

:+09 +PYLJ[VY.LULYHS:LJ[VY /9 /\THU9LZV\YJLZKLWHY[TLU[ 7/ 7O`ZPJZKLWHY[TLU[ DG DirectorGeneral /9*) *VTWLUZH[PVU )LULÄ[Z 7/(+, (;3(:+L[LJ[VY:`Z[LTZ /9+/6 +LWHY[TLU[/LHK6ɉJL DGAS Administrative Support 7/(+6 (;3(:+L[LJ[VY6WLYH[PVU /9-3 -YVU[SPUL DGCO Communication 7/(+7 (;3(:+H[H7YVJLZZPUN /93+ 3LHYUPUNHUK+L]LSVWTLU[ Director-General DGCS Council Secretariat /9:( :[HɈ(ZZVJPH[PVU:LJYL[HYPH[ 7/(+; (;3(:+(8 ;YPNNLY Rolf-Dieter Heuer +.+. 6ɉJLVM[OL+PYLJ[VY.LULYHS HKTPUPZ[YH[P]LS`H[[HJOLK[V/9 7/(0+ (30*,+L[LJ[VY :`Z[LTZ /9;( ;HSLU[(JX\PZP[PVU 7/(06 (30*,4HUHNLTLU[ ,UNPULLYPUN +.+0 +PYLJ[VYH[L6ɉJL :(; (JJLSLYH[VYZ ;LJOUVSVN`:LJ[VY Support DGEDU Education BE Beams department 7/(07 (30*,7O`ZPJZ *VTW\[PUN Stakeholder Relations Office BEABP Accelerator & Beam Physics Council Secretariat - B. Van Der Stichelen +.,< ,<7YVQLJ[Z6ɉJL Communication - J. Gillies BEASR Administration, Safety & 7/*4+ *4:+(8 ;YPNNLY EU Projects Office - S. Stavrev DGIA Internal Audit service Education - R. Landua Resources 7/*4.*4:7O`ZPJZ:VM[^HYL  Host States Relations - F. Eder DGIR International Relations International Relations - R. Voss BEBI Beam Instrumentation Internal Audit - L. Esteveny Computing Relations with International Organisations - M. Bona DGLS Legal Service BECO Controls Legal Service - E.-M. Gröniger-Voss 7/*46*4:6YNHUPZH[PVU +.79; 7YV[VJVS6ɉJL ),/+6 +LWHY[TLU[/LHK6ɉJL Occupational Health and Safety and Environmental 7/*4? *4:,_WLYPTLU[:`Z[LTZ BEOP Operations Protection Unit - R. Trant +.9/ 9LSH[PVUZ^P[O/VZ[:[H[LZ 7/+0 6ɉJLVM[OL+LWHY[TLU[3LHKLY Protocol Office - W. Korda DGRPC Resources Planning, Processes and ),9- 9HKPV-YLX\LUJ` Resources Planning, Processes and Controlling - EN Engineering department 7/+; +L[LJ[VY;LJOUVSVN` Controlling F. Sonnemann ENCV Cooling & Ventilation 7/,:, ,SLJ[YVUPJZ:`Z[LTZMVY Translation and Minutes - J. Pym DGTM Translation & Minutes ENEL Electrical Engineering Experiments ENGMS General Management & Secretariats +.: 6JJ\WH[PVUHS/LHS[O :HML[`HUK 7/3)* 3/*I*VTW\[PUN ,5/+6 +LWHY[TLU[/LHK6ɉJL Environmental Protection Unit 7/3)+ 3/*I+L[LJ[VY ,5/, /HUKSPUN,UNPULLYPUN +.:+0 /:,

42 | CERN 2015 | 43

Ion Particles SPS An ion is an atom with one or more electrons There are two groups of elementary particles, The Super . An accelerator removed (positive ion) or added (negative ion). X\HYRZ HUK SLW[VUZ ;OL X\HYRZ HYL \W HUK that provides beams for experiments at CERN, down, charm and strange, top and bottom HZ^LSSHZWYLWHYPUNILHTZMVY[OL3/* ISOLDE (beauty). The leptons are the electron and A radioactive ion beam facility that directs a electron neutrino, muon and muon neutrino, Standard Model beam of protons from the Proton Synchrotron [H\ HUK [H\ UL\[YPUV ;OL X\HYRZ HUK SLW[VUZ A collection of theories that embodies all of our Booster onto special targets to produce more which are all particles of matter, are referred current understanding about the behaviour of [OHUKPɈLYLU[PZV[VWLZMVYH^PKLYHUNLVM to collectively as fermions. There are four fundamental particles. research. (See also Isotope.) fundamental forces, or interactions, between particles, which are carried by special particles Superconductivity Isotope called bosons. Electromagnetism is carried by A property of some materials, usually at very low :SPNO[S`KPɈLYLU[]LYZPVUZVM[OLZHTLLSLTLU[ the photon, the weak force by the charged W temperatures, that allows them to carry electricity KPɈLYPUNVUS`PU[OLU\TILYVMUL\[YVUZPU[OL and neutral Z bosons, the strong force by the ^P[OV\[YLZPZ[HUJL0M`V\Z[HY[HJ\YYLU[ÅV^PUNPU atomic nucleus — the number of protons is the NS\VU"NYH]P[`PZWYVIHIS`JHYYPLKI`[OLNYH]P[VU HZ\WLYJVUK\J[VYP[^PSSRLLWÅV^PUNMVYL]LY· same. ^OPJOOHZUV[`L[ILLUKPZJV]LYLK/HKYVUZHYL as long as you keep it cold enough. particles that feel the strong force. They include Kelvin mesons, which are composite particles made up Supersymmetry ( \UP[ VM [LTWLYH[\YL 6UL RLS]PU PZ LX\HS [V VM H X\HYR¶HU[PX\HYR WHPY HUK IHY`VUZ ^OPJO A theory that predicts the existence of heavy one degree Celsius. The Kelvin scale begins HYLWHY[PJSLZJVU[HPUPUN[OYLLX\HYRZ7PVUZHUK ¸Z\WLYWHY[ULYZ¹[VHSSRUV^UWHY[PJSLZ0[PZILPUN H[ HIZVS\[L aLYV ¶‡* [OL JVSKLZ[ kaons are types of meson. Neutrons and protons [LZ[LKH[[OL3/* temperature possible. [OLJVUZ[P[\LU[ZVMVYKPUHY`TH[[LYHYLIHY`VUZ" UL\[YVUZJVU[HPUVUL\WHUK[^VKV^UX\HYRZ" Transfer line Lepton WYV[VUZ[^V\WHUKVULKV^UX\HYR Carries a beam of particles, e.g. protons, from A class of elementary particle that includes the one accelerator to another using magnets to electron. Leptons are particles of matter that do Positron guide the beam. not feel the strong force. (See also Particles.) The antiparticle of the electron. (See also Antimatter.) TeV 3/* See Electronvolt. ;OL 3HYNL /HKYVU *VSSPKLY *,95»Z IPNNLZ[ PS accelerator. The Proton Synchrotron, backbone of CERN’s Trigger accelerator complex. An electronic system for spotting potentially 3/*I3HYNL/HKYVU*VSSPKLYILH\[` interesting collisions in a particle detector and One of the four large experiments studying the Quadrupole triggering the detector’s readout system to JVSSPZPVUZH[[OL3/* A magnet with four poles, used to focus particle record the data resulting from the collision. beams rather like glass lenses focus light. Linac Vacuum See Accelerator. Quantum chromodynamics (QCD) A volume of space that is substantively empty The theory for the strong interaction, analogous of matter, so that gaseous pressure is much less Luminosity to QED. than standard atmospheric pressure. In particle physics, luminosity is a measure of how many particles pass through a given area in a Quantum electrodynamics (QED) >3*.>VYSK^PKL3/**VTW\[PUN.YPK certain amount of time. The higher the luminosity The theory of the electromagnetic interaction. The mission of the WLCG is to provide data KLSP]LYLKI`[OL3/*[OLSHYNLY[OLU\TILYVM storage and analysis infrastructure for the entire collision events happening at each experiment. Quark OPNOLULYN`WO`ZPJZJVTT\UP[`\ZPUN[OL3/* /LUJL TVYL S\TPUVZP[` TLHUZ TVYL WYLJPZL The smallest known elementary particle that feels results and an increased possibility to observe the strong force. (See also Particles.) rare processes. Quarkgluon plasma (QGP) Muon A state of matter in which protons and neutrons A particle similar to the electron, but some 200 break up into their constituent parts. QGP is times more massive. (See also Particles.) ILSPL]LK[VOH]LL_PZ[LKQ\Z[HM[LY[OL)PN)HUN

Muon chamber Sextupole (KL]PJL[OH[PKLU[PÄLZT\VUZHUK[VNL[OLY^P[O A magnet with six poles, used to apply corrections a magnetic system creates a muon spectrometer [V WHY[PJSL ILHTZ ([ [OL 3/* LPNO[ HUK [LU to measure momenta. pole magnets are also used for this purpose.

Neutrino Sigma A neutral particle that hardly interacts at all. ( YLWYLZLU[H[PVU VM Z[HUKHYK KL]PH[PVU ¶ [OL Neutrinos are very common and could hold the LYYVY THYNPU VU H TLHZ\YLTLU[ ¶ ^OLYL  HUZ^LYZ[VTHU`X\LZ[PVUZPUWO`ZPJZ:LLHSZV 5 sigma is the probability that a measurement is Particles.) 99.99994% correct.

UF;6- Spectrometer A facility that uses protons from the PS to create In particle physics, a detector system containing a a highintensity neutron beam to study neutron THNUL[PJÄLSK[VTLHZ\YLTVTLU[HVMWHY[PJSLZ induced reactions over a broad range of energies.

Nucleon The collective name for protons and neutrons.

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