Issue No. 37-38/2015 - Monday 7 September 2015 CERN Bulletin More articles at:


AWAKE is the proof-of-principle experiment whose aim is to use to generate LHC RUN 2 – REACHING THE TOP OF THE powerful wakefields to accelerate an electron beam. With accelerator gradients hundreds LEARNING CURVE of times higher than those used in current systems, this technique could revolutionise the field of particle acceleration. Installed in the tunnel previously used by the CNGS facility, As the LHC Physics conference gets underway AWAKE is completing the service installation phase and will receive the plasma cell in in St Petersburg, it’s a good time to take stock the coming months. of where things stand with Run 2.

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In this issue NEWS

AWAKE starts the equipment installation phase 1 The AWAKE line with all the magnets installed. (Image: AWAKE collaboration.) LHC Run 2 – reaching the top of the learning curve 1 AWAKE is the world’s first proton-driven be reused by AWAKE – and have modified LHC Report: plasma wakefield acceleration experiment. the services to meet AWAKE’s needs. a very productive hiatus 3 In AWAKE, a beam of protons from the SPS “We dismantled 100 metres of the proton A very cool cooling system 3 will be travelling through a plasma cell and beam line, completed the civil-engineering The new young face of this will generate a wakefield that, in turn, needed to house the new electron and laser the Pension Fund 4 will accelerate an electron beam. A laser will beam lines, removed several kilometres of Researchers’ Night 2015: ionise the gas in the plasma cell and seed the old cables, and installed some 100 kilometres exploring science in movies, self-modulation instability that will trigger the of new cables,” says Edda Gschwendtner, comics, poetry and games 4 wakefield in the plasma. CERN AWAKE project leader. “We have Road safety: take it seriously 5 installed the 16 magnets for the proton line for CERN servers go to Mexico 5 The project aims to prove that the plasma AWAKE, built the laser clean room, modified wakefield can be driven with protons and the access and cooling and ventilation… Computer Security 6 that acceleration will be extremely powerful, It has been a huge amount of work in a very Ombud’s Corner 6 hundreds of times more powerful than that short time.” Maurizio Lo Vetere (1965-2015) 7 achieved today. Integrating a new experiment into an existing Official news 7 Over about 18 months of hard work, the facility is extremely challenging, but now that Take note 10 teams have cleared the old CNGS area – the area has been cleared and is ready for the Training 12 leaving only the infrastructure that will future installations, Ans Pardons, AWAKE’s Seminars 12

(Continued on page 2)

Published by: CERN-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland Tel. + 41 22 767 35 86 Printed by: CERN Printshop © 2015 CERN - ISSN: Printed version: 2077-950X Electronic version: 2077-9518 A word from the DG (Continued from page 1) LHC REPORT: A VERY PRODUCTIVE HIATUS LHC RUN 2 – REACHING THE TOP OF THE LEARNING CURVE On Monday, 24 August, the LHC transitioned from nascent 25 ns operation to a two-week hiatus demonstrations of the collimating potential For all those involved with operating fully understood and due to be rectified in are being taken during the technical stop, devoted to luminosity calibration (two days), machine development (five days) and a technical of bent crystals. the LHC and its experiments in this new the September technical stop, has cost us aimed at finding a way to continue to stop (five days). energy and intensity regime, 2015 was time. Synchrotron radiation and electron operate the magnet with an acceptable The beams were dumped at 6 a.m. sharp always going to be a learning curve. And clouds become more of an issue at the duty cycle. All being well, CMS will be able on the morning of Monday, 31 August in learning we most certainly are. The main energy we’re now running at, so we have to take data satisfactorily with field on until beam movement during the scan and other preparation for the five-day technical stop, objective for this year has always been to learn how to live with that. And the the end of the 2015 physics programme, factors allow determination of the absolute which has just finished. The key objectives to set up the machine and experiments infamous Unidentified Falling Objects postponing the cleaning operation until luminosity. ATLAS, ALICE, CMS and LHCb all of this technical stop were modifications for production running at high energy – UFOs – are back, though there is now the winter stop in order to be ready for had dedicated time for Van der Meer scans. to the critical Quench Protection System, and high intensity in 2016, 17 and 18. strong evidence that these decrease with the start of 2016. TOTEM and ALFA also took advantage of the the consolidation of the cooling and That said, the experiments have all been time. All in all, as time goes on, the LHC’s special conditions to take data. electrical distribution systems and important able to collect quality data at 13 TeV, performance gets better, and I believe it To conclude, I’d like to congratulate maintenance work on the cryogenics system. with the first Run 2 papers and conference is shaping up well to deliver good beam everyone concerned in getting us to where The LHC machine development (MD) period It involved a huge number of activities. presentations being written and delivered for the rest of 2015 and through the we are today: on the threshold of the first that followed consisted of a wide variety of The combined effort, coordinated by a team this summer. production phase of Run 2 starting in 2016. LHC Physics conference with 13 TeV data No stopping for Sunday at the CERN Control Centre. measurement and development programmes from EN/MEF, was very successful. (Image courtesy: Rogelio Tomás Garcia) on display. Along with the continuing ranging from exploring the limits of smaller It would be unfair of me, however, to give For the experiments, most things have flow of exciting results from Run 1, such as beam sizes at the interaction point to Following the technical stop, the first key the impression that it’s all been plain gone smoothly, but many of you will be the combined ATLAS-CMS result on Higgs Accurate calibration of the luminosity is collimation using bent crystals. Free from the step is revalidation of the LHC with beam sailing. As well as the highs: smooth aware that the cryogenic system supplying couplings presented today, there’s much vital input for many of an experiment’s challenges of high beam intensity, machine from a machine-protection standpoint. recommissioning of the machine, physics the CMS magnet has been having some good physics to digest already from Run 2. measurements. The luminosity is calibrated availability was high during this remarkably Some dedicated system optimisation will be getting underway, and a successful difficulty. As a result, a fraction of the data And as we approach the top of the learning using separation scans pioneered in 1968 successful MD period. Highlights included followed by the continuation of the intensity transition to 25-nanosecond bunch CMS has taken this year is at zero-field. curve, there’s the promise of very much by Simon van der Meer at the ISR. In these the validation of a beta* of 40 cm, which ramp-up with 25 ns beam and hopefully spacing, we’ve also had our fair share of As I write, the system seems to be stable, more to come. scans, carefully prepared beams are stepped effectively doubles the luminosity potential several weeks of sustained luminosity delivery lows. There have been no show-stoppers, but it’s clear that there are contaminants across each other, horizontally and vertically, of the present set-up. Collimation experts with this bunch spacing. but rather a series of more minor issues in the cold box that supplies the magnet Rolf Heuer one plane at a time. Accurate measurements and members of the UA9 collaboration were that have slowed things down. Sensitivity with liquid helium, and this will therefore of the interaction rates, beam intensity, also able to carry out successful tests and Mike Lamont for the LHC team of the quench-protection system, now need a thorough clean. Interim measures


INSTALLATION PHASE The NA62 Gigatracker is a jewel of technology: its sensor, which delivers the time of the crossing particles with a precision of less than 200 picoseconds (better than similar LHC detectors), Coordination Package Leader for Integration the laser and the experimental equipment has a cooling system that might become the precursor to a completely new detector technique. and Installation, speaks with a smile: “It has will be ready for hardware commissioning, been a challenging time for the CERN teams and beam commissioning will start in whole system at its operating temperature. and the collaborating institutes involved in the summer. “Next year will continue to be very One hundred and fifty microchannels are etched in the ultra- the project, but we can’t relax yet! We are now intense for the whole collaboration,” confirms Each of the microchannels is just 70 µm deep thin silicon cooling plate, which is then bonded on the silicon looking forward to installing the various beam Edda. “Indeed, in parallel to starting physics and the silicon plate is only a few dozen µm sensor and the readout chip. and diagnostics components and starting to using the proton beam line, we will continue thicker. This means that the microchannel test them.” the installation of the electron line with cooling system can be implemented in be more effective as the distance between the the aim of starting the acceleration tests in silicon trackers as the additional material the point where the heat is produced – namely One of AWAKE’s core components is the 2017.” beam particles have to cross is minimised and the readout chip – and the coolant would be 10-metre-long plasma cell that will be therefore the influence on the particle track is minimised.” arriving in the tunnel in a couple of months. If everything goes as planned, the AWAKE The 115 metre long vacuum tank of the NA62 experiment. reduced significantly compared to traditional A first prototype has successfully completed collaboration hopes to measure the first cooling methods. The stable low temperature Experts in the CERN Physics department are helps to reduce the radiation damage to the commissioning tests in CERN’s North wakefields in the plasma cell in about one year The NA62 Gigatracker (GTK) is composed of a currently working on future developments Area where the uniformity of the plasma from now. detector and therefore increases its lifetime in of this technology for high-energy physics set of three innovative silicon pixel detectors, the harsh environment. temperature in the cell has been validated. The whose job is to measure the arrival time and detectors and beyond, as this technique installation of the plasma cell in the AWAKE Antonella Del Rosso could also be used in high-density computing, the position of the incoming beam particles. In the NA62 GTK, the sensors, readout tunnel will be followed by the installation Installed in the heart of the NA62 detector, medical imaging and, more generally, in fields of the laser, the vacuum equipment and the electronics and cooling plates are all made where images with sub-nanosecond time- the silicon sensors are cooled down (to about of silicon. This is why the natural evolution diagnostic system for both laser and proton -20 degrees Celsius) by a microfluidic silicon measurement precision are used. beams. In March 2016, the proton line, scientists are thinking of is the integration device. “The cooling system is needed to of all the three components in one single The 10-metre plasma cell prototype put under test in EHN1. remove the heat produced by the readout Watch the video: (Image: AWAKE collaboration.) device. “This is what we call a ‘monolithic chips the silicon sensor is bonded to,” explains device’,” explains Mapelli. “In Alessandro Mapelli, microsystems engineer experiments, it is very important to reduce working in the Physics department. “For the the amount of material used in high-precision NA62 Gigatracker we have designed a cooling detectors. A single device incorporating the plate on top of which both the silicon sensor sensing layer, the electronics, and the services, and the readout chip are bonded.” such as the cooling, would be a very compact and thin system. It would also be less fragile One hundred and fifty microchannels are than the current systems because it would etched in the ultrathin silicon cooling plate require fewer manipulations. Finally, it would Antonella Del Rosso in which a coolant circulates and keeps the 2 CERN Bulletin Issue No. 37-38/2015 3 • At the Pathé cinema, ESA astronaut screening of , with special * Via videoconference. Roberto Vittori*, ISS expert Jules guests Mark Levinson* (the film’s THE NEW YOUNG FACE OF Grandsire and AMS physicist Laurent director), (CERN Director- Watch the video: Derome will explore the science in the General Designate), Martin Aleska (ATLAS THE PENSION FUND movie Gravity. physicist) and Mike Lamont (head of LHC • Throughout the day, in Balexert’s Place operations). de la Fontaine, CERN scientists will be giving demonstrations about the states In addition, in association with POPScience, Matthew Eyton-Jones is the new Chief Executive Officer of the CERN Pension Fund. He joined of matter using liquid nitrogen. These BD Fil, the Comics Festival in Lausanne “Fun with Physics” demonstrations will from 10 to 13 September, will be offering 4 the Organization in July and will meet with CERN pensioners for the first time on 15 September. involve and enthuse the whole family.­­ invitations to the first people to register on Here he speaks with the Bulletin about himself, his vision and the challenges that lie ahead. In addition, there will be a demonstration this Doodle ( For of augmented reality and poetry the full programme of events and activities, Katarina Anthony Before coming to CERN, Matthew held different asset classes, including equities, fixed readings. visit the POPScience website on: http://www. pension management and consultancy income, private equity, real estate, alternative • The evening will conclude with a special! positions at a number of international investments, and money markets. “As with any organisations, including the John Lewis other pension fund, CERN’s fund is a complex Partnership, Goldman Sachs, the Bank of eco-system with a lot of stakeholders, market America and Mercer Consulting. In his role participants and many interlinked activities Matthew Eyton-Jones joined CERN on 1 July as the new Chief as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the CERN taking place around the world,” says Matthew. Executive Officer of the CERN Pension Fund. Pension Fund, he is responsible for the day- “Pension funds play an important role in to-day management of the fund on behalf of society, not only providing financial security well-managed and that people, including and under the supervision of the Governing for individuals and their families, but also Council members, the Staff and Pensioner Board. “In my career, I have been involved in acting as an important source of capital in Associations and all the other stakeholders, ROAD SAFETY: TAKE IT SERIOUSLY the operation and running of various pension financial markets.” understand the Fund and how it works.” funds around the world,” he says. “However, in the case of CERN, I am not only attracted by Living in such a complex environment is one We might never really understand the the pension fund itself. The thing that really of Matthew’s hardest challenges. However, Pension Fund as well as Matthew does but cyclists) and making sure that we are visible to there’s a reassuring look in his eyes as he says: Around 50 road accidents happen every year at CERN. Cyclists, drivers and pedestrians must triggered my personal interest in taking over he is used to that and he does not forget the pay attention to their behaviour at all times to ensure that this doesn’t become an even more other road users can be very effective and can this position is the Organization’s unique importance of the end client. “Pensioners “I am not a scientist but some of the things prevent more serious accidents. culture, the people who work here, and must get a service that works for them,” CERN has done are impressive and have had serious problem. Even if the Laboratory’s sites are not exactly downtown Shanghai, all road their amazing scientific and technological says Matthew. “The day-to-day operational a huge positive impact on society. I will work users need to make a little effort. So let’s do it! Since 2005, any person involved in or achievements.” administration has to be efficient, pensioners’ hard to make its pension fund become a witnessing an accident or a near miss is questions have to be dealt with correctly benchmark in the world out there.” Keep up expected to complete an internal accident the good work! frequent safety campaigns, the number of The CERN Pension Fund manages over 4 and the pensions have to be paid on time. accidents, particularly those involving cyclists, report form. These reports are then used by billion Swiss francs in assets, both internally But there is more than just that. We have to has remained high since 2008. the HSE Unit to compile statistics and analyse and externally. It invests in a number of make sure that the whole thing is well-run, Antonella Del Rosso the problems so that they can take measures Luckily, no-one has been seriously injured but to enhance safety. By reporting a near miss, it is more and more frequent to experience you are helping to prevent a similar incident near misses or actual accidents, whether and therefore to reduce the accident toll. Life at CERN: let’s stick to accumulating scientific data rather in a car or on a bike. Incivilities, excessive than road accidents! (Cartoon by Cian O’Luanaigh) speeding (also for bikes!) and answering Driving, cycling and walking to work must be the phone while driving are all examples of safe routine activities for everyone. Let’s stick Despite a dedicated Safety Code in force since dangerous behaviour. Obviously, preventive to accumulating scientific data rather than RESEARCHERS’ NIGHT 2015: 1990, “traffic-calming” measures put in place measures such as paying more attention, road accidents. last year, several reminders in the Bulletin and wearing protective equipment (in the case of EXPLORING SCIENCE IN MOVIES, Antonella Del Rosso COMICS, POETRY AND GAMES

On Friday, 25 September, CERN will be celebrating the European Researchers’ Night with • Authors and illustrators will be signing a series of events and activities at the Balexert shopping centre. From celebrity Q&A sessions their works and speaking with fans CERN SERVERS GO TO MEXICO at FNAC: Jorge Cham (PHD Comics), Gao to author signings, there’s something for everyone! Xingjian (Nobel laureate), Jaouen (Eternum), Michel Spiro (Si tu devais The fun will kick off prior to the night itself, and Susanne Stephan - will also present their me dessiner l’Univers) and Camille On Wednesday, 26 August, 384 servers from the CERN Computing Centre were donated to with a number of pre-events held throughout poetry inspired by science and their recent Ladousse (illustrator of CERN’s Passport the Faculty of Science in Physics and Mathematics (FCFM) and the Mesoamerican Centre for September. From 8 to 12 September, CERN visit. to the Big Bang). Theoretical Physics (MCTP) at the University of Chiapas, Mexico. a mock-up of the LHC tunnel will be installed • It’s gloves off as The PHD Movie and in the central court of the Balexert shopping That same day, Jorge Cham, creator of PHD The Big Bang Theory compete! Jorge centre. Representatives from CERN will be on Comics, will be giving a talk in CERN’s Main Cham, director of The PHD Movie, and CERN’s Director-General, Rolf Heuer, met the Mexican rep- hand to speak to shoppers, and to encourage Auditorium. Cham will explore the guilt and David Saltzberg*, CMS physicist and resentatives in an official ceremony in Building 133, where scientific consultant for the TV show the servers were prepared for shipment. From left to right: them to participate in Researchers’ Night. the myths associated with procrastination, Frédéric Hemmer, CERN IT Department Head; Raúl Here- arguing that it is actually a good thing! Cham The Big Bang Theory, will talk about the dia Acosta, Deputy Permanent Representative of Mexico On 24 September, at “Made of shadow and will also be signing copies of his books before projects and their impact on the public to the United Nations and International Organizations in light”, an event hosted by the University of and after the talk, and will also introduce a perception of science. Geneva; Jorge Castro-Valle Kuehne, Ambassador of Mexico Geneva, Nobel laureate in Literature Gao CERN screening of The PHD Movie 2. • Lawrence Krauss*, author of The Physics to the Swiss Confederation and the Principality of Liechten- Xingjian, will present poems and drawings of Star Trek and Kip Thorne*, scientific stein; Rolf Heuer, CERN Director-General; Luis Roberto Flores Castillo, President of the Swiss Chapter of the Global Net- created specifically for the event. Sergio Now to the event itself! Friday, 25 September consultant for the film Interstellar, work of Qualified Mexicans Abroad; Virginia Romero Tellez, Bertolucci, CERN Director of Research will be jam-packed, with activities starting at will join CERN scientists Maurizio Coordinator of Institutional Relations of the Swiss Chapter and Computing, will provide a scientific 10 a.m. and wrapping-up at 1 a.m. the next Pierini, and Lillian Smestad to explore of the Global Network of Qualified Mexicans Abroad; José perspective on the content. Three POPScience day. Here are a few of the highlights: the science of Hollywood blockbusters. Salicio-Diez, CERN’s Advisor to the Office for International poets - Gwyneth Lewis, Deborah D’Agostino Relationship for Latin America; Flavio Costa, Coordinator within the CERN IT department of the donation of servers. 4 CERN Bulletin Issue No. 37-38/2015 5 The periodic replacement of computer are to be used for data processing while others In the process leading up to this donation, the in their own separate realities, each blaming will continue to be poisoned by the past. It means stepping out of one’s comfort zone equipment that no longer meets CERN’s are for data storage – will be used by the interaction between CERN and the Mexican the other and being too proud to take the A step forward on the part of one, however, and inviting the other to do the same, thus highly specific requirements is necessary. Mexican institutes for a variety of scientific and institutions was coordinated by the Swiss first step towards reconciliation, they will be will inevitably bring about a change in the creating a very different zone of comfort However, the old equipment can still be used educational projects in the fields of physics, Chapter of the Global Network of Qualified unable to find a way out. other and help to gradually break down the focused on shared interests. effectively in less demanding environments, mathematics, energy and environmental Mexicans Abroad; this organisation actively The only way out of this kind of an impasse, antagonism that has built up over the years. including universities and scientific institutes sciences. The computing equipment will also seeks to create links between Mexican and however, is by deciding to let bygones be At this stage, mediation, or a discussion around the world. Since 2012, no less than be available to the large community of users Swiss scientists, students and institutes as bygones, acknowledging the behaviours on Changing the situation needs to become a in the presence of a third person, such as 1,533 servers and 103 switches have been in Central America, with whom the FCFM one of its pillars. In Chiapas, the Rotary Club both sides that need to change and agreeing necessity. If this is perceived to be the case, a supervisor or the Ombud, might be an donated this way to scientific or educational and MCTP share scientific activity. Students of Oriente de Tuxtla has provided support in to move forward towards a different work the question will no longer be “Who takes the additional option to support them in their projects. of different grades in Chiapas and the monitoring the donation process, including pattern. first step?” but, rather, “What am I willing to do endeavour and help to unblock the situation surrounding region will also benefit from the the installation and operation of the acquired for this to change?” by providing them with the framework within This time, in addition to the servers, increased computing capacity of the Mexican equipment. For this to happen, at least one of them needs which to overcome their age-old differences 24 network switches and 26 racks have been institutes thanks to their dedicated distance- to have the courage to step back and examine Taking such a step is by no means easily done, and move forward towards the starting point donated by CERN to Mexico. Once at their learning programmes and outreach activities. Stefania Pandolfi the situation, identify what they themselves however, as it implies putting aside feelings of a new relationship. destination, these servers – some of which can do differently so as to bring about a that were undoubtedly legitimate in the past, different reaction from the other and unblock and asking oneself questions such as: “What is the unhealthy situation. As long as each waits it that I really want today? What am I prepared All previous Ombud’s Corners can be accessed in for the other person to take action, nothing to do to achieve it?” And crucially also, “What the Ombud’s blog. will change, and all current and future projects am I prepared to give up in order to get there?” Computer Security Sudeshna Datta-Cockerill MAURIZIO LO VETERE (1965 - 2015) YOUR CAR, MY CONTROL The high-energy physics community mourns the sudden loss of Maurizio Lo Vetere, CMS and where he was appreciated as a teacher for We have discussed the Internet of Things (IoT) and its security implications already in past issues and complicated effort, how is your security TOTEM member, who was the victim of a bike accident. several undergraduate and PhD courses of the CERN Bulletin, for example in “Today’s paranoia, tomorrow’s reality”. Unfortunately, at home? For your car? For your fridge? For spanning a broad range of subjects. your home entertainment system? He became an Associate Professor in 2014. tomorrow has come. At this years’s Black Hat conference researchers presented their findings PhD student on experiment PS202 (JETSET) on how easily your car can be hacked and controlled remotely. Sigh. P.S. If you own a Jeep Cherokee, a patch for this at LEAR. Rarely can one find such a large base of flaw is available on: knowledge related to experimental particle While these researchers have just shown emergency calls (eCalls). The aforementioned European models are said not to be affected. During his PhD years, he also contributed physics as Maurizio’s. His competencies that they can wirelessly hijack a Jeep researchers found a vulnerability in the Fiat/ to experiment PS210, which produced and ranged from theoretical foundations to Cherokee, others have performed similar Jeep “Uconnect” GSM feature that allowed observed antihydrogen atoms for the first detection techniques and data analysis, studies with SmartCars, Fords, a Tesla, a them to connect to a Jeep Cherokee remotely, time. In the following years, he moved to and also included vast expertise in technical Corvette, BMWs, Chryslers and Mercedes! manipulate its firmware, and, finally, take full For further information, questions or help, experiment E835 at Fermilab, which was aspects such as electronic design and With the increasing computerisation of control of the radio, the air con, and even the check: dedicated to the study of charmonium software development. His pleasant manner cars, the engine management system, air accelerator! Definitely not something you or contact us at spectroscopy. and high-spirited attitude always helped to conditioning, anti-lock braking system, want to experience on the motorway… The [email protected]. maintain an enjoyable atmosphere at work. electronic stability programme, etc. are other findings concerning Fords, Teslas, and In 1996, he joined the BaBar collaboration at linked to the infotainment, navigation and Corvettes are no less worrying… Do you want to learn more about computer On 8 August, 2015, during a mountain bike SLAC, where, for a decade, he made significant Away from work, Maurizio was an enthusiast security incidents and issues at CERN? Follow ride in the upland of his hometown of Genoa, contributions, in particular to the construction of the outdoor sports that eventually betrayed communication systems, opening the door our Monthly Report: for these vehicles to be hacked remotely. The So, computer security problems that were Italy, 50-year-old Maurizio Lo Vetere fell down and operation of the system. It was in him. His passionate presence will be sorely a scarp. By the time first-aiders arrived on the 2005 that he made his return to CERN when missed by his much beloved family – his now prevalent Bluetooth connection with prevalent in PCs in the 1990s and led to monthly-reports.shtml. smartphones is one entry vector to attack industrial control systems in the 2000s (see scene, it was too late. he joined the TOTEM Collaboration, serving wife Paola and children Marta and Matteo – your car remotely. A second is the built-in our article “Hacking control systems, switching as deputy spokesperson for two years. More and his many friends and colleagues at his GSM modem, which is even part of a new lights off!”) are now entering our daily life Maurizio was an Associate Professor of the recently, in 2012, he joined CMS with his University, INFN, and the high-energy physics University of Genoa and team leader of the group. community as a whole. legal requirement in EU states for cars to be (“Our life in symbiosis”)! And while patching Stefan Lueders, Computer Security Team fitted with the ability to make automatic CERN’s LHC control systems is already a big Genoa group in CMS. He began his career in high-energy physics at CERN, working first Meanwhile, he had also started his teaching His friends and colleagues as an undergraduate, and subsequently as a career in 1999 at the University of Genoa,

Ombud’s Corner Official news

STUCK IN CONFLICT – WHY ME FIRST? Tuesday, 15 September 2015 Office 5-5-012, Postbox C23800 15 SEPTEMBER: ANNUAL 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. CH- 1211 Geneva 23 - Switzerland When a long-standing conflict appears to permeate every action, and even the rest of the team make the first move. “No, it’s not my fault, why INFORMATION MEETING OF THE should I take that step?” they say. PENSION FUND Following a presentation by the Chief Copies of the 2014 Pension Fund Financial seem resigned to there being no hope of a solution, there is still always a way out, even if only Executive Officer of the Fund there will be a Statements are already available as a print- one of the people concerned decides to do something about it… Questions and Answers session. Members and able PDF on the Pension Fund website Undeniably, an ongoing conflict like this All members and beneficiaries of the Pension can have a very negative effect on both the Beneficiaries are welcome to send questions ( Fund are invited to attend the Annual in advance of the meeting by post to: management/financial-statements) and John and Paul have been working in the being able to do as good a job as they would work and the career of the people concerned will also be distributed at the annual meeting. same unit for many years. For a long time, like. When asked about the unpleasant because, in refusing to talk to each other, Information Meeting. Mr Matthew Eyton-Jones however, following a very serious conflict situation, John and Paul separately they put themselves (and their colleagues) in ***Please note the room change *** “Annual Information Meeting” *Coffee and croissants will be served prior to they had earlier in their career, they have not acknowledge that they are locked in a a position that may jeopardise their work and CERN Main Auditorium CEO - CERN Pension Fund the meeting as of 9:00 a.m.* been talking to each other and there is no destructive relationship and recognise the hamper their working relationships. Even if direct interaction between the two. Somehow fact that it is affecting their working lives. they realise that something needs to be done CERN Pension Fund the old disagreement is blocking them from However, neither John nor Paul wants to to change the situation, by remaining locked 6 CERN Bulletin Issue No. 37-38/2015 7 CERN/DSU-DO/RH/13173/Rev.2). The following persons are required to be in 4. Initial application 7. Surrender Consequently, members of the personnel EDUCATION FEES – NEW FORMS possession of a valid document: are urged to co-operate with the services 1. Types of document and use The initial application for a document issued a) Requirement responsible for the above-mentioned The application forms for the payment of a) members of the personnel, from the date by the MAE must be made via the Users formalities (departmental secretariats, education fees have been updated and are a) Special CD-, FI- and AT-type residence on which they take up their appointment, Office (in the case of users, cooperation It is imperative that all documents issued the Cards Office, the Users Office, etc.) to now available in the Admin e-guide (under permits who have a full-time contract with CERN for a associates and visiting scientists) or the Cards by the MAE are surrendered to the ministry ensure that all formalities are completed in the “Useful Documents” heading): period of more than three months, unless they Office (in the case of all other members of via the Users Office (in the case of users, accordance with the regulations. These permits serve as residence permits for hold a temporary long-stay visa (“visa de long the personnel) as soon as the member of cooperation associates and visiting scientists) members of the personnel and their family séjour temporaire”, VLST). personnel concerned arrives at CERN. or the Cards Office (in the case of all other • Payment of education fees (including Relations with the Host States service members who are not of French nationality In the event of failure to do so, the French members of the personnel): language course fees) – AC12A (form to and do not have the status of long-term b) the family members of a member of the authorities cannot issue the documents - at the end of the contract with CERN, or be used by staff members recruited before 1 [email protected] resident . personnel falling into the category defined to which those concerned may claim - if the contract no longer covers full-time Tel. 72848/75152 1 January 2007, with the exception of under paragraph 2.a) above, from the date of entitlement. activities or activities lasting more than three former “local staff”). They certify that their holders enjoy the their arrival in France, namely: months. 1Any persons not of French nationality who privileges and immunities provided for by the Furthermore, those who fail to apply for a • Payment of education fees – AC12B (form have been residing in France for more than three Status Agreement between CERN and France - spouses, whether by marriage or by a Pacte document run the risk of infringing French Moreover, a child’s special residence permit months on the date on which the MAE is notified to be used by staff members recruited on (immunity from legal process in the discharge Civil de Solidarité (PACS) or its legal equivalent; regulations with regard to residence permits must be surrendered when the child or after 1 January 2007, by fellows, of their recruitment are considered by the MAE of their duties, entitlement to drive a vehicle as all persons of full legal age are required to concerned reaches 21 years of age. Children to be long-term residents. scientific associates and guest professors registered in a special series, etc.; it should be - single children up to 21 years of age if they obtain a residence permit: wishing to continue to reside in France and by former “local staff” whose noted that members of the personnel holding live with their parents and can provide proof beyond that point must submit a request for 2 (in French only) contracts started before 1 January 2007). a full-time contract of less than six months of dependency on the permit holder and a - if they are not nationals of an EEA member a residence permit to their local prefecture duration with CERN do not enjoy any such valid certificate of enrolment at an educational state or Switzerland, and no later than two months prior to their 21st 3 (in French only) The Education Fees service will continue privileges). establishment; birthday. to accept the old forms until the end of the - if they reside in France for more than 90 4 current academic year, i.e. until 31 August Furthermore, holders of a special residence - dependent parents (parents and parents-in- days or, in the case of intermittent periods of b) Professional activity 2015. permit are not required to obtain a visa law living with the member of the personnel). residence, are physically present in France for 5 h (in French) for tourist trips (including conferences) to more than 90 days in any six-month period. Family members authorized to take up gainful Members of the personnel are reminded countries applying the Schengen Convention N.B.: nationals of a member state of the employment in France henceforth keep their that any false declaration or failure to declare (currently: Austria, Belgium, the Czech European Economic Area (hereinafter 5. Renewal special residence permit. information with a view to deceiving others Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, referred to as the “EEA”2) or Switzerland are 109TH ACCU MEETING or achieving a gain that would result in a Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, no longer required to apply for a French Applications for the renewal of a document N.B. : Applications to take up gainful financial loss for CERN or in damage to its Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, residence permit. However, they may, within issued by the MAE must be submitted via the employment by family members holding a Agenda for the meeting to be held on reputation constitutes fraud and may lead to Malta, Norway, the Netherlands, Poland, three months of arriving in France, apply for a Users Office (in the case of users, cooperation French special card are handled on a case- disciplinary action, in accordance with Article Tuesday, 8 September 2015 at 9.15 a.m. in Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden special residence permit, in particular in order associates and visiting scientists) or the Cards by-case basis. They must be addressed to the Room Georges Charpak (Room F, 60-6-015) S VI 2.01 of the Staff Rules. and Switzerland). to be entitled to drive a vehicle registered in a Office (in the case of all other members of the MAE via CERN, by note verbale accompanied special series. personnel), no later than one month prior to by an offer of employment, mentioning the 1. Chairperson’s remarks For more information (benefits, procedure, b) AR-, FR-, CR- and EF-type “attestations de the document’s expiry date. As a general rule, expected remuneration (which must be in reference documents, etc.), please consult 2. Adoption of the agenda fonctions” 3. Visa these offices send a reminder via e-mail to the accordance with the French minimum wage 3. Minutes of the previous meeting the pages of the Admin e-guide relating to persons concerned. regulations, regardless of the hours worked the payment of education fees, as well as the 4. Report on services from GS department All members of the CERN personnel, whatever a) Special residence permit – information in French only at http://cern. 5. Report on services from IT department corresponding FAQ section, which has also their status, enjoy the immunities provided Those whose legitimation document has ch/go/Rh7P) and a copy of the request been updated. 6. News from the CERN Management for by the Status Agreement between CERN To qualify for a special residence permit issued expired are in violation of the regulations, submitted to the competent authorities. 7. 60 years of the Staff Association and France (in particular, immunity from legal by the MAE, persons who are not nationals of which could create difficulties for them, 8. The CERN Ombuds Human Resources department process in the discharge of their duties). Switzerland or an EEA member state must in particular when crossing international c) Certificate of surrender [email protected] 9. Opportunities to visit CERN present the following documents within three borders. 10. Users’ Office News CERN and the MAE have decided that AR- or months of arriving at CERN: If so requested via the Users Office (in the case 11. Matters arising FR-type attestations de fonctions need no 6. Change of name, change of country of of users, cooperation associates and visiting 12. Any other business DOCUMENTS ISSUED BY THE longer be issued to French nationals residing i. either a D-type (long-stay) French visa residence and promotion scientists) or the Cards Office (in the case of 13. ACCU Meetings 2016 (proposal) FRENCH MINISTRY OF FOREIGN in France and non-French long-term residents marked “carte PROMAE à solliciter à l’arrivée”, all other members of the personnel), the 14. Agenda for the next meeting in France, provided that CERN sends to the even if they are not subject to the requirement In the following cases, an application for a MAE may – exceptionally and subject to the AFFAIRS AND INTERNATIONAL MAE each month a list of the members of to obtain an entry and short-stay visa in new special residence permit and attestation presentation of proof of having applied for a 3 Anyone wishing to raise any points under “Any DEVELOPMENT the personnel falling into those categories, France ; de fonctions must be submitted via the Users residence permit from the prefecture, whose other business” is invited to send them to the ensuring that the immunities provided for by Office (in the case of users, cooperation issue is decided by the Interior Ministry – Chairperson in writing or by e-mail to ACCU. New provisions and reminder the Status Agreement are applied to them. ii. or, if they are the spouse, dependent child or associates and visiting scientists) or the Cards issue a certificate of surrender of the special [email protected]. dependent parent of a national of Switzerland Office (in the case of all other members of the residence permit. EF- and CR-type attestations de fonctions or an EEA member state (excluding France), a personnel) as promptly as possible: Michael Hauschild (Secretary) In the interests of simplifying administrative will continue to be issued as previously. photocopy of a valid residence permit issued 8. Duplicates procedures and formalities, the French 4 As a reminder, while these documents are by a European Union (EU ) member state a) change of civil status (name, nationality, ACCU is a forum for discussion between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International proof of the holder’s status as a member of marked “EU family member”. etc.); In the event of loss, theft or deterioration of a Development (hereinafter referred to as “the CERN Management and representatives the CERN personnel, they have no validity document issued by the MAE, the holder must of the CERN users in order to review the MAE”) and CERN have decided that members as residence permits since they are issued N.B.: the family members of a French b) removal from France to Switzerland or vice- apply for a duplicate via the Users Office (in of the CERN personnel domiciled in France, practical means taken by CERN to support both to members of the personnel residing in national who are not themselves nationals versa; the case of users, cooperation associates and the work of Users of the Laboratory. The User whether of French nationality or long-term France, whether French nationals or long-term of Switzerland or an EEA member state must visiting scientists) or the Cards Office (in the 1 Representatives to ACCU are: residents , will no longer be issued with an residents (CR-type), and to those residing in present a D-type visa5 under ordinary law in c) a promotion to a salary band requiring a case of all other members of the personnel), AR- or FR-type “attestation de fonctions”. Switzerland (EF-type). order to obtain a residence permit issued by different type of legitimation document to after having reported the loss or theft as . Austria M. Jeitler the prefecture. be issued: required (please see the procedure in the The MAE also wishes to remind members ([email protected]) N.B.: holders of an EF-type attestation CERN Admin e-guide, . Belgium M. Tytgat of the personnel of the following rules de fonctions are not required to obtain a b) EF-type “attestation de fonctions” - personnel classified in bands Aa to Ae, Ba to W8Vr). The MAE will issue a duplicate only concerning the documents that it issues ([email protected]) French visa for temporary travel in France for Bc, Ca, Cb and Da: AT-type document, once. . Bulgaria N.N. and to point out that compliance with these professional reasons. This dispensation is not Members of the personnel who are not rules is essential for the proper operation of . Czech Republic S. Nemecek valid for travel in the other countries applying nationals of Switzerland or an EEA member - personnel classified in bands Be, Cc, Db to De, In the event of non-compliance with the ([email protected]) all international organisations established in the Schengen Convention. state, for whom an application for an EF-type Ea to Ee, Fa and Fb: FI-type document, aforementioned rules and in accordance with France. . Denmark J.B. Hansen attestation de fonctions must be made, must international law, the MAE reserves the right ([email protected]) 2. Persons issued with a special residence hold a Swiss D-type visa or a Swiss legitimation - personnel classified in bands Fc and Ga to Gc: to take appropriate measures, in particular to This notification replaces the one that . Finland K. Lassila-Perini permit card. CD- or CR-type document. refuse to issue a special residence permit or an ([email protected]) appeared in issue 19/2006 of the Bulletin (ref. attestation de fonctions.

8 CERN Bulletin Issue No. 37-38/2015 9 . France F. Ferri ([email protected]) . Slovak Republic A. Dubnicková (Anna. Sigurd Lettow (Director for Administration DIVERSITY IN ACTION WORKSHOP Friday, 18 September 2015 Can Future Energy Needs be Met and A. Rozanov (Alexandre.Rozanov@ [email protected]) and General Infrastructure). The Physics 8.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Sustainably? (2/3) . Spain S. Goy ([email protected]) department is represented by Catherine | 18 SEPTEMBER | BUSINESS Facilitated by Alan Richter on Tuesday, 15 September . Germany A. Meyer (andreas.meyer@ . Sweden E. Lytken Decosse, Cecile Granier and Doris Chromek- CENTRE TECHNOPARC Business Centre Technoparc – Saint-Genis- from 4.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. and I. Fleck ([email protected]. ([email protected]) Burckhart (Head of the Users’ Office), the Pouilly (CERN Colloquium) . Switzerland M. Dittmar Human Resources department by Ingrid . Greece D. Sampsonidis ([email protected]) Haug, the General Infrastructure Services After two years, five successful editions Registration and more information on the ([email protected]) . Turkey B. Demirkoz department by Reinoud Martens, the and plenty of positive feedback, we are workshop: The Outlook for Energy Supply and . Hungary V. Veszprémi ([email protected]) Information Technology department by Mats happy to announce the sixth edition of our Demand (3/3) ([email protected]) . United Kingdom M. Campanelli (Mario. Moller, the Occupational Health Safety and Diversity in Action workshop. on Wednesday, 16 September . Israel E. Etzion ([email protected]) [email protected]) and H. Hayward Environmental Protection unit by Ralf Trant, CERN Diversity Programme from 11.00 a.m to 12.00 p.m. . Italy C. Biino ([email protected]) ([email protected]) and the CERN Staff Association by Michel Seize the opportunity and participate in and C. Troncon ([email protected]) . Non-Member States E. Torrence (Eric. Goossens. this half-day interactive workshop designed . Netherlands G. Bobbink [email protected]), B. Demirkoz (Bilge. Secretary: Michael Hauschild. to explore the meaning and importance ACADEMIC TRAINING LECTURES at CERN, Main Auditorium, ([email protected]) [email protected]), M. Sharan (manoj. of diversity at CERN. Using participative in Building 500-1-001. . Norway K. Røed ([email protected]) [email protected]) and N. Zimine Other CERN staff members attend as necessary multimedia methods, this workshop will | THE OUTLOOK FOR ENERGY . Poland K. Bunkowski ([email protected]) for specific agenda items. Anyone interested provide participants with insights into the SUPPLY AND DEMAND | 14 - 16 Description: These lectures will review the ([email protected]) . CERN E. Auffray (Etiennette.Auffray in further information about ACCU is welcome different dimensions of diversity, help to challenges facing energy policy, the outlook . Portugal F. Barão and M. Ferro-Luzzi to contact the appropriate representative, develop greater sensitivity to differences, SEPTEMBER for different sources of primary energy (fossil ([email protected]) ([email protected]) the Chairperson or the Secretary (73564 and explore ways to recognise and overcome and renewable), how energy is used, and Please note that the next series of . Romania G. Stoicea (Gabriel.Stoicea@ or [email protected]). biases and thereby strengthen our tradition of prospects for improved energy efficiency. Academic Training Lectures will take The CERN Management is represented by Rolf inclusiveness at CERN. A colloquium ‘Can Future Energy Needs be place on the 14, 15 and 16 September. The . Serbia D. Lazic (Dragoslav.Lazic@cern. Heuer (Director-General), Met Sustainably?’, which I will be giving on lectures will be given by by Chris Llewellyn ch, Chair) (Director for Research and Computing), “For me it was a great opportunity to talk Tuesday, 15 September at 4.30 p.m., is part about diversity issues with other people at Smith (Director of Energy Research, of this course. The lectures will provide more CERN who I would never have met otherwise,” University of Oxford, President of SESAME details and address topics that will only be says Alex Brown, who participated in the third Council). mentioned in passing in the colloquium. edition of the workshop. “The discussions I was involved in inspired connections that are The Outlook for Energy Supply and Take note still active.” Demand (1/3) on Monday, 14 September Diversity in Action workshop – from 11.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. sixth edition in English Chamber (503-1-001). work on the car park next to Buildings 4 ARE YOU A MOVIE LOVER? DO We hope you will enjoy the theme of this and 5. This work is aimed at improving YOU ENJOY SPEAKING OTHER series of movies and would love to meet you safety on and around the car park for all LANGUAGES? on 30 September for an aperitif. The aperitif users, particularly children attending the will start at 7 p.m. and we kindly ask you to nursery school, pedestrians and cyclists. On the occasion of the European Day inform us if you plan to attend by completing of Languages, the Language Tandem the Doodle on: The work on the car park will be conducted in Programme is collaborating with the CERN two stages so that half of the parking spaces CinéClub to offer you the possibility of Kerstin Fuhrmeister, on behalf of will always be available, in order to limit the watching a series of movies that share the the Language Tandem Programme impact on users as much as possible (the common theme of communication. closed-off areas will be clearly indicated). When the work is completed, the car park will Learning a language is like diving into another ROOF RENOVATION OF BUILDINGS have been completely renovated, with new Universe. Movies can take us visually into surfacing and road markings, high-quality other Universes. 128 AND 129 lighting and more parking spaces (+5%).

Just like watching a movie, learning a The roof renovation of buildings 128 and During the work, part of the car park will be new language takes us on an adventure, a 129 is scheduled to take place from 17 inaccessible, which is likely to make it more discovery of something new. It can bring us August to 15 October 2015. difficult to find a parking space. We therefore new ways of looking at life; it can broaden our invite you to park in the Globe car park during horizons. During this period, access to the “raw material” this period. workshop will be limited and controlled due The aim of this collaboration between to asbestos removal. Collecting your orders The renovation work will also affect Entrance the CinéClub and the Language Tandem directly from the building will be difficult, or A (Route Bell), which will be fitted with a fully Programme is to take you on this journey of even impossible, and urgent requests will be automated road gate, similar to the one at discovery and we hope you will join us. difficult to carry out. Entrance C. For increased convenience and safety, two turnstiles for access by pedestrians The series of movies, which started on 2 We therefore ask you to create your requests and cyclists will also be installed. Entrance A September, ends with an aperitif on 30 via EDH, so that delivery may be carried out as will also be closed from 6 July but should be September where we can all get together. soon as possible. operational again by the end of September.

Please see the list of movies here: Thank you for your understanding. We thank you for your understanding and apologise for any inconvenience. . 9 September: Italian for beginners (in Danish GS Department and Italian, with English subtitles) GS Department . 16 September: Spanglish (in English and Spanish, with French subtitles) WORK ON THE BUILDING 4 . 23 September: The Interpreter (in English, CAR PARK AND CLOSURE OF with French subtitles) . 30 September: Apéro & Lost in Translation ENTRANCE A (in English, with French subtitles) From 6 July to 31 October 2015, the GS The screenings all start at 8 p.m. in the Council department will be carrying out renovation

10 CERN Bulletin Issue No. 37-38/2015 11 Training Seminars

PLACES AVAILABLE - TECHNICAL TRAINING (UP TO THE END OF sunday september 13, 2015 Programme Can FutureEnergy Needs be Met Sustainably? (2/3) 2015) 09:00 CERN School of Computing 16:30 CERN Colloquium Can Future Energy Needs be Met Sustainably? Some upcoming courses (until December) are Main Auditorium currently missing participants, required for monday september 14, 2015 the courses to take place. 11:00 Academic Training Lecture Regular wednesday september 16, 2015 For more details about a course and to Programme The Outlook forEnergy register, please go to the Training Catalogue. Supply and Demand (1/3) Main 11:00 Academic Training Lecture Regular Auditorium Programme The Outlook for Energy 16:00 A&T Seminar High Performance Supply and Demand (3/3) PLACES AVAILABLE - TECHNICAL HTS Tapes for High Field Magnet Main Auditorium MANAGEMENT COURSES (UP TO Applications IT Amphitheatre 14:30 ISOLDE Seminar TBA THE END OF 2015) tuesday september 15, 2015 monday september 21, 2015

Some courses in the field of technical 07:30 CFP Zewail City Mini-School First 11:00 LHC Seminar Constraints on Higgs management scheduled up to the end of (2nd part) CFP Zewail City Mini- boson couplings from a combination 2015 and which have places available. school on ‘experimental tools of ATLAS and CMS measurements in particle physics’ CFP, Zewail City For more details about a course and to register, please go to the Training Catalogue. of Science and Technology tuesday september 22, 2015 If you need a course that is not in the 09:00 Technical Seminar 20ème Forum catalogue, please contact your supervisor, Utilisateurs CATIA au CERN Kjell 11:00 LHC Seminar Observation of J/ψp your Departmental Training Officer or the Johnsen Auditorium resonances consistent with pentaquark HR-LD group at Communication.Training@ 11:00 LHC Seminar CMS results states in Λb—J/ψpK- decays at LHCb 16:30 Academic Training Lecture Regular Main Auditorium

12 CERN Bulletin