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men rangers KIWANIS CLUB Wheeler Held For McGowan names local NAMES DELEGATES Court Monzani and Lovell to At- Superior Groetzebach And At Start Of Dash To Break Post-Gatty Record tend N. E. Convention Bonds Reduced to $2,500 After Accused Waives Ex- at Cape Cod. amination This Morning in Borough Court Selected un- Guarini torranceIs" SPEAKER (Special to the Democrat) perlor court. Bond* of $1,000 Naugatuck, July 29.—Gerald F. dor which Wheeler hu boon bold John T. Monzani, presi- Coroner Wheeler of charged since found liable by Coroner John Frank- Wlterbury, dent of the Kiwanis club, were reduced to Grand Chief automobile homicide, through Monpanl $2,500. Rob- with By lyn T. Stlbbs, secretary and Wheeler was the operator of the of the Mc- ert Lovell, a member club, his counsel. Attorney Thomas car which crashed into a truck of from were to-day elected delegates Grath of Waterbury, waived ex- the Laskaa Motor Lines on River- Efforts in the Kiwanis club to at- Workers Rewarded for Untiring Selling Waterbury In the borough court side drive on May 2. The accident the New convention amination tend England Clare- resulted In the death of Mrs Ade- cm this morning before Judge Slate for State Made to be held at Cape Cod, Mass, line of Waterbury, a pas- Organization—Complete mont I. Tolies and was bound over Higgins September 9, 10, 11 and 12. They in the Wheeler car. to the September term of the su- senger Public were named at the weekly meet- L To-day ing of the club at the Elton to- day. The list of deputy grand chief I future and a formal announcement The speaker this noon was At- YOUNG RUSSIANS TO END MARINE rangers of the Grand Court of Con- will be made as to future plans. torney Walter Torrance, who de- necticut, Foresters of America, as The Woresters of America, not- scribed the workings of the local announced to-day by Grand Chief withstanding the widespread and courts, starting with the police SEEKING WIVES TRAINING IN 1932 Waltar S. McGowan of Watertown lengthy depression, have met the court, the common pleas and final- so as to win Includes two local men, Richard G. situation competently ly the superior court with side- of Managua—If present plans are Groetzebach of 50 Ashley street commendation of supreme officers. lights on the various other courts.! Peiping—(UP)—Thousand* crucial test to which all fra- the and and Felix Guarlni of 225 Walnut The The city court, he stated, is Russian girls in Harbin, Whits Rus- carried out, organization Court Richard la ternal organizations have been concerned mostly with criminal ot the Nicaraguan Nation- straet. Wagner sian of the Far East, have training within the past year has cases heard capital honored In the appointment of Mr subjected cases while the civil al the country’s new mili- on excited by for wives Guard, Groetzebach and Court Verdi by found Foresty carrying very by its judges are under a stipu- been appeals of tary force, will be completed by the selection of Mr Guarlni. nicely and with every indication lated amount. in Russian newspapers printed 1933 and ths Guard will be turned The of enjoying another prosperous year Frank Squires and Leon French there. appointment deputy grand over to the govern- In of handicaps. Monzani come from young Nicaraguan chiefs marks the first official action spite were named by President The appeals under the an athletic ment. By that time, The appointment of as alternates. Russians settled in Australia, who present scheme, all of the U. S. committee Is expected to witness at Bennett New York the Bellan- are making enough to Turning for the 3500-foot dash down the runway Floyd Field, city, say they Marines now on duty here will the organtaztlon of a number of Is shown before off on a pro- wives, but can And no ch monoplane carrying Clyde Pangbom and Hugh Herndon here Just taking support have been withdrawn. bowling teams to compete in a of a that wrecked It dur- that of the world. jected round-the-world flight. The craft carried 830 gallons gasoline, load nearly girls in part The National Guard numbers 2,- state tournament with the winner and headed Into the east. of men in Har- ing a previous nttempt to start, hut this time gained altitude easily WALESTAKES As the shortage 100 officers and men, and the having the honor of challenging an _ as acute, the are bin is just girls Military Academy near Managua Inter-city match with the cham- to It is estimated hastening reply. is Nicaraguan officers, pions of New Jersey. Torrlngton and women in training HAND IN SALE that 10,000 girls a class every six months won the inter-state championship find husbands there. Harbin cannot hese graduates are commissioned last season. FUNERALS has fraduatlng The business depression second lieutenants. The Waterbury district, which A To Falls with force, Niagara struck Harbin especial The National Guard is a smart- con- Trip OF subordinate courts, AIRPLANES has seven The funeral of Charles K. Kaze- * • » * • • because of the destriction of the uni- activities. As ly-appearing organization, tinues to set pace for bean which Har- mekas, Jr, o! 15 City Hill street, to Border soy market, upon formed and equipped similarly to a matter of official record and in A. C. A. suggests interesting round trip the Canadian bin depends for trade, and the exo- the Marines. Many Marine offi- of the showing made Union City, was held from his Heir to British Throne recognition dus of Russian girls from the city however, that they the Water- cers feel, In this section of city home this morning at S:30 o'clock accelerated. to most attractive sec- Follow route 5 out of Product to has been should be given a longer time bury was honored by the election Some of the Syracuse. Boosts with a mass of requiem at Ht Jo- The cabarets of Shanghai, Teint- train the One Ma- to the tions of New York, Pennsylvania Syracuse to Elbrldge, and there organization. of two delegates supreme Peiglng, Hongkong and other with the which will b<‘ and New .Jersey are covered on turn north for a short distance till Chilean sln, rine officers, serving court convention, are to where a left cities in China drawing girls Guard, thinks ten years would be next month in Boston. Grand this trip outlined by the Automo- you come Jordan, held from Harbin, but many have stayed He remarked McGowan will head bile Club of America, New York turn Is made on route 31. This By VIRGIL PINKLEY an adequate period. Chief Hanger as be- rune via Port in Harbin as long possible, that enlisted men In the Marines the state which in- city. Weedsport, Byron, Press Staff Correspondent) delegation, (United cause the atmosphere there, they are rarely well-trained or compe- Grand Chief Clyde. Lyons, Newark and Palm- cludes Pest Ranger Among the "high spots" touched London—The of Wales is old as yra Into Rochester. From here Prince believe, is more nearly like tent to act non-commissioned william 1L. Dunlavey of Watervflle are the .Hudson river valley, the busy in an after-sales campaign Russina than that of any other city officers until after their first en- of this the Cher- westward, the highway Is known and Thomas Byrnes City. Catskills, Howe Caverns, with Latin America, and Britain is of four as the Honeymoon Trail. It passes today. listment years. ry Valleys, Niagara Kails, and the through Clarkson, Ridgeway and cheering him and aiding him in his Finger Cake region In the empire determined efforts. Wrights Corners to Lewiston, and state; the picturesque J^ackawanna the east bank His latest move is to boost and ATLANTA PEN Trail, the Pocono Mountains, and then turns south on of the Niagara river to Niagara help demonstrate British airplanes the Delaware water gap In the to Don Arthur Falls, N. Y. Here the Falls View Colonel Merino, keystone state, and the Deleware assistant air minister of Chile. bridge should be crossed to Niagara WALTER S. MeGOWAN LIFE FOUND valley. Lakes Budd and Hopat- Mchino has been here since mountains Falls, Ontario. cong, and the Watching June as the guest of the British Grand Chief Ranger Who Names in the garden state. Niagara Falls has long been one government and air ministry. A of the scenic spots in Staff. FAIRLY GOOD On the out-going trip, there is outstanding suite at the Ritz Hotel and two the country, and is visited by thou- a choice of routes. One may run aides-de-camp have been provided Of Grand Chief Ranger McGowan sands all round. Goat Island just as far north as Yonkers, leav- year the Chilean air chief, who is makr since his re-election at the Grand divides thetwo the American Pris- ing the city via Riverside drive falls; ing an extended study of British Court convention held at Hotel Wa- Paroled Inmate Says on one and the Canadian or and Broadway, and there take the side, aviation with an object of purchas- terbury last May. The Hat includes ‘•Horseshoe1'' on the other. Below oners Assume Outer ferry over to Alpine. There turn ing airplanes for Chile's air force. many of the leading workers of the falle, the walls of the gorge of Wales right and run north along the west On July 2 the Prince tHe state and marks a reorganiza- rise and through World Caste bank of the Hudson through Ny- perpendicularly entertained Colonel Merino and tion Of a staff of assistants this channel the river general ack and Havcrstraw to Bear Niagara Enrique Villegas, Chile’s ambassa- to carry on the work of the order.