The Vfl Wolfsburg Sustainability Report 2016
GEMEINSAM BEWEGEN THE VFL WOLFSBURG SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2016 WWW.VFL-WOLFSBURG.DE MOVING TOGEHTER 4 | CONCENTRATING ON WHAT IS CRUCIAL ABOUT THIS REPORT VfL Wolfsburg is traditionally very closely connected with soci- ment and the Lord Mayor of Wolfsburg are then followed by a ety, and in the same way as classic industrial companies, is also portrait of VfL Wolfsburg. The subsequent chapters in the re- responsible with respect to society (Corporate Social Respon- port focus on the club’s main CSR spheres of action: “Strategy sibility, CSR). The club is very aware of its responsibility for the and Management”, “Employees”, “Environment” and “Society”, consequences of its actions on people and the environment, as well as “Fans and Members”. and has therefore strongly anchored its commitment to CSR in its corporate philosophy. It wants to be seen as a responsible Within each chapter, the report presents how VfL strategi- player nationally and internationally, and to therefore occupy a cally tackles the main topics, the measures it implements to leading position in professional football. The central commu- achieve its targets, and the metrics it uses to control progress. nication instrument for this purpose is its sustainability or CSR VfL Wolfsburg collects those metrics which help improve its report. This is addressed in particular at fans, employees, part- measures in the football business. These are therefore differ- ners and VfL sponsors, as well as Volkswagen AG. Moreover, it ent in some cases to the metrics presented by classic business- is also aimed at non-governmental organisations and associa- es. Each chapter also includes an overview of the special mile- tions representing specific interests, as well as representatives stones achieved during the reporting period; and an outlook of politics, science and research.
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