Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1929-08-09
FREE MODEL AIRPLANES YANKEES SHAVE Get " Free Kit and Build VonneU Full Game From Athletics' Leac1 a Model Plalle. Tum WIU. 64 Will. StOlT to rale 6. on Page 5. -----------------------------------------------~~~~--~~~~~~~--~~----~----~~~~~~~------------~~~. VoIwne 29 6 PAGES AIl I 'ff.Jr;I~:_=~n:.-ln Iowa City, Iowa, Friday, August 9, 1929 hD~~ed";::" FIVE CENTS Number 6Q.. • SOVIET PLANE HEADS FOR UNITED STATES Col. Goehel in Burning Airpaine Graf Zeppelin Controller Decrees Great Britain, ';1 Woolaroc Due Carrie, Three to Student, Mwt Wear Death in Wyoming Cruises Near Shirt, at Stanford France, Italy ~ This Mornin~ OI\SI'ER, Wyo., Aug. 8 (f\P) , ..... Halfway Mark STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Cal., Split on Plan -M~j. W. I'. W arrlwel1, 36 years old, allli J~llr l Holty, 35 years Aug. 8 (AP}--Sun tan 01' no sun lan, Noted Honolulu Flyer old, /lJld George Cameron were ah Stanford mille students must wcar killed here tonight ",hen theIr I Messages State Liner shirts out oC doors In the future. Snowden Resume8 Figlit Will Land at Smith Illalle bursl Into Ilames, wenl Contl'ollel' A. E, Hoth or the unlver· Into a lall 8pln 'Uld lell several About 1,725 Milcs Against Young Plan ~lty so decreed today, I Field at 8 :30 huudred leet. The bodIes were of Settlement burncd bcynnd recognition. Out at Sea The ultimatum. characterized by , 10'11'& City Is to be visited ror the 1' h6 pilUle ",lIS piloted II,· some ot the students as "provincial (By The ASlIOClated Press) Wardwell, and a revel'slon to the mauve d~catle;' TIlE IlAGUE, Aug.
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