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Newsletter 03/14 DIGITAL EDITION Nr

Newsletter 03/14 DIGITAL EDITION Nr

ISSN 1610-2606 ISSN 1610-2606 newsletter 03/14 DIGITAL EDITION Nr. 338 - April 2014 Michael J. Fox Christopher Lloyd

LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 11 - 70825 K o r n t a l Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: [email protected] - Web: www.laserhotline.de Newsletter 03/14 (Nr. 338) April 2014 editorial

Hallo Laserdisc- und DVD-Fans, liebe Filmfreunde!

Es gibt viel zu tun – packen wir’s an! Das zumindest war unsere Devise in den vergangenen Wochen: nicht weni- ger als drei Stuttgarter Kino-Premieren galt es in Bild und Ton für unseren Youtube-Kanal festzuhalten. Dietrich Brüggemanns KREUZWEG, Antje Schneiders & Carsten Waldbauers DIE SCHÖNE KRISTA sowie Thomas Dirnhofers CERRO TORRE – NICHT DEN HAUCH EINER CHANCE hiel- ten unseren Videoschnittplatz auf Trab. Das Ergebnis unseres Premieren- KREUZWEG: Regisseur und Drehbuchautor Dietrich Brüggemann marathons ist bereits online und wir kam zur Premiere seines neuesten persönlich nach Stuttgart. freuen uns wie immer auf Ihre Kom- mentare.

Aber es gab noch ein weiteres Event, das uns voll in Anspruch genommen hat: die Weltpremiere von REMEMBERING WIDESCREEN, die im Rahmen des “Widescreen Week- ends” in Bradford stattfand. Die Reso- nanz vor fast ausverkauftem Kinosaal war sensationell gut! Die Dokumenta- tion über die “Mutter” aller Breit- format-Filmfestivals wurde vom Publi- kum mit kräftigem Applaus bedacht und sorgte das gesamte Wochenende über für Gesprächsstoff. Die häufigste Frage war jene nach einer DVD oder Blu-ray des Films. Regisseur Wolfram Hannemann dazu: “Wir werden zu ge- gebener Zeit eine DVD und auch eine DIE SCHÖNE KRISTA: im Rahmen einer Kino-Tour machten die Blu-ray des Films veröffentlichen. Bei- de Medien werden selbstverständlich Filmemacher Antje Schneider und Carsten Waldbauer Zwischenstopp auch mit Bonusmaterial ausgestattet in Stuttgart und stellten ihren neuesten Dokumentarfilm vor. werden. Wann es allerdings soweit ist, kann ich momentan noch nicht sagen, da wir uns mit der Produktion viel Zeit lassen werden. Schließlich soll ja ein brauchbares Produkt entstehen!” Bis es soweit ist, wird REMEMBERING WIDESCREEN nur als DCP für die kommerzielle Vorführung in Kinos zur Verfügung gestellt. Buchungsanfragen können direkt an Laser Hotline gerich- tet werden.

Und jetzt viel Spaß beim Durchstöbern der neuesten Ausgabe unseres Newsletters.

Ihr Laser Hotline Team

CERRO TORRE - NICHT DEN HAUCH EINER CHANCE: die Extremkletterer Lama und Peter Ortner gaben sich bei der Stuttgarter Premiere ihres atemberaubenden Bergfilms die Ehre

LASER HOTLINE Seite 2 Newsletter 03/14 (Nr. 338) April 2014

LASER HOTLINE Seite 3 Newsletter 03/14 (Nr. 338) April 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns -Blog Montag, 10. März 2014 WATERMARK (1:1.85, 5.1) per” enthält. Bester Beweis dafür ist Die Nonne und die Lebedame OT: Watermark Dany Boons neue Komödie, mit der Der erste Film der Woche wartete mit Verleih: Senator man ganz offensichtlich an den großen ungewöhnlicher Optik auf. Land/Jahr: USA 2013 Erfolg von WILLKOMMEN BEI DEN Regie: Jennifer Baichwal, Edward SCH’TIS anknüpfen möchte. Damit ist IDA (1:1.37 & 1:1.85, Mono) Burtynsky natürlich die Messlatte gleich ganz OT: Ida Kinostart: 15.05.2014 weit oben angelegt und das Projekt Verleih: Arsenal damit eigentlich zum Scheitern verur- Land/Jahr: Polen, Dänemark 2013 Zuerst sieht man Unmengen von spru- teilt. Der Film hat den Charme von Regie: Pawel Pawlikowski delndem Wasser, das sich mit hoher Flickwerk – die Idee des Hypochon- Darsteller: Agata Kulesza, Agata Wucht aus Rohren ergiesst. Dann folgt ders, der am Ende dann durch die gro- Trzebuchowska, Joanna Kulig ein Schnitt und man starrt auf kno- ße Liebe geheilt wird, war den Machern Kinostart: 10.04.2014 chentrockene Erde. Eine alte Frau er- wohl etwas zu dürftig. Also wurde zählt, dass hier einmal sehr viel Wasser gleich noch ein russischer Polen in den 1960er Jahren. Kurz bevor war, dieses aber irgendwann ver- Splittergruppenaufstand mit integriert die junge Ida ihr Gelübde als Nonne schwunden ist. In ihrer Dokumentation – da gibt es dann genügend abgibt, wird sie von der Äbtissin vor rücken Jennifer Baichwal und Edward Verwechslungsmöglichkeiten. Der Hu- eine überraschende Aufgabe gestellt: Burtynsky das Wasser, die Quelle allen mor bleibt dabei dann fast auf der sie soll sich mit ihrer Tante Wanda tref- Lebens, in den Fokus und zeigen mit Strecke und die meisten Gags werden fen, von der die Waise noch nie etwas teilweise spektakulären Bildern die dem Zuschauer vermutlich nur ein mü- gehört hat. Sie macht sich auf den Weg Wechselwirkung, die dieses Element des Lächeln abrinnen. Kad Merad, be- zu ihr und entdeckt eine vollkommen mit den Erdbewohnern eingeht. Be- reits als legitimer Nachfolger von Louis mondäne Lebedame und Richterin in leuchtet werden dabei nicht nur die de Funes gehandelt, ist in der Rolle der Schwester ihrer Mutter. Die Begeg- schönen Seiten, sondern insbesondere des Arztes leider komplett unterfordert. nung der beiden Frauen wird beider auch die weniger schönen. Mit ihren Wenigstens liefert Komponist Klaus Leben nachhaltig verändern, als Wanda Kameras sind sie um die ganze Welt Badelt eine optimal passende Film- Ida mit einer bisher verschwiegenen gereist und haben Bilder eingefangen, musik (sogar mit Chor!) zum Gesche- Wahrheit konfrontiert... Pawel die Erinnerungen an die ähnlich gela- hen. Die freilich kann das verunglückte Pawlikowski inszenierte seinen Film gerten Filme von Ron Fricke oder Werk auch nicht mehr retten. sperrig für heutige Sehgewohnheiten: Reggio wachrufen. In Kombi- in Schwarzweiß, fast quadratischem nation mit einer interessanten Tonspur Mittwoch, 12. März 2014 Bildformat und mit monophonem Ton. sowie Statements vieler Menschen, Der Menschenfeind Auch am Einsatz von Filmmusik wurde normale Arbeiter wie auch Experten, Vergnügliches mit literarischem Hinter- gespart – sie gibt es nur ganz rudimen- ergibt sich damit ein Film, der zum grund stand heute auf meinem Film- tär. Dennoch wirken die Bilder. Sie sind Nachdenken anregt und den Zuschauer Fahrplan. grandios und üben eine bedrückend- daran erinnert, welch kostbares Gut hypnotische Wirkung aus. Oft sieht Wasser tatsächlich ist. MOLIERE AUF DEM FAHRRAD man die Schauspieler nur am unteren (1:1.85, DD 5.1) Bildrand, nach oben gibt es jede Men- SUPERHYPOCHONDER (1:2.35, 5.1) OT: Alceste A Bicyclette ge Luft. Auch das eine vollkommen OT: Supercondriaque Verleih: Alamode (Filmagentinnen) ungewohnte Ästhetik, aber höchst pas- Verleih: Prokino (Fox) Land/Jahr: Frankreich 2012 send zum Thema des Films. Beide Prot- Land/Jahr: Frankreich 2013 Regie: Philippe Le Guay agonistinnen, Agata Kulesza und Regie: Dany Boon Darsteller: Fabrice Luchini, Lambert Agata Trzebuchowska, füllen ihre Rol- Darsteller: Dany Boon, Pol, Kad Wilson, Maya Sansa len mit Authentizität aus. Der Film ist Merad Kinostart: 03.04.2014 zudem ein hervorragendes Beispiel Kinostart: 10.04.2014 dafür, dass man eine Geschichte auch Serge Tanneur hat schon vor vielen in gerade einmal 80 Minuten erzählen Romain ist ein Hypochonder wie er im Jahren Film und Bühne den Rücken kann. Buche steht und seit fast 20 Jahren gekehrt. Enttäuscht von seinem mit Dimitris liebster Patient. Dem aber Lug und Trug einhergehenden Metier Dienstag, 11. März 2014 wächst Romains Getue allmählich über hat sich der Schauspieler für ein ein- Wasser trifft auf den eingebildeten den Kopf und er beschließt, seinem an siedlerisches Leben entschieden und Kranken Einsamkeit leidenden Freund bei der ist zum Menschenhasser geworden. Im heutigen Doppel buhlten ein Doku- Suche nach einer Herzensdame behilf- Umso mehr ist er verdutzt, als ihn sein mentarfilm und eine Komödie um meine lich zu sein. Hätte er nur geahnt, auf alter Freund und Kollege Gauthier Gunst. was er sich damit einlässt... Nicht alles Valence aufsucht, um ihm eine Rolle in ist super, was im Titel das Wort “su- Molieres “Der Menschenfeind” anzu-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 4 Newsletter 03/14 (Nr. 338) April 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog bieten. Zögerlich lässt er sich auf das filmische Umsetzung. So besteht der in Bild und Ton etliche Unzulänglich- Angebot des zu Ruhm gekommenen Film aus 14 starren Einstellungen, die keiten aufwies. Damit kann ich mir ei- TV-Stars ein: beim gemeinsamen Pro- den 14 Stationen des Kreuzwegs von gentlich auch kein finales Urteil über ben in Serges Haus soll Serge allmäh- Jesus entsprechen. Die Szenen kommen diesen Film erlauben. lich Gefallen an der Idee finden. Schon ohne Schnitt aus, Filmmusik gibt es bald aber holt die Wirklichkeit die Welt nicht, Kamerabewegungen nur dreimal FASCINATING INDIA 3D (1:1.85, 3D, des Theaters ein... Philippe Le Guay innerhalb der 115 Minuten Spielzeit. 5.1) hat sich den Theaterklassiker “Der Umso intensiver aber das Spiel der Verleih: Busch Media Group Menschenfeind” von Moliere zur Brust Darsteller, von denen insbesondere die Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 genommen und die Geschichte in die 14jährige Lea van Acken als Maria her- Regie: Simon Busch Jetztzeit gepackt und lässt die zentra- vorzuheben ist. KREUZWEG ist starkes Kinostart: 15.05.2014 len Fragestellungen des Stücks als Du- deutsches Kino, das keinen Zuschauer ell der Schauspieler austragen. Fabrice kalt lassen wird. Zeit waren Regisseur Simon Luchini als erfolgreicher TV-Star Busch und sein Kameramann Alexander Gauthier Valence und Lambert Wilson Freitag, 14. März 2014 Sass gemeinsam im exotischen Indien als zurückgezogener Schauspieler Therapiestunden und Reisebericht unterwegs, um die Faszination dieser Serge Tanneur sind nichts anderes als Die letzten beiden Vorführungen in die- fremden Kultur in einem Film festzuhal- fleischgewordene Neuinterpretationen ser Woche – danach ab ins Wochenen- ten. Mit neuester Technik und dazu von Molieres Hauptfiguren – allerdings de! gleich in beeindruckendem 3D zeigen mit wechselnden Rollen. Es bereitet die Filmemacher viele der Sehenswür- großes Vergnügen, den beiden Akteu- IRRE SIND MÄNNLICH (1:2.35, 5.1) digkeiten Indiens, wobei das Hauptau- ren dabei zuzuschauen, wie sie ihre Verleih: Constantin genmerk nicht auf Landschaften, son- Haken und Finten in den Wortgefech- Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 dern auf Gebäude wie Tempel und Fe- ten platzieren. Mit Luchini und Wilson Regie: Anno Saul stungen gelegt wurde. Als Höhepunkt hat der Film eine Traumbesetzung zu Darsteller: Fahri Yardim, Milan Peschel, der Dokumentation liefert der Film au- bieten. Schöne Bilder von der Ile de Re Peri Baumeister thentische Bilder von der Kumbh Mela, runden den positiven Eindruck ab. Kinostart: 24.04.2014 jenem alle zwölf Jahre stattfindenden größten religiösen Fest der Welt. Auch KREUZWEG (1:2.35, 5.1) Daniel und Mia sind schon lange ein wenn dem Filmteam teilweise interes- Verleih: Camino Paar. Während er jedoch sehr anhäng- sante Bilder gelungen sind, so lässt der Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 lich ist, versucht sie Abstand zu hal- Film leider ein Gesamtkonzept vermis- Regie: Dietrich Brüggemann ten. Sein bester Freund Thomas kann sen und ist mehr zum Touristenführer Darsteller: Lea van Acken, Franziska sich das Drama nicht mehr mit ansehen geworden denn zum objektiven Beob- Weisz, Florian Stetter und überredet Daniel, gemeinsam mit achter. Dass für die Aufnahmen kein Kinostart: 20.03.2014 ihm auf Mädelsjagd zu gehen. Ihr Re- CinemaScope eingesetzt wurde (die vier: Therapiegruppen, in denen es im- Bilder schreien förmlich danach!) ist Die 14jährige Maria kommt aus einer mer Frauenüberschuss hat. Unter fal- ein Indiz dafür, dass die Hauptaus- streng gläubigen Familie. Moderne schen Identitäten setzen die beiden wertung des Reisefilms auf Heimmedien Musik wird dort für satanisch gehalten. ihren Plan um – mit durchschlagendem stattfinden wird. Spaß und Freude sind Fremdworte. Erfolg. Als sich jedoch Daniel in eine Ihrer Mutter kann sie nichts recht ma- Teilnehmerin verliebt, werden die Kar- Dienstag, 18. März 2014 chen. Nur der Gedanke, ihr Leben Gott ten neu gemischt... Die Idee, als Teil- Für jeden Topf der passende Deckel zu opfern, der dann im Gegenzug ihren nehmer bei Therapiegruppen in aller Aufgrund technischer Probleme wurde kleinen Bruder heilt, macht Maria Ruhe Frauen aufzureissen, ist tatsäch- aus dem Double Feature ein Single glücklich. Noch ahnt niemand in der lich eine Idee, aus der man in einem Screening Familie, welchen Weg Maria beschrei- Film richtig schöne Pointen hätte gene- ten wird... Er kann auch anders. Nach rieren können. In Anno Sauls FÜR IMMER SINGLE? (1:2.35, DD 5.1) kurzweiligen und sehr unterhaltsamen Beziehungskomödie jedoch passiert OT: That Awkward Moment Filmen wie RENN, WENN DU KANNST genau das nicht. Genauso wenig, wie Verleih: SquareOne/Universum und 3 ZIMMER/KÜCHE/BAD wechselt die Grundidee gewinnbringend genutzt Land/Jahr: USA 2014 das deutsche Regietalent Dietrich wird, wird auch so manche Rolle nicht Regie: Tom Gormican Brüggemann zu einem sehr ernsten genutzt und damit Darsteller wie Her- Darsteller: Zac Efron, Miles Teller, Mi- Stoff. Fatalistischer Katholizismus ist bert Knaup als Therapeut vollkommen chael B. Jordan, Imogen Poots das Thema seines für das Drehbuch mit unterfordert. Vielleicht lag es auch ein- Kinostart: 24.04.2014 einem “Silbernen Bären” ausgezeichne- fach nur daran, dass uns in der heuti- ter Film KREUZWEG. Genauso radikal gen Pressevorführung eine nicht Als Mikeys Ehe scheitert, stellen sich wie der Genre-Wechsel ist auch die finalisierte Fassung gezeigt wurde, die seine beiden besten Kumpels Jason

LASER HOTLINE Seite 5 Newsletter 03/14 (Nr. 338) April 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog und Daniel solidarisch mit ihm. Gemein- Daten, deren Spuren bis in die ner eigenen Motorradwerkstatt bequem sam will man die frauenlose Zeit so Führungsetage des amerikanischen eingerichtet. Der Unbekannte, der sich richtig genießen. Doch schon bei näch- Geheimdienstes führen. Wer ist Freund Henry nennt, stört sich offenbar an ster Gelegenheit funktioniert das natür- und wer Feind? Rogers weiß nicht Eriks Lebensidyll und versucht an sei- lich schon nicht mehr: Jason verliebt mehr, wem er überhaupt noch trauen ner dunklen Seite zu rütteln. Erst all- sich in eine Blondine, Daniel in eine kann und bekommt es darüber hinaus mählich wird Erik etwas klar: nur er Brünette und Mikey geht mit seiner mit einem extrem gefährlichen Gegner alleine kann den Unbekannten sehen! Noch-Ehefrau fremd. Das passiert na- zu tun: dem maskierten Winter Soldier... Steht Erik an der Schwelle zur Schizo- türlich alles, ohne dass die jeweils An- Gute zweieinhalb Jahre ist es inzwi- phrenie? Da tauchen plötzlich noch ein deren etwas davon erfahren... Nicht schen her, dass zum paar andere zwielichtige Zeitgenossen jeder ist dafür geboren für immer Single ersten Mal über Blockbuster-Leinwän- auf – und die sind real... Schon lange zu sein. Denn auf (fast) jeden Topf fin- de huschte. Der Fortsetzungsfilm setzt hat kein deutscher Genrefilm so begei- det sich der passende Deckel. So oder genau da an, wo der erste Teil endete: stert wie Maximilian Erlenweins STE- so ähnlich könnte die Aussage dieser in der Gegenwart. War der erste Teil mit REO. Nicht nur liefert der Film eine kleinen Komödie von Tom Gormican seiner ausgefeilten Optik noch sehr spannende und dazu mit Bleibtreu und lauten. Eine Botschaft, die man gerne unterhaltsam anzuschauen, so ent- Vogel exzellent besetzte Geschichte, unterschreiben würde, wäre der Film täuscht der zweite Auftritt von sondern zieht zudem alle Register einer nicht so langweilig inszeniert. Das CAPTAIN AMERICA ziemlich. Materi- überzeugenden Bild- und Ton- männliche Dreigestirn aus Zac Efron, alschlachten ersetzen jetzt eine griffige gestaltung. STEREO ist der Beweis Miles Teller und Michael B. Jordan ist Story und die Optik (trotz immenser dafür, dass nicht nur Hollywood etwas zwar mit großer Inbrunst bei der Sache, visueller Effekte) wirkt recht abgedro- von Sounddesign versteht. Hier wird doch das Drehbuch versucht krampf- schen. Man hat eben alles schon in das Zusammenspiel von Geräuschen haft, ohne echte Pointen und auch vielen Filmen zuvor in ähnlicher Art und Filmmusik (Komponist: Enis ohne echte Gefühle auszukommen. und Weise zu sehen bekommen. Das Rotthoff) für deutsche Verhältnisse in Stattdessen versucht man, mit einigen Werk gehört damit zu den weniger ge- eine neue Dimension katapultiert! Die ziemlich zotenhaften Szenen (u.a. ein lungenen Marvel-Comic-Verfilmungen, Kameraarbeit von Ngo The Chau zieht Besuch in dem mit Dildos überbord- dürfte aber sicherlich die Multiplexe durch ihre Bewegungen sowohl in der enden Sexshop) das verpatzte Projekt füllen. Übrigens hat Marvel-Ikone Stan Horizontalen wie auch in der Vertikalen in die Gänge zu bekommen. Aber auch Lee einen Gastauftritt als Museums- richtig ins Geschehen hinein und nutzt damit scheitern die Filmemacher. wärter im Film. Und Abspanngucker das CinemaScope-Format auf hervorra- Uninspiriert und einfallslos – das kom- dürfen sich auf gleich zwei zusätzliche gende Weise. STEREO räumt ein für plette Gegenteil der Liebe. Fazit: auf Szenen freuen – eine im Anschluss an alle Mal mit dem Vorteil auf, dass es diesen Film kann man problemlos ver- die Haupttitel, die andere ganz am keine guten Thriller aus Deutschland zichten. Ende. Also sitzenbleiben. geben würde. Einen kleinen Wermuts- tropfen aber hat die Geschichte dann Mittwoch, 19. März 2014 Donnerstag, 20. März 2014 doch: der Showdown am Ende ist etwas Der Superheld kehrt zurück Die zweite Reihe in den Fokus gerückt zu lang geraten. Aber so etwas ver- It is Marvel time – but was it a Bevor es den diesjährigen Oscar-Ge- schmerzen Genre-Fans mit links. “marvel”lous time? winner in der Kategorie “Bester Doku- mentarfilm” zu sehen gab, wurden ich 20 FEET FROM STARDOM (1:1.85, THE RETURN OF THE FIRST mit einem deutschen Thriller beglückt. 5.1) AVENGER (1:2.35, 3D, DD 5.1 + 7.1 + OT: Twenty Feet From Stardom Atmos) STEREO (1:2.35, 5.1) Verleih: Weltkino OT: Captain America: The Winter Verleih: Wild Bunch Land/Jahr: USA 2013 Soldier Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 Regie: Morgan Neville Verleih: Walt Disney Regie: Maximilian Erlenwein Kinostart: 24.04.2014 Land/Jahr: USA 2014 Darsteller: Jürgen Vogel, Moritz Bleib- Regie: Anthony Russo, Joe Russo treu, Petra Schmidt-Schaller, Georg Sie stehen seit Jahrzehnten immer nur Friedrich in der zweiten Reihe, doch ohne sie Darsteller: Chris Evans, Scarlett Kinostart: 15.05.2014 wären die Stars nicht zu dem geworden Johansson, Cobie Smulders, Samuel L. was sie sind. Die Rede ist von den so- Jackson, Robert Redford Anfangs taucht er nur als Silhouette in genannten Background-Sängerinnen. Kinostart: 27.03.2014 weiter Ferne auf. Doch der geheimnis- Lisa Fischer, Merry Clayton, Darlene volle Fremde mit Kaputzenjacke kommt Love, Táta Vega oder Judith Hill sind In seiner Funktion als S.H.I.E.L.D.- immer näher an Erik heran. Der hat sich ihre Namen, doch kaum jemand kennt Agent kommt Steve Rogers alias erst vor Kurzem sein Leben mit seiner sie. In seinem Oscar-prämierten Doku- Captain America in den Besitz brisanter Freundin und deren Tochter sowie sei- mentarfilm rückt sie Regisseur Morgan

LASER HOTLINE Seite 6 Newsletter 03/14 (Nr. 338) April 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Neville in den Mittelpunkt. Hier dürfen Ende seinen Zuschauern nicht alle Fra- klingende Frauenstimme, die ab jetzt 24 die ausnahmslos farbigen Sängerinnen gen beantwortet, könnte man als Stunden am Tag seine Computer- von ihrem Werdegang erzählen, der oft Schwachpunkt des Films auslegen. wünsche erfüllt. Doch Samantha kann alles andere als ein Zuckerschlecken Vielleicht aber will Srdan Golubovic noch viel mehr – als körperloses weibli- war. Manche haben in späteren Jahren dadurch klar machen, dass es in einem ches Wesen wird sie buchstäblich zu versucht, selbst eine Solokarriere auf- Krieg immer offene Fragen geben wird, Theodores bester Freundin. Bald schon zubauen, doch nicht jeder war das egal wie lange er schon beendet ist. Ein verliebt sich Theodore in seine neue Glück zum Erfolg verwehrt. Andere Stein, der ins Wasser geworfen wird, Gesprächspartnerin – und sie in ihn... strebten nie eine Solokarriere an, weil erzeugt Kreise an der Oberfläche. Diese Haben Sie noch echten Sex oder läuft sie das, was sie tun, mit voller Inbrunst werden immer größer. Und das ist es bei Ihnen nur noch virtuell ab? tun. Der mit vielen Interviews und schön. Dieses Bild verwendet der Vater Längst schon ist der Cyberspace tief in Musikeinlagen angereicherte Film ist des getöteten Soldaten, als er sich mit unser Unterbewusstsein vorgedrun- gleichzeitig eine Zeitreise durch viele dem Sohn von einem der Mörder unter- gen, eine Welt ohne Internet und Ver- Jahrzehnte der Pop- und Rock-Musik hält. Der Tod seines eigenen Sohnes netzung vollkommen undenkbar. Der und beschert ein Wiedersehen mit vie- ist dieser Stein, dessen Kreise auch Griff zum Smartphone ersetzt oft jeden len Größen des Showbiz. Dabei emp- zwölf Jahre nach dem Ereignis noch menschlichen Kontakt, man nimmt sich fiehlt sich der Film nicht nur für Musik- nicht verschwunden sind. Als Zu- gegenseitig kaum noch wahr. Spike freunde, sondern richtet sich exempla- schauer muss man sich erst einmal zu- Jonze, jüngst mit dem Oscar für das rische an alle Menschen, die immer nur rechtfinden in diesem zwölf Jahre um- “Beste Originaldrehbuch” ausgezeich- in der zweiten Reihe stehen und genau- spannenden Film. Ein Zeitraum, inner- net, treibt die ganze Sache noch ein so viel Respekt verdienen wie die erste halb dem sich das Äußere der Protago- klein wenig voran, aber wirklich nur ein Reihe. Wie fasst es eine der inzwischen nisten radikal verändert. In CIRCLES, klein wenig. Denn von dieser Welt in gealterten Backgroundsängerinnen so der von Serbien zwar ins Oscar-Rennen der nahen Zukunft sind wir nur noch schön zusammen: “Wenn die Leute geschickt, dort aber nicht nominiert Augenblicke entfernt – und genau das etwas gesungen haben, dann waren es wurde, geht es um Schuld, Sühne und ist es, was seinen Film so unglaublich immer nur unsere Parts!” Vergebung. Der Regisseur kann sich fesselnd und intensiv macht. Achtet auf ein sehr gutes Darstellerensemble man einmal auf die an Joaquin Phoenix Freitag, 21. März 2014 verlassen, die dem Film eine authenti- vorbeiziehenden Menschen, sobald er Fickt Dich Dein Betriebssystem noch schen Anstrich geben. Authentisch sich auf freier Straße bewegt, bemerkt immer oder wird es von Dir gefickt? auch seine Bilder: marode, zerbombte man, dass ein Jeder mit einem Ohr- Mit zwei ungewöhnlichen Filmen ende- Häuser in Bosnien, riesige stöpsel ausgestattet ist und offen- te meine Pressewoche heute. Sozialwohnungsanlagen in Deutsch- sichtlich mit Jemandem kommuniziert, land. Am Ende ist es sogar ein Film, der ohne die Umgebung um sich herum CIRCLES (1:1.85, DD 5.1) Hoffnung macht – entstanden nach wahrzunehmen. Die Vermutung liegt OT: Krugovi einer wahren Geschichte. nahe, dass nicht nur Theodore mit ei- Verleih: Barnsteiner nem Betriebssystem spricht! Die Welt, Land/Jahr: Serbien, Slowenien, Kroati- HER (1:1.85, DD 5.1) in der die Entmenschlichung schon en, Frankreich, Deutschland 2013 OT: Her ziemlich weit fortgeschritten ist, wird Regie: Srdan Golubovic Verleih: Warner mit kühlen Bildern und sterilen Settings Darsteller: Aleksandar Bercek, Leon Land/Jahr: USA 2013 genau auf den Punkt gebracht. Durch Lucev, Nebojsa Glogovac Regie: Spike Jonze diese Welt bewegt sich Theodore stets Kinostart: 17.04.2014 Darsteller: Joaquin Phoenix, Scarlett entschleunigt, er ist ihr schon fast ent- Johansson, Amy Adams, Olivia Wilde rückt. Zu hoffen ist, dass Scarlett Bosnien-Herzegowina 1993. Mitten im Kinostart: 27.03.2014 Johanssons sexy Stimme (sie spricht im Bosnienkrieg wird der muslimische Original Samantha) ein entsprechendes Kioskbesitzer Haris wegen einer Nich- Der hochsensible Theodore hat die Pendant in der deutschen Fassung fin- tigkeit von drei Soldaten zusammenge- Trennung von seiner Frau Katherine det. Spike Jonzes HER ist eine Komödie schlagen. Marco, serbischer Soldat auf längst noch nicht verarbeitet und treibt mit viel Tiefgang und dürfte einer der Heimaturlaub, beobachtet die Szene ohne Ziel durch das Leben. Dates, die besten Filme des aktuellen Kinojahres und schreitet schließlich ein. Sein Ein- seine Freunde für ihn arrangieren, neh- sein. Ein Geheimtipp! greifen endet jedoch mit seinem Tod. men kein gutes Ende. Dann schon lie- Zwölf Jahre später werden die damals ber ein bisschen Cybersex! Eines Tages Dienstag, 25. März 2014 Beteiligten plötzlich von jenem schick- entdeckt Theodore ein neues, auf Flotter Dreier mit Bremsklotz salhaften Tag wieder eingeholt und künstlicher Intelligenz basierendes Be- Der erste Pressetag der Woche kon- müssen sich – ein jeder auf seine eige- triebssystem, das in der Lage ist, sich frontierte mich gleich mit drei ne Art und Weise – mit der Vergangen- seinen persönlichen Bedürfnissen an- Screenings, von denen ich gerne auf heit auseinandersetzen... Dass er am zupassen. “Samantha” heisst die wohl- das erste verzichtet hätte

LASER HOTLINE Seite 7 Newsletter 03/14 (Nr. 338) April 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog nimmt ihn erst einmal bei sich auf. Film in einigen groß angelegten ÜBER-ICH UND DU (1:1.85, 5.1) Durch Zufall entdeckt er Zorans un- Musicalnummern verliert, die förmlich Verleih: Piffl glaubliches Talent fürs Dart-Spielen. zum Eintauchen verführen. Die altbe- Land/Jahr: Deutschland, Schweiz, Und die Weltmeisterschaft in Glasgow kannten Charaktere des ersten Teils Österreich 2014 naht bereits. Paolo fasst einen Plan... werden um ein paar neue Wesen erwei- Regie: Benjamin Heisenberg Der von Giuseppe Battiston wunderbar tert. Hierzu gehören Jewels Vater, ein Darsteller: André Wilms, Georg Fried- gespielte Paolo ist zwar eigentlich ein dem Schwiegersohn gegenüber sehr rich, Bettina Stucky hundsgemeiner Trinker, der nur auf kritisch eingestellter Zeitgenosse so- Kinostart: 08.05.2014 seinen Vorteil bedacht ist und sich um wie Roberto, Jewels Jugendliebe und die Gefühle der Anderen überhaupt von Stund an Blus Konkurrent. Wie in Eigentlich wollte Kleinganove Nick nur nicht schert, doch als Zuschauer kann einigen anderen Animationsfilmen gibt die wertvollen Bücher aus der Villa man einfach nicht anders als ihn ins es natürlich auch in RIO 2 den ökolo- klauen, in die er bei Tag einbricht. Herz zu schließen! Da wundert es auch gischen Aspekt, der sich hier auf die Dummerweise ist jedoch der Eigentü- nicht, dass auch sein Neffe Zoran ihn umweltschädigende Rodung des mer, der alternde Psychologe Curt Le- liebenswert findet und ihn dadurch am Regenwaldes konzentriert. Aber der dig, noch anwesend. Der Zufall will es, Ende auf den Weg der Tugend bringt. von Carlos Saldhana in computer- dass Nick für den angeforderten Be- Die skurrile Komödie, in der auch dem animiertem 3D inszenierte Film wird vor treuer gehalten wird. Er lässt sich auf Wein eine große Rolle zuteil wird, allem Spaß machen und wartet mit ein das Spiel ein. Im Laufe der Zeit entwik- macht richtig Laune – und Durst! paar wirklich netten Gags auf (wie etwa kelt sich zwischen Nick und Curt eine eine Casting-Show, bei der genauso seltsame Freundschaft, die gleichsam RIO 2 – DSCHUNGELFIEBER (1:2.35, viel gesungen wie gefressen wird. Al- für beide Männer eine Art Therapie 3D, DD 5.1 + 7.1 + Atmos) lerdings halten sich die witzigen Einfäl- darstellt... Oh je – was war denn das? OT: Rio 2 le doch relativ bedeckt. Abzulesen war Hin und wieder gibt es leider Filme, die Verleih: Fox dies auch in der heutigen Pressevor- sich mir komplett verweigern. Benjamin Land/Jahr: USA 2014 führung, der gefühlte 500 Kinder bei- Heisenbergs neuer Film ist einer von Regie: Carlos Saldanha wohnten. Von denen hat kaum jemand diesen. Vermutlich fehlt mir der not- Kinostart: 03.04.2014 gelacht, lediglich einer der begleiten- wendige Reifegrad, um das zu verste- den Väter war der Meinung, er müssen hen, was der Regisseur mit seinem Auch wenn der Titel noch immer RIO ständig lachen. Fazit: kann man durch- Werk sagen will. Sorry, aber hier muss lautet – Teil 2 führt uns zum überwie- aus anschauen, jedoch verpassen tut ich leider passen (und suche mir im genden Teil mitten in den Amazonas- man nichts. Internet eine Gebrauchsanleitung). Dschungel. Denn bislang dachten Ara Blu und Frau Jewel, dass sie und ihre Mittwoch, 26. März 2014 ZORAN – MEIN NEFFE, DER IDIOT drei Kinder die einzigen noch lebenden Die große Sintflut (1:2.35, 5.1) ihrer Art sind und führten ein komforta- Rechtzeitig zu Ostern versorgt uns OT: Zoran, Il Mio Nipote Scemo bles Leben in ihrer Behausung im son- Hollywood mit einer Bibelgeschichte. Verleih: Movienet (24 Bilder) nigen Rio. Doch eine Fernsehsendung Und die gab es heute in der Pressevor- Land/Jahr: Italien, Slowenien 2014 lehrt sie eines Besseren: mitten im führung zu sehen. Regie: Matteo Oleotto Amazonas hat das Forscherpaar Linda Darsteller: Giuseppe Battiston, Rok und Tulio Spuren weiterer blauer Aras (1:1.85, 3D, DD 5.1 + Atmos) Prasnikar, Teco Celio gefunden. Jewel ist fasziniert von dem OT: Noah Kinostart: 19.06.2014 Gedanken, dort weitere Familienmitglie- Verleih: Paramount der zu finden und überredet Blu, mit ihr Land/Jahr: USA 2014 Paolo ist ein Außenseiter im Dorf. Wi- und den Kindern ins Amazonas-Gebiet Regie: Darren Aronofsky derwillig arbeitet er in der Kantine des zu reisen. Blu, den Komfort der Groß- Darsteller: Russell Crowe, Jennifer Altersheims, hasst alle Menschen, stadt gewohnt, fällt es schwer, sich der Connelly, Ray Winstone, Emma Watson trinkt viel zu viel und hofft immer noch, neuen Umgebung anzupassen und Kinostart: 03.04.2014 eines Tages seine Ex zurückgewinnen muss sich bald nicht nur mit seinem zu können. Eines Tages erhält er die strengen Schwiegervater herumschla- Noah hat eine göttliche Eingebung: der Nachricht vom Tod seiner Tante in gen, sondern auch noch gegen die An- Schöpfer teilt ihm mit, dass er alles Slowenien. Auf eine große Erbschaft griffe eines heimtückischen Kakadus Böse auf der Erde auslöschen wird. hoffend reist er dort hin. Doch außer und dessen engstem Gefährten, einem Auftrag ist eine Arche zu bauen, einem riesigen Porzellanhund “erbt” er extrem giftigen Froschmädchen... Wie in der er alle Tiere sowie seine Familie nur noch den 16jährigen Zoran, einen schon der erste Teil so entfacht auch sicher durch die Sintflut steuern kann. Jungen mit viel zu großer Brille und der Fortsetzungsfilm ein wahres Feuer- Das gefällt Kain gar nicht, der sich auf seltsamer Sprechweise. Paolo stuft ihn werk der Farben! Die kommen beson- der Verliererseite sieht. Mit einem star- sogleich als einen Idioten ein und ders dann zur Geltung, wenn sich der ken Heer will er sich der Arche bemäch-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 8 Newsletter 03/14 (Nr. 338) April 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog tigen... Um es gleich vorweg zu sagen: und der gleichaltrige Martin lernen sich Land/Jahr: Frankreich, USA 2014 Darren Aronofsky versenkt die Arche! durch die Musik kennen. Beide singen Regie: McG Mit REQUIEM FOR A DREAM hat er im Chor der “Musen”, einer Therapie- Darsteller: Kevin Costner, Amber ein zeitloses Meisterwerk geschaffen, gruppe für Menschen mit Williams- Heard, , Connie Nielsen mit NOAH eher das Gegenteil. Die gan- Beuren-Syndrom. Und beide verlieben Kinostart: 08.05.2014 ze dreidimensionale CGI-Show gerät zu sich spontan ineinander. Doch ihre Um- einem düsteren Fantasy-Film und hat welt sieht das gar nicht gerne. Weder Aufgrund einer Sperrfristvereinbarung nur noch rudimentär mit der Bibel-Vor- Gabrielles Mutter noch die Mutter von gibt es die Kurzkritik zu diesem Film lage zu tun. Oder gibt es dort tatsäch- Martin. Einzig Gabrielles Schwester erst ab 24.04.2014 auf lich die “Wächter”, zu Steinklumpen Sophie zeigt großes Verständnis für die www.wolframhannemann.de gewordene, gefallene Engel, die die Gefühlslage ihrer Schwester. Und Familie des Steinbeissers aus DIE UN- steckt selbst in der Zwickmühle: ihr Freitag, 28. März 2014 ENDLICHE GESCHICHTE sein könn- Freund möchte, dass sie zu ihm von Oscars letzter Tag ten? Auch von einem blinden Passagier Kanada nach Indien übersiedelt, was Mit zwei sehr unterschiedlichen Filmen an Bord der Arche hat man bislang aber Gabrielle das Herz brechen würde. endete heute die Pressewoche für mich. nichts gewusst. Also eine Art Gabrielle, fest dazu entschlossen mit “Director’s Cut” des Buches aller Bü- Martin ein Paar zu bilden, startet einen NÄCHSTER HALT: FRUITVALE STA- cher? Das Ganze erscheint so skurril, Versuch: kann sie außerhalb des TION (1:1.85, DD 5.1) dass man ab und zu tatsächlich ver- Behindertenheimes, in dem sie lebt, auf OT: Fruitvale Station sucht ist zu lachen. Wenn die Arche eigenen Füßen stehen und ein ganz Verleih: DCM schließlich nach ihrer Odyssee plötz- normales Leben führen? - “Ich bin Ei- Land/Jahr: USA 2013 lich auf etwas Festes knallt, sieht man ner von Euch” lautet einer der Songs, Regie: Ryan Coogler im Geiste sogar schon einen Eisberg. die von der Chorgruppe einstudiert Darsteller: Michael B. Jordan, Melonie Immerhin ist Aronofsky bemüht, den werden. Und treffender könnte Diaz, Octavia Spencer Konflikt, wer nun mit in die Arche darf Gabrielles sehnlichster Wunsch nicht Kinostart: 01.05.2014 und wer nicht, herauszuarbeiten. Doch ausgedrückt werden. Nicht länger es bleibt leider beim guten Ansatz und möchte sie als geistig Behinderte in Es ist der letzte Tag des Jahres 2009. mündet in einer großen Schlacht im Stil Gemeinschaft Gleichartiger zusammen- Oscar hat es nicht leicht. Seit zwei Wo- von 300 oder HERR DER RINGE. 3D leben, sondern eine eigene Wohnung chen ist er seinen Job los, hat aber braucht der Film eigentlich überhaupt haben und ihre eigene Familie gründen. seiner Freundin noch nichts davon nicht, so dass die Vermutung naheliegt, Sehr einfühlsam erzählt Louise erzählt. Um sie und seine kleine Toch- dass Aronofsky sich hier der Ge- Archambault in ihrem berührenden Film ter über Wasser zu halten, dealt er schäftspolitik von Paramount unterord- von der Liebe zwischen zwei Menschen heimlich mit Dope. Doch er möchte das nen musste. Positiv fällt der Score von mit geistiger Behinderung, ihren Pro- Dealen hinter sich lassen, ein neues Clint Mansell auf, der dieses Mal mit blemen im Alltag, ihren Wünschen, Leben beginnen. Am Nachmittag be- großem Orchester anrückt. Prognose: ihrem Kampf gegen ein uneinsichtiges sucht er mit seiner kleinen Familie sei- der Film wird ein gigantischer Flop an Umfeld. Der Film wirkt sehr authentisch ne Mutter, um deren Geburtstag zu fei- der Kinokasse. und nicht etwa kitschig, wie man es ern. Abends will er mit Freundin und hätte erwarten können. Das liegt insbe- ein paar Freunden nach Donnerstag, 27. März 2014 sondere an der pure Lebensfreude ver- fahren, um das Silvesterfeuerwerk zu Liebe mit Behinderungen sprühenden Hauptdarstellerin Gabrielle sehen. Seine Mutter rät ihm noch, mit Bei schönstem Sonnenschein lud uns Marion-Rivard, die selbst vom dem Vorortzug zu fahren und das Auto das Kino zum Pressevorführungs- Williams-Beuren-Syndrom betroffen ist. daheim stehen zu lassen. Oscar folgt doppel ein! Louise Archambaults Film gibt sich ihrem Rat. Eine folgenschwere Ent- nicht die Blöße, am Ende in ein Happy scheidung... Der Vorfall an der GABRIELLE – (K)EINE GANZ NOR- End zu verfallen, sondern lässt alles Fruitvale Station in der Silvesternacht MALE LIEBE (1:1.85, 5.1) offen. Einen wunderbareren Schluss von 2009 ist in den USA zu so etwas OT: Gabrielle hätte man sich nicht wünschen können. wie einem Symbol gegen Polizeigewalt Verleih: Alamode Abgerundet wird der Film durch die geworden. Damals wurde der 22-jährige Land/Jahr: Kanada 2013 Gänsehaut erzeugenden Chorgesänge, Oscar Grant bei einem Polizeieinsatz am Regie: Louise Archambault die in perfekter Weise den Gefühlszu- Bahnsteig erschossen – er war voll- Darsteller: Gabrielle Marion-Rivard, stand der Protagonisten zum Ausdruck kommen unschuldig und wehrlos dazu. Alexandre Landry, Mélissa bringt. Die Tat, die von vielen Smartphones Désormeaux-Poulin live mitgeschnitten wurde, führte zur Kinostart: 24.04.2014 3 DAYS TO KILL (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Verurteilung eines Polizisten, der an- OT: 3 Days To Kill gab, er hätte seine Pistole mit dem Die lebenslustige 22jährige Gabrielle Verleih: Universum Film (Walt Disney) Taser verwechselt. Dass es ausgerech-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 9 Newsletter 03/14 (Nr. 338) April 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog net Oscar traf ist umso tragischer, da schees vollgestopft, dass Langeweile noch ihre eigenen Malereien zur Verfü- sich der junge Farbige und Vater einer nicht lange auf sich warten lässt. Und gung gestellt hat. Etwas störend indes Tochter erst ein paar Stunden zuvor warum nur muss es in einem deutschen das Happy End, das sicherlich ein Zu- vorgenommen hatte, den Pfad des Film spätestens nach zehn Minuten geständnis an das amerikanische Publi- Kleinkriminellen zu verlassen und mit immer einen nackten Hintern zu sehen kum darstellt. Fazit: das perfekte Date- dem Dealen von Dope aufzuhören. geben? Schwamm drüber – nach der Movie. Ryan Cooglers Film rekonstruiert den alten Faustregel “Ist es beim Hanne- letzten Tag im Leben von Oscar und mann ein Flop, wird es an der Kinokas- ZEIT DER KANNIBALEN (1:2.35, 5.1) zeigt uns einen Mann mit hoher sozia- se top!” wird es bei diesem Film kräftig Verleih: farbfilm ler Kompetenz, der seinen Mitmen- an der Kinokasse klingeln. Aber dass Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 schen stets hilfsbereit gegenüberstand mir hinterher keiner kommt und sagt, Regie: Johannes Naber und seiner kleinen Tochter ein prima ich hätte ihn oder sie nicht vorgewarnt. Darsteller: Devid Striesow, Sebastian Daddy war. Der emotional ergreifende Blomberg, Katharina Schüttler Film lässt den Zuschauer ganz be- Dienstag, 01. April 2014 Kinostart: 22.05.2014 stimmt nicht kalt, auch wenn sich die Wenn Worte auf Bilder prallen amerikanischen Verhältnisse nicht ex- Zwei interessante Filme heute in der Öllers und Niederländer sind schon akt mit deutschen Verhältnissen ver- Presse – und das ist kein Aprilscherz! seit Jahren ein eingespieltes Team. Im gleichen lassen. Auftrag ihrer Firma reisen sie als Un- WORDS AND PICTURES (1:2.35, DD ternehmensberater um die ganze Welt MISS SIXTY (1:2.35, 5.1) 5.1) und frönen unverhohlen und ohne Verleih: Senator OT: Words And Pictures Rücksicht auf Verluste dem Kapitalis- Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 Verleih: Senator mus. Eines Tages taucht plötzlich die Regie: Sigrid Hoerner Land/Jahr: USA 2013 ehrgeizige Bianca auf, um den bisheri- Darsteller: Iris Berben, Edgar Selge, Regie: Fred Schepisi gen Kollegen Hellinger zu ersetzen. Der Carmen-Maja Antoni Darsteller: Clive Owen, Juliette hat es zum Partner der Company ge- Kinostart: 24.04.2014 Binoche, Keegan Connor Tracy schafft, ein Posten, auf den beide Män- Kinostart: 22.05.2014 ner spekuliert haben. Als das Trio von Molekularbiologin Luise wird mit 60 Hellingers plötzlichem Freitod erfährt, Jahren auf die Straße gesetzt. Mit ihr Jack Marcus, brillanter Englischlehrer keimen neue Hoffnungen auf. Bis Bian- auch jene Eizellen, die sie vor Jahr- an einer amerikanischen Highschool, ca zu verstehen gibt, dass sie vom Ma- zehnten zu Forschungszwecken hat steht auf der Abschussliste: seit er nagement damit beauftragt wurde, die einfrieren lassen. “Warum nicht jetzt sich in einem Rosenkrieg von seiner Tauglichkeit von Öllers und Niederlän- mit 60 schwanger werden?” fragt sich Frau hat scheiden lassen, ist der Wod- der zu bewerten... Nicht nur durch die Luise und ist flugs dabei, sich Samen ka sein bester Freund. Da kommt ihm ungewöhnliche, auf Schlaginstrumente aus einer Samenbank zu organisieren. die neu eingestellte Kunstlehrerin Dina konzentrierte Filmmusik hebt Johannes Ausgerechnet jenen von Max sucht sie Delsanto gerade recht. Die an schwerer Nabers Drama von anderen deutschen sich aus, nichtsahnend, dass der junge Arthritis leidende bekannte Künstlerin Spielfilmen ab. Auch das Setting ist auf Mann der Sohn von Galerist Frans ist, fordert seinen Intellekt heraus: sagen das Wesentlichste reduziert. So gibt es mit dem Luise erst jüngst zusammenge- tausend Worte mehr als ein Bild oder immer nur Hotelzimmer zu sehen, in prallt ist. Frans, vom Hexenschuss ge- ist es doch umgekehrt? Ein Wettbewerb denen die gesamte Handlung abläuft. plagt, erlebt gerade seinen zweiten soll das klären – und die beiden Kon- Und das in bestem CinemaScope. Der Frühling mit seiner jungen Angestell- trahenten kommen sich dabei näher... Blick aus dem Fenster ist meistens in ten. Das aber fordert Luise erst recht Wo zwei starke Charaktere aufeinander- Smog gehüllt. Nur die Hautfarbe der heraus... Dass es sich bei Sigrid treffen, da fliegen die Fetzen! Feiner Hotelangestellten macht deutlich, dass Hoerners Komödie um einen Debütfilm ausgedrückt könnte man auch sagen, wir uns schon wieder in einem anderen handelt, lässt sich leider nicht kaschie- was sich liebt, das zofft sich. Beides Land befinden. Devid Striesow, Seba- ren. Mehr als nur einmal geraten passt wunderbar auf Jack und Dina, stian Blomberg und Katharina Schüttler Schnitt und Bildkomposition außer die sich in Fred Schepisis Dramödie brillieren in ihren Rollen als Unterneh- Kontrolle. Oder wird diese Art des wunderbare Wortgefechte liefern. Jacks mensberater, die nur auf den Profit ih- Filmemachens jetzt an den Hochschu- literarischer Austausch mit seinen rer Company und damit auf ihre eigene len gelehrt? Ich bezeichne so etwa Schülern weckt Erinnerungen und DER Karriere fixiert sind. Dass alle drei am schlicht als Dilettantismus! Aber war- CLUB DER TOTEN DICHTER und die Ende selbst vom kapitalistischen Sy- um sich mit diesen dummen techni- Filmmusik erinnert ein wenig an die stem “gefickt” werden, ist dabei konse- schen Details aufhalten – schauen wir Orchestermusiken von Rachel Portman quent logisch und nachvollziehbar. mal lieber auf Schauspieler und Story. – beides positive Zutaten für den in ZEIT DER KANNIBALEN ist spannen- Aber mit geschlossenen Augen am den Hauptrollen exzellent gespielten des Kammerspiel mit teilweise über- besten. Die Story ist derart mit Kli- Film, für den Juliette Binoche sogar zeichneten Figuren, die jedoch alle ein

LASER HOTLINE Seite 10 Newsletter 03/14 (Nr. 338) April 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog großes Stückchen Wahrheit in sich Film zum Nachbauen sicher freuen. tragen. Das heutige Doppelprogramm hatte Retro im Blut! (1:2.35, 3D, DD 5.1) Mittwoch, 02. April 2014 OT: The Lego Movie Anschauungsunterricht ANGELIQUE (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Verleih: Warner Ein niedliches Äffchen im Regenwald OT: Angélique, Marquise Des Anges Land/Jahr: USA 2014 bestritt meine heutige Matinee Verleih: Tiberius Regie: Phil Lord, Chris Miller Land/Jahr: Frankreich, Österreich 2013 Kinostart: 10.04.2014 AMAZONIA – ABENTEUER IM Regie: Ariel Zeitoun REGENWALD (1:1.85, 3D, DD 5.1) Darsteller: Nora Arnezeder, Gérard In der schönen heilen Lego-Welt ist OT: Amazonia 3D Lanvin, Miguel Herz-Kestranek, David nicht alles so wie es scheint. Denn Prä- Verleih: Polyband (24 Bilder) Kross, Mathieu Kassovitz sident Business plant heimlich die Fi- Land/Jahr: Frankreich, Brasilien 2013 Kinostart: 29.05.2014 xierung des gesamten Lego-Landes Regie: Thierry Ragobert mittels einer Geheimwaffe. Die kann nur Kinostart: 24.04.2014 Frankreich 1661. Die aus gutem Haue durch den verschollenen letzten “Stein stammende Angélique soll gehen ihren des Widerstandes” unbrauchbar ge- Kapuzineräffchen Sai wurde in Gefan- Willen mit dem Grafen Joffrey de macht werden. Eine Prophezeiung be- genschaft geboren und wuchs als Peyrac vermählt werden, um so die sagt, dass “Der Besondere” kommen Spielkamerad für ein kleines Mädchen Schulden der Familie zu begleichen. Im und diesen “Stein des Widerstandes” auf. Eines schönen Tages soll das klei- Laufe der Zeit schlägt Angéliques an- finden wird, um die Welt zu retten. ne Tier mitsamt Käfig umgezogen wer- fängliche Abneigung gegen den we- Dass ausgerechnet der einfache, voll- den und wird dafür in ein Transport- sentlich älteren und entstellten Joffrey kommen durchschnittliche Bauarbeiter flugzeug verfrachtet. Ausgerechnet jedoch in Liebe um und die beiden Emmet dieser “Besondere” sein könnte, mitten über dem brasilianischen gründen eine Familie. Doch gegen käme ihm selbst nie in den Sinn. Doch Dschungel stützt die Maschine ab und Joffrey werden politische Intrigen in der Zufall will es, dass er den “Stein Sai kann unversehrt entkommen. Zum Gang gesetzt, die nicht nur sein Leben, des Widerstandes” findet. Gemeinsam ersten Mal im Leben muss es für sich sondern auch das von Angélique und mit dem Girl Wildstyle und deren Ver- selber sorgen. Gar nicht so einfach, ihren Kindern bedrohen... In den bündeten lässt sich Emmet auf sein wenn man nicht weiß, wer Freund und 1960er-Jahren brachte es die von Anne größtes Abenteuer ein... Hier kommt er wer Feind ist... Keinen computer- Golon erdachte Heldin Angélique auf also, der Film zum selber Nachbauen! animierten Film, aber einen mit Realauf- gleich vier Verfilmungen mit Michèle Oder könnte es sein, dass Sie bereits nahmen liefert Regisseur Thierry Mercier in der Hauptrolle. Jetzt lässt zu jenen Zeitgenossen zählen, die statt Ragobert mit AMAZONIA. Auf seinem Regisseur Ariel Zeitoun die historische Phantasie zu entwickeln sich lieber auf Weg durch den Amazonas-Dschungel Romanheldin wider aufleben, indem er Computerspiele trimmen ließ? Dann begegnet das Kapuzineräffchen allen die ersten vier Bücher der Romanserie wird es aber höchste Zeit, Ihrer Phanta- möglichen Insekten, Vögeln und Säu- als eine prall gefüllten Abenteuer- sie bei einer Runde Lego einmal freien getieren, die den Regenwald bevölkern. romanze inszeniert. Nora Arnezeder Lauf zu lassen und nicht etwa nach den Diese werden beeindruckend zumeist spielt jetzt die Titelheldin und macht in den Packungen beigelegten Bauan- mit Nahaufnahmen von der 3D-Kamera ihre Sache ebenso gut wie ihr Partner leitungen vorzugehen! Das könnte eine eingefangen. Der Kommentar aus dem Gérard Lanvin in der Rolle ihres ent- der Botschaften des recht originellen Off stellt dem Kinozuschauer diese oft stellten Gatten. Mit der oft recht wak- Animationsfilms von Phil Lord und sonderbaren Lebewesen vor und ver- keligen Kameraführung will der Regis- Chris Miller sein. Wenn man nur fest zichtet dabei dankenswerterweise auf seur vermutlich den ganzen Film aktu- an sich glaubt, dann kann man alles eine allzu große Vermenschlichung der ellen Sehgewohnheiten anpassen. schaffen. Eine Erkenntnis, die auch Urwaldbewohner. Mit seiner Musik Doch der Schuss geht nach hinten los: Emmet erfährt, als er plötzlich und wi- liefert Bruno Coulais den emotionalen die moderne Inszenierung passt irgend- der Willen zum “Besonderen” deklariert Unterbau für diesen dokumentarischen wie nicht so ganz zu dem historischen wird und die Lego-Welt retten muss. Film. Insgesamt zwar ein netter An- Stoff. Da hilft auch nicht, dass fast Diese Traumwelt vermischt sich im Film schauungsunterricht in Sachen tropi- alles durch Weichzeichner gejagt wur- erst ganz allmählich mit der realen scher Regenwald, aber leider ziemlich de. Durchgejagt wird auch der Stoff. Welt. Auf dem Weg dorthin werden uns einschläfernd. Dass der Regenwald Die Vermutung liegt nahe, dass es au- von den Filmemachern natürlich viele durch massive Rodung großen Scha- ßer der 113-Minuten-Fassung, die in kleine Puzzle-Teile in die Hand gege- den nimmt, wird nur ganz beiläufig ge- den Kinos zu sehen ist, auch noch eine ben, die es dann nur richtig zu interpre- zeigt und nicht weiter kommentiert. verlängerte TV-Version geben wird. tieren gilt. So entpuppt sich der Film Wer große Romanzen in aufwühlenden auf seiner Meta-Ebene (die vermutlich Donnerstag, 03. April 2014 Zeiten mit einer starken Hauptfigur vom Ziel-Publikum der unter 8jährigen Frankreich vor der Revolution und ein mag, den wird das ANGELIQUE-Reboot gar nicht wahrgenommen wird!) als

LASER HOTLINE Seite 11 Newsletter 03/14 (Nr. 338) April 2014 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog eine bitterböse Gesellschaftssatire. spannungsgeladenen Film sind es viel- ten gewohnte Maya schon meilenweit Dort werden mit einer subtil befohle- mehr Apartheidsgegner, die nach Ende entfernt und wirkt wie ein Fremdkörper nen Spaßgesellschaft sämtliche Proble- der Rassentrennung begnadigt wurden, im Land ihrer Herkunft. Jetzt setzt sie me verdrängt. Leider nimmt der Film aber trotzdem pflichtbewusst ihre Dien- alle Hebel in Bewegung, um wieder ein erst ab seiner Mitte richtig Fahrt auf ste weiter jener menschenverachtenden Visum zu bekommen. Doch Maya rech- und platziert ein paar gelungene Film- Sache widmen – auf ziemlich perfide net nicht mit der Sturheit der marokka- Parodien. Die eigenartige Animations- Weise. Die südafrikanische Großstadt nischen Behörden... Paris um jeden technik, mit der der Retro-Look einer Kapstadt ist hier der Schmelztiegel, in Preis? Eine Komödie um jeden Preis! Stop-Motion-Animation gekonnt simu- dem Gut und Böse aufeinandertrifft. Das war wohl Reem Khericis Devise, liert wird, prägt den Charakter des Auf der einen Seite die beiden Cops, als sie diese Komödie inszenierte. Wo- Films, der selber mehr Retro denn dargestellt von Orlando Bloom und bei Komödie hier nicht der richtige State-of-the-Art ist. Fazit: für Lego- Forest Whitaker, die beide ihre ganz Ausdruck ist. Schlaftablette trifft es da Freaks und Animationsfreunde, die das eigenen privaten Probleme mit sich her- eher. Nach einer schier unerträglichen Besondere lieben. umschleppen; auf der anderen Seite ersten Viertelstunde in der Modewelt knallharte Drogenhändler, die nicht nur von Paris hofft man auf eine vergnügli- Montag, 07. April 2014 mit Handfeuerwaffen umzugehen ver- che Fortsetzung im fernen Marokko mit Spannungsgeladen stehen, sondern auch mit der Machete. allerlei “Culture Clash”-Einlagen. Aber Dass es auch gute Thriller außerhalb ZULU ist ein richtig harter Krimi mit weit gefehlt. Im exotisch bebilderten des amerikanischen Mainstreams gibt, politischen Untertönen, inszeniert vor Marokko wird die ganze Sache fast machte uns allen die heutige Vorfüh- exotischer Kulisse mit überzeugenden noch unerträglicher! Auch dort zündet rung klar Darstellern. Mit diesem Film dürfte keine Pointe. Und die verzweifelten Orlando Bloom endgültig das ihm stän- Versuche, mit einer Parallelhandlung in ZULU (1:2.35, DD 5.1) dig anhaftende Legolas-Bild ad acta Paris die gähnende Langeweile der Wü- OT: Zulu legen. Auch trotz einiger gängiger Kli- ste mit Lachern zu füllen, ist von An- Verleih: Studio Hamburg (24 Bilder) schees ist die französisch-südafrikani- fang an zum Scheitern verurteilt. Mag Land/Jahr: Frankreich, Südafrika 2013 sche Koproduktion eine Bereicherung ja durchaus sein, dass die Hauptdar- Regie: Jérôme Salle im Thriller-Genre, stellerin mit den hübschen Beinen Darsteller: Orlando Bloom, Forest schauspielerisches, wenn nicht gar Whitaker, Conrad Kemp Dienstag, 08. April 2014 komödiantisches Talent besitzt – bei Kinostart: 08.05.2014 Ein Modepüppchen in Marokko diesem Film kommt das alles nicht zur Eine Komödie muss nicht zwangsläufig Geltung. Schade um die Mühe. Der gewaltsame Tod einer Studentin in über Humor verfügen...wie der heutige Kapstadt ruft die Cops Ali und Brian Film zu beweisen versuchte. auf den Plan. Bei ihren Ermittlungen bekommen sie es alsbald mit brutalen PARIS UM JEDEN PREIS (1:2.35, DD Drogenhändlern zu tun, die eine völlig 5.1) neue Droge auf den Markt gebracht OT: Paris A Tout Prix haben. Nicht nur müssen die beiden Verleih: Polyband (24 Bilder) gegen falsche Entscheidungen ihrer Land/Jahr: Frankreich 2013 Vorgesetzten ankämpfen, sondern auch Regie: Reem Kherici gegen ihre eigenen Probleme. Und das Darsteller: Reem Kherici, Cécile Cassel, ist erst die Spitze des Eisbergs in einem Shirley Bousquet Fall, der für beide Cops zu einer tödli- Kinostart: 22.05.2014 chen Falle zu werden scheint... Man ist ja schon richtig dankbar dafür, dass ein Ausgerechnet als sie eine Festan- Thriller nicht wieder in den Straßen- stellung als Designerin bei einem wich- schluchten irgendeiner amerikanischen tigen Pariser Modehaus in Aussicht Großstadt spielt. Aber ZULU gilt noch hat, wird Maya von den französischen mehr Dank: dieses Mal sind es nicht Behörden in ihre Heimat Marokko ab- die bösen deutschen Nazis, die im Un- geschoben: ihr Visum ist schon längst tergrund agieren. In Jérôme Salles abgelaufen! Von ihrem Zuhause hat sich die High Heels und enge Klamot-

Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog gibt es immer tagesaktuell im Internet: www.wolframhannemann.de

LASER HOTLINE Seite 12 Newsletter 03/14 (Nr. 338) April 2014

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 13 Newsletter 03/14 (Nr. 338) April 2014

Samstag, 22. März 2014 Rosa, Pepon Nieto, Jaime Ordonez konfrontiert, die einer leckeren Zwi- Drehbuch: Jorge Guerricaechevarría, schenmahlzeit alles andere als abge- WOLF CREEK 2 (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Álex de la Iglesia neigt sind... Die Widmung ganz am OT: Wolf Creek 2 Produzent: Enrique Cerezo Ende des Abspanns macht klar, worum Australien 2013 / 105 min / Englische Verleih: Splendid Film es Regisseur Eli Roth in diesem Film OV geht. “Per Ruggero” steht da groß ge- Regie: Greg Mclean Weil er es satt hat, ständig nur Alimen- schrieben. Gemeint ist natürlich kein Darsteller: John Jarratt, Shannon te zahlen zu müssen, begeht ein Vater Geringerer als Ruggero Deodato, der in Ashlyn, Sarah Robertson, Ryan Corr, einen Raubüberfall. Dabei helfen ihm Fankreisen insbesondere für seine Phillipe Klaus nicht nur ein paar Kumpels, sogar auch Kannibalen-Filme aus den 1970er-Jah- Drehbuch: Greg McLean, Aaron Sterns sein kleiner Sohn. In einem gekidnapp- ren geschätzt wird, beispielsweise für Produzent: Greg Mclean, Helen Leake, ten Taxi treten die Räuber schließlich NACKT UND ZERFLEISCHT, der in Steve Topic die Flucht vor der Polizei an und lan- Deutschland nach wie vor auf der Verleih: KSM den schließlich in einem abgelegenen Beschlagnahmeliste steht. Auch wenn Anwesen, nicht ahnend, dass sie dort Roth seinen Film in die Neuzeit verlegt, Zwei deutsche Backpacker geraten bei bereits von Hexen erwartet werden... so erinnert seine Machart auf Schritt ihrem Trip durch Australien an einen So fulminant Alex de la Iglesias‘ raben- und Tritt an jene Billigproduktionen, fiesen Serienkiller... Fast zehn Jahre ist schwarze Horrorshow auch beginnt, die inzwischen Kultstatus genießen es her, dass Mick Taylor das australi- verliert sie danach von Minute zu Mi- und die im Übrigen allesamt im Ab- sche Hinterland um den Wolf Creek nute deutlich an Fahrt und mündet auf spann des Films fein säuberlich aufge- Krater zu seiner sadistischen Spielwie- dem Weg zum Ende schließlich in über- listet werden. Angesichts der wirklich se erhob. Jetzt lässt Regisseur Greg bordende Langeweile. Seine Parabel krassen Gewaltszenen in Roths Film, McLean seine Version eines Freddy über den Jahrtausende alten Kampf der der immer die Kamera draufhält, wenn Krüger erneut dort herumwerkeln. Da Geschlechter liefert zwar ein Feuerwerk es wirklich weh tut, kann man schon wird dann munter zu Johann Strauß‘ an absurden Bildern, überfordert den jetzt mutmaßen, dass es der Film in “Schöner blauen Donau” gemetzelt, Zuschauer damit aber und fordert ihn seiner ungekürzten Fassung möglicher- was das Zeug hält, werden Heerscha- letztendlich zur Kapitulation auf. Das weise auch in die bereits erwähnte be- ren von Känguruhs von Taylors Truck ist umso trauriger, da der Film gute An- rühmt-berüchtigte Liste schaffen wird. plattgefahren und ein deutsches sätze bietet und mit einem fabelhaften Spätestens dann, wenn THE GREEN Touristenpärchen (das in der Original- Darstellerensemble bestückt ist. Aber INFERNO auf Silber- und Blauscheibe fassung übrigens kein sonderlich gutes wie heisst es immer so schön: nicht gepresst wird. Erstaunlich ist, dass Deutsch spricht!) fachgerecht zerlegt. jeder Film kann ein Meisterwerk sein. FilmVerleih Constantin tatsächlich ei- WOLF CREEK 2 bewegt sich irgendwo nen regulären Kinoeinsatz in Deutsch- zwischen hartem Slasher-Movie und THE GREEN INFERNO (1:2.35, DD 5.1) land vorgesehen hat. Menschen mit Komödie. Letzteres alleine schon we- OT: The Green Inferno schwachem Magen sollten auf den Be- gen des starken Aussie-Akzents des USA 2013 / 103 min / Englische OV such des Films gänzlich verzichten. Für Schlapphut tragenden Serienkillers. Regie: Eli Roth eingefleischte (!) Fans der Deodato- Der handwerklich gut inszenierte Film Darsteller: Lorenza Izzo, Ariel Levy, Filme dürfte Roths Hommage mögli- wird jedoch im Serienkiller-Universum Aaron , Sky Ferreira, Nicolás cherweise nur wie ein kleiner Appetit- keinen sonderlich hohen Stellenwert Martínez happen wirken. einnehmen sondern taugt allenfalls als Drehbuch: Guillermo Amoedo, Eli Roth willkommene Zwischenmahlzeit. Produzent: Miguel Asensio, Molly THE RETURNED (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Conners, Eli Roth OT: The Returned WITCHING AND BITCHING (1:2.35, Verleih: Constantin Film Spanien/Kanada 2013 / 98 min / Engli- DD 5.1 + Atmos) sche OV OT: Las Brujas De Zugarramurdi Eine studentische Aktivistengruppe Regie: Manuel Carballo Spanien/Frankreich 2013 / 104 min / fliegt in das Amazonas-Gebiet, um dort Darsteller: Emily Hampshire, Kris Hol- Spanische OmeU einen von Baumaßnahmen bedrohten den-Ried, Claudia Bassolsm, Shawn Regie: Álex de la Iglesia Ureinwohnerstamm zu schützen. Als Doyle Darsteller: Mario Casas, Silva, das Flugzeug auf dem Rückflug mitten Drehbuch: Hatem Khraiche Carmen Maura, Terele Pavez, Carolina im Dschungel abstürzt, sieht sich die Produzent: George Ayoub, Julio Bang, Santiago Segura, Secun de la Studentenschar alsbald mit Kannibalen Fernández, Gary Howsam

LASER HOTLINE Seite 14 Newsletter 03/14 (Nr. 338) April 2014

Verleih: MFA+ Filmdistribution Darsteller: Siu-Ho Chin, Kara Hui, Sonntag, 23. März 2014 Antony Chan, Hoi-Pang Lo, Richard Die Menschheit hat die zweite große Ng Zombie-Welle Dank eines Proteins er- IN FEAR (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Drehbuch: Jill Leung, Philip Yung folgreich abgewehrt. Einziger Nachteil: OT: In Fear Produzent: Juno Mak, Takashi Shimizu wer einmal Zombie war, benötigt täg- England 2012 / 85 min / Englische OV Verleih: Ascot Elite Home lich eine Injektion. Ehemalige Zombies, Regie: Jeremy Lovering Entertainment “The Returned” (= die Zurückgekehr- Darsteller: Iain De Caestecker, Alice ten) genannt, werden jedoch von der Englert, Allen Leech Ein erfolgreicher Schauspieler mietet Gesellschaft diskriminiert und sogar Drehbuch: Jeremy Lovering sich in einer heruntergekommen Miets- angegriffen. Alex ist einer von ihnen – Produzent: James Biddle, Nira Park kaserne ein, um in Ruhe Selbstmord zu aber nur seine Frau, die Ärztin Kate, Verleih: Studiocanal begehen. Doch er wird in letzter Sekun- weiß es. Heimlich besorgt sie im Kran- de daran gehindert und sieht sich kenhaus die dringend benötigte Medi- Das junge Paar kennt sich zwar erst plötzlich mit allerlei Übernatürlichem zin – für teures Geld. Doch die Medika- seit zwei Wochen, doch schon sind sie konfrontiert... Typisch asiatisch ele- mente werden knapp, weil sie nicht gemeinsam im Auto zu einem Musik- gisch und mit dem üblichen Literfass synthetisch hergestellt werden können. festival in Irland unterwegs. Vor dem an Blut zelebriert Juno Mak seine Für Alex und Kate beginnt ein Kampf Festival wollen die beiden eine Nacht Geistergeschichte, in der auch Vampire ums Überleben, der auch bald die in einem abgelegenen Hotel verbrin- ihren Platz haben. Die Bilder sind gran- Freundschaft zu Alex‘ bestem Kumpel gen. Das aber ist gar nicht so einfach dios, fast farblos, aber immer packend. auf eine harte Probe stellt... Manuel zu finden. Es scheint so, als ob alle Die Geschichte ist es leider nicht. Und Carballo ist ein Name den man sich Hinweisschilder im Wald das Paar stän- so ergeht sich der Film am Ende nur merken sollte. Denn ihm ist es tatsäch- dig nur im Kreis herumführt. Ganz all- noch in Langeweile. Schade. lich gelungen, einen Zombie-Film zu mählich bricht sich Angst und Panik inszenieren, der dem gesamten Genre den Weg. Die Nacht bricht an... Drei ENEMY (1:2.35, D 5.1) nicht nur neue Aspekte abgewinnt, sind oftmals einer zuviel. In Jeremy OT: Enemy sondern darüber hinaus auch als Meta- Loverings Thriller zumindest trifft dies Kanada/Spanien 2013 / 90 min / Engli- pher funktioniert. Am Beispiel der Zu- exakt zu. Der Film beginnt als Zwei- sche OmdU rückgekehrten thematisiert der Film Personen-Stück. Durch ungewöhnliche Regie: Denis Villeneuve Diskriminierung (die mittels Medika- Kameraperspektiven und ein ausgefeil- Darsteller: Jake Gyllenhaal, Mélanie menten in Schach gehaltenen Zombies tes Sounddesign gelingt es dem Regis- Laurent, Sarah Gadon, Isabella werden ausgegrenzt) sowie Freund- seur, die draußen lauernde unheimliche Rossellini, Jane Moffat, Joshua Peace schaft und Liebe und wie diese durch Bedrohung spürbar zu machen und dem Drehbuch: Javier Gullón, José eine Extremsituation auf eine harte Pro- Film eine immense Spannung einzuhau- Saramago (Buchvorlage) be gestellt werden. Hier gilt: Jeder ist chen. Die aber wird weit über der Hälfte Produzent: M.A. Faura, Niv Fichman sich selbst der Nächste! Was im Film des Films abrupt zunichte gemacht, als Verleih: Capelight Pictures der Zombiismus ist, lässt sich auf jede plötzlich eine dritte Person ins Spiel andere Krankheit übertragen, die auf kommt. Von da an lässt das Drehbuch Adam ist Geschichtsprofessor an einer Medikamente angewiesen ist (z.B. ziemlich zu wünschen übrig, die ganze Universität in Toronto. Er führt ein AIDS). Exemplarisch exerziert Carballo Geschichte läuft aus dem Ruder und recht spartanisches Leben zwischen anhand der Zombies die Arzneimittel- entlässt den Zuschauer relativ unbe- Vorlesung, Korrekturen und Sex mit verknappung durch und was diese für friedigt aus dem Kino. Das ist umso seiner Freundin. Eines Tages entdeckt die Gesellschaft bedeutet. Dabei bleibt ärgerlicher, da der Film durch seine er zufällig in einem Videofilm einen sein Film von Anfang bis Ende span- unheimlichen Atmosphäre von echtem Schauspieler, der ihm bis aufs Haar nend, lässt keine Langeweile aufkom- Können zeugt. Beim nächsten Mal wird gleicht. Der Doppelgänger wird zu sei- men. Eine überzeugende Besetzung, das bestimmt besser. ner Obsession: er forscht so lange gute Kameraarbeit, das ausgefeilte nach, bis er ihn schließlich aufspürt. Sounddesign und eine gelungene Film- RIGOR MORTIS (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Das Treffen zwischen Adam und sei- musik lassen die weiteren Filme der OT: Goeng Si nem Doppelgänger Anthony wirft beide Fantasy Filmfest Nights weit hinter HongKong 2013 / 105 min / Männer aus der Bahn – mit gefährli- sich – zumindest was den ersten Tag Kantonesische OmeU chen Folgen. Ein Lehrstück in Sachen angeht. Regie: Juno Mak Suspense – so könnte man Denis

LASER HOTLINE Seite 15 Newsletter 03/14 (Nr. 338) April 2014

Produzent: Terje Stroemstad, Kjetil OT: The Sacrament Omberg USA 2013 / 95 min / Englische OV Verleih: Splendid Film Regie: Ti West Darsteller: Joe Swanberg, AJ Bowen, Schon irgendwie blöd, wenn einem aus Kentucker Audley, Amy Seimetz, Gene Versehen statt des eigenen abgesägten Jones rechten Arms plötzlich der recnte Arm Drehbuch: Ti West eines Nazi-Zombies anoperiert wird! So Produzent: Eli Roth, Jacob Jaffke, Peter zumindest ergeht es Martin, als er nach Phok dem großen Zombie-Massaker im Kran- Verleih: Constantin Film kenhaus wieder erwacht. Und glauben tut ihm die Geschichte mit den Nazi- Weil er Angst um seine Schwester hat, Zombies sowieso keiner. Da trifft es die sich vor zwei Jahren für ein Leben sich gut, dass Hilfe aus den USA her- in einer mysteriösen Gemeinde beieilt: die Zombie Squad (drei Nerds!) entschloss, macht sich ein Fotograf weiß Bescheid. Gemeinsam wollen sie gemeinsam mit einem Reporter und des- sich mit Martin gegen die auferstande- sen Kameramann auf den Weg sie zu ne Nazi-Brut zu Wehr setzen... besuchen. Bei ihrer Ankunft vermittelt Wirkola ist Norweger. Und nur er darf die hermetisch abgeschottete Gemeinde es sich erlauben, seinen Splatter-Fun- den Eindruck vom Paradies auf Erden. Film derart politisch inkorrekt zu insze- Die fast 200 Seelen huldigen ihrem nieren, dass es weh tut – zumindest die Führer, den sie alle nur “Father” nen- Lachmuskeln. Ob Kinder, die bei Herz- nen und der für alle gut sorgt. Doch Villeneuves neuesten Film durchaus massage plötzlich ihr Innerstes nach nicht alles ist Gold was glänzt. Das bezeichnen. Der mit einem überragen- außen kehren oder Rollstuhlfahrer, die müssen auch die Neuankömmlinge den Jake Gyllenhaal in einer Doppelrol- für die rennenden Nazi-Zombies zu schon bald erfahren... Ti Wests THE le besetzte Film versteht sich perfekt langsam sind und dies mit ihrem Leben SACRAMENT ist zwar ein kleiner, darauf, mit minimalen Mitteln größt- bezahlen – einem deutschen Film hätte unspektakulärer Film, doch sein Thema mögliche Spannung zu erzeugen. man so etwas übel genommen. Und so ist stets brisant. Formal entschied sich Kameraarbeit, Filmmusik, Schnitt und sind wir froh, dass es ein Norweger ist, der Regisseur, der auch gleichzeitg für Sounddesign verdichten sich zu einem der uns diese Schlachtplatte serviert. das Drehbuch verantwortlich war, für intensiven Thriller um Identitäten. Sind DEAD SNOW 2 macht genau dort wei- eine “Fake Documentary”. Im Gegen- Adam und Anthony vielleicht ein und ter, wo Teil 1 aufgehört hat und beweist satz zu den “Found Footage”-Filmen dieselbe Person? Villeneuve gibt uns in souverän, dass in diesem Subgenre handelt es sich hier also um eine seinem Film viele kleine Puzzlestücke, noch längst nicht das letzte Wort (oder sendereife Dokumentation, bei der sich die wir als Zuschauer selbst zusammen- der letzte Arm) gefallen ist. Bravo! das Kameragewackel ziemlich in Gren- bauen müssen, um der Geschichte auf zen hält. Besonders beeindruckend ist den Grund zu gehen. Genau das ist es THE SACRAMENT (1:1.85, 5.1) der an John Goodman erinnernde Gene aber, was den Film von Anfang bis Jones in der Rolle des “Father”. Ende faszinierend macht und zu noch- maligem Anschauen verführt.

DEAD SNOW 2 (1:2.35, 5.1) OT: Dod Sno 2 Norwegen 2014 / 100 min / NorwegischE OmeU Regie: Tommy Wirkola Darsteller: Vegar Hoel, Stig Frode Henriksen, Ørjan Gamst, Martin Starr, Ingrid Haas, Jocelyn DeBoer, Amrita Acharia Drehbuch: Vegar Hoel, Stig Frode Henriksen, Tommy Wirkola

LASER HOTLINE Seite 16 Newsletter 03/14 (Nr. 338) April 2014

LASER HOTLINE Seite 17 Newsletter 03/14 (Nr. 338) April 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Briefe von Felix, Vol. 6 - Gestran- Edel (Paragon Movies) 18.04.2014 Animation det im Pazifik 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058648 Dir. Alan Simpson, Arpad Szabo Kikeriki - Der Hahn ist weg Trickfilm 2001-2002 60min. Rooster-Doodle-Doo Die Abenteuer des jungen Marco Edel:Kids 04.04.2014 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 82min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058647 Polo, Folge 1 - Flucht aus Vene- Germany(Universal) dig Dance in the Vampire Bund - Ge- 12.06.2014 Dir. Lutz Stützner, Tony Loeser, Dave Bar- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059051 ton Thomas samtausgabe (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Trickfilm 60min. Dansu In Za Vanpaia Bando Kleine Prinzessin - Ich will im Edel Germany(Edel:Kids) 25.04.2014 Terri Doty, Aoi Yuki, Yûko Kaida - Dir. Regen spielen & Ich will den 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058860 Akiyuki Shinbo, Masahiro Sonoda, Naoyuki Tatsuwa Schatz finden (2 Discs) Die Abenteuer des jungen Marco Postkarten, Talkrunde Little Princess Zeichentrick/Action 2010 332min. Dir. Edward Foster Polo, Folge 2 - Gestrandet auf AV Visionen(Nipponart) 04.04.2014 Zeichentrick 110min. dem Paleponnes 99,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058833 justbridge entertainment media(FM Kids) Dir. Lutz Stützner, Tony Loeser, Dave Bar- 16.05.2014 ton Thomas Dora - Doras Mega-Fußball- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059095 Trickfilm 60min. endspiel Edel Germany(Edel:Kids) 25.04.2014 Dora The Explorer Kommando Störtebeker 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058861 Dir. George S. Chialtas, Gary Conrad, Dir. Ute von Münchow-Pohl, Toby Genkel Sherie Pollack, Arnie Wong Zeichentrick 2001 76min. Airplanes - Geschichten über den Bonusepisode Concorde Home Entertainment(Concolino) Wolken, Teil 2 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2000 91min. 08.05.2014 Airplanes Paramount Home Entertainment 08.05.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059075 Abenteuer/Trickfilm 2011 60min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059085 justbridge entertainment media(FM Kids) Laban, das kleine Gespenst - Fol- 25.04.2014 Feuerwehrmann Sam - Box 3 (2 ge 17-24 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058769 Discs) Lilla Spöket Laban Fireman Sam - The New Series Dir. Alicja Jaworski, Karin Nilsson, Per Ahlin Appleseed: Alpha Dir. Jerry Hibbert Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2006-2013 52min. Appleseed Alpha Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2007-2009 100min. Studio Hamburg Enterprises 30.05.2014 Dir. Shinji Aramaki justbridge entertainment media(FM kids) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059170 Trickfilm/Science Fiction 2014 min. 16.05.2014 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059096 Laban, das kleine Gespenst - Fol- 31.07.2014 ge 9-16 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059236 Glücksbärchis - Box 1 (2 Discs) Lilla Spöket Laban Care Bears: Oopsy Does It! Dir. Alicja Jaworski, Karin Nilsson, Per Ahlin Arche Noah - Die Geschichte der Dir. Davis Doi Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2006-2013 52min. Sintflut Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2007 285min. Studio Hamburg Enterprises 25.04.2014 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 50min. justbridge entertainment media(FM Kids) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058862 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 11.04.2014 25.04.2014 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058653 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058766 Lenas Ranch, Vol. 1 - , der Die große Box des Trickfilms (2 Wilde Briefe von Felix, Vol. 2 - Das ver- Le Ranch rückte Autorennen Discs) Dir. Monica Maaten Dir. Alan Simpson, Arpad Szabo Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 600min. Poster Trickfilm 2001-2002 50min. aberle-media 09.05.2014 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 110min. Edel:Kids 04.04.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058863 justbridge entertainment media(FM Kids) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058641 25.04.2014 Hey Arnold! - Die komplette Serie 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058823 Briefe von Felix, Vol. 3 - Der (12 Discs) Schatz des Pharao Hey Arnold! Lenas Ranch, Vol. 2 - Samantha, Dir. Alan Simpson, Arpad Szabo Zeichentrick/Komödie 1996-2004 2400min. die Rivalin Trickfilm 2001-2002 50min. Turbine Media Group 11.04.2014 Le Ranch Edel:Kids 04.04.2014 99,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058746 Dir. Monica Maaten 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058644 Poster Highschool of the Dead - Gesamt- Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 110min. Briefe von Felix, Vol. 4 - Ein ausgabe (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) justbridge entertainment media(FM Kids) 25.04.2014 Gakuen Mokushiroku: Highschool Of The Heim für Roboter 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058824 Dir. Alan Simpson, Arpad Szabo Dead Trickfilm 2001-2002 50min. Junichi Suwabe, Marina Inoue, Shelley The Little Panda Calene-Black, Edel:Kids 04.04.2014 Ursinho Da Pesada 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058642 Postkarten Zeichentrick/Action 2011 332min. Dir. Michelle Gabriel AV Visionen(Nipponart) 04.04.2014 Bildergalerie, Biografien, Trailer Briefe von Felix, Vol. 5 - Der Vo- Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2007 50min. 99,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058832 gel-Rettungskoffer justbridge entertainment media(FM Kids) Dir. Alan Simpson, Arpad Szabo Katy - Die kleine Raupe und der 25.04.2014 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058767 Trickfilm 2001-2002 60min. Außerirdische Edel:Kids 04.04.2014 Katy, La Oruga 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058645 Magic Boy - Der magische Junge Dir. José Luis Moro, Santiago Moro Shônen Sarutobi Sasuke Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1986 71min. Dir. Taiji Yabushita

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Trailer, Bonusfilm „Prinzessin Kuro“ 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059160 justbridge entertainment media(FM Kids) Zeichentrick/Fantasy 1959 81min. 16.05.2014 Intergroove Media(Picture Lake Film) Senran Kagura - Vol. 1 (Blu-ray) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059136 16.05.2014 Senran Kagura 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059117 Dir. Takashi Watanabe Transformers Prime, Folge 12 - Poster Die Entscheidung My Little Pony - Freundschaft ist Action/Zeichentrick 78min. Transformers Prime AV Visionen(Kazé) 25.04.2014 Magie, Folge 15 Dir. David Hartman, Todd Waterman 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059226 My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic Zeichentrick/Science Fiction 110min. Dir. Jayson Thiessen, James Wootton Socken - Folge 1-13 Edel:Kids 23.05.2014 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 66min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059169 Edel:Kids 09.05.2014 Socks 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058864 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 45min. Welt der Box Studio Hamburg Enterprises 25.04.2014 Hakujaden / Ribbon no Kishi / Saiyu-ki / 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058859 My Little Pony - Freundschaft ist Tatsu no ko Tarô Magie, Folge 16 Socken - Folge 14-20 Zeichentrick 1958-1979 316min. My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic Intergroove Media(Picture Lake Film) Socks Dir. Jayson Thiessen, James Wootton 30.05.2014 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 45min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 66min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059113 Studio Hamburg Enterprises 30.05.2014 Edel:Kids 09.05.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059171 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058865 Wendy - Der heimliche Blogger SpongeBob Schwammkopf - Tief- Wendy Orla Froschfresser: Auch Kleine Dir. Alan Simpson, Garry Marshall können sich wehren (2 Discs) see-Spiele Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 50min. Spongebob Squarepants Dir. Peter Dodd Edel:Kids 11.04.2014 Bonusepisode, Video-Storybook 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058650 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2011 82min. Zeichentrick/Komödie 1999-2006 142min. WVG Medien(polyband) 30.05.2014 Paramount Home Entertainment 08.05.2014 Wendy - Die Westernreit-Show 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058695 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059097 Wendy Orla Froschfresser: Auch Kleine Tari Tari, Vol. 1 Dir. Alan Simpson, Garry Marshall Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 50min. können sich wehren (Blu-ray 3D + Tari Tari Edel:Kids 11.04.2014 Dir. Masakazu Hashimoto 2D) (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058649 Dir. Peter Dodd Trickfilm/Drama min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2011 82min. AV Visionen(Anime House) 25.04.2014 Die wilden Kerle 7 - Auf zum 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058825 WVG Medien(polyband) 30.05.2014 Champions Cup 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058720 Tari Tari, Vol. 1 (Blu-ray) Dir. Mike Maurus Otto ist ein Nashorn Tari Tari Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2012 60min. Edel:Kids 16.05.2014 Otto Is A Rhino Dir. Masakazu Hashimoto 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059172 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 76min. Trickfilm/Drama min. AV Visionen(Anime House) 25.04.2014 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Die wilden Kerle 8 - Freundschaft 12.06.2014 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058831 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059052 in Gefahr Tari Tari, Vol. 2 Dir. Mike Maurus Popeye - Der Seemann & seine Tari Tari Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2012 60min. Freunde, Teil 2 Dir. Masakazu Hashimoto Edel:Kids 16.05.2014 Booklet, Karaoke, Postkarten, Trailer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059173 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1933-1942 279min. Trickfilm/Drama 150min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 11.04.2014 AV Visionen(Anime House) 27.06.2014 The Winx Club - Specials 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058652 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059159 The Winx Club - The Winx Club Die Ren & Stimpy Show - Die Fantasy/Zeichentrick 2004-2008 180min. Tari Tari, Vol. 2 (Blu-ray) justbridge entertainment media(FM Kids) komplette Serie (9 Discs, uncut) Tari Tari 25.04.2014 The Ren & Stimpy Show Dir. Masakazu Hashimoto 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058768 Dir. , , Ron Booklet, Karaoke, Postkarten, Trailer Hughart, , Bill Wray, Ken Trickfilm/Drama 160min. Yakari - Der schlaflose Bär AV Visionen(Anime House) 27.06.2014 Bruce Yakari 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059225 Audiokommentare, Featurettes, Bildergalerien Dir. Xavier Giacometti Zeichentrick/Komödie 1991-1996 1140min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2005-2007 50min. Turbine Media Group 09.05.2014 Totally Spies! - Staffel 4.1 (2 Edel:Kids 16.05.2014 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059152 Discs) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059168 Totally Spies! Sailor Moon - Box 3 (6 Discs) Dir. Stephane Yakari - Die sieben Feuer Bishôjo Senshi Sêrâ Mûn Zeichentrick/Abenteuer 2001-2008 Yakari Dir. Junichi Sato, Kunihiko Ikuhara 300min. Dir. Xavier Giacometti Zeichentrick/Action 1992-1993 550min. justbridge entertainment media(FM Kids) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2005-2007 50min. AV Visionen(Kazé) 25.04.2014 16.05.2014 Edel:Kids 16.05.2014 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059118 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059135 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059167 Senran Kagura - Vol. 1 Totally Spies! - Staffel 4.2 (2 Senran Kagura Discs) Dir. Takashi Watanabe Poster Totally Spies! Film Action/Zeichentrick 75min. Dir. Stephane Berry AV Visionen(Kazé) 25.04.2014 Zeichentrick/Abenteuer 2001-2008 300min. 1000 Ways to find Death (3 Discs)

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6 Guns / Der Besessene / The Big Trees / Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Sheehan, Anna Maxwell Martin, Michael Dead West / Django - Unerbittlich bis zum 05.06.2014 Maloney - Dir. Ashley Pearce, David Blair Tod / Geächtet / La più grande rapina del 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058937 Kriminalfilm/Drama 2012 250min. West / Ringo / The Jack Bull justbridge entertainment media(BBC) , Claire Trevor, John Carradine, 47 Ronin (Blu-ray 3D, + Blu-ray 16.05.2014 Kirk Douglas, Eve Miller, Patrice Wymore, 2D, Steelbook) (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059183 Marlon Brando, Karl Malden, Katy Jurado, 47 Ronin , John Goodman, , Keanu Reeves, Hiroyuki Sanada, Tadanobu Accused - Eine Frage der Schuld: Jack Beutel, Jane Russell, Thomas Mitchell, Asano, , Cary-Hiroyuki Staffel 2 (2 Discs) Jasen Wade, Angélica Celaya, Shannon Tagawa, Kou Shibasaki, Togo Igawa, Jin Accused Whirry, Barry Van Dyke, Sage Mears, Greg Akanishi, Min Tanaka, Takato Yonemoto, Sean Bean, Anne-Marie Duff, Robert Evigan, George Hilton, Hunt Powers, Erica Masayoshi Haneda, Natsuki Kunimoto - Dir. Sheehan, Anna Maxwell Martin, Michael Blanc, Robert Woods, Gabriella Giorgelli, Carl Rinsch Maloney - Dir. Ashley Pearce, David Blair Teodoro Corrà - Dir. John Ford, Felix Feist, Action/Drama 2013 118min. Kriminalfilm/Drama 2012 240min. Marlon Brando, John Badham, Howard Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) justbridge entertainment media(BBC) Hughes, Howard Hawks, Douglas Myers, 05.06.2014 16.05.2014 Shane Van Dyke, Maurizio Lucidi, Mario 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058938 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059094 Moroni 1939-2010 890min. 47 Ronin (Blu-ray) Across the Bridge Great Movies GmbH(Magic Mov!e) 47 Ronin Across The Bridge 28.05.2014 Keanu Reeves, Hiroyuki Sanada, Tadanobu , David Knight, Eric Pohlmann, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058993 Asano, Rinko Kikuchi, Cary-Hiroyuki Noel Willman, Marla Landi, Bernard Lee, Bill Tagawa, Kou Shibasaki, Togo Igawa, Jin Nagy - Dir. Ken Annakin 11mm Shortkicks Akanishi, Min Tanaka, Takato Yonemoto, Bildergalerie Kurzfilm 130min. Masayoshi Haneda, Natsuki Kunimoto - Dir. Drama 1957 99min. absolut MEDIEN 04.04.2014 Carl Rinsch Intergroove Media(TB Classics) 02.05.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058902 Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058702 Action/Drama 2013 118min. Der 16. Wunsch Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Airplane vs. Volcano 16 Wishes 05.06.2014 Airplane Vs Volcano Debby Ryan, Jean-Luc Bilodeau, Anna Mae 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058936 Dean Cain, Robin Givens, Lawrence-Hilton Routledge, Karissa Tynes, Kendall Cross, Jacobs, Anthony Marks, Laura Alexandra Patrick Gilmore, Cainan Wiebe, Keenan Die Abenteuer der Schweizer Fa- Ramos, Mike Jerome Putnam, Matt Mercer, Tracey, Jesse Reid, Joel Hayes, Brenda milie Robinson Natalie Burtney, Tamara Goodwin - Dir. Crichlow, Gary Jones - Dir. Peter DeLuise The New Swiss Family Robinson James Kondelik, Jon Kondelik Trailer, Bildergalerie Jane Seymour, David Carradine, James Making of, Outtakes, Trailer Komödie 2010 86min. Action/Drama 2014 85min. Keach, John Mallory Asher, Blake Bashoff, Delta Music & Entertainment(Great Movies) Edel Germany(Starmovie) 02.05.2014 Jamie Renee Smith, Diane Kirman - Dir. 01.04.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058882 Stewart Raffill 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058911 Abenteuer 1998 90min. Airplane vs. Volcano (Blu-ray 3D) 2 Broke Girls - Die komplette 2. Pidax film media(Pidax film) 02.05.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058736 (Blu-ray) Staffel (3 Discs) Airplane Vs Volcano 2 Broke Girls Der Abenteurer - Der Fluch des Dean Cain, Robin Givens, Lawrence-Hilton Kat Dennings, Beth Behrs, Garrett Morris, Midas Jacobs, Anthony Marks, Laura Alexandra Jonathan Kite, Matthew Moy, Jennifer Ramos, Mike Jerome Putnam, Matt Mercer, The Adventurer: The Curse Of The Midas Coolidge - Dir. Don Scardino, Fred , Natalie Burtney, Tamara Goodwin - Dir. Box Ted Wass, Scott Ellis, Phill Lewis James Kondelik, Jon Kondelik Michael Sheen, Lena Headey, Sam Neill, Komödie 2012-2013 min. Making of, Outtakes, Trailer Ioan Gruffudd, Aneurin Barnard, Keeley Warner Home Video Germany 25.04.2014 Action/Drama 2014 89min. Hawes, Tristan Gemmill, Daniel Wilde, Mella 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059031 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 02.05.2014 Carron - Dir. Jonathan Newman 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058893 47 Ronin Making of Abenteuer/Fantasy 2013 95min. Airplane vs. Volcano (Blu-ray) 47 Ronin Universum Film Home Entertainment Airplane Vs Volcano Keanu Reeves, Hiroyuki Sanada, Tadanobu 23.05.2014 Dean Cain, Robin Givens, Lawrence-Hilton Asano, Rinko Kikuchi, Cary-Hiroyuki 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058747 Tagawa, Kou Shibasaki, Togo Igawa, Jin Jacobs, Anthony Marks, Laura Alexandra Akanishi, Min Tanaka, Takato Yonemoto, Der Abenteurer - Der Fluch des Ramos, Mike Jerome Putnam, Matt Mercer, Natalie Burtney, Tamara Goodwin - Dir. Masayoshi Haneda, Natsuki Kunimoto - Dir. Midas (Blu-ray) Carl Rinsch James Kondelik, Jon Kondelik The Adventurer: The Curse Of The Midas Action/Drama 2013 114min. Making of, Outtakes, Trailer Box Action/Drama 2014 89min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Michael Sheen, Lena Headey, Sam Neill, Edel Germany(Starmovie) 02.05.2014 05.06.2014 Ioan Gruffudd, Aneurin Barnard, Keeley 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058892 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058926 Hawes, Tristan Gemmill, Daniel Wilde, Mella 47 Ronin (Blu-ray 3D, + Blu-ray Carron - Dir. Jonathan Newman Alice im Spiegelland Making of Alice Through The Looking Glass 2D) (Blu-ray) Abenteuer/Fantasy 2013 99min. Kate Beckinsale, Jonathan Bailey, Desmond 47 Ronin Universum Film Home Entertainment Barrit, Steve Coogan, Sir Ian Holm, John Keanu Reeves, Hiroyuki Sanada, Tadanobu 23.05.2014 Cashen - Dir. John Henderson Asano, Rinko Kikuchi, Cary-Hiroyuki 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058758 Fantasy 1998 83min. Tagawa, Kou Shibasaki, Togo Igawa, Jin Media Home Entertainment Akanishi, Min Tanaka, Takato Yonemoto, Accused - Eine Frage der Schuld 15.04.2014 Masayoshi Haneda, Natsuki Kunimoto - Dir. (Season 2) (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059128 Carl Rinsch Accused Action/Drama 2013 118min. Sean Bean, Anne-Marie Duff, Robert Alice im Spiegelland (Blu-ray)

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Alice Through The Looking Glass Siegfried Lowitz (Folgen 1-100: Erwin Kate Beckinsale, Jonathan Bailey, Desmond Köster), Rolf Schimpf (Folgen 101-322/ Die andere Heimat - Chronik ei- Barrit, Steve Coogan, Sir Ian Holm, John 340(1986-2007/2009): Leo Kress), Walter ner Sehnsucht (2 Discs) Cashen - Dir. John Henderson Kreye, Jan-Gregor Kremp, Michael Ande, Jan Schneider, Antonia Bill, Maximilian Fantasy 1998 87min. Jan Hendriks (Folgen 1-101, Henning Scheidt, Marita Breuer, Rüdiger Kriese, Planet Media Home Entertainment Schlüter (Folgen 1-78: Franz Millinger), Philine Lembeck, Melanie Fouché, Eva 15.04.2014 Wolfgang Zerlett (Folgen 32-114: Meyer Zeidler, Reinhard Paulus, Barbara Philipp, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059203 Zwo), Charles M. Huber (Folgen 101-225: Christoph Luser, Rainer Kühn, Andreas Henry Johnson) Külzer, Julia Prochnow, Martin Alien Box (3 Discs) Kriminalfilm 900min. Haberscheidt, Martin Schleimer, Zoe Wolf, Der Tag, an dem die Erde stillstand 2 / MORE Music and Media(More Brands and Werner Herzog - Dir. Edgar Reitz Krieg der Welten 3 / Battle of Products) 02.05.2014 Booklet / Alien Dawn / Earth Killer / Clone Hunter / 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059109 Drama 2013 221min. Alien Trespass / Android Insurrection / Concorde Home Entertainment 10.07.2014 Alien Predator War Am heiligen Grund 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059080 Keanu Reeves, Jennifer Connelly, Kathy Sacred Ground Bates, Tom Cruise, Dakota Fanning, Tim Tim McIntire, Jack Elam, Ty Randolph, L. Q. Die andere Heimat - Chronik ei- Robbins, Kel Mitchell, Nia Peeples, Gerald Jones, Eloy Casados, Serene Hedin - Dir. ner Sehnsucht (Blu-ray) Webb, Rachelle Dimaria, Brooke Lewis, Charles B. Pierce Jan Schneider, Antonia Bill, Maximilian Alex Bell, Robin Kurtz, Lucy Rayner, Western/Drama 1983 100min. Scheidt, Marita Breuer, Rüdiger Kriese, Maduka Steady, Ben Thomas, Angela Funk, Pidax film media(Pidax film) 02.05.2014 Philine Lembeck, Melanie Fouché, Eva David Ian Lee, Eric McCormack, Jenni 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058735 Zeidler, Reinhard Paulus, Barbara Philipp, Baird, Robert Patrick, Virginia Logan, Joe Christoph Luser, Rainer Kühn, Andreas Chapman, Jeff Wills, Robert Amstler, Nadia Die amerikanische Jungfrau Külzer, Julia Prochnow, Martin Lanfranconi, John J. Welsh - Dir. Scott Live Virgin Haberscheidt, Martin Schleimer, Zoe Wolf, Derrickson, Steven Spielberg, Mark Atkins, Suvari, Bob Hoskins, Robert Loggia, Werner Herzog - Dir. Edgar Reitz Neil Johnson, Andrew Bellware, R. W. Gabriel Mann, Sally Kellerman, Lamont Booklet Goodwin, Rene Perez Johnson, Bobbie Phillips, Rick Peters, O- Drama 2013 230min. Science Fiction 2005-2013 737min. Lan Jones, Michael Milhoan - Dir. Jean- Concorde Home Entertainment 10.07.2014 Great Movies GmbH(Magic Mov!e) Pierre Marois 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059176 08.05.2014 Komödie 1999 84min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058951 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 23.05.2014 Andromeda - Tödlicher Staub aus 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059151 dem All (Blu-ray) Alle lieben Jake The Andromeda Strain Puppy Love Amistad (Blu-ray) Arthur Hill, David Wayne, James Olson, Candace Cameron Bure, Victor Webster - Amistad Kate Reid, Paula Kelly, Richard O’Brien, Dir. Harvey Frost Morgan Freeman, Sir Anthony Hopkins, George Mitchell - Dir. Robert Wise Drama/Lovestory 2012 90min. Matthew McConaughey, Nigel , Making of, Portrait , Bildergalerie, Trailer polyband Medien GmbH 30.05.2014 Djimon Hounsou, David Paymer, Pete Science Fiction 1970 130min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059144 Postlethwaite, Stellan Skarsgård, Anna Koch Media 17.04.2014 Paquin, Tomás Milián, Austin Pendleton, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058887 Alles oder Nichts - Das Leben ist Razaaq Adoti, Abu Bakaar Fofanah, ein tödliches Spiel Chiwetel Ejiofor, Derrick N. Ashong, Geno Anger Management - Die kom- Croupier Silva - Dir. Steven Spielberg plette 2. Staffel (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Clive Owen, Kate Hardie, Alex Kingston, Drama 1997 151min. Anger Management Gina McKee, Nicholas Ball - Dir. Mike Paramount Home Outtakes, Wendecover Hodges Entertainment(DreamWorks) 08.05.2014 Komödie 466min. Audiokommentar, Trailer, Interviews 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059177 Concorde Home Entertainment 22.05.2014 Thriller 1998 94min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059072 Lighthouse Home Entertainment(MVL) Anchorman - Die Legende kehrt 23.05.2014 zurück Anger Management - Die kom- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058998 Anchorman 2 plette 2. Staffel (3 Discs) Will Ferrell, Steve Carell, Paul Rudd, David Anger Management Almost Human (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Koechner, Christina Applegate, Meagan Outtakes, Wendecover Almost Human Good, James Marsden, Josh Lawson, Komödie 448min. Graham Skipper, Vanessa Leigh, Josh Kristen Wiig, Dylan Baker, Judah Nelson, Concorde Home Entertainment 22.05.2014 Ethier, Susan T. , Anthony , Harrison Ford, , Sacha Baron 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059056 Michael A. LoCicero, Jeremy Furtado, Jami Cohen - Dir. Adam McKay Tennille, Chuck Doherty - Dir. Joe Begos Komödie 2013 108min. The Answer Man Horror/Science Fiction 2013 79min. Paramount Home Entertainment 05.06.2014 The Answer Man Mad Dimension GmbH 27.06.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059058 Jeff Daniels, Lauren Graham, Lou Taylor 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059219 Pucci, Olivia Thirlby, Kat Dennings, Nora Anchorman - Die Legende kehrt Dunn, Tony Hale, Annie Corley, Max Almost Human (k.J.) zurück (+ Blu-ray Bonus-Disc) Antisell, Thomas Roy, Peter Patrikios - Dir. Almost Human John Hindman Graham Skipper, Vanessa Leigh, Josh (Blu-ray) Making of, Trailer, Interviews, Featurette Ethier, Susan T. Travers, Anthony Amaral, Anchorman 2 Komödie 2009 91min. Michael A. LoCicero, Jeremy Furtado, Jami Will Ferrell, Steve Carell, Paul Rudd, David Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Tennille, Chuck Doherty - Dir. Joe Begos Koechner, Christina Applegate, Meagan 01.04.2014 Horror/Science Fiction 2013 75min. Good, James Marsden, Josh Lawson, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058910 Mad Dimension GmbH 27.06.2014 Kristen Wiig, Dylan Baker, Judah Nelson, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059153 Harrison Ford, Kirsten Dunst, Sacha Baron The Answer Man (Blu-ray) Cohen - Dir. Adam McKay The Answer Man Der Alte - Collector’s Box Vol. 15 Komödie 2013 113min. Jeff Daniels, Lauren Graham, Lou Taylor (Folgen 236-250) (5 Discs) Paramount Home Entertainment 05.06.2014 Pucci, Olivia Thirlby, Kat Dennings, Nora 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059074 Dunn, Tony Hale, Annie Corley, Max

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Antisell, Thomas Roy, Peter Patrikios - Dir. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058714 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment John Hindman Germany(Arthaus) 08.05.2014 Making of, Trailer, Interviews, Featurette Armageddon - Der Tag des jüng- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058643 Komödie 2009 95min. sten Gerichts (Blu-ray) Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) The Apocalypse Arthaus Retrospektive 1928: 01.04.2014 Rhett Giles, Jill Stapley, Kristen Quintrall, Champagne 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058916 Tom Nagel, David Shick, Amol Shah, Shaley Champagne App Scott, Kim Little, Michael Tower, Monique Betty Balfour, Gordon Harker, Jean Bradin, Labarr, Erica Roby, Leigh Slawner - Dir. Jack Trevor, Ferdinand von Alten, Marcel App Justin Jones Vibert - Dir. Alfred Hitchcock Hannah Hoekstra, Isis Cabolet, Robert de Action/Drama 2007 94min. Klavierbegleitung von Joachim Bärenz, Wendecover Hoog, Mark van Eeuwen, Patrick Martens, Edel Germany(Starmovie) 18.04.2014 Komödie 1928 85min. Harry van Rijthoven, Alex Hendrickx, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058713 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Matthijs van de Sande Bakhuyzen, Jeroen Germany(Arthaus) 22.05.2014 Spitzenberger, Liza Sips - Dir. Bobby Armageddon (Limited Edition, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058654 Boermans Thriller 2013 80min. Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Arthaus Retrospektive 1942: Armageddon Studio Hamburg Enterprises 16.05.2014 Ossessione - Von Liebe besessen 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059157 Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornton, Liv Tyler, Ben Affleck, Will Patton, Peter Stormare, Ossessione App (Blu-ray) Keith David, Steve Buscemi, Owen Wilson, Massimo Girotti, Clara Calamai, Juan de Landa, Elio Marcuzzo, Dhia Cristiani, App William Fichtner, Jessica Steen, Jason Vittorio Duse, Gino Rosati - Dir. Luchino Hannah Hoekstra, Isis Cabolet, Robert de Isaacs, Ken Hudson Campbell, Grayson Visconti Hoog, Mark van Eeuwen, Patrick Martens, McCouch, Clark Brolly, Marshall Teague, Chris Ellis, Eddie Griffin, Michael Clarke Wendecover Harry van Rijthoven, Alex Hendrickx, Drama 1942 135min. Duncan, John Mahon, Grace Zabriskie, Udo Matthijs van de Sande Bakhuyzen, Jeroen STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Kier, Seiko Matsuda, Lawrence Tierney - Spitzenberger, Liza Sips - Dir. Bobby Germany(Arthaus) 22.05.2014 Dir. Michael Bay Boermans 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058658 Thriller 2013 84min. Musikvideo, Trailer, Teaser Action/Thriller 1998 150min. Studio Hamburg Enterprises 16.05.2014 (Germany) Arthaus Retrospektive 1960: 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059223 GmbH Home Entertainment & DasTestament des Orpheus Appleseed: Alpha (Blu-ray) Retail(Touchstone) 15.05.2014 Le Testament D’Orphée 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059067 Jean Cocteau, Edouard Dermit, Jean-Pierre Appleseed Alpha Léaud, Henri Crémieux, Françoise Dir. Shinji Aramaki The Art of the Steal - Der Kunst- Christophe, Maria Casarès, François Périer, Trickfilm/Science Fiction 2014 min. Yul Brynner, Daniel Gélin, Nicole Courcel, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) raub Jean Marais, Claudine Auger - Dir. Jean 31.07.2014 The Art Of The Steal Cocteau 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059245 Jay Baruchel, Katheryn Winnick, Matt Dillon, Chris Diamantopoulos, Terence Bildergalerie, Trailer, Wendecover, u.a. Drama 1960 76min. Stamp, Devon Bostick, Karyn Dwyer, Arlette erobert Paris STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Kenneth Welsh, Jason Jones, Vieslav Johanna Matz, Paul Dahlke, Karlheinz Germany(Arthaus) 22.05.2014 Krystyan - Dir. Jonathan Sobol Böhm, Peer Schmidt, Claus Biederstaedt, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058656 Werner Lieven, Erni Mangold, Gert Fröbe, Komödie 2013 min. Rudolf Vogel, Kurt Großkurth, Lina Car- Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Arthaus Retrospektive 1966: Die 31.07.2014 stens - Dir. Victor Tourjansky Nonne Trailer, Booklet 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059237 Komödie 1953 99min. Suzanne Simonin, La Religieuse De AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing The Art of the Steal - Der Kunst- Didérot AG(Filmjuwelen) 09.05.2014 raub (Blu-ray) Anna Karina, Liselotte Pulver, Micheline Presle, Francine Berge, Christiane Lénier, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058853 The Art Of The Steal Francisco Rabal, Charles Millot - Dir. Jay Baruchel, Katheryn Winnick, Matt Armageddon - Der Tag des jüng- Jacques Rivette Dillon, Chris Diamantopoulos, Terence Wendecover sten Gerichts Stamp, Devon Bostick, Karyn Dwyer, Komödie 1965-1966 132min. The Apocalypse Kenneth Welsh, Jason Jones, Vieslav STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Rhett Giles, Jill Stapley, Kristen Quintrall, Krystyan - Dir. Jonathan Sobol Germany(Arthaus) 22.05.2014 Tom Nagel, David Shick, Amol Shah, Shaley Komödie 2013 min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058657 Scott, Kim Little, Michael Tower, Monique Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Labarr, Erica Roby, Leigh Slawner - Dir. 31.07.2014 Arthaus Retrospektive 1968: Sei- Justin Jones 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059246 ne Gefangene Action/Drama 2007 91min. La Prisonnière Edel Germany(Starmovie) 18.04.2014 Arthaus Close Up - Dogma 95: Das Dir. Henri-Georges Clouzot 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058689 Fest / Idioten / Italienisch für An- Bildergalerie, Trailer, Wendecover Drama 1968 102min. Armageddon - Der Tag des jüng- fänger (3 Discs) Festen / Idioterne / Italiensk For STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment sten Gerichts (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- Begyndere Germany(Arthaus) 22.05.2014 ray) Ulrich Thomsen, Henning Moritzen, Thomas 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058659 The Apocalypse Bo Larsen, Bodil Jørgensen, Jens Albinus, Rhett Giles, Jill Stapley, Kristen Quintrall, Anne Louise Hassing, Anders W. Fred Astaire Triple Feature Tom Nagel, David Shick, Amol Shah, Shaley Berthelsen, Lars Kaalund, Peter Gantzler - Königliche Hochzeit / Second Chorus / Scott, Kim Little, Michael Tower, Monique Dir. Thomas Vinterberg, Lars von Trier, The Over-the-Hill Gang Rides Again Labarr, Erica Roby, Leigh Slawner - Dir. Lone Scherfig Fred Astaire Justin Jones Dokumentation, Audiokommentare, Interview, Entfallene Komödie 1940-1970 249min. Action/Drama 2007 94min. Szenen, Outtakes, Alternatives Ende, Bildergalerie, Trailer, ZYX Music 11.04.2014 Wendecover, u.a. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058792 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 18.04.2014 Komödie 1998-2000 319min.

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Astral City - Unser Heim elle, Michelle Bauer, Brinke Stevens, Kathi Nosso Lar O’Brecht - Dir. David DeCoteau Bittersüße Schokolade (Blu-ray) Renato Prieto, Fernando Alves Pinto, Horror 1987 72min. Como Agua Para Chocolate Rosanne Mulholland, Inez Viana, Rodrigo Maritim Pictures 25.04.2014 Lumi Cavazos, Marco Leonardi, Regina dos Santos, Werner Schünemann, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058731 Torné John, Mario Iván Martínez, Ada Clemente Viscaíno, Ana Rosa, Othon Carrasco, Yareli Arizmendi, Sandra Arau, Bastos - Dir. Wagner de Assis Der Bergdoktor - Staffel 7 (3 Andrés García - Dir. Alfonso Arau Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie Discs) Spanischer Audiokommentar, Interview, Making of, Bilderga- Drama 2010 105min. lerie, Rezeptsammlung, Buchtipp, Trailer Drama 619min. Komödie/Drama 1991 106min. KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 19.05.2014 Universum Film Home Entertainment(ZDF Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Cinema 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058784 Video) 23.05.2014 Treasures) 15.04.2014 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059107 Astral City - Unser Heim (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059201 Nosso Lar Beverly Hills, 90210 - Season 10.1 Black Robe - Am Fluß der Iroke- Renato Prieto, Fernando Alves Pinto, (3 Discs) Rosanne Mulholland, Inez Viana, Rodrigo sen Beverly Hills, 90210 dos Santos, Werner Schünemann, Black Robe Jennie Garth, Ian Ziering, Tori Spelling, Clemente Viscaíno, Ana Rosa, Othon Lothaire Bluteau, Aden Young, Sandrine Brian Austin Green, Jason Priestley, Bastos - Dir. Wagner de Assis Holt, August Schellenberg, Tantoo Cardinal, Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie Vincent Young, Luke Perry, Joe E. Tata - Frank Wilson - Dir. Bruce Beresford Drama 2010 109min. Dir. Charles Correll, Joel J. Feigenbaum, Abenteuer/Drama 1991 101min. KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 19.05.2014 Harvey Frost, Allan Kroeker, Kim Friedman, SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 30.04.2014 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058803 Chip Chalmers, Luke Perry, Kevin Inch, Ian 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058706 Ziering, Tori Spelling, Jennie Garth Attentat in Drama 1999-2000 541min. Black Robe - Am Fluß der Iroke- Nobody Runs Forever Paramount Home Entertainment 08.05.2014 sen (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059081 Rod Taylor, Christopher Plummer, Lilli Black Robe Palmer, Camilla Sparv, Daliah Lavi, Clive Beverly Hills, 90210 - Season 10.2 Lothaire Bluteau, Aden Young, Sandrine Revill, Franchot Tone, Lee Montague - Dir. Holt, August Schellenberg, Tantoo Cardinal, Ralph Thomas (3 Discs) Frank Wilson - Dir. Bruce Beresford Bildergalerie Beverly Hills, 90210 Abenteuer/Drama 1991 105min. Thriller 1968 98min. Jennie Garth, Ian Ziering, Tori Spelling, SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 30.04.2014 Intergroove Media(TB Classics) 16.05.2014 Brian Austin Green, Jason Priestley, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058727 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058844 Vincent Young, Luke Perry, Joe E. Tata - Dir. Charles Correll, Joel J. Feigenbaum, Auf den zweiten Blick Der blaue Tiger Harvey Frost, Allan Kroeker, Kim Friedman, Modrý Tygr Anita Olatunji, Michael Klammer, Chip Chalmers, Luke Perry, Kevin Inch, Ian Linda Votrubová, Jakub Wunsch, Barbora Welsh, Pierre Sanoussi-Bliss, Nele Rosetz, Ziering, Tori Spelling, Jennie Garth Hrzanova, Jan Hartl, Daniel Drewes, Stano Ingo Naujoks, Ella-Sade Hagen-Janson, Drama 1999-2000 582min. Pitonak, Valerie Rosa Hecendorfova, Jan Ygal Gleim, Komi Togbonou, Torben Krämer, Paramount Home Entertainment 08.05.2014 Marsal, Wlastimil Kanka, Lenka Zoe Hagen, Veronika Nowag-Jones, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059082 Vychodilova, Stìpán Mikolás, Tereza Jonathan Kinsler, Manolo Palma, Ingrid Sat- Boèková, Anna Ètvrtníèková, Rene Pribyl, tes, Dorothée Reinoss, Mieke Schymura, The Big C (10 Discs) Daniela Voráèková - Dir. Petr Oukropec Thomas B. Hoffmann - Dir. Sheri Hagen The Big C Kinderfilm 2011 91min. Bildergalerie , Oliver Platt, Gabriel Basso, Drama 2012 90min. farbfilm home entertainment(Farbfilm) John Benjamin Hickey, Phyllis Somerville, Lighthouse Home 25.04.2014 Reid Scott, , Cynthia Nixon Entertainment(Barnsteiner) 25.04.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058996 - Dir. Michael Engler 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058733 Komödie/Drama 1181min. Der blaue Tiger (Blu-ray) Aus dem Leben eines Schrott- Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Modrý Tygr 27.05.2014 sammlers (OmU) Linda Votrubová, Jakub Wunsch, Barbora 54,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059141 Hrzanova, Jan Hartl, Daniel Drewes, Stano Epizoda U Zivotu Beraca Zeljeza Pitonak, Valerie Rosa Hecendorfova, Jan Nazif Mujic, Senada Alimanovic, Semsa Billy The Kid (2 Discs, Collector’s Marsal, Wlastimil Kanka, Lenka Mujic, Sandra Mujic - Dir. Danis Tanovic Edition) Vychodilova, Stìpán Mikolás, Tereza Drama min. Billy the Kid Returns / Blue Steel / The Boèková, Anna Ètvrtníèková, Rene Pribyl, Lighthouse Home Entertainment(drei-freun- Dawn Rider / The Days of Jesse James / Daniela Voráèková - Dir. Petr Oukropec de) 25.04.2014 Geächtet / Lawless Range / Paradise Kinderfilm 2011 95min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058732 Canyon / Randy Rides Alone / Ringo / Te- farbfilm home entertainment(Farbfilm) Bad Ass 2: Bad Asses xas Terror 25.04.2014 Western 600min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059010 Bad Asses Edel Germany(Starmovie) 25.04.2014 Danny Trejo, Danny Glover, Andrew Divoff, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058668 Blood Swamp (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Jacqueline Obradors, Jonathan Lipnicki, The Reeds Dante Basco, Sarah Dumont, Han Soto, Bittersüße Schokolade Scarlett Alice Johnson, Geoff Bell, Emma Ignacio Serricchio - Dir. Craig Moss Making-Of Como Agua Para Chocolate Catherwood, Karl Ashman, Anna Brewster, Action/Thriller 2014 87min. Lumi Cavazos, Marco Leonardi, Regina Daniel Caltagirone, Reece Chapman, O.T. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Torné John, Mario Iván Martínez, Ada Fagbenle - Dir. Nick Cohen Germany 23.05.2014 Carrasco, Yareli Arizmendi, Sandra Arau, Horror/Mystery 2009 87min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058920 Andrés García - Dir. Alfonso Arau Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 18.04.2014 Spanischer Audiokommentar, Interview, Making of, Bilderga- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058715 Beast You! (FSK 18) lerie, Rezeptsammlung, Buchtipp, Trailer Komödie/Drama 1991 102min. Blood Swamp (k.J.) Sorority Babes In The Slimeball Bowl-O- Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Cinema The Reeds Rama Treasures) 15.04.2014 Scarlett Alice Johnson, Geoff Bell, Emma Linnea Quigley, Andras Jones, Robin Roch- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059123

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Catherwood, Karl Ashman, Anna Brewster, Unterwelt Bron / Broen II Daniel Caltagirone, Reece Chapman, O.T. Boca Do Lixo Sofia Helin, Kim Bodnia, Dag Malmberg, Fagbenle - Dir. Nick Cohen Daniel de Oliveira, Hermila Guedes, Sarah Boberg, Rafael Pettersson, Henrik Horror/Mystery 2009 83min. Jefferson Brasil, Milhem Cortaz, Paulo Lundström, Vickie Bak Laursen, Lars Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 18.04.2014 Cesar Pereio (Dr. Honório), Maxwell Simonsen, Puk Scharbau, Daniel Adolfsson, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058690 Nascimento, Camila Lecciolli, Juliana Julia Ragnarsson, Johan Hedenberg, Lotte Galdino, Leandra Leal, Claudio Jaborandy - Andersen, Özlem Saglanmak, Tova The Body - Death Is Not Always Dir. Flavio Frederico Magnusson, Sven Ahlström, Julie Wright, the End Trailer Andreas Ahlm, Camilla Bendix, Peter El Cuerpo Action/Kriminalfilm 2010 94min. Christoffersen, Danica Curcic, Michael José Coronado, Hugo Silva, Belen Rueda, Tiberius Film 05.06.2014 Moritzen, Alexander Öhrstrand, Dar Salim, Aura Garrido, Cristina Plazas, Oriol Vila, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058954 Morten Lützhøft, Simon Åhlander, Ronja Nausicaa Bonnín, Juan Pablo Shuk, Manel Svedmark, Stephanie Leon, Jakob Oftebro, Dueso, Montse Guallar - Dir. Oriol Paulo Brazilian Gangster - König der Claes Bang, Mikhail Belinson, Siw Erixon, Alternative Szenen, Making of, Behind the Scenes, Trailer Unterwelt (Blu-ray) Erik Larsson, Eva Fritjofson, Peter Damm- Thriller 2012 107min. Boca Do Lixo Ottesen, Ann Hjort, Eva Melander, Kenneth OFDb Filmworks 10.06.2014 Daniel de Oliveira, Hermila Guedes, Milldoff, Karin Bertling, Anna Rothlin, Klaus tba BestellNr.: 20058942 Jefferson Brasil, Milhem Cortaz, Paulo Tange, Ole Ernst, Stefan Karlsson, Birte Cesar Pereio (Dr. Honório), Maxwell Heribertsson - Dir. Henrik Georgsson, The Body - Death Is Not Always Nascimento, Camila Lecciolli, Juliana Morten Arnfred, Kathrine Windfeld the End (Blu-ray) Galdino, Leandra Leal, Claudio Jaborandy - Kriminalfilm/Thriller 2013 572min. El Cuerpo Dir. Flavio Frederico Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 11.04.2014 José Coronado, Hugo Silva, Belen Rueda, Trailer 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058686 Aura Garrido, Cristina Plazas, Oriol Vila, Action/Kriminalfilm 2010 98min. Nausicaa Bonnín, Juan Pablo Shuk, Manel Tiberius Film 05.06.2014 Die Brücke II - Transit in den Tod Dueso, Montse Guallar - Dir. Oriol Paulo 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058980 (5 Discs) Alternative Szenen, Making of, Behind the Scenes, Trailer Bron / Broen II Thriller 2012 111min. The British Bride - Binde sich wer Sofia Helin, Kim Bodnia, Dag Malmberg, OFDb Filmworks 10.06.2014 kann! Sarah Boberg, Rafael Pettersson, Henrik tba BestellNr.: 20058973 The Knot Lundström, Vickie Bak Laursen, Lars Noel Clarke, Matthew McNulty, Mena Simonsen, Puk Scharbau, Daniel Adolfsson, Borgia - 1. Staffel (Director’s Cut, Suvari, Talulah Riley, Jason Maza, Julia Ragnarsson, Johan Hedenberg, Lotte 3 Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Susannah Fielding, Davie Fairbanks, Brett Andersen, Özlem Saglanmak, Tova Borgia Goldstein, Louise Dylan - Dir. Jesse Magnusson, Sven Ahlström, Julie Wright, John Doman, Mark Ryder, Stanley Weber, Lawrence Andreas Ahlm, Camilla Bendix, Peter Isolda Dychauk, Assumpta Serna, Diarmuid Trailer Christoffersen, Danica Curcic, Michael Noyes, Marta Gastini, Andrea Sawatzki, Komödie/Lovestory 2012 92min. Moritzen, Alexander Öhrstrand, Dar Salim, Adam Misik, Victor Schefé, Robert Polo, Lighthouse Home Entertainment 23.05.2014 Morten Lützhøft, Simon Åhlander, Ronja Udo Kier, Sean Campion, Marek Vasut, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058967 Svedmark, Stephanie Leon, Jakob Oftebro, Dejan Cukic, Vadim Glowna, Christian Claes Bang, Mikhail Belinson, Siw Erixon, McKay, Benjamin Gur, Richard Southgate, The British Bride - Binde sich wer Erik Larsson, Eva Fritjofson, Peter Damm- Michael Fitzgerald, Karel Dobrý, Nicolas kann! (Blu-ray) Ottesen, Ann Hjort, Eva Melander, Kenneth Belmonte, Matej Stropnický, Marco Calvani, The Knot Milldoff, Karin Bertling, Anna Rothlin, Klaus Art Malik, John Bradley, Michael Billington, Noel Clarke, Matthew McNulty, Mena Tange, Ole Ernst, Stefan Karlsson, Birte Manuel Rubey, Predag Bjelac - Dir. Oliver Suvari, Talulah Riley, Jason Maza, Heribertsson - Dir. Henrik Georgsson, Hirschbiegel, Dearbhla Walsh, Metin Susannah Fielding, Davie Fairbanks, Brett Morten Arnfred, Kathrine Windfeld Hüseyin, Christoph Schrewe Goldstein, Louise Dylan - Dir. Jesse Kriminalfilm/Thriller 2013 550min. Historienfilm/Drama 2011 691min. Lawrence Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 11.04.2014 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Komödie/Lovestory 2012 96min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058661 Germany(ZDF Video) 05.06.2014 Lighthouse Home Entertainment 23.05.2014 tba BestellNr.: 20059247 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058991 Buddy Alexander Fehling, Michael Bully Herbig, Borgia - 1. Staffel (Director’s Cut, Brother Apocalypse (Blu-ray) Mina Tander, Jann Piet Puddu, Daniel 6 Discs) (k.J.) (k.J.) Zillmann, Christian , Alexander Wüst, Borgia Good Time Max Nic Romm, Tim Wilde, Siegfried Terpoorten, John Doman, Mark Ryder, Stanley Weber, James Franco, Vince Jolivette, Wilmer Peter Jordan, Daniel Wiemer, Alexander Isolda Dychauk, Assumpta Serna, Diarmuid Calderon, Trip Hope, Richard Portnow, Schubert, Sirk Radzei, Christian Koch, Noyes, Marta Gastini, Andrea Sawatzki, Jarrod Bunch, Robyn Cohen, Mark Hapka - Franziska Schlattner, Linda Löbel, Dominic Adam Misik, Victor Schefé, Robert Polo, Dir. James Franco Boeer, Judith Hoersch, Katharina Friedl, Udo Kier, Sean Campion, Marek Vasut, Drama/Kriminalfilm 2007 79min. Nadine Schreier, Herman van Ulzen, Horst Dejan Cukic, Vadim Glowna, Christian Edel Germany(Starmovie) 09.05.2014 Sachtleben, Sabine Hahn, Renate Delfs, McKay, Benjamin Gur, Richard Southgate, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058890 Carl Heinz Choynski, Hannes Stelzer, Michael Fitzgerald, Karel Dobrý, Nicolas Manou Lubowski - Dir. Michael Bully Herbig Belmonte, Matej Stropnický, Marco Calvani, Brother Apocalypse (k.J.) Komödie/Fantasy 2013 91min. Art Malik, John Bradley, Michael Billington, Good Time Max Warner Home Video Germany 30.05.2014 Manuel Rubey, Predag Bjelac - Dir. Oliver James Franco, Vince Jolivette, Wilmer 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058793 Hirschbiegel, Dearbhla Walsh, Metin Calderon, Trip Hope, Richard Portnow, Hüseyin, Christoph Schrewe Jarrod Bunch, Robyn Cohen, Mark Hapka - Buddy (Blu-ray) Wendecover Dir. James Franco Alexander Fehling, Michael Bully Herbig, Historienfilm/Drama 2011 664min. Drama/Kriminalfilm 2007 76min. Mina Tander, Jann Piet Puddu, Daniel STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Edel Germany(Starmovie) 09.05.2014 Zillmann, Christian Berkel, Alexander Wüst, Germany(ZDF Video) 05.06.2014 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058877 Nic Romm, Tim Wilde, Siegfried Terpoorten, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059241 Peter Jordan, Daniel Wiemer, Alexander Die Brücke II - Transit in den Tod Schubert, Sirk Radzei, Christian Koch, Brazilian Gangster - König der (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) Franziska Schlattner, Linda Löbel, Dominic

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Boeer, Judith Hoersch, Katharina Friedl, ser Krieg ist persönlich Nadine Schreier, Herman van Ulzen, Horst Californication - Die sechste Through The Eye Sachtleben, Sabine Hahn, Renate Delfs, Season (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Tom Sizemore, Robert Thorne, Suzanne Carl Heinz Choynski, Hannes Stelzer, Californication Gutierrez, Bertie Higgins, David Castro, Manou Lubowski - Dir. Michael Bully Herbig Audiokommentar, Featurettes Bianca Malinowski, Ryan Caldwell, Mars- Komödie/Fantasy 2013 95min. Drama/Satire 2013 342min. hall Lytle - Dir. Julian Higgins Warner Home Video Germany 30.05.2014 Paramount Home Entertainment 08.05.2014 Action/Thriller 2011 99min. 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058810 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059178 MIG Film 28.05.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058781 Burton und Taylor Californication - Die sechste Burton And Taylor Season (3 Discs) (k.J.) The Colombian Connection - Die- Helena Bonham Carter, Dominic West - Dir. Californication ser Krieg ist persönlich (Blu-ray) Richard Laxton Audiokommentar, Featurettes Through The Eye Booklet Drama/Satire 2013 326min. Tom Sizemore, Robert Thorne, Suzanne Drama 2013 83min. Paramount Home Entertainment 08.05.2014 Gutierrez, Bertie Higgins, David Castro, AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059084 AG(Filmjuwelen) 30.05.2014 Bianca Malinowski, Ryan Caldwell, Mars- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059030 Case Histories - Staffel 1 (3 Discs) hall Lytle - Dir. Julian Higgins Action/Thriller 2011 103min. Case Histories MIG Film 28.05.2014 Burton und Taylor (Blu-ray) Jason Isaacs, Amanda Abbington, Millie 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058800 Burton And Taylor Innes, Zawe Ashton, Natasha Little, Kirsty Helena Bonham Carter, Dominic West - Dir. Mitchell, Edward Corrie, Fenella Woolgar, Computer Chess Richard Laxton Maarten Stevenson, Rory Barraclough, Computer Chess Booklet Allan Lindsay, Paterson Joseph, Adam Drama 2013 86min. Patrick Riester, Wiggins, Myles Paige, Godley - Dir. Marc Jobst, Bill Anderson, AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Robin Schwartz, Gerald Peary, Gordon Dan Zeff AG(Filmjuwelen) 30.05.2014 Kindlmann, James Curry, Freddy Martinez, Kriminalfilm/Drama 360min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059040 Jim Lewis - Dir. Andrew Bujalski Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 25.04.2014 Komödie 2013 91min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058873 Der Butler Rapid Eye Movies HE 02.05.2014 The Butler Adriano Celentano 4er Pack tba BestellNr.: 20059142 Forest Whitaker, Oprah Winfrey, David Asso / Die gezähmte Widerspenstige / Oyelowo, Elijah Kelley, , The Congress Großer, laß’ die Fetzen fliegen / Der Cuba Gooding Jr., Lenny Kravitz, Yaya The Congress Supertyp Alafia, Robin Williams, James Marsden, Robin Wright, Harvey Keitel, Kodi Smit- Adriano Celentano Minka Kelly, Liev Schreiber, John Cusack, McPhee, Jon Hamm, Danny Huston, Sami Komödie 1971-1981 381min. Alan Rickman, Jane Fonda, Alex Pettyfer, Gayle, , Michael Stahl-David, Intergroove Media(TB Comedy Productions) Vanessa Redgrave, Mariah Carey, David Michael Landes, Sarah Shahi, Ed Corbin, 02.05.2014 Banner - Dir. Lee Daniels Don McManus, Christopher B. Duncan, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058840 Drama/Biographie 2013 127min. August Wittgenstein, Matthew Wolf, Prokino Filmverleih GmbH 09.04.2014 Chaahat - Momente voller Liebe Cooper Thornton, John Lacy, Kevin 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058913 Thompson, Jörg Vincent Malotki, Evan & Schmerz (Special Edition, 2 Ferrante - Dir. Ari Folman Der Butler (Blu-ray) Discs) Making of, Featurette, Audiokommentar The Butler Chaahat Drama/Science Fiction 2013 118min. Forest Whitaker, Oprah Winfrey, David Naseeruddin Shah, Shah Rukh Khan, Pooja Pandora Film GmbH & Co. Verleih KG Oyelowo, Elijah Kelley, Terrence Howard, Bhatt, Anupam Kher, Ramya Krishna, Avtar 13.06.2014 Cuba Gooding Jr., Lenny Kravitz, Yaya Gill, Mushtaq Khan, Pankaj Berry - Dir. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058779 Alafia, Robin Williams, James Marsden, Mahesh Bhatt Minka Kelly, Liev Schreiber, John Cusack, Bildergalerie, Biografie Shah Rukh Khan, Faszination The Congress (Blu-ray) Alan Rickman, Jane Fonda, Alex Pettyfer, Bollywood, Shah Rukh Khan in Concert The Congress Drama 1996 148min. Vanessa Redgrave, Mariah Carey, David Robin Wright, Harvey Keitel, Kodi Smit- Edel Germany(Starmovie) 09.05.2014 Banner - Dir. Lee Daniels McPhee, Jon Hamm, Danny Huston, Sami 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058874 Drama/Biographie 2013 132min. Gayle, Paul Giamatti, Michael Stahl-David, Michael Landes, Sarah Shahi, Ed Corbin, Prokino Filmverleih GmbH 09.04.2014 Claypot Curry Killers (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058917 Don McManus, Christopher B. Duncan, (k.J.) August Wittgenstein, Matthew Wolf, The Butterfly Room Pembunuh Kari Claypot Cooper Thornton, John Lacy, Kevin The Butterfly Room Debbie Goh, Mandy Chen, Olivia Kang, Thompson, Jörg Vincent Malotki, Evan Barbara Steele, Ray Wise, Erica Leerhsen, Pearlly Chua, Steve Yap, Jeff Chin, Wong Ferrante - Dir. Ari Folman Heather Langenkamp, Ellery Sprayberry, Wai Hoong, Ernest Chong - Dir. James Lee Making of, Featurette, Audiokommentar Drama/Science Fiction 2013 123min. Julia Putnam, Emma Bering, Camille Keaton Wendecover Thriller/Horror 2011 89min. Pandora Film GmbH & Co. Verleih KG - Dir. Jonathan Zarantonello Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 27.06.2014 13.06.2014 Thriller/Horror 2012 87min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058929 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058798 Maritim Pictures 10.06.2014 tba BestellNr.: 20058939 Claypot Curry Killers (k.J.) Copper - Justice Is Brutal. Staffel The Butterfly Room (Blu-ray) Pembunuh Kari Claypot 1 (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Debbie Goh, Mandy Chen, Olivia Kang, The Butterfly Room Copper Pearlly Chua, Steve Yap, Jeff Chin, Wong Barbara Steele, Ray Wise, Erica Leerhsen, Tom Weston-Jones, Kyle Schmid, Anasta- Wai Hoong, Ernest Chong - Dir. James Lee Heather Langenkamp, Ellery Sprayberry, sia Griffith, Franka Potente, Ato Essandoh, Wendecover Tessa Thompson, Kevin J. Ryan, Tanya Julia Putnam, Emma Bering, Camille Keaton Thriller/Horror 2011 89min. Fischer, Dylan Taylor, Donal Logue - Dir. - Dir. Jonathan Zarantonello Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 27.06.2014 Jeffrey Woolnough Thriller/Horror 2012 91min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058921 Maritim Pictures 10.06.2014 Featurettes Drama/Kriminalfilm 2012 440min. tba BestellNr.: 20058970 The Colombian Connection - Die-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 25 Newsletter 03/14 (Nr. 338) April 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD polyband Medien GmbH 27.06.2014 Da Vinci’s Demons - Die komplet- Gojko Mitic, Jürgen Zartmann, Renate Geiß- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059229 te 1. Staffel (3 Discs) ler, Horst Drinda, Michèle Marian, Annegret Siegmund, Erwin Geschonneck, Gerhard Copper - Justice Is Brutal. Staffel Da Vinci’s Demons Behind the Scenes, Interview, Entfallene Szenen, Wendecover Bienert, Angelika Waller, Alfred Müller, Otto eins (3 Discs) Abenteuer 448min. Mellies, Gert Gütschow - Dir. Peter Vogel, Copper Concorde Home Entertainment 22.05.2014 Rainer Bär, Manfred Mosblech Tom Weston-Jones, Kyle Schmid, Anasta- 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059057 Featurette, Trailer Kriminalfilm 1978-1985 328min. sia Griffith, Franka Potente, Ato Essandoh, ICESTORM Entertainment 10.04.2014 Tessa Thompson, Kevin J. Ryan, Tanya Damages - Im Netz der Macht, tba BestellNr.: 20059083 Fischer, Dylan Taylor, Donal Logue - Dir. Die komplette Serie (15 Discs) Jeffrey Woolnough Damages DDR TV-Archiv: Krimi, Box2 (4 Featurettes , Rose Byrne, Ted Danson, Drama/Kriminalfilm 2012 422min. Discs) Zeljko Ivanek, Tate Donovan, Noah Bean, polyband Medien GmbH 27.06.2014 Die letzte Begegnung / Die lieben Luder / Philip Bosco, Anastasia Griffith, Peter 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059163 Radiokiller / Tod in der Kurve Riegert, Donnie Keshawarz, Casey Erik S. Klein, Willi Schrade, Gojko Mitic, Siemaszko, Michael Nouri, Peter Facinelli, Sergio Corbucci Western Edition Peter Borgelt, Renate Blume, Regina Beyer, Marlyne N. Afflack, Maya Days, Carmen Horst Hiemer, Renate von Wangenheim, (3 Discs) (k.J.) Goodine, Zachary Booth, Takako Haywood, Jürgen Hentsch, Otto Mellies, Ruth Rein- Django / Fahrt zur Hölle, ihr Halunken / Tom Aldredge, Victor Arnold, Todd A. ecke, Hanns-Michael Schmidt - Dir. Wolf- Leichen pflastern seinen Weg Kessler, Saundra Santiago, Elliot Korte, gang Luderer, Helmut Krätzig, Gerhard Franco Nero, José Bodalo, Loredana Garret Dillahunt, Peter McRobbie, Robin Respondek, Ursula Bonhoff Nusciak, Johnny Hallyday, Mario Adorf, Thomas, Debra Monk, Francie Swift, Gastone Moschin, Klaus Kinski, Jean-Louis Trailer, Interaktives Spiel Steven Gilborn, Kathryn Meisle, Mackenzie Kriminalfilm 1971-1987 302min. Trintignant, Frank Wolff - Dir. Sergio Connolly, Glenn Kessler, Mario van Peebles ICESTORM Entertainment 10.04.2014 Corbucci, Ruggero Deodato - Dir. Mario van Peebles, Allen Coulter, Guy Featurettes, Alternatives Ende, Bio- und Filmografien, Bilder- tba BestellNr.: 20059090 galerie, Trailer, Wendecover Ferland, Greg Yaitanes, John David Coles, Western 1966-1968 287min. Lawrence Trilling, Jean de Segonzac, Dani- Des Lebens bittere Süße - STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment el Attias, Thomas Carter, Timothy Busfield, Komplettbox (7 Discs) Edward Bianchi, Todd A. Kessler Germany 05.06.2014 A Woman Of Substance / Hold The Dream Drama 2007-2013 2655min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059242 / To Be The Best Sony Pictures Home Entertainmen Interviews, Trailer, Booklet Crocodile - Killer From The Dark 27.05.2014 Drama 1984-1992 700min. Age 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059140 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Filmjuwelen) 09.05.2014 Dark Age Day of the Demons - 13/13/13 John Jarratt, Nikki Coghill, Max Phipps, 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058846 Burnam Burnam, David Gulpilil, Ray (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Meagher - Dir. Arch Nicholson 13/13/13 Dhoom:3 Abenteuer/Horror 1986 87min. Trae Ireland, Erin Coker, Jody Barton, Dhoom 3 Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 09.05.2014 Calico Cooper, Tiffany Martinez, Jared Aamir Khan, Kim DeJesus, Katrina Kaif, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058879 Cohn, J. Scott, Bill Voorhees, Greg Depetro Abhishek Bachchan, Tabrett Bethell, - Dir. James Cullen Bressack Bipasha Basu, Elizabeth Reiners, Diana Cupcakes (OmU) Making of, Outtakes, Trailer Penty - Dir. Vijay Krishna Acharya Horror 2013 87min. Bananot Behind the Scenes, Trailer Edel Germany(Starmovie) 09.05.2014 Action/Kriminalfilm 2013 164min. Anat Waxman, Keren Berger, Ofer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058895 Rapid Eye Movies HE 23.05.2014 Shechter, Efrat Dor, Dana Ivgy, Yael Bar- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058814 Zohar, Denis Sandler - Dir. Eytan Fox Day of the Demons - 13/13/13 Making of, Musikvideo, Trailer Komödie 2013 98min. (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Dhoom:3 (Blu-ray) PRO-FUN MEDIA 25.04.2014 13/13/13 Dhoom 3 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058950 Trae Ireland, Erin Coker, Jody Barton, Aamir Khan, Kim DeJesus, Katrina Kaif, Calico Cooper, Tiffany Martinez, Jared Abhishek Bachchan, Tabrett Bethell, Cybergeddon Cohn, J. Scott, Bill Voorhees, Greg Depetro Bipasha Basu, Elizabeth Reiners, Diana Cybergeddon - Dir. James Cullen Bressack Penty - Dir. Vijay Krishna Acharya , Erfan Elias Edraki, Olivier Making of, Outtakes, Trailer Behind the Scenes, Trailer Action/Kriminalfilm 2013 171min. Martinez - Dir. Diego Velasco Horror 2013 87min. Rapid Eye Movies HE 23.05.2014 Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2012 90min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 09.05.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058826 Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 18.04.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058894 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058660 Day of the Demons - 13/13/13 Didi - Der Doppelgänger (+ Cybergeddon (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Audio-CD) Cybergeddon 13/13/13 Dieter Hallervorden, Tilo Prückner, Ruth- Missy Peregrym, Erfan Elias Edraki, Olivier Trae Ireland, Erin Coker, Jody Barton, Maria Kubitschek, Barbara Nielsen, Achim Martinez - Dir. Diego Velasco Calico Cooper, Tiffany Martinez, Jared Grubel, Götz Kauffmann, Gert Burkard, Elfi Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2012 94min. Cohn, J. Scott, Bill Voorhees, Greg Depetro Eschke - Dir. Reinhard Schwabenitzky Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 18.04.2014 - Dir. James Cullen Bressack Komödie 1983 95min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058687 Making of, Outtakes, Trailer Turbine Media Group 28.03.2014 Horror 2013 83min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058635 Da Vinci’s Demons - Die komplet- Edel Germany(Starmovie) 09.05.2014 te 1. Staffel (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058883 Didi auf vollen Touren (+ Audio- CD) Da Vinci’s Demons DDR TV-Archiv: Krimi, Box1 (4 Behind the Scenes, Interview, Entfallene Szenen, Wendecover Dieter Hallervorden, Bernard Menez, Hans- Abenteuer 466min. Discs) Peter Hallwachs, Gert Haucke, Günther Concorde Home Entertainment 22.05.2014 Außenseiter / Gelb ist nicht nur die Farbe Ungeheuer, Siegfried Kernen - Dir. Wigbert 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059073 des Sommers / Herbstzeit / Klassenkame- Wicker raden Komödie 1986 86min.

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Turbine Media Group 28.03.2014 Booklet, u.a. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058675 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058637 Science Fiction/Abenteuer 2012-2013 692min. Double Up Collection: Emma / Didi und die Rache der Enterbten WVG Medien(polyband) 25.04.2014 Die Herzogin (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058725 (+ Audio-CD) Emma / The Duchess Dieter Hallervorden, Wolfgang Kieling, Ger- Double Up Collection: Aviator / Keira Knightley, Ralph Fiennes, Charlotte hard Wollner, Christoph Hofrichter, Karl Rampling, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jeremy Schulz, Manfred Tauchen, Wolfried Lier, There Will Be Blood (2 Discs) Northam, - Dir. Saul Dibb, Margit Geissler, Gert Haucke - Dir. Christian (Blu-ray) Douglas McGrath Rateuke, Dieter Hallervorden Aviator / There Will Be Blood Bildergalerie, Making of, Entfallene Szenen, TV-Spots, Trailer, Wendecover, Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Komödie 1984 88min. Leonardo DiCaprio, , John C. Featurettes Turbine Media Group 28.03.2014 Reilly, Daniel Day-Lewis, Paul Dano, Kevin Drama 1996-2008 131min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058636 J. O’Connor - Dir. Martin Scorsese, Paul STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Thomas Anderson Germany(Miramax) 08.05.2014 Dirty Dancing (Einzel-Disc) Audiokommentar, Making of, Dokumentationen, Featurettes, Trailer, Wendecover, Alternative Szenen, Entfallene Szenen, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058680 Dirty Dancing Outtakes , , Jerry Drama 2004-2007 328min. Double Up Collection: Red Heat / Orbach, Cynthia Rhodes, Jack Weston, STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Der City Hai (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Jane Brucker, Kelly Bishop, Lonny Price, Germany(Arthaus) 08.05.2014 (k.J.) Max Cantor, Neal Jones, Wayne Knight, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058674 Paula Trueman, Miranda Garrison, Garry Red Heat / Raw Deal Goodrow - Dir. Emile Ardolino Double Up Collection: Bad Arnold Schwarzenegger, Kathryn Harrold, Sam Wanamaker, James Belushi, Peter Drama/Musikfilm 1987 min. Lieutenant / Cop Land (2 Discs) Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Boyle - Dir. John Irvin, Walter Hill Home Edition) 05.06.2014 (Blu-ray) Making ofs, Trailer, Wendecover Action 1986-1988 210min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059078 Bad Lieutenant / Cop Land Harvey Keitel, Frankie Thorn, Zoe Lund, STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Disconnect , Ray Liotta - Dir. Abel Germany 08.05.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058679 Disconnect Ferrara, James Mangold Jason Bateman, Hope Davis, Frank Grillo, Audiokommentare, Making ofs, Entfallene Szenen, Storyboards, Trailer, Wendecover Double Up Collection: The Doors Michael Nyqvist, Paula Patton, Andrea Thriller 1992-1997 202min. - When You’re Strange / Shine A Riseborough, Alexander Skarsgård, Max STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Thieriot, Colin Ford, Jonah Bobo, Haley Germany 08.05.2014 Light (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Ramm, Marc Jacobs - Dir. Henry Alex Rubin 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058677 The Doors: When You’re Strange / Shine A Interviews, Trailer, Wendecover Light Thriller/Drama 2012 110min. Double Up Collection: Cliffhanger Keith Richards, Mick Jagger, Jim Morrison, STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment / Lock up (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) John Densmore, Robby Krieger, Ray Germany(Weltkino) 05.06.2014 Manzarek - Dir. Martin Scorsese, Tom Cliffhanger / Lock Up 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059164 DiCillo Sylvester Stallone, John Lithgow, Michael Interviews, Bildergalerie, Featurette, Trailer, Wendecover, Disconnect (Blu-ray) Rooker, Donald Sutherland, John Amos - u.a. Disconnect Dir. Renny Harlin, John Flynn Dokumentarfilm 2008-2009 207min. Jason Bateman, Hope Davis, Frank Grillo, Behind the Scenes, Making of, Sylvester Stallone Profile, STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Interviews, Trailer, Wendecover Germany(Arthaus) 08.05.2014 Michael Nyqvist, Paula Patton, Andrea Action 1989-1993 222min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058683 Riseborough, Alexander Skarsgård, Max STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Thieriot, Colin Ford, Jonah Bobo, Haley Germany 08.05.2014 Downton Abbey - Staffel 4 (3 Ramm, Marc Jacobs - Dir. Henry Alex Rubin 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058676 Interviews, Trailer, Wendecover Discs) (Blu-ray) Thriller/Drama 2012 115min. Double Up Collection: Das Leben Downton Abbey STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment ist schön / Der Junge im gestreif- Drama min. Germany(Weltkino) 05.06.2014 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059230 ten Pyjama (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) 12.06.2014 La Vita E Bella / The Boy In The Striped 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059064 Doctor Who (Season 7) (5 Discs) Pyjamas Doctor Who Roberto Benigni, Nicoletta Braschi, Giustino Downton Abbey - Staffel 4 (4 Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Jenna-Louise Durano, Asa Butterfield, Jack Scanlon, Discs) Coleman, Caroline John, Nicholas Courtney, Amber Beattie - Dir. Roberto Benigni, Mark Downton Abbey John Levene - Dir. Farren Blackburn, Nick Herman Drama min. Hurran, Saul Metzstein, Douglas Interviews, Making of, Behind the Scenes, Audiokommentar, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Mackinnon, Colm McCarthy, Jamie Payne, Featurette, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, Wendecover Drama 1997-2008 219min. 12.06.2014 Mat King, Stephen Woolfenden Booklet, u.a. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059054 Science Fiction/Abenteuer 2012-2013 Germany(Arthaus) 08.05.2014 692min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058678 Duell in den Wolken WVG Medien(polyband) 25.04.2014 The Tarnished Angels 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058699 Double Up Collection: Die Neun Rock Hudson, Robert Stack, Dorothy Pforten / Blow (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Malone, Jack Carson, Robert Middleton, Doctor Who (Season 7) (5 Discs) The Ninth Gate / Blow Alan Reed, Alexander Lockwood, Christo- (Blu-ray) Johnny Depp, Penélope Cruz, Franka Po- pher Olsen, Robert Wilke, Troy Donahue - tente, Frank Langella, Lena Olin - Dir. Ted Dir. Douglas Sirk Doctor Who Booklet von Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Trailer, Dokumentati- Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Jenna-Louise Demme, Roman Polanski on, Bildergalerie Entfallene Szenen, Audiokommentare, Outtakes, Interview, Coleman, Caroline John, Nicholas Courtney, Dokumentation, Featurette, Trailer, Wendecover, Drama 1957 87min. John Levene - Dir. Farren Blackburn, Nick Filmografien, Making of, Fotogalerie, Musikvideo, u.a. Koch Media 17.04.2014 Hurran, Saul Metzstein, Douglas Thriller 1999-2001 256min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058858 Mackinnon, Colm McCarthy, Jamie Payne, STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Mat King, Stephen Woolfenden Germany 08.05.2014 Duell in den Wolken (Blu-ray)

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The Tarnished Angels Wolfgang Dehler, Wolfgang Greese, Hans 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058646 Rock Hudson, Robert Stack, Dorothy Teuscher - Dir. Jurij Kramer Malone, Jack Carson, Robert Middleton, Drama 1979 172min. Exit Marrakech (Blu-ray) Alan Reed, Alexander Lockwood, Christo- ICESTORM Entertainment 14.04.2014 Ulrich Tukur, Samuel Schneider, Hafsia pher Olsen, Robert Wilke, Troy Donahue - 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058778 Herzi, Marie-Lou Sellem, Josef Bierbichler, Dir. Douglas Sirk Clara-Marie Pazzini, Götz Schulte, Booklet von Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Trailer, Dokumentati- Der Engel, der seine Harfe ver- Abdesslam Bouhasni, Mourad Zaoui - Dir. on, Bildergalerie setzte Caroline Link Drama 1957 90min. Audiokommentare, Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Making of, Koch Media 17.04.2014 Matthias Fuchs, Dunja Movar, Ullrich Haupt, Trailer, Wendecover 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058885 Nana Osten, Henry Vahl, Tatjana Sais, Eva Drama 2013 122min. Vaitl, Hans Cossy, Gisela Peltzer, Lina Car- STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Dunkle Visionen - The Wyvern stens, Monika John, Horst Tappert - Dir. Germany(Arthaus) 08.05.2014 Mystery Kurt Hoffmann 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058681 Booklet, Trailer The Wyvern Mystery Komödie 1958-1959 96min. Exit Wounds - Die Copjäger (Blu- , Derek Jacobi, James Doherty, AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing , Jack Davenport, Aisling AG(Filmjuwelen) 02.05.2014 ray) (k.J.) O’Sullivan - Dir. Alex Pillai 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058708 Exit Wounds Biografien Steven Seagal, DMX, Isaiah Washington, Horror 2000 96min. Erinnerungen der Liebe Anthony Anderson, Michael Jai White, Bill 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 28.05.2014 Penny Serenade Duke, Jill Hennessy, Tom Arnold, Bruce 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059003 , , Beulah Bondi, McGill, David Vadim, Eva Mendes, Michael Boisvert (Schläger #1), Shane Daly, Sean Einmal Frühling und zurück , , Eva Lee Kuney, Leonard Willey, Wallis Clark, Walter Lawrence, Arnold Pinnock, Matthew G. Simone Thomalla, Marco Girnth, Carolyn Soderling, Jane Biffle - Dir. Taylor - Dir. Andrzej Bartkowiak Genzkow, Nele Kiper, Mirko Lang, Marinus Trailer Action/Thriller 2001 101min. Hohmann, Mareike Carrière, Anne Bolik, Drama 1941 114min. Warner Home Video Germany 25.04.2014 Martin Gruber, Florentine Lahme, Birte Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058760 Hanusrichter, Constantin von Jascheroff, 01.04.2014 Heinz-Josef Braun - Dir. Peter Stauch 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058912 Extrablatt Drama 2013 88min. The Front Page Edel Germany(Aviator) 11.04.2014 Erleuchtung garantiert , Walter Matthau, Carol 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058664 Uwe Ochsenknecht, Gustav Peter Wöhler, Burnett, Vincent Gardenia, Susan Petra Zieser, Ulrike Kriener, Anica Dobra, Sarandon, David Wayne, Charles Durning - Die Elsässer (4 Discs) Heiner Lauterbach, Franz Xaver Gernstl, Dir. Billy Wilder Les Alsaciens - Ou Les Deux Mathilde Gisela Gernstl, Jimi Blue Ochsenknecht, Trailer, Slideshow Aurore Clément, Serge Dupire, Maxime Wilson Gonzalez Ochsenknecht, Leopold Komödie 1974 100min. Leroux, Caroline Tresca, Michel Voïta, Zieser, Emilia Zieser, Pierre Sanoussi-Bliss, HanseSound Musik und Film GmbH Cécile Bois, Jean-Pierre Miquel, Manfred Imaseki - Dir. Doris Dörrie 25.04.2014 Andrae - Dir. Michel Favart Trailer, Audiokommentar, Interviews, Behind the Scenes 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059131 Drama 1996 360min. Komödie 1999 105min. Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) Turbine Media Group 11.04.2014 The Falls 2: Zeugnis der Liebe 25.04.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058745 (OmU) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058848 The Falls: Testament Of Love Essex Boys: Vergeltung (Blu-ray) Nick Ferrucci, Benjamin Farmer, Hannah Elvis (k.J.) Barefoot, Thomas Stroppel, Bruce Elvis Essex Boys: Retribution Jennings, Mercedes Rose, Keith Swallow, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Randy Quaid, Rose Ian Virgo, Ryan Winsley, Vas Blackwood, Brian Allard - Dir. Jon Garcia McGowan, Tim Guinee, Antonia Bernath, Alex Esmail, Billy Murray, Kyle Interviews, Trailer, Bildergalerie Jack Noseworthy, Robert Patrick, Camryn Summercorn, Kye Loren, Paul Marlon, Mar- Drama 2013 90min. Manheim, Clay Steakley, Mark Adam, Robert tin Fisher - Dir. Paul Tanter PRO-FUN MEDIA 30.05.2014 C. Treveiler, Randy McDowell, Marion Action/Kriminalfilm 2013 85min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058952 Zinser, Tony Bentley - Dir. James Steven Maritim Pictures 10.06.2014 Sadwith tba BestellNr.: 20058971 Farscape - Die komplette Staffel Bildergalerie, Trailer 3 (5 Discs) (Blu-ray) Drama 2005 165min. Essex Boys: Vergeltung (k.J.) Farscape Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Apollo Me- Essex Boys: Retribution Ben Browder, Claudia Black, Virginia Hey, dia) 13.05.2014 Ian Virgo, Ryan Winsley, Vas Blackwood, Anthony Simcoe - Dir. Andrew Prowse 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059021 Alex Esmail, Billy Murray, Kyle Booklet Science Fiction 1999-2003 1125min. Elvis (Blu-ray) Summercorn, Kye Loren, Paul Marlon, Mar- tin Fisher - Dir. Paul Tanter AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Sci Fi Elvis Action/Kriminalfilm 2013 81min. Classics) 23.05.2014 Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Randy Quaid, Rose Maritim Pictures 10.06.2014 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059015 McGowan, Tim Guinee, Antonia Bernath, tba BestellNr.: 20058940 Jack Noseworthy, Robert Patrick, Camryn Farscape - Die komplette Staffel Manheim, Clay Steakley, Mark Adam, Robert Exit Marrakech 4 (5 Discs, OmU) (Blu-ray) C. Treveiler, Randy McDowell, Marion Ulrich Tukur, Samuel Schneider, Hafsia Farscape Zinser, Tony Bentley - Dir. James Steven Herzi, Marie-Lou Sellem, Josef Bierbichler, Ben Browder, Claudia Black, Virginia Hey, Sadwith Bildergalerie, Trailer Clara-Marie Pazzini, Götz Schulte, Anthony Simcoe - Dir. Andrew Prowse Drama 2005 174min. Abdesslam Bouhasni, Mourad Zaoui - Dir. Booklet Science Fiction 1999-2003 1120min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Apollo Me- Caroline Link AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Sci Fi dia) 13.05.2014 Audiokommentare, Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Making of, Trailer, Wendecover Classics) 23.05.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059036 Drama 2013 117min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059016 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Ende vom Lied Germany(Arthaus) 08.05.2014 Farscape - Die komplette Staffel

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5 (Blu-ray) Trainor - Dir. Science Fiction 1966 96min. Farscape Thriller 1997 135min. KNM Home Entertainment(cultmovie) Ben Browder, Claudia Black, Virginia Hey, Warner Home Video Germany 25.04.2014 17.04.2014 Anthony Simcoe - Dir. Andrew Prowse 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058761 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059048 Booklet Science Fiction 1999-2003 176min. Der Fluch der Tang-Dynastie Die gefürchtetsten Piraten aller AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Sci Fi Huimaqiang Zeiten Classics) 23.05.2014 Simon Yam, Annie Yi, Stephy Qi, Jack Kao, Blackbeard / König der Piraten / Die 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059017 Dejun Xia, Wang Daqi - Dir. Yuan Li Piratenkönigin Featurette, Bildergalerie, Trailer Bildergalerie, Trailer Fat Cat (OmU) Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2011 87min. Abenteuer 1951-2006 328min. Fat Cat KSM GmbH 14.04.2014 Spirit Media 15.04.2014 Tommaso Arnaldi, Lorenzo Richelmy, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059103 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059126 Alberto Onofrietti - Dir. Michele Fiascaris Making of, Deleted Scenes From Beyond (Director’s Cut) - Die Wahrheit tut weh Kriminalfilm/Komödie 2012 88min. From Beyond (Blu-ray) Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 09.05.2014 Jeffrey Combs, Barbara Crampton, Ken Get Carter 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058868 Foree, Ted Sorel, Carolyn Purdy-Gordon, Sylvester Stallone, Miranda Richardson, Bunny Summers, Bruce McGuire - Dir. Stu- Rachael Leigh Cook, Alan Cumming, Mickey Father Brown (01. Season) (3 art Gordon Rourke, John C. McGinley, Rhona Mitra, Discs) Audiokommentare, Featurette, Interviews, Storyboard/Film- vergleich Johnny Strong, John Cassini, Garwin Father Brown Horror 1986 82min. Sanford, Sir Michael Caine, Gretchen Mol - Mark Williams, Hugo Speer, Sorcha Cusack, OFDb Filmworks 13.05.2014 Dir. Stephen Kay Kasia Koleczek, Nancy Carroll, Alex Price - 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059019 Audiokommentar, nicht verwendete Szenen, Kinotrailer Dir. Ian Barber, Matt Carter, Dominic Keavey Thriller 2000 102min. Kriminalfilm 2013 450min. From Beyond (Director’s Cut) Warner Home Video Germany 25.04.2014 polyband Medien GmbH 30.05.2014 (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058762 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058816 From Beyond Ghashiram Kotwal (OmU) Jeffrey Combs, Barbara Crampton, Ken A Fighting Man Ghashiram Kotwal Foree, Ted Sorel, Carolyn Purdy-Gordon, A Fighting Man Mohan Agashe, Om Puri Bunny Summers, Bruce McGuire - Dir. Stu- Dominic , Famke Janssen, James Booklet art Gordon Drama 1976 107min. Caan, Kim Coates, Adam Beach, Louis Audiokommentare, Featurette, Interviews, Storyboard/Film- Gossett Jr., Michael Ironside - Dir. Damian vergleich Filmgalerie 451 10.04.2014 Lee Horror 1986 86min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059004 Thriller/Drama 2014 85min. OFDb Filmworks 13.05.2014 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059034 Ghetto Box (k.J.) 26.06.2014 Action 384min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059108 Für immer dein KNM Home Entertainment(Movie) Still Mine 17.04.2014 Flemming - Staffel 2 James Cromwell, Geneviève Bujold, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059041 Samuel Finzi, Claudia Michelsen, Maren Campbell Scott, Rick Roberts, Julie Kroymann, Nadja Petri, Anna Thalbach, Stewart, Jonathan Potts, George R. Ghost World Oliver Bröcker, Julia Jäger, Anian Zollner, Robertson, Barbara Gordon, Zachary Ghost World Bernd Michael Lade, Anja Antonowicz, Bennett, Chuck Shamata - Dir. Michael , Steve Buscemi, Scarlett Raphaël Vogt, Oliver Stokowski - Dir. Bern- McGowan Johansson, Brad Renfro, Illeana Douglas, hard Stephan Trailer Bob Balaban, Teri Garr, Stacey Travis, Kriminalfilm 2011 360min. Drama 2012 98min. Charles Schneider, Sid Hillman, Joy Bisco, Pandastorm Pictures(Pandavision) Koch Media 26.06.2014 Ezra Buzzington, Kacee DeMasi, Joel 13.05.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058946 Michaely, T. J. Thyne, Daniel Graves, Debra 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059028 Azar, Rini Bell, Tom McGowan, Ashley Gallery of Blood (k.J.) Peldon, Marc Vann, David Cross, Diane Flemming - Staffel 3 The Theatre Bizarre Salinger, Chachi Pittman, James Sie, Pat Samuel Finzi, Claudia Michelsen, Maren Udo Kier, Virginia Newcomb, Amanda Healy, Brian George, Dylan Jones - Dir. Kroymann, Nadja Petri, Anna Thalbach, Marquardt, Amelia M. Gotham, Catriona Terry Zwigoff Oliver Bröcker, Götz Schubert, Alessandria MacColl, Shane Woodward, Victoria Mau- Interviews, Hinter den Kulissen, Trailer Drama/Komödie 2000 107min. Klonaris, Anastasia Klonaris, Hannelore rette, André Hennicke, Suzan Anbeh, Planet Media Home Entertainment Elsner, Martin Brambach, Karoline Eichhorn, Harvey Friedman, Debbie Rochon, Tom 13.05.2014 Isolda Dychauk, Jürg Löw, Armin Savini, James Gill, Jodii Christianson, Lena 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059027 Dillenberger, Matthias Matschke - Dir. Mat- Kleine, Mélodie Simard - Dir. Douglas Buck, Buddy Giovinazzo, David Gregory, Karim thias Tiefenbacher, Florian Kern, Uwe Ghost World (Blu-ray) Janson Hussain, Jeremy Kasten, Tom Savini, Ri- Ghost World Kriminalfilm 2012 360min. chard Stanley Thora Birch, Steve Buscemi, Scarlett Pandastorm Pictures(Pandavision) Trailer Horror/Episodenfilm 2011 114min. Johansson, Brad Renfro, Illeana Douglas, 13.05.2014 Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 09.05.2014 Bob Balaban, Teri Garr, Stacey Travis, 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059029 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058841 Charles Schneider, Sid Hillman, Joy Bisco, Fletchers Visionen (Blu-ray) Ezra Buzzington, Kacee DeMasi, Joel Gamera gegen Barugon - Michaely, T. J. Thyne, Daniel Graves, Debra Conspiracy Theory Azar, Rini Bell, Tom McGowan, Ashley Mel Gibson, , Sir Patrick Frankensteins Drache aus dem Peldon, Marc Vann, David Cross, Diane Stewart, Cylk Cozart, Steve Kahan, Dschungel Salinger, Chachi Pittman, James Sie, Pat Terence Alexander, Alex McArthur, Rod Daikaijû Kettô: Gamera Tai Barugon Healy, Brian George, Dylan Jones - Dir. McLachlan, Michael Potts, Jim Sterling, Rich Kôjirô Hongô, Akira Natsuki, Kyoko Enami, Terry Zwigoff Hebert, Brian J. Williams, George Aguilar, Koji Fuiyama, Yuzo Hayakawa, Ichirô Sugai Interviews, Hinter den Kulissen, Trailer Cece Neber Labao, Claudia Stedelin, Saxon - Dir. Shigeo Tanaka Drama/Komödie 2000 111min.

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Planet Media Home Entertainment Komödie/Horror 2014 120min. KNM Home Entertainment(Movie) 13.05.2014 Koch Media 26.06.2014 17.04.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059039 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058947 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059042 Gimme Shelter Goal! - Lebe deinen Traum (Blu- Das große Heft Gimme Shelter ray) A Nagy Füzet Vanessa Hudgens, , Goal! László Gyémánt, András Gyémánt, Piroska Brendan Fraser, Stephanie Szostak, James Kuno Becker, Alessandro Nivola, Stephen Molnár, Ulrich Thomsen, Ulrich Matthes, Earl Jones, Dascha Polanco, Emily Meade, Dillane, Marcel Iures, Anna Friel, Kieran Gyonyver Bognar, Orsolya Tóth, Sabin Ann Dowd, Candace Smith, Tashiana Wa- O’Brien, Sean Pertwee, Cassandra Bell, Tambrea, Péter Andorai, Diana Kiss, Enikö shington - Dir. Ron Krauss Greg Ellis, Brian Cox, Matthew Goode - Dir. Börcsök, János Derzsi, Lajos Kovács - Dir. Drama 2013 min. Danny Cannon János Szász Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Making of, Interviews, Outtakes, Trailer, Audiokommentar, Trailer, Making of 17.07.2014 Wendecover, B-Roll Drama 2013 109min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059235 Drama/Sport 2005 118min. good!movies(Piffl) 09.05.2014 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059104 Der Glanz des Tages Germany(Kinowelt) 22.05.2014 Philipp Hochmair, Walter Saabel, Vitali 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058685 Hallo Robbie! - Staffel 3 (3 Discs) Leonti - Dir. Rainer Frimmel, Tizza Covi Karsten Speck, Laura Lehnhardt, Inka Booklet Godzilla vs. Destoroyah (Blu-ray) Victoria Barel, Karina Kraushaar, Till Drama 2012 88min. Gojira Tai Desutoroia Demtrøder, Marion Kracht, Tim Bräutigam, Filmgalerie 451 10.04.2014 Tatsumi Takuro, Yôko Ishino, Yasufumi Tim Knauer, Uta Schorn - Dir. Monika 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058901 Hayashi - Dir. Takao Okawara Zinnenberg, Christoph Klünker Action/Science Fiction 1995 102min. Komödie/Drama 2003 435min. Global Player - Wo wir sind isch Splendid Film 30.05.2014 Edel Germany(Aviator) 02.05.2014 vorne (2 Discs) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059214 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058871 Walter Schultheiß, Christoph , Inka Friedrich, Ulrike Folkerts, Stefan Hallmeyer, Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II The Happy Sad (OmU) Monika Anna Wojtyllo, Rita Lengyel, Jin Jin (Blu-ray) The Happy Sad Harder, Kevin Chen, Fang Yu, Shi Guohua, Gojira Tai Mekagojira Leroy McClain, Sorel Carradine, Charlie Guo Zengquan, Hans-Jochen Wagner, Hen- Masahiro Takashima, Ryoko Sano, Megumi Barnett, Cameron Scoggins, Maria Dizzia, riette Müller, Berthold Biesinger, Harvey Odaka - Dir. Takao Okawara Jamie Harrold, Sue Jean Kim, Michael Friedman, Uwe Zellmer, Axel Fischer, Domi- Action/Science Fiction 1993 107min. Nathanson, Devon O´Brien - Dir. Rodney nik Kuhn - Dir. Hannes Stöhr Splendid Film 30.05.2014 Evans Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Clips, Poster 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059213 Drama 2013 87min. Drama/Komödie 2013 94min. good!movies(GMfilms) 25.04.2014 Movienet Film 09.05.2014 Godzilla vs. Spacegodzilla (Blu- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058905 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058994 ray) Hart am Limit (Blu-ray) Gojira Tai Supesugojira Global Player - Wo wir sind isch Torque Jun Hashizume, Megumi Odaka, Zenkichi Martin Henderson, Ice Cube, Mazur, vorne (Blu-ray) Yoneyama - Dir. Kensho Yamashita Adam Scott, Matt Schulze, Jaime Pressly, Walter Schultheiß, Christoph Bach, Inka Action/Science Fiction 1994 107min. Jay Hernandez, Will Yun Lee, Fredro Starr, Friedrich, Ulrike Folkerts, Stefan Hallmeyer, Splendid Film 30.05.2014 Justina Machado, John Doe, Dane Cook, Monika Anna Wojtyllo, Rita Lengyel, Jin Jin 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059215 Harder, Kevin Chen, Fang Yu, Shi Guohua, Faizon Love, Jim Cody Williams - Dir. Jo- Guo Zengquan, Hans-Jochen Wagner, Hen- Good Will Hunting / The Talented seph Kahn riette Müller, Berthold Biesinger, Harvey Music and Effects Track Mr. Ripley (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Action 2004 84min. Friedman, Uwe Zellmer, Axel Fischer, Domi- Good Will Hunting / The Talented Mr. Warner Home Video Germany 25.04.2014 nik Kuhn - Dir. Hannes Stöhr Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Clips, Poster Ripley 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058763 Drama/Komödie 2013 98min. Matt Damon, Robin Williams, Ben Affleck, Movienet Film 09.05.2014 Gwyneth Paltrow, Jude Law - Dir. Gus Van Haunt - Das Böse erwacht 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059009 Sant, Anthony Minghella Haunt Interviews, Dokumentation, Audiokommentare, Featurette, Harrison Gilbertson, Liana Liberato, Jacki Musikvideo, Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Scenes, Goal of the Dead - Elf Zombies Audiokommentar, Making ofs, Trailer, Wendecover, u.a. Weaver - Dir. Mac Carter müsst ihr sein (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Drama 1997-1999 265min. Horror 2013 85min. Universum Film Home Goal Of The Dead STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Entertainment(SquareOne) 27.06.2014 Alban Lenoir, Charlie Bruneau, Tiphaine Germany(Arthaus) 08.05.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059165 Daviot, Ahmed Sylla, Patrick Ligardes, Bru- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058682 no Salomone, Jenny Arasse, Jean François Haunt - Das Böse erwacht (Blu- Cayrey - Dir. Thierry Poiraud, Benjamin Der Graf von Monte Christo (3 Rocher Discs) ray) Trailer Le Comte De Monte Christo Haunt Komödie/Horror 2014 125min. Christine Kaufmann, Christiane Krüger, Harrison Gilbertson, Liana Liberato, Jacki Koch Media 26.06.2014 Jacques Weber - Dir. Denys de La Weaver - Dir. Mac Carter 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058977 Patellière Horror 2013 89min. Booklet Universum Film Home Goal of the Dead - Elf Zombies Drama 1980 360min. Entertainment(SquareOne) 27.06.2014 müsst ihr sein (k.J.) AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059231 Goal Of The Dead AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 18.07.2014 Alban Lenoir, Charlie Bruneau, Tiphaine 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059238 Haus der verlorenen Seelen Daviot, Ahmed Sylla, Patrick Ligardes, Bru- Nightworld: Lost Souls no Salomone, Jenny Arasse, Jean François Gräfin des Blutes - Collection John Savage, Barbara Sukowa, Nick Cayrey - Dir. Thierry Poiraud, Benjamin (k.J.) Deigman, Laura Harling, Richard Lintern, Rocher Action/Thriller 384min. Robert Sherman, Jean-François Wolff, Ted Trailer Rusoff, Christian Erickson, Claudette

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Roche, Gary Beadle - Dir. Jeffrey Drama/Erotik 2012 80min. Pithyou, Rhys Jordan - Dir. Mathew John Woolnough Lighthouse Home Entertainment(W-Film) Pearson Horror/Thriller 1998 90min. 23.05.2014 Featurettes Pidax film media(Pidax film) 16.05.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058995 Action 2014 99min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058904 Lighthouse Home Entertainment 23.05.2014 Die Herrschaft des Schwertes 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058992 Five-Null - Season 5.1 (3 Liu Xing Hu Die Jian Discs) Ching Li, Ku Feng, Lo Lieh, Yueh Hua, Fei The Hitmen - Kill ‘Em All (k.J.) Contract Killers Hawaii Five-0 Ai, Kwok Kuen Chan, Shen Chan, Hong-Yip James Trevena-Brown, Renee Cataldo, Jack Lord, James MacArthur, Kam Fong, Cheng - Dir. Chu Yuan Luke Hawker, Rob Young, Barnett, Herman Wedemeyer, Harry Endo, Richard Bildergalerie, Trailer Action/Eastern 1976 101min. Tony MacIver, Kerry Glamsch, Logan Denning, Al Harrington, Al Eben, Danny Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Pithyou, Rhys Jordan - Dir. Mathew John Kamekona - Dir. Charles S. Dubin, Allen 01.04.2014 Pearson Reisner, Alf Kjellin, Marvin J. Chomsky, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058909 Featurettes Harry Falk, Michael O’Herlihy, Ron Winston, Action 2014 95min. Bob Sweeney, Corey Allen, Richard Werner Herzog Edition (5 Discs) Lighthouse Home Entertainment 23.05.2014 Benedict 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058968 Episoden-Promos (Blu-ray) Kriminalfilm 1972-1973 579min. Happy People - Ein Jahr in der Taiga / Holy Ghost People (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Paramount Home Entertainment 08.05.2014 Kaspar Hauser - Jeder für sich und Gott Holy Ghost People 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059086 gegen alle / Lektionen in Finsternis / My Emma Greenwell, Brendan McCarthy, Joe Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done / Rad Egender, Cameron Richardson, Roger Aa- Hawaii Five-Null - Season 5.2 (3 der Zeit ron Brown, Don Harvey, Jason Benjamin, Discs) Dir. Werner Herzog Dokumentarfilm, Audiokommentar, Interview, Featurette, Buffy Charlet - Dir. Mitchell Altieri Hawaii Five-0 Entfallene Szenen, Bildergalerie, Wendecover Thriller/Mystery 2013 91min. Jack Lord, James MacArthur, Kam Fong, Drama 1974-2012 432min. Maritim Pictures 13.05.2014 Herman Wedemeyer, Harry Endo, Richard STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058799 Denning, Al Harrington, Al Eben, Danny Germany(Arthaus) 05.06.2014 Kamekona - Dir. Charles S. Dubin, Allen tba BestellNr.: 20059248 Holy Ghost People (k.J.) Reisner, Alf Kjellin, Marvin J. Chomsky, Holy Ghost People Harry Falk, Michael O’Herlihy, Ron Winston, Heute nacht geht was Emma Greenwell, Brendan McCarthy, Joe Bob Sweeney, Corey Allen, Richard 100 Pro Egender, Cameron Richardson, Roger Aa- Benedict Ken Duken, Luca Verhoeven, Mavie ron Brown, Don Harvey, Jason Benjamin, Episoden-Promos Hörbiger, Gisela Schneeberger, Max von Buffy Charlet - Dir. Mitchell Altieri Kriminalfilm 1972-1973 579min. Thun, Kirk Kirchberger, Simon Verhoeven, Thriller/Mystery 2013 88min. Paramount Home Entertainment 08.05.2014 Darlene Dahl, Mia Coleman, Annika Murjahn, Maritim Pictures 13.05.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059087 Eralp Uzun, Tobias Schenke, Meritxel 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058780 Heimatkrimi Box Campos, Andrea von Hedemann, Anna Brüggemann, Alexander Held - Dir. Simon Homefront Kriminalfilm 568min. Verhoeven Homefront KNM Home Entertainment(Telepool) Komödie 2001 85min. Jason Statham, James Franco, Kate 17.04.2014 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 11.04.2014 Bosworth, Winona Ryder, Frank Grillo, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059045 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058670 Izabela Vidovic, Rachelle Lefevre, Omar Helden des Ersten Weltkriegs - Benson Miller, Clancy Brown, Steffie Grote Patricia Highsmith: Tiefe Wasser - Dir. Gary Fleder Preisgekrönte Spielfilme (3 Discs) (2 Discs) Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Trailer The Lost Battalion / Der Blaue Max / The Action 2013 96min. Peter Bongartz, Constanze Engelbrecht, Lighthorsemen - Blutiger Sturm Universum Film Home Entertainment Raimund Harmstorf, Reinhard Glemnitz, Dir. Russell Mulcahy, John Guillermin, Simon 20.06.2014 Bernd Herzsprung, Sky Du Mont, Wilfried Wincer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059166 Deleted Scenes, Historische Hintergründe, Produktions- Klaus, Wega Jahnke, Franziska Bronnen - notizen, Trailer Dir. Franz Peter Wirth Homefront (Blu-ray) Kriegsfilm 1966-2001 350min. Kriminalfilm 1984 182min. Homefront Spirit Media 13.05.2014 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 30.05.2014 Jason Statham, James Franco, Kate 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059023 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059148 Bosworth, Winona Ryder, Frank Grillo, Helden des Ersten Weltkriegs - Die Himmelhunde von Boragora, Izabela Vidovic, Rachelle Lefevre, Omar Benson Miller, Clancy Brown, Steffie Grote Preisgekrönte Spielfilme (3 Discs) Vol. 2 (3 Discs) - Dir. Gary Fleder The Lost Battalion / Der Blaue Max / The Tales Of The Gold Monkey Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Trailer Lighthorsemen - Blutiger Sturm Stephen Collins, Jeff MacKay, Roddy Action 2013 100min. Dir. Russell Mulcahy, John Guillermin, Simon McDowall, Marta DuBois, John Calvin, John Universum Film Home Entertainment Wincer Fujioka, Caitlin O’Heaney, Les Jankey - Dir. 20.06.2014 Deleted Scenes, Historische Hintergründe, Produktions- Virgil W. Vogel, Harvey S. Laidman, Ray 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059232 notizen, Trailer Austin, James Fargo, Winrich Kolbe, James Kriegsfilm 1966-2001 364min. Frawley Homo Erectus - Einfach prä-hyste- Spirit Media 13.05.2014 Action/Abenteuer 1982-1983 472min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059024 risch Koch Media 17.04.2014 Homo Erectus Hemel (OmU) 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058960 Adam Rifkin, Ali Larter, Hayes MacArthur, David Carradine, Talia Shire, Carol Alt, Hemel The Hitmen - Kill ‘Em All (Blu-ray) Hannah Hoekstra, Hans Dagelet, Rifka Gary Busey, Miles Dougal, Giuseppe Lodeizen, Mark Rietman, Eva Duijvestein, (k.J.) Andrews - Dir. Adam Rifkin Barbara Sarafian, Ward Weemhoff, Ali Ben Contract Killers Bildergalerie Komödie 2007 84min. Horsting, Abdullah el Baoudi, Elske James Trevena-Brown, Renee Cataldo, Intergroove Media(Dynasty Film) Rotteveel, Maarten Heijmans - Dir. Sacha Luke Hawker, Rob Young, Dallas Barnett, 02.05.2014 Polak Tony MacIver, Kerry Glamsch, Logan

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15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058697 stirbt nie (Blu-ray) I, Frankenstein House Of Good And Evil Aaron Eckhart, Bill Nighy, Aden Young, Homo Erectus - Einfach prä-hyste- Rachel Marie Lewis, Christian Oliver, Bo Yvonne Strahovski, Miranda Otto, Jai risch (Blu-ray) Keister, Rob Neukirch, Jordan Rhodes, Courtney, Caitlin Stasey, Kevin Grevioux, Homo Erectus Marietta Marich, Blu De Golyer - Dir. David Deniz Akdeniz - Dir. Stuart Beattie Adam Rifkin, Ali Larter, Hayes MacArthur, Mun Making of, Interviews, B-Roll, u.a., Booklet Fantasy/Horror 2014 93min. David Carradine, Talia Shire, Carol Alt, Trailer, Bonusfilm WVG Medien(Splendid) 30.05.2014 Gary Busey, Miles Dougal, Giuseppe Horror/Mystery 2013 108min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058726 Andrews - Dir. Adam Rifkin Great Movies GmbH(Magic Mov!e) Bildergalerie 08.05.2014 Komödie 2007 87min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058988 I, Frankenstein (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- Intergroove Media(Dynasty Film) ray) 02.05.2014 Hudson Hawk - Der Meisterdieb I, Frankenstein 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058722 (Blu-ray) Aaron Eckhart, Bill Nighy, Aden Young, Hudson Hawk Yvonne Strahovski, Miranda Otto, Jai House of Cards - Die komplette Bruce Willis, Danny Aiello, Andie Courtney, Caitlin Stasey, Kevin Grevioux, erste Mini-Serie (Blu-ray) MacDowell, James Coburn, Richard E. Deniz Akdeniz - Dir. Stuart Beattie House Of Cards Grant, Sandra Bernhard, Donald Burton, Making of, Interviews, Featurette, B-Roll Fantasy/Horror 2014 93min. Ian Richardson, Susannah Harker, Michael Don Harvey, David , Andrew Splendid Film 30.05.2014 Kitchen - Dir. Paul Seed Bryniarski, Lorraine Toussaint, Burtt Harris, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058933 Audiokommentar Frank Stallone, Carmine Zozzora, Stefano Drama/Thriller 1990 233min. Molinari, Giselda Volodi - Dir. Michael I, Frankenstein (Blu-ray 3D, Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) Lehmann 25.03.2014 Action/Komödie 1991 100min. Limited Edition) (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058753 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) I, Frankenstein 12.06.2014 Aaron Eckhart, Bill Nighy, Aden Young, House of Cards - Die komplette 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059188 Yvonne Strahovski, Miranda Otto, Jai zweite Mini-Serie (2 Discs) Courtney, Caitlin Stasey, Kevin Grevioux, House Of Cards Hunters - Die Spur der Jäger / Deniz Akdeniz - Dir. Stuart Beattie Ian Richardson, Susannah Harker, Michael Making of, Interviews, B-Roll, u.a., Booklet False Trail - Nacht der Jäger (2 Fantasy/Horror 2014 93min. Kitchen - Dir. Paul Seed Discs) Audiokommentar WVG Medien(Splendid) 30.05.2014 Drama/Thriller 1990 215min. Jägarna / Jägarna 2 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058764 Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) Rolf Lassgård, Lennart Jähkel, Jarmo 25.03.2014 Mäkinen, Peter Stormare, Kim Tjernström - I, Frankenstein (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058740 Dir. Kjell Sundvall I, Frankenstein Trailer Aaron Eckhart, Bill Nighy, Aden Young, House of Cards - Die komplette Thriller 1996-2011 240min. Yvonne Strahovski, Miranda Otto, Jai Atlas Film Home Entertainment 23.05.2014 zweite Mini-Serie (Blu-ray) Courtney, Caitlin Stasey, Kevin Grevioux, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059002 Deniz Akdeniz - Dir. Stuart Beattie House Of Cards Audiokommentare, Featurettes Ian Richardson, Susannah Harker, Michael Hyperdrive - Der Knall im All (2 Fantasy/Horror 2014 93min. Kitchen - Dir. Paul Seed Discs) Splendid Film 30.05.2014 Audiokommentar 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058932 Drama/Thriller 1990 223min. Hyperdrive Nick Frost, Kevin Eldon, Miranda Hart, Dan Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) I, Frankenstein (Limited Edition, 25.03.2014 Antopolski, Stephen Evans, Petra Massey, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058754 Paterson Joseph, Waen Shepherd, Steelbook) Morwenna Banks - Dir. John Henderson I, Frankenstein House of Good & Evil - Das Böse Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Behind the Scenes, Video- Aaron Eckhart, Bill Nighy, Aden Young, tagebuch Yvonne Strahovski, Miranda Otto, Jai stirbt nie Komödie/Science Fiction 2006-2007 Courtney, Caitlin Stasey, Kevin Grevioux, House Of Good And Evil 180min. Deniz Akdeniz - Dir. Stuart Beattie Rachel Marie Lewis, Christian Oliver, Bo justbridge entertainment media(BBC) Making of, Interviews, Featurette, B-Roll Keister, Rob Neukirch, Jordan Rhodes, 25.04.2014 Fantasy/Horror 2014 89min. Marietta Marich, Blu De Golyer - Dir. David 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058836 Splendid Film 30.05.2014 Mun 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058924 Trailer I Was a Teenage Werewolf Horror/Mystery 2013 104min. I Was A Teenage Werewolf I, Frankenstein (Limited Edition, Great Movies GmbH(Magic Mov!e) Michael Landon, Whit Bissell, Yvonne Lime Steelbook) (Blu-ray) 08.05.2014 - Dir. Gene Fowler Jr. I, Frankenstein 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058961 Horror 1957 75min. Aaron Eckhart, Bill Nighy, Aden Young, Maritim Pictures 25.04.2014 Yvonne Strahovski, Miranda Otto, Jai House of Good & Evil - Das Böse 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058730 stirbt nie (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Courtney, Caitlin Stasey, Kevin Grevioux, I, Frankenstein Deniz Akdeniz - Dir. Stuart Beattie House Of Good And Evil Making of, Interviews, Featurette, B-Roll Rachel Marie Lewis, Christian Oliver, Bo I, Frankenstein Fantasy/Horror 2014 93min. Keister, Rob Neukirch, Jordan Rhodes, Aaron Eckhart, Bill Nighy, Aden Young, Splendid Film 30.05.2014 Marietta Marich, Blu De Golyer - Dir. David Yvonne Strahovski, Miranda Otto, Jai 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058934 Mun Courtney, Caitlin Stasey, Kevin Grevioux, Trailer, Bonusfilm Deniz Akdeniz - Dir. Stuart Beattie Il Futuro - Eine Lumpen- Horror/Mystery 2013 108min. Making of, Interviews, Featurette, B-Roll Great Movies GmbH(Magic Mov!e) Fantasy/Horror 2014 89min. geschichte in Rom 08.05.2014 Splendid Film 30.05.2014 El Futuro 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058986 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058923 Manuela Martelli, Rutger Hauer, Luigi Ciardo (Tómas), Nicolas Vaporidis, Alessandro House of Good & Evil - Das Böse I, Frankenstein (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Giallocosta (Boloñes), Daniela Piperno, Pino Calabrese, Patricia Rivadeneira, Sara

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Manni - Dir. Alicia Scherson Schmidbauer, Jakob Tiger Brendel, Lola AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Drama 2013 95min. Dockhorn, Jannik Brengel, Hildegard AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 23.05.2014 good!movies(RealFiction) 30.05.2014 Schmahl, Johanna Bittenbinder, Rita 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059007 tba BestellNr.: 20059234 Russek, Heinz-Josef Braun, Johann von Bülow, Veronika Fitz, Bettina Mittendorfer - Jack the Reaper Returns (k.J.) Im Bann der Hexe - Sie nährt Dir. Rainer Kaufmann The Legend Of Bloody Jack sich an deiner Angst Drama 2009 103min. Craig Bonacorsi, Erica Hoag Curtis, Travis The Wicked KNM Home Entertainment(Telepool) Quentin Young, Alicia Klein, Jonathan Devon Werkheiser, Justin Deeley, Jess 17.04.2014 Kowalsky, Josh Evans, Jessica Szabo, Adams, Jamie Kaler, Caitlin Carmichael, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059046 Garrett Brawith, Pamela Porter, Jeremy Diana , Jackelyn Gauci, Chase Ma- Flynn - Dir. Todd Portugal ser - Dir. Peter Winther Inside - Deadly Prison Making of, Behind the Scenes, Outtakes, Featurettes, Inside Storyboards Trailer Horror 2007 81min. Horror 2013 101min. Luke Goss, Paul Rae, Isaac C. Singleton Delta Music & Entertainment(Best Tiberius Film 05.06.2014 Jr., Derek Phillips, Adam Johnson, Anthony Entertainment) 01.04.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058955 Gaskins, Tim Sabuco, Brett Merritt - Dir. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058818 Daryn Tufts Im Bann der Hexe - Sie nährt Horror/Mystery 2012 109min. Jappeloup - Eine Legende Maritim Pictures 10.06.2014 sich an deiner Angst (Blu-ray) Jappeloup tba BestellNr.: 20058941 The Wicked Guillaume Canet, Marina Hands, Daniel Devon Werkheiser, Justin Deeley, Jess Inside - Deadly Prison (Blu-ray) Auteuil, Lou de Laâge (Raphaëlle Dalio), Adams, Jamie Kaler, Caitlin Carmichael, Tchéky Karyo, Jacques Higelin, Marie Inside Diana Hopper, Jackelyn Gauci, Chase Ma- Bunel, Donald Sutherland, Joel Dupuch, Luke Goss, Paul Rae, Isaac C. Singleton ser - Dir. Peter Winther Fred Epaud, Arnaud Henriet - Dir. Christian Jr., Derek Phillips, Adam Johnson, Anthony Trailer Duguay Horror 2013 105min. Gaskins, Tim Sabuco, Brett Merritt - Dir. Making of, Interviews, Trailer Tiberius Film 05.06.2014 Daryn Tufts Drama 2013 130min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058981 Horror/Mystery 2012 113min. Koch Media 26.06.2014 Maritim Pictures 10.06.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058948 Im Fadenkreuz: Seal Team 8 tba BestellNr.: 20058972 (k.J.) Jappeloup - Eine Legende (Blu- Behind Enemy Lines: Seal Team 8 Inspector Barnaby - Collector’s ray) Tom Sizemore, Langley Kirkwood, Aurélie Box 4, Vol. 16-20 (21 Discs) Jappeloup Meriel, Lex Shrapnel, Eugene Midsomer Murders Guillaume Canet, Marina Hands, Daniel Khumbanyiwa, Bonnie Lee Bouman, Darron John Nettles, Neil Dudgeon Auteuil, Lou de Laâge (Raphaëlle Dalio), Meyer, Colin Moss, Tanya van Graan - Dir. Interviews Tchéky Karyo, Jacques Higelin, Marie Kriminalfilm 1651min. Roel Reiné Bunel, Donald Sutherland, Joel Dupuch, Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 11.04.2014 Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes Fred Epaud, Arnaud Henriet - Dir. Christian Action/Kriegsfilm 2014 94min. 89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058662 Duguay Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Making of, Interviews, Trailer Germany 23.05.2014 Invincible - Der stärkste Mann der Drama 2013 135min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058729 Welt Koch Media 26.06.2014 Invincible 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058978 Im Körper des Feindes - Face/Off Tim Roth, Jouko Ahola, Anna Gourari, Max (Limited Edition, Steelbook) (Blu- Raabe, Jacob Wein, Gustav Peter Wöhler, Johann Sebastian Bach (2 Discs) ray) Udo Kier, Herbert Golder, Gary Bart, Renate Ulrich Thein, Angelika Waller, Jaroslav Face/Off Krößner, Ben-Tzion Hershberg, Rebecca Satoransky, Franziska Troegner, Dorottya , Nicolas Cage, , Wein, Wein, Daniel Wein, Chana Udvaros, Monika Lennartz, György Dörner Alessandro Nivola, Gina Gershon, Wein, Rudolph Herzog, Les Bubb, Tina - Dir. Lothar Bellag Dominique Swain, Nick Cassavetes, Harve Bordhin, Silvia Vas, Hans-Jürgen Featurette Drama/Biographie 1985 346min. Presnell, Colm Feore, John Carroll Lynch, Schmiebusch, Joachim Paul Assböck, Alex- Studio Hamburg Enterprises(DDR-Archiv) CCH Pounder, Robert Wisdom, Margaret ander Duda, Klaus Haindl, Prof. Hark Bohm, 25.04.2014 Cho, James Denton, Matt Ross, Chris Bauer André Hennicke - Dir. Werner Herzog 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058847 - Dir. John Woo Trailer Trailer, Featurette Drama 2001 125min. Action 1997 139min. Lighthouse Home Entertainment(MVL) Jurassic Shark Box The Walt Disney Company (Germany) 23.05.2014 Great White / Jurassic Shark / Megalodon GmbH Home Entertainment & 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058997 Horror/Abenteuer min. Retail(Touchstone) 15.05.2014 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 25.04.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059068 It’s All Gone Pete Tong 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058691 It’s All Gone Pete Tong Im Netz der Spinne (Blu-ray) Paul Kaye, Beatriz Batarda, Mike Wilmot, Justified - Die komplette dritte Along Came A Spider David Lawrence, Paul Spence, Kate Season (3 Discs) (k.J.) Morgan Freeman, Monica Potter, Michael Magowan - Dir. Michael Dowse Justified Wincott, Dylan Baker, , Anton Storyboard, Making of Action/Kriminalfilm 519min. Komödie 2004 89min. Yelchin, Kim Hawthorne, Jay O. Sanders, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 25.04.2014 Billy , Michael Moriarty, Penelope Ann 27.05.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058866 Miller - Dir. Lee Tamahori 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059139 Thriller 2000 103min. Jack Clementi, Anruf genügt - Paramount Home Entertainment 08.05.2014 Kahlschlag - Die Rache des Wol- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059179 Komplettbox Big Man (6 Discs) fes Big Man Clearcut Bud Spencer, Raymond Pellegrin, Mylène In aller Stille Ron Lea, Graham Greene, Michael Hogan, Demongeot - Dir. Stefano Vanzina Nina Kunzendorf, Michael Fitz, Maximilian Floyd Westerman, Rebecca Jenkins, Tom Brückner, Michael A. Grimm, Sarah Lavinia Interview, Booklet Action/Kriminalfilm 1988 544min. Jackson - Dir. Richard Bugajski

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Thriller 1991 94min. Angelika Bartsch, Barbara Seifert, ICESTORM Entertainment 10.04.2014 Edel Germany(Capitol Film) 09.05.2014 Akkus, Marco Wohlwend, Gabriele Schul- tba BestellNr.: 20059092 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058880 ze, Hans Richter, Dirk Michael Häger, Daniel Breitfelder, Lore Duwe, Marcia Golgowsky, Komödien mit Herz - Box 2 (4 Der Kampf um die Todessiegel Thusnelda Mercy, Clémentine Deluy, Chri- Discs) Shi Er Jin Pai stoph Maria Herbst - Dir. Claude Giffel Eva erbt das Paradies / Der Fremdenfüh- Yueh Hua, Ching Miao, Chin Ping, Chiao Making of, Musikvideos, Trailer, Bildergalerie, Animation, rer von Lissabon / Kleiner Schwindel am Chiao, Fan Mei Sheng, Ho Li Jen, Kao Ming, Bonusvideo Komödie 2013 99min. Wolfgangsee / Königswalzer Ku Feng - Dir. Cheng Kang SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(Rexfilm) Marianne Koch, Michael Cramer, Joe Stök- Action 1970 101min. 15.05.2014 kel, Hermann Erhardt, Hans Holt, Waltraut Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058707 Haas, Vico Torriani, Inge Egger, Mara Lane, 01.04.2014 Maria Andergast, Annie Rosar, Josef Mein- 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058908 King Ping - Tippen Tappen rad - Dir. Victor Tourjansky, Franz Antel, Tödchen (Blu-ray) Hans Deppe Kartoffeln mit Stippe (2 Discs) Bildergalerie, Trailer Friedhelm Ptok, Jutta Speidel, Pamela Gro- Sirk Radzei, Bela B. Felsenheimer, Hans- Komödie 1949-1956 371min. ßer - Dir. Franz Josef Gottlieb Martin Stier, Godehard Giese, Jana Voosen, ICESTORM Entertainment 10.04.2014 2 Featurette Lilay Huser, Uwe-Dag , Jörg Reimers, tba BestellNr.: 20059093 Drama 1990 310min. Angelika Bartsch, Barbara Seifert, Sinan MORE Music and Media(More Brands and Akkus, Marco Wohlwend, Gabriele Schul- König der Diebe Products) 18.04.2014 ze, Hans Richter, Dirk Michael Häger, Daniel Ordinary Decent Criminal 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058897 Breitfelder, Lore Duwe, Marcia Golgowsky, , Linda Fiorentino, Peter Mull- Thusnelda Mercy, Clémentine Deluy, Chri- an, Stephen Dillane, Helen Baxendale, Da- Käthe Kollwitz - Bilder eines Le- stoph Maria Herbst - Dir. Claude Giffel vid Hayman, Patrick Malahide, Gerard bens Making of, Musikvideos, Trailer, Bildergalerie, Animation, Bonusvideo McSorley, David Kelly, Gary Lydon, Paul Jutta Wachowiak, Fred Düren, Carmen- Komödie 2013 103min. Ronan, Christoph Waltz - Dir. Thaddeus Maja Antoni, Walfriede Schmitt, Axel Wer- SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(Rexfilm) O’Sullivan ner, Matthias Freihof, Gerd Baltus - Dir. 15.05.2014 Thriller/Komödie 2000 90min. Ralf Kirsten 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058728 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 02.05.2014 Featurettes 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058878 Drama 1987 93min. Kino Klassiker Box ICESTORM Entertainment 14.04.2014 Abenteuer/Drama 384min. Königin für tausend Tage 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058773 KNM Home Entertainment(Movie) Anne Of The Thousand Days , Geneviève Bujold, Irene Kermit, der Frosch (Blu-ray) 17.04.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059043 Papas, Anthony Quayle, John Colicos, Sir Kermit’s Swamp Years Michael Hordern - Dir. Charles Jarrott Dir. David Gumpel Knocked Out - Eine schlagkräftige Historienfilm 1969 139min. Komödie/Puppenfilm 2002 82min. Freundschaft Capelight Pictures 23.05.2014 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059005 12.06.2014 Play It To The Bone 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059189 Antonio Banderas, Woody Harrelson, Lolita Königin für tausend Tage (Blu- Davidovich, Tom Sizemore, Lucy Liu, Ro- The Killing Machine - Re-Genera- bert Wagner, Richard Masur, Willie Garson, ray) Anne Of The Thousand Days tor (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Cylk Cozart, Jack Carter - Dir. Ron Shelton Interviews, Trailer Richard Burton, Geneviève Bujold, Irene Regenerator Komödie/Drama 2000 115min. Papas, Anthony Quayle, John Colicos, Sir Olivier Gruner, Paul Logan, David J. Phillips, Planet Media Home Entertainment Michael Hordern - Dir. Charles Jarrott Jeremie Loncka, Brad Potts, Brennon 15.04.2014 Historienfilm 1969 145min. Huggard, Marisela, Dennis Anderson, Anna 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059129 Capelight Pictures 23.05.2014 Colona, Martin Mayo, Jon Firestone, Mark 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059014 Steven Grove - Dir. Patrick Shanavian, Knocked Out - Eine schlagkräftige Olivier Gruner Freundschaft (Blu-ray) Die Koralleninsel Trailer The Coral Island Action 2013 92min. Play It To The Bone Scott McGregor, Richard Gibson, Nicholas Edel Germany(Starmovie) 02.05.2014 Antonio Banderas, Woody Harrelson, Lolita Bond-Owen 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058891 Davidovich, Tom Sizemore, Lucy Liu, Ro- bert Wagner, Richard Masur, Willie Garson, Abenteuer 1982 185min. The Killing Machine - Re-Genera- Cylk Cozart, Jack Carter - Dir. Ron Shelton Pidax film media(Pidax film) 25.04.2014 Interviews, Trailer 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058710 tor (k.J.) Komödie/Drama 2000 123min. Regenerator Planet Media Home Entertainment Peter Kraus - Das Beste zum Ju- Olivier Gruner, Paul Logan, David J. Phillips, 15.04.2014 biläum (Limited Edition, 1 DVD + Jeremie Loncka, Brad Potts, Brennon 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059204 Huggard, Marisela, Dennis Anderson, Anna 2 CD) Colona, Martin Mayo, Jon Firestone, Mark Komödien mit Herz - Box 1 (4 Peter Kraus Komödie/Musikfilm 262min. Steven Grove - Dir. Patrick Shanavian, Discs) Olivier Gruner KNM Home Entertainment(Hoppe Trailer Ein Herz voll Musik / Ooh... diese Ferien / Entertainment) 17.04.2014 Action 2013 88min. Die süßesten Früchte / Unter Palmen am 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059044 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 02.05.2014 blauen Meer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058881 Wolf Albach-Retty, Maria , Hannelore Larry Flynt - Die nackte Wahrheit Bollmann, Hans Moser, Georg Thomalla, (Blu-ray) Vico Torriani, Fita Benkhoff, Ina Halley, Bibi King Ping - Tippen Tappen The People Vs. Larry Flynt Johns, Giulia Rubini, Harald Juhnke - Dir. Tödchen Woody Harrelson, Courtney Love, Edward Franz Antel, Robert A. Stemmle, Hans Sirk Radzei, Bela B. Felsenheimer, Hans- Norton, James Cromwell, Crispin Glover, Deppe Martin Stier, Godehard Giese, Jana Voosen, Trailer, Bildergalerie James Carville, Brett Harrelson, Donna Lilay Huser, Uwe-Dag Berlin, Jörg Reimers, Komödie 1954-1958 357min. , Norm MacDonald, Vincent

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Schiavelli, Miles Chapin, Richard Paul, Lesson of the Evil (k.J.) D’Army Bailey, Burt Neuborne, Jan Triska - Aku No Kyôten Liars All (Blu-ray) Dir. Milos Forman Hideaki Ito, Fumi Nikaidô, Shôta Sometani, Liars All Drama/Satire 1996 129min. Kento Hayashi, Kôdai Asaka, Erina Mizuno, Matt Lanter, Torrance Coombs, Sara Pax- Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Takayuki , Mitsuru Fukikoshi - Dir. ton, Gillian Zinser, Alice Evans, Sara Pax- 12.06.2014 ton, Randy Wayne, Tiffany Mulheron, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059190 Making of, Trailer Charles McKnight - Dir. Brian Brightly Thriller/Drama 2012 124min. Trailer Lautlos im Weltraum (Blu-ray) Rapid Eye Movies HE 13.06.2014 Thriller 2013 92min. Silent Running 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059158 Bubblegum Movie AG 30.05.2014 , Cliff Potts, Ron Rifkin, Jesse 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058829 Vint - Dir. Douglas Trumbull Der letzte Akt Kinotrailer, Audiokommentar, Making of, Interviews, Super8- Albin Skoda, Lotte Tobisch, Billy Krauss, Liebesbriefe eines Unbekannten Fassung Elga Dohrn, Hermann Erhardt, Eric (OmU) Science Fiction 1972 88min. Suckmann, Oskar Werner - Dir. Georg Wil- Shablulim Ba’Geshem Koch Media 17.04.2014 helm Pabst Yoav Reuveni, Moran Rosenblatt, Yehuda 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058886 Booklet, Trailer Nahari, Yariv Mozer, Hava Ortman, Ori Drama 1955 95min. Le weekend Yaniv, Eyal Cohen, Ron Paran - Dir. Yariv AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Mozer Le Week-End AG(Filmjuwelen) 16.05.2014 Drama 2013 79min. Jim Broadbent, Lindsay Duncan, Jeff 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058852 PRO-FUN MEDIA 25.04.2014 Goldblum, Olly Alexander, Judith Davis, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058953 Xavier de Guillebon, Denis Sebbah, Char- Die letzte Begegnung lotte Léo - Dir. Roger Michell Otto Mellies, Ruth Reinecke, Hanns-Michael Lilyhammer - Die komplette 1. Audiokommentar, Interviews, Behind the Scenes, Bildergale- Schmidt - Dir. Ursula Bonhoff rie, Trailer Staffel (2 Discs) Drama 2013 89min. Featurette, Trailer Kriminalfilm 1987 84min. Lilyhammer Prokino Filmverleih GmbH 28.05.2014 ICESTORM Entertainment 14.04.2014 Outtakes, Making of, u.a. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058705 Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2012-2013 360min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058777 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Lenka Wood - Spurlos ver- Letztes Jahr in Marienbad Germany 08.05.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058739 schwunden L’ Année Dernière à Marienbad The Disappearance Of Lenka Wood Delphine Seyrig, Giorgio Albertazzi, Sergio Lilyhammer - Die komplette 1. Petra Bryant, Mark O’Neal, , Pitoeff, Françoise Bertin, Luce Garcia- Tom Benedict Knight, Akbar Kurtha, Billy Ville, Helena Kornel, Françoise Spira, Staffel (Blu-ray) Murray - Dir. Paul Tanter Pierre Barbaud, Jean Lanier, Gerard Lorin, Lilyhammer Trailer Gilles Quéant - Dir. Alain Resnais Outtakes, Making of, u.a. Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2014 90min. Dokumentation, Wendecover Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2012-2013 363min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Mediawith) Drama 1960 90min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 10.06.2014 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany 08.05.2014 tba BestellNr.: 20058944 Germany(Arthaus) 19.06.2014 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058752 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059243 Lenka Wood - Spurlos ver- Der Lügner und die Nonne schwunden (Blu-ray) Letztes Jahr in Marienbad (Blu- Curd Jürgens, Robert Hoffmann, Heidelinde The Disappearance Of Lenka Wood ray) Weis, Elisabeth Flickenschildt, Karl Schönböck, Jane Tilden, Rudolf Rhomberg, Petra Bryant, Mark O’Neal, Simon Phillips, L’ Année Dernière à Marienbad Joachim Wolff - Dir. Rolf Thiele Tom Benedict Knight, Akbar Kurtha, Billy Delphine Seyrig, Giorgio Albertazzi, Sergio Murray - Dir. Paul Tanter Booklet, Trailer Pitoeff, Françoise Bertin, Luce Garcia- Komödie 1966 99min. Trailer Ville, Helena Kornel, Françoise Spira, Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2014 94min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Pierre Barbaud, Jean Lanier, Gerard Lorin, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Mediawith) AG(Filmjuwelen) 30.05.2014 Gilles Quéant - Dir. Alain Resnais 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059006 10.06.2014 Intro, Biografie, Kurzfilme, Trailer, Wendecover tba BestellNr.: 20058975 Drama 1960 93min. Lunchbox STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Dabba Leo und Claire Germany(Arthaus) 19.06.2014 , Nimrat Kaur, Nawazuddin Michael Degen, Suzanne von Borsody, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059249 Franziska Petri, Alexandra Maria Lara, Siddiqui, Lillete Dubey, Denzil Smith, Bharati Rüdiger Vogler, Andrea Sawatzki, Nicolas Lewis - Der Oxford Krimi, Staffel Achrekar, Nakul Vaid, Yavshi Puneet Nagar - Dir. Ritesh Batra Kantor, Dietmar Schönherr, Kai Wiesinger, 6 (4 Discs) Jochen Nickel, Axel Milberg, Jürgen Schor- Interview, Trailer Lewis Drama/Lovestory 2013 101min. nagel, Jasmin Schwiers, Hanns Zischler, Kevin Whately, Laurence Fox, Rebecca EuroVideo Medien(NFP) 22.05.2014 Alexander Held - Dir. Joseph Vilsmaier Front, Clare Holman 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058783 Drama 2001 min. Kriminalfilm 2012 360min. Concorde Home Entertainment 05.06.2014 Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 09.05.2014 Lunchbox 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059079 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058819 Dabba Lesson of the Evil (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Irrfan Khan, Nimrat Kaur, Nawazuddin Liars All Siddiqui, Lillete Dubey, Denzil Smith, Bharati Aku No Kyôten Liars All Achrekar, Nakul Vaid, Yavshi Puneet Nagar Hideaki Ito, Fumi Nikaidô, Shôta Sometani, Matt Lanter, Torrance Coombs, Sara Pax- - Dir. Ritesh Batra Kento Hayashi, Kôdai Asaka, Erina Mizuno, ton, Gillian Zinser, Alice Evans, Sara Pax- Interview, Trailer, Booklet , Mitsuru Fukikoshi - Dir. ton, Randy Wayne, Tiffany Mulheron, Drama/Lovestory 2013 101min. Takashi Miike Charles McKnight - Dir. Brian Brightly EuroVideo Medien(NFP) 28.05.2014 Making of, Trailer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058965 Thriller/Drama 2012 129min. Trailer Thriller 2013 88min. Rapid Eye Movies HE 13.06.2014 Bubblegum Movie AG 30.05.2014 Lunchbox (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059224 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058817 Dabba

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Irrfan Khan, Nimrat Kaur, Nawazuddin Marco Polo (Blu-ray) Stölzl Siddiqui, Lillete Dubey, Denzil Smith, Bharati Marco Polo Making of, Trailer Abenteuer/Kostümfilm 2013 149min. Achrekar, Nakul Vaid, Yavshi Puneet Nagar Ian Somerhalder, Brian Dennehy, B.D. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) - Dir. Ritesh Batra Wong, Alan Shearman, Mark Jax, Desiree 22.05.2014 Interview, Trailer Ann Siahhaan, Daxing Zhang, Keagan Drama/Lovestory 2013 105min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059050 Kang, Christian Lee, Richard Harding EuroVideo Medien(NFP) 22.05.2014 Gardner - Dir. Kevin Connor Mega Alligators - The New Killing 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058802 Bildergalerie Abenteuer 2006 173min. Species (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Lunchbox (Blu-ray) Intergroove Media(Peppermint) 02.05.2014 (k.J.) Dabba 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058723 Ragin Cajun Redneck Gators Irrfan Khan, Nimrat Kaur, Nawazuddin Michael Baird, Nicoye Banks, Christopher Siddiqui, Lillete Dubey, Denzil Smith, Bharati Masters of Sex - Die komplette Berry, Amy Brassette, John Chriss, Danny Achrekar, Nakul Vaid, Yavshi Puneet Nagar erste Season (4 Discs) Cosmo, Shanna Forrestall, Jordan Hinson, - Dir. Ritesh Batra Interview, Trailer, Audiokommentar, Booklet Masters Of Sex Matthew James - Dir. Griff Furst Drama/Lovestory 2013 105min. Drama/Biographie 2013 649min. Trailer, Bonusfilm Horror/Abenteuer 2013 89min. EuroVideo Medien(NFP) 28.05.2014 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Edel Germany(Starmovie) 11.04.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058990 27.05.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059138 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058717 Das Lustschloss im Spessart (k.J.) Mega Alligators - The New Killing Franz Muxeneder, Renate Kastelik, Werner Masters of Sex - Die komplette Ploner, Inge Fock - Dir. Victor Stuck erste Season (4 Discs) (Blu-ray) Species (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Bildergalerie, Werberatschlag Masters Of Sex Ragin Cajun Redneck Gators Komödie/Erotik 1977 79min. Drama/Biographie 2013 676min. Michael Baird, Nicoye Banks, Christopher Intergroove Media(TB Comedy Productions) Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Berry, Amy Brassette, John Chriss, Danny 16.05.2014 27.05.2014 Cosmo, Shanna Forrestall, Jordan Hinson, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059130 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059209 Matthew James - Dir. Griff Furst Trailer Magic, Magic Der Medicus Horror/Abenteuer 2013 89min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 11.04.2014 Magic Magic Tom Payne, Emma Rigby, Stellan Skarsgård, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058716 Michael Cera, Juno Temple, Emily Sir , Olivier Martinez, Michael Browning, Catalina Sandino Moreno, Marcus, Elyas M’Barek, Fahri Yardim, Mega Alligators - The New Killing Agustín Silva, Luis Dubó, Roxana Naranjo, Dominique Moore, Stanley Townsend, Mi- Lorenza Aillapán, John Carlos Huenchunao chael Jibson, Mourad Zaoui - Dir. Philipp Species (k.J.) - Dir. Sebastián Silva Stölzl Ragin Cajun Redneck Gators Trailer Making of, Trailer Michael Baird, Nicoye Banks, Christopher Thriller/Mystery 2013 93min. Abenteuer/Kostümfilm 2013 149min. Berry, Amy Brassette, John Chriss, Danny Koch Media 26.06.2014 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Cosmo, Shanna Forrestall, Jordan Hinson, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058949 22.05.2014 Matthew James - Dir. Griff Furst 22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059049 Trailer Magic, Magic (Blu-ray) Horror/Abenteuer 2013 85min. Magic Magic Der Medicus (Blu-ray) Edel Germany(Starmovie) 11.04.2014 Michael Cera, Juno Temple, Emily Tom Payne, Emma Rigby, Stellan Skarsgård, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058692 Browning, Catalina Sandino Moreno, Sir Ben Kingsley, Olivier Martinez, Michael Agustín Silva, Luis Dubó, Roxana Naranjo, Marcus, Elyas M’Barek, Fahri Yardim, Meltdown - Kernschmelze Lorenza Aillapán, John Carlos Huenchunao Dominique Moore, Stanley Townsend, Mi- Meltdown - Dir. Sebastián Silva chael Jibson, Mourad Zaoui - Dir. Philipp Bruce Greenwood, Leslie Hope, Arnold Trailer Stölzl Vosloo, James Remar, Susan Merson, Will Thriller/Mystery 2013 97min. Making of, Trailer Lyman, Bill Mondy, Brent Stait, Adrian Koch Media 26.06.2014 Abenteuer/Kostümfilm 2013 155min. Holmes, Manoj Sood, Tony Alcantar, Diego 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058979 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Diablo del Mar, , Darren 22.05.2014 Shahlavi, David Neale, Ronald Selmour, Magnolien aus Stahl (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059061 Darcy Laurie, Stephen Holmes, Dominic Steel Magnolias Zamprogna, Julian Christopher, Patrick Sally Field, Shirley MacLaine, Julia Roberts, Der Medicus (Limited Edition, Gallagher, Dan Joffre - Dir. Jeremiah S. Olympia Dukakis, Daryl Hannah, Dolly Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Chechik Parton, Tom Skerritt, Sam Shepard, Dylan Tom Payne, Emma Rigby, Stellan Skarsgård, Trailer McDermott, Kevin J. O’Connor - Dir. Herbert Thriller 2004 86min. Sir Ben Kingsley, Olivier Martinez, Michael Ross Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Apollo Me- Marcus, Elyas M’Barek, Fahri Yardim, Komödie/Drama 1989 118min. dia) 06.05.2014 Dominique Moore, Stanley Townsend, Mi- Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059020 chael Jibson, Mourad Zaoui - Dir. Philipp 12.06.2014 Stölzl Meltdown - Kernschmelze (Blu- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059191 Making of, Trailer Abenteuer/Kostümfilm 2013 155min. ray) Marco Polo Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Meltdown Marco Polo 22.05.2014 Bruce Greenwood, Leslie Hope, Arnold Ian Somerhalder, Brian Dennehy, B.D. 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059062 Vosloo, James Remar, Susan Merson, Will Wong, Alan Shearman, Mark Jax, Desiree Lyman, Bill Mondy, Brent Stait, Adrian Ann Siahhaan, Daxing Zhang, Keagan Der Medicus (Limited Special Holmes, Manoj Sood, Tony Alcantar, Diego Kang, Christian Lee, Richard Harding Edition, 2 Discs) Diablo del Mar, Alessandro Juliani, Darren Gardner - Dir. Kevin Connor Tom Payne, Emma Rigby, Stellan Skarsgård, Shahlavi, David Neale, Ronald Selmour, Bildergalerie Darcy Laurie, Stephen Holmes, Dominic Abenteuer 2006 167min. Sir Ben Kingsley, Olivier Martinez, Michael Zamprogna, Julian Christopher, Patrick Intergroove Media(Peppermint) 02.05.2014 Marcus, Elyas M’Barek, Fahri Yardim, Gallagher, Dan Joffre - Dir. Jeremiah S. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058698 Dominique Moore, Stanley Townsend, Mi- chael Jibson, Mourad Zaoui - Dir. Philipp Chechik Trailer

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Thriller 2004 90min. Franker, Brent Thomassen, Vivienne van Connor Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Apollo Me- den Assem, Remon van Dijk, Giorgio Trailer, Bildergalerie dia) 06.05.2014 Sanches - Dir. Barbara Bredero Horror 1980 101min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059035 Komödie/Jugend 2012 85min. Intergroove Media(cmv-Laservision) Spirit Media 13.05.2014 16.05.2014 Mephisto-Effekt 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059038 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059194 Nora Huetz, Arndt Schwering-Sohnrey, Tobias Licht, Aenne Schwarz - Dir. Igor Monaco 110 - Staffel 1 (2 Discs) Motel Hell - Hotel zur Hölle (k.J.) Zaritzki Monika Baumgartner, Markus Brandl, Isabel Motel Hell Making of, Musikvideo, Featurettes, Bildergalerie Scholz, Georg Veitl, Bernhard Conrad, Rory Calhoun, Paul Linke, Nancy Parsons, Thriller 2013 83min. Gilbert von Sohlern, Alina Sokar, Laura Nina Axelrod, Wolfman Jack - Dir. Kevin Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Reflex Film) Osswald - Dir. Wilhelm Engelhardt Connor 10.06.2014 Kriminalfilm/Komödie 400min. Trailer, Bildergalerie Horror 1980 98min. tba BestellNr.: 20058945 Bayerische Rundfunkwerbung 28.05.2014 Intergroove Media(cmv-Laservision) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059149 Mephisto-Effekt (Blu-ray) 16.05.2014 Nora Huetz, Arndt Schwering-Sohnrey, Mord in Rio 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059111 Tobias Licht, Aenne Schwarz - Dir. Igor Erika Remberg, Hellmut Lange, Gustavo München Mord: Wir sind die Neu- Zaritzki Rojo, Reinhard Kolldehoff, Eva Wilma - Dir. Making of, Musikvideo, Featurettes, Bildergalerie Horst Hächler en Thriller 2013 86min. Trailer Bernadette Heerwagen, Marcus Mitterm- Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Reflex Film) Kriminalfilm/Komödie 1963 95min. eier, Alexander Held, Christoph Süß, Julia 10.06.2014 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Koschitz, Gunther Gillian, Christian Tramitz, tba BestellNr.: 20058976 AG(Filmjuwelen) 02.05.2014 Katja Brenner, Nina Brandt, Julian 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058709 Schmieder, Jockel Tschiersch, Sebastian Die merkwürdige Lebensge- Edtbauer, Volker Bruch, Thomas Limpinsel, schichte des Friedrich Freiherrn Mordkommission Istanbul: Box 3 Catalina Navarro Kirner, Emilio De Marchi - von der Trenck (3 Discs) (2 Discs) Dir. Urs Egger Matthias Habich, Nicoletta Machiavelli, Rolf Erol Sander Kriminalfilm 2013 90min. Becker, Glauco Onorato, Elfriede Ramhapp, Kriminalfilm 2013 270min. Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF) Teresa Ricci, Georges Claisse, Erich Auer, WVG Medien(polyband) 30.05.2014 02.05.2014 Jean Claudio, Karl-Walter Diess, György 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058694 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058898 Györffy, Horst Eisele, Loumi Iacobesco, Helmut Janatsch, Alf Marholm, Kurt Moses - Die zehn Gebote My Beautiful Country Mejstrik, Wolf Richards, Bernd Schäfer, The Ten Commandments Die Brücke am Ibar Franz Stoss, Reinhard von Hacht, Harald Dougray Scott, Linus Roache, Naveen Zrinka Cvitesic, Misel Maticevic, Andrija Dietl, Michael Hinz, Kurt Jaggberg, Hannes Andrews, Mía Maestro, Padma Lakshmi, Nikcevic, Milos Mesarovic, Danica Kaetner, Wilfried Klaus, Volkert Kraeft, Omar Sharif, Susan Lynch, Karim Saleh, Ristovski, Slavko Stimac, Milos Timotijevic, Günter Spörrle, Karl-Heinz von Hassel, Rolf Paul Rhys, , Ashley Artus, Ana Markovic, Velimir-Bata Zivojinovic - Wanka, Heinz Weiss - Dir. Fritz Umgelter Silas Carson, Peter Gevisser, Patrick Gor- Dir. Michaela Kezele Historienfilm 1972 430min. don, Greg Hicks, Louis Hilyer, Lisa Jacobs, Trailer Drama/Kriegsfilm 2012 88min. Studio Hamburg Enterprises 25.04.2014 Tom Keller, Marina Morgan, Richard O’Brien, Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Movienet) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058849 Adrian Schiller, David Schneider, Hannah 23.05.2014 Taylor-Gordon, John Wark, Matthew Sim, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058966 Mike Hammer - Auf falscher Spur Rudy Ruggiero, Julius D’Silva, Ben Come Die With Me: Mickey Spillane’s Hammersley - Dir. Robert Dornhelm Die nackte Kanone (Blu-ray) Mike Hammer Making of, Trailer, 10 Gebote The Naked Gun Rob Estes, Pamela Anderson, Randi Historienfilm 2006 170min. Leslie Nielsen, Priscilla Presley, George Ingerman, James Hong, Geoff Meed - Dir. Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 28.03.2014 Kennedy, Ricardo Montalban, O. J. Armand Mastroianni 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058672 Simpson, Nancy Marchand, Raye Birk, Kriminalfilm/Komödie 1994 85min. Susan Beaubian - Dir. David Zucker Pidax film media(Pidax film) 23.05.2014 Moses - Die zehn Gebote (Blu- Komödie 1988 85min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059100 ray) Paramount Home Entertainment 08.05.2014 The Ten Commandments 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059180 Mister Twister - Wirbelsturm im Dougray Scott, Linus Roache, Naveen Klassenzimmer Andrews, Mía Maestro, Padma Lakshmi, Die nackte Kanone 2 1/2 (Blu-ray) Omar Sharif, Susan Lynch, Karim Saleh, Mees Kees The Naked Gun 2 1/2 Paul Rhys, Claire Bloom, Ashley Artus, Felix Osinga, Hannah Hoekstra, Willem Leslie Nielsen, Priscilla Presley, George Silas Carson, Peter Gevisser, Patrick Gor- Voogd, Marieke de Kleine, Fabian Jansen, Kennedy, O. J. Simpson, Richard Griffiths, don, Greg Hicks, Louis Hilyer, Lisa Jacobs, Cas Jansen, Raymonde de Kuyper, Leah Jacqueline Brookes, Robert Goulet - Dir. Tom Keller, Marina Morgan, Richard O’Brien, Dean, Sanne Wallis de Vries, Whitney David Zucker Adrian Schiller, David Schneider, Hannah Franker, Brent Thomassen, Vivienne van Komödie 1990 85min. Taylor-Gordon, John Wark, Matthew Sim, den Assem, Remon van Dijk, Giorgio Paramount Home Entertainment 08.05.2014 Rudy Ruggiero, Julius D’Silva, Ben Sanches - Dir. Barbara Bredero 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059181 Komödie/Jugend 2012 81min. Hammersley - Dir. Robert Dornhelm Spirit Media 13.05.2014 Making of, Trailer, 10 Gebote Historienfilm 2006 176min. Die nackte Kanone 33 1/3 (Blu- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059025 Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 28.03.2014 ray) Mister Twister - Wirbelsturm im 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058688 The Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult Leslie Nielsen, Priscilla Presley, George Klassenzimmer (Blu-ray) Motel Hell - Hotel zur Hölle (Blu- Kennedy, O. J. Simpson, Fred Ward, Mees Kees ray) (k.J.) Kathleen Freeman, Anna Nicole Smith, Ellen Felix Osinga, Hannah Hoekstra, Willem Motel Hell Greene - Dir. Peter Segal Voogd, Marieke de Kleine, Fabian Jansen, Rory Calhoun, Paul Linke, Nancy Parsons, Komödie 1994 83min. Cas Jansen, Raymonde de Kuyper, Leah Nina Axelrod, Wolfman Jack - Dir. Kevin Paramount Home Entertainment 08.05.2014 Dean, Sanne Wallis de Vries, Whitney 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059182

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The Night Before Halloween Omnivoros - Das letzte Ma(h)l NCIS: Los Angeles - Season 4.1 (3 Mischief Night (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Discs) Noell Coet, Daniel Hugh Kelly, Ally Walker, Omnívoros NCIS: Los Angeles Charlie O’Connell, Erica Leerhsen, Stepha- Mario de la Rosa, Paco Manzanedo, Action/Kriminalfilm 2012 495min. nie Erb, Richard Riehle, Adam C. Edwards, Fernando Albizu, Marta Flich, Sara Gómez, Paramount Home Entertainment 08.05.2014 Ian Bamberg - Dir. Richard Schenkman Elisa Matilla (Paola Bardón), Ángel Acero, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059088 Thriller/Horror 2013 83min. Esther Lara, Rebeca Moreno - Dir. Óscar Meteor Film 23.05.2014 Rojo NCIS: Los Angeles - Season 4.2 (3 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058785 Thriller/Horror 2013 81min. Discs) Mad Dimension GmbH 27.06.2014 NCIS: Los Angeles The Night Before Halloween (Blu- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059220 Featurettes, Audiokommentar ray) (k.J.) Action/Kriminalfilm 2012 494min. Mischief Night Omnivoros - Das letzte Ma(h)l Paramount Home Entertainment 08.05.2014 Noell Coet, Daniel Hugh Kelly, Ally Walker, (k.J.) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059089 Charlie O’Connell, Erica Leerhsen, Stepha- Omnívoros nie Erb, Richard Riehle, Adam C. Edwards, Nebraska Mario de la Rosa, Paco Manzanedo, Ian Bamberg - Dir. Richard Schenkman Fernando Albizu, Marta Flich, Sara Gómez, Nebraska Thriller/Horror 2013 87min. Elisa Matilla (Paola Bardón), Ángel Acero, Bruce Dern, Will Forte, June Squibb, Bob Meteor Film 23.05.2014 Esther Lara, Rebeca Moreno - Dir. Óscar Odenkirk, Stacy Keach, Mary Louise 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058828 Rojo Wilson, Rance Howard, Angela McEwan, Thriller/Horror 2013 81min. Devin Ratray, Missy Doty - Dir. Alexander Nur für Kinder - Box 1 (4 Discs) Mad Dimension GmbH 27.06.2014 Payne Die Fahrt nach Bamsdorf / Abenteuer in 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059154 Featurettes Bamsdorf / Alfons Zitterbacke / Der tapfe- Drama 2013 111min. re Schulschwänzer / Eine vollkommen Paramount Home Entertainment 30.05.2014 Once Upon a Time in Vietnam erlogene Geschichte 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058786 Lua Phat Helmut Rossmann, Günther Simon, Angela Dustin Nguyen, Thanh Van Ngo, Roger Nebraska (Blu-ray) Brunner, Susanne Junewitz, Olaf Ernst, Yuan, Thai Hoa, Ngoc Diep, Hieu Hien, Phi Brigitte Peters, André Kallenbach, Hartmut Nebraska Thanh Van, Van Hai Bui - Dir. Dustin Tietz, Günter Ott, Charlotte Küter, Bernd Bruce Dern, Will Forte, June Squibb, Bob Nguyen Kuss, Peter Schmidt - Dir. Konrad Petzold, Odenkirk, Stacy Keach, Mary Louise Behind the Scenes Gunter Friedrich, Winfried Junge Abenteuer/Action 2013 106min. Wilson, Rance Howard, Angela McEwan, Trailer, Biografien und Filmografien, u.a. Splendid Film(Amazia) 30.05.2014 Devin Ratray, Missy Doty - Dir. Alexander Kinderfilm 1956-1977 299min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058788 Payne ICESTORM Entertainment 10.04.2014 Featurettes tba BestellNr.: 20059101 Drama 2013 115min. Once Upon a Time in Vietnam Paramount Home Entertainment 30.05.2014 Nur für Kinder - Box 2 (4 Discs) (Blu-ray) 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058804 Lua Phat Die dicke Tilla / Jak vytrhnout velrybe Dustin Nguyen, Thanh Van Ngo, Roger stolicku / Der lange Ritt zur Schule / Das Never Die Alone (Blu-ray) Yuan, Thai Hoa, Ngoc Diep, Hieu Hien, Phi Mädchen auf dem Besenstiel Never Die Alone Thanh Van, Van Hai Bui - Dir. Dustin Petra Cernocká, Jan Hrusinsky, Jan Kraus, DMX, Michael Ealy, Drew Sidora, Antwon Nguyen Gojko Mitic, Klaus Piontek, Günter Schu- Tanner, Robert Robinson, Luenell Campbell, Behind the Scenes bert, Jana Preissova, Tomás Holy, Frantisek , Clifton Powell, Wealthy Abenteuer/Action 2013 110min. Nemec, Carmen Sarge, Jana Mattukat, Mat- Linn Gener, Jay O. Sanders, Tommy ‘Tiny’ Splendid Film(Amazia) 30.05.2014 thias Manz - Dir. Václav Vorlícek, Rolf Lister Jr., Reagan Gomez-Preston, Jennifer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058806 Losansky, Marie Polednáková, Werner Sky, Aisha Taylor - Dir. Ernest R. Dickerson Audiokommentar, Featurette, Entfallene Szenen, Making of Bergmann One Shot, One Life - Mission Ne- Thriller/Drama 2004 89min. Trailer, Biografien und Filmografien Kinderfilm 1971-1981 309min. mesis (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment ICESTORM Entertainment 10.04.2014 True Justice 2.6: One Shot, One Life Germany 23.05.2014 tba BestellNr.: 20059102 Steven Seagal, Sarah Lind, Lochlyn Munro 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059060 - Dir. Keoni Waxman The Occupants - Sie wollen dein Bonusepisode Nicht der Homosexuelle ist per- Action/Thriller 2012 91min. vers, sondern die Situation, in Leben Splendid Film 27.06.2014 The Occupants 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058935 der er lebt Cristin Milioti, Michael Rady, James Bernd Feuerhelm, Berryt Bohlen, Ernst Urbaniak, Toby Huss, Macey Cruthird, One Shot, One Life - Mission Ne- Kuchling - Dir. Rosa von Praunheim Katherine Kamhi, Mary Pat Farrell, Chelsey mesis (k.J.) Interview, zeitgenössische Talkrunde Valentine, Gena Shaw - Dir. Todd Alcott Drama 1970 67min. True Justice 2.6: One Shot, One Life Horror/Mystery 2014 76min. Bavaria Media GmbH(Kino Kontrovers) Steven Seagal, Sarah Lind, Lochlyn Munro EuroVideo Medien 05.06.2014 08.05.2014 - Dir. Keoni Waxman tba BestellNr.: 20058820 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058963 Bonusepisode Action/Thriller 2012 87min. Nicht der Homosexuelle ist per- The Occupants - Sie wollen dein Splendid Film 27.06.2014 vers, sondern die Situation, in Leben (Blu-ray) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058925 The Occupants der er lebt (Blu-ray) Cristin Milioti, Michael Rady, James Only Lovers Left Alive Bernd Feuerhelm, Berryt Bohlen, Ernst Urbaniak, Toby Huss, Macey Cruthird, Only Lovers Left Alive Kuchling - Dir. Rosa von Praunheim Katherine Kamhi, Mary Pat Farrell, Chelsey Tom Hiddleston, Tilda Swinton, Mia Interview, zeitgenössische Talkrunde Valentine, Gena Shaw - Dir. Todd Alcott Wasikowska, John Hurt, Anton Yelchin, Drama 1970 70min. Horror/Mystery 2014 79min. Jeffrey Wright, Slimane Dazi, Carter Logan, Bavaria Media GmbH(Kino Kontrovers) EuroVideo Medien 05.06.2014 Wayne Brinston, Aurelie Thepaut - Dir. Jim 08.05.2014 tba BestellNr.: 20058830 Jarmusch 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058989 Drama/Fantasy 2013 118min.

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Pandora Film GmbH & Co. Verleih KG Paramount Home Entertainment 15.05.2014 Ryu Kaneda 27.06.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058787 Trailer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059155 Science Fiction/Horror 2011 72min. Paranormal Activity: Die Ge- Tiberius Film 05.06.2014 Only Lovers Left Alive (Blu-ray) zeichneten (Blu-ray) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058982 Only Lovers Left Alive Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones Parasitic - Sie sind in deinem Tom Hiddleston, Tilda Swinton, Mia Molly Ephraim, Crystal Santos, Richard Wasikowska, John Hurt, Anton Yelchin, Cabral, Andrew Jacobs, Jorge Diaz, Eddie Körper (Uncut) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Jeffrey Wright, Slimane Dazi, Carter Logan, J. Fernandez, Noemi Gonzalez, Catherine Parasitic Wayne Brinston, Aurelie Thepaut - Dir. Jim Toribio - Dir. Christopher Landon Camille Balsamo, Carrie Carnes, Amanda Jarmusch Entfallene Szenen Beck, Miguel de la Rosa, Isle Gallagher, Drama/Fantasy 2013 123min. Horror 2013 85min. Dan Gill, Bianca Holland, Stephanie Mir, Pandora Film GmbH & Co. Verleih KG Paramount Home Entertainment 15.05.2014 Marcus Jordan, Bjorn Jiskoot jr., James 27.06.2014 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058805 Dean Lucé, Margarita Neusheva - Dir. Tim 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059221 Martin Paranormal Conjuring (Blu-ray) Horror/Science Fiction 2012 82min. , (Season 01) (2 (k.J.) Delta Music & Entertainment(Great Movies) Discs) (Blu-ray) Forget Me Not 01.04.2014 Orphan Black Carly Schroeder, Cody Linley, Brie 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058914 Science Fiction/Thriller 2013 450min. Gabrielle, Chloe Bridges, Jillian Murray, WVG Medien(polyband) 30.05.2014 Micah Alberti, Brittany Renee Finamore, Parasitic - Sie sind in deinem 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058721 Sean Wing - Dir. Tyler Oliver Körper (Uncut) (k.J.) Horror 2009 102min. Parasitic Orphan Black, (Season 01) (3 Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 02.05.2014 Camille Balsamo, Carrie Carnes, Amanda Discs) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058855 Beck, Miguel de la Rosa, Isle Gallagher, Orphan Black Dan Gill, Bianca Holland, Stephanie Mir, Science Fiction/Thriller 2013 450min. Paranormal Conjuring (k.J.) Marcus Jordan, Bjorn Jiskoot jr., James WVG Medien(polyband) 30.05.2014 Forget Me Not Dean Lucé, Margarita Neusheva - Dir. Tim 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058696 Carly Schroeder, Cody Linley, Brie Martin Gabrielle, Chloe Bridges, Jillian Murray, Trailer Pakt des Bösen 2 - Die Rückkehr Micah Alberti, Brittany Renee Finamore, Horror/Science Fiction 2012 79min. Delta Music & Entertainment(Great Movies) Zapiski Ekspeditora Taynoy Kantselyarii 2 Sean Wing - Dir. Tyler Oliver 01.04.2014 Dir. Oleg Ryaskow Horror 2009 98min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058906 Historienfilm/Abenteuer 2011 140min. Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 02.05.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058838 Maritim Pictures 13.05.2014 Paris Countdown - Deine Zeit 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059022 Paranormal Investigations 6 - Evil läuft ab Pakt des Bösen 2 - Die Rückkehr Things Le Jour Attendra (Blu-ray) Ghost Magnet , Olivier Marchal, Carlo Brandt, Reda Kateb, Laure Marsac, Igor Zapiski Ekspeditora Taynoy Kantselyarii 2 Seth Gandrud, Mike Ranallo, Michael David Skreblin, Francis Renaud, Anne Charrier, Dir. Oleg Ryaskow Hill - Dir. Craig McMahon Sophie Meister - Dir. Edgar Marie Historienfilm/Abenteuer 2011 140min. Horror 2009 82min. MIG Film 28.05.2014 Trailer Maritim Pictures 13.05.2014 Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2013 86min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058782 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059037 Tiberius Film 05.06.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058957 Das Panoptikum des Terry Paranormal Investigations 6 - Evil Gilliam (5 Discs) Things (Blu-ray) Paris Countdown - Deine Zeit Time Bandits / 12 Monkeys / Tideland / Ghost Magnet läuft ab (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Seth Gandrud, Mike Ranallo, Michael David Brothers Grimm / Das Kabinett des Doktor Le Jour Attendra Hill - Dir. Craig McMahon Parnassus Jacques Gamblin, Olivier Marchal, Carlo Horror 2009 85min. Dir. Terry Gilliam Brandt, Reda Kateb, Laure Marsac, Igor MIG Film 28.05.2014 Fantasy/Abenteuer 1981-2009 min. Skreblin, Francis Renaud, Anne Charrier, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058801 Concorde Home Entertainment 08.05.2014 Sophie Meister - Dir. Edgar Marie 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059077 Trailer Parasite Doctor Suzune: Evoluti- Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2013 90min. Das Panoptikum des Terry on - Die Entwicklung Tiberius Film 05.06.2014 Gilliam (5 Discs) (Blu-ray) Kisei JûI - Suzune: Evolution 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058984 Time Bandits / 12 Monkeys / Tideland / Rei Yoshii, Megumi Kagurazaka, Yukijiro Brothers Grimm / Das Kabinett des Doktor Hotaru, Hoka Kinoshita, Hassei Takano, Paris Countdown - Deine Zeit Parnassus Masahiro Kuranuki, Akari Hoshino, Yûki läuft ab (Blu-ray) Dir. Terry Gilliam Maeda, Motoki Fukami, Yurika Kubo - Dir. Le Jour Attendra Fantasy/Abenteuer 1981-2009 min. Ryu Kaneda Jacques Gamblin, Olivier Marchal, Carlo Concorde Home Entertainment 08.05.2014 Trailer Brandt, Reda Kateb, Laure Marsac, Igor Science Fiction/Horror 2011 69min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059175 Skreblin, Francis Renaud, Anne Charrier, Tiberius Film 05.06.2014 Sophie Meister - Dir. Edgar Marie 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058956 Paranormal Activity: Die Ge- Trailer zeichneten Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2013 90min. Parasite Doctor Suzune: Evoluti- Tiberius Film 05.06.2014 Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones on - Die Entwicklung (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058983 Molly Ephraim, Crystal Santos, Richard Kisei JûI - Suzune: Evolution Cabral, Andrew Jacobs, Jorge Diaz, Eddie Rei Yoshii, Megumi Kagurazaka, Yukijiro Patrick (Blu-ray) (k.J.) J. Fernandez, Noemi Gonzalez, Catherine Hotaru, Hoka Kinoshita, Hassei Takano, Patrick Toribio - Dir. Christopher Landon Entfallene Szenen Masahiro Kuranuki, Akari Hoshino, Yûki Charles Dance, , Sharni Horror 2013 81min. Maeda, Motoki Fukami, Yurika Kubo - Dir. Vinson, Jackson Gallagher, Simone

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Buchanan, Damon Gameau, Martin Crewes, David Hofer, Charles Rettinghaus, Tim Trailer Peta Sergeant, Eliza Taylor - Dir. Mark Seyfi, Gunther Gillian, Tim Wilde, Udo Drama/Lovestory 2013 88min. Hartley Schenk, Julia Rosa Stöckl, Janina Flieger, Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Zenith Behind the Scenes, B-Roll Wolfgang Bahro, Santiago Ziesmer, Pierre Pictures) 23.05.2014 Thriller/Horror 2013 96min. Geisensetter, Roland Koch, Ingo Kowatsch, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058770 Splendid Film 30.05.2014 Daniel Leeb - Dir. Flo Lackner 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058807 Action/Komödie 2013 107min. Pop Star: Charts top - Schule MIG Film(Savoy Film) 05.06.2014 flop! (Blu-ray) Patrick (k.J.) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058748 Lip Service Patrick Christian Serratos, Ross Thomas, Rachele Charles Dance, Rachel Griffiths, Sharni Planet USA (Blu-ray) Brooke Smith, Robert Adamson, Walter Vinson, Jackson Gallagher, Simone David Hofer, Charles Rettinghaus, Tim Perez, Summer Bishil, Eric Roberts, Briana Buchanan, Damon Gameau, Martin Crewes, Seyfi, Gunther Gillian, Tim Wilde, Udo Lane - Dir. Carlos Portugal Peta Sergeant, Eliza Taylor - Dir. Mark Schenk, Julia Rosa Stöckl, Janina Flieger, Trailer Hartley Wolfgang Bahro, Santiago Ziesmer, Pierre Drama/Lovestory 2013 91min. Behind the Scenes, B-Roll Geisensetter, Roland Koch, Ingo Kowatsch, Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Zenith Thriller/Horror 2013 93min. Daniel Leeb - Dir. Flo Lackner Pictures) 23.05.2014 Splendid Film 30.05.2014 Action/Komödie 2013 111min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058797 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058789 MIG Film(Savoy Film) 05.06.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058759 Powerman I (Dragon Edition) Pension Schöller Kwai Tsan Tseh Harald Juhnke, Günter Pfitzmann, Brigitte Polizeiruf 110 - Box 18 (4 Discs) , , , Lola Mira, Wolfgang Völz, Ralf Wolter, Wolfgang Peter Borgelt - Dir. Helmut Krätzig, Peter Forner, Benny Urquidez - Dir. Sammo Hung Kieling, Bernd Herzsprung, Maria Sebaldt - Hagen, Thomas Jacob, Gerald Hujer Action/Komödie 1984 105min. Dir. Wolfgang Spier Trailer Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 30.05.2014 Theater/Komödie 1980 101min. Kriminalfilm 1990-1991 642min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059145 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 30.05.2014 ICESTORM Entertainment 14.04.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059150 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058772 Powerman I (Dragon Edition) Pfarrer Braun: Brauns Heimkehr (Blu-ray) Polizeiruf 110: Unter Brüdern Kwai Tsan Tseh Ottfried Fischer, Peter Heinrich Brix, Anto- Götz George, Eberhard Feik, Chiem van Jackie Chan, Sammo Hung, Yuen Biao, Lola nio Wannek, Hans-Michael Rehberg, Gilbert Houweninge, Peter Borgelt - Dir. Helmut Forner, Benny Urquidez - Dir. Sammo Hung von Sohlern, Lambert Hamel, Wolfgang Krätzig Action/Komödie 1984 109min. Maria Bauer, Bettina Mittendorfer, Christian Kriminalfilm 1990 95min. Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 30.05.2014 Grashof, Moritz Lindbergh, Maximilian ICESTORM Entertainment 14.04.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059216 Krückl, Florian Fischer, Alina Stiegler, Ka- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058774 tharina Schubert, Claudius Freyer, Petra Powerman II (Dragon Edition) Berndt, Frederic Welter, Michael Vogtmann Pool Boys Xia Ri Fu Xing - Dir. Wolfgang F. Henschel The Pool Boys Jackie Chan, Sammo Hung, Yuen Biao, Kriminalfilm/Komödie 2014 90min. Efren Ramirez, Matthew Lillard, Brett Richard Ng - Dir. Sammo Hung MORE Music and Media(More Brands and Davern, Rachelle Lefevre, Robert Davi, Action/Komödie 1985 91min. Products) 11.04.2014 Tom Arnold, George Takei, Jay Thomas, Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 30.05.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058822 Rhoda Griffis, Simona Fusco, Heather Ma- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059146 rie Marsden, Joe Reegan, Robin Thomas, Der Pfarrer, meine Tochter und Jennifer Walcott, Rachel Rogers, Darla Powerman II (Dragon Edition) ich Haun, George Back, Pat Skipper, John (Blu-ray) Pastor Shepherd Billingsley, Michael Boatman, Patricia De Xia Ri Fu Xing Pastor Shepherd, Maria-Elena Laas, Danny Leon - Dir. James B. Rogers Jackie Chan, Sammo Hung, Yuen Biao, Trejo - Dir. Edwin L. Marshall Trailer Trailer Komödie 2011 88min. Richard Ng - Dir. Sammo Hung Komödie/Drama 2010 91min. Edel Germany(Capitol Film) 30.05.2014 Action/Komödie 1985 95min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 16.05.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058867 Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 30.05.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058869 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059217 Pool Boys (Blu-ray) Der Pfarrer, meine Tochter und The Pool Boys Powerman III (Dragon Edition) ich (Blu-ray) Efren Ramirez, Matthew Lillard, Brett Long De Xin Jackie Chan, Sammo Hung, Emily Chu, Pastor Shepherd Davern, Rachelle Lefevre, Robert Davi, Melvin Wong, Mang Hoi - Dir. Sammo Hung, Pastor Shepherd, Maria-Elena Laas, Danny Tom Arnold, George Takei, Jay Thomas, Trejo - Dir. Edwin L. Marshall Rhoda Griffis, Simona Fusco, Heather Ma- Trailer, Bonusfilm rie Marsden, Joe Reegan, Robin Thomas, Action/Komödie 1985 87min. Komödie/Drama 2010 95min. Jennifer Walcott, Rachel Rogers, Darla Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 30.05.2014 Edel Germany(Starmovies) 16.05.2014 Haun, George Back, Pat Skipper, John 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059147 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058889 Billingsley, Michael Boatman, Patricia De Leon - Dir. James B. Rogers Powerman III (Dragon Edition) Phar Lap - Legende einer Nation Trailer (Blu-ray) Phar Lap, Hero To A Nation Komödie 2011 92min. Long De Xin Tom Burlinson, Martin Vaughan, Judy Edel Germany(Capitol Film) 30.05.2014 Jackie Chan, Sammo Hung, Emily Chu, Morris, Celia de Burgh, Ron Leibman, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058888 Melvin Wong, Mang Hoi - Dir. Sammo Hung, Vincent Ball, John Stanton, Peter Whitford, Fruit Chan Robert Grubb - Dir. Simon Wincer Pop Star: Charts top - Schule Action/Komödie 1985 90min. Abenteuer 1984 105min. flop! Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 30.05.2014 KNM Home Entertainment(Movie Power) Lip Service 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059218 17.04.2014 Christian Serratos, Ross Thomas, Rachele 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059047 Brooke Smith, Robert Adamson, Walter Primaria! (OmU) Perez, Summer Bishil, Eric Roberts, Briana Primaria! Planet USA Lane - Dir. Carlos Portugal Fransisco Alfonsin - Dir. Iván Noel

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Trailer, Making of, Bildergalerie Erik S. Klein, Willi Schrade, Gojko Mitic, Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Intro Komödie 2010 107min. Andrzej Konic, Ernst Meincke - Dir. Wolf- Action/Drama 2011 126min. cmv-Laservision 25.04.2014 gang Luderer The Walt Disney Company (Germany) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059008 Featurette, Trailer GmbH Home Entertainment & Drama 1979-1980 63min. Retail(Touchstone) 15.05.2014 Prisoners of the Sun ICESTORM Entertainment 14.04.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059069 Prisoners Of The Sun 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058776 John Rhys-Davies, David Charvet, Carmen The Red House (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Chaplin, Emily Holmes, Gulshan Grover, Ram & Leela The Red House Joss Ackland, Katherine Heath, Michael Goliyon Ki Rasleela Ram-Leela Kate French, Brendan Wayne, John Otrin, Higgs, Nick Moran, Edy Arellano - Dir. Ro- Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone, Cristen Coppen, Lawrence Adimora, Yvette ger Christian Priyanka Chopra, Gulshan Devaiah, Richa Yates, Kat Sheridan, Ed Ackerman - Dir. Abenteuer/Fantasy 2013 84min. Chadda, Abhimanyu Singh, Shveta Salve, Gregory Avellone Splendid Film 27.06.2014 Supriya Pathak - Dir. Sanjay Leela Bhansali Thriller/Horror 2013 88min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059161 Making of, Trailer Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 16.05.2014 Drama/Lovestory 2013 153min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058896 Prisoners of the Sun (Blu-ray) Rapid Eye Movies HE 27.06.2014 Prisoners Of The Sun 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059156 The Red House (k.J.) John Rhys-Davies, David Charvet, Carmen The Red House Chaplin, Emily Holmes, Gulshan Grover, Ram & Leela (Blu-ray) Kate French, Brendan Wayne, John Otrin, Joss Ackland, Katherine Heath, Michael Goliyon Ki Rasleela Ram-Leela Cristen Coppen, Lawrence Adimora, Yvette Higgs, Nick Moran, Edy Arellano - Dir. Ro- Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone, Yates, Kat Sheridan, Ed Ackerman - Dir. ger Christian Priyanka Chopra, Gulshan Devaiah, Richa Gregory Avellone Abenteuer/Fantasy 2013 88min. Chadda, Abhimanyu Singh, Shveta Salve, Thriller/Horror 2013 85min. Splendid Film 27.06.2014 Supriya Pathak - Dir. Sanjay Leela Bhansali Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 16.05.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059227 Making of, Trailer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058884 Drama/Lovestory 2013 159min. Punch-Drunk Love Rapid Eye Movies HE 27.06.2014 Respectable - Comedy aus dem 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059222 Punch-Drunk Love Puff Adam Sandler, Emily Watson, Philip Raw - Der Fluch der Grete Müller Respectable Seymour Hoffman, Luis Guzmán, Mary (Director’s Cut) Justin Edwards, Jodi Albert, Nick Holder, Lynn Rajskub, Ashley Clark, Robert Smigel, Cordelia Bugeja, Helen Modern, Beatrice Ivana Konovic, Natascha Zink, Leonie Lee - Lisa Spector, Julie Hermelin, Karen Herme- Kelley, Barunka O’Shaughnessy, Helen Dir. Marcel Walz lin, Hazel Mailloux, Nicole Boroda Gelbard, Grace - Dir. Dominic Brigstocke Mia Weinberg, David Stevens, Jim Smooth Entfallene Szenen, Featurette, Trailer, Audiokommentar Horror 2012 76min. Interviews, Behind the Scenes Stevens, Nathan Stevens, Mike D. Stevens, Komödie 2006 134min. Sunfilm Entertainment(Illusions Unltd.) Rico Bueno, Salvador Curiel, Jorge justbridge entertainment media 16.05.2014 08.05.2014 Barahona, Ernesto Quintero, Larry Ring, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059091 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058742 Kerry Gelbard - Dir. Paul Thomas Anderson Wendecover Raw - Der Fluch der Grete Müller Rileys letzte Schlacht - One Komödie/Drama 2002 91min. Man’s Hero Universum Film Home Entertainment (Director’s Cut) (Blu-ray) One Man’s Hero 02.05.2014 Ivana Konovic, Natascha Zink, Leonie Lee - Tom Berenger, Joaquim De Almeida, Daniela 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059106 Dir. Marcel Walz Entfallene Szenen, Featurette, Trailer, Audiokommentar Romo, Mark Moses, Stuart Graham, James Die Pute von Panem - The Horror 2012 79min. Gammon, Stephen Tobolowsky, Carlos Carrasco, Patrick Bergin, Don Wycherley, Starving Games Sunfilm Entertainment(Illusions Unltd.) 08.05.2014 Jorge Bosso - Dir. Lance Hool The Starving Games 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058755 Booklet Maiara Walsh, Cody Christian, Brant Drama/Kriegsfilm 1999 123min. Daugherty, Ross Wyngaarden, Dean J. Raw 2 - Das Tagebuch der Grete AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing West, Diedrich Bader, Nick Gomez, Lauren AG(Filmjuwelen) 16.05.2014 Bowles, Eric Buarque, Joseph Aviel, Alex- Müller (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058851 andria Deberry - Dir. Jason Friedberg, Aa- Ivana Konovic, Annika Strauss, Roland ron Seltzer Freitag, Jace Rashid - Dir. Marcel Walz Robocop Interviews, Featurette, Behind the Scenes, Outtakes Horror 2014 75min. Robocop Komödie 2013 79min. Sunfilm Entertainment(Illusions Unltd.) Joel Kinnaman, Gary Oldman, Michael Universum Film Home Entertainment(Wild 08.05.2014 Keaton, Samuel L. Jackson, Abbie Cornish, Bunch Germany) 06.06.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058756 Jackie Earle Haley, Michael K. Williams, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058791 Jennifer Ehle, Jay Baruchel, Marianne Raw 2 - Das Tagebuch der Grete Jean-Baptiste, Aimee Garcia - Dir. José Die Pute von Panem - The Müller (k.J.) Padilha Starving Games (Blu-ray) Ivana Konovic, Annika Strauss, Roland Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Trailer, Wendecover The Starving Games Freitag, Jace Rashid - Dir. Marcel Walz Science Fiction/Action 2014 113min. Maiara Walsh, Cody Christian, Brant Horror 2014 72min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Daugherty, Ross Wyngaarden, Dean J. Sunfilm Entertainment(Illusions Unltd.) Germany 07.06.2014 West, Diedrich Bader, Nick Gomez, Lauren 08.05.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059120 Bowles, Eric Buarque, Joseph Aviel, Alex- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058743 andria Deberry - Dir. Jason Friedberg, Aa- Robocop (Blu-ray) ron Seltzer Real Steel (Limited Edition, Robocop Interviews, Featurette, Behind the Scenes, Outtakes Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Joel Kinnaman, Gary Oldman, Michael Komödie 2013 83min. Keaton, Samuel L. Jackson, Abbie Cornish, Real Steel Universum Film Home Entertainment(Wild Jackie Earle Haley, Michael K. Williams, Hugh Jackman, Dakota Goyo, Evangeline Bunch Germany) 06.06.2014 Jennifer Ehle, Jay Baruchel, Marianne Lilly, Kevin Durand, Anthony Mackie, Hope 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058809 Jean-Baptiste, Aimee Garcia - Dir. José Davis, James Rebhorn, Karl Yune, Olga Padilha Fonda - Dir. Shawn Levy Radiokiller Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Trailer, Wendecover Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Behind the Scenes, Making of,

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Science Fiction/Action 2014 117min. Thriller/Horror 2007 100min. Paolo Ricci, Roberta Fossile - Dir. Edo STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 09.05.2014 Tagliavini Germany 07.06.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058842 Trailer, Behind the Scenes, Bildergalerie 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059197 Thriller/Horror 2011 92min. Safari Intergroove Media(WGF) 16.05.2014 Robocop (Limited Steel Edition) Safari 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059112 Kim Argetsinger, Rocky Myers, Chloe (Blu-ray) Schafkopfrennen (2 Discs) Robocop - Dir. Darrell James Roodt Will Danin, Kurt Mergenthal, Bernd Helfrich, Joel Kinnaman, Gary Oldman, Michael Trailer Thriller 2013 78min. Michaela May, Werner Rom - Dir. Bernd Keaton, Samuel L. Jackson, Abbie Cornish, 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 28.05.2014 Fischerauer Jackie Earle Haley, Michael K. Williams, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059001 Interview Jennifer Ehle, Jay Baruchel, Marianne Drama/Heimatfilm 1986 300min. Jean-Baptiste, Aimee Garcia - Dir. José Safari (Blu-ray) EuroVideo Medien 28.05.2014 Padilha 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058964 Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Trailer, Wendecover Safari Kim Argetsinger, Rocky Myers, Chloe Kirby Science Fiction/Action 2014 117min. Scherbenpark STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment - Dir. Darrell James Roodt Jasna Fritzi Bauer, Ulrich Noethen, Max Germany 07.06.2014 Trailer Thriller 2013 81min. Hegewald, Vladimir Burlakov, Janina 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059198 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 28.05.2014 Lissovskaja, Cedric Koch, Lara Siebertz, Romantik Filmbox (4 Discs) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059013 Maria-Victoria Dragus, Konstantin Frolov, Yung Ngo, Michael Keseroglu - Dir. Bettina Camille / El Cantante / Changing Times / St. - Eine Liebesgeschichte Blümner Gemeinsam stärker - Personal Effects / St. Ives Drama 2012 94min. Der göttliche Mr. Faber / Love & Distrust Jean-Marc Barr, Miranda Richardson, Anna good!movies(Neue Visionen) 25.04.2014 Komödie/Drama 839min. Friel, Richard E. Grant, Tim Dutton, Cécile 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058835 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 18.04.2014 Pallas, Michael Gough, Jason Isaacs, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058665 Craig, Desmond Barrit, Patrice Schneller als der Tod (Blu-ray) Rückkehr nach Eden - Komplett- Mélennec, Adrian Scarborough, Christo- The Quick And The Dead pher McHallem, Gerry O’Brien, Enda Oates, Sharon Stone, , Russell box (11 Discs) Anna-Marie Bisset, Jonathan Cavendish, Crowe, Leonardo DiCaprio, Tobin Bell, Ro- Return To Eden Vernon Dobtcheff, Jimmy Keogh, Eileen berts Blossom, Kevin Conway, Keith David, Rebecca Gilling, Wendy Hughes, James McCloskey - Dir. Harry Hook Lance Henriksen, Pat Hingle, Gary Sinise - Reyne, James Smilie, Olivia Hamnett, Nicole Abenteuer 1998 83min. Dir. Sam Raimi Pyner, Jayson Duncan, Peter Gwynne Edel Germany(Starmovie) 18.04.2014 Western 1995 min. Booklet 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058669 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Drama/Thriller 1983-1986 1279min. 17.07.2014 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Savaged (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059066 AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 09.05.2014 Savaged 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058737 Amanda Adrienne, Rodney Rowland, Marc Schußfahrt nach San Remo Rum Diary Anthony Samuel, Ronnie Gene Blevins, Les Cracks Brionne Davis, Jason Gurvitz, John Charles Bourvil, Robert Hirsch, Gianni Bonagura, The Rum Diary Meyer, Daniel Knight - Dir. Michael S. Ojeda Monique Tarbès, Michel de Ré, Anne Johnny Depp, Aaron Eckhart, Amber Heard, Thriller/Horror 2013 94min. Jolivet, Bernard Verley, Patrick Préjean, Michael Rispoli, Richard Jenkins, Giovanni Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Cinema Teddy Bilis, Héléne Rémy, Francis Lax - Dir. Ribisi, Amaury Nolasco, Marshall Bell, Bill Extreme) 15.04.2014 Alex Joffé Smitrovich, Julian Holloway, Bruno Irizarry, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059200 Komödie 1968 96min. Enzo Clienti, Aaron Lustig, Tisuby Capelight Pictures 16.05.2014 Gonzalez, Natalia , Karen Austin - Savaged (k.J.) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058850 Dir. Bruce Robinson Interviews, B-Roll, Trailer Savaged Thriller/Drama 2011 114min. Amanda Adrienne, Rodney Rowland, Marc Schußfahrt nach San Remo (Blu- Universum Film Home Entertainment(Wild Anthony Samuel, Ronnie Gene Blevins, ray) Bunch Germany) 02.05.2014 Brionne Davis, Jason Gurvitz, John Charles Les Cracks 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058815 Meyer, Daniel Knight - Dir. Michael S. Ojeda Bourvil, Robert Hirsch, Gianni Bonagura, Thriller/Horror 2013 90min. Monique Tarbès, Michel de Ré, Anne Rum Diary (Blu-ray) Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Cinema Jolivet, Bernard Verley, Patrick Préjean, The Rum Diary Extreme) 15.04.2014 Teddy Bilis, Héléne Rémy, Francis Lax - Dir. Johnny Depp, Aaron Eckhart, Amber Heard, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059122 Alex Joffé Michael Rispoli, Richard Jenkins, Giovanni Komödie 1968 100min. Ribisi, Amaury Nolasco, Marshall Bell, Bill Scalpel Massacre (Blu-ray 3D, + Capelight Pictures 16.05.2014 Smitrovich, Julian Holloway, Bruno Irizarry, 2D-Version) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058857 Enzo Clienti, Aaron Lustig, Tisuby Bloodline Gonzalez, Natalia Rivera, Karen Austin - Francesca Faiella, Virgilio Olivari, Marco Der Schwarzwaldhof (3 Discs) Dir. Bruce Robinson Benevento, Alessandra Aulicino, Monica Drama 2008-2010 540min. Trailer, B-Roll, Interviews Citarda, Valentina Del Rio, Elena Ravaioli, in-akustik 22.03.2014 Thriller/Drama 2011 119min. Paolo Ricci, Roberta Fossile - Dir. Edo 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058750 Universum Film Home Entertainment(Wild Tagliavini Bunch Germany) 02.05.2014 Thriller/Horror 2011 95min. Sesame Street - Elmo, das Musi- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058827 Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 16.05.2014 cal 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059195 Sadistic Butchery (k.J.) Sesame Street - Elmo The Musical Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm 2012 125min. The Ungodly Scalpel Massacre (k.J.) Studio Hamburg Enterprises 04.04.2014 , Mark Borkowski, Joanne Ba- Bloodline 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058639 ron, Beth Grant, Albert López-Murtra, Mari- Francesca Faiella, Virgilio Olivari, Marco na Gatell, Kenneth Johnson, Thomas Dunn Benevento, Alessandra Aulicino, Monica Sesamstraße Classics - Die 80er - Dir. Thomas Dunn Citarda, Valentina Del Rio, Elena Ravaioli,

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Jahre (2 Discs) Sherlock Abenteuer 1972-1975 min. Sesame Street Benedict Cumberbatch, , Pidax film media(Pidax film) 09.05.2014 Booklet, Originalfolgen Una Stubbs, Rupert Graves, Loo Brealey, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058899 Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm 180min. Mark Gatiss, Andrew Scott - Dir. Paul Studio Hamburg Enterprises 11.04.2014 McGuigan, Toby Haynes Skippy - Das Buschkänguruh 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058640 Featurette, Audiokommentar Skippy Kriminalfilm 2012 270min. Elke Neidhart, Ed Devereaux, Garry Sex ist kein Kinderspiel WVG Medien(polyband) 10.06.2014 Pankhurst, Ken James, Tony Bonner, Liza Not Suitable For Children 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058719 Goddard - Dir. Eric Fullilove, Max Varnel Ryan Kwanten, Sarah Snook, Ryan Corr, Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 1966-1970 92min. Bojana Novakovic, Susan Prior, Lewis Fitz- Sherlock - Staffel 3 (2 Discs) da music(Laser Paradise) 21.03.2014 Gerald, Kathryn Beck, Belinda Bromilow, Sherlock 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058749 Zoe Carides - Dir. Peter Templeman Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman, Komödie 2012 92min. Una Stubbs, Rupert Graves, Loo Brealey, Sleeping Beauty - Dornröschen EuroVideo Medien 17.07.2014 Mark Gatiss, Andrew Scott - Dir. Paul Sleeping Beauty 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059233 McGuigan, Toby Haynes Jenny Allford, Robert Amstler, Gemma Featurette, Audiokommentar Donato, Raven Lexy, John J. Welsh, David Kriminalfilm 2012 270min. Sex ist kein Kinderspiel (Blu-ray) Reinprecht, Joseph Aviel, Mingyu Chu - Dir. WVG Medien(polyband) 10.06.2014 Not Suitable For Children Rene Perez 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058693 Ryan Kwanten, Sarah Snook, Ryan Corr, Trailer Fantasy 2014 78min. Bojana Novakovic, Susan Prior, Lewis Fitz- Sherlock - Staffel 3 (2 Discs) Gerald, Kathryn Beck, Belinda Bromilow, Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Sherlock Zoe Carides - Dir. Peter Templeman 17.07.2014 Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman, Komödie 2012 96min. tba BestellNr.: 20058922 Rupert Graves, Una Stubbs, Louise EuroVideo Medien 17.07.2014 Brealey, Mark Gatiss, Andrew Scott, Aman- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059244 Sleeping Beauty - Dornröschen da Abbington - Dir. Jeremy Lovering, Colm (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Sexy Summer - Sommer, Sonne, McCarthy, Nick Hurran Featurette, Booklet Sleeping Beauty heiße Girls Kriminalfilm 2013 270min. Jenny Allford, Robert Amstler, Gemma Costa Rican Summer polyband Medien GmbH 10.06.2014 Donato, Raven Lexy, John J. Welsh, David Peter Dante, Brock Kelly, Pamela Anderson, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059143 Reinprecht, Joseph Aviel, Mingyu Chu - Dir. Julianna Guill, Susan Ward, Drew Roy, Max Rene Perez Van Ville, David Chokachi, Dena Kollar - Sherlock - Staffel 3 (2 Discs) (Blu- Trailer Fantasy 2014 82min. Dir. Jason Matthews ray) Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Trailer Sherlock Komödie 2010 85min. 17.07.2014 Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman, Tiberius Film 05.06.2014 tba BestellNr.: 20058931 Rupert Graves, Una Stubbs, Louise 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058958 Brealey, Mark Gatiss, Andrew Scott, Aman- Sleeping Beauty - Dornröschen Sexy Summer - Sommer, Sonne, da Abbington - Dir. Jeremy Lovering, Colm (Blu-ray) McCarthy, Nick Hurran heiße Girls (Blu-ray) Featurette, Booklet Sleeping Beauty Costa Rican Summer Kriminalfilm 2013 270min. Jenny Allford, Robert Amstler, Gemma Peter Dante, Brock Kelly, Pamela Anderson, polyband Medien GmbH 10.06.2014 Donato, Raven Lexy, John J. Welsh, David Julianna Guill, Susan Ward, Drew Roy, Max 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059212 Reinprecht, Joseph Aviel, Mingyu Chu - Dir. Van Ville, David Chokachi, Dena Kollar - Rene Perez Dir. Jason Matthews Side Effects - Tödliche Nebenwir- Trailer Fantasy 2014 82min. Trailer kungen Komödie 2010 89min. Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Side Effects Tiberius Film 05.06.2014 17.07.2014 Jude Law, , Catherine Zeta- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058985 tba BestellNr.: 20058930 Jones, Channing Tatum, Vinessa Shaw, Sexy Teens Fan Box Carmen Pelaez, Marin Ireland, Polly Draper, Sliding Doors: Sie liebt ihn - sie Vladimi Versailles, Michelle Vergara Moore, La dottoressa ci sta col colonnello / L’ liebt ihn nicht David Costabile - Dir. insegnante viene a casa / Nachtschwester Sliding Doors Thriller/Drama 2013 102min. müßte man sein / La poliziotta della Gwyneth Paltrow, John Hannah, John Senator Home Entertainment 01.05.2014 squadra del buon costume Lynch, Jeanne Tripplehorn, Zara Turner, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059105 Komödie/Erotik 1978-1990 310min. Douglas McFerran, Paul Brightwell, Nina Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) Side Effects - Tödliche Nebenwir- Young, Virginia McKenna - Dir. Peter Howitt 16.05.2014 Interviews, Featurette, Behind the Scenes, Trailer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059119 kungen (Blu-ray) Komödie 1997 94min. Side Effects Capelight Pictures 30.05.2014 Sherlock - Staffel 1 (2 Discs) (Blu- Jude Law, Rooney Mara, Catherine Zeta- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059000 ray) Jones, Channing Tatum, Vinessa Shaw, Carmen Pelaez, Marin Ireland, Polly Draper, Sliding Doors: Sie liebt ihn - sie Sherlock Vladimi Versailles, Michelle Vergara Moore, Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman, liebt ihn nicht (Blu-ray) David Costabile - Dir. Steven Soderbergh Una Stubbs, Loo Brealey, Rupert Graves, Sliding Doors Thriller/Drama 2013 106min. Vinette Robinson, Mark Gatiss - Dir. Paul Gwyneth Paltrow, John Hannah, John Senator Home Entertainment 01.05.2014 McGuigan, Euros Lyn Lynch, Jeanne Tripplehorn, Zara Turner, Audiokommentar, Making of, Booklet 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059187 Douglas McFerran, Paul Brightwell, Nina Kriminalfilm 2010 270min. Young, Virginia McKenna - Dir. Peter Howitt WVG Medien(polyband) 10.06.2014 Sinji Galeb - Die blaue Möwe (2 Interviews, Featurette, Behind the Scenes, Trailer 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058718 Discs) Komödie 1997 98min. Bratovscina Sinjega Galeba Capelight Pictures 30.05.2014 Sherlock - Staffel 2 (2 Discs) (Blu- Mitja Primec, Miha Derganec, Matija 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059011 Poglajen - Dir. France Stiglic ray) Snow Sharks

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Avalanche Sharks Edel Germany(Aviator) 02.05.2014 Star Trek - Enterprise: Season 4 Alexander Mendeluk, Kate Nauta, Benjamin 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058872 (6 Discs) (Blu-ray) Easterday, Kelle Cantwell, Richard Star Trek - Enterprise Gleason, Eric Scott Woods, Amy Ninh, hol- Speed 2: Cruise Control (Blu-ray) Scott Bakula, Jolene Blalock, Connor den gina, Jack Cullison - Dir. Scott Wheeler Speed 2: Cruise Control Trinneer, Dominic Keating, Anthony Horror/Action 2013 84min. Sandra Bullock, Jason Patric, Willem Dafoe, Montgomery, Linda Park, John Billingsley - Splendid Film 30.05.2014 Temuera Morrison, Brian McCardie, Christi- Dir. James L. Conway 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058790 ne Firkins, Michael G. Hagerty, Colleen Science Fiction 2001-2005 940min. Camp, Enrique Murciano jr., Kimmy Paramount Home Entertainment 08.05.2014 Snow Sharks (Blu-ray) Robertson, Bo Svenson, Silver Tamia, Tim 99,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059184 Avalanche Sharks Conway, Lois Chiles, Francis Guinan, Alexander Mendeluk, Kate Nauta, Benjamin Jeremy Hotz - Dir. Jan de Bont Sterne des Südens - Saison 3, Easterday, Kelle Cantwell, Richard Featurette, Trailer Gleason, Eric Scott Woods, Amy Ninh, hol- Action/Thriller 1997 121min. Folge 28-40 (3 Discs) den gina, Jack Cullison - Dir. Scott Wheeler Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Mark Keller, Maria Ketikidou, Volker Horror/Action 2013 88min. Germany 23.05.2014 Lippmann, Caroline Schröder, Kai Splendid Film 30.05.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059059 Maertens, Bettina Wien, Winfried Glatzeder, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058808 Susanne Wilhelmina, Judy Winter, Peter Die Spiegel-Affäre Sodann, Marcel Zeiger, Patrick Lemoine, So lange dein Herz schlägt Francis Fulton-Smith, Sebastian Rudolph, Natascha Bonnermann, Jo Kern, Sylvia Kardia David Rott, Johann von Bülow, Franz Leifheit, Edda Fischer, Mariska van Kolck, Mimi Kuzyk, Peter Stebbings, Kristin Booth, Dinda, Max Hopp, André Hennicke, Alexan- Eva Medusa Gühne, Lars Pape, Haydar Ariel Waller, Stephen Lobo, Donna der Held, Nora von Waldstätten, Franziska Zorlu - Dir. Berengar Pfahl Goodhand - Dir. Su Rynard Schlattner, Otto Mellies, Michael Drama 1992-1996 650min. Drama 2006 81min. Schönborn, Gesine Cukrowski, Henning EuroVideo Medien 08.05.2014 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 18.04.2014 Baum - Dir. Roland Suso Richter 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058962 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058671 Drama 2014 90min. Telepool GmbH München 08.05.2014 Sternstunde ihres Lebens Soko Edition - Soko Leipzig, Vol. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059026 Iris Berben, Anna Maria Mühe, Lena Stolze, 6 (6 Discs) Eleonore Weisgerber, Maja Schöne, Walter Das Spinnennetz (Blu-ray) Sittler, Rudolf Kowalski, Felix Vörtler, Max Kriminalfilm 1156min. Armin Mueller-Stahl, Klaus Maria von Thun, Petra Welteroth, Steffen Will, Edel Germany(Aviator) 02.05.2014 Brandauer, Andrea Jonasson, Ulrich Mühe, Klaus Mikoleit, Dietrich Mattausch, Jochen 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058870 Corinna Kirchhoff, Elisabeth Endriss - Dir. Kolenda - Dir. Erica von Moeller Solange es Menschen gibt Bernhard Wicki Doku-Drama 2013-2014 88min. Interview, Booklet Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Camino) Imitation Of Life Drama 1986 min. 22.05.2014 Lana Turner, John Gavin, Sandra Dee, AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058999 Terry Burnham, Susan Kohner, Karen Dik- AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 30.05.2014 ker, Juanita Moore, Dan O’Herlihy, Robert 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059012 Die Stewardessen Alda, Troy Donahue - Dir. Douglas Sirk Evelyne Traeger, Ingrid Steeger, Margrit Trailer Splatter 4er Pack (2 Discs) (k.J.) Drama 1959 119min. Siegel, Kathrin Eberle, Raffael Britten - Dir. Blood Splattered / Symphony of Death / HanseSound Musik und Film GmbH Michael Thomas Unrated / Zombie Graveyard 25.04.2014 Bildergalerie, Trailer Horror 362min. Erotik 1971 81min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059132 Intergroove Media(TB Splatter Productions) Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 13.05.2014 Solange es Menschen gibt (Blu- 17.04.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059018 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058701 ray) Die Stewardessen (Blu-ray) Imitation Of Life Der Staatsanwalt hat das Wort 06 Evelyne Traeger, Ingrid Steeger, Margrit Lana Turner, John Gavin, Sandra Dee, - 1980-1981 (4 Discs) Siegel, Kathrin Eberle, Raffael Britten - Dir. Terry Burnham, Susan Kohner, Karen Dik- Peter Przybylski, Erhard Köster, Karin Michael Thomas ker, Juanita Moore, Dan O’Herlihy, Robert Ugowski, Ernst-Georg Schwill, Petra Hinze, Bildergalerie, Trailer Alda, Troy Donahue - Dir. Douglas Sirk Erotik 1971 85min. Wilfried Pucher, Karin Schröder, Ulrich Trailer Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 13.05.2014 Mühe, Henry Hübchen, Marga Legal, Jenny Drama 1959 124min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059033 HanseSound Musik und Film GmbH Gröllmann, Rolf Hoppe, Marianne 25.04.2014 Wünscher, Friederike Aust - Dir. Horst Stirb langsam: Jetzt erst recht 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059205 Zaeske, Vera Loebner, Wolf-Dieter Panse, Hans Knötzsch, Dagmar Wittmers, Peter (Limited Edition, Steelbook) (Blu- Der Soldat des Königs Vogel ray) The King Maker Kriminalfilm 1965-1991 585min. With A Vengeance Gary Stretch, John Rhys-Davies, Nate Studio Hamburg Enterprises (DDR-Archiv) Bruce Willis, Jeremy Irons, Samuel L. Harrison, Dom Hetrakul, Nirut Sirichanya, 25.04.2014 Jackson, Graham Greene, Colleen Camp, Cindy Burbridge - Dir. Lek Kitaparaporn 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058712 Larry Bryggman, Anthony Peck, Nick Trailer Wyman, Samantha Phillips - Dir. John Historienfilm/Abenteuer 2005 88min. Star Command - Gefecht im Welt- McTiernan Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 11.04.2014 all Audiokommentar, Alternatives Ende, Behind the Scenes, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058667 Interview, Biografie, Storyboards, Featurette, Trailer Star Command Action 1995 128min. Jay Underwood, Jennifer Bransford, Chris Ein Sommer in Ungarn The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Conrad, Tembi Locke, Kelly Hu, Ivan Sergei, GmbH Home Entertainment & Chiara Schoras, David Rott, Teresa Harder, Eva Habermann, Morgan Fairchild, Chad Retail(Touchstone) 15.05.2014 Tina Engel, Erika Marozsán, Blerim Destani, Everett - Dir. Jim Johnston 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059070 Imogen Kogge, Alexander Jagsch, Lilly Science Fiction/Action 1996 97min. Forgách, Margot Nagel, Mira Weisz, Sándor Pidax film media(Pidax film) 16.05.2014 Stonados - Wenn es Felsen reg- Halmágyi - Dir. Sophie Allet-Coche 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058821 Komödie/Lovestory 2013 88min. net

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Stonados Valera Nikolaev, Michael Nouri, Benny Paul Johansson, Thea Gill, Sebastian auf der Schatzinsel Golson - Dir. Steven Spielberg Spence, William B. Davis, Jessica McLeod, Hawk Of The Wilderness Drama/Komödie 2004 129min. Miranda Frigon, Patrick Baynham, Fraser , Mala, Monte Blue, Harley Paramount Home Entertainment 08.05.2014 Corbett, Dominika Juillet - Dir. Jason Wood, Noble Johnson, William Royle - Dir. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059185 Bourque , Trailer Trailer, Booklet Time Bandits Action/Drama 2013 84min. Abenteuer 1938 91min. Time Bandits Edel Germany(Starmovie) 16.05.2014 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing John Cleese, Sir Sean Connery, Shelley 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058796 AG(Filmjuwelen) 02.05.2014 Duvall, Craig Warnock, Katherine Helmond, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059032 Michael Palin, Sir Ian Holm, Sir Ralph Stonados - Wenn es Felsen reg- Richardson, Peter Vaughan - Dir. Terry net (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Tatort: Kopfgeld Gilliam Stonados Til Schweiger, Fahri Yardim, Tim Wilde, Dokumentarfilm, Featurette Paul Johansson, Thea Gill, Sebastian Britta Hammelstein, Ralph Herforth, Erdal Fantasy 1981 111min. Spence, William B. Davis, Jessica McLeod, Yildiz, Luna Schweiger, Stefanie Concorde Home Entertainment 08.05.2014 Miranda Frigon, Patrick Baynham, Fraser Stappenbeck, Edita Malovcic, Carlo Ljubek, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059076 Corbett, Dominika Juillet - Dir. Jason Murathan Muslu, Sahin Eryilmaz - Dir. Chri- Bourque stian Alvart Time Bandits (Blu-ray) Trailer, Bonusfilm Kriminalfilm 2013 90min. Time Bandits Action/Drama 2013 88min. Studio Hamburg Enterprises 30.05.2014 John Cleese, Sir Sean Connery, Shelley Edel Germany(Starmovie) 16.05.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058919 Duvall, Craig Warnock, Katherine Helmond, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058813 Michael Palin, Sir Ian Holm, Sir Ralph Tatort: Kopfgeld (Blu-ray) Richardson, Peter Vaughan - Dir. Terry Stonados - Wenn es Felsen reg- Til Schweiger, Fahri Yardim, Tim Wilde, Gilliam net (Blu-ray) Britta Hammelstein, Ralph Herforth, Erdal Interviews, Dokumentarfilm, Featurettes, Scrapbook, Trailer Fantasy 1981 116min. Stonados Yildiz, Luna Schweiger, Stefanie Concorde Home Entertainment 08.05.2014 Paul Johansson, Thea Gill, Sebastian Stappenbeck, Edita Malovcic, Carlo Ljubek, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059174 Spence, William B. Davis, Jessica McLeod, Murathan Muslu, Sahin Eryilmaz - Dir. Chri- stian Alvart Miranda Frigon, Patrick Baynham, Fraser Die Tintenfische - Unterwasser- Corbett, Dominika Juillet - Dir. Jason Kriminalfilm 2013 94min. Bourque Studio Hamburg Enterprises 30.05.2014 detektive greifen ein (2 Discs) Trailer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058928 Helmut Schmidt, Albert Rueprecht - Dir. Action/Drama 2013 88min. Armin Dahlen Edel Germany(Starmovie) 16.05.2014 Tatort: Willkommen in Hamburg Kriminalfilm/Abenteuer 1966 325min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058812 Til Schweiger, Fahri Yardim, Tim Wilde, Pidax film media(Pidax film) 25.04.2014 Britta Hammelstein, Luna Schweiger, Nicole 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058711 Suits - Season 2 (4 Discs) Mercedes Müller, Mark Waschke, Mavie Suits Hörbiger, Edita Malovcic, Svetlana Torture Porn 3er Pack Vol. 3 (Blu- Drama/Kriminalfilm 660min. Ustinova, Stefanie Stappenbeck, Erdal ray) (k.J.) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Yildiz, Arthur Abraham, Sahin Eryilmaz, Muttertag / Ripper / Plastic 26.06.2014 Kasem Hoxha, David Scheller - Dir. Christi- Surgery Massacre 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059055 an Alvart Horror 243min. Kriminalfilm 2013 90min. Intergroove Media(TB Splatter Productions) Suits - Season 2 (4 Discs) (Blu- Studio Hamburg Enterprises 30.05.2014 16.05.2014 ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058918 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058854 Suits Drama/Kriminalfilm 688min. Tatort: Willkommen in Hamburg Torture Porn 3er Pack Vol. 3 (k.J.) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) (Blu-ray) Muttertag / New York Ripper / Plastic 26.06.2014 Til Schweiger, Fahri Yardim, Tim Wilde, Surgery Massacre 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059065 Britta Hammelstein, Luna Schweiger, Nicole Horror 233min. Mercedes Müller, Mark Waschke, Mavie Intergroove Media(TB Splatter Productions) Svengali - Das Leben, die Liebe Hörbiger, Edita Malovcic, Svetlana 16.05.2014 und die Musik Ustinova, Stefanie Stappenbeck, Erdal 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058837 Svengali Yildiz, Arthur Abraham, Sahin Eryilmaz, Vicky McClure, Roger Evans, Martin Kasem Hoxha, David Scheller - Dir. Christi- Die Toten bleiben jung Freeman, Maxine Peake, Jonny Owen, Mi- an Alvart Barbara Dittus, Günter Wolf, Klaus Piontek, chael Socha, , Morwenna Banks, Kriminalfilm 2013 94min. Peter Borgelt, Dieter Wien, Alfred Struwe, Michael Smiley - Dir. Johnny Hardwick Studio Hamburg Enterprises 30.05.2014 Kurt Kachlicki - Dir. Hans-Joachim Kunert Komödie 2013 88min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058927 Featurette, Trailer Drama 1968 112min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) ICESTORM Entertainment 14.04.2014 26.06.2014 Taxi - Die komplette dritte 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058775 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059053 Season (4 Discs) Taxi Trapped in the Dark (Blu-ray) Svengali - Das Leben, die Liebe Komödie 1980 473min. und die Musik (Blu-ray) Paramount Home Entertainment 08.05.2014 (k.J.) The Brazen Bull Svengali 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059098 Michael Madsen, Rachel Hunter, Jennifer Vicky McClure, Roger Evans, Martin Tisdale, David Frank Fletcher, Gwendolyn Freeman, Maxine Peake, Jonny Owen, Mi- Terminal (Blu-ray) Garver, Nils Allen Stewart, Anastacia, chael Socha, Matt Berry, Morwenna Banks, The Terminal Elissa Dowling - Dir. Douglas Elford-Argent Michael Smiley - Dir. Johnny Hardwick , Catherine Zeta-Jones, Stanley Tucci, Chi McBride, Diego Luna, Barry Trailer Komödie 2013 92min. Thriller/Horror 2010 82min. Henley, Kumar Pallana, Zoe Saldana, Eddie Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Jones, Jude Ciccolella, Corey Reynolds, 26.06.2014 01.04.2014 Guillermo Diaz, Rini Bell, Stephen Mendel, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059063 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058915

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Rejseholdet Danny Trejo, , Bai Ling, Trapped in the Dark (k.J.) Charlotte Fich, Mads Mikkelsen, Lars Krystal Vee, Johnny Lee, Tommy ‘Tiny’ The Brazen Bull Brygmann Lister Jr., Damon Whitaker, Winston Sefu, Michael Madsen, Rachel Hunter, Jennifer Kriminalfilm 2000-2004 90min. Jeremiah Hundley, Vrinda Benedict, Kitiya Tisdale, David Frank Fletcher, Gwendolyn FilmConfect Home Entertainment 11.04.2014 Chaiyapan, Geoffrey Giuliano, Erich Garver, Nils Allen Stewart, Anastacia, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058834 Fleshman - Dir. Jeremiah Hundley, Daniel Elissa Dowling - Dir. Douglas Elford-Argent Zirilli Trailer Die Unverbesserlichen - Die kom- Trailer Thriller/Horror 2010 79min. plette Serie (4 Discs) Action 2010 92min. Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) Inge Meysel, Joseph Offenbach, Ralph 01.04.2014 02.05.2014 Persson, Gernot Endemann, Monika 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058907 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058856 Peitsch, Helga Anders, Gerda Gmelin, Emmi Tron (Limited Edition, Steelbook) Percy-Wüstenhagen, Reinhold Way of the Warrior (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Nietschmann, Erich Weiher, Rudolf Fenner, Jingang Zhi Nu (Blu-ray) Wilhelm Fricke, Manuel Regehly, Rolf Xing Yu, Yoo Sung-jun, Heon Jun-nam, Tron Schimpf, Norbert Skalden - Dir. Claus Peter Baocheng Jiang, Yamei Zhang, Yasuaki , Bruce Boxleitner, David War- Witt ner, Cindy Morgan, Barnard Hughes, Dan Doku über Inge Meysel Kurata, Hiroyuki Ikeuchi, Matt Mullins, Kofi Shore, Peter Jurasik, Tony Stephano - Dir. Drama 1965-1970 681min. Yiadom - Dir. Law Wing-cheong Steven Lisberger Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) Action/Drama 2013 112min. Featurettes, Audiokommentar, Making of, Entfallene Szenen 02.05.2014 Splendid Film(Amazia) 27.06.2014 Science Fiction 1982 96min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058903 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059228 The Walt Disney Company (Germany) GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(Disney) Vera (4 Discs) Way of the Warrior (k.J.) 15.05.2014 Vera - Ein ganz spezieller Fall: Heiliger Jingang Zhi Nu 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059071 Boden / Vera - Ein ganz spezieller Fall: Xing Yu, Yoo Sung-jun, Heon Jun-nam, Lebenslügen / Vera - Ein ganz spezieller Baocheng Jiang, Yamei Zhang, Yasuaki Über sieben Brücken musst du Fall: Schatten der Vergangenheit / Vera - Kurata, Hiroyuki Ikeuchi, Matt Mullins, Kofi gehn Ein ganz spezieller Fall: Verborgene Ab- Yiadom - Dir. Law Wing-cheong Viola Schweizer, Krzystof Jedrysek, Hilmar gründe Action/Drama 2013 108min. Baumann - Dir. Hans Werner Brenda Blethyn Splendid Film(Amazia) 27.06.2014 Drama 1978 80min. Kriminalfilm 360min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059162 Studio Hamburg Enterprises(DDR-Archiv) Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 04.04.2014 25.04.2014 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058638 John Wayne - Triple Feature 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058845 Movie Marathon Eine verrückte Reise durch die Blue Steel / / The Star Under Slaughter (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Nacht Packer Salvage The Night Before John Wayne, Eleanor Hunt, George ‘Gabby’ Neve McIntosh, Shaun Dooley, Linzey Keanu Reeves, Lori Loughlin, Theresa Hayes, Polly Ann Young, Anita Campillo, Cocker, Kevin Harvey, Shahid Ahmed, Dean Saldana, Trinidad Silva, Suzanne Snyder, Verna Hillie - Dir. Robert N. Bradbury Andrews, Ben Batt, Alan Pattison - Dir. Morgan Lofting - Dir. Thom Eberhardt Western 1934 163min. Lawrence Gough Komödie 1989 87min. ZYX Music 11.04.2014 Making of, Interviews, Bildergalerie, Audiokommentar, Trailer Edel Germany(SJ Entertainment) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058795 Thriller/Horror 2009 78min. 18.04.2014 Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058666 Der weiße Wolf 16.05.2014 Aurora No Shitade 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059196 Das vierte Protokoll Kôji Yakusho, Andrei Boltnew, Marina Sudina, Nikita Michalkow, Maxim Munsuk - Under Slaughter (k.J.) The Fourth Protocol Sir Michael Caine, Pierce Brosnan, Joanna Dir. Toshio Goto, Sergei Vronsky Salvage Cassidy, Ned Beatty, Julian Glover, Michael Abenteuer 1991 99min. Neve McIntosh, Shaun Dooley, Linzey Gough, Ray McAnally, Ian Richardson, An- Edel Germany(Capitol Film) 09.05.2014 Cocker, Kevin Harvey, Shahid Ahmed, Dean ton Rodgers, Betsy Brantley - Dir. John 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058875 Andrews, Ben Batt, Alan Pattison - Dir. Mackenzie Lawrence Gough Bildergalerie Wengler & Söhne Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Interview Thriller 1986 114min. Christoph Engel, Carl Spengler, Kathrin Thriller/Horror 2009 75min. Intergroove Media(TB Productions) Waligura, Fritz Marquardt, Gudrun Ritter, Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) 16.05.2014 Wolfgang Hosfeld, Peter Prager, Cornelia 16.05.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058843 Hudl, Corinna Harfouch, Jürgen Watzke - 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059116 Dir. Rainer Simon Under the Dome - Season 1 (4 War Unleashed Interwiev, Trailer The Mercenary Drama 1987 133min. Discs) Danny Trejo, Gary Daniels, Bai Ling, ICESTORM Entertainment 14.04.2014 Under The Dome Krystal Vee, Johnny Lee, Tommy ‘Tiny’ 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058771 Thriller/Mystery 2013 520min. Lister Jr., Damon Whitaker, Winston Sefu, Paramount Home Entertainment 08.05.2014 Jeremiah Hundley, Vrinda Benedict, Kitiya Western Klassiker 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059099 Chaiyapan, Geoffrey Giuliano, Erich Billy the Kid kehrt zurück / Arizona Kid / Fleshman - Dir. Jeremiah Hundley, Daniel Colorado / Sheriff of Tombstone Under the Dome - Season 1 (4 Zirilli Western 230min. Discs) (Blu-ray) Trailer Edel Germany(Starmovie) 02.05.2014 Under The Dome Action 2010 90min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058876 Thriller/Mystery 2013 541min. Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) Paramount Home Entertainment 08.05.2014 02.05.2014 Der wilde Haufen von Navarone 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059186 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058839 (Blu-ray) Force 10 From Navarone Unit One - Der letzte Kunde War Unleashed (Blu-ray) Robert Shaw, Harrison Ford, Edward Fox, The Mercenary

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Barbara Bach, Franco Nero, Carl (Blu-ray) Das Wunder von Belo Horizonte Weathers, Richard Kiel, Michael Byrne, Xi Feng Lie (Blu-ray) Alan Badel, Philip Latham, Angus MacInnes, Yihong Duan, Dahong Ni, Jacky Wu, Zhang The Game Of Their Lives Michael Sheard, Leslie Schofield, Wolf Li, Ma Guowei, Francis Ng, Nan Yu, Yu Xia, Wes Bentley, Gerard Butler, Jay Rodan, Kahler - Dir. Guy Hamilton Charlie Yeung - Dir. Gao Qunshu Gavin Rossdale, Costas Mandylor, Louis Kriegsfilm/Action 1978 118min. Trailer Mandylor, Zachery Ty Bryan, Jimmy Jean- Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Action/Eastern 2010 119min. Louis, Richard Jenik, Nelson Vargas, Craig 12.06.2014 Tiberius Film 05.06.2014 Hawksley, Bill Smitrovich, Sir Patrick 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059192 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058987 Stewart, Terry Kinney, John Rhys-Davies, Die wilden Siebziger - Die kom- Wir kommen alle in den Himmel Deborah Corday, Tim Vickery - Dir. David Anspaugh plette 3. Staffel (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Nous Irons Tous Au Paradis Trailer, Bildergalerie That ’70s Show Claude Brasseur, Jean Rochefort, Guy Drama/Komödie 2005 103min. Mila Kunis, Danny Masterson, Laura Bedos, Victor Lanoux, Danièle Delorme, Lighthouse Home Entertainment 16.05.2014 Prepon, Wilmer Valderrama, Debra Jo Rupp, Marthe Villalonga - Dir. Yves Robert 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059193 Kurtwood Smith, Ashton Kutcher, Topher Komödie 1977 90min. Grace, Don Stark, Tanya Roberts, Lisa Intergroove Media(Pretty Gold Productions) X3 Agent Special Robin Kelly, Tommy Chong, Mo Gaffney, 17.04.2014 Hot Enough For June Allison Munn, Luke Wilson, Josh Meyers, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058704 Dirk Bogarde, Sylva Koscina, Robert Tim Reid, Judy Tylor, Joanna Canton, Morley - Dir. Ralph Thomas Shannon Elizabeth, Brooke Shields, Christi- Wolfblood - Verwandlung bei Bildergalerie na Moore, Jim Gaffigan, Megalyn Vollmond: Staffel 2 (2 Discs) (Blu- Komödie/Thriller 1964 92min. Echikunwoke, Kevin McDonald, Cynthia ray) Intergroove Media(TB Classic Productions) 30.05.2014 Lamontagne, Jim Rash, Marion Ross, Betty Wolfblood 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059127 White, Seth Green, Bret Harrison, Tom Pos- Aimee Kelly, Bobby Lockwood, Kedar ton, Jessica Simpson, James Avery, Mary Williams-Stirling, Louisa Connolly-Burnham, X-Men: Erste Entscheidung Tyler Moore, Katey Sagal, Carolyn Shorelle Hepkin, Rachel Teate, Gabrielle X-Men: First Class Hennesy, Jennifer Lyons, Jeff Doucette, Green, Jonathan Raggett, Niek Versteeg, James McAvoy, Laurence Belcher, Michael Bob Clendenin, Howard Hesseman, Ron Nahom Kassa, Angela Lonsdale, Marcus Fassbender, Bill Milner, Kevin Bacon, Rose Pearson, Lindsay Lohan, Alyson Hannigan, Garvey, Bill Fellows, Mark Fleischmann - Byrne, , Beth Goddard, Jackie Debatin, Christopher Masterson, Dir. William Sinclair, Declan O’Dwyer, Morgan Lily, Oliver Platt, Jason Flemyng, Robert Hays, Lindsay Sloane, Bruce Willis, Andrew Gunn Álex González, Zoë Kravitz, January Jamie Farr - Dir. David Trainer Fantasy 338min. Jones, Nicholas Hoult, Caleb Landry Jones, Komödie 1998-2006 550min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(ZDF Video) Edi Gathegi (Darwin/Armando Muñoz), Tiberius Film 05.06.2014 15.04.2014 Corey Johnson, Lucas Till, Demetri 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059210 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059199 Goritsas, Glenn Morshower, Don Creech, Die wilden Siebziger - Die kom- Wolfblood - Verwandlung bei Matt Craven, James Remar - Dir. Matthew plette 4. Staffel (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Vaughn Vollmond: Staffel 2 (3 Discs) Action/Science Fiction 2011 126min. That ’70s Show Wolfblood Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Mila Kunis, Danny Masterson, Laura Aimee Kelly, Bobby Lockwood, Kedar Germany 02.05.2014 Prepon, Wilmer Valderrama, Debra Jo Rupp, Williams-Stirling, Louisa Connolly-Burnham, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058744 Kurtwood Smith, Ashton Kutcher, Topher Shorelle Hepkin, Rachel Teate, Gabrielle Grace, Don Stark, Tanya Roberts, Lisa Green, Jonathan Raggett, Niek Versteeg, X-Men: Erste Entscheidung (Blu- Robin Kelly, Tommy Chong, Mo Gaffney, Nahom Kassa, Angela Lonsdale, Marcus ray) Allison Munn, Luke Wilson, Josh Meyers, Garvey, Bill Fellows, Mark Fleischmann - X-Men: First Class Tim Reid, Judy Tylor, Joanna Canton, Dir. William Sinclair, Declan O’Dwyer, James McAvoy, Laurence Belcher, Michael Shannon Elizabeth, Brooke Shields, Christi- Andrew Gunn Fassbender, Bill Milner, Kevin Bacon, Rose na Moore, Jim Gaffigan, Megalyn Fantasy 325min. Byrne, Jennifer Lawrence, Beth Goddard, Echikunwoke, Kevin McDonald, Cynthia Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(ZDF Video) Morgan Lily, Oliver Platt, Jason Flemyng, Lamontagne, Jim Rash, Marion Ross, Betty 17.04.2014 Álex González, Zoë Kravitz, January White, Seth Green, Bret Harrison, Tom Pos- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059121 ton, Jessica Simpson, James Avery, Mary Jones, Nicholas Hoult, Caleb Landry Jones, Tyler Moore, Katey Sagal, Carolyn Woozle Goozle: Folge 5 - Roboter Edi Gathegi (Darwin/Armando Muñoz), Corey Johnson, Lucas Till, Demetri Hennesy, Jennifer Lyons, Jeff Doucette, & Luft Bob Clendenin, Howard Hesseman, Ron Goritsas, Glenn Morshower, Don Creech, Benedict Weber - Dir. Igor Hartmann Pearson, Lindsay Lohan, Alyson Hannigan, Matt Craven, James Remar - Dir. Matthew Kinderfilm 45min. Jackie Debatin, Christopher Masterson, Vaughn Edel:Kids 04.04.2014 Robert Hays, Lindsay Sloane, Bruce Willis, Isolierte Tonspur, Making of, Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058651 Action/Science Fiction 2011 131min. Jamie Farr - Dir. David Trainer Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Komödie 1998-2006 594min. Das Wunder von Belo Horizonte Germany 02.05.2014 Tiberius Film 05.06.2014 The Game Of Their Lives 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058757 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059211 Wes Bentley, Gerard Butler, Jay Rodan, Wind Blast - Der Hauch des Todes Gavin Rossdale, Costas Mandylor, Louis Yao - Abenteuer eine Mandylor, Zachery Ty Bryan, Jimmy Jean- Xi Feng Lie Häuplingssohnes (2 Discs) Louis, Richard Jenik, Nelson Vargas, Craig Yihong Duan, Dahong Ni, Jacky Wu, Zhang Yao Hawksley, Bill Smitrovich, Sir Patrick Li, Ma Guowei, Francis Ng, Nan Yu, Yu Xia, François Boguy, Dembele Barry - Dir. Stewart, Terry Kinney, John Rhys-Davies, Charlie Yeung - Dir. Gao Qunshu Claude Vermorel Trailer Deborah Corday, Tim Vickery - Dir. David Abenteuer/Drama 1969 325min. Action/Eastern 2010 114min. Anspaugh Pidax film media(Pidax film) 09.05.2014 Tiberius Film 05.06.2014 Trailer, Bildergalerie 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058765 Drama/Komödie 2005 100min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058959 Intergroove Media(Peppermint) 16.05.2014 Zeitsprung 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059110 Wind Blast - Der Hauch des Todes Slipstream

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Sean Astin, Ivana Milicevic, Vinnie Jones, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058703 Dir. Erwin Wagenhofer Tamsin MacCarthy, Kevin Otto, Cecil Carter Making of, Interview, Booklet - Dir. David van Eyssen Zone of the Dead (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Dokumentarfilm/Gesellschaft 2013 113min. Bildergalerie, Trailer Zone Of The Dead Pandora Film GmbH & Co. Verleih KG Science Fiction/Thriller 2005 83min. Ken Foree, Kristina Klebe, Steve Agnew, 23.05.2014 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Apollo Me- Emilio Roso, Miodrag Krstovic, Vukota 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058738 dia) 15.04.2014 Brajovic, Nenad Ciric, Marko Janjic, Ariadna 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059125 Cabrol, Iskra Brajovic, Zoran Miljkovic, Dancing in Jaffa Zeljko Sesta - Dir. Milan Konjevic, Milan Dancing In Jaffa Zeitsprung (Blu-ray) Todorovic Dir. Hilla Medalia Slipstream Trailer Trailer Sean Astin, Ivana Milicevic, Vinnie Jones, Horror/Action 2009 100min. Dokumentarfilm 2013 86min. Tamsin MacCarthy, Kevin Otto, Cecil Carter Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 17.04.2014 MFA+ Film Distribution(MFA+) 15.04.2014 - Dir. David van Eyssen 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058724 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059124 Bildergalerie, Trailer Science Fiction/Thriller 2005 87min. Zone of the Dead (k.J.) Double Up Collection: Mount St. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment(Apollo Me- Zone Of The Dead Elias / Am Limit (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) dia) 15.04.2014 Ken Foree, Kristina Klebe, Steve Agnew, Mount St. Elias / Am Limit 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059202 Emilio Roso, Miodrag Krstovic, Vukota Jon Johnston, Axel Naglich, Peter Brajovic, Nenad Ciric, Marko Janjic, Ariadna Ressmann, Thomas Huber, Alexander Hu- Ziemlich dickste Freundinnen Cabrol, Iskra Brajovic, Zoran Miljkovic, ber - Dir. Gerald Salmina, Pepe Danquart Mince Alors! Zeljko Sesta - Dir. Milan Konjevic, Milan Interviews, Featurettes, Making of, Biografie, Bildergalerie, Victoria Abril, Catherine Hosmalin, Lola Todorovic Trailer, Wendecover, Behind the Scenes Dewaere, Pauline Lefevre, Grégory Trailer Dokumentarfilm/Abenteuer 2007-2009 Fitoussi, Mehdi Nebbou, Julia Piaton, Martin Horror/Action 2009 96min. 205min. Daquin, Valérie Moreau, Emilie Gavois- Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 17.04.2014 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Kahn, Anouk Aimée, Dominique Besnehard 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058700 Germany(Arthaus) 08.05.2014 - Dir. Charlotte de Turckheim 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058673 Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Trailer Zugvögel... einmal nach Inari Komödie 2012 97min. Joachim Król, Outi Mäenpää, Peter Das Geheimnis der Bäume Planet Media Home Entertainment Lohmeyer, Oliver Marlo, Jochen Nickel, Il Etait Une Forêt 13.05.2014 Hilmi Sözer, Peter Franke, Nina Petri, Kati Dir. Luc Jacquet 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058943 Dokumentation, Featurettes, Interview, Trailer, Wendecover, Outinen, Kari Väänänen - Dir. Peter Lichte- u.a. feld Ziemlich dickste Freundinnen Dokumentarfilm/Natur 2013 75min. Interview STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Komödie/Drama 1998 83min. (Blu-ray) Germany(Arthaus) 22.05.2014 Universum Film Home Entertainment Mince Alors! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058655 Victoria Abril, Catherine Hosmalin, Lola 02.05.2014 Dewaere, Pauline Lefevre, Grégory 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058663 Das Geheimnis der Bäume (Blu- Fitoussi, Mehdi Nebbou, Julia Piaton, Martin ray) Daquin, Valérie Moreau, Emilie Gavois- Zwei vom alten Schlag Il Etait Une Forêt Kahn, Anouk Aimée, Dominique Besnehard Grudge Match Sylvester Stallone, Robert De Niro, Kim Dir. Luc Jacquet - Dir. Charlotte de Turckheim Dokumentation, Featurettes, Interview, Trailer, Wendecover, Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Trailer Basinger, , Alan Arkin, Jon u.a. Komödie 2012 101min. Bernthal, Nicole Andrews, Steffie Grote, Dokumentarfilm/Natur 2013 78min. Planet Media Home Entertainment Corrina Roshea - Dir. Peter Segal STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 13.05.2014 Komödie 2013 108min. Germany(Arthaus) 22.05.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058974 Warner Home Video Germany 22.05.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058684 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058794 Zombie 3er Pack Vol. 3 (k.J.) IMAX: Sun 3D / Mars 3D (Blu-ray) Ein Zombie hing am Glockenseil / The Zwei vom alten Schlag (Blu-ray) Galactic Adventures Double Feature: 3D Day the Dead Walked / Zombies unter Grudge Match Sun / Mars 3D Kannibalen Sylvester Stallone, Robert De Niro, Kim Dir. Barry Kimm Horror 228min. Basinger, Kevin Hart, Alan Arkin, Jon Dokumentarfilm 2007 43min. Intergroove Media(TB Splatter Productions) Bernthal, Nicole Andrews, Steffie Grote, EuroVideo Medien 08.05.2014 30.05.2014 Corrina Roshea - Dir. Peter Segal 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058969 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059114 Komödie 2013 113min. Warner Home Video Germany 22.05.2014 Master of the Universe Zombie 3er Pack Vol. 3 (k.J.) 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058811 Dir. Marc Bauder Ein Zombie hing am Glockenseil / The Dokumentarfilm 2013 88min. Day the Dead Walked / Zombies unter good!movies(Arsenal) 11.04.2014 Kannibalen 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058741 Horror 234min. Special Interest Intergroove Media(TB Splatter Productions) Paranormal, Vol. 1 - Erinnerun- 30.05.2014 gen an die Zukunft (2 Discs) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059115 Alphabet - Angst oder Liebe (tlw. Dir. Harald Reinl OmU) 2 Filmversionen, Interview, Super-8-Fassung von „Erinnerun- Zombie Dead Flesh (k.J.) Dir. Erwin Wagenhofer gen an die Zukunft“ in HD, Teaser, Booklet Colin Making of, Interview, Booklet Dokumentarfilm 1970 191min. Alastair Kirton, Daisy Aitkens, Tat Whalley, Dokumentarfilm/Gesellschaft 2013 109min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Kate Alderman, Leanne Pammen, Kerry Pandora Film GmbH & Co. Verleih KG AG(Dokujuwelen) 06.06.2014 Owen, Leigh Crocombe, Justin Mitchell- 23.05.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059239 Davey - Dir. Marc Price 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058734 Making of, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Entfallene Szenen, Paranormal, Vol. 2 - Botschaft der Audiokommentar Alphabet - Angst oder Liebe (tlw. Horror/Drama 2008 97min. Götter (Einzel-Disc) Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 17.04.2014 OmU) (Blu-ray) Dir. Harald Reinl

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2 Filmversionen, Booklet Dokumentarfilm 1976 173min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Dokujuwelen) 06.06.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20059240 Room 237 (OmU) Room 237 Bill Blakemore, Scatman Crothers, Jack Nicholson, Stanley Kubrick, Stephen King, , Tom Cruise, Barry Nelson - Dir. Rodney Ascher Dokumentarfilm/Film 2013 99min. Rapid Eye Movies HE 02.05.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058900 Wochenendkrieger Dir. Andreas Geiger Featurette, zusätzliche Szenen Dokumentarfilm 2012 90min. good!movies(Neue Visionen) 21.03.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20058751

LASER HOTLINE Seite 50 Newsletter 03/14 (Nr. 338) April 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

& Andy: The Complete Collection wakes in the hospital, with no knowledge of how she got there or memory of who she was. People she doesn’t know come to A little girl’s Raggedy Ann & Andy dolls come to life when no visit her, but only the one that no one else can see, the spirit Animation humans are in her bedroom, and they are all whisked off to a boy who calls himself Olion, seems to understand what has parallel world to save its inhabitants from a villain sorcerer happened to her. And he tells her not to let anyone know of 4 Family Favorites: Greatest known as Cracklin. Also aiding Ann and Andy in their her amnesia. As the Heroine struggles to recall her past and adventures are two of the little girl’s other stuffed animals, a connect the random recollections in her mind to form Adventures of the Bible panda known as Grouchy Bear, and a stuffed rabbit known as memories, one thing seems sure: Time is no longer a constant, Sunny Bunny. and the date of August 1st the day she keeps waking up in the Charlotte Rae, Rob Paulsen, Herschel Animation, Children’s, Collections, Family, hospital is somehow significant. As are each of the people she Bernardi, Robby Benson, Harold Gould, Movies 308min. meets, though the stories that link her to them seem to shift Rene Auberjonois, Darryl Hickman, Darleen like sands in an emptying hourglass. Will she be able put the Cinedigm 13.05.2014 pieces of the puzzle together, and what will she see if it Carr, David Ackroyd, James Whitmore, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122396 becomes complete? Lost to both the world and herself, the James Earl Jones, Lorne Greene, Peter Heroine must lift the veils of Amnesia. Cullen, Peter Mark Richman, Michael Rye, The Adventures of Raggedy Ann Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Foreign, Stan Jones - Dir. Ray Patterson Japanese, Television 300min. Animation, Children’s, Family, Movies, Reli- & Andy: The Magic Wings Section23 Films 14.06.2014 gion/Spirituality 113min. Adventure And More Stories 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122517 Warner Bros. 10.06.2014 A little girl’s Raggedy Ann & Andy dolls come to life when no humans are in her bedroom, and they are all whisked off to a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122706 parallel world to save its inhabitants from a villain sorcerer Aria The Origination + OVA known as Cracklin. Also aiding Ann and Andy in their As winter melts into spring, Akari, Aika and Alice continue to 4 Film Favorites: Critters with adventures are two of the little girl’s other stuffed animals, a work hard on becoming Neo-Venezia’s top gondoliers. Aika panda known as Grouchy Bear, and a stuffed rabbit known as starts to take on more responsibility around Himeya, Alice Character Collection Sunny Bunny. travels up the challenging canal near Hope Hill; even Akari Animation, Children’s, Family, Movies spends a day working on a huge gondola called a traghetto! Adventure, Animals & Nature, Animated But there’s still so much to learn and the final test to become a Animals, Animation, Family, Movies min. 118min. Prima, which once seemed so far off in the future, might not be Warner Bros. 13.05.2014 Cinedigm 13.05.2014 so far off anymore. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122481 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122395 Animation, Anime, Comedy, Drama, Family, Science Fiction, Television 380min. 4 Film Favorites: Scooby-Doo The Adventures of Raggedy Ann Bayview Entertainment 06.05.2014 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122458 Hayley Kiyoko, Robbie Amell, Tim Blake & Andy: The Pirate Adventure Nelson, Linda Cardellini, Sarah Michelle And More Stories Banjo The Woodpile Cat Gellar, Seth Green, Peter Boyle, Matthew A little girl’s Raggedy Ann & Andy dolls come to life when no Lillard, Rowan Atkinson, Freddie Prinze Jr., humans are in her bedroom, and they are all whisked off to a Sparky Marcus, Scatman Crothers, Beah , Kate Melton, Nick parallel world to save its inhabitants from a villain sorcerer Richards - Dir. Don Bluth known as Cracklin. Also aiding Ann and Andy in their Now on DVD for the first time comes an animated adventure Palatas - Dir. Brian Levant, Raja Gosnell adventures are two of the little girl’s other stuffed animals, a from Don Bluth that’s filled with toe-tapping songs, humor and Animals & Nature, Animation, Based On TV panda known as Grouchy Bear, and a stuffed rabbit known as plenty of fun! Although he has a happy life on a farm, Banjo Show, , Children’s, Sunny Bunny. can’t stop getting into trouble! When his dad threatens to Animation, Children’s, Family, Movies Comedy, Family, Movies, Mystery, Televisi- punish him for leaping off a roof, Banjo decides to run away - 95min. so he hops aboard a feed truck bound for Salt Lake City. But on, TV Movies min. Cinedigm 13.05.2014 the kitten soon learns that while the city is exciting, it’s also Warner Bros. 10.06.2014 dangerous. Cold, hungry and alone, Banjo longs to return 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122393 home. His only hope for getting back to the farm lies with an 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122707 alley cat named Crazy Legs (voiced by Scatman Crothers) in this story that’s purr-fect for the whole family! 4 Film Favorites: Tim Burton The Adventures of Raggedy Ann Animated Animals, Animation, Comedy, Collection & Andy: The Sunny Bunny Family, Television min. 20th Century Fox 20.05.2014 Animation, Collections, Comedy, Fantasy, Adventure And More Stories A little girl’s Raggedy Ann & Andy dolls come to life when no 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122703 Movies, Stop Motion Animation min. humans are in her bedroom, and they are all whisked off to a Warner Bros. 13.05.2014 parallel world to save its inhabitants from a villain sorcerer 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122482 known as Cracklin. Also aiding Ann and Andy in their Beetlejuice: Seasons Two And adventures are two of the little girl’s other stuffed animals, a Three panda known as Grouchy Bear, and a stuffed rabbit known as 4 Kid Favorites: Adventures of Sunny Bunny. Tim Burton’s blockbuster hit is back and in frightfully fun Animation, Children’s, Family, Movies cartoon form at that! Beetlejuice returns as the „ghost with the Batman & Robin most“ and best ‘friend’ to Lydia Deetz, his lovely living lady 95min. Action, Animation, Anime, Based On Comic companion. When life in Lydia’s quiet little Connecticut town Cinedigm 13.05.2014 becomes too dreary and dull, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Book, Children’s, Family, Superheroes, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122394 Beetlejuice! materializes and sweeps her off to the land of the Television min. dead, or Neitherworld, for a truly ghostly getaway! Complete with an arsenal of monstrously fun characters and ghastly Warner Bros. 10.06.2014 laughs, Beetlejuice shows why he is the king of SHOWTIME! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122708 Amnesia She runs through the flaming building seeking escape. She Animation, Children’s, Comedy, Cult Film / struggles in the water, desperate to keep afloat. And then she TV, Dysfunctional Families, Family, Fantasy, : Princess Day wakes in the hospital, with no knowledge of how she got there Horror, Television 1989 360min. or memory of who she was. People she doesn’t know come to Jeremy , John DiMaggio, Hynden visit her, but only the one that no one else can see, the spirit Shout Factory 18.03.2014 Walch boy who calls himself Olion, seems to understand what has 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122660 Oh My GLOB! It’s practically princess overload in Cartoon happened to her. And he tells her not to let anyone know of Networks latest release Adventure Time: Princess Day. her amnesia. As the Heroine struggles to recall her past and Featuring fan favorite leading royal lady Lumpy Space connect the random recollections in her mind to form Ben 10 and Friends Princess on the amaray, this is the 7th Adventure Time volume memories, one thing seems sure: Time is no longer a constant, For a ten-year-old kid, Ben Tennyson sure sees his share of releasing with 16 full episodes. Adventure Time: Princess and the date of August 1st the day she keeps waking up in the action and adventure! Now fans can join in on the action with Day releases just one day after the brand new episode of the hospital is somehow significant. As are each of the people she some of their favorite episodes in the amazingly low priced same name airs on Cartoon Network, making it the first ever meets, though the stories that link her to them seem to shift DVD, Ben 10 and Friends. This release features over two volume release to feature a just aired episode. So join like sands in an emptying hourglass. Will she be able put the hours of action as Ben, Rook, and Max travel across the Princess Bubblegum, Flame Princess, Ghost Princess, and of pieces of the puzzle together, and what will she see if it country and through time to save the universe and each other course, Lumpy Space Princess on their Royal Adventures in becomes complete? Lost to both the world and herself, the from one evil menace after another. Ben’s cast of alien Adventure Time: Princess Day. Heroine must lift the veils of Amnesia. continues to grow as he uses the Omnitrix to unlock Upchuck Adventure, Animation, Cartoon Network, Animation, Anime, Foreign, Japanese, Tele- and Ben Wolf and all their amazing powers. Children’s, Family, Fantasy, Television vision 300min. Animation, Children’s, Family, Television 176min. Section23 Films 14.06.2014 176min. Warner Bros. 29.07.2014 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122507 Warner Bros. 22.04.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122776 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122484 Amnesia (Blu-ray) The Adventures of Raggedy Ann She runs through the flaming building seeking escape. She Black Dynamite: Season One struggles in the water, desperate to keep afloat. And then she (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray)

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 51 Newsletter 03/14 (Nr. 338) April 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Jimmy Walker Jr., Liz , Tommy Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122489 Davidson Book-To-Film, Children’s, Dr. , Family, Based on 2009’s critically-acclaimed feature film, the Black Fantasy, Movies 200min. Freedom Force Dynamite animated series further chronicles the exploits of the central character, Black Dynamite, and his crew. Black NCircle Entertainment 04.02.2014 Jay Snyder, Marc Thomson, Christopher Dynamite is a 1970s renaissance man with a kung-fu grip. A 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122726 Collet, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Christopher lover and a fighter who is not afraid to leap before he looks. His sidekick extraordinaire is Bullhorn, the brains and Lloyd - Dir. Eduardo Schuldt cunning that complements Black Dynamite’s hard-hittin’, bone- Curious George: The Complete There is a plot under way to change the writings of legendary crushin’ style. Providing comic relief on the mean streets is Seventh Season author Jules Verne in order to influence the course of history. Cream Corn and classing up the place is the gorgeous Honey Four kids are secretly recruited to be the Freedom Force - a Bee. Curious George is back with animal friends in this Complete gang of unlikely heroes who travel through time and enter Seventh Season DVD collection. From the down-under of tales such as Journey To The Center Of The Earth, Around Action, Animation, Blu-ray, Comedy, Crime, Australia to his own backyard in the country, join George for The World In Eighty Days, and Twenty Thousand Leagues Television 2011 264min. 12 episodes as he discovers the colorful wildlife and natural Under The Sea. With endless foes intent on stopping them, Warner Bros. 15.07.2014 habitats surrounding him. This two-time Daytime Emmy from evil government agents to a giant octopus, the brave Award-winning series airing on PBS KIDS continues to Freedom Force will voyage through underwater cities, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122794 expand George’s world, while maintaining all the charm of the jungles, and outer space in order to complete their quest. beloved books. This series inspires kids and promotes a Christopher Lloyd and Sarah Michelle Geller help to bring the Bleach: Box Set 21 hands-on exploration of the concepts of science, math, characters alive in this fantastic tale of time travel and engineering, and technology in the world around them. adventure. Ichigo returns from Hueco Mundo at last to battle Aizen. But in the face of Aizen’s overwhelming power, Ichigo begins to Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, Adventure, Animated Feature Films, Anima- lose his will to fight. The Thirteen Court Guard Squads are Children’s, Family, Television 142min. tion, Children’s, Computer Animation, there to support him, and along with the Visoreds they launch Universal Studios 03.06.2014 Movies, Time Travel 2013 81min. a full-scale attack. Even Head Captain Genryusai Yamamoto joins the fight, attempting to incinerate Aizen in a blazing 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122657 Anderson Merchandisers 04.03.2014 inferno. But is anything enough to stop the Soul Society’s 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122422 ultimate foe? Dino Dan: Trek’s Adventures Adventure, Animation, Anime, Boxed Sets, Children’s, Computer Animation, Dinosaurs, Hakkenden: Eight Dogs of the Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Family, , Television 60min. Japanese, Television min. East - Season One NCircle Entertainment 04.02.2014 Viz Entertainment 03.06.2014 When their village was wiped out five years ago, there were tba BestellNr.: 40122727 only three young survivors: Shino Inuzuka, Sosuke Inukawa, 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122602 and the girl Hamaji. Through a quirk of fate, both boys share the same peony-shaped birthmark. Genpachi Inukai and The Book Of Bantorra: The Dr. Seuss: Triple Feature Kobungo Inuta were raised hundreds of miles away as foster Animation, Children’s, Dr. Seuss, Family, brothers, but they too share the same birthmark. When they Complete Collection went north as part of the army three years ago, they went to Preschool, Triple Feature 353min. confront demons and came back forever transformed. Now the In another time and place, on a world of pain and sorrow, Warner Bros. 10.06.2014 Imperial Church has come for Shino and Sosuke and they must when someone dies, their soul doesn’t go to Heaven or Hell - find eight mystical gems and their owners or face a fate worse it becomes a book. A book that reveals the deceased’s 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122709 than death at the hands of the Church. One of Japan’s innermost secrets and that can be read by anyone. Protecting greatest works of literature is born again in Hakkenden: Eight these priceless treasures is the elite organization known as Dogs of the East! the Armed Librarians. It’s their job to keep the books and the Dog & Scissors knowledge within them safe from those who would misuse or Harumi Kazuhito was the ultimate bookworm, spending days at Animation, Anime, Foreign, Japanese, Tele- destroy them. It’s a tough, dangerous job, so Chief Librarian a time with his head buried in his beloved books, and little vision 325min. Hamyuts Maseta recruits only the best and the brightest could make him happier than perusing the pages of his favorite Section23 Films 14.05.2014 psychics to join her team of expert fighters. Even so, will they author, Kirihime Natsuno. Unfortunately, Harumi’s life goes to be able to stop the fanatics of the Shindeki Church from the dogs, literally, when he gets himself killed while trying to 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122505 wreaking vengeance on the entire world? Only time will tell, stop a robber! Thanks to the power of a true bookworm, but that book hasn’t been written yet. Don’t miss the non-stop however, Harumi inexplicably finds himself reincarnated as a Hakkenden: Eight Dogs of the action of The Book of Bantorra Complete Collection. dog which might not be so bad if dogs could READ. Or if the Action, Animation, Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, woman who adopts him didn’t have twin predilections for East - Season One (Blu-ray) International TV, Japanese, Television playing with scissors and tormenting her new pet! But what When their village was wiped out five years ago, there were truly makes this strange reincarnation the worst of all only three young survivors: Shino Inuzuka, Sosuke Inukawa, 675min. possible worlds is that she’s also his FAVORITE AUTHOR! and the girl Hamaji. Through a quirk of fate, both boys share Section23 Films 14.05.2014 The horror! Can Harumi find a way to live with this tantrum the same peony-shaped birthmark. Genpachi Inukai and 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122504 throwing typist, or will her crazed clippings prove to be his Kobungo Inuta were raised hundreds of miles away as foster undoing? Can he escape her constant hounding via the doggy brothers, but they too share the same birthmark. When they door, or is he barking up the wrong tree? There’s a rough, went north as part of the army three years ago, they went to The Book Of Bantorra: The rough time ahead as canine compulsive readers and literary confront demons and came back forever transformed. Now the she-wolves get snippy with each other when doggies do what Imperial Church has come for Shino and Sosuke and they must Complete Collection (Blu-ray) they gotta do in Dog & Scissors! find eight mystical gems and their owners or face a fate worse In another time and place, on a world of pain and sorrow, Animation, Anime, Foreign, Japanese, Tele- than death at the hands of the Church. One of Japan’s when someone dies, their soul doesn’t go to Heaven or Hell - vision 300min. greatest works of literature is born again in Hakkenden: Eight it becomes a book. A book that reveals the deceased’s Section23 Films 10.06.2014 Dogs of the East! innermost secrets and that can be read by anyone. Protecting Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Foreign, these priceless treasures is the elite organization known as 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122509 the Armed Librarians. It’s their job to keep the books and the Japanese, Television 325min. knowledge within them safe from those who would misuse or Section23 Films 14.05.2014 destroy them. It’s a tough, dangerous job, so Chief Librarian Dragons: Defenders Of Berk - Part 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122514 Hamyuts Maseta recruits only the best and the brightest 2 psychics to join her team of expert fighters. Even so, will they be able to stop the fanatics of the Shindeki Church from T.J. Miller, America Ferrera, Jay Baruchel Hentai Prince & The Stoney Cat wreaking vengeance on the entire world? Only time will tell, There’s action at every turn and excitement on every ride as Koto is a complete and total pervert, but he doesn’t think but that book hasn’t been written yet. Don’t miss the non-stop Hiccup and his fearless friends embark on 10 new adventures that’s a problem. What bothers him is that every time he tries action of The Book of Bantorra Complete Collection. based on the Academy Award-nominated hit movie How To to bluff his way through one of his indiscretions, his inability Action, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Fantasy, Train Your Dragon! to drop his emotionless facade inevitably digs him in even Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Televi- Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Computer deeper. Tsukiko also has an issue and wants to get rid of her Animation, Family, Fantasy, Television 2012 childish habit of blurting out whatever she happens to be sion 675min. thinking. So when they learn about a statue of a cat that can Section23 Films 14.05.2014 220min. take away a single personality trait that you want to get rid of, 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122513 20th Century Fox 27.05.2014 they’re both eager to try it out. However, what neither of them 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122702 realizes until it’s too late is that the cat doesn’t just take the personality trait away from you, it GIVES it to somebody else! Cartoon Network: Chowder and Now Koto can’t keep himself from saying exactly what’s on Friends Fred Flintstone and Friends his mind, while Tsukiko has picked up a complete inability to The Flintstones was pitched to the network as an animated display emotion! Could the solution be finding the original Animation, Children’s, Comedy, Family, Tele- version of Jackie Gleason’s The Honeymooners. Now the owners of all the assorted problems and arranging an un- vision 110min. honeymoon never has to end with this 4-disc set of the 28 swap? And if it is, just how are they going to find everyone? A episodes of the entire (pre)historic first season, full of terrific crazed game of musical personalities encompassing a very Warner Bros. 22.04.2014 extras and trivia that will make fans shout „Yabba dabba doo!“ surprising cast of characters has only just begun in Hentai 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122485 Animation, Children’s, Classics, Comedy, Prince & The St Animation, Anime, Foreign, Japanese, Tele- Dinosaurs, Family, Prehistoric Times, Tele- vision 300min. The Cat In The Hat: 3-Pack vision 177min. Section23 Films 14.06.2014 Martin Short Warner Bros. 22.04.2014

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 52 Newsletter 03/14 (Nr. 338) April 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122508 Preschool, Television 2013 92min. Collection (Double Feature) - Cinedigm 15.04.2014 Volume 2 Hentai Prince & The Stoney Cat 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122810 That’s right, go ahead and laugh at them. The silliness picks (Blu-ray) up where it never left off in Vol. 4 of the Spot- Leapfrog: Letter Factory light Collection, more classic animated shorts from the War- Koto is a complete and total pervert, but he doesn’t think ner Bros. vaults — all fully remastered and uncut. Two discs. that’s a problem. What bothers him is that every time he tries Adventures - The Letter Machine Twenty eight cartoons. Plus certifiably Looney extras. On to bluff his way through one of his indiscretions, his inability Disc 1 were talking lots of hare, yes it’s Bugs as only Bugs to drop his emotionless facade inevitably digs him in even Rescue Team can be (including 1958’s Oscar-winning Best Cartoon Short deeper. Tsukiko also has an issue and wants to get rid of her Join Leap, Tad, Lily and friends on a problem-solving Subject Knighty Knight Bugs) and you’ll tawt you taw a puddy childish habit of blurting out whatever she happens to be adventure! When Quigley announces the new Letter Factory tat and more with Disc 2’s Cat antics. Restored. Remastered. thinking. So when they learn about a statue of a cat that can is almost ready to open, the team takes a visit to learn about Reeediculously funny! The good times roll with 30 more of the take away a single personality trait that you want to get rid of, adjectives and words with consonant blends. But when the brightest, bestest cartoons anywhere. Disc 1 showcases - they’re both eager to try it out. However, what neither of them letter machine goes on the fritz, it’s up to them to work drum roll, please! - the renowned wabbit and fowlball, Bugs realizes until it’s too late is that the cat doesn’t just take the together as „junior engineers“ to find the best fix-it solutions! Bunny and Daffy Duck, in landmark romps that include personality trait away from you, it GIVES it to somebody else! Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, Buccaneer Bunny and Stupor Duck. And once upon a time Now Koto can’t keep himself from saying exactly what’s on there were three bears...but any similarity to The Bear’s Tale his mind, while Tsukiko has picked up a complete inability to Children’s / Educational, Television 2014 and the actual Goldilocks story is purely hilarious in Disc 2’s display emotion! Could the solution be finding the original min. Fairy Tales lineup. Here, the Warner funmakers give their owners of all the assorted problems and arranging an un- Lionsgate 04.03.2014 own delirious tailspins to renowned fables - from Paying the swap? And if it is, just how are they going to find everyone? A Piper (with Porky Pig as the Pied Piper) to crazed game of musical personalities encompassing a very 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122404 surprising cast of characters has only just begun in Hentai Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, Prince & The St Classics, Comedy, Slapstick, Television Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Foreign, LEGO: Legends Of Chima - 409min. Japanese, Television 300min. Season One Part Two Warner Bros. 10.06.2014 Section23 Films 14.06.2014 Once a pristine, natural paradise, the Kingdom of Chima has 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122778 become a battle ground for eight animal tribes. Best friends 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122518 are now enemies. The animals fight for control of a natural resource called CHI, a powerful element that is both a source Love, Chunibyo & Other The Hobbit: Deluxe Edition of life and potential destruction. Only a few brave heroes in Chima understand the true nature of CHI, and the possible Delusions Theodore Gottlieb, Glenn Yarbrough, Orson downfall of Chima that will result from its misuse. Their Yuta Togashi has a problem. He used to be a „chunibyo“, one Bean, Hans Conried, Otto Preminger, Cyril stories, and the stories of those who seek to destroy them, of the thousands of Japanese students so desperate to stand Ritchard, John Huston, Richard Boone - Dir. are known as... Legends Of Chima. out that they’ve literally convinced themselves that they have Action, Adventure, Animation, Children’s, secret knowledge and hidden powers. But now that he’s Jules Bass starting high school, he’s determined to put aside his The place is Middle Earth. The time is long ago, when humans Computer Animation, Family 220min. delusions and face life head on. The trouble is Rikka shared their days with elves, wizards, goblins, dragons, Warner Bros. 05.08.2014 Takanashi, his upstairs neighbor, is JUST a little bit heroes - and hobbits. Bilbo Baggins is a hero and a hobbit, a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122764 delusional herself. And she knows all about his past roundish, peaceable homebody going on a dangerous quest - indiscretions. Yuta thought his delusions were all behind him. even though adventures make hobbits late for dinner! In this Now he’s not so sure. „Crazy in love“ gets a whole new enchanting adaptation of the first installment of J.R.R. Leviathan meaning as fantasy worlds collide in Love, Chunibyo & Other ’s classic The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Bilbo the There lands of Aquafall were a paradise, where water flowed Delusions! hobbit is asked to recover a fabulous treasure stolen from freely, the hills were covered with lush vegetation and life in Animation, Anime, Foreign, Japanese, Tele- friendly dwarfs. All he must do is brave dark forests, towering all forms flourished in peace and abundance. But that was vision 325min. mountains, hobbit-eating trolls, huge spiders, a fiery dragon before the meteors began to fall, each impact spawning new, and more. Fun and amazement await - so join the quest! hideous monsters, until it soon became clear that there were Section23 Films 14.05.2014 Animation, Fairy Tales, Family, Fantasy, others who wanted to claim the entire green world for 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122506 Movies, Myths & Legends, Rankin / Bass themselves. An enemy that would not stop until all opposition had been vanquished. Fortunately, the fairy Syrup was on 1977 78min. guard and knew exactly what to do. Working quickly, she Love, Chunibyo & Other Warner Bros. 22.07.2014 began to recruit an extraordinary team of young women to form Delusions (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122765 the base of the Aquafall Defense Force: the incredibly strong Jormungandr, the extravagant Bahamut and the stoic Yuta Togashi has a problem. He used to be a „chunibyo“, one Leviathan. But can three girls, alone, really turn the tide of an of the thousands of Japanese students so desperate to stand Justin Time: Amazing Adventures alien invasion? They can when each of the ladies in question out that they’ve literally convinced themselves that they have is also a member of a Dragon Clan, and when it comes to secret knowledge and hidden powers. But now that he’s Join Justin and his best pals Olive and Squidgy as they starting high school, he’s determined to put aside his explore the past! Journey to ancient Aztec Mexico in search fighting tooth, nail and claw, the invaders have just met their match! Get ready for the ultimate monster showdown as alien delusions and face life head on. The trouble is Rikka of the mysterious Missing Mask, ride a giant tortoise on the Takanashi, his upstairs neighbor, is JUST a little bit Galapagos Islands and make a new friend in China who loves takes on dragon while the scales of fate hang in the balance in Leviathan The Last Defense! delusional herself. And she knows all about his past to fly kites at The Great Wall! The Emmy-nominated Justin indiscretions. Yuta thought his delusions were all behind him. Time is perfect for preschoolers and families who love Animation, Anime, Foreign, Japanese, Mon- Now he’s not so sure. „Crazy in love“ gets a whole new inspiring stories about friendship, adventure and fun! sters, Television 325min. meaning as fantasy worlds collide in Love, Chunibyo & Other Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Family, Section23 Films 10.06.2014 Delusions! Preschool, Television 2013 92min. 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122510 Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Foreign, Cinedigm 18.03.2014 Japanese, Television 325min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122808 Leviathan (Blu-ray) Section23 Films 14.05.2014 There lands of Aquafall were a paradise, where water flowed 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122515 Justin Time: Far Away Friends! freely, the hills were covered with lush vegetation and life in Get ready to meet new friends in faraway places with Justin all forms flourished in peace and abundance. But that was Maoyu and his two best pals, Olive and Squidgy! Travel back to the before the meteors began to fall, each impact spawning new, hideous monsters, until it soon became clear that there were Names can be deceiving, something the warrior known as Ice Age to help a heartbroken Wooly Mammoth, to Italy in Hero quickly discovers when he storms the castle of the search of special meatballs for a picky Princess, and back to others who wanted to claim the entire green world for themselves. An enemy that would not stop until all opposition dread Demon King that mankind has fought for fifteen years. ancient Egypt to find Cleopatra’s missing cat! The Emmy- For one thing, the „king“ turns out to be a queen! Even more nominated Justin Time is perfect for preschoolers and families had been vanquished. Fortunately, the fairy Syrup was on guard and knew exactly what to do. Working quickly, she shocking, though, is that she’s waiting for him with an who love inspiring stories about friendship, adventure and unexpected proposal. She points out that it would be bad for fun! began to recruit an extraordinary team of young women to form the base of the Aquafall Defense Force: the incredibly strong BOTH sides if the war was to end immediately, as without a Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Family, Jormungandr, the extravagant Bahamut and the stoic common enemy, the individual factions of the winning side are Preschool, Television 2013 92min. Leviathan. But can three girls, alone, really turn the tide of an certain to turn on each other in a new series of civil wars. Cinedigm 15.04.2014 alien invasion? They can when each of the ladies in question However, she has a plan to end the war, bring democracy and is also a member of a Dragon Clan, and when it comes to advanced knowledge to humanity, and ensure lasting 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122809 fighting tooth, nail and claw, the invaders have just met their prosperity for both sides, no matter who „wins“. But to match! Get ready for the ultimate monster showdown as alien accomplish this, she needs a collaborator on the human side, Justin Time: Goes Exploring! takes on dragon while the scales of fate hang in the balance and she’s chosen Hero as the one partner she can trust! Is it in Leviathan The Last Defense! a deal with the devil, or mankind’s only hope for lasting Justin, Olive and Squidgy are going to take you on amazing peace? The traditional rules of Swords and Sorcery are adventures! Ride an emu through the Australian outback to Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Foreign, completely rewritten as the „good guy“ and the „bad girl“ join help track down Olive’s lost chickens, chug through the Japanese, Monsters, Television 325min. forces to save the world in MAOYU - ARCHENEMY & Canadian Rocky Mountains aboard the Pancake Express Section23 Films 10.06.2014 HERO! train, then blast off from Cape Canaveral Space Center to Animation, Anime, Foreign, Japanese, Tele- rescue a lonely stranded astronaut! The Emmy-nominated 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122519 Justin Time is perfect for preschoolers and families who love vision 300min. inspiring stories about friendship, adventure and fun! Looney Tunes: Spotlight Section23 Films 10.06.2014 Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Family, 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122511

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 53 Newsletter 03/14 (Nr. 338) April 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

thing’s for sure - it won’t be smooth sailing on this trip. But Educational, Movies, Preschool 222min. with a little luck and a little faith, Noah will be able to deliver Maoyu (Blu-ray) his floating zoo to safety! Starz / Anchor Bay 17.06.2014 Names can be deceiving, something the warrior known as Animated Animals, Animated Feature Films, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122477 Hero quickly discovers when he storms the castle of the dread Demon King that mankind has fought for fifteen years. Children’s, Movies 2007 82min. For one thing, the „king“ turns out to be a queen! Even more Shout Factory 11.03.2014 The Return Of The King: Deluxe shocking, though, is that she’s waiting for him with an 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122448 Edition unexpected proposal. She points out that it would be bad for BOTH sides if the war was to end immediately, as without a Theodore Gottlieb, Orson Bean, William common enemy, the individual factions of the winning side are The Original Mr. Peabody & Conrad, Theodore Bikel, John Huston, certain to turn on each other in a new series of civil wars. However, she has a plan to end the war, bring democracy and Sherman: Volume 1 Roddy McDowall - Dir. Jules Bass advanced knowledge to humanity, and ensure lasting Meet Mr. Peabody, the world’s smartest dog and the genius Frodo the Hobbit, the remarkable hero of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The prosperity for both sides, no matter who „wins“. But to behind the WABAC machine...a device that allows Mr. Lord of the Rings trilogy, battles more evil forces plaguing accomplish this, she needs a collaborator on the human side, Peabody and his pet boy Sherman to travel back in time! Join Middle Earth in The Return of the King, continuing the and she’s chosen Hero as the one partner she can trust! Is it the unlikely duo’s adventures as they leave their mark on wondrous animated adventures first seen in The Hobbit. The a deal with the devil, or mankind’s only hope for lasting monumental events and keep history from becoming..., well, Magic Ring of The Hobbit has now become the Ring of Doom - peace? The traditional rules of Swords and Sorcery are history. and to restore peace it must be destroyed in the raging fires in completely rewritten as the „good guy“ and the „bad girl“ join Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, which it was made. Chosen for the task, Frodo and faithful forces to save the world in MAOYU - ARCHENEMY & servant Samwise face grave perils - the worst of which is the HERO! Television min. ring’s terrible power to possess its wearer. Will Frodo give Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Foreign, Anderson Merchandisers 04.03.2014 in to the madness of the ring... or will he fulfill his quest? Animation, Fairy Tales, Family, Fantasy, Japanese, Television 300min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122402 Movies, Myths & Legends, Rankin / Bass Section23 Films 10.06.2014 1979 98min. 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122520 The Original Mr. Peabody & Warner Bros. 22.07.2014 Sherman: Volume 2 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122766 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Around Meet Mr. Peabody, the world’s smartest dog and the genius behind the WABAC machine...a device that allows Mr. The Clubhouse World Peabody and his pet boy Sherman to travel back in time! Join Samurai Bride Pack your bags and grab your passport. Join Mickey, Minnie the unlikely duo’s adventures as they leave their mark on Things seemed to be going so well for Muneakira Yagyu. On and pals on a whirlwind trip Around The Clubhouse World! monumental events and keep history from becoming..., well, top of dealing with Jubei, the immortal samurai warrior who Climb the Eiffel Tower in France and say „bonjour“ to Made- history. fell out of the sky and into his arms and lips, he used his moiselle Daisy and Monsieur Donald Duck. Then, rescue Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, ability to awaken the latent power of a female samurai with a Gondolier Goofy when he goes adrift in Italy’s Grand Canal; Television min. kiss to successfully juggle a handful of very powerful, very solve the mysterious riddle of Pharaoh Pete’s pyramid in female master samurai, AND led them all to victory against the Egypt, and meet a dancing dragon at the Great Wall of China. Anderson Merchandisers 04.03.2014 minion of a great evil. So was it too much to ask for a little With your help — and the right Mouseketools — your Club- 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122403 break in the routine of saving Japan? Apparently it was, as house friends can get their special passport stamped at each another great evil has appeared in the land, this one even wonderful location. Featuring over two hours of song-filled stronger than the last. However, that’s the LEAST of fun, including four additional episodes, this global adventure Persona 4: The Complete Muneakira’s problems, because with all the women he’s proves it’s a small world after all! Collection kissed in order to awaken their latent samurai powers, the Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, inevitable has finally happened. Someone’s taking the long Disney, Family, Television 118min. When Yu Narukami moves to the country town of Inaba to stay walk down the aisle with a samurai girl! It’s going to be a with his uncle and cousin, he’s expecting a lot more peace REALLY old fashioned wedding and any resistance by the Disney / Buena Vista 20.05.2014 and quiet than he’s been used to in the big city. What he isn’t groom will be totally feudal in Samurai Bride! 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122677 expecting is for his uncle’s job as a police detective to spill over into his own life. Or for the murders that are occurring Animation, Anime, Foreign, Japanese, Tele- across town to be somehow linked to Yu’s own strange vision 300min. Mighty Space Miners experiences: odd local weather patterns, and a mysterious TV Section23 Films 24.06.2014 show world that seems to be attempting to get Yu to enter it! Kappei Yamaguchi, Noriko Hidaka - Dir. Now, together with a new group of friends, Yu must plunge 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122512 Umanosuke Iida into a bizarre alternate reality where he gains unique abilities Adventure, Animation, Anime, Japanese, that will either help him solve the riddle of the mystery killer, Samurai Bride (Blu-ray) or lead him to his doom. Journey into the Velvet Room and Science Fiction, Space 1994 60min. beyond as the hit PlayStation 2 game becomes a spectacular Things seemed to be going so well for Muneakira Yagyu. On Eastern Star 25.02.2014 anime in Persona 4: The Complete Collection! top of dealing with Jubei, the immortal samurai warrior who fell out of the sky and into his arms and lips, he used his 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122608 Animation, Anime, Based On Video Game, ability to awaken the latent power of a female samurai with a Crime, Detectives, Drama, Foreign, Interna- kiss to successfully juggle a handful of very powerful, very Motto To Love Ru (Blu-ray) tional TV, Japanese, Television 670min. female master samurai, AND led them all to victory against the minion of a great evil. So was it too much to ask for a little The insanity that began when a very naked (and very female) Section23 Films 14.05.2014 break in the routine of saving Japan? Apparently it was, as alien teleported into Rito Yuki’s bathtub (while he was in it) 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122503 another great evil has appeared in the land, this one even continues. And even though Princess Lala has finally started stronger than the last. However, that’s the LEAST of to admit her true feelings for the young man she’s inexplicably Muneakira’s problems, because with all the women he’s engaged to marry (as a result of what happened in said Pokemon: Black & White Rival kissed in order to awaken their latent samurai powers, the bathtub and Develuke customs,) her sometimes erratic Destinies - Set 3 inevitable has finally happened. Someone’s taking the long technology and the snags and snarls of intergalactic politics walk down the aisle with a samurai girl! It’s going to be a and intrigue are still causing major problems. That Ash is rarin’ to battle Gym Leader Clay in Driftveil City! REALLY old fashioned wedding and any resistance by the transporter? Yeah, it still has the nasty habit of leaving the Then, on the way to Mistralton City, the friends witness a groom will be totally feudal in Samurai Bride! clothes behind. Alien bounty hunters? Yep, even more of them dramatic Pokemon trade and evolution. But the excitement has and they’re even more devious. Add body switches, alien just begun. Professor Juniper invites Ash and his pals to join Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Foreign, skunks, a bathroom that changes size and shape, the him in what he promises will be a thrilling adventure - and he Japanese, Television 300min. inevitable sleepover that you just know it’s going to go keeps his promise! In Mistralton City, Ash discovers a Gym Section23 Films 24.06.2014 horribly, horribly wrong, and worst of all, Valentine’s Day, Leader with an unusual battle style. And get ready for some and even in space you’ll be able to hear Rito scream! Love explosive action when our heroes prepare to participate in the 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122521 takes a quantum shift into the wrong gear and the star brakes Clubsplosion Tournament! are broken in the extra-special, extra-crazy extraterrestrial 240min. Son of Batman romance to end them all, Motto To Love Ru - The Complete Collection! Now in high definition! Viz Entertainment 17.06.2014 Inspired by best-selling graphic novels and created by 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122435 acclaimed filmmakers from around the world, these Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Foreign, spectacular original movies star your favorite DC Super Japanese 300min. Heroes in three thrilling stories: Batman’s transformation from Section23 Films 14.05.2014 Powerpuff Girls and Friends ordinary man to Super Hero, The Justice League’s first showdown to save humanity and Superman’s fight for his 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122516 Animation, Cartoon Network, Children’s, life....literally. Each movie’s bonus disc of special features Family, Superheroes, Television 176min. includes creator commentaries, documentaries about the Noah’s Ark Warner Bros. 22.04.2014 characters, extra episodes and more. Part work of art, pop culture, these entertainment treasures are housed in an All hands, paws, and hooves on deck for an adventure on the 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122486 exclusive package to grow with the addition of forthcoming most famous boat of all time! Award-winning filmmaker Juan two-disc special editions of Wonder Women and Green Pablo Buscarini’s Noah’s Ark presents the classic story as a Preschool Starter Set Lantern. Bring justice to your shelf with this awesome fresh and funny animated retelling that the entire family will collection. love. Noah is building a whale of a boat in order to save two Includes Over 4 Hours of Fun, Learning and Adventure! Join of every species from a flood that will cover the entire world. your favorite friends from Chuggington, Wuzzleburg and Action, Adventure, Animation, Based On Pretty soon, animals are lining up to board the Ark two by Tickety Town as they ride the rails, play kickity-kick ball, Comic Book, Children’s, Family, Fantasy, two. But as the rain falls outside, trouble begins to brew as chime the time and learn the importance of teamwork, Superheroes 74min. the animals get hungry, a pair of stowaways plot to take over community and social responsibility. Warner Bros. 17.06.2014 the ship and Noah’s own family begins to squabble! One Animation, Children’s, Children’s /

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 54 Newsletter 03/14 (Nr. 338) April 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122604 surprise when they find out just why he needs the energy. Volume One Blast off with your favorite Veggie characters as they dodge popcorn and evade Luntar’s super-grabber, all After four seasons of searching for answers, Yugi finally Space Adventure Cobra: The Ori- while learning a powerful lesson about sharing: if you have uncovers the secrets of his ancient past! Through the magic of enough to spare, you have enough to share! the three Egyptian God Cards, Yugi and his friends are ginal TV Series - Part 2 Animation, Children’s, Children’s / suddenly transported 5,000 years back in time! Now they must When the buxom blonde bombshell Dominique asks Cobra to battle the ultimate evil force to save the world from infiltrate a Pirate Guild drug ring, how could he possibly say Educational, Computer Animation, Family, devastation, for if the past is destroyed, so is the future! no? However, the drug ring operates under the guise of a Preschool, Religion/Spirituality 2013 min. Action, Animation, Anime, Children’s, popular sport called Rug Ball. It’s a game that combines Big Idea 11.03.2014 Family, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, football and baseball, where killing someone on the opposing team is considered to be a good play! With the continued 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122589 Japanese, Television min. disruption of the Pirate Guild’s business, their pursuit for Cinedigm 13.05.2014 Cobra turns deadly as they hunt him and all he holds dear! War Of The Worlds: Goliath 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122397 Action, Animation, Anime, Drama, Science Tony Eusoff, Beau Billingslea, Mark Fiction, Television 400min. Sheppard, Peter Wingfield, Adrian Paul, Yu-Gi-Oh! Classic: Season Five, Bayview Entertainment 06.05.2014 Elizabeth Gracen, Jim Byrnes, Adam 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122459 Volume Two Baldwin - Dir. Joe Pearson After four seasons of searching for answers, Yugi finally In a parallel universe, is interrupted by an uncovers the secrets of his ancient past! Through the magic of Strawberry Shortcake: Fun Under invasion from the planet Mars - a renewed attempt following the three Egyptian God Cards, Yugi and his friends are the first failed attack fifteen years before. We follow the suddenly transported 5,000 years back in time! Now they must the Sun gripping story of human resistance fighters battling this battle the ultimate evil force to save the world from Join Strawberry Shortcake and her berry best pals on some second invasion of the Martians. Earth was laid waste during devastation, for if the past is destroyed, so is the future! sweet sunshine adventures! Blueberry makes a berry big the first attack in 1899, by 80-ft tall, heat ray-spewing Action, Animation, Anime, Children’s, blunder when she overhears Strawberry and thinks her friend Martian battle tripods - but the invaders ultimately fell victim is taking all the pals on a tropical vacation. After Blueberry to Earth’s tiny bacteria. Now, in 1914, Humanity has rebuilt Family, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, makes some very funny attempts to make things right, Orange its shattered world by reverse-engineering captured Martian Japanese, Television min. Blossom tries to build the girls their own fabulous resort. technology. Equipped with giant, steam-powered tripod battle Cinedigm 27.05.2014 When they all work together to make it Berry Bitty City-style, machines, iron-clad zeppelins and heat-ray biplanes, the its perfect...so perfect, in fact, that TV host Mavis Maraschi- international planetary army, A.R.E.S., is Humanity’s first line 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122398 no decides to do a segment on Cherry Jam right then and of defense against the return of the rapacious Martian there! Will the girls ever get the Fun Under the Sun they’ve invaders. And return the Martians do, with even more been dreaming of? advanced alien technology and immunity against Earth’s Children’s, Family, Television 66min. microbes. The rematch finds the A.R.E.S. battle tripod GOLI- ATH, on the frontlines of a vicious interplanetary offensive. In 20th Century Fox 13.05.2014 the crucible of combat, the young international crew helming Film 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122453 the GOLIATH will be tested to the limits of their Alien Invasions, Aliens, Animation, Fantasy, 25th Hour (Blu-ray) The Swan Princess: Princess Movies, Science Fiction, War, World War I Edward Norton, Rosario Dawson, Barry Movie Collection 85min. Pepper, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Brian Cox, Anderson Merchandisers 01.04.2014 Steve Wright, Sandy Duncan, John Cleese, Anna Paquin - Dir. Spike Lee 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122770 Academy Award nominee Edward Norton heads an amazing Jack Palance - Dir. Richard Rich all-star cast in the critically acclaimed Spike Lee (Summer of Animated Feature Films, Animation, Boxed Sam, Do the Right Thing) film 25th Hour. In 24 short hours Sets, Children’s, Fairy Tales, Family, War Of The Worlds: Goliath (Blu- Monty Brogan (Norton) goes to prison for seven long years. ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Once a king of , Monty is about to say goodbye to Fantasy, Movies 1994 min. the life he knew-a life that opened doors to New York’s Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Tony Eusoff, Beau Billingslea, Mark swankiest clubs but also alienated him from the people closest 01.04.2014 Sheppard, Peter Wingfield, Adrian Paul, to him. In his last day on the outside, Monty tries to reconnect with his father (Brian Cox, The Bourne Identity), and gets 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122774 Elizabeth Gracen, Jim Byrnes, Adam together with two old friends, Jacob (Philip Seymour Hoffman, Baldwin - Dir. Joe Pearson Almost Famous) and Slaughtery (Barry Pepper, The Green Teen Titans Go!: Couch Crusaders PLEASE NOTE: This title is a Blu-ray 3D disc, which is only Mile). And then there’s his girlfriend, Naturelle (Rosario compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. In a Dawson, Men In Black II), who might (or might not) have been Khary Payton, Greg Cipes parallel universe, World War I is interrupted by an invasion the one who tipped off the cops. Monty’s not sure of much A spin-off of the 2002 breakout blockbuster hit from Warner from the planet Mars - a renewed attempt following the first these days, but with time running out, there are choices to be Bros. Animation, Teen Titans Go! follows everyone’s favorite failed attack fifteen years before. We follow the gripping story made as he struggles to redeem himself in the 25th Hour. super heroic teen team of Robin, Cyborg, Raven, Starfire and of human resistance fighters battling this second invasion of Drama, Friendships, Movies, Prison 2002 Beast Boy in all new, comedic, 11-minute adventures the Martians. Earth was laid waste during the first attack in highlighting the hijinks they get into when they aren’t out 1899, by 80-ft tall, heat ray-spewing Martian battle tripods - 135min. saving the world. In between the big fights with super villains, but the invaders ultimately fell victim to Earth’s tiny bacteria. Disney / Buena Vista 10.06.2014 the team’s dynamic and personalities ensures that even down Now, in 1914, Humanity has rebuilt its shattered world by 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122684 time at the Tower or a trip to the movies promises extreme reverse-engineering captured Martian technology. Equipped (and extremely funny) fun. with giant, steam-powered tripod battle machines, iron-clad Action, Animation, Based On Comic Book, zeppelins and heat-ray biplanes, the international planetary 3 Days To Kill army, A.R.E.S., is Humanity’s first line of defense against the Superheroes, Television 2013 286min. return of the rapacious Martian invaders. And return the Hailee Steinfeld, Connie Nielsen, Kevin Warner Bros. 29.07.2014 Martians do, with even more advanced alien technology and Costner - Dir. McG 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122710 immunity against Earth’s microbes. The rematch finds the „A stellar cast“ (Jeffrey Lyons, Lyons Den Radio), including A.R.E.S. battle tripod GOLIATH, on the frontlines of a vicious Oscar winner Kevin Costner, Oscar nominee Hailee Steinfeld interplanetary offensive. and Amber Heard, lead this „undeniably entertaining“ (The Transformers Armada: The Alien Invasions, Aliens, Animation, Blu-ray, Hollywood Reporter) action-thriller. Costner plays a daring International spy with lethal skills and a hard-earned Complete Series Blu-ray 3D, Fantasy, Movies, Science reputation for tackling the most dangerous missions imagina- The fight between the valiant Autobots and the treacherous Fiction, War, World War I 85min. ble. But when a seductive CIA operative (Heard) makes him Decepticons continues, but the fate of the war may lie in the Anderson Merchandisers 01.04.2014 an offer he can’t refuse, he’s forced to juggle his two toughest hands of the small, power-enhancing Transformers known as assignments yet: looking after his rebellious teenage daughter Mini-Cons. With the aid of the Autobots, the Mini-Cons 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122791 (Steinfeld) while hunting down the world’s most ruthless escape Cybertron, but their safety is short-lived after an terrorist. attack cripples the ship and forces it to crash-land in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Classic: Season Five Action, Crime, Drama, Movies, Thrillers Earth’s solar system. Now, after millions of years in stasis, the Decepticons have been alerted to the Mini-cons’ After four seasons of searching for answers, Yugi finally 2014 117min. whereabouts and it’s up to the Autobots to protect them as uncovers the secrets of his ancient past! Through the magic of 20th Century Fox 20.05.2014 well as all of humanity. the three Egyptian God Cards, Yugi and his friends are suddenly transported 5,000 years back in time! Now they must 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122701 Action, Animation, Children’s, Family, battle the ultimate evil force to save the world from Superheroes, Television 1185min. devastation, for if the past is destroyed, so is the future! 3 Days To Kill (Blu-ray) Shout Factory 11.03.2014 Action, Animation, Anime, Children’s, Hailee Steinfeld, Connie Nielsen, Kevin 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122470 Family, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Costner - Dir. McG Japanese, Television 1196min. „A stellar cast“ (Jeffrey Lyons, Lyons Den Radio), including Veggie Tales: Veggies In Space Cinedigm 13.05.2014 Oscar winner Kevin Costner, Oscar nominee Hailee Steinfeld Join Captain Cuke (Larry the Cucumber) and his loyal first 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122438 and Amber Heard, lead this „undeniably entertaining“ (The officer, Mr. Spork (Bob the Tomato), as they embark on an out Hollywood Reporter) action-thriller. Costner plays a daring of this world adventure to bravely travel where no Veggie has International spy with lethal skills and a hard-earned gone yet. The entire USS Applepies crew takes on Luntar the Yu-Gi-Oh! Classic: Season Five, reputation for tackling the most dangerous missions imagina- Looter, a power stealing space pirate, but they’re in for a big ble. But when a seductive CIA operative (Heard) makes him

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 55 Newsletter 03/14 (Nr. 338) April 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA an offer he can’t refuse, he’s forced to juggle his two toughest they try to navigate the relationship minefields from the bar to Off). University lecturer Robert Bridge feels skeptical about assignments yet: looking after his rebellious teenage daughter the bedroom. all things paranormal until he meets Alison Mundy, who has (Steinfeld) while hunting down the world’s most ruthless Comedy, Movies, Rocky Relationships, seen and heard spirits since she was a child. Robert thinks terrorist. Romance 2014 100min. shes the real deal - a genuine psychic who risks her life to Action, Blu-ray, Crime, Drama, Movies, help people heal from relationships torn apart by death. He’s Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Thrillers 2014 117min. in for a shock, though, when Allison tries to help him accept 20.05.2014 the accidental killing of his own son. 20th Century Fox 20.05.2014 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122789 BBC, Drama, Horror, Television 282min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122713 Warner Bros. 13.05.2014 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122483 4 Film Favorites: Action Affairs About Last Night (DVD + Sylvester Stallone UltraViolet) All That Heaven Allows: The Adam Rodriguez, Joy Bryant, Kevin Hart, Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Crime, Movies, Criterion Collection (Blu-ray + Thrillers min. Michael Ealy, Joe Lo Truglio, Regina Hall, Warner Bros. 13.05.2014 Christopher McDonald - Dir. Steve Pink DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Kevin Hart, Michael Ealy, Regina Hall and Joy Bryant star in Conrad Nagel, Jane Wyman, Gloria Talbott, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122479 this hilarious romantic comedy about what men and women really want. Bernie (Hart) and Joan (Hall) are two fiery Virginia Grey, Rock Hudson, Agnes 4 Film Favorites: Crime Dramas flirters who are passionate about everything from hookups to Moorehead - Dir. Douglas Sirk breakups. When he sets up his best friend, Danny (Ealy), Jane Wyman is a repressed wealthy widow and Rock Hudson Snoop Dogg, Dr. Dre, Cliff Curtis, Harris with her roommate, Debbie (Bryant), the sparks soon fly as is the hunky Thoreau-following gardener who loves her in Yulin, Ethan Hawke, , they try to navigate the relationship minefields from the bar to Douglas Sirk’s heartbreakingly beautiful indictment of 1950s Scott Glenn, Tom Berenger, Jeffrey Silver, the bedroom. small-town America. Sirk utilizes expressionist colors, Comedy, Movies, Rocky Relationships, reflective surfaces, and frames-within-frames to convey the Bobby Newmyer Romance 2014 100min. loneliness and isolation of a matriarch trapped by the Crime, Drama, Movies min. snobbery of her children and the gossip of her social-climbing Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Warner Bros. 13.05.2014 country club chums. Criterion is proud to present this subver- 20.05.2014 sive Hollywood tearjerker in a new Special Edition. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122480 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122763 Art House, Blu-ray, Classics, Criterion Collection, Drama, Movies, National Film 5150: Mall Cop Action Comedy (4-Pack) Registry, Romance, Special Editions, Star- Derek Cecil, Nick Searcy, Jennifer Crossed Lovers 1955 89min. Action, Comedy, Movies min. Morrison, Kathleen Robertson Criterion 10.06.2014 Starz / Anchor Bay 13.05.2014 The only thing Frank has going for him is his job as a Mall 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122639 Cop. One late night, a prowler breaks in and during the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122419 botched burglary, Frank loses his arm. Undeterred, Frank tries to get his old job back at the mall with the help of his Action Comedy (4-Pack) (Blu-ray) Alpha Alert (DVD + UltraViolet) best friend Chris in this hilarious tale about love, limbs and Josh Stewart, Jennifer Morrison, James Billy Idol! Just don’t make him crazy! Action, Blu-ray, Comedy, Movies min. Comedy, Movies 97min. Frain - Dir. Matthew Thompson Starz / Anchor Bay 13.05.2014 When a terrorist attack on Washington D.C. leaves three war Indican Pictures 13.05.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122429 veterans who are suffering from PTSD trapped in an elevator 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122633 together, the isolation and highly stressful situation brings previous wartime experiences to the surface, and while dark Action Thriller (4-Pack) forces are at work outside the elevator, a battle for control 5th Street Action, Movies, Thrillers min. and survival ensues inside. Adam Lopez Starz / Anchor Bay 06.05.2014 Action, Movies, Thrillers 2013 84min. When Joe Montoya loses his wife in a gang related shooting, Lionsgate 17.06.2014 he vows to stop at nothing to exact his revenge on those 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122474 responsible. While investigating his wife’s murder he 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122690 discovers a whole community of people who the police have Action Thriller (4-Pack) (Blu-ray) failed. In killing his wife, they created their worst nightmare. Alpha House Suddenly the local gangsters start disappearing, the violence Action, Blu-ray, Movies, Thrillers min. escalates and the police search for clues to stop this mayhem. Starz / Anchor Bay 06.05.2014 Heather Paige Cohn, Julien Bensimhon, One man must decide how far he is willing to go in this tale of 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122478 D.C. Douglas - Dir. Jacob Cooney love and revenge. A new sexy comedy classic in the tradition of The Hangover Action, Adventure, Drama, Movies 92min. and Superbad! Indican Pictures 08.04.2014 Action Thriller Gift Set College Life, Comedy, Movies 2014 89min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122630 Action, Movies, Thrillers min. Asylum Home Entertainment 18.03.2014 Starz / Anchor Bay 20.05.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122661 7 Boxes 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122585 Victor, a 17-year-old wheelbarrow leader, dreams of The Art Of The Steal becoming famous, often absorbed by the TV in the appliance An Affair To Remember / Laura / store in the Municipal Market. He receives an unusual Katheryn Winnick, Chris Diamantopoulos, proposal, to carry seven boxes of unknown content, in A Letter To Three Wives / The Jay Baruchel, Matt Dillon, Terence Stamp, exchange for the torn half of a $100 bill. He will get the other Three Of Love (4-Film Kurt Russell - Dir. Jonathan Sobol half when he finishes the job. Victor, who has never seen this Crunch Calhoun (Kurt Russell), a third rate motorcycle much money, has no idea how much it really is. But he also Collection) daredevil and semi-reformed art thief, agrees to get back into knows well that his need is greater than his curiosity. With a the con game and pull off just one more lucrative art theft with borrowed cell phone the contractor uses to tell him the way, Ann Sothern, Joanne Woodward, Paul his untrustworthy brother Nicky (Matt Dillon). Crunch Victor embarks on the journey. Crossing the eight blocks of Douglas, Jeanne Crain, Jeffrey Lynn, Dana reassembles the old team and comes up with a plan to steal a the market seemed easy but things get complicated along the Andrews, Kirk Douglas, Vincent Price, Lee priceless historical book, but the successful heist leads to way. There is something in those boxes that starts a high- another, far riskier, plan devised by Nicky. What the brothers speed wheelbarrow chase in the secret and gloomy corridors J. Cobb, Judith Anderson, David Wayne, don’t realize is they each have their own agenda and their of the market. Without even realizing, Victor and his pursuers Barbara Lawrence, Florence Bates, Connie plan goes awry in this con movie about brotherhood, honor will get involved in a crime of which they know nothing. Gilchrist, Gene Tierney, Linda Darnell, and revenge. Action, Comedy, Movies, Thrillers min. Clifton Webb, Hobart Cavanaugh - Dir. Jo- Action, Caper, Crime, Movies, Thrillers Breaking Glass Pictures 06.05.2014 seph L. Mankiewicz, Otto Preminger, 2013 90min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122526 Nunnally Johnson Starz / Anchor Bay 06.05.2014 Academy Award Winners, Classics, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122417 About Last Night (Blu-ray + Comedy, Drama, Marriage Woes, Mental UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Illness, Movies, Romance 396min. The Art Of The Steal (Blu-ray) Adam Rodriguez, Joy Bryant, Kevin Hart, 20th Century Fox 01.04.2014 Katheryn Winnick, Chris Diamantopoulos, Michael Ealy, Joe Lo Truglio, Regina Hall, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122771 Jay Baruchel, Matt Dillon, Terence Stamp, Christopher McDonald - Dir. Steve Pink Kurt Russell - Dir. Jonathan Sobol Kevin Hart, Michael Ealy, Regina Hall and Joy Bryant star in Afterlife: Season One Crunch Calhoun (Kurt Russell), a third rate motorcycle this hilarious romantic comedy about what men and women daredevil and semi-reformed art thief, agrees to get back into really want. Bernie (Hart) and Joan (Hall) are two fiery Andrew Lincoln, Lesley Sharp the con game and pull off just one more lucrative art theft with flirters who are passionate about everything from hookups to Steel your nerves before you watch this chilling his untrustworthy brother Nicky (Matt Dillon). Crunch breakups. When he sets up his best friend, Danny (Ealy), psychological drama starring Andrew Lincoln (Rick Grimes, reassembles the old team and comes up with a plan to steal a with her roommate, Debbie (Bryant), the sparks soon fly as The Walking Dead) and Lesley Sharp (Vera Drake, Clocking priceless historical book, but the successful heist leads to

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 56 Newsletter 03/14 (Nr. 338) April 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA another, far riskier, plan devised by Nicky. What the brothers includes Ewan McGregor, Chris Cooper, Abigail Breslin, Comedy, Movies 106min. don’t realize is they each have their own agenda and their Benedict Cumberbatch, Juliette Lewis, Margo Martindale, plan goes awry in this con movie about brotherhood, honor Dermot Mulroney, Julianne Nicholson, Sam Shepard and 20th Century Fox 06.05.2014 and revenge. Misty Upham. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122535 Action, Caper, Crime, Movies, Thrillers Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Movies, 2013 90min. Play-To-Film 2013 121min. Back In Crime Starz / Anchor Bay 06.05.2014 Starz / Anchor Bay 08.04.2014 When Paris detective Richard Kemp (Jean-Hugues Anglade) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122426 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122433 is injured in the course of a criminal investigation, he is transported twenty years into the past, and has a second chance at solving the most frustrating mystery of his career: a The Attorney ’s Emma serial killer known as the Earwig. In pursuing the Earwig, Song Woo-seok has no clients, connections, or a college Mark Strong, Samantha Morton, Kate Richard enlists the aid of a beautiful psychologist (Melanie degree, but his eye for business and appetite for money make Thierry), who has doubts about the time-traveler’s sanity. But him the most successful lawyer in town. But at the peak of his Beckinsale - Dir. Diarmuid Lawrence as Richard attempts to rewrite history, the killer’s path begins success, a local teenager is falsely accused of a crime, then Emma Woodhouse has beauty, wealth... and a penchant for to take unexpected turns, confounding Richard’s beaten and tortured while waiting in jail. Shocked by these meddling in the love lives of others. This radiant adaptation of investigation, and rendering his own future uncertain. conditions, Song takes the case no one else will, and changes Jane Austen’s treasured novel is from the award-winning team Crime, Drama, Movies 2013 102min. the course of his life. behind the BBC’s hit Pride and Prejudice. Kate Beckinsale (Pearl Harbor, Underworld) is Emma, a well-bred young lady Kino Video 20.05.2014 Drama, Foreign, Korean, Movies 127min. who spends her time arranging what she sees as suitable 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122376 Well Go USA 17.06.2014 matches. When she befriends Harriet Smith (Samantha 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122443 Morton, In America), she sees the timid young woman as the perfect beneficiary of her efforts. But the matchmaking sets off Bad Blonde (Repackage) a chain of misunderstandings and mix-ups that challenges Barbara Payton, John Slater, Frederick August: Osage County Emma’s assumptions and draws her own heart into the fray. Austen’s sharply drawn characters spring to life against the Valk, Tony Wright, Sidney James - Dir. Juliette Lewis, Misty Upham, Dermot background of the glorious English countryside in this Emmy- Reginald Le Borg Mulroney, Abigail Breslin, Margo Martindale, winning production that also stars Mark Strong (Sherlock A prizefighter has a torrid affair with his manager’s wife and Julianne Nicholson, Chris Cooper, Ewan Holmes), Samantha Bond (Downton Abbey), and Prunella conspires to murder her husband for insurance money. When McGregor, Julia Roberts, Sam Shepard, Scales (Mapp & Lucia). the boxer decides to confess, the scheming blonde poisons Acorn Media, British, Classics, Drama, him! Meryl Streep, Benedict Cumberbatch - Dir. Foreign, Historical / Period Piece 1996 Affairs & Love Triangles, , Crime, John Wells Film Noir, Movies, Mystery, Sports 1953 Academy Award Winners Meryl Streep and Julia Roberts star 111min. in the darkly hilarious and deeply touching story of the Acorn Media 24.06.2014 81min. strong-willed women of the Weston family, whose lives 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122745 VCI Home Video/ Magic Lantern 15.04.2014 converge when a family crisis brings them back to the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122804 Midwest house they grew up in, and to the dysfunctional mother who raised them. Based on Tracy Letts’ Pulitzer Prize- Steve Austin: 4 Movie Collection winning play of the same name, Director John Wells skillfully (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Ball Of Fire translates from stage to screen, leading an all-star cast that , - Dir. includes Ewan McGregor, Chris Cooper, Abigail Breslin, Erica Cerra, Adam Beach, Gil Bellows, Benedict Cumberbatch, Juliette Lewis, Margo Martindale, Howard Hawks Dermot Mulroney, Julianne Nicholson, Sam Shepard and Gary Daniels, Eric Roberts - Dir. Keoni When an English professor and his colleagues, working on a Misty Upham. Waxman, Rob Liberman dictionary of American slang, stumble upon a red-hot night Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Movies, Action, Blu-ray, Collections, Movies, Thril- club singer on the run from the mob, all hell breaks loose in Play-To-Film 2013 121min. lers min. this wildly screwball comedy. Comedy, Movies, Romance 1941 111min. Starz / Anchor Bay 08.04.2014 Starz / Anchor Bay 20.05.2014 Warner Bros. 15.07.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122423 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122761 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122601

August: Osage County (Blu-ray + : Movie Collection 5 The Bank Champion, Virginia Huston, Sterling DVD + Ultraviolet HD) (Blu-ray) Sibylla Budd, David Wenham, Anthony Halloway, Chill Wills, Smiley Burnette, Gene Juliette Lewis, Misty Upham, Dermot LaPaglia - Dir. Robert Connolly Autry, Barbara Britton, Jack Holt, Neyle Mulroney, Abigail Breslin, Margo Martindale, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 104min. Morrow, Young, Pat Buttram, June Julianne Nicholson, Chris Cooper, Ewan Millennium Entertainment 06.05.2014 Storey, Judy Nugent, Gail Davis, Richard McGregor, Julia Roberts, Sam Shepard, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122652 Meryl Streep, Benedict Cumberbatch - Dir. Emory, Thurston Hall, Fay McKenzie John Wells Gene Autry is the only entertainer with all five stars on Hollywood’s Walk of Fame, one each for Radio, Recording, Banner 4th Of July Academy Award Winners Meryl Streep and Julia Roberts star Motion Pictures, Television and Live Performance. He was in the darkly hilarious and deeply touching story of the the silver screen’s first singing cowboy and is credited with Christian Campbell, Mercedes Ruehl strong-willed women of the Weston family, whose lives creating the genre of the musical B Western. As the star of 89 In their late teens and early 20’s, the Banner siblings converge when a family crisis brings them back to the feature films, Gene brings music, comedy and action to each of Mitchell, Desiree and Danny made it big as a rock band, but Midwest house they grew up in, and to the dysfunctional his roles. Now, for the first time on DVD, Gene Autry’s everything fell apart when Desiree decided to leave the group mother who raised them. Based on Tracy Letts’ Pulitzer Prize- rollicking big screen adventures and unforgettable tunes are at the height of their fame. Now, fifteen years later, their winning play of the same name, Director John Wells skillfully brought home in these Western classics, fully restored and mother has a plan to bring the group back together and heal translates from stage to screen, leading an all-star cast that uncut from Autry’s personal film archives. Films Include her fractured family. Will the siblings be able to put aside includes Ewan McGregor, Chris Cooper, Abigail Breslin, Loaded Pistols Seeking a mystery man who has killed his best their differences and reunite or will they remain estranged Benedict Cumberbatch, Juliette Lewis, Margo Martindale, friend in a poker game, Gene Autry finds a wild young cowboy forever? Dermot Mulroney, Julianne Nicholson, Sam Shepard and hiding from a posse along with his high-spirited sister. The Comedy, Drama, Television min. Misty Upham. young man’s gun is the murder weapon yet Gene is convinced Cinedigm 10.06.2014 Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Movies, of his innocence and continues the search for the real killer. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122546 Play-To-Film 2013 121min. When shady ranchers express an interest in purchasing the Starz / Anchor Bay 08.04.2014 siblings’ worthless ranch, Gene becomes suspicious furthering the mystery! Barbara Britton, Chill Wills, Jack Holt Barbary Coast 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122432 and World’s Wonder Horse, Champion star in this Action, Collections, Comedy, Crime, Movies, Dave Turner, Doug McClure, William August: Osage County (Blu-ray) Music, Mystery, Western 455min. Shatner, Richard Kiel Golden Globe winner William Shatner (Star Trek, Boston Juliette Lewis, Misty Upham, Dermot Shout Factory 25.03.2014 Legal) is Jeff Cable, an undercover agent patrolling the wild Mulroney, Abigail Breslin, Margo Martindale, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122673 streets of 1880s San Francisco. Filled with casinos and saloons, this bustling slice of post-Gold runs Julianne Nicholson, Chris Cooper, Ewan on corruption, greed, and violence. And it’s Agent Cable’s job McGregor, Julia Roberts, Sam Shepard, Bachelor Party (Blu-ray) to crack down on the numerous criminals who have made a Meryl Streep, Benedict Cumberbatch - Dir. Tawny Kitaen, Tom Hanks home there. Even top public officials can’t be trusted, so This outrageously funny look at one man’s final moments of Cable weaves elaborate ruses to uncover the Barbary John Wells Coast’s many plots. He also relies on the slick but Academy Award Winners Meryl Streep and Julia Roberts star bachelorhood stars Tom Hanks as Rick, reluctant recipient of a bachelor bash by a group of friends who view beleaguered Cash Conover (Doug McClure, The Virginian), in the darkly hilarious and deeply touching story of the proprietor of the Golden Gate Casino. Conover reluctantly strong-willed women of the Weston family, whose lives partying as their full-time religion. Rick’s worried fiancee, Debbie (Tawny Kitaen), dresses up in disguise and crashes puts his business and well-being on the line for Cable time converge when a family crisis brings them back to the and again. The charismatic pair often find the cards stacked Midwest house they grew up in, and to the dysfunctional the party to spy on her future husband. To complicate the night further, Debbie’s fat her hires her ex-boyfriend to win back against them, but that doesn’t stop them from having a mother who raised them. Based on Tracy Letts’ Pulitzer Prize- rollicking good time as they police a town mired in vigilante winning play of the same name, Director John Wells skillfully his daughter. It turns out to be an evening the soon-to-be bride and groom will never forget. justice. Also starring Richard Kiel (The Spy Who Loved Me), translates from stage to screen, leading an all-star cast that this Emmy-nominated series is a playful take on traditional

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 57 Newsletter 03/14 (Nr. 338) April 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Westerns with a terrific cast. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122700 bachelor Mitch Brenner (Rod Taylor), she is inexplicably Comedy, Historical / Period Piece, Televisi- attacked by a seagull. Suddenly, thousands of birds begin to on, Western 1976 745min. flock into town, preying on schoolchildren and residents in a The Best Of Bogart Collection terrifying series of attacks. Mitch and Melanie must fight for Acorn Media 03.06.2014 their lives against a deadly force that cannot be explained or 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122740 (Blu-ray) stopped in this film that makes you want to „hold onto Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall, Ingrid something and watch!“ (Leonard Maltin’s Classic Movie Bergman, Paul Henreid, Mary Astor, Sydney Guide) Barefoot (DVD + UltraViolet) AFI Top 100, Animals & Nature, Blu-ray, Greenstreet, Claude Rains, Peter Lorre, Scott Speedman, J.K. Simmons, Evan Ra- Classics, Horror, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers Dorothy Malone, Claire Trevor, Conrad chel Wood, Treat Williams - Dir. Andrew 1963 120min. Veidt, Thomas Gomez, Lionel Barrymore, Fleming Universal Studios 06.05.2014 Gladys George, Barton MacLane, Martha The „black sheep“ son of a wealthy family meets a young 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122593 psychiatric patient who’s been raised in isolation her entire Vickers, Lee Patrick, John Rodney, Edward life. He takes the naive young woman home for his brother’s G. Robinson - Dir. John Huston, Michael wedding to convince his family that he’s finally straightened Blood Ties (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) out his life. She impresses his prim and proper family with her Curtiz genuine (if unstable) charm, and along the way they fall into The four landmark films in this collection - The Maltese (Blu-ray) improbable love. Falcon, Casablanca, The Treasure Of The Sierra Madre and The African Queen - mark the pinnacle of Humphrey Bogart’s , Mila Kunis, Zoe Saldana, Comedy, Dark Comedy, Drama, Movies, incredible and enduring film career. Includes hours of special Clive Owen, , Lili Taylor, James Romance 90min. features and reproduction art cards from each film! Caan - Dir. Guillaume Canet Lionsgate 22.04.2014 433min. New York, 1974: Chris (Clive Owen) is released from prison. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122471 Warner Bros. 25.03.2014 Reluctantly waiting for him on the outside is his younger brother Frank (Billy Crudup), a cop with an aspiring future. 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122731 After trying to stay on the straight path without any success, B-Boyz Chris inevitably descends back into a life of crime and puts Better Living Through Chemistry Frank in a tough predicament. Should he cover for his brother Akio Chen - Dir. Alice Wang and salvage the only family he has? Or should he do the right Chocolate, a fast rising B-Boy dance star wins the biggest Olivia Wilde, , Sam thing and risk destroying everything he loves? contest of his life, but his dreams are shattered by a horrific car accident. While recovering, his only hope comes from a Rockwell Crime, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 128min. mysterious beautiful dancer, Ally. She helps both his mental stars as Doug Varney, a small town pharmacist Lionsgate 24.06.2014 and physical wounds heal, but when she gets mixed up with with an overbearing wife (Michelle Monaghan) and an 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122698 his old nemesis, Pacman, he must risk it all - by taking on the uneventful life running the drugstore he bought from his mob, save her and then regain his title as the top dancer insufferable father-in-law. Following a chance encounter with again! a lonely trophy wife (Olivia Wilde), Doug embarks on an Blood Ties (DVD + UltraViolet) exhilarating drug-and-alcohol-fuelled affair with the most Comedy, Drama, Movies 84min. glamorous woman he has ever met. Take a walk on the wild Marion Cotillard, Mila Kunis, Zoe Saldana, Indican Pictures 18.02.2014 side in this murderously funny dark comedy which also stars Clive Owen, Billy Crudup, Lili Taylor, James tba BestellNr.: 40122629 Ray Liotta and Jane Fonda. Caan - Dir. Guillaume Canet Comedy, Drama, Movies 2014 92min. New York, 1974: Chris (Clive Owen) is released from prison. Beauty And The Briefcase / Teen Universal Studios 15.04.2014 Reluctantly waiting for him on the outside is his younger 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122588 brother Frank (Billy Crudup), a cop with an aspiring future. Spirit (Double Feature) After trying to stay on the straight path without any success, Chris Zylka, Lindsey Shaw, Cassie Scerbo, Chris inevitably descends back into a life of crime and puts Better Living Through Chemistry Frank in a tough predicament. Should he cover for his brother Michael McMillian, Chris Carmack, Hilary and salvage the only family he has? Or should he do the right Duff - Dir. Gil Junger (Blu-ray + Digital Copy + thing and risk destroying everything he loves? Comedy, Double Features, Drama, Family, UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Crime, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 128min. High School, Movies 2011 168min. Olivia Wilde, Michelle Monaghan, Sam Lionsgate 24.06.2014 Image Ent. 10.06.2014 Rockwell 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122692 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122736 Sam Rockwell stars as Doug Varney, a small town pharmacist with an overbearing wife (Michelle Monaghan) and an Bloodmarsh Krackoon uneventful life running the drugstore he bought from his Beneath (Blu-ray) insufferable father-in-law. Following a chance encounter with Urban legend claims a vicious crack-addicted raccoon a lonely trophy wife (Olivia Wilde), Doug embarks on an nicknamed ‘Red Eye’ was behind a series of gruesome Griffin Newman, Jonny Orsini, Daniel exhilarating drug-and-alcohol-fuelled affair with the most murders in Bronx neighborhood Locust Point. Politically Zovatto, Bonnie Dennison, Chris Conroy, glamorous woman he has ever met. Take a walk on the wild ambitious Deputy Mayor Peter Rabbit sees an opportunity to side in this murderously funny dark comedy which also stars advance his career, and enlists his cousin and best friend to Mackenzie Rosman, Mark Margolis - Dir. capture the mutant creature - unaware that two more Larry Fessenden Ray Liotta and Jane Fonda. Comedy, Drama, Movies 2014 92min. bloodthirsty „“krackoons““ are lurking in the shadows... When a group of young friends commemorating their high Comedy, Horror, Movies 90min. Universal Studios 15.04.2014 school graduation take a trip to the remote Black Lake, their Music Video Distribution 20.05.2014 celebration turns into a nightmare. Trapped in a leaking boat 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122597 with no oars, the teens face the ultimate test of friendship and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122534 sacrifice during a terror-stricken fight for survival when they find something is living beneath the surface. Daniel Zovatto The Birdcage (Blu-ray) (Innocence), Bonnie Dennison (Stake Land, Third Watch), Blue Movie Chris Conroy (Sorority Row) and Mark Margolis (Breaking Robin Williams, Calista Flockhart, Dianne Touching upon art, trauma, madness and sexual perversion Bad) star in this highly suspenseful and bloody thriller. Wiest, Nathan Lane, Gene Hackman - Dir. Blue Movie is one of the most obscure of the many late 70s Horror, Monsters, Movies, Thrillers 2013 Mike Nichols Italian genre films, the film centers around Silvia (Dirce 90min. Robin Williams and Nathan Lane team up with a top-notch Funari) who has suffered an attempted rape. She escapes the cast in this hilarious comedy. Williams delivers an uproarious attack and is rescued by Claudio (Claude Maran), a Shout Factory 25.03.2014 performance as Armand, a gay cabaret owner whose son photographer who takes her under his wing. Claudio is 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122676 announces he’s marrying the daughter of a right-wing obsessed by war images that tell of death, devastation and politician (Gene Hackman). It’s an outrageously funny culture pain. While working with a supermodel, Daniela (Danielle clash as Armand and his drag-queen partner Albert (Lane) try Dugas), it appears that their relationship is bordering sado- Beneath (DVD + Digital Copy) to transform themselves into straight shooters at a dinner masochistic. Things slowly build, with a fair dose of nudity party and pull the chiffon over the eyes of the uptight senator and perversion. Observing all this as best she can Silvia Griffin Newman, Jonny Orsini, Daniel begins to fall in love with Claudio, however she struggles to Zovatto, Bonnie Dennison, Chris Conroy, and his wife (Dianne Wiest). Comedy, Movies 119min. discern between reality and her traumatic past, especially Mackenzie Rosman, Mark Margolis - Dir. while Daniela, who is locked in a room, regresses to an 20th Century Fox 03.06.2014 Larry Fessenden almost bestial dimension. When a group of young friends commemorating their high 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122468 Drama, Erotica, Foreign, Italian, Movies, school graduation take a trip to the remote Black Lake, their Romance 1973 84min. celebration turns into a nightmare. Trapped in a leaking boat The Birds (Blu-ray + Digital Copy Kino Video 27.05.2014 with no oars, the teens face the ultimate test of friendship and 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122378 sacrifice during a terror-stricken fight for survival when they + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) find something is living beneath the surface. Daniel Zovatto Suzanne Pleshette, Rod Taylor, Tippi (Innocence), Bonnie Dennison (Stake Land, Third Watch), Book Of The Dead: The Chris Conroy (Sorority Row) and Mark Margolis (Breaking Hedren, Jessica Tandy - Dir. Alfred Bad) star in this highly suspenseful and bloody thriller. Hitchcock Eschatrilogy Horror, Monsters, Movies, Thrillers 2013 Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds is an unforgettable masterpiece Fantasy, Horror, Movies 94min. 90min. that is considered one of the most terrifying films from the Master of Suspense. When beautiful, blonde Melanie Daniels Millennium Entertainment 20.05.2014 Shout Factory 25.03.2014 (Tippi Hedren) travels to Bodega Bay in pursuit of eligible 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122651

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Tipton), foils the suicide effort of a mysterious young lady, devices as he travels the world to help unearth the missing Beth (Elizabeth Rice), who proceeds to make him pay for not relics. Caught between a monster payday and the restoration Brawl (DVD + UltraViolet) minding his own business. If a girl falls, do you help her up, of China’s past, Hawk jumps into battle, using his death- Jakkrit Kanokpodjananon, Jawed El Berni, dust her off and send her on her way? Or do you help her up, defying skills to help thwart Lawrence’s destructive plans, dust her off and invite her home for dinner? while hoping to secure the remaining bronze heads before it’s David Ismalone - Dir. Julauck Ismalone too late. A former boxer, Mike, moves to Thailand to start a new life Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance 93min. when he is robbed and left with nothing...until he meets Yo, a Breaking Glass Pictures 27.05.2014 Action, Adventure, Comedy, Arts, skilled boxer, and his beautiful wife. The new 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122528 Movies 2012 109min. friends soon enter an underground fight club called „Fighting Universal Studios 25.03.2014 Fish“ in order to make the money they desperately need to 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122750 survive, but in this dangerous world, losing is not an option. The Chambermaids Action, Foreign, Martial Arts, Mixed Martial Eric Edwards, Valerie Marron, Mary Stuart Arts, Movies, Thai 2012 92min. Mary Ellen and Sally, two lovely maids at a local hotel, are Chlorine Lionsgate 10.06.2014 tired of their boring, dead-end cleaning jobs. To liven up their Kyra Sedgwick, Tom Sizemore - Dir. Jay work, these two horny honeys decide to give the guests a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122689 little extra „room service.“ When some honeymooners and Alaimo businessmen arrive, the humping and bumping gets even hotter Comedy, Drama, Movies 107min. The Break-Up (Blu-ray + Digital for our heroines as the night goes on. In the morning, will they Millennium Entertainment 13.05.2014 decide to keep their jobs after all? The amateurish 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122648 Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) camerawork, microphone shadows, elevator music, terribly Vince Vaughn, Jennifer Aniston, Judy Da- recorded sound and „you are there“ extreme sex close-ups, will bring you back to the days when adult films were cheap Agatha Christie’s Poirot: Series vis, Justin Long, Jason Bateman, John and fast and VERY sleazy. Re-mastered from a scratchy, Michael Higgins, Cole Hauser, Joey Lauren barely surviving, theatrical print, The Chambermaids is a 12 (Blu-ray) Adams, Jon Favreau - Dir. Peyton Reed steamy slice of 70’s sex cinema that will have you cleaning up Agatha Christie’s beloved Belgian detective returns in these your own room after you watch it! four feature-length mysteries from the hit series. Set amid the Comedy, Movies, Rocky Relationships, Erotica, Movies 1974 72min. unparalleled elegance of the Art Deco era, these beautifully Romance, Sexy Comedies 2006 107min. Impulse Pictures 06.05.2014 remastered adaptations star David Suchet as the peerless Universal Studios 03.06.2014 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122498 Hercule Poirot. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122598 British, Foreign, International TV, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Television 371min. Cheap Thrills Bridget Jones: The Edge Of Acorn Media 06.05.2014 David Koechner, Pat Healy, Sara Paxton, 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122405 Reason (Blu-ray + Digital Copy + Ethan Embry UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Compliance meets Saw in this darkly comedic horror masterpiece A Christmas Snow Renee Zellweger, Hugh Grant, Colin Firth, Comedy, Dark Comedy, Horror, Movies, For Kathleen, Christmas has always been a reminder of her Gemma Jones, Jim Broadbent - Dir. Beeban father’s abandonment 30 years ago. In the days leading up to Thrillers 2013 min. Christmas a blizzard traps her in her home with two unlikely Kidron Cinedigm 27.05.2014 roommates that bring her face to face with her memories of the Renee Zellweger is back as everyone’s favorite witty heroine 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122392 past. Will she let go and take hold of a life changing in Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason. Not that Bridget’s forgiveness or continue to be haunted by the past? counting, but it’s been six wonderful weeks, four fabulous Drama, Family, Movies 111min. days and seven precious hours with one flawless boyfriend, Cheap Thrills (Blu-ray) Mark Darcy (Colin Firth). But when mischievous and Team Marketing 01.09.2010 devilishly charming Daniel Cleaver (Hugh Grant) arrives on David Koechner, Pat Healy, Sara Paxton, tba BestellNr.: 40122466 the scene claiming to be a reformed man, can Bridget find a Ethan Embry way to make true love last forever? It’s the „absolutely Compliance meets Saw in this darkly comedic horror hilarious“ (Jim Ferguson, ABC-TV) romantic comedy that masterpiece Claire proves there’s nothing like love to send you over the edge. Comedy, Dark Comedy, Horror, Movies, Aidan Bristow Affairs & Love Triangles, Blu-ray, Book-To- Thrillers 2013 min. High school football hero Jack couldnt care less when Film, British, Comedy, Movies, Romance Cinedigm 27.05.2014 unknown classmate Claire was killed by a drunk driver. After 2004 108min. her death, clues indicate she may have had a secret crush on 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122413 him. Jack’s newfound interest sparks issues within his own Universal Studios 03.06.2014 social circle as he uncovers „friends“ who had wronged her 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122599 in the past. His own life and sanity spiral out of control as The Chef, The Actor, The curiosity turns to obsession. Did Jack play an unwitting role Brightest Star Scoundrel in Claire’s death? During Second Sino-Japanese War, China suffered from Drama, High School, Movies 98min. Clark Gregg cholera outbreak because Japanese uses it as an biological Monarch Home Video 27.05.2014 Drama, Movies 97min. weapon. Four Chinese agents captures a Japanese scientist 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122634 Millennium Entertainment 06.05.2014 and his bodyguard and interrogate them by Chinese opera in 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122645 order to get the vaccine formula. Chinese, Drama, Foreign, Movies, War Classic Drama Collection 108min. Andrew Lincoln, Patricia Hodge, Mark Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre Well Go USA 24.06.2014 Strong, Ciaran Hinds, Samantha Morton, Ciaran Hinds, Samantha Morton, Gemma 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122444 Gemma Jones, Tara Fitzgerald, Kate Jones - Dir. Robert Young Beckinsale, Kenneth Branagh, Nigel Havers Oscar nominee Samantha Morton (In America) stars in this gripping adaptation of Charlotte Bronte’s gothic romance The Chef, The Actor, The - Dir. Robert Young, Diarmuid Lawrence, about a young governess who uncovers dark secrets at an Scoundrel (Blu-ray) Peter Hammond, Tim Fywell, Julian Amyes elegant English estate. Orphaned as a child, a determined A stolen kiss on the windswept moors a glorious country Jane Eyre struggles through hardship and brutality to gain an During Second Sino-Japanese War, China suffered from house hiding terrible secrets - the witty banter that masks education. Hungry for adventure, she takes a job as a cholera outbreak because Japanese uses it as an biological unspoken passion. Be transported to the romantic eras of governess at the sprawling Thornfield Hall, where the master weapon. Four Chinese agents captures a Japanese scientist Bronte, Austen, and more with this lush collection of award- is the harsh, enigmatic Mr. Rochester (Ciaran Hinds, Game of and his bodyguard and interrogate them by Chinese opera in winning dramas starring acclaimed actors. Films Include Jane Thrones). Despite his brooding ways, Jane finds herself order to get the vaccine formula. Austen’s Emma Beautiful, rich, and infuriating Emma falling in love - but something stalks the halls of Thornfield Chinese, Drama, Foreign, Movies, War Woodhouse (Kate Beckinsale, Underworld) meddles in that threatens to destroy any happiness they might find 108min. other’s romantic lives with unexpected results. Charlotte together. Morton mesmerizes as Bronte’s passionate, strong- Bronte’s Jane Eyre A prim and principled governess willed heroine, and Hinds gives a commanding performance as Well Go USA 24.06.2014 (Samantha Morton, In America) falls in love with her brooding, Rochester in this satisfying adaptation of the timeless novel. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122452 mysterious employer (Ciaran Hinds, Game of Thrones). The Drama, Movies, Romance 1997 112min. Woman In White A disturbed woman holds a secret that could imperil the lives of two sisters. Starring Tara Fitzgerald Acorn Media 24.06.2014 Chinese Zodiac (Brassed Off), Justine Waddell (Tess of the D’Urbervilles), 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122742 Caitlin Dechelle, Rosario Amedeo, Alaa and Andrew Lincoln (The Walking Dead). The Lady’s Not For Burning A beautiful woman accused of witchcraft (Cherie Safi, Liao Fan, Laura Weissbecker, Zhang Lunghi, Horatio Hornblower) and a world-weary drifter Buttwhistle Lanxin, Kwone Sang Woo, Xingtong Yao, (Kenneth Branagh, Wallander) are thrown together before Analeigh Tipton, Adhir Kalyan , Trevor Qi Shu, Jackie Chan - Dir. Jackie Chan their executions. The Death Of The Heart In 1930s London, an Morgan, Thomas Jane Jackie Chan stars as Asian Hawk, a master adventurer awkward 16-year-old strug Good catch? Ogden Confer (Trevor Morgan) lost a girl. tasked with retrieving lost bronze heads, originally a part of British, Drama, Foreign, Movies, Romance Buttwhistle (Trevor Morgan) found a girl. A cautionary tale an ancient Chinese collection of zodiac busts. While wealthy 1997 533min. about Ogden Confer, a community college student who, while entrepreneur Lawrence (Oliver Platt) dangles an enormous Acorn Media 24.06.2014 dealing with the recent loss of his best pal, Rose (Analeigh reward for such a find, Hawk deploys his array of high tech

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120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122743 Covert Affairs: Season Four Bela Lugosi While filming the closing scene of „The Death Kiss“, leading Christopher Gorham, Kari Matchett, Piper man Myles Brent is actually killed. Having played around Classic TV Beginnings: Combat! Perabo, Peter Gallagher with, or been married to, most of the women connected with Rick Jason, Vic Morrow, Harry Dean Danger, scandal and smoking guns are no match for the movie studio, there are lots of suspects. When leading resourceful CIA operative Annie Walker (Piper Perabo), who lady Marcia Lane is arrested for the killing, her suiter, a Stanton, Ted Knight - Dir. Robert Altman, proves herself as astute as ever in season four of Covert studio writer, starts to investigate the killing in order to prove Burt Kennedy Affairs. When Annie and Auggie (Christopher Gorham), her her innocence. Action, Adventure, Classics, Drama, Televi- blind lover and colleague, mix business with pleasure on a Comedy, Crime, Drama, Movies, Murder trip to Colombia, they ruffle the feathers of local CIA station sion, War, World War II 1962 500min. chief Michaels (Hill Harper), whose seemingly Mysteries, Romance, Thrillers 1932 75min. Image Ent. 10.06.2014 fleeting allegiance has major implications for the future of the Kino Video 13.05.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122724 Domestic Protection Division. Complicating matters, Arthur 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122371 (Peter Gallagher) reveals a „covert affair“ of his own, while Henry’s () ulterior motives are brought to light. Classic TV Beginnings: Dick Van Venture across South America, Europe, and Asia with Annie The Death Kiss (Blu-ray) Dyke Show in all 16 thrilling episodes, back-to-back and uninterrupted. Bela Lugosi Action, Crime, Drama, Independent Women, While filming the closing scene of „The Death Kiss“, leading Rose Marie, Morey Amsterdam, Mary Tyler Mystery, Spies & Secret Agents, Television, man Myles Brent is actually killed. Having played around Moore, Dick Van Dyke - Dir. Robert Butler Thrillers, USA Network 2012 169min. with, or been married to, most of the women connected with Classics, Comedy, Television 1961 250min. the movie studio, there are lots of suspects. When leading Universal Studios 27.05.2014 lady Marcia Lane is arrested for the killing, her suiter, a Image Ent. 10.06.2014 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122668 studio writer, starts to investigate the killing in order to prove 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122732 her innocence. Daddy’s Little Girl Comedy, Crime, Drama, Movies, Murder Classic TV Beginnings: Twilight After the police find Derek’s daughter brutally murdered on Mysteries, Romance, Thrillers 1932 75min. Zone the beach, he vows to make the culprit suffer for his actions, Kino Video 13.05.2014 even if that person is ‘part of the family.’ With careful 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122408 Classics, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, research into the history of torture, Derek prepares himself Science Fiction, Supernatural & and his basement for a week of brutal tactics that will make Paranormal, Television, Thrillers 1959 his daughter’s killer feel the pain that he has inflicted upon so Death Occurred Last Night many others. In a time when stranger danger is ever present, An astute mix of classic Italian crime and giallo, 250min. a single father learns that it’s the ones you trust most who Tessaris Death Occurred Last Night is a dark slow burning Image Ent. 10.06.2014 have to be watched the closest. murder mystery. A mentally handicapped woman is kidnapped 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122733 Drama, Horror, Movies, Thrillers, Torture and sold into sexual slavery, sending her distressed father 103min. and a jaded police detective on the hunt for clues in Milans Breaking Glass Pictures 13.05.2014 underworld. Tessari (The Bloodstained Butterfly) keeps a Cold Turkey tight rein on the action, focusing on the characters and their 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122527 collective desire for justice and revenge. An unforgettable, Wilson Bethel, Sonya Walger, Cheryl Hines, disturbing and fascinating thriller. Ashton Holmes, Alicia Witt, Peter DCI Banks: Season 1 Crime, Movies, Thrillers 1970 98min. Bogdanovich Kino Video 06.05.2014 Jack Deam, Andrea Lowe, Lorraine Thanksgiving get-together for the eccentric Turner clan, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122370 presided over by eminent scholar and patriarch, POPPY Burroughs, Charlotte Riley, Stephen (Peter Bogdanovich), turns into a disastrous holiday weekend Tompkinson - Dir. James Hawes when black sheep daughter NINA (Alicia Witt) pays her first Death Occurred Last Night (Blu- visit home in 15 years. Nina immediately clashes with Based on the bestselling Inspector Banks novels by Peter stepmother, DEBORAH (Cheryl Hines), and competes with Robinson, DCI Banks follows the tenacious Detective Chief ray) Inspector Alan Banks (Stephen Tompkinson, Ballykissangel) her siblings (Ashton Holmes and Sonya Walger) for Poppy’s An astute mix of classic Italian crime and giallo, Duccio affection and money. Over three days, the family gradually and his headstrong partner Annie Cabbott (Andrea Lowe, The Tudors) as they attempt to solve three gruesome crimes. Fire Tessaris Death Occurred Last Night is a dark slow burning disintegrates over who will get Poppy’s money, only to murder mystery. A mentally handicapped woman is kidnapped discover Poppy has his own bad news to share. Cold Turkey engulfs two canal boats in a deliberate act of arson over a million-dollar painting; a woman is found dead on the moors and sold into sexual slavery, sending her distressed father is about what happens when you set a match to a powder keg. and a jaded police detective on the hunt for clues in Milans Its about honesty. Its about love. Its about trying your best. with her throat slashed in a case eerily close to the murder of a young girl in the center of town; and Chief Superintendent underworld. Tessari (The Bloodstained Butterfly) keeps a Ultimately, its about the kind of emotional terrorism that only tight rein on the action, focusing on the characters and their families can inflict upon one another. Rydell recruits Banks to find his missing teenage daughter. Shocking twists and turns and stunning revelations await the collective desire for justice and revenge. An unforgettable, Comedy, Drama, Movies 2014 84min. unlikely duo on their path to set things right. disturbing and fascinating thriller. Virgil Films And Entertainment 27.05.2014 BBC, British, Cops, Crime, Detectives, Dra- 1970 98min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122472 ma, Foreign, Television 270min. Kino Video 06.05.2014 BBC Home Video 03.09.2013 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122407 Compound Fracture tba BestellNr.: 40122603 Derek Mears, Tyler Mane, Muse Watson Demonic Toys (Blu-ray) Horror, Movies, Thrillers 90min. Dead End Tracy Scoggins, Tim Thomerson - Dir. Al- Millennium Entertainment 13.05.2014 Humphrey Bogart, Joel McCrea, Sylvia bert Pyun, Charles Band, Peter Manoogian 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122649 They’re cute and cuddly by day, lethal demons by night. Sidney, Wendy Barrie, Allen Jenkins, Claire Ruthless killing machines come alive for just one Trevor - Dir. William Wyler purpose...death. And for five adults in an abandoned Countess (Blu-ray + DVD Classics, Drama, Movies, Music 1937 warehouse, every child’s worst nightmare has become a deadly reality... While on a stakeout, Judith Gray (Tracy Combo) (Blu-ray) 93min. Scoggins), a beautiful, tough cop, is trapped inside a Ingrid Pitt, Nigel Green - Dir. Peter Sasdy Warner Bros. 15.07.2014 warehouse full of toys. But these are no ordinary play-things The beautiful Ingrid Pitt (The Wicker Man, Where Eagles 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122605 - they have been awakened to murderous life by a strange Dare) stars as Elisabeth Nadasdy, an aging Hungarian child of darkness, „The Kid“ (Daniel Cerny). Each toy feeds Countess who discovers she can reverse her aging by on blood: Jack Attack heads straight for the throat; Grizzly bathing in the blood of young women. While in her youthful Death in Paradise: Season One Teddy is not afraid to show its claws; and Baby Oopsie Daisy state, the Countess falls for the handsome Lt. Imre Toth Quintessentially British cop Richard Poole (Ben Miller, is truly to die for. Now it’s up to Gray and a passing delivery (Sandor Eles), and impersonates her own daughter to win his Primeval) is a fish out of water when he is sent to the tiny boy, Mark Wayne (Bentley Mitchum), to stop the deadly, affections. Soon, girls in the village go missing?- kidnapped island of Saint Marie to solve a mysterious murder. Poole Demonic Toys! and murdered by the Countess and her steward, Julie (Pati- encounters a very different type of policing at his new post Comedy, Fantasy, Horror, Movies 1992 ence Collier) to satiate her horrifying bloodlust. Can Elisa- that challenges his more buttoned-up sensibility. His new 86min. beth live a life of deception with her grotesque lust for blood partner, Camille Bordey (Sara , Paris, je taime), is to stay eternally young, or will her ghoulish secret finally be instinctive, feisty and brilliant, and the rest of the Saint Marie Full Moon 28.01.2014 revealed? Co-starring Nigel Green (Jason and the Argonauts, police force certainly have their own unique way of doing 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122730 Zulu). Considered one of the more underrated films from the things. Though Richard would never admit it, they make a latter days of the Hammer Films dynasty (Donald Guarisco, perfect team. With a new mind-boggling mystery to solve in Allmovie.com), Countess Dracula is based on the real-life every episode, Death in Paradise will intrigue and tantalize. Dennis The Menace: Volume One Hungarian Countess Elizabeth Bathory, a woman accused of BBC, British, Cops, Crime, Drama, Foreign, Gloria Henry, Joseph Kearns, Billy Booth, torturing and murdering more than 600 girls. Mystery, Television 466min. Jay North, Herbert Anderson Erotica, Horror, Movies, Vampires 1971 BBC Home Video 17.06.2014 Based on Hank Ketcham’s popular comic-strip, this animated 93min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122606 series became a staple in countless households throughout Synapse Films 06.05.2014 the mid-80s. Now you can relive all the mischief, adventure 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122590 and hilarious havoc that made Dennis the most lovable The Death Kiss troublemaker around. With the help of his precocious pals and his shaggy dog Ruff, Dennis uses his curiosity and

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 60 Newsletter 03/14 (Nr. 338) April 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA imagination to keep his pleasant Midwestern neighborhood in BBC, British, Foreign, International TV, Criterion Collection (Blu-ray + a constant state of confusion and chaos. Packed with hilarity Science Fiction, Television, Time Travel and nostalgia, this 33 episode collection is sure to wrangle in DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) 330min. menaces of all ages! Alain Delon, Francisco Rabal, Monica Vitti - Classics, Comedy, Family, Television 1959 BBC Home Video 10.06.2014 Dir. Antonioni 487min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122607 The conclusion of Michelangelo Antonioni’s informal trilogy Mill Creek Entertainment 11.03.2014 on modern malaise, L’Eclisse (The Eclipse) tells the story of 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122695 Doctor Who: Series Two - Part 2 a young woman (Monica Vitti) who leaves one lover (Francis- co Rabal) only to drift into a relationship with another (Alain Billie Piper, David Tennant Delon). Using the architecture of Rome as a backdrop for the The Devil Inside David Tennant (Broadchurch, Harry Potter and the Goblet of couple’s doomed affair, Antonioni reaches the apotheosis of Fire) continues his triumphant reign as the Tenth Doctor in his modernist style. returning to his favorite themes: , Evan Helmuth, Simon part two of the second series of the re-booted Doctor Who! alienation and the difficulty of finding connections in an Quarterman - Dir. Watch as the TARDIS is nearly pulled into a black hole and increasingly mechanized world. In 1989, emergency responders received a 9-1-1 call from the Doctor must defend earth against the Cybermen, Daleks Art House, Blu-ray, Classics, Criterion Maria Rossi confessing to three brutal murders. The courts and other fearsome forces. With thrills, heartbreak, and found her insane - but something else found her first. Twenty terrifying monsters around every corner, Doctor Who never Collection, Foreign, Italian, Movies, Special years later, her daughter Isabella’s search for answers led to fails to deliver! Editions 1962 125min. an exorcism by two rogue priests revealing that her mother is BBC, British, Foreign, International TV, Criterion 10.06.2014 possessed by four powerful demons. Now, Isabella must face pure evil or forsake her soul. Discover why The Devil Inside Science Fiction, Television, Time Travel 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122640 is the movie critics call „riveting“ and „terrifying.“ Joel D. 315min. Amos, Movie Fanatic Warner Bros. 13.05.2014 Eden And After Devils And Demons, Horror, Movies, Pos- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122488 From the darkly erotic imagination of Alain Robbe-Grillet session, Supernatural & Paranormal, Thril- comes a dreamlike fable in which a group of decadent French lers 2012 83min. Easy Money: Life Deluxe students are drawn into the psychological and sexual games Warner Bros. 01.01.2013 of a mysterious Dutchman (Pierre Zimmer). Once they imbibe Joel Kinnaman his „fear powder,“ the students experience a series of 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122487 JW (Joel Kinnaman, The Killing) now lives in exile and is hallucinatory episodes: ruminations on death, explorations of more determined than ever to find out what happened to his sexual curiosity, and striking tableaux of sadomasochistic Devil’s Knot missing sister Camilla. Every trace leads him to the world of fantasy. This special edition includes an interview with organized crime in Stockholm. Jorge is about to do his last writer/director Robbe-Grillet, and a complete alternate cut of Mireille Enos, Dane DeHaan, Amy Ryan, score, the largest robbery in Swedish history. But during the the film, entitled N. THROWS THE DICE. Stephen Moyer, Colin Firth, Alessandro complicated preparations he meets a woman from his past, Drama, Erotica, Foreign, French, Movies, Nadja. Martin Hagerstrom is chosen to go undercover into the Thrillers 1970 93min. Nivola, Reese Witherspoon - Dir. Atom Serbian mafia, in order to get its notorious boss Radovan Egoyan Krajnic behind bars. When an assassination attempt is made Kino Video 27.05.2014 Academy Award winners Colin Firth (The King’s Speech, on Radovan, his daughter Natalie is pulled into the power 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122375 2010) and Reese Witherspoon (Walk the Line, 2005) lead an struggle within the Serbian mafia. all-star cast in this gripping, heart-wrenching true story that Crime, Drama, Foreign, Movies, Swiss, shocked the nation. May 5, 1993. West Memphis, Arkansas. Eden And After (Blu-ray) Three young boys playing in the nearby woods never come Thrillers 127min. From the darkly erotic imagination of Alain Robbe-Grillet home for dinner. In the rush to find and convict the killers, Cinedigm 13.05.2014 comes a dreamlike fable in which a group of decadent French police focus on a trio of teenagers suspected of devil 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122399 students are drawn into the psychological and sexual games worship. As the mother of one of the murdered boys of a mysterious Dutchman (Pierre Zimmer). Once they imbibe (Witherspoon) tries to come to grips with this unspeakable his „fear powder,“ the students experience a series of tragedy, she is desperate to believe that the killers have been Ebirah, Horror Of The Deep hallucinatory episodes: ruminations on death, explorations of found and will be brought to justice. It is only when an When Ryota’s brother Yata disappears at sea, the intrepid sexual curiosity, and striking tableaux of sadomasochistic investigator (Firth) reveals that the evidence doesn’t all add youth and his friends join forces with a slightly trustworthy fantasy. This special edition includes an interview with up, that the community is forced to face the reality that the true bank robber, steal a boat and go after him! Of course, there’s writer/director Robbe-Grillet, and a complete alternate cut of killer might still be out there. the little problem that Yata may be lost on a mysterious island the film, entitled N. THROWS THE DICE. Crime, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2013 where the evil terrorist organization Red Bamboo has Erotica, Foreign, French, Movies, Romance, 114min. enslaved natives to make heavy water for nefarious purposes. Thrillers 1970 93min. And that means dealing with the island’s monstrous, 164 feet Image Ent. 10.06.2014 tall guardian Ebirah, as well as Red Bamboo’s arsenal of Kino Video 27.05.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122735 super advanced weaponry. On the plus side, help may be at 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122410 hand in the form of a nubile island girl, two tiny fairies, their giant protector Mothra and the big G himself, the mighty Devil’s Knot (Blu-ray + DVD Com- Godzilla. Surviving the results of all that „assistance“ may not Endless Love (Blu-ray + DVD + bo) (Blu-ray) be guaranteed, but Red Bamboo will never want to tangle with Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) teenagers AND Godzilla at the same time again! Take a South Mireille Enos, Dane DeHaan, Amy Ryan, Seas cruise to non-stop mayhem and giant monster destruction Alex Pettyfer, Bruce Greenwood - Dir. Stephen Moyer, Colin Firth, Alessandro with Ebirah - Horror Of The Deep! Shana Feste Nivola, Reese Witherspoon - Dir. Atom Action, Foreign, Giant Monsters!, When beautiful Jade (Gabriella Wilde) meets charismatic Japanese, Movies 88min. David (Alex Pettyfer), her sheltered world of privilege is Egoyan turned upside down as the pair’s instant desire sparks a Academy Award winners Colin Firth (The King’s Speech, Section23 Films 06.05.2014 reckless summer love affair. While Jade leaves behind her 2010) and Reese Witherspoon (Walk the Line, 2005) lead an 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122586 inhibitions and innocence as she falls for David, he works to all-star cast in this gripping, heart-wrenching true story that prove himself worthy of her love. But when David’s shocked the nation. May 5, 1993. West Memphis, Arkansas. mysterious past and Jade’s overprotective father threaten to Three young boys playing in the nearby woods never come Ebirah, Horror Of The Deep (Blu- tear them apart, their romance will be put to the ultimate test. home for dinner. In the rush to find and convict the killers, police focus on a trio of teenagers suspected of devil ray) Drama, Movies, Romance 2014 105min. worship. As the mother of one of the murdered boys When Ryota’s brother Yata disappears at sea, the intrepid Universal Studios 27.05.2014 (Witherspoon) tries to come to grips with this unspeakable youth and his friends join forces with a slightly trustworthy 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122663 tragedy, she is desperate to believe that the killers have been bank robber, steal a boat and go after him! Of course, there’s found and will be brought to justice. It is only when an the little problem that Yata may be lost on a mysterious island investigator (Firth) reveals that the evidence doesn’t all add where the evil terrorist organization Red Bamboo has Enemy (DVD + Digital Copy + up, that the community is forced to face the reality that the true enslaved natives to make heavy water for nefarious purposes. killer might still be out there. And that means dealing with the island’s monstrous, 164 feet UltraViolet) Crime, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2013 tall guardian Ebirah, as well as Red Bamboo’s arsenal of Melanie Laurent, Sarah Gadon, Jake super advanced weaponry. On the plus side, help may be at 114min. hand in the form of a nubile island girl, two tiny fairies, their Gyllenhaal, Isabella Rossellini - Dir. Denis Image Ent. 10.06.2014 giant protector Mothra and the big G himself, the mighty Villeneuve 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122747 Godzilla. Surviving the results of all that „assistance“ may not Jake Gyllenhaal stars as Adam Bell, a glum, disheveled be guaranteed, but Red Bamboo will never want to tangle with history professor who seems disinterested even in his teenagers AND Godzilla at the same time again! Take a South beautiful girlfriend Mary (Melanie Laurent). Watching a movie Doctor Who: Series Three - Part 1 Seas cruise to non-stop mayhem and giant monster destruction on the recommendation of a colleague, Adam spots his double, with Ebirah - Horror Of The Deep! a bit-part actor named Anthony St. Clair, and decides to track Billie Piper, David Tennant him down. The identical men meet and their lives become Series Three of Doctor Who sees Tenth Doctor David Action, Blu-ray, Foreign, Giant Monsters!, Japanese, Movies 88min. bizarrely and irrevocably intertwined. Tennant (Broadchurch, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire) Action, Movies, Murder Mysteries, Thrillers unite with a new companion, Martha Jones (Freema Agyeman, Section23 Films 06.05.2014 2013 90min. Law and Order UK, ) to fight against fearsome foes 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122591 both old and new. From an encounter with in Lionsgate 24.06.2014 Elizabethan England to a trip to New New York in the far 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122773 future to 1930s Manhattan suffering from an invasion by the L’Eclisse (The Eclipse): The evil Daleks, this set of episodes provides some of Doctor Who’s greatest adventures yet!

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Epic Stories Of Faith (Triple Fea- Family (4-Pack) supply operation in the peaceful community. Despite plenty of cash to fund the start-up, Sean isn’t sure that he can pull ture) (Blu-ray) Comedy, Family, Movies min. together a team of locals to do the dirty work. Mike naturally Starz / Anchor Bay 17.06.2014 sees himself in a key leadership role in the gang and both Van Heflin, Nehemiah Persoff, Charlton Mike and Sean see the need and benefit of having a high Heston, Martin Landau, Telly Savalas, John 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122476 school-aged member to infiltrate the school system from Wayne, Ava Gardner, Angela Lansbury, within. Mike entices his younger brother to check out an Family Fun (4-Pack) opportunity to make some serious money. Against his better George C. Scott, Richard Burton, Richard judgment, Brent agrees and ends up in the wrong place at the Harris, Michael Parks, Jean Simmons, Sal Comedy, Family, Movies min. Drama, Family, Movies 111min. Mineo, Carroll Baker, Jose Ferrer, Max Von Starz / Anchor Bay 17.06.2014 Team Marketing 20.02.2012 Sydow, , David McCallum, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122475 tba BestellNr.: 40122462 Gary Raymond, Richard Conte, Roddy McDowall, Victor Mature, John Huston, Fatal Attraction / Disclosure / A Fugitive At 17 Claude Rains, Shelley Winters, Dean Jag- Perfect Murder (Triple Feature) Marie Avgeropoulos, Christina Cox, Casper ger, Joseph Schildkraut, Victor Buono, Ed (Blu-ray) Van Dien Wynn, Janet Margolin, Michael Anderson, Holly Hamilton is a fearsomely independent teenage girl who Pat Boone, Paul Stewart, Dorothy McGuire, Michael Douglas is always willing to help out the people she cares about by Jay Robinson, Torin Thatcher, Stephen Drama, Femme Fatales, Love Gone Bad, often using her expert computer hacking skills - even if it Movies, On The Job, Revenge, Stalkers, means sometimes breaking the law. Against her better Boyd, Michael Rennie, Ina Balin, Joanna judgment, Holly agrees to attend a rave with her best friend Dunham, Ulla Bergryd, Donald Pleasence - Thrillers, Triple Feature 354min. Blake where she meets a mysterious older man and winds up Dir. George Stevens, John Huston, Henry Warner Bros. 15.10.2013 dead from an overdose. As Holly rushes to Blake’s aid, she, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122496 too, gets attacked. But because of her past and the evidence Koster they discover at the crime scene, the police believe she is Classics, Drama, Epics, Historical / Period responsible for Blake’s death. Now on the run with the cops Piece, Movies, Religion/Spirituality min. Flashpoint: The Complete Series on her trail, Holly makes it her mission to clear her name and 20th Century Fox 18.03.2014 Sergio Di Zio, Cle Bennett, David Paetkau, find the man who murdered her best friend. Action, Movies, Thrillers 2013 87min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122537 Enrico Colantoni, Hugh Dillon, Amy Jo MTI Home Video 20.05.2014 Johnson 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122522 Explosive Action (4-Pack) Action, Canadian, CBS, Crime, Drama, Foreign, International TV, Television, Thril- Action, Movies min. Game of Thrones: The Complete Starz / Anchor Bay 13.05.2014 lers 2012 min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122420 18.03.2014 First Season (Blu-ray + Digital 296,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122659 Copy) (Blu-ray) Explosive Action (4-Pack) (Blu- Alfie Allen, Michelle Fairley, Peter Dinklage, ray) Four of Hearts Aidan Gillen, Rory McCann, Harry Lloyd, Nadine Ellis, Darrin Dewitt Henson, Michelle Mark Addy, Lena Headey, Iain Glen, Sean Action, Blu-ray, Movies min. Krusiec, Gabriel Olds - Dir. Eric Haywood Bean, Richard Madden, Kit Harington, Emilia Starz / Anchor Bay 13.05.2014 Like many couples, April (Nadine Ellis) and Derrick (Darrin Clarke, Maisie Williams, Jack Gleeson, So- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122430 DeWitt Henson) feel like the spark is missing from their marriage. With the demands of work and their hectic phie Turner, Mark Huffam, Frank Doelger schedules, they find themselves in a six-month dry spell. Summers span decades. Winters can last a lifetime. And the Falling Skies: The Complete Desperate to shake up their love life and rekindle their struggle for the Iron Throne has begun. It will stretch from the Third Season passion for each other, they decide to share a steamy night south, where heat breeds plots, lusts and intrigues; to the with their free-spirited friends, Christy (Michelle Krusiec) vast and savage eastern lands; and all the way to the frozen Maxim Knight, Seychelle Gabriel, Drew and Matt (Gabriel Olds). Soon after, April and Derrick find north, where an 800-foot wall of ice protects the kingdom from Roy, Moon Bloodgood, Mpho Koaho, Colin themselves dealing with unexpected feelings and must find a the dark forces that lie beyond. Kings and queens, knights and way to let go of the mistrust and fall in love with each other all renegades, liars, lords, and honest men...all will play the , Noah Wyle, Will Patton over again. Game of Thrones. Available on a 3 Disc DVD and 2 Disc Blu-ray, the #1 hit TNT Adventure, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, Drama, series Falling Skies is back with all ten 44 minute episodes Affairs & Love Triangles, African from the series 3rd season, plus 3 hours of Special Features! Americans, Drama, Modern Urban Blues, Fantasy, HBO, Medieval Times, Royalty, Falling Skies season three opens seven months after the 2nd Movies, Rocky Relationships, Romance Swords & Sworcery, Television 561min. Mass arrived in Charleston. Tom (Noah Wyle) has been Warner Bros. 22.04.2014 elected as a political official of Charleston, but he has his 2013 99min. hands full as the resistance continues to battle the alien Image Ent. 17.06.2014 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122493 invaders. The newly formed alliance Tom formed with a new 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122737 alien race gains them their first real advantage in the war Game Of Thrones: The Complete against the invading Espheni. Action, Alien Invasions, Aliens, Science Frightmare (Blu-ray) Second Season (Blu-ray + Digital Fiction, Television, Thrillers 2012 440min. Gerald Flood, , Leo Genn, Copy) (Blu-ray) Warner Bros. 03.06.2014 Rupert Davies - Dir. Pete Walker Sibel Kekilli, Jerome Flynn, John Bradley, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122415 Throughout his career, director Pete Walker was no stranger to controversy, but his 1974 film Frightmare sparked a Peter Dinklage, Aidan Gillen, Rory McCann, firestorm of criticism from the protectors of public morals, who James Cosmo, Donald Sumpter, Lena Falling Skies: The Complete deemed it „despicable“ (London Observer). In spite of the Headey, Iain Glen, Charles Dance, Ron condemnation - or more likely, because of it - Frightmare has Third Season (Blu-ray + achieved almost legendary status in British horror history. Donachie, Michelle Fairley, Alfie Allen, Ultraviolet) (Blu-ray) Sheila Keith stars as a former patient of a mental institution, Conleth Hill, Richard Madden, Kit Harington, who has settled down in a remote farmhouse, where she tells Emilia Clarke, Maisie Williams, Jack Maxim Knight, Seychelle Gabriel, Drew fortunes in her spare time. But the kind, maternal exterior Gleeson, Sophie Turner Roy, Moon Bloodgood, Mpho Koaho, Colin conceals a dreadful monster, which the asylum, it seems, was unable to cure. Based on the bestselling book series by George R.R. Martin, Cunningham, Noah Wyle, Will Patton Game of Thrones is an epic drama set in the grounded fantasy Available on a 3 Disc DVD and 2 Disc Blu-ray, the #1 hit TNT British, Cannibalism, Euroshock, Foreign, continent of Westeros, where ambitious men and women of series Falling Skies is back with all ten 44 minute episodes Horror, Movies, Slasher 1974 86min. both honor and ill-repute live in a land where summers and from the series 3rd season, plus 3 hours of Special Features! Kino Video 18.03.2014 winters can last years. Season 2 plays out against the Falling Skies season three opens seven months after the 2nd backdrop of a fast-approaching winter the season of the white Mass arrived in Charleston. Tom (Noah Wyle) has been 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122592 raven. In King’s Landing, the coveted Iron Throne is occupied elected as a political official of Charleston, but he has his by cruel young Joffrey, counseled by his conniving mother hands full as the resistance continues to battle the alien The Frontier Boys Cersei and uncle Tyrion, who has been appointed Hand of the invaders. The newly formed alliance Tom formed with a new King. But the Lannister hold on the Throne is under assault on alien race gains them their first real advantage in the war Set in a small Northern town, The Frontier Boys many fronts. There’s Robb Stark, son of the slain Lord of against the invading Espheni. follows four high school sophomore boys who are living on Winterfell, Ned Stark, who seeks autonomy in the North and Action, Alien Invasions, Aliens, Blu-ray, top of the world. Best friends and classmates, T.J., Jed and has taken Cersei’s brother Jaime prisoner in battle; Daenerys Brent are all starting players for an undefeated varsity Targaryen, who looks to shore up her depleted power in the Science Fiction, Television, Thrillers 2012 basketball team joined by Jackson, their loudmouthed hyper- east through three newborn dragons; Stannis Baratheon, 440min. enthusiastic friend. All four share a history of companionship, eldest brother of the late King Robert, who rejects Joffrey’s Warner Bros. 03.06.2014 a notable nickname, and the confidence and exuberance of legitimacy and aligns with a powerful priestess to raise a youth. Their basketball season is shattered when Brent’s naval attack; and Stannis’ brother Renly, who has maintained 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122424 older brother Mike meets an Irish gang leader named Sean his own claim since fleeing King’s Landing. In th O’Sullivan, who is intent on setting up a rural meth lab and Adventure, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, Drama,

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Fantasy, HBO, Medieval Times, Royalty, Merman, Robert Strauss, Fred Clark, Taylor Jonas Kaufmann’s „tender lyricism“ and „fearless high notes“ created a „vocally splendid Faust“ in Tony Award winner Des Swords & Sworcery, Television 2012 Holmes, Sonny Tufts, Dan Dailey, Johnnie McAnuff’s „theatrically daring“ 2011 production for the Met 561min. Ray, Evelyn Keyes, Marguerite Chapman, (). Also including the „outstanding“ Rene Warner Bros. 22.04.2014 Victor Moore, George Winslow, Steven Pape (New York Daily News) and the „daring“ Marina Poplavskaya (Financial Times) and supported with „buoyancy 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122494 Geray, Tommy Noonan - Dir. Howard and French flair“ by star conductor Yannick Nezet-Seguin Hawks, Billy Wilder, Walter Lang, Jean (Wall Street Journal), McAnuff’s atomic-age vision of Game Of Thrones: The Complete Negulesco Gounod’s melodrama entertains and compels. Classical Music, Foreign, Italian, Movies, Third Season (Blu-ray + Digital Classics, Comedy, Drama, Movies, Music, Musical, Romance, Sexy Comedies 1953 Music, Opera 187min. Copy) (Blu-ray) 418min. Universal - Music 25.03.2014 Sibel Kekilli, Jerome Flynn, John Bradley, 20th Century Fox 01.04.2014 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122800 Peter Dinklage, Aidan Gillen, Rory McCann, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122772 James Cosmo, Donald Sumpter, Lena Graceland: Season One Headey, Iain Glen, Charles Dance, Ron Ghostquake Aaron Tveit, Daniel Sunjata Donachie, Michelle Fairley, Alfie Allen, Charisma Carpenter, Danny Trejo, M.C. From the creator of White Collar comes a gritty, tension-laced Conleth Hill, Richard Madden, Kit Harington, crime drama inspired by actual events featuring a hot young Gainey cast led by Daniel Sunjata and Aaron Tveit. It seems like a Emilia Clarke, Maisie Williams, Jack A group of students are trapped at school after a time capsule sweet deal when new FBI Agent Mike Warren’s (Tveit) first Gleeson, Sophie Turner from the 1950s is cracked open by an earthquake. The assignment lands him in a beautiful L.A. beachfront mansion In the third season of the hit HBO original series based on the students soon realize that ghostly spirits escaped from the with other young undercover government agents, including his bestselling book series A Song of Ice and Fire by George time capsule possessing the principal and three other idol, legendary FBI agent Paul Briggs (Sunjata). But loyalties R.R. Martin. This epic drama is set in the grounded fantasy teachers are tested and lives are put on the line when Warren is continent of Westeros, where ambitious men and women of Ghosts, Horror, Movies, Zombies 87min. ordered to secretly investigate Briggs in this action-packed both honor and ill-repute live in a land where summers and series that also stars Vanessa Ferlito, Manny Montana, winters can last years. In Season 3, family and loyalty will be MTI Home Video 27.05.2014 Serinda Swan and Brandon Jay McLaren. the overarching themes, and many critical plot points from the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122523 Action, Crime, Drama, Television 528min. first two seasons will come to a violent head, with several major characters meeting cruel fates. While a primary focus 20th Century Fox 03.06.2014 continues to be on King’s Landing, where the Lannisters The Golden Compass / Inkheart 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122704 barely held onto power after a savage naval onslaught from (Double Feature) Stannis Baratheon, stirrings in the North threaten to alter the overall balance of power in Westeros. Robb Stark, King of Andy Serkis, Paul Bettany, Sam Elliott, Ian The Green Hornet: 75th the North, will face a major calamity in his efforts to build on McShane, , Jim Broadbent, Anniversary Original Serials his victories over the Lannisters in Season 2, while further Daniel Craig, Kathy Bates, Brendan Fraser, north, Mance Rayder (new character) and his huge army of Collector’s Set Ian McKellen, Nicole Kidman, Sienna wildlings begin an inexorable south to scale the Wall. Wende Wagner, Van Williams, Walter Across the Narrow Sea, Daenerys Targaryen - reunited with Guillory, Eva Green, Freddie Highmore, Brooke, Lloyd Gough, her three deadly, fast-maturing dragon Eliza Hope Bennett, Dakota Blue Richards, Adventure, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, Drama, Action, Based On Comic Book, Boxed Sets, Rafi Gavron, Kristin Scott Thomas - Dir. Iain Fantasy, HBO, Medieval Times, Royalty, Classics, Cult Film / TV, Martial Arts, Softley, Chris Weitz Swords & Sworcery, Television 2012 It’s every adventure fan’s dream as Nicole Kidman and Daniel Movies min. 561min. Craig drive the powerful action in a parallel universe in The Cinedigm 25.01.2011 Warner Bros. 10.06.2014 Golden Compass. Then, when a villain bursts forth from the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122769 pages of a book, Brendan Fraser must use all his skills to 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122795 stop the evil entity from destroying the real world in the effects-filled adventures Inkheart. Guys Being Guys Party 3-Pack Gang War In Milan Adventure, Animals & Nature, Double Fea- (Blu-ray) tures, Family, Fantasy, Movies min. Salvator Cangemi is a produce purveyor in Milan, Italy whom Adrian Zmed, Robert Carradine, Alex moonlights as a pimp and runs profitable twin businesses. But Warner Bros. 24.06.2014 Karras, Nancy Parsons, Kaki Hunter, Susan the appearance of a ruthless and greedy French gangster 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122777 called Le Capitaine threatens Tot’s livelihood when Le Clark, Bernie Casey, Scott Colomby, Capitaine wants to unite the organized crime in Milan for him Anthony Edwards, Kim Cattrall, Tom Hanks, getting a large share of the profits. But Toto wants no part of Good Witch’s Gift Le Capitaine’s organization and wants to continue running his Ted McGinley, William Tepper, Tawny Kitaen own ring ina low-key quiet way. But no one says „no“ to Le Chris Potter, Catherine Bell - Dir. Bob Clark, Neal Israel, Jeff Kanew Capitaine and he threatens an all-out war to keep his Cassandra Nightingale always has a few tricks up her organized crime ring, and reputation, intact. sleeve, but is surprised when her handsome sweetheart, Comedy, Movies, Sexy Comedies, Triple Crime, Drama, Gangs, Movies 1973 100min. Police Chief Jake Russell, proposes. Getting into the spirit of Feature min. the season, they set their wedding date for Christmas Eve— 20th Century Fox 06.05.2014 Kino Video 20.05.2014 only six days away! As the two hurry to plan the wedding, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122373 trouble clouds their happiness when a mysterious man from 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122582 Jake’s past returns to town. Gang War In Milan (Blu-ray) Family, Movies, Romance 2010 83min. HairBrained Salvator Cangemi is a produce purveyor in Milan, Italy whom Cinedigm 17.06.2014 Julia Garner, Fred Melamed, Alex Wolff, moonlights as a pimp and runs profitable twin businesses. But 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122553 Parker Posey, Brendan Fraser - Dir. Billy the appearance of a ruthless and greedy French gangster called Le Capitaine threatens Tot’s livelihood when Le Kent Capitaine wants to unite the organized crime in Milan for him Gounod: Faust When 14-year-old boy genius Eli Pettifog (Alex Wolff, The getting a large share of the profits. But Toto wants no part of Wendy White, Michele Losier, Jonathan Sitter) is rejected from Harvard University, his Ivy League Le Capitaine’s organization and wants to continue running his fantasy is crushed...and instead he ends up at third-rate, own ring ina low-key quiet way. But no one says „no“ to Le Beyer, Jonas Kaufmann - Dir. Barbara Willis party school Whittman College. To make matters worse, his Capitaine and he threatens an all-out war to keep his Sweete dorm roommate is 41-year-old freshman Leo Searly (Brendan organized crime ring, and reputation, intact. Jonas Kaufmann’s „tender lyricism“ and „fearless high notes“ Fraser, The Mummy franchise), a washed-up gambling addict Crime, Drama, Gangs, Movies 1973 100min. created a „vocally splendid Faust“ in Tony Award winner Des whose only goal is to escape the real world on a campus full McAnuff’s „theatrically daring“ 2011 production for the Met of beer bongs and one-night stands. As Eli plots his revenge Kino Video 20.05.2014 (The New York Times). Also including the „outstanding“ Rene on Harvard, he learns the collegiate elite are no better than 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122409 Pape (New York Daily News) and the „daring“ Marina anyone at Whittman and discovers the true value of friendship Poplavskaya (Financial Times) and supported with „buoyancy in his misbegotten drunk of a roommate. A hilarious collegiate and French flair“ by star conductor Yannick Nezet-Seguin romp, also starring Julia Garner (The Perks Of Being A Gentlemen Prefer Blondes / How (Wall Street Journal), McAnuff’s atomic-age vision of Wallflower) and Parker Posey (Best In Show, Superman To Marry A Millionaire / The Gounod’s melodrama entertains and compels. Returns, You’ve Got Mail). Classical Music, Foreign, Italian, Movies, College Life, Comedy, Movies 2013 97min. Seven Year Itch / There’s No Music, Opera 187min. Anderson Merchandisers 25.03.2014 Business Like Show Business (4- Universal - Music 25.03.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122754 Film Collection) 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122784 Marilyn Monroe, Charles Coburn, Jane Hamlet And Hutch Russell, Mitzi Gaynor, Marcel Dalio, Oscar Gounod: Faust (Blu-ray) Burt Reynolds - Dir. Jared Young Homolka, Tom Ewell, Rory Calhoun, William Wendy White, Michele Losier, Jonathan Drama, Family, Movies 90min. Powell, Lauren Bacall, David Wayne, Beyer, Jonas Kaufmann - Dir. Barbara Willis Millennium Entertainment 13.05.2014 Cameron Mitchell, Betty Grable, Ethel Sweete 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122647

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As dark forces gather to hasten the Apocalypse, Hellboy mischief in the air. Now there is only one thing left to decide - fights fire with fire in this mind-blasting supernatural action- are you man enough to watch this without going Hysterically A Hard Day’s Night: The Criterion adventure from the visionary director of Blade 2. Based on the Pyscho! Collection celebrated Dark Horse comic book. Comedy, Horror, Movies min. Action, Based On Comic Book, Blu-ray, , Ringo Starr, Paul Indican Pictures 04.03.2014 Fantasy, Horror, Movies, Science Fiction, McCartney, John , Wilfrid Brambell - tba BestellNr.: 40122627 Special Editions, Superheroes, Dir. Richard Lester Supernatural & Paranormal 2004 132min. Meet the Beatles! Just one month after they exploded onto the I, Frankenstein (DVD + U.S. scene with their Ed Sullivan Show appearance, John, Starz / Anchor Bay 13.05.2014 Paul, George, and Ringo began working on a project that 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122756 UltraViolet) would bring their revolutionary talent to the big screen. A Caitlin Stasey, Jai Courtney, Socratis Otto, Hard Day’s Night, in which the bandmates play slapstick Yvonne Strahovski, Kevin Grevioux, versions of themselves, captured the astonishing moment Her (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy when they officially became the singular, irreverent idols of Nicholas Bell, Miranda Otto, Bill Nighy, Aden their generation and changed music forever. Directed with + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Young, Aaron Eckhart, Bruce Spence - Dir. raucous, anything-goes verve by Richard Lester (Help!) and Spike Jonze - Dir. Spike Jonze featuring a slew of iconic pop anthems, including the title Stuart Beattie Academy Award winner for Best Original Screenplay! 200 years after his shocking creation, Dr. Frankenstein’s track, „Can’t Buy Me Love,“ „I Should Have Known Better,“ Directed by Spike Jonze and starring Joaquin Phoenix comes and „If I Fell,“ A Hard Day’s Night, which reconceived the creature, Adam, still walks the earth. But when he finds an original love story that explores the evolving nature and himself in the middle of a war over the fate of humanity, Adam movie musical and exerted an incalculable influence on the risks of intimacy in the modern world. music video, is one of the most deliriously entertaining movies discovers he holds the key that could destroy humankind. of all time. Drama, Movies, Romance, Science Fiction Action, Fantasy, Mad Scientists & Deadly Boxed Sets, Classics, Comedy, Movies, min. Doctors, Monsters, Movies, Science Fiction Music, Rock ‘N’ Roll 1964 87min. Warner Bros. 13.05.2014 2014 93min. Criterion 24.06.2014 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122621 Lionsgate 13.05.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122637 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122687 Her (DVD + UltraViolet) A Hard Day’s Night: The Criterion Spike Jonze - Dir. Spike Jonze I, Frankenstein 3D (Blu-ray 3D + Academy Award winner for Best Original Screenplay! Collection (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) Directed by Spike Jonze and starring Joaquin Phoenix comes Blu-ray + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu- (Blu-ray) an original love story that explores the evolving nature and ray) risks of intimacy in the modern world. George Harrison, Ringo Starr, Paul Drama, Movies, Romance, Science Fiction Caitlin Stasey, Jai Courtney, Socratis Otto, McCartney, John Lennon, Wilfrid Brambell - min. Yvonne Strahovski, Kevin Grevioux, Dir. Richard Lester Warner Bros. 13.05.2014 Nicholas Bell, Miranda Otto, Bill Nighy, Aden Meet the Beatles! Just one month after they exploded onto the Young, Aaron Eckhart, Bruce Spence - Dir. U.S. scene with their Ed Sullivan Show appearance, John, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122609 Paul, George, and Ringo began working on a project that Stuart Beattie would bring their revolutionary talent to the big screen. A Heroines Of S.W.O.R.D.: The Evil PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which Hard Day’s Night, in which the bandmates play slapstick is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. versions of themselves, captured the astonishing moment Within A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on all standard Blu-ray players 200 years after his shocking when they officially became the singular, irreverent idols of Metro City is under attack and five of the world’s greatest their generation and changed music forever. Directed with creation, Dr. Frankenstein’s creature, Adam, still walks the super Heroines have been brought together by Mr. X to create earth. But when he finds himself in the middle of a war over raucous, anything-goes verve by Richard Lester (Help!) and the new crime fighting super team S.W.O.R.D. The evil within featuring a slew of iconic pop anthems, including the title the fate of humanity, Adam discovers he holds the key that S.W.O.R.D. betrays the others and all could be lost. Will the could destroy humankind. track, „Can’t Buy Me Love,“ „I Should Have Known Better,“ Heroines of S.W.O.R.D survive? Will they be defeated? Only and „If I Fell,“ A Hard Day’s Night, which reconceived the the Heroines of S.W.O.R.D. can save the world from disaster. Action, Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, Fantasy, Mad movie musical and exerted an incalculable influence on the Scientists & Deadly Doctors, Monsters, music video, is one of the most deliriously entertaining movies Action, Adventure, Movies 80min. of all time. Music Video Distribution 20.05.2014 Movies, Science Fiction 2014 93min. Boxed Sets, Classics, Comedy, Movies, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122532 Lionsgate 13.05.2014 Music, Rock ‘N’ Roll 1964 min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122697 Criterion 24.06.2014 Hollywood Best! Adventures Of 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122644 Long John Silver In Secret (DVD + UltraViolet) Elizabeth Olsen, Tom Felton, Oscar Isaac, Action, Adventure, Pirates, Television Harry Potter Hogwarts Collection Jessica Lange - Dir. Charlie Stratton 300min. Set in the lower echelons of 1860s Paris, Therese Raquin (Blu-ray + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu- Bayview Entertainment 13.05.2014 (Olsen), a sexually repressed, beautiful young woman, is ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122584 trapped into a loveless marriage to her sickly cousin Camille (Tom Felton) by her domineering aunt, Madame Raquin (Lan- Helena Bonham Carter, Warwick Davis, Jim ge). After she meets her husband’s alluring friend Laurent Broadbent, Ralph Fiennes, John Cleese, Honey Buns (Isaac), she embarks on an illicit affair that leads to tragic Robbie Coltrane, Emma Thompson, Maggie Rene Bond consequences. Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Movies, Smith, Alan Rickman, David Thewlis, Gary Poor Harry! He’s a clumsy, bumbling sad sack who works at Romance, Thrillers 101min. Oldman, Michael Gambon, Fiona Shaw, Ian the „Internally Yours“ feminine hygiene company. Destined to remain eternally alone, Harry meets „The Magician“, a man Lionsgate 20.05.2014 Hart, Julie Walters, Timothy Spall, Richard who knows what Harry wants and gives him a red pill that 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122473 Griffiths, Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, will make all his dreams come true. Soon, Harry is making Emma Watson - Dir. Chris Columbus, David beautiful women appear and do his bidding, but there’s a catch! Just as soon as he gets aroused, the women vanish! The Incredible Hulk: The Yates Will Harry ever learn the secret to keeping these fantastic Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, ladies in his life, or will he forever remain a limp chump? Hot Complete Fifth Season adult film starlets Ushi Digard and Rene Bond appear in this Boxed Sets, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Magic, crazy fantasy-themed erotic feature. (Repackage) Movies, Mystery, Witches & Warlocks min. Erotica, Fantasy, Movies 1973 74min. Bill Bixby, Lou Ferrigno Warner Bros. 29.04.2014 Impulse Pictures 06.05.2014 Adventure, Based On Comic Book, Drama, 368,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122788 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122499 Science Fiction, Superheroes, Television 1981 339min. Hazard Jack Hysterical Psycho Universal Studios 01.07.2014 Horror, Movies, Slasher 81min. Noah Bean, Lennon Parham, Kelly 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122683 Kino Video 13.05.2014 Hutchinson, Gilbert Gottfried 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122372 The feature debut of Dan Fogler offers up a Hitchcockian The Incredible Hulk: The homage mixed with fart jokes that will leave you peeing your pants from both comic laughter and horror induced cringing. Complete First Season Hellboy 20th Anniversary Edition Follow along as Strange Lenny and his merry band of misfits (Repackage) (Blu-ray) take a trip to the woods of Maine to visit Moon Lake. Unbeknownst to them, Moon Lake, is imbued with „lunar Jack Colvin, Bill Bixby, Lou Ferrigno, Rupert Evans, Karel Roden, Selma Blair, radiation“ that can unbalance any mind unfortunate enough to Kenneth Johnson Jeffrey Tambor, Ron Perlman, John Hurt - come near it. Of course, our nubile youngsters travel to this „...Don’t make me angry. You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.“ Dir. Guillermo Del Toro bed of lunacy and surprise, surprise - things go deadly wrong Mild-mannered research scientist David Banner (Emmy with bodies piling up, boobs popping out of dresses and nominee Bill Bixby) finds he must offer this heroic warning

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 65 Newsletter 03/14 (Nr. 338) April 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA after exposure to gamma radiation transforms him into the Jack Irish: Set Two (Blu-ray + terrifying and enraged Hulk (Lou Ferrigno). Bursting from comic book pages into this 4-disc DVD set, the Complete DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Josh: Against The Grain First Season of The Incredible Hulk boasts all ten heart- Fatima, a committed schoolteacher living the cosmopolitan pounding episodes, the two original feature-length films, a Roy Billing, Marta Dusseldorp, Guy Pearce high life in Karachi, has her life shattered when her nanny, preview episode from Season Two, and in-depth commentary - Dir. Jeffrey Walker Nusrat, inexplicably disappears. Though her friends and from producer Kenneth Johnson. Intense. Immense. Incredible! Emmy winner Guy Pearce (The Kings Speech, Memento, Iron family beg her not to disturb the status quo and confront the Action, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, Man 3) returns as Jack Irish, the brooding antihero of powerful feudals in Nusrat’s village, Fatima travels there to Australian writer Peter Temple’s award-winning novels. This investigate. Will the trials and tribulations deter Fatima’s Drama, Science Fiction, Superheroes, Tele- feature-length mystery finds Jack grappling with more resolve? Will the quest challenge an already complicated vision 1978 692min. personal and professional drama as he continues to romantic relationship? Josh is the story of Fatima’s search for Universal Studios 01.07.2014 investigate crimes in Melbournes seedy underbelly. a dangerous truth in Nusrat’s feudal village. It is the story of 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122679 Australian, Blu-ray, Drama, Foreign, Televi- the biggest challenge to Pakistan’s still reigning feudalism: sion 87min. the country’s youth. Drama, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 104min. Acorn Media 13.05.2014 The Incredible Hulk: The Virgil Films And Entertainment 06.05.2014 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122406 Complete Fourth Season 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122457 (Repackage) Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit Judex: The Criterion Collection Bill Bixby, Lou Ferrigno Chris Pine, Keira Knightley, Kevin Costner - Musidora, Edouard Mathe, Yvette Andreyor, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, Drama, Dir. Kenneth Branagh Science Fiction, Superheroes, Television An action hero is reborn!“ raves top critics about the „intense, Louis Leubas, Rene Creste, Marcel 1980 867min. exciting“ origin story of Tom Clancy’s iconic hero Jack Ryan. Levesque - Dir. Louis Feuillade The thrills are non-stop as CIA recruit Ryan (Chris Pine) is This effortlessly cool crime caper, directed by Georges Universal Studios 01.07.2014 caught in a dangerous web of intrigue and espionage spun Franju (Eyes Without a Face), is a marvel of dexterous 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122682 between a shadowy government agent (Academy Award- plotting and visual invention. Conceived as an homage to Winner Kevin Costner), his unsuspecting fiancee (Keira Louis Feuillade’s 1916 cult silent serial of the same name, Knightley) and a fearless Russian power broker (Kenneth Judex kicks off with the mysterious kidnapping of a corrupt The Incredible Hulk: The Branagh). Jack must quickly evolve from soldier to analyst to banker by a shadowy crime fighter (American magician Complete Second Season full-fledged operative to stop a devastating terrorist plot Channing Pollock) and spins out into a thrillingly complex against the . The stakes have never been higher web of deceptions. Combining stylish sixties modernism with (Repackage) in this „taut, tense and terrific“ thrill ride. silent-cinema touches and even a few unexpected sci-fi Bill Bixby, Lou Ferrigno - Dir. Kenneth Action, Movies, Spies & Secret Agents, accents, Judex is a delightful bit of pulp fiction and a Thrillers 100min. testament to the art of illusion. Johnson Adventure, Foreign, French, Movies, Paramount Pictures 10.06.2014 Adventure, Based On Comic Book, Drama, Serials, Silent Film 1916 97min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122626 Science Fiction, Superheroes, Television Criterion 17.06.2014 1978 1114min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122636 Universal Studios 01.07.2014 Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit (Blu- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122680 ray + DVD + Digital Copy + Judex: The Criterion Collection UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) The Incredible Hulk: The (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Chris Pine, Keira Knightley, Kevin Costner - Musidora, Edouard Mathe, Yvette Andreyor, Complete Third Season Dir. Kenneth Branagh Louis Leubas, Rene Creste, Marcel (Repackage) An action hero is reborn!“ raves top critics about the „intense, exciting“ origin story of Tom Clancy’s iconic hero Jack Ryan. Levesque - Dir. Louis Feuillade Bill Bixby, Lou Ferrigno The thrills are non-stop as CIA recruit Ryan (Chris Pine) is This effortlessly cool crime caper, directed by Georges Adventure, Based On Comic Book, Drama, caught in a dangerous web of intrigue and espionage spun Franju (Eyes Without a Face), is a marvel of dexterous between a shadowy government agent (Academy Award- plotting and visual invention. Conceived as an homage to Science Fiction, Superheroes, Television Winner Kevin Costner), his unsuspecting fiancee (Keira Louis Feuillade’s 1916 cult silent serial of the same name, 1979 1111min. Knightley) and a fearless Russian power broker (Kenneth Judex kicks off with the mysterious kidnapping of a corrupt Universal Studios 01.07.2014 Branagh). Jack must quickly evolve from soldier to analyst to banker by a shadowy crime fighter (American magician full-fledged operative to stop a devastating terrorist plot Channing Pollock) and spins out into a thrillingly complex 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122681 against the United States. The stakes have never been higher web of deceptions. Combining stylish sixties modernism with in this „taut, tense and terrific“ thrill ride. silent-cinema touches and even a few unexpected sci-fi accents, Judex is a delightful bit of pulp fiction and a Inside Out / The Chaperone Action, Blu-ray, Movies, Spies & Secret testament to the art of illusion. (Double Feature) Agents, Thrillers 100min. Adventure, Blu-ray, Foreign, French, Paramount Pictures 10.06.2014 Parker Posey, Michael Rapaport, Bruce Movies, Serials, Silent Film 1916 97min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122638 Dern, Triple H, Michael Cudlitz, Kevin Criterion 17.06.2014 Rankin, Julie White, Yeardley Smith, Enrico 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122642 Colantoni, Jose Zuniga, Kevin Corrigan, Jack Taylor: Set Two Ariel Winter - Dir. Stephen Herek, Artie Iain Glen - Dir. Stuart Orme Grace Kelly Collection Jack Taylor (Iain Glen, Game of Thrones, Downton Abbey) is Mandelberg a former cop turned private investigator with little to show for Grace Kelly Action, Adventure, Crime, Double Features, his time in the Irish Guards but his old police overcoat. Few Collections, Comedy, Drama, Movies, Drama, Movies 2011 197min. of his former colleagues have any regard for Taylor, who Romance min. looks more like the people they arrest every day than one of Image Ent. 03.06.2014 their own. The exception is his friend Garda Kate Noonan Warner Bros. 29.07.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122723 (Nora-Jane Noone, The Magdalene Sisters), though even she 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122762 has to walk a fine line between helping Taylor and irritating her boss.Six months sober, Taylor takes on cases with the Inside Out / The Reunion / help of his young assistant, Cody (Killian Scott, Love/Hate), Kill Zombie! Bending The Rules / No Holds even while he worries about his elderly mother, who has A Russian Space station crashes in Amsterdam, releasing a suffered a stroke. Try as he might, the ex-cop from Galway deadly virus that turns everyday citizens into flesh-craving Barred (Multi-Feature) finds that in his hometown, his past is always just a mistake psychopaths. Aziz (Yahya Gaier), his brother Mo (Ouled away. Includes three feature-length mysteries: The Dramatist, Radi) and several strangers emerge from jail, oblivious to the Kurt , Michael Rispoli, Jennifer Priest, and Shot Down. mayhem until they team up with a local police officer (Gigi Esposito, Philip Baker Hall, Amy Smart, Acorn Media, Cops, Crime, Drama, Mystery, Ravelli). After receiving a desperate call for help, this Ethan Embry, Parker Posey, Jamie Kennedy, unlikely band of heroes sets out on an insane rescue mission Television 2013 280min. - and it’s going to take a seriously crazy plan if they want to Joan Severance, Michael Rapaport, Bruce Acorn Media 24.06.2014 get out alive... Dern, Jessica Walter, Hulk Hogan, Alicia 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122744 Action, Horror, Movies, Zombies 90min. Witt, Triple H, Edge, John Cena, Julie White, Well Go USA 10.06.2014 Kevin Weisman, Michael Cudlitz - Dir. Tho- Jekyll & Hyde Portfolio / A 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122442 mas J. Wright, Artie Mandelberg, Michael Pavone Clockwork Blue Suzanne Fields, Rene Bond, Maria Arnold Kill Zombie! (Blu-ray) Action, Adventure, Collections, Comedy, A Russian Space station crashes in Amsterdam, releasing a Drama, Movies 2011 367min. Comedy, Erotica, Horror, Movies, Mystery, deadly virus that turns everyday citizens into flesh-craving Image Ent. 03.06.2014 Slasher 167min. psychopaths. Aziz (Yahya Gaier), his brother Mo (Ouled CAV 08.04.2014 Radi) and several strangers emerge from jail, oblivious to the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122718 mayhem until they team up with a local police officer (Gigi 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122446 Ravelli). After receiving a desperate call for help, this

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 66 Newsletter 03/14 (Nr. 338) April 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA unlikely band of heroes sets out on an insane rescue mission Feature 2011 289min. television’s most celebrated and widely acclaimed crime - and it’s going to take a seriously crazy plan if they want to series of all time. Get ready for another thrilling season of get out alive... Image Ent. 03.06.2014 ripped-from-the-headlines cases as all 22 episodes of the Action, Blu-ray, Horror, Movies, Zombies 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122719 groundbreaking third season come to DVD for the first time ever. In the hugely popular third season, Emmy Award 90min. nominee Jerry Orbach joined New York’s toughest team of Well Go USA 10.06.2014 The Last Days On Mars prosecutors and investigators: Richard , Dann Florek, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122451 Yusra Warsama, Goran Kostic, Johnny Steven Hill, Michael Moriarty, Chris North and Paul Sorvino. In the complex process of determine guilt and innocence, lives Harris, Tom Cullen, Romola Garai, Elias often hand in the balance: Law & Order: The Third Year is on Killing Them Softly (Steelbook) Koteas, Olivia Williams, Liev Schreiber - the case. (Blu-ray) Dir. Ruairi Robinson Cops, Crime, Detectives, Lawyers / Legal On the eve that the crew of the very first manned expedition to Issues, Murder Mysteries, NBC, Television Brad Pitt, Trevor Long, Vincent Curatola, Mars is about to return to Earth, it makes an astounding 1992 1045min. Scoot McNairy, Max Casella, Ben Mendel- discovery -fossilized evidence of life on Mars. Oscar Universal Studios 03.06.2014 sohn, Richard Jenkins, James Gandolfini, nominated and visionary filmmaker Ruairi Robinson, along with an extraordinary special effects team including the 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122665 Sam Shepard, Ray Liotta - Dir. Andrew people behind ~~District 9, X-Men: First Class and Dominik Avatar~~, introduce us to a terrifying new landscape, where Brad Pitt delivers an explosive performance as Jackie Cogan, the scientific discovery of life might be the death of us all. Law Abiding Citizen (Steelbook) an enforcer for the Mob in Andrew Dominik’s gritty yet stylish Horror, Movies, Science Fiction, Space, (Blu-ray) crime thriller Killing Them Softly. Cogan must restore order in Thrillers 2013 98min. Gerard Butler, Leslie Bibb, Colm Meaney, the criminal economy after a Mob protected card game is Magnolia Home Entertainment 04.03.2014 heisted by a group of inexperienced crooks. Brad Pitt stars , Bruce McGill - Dir. F. Gary along with Richard Jenkins, James Gandolfini, Ray Liotta, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122414 Scoot McNairy, Ben Mendelsohn, Vincent Curatola, Max Gray Casella, Trevor Long, Slaine and Sam Shepard. Clyde Shelton (Gerard Butler) is an upstanding family man Law & Order: The Fifth Year whose wife and daughter were brutally murdered during a Crime, Drama, Mobsters & The Mafia, home invasion. When the killers are caught, Nick Rise (Jamie Movies, Thrillers 2012 98min. (Repackage) Foxx), a hotshot young prosecutor, is assigned Starz / Anchor Bay 20.05.2014 Chris Noth, S. Epatha Merkerson, Jill to the case. Against his will, Nick is forced to offer one of the suspects a light sentence in exchange for testifying against 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122757 Hennessy, Sam Waterston, Steven Hill, his accomplice. Fast forward ten years. The man who got Jerry Orbach away with murder is found dead and Clyde Shelton coolly King And Country Return to the scene of the crime with Chris Noth in his final admits his guilt. Then he issues a warning to Nick: either fix season of the show honored by 11 consecutive Primetime the flawed justice system, or key players in the trial will die. Barry Foster - Dir. Joseph Losey Emmy Award nominations for Outstanding Drama Series! All Soon Shelton follows through on his threats, orchestrating, In this stirring anti-war film set during WWI, a tough, no- 23 compelling episodes of Law & Order: The Fifth Year are from his jail cell, a string of spectacularly diabolical nonsense British Army lawyer (Dick Bogarde) is assigned to now available on DVD for the first time in this must-own 5- assassinations that can be neither predicted nor prevented. defend a lowly private () at his court martial. disc collection. Joining Detective Mike Logan (Noth) and his Nick finds himself in a desperate race against time facing a The private has been accused of desertion during battle. The dedicated colleagues who investigate and prosecute crime is deadly adversary who always seems to be one step ahead. lawyer, Captain Hargreaves is convinced this young man a powerful lineup of guest stars, including Regina Taylor, Crime, Drama, Movies, Revenge, Thrillers should be executed. However, as the trial progresses and the Edie Falco, Gina Torres and John Cameron Mitchell. Ripped strain of three horrible years endured at the Allied front is from today’s headlines, Law & Order is the gripping 2009 109min. revealed, the more he is compelled to spare the youth from a phenomenon that will captivate you again and again! Starz / Anchor Bay 20.05.2014 firing squad. Cops, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Lawyers / 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122758 Drama, Movies, War, World War I 1964 Legal Issues, NBC, Television 1994 728min. 86min. Universal Studios 03.06.2014 Lawless (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Cinedigm 03.06.2014 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122667 Dane DeHaan, Mia Wasikowska, Jason 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122543 Clarke, Jessica Chastain, Tom Hardy, Shia Law & Order: The Fourth Year LaBeouf, Guy Pearce, Gary Oldman - Dir. King And Country (Blu-ray) (Repackage) John Hillcoat Barry Foster - Dir. Joseph Losey Action, Based-On-A-True-Story, Blu-ray, In this stirring anti-war film set during WWI, a tough, no- Chris Noth, S. Epatha Merkerson, Jill nonsense British Army lawyer (Dick Bogarde) is assigned to Hennessy, Steven Hill, Jerry Orbach Crime, Drama, Historical / Period Piece, defend a lowly private (Tom Courtenay) at his court martial. Cops, Crime, Detectives, Lawyers / Legal Movies 2012 116min. The private has been accused of desertion during battle. The Starz / Anchor Bay 20.05.2014 lawyer, Captain Hargreaves is convinced this young man Issues, Murder Mysteries, Television 1993 should be executed. However, as the trial progresses and the 1030min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122759 strain of three horrible years endured at the Allied front is Universal Studios 03.06.2014 revealed, the more he is compelled to spare the youth from a Legendary / Knucklehead / The firing squad. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122666 Drama, Movies, War, World War I 1964 Chaperone (Triple Feature) 86min. Law & Order: The Second Year Enrico Colantoni, Wendie Malick, Mark Feu- Cinedigm 03.06.2014 (Repackage) erstein, Melora Hardin, Jose Zuniga, Kevin 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122576 Michael Moriarty, Chris Noth, Dann Florek, Corrigan, Jennifer Esposito, Will Patton, Luis Guzman, Lisa Nicole Carson, Maura Jamie Kennedy, Saul Rubinek, Dennis Kissing Jessica Stein (Blu-ray) Tierney, Jerry Orbach, William H. Macy Farina, Triple H, Edge, Big Show, Rebecca Heather Juergensen, Jennifer Westfeldt, Law & Order is one of the most successful and critically Creskoff, Yeardley Smith, Kevin Rankin, acclaimed series in the history of television. For over a Ariel Winter - Dir. Stephen Herek, Michael Scott Cohen, Jackie Hoffman, Tovah decade this Emmy Award-winning series has presented the Feldshuh investigation and prosecution of cases ripped straight form W. Watkins Comedy, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Movies, today’s headlines. With a celebrated cast that includes Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Michael Moriarty (Along Came A Spider), Christ Noth (Sex Movies, Triple Feature 2011 312min. Romance 2001 97min. And The City), Richard Brooks (The Crow: City Of Angels), 20th Century Fox 03.06.2014 Dann Florek (Law & Order: SVU) and featuring such notable Image Ent. 03.06.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122714 guest stars as Jerry Orbach (Law & Order starting season 3 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122721 in a different role), Maura Tierney (ER), William H. Macy (ER), Lisa Nicole Carson (ER, Ally McBeal), Luis Guzman Knucklehead / Bending The (Traffic) and Allison Janey (). Legendary / That’s What I Am Rules / The Chaperone (Triple Cops, Crime, Detectives, Lawyers / Legal (Double Feature) Issues, Movies, Murder Mysteries, NBC, Feature) Madeleine Martin, Alexander Walters, Television, Thrillers 1991 1046min. Chase Ellison, Randy Orton, John Cena, Enrico Colantoni, Wendie Malick, Mark Feu- Universal Studios 03.06.2014 Daniel Roebuck, Patricia Clarkson, Molly erstein, Melora Hardin, Jose Zuniga, Kevin 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122664 Parker, Amy Madigan, Ed Harris, Danny Corrigan, Jennifer Esposito, Will Patton, Glover, Devon Graye, Daniel Yelsky, Mia Jamie Kennedy, Saul Rubinek, Dennis Law & Order: The Third Year Rose Frampton - Dir. Michael Pavone, Mel Farina, Triple H, Edge, Big Show, Rebecca Damski Creskoff, Yeardley Smith, Kevin Rankin, (Repackage) Comedy, Double Features, Drama, Movies Ariel Winter - Dir. Stephen Herek, Michael Michael Moriarty, Chris Noth, Paul Sorvino, 2011 209min. W. Watkins Dann Florek, Steven Hill, Jerry Orbach Image Ent. 03.06.2014 Action, Adventure, Comedy, Movies, Triple Powerful, timely and gripping, Law & Order has become

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 67 Newsletter 03/14 (Nr. 338) April 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122720 Western 1077min. shocking web of corruption and begins to plot a bloody revenge in this action and T & A filled Troma classic from Lionsgate 06.05.2014 director Eric Louzil (Class of Nuke ‘Em High Pts. 2 & 3) and Legendary / The Reunion (Double 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122382 producer Lloyd Kaufman (The Toxic Avenger)! Feature) Erotica, Horror, Movies, Slasher 94min. CAV 08.04.2014 John Cena, Patricia Clarkson, Danny Lolita From Interstellar Space After falling behind in her college studies, a slow-witted alien 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122447 Glover, Devon Graye, Madeleine Martin, sexpot named Lolita (Anna Morna) is shipped off to Earth on Michael Rispoli, Amy Smart, Ethan Embry - an „extra credit“ field trip to study the native species. There Dir. Michael Pavone, Mel Damski she blends in effortlessly with a group of equally challenged Lust For Love co-eds and is soon accepted into their group. Her new Dichen Lachman, Beau Garrett, Fran Kranz Action, Adventure, Crime, Double Features, homework assignment takes on many forms, but Lolita’s Drama, Kidnapping, Movies 2010 203min. favorites are the after-hours ones where she engages in a - Dir. Anton King Image Ent. 03.06.2014 series of sizzling sexy encounters while broadening her Astor’s happy tenacity spoils his one chance at love with his horizons. Dean McKendrick directs Lolita from Interstellar lifelong crush Mila.Convinced he needs more experience with 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122722 Space,the latest laugh-filled erotic spoof from the friendly women to win her back, he engages her ex-best friend Cali to folks at Retromedia; also starring Christine Nguyen and teach him how to woo women. Together they dissect his The Max Linder Collections Karlie Montana. The DVD comes with a super-sexy bonus failings, and Astor makes his awkward pick-up attempts. As trailer reel. Astor begins to juggle multiple opportunities, he discovers the Kino Classics and Lobster Films celebrate the legacy of Max source of the rift between Cali and Mila, and the trio are Linder, a pioneer of slapstick whom Charlie Chaplin referred Aliens, Comedy, Erotica, Horror, Movies forced to confront their conceptions about love. to as „the great master.“ With his trademark silk top hat and 81min. Comedy, Movies, Romance 2014 85min. cane, the French-born Linder blended slapstick with Bayview Entertainment 20.05.2014 sophistication, and invested his films with a layer of Passion River 10.06.2014 cleverness that elevated them above mere knockabout 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122566 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122768 comedies, paving the way for such multi-dimensional screen comedians as Chaplin, Buster Keaton, and Harold Lloyd. The The Lord of the Rings: Original collection includes three films: The Three Must-Get-Theres Magic City: Season 1 & 2 Combo (1922), Seven Years Bad Luck (1921), and Be My Wife Theatrical Trilogy (Blu-ray) Pack (1921), plus a bonus short. Cate Blanchett, Liv Tyler, Viggo Mortensen, Classics, Comedy, Television 175min. Taylor Blackwell, Elena Satine, Christian Sean Astin, Brad Dourif, Ian Holm, Christo- Kino Video 27.05.2014 Cooke, Olga Kurylenko, Steven Strait, pher Lee, Ian McKellen, Elijah Wood, Sean 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122377 Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Danny Huston, Kelly Bean, Bernard Hill, Hugo Weaving, David Lynch, Dwayne Shattuck Wenham, Billy Boyd, Miranda Otto, Karl The Little Foxes Crime, Drama, Gambling, Historical / Period Urban, Andy Serkis, Dominic Monaghan, Piece, Mobsters & The Mafia, Mystery, Bette Davis, William Wyler, John Marriot, Orlando Bloom - Dir. Peter Jackson Television 2012 min. Jessie Grayson, Carl Benton Reid, Charles The Fellowship Of The Ring With the help of a courageous Starz / Anchor Bay 13.05.2014 Dingle, Patricia Collinge, Dan Duryea, Ri- fellowship of friends and allies, Frodo embarks on a perilous mission to destroy the legendary One Ring. Hunting Frodo are 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122439 chard Carlson, Herbert Marshall, Teresa servants of the Dark Lord, Sauron, the Ring’s evil creator. If Wright - Dir. William Wyler Sauron reclaims the Ring, Middle-earth is doomed. Winner of Nominated for 9 Academy Awards including Best Picture, four Academy Awards, this epic tale of good versus evil, Magic City: Season 1 & 2 Combo Bette Davis stars as a woman who’ll stop at nothing to wrest friendship and sacrifice will transport you to a world beyond Pack (Blu-ray) control of the family business from her brothers, even if it imagination. The Two Towers The Fellowship has broken, but means sacrificing her husband or the love of her daughter. the quest to destroy the One Ring continues. Frodo and Sam Taylor Blackwell, Elena Satine, Christian „Outstanding.“ (Leonard Maltin) must entrust their lives to Gollum if they are to find their way Cooke, Olga Kurylenko, Steven Strait, Classics, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, to Mordor. As Saruman’s army approaches, the surviving members of the Fellowship, along with people and creatures Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Danny Huston, Kelly Movies, Royalty 1941 min. from Middle-earth, prepare for battle. The War of the Ring Lynch, Dwayne Shattuck Warner Bros. 15.07.2014 has begun. Nominated for six Academy Awards including Best Crime, Drama, Gambling, Historical / Period 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122610 Picture. The Return Of The King The final battle for Middle- earth begins. Frodo and Sam, led by Gollum, continue their Piece, Mobsters & The Mafia, Mystery, dangerous mission toward the fires of Mount Doom in order to Television 2012 830min. Little House On The Prairie: destroy the One Ring. Aragorn struggles to fulfill h Starz / Anchor Bay 13.05.2014 Season 2 - Deluxe Edition (Blu- Academy Award Winners, Adventure, AFI 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122427 Top 100, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, Epics, ray + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Family, Fantasy, Movies, Triple Feature Making The Rules (DVD + Enjoy more of the classic series Little House on the Prairie 2001 398min. with these 22 episodes from season two presented in their UltraViolet) original and uncut versions with fully restored picture and Warner Bros. 21.01.2014 sound. Season two brings new challenges and unforgettable 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122495 Abby - a workaholic sous chef - works 60 hours a week in a frontier adventures. When debts force Charles to work at busy kitchen, but after accidentally cutting her hand, she is several jobs, his entire family pitches in to earn the needed forced to leave work for the summer. As the hottest summer in money. Mary’s gift for mathematics makes her the talk of the The Lords Of Salem (Steelbook) L.A. history reaches its peak, she faces an extreme challenge: town. Charles helps an ailing widow find care for her three doing nothing. But with the summer heat intensifying, she children, and the Ingalls family celebrates the nation’s (Blu-ray) confronts the growing emotional gulf between herself and her centennial with a joyous town party. Relive these favorite Jeff Daniel Phillips, Patricia Quinn, Sheri husband, unsolicited advice from her prying girlfriend, and the moments and so many more in this heartwarming collection temptation of an old flame... that celebrates one of the most beloved TV series of all time. Moon, Maria Conchita Alonso, Bruce Drama, Movies, Romance 2013 78min. Family, Historical / Period Piece, History & Davison, Dee Wallace, Judy Geeson, Meg Lionsgate 06.05.2014 Events, Romance, Television, Western Foster, Ken Foree - Dir. Rob Zombie 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122380 It has been called „disturbing“ (Los Angeles Times), „nerve- 1077min. shattering“ ( Reader) and „Rob Zombie’s Lionsgate 06.05.2014 masterpiece“ (Loudwire.com). From the nightmare mind of Man Bait (Repackage) 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122411 writer/director Rob Zombie comes the terrifying story of Salem, Massachusetts radio DJ Heidi LaRoc (Sheri Moon Diana Dors, Marguerite Chapman, Peter Zombie of The Devil’s Rejects) who receives a mysterious Reynolds, George Brent - Dir. Terence Fis- Little House On The Prairie: record labeled „a gift from The Lords.“ But when Heidi plays her Season 2 - Deluxe Edition (DVD + the disc, it’s bizarre sounds will trigger visions of the town’s Look Out . . .Diana Dors in the title role makes the title depraved past, release the darkness within her own damaged redundant! While working in a bookstore, our double-barreled UltraViolet) soul, and unleash the long-awaited vengeance of Satan femme fatale catches a man stealing a rare book. Report him to himself. Bruce Davison (Willard) and a coven of genre Enjoy more of the classic series Little House on the Prairie the police? Not on your life! She goes with him on a date - one legends co-star in this stunning witchcraft shocker that that leads to blackmail! with these 22 episodes from season two presented in their Beyond Hollywood calls „a full-on piece of satanic madness... original and uncut versions with fully restored picture and The Lords Of Salem is light years away from 99% of modern Crime, Drama, Femme Fatales, Movies, sound. Season two brings new challenges and unforgettable commercial horror cinema!“ Mystery 1952 84min. frontier adventures. When debts force Charles to work at several jobs, his entire family pitches in to earn the needed Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2012 101min. VCI Home Video/ Magic Lantern 15.04.2014 money. Mary’s gift for mathematics makes her the talk of the Starz / Anchor Bay 20.05.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122805 town. Charles helps an ailing widow find care for her three 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122760 children, and the Ingalls family celebrates the nation’s centennial with a joyous town party. Relive these favorite The Man Who Knew Too Little moments and so many more in this heartwarming collection Lust For Freedom (Blu-ray) that celebrates one of the most beloved TV series of all time. After her boyfriend is brutally murdered in a sting operation, Drama, Family, Historical / Period Piece, special agent Gillian Kaites is implicated in the slaying and is Richard Wilson, Peter Gallagher, Bill History & Events, Romance, Television, sentenced to prison. While behind bars, she discovers a Murray, Alfred Molina - Dir. Jon Amiel

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Comedy, Movies, Spoofs & Parodies 1997 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122554 Dorff, Kris Kristofferson 94min. Based on the popular novel by Willy Vlautin, The Motel Life is a searing and profound examination of brotherhood set in the Warner Bros. 05.08.2014 Midrange timeless Sierra Nevadan frontier. Frank () and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122796 Fresh off a stellar collegiate basketball career, aspiring Jerry Lee Flannigan (Stephen Dorff) work odd jobs, drink professional basketball star, Damon Sharp, returns to his hard, and drift from motel to motel. Their only escape is hometown in Chicago quickly to discover a more challenging through Frank’s fantastic stories and Jerry Lee’s rich Marilyn & The Senator game off the court. His former life and old bad habits abruptly illustrations. Everything changes when Jerry Lee is involved Sharon Thorpe, William Margold, Nina challenge his newfound faith in God. Damon’s dreams of in a hit-and-run accident, which forces the brothers across playing pro ball hang in the balance while he faces the the state to the home of Franks old flame, Annie (Dakota Fause circling demons of his past, which are being beckoned by his Fanning) Carlos Tobalina was one of the most prolific, X rated brother Darrin, who’s on a fast track to jail. Devastated by Drama, Movies 2012 85min. filmmakeres of the 1970’s and 80’s directing upwards of 50 some news, temptation gets the better of Damon, weakness feature films, and Marilyn ranks as one of his most outrageous takes root and the downward spiraling ensues. Moving back Cinedigm 03.06.2014 endeavors. William Margold stars as ‘The Senator,’ who, into his childhood home unveils his mother’s severe 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122539 despite being married, agrees to impregnate a beautiful CIA depression and his brother’s growing penchant for trouble agent. As complications ensue with the senator’s ability to despite being a single dad, exposing his young nephew’s ‘perform’, his wife and associates become increasingly vulnerability. An intimate portrait of the two brothers emerges The Motel Life (Blu-ray) suspicious of his affairs, resulting in a myriad of bizzare plot when they are suddenly forced to re-examine their lives, Emile Hirsch, Dakota Fanning, Stephen twists and revelations. Co-starring Serena, Sharon Thorpe, loyalty, love and their own limitations. Ultimately the choices Dominique St Clair, as well as a cameo from John star they make reveal their true character when one of them takes Dorff, Kris Kristofferson Liz Renay, Marilyn And The Senator is coming to home video a shot in life that will set the course for everyone’s life Based on the popular novel by Willy Vlautin, The Motel Life is for the first time in it’s full length director’s cut, scanned from forever. a searing and profound examination of brotherhood set in the the 35mm camera negatives. Drama, Movies, Religion/Spirituality, Sports timeless Sierra Nevadan frontier. Frank (Emile Hirsch) and Comedy, Erotica, Movies 1975 128min. Jerry Lee Flannigan (Stephen Dorff) work odd jobs, drink 109min. CAV 08.04.2014 hard, and drift from motel to motel. Their only escape is Cinedigm 10.06.2014 through Frank’s fantastic stories and Jerry Lee’s rich 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122445 illustrations. Everything changes when Jerry Lee is involved 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122548 in a hit-and-run accident, which forces the brothers across the state to the home of Franks old flame, Annie (Dakota The Medallion / Once Upon A Mischief Night (DVD + UltraViolet) Fanning) Drama, Movies 2012 85min. Time in China / Legend Of the Ian Bamberg, Stephanie Erb, Noell Coet, Cinedigm 03.06.2014 Red Dragon (Triple Feature) Adam C. Edwards, Richard Riehle, Erica 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122575 Tse Miu, , Yau Shuk Ching, Yuen Leerhsen, Ally Walker - Dir. Richard Biao, Jackie Chan, Rosamund Kwan, Schenkman - Dir. Gordon Chan, Tsui Hark, Corey Yuen, Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2013 88min. La Mujer Del Vernabal This is the story of Marcela, a young woman who is about to Jing Wong Lionsgate 20.05.2014 receive a large inheritance on the condition that she marry. Action, Adventure, Chinese, Foreign, Mixed 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122384 She meets a worthy suitor named Alessandro, a wealthy heir Martial Arts, Movies, Triple Feature 2003 in his own right. A valuable piece of jewelry goes missing and 305min. triggers this who-done-it telenovela. The Monuments Men (Blu-ray + Drama, Foreign, Romance, Spanish, Televi- Image Ent. 03.06.2014 DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) sion 850min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122717 Zahary Baharov, Jean Dujardin, Sam Cinedigm 10.06.2014 Hazeldine, Justus Von Dohnanyi, Hugh 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122550 Lo Mejor De La CQ (The Best Of Bonneville, Cate Blanchett, Matt Damon, CQ) Bob Balaban, John Goodman, George My Little Margie: 2 DVD CQ“ follows the adventures of 8 high school students, who Clooney, Bill Murray, Dimitri Leonidas - Dir. will make children and grownups laugh out loud with their Collector’s Set stories and pranks. Meeting their first love, winning their George Clooney My Little Margie premiered on CBS as the summer science project or discovering the true meaning of friendship Based on the true story of the greatest treasure hunt in the replacement for I Love Lucy on June 16, 1952. Set in New will bring on a whole new meaning at the CQ! history, The Monuments Men centers around an unlikely York City, the series stars Gale Storm as 21-year-old Margie Comedy, Foreign, Spanish, Television 2012 World War II platoon, tasked with going into Germany to Albright and former silent film star Charles Farrell as her rescue artistic masterpieces from Nazi thieves and returning widowed father, 50-year-old Vern Albright. They share an min. them to their rightful owners. In a seemingly impossible apartment at the Carlton Arms Hotel. Vern Albright is the Cinedigm 10.06.2014 mission, the Monuments Men, as they were called, find vice-president of the investment firm of Honeywell and Todd. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122551 themselves risking their lives in a race against time to avoid Roberta is Vern’s girlfriend, and Margie’s boyfriend is the destruction of 1,000 years of culture. Freddy Wilson. Mrs. Odetts is the Albrights’ next-door Action, Biography, Blu-ray, Drama, Movies, neighbor and Margie’s sidekick in madcap capers reminiscent Message in a Bottle / Nights in War, World War II 2014 118min. of Lucy and Ethel in I Love Lucy. Rodanthe (Double Feature) Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Comedy, Television 284min. Film Chest Media Group 15.04.2014 , , Robin Wright 20.05.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122587 Penn, Christopher Meloni, Illeana Douglas, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122696 Kevin Costner, John Savage, Robbie Coltrane, , Diane Lane, Scott The Monuments Men (DVD + My Little Margie: DVD Collection Glenn, Becky Ann Baker - Dir. Luis UltraViolet) 3 Mandoki, George C. Wolfe Zahary Baharov, Jean Dujardin, Sam Frank Cox, Clarence Kolb, Gale Storm Affairs & Love Triangles, Double Features, Gale Storm plays Margie Albright. Margie is nearly 30, not Hazeldine, Justus Von Dohnanyi, Hugh married, no job, lives at home, AND still getting an allowance! Drama, Movies, Romance, Star-Crossed Bonneville, Cate Blanchett, Matt Damon, She spends her time whining about how little money she gets, Lovers, Tearjerkers 2008 min. Bob Balaban, John Goodman, George scheming to find ways of making more money or helping her Warner Bros. 13.05.2014 Dad out of a jam. All this usually gets her into a jam. Her Clooney, Bill Murray, Dimitri Leonidas - Dir. Father, Vern Albright, is played by Charles Farrell. He works 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122612 George Clooney for Honeywell & Todd, an investment firm. Vern is always Based on the true story of the greatest treasure hunt in the getting the firm new clients and trying to become a partner in Meth Head history, The Monuments Men centers around an unlikely the business. Mr. Honeywell will not let that happen. How World War II platoon, tasked with going into Germany to about Mr. Todd?? You never get to see him. There is a cast of Wilson Cruz, Lukas Haas - Dir. Jane Clark rescue artistic masterpieces from Nazi thieves and returning characters to add to the fun. Hilary Brooks as Vern’s on/off Winner of 12 festival awards, Meth Head is a cautionary tale them to their rightful owners. In a seemingly impossible girlfriend, Don Hayden as Margie’s on/off boyfriend, and about extremes. Like , the film depicts the mission, the Monuments Men, as they were called, find Gertrude Hoffman as crazy old Mrs. Odetts. terrifying consequences of meth in America. Kyle Peoples themselves risking their lives in a race against time to avoid Classics, Comedy, Television min. (Lukas Haas) never wanted to be the man he has become in the destruction of 1,000 years of culture. VCI Home Video/ Magic Lantern 17.06.2014 his 30’s - stuck in a dead end job, and saddled with a family Action, Biography, Drama, Movies, War, that doesn’t get him at all. When an innocent night of partying 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122557 leads to a new family of friends and fun, Kyle sees an World War II 2014 118min. opportunity to escape from his reality. But Kyle’s new Sony Pictures Home Entertainment friendship with Maia (Necar Zadegan) and Dusty (Blake 20.05.2014 Mystery Science Theater 3000: Berris), and the trios love of crystal meth eventually cost Kyle XXIX everything - his job, his lover, his family and his home. Kyle 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122686 must choose: life or meth. Bill Corbett, Mike Nelson, Joel Hodgson, Drama, Drugs & Dealers, Gay / Lesbian The Motel Life Kevin Murphy Interest, Movies 92min. Emile Hirsch, Dakota Fanning, Stephen Boxed Sets, Comedy, Comedy Central, Cult Cinedigm 17.06.2014 Film / TV, Science Fiction, Television

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 70 Newsletter 03/14 (Nr. 338) April 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

480min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122790 Mystery, Thrillers 2013 94min. Shout Factory 25.03.2014 Image Ent. 11.03.2014 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122786 Ocean’s Trilogy Collection (Blu- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122625 ray) New Tricks: Season Ten Bernie Mac, Matt Damon, Carl Reiner, Ellen The Outsiders: The Complete Denis Lawson, Sharon Small, Amanda Barkin, Elliott Gould, , George Novel (Blu-ray) Redman, James Bolam, Dennis Waterman, Clooney, Andy Garcia, Julia Roberts, Don C. Thomas Howell, Leif Garrett, Emilio Tim McInnerny, James Wilby, Kerry Fox, Cheadle, Brad Pitt, Scott Caan, Casey Estevez, Matt Dillon, Ralph Macchio, Rob Alun Armstrong - Dir. Julian Simpson, Robin Affleck, Vincent Cassel, Eddie Jemison, Lowe, Patrick Swayze, Diane Lane, Tom Sheppard, Matthew Evans Shaobo Qin - Dir. Steven Soderbergh Cruise - Dir. Francis Ford Coppola The old dogs of the Unsolved Crime and Open Case Squad Boxed Sets, Caper, Comedy, Crime, Movies, S.E. Hinton’s beloved novel of teens from the wrong side of are about to welcome a few new faces. But first, Detective the tracks, directed by Francis Ford Coppola, featuring Matt Superintendent Sandra Pullman (Amanda Redman, Sexy Thieves, Thrillers 363min. Dillon, Tom Cruise, Rob Lowe, Patrick Swayze and other Beast) and her loyal team - Gerry Standing (Dennis Warner Bros. 13.05.2014 young stars. Waterman, The Sweeney), Brian Lane (Alun Armstrong, Garrow’s Law), and Steve McAndrew (Denis Lawson, Bleak 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122449 Book-To-Film, Coming-Of-Age, Drama, House) will solve their final cases together, bringing justice Historical / Period Piece, Movies, Troubled to decades-old murders that stumped London’s Metropolitan Orphan Black: Season Two Youth 1983 114min. Police. After Brian’s reckless behavior endangers his place on the team, brainy Danny Griffin (Nicholas Lyndhurst, Only Michael Mando, Kevin Hanchard, Jordan Warner Bros. 03.06.2014 Fools and Horses) steps in and rubs the rest of the squad the Gavaris, Dylan Bruce, , 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122716 wrong way. Later, Sandra makes a choice that means a new boss for UCOS: feisty, fearless DCI Sasha Miller (Tamzin Maria Doyle Kennedy - Dir. T.J. Scott, John Outhwaite, EastEnders). The result is „a welcome new lease Fawcett, Ken Girotti, Brett Sullivan, Grant The Patrol of life“ (The Daily Telegraph, U.K.) for a show that has Harvey, David Frazee Owain Arthur - Dir. Tom Petch „plenty more tricks up its sleeve“ (Western Daily Press, U.K.). Action, BBC, British, Drama, Foreign, Inter- British, Drama, Foreign, Movies, War 85min. British, Cops, Drama, Foreign, Mystery, national TV, Science Fiction, Television Millennium Entertainment 20.05.2014 Television 2013 590min. 2013 450min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122650 Acorn Media 03.06.2014 BBC Home Video 24.06.2014 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122741 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122779 Perry Mason: Perry Mason Re- turns / The Case Of The Notorious No Lost Cause Orphan Black: Season Two (Blu- Nun (Double Feature) No Lost Cause is the story of Beth Ann Collins, a young ray) He’s back on the case! Based on novels by best-selling woman who is tragically paralyzed after a drunk driving Michael Mando, Kevin Hanchard, Jordan author Erle Stanley Gardner, and brought to life by the accident. She is forced to live with Billy, her estranged father, creators of Matlock, the beloved televised Perry Mason films as a result. Doctors give her very little hope: if she is to Gavaris, Dylan Bruce, Tatiana Maslany, are on DVD for the first time ever! After a long and fulfilling recover, it must be within the next six months. Beth Ann’s Maria Doyle Kennedy - Dir. T.J. Scott, John career, Perry Mason (Raymond Burr), the famed defense cruelty and spitefulness toward anyone who crosses paths Fawcett, Ken Girotti, Brett Sullivan, Grant attorney known for his ability to prove his client’s innocence with her increases each day as the chances for a full through deduction and keen intellect, has traded his briefcase recovery drift further and further away. But Billy won’t give up Harvey, David Frazee for a gavel and now serves as an appellate court judge. But on her, nor will the people who lover her unconditionally. Action, BBC, Blu-ray, British, Drama, when his long-time secretary, Della Street (Barbara Hale), is They have faith in something more powerful than a doctor’s Foreign, International TV, Science Fiction, charged with murder, it’s the perfect motive for Mason to diagnosis. resign his judgeship, team up with private investigator Paul Drama, Family, Movies 103min. Television 2013 450min. Drake, Jr. (William Katt), and take up her defense. With the Team Marketing 19.10.2012 BBC Home Video 24.06.2014 first 6 Perry Mason films now on DVD, follow along as 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122797 mysteries are uncovered and justice is served by the tba BestellNr.: 40122463 memorable TV attorney who started it all. CBS, Classics, Drama, Lawyers / Legal Non-Stop The Outsider Issues, Television 188min. Scoot McNairy, , Julianne Moo- Melissa Ordway, Craig Fairbrass, Johnny Paramount Pictures 10.06.2014 re Messner, Shannon Elizabeth, Jason Patric, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122538 Global action star Liam Neeson stars in this action thriller James Caan - Dir. Brian Miller played out at 40,000 feet in the air. During a transatlantic Recalled from the battlefields of Afghanistan to identify the flight, U.S. Air Marshal Bill Marks (Neeson) receives a remains of his daughter, British mercenary Lex Walker (Craig Perry Mason: The Case Of Lost series of cryptic text messages threatening to kill a Fairbrass) arrives in Los Angeles to find that the body in the Love / The Case Of The Shooting passenger every 20 minutes unless $150 million is transferred morgue belongs to a stranger. With his daughter now missing, into an off-shore account. With the lives of hundreds of Walker convinces a street-wise detective (Jason Patric) that Star (Double Feature) passengers hanging in the balance, Marks must use every his daughter is still alive and in danger. The two follow a trail nuance of his training to uncover the killer traveling on the of high-tech intrigue that leads them to his daughter’s former Barbara Hale, Raymond Burr, William Katt aircraft. Co-starring (The Hunger Games: boss (James Caan), a crooked cyber-millionaire who will do He’s back on the case! Based on novels by best-selling Mockingjay Part 1), Michelle Dockery (TV’s Downton Abbey) whatever it takes to protect his empire - including taking author Erle Stanley Gardner, and brought to life by the and Academy Award winner Lupita Nyong’o (12 Years a down anyone who gets in his way. Driven by desperation and creators of Matlock, the beloved televised Perry Mason films Slave). rage, Walker must fight his way through an army of thugs an are on DVD for the first time ever! After a long and fulfilling hired killers to save the one person that means more to him career, Perry Mason (Raymond Burr), the famed defense Action, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 2014 attorney known for his ability to prove his client’s innocence 107min. than life itself. Action, Crime, Drama, Movies, Mystery, through deduction and keen intellect, has traded his briefcase Universal Studios 10.06.2014 for a gavel and now serves as an appellate court judge. But Thrillers 2013 94min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122767 when his long-time secretary, Della Street (Barbara Hale), is Image Ent. 11.03.2014 charged with murder, it’s the perfect motive for Mason to 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122620 resign his judgeship, team up with private investigator Paul Non-Stop (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) Drake, Jr. (William Katt), and take up her defense. With the first 6 Perry Mason films now on DVD, follow along as (Blu-ray) The Outsider (Blu-ray) mysteries are uncovered and justice is served by the Scoot McNairy, Liam Neeson, Julianne Moo- memorable TV attorney who started it all. Melissa Ordway, Craig Fairbrass, Johnny Cops, Crime, Drama, Mystery, Television re Messner, Shannon Elizabeth, Jason Patric, Global action star Liam Neeson stars in this action thriller 191min. played out at 40,000 feet in the air. During a transatlantic James Caan - Dir. Brian Miller Paramount Pictures 10.06.2014 flight, U.S. Air Marshal Bill Marks (Neeson) receives a Recalled from the battlefields of Afghanistan to identify the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122560 series of cryptic text messages threatening to kill a remains of his daughter, British mercenary Lex Walker (Craig passenger every 20 minutes unless $150 million is transferred Fairbrass) arrives in Los Angeles to find that the body in the into an off-shore account. With the lives of hundreds of morgue belongs to a stranger. With his daughter now missing, Perry Mason: The Case of the passengers hanging in the balance, Marks must use every Walker convinces a street-wise detective (Jason Patric) that nuance of his training to uncover the killer traveling on the his daughter is still alive and in danger. The two follow a trail Murdered Madam / The Case of aircraft. Co-starring Julianne Moore (The Hunger Games: of high-tech intrigue that leads them to his daughter’s former the Sinister Spirit (Double Fea- Mockingjay Part 1), Michelle Dockery (TV’s Downton Abbey) boss (James Caan), a crooked cyber-millionaire who will do and Academy Award winner Lupita Nyong’o (12 Years a whatever it takes to protect his empire - including taking ture) Slave). down anyone who gets in his way. Driven by desperation and rage, Walker must fight his way through an army of thugs an Barbara Hale, Raymond Burr, William Katt Action, Blu-ray, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers hired killers to save the one person that means more to him He’s back on the case! Based on novels by best-selling 2014 107min. than life itself. author Erle Stanley Gardner, and brought to life by the Universal Studios 10.06.2014 Action, Blu-ray, Crime, Drama, Movies, creators of Matlock, the beloved televised Perry Mason films are on DVD for the first time ever! After a long and fulfilling

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 71 Newsletter 03/14 (Nr. 338) April 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA career, Perry Mason (Raymond Burr), the famed defense can get his ego out of the way. For the unknown band, it’s a One of the most shocking films of all time, Alfred Hitchcock’s attorney known for his ability to prove his client’s innocence time to see if they have what it takes to realize, or say Psycho changed the thriller genre forever. Join the Master of through deduction and keen intellect, has traded his briefcase goodbye to, the dream of making it in the music business. Suspense on a chilling journey as an unsuspecting victim for a gavel and now serves as an appellate court judge. But Drama, Movies, Music 88min. (Janet Leigh) visits the Bates Motel and falls prey to one of when his long-time secretary, Della Street (Barbara Hale), is cinema’s most notorious psychopaths - Norman Bates charged with murder, it’s the perfect motive for Mason to Virgil Films And Entertainment 20.05.2014 (Anthony Perkins). Named #1 on the AFI’s 100 Years... 100 resign his judgeship, team up with private investigator Paul 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122441 Thrills list, this notorious film has become a cultural Drake, Jr. (William Katt), and take up her defense. With the phenomenon. Featuring one of the most iconic scenes in film first 6 Perry Mason films now on DVD, follow along as history - the famous „Shower Scene“ - Psycho is „still mysteries are uncovered and justice is served by the Point Blank (Blu-ray) terrifying after all these years“ (Leonard Maltin’s Classic memorable TV attorney who started it all. , Keenan Wynn, Lloyd Bochner, Movie Guide). Cops, Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues, Michael Strong, Angie Dickinson - Dir. John AFI Top 100, Blu-ray, Classics, Horror, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Television Boorman Horror Series, Movies, Mystery, National 191min. Drama, Mobsters & The Mafia, Movies, Film Registry, Psycho (Series), Serial Kil- Paramount Pictures 10.06.2014 Revenge, Thrillers 1967 92min. lers, Thrillers 1960 109min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122561 Warner Bros. 08.07.2014 Universal Studios 06.05.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122425 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122594 Philomena Steve Coogan, - Dir. Stephen Power Rangers Megaforce: Ultra Rawhide: The Complete Series Frears Defenders Pack When she fell pregnant as a teenager in Ireland in 1952, Philomena Lee (Judi Dench) was sent to the convent to be Andrew Gray - Dir. Jonathan Tzachor Clint Eastwood, Paul Brinegar, Eric Fleming, looked after as a fallen woman. She cared for her baby for When a powerful weapon called the Aurora Box gives mutants Charles Gray, John Ireland three years until the Church took him from her and sold him, Bluefur, Bigs and new dream-eating monster Dream Snatcher The tale of Gil Favor, trail boss, and Rowdy Yates, his like countless others, to America for adoption. Coerced into one hundred times their normal strength, it’s up to Troy, Noah, assistant, as they drive cattle across the old West. Along the signing a document promising never to attempt to see her child Emma, Gia and Jake to stop their destructive rampage! And way they meet up with adventure and drama. again, she nonetheless spent the next fifty years secretly when evil robots Metal Alice and Rotox attack, the Power Boxed Sets, Drama, Television, Western searching for him, unaware that he was searching for her from Rangers must rely on Robo Knight and new ally Rico the across the Atlantic. Robot to prove that humans and robots can work together! 1959 min. Starz / Anchor Bay, Comedy, Drama, Action, Children’s, Cult Film / TV, Family, Paramount Pictures 03.06.2014 Movies 98min. Robots / Androids, Science Fiction, Televi- 644,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122802 Starz / Anchor Bay 15.04.2014 sion 92min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122739 Lionsgate 17.06.2014 Ray Donovan: Season One 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122691 Liev Schreiber, Philomena (Blu-ray + DVD Com- Ray Donovan is the go-to guy who makes the problems of Los Angeles celebrities, superstar athletes, and business moguls bo) (Blu-ray) Powerhouse: The Complete disappear. This powerful family drama unfolds when his father Series is unexpectedly released from prison, setting off a chain of Steve Coogan, Judi Dench - Dir. Stephen events that shakes the Donovan family to its core. Frears When roommates Tim (YouTube’s TimothyDeLaGhetto) and Crime, Drama, Television 633min. When she fell pregnant as a teenager in Ireland in 1952, Pedro (YouTube’s PeeDeeFlo) mistake a spaceship full of Philomena Lee (Judi Dench) was sent to the convent to be bite-sized aliens for a bowl of chips, something changes Paramount Pictures 10.06.2014 looked after as a fallen woman. She cared for her baby for inside them. All their powers are enhanced...except for their 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122562 three years until the Church took him from her and sold him, mental powers. Rick (YouTube’s iBeShucks), the only like countless others, to America for adoption. Coerced into roommate with a grain of common sense, misses out on the signing a document promising never to attempt to see her child superpowers and must now spend all his time preventing his Ray Donovan: Season One (Blu- again, she nonetheless spent the next fifty years secretly super-powered roommates from destroying the house, the city, ray) searching for him, unaware that he was searching for her from the world, and any hope he might have of meeting a nice girl across the Atlantic. and moving out. Liev Schreiber, Jon Voight Blu-ray, Comedy, Drama, Movies min. Comedy, Fantasy, Television 170min. Ray Donovan is the go-to guy who makes the problems of Los Cinedigm 13.05.2014 Angeles celebrities, superstar athletes, and business moguls Starz / Anchor Bay 15.04.2014 disappear. This powerful family drama unfolds when his father 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122748 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122400 is unexpectedly released from prison, setting off a chain of events that shakes the Donovan family to its core. At Hanging Rock: The : The Final Season Crime, Drama, Television 632min. Paramount Pictures 10.06.2014 Criterion Collection (Blu-ray + Steve Harris, Kelli Williams, Marla Sokoloff, Betty White, Camryn Manheim, Lara Flynn 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122580 DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Boyle, Michael Badalucco, William Shatner, Dominic Guard, Rachel Roberts - Dir. Peter Lisa Gay Hamilton, Rhona Mitra, Dylan Ready 2 Die Weir McDermott, Lake Bell Melissa Banks, Pablo Hernandez, Noel This sensual and striking chronicle of a disappearance and David E. Kelly’s Emmy Award-winning legal drama returns for Gugliemi, John Azpilicueta - Dir. John its aftermath put director Peter Weir (The Truman Show) on an eighth and final season that paves the way for its critically the map and helped usher in a new era of Australian cinema. acclaimed spin-off, Boston Legal. Major upheavals have left Azpilicueta Set at the turn of the twentieth century, Picnic at Hanging Ellenor (Camryn Manheim), Eugene (Steve Harris) and Jimmy After a violent bank robbery, a trio of hoods make their way Rock concerns a small group of students from an all-female (Michael Badalucco) in charge of the firm. In an attempt to across East L.A. carrying ablood-soaked bag of money. When college and a chaperone, who vanish while on a St. rebuild their ranks, Ellenor hires an old friend: the enigmatic word gets out, they must fend off gangs and crooked cops Valentine’s Day outing. Less a mystery than a journey into the and ethically-challenged Alan Shore (James Spader). Shore’s alike as they strive to keep the loot and stay alive. mystic, as well as an inquiry into issues of class and sexual brilliant-yet-highly-unorthodox methods succeed in winning Action, Crime, Drama, Movies, Thrillers repression in Australian society, Weir’s gorgeous, disquieting big cases - but will they also threaten the future of the firm? A 2014 80min. film is a work of poetic horror whose secrets haunt viewers to must-own for rans of Boston Legal, The Practice: Season this day. Eight features not only the debut of Alan Shore, but early Asylum Home Entertainment 18.03.2014 Art House, Blu-ray, Classics, Criterion appearances from Tara Wilson (Rhona Mitra), Catherine 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122662 Collection, Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Piper (Betty White), Sally Heep (Lake Bell)...and the legendary attorney Denny Crane (William Shatner). As a Movies, Special Editions 1975 107min. series, The Practice earned a Golden Globe Award for Best Rear Window (Blu-ray + Digital Criterion 17.06.2014 Drama Series, twenty-eight Primetime Emmy nominations and Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122643 the Peabody Award. The series set the bar high for Boston Legal, in which Spader and Shatner’s continued portrayals of , Wendell Corey, Thelma Alan Shore and Denny Crane would lead to two more Emmy Ritter, Grace Kelly, Raymond Burr - Dir. Pleased To Meet Me ABC, Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues, Tele- Alfred Hitchcock Aimee Mann, Loudon Wainwright vision 1997 960min. Directed by the Master of Suspense, Alfred Hitchcock’s Rear Rocker Pete Jones (legendary X front man John Doe) is in Shout Factory 15.04.2014 Window is an edge-of-your-seat classic starring two of trouble. He’s solo in his personal and professional life and he Hollywood’s most popular stars. When a professional cant seem to finish his long-awaited album. Threatened with 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122803 photographer (James Stewart) is confined to a wheelchair bankruptcy and a lawsuit from his label, Pete turns to his lost with a broken leg, he becomes obsessed with watching the love and former producer turned radio reporter Laura Klein Psycho (Blu-ray + Digital Copy + private dramas of his neighbors play out across the courtyard. (Academy Award nominee Aimee Mann) for help. Together, When he suspects his neighbor of murdering his nagging wife, they form an eclectic group of musicians who have never met UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) he enlists his socialite girlfriend (Grace Kelly) to help to create a band, for one day and one day only. Their 24-hour investigate the suspicious chain of events, leading to one of experiment will be recorded by Laura for the syndicated radio John McIntire, John Gavin, Anthony the most memorable and gripping endings in all of film history. show „World Cafe“ and provide her an opportunity to Perkins, Janet Leigh, Vera Miles, Martin Honored in AFI’s 100 Years ... 100 Movies for excellence in establish a life out from under Pete’s shadow. For Pete, its a Balsam - Dir. Alfred Hitchcock film, Rear Window has also been hailed as „one of Alfred chance to re-mix his personal and creative life, provided he Hitchcock’s most stylish thrillers“ (Leonard Maltin’s Classic

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Movie Guide). to hilarious humiliation. their defense of the law, these two tough women are battling AFI Top 100, Blu-ray, Classics, Drama, Comedy, Movies, Sports 2005 95min. challenges in their personal lives as well. Bailey is noisy, argumentative and single, while the more subtle Scott is a Movies, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Natio- 20th Century Fox 03.06.2014 wife and mother. Join this witty detective duo as they solve nal Film Registry, Thrillers, Voyeurism 1954 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122715 complex crimes while they seek balance in their equally 115min. challenging personal lives. Universal Studios 06.05.2014 Rise Of The Dinosaurs BBC, Cops, Crime, Foreign, Mystery, Televi- sion 270min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122595 Gary Stretch, Vernon Wells, Corin Nemec Commando squad reflects a hostage at the hands of terrorist BBC Home Video 17.06.2014 Repentance (DVD + UltraViolet) Marquez, but their helicopter is shot down and falls into 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122613 unexplored valleys. How quickly it is inhabited by dinosaurs, Anthony Mackie, Sanaa Lathan, Forest for which soldiers are tasty morsel. Whitaker - Dir. Philippe Calderon Action, Dinosaurs, History & Events, Hor- The Secret Lives Of Dorks An earnest life coach and author named Tommy Carter is ror, Science Fiction 2013 83min. Vanessa Marano - Dir. Salome Breziner mysteriously abducted by a deranged client, Angel Sanchez. Samantha Payton (Gaelan Connell) is a pathetic dork, a comic Sanchez delves into Thomas’ teachings, using his spiritual Cinedigm 17.06.2014 book geek whose high school career is one hopeless faux pas messages of karma - action and reaction - to terrorize Tommy 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122555 after another. Yet he’s a dreamer and madly in love with the and his family for their past sins. head cheerleader Carrie (Riley Voelkel), who he is Horror, Movies, Thrillers 101min. RoboCop determined to win over. But she is wise to his desperate Lionsgate 24.06.2014 advances, so to get off his radar she creates a plan to push Joel Kinnaman, Gary Oldman, Samuel L. him into the arms of a dorkette at the school, Samantha 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122694 (Vanessa Marano). In this high school equation: Peyton wants Jackson, Michael Keaton - Dir. Jose Padilha Carrie; Carrie wants Peyton to instead hook up with „Crime has a new enemy in this „sleek, stylish and smart“ Samantha; Samantha wants Peyton. But even the simplest Report 51: Alien Invasion (Silas Lesnick, ComingSoon.net) action-thriller starring Joel formula can equal disaster. After a strange and disturbing UFO sighting, four friends Kinnaman, Samuel L. Jackson, Gary Oldman and Michael Comedy, Coming-Of-Age, Movies, Romance journey to the woodlands to investigate but soon find that their Keaton! In the year 2028, greedy conglomerate OmniCorp exciting weekend adventure plans have turned into a uses robotic technology to transform critically injured police 92min. nightmare of terror and survival. What happened to the quartet officer Alex Murphy (Kinnaman) into the ultimate crime fighter. Cinedigm 10.06.2014 remains a mystery; however their video documentary material He’s part man, part machine...he’s RoboCop! Back on the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122547 - consisting of POV camera, computer chat recordings, and streets, Murphy is hard-wired for law enforcement, but the frightening attack footage - survives as a terrifying vision of mind and memories of the human inside long to take over...and an isolated small town subjected to an alien invasion. In the the results could be catastrophic. Shark Attack Pack (Triple Fea- tradition of Paranormal Activityand The Blair Witch Project Action, Crime, Science Fiction, Thrillers comes Report 51: Alien Invasion, a terrifying new motion 2014 120min. ture) picture from Alessio Liguori & Giuliano Tomassacci, It will never be safe to go back in the water - with these three presented in 1.78 widescreen and 5.1 Dolby Digital surround 20th Century Fox 03.06.2014 classic shark attack movies for one low price! First up: a sound. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122775 coastal town in threatened by a Great White in The Shark Aliens, Horror, Movies 100min. Kill. Next, go deep into danger with the grim realities of Great White Death, then take a journey into the action adventure of Bayview Entertainment 20.05.2014 RoboCop (Blu-ray) the classic Shark! - once you are in these waters, you will 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122565 Joel Kinnaman, Gary Oldman, Samuel L. never be the same again! Jackson, Michael Keaton - Dir. Jose Padilha Horror, Movies, Sharks, Thrillers, Triple Resurrection: The Complete First Crime has a new enemy in this „sleek, stylish and smart“ Feature 260min. Season (Silas Lesnick, ComingSoon.net) action-thriller starring Joel Music Video Distribution 20.05.2014 Kinnaman, Samuel L. Jackson, Gary Oldman and Michael 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122529 Sam Hazeldine, Samaire Armstrong, Omar Keaton! In the year 2028, greedy conglomerate OmniCorp Epps, Kurtwood Smith, Matt Craven, uses robotic technology to transform critically injured police officer Alex Murphy (Kinnaman) into the ultimate crime fighter. She’s With Me Frances Fisher He’s part man, part machine...he’s RoboCop! Back on the What happens when someone you’ve mourned and buried streets, Murphy is hard-wired for law enforcement, but the Trish Cook, Chris Gholson, Michelle Irethia suddenly appears at your front door as if not a single day has mind and memories of the human inside long to take over...and Baker, Gabriela Castillo, Brandon Middleton, gone by? After the initial shock, would it be a blessing... or a the results could be catastrophic. Taisha Monique Clark, Monti Washington, curse? Immerse yourself in the powerful first season of ABC’s Action, Blu-ray, Crime, Science Fiction, Resurrection, an astonishing story of mystery, relationships Gabriela Fuhr - Dir. Stephen Langford and second chances. Life in Arcadia, Missouri changes Thrillers 2014 120min. When an IT guy meets a beautiful girl who dreams of being an forever when Jacob (a boy who drowned over three decades 20th Century Fox 03.06.2014 actress, he pretends to be a big shot producer to win her ago) miraculously appears on his parents’ doorstep alive and 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122793 over. With the insistence of her suspicious friends, she unharmed — and still just eight years old. But Jacob is only continually tests to see if he is the real deal. This leaves him the first. As more and more deceased return to life, the entire no choice but to desperately keep up the illusion, because he town is thrust into conflict fueled by love and loathing, fear Salem’s Lot: The Miniseries finds himself falling in love with her. and faith, suspicion and redemption. Meanwhile, as tensions (Repackage) Comedy, Movies, Romance 87min. mount, a desperate race to find answers and defuse the Anderson Merchandisers 11.03.2014 situation begins — before complete chaos erupts. Own Rob Lowe, Dan Byrd, Robert Mammone, Resurrection: The Complete First Season on DVD and relive 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122619 all eight gripping episodes plus bonus features. James Cromwell, Andre Braugher, Samantha Mathis, Rutger Hauer, Donald Drama, Fantasy, Television 344min. Silent But Deadly Disney / Buena Vista 10.06.2014 Sutherland - Dir. Mikael Salomon Jacqui Holland, Bruce Vilanch, Kiersten 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122678 Horror, Stephen King, Television, Vampires 2004 183min. Warren, John Tartaglia, Dawn Wells, Rip Taylor, Lee Meriwether, Martin Kove, David Revenge of the Nerds (Blu-ray) Warner Bros. 29.04.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122491 Proval - Dir. Jason Lockhart In this hilarious satire on college life, a group of misfits led by Somebody is killing old farts! OMG! Senior citizens are being Robert Carradine and Anthony Edwards decides to start their offed by a masked killer stalking the halls of the Sunny Daze own fraternity after being rejected by every house on campus. Santo vs. The Rider of Terror Lake View Retirement Home! Their newest arrival, Rose Chaos results, with a brains vs. brawn battle, as the foot ball (Dawn Wells) has just settled in when the killings start, team jocks try to run the nerds off campus. But as the nerds (Santo contra los Jinetes del Ter- residents are disappearing, ghosts are haunting and to top it carefully engineer their revenge, it begins to appear as if ror) all off - somebody has been a bad kid - since there’s an STD their day is at hand outbreak! As the terror rises, the residents find themselves in Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Movies 90min. Armondo Silvestre, Gregorio Cassals, Mary a game of „Who done-it?“ as they try to figure out how to 20th Century Fox 06.05.2014 Montiel, Julio Aldama, Santo - Dir. Rene survive not just old age, but a killer too! Full of laughs, full of scares, you’ll be on the edge of your seats from the moment 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122536 Cardona you enter the world of these Senior Citizens: The place Adventure, Foreign, Horror, Mexican, where people come to live - until they die. The Ringer (Blu-ray) Movies 1970 81min. Comedy, Horror, Movies 97min. Johnny Knoxville, Edward Barbanell, John VCI Home Video/ Magic Lantern 04.02.2014 Indican Pictures 18.03.2014 Taylor, Katherine Heigl, Brian Cox - Dir. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122712 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122628 Barry W. Blaustein Jackass star Johnny Knoxville delivers a „special“ Scott & Bailey: Season One Sin City: Uncut (Blu-ray + Digital performance in this outlandishly funny comedy, co-starring Katherine Heigl and produced by the Farrelly Brothers. Steve Suranne Jones, Amelia Bullmore, Lesley Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Barker (Knoxville) is so desperate for cash he agrees to join Sharp Jessica Alba, Clive Owen, Rosario his shady uncle’s scheme to „fix“ the upcoming Special Gripping murder mysteries face Detective Constable Rachel Olympics. Posing as a mentally challenged competitor named Bailey and her partner Detective Constable Janet Scott in this Dawson, Brittany Murphy, Josh Hartnett, Jeffy, Steve goes for the gold... but winds up on the fast track series from award-winning writer Sally Wainwright. Beyond Mickey Rourke, Bruce Willis, Elijah Wood,

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Rutger Hauer, Michael Madsen, Benicio Del 13.05.2014 all too common story of a troubled youth learning how to stop Toro - Dir. Quentin Tarantino, Robert 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122675 hiding and to start healing. Drama, Movies, Troubled Youth 93min. Rodriguez, Frank Miller Osiris Entertainment 06.05.2014 This amazing cast of big-screen favourites is directed by Stalingrad (DVD + UltraViolet) Robert Rodriguez, Frank Miller - and special guest director 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122525 Quentin Tarantino - in this acclaimed and visually stunning Mariya Smolnikova, Philippe Reinhardt, hit! Straight from the pages of Miller’s hip series of Sin City Yanina Studilina, Thomas Kretschmann - Suits: Season Three (DVD + graphic novels, Bruce Willis stars as a cop with a bum ticker Dir. Fedor Bondarchuk and a vow to protect a sexy stripper (Jessica Alba); Mickey UltraViolet) Rourke as an outcast misanthrope on a mission to avenge the A band of determined Russian soldiers fight to hold a death of his one true love (Jaime King); and Clive Owen as strategic building in their devastated city against a ruthless Meghan Markle, David Costabile, Sarah Dwight, the clandestine love of Shellie (Brittany Murphy), German army, and in the process become deeply connected to Rafferty, Patrick J. Adams, Rick Hoffman, who spends his night defending Gail (Rosario Dawson) and a Russian woman who has been living there. In Stalingrad, her Old Town girls (Devon Aoki and Alexis Bledel) from a directed by Fedor Bondarchuk, the scale of the battle Gina Torres, Gabriel Macht tough guy () with a penchant for violence. contrasts dramatically with the human drama of the Russian Comedy, Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues, Also starring Elijah Wood, Nick Stahl, Michael Madsen, soldiers, the few remaining civilians and their invaders into Stalingrad. Television, USA Network 2012 117min. Carla Gugino and Michael Clark Duncan. Universal Studios 27.05.2014 Action, Based On Comic Book, Blu-ray, Action, Foreign, Movies, Russian, War, 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122658 Cops, Cops On The Edge, Crime, DTS World War II 2013 131min. Audio, Film Noir, Movies, Thrillers, Vigilante Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Justice 2005 124min. 13.05.2014 Survival Code (DVD + UltraViolet) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122672 In 2045 A.D., a steadily shrinking ice cap leaves several Lionsgate 13.05.2014 countries struggling for control of the town of Borealis and the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122792 last untapped oil, gas and mineral deposits on the planet. Vic, Stolen Face a former ultimate fighter, has bribed and manipulated his way into a position of authority, and controls the only way in or Slasher (4-Pack) Mary Mackenzie, Andre Morell, Paul out. When the UN sends in corrupt officials, Vic must take Horror, Movies, Thrillers min. Henreid, John Wood, Lizabeth Scott - Dir. matters into his own hands by returning to his roots to Starz / Anchor Bay 13.05.2014 Terence Fisher challenge a local Russian group to a cage fight, with the fate A plastic surgeon gives an „extreme makeover“ on a prison of Borealis in the balance. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122418 inmate’s face. She becomes a replica of a lover who refused Action, In The Future..., Movies, Science to marry him. He weds the inmate and then finds that the lover Fiction 88min. Slasher (4-Pack) (Blu-ray) who jilten him wants him back! Lionsgate 06.05.2014 Drama, Film Noir, Movies, Romance 1952 Horror, Movies, Thrillers min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122381 72min. Starz / Anchor Bay 13.05.2014 VCI Home Video/ Magic Lantern 15.04.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122428 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122806 Surviving Evil Billy Zane, Joel Torre, Colin Moss, Christina Smoked Stranger By The Lake Cole, Natalie Mendoza, Malcolm Kohll Jack Frost Franck spends his summer vacation searching for Action, Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2009 Three stoner buddies throw a house party that ends in flames. companionship and sexual encounters at a popular cruising 94min. Suddenly broke and desperate, they concoct a half-baked plan spot on the shores of a picturesque lake in rural France. One Anderson Merchandisers 25.02.2014 to rob a Medical Marijuana club. Little do they know this club day, he meets Michel, an attractive yet darkly mysterious man is secretly owned by the crack kingpin - Shank who and falls blindly in love. When a death occurs, Franck and 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122611 unleashes the feared contract killers „The Four Horseman“ to Michel become the primary suspects but they choose to ignore kill them. Their pursuit sends a wave of violence across the dangers and instead continue to engage in their Tapped Out (DVD + UltraViolet) Oakland killing Clowns, Hippies, Ninjas, and just about passionate and potentially lethal relationship. Stranger By anyone in the way! The Lake is an erotic thriller that tests the lengths and limits One-time martial arts prodigy Michael Shaw is sentenced to Action, Adventure, Comedy, Movies 98min. of sexual desire. Winner of the Best Directing Prize in the Un community service at a rundown school, where he gets Indican Pictures 22.04.2014 Certain Regard section at the Cannes Film Festival and back into the discipline of the sport. During a local MMA fight winner of the Queer Palm! he encounters the man who killed his family a decade ago, and 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122631 his decision to get revenge involves going behind his karate Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Movies, master’s back to train and compete in the upcoming MMA Romance, Thrillers 100min. tournament. When he finally goes toe to toe in the ring with Sophia Grace & Rosie’s Royal Strand Releasing 13.05.2014 his parents’ killer he won’t stop until the last punch knocks Adventure 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122391 his opponent to the ground, leaving him TAPPED OUT. Get ready for another British invasion! The super-cute, Action, Drama, Mixed Martial Arts, Movies talented twosome of Sophia Grace and Rosie became an 90min. Internet sensation with their remarkable viral vidoes. Then Stranger By The Lake (Blu-ray) Lionsgate 27.05.2014 the duo sang and danced their way to stardom on The Ellen Franck spends his summer vacation searching for DeGeneres Show, where they regularly report from the red companionship and sexual encounters at a popular cruising 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122387 carpet. Now see the little, lovable performers in their very spot on the shores of a picturesque lake in rural France. One own original live-action movie! The girls are sent to day, he meets Michel, an attractive yet darkly mysterious man TCM Greatest Classic Films: Switzelvania as Ellen’s correspondents to cover the and falls blindly in love. When a death occurs, Franck and coronation of a new queen. When they encounter three very Michel become the primary suspects but they choose to ignore Classic Moms different princesses competing for the throne, Sophia Grace the dangers and instead continue to engage in their and Rosie hatch a royal plot to help the best candidate win. passionate and potentially lethal relationship. Stranger By , Henry Travers, Irene Dunne, So grab your microphone, put on your best pink tutu and tiara, The Lake is an erotic thriller that tests the lengths and limits , Barbara Bel , Edgar and go on a splendidly fun-filled, exciting adventure fit for a of sexual desire. Winner of the Best Directing Prize in the Un Bergen, Teresa Wright, James LeGros, princess! Certain Regard section at the Cannes Film Festival and Walter Pidgeon, Reginald Owen, Henry Adventure, Children’s, Comedy, Movies winner of the Queer Palm! Wilcoxon, Guy Pearce, Tim Holt, Agnes 70min. Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Movies, Moorehead, Oscar Homolka, Ray Collins, Warner Bros. 20.05.2014 Romance, Thrillers min. Anne Baxter, Greer Garson, Evan Rachel 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122416 Strand Releasing 13.05.2014 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122450 Wood, Philip Dorn, Rudy Vallee, Mare Winningham, Richard Ney, Melissa Leo, Stalingrad (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) Sugar Dolores Costello, Dame May Whitty, Richard (Blu-ray) Bennett, Sir Cedric Hardwicke - Dir. George Shenae Grimes, Marshall Allman, Corbin Mariya Smolnikova, Philippe Reinhardt, Stevens, William Wyler, Orson Welles, Todd Bleu, Angus Macfadyen, Wes Studi Yanina Studilina, Thomas Kretschmann - The story of a band of homeless kids as they try to survive on Haynes Dir. Fedor Bondarchuk the streets of Venice Beach...seen through the eyes of a 20 Classics, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, A band of determined Russian soldiers fight to hold a year old named „Sugar“. Based on true events, Sugar is the girl power, HBO, Historical / Period Piece, strategic building in their devastated city against a ruthless story of a young girl with a troubled past trying to survive on German army, and in the process become deeply connected to the streets of Venice Beach. Sugar suffers from PTSD after Independent Women, Mini-Series, Movies, a Russian woman who has been living there. In Stalingrad, losing her entire family in a horrific car crash. She survives Rocky Relationships, Tearjerkers, Televisi- directed by Fedor Bondarchuk, the scale of the battle with her group of outcast friends on the streets of Venice on min. contrasts dramatically with the human drama of the Russian Beach trying to find their own place in the world. Like so soldiers, the few remaining civilians and their invaders into many homeless youth, Sugar is running from the pain of her Warner Bros. 05.08.2014 Stalingrad. past and will do anything to escape it. However with the help 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122780 Action, Blu-ray, Foreign, Movies, Russian, of Bishop, her counselor in the youth shelter, she is able to reconnect with her uncle who has been searching for her. War, World War II 2013 261min. Sugar’s new world starts to crumble when forced to confront TCM Greatest Classic Films: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment the demons she’s run from for the last two years. Sugar is an

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Legends - Esther Williams Vol. 1 Trintignant) finds a refuge in a small European town which, William Dieterle, Roy Del Ruth years before, was home to Jean, a resistance fighter hunted Esther Williams, Ricardo Montalban, Red by the Nazis. Boris ingratiates himself in the community, Double Features 1941 min. Skelton, Basil Rathbone, Peter Lawford - weaving tales of his encounters with the martyred rebel, and Warner Bros. 05.10.2010 thereby seducing Jean’s widow...and sister..and maid. But tba BestellNr.: 40122614 Dir. George Sidney, Edward Buzzell Boris’s erotic games are interrupted when a mysterious Collections, Comedy, Movies, Musical, stranger — who may, in fact, be Jean — arrives in the village. Romance 518min. Drama, Movies, Romance, Thrillers 1968 : The Complete Sixth Warner Bros. 05.08.2014 95min. Season 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122781 Kino Video 27.05.2014 Carrie Preston, Ryan Kwanten, Sam 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122374 Trammell, Kristin Bauer, Valentina Cervi, TCM Greatest Classic Films: Christopher Meloni, Stephen Moyer, Scott Theatrical Horror (4-Pack) (Blu- Foley, Chris Bauer, Anna Paquin, Janina Lotte Lenya, Shirley Knight, Geraldine ray) Gavankar, Michael McMillian, Alexander Page, Sue Lyon, Jeremy Spenser, Ed Horror, Movies min. Skarsgard, Lucy Griffiths, Rutina Wesley, Begley, Rip Torn, Ava Gardner, Richard Starz / Anchor Bay 13.05.2014 Joe Manganiello, Nelsan Ellis, Jim Parrack, Burton, Warren Beatty, Vivien Leigh, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122431 Deborah Ann Woll, Lauren Bowles, Todd Deborah Kerr, Cyril Delevanti, Coral Lowe Entering its sixth smash-hit season, True Blood is HBO’s Browne, Jill St. John, Grayson Hall, Paul A Tiger’s Tail sexy, scary, wildly entertaining series from Oscar - and Newman, James Ward - Dir. John Huston, Greg Grunberg Emmy-winner Alan Ball (Six Feet Under) and based on the Richard Brooks, Jose Quintero Sookie Stackhouse novels by Charlaine Harris. In addition to Family, Movies 77min. returning TB favorites - led by human/faerie hybrid Sookie Affairs & Love Triangles, Drama, Movies, Millennium Entertainment 13.05.2014 (Anna Paquin), her unlikely vampire ally Eric (Alexander Play-To-Film, Romance min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122646 Skarsgard), and newly reconstituted supervamp Bill (Stephen Warner Bros. 05.08.2014 Moyer) - Season 6 introduces several jarring storylines that 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122782 threaten what little sense of normalcy remains in and around The Time Machine (Blu-ray) Bon Temps. As „Billith“ comes to terms with his newfound Yvette Mimieux, Alan Young, Rod Taylor, powers after emerging from a pool of blood at the end of S5, : Season Three - Part Louisiana Governor Truman Burrell (new cast member Arliss Sebastian Cabot, Tom Helmore - Dir. Howard) declares open season on vampires, replete with Two George Pal novel anti-vamp weapons and a high-tech internment camp. Holland Roden, Crystal Reed, Tyler The Time Machine 40th Anniversary From H.G. Wells’ Meanwhile, Sookie and Jason steel themselves for an landmark novel comes this beloved adventure about the encounter with the killer of their parents: the mysterious and Hoechlin, Tyler Posey inventor of a time-travel device that whisks him through a ancient Warlow, whose identity remains a troubling mystery Comedy, Drama, High School, Horror, MTV, war-ravaged 20th century and into a far-off era where humans as the season opens. Romance, Television, Thrillers, are enslaved by evil subterranean mutants. Rod Taylor, Drama, Fantasy, HBO, Horror, Television, Werewolves 2012 528min. Yvette Mimieux and Alan Young star in this Best Special Vampires, Werewolves 2012 600min. Effects Oscar winner HBO Home Video 03.06.2014 MGM / UA 17.06.2014 Classics, Movies, Science Fiction, Time 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122616 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122705 Travel 1960 103min. Warner Bros. 08.07.2014 Terror Street 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122497 True Blood: The Complete Sixth Eric Pohlmann, Ann Gudrun, Elsy Albin, Dan Season (Blu-ray + Digital Copy + Duryea - Dir. Montgomery Tully Tosh.0: Collas & Exposed Arms UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) A U.S. Air Force pilot becomes the logical suspect after his wife is shot and killed. The thirty-six hours he has to clear (Blu-ray) Carrie Preston, Ryan Kwanten, Sam himself are filled with twists and turns culminating in an Daniel Tosh Trammell, Kristin Bauer, Valentina Cervi, exciting climax. Tosh.0 delves into all aspects of the Internet, featuring razor Christopher Meloni, Stephen Moyer, Scott Drama, Film Noir, Movies, Murder Mysteries, sharp humor and biting commentary from comedian Daniel Foley, Chris Bauer, Anna Paquin, Janina Romance 84min. Tosh. From the absolutely absurd to the incredibly ingenious, the series features viral clips, sketches, and „Web Gavankar, Michael McMillian, Alexander VCI Home Video/ Magic Lantern 15.04.2014 Redemptions“ which give subjects of infamous viral videos a Skarsgard, Lucy Griffiths, Rutina Wesley, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122807 second chance to redeem themselves from the embarrassment Joe Manganiello, Nelsan Ellis, Jim Parrack, with which they’ve become synonymous. Its cable TV’s most trusted source for exhibitionist weirdos, injurious idiots and Deborah Ann Woll, Lauren Bowles, Todd That Awkward Moment all things Web. And now it’s on DVD and Blu-Ray! Lowe Tom Gormican, Miles Teller, Michael B. Jor- Comedy, Stand-Up, Television 462min. Entering its sixth smash-hit season, True Blood is HBO’s sexy, scary, wildly entertaining series from Oscar - and dan - Dir. Tom Gormican Paramount Pictures 17.06.2014 Emmy-winner Alan Ball (Six Feet Under) and based on the In That Awkward Moment, three guys in support of a friend 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122581 Sookie Stackhouse novels by Charlaine Harris. In addition to devastated by a recent breakup vow to maintain their single returning TB favorites - led by human/faerie hybrid Sookie status for as long as possible. The plan gets derailed when (Anna Paquin), her unlikely vampire ally Eric (Alexander they each fall in love and have to secretly work around their Trap For Cinderella Skarsgard), and newly reconstituted supervamp Bill (Stephen pledge to bachelorhood, while trying to figure out the Following a house fire that killed her childhood friend and left Moyer) - Season 6 introduces several jarring storylines that complications of modern day relationships. her badly burned, 20-year-old Micky wakes up in a Swiss threaten what little sense of normalcy remains in and around Comedy, Movies, Romance 2014 94min. clinic, suffering from amnesia. Remembering nothing about the Bon Temps. As „Billith“ comes to terms with his newfound Sony Pictures Home Entertainment incident or her past, she’s whisked away by her wealthy powers after emerging from a pool of blood at the end of S5, aunt’s assistant to her childhood home in England, where she Louisiana Governor Truman Burrell (new cast member Arliss 13.05.2014 begins to piece together her memories. Through reconnections Howard) declares open season on vampires, replete with 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122671 with people from her former life as well as mementos that novel anti-vamp weapons and a high-tech internment camp. provide clues to who she was, Micky begins to unravel the Meanwhile, Sookie and Jason steel themselves for an tangled web of her psyche. But as she gets closer and closer encounter with the killer of their parents: the mysterious and That Awkward Moment (Blu-ray + to rebuilding her old self, she begins to uncover evidence of a ancient Warlow, whose identity remains a troubling mystery UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) deadly plot that may have led to the fatal blaze and of which as the season opens. she herself may have been the orchestrator. With twisting Drama, Fantasy, HBO, Horror, Television, Tom Gormican, Miles Teller, Michael B. Jor- suspense and jaw-dropping thrills, Trap For Cinderella is a Vampires, Werewolves 2012 600min. dan - Dir. Tom Gormican unique whodunit of shocking self-discovery. In That Awkward Moment, three guys in support of a friend Drama, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 100min. HBO Home Video 03.06.2014 devastated by a recent breakup vow to maintain their single MPI 15.04.2014 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122623 status for as long as possible. The plan gets derailed when they each fall in love and have to secretly work around their 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122389 pledge to bachelorhood, while trying to figure out the True Detective: The Complete complications of modern day relationships. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre First Season Comedy, Movies, Romance 2014 94min. Michelle Monaghan, Woody Harrelson, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment / Maltese Falcon (Double Fea- ture) Matthew McConaughey 13.05.2014 In 2012, Louisiana State Police Detectives Rust Cohle and 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122674 Mary Astor, Humphrey Bogart, Bette Davis, Martin Hart are brought in to revisit a homicide case they Edward G. Robinson, Ricardo Cortez, Bebe worked in 1995. As the inquiry unfolds in present day through separate interrogations, the two former detectives narrate the The Man Who Lies Daniels, Bruce Bennett, Warren William, story of their investigation, reopening unhealed wounds, and On the run from pursuing soldiers, Boris (Jean-Louis Walter Huston, Tim Holt - Dir. John Huston, drawing into question their supposed solving of a bizarre

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 75 Newsletter 03/14 (Nr. 338) April 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA ritualistic murder in 1995. The timelines braid and converge in Movie Laurence Harvey, Nehemiah Persoff, Wal- 2012 as each man is pulled back into a world they believed Comedy, Crime, Drama, Movies min. they’d left behind. In learning about each other and their ter Brennan, John Carradine, John Ireland, killer, it becomes clear that darkness lives on both sides of Warner Bros. 06.05.2014 Richard Widmark, , Patrick the law. Written and created by Nic Pizzolatto (The Killing) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122615 Wayne, Harry Carey Jr., Colleen Gray, and directed by Cary Fukunaga (Sin Nombre, Jane Eyre), True Detective stars Woody Harrelson as Martin Hart and Joanne Dru, Constance Towers, Dianne Matthew McConaughey as Rust Cohle. The series also stars The Veronica Mars Movie (Blu-ray Foster, Una Merkel, Stuart Whitman, John Michelle Monaghan (Mission: Impossible III) as Maggie, + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Litel, Linda Cristal, Chill Wills, Ken Curtis, Hart’s wife; Kevin Dunn (Veep) as Major Quesada, the supervising officer in 1995; and Tory Kittles (Sons of Jason Dohring, Kristen Bell, Enrico Carlos Arruza, Jester Hairston, Ina Balin, Anarchy) and Michael Potts (The Wire~~) as Dets. Papania Colantoni - Dir. Rob Thomas Diana Lynn, Donald MacDonald, Althea and Gilbough, the investigators now probing Hart and Cohle The hit television show, Veronica Mars, makes it way to the Gibson, Marguerite Churchill, El Brendel, for ans big screen with the full-length feature, The Veronica Mars Frankie Avalon, Joseph Calleia - Dir. John Cops, Crime, Drama, Mystery, Television Movie Wayne, John Ford, Howard Hawks, Raoul 480min. Comedy, Crime, Drama, Movies min. Walsh, Michael Curtiz, Burt Lancaster HBO Home Video 10.06.2014 Warner Bros. 06.05.2014 A Hollywood legend like no other, ACADEMY AWARD 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122617 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122622 Winner John Wayne remains a true American icon. On horseback in the Wild West or in battle on the front lines, „Duke“ stands tall as the silver screen’s greatest hero. True Detective: The Complete Vertigo (Blu-ray + Digital Copy + Gathered here on Blu-ray are seven of his most outstanding First Season (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) films and legendary performances, including The Comancheros and The Longest Day. UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Kim Novak, James Stewart, Barbara Bel Actor / Actress Box Sets, Adventure, Michelle Monaghan, Woody Harrelson, Geddes, Henry Jones, Tom Helmore - Dir. Boxed Sets, Classics, Drama, Epics, Matthew McConaughey Alfred Hitchcock Historical / Period Piece, Hollywood In 2012, Louisiana State Police Detectives Rust Cohle and Considered one of Alfred Hitchcock’s greatest cinematic Legends, Movies, Western 1969 1261min. Martin Hart are brought in to revisit a homicide case they achievements, Vertigo is a dreamlike thriller from the Master worked in 1995. As the inquiry unfolds in present day through of Suspense. Set in San Francisco, the film creates a dizzying 20th Century Fox 06.05.2014 separate interrogations, the two former detectives narrate the web of mistaken identity, passion and murder after an 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122583 story of their investigation, reopening unhealed wounds, and acrophobic detective (James Stewart) rescues a mysterious drawing into question their supposed solving of a bizarre blonde (Kim Novak) from the bay and must unravel the secrets ritualistic murder in 1995. The timelines braid and converge in of the past to find the key to his future. Recognized for John Wayne: Bigger Than Life 2012 as each man is pulled back into a world they believed excellence in AFI’s 100 Years... 100 Movies, Vertigo is a Stefanie Powers, Chill Wills, Jack they’d left behind. In learning about each other and their „great motion picture that demands multiple viewings“ killer, it becomes clear that darkness lives on both sides of (Leonard Maltin’s Classic Movie Guide). Kruschen, Lucille Ball, Patrick Wayne, John the law. Written and created by Nic Pizzolatto (The Killing) Classics, Drama, Film Noir, Horror, Movies, Wayne - Dir. Andrew V. McLaglen, Robert and directed by Cary Fukunaga (Sin Nombre, Jane Eyre), Mystery, National Film Registry, Romance, F. Slatzer True Detective stars Woody Harrelson as Martin Hart and Thrillers 1958 128min. Iowa-born Marion Morrison (1907 - 1979) was destined to Matthew McConaughey as Rust Cohle. The series also stars become world-famous as John Wayne. The 6’4" actor, Michelle Monaghan (Mission: Impossible III) as Maggie, Universal Studios 06.05.2014 director and producer epitomized rugged masculinity and has Hart’s wife; Kevin Dunn (Veep) as Major Quesada, the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122596 become an enduring American icon with his distinctive speech supervising officer in 1995; and Tory Kittles (Sons of and swaggering walk in films like Stagecoach, Fort Apache, Anarchy) and Michael Potts (The Wire~~) as Dets. Papania The Searchers, Sands Of Iwo Jima, Rio Bravo and True Grit. and Gilbough, the investigators now probing Hart and Cohle Voodoo Dollz „I define manhood simply,“ Wayne once said, discussing his for ans When naughty schoolgirl Christina (Christine Nguyen) is screen roles. „Men should be tough, fair and courageous, Cops, Crime, Drama, Mystery, Television caught in a compromising sexual position by her Head never petty, never looking for a fight... but never backing 480min. Mistress (Michelle Bauer), she is shipped off to an exclusive down from one either.“ This 3-disc collector’s set includes All-Girl school where Voodoo practices, black magic and four engrossing documentaries, rare TV clips and one of John HBO Home Video 10.06.2014 human sacrifice are just a few of the extra-curricular Wayne’s best-loved movies. Films Include John Wayne: 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122624 activities. Christina soon discovers that she’s barely two Bigger Than Life Examines the life and films of the man who shower scenes and three bedroom encounters away from became a screen legend. The American West Of John Ford being their next victim! Directed by Nicholas Medina, Voodoo Looks at the career and classic western films of acclaimed Vampire Academy Dollz is a hilarious and sexy spoof from Retromedia and stars director John Ford. It features interviews with John Wayne Sarah Hyland, Olga Kurylenko, Cameron Christine Nguyen, Michelle Bauer, Beverly Lynne, Nicole and other colleagues and includes clips from many of Wayne’s Sheridan, Charlie Laine, and Monique Parent. Features a greatest films. No Substitute For Victory Hosted by Wayne, Monaghan - Dir. Mark Waters Blooper & Out-take Reel, and Trailers. provides a historically fascinating look at the views held by Rose Hathaway (Zoey Deutch) is a dhampir, half-vampire and some half-human, who is training to be a guardian at St. Vladimir’s Comedy, Erotica, Horror, Movies 80min. Academy. There are good and bad vampires in their world: Bayview Entertainment 20.05.2014 Classics, Comedy, Cowboy, Drama, Moroi, who co-exist peacefully among the humans and only 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122567 Fighting, Movies, Romance, Western take blood from donors and Strigoi, blood-sucking, evil 436min. vampires who drink to kill. Rose and other dhampir guardians Film Chest Media Group 28.01.2014 are trained to protect Moroi and kill Strigoi throughout their Warehouse 13: Season Five education. Along with her best friend Princess Lissa 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122725 Dragomir (Lucy Fry), a Moroi in possession of the almost Genelle Williams, Eddie McClintock, Joanne unheard of element called spirit that forged an unbreakable Kelly, Sam Huntington, Brent Spiner, Saul bond, Rose must run away from St. Vladimir’s, in order to Rubinek What’s In A Name? protect Lissa from those who wish to harm the princess and Guillaume De Tonquedec, Patrick Bruel, use her for their own means. Drama, Mystery, Science Fiction, Spies & Secret Agents, Supernatural & Paranormal, Charles Berling Action, Fantasy, High School, Movies, Vincent (Patrick Bruel), a successful forty-something, is Vampires 2014 min. Television 2012 153min. about to become a father for the first time. He is invited to Starz / Anchor Bay 20.05.2014 Universal Studios 20.05.2014 dinner at the charming apartment of his sister, Elisabeth 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122670 (Valerie Benguigui), and brother-in-law, Pierre (Charles 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122421 Berling), where he catches up with his childhood friend, Claude (Guillaume de Tonquedec). Whilst waiting for Anna Vengeance Is A .44 Magnum Warehouse 13: The Complete (Judith El Zein), his younger spouse who is always running late, his fellow guests happily bombard him with questions on Christi’s (Brandy Amann) life in the fast lane sends her Series his fast approaching fatherhood...but when his hosts ask spiraling out of control. On the run from a vicious pimp and his Vincent what name he has chosen for his future offspring, his gang of thugs, she finds herself captured, beaten and tortured. Genelle Williams, Eddie McClintock, Joanne Kelly, Sam Huntington, Brent Spiner, Saul response plunges the family into chaos. Christi sets off on a path of destruction and revenge against Comedy, Drama, Movies 109min. the murderous killers with unstoppable anger and a large Rubinek First Run Features 03.06.2014 caliber handgun. Payback is a bitch... and Vengeance is a .44 Drama, Mystery, Science Fiction, Spies & Magnum. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122502 Action, girl power, Movies, Thrillers, Secret Agents, Supernatural & Paranormal, Television 2012 min. Torture 101min. The Witch Who Came From The Music Video Distribution 20.05.2014 Universal Studios 20.05.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122530 296,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122669 Sea Abused as a child by her alcoholic father, Molly is now a dysfunctional waitress in a local seaside bar off the coast of The Veronica Mars Movie John Wayne Film Collection (Blu- California who casually picks up muscle men from Venice ray) Beach and takes them home to bed... only to castrate them with Jason Dohring, Kristen Bell, Enrico a shaving razor! Colantoni - Dir. Rob Thomas John Wayne, Walter Matthau, William Hol- Horror, Movies, Troubled Youth, Witches & The hit television show, Veronica Mars, makes it way to the den, Lee Marvin, John McIntire, Paul Fix, big screen with the full-length feature, The Veronica Mars Warlocks 83min.

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Music Video Distribution 20.05.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122746 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122533 Wrong Cops The Wizard Of Oz Officer Duke has a bit of a problem: he accidentally shot a man while holding a teenager (Marilyn Manson) captive, and Music Charley Grapewin, Margaret Hamilton, Billie now he’s storing the body in the trunk of his car. Luckily Burke, Jack Haley, Bert Lahr, Ray Bolger, Office Duke fits right in with the rest of the local police force, $ellebrity Frank Morgan, Judy Garland - Dir. Victor who really couldn’t care less about solving crimes and are Marc Anthony, Elton John, Kid Rock, Fleming much more interested in petty theft, blackmailing their colleagues, soliciting prostitutes, sexually harassing the Jennifer Aniston, , Salma One of the best-loved movies of all time, The Wizard Of community, and starting careers in electronic music. So they Oz(1939) stars Judy Garland as Dorothy, a young Kansas probably aren’t going to be all that helpful when it comes to Hayek farm girl who is whisked away by a twister to the land of Oz. dealing with that body in the trunk anyway, which means Renowned Rock n’ Roll photographer Kevin Mazur has pulled Accompanied by a brainless Scarecrow, a heartless Tin Man Officer Duke may not have that much of a problem after all. In together an impressive team for his first feature-length and a Cowardly Lion, Dorothy and her little dog, Toto, follow this absurdist ensemble comedy from director Quentin documentary about the changing face of celebrity and the the Yellow Brick Road seeking the Wizard of Oz, in order Dupieux (Rubber, Wrong), the cops may have gone wrong, many ways that the media has conveyed, defined and even that he may grant her wish to return home. but their depraved behavior makes the laughs feel—also demeaned what it means to be famous today. Taking a Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, wrong. historical ride through the early days of Hollywood and the rise of the paparazzi, $ellebrity explores how fame has Animation, Children’s, Classics, Drama, Comedy, Crooked Cops, Movies 81min. changed from the highly-structured studio system to the Fairy Tales, Family, Fantasy, Movies, Musi- MPI 15.04.2014 current free-for-all press and paparazzi frenzy. cal, National Film Registry, Witches & 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122390 Documentary, Music, Pop Music, Special Warlocks 1939 102min. Interest 89min. Warner Bros. 04.03.2014 WWI Centennial Commemoration Cinedigm 24.06.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122401 Collection 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122559 Hobart Bosworth, George Tobias, Margaret Wolf Creek 2 Wycherly, Donald Crisp, Renee Adoree, God’s Greatest Hits: Abide With Ryan Corr, John Jarratt - Dir. Greg McLean Basil Rathbone, Barry Fitzgerald, Errol Me Lured by the promise of an Australian holiday, exchange Flynn, Walter Brennan, Gary Cooper, David Inspired by the story of Jesus rising from the tomb, Abide student Paul visits the notorious Wolf Creek Crater. His With Me was written by Henry Francis Lyte as he lay dying dream Outback adventure soon becomes a horrific reality Niven, Stanley Ridges, John Gilbert, of tuberculosis-which may be why it is such a moving call for when he encounters the site’s most infamous local, Mick Cooper, Carl Esmond, Joan Leslie, Walter God’s company. It has been recorded by a wide variety of Taylor (John Jarratt). When Paul attempts to flee, Mick Bond - Dir. Edmund Goulding, Howard artists and is sung prior to kickoff at every FA Cup Final. pursues him across a hostile wasteland and eventually drags This episode features stunning performances by the Nathaniel him back to his underground lair. After seeing the true Hawks, King Vidor Dett Chorale, the Priests, and the community of All Saints’ magnitude of Mick’s monstrosity, Paul’s only hope of Aerial Action, Biography, Biopics, Church in Brixham UK, the birthplace of the hymn. surviving, where no one has before, will be to use every ounce of cunning to outwit the man behind the monster. Collections, Drama, Movies, National Film Documentary, Music, Religion/Spirituality, Australian, Foreign, Horror, Movies, Serial Registry, Romance, War, World War I min. Special Interest 2012 min. Killers, Slasher, Thrillers 2013 106min. Warner Bros. 22.07.2014 E1 Entertainment 11.03.2014 Image Ent. 24.06.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122711 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122434 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122738 You, Me And Dupree (Blu-ray + Beth Hart & Joe Bonamassa: Live Wolf Creek 2 (Blu-ray + DVD Com- Digital Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu- In Amsterdam bo) (Blu-ray) ray) Joe Bonamassa, Beth Hart Hot on the heels of their Grammy nomination, force-of-nature Ryan Corr, John Jarratt - Dir. Greg McLean Kate Hudson, Owen Wilson, Matt Dillon, blues-rock vocalist Beth Hart and guitar hero Joe Bonamassa Lured by the promise of an Australian holiday, exchange Michael Douglas, Seth Rogen - Dir. Anthony deliver Beth Hart & Joe Bonamassa - Live In Amsterdam - the student Paul visits the notorious Wolf Creek Crater. His very first live experience from one of music’s most powerful dream Outback adventure soon becomes a horrific reality Russo, Joe Russo Owen Wilson, Kate Hudson and Matt Dillon deliver non-stop female voices and one of the world’s greatest guitar players. when he encounters the site’s most infamous local, Mick Against the backdrop of the beautiful, historic Koninklijk Taylor (John Jarratt). When Paul attempts to flee, Mick laughs and fun in You, Me and Dupree. Newlyweds Carl and Molly (Dillon and Hudson) are just beginning their life Theater Carre in Amsterdam, the performance wows with pursues him across a hostile wasteland and eventually drags scorching soul covers from the duo’s 2011 debut album „Don’t him back to his underground lair. After seeing the true together when Carl’s oldest friend, the down-and-out bachelor Randy Dupree (Wilson), crashes on the couch. One Explain“ and 2013 follow-up „Seesaw,“, originally made magnitude of Mick’s monstrosity, Paul’s only hope of famous by artists such as Aretha Franklin, Etta James, Billie surviving, where no one has before, will be to use every comic mishap follows another, and soon it becomes obvious that two’s company, but Dupree’s a crowd. You’ll laugh ‘till it Holiday, Tom Waits, Ray Charles, Lucinda Williams, Tina ounce of cunning to outwit the man behind the monster. Turner, Melody Gardot, Nina Simone, and more. With 22 Australian, Blu-ray, Foreign, Horror, hurts with this hilarious, outrageous comedy! Comedy, Movies 2006 110min. songs and over two hours of bonus and behind-the-scenes Movies, Serial Killers, Slasher, Thrillers footage, music fans around the world won’t want to miss the Universal Studios 03.06.2014 2013 106min. sonic pairing tha tcritics everywhere are calling a „match 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122600 made in heaven!“ Image Ent. 24.06.2014 Blues, Concerts, Contemporary Blues, 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122749 A Young Doctor’s Notebook Music, Pop Music, Special Interest 114min. J&R Adventures 25.03.2014 The Woman In White Jon Hamm, Daniel Radcliffe, Adam Godley It’s 1917, on the eve of the Russian Revolution, and a young 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122783 Justine Waddell, Andrew Lincoln, James doctor (Radcliffe) arrives in the middle of the night to lead an Wilby, Tara Fitzgerald, Ian Richardson, eerie, back-woods hospital. Fresh from med school, he is Beth Hart & Joe Bonamassa: Live Simon Callow completely unprepared for the bizarre people and alarming medical maladies that face him, so, in an unexpected twist, he In Amsterdam (Blu-ray) Wilkie Collins’s classic Victorian mystery captivates in this turns to his older self (Hamm) for advice. It’s a fascinating, BAFTA Award-winning adaptation seen on Masterpiece dark and original comedy with two of Hollywood’s leading Joe Bonamassa, Beth Hart Theatre. Artist Walter Hartright (Andrew Lincoln, The talents that surprises and entertains in a wholly unique way. Hot on the heels of their Grammy nomination, force-of-nature Walking Dead) arrives at Limmeridge House to instruct blues-rock vocalist Beth Hart and guitar hero Joe Bonamassa wealthy half-sisters Marian (Tara Fitzgerald, Brassed Off) BBC, British, Comedy, Drama, Foreign, Tele- deliver Beth Hart & Joe Bonamassa - Live In Amsterdam - the and Laura Fairlie (Justine Waddell, Tess of the vision 93min. very first live experience from one of music’s most powerful D’Urbervilles). Their peaceful lives are marred by a strange BBC Home Video 01.07.2014 female voices and one of the world’s greatest guitar players. woman dressed in white, who brings disturbing warnings to Against the backdrop of the beautiful, historic Koninklijk the family. When Laura announces her engagement to the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122618 Theater Carre in Amsterdam, the performance wows with dashing Sir Percival Glyde (James Wilby, Maurice), it seems scorching soul covers from the duo’s 2011 debut album „Don’t the darkness haunting them is lifting. But new dangers lurk Zombie Games: The Knackery Explain“ and 2013 follow-up „Seesaw,“, originally made closer than ever, and the only hope for averting disaster lies famous by artists such as Aretha Franklin, Etta James, Billie with the secret held by the woman in white. Critics hailed the Hunger Games meets Dawn of the Dead! Six contestants. One Holiday, Tom Waits, Ray Charles, Lucinda Williams, Tina cast’s universally strong performances, with Fitzgerald million dollars. And a horde of zombies. A group of Turner, Melody Gardot, Nina Simone, and more. With 22 praised as „perfect“ (The Boston Globe), while Ian contestants will to fight to the death on the extreme reality TV songs and over two hours of bonus and behind-the-scenes Richardson (House of Cards) as the invalid uncle and Simon show The Knackery. With a million dollars for the last player footage, music fans around the world won’t want to miss the Callow (Four Weddings and a Funeral) as the sinister Count left standing, the stakes are high. Even higher when flesh sonic pairing tha tcritics everywhere are calling a „match Fosco delivered „mesmerizing turns“ (The New York Times). hungry, genetically modified zombies are unleashed upon the made in heaven!“ Acorn Media, British, Classics, Drama, contestants to liven things up a bit. Blues, Blu-ray, Concerts, Contemporary Action, Horror, Movies, Thrillers, Zombies Foreign, Historical / Period Piece, Movies Blues, Music, Pop Music, Special Interest 75min. 1997 116min. 114min. Music Video Distribution 20.05.2014 Acorn Media 24.06.2014 J&R Adventures 25.03.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122531

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 77 Newsletter 03/14 (Nr. 338) April 2014

LASER HOTLINE Seite 78 Newsletter 03/14 (Nr. 338) April 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA tba BestellNr.: 40122798 crafted a never-before-seen style of DVD that is uniquely its own. Illusionism. Prepare to amaze your family and friends as Harris III shares the secrets to some of his most dazzling History Of Jazz: Oxygen For The tricks and illusions and shows you how to do them! You will Special Interest learn how to: Read someone’s mind by naming any color they Ears can think of, perform amazing magic with normal playing Billy Taylor, Joe Byrd, Ravi Coltrane, 2014 Daytona 500 cards, cause any borrowed ring to magically float in the air, and much more! You wouldn’t expect an illu Thelonious Monk Dale Earnhardt, Jr. broke a 55 race winless streak by An award-winning documentary chronicling the rise of jazz winning the 56th running of the Daytona 500. Earnhardt also Documentary, Magic, Special Interest min. music, its players, its followers, its past and what the future won in 2004 making it his second victory in the 500. Own all Team Marketing 15.04.2014 holds told from the landmark of Washington, D.C. The film of the excitement in this Complete, Unedited Network 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122461 shows how jazz history was made and continues to be made Broadcast Of The 2014 Daytona 500. in the capital today. Through rare recordings and revealing Auto Racing, NASCAR, Racing, Special interviews with jazz giants like Esperanza Spalding, Billy Black Ops: Premium Collector’s Taylor, Buck Hill, Butch Warren, Eric Lewis, Chuchito Interest min. Valdes, among many others, History Of Jazz: Oxygen For The Team Marketing 01.04.2014 Edition Ears takes the viewers on an emotional journey through 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122524 Documentary, Special Interest 300min. historic and present-day jazz moments. First Look 27.05.2014 Documentary, Music, Special Interest 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122654 93min. Alexander’s Lost World Indican Pictures 06.05.2014 David Adams 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122632 Throughout the wild highlands and war-torn plains of Afghani- Brain Games: Season Three stan and Central Asia lie tantalizing traces of the ancient Hailed by critics as „tremendous fun,“ Brain Games returns world. It was here, 2,300 years ago, that iconic hero Alexan- for a third season of interactive experiments that test how Legendary Performances: Merle der the Great became the first European to rule the East. In a easily the brain can be fooled - uncovering the surprising major turning point in human history, he crossed into Asia in nature of how we process information, feel emotions, and Haggard 334 BCE, crushed the Persian Empire, and discovered a perceive the world around us. Host and wonder junkie Jason Johnny Paycheck, Bonnie Owens, Willie highly developed eastern civilization along the banks of the Silva and Deception specialist Apollo Robbins explore a mighty Oxus River. In this six-part series, photojournalist world where time slows down, reality is an illusion and things Nelson David Adams explores the footprints of this ancient world, aren’t always as they seem - the human brain. Get ready for Concerts, Country, Country Music, Music, today almost entirely erased. Following the course of the lots of mind-blowing illusions, games and challenges that will Oxus, he takes us on an extraordinary journey, from Greece make you question whether „seeing is actually believing. Special Interest min. in the West to the approaches to India in the East, along the Music Video Distribution 11.02.2014 way passing through Taliban territory and some of the most Documentary, National Geographic, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122728 inhospitable terrain on earth. Suspecting that Alexander’s Science, Special Interest 220min. conquest may not have been all that it appears, Adams sets off Cinedigm 24.06.2014 on an amazing quest to separate fact from fiction and reveal 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122558 Majestic: By Kari Jobe what this world would really have looked like to Alexander’s eyes. In a career spanning nearly a quarter century, David Kari Jobe Adams has been a widely published photoj Concerts, Contemp. Christian, Music, Peter Brook: The Tightrope Adventure, Documentary, History & Events, Peter Brook is one of the world’s most respected and Special Interest 2014 113min. Mystery, Special Interest, Television revolutionary directors of contemporary theatre. To help his Capitol Records 25.03.2014 276min. actors achieve extraordinary performances, he has a special 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122785 exercise, ‘the Tightrope,’ that evolved over decades of Image Ent. 17.06.2014 experimentation and practice into a process of transformation 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122752 that revitalizes the theatrical experience for actor and Joni Mitchell A Life Story: audience alike. In this unique film, director Simon Brook - Peter’s son - reveals how ‘the Tightrope’ works its dramatic Woman Of Heart And Mind / Batista: The Animal Unleashed alchemy. Painting With Words And Music The Animal, Batista, was one of the most dominant Superstars Documentary, Special Interest 83min. of the 21st century, until his abrupt departure from WWE in First Run Features 03.06.2014 (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) 2010. Now, the former WWE and World Heavyweight Cham- pion is back to reclaim his place at the top of the food chain. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122500 Concerts, Double Features, Folk Singers, In this release, fans follow his path from the struggles that Music, Special Interest 2003 204min. drove him away from WWE to his triumphant return in 2014. Eagle Rock 25.03.2014 Why did he leave? What conquests did he pursue while he George Carlin: Complaints & was away? How did he train? And how does he plan to Grievances / Doin’ It Again (Doub- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122801 conquer WWE all over again? Special Interest, Sports, Sports le Feature) Lou Reed: Transformer / Live At Entertainment, & Fighting, WWE George Carlin Montreux 2000 (Double Feature) 540min. George Carlin performs a hilarious set of never-before Cinedigm 10.06.2014 released material in Complaints and Grievances. His 12th (Blu-ray) HBO special was recorded live at the Beacon Theater in New 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122544 York City on November 17, 2001. In Complaints and Concerts, Music, Rock ‘N’ Roll, Special Grievances, Carlin shamelessly exposes the people and Interest 2000 206min. subjects that irritate him the most. His bold brand of humor Eagle Vision USA 25.03.2014 Batista: The Animal Unleashed forces us to laugh at our own behavior when it comes to (Blu-ray) disgusting hygiene habits, those annoying family newsletters 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122799 and people who use credit cards to pay for inexpensive items. The Animal, Batista, was one of the most dominant Superstars In Doin’ It Again, the minutiae of everyday life is up for Thalia: Viva Tour of the 21st century, until his abrupt departure from WWE in Carlin’s hilarious interpretation as he takes on the best of the 2010. Now, the former WWE and World Heavyweight Cham- worst in all of us. From embarrassing underwear situations to Thalia pion is back to reclaim his place at the top of the food chain. people who announce their bathroom activities, nothing Concerts, Latin Music, Music, Pop Music, In this release, fans follow his path from the struggles that escapes this comedic veteran’s watchful eye. Cancer, rape, drove him away from WWE to his triumphant return in 2014. stupid people, dogs, organ donor programs, when toilet paper Special Interest min. Why did he leave? What conquests did he pursue while he became bathroom tissue, „pulling the plug,“ and offensive Sony Music Video 11.03.2014 was away? How did he train? And how does he plan to language all receives Carlin’s special treatment in this 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122787 conquer WWE all over again? uproarious performance. Special Interest, Sports, Sports Comedy, Double Features, Special Interest, Entertainment, Wrestling & Fighting, WWE Thalia: Viva Tour (Blu-ray) Stand-Up 120min. 540min. MPI 15.04.2014 Thalia Cinedigm 10.06.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122436 Concerts, Latin Music, Music, Pop Music, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122577 Special Interest min. Sony Music Video 11.03.2014 George Carlin: George’s Best Beyond the Illusion Stuff / You Are All Diseased tba BestellNr.: 40122811 „For Everything, There is a Key.“ Classically trained master illusionist, Harris „The Third“ has spent the majority of his (Double Feature) Yes: Owner Of A Lonely Heart young life dazzling audiences. His performances have been George’s Best Stuff is a compilation of some of Carlin’s featured on thousands of stages throughout the United States legendary routines, including „A Place For My Stuff,“ „Dogs Concerts, Music, Progressive Rock, Rock & and his magic-with-a-message has captured the spotlight in and Cats,“ „Baseball and Football,“ „Losing Things,“ „Al Sleet Pop, Rock ‘N’ Roll, Special Interest min. over 15 countries on 5 continents. This two-disc set features: the Hippy-Dippy Weather Man,“ the notorious „Seven Words Music Video Distribution 11.02.2014 Entangled. In this highly anticipated and acclaimed project, You Can Never Say on Television,“ and many more. A great Harris III takes you on a journey filled with wonder, collection of some of the best standup comedy ever performed. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122729 inspiration and truth. Ideal for family viewing, you will enjoy You Are All Diseased is a new collection of Carlin comedy an innovative blend of narrative film and his live show never before seen on home video. The hilarious routines experience as this master communicator and entertainer has

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 79 Newsletter 03/14 (Nr. 338) April 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA include „Airport Security,“ „Fear of Germs,“ „More Things 395min. 1 That Are Pissing Me Off,“ „American Bullshit,“ „Businessmen,“ „Religion“ and „There Is No God.“ Kino Video 27.05.2014 There’s no need to be an Olympic champion, a muscle builder, 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122379 or a 10th dan expert to learn how to defend yourself, you just Comedy, Special Interest, Stand-Up 120min. have to want it and be willing to learn. Learning, MPI 15.04.2014 understanding, analyzing and anticipating is within 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122437 Entangled everyone’s reach using this 3-volume instructional DVD set. Classically trained master illusionist, Harris „“The Third““ The street is a jungle. You can spend your life without being has spent the majority of his young life dazzling audiences. attacked, but one day everything can change without warning. Creative Cove His performances have been featured on literally thousands of Do not fear this danger, you just have to get ready and Eric, Sara and Emily are always excited to discover and play stages throughout the United States, and his magic-with-a- prepare properly. This film will show you five different with the Fun Finders! After Coach Vocab inspires them with a message has captured the spotlight in over 15 countries on 5 defenses (Krav Maga, Street Boxing, Global Defense System, new word, they venture across Creative Cove, playing music continents. In this highly anticipated project, Harris III takes Sambo, and ) against these attacks: grip, attacks with JJ The Rocker, painting with Professor Puppe, and you on a journey filled with wonder, inspiration and life- with bare hands, with a stick or a bat, with a kick, and gun learning about animals with Uncle Adventure. Designed with changing truth. Through an innovative blend of narrative film threat. Many videos deal with self-defense, but here you will pre-school learning targets in mind, Creative Cove inspires and his Live show experience, this master communicator has learn and be able to compare the different defense systems. children to use their imagination while exploring creative created a never-before-seen style of DBD that is unmated and One is not necessarily better than the other, there is just a outlets and reinforcing character value taught at home. Eric, uniquely his own. style that suits you best and it’s up to you to find it. Whether Sara and Emily show the Fun Finders how to have fun while Documentary, Magic, Special Interest you are fat or thin, tall or small, supple or not, beginner or learning about healthy eating, exercise, crafts and so much expert, it doesn’t matter: Fight Club in the Street will teach more! 102min. you how to defend yourself against the most Children’s / Educational, Educational, Team Marketing 19.11.2013 Health, Instructional, Martial Arts, Special Preschool, Television min. tba BestellNr.: 40122467 Interest min. FilmWorks 13.05.2014 Bayview Entertainment 27.05.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122635 ESPN Films - 30 for 30: Ernie and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122568 Bernie Duck Dynasty: Duck Days Of Sum- When Bernard King arrived at Knoxville, he was only the Fight Club In The Street: Volume third African-American ever to play for the Vols’ varsity team. 1 mer By the time he left he was a legend. Along with talented Time to pack your sunscreen, bathing suit, and your camo teammate Ernie Grunfeld, they gained national acclaim as part There’s no need to be an Olympic champion, a muscle builder, beach towel for the DUCK DAYS OF SUMMER from A&E, of what was known as The Ernie and Bernie Show. Director or a 10th dan expert to learn how to defend yourself, you just where you can lounge in the warmth with everyone’s favorite Jason Hehir follows King’s strict upbringing in , have to want it and be willing to learn. Learning, family, the Robertsons. Join the guys for a redneck road trip New York, the challenges he faced at the University of understanding, analyzing and anticipating is within in the Duck Commander RV. Say „Aloha, Robertsons!“ as the Tennessee, and the obstacles he overcame in the NBA as he everyone’s reach using this 3-volume instructional DVD set. whole clan takes a Hawaiian vacation in a double-length looked to live up to the promise of his college career. The street is a jungle. You can spend your life without being episode, and then spend some time back home on the bayou at Documentary, ESPN, Special Interest, attacked, but one day everything can change without warning. their makeshift waterpark. This rollicking collection features Do not fear this danger, you just have to get ready and three classic episodes, as well as a bonus interview with Si! Sports min. prepare properly. This film will show you five different ESPN (TM) 25.03.2014 defenses (Krav Maga, Street Boxing, Global Defense System, A&E, Reality, Television 88min. Sambo, and Kajukenbo) against these attacks: grip, attacks Lionsgate 20.05.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122454 with bare hands, with a stick or a bat, with a kick, and gun 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122383 threat. Many videos deal with self-defense, but here you will ESPN Films - 30 for 30: Free Spi- learn and be able to compare the different defense systems. One is not necessarily better than the other, there is just a Duck Dynasty: Season Five rits style that suits you best and it’s up to you to find it. Whether America’s most recognizable family is back for Season 5, and The American Basketball Association (ABA) included a cast you are fat or thin, tall or small, supple or not, beginner or their Duck Dynasty is bigger than ever. From their home in of colorful characters that took the court night in and out. One expert, it doesn’t matter: Fight Club in the Street will teach Louisiana’s bayou, the Robertson clan has built a multimillion- of those teams, the Spirits of St Louis, featured stars like you how to defend yourself against the most dollar sporting empire manufacturing duck calls. But, true to Marvin „Bad News“ Barnes and James „Fly“ Williams, along Health, Instructional, Martial Arts, Special their roots, they’ve never lost their taste for fun and with an upstart sportscaster named Bob Costas calling the Interest 300min. adventure, or their captivating Southern charm. See why play-by-play. Director Daniel H. Forer chronicles the Spirits they’ve earned a seat in homes across America and beyond. two years in the league and the ABA’s eventual merger with Bayview Entertainment 27.05.2014 Watch as the boys at the warehouse continue to get Willie’s the NBA, a union which allowed co-owners Daniel and Ozzie 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122570 goat, Uncle Si’s antics never fail to amaze, and Phil and Miss Silna to negotiate one of the shrewdest sports deals ever. Kay host a slumber party. Plus, the Robertson clan gets even Basketball, Documentary, ESPN, Special Fight Club In The Street: Volume bigger as two new family members join the action - and stir Interest, Sports min. things up. Daily life on the bayou may be mundane for some, 2 but for the Robertsons, it remains anything but dull. ESPN (TM) 25.03.2014 There’s no need to be an Olympic champion, a muscle builder, A&E, Reality, Television 2013 242min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122456 or a 10th dan expert to learn how to defend yourself, you just A&E 24.06.2014 have to want it and be willing to learn. Learning, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122693 ESPN Films - 30 for 30: No Mas understanding, analyzing and anticipating is within everyone’s reach using this 3-volume instructional DVD set. In the midst of boxing’s contemporary golden age stood two The street is a jungle. You can spend your life without being Duck Dynasty: Season Five (Blu- fighters who established a captivating rivalry. Their pair of attacked, but one day everything can change without warning. bouts within a span of just over 5 months in 1980 had all the Do not fear this danger, you just have to get ready and ray) trappings of instant classics. Sugar Ray Leonard, who had prepare properly. This film will show you five different America’s most recognizable family is back for Season 5, and become a household name after a Gold Medal-winning defenses (Krav Maga, Street Boxing, Global Defense System, their Duck Dynasty is bigger than ever. From their home in performance at the 1976 Summer Olympics, versus Roberto Sambo, and Kajukenbo) against these attacks: grip, attacks Louisiana’s bayou, the Robertson clan has built a multimillion- Duran, the toughest — some said meanest — fighter of all with bare hands, with a stick or a bat, with a kick, and gun dollar sporting empire manufacturing duck calls. But, true to time. Director Eric Drath explores the drama, action and those threat. Many videos deal with self-defense, but here you will their roots, they’ve never lost their taste for fun and two words uttered in the second of their clashes, which learn and be able to compare the different defense systems. adventure, or their captivating Southern charm. See why continues to create a sense of mystery, bewilderment and One is not necessarily better than the other, there is just a they’ve earned a seat in homes across America and beyond. intrigue. style that suits you best and it’s up to you to find it. Whether Watch as the boys at the warehouse continue to get Willie’s Boxing, Documentary, ESPN, Special you are fat or thin, tall or small, supple or not, beginner or goat, Uncle Si’s antics never fail to amaze, and Phil and Miss Interest, Sports 77min. expert, it doesn’t matter:Fight Club in the Streetwill teach you Kay host a slumber party. Plus, the Robertson clan gets even ESPN (TM) 25.03.2014 how to defend yourself against the most c bigger as two new family members join the action - and stir Health, Instructional, Martial Arts, Special things up. Daily life on the bayou may be mundane for some, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122455 but for the Robertsons, it remains anything but dull. Interest min. Bayview Entertainment 27.05.2014 Blu-ray, Reality, Television 2013 442min. Terry Fator: Live In Concert (DVD A&E 24.06.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122569 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122699 + UltraViolet) America’s Got Talent Winner, Terry Fator brings a hilarious Freedom Fighter range of characters to life including Winston, the Eco Chic Retreat impersonating turtle, Emma Taylor, the little girl with the big Freedom Fighter is the story of Majed El Shafie. Born in voice and lounge singer Monty Carlo. With comedic banter Egypt to a prominent family, Majed converted from Islam to Do it yourself Body, Mind, Spirit renewal. A fun and relaxing, Christianity, and found his life forever changed. Arrested, step-by-step weekend retreat to enjoy alone or with friends. and amazing vocal impressions of musical superstars such as Garth Brooks, Dean Martin, Aretha Franklin, Lady Gaga and tortured and sentenced to die for his new faith, Majed An affordable solution for a wellness retreat in the comfort of managed to escape to Israel, where he was imprisoned for a your own home or while enjoying your favorite destination more, Terry Fator Live in Concert is a one-of-a-kind experience. year and a half. Now living in Canada, Majed has formed his spot. INSIDE YOUR DVD SET: Three Guided Meditations, own human rights organization One Free World International. three Morning Yoga classes, Qigong class, three Painting Comedy, Television 95min. Freedom Fighter follows the story of Majed as he travels to classes, Journaling, Cooking class, Active meditation, Lionsgate 20.05.2014 Afghanistan and Pakistan seeking out the persecuted, and Evening Yoga, Lucid Dreaming, Setting Intention and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122386 challenging their governments to change. On one such trip to Choosing a Silent Retreat. Pakistan, Majed meets 4 year old Neha. Raped at the age of 2 Diet & Lifestyle, girl power, Meditation, by an 18 year old man in attempt to force convert her family Meditation/Relaxation, Special Interest 2013 Fight Club In The Street: Volume from Christianity to Islam, Neha and her family must live in hiding as extremists now want them dead. We follow Majed as

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 80 Newsletter 03/14 (Nr. 338) April 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA he brings her story back to the West, and desperately works KAPAP - Ultimate Techniques billion studio that’s 250 miles above the Earth’s surface. The to get Neha and her family out of Pakistan. Through Majed we 90-minute special broadcasts live from the International Space also explore persecution in Iraq, China and his home country With Moshe H. Galisko Station and from Mission Control in Houston in March 2014, of Egypt. Interviews with victims, activists and politicians, Israeli expert World Technical Director of the International taking viewers on a trip around our planet. Viewers take a help to tell Majed’s story as well as the lar Kapap Association. One of the most effective martial arts in guided tour of the space station and see experiments carried Documentary, Politics, Religion/Spirituality, the world, Kapap is presented on this DVD in a method that is out in a floating laboratory. Live From Space reveals an Special Interest 83min. easy to learn. The program contains demonstrations of incredible view of life on Earth - from sunrise to sunset, big seizures, chokes, feet/fists, ground, gun, knife, etc. Kapap weather, city lights and shooting stars. Team Marketing 24.04.2012 (Krav Panim El Panim which means „face to face combat“) is a Documentary, National Geographic, Space, tba BestellNr.: 40122464 martial art cousin to Krav Maga and Close Combat. It is a Special Interest 90min. very realistic and effective self-defense method created in Israel. In this DVD, you will study more specifically IKA Cinedigm 17.06.2014 Great British Ghosts Season One Kapap, presenting a whole range of varied and detailed 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122549 British, Foreign, Reality, Television min. techniques that allow you to deal with numerous attacks: defenses against punches, grips, chokes, seizures, gun First Look 27.05.2014 threats, knife threats & attacks, ground techniques, etc. The Mafia Collection: Premium 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122656 Moshe Galisko (Israeli World Technical Director of the Collector’s Edition International Kapap Association), attained the highest ranking of modern Kapap and has been practicing martial arts for 47 Documentary, Mobsters & The Mafia, Stephen Hawking’s Grand Design years. He teaches the military elite and works with the anti- Special Interest 630min. Stephen Hawking terrorist agencies worldwide. Succeeding his father, he First Look 27.05.2014 Is the apparent „grand design“ of our universe evidence of a developed a modern style Kapap worldwide. He is also benevolent creator who set things in motion - or does science President 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122653 offer another explanation? Delve into the mind of Stephen Instructional, Martial Arts, Special Interest Hawking as he attempts to answer some of life’s biggest 360min. Mirage Men questions. Is there a god? What is the meaning of life? And why does the universe exist? From Newton’s discovery of Bayview Entertainment 27.05.2014 Mirage Men Takes you on a journey through the badlands and gravity to the latest advances in quantum physics, Hawking 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122571 backwaters of America. Mark Pilkington and John Lundberg, will explore some fascinating territory with his famous based on their best selling book, uncover a 60 year-old story fearless zeal. Regardless of whether you agree with all of his stranger than any conspiracy thriller. For over sixty years theories, prepare your mind to be blown - or at least bent - as Klondike teams within the US Air Force and US intelligence services you spend more than two hours with one of the most notorious Richard Madden, Sam Shepard, Tim Roth, exploited and manipulated beliefs about UFOs and minds on earth. extraterrestrial visits as part of their counter-intelligence Ridley Scott programs. In doing so they spawned a mythology so powerful Documentary, Science, Special Interest This three-part mini series/ (6 episodes) - (set in the that it captivated and warped many brilliant minds, including 2012 129min. late1890s) centers on the friendship of two adventurers, Bill several of their own. Now, for the first time, some of those Cinedigm 03.06.2014 Haskell and Epstein, as they travel Northwest during behind these operations, and their victims, speak out, the Klondike Gold Rush. Along the way they must navigate revealing a true story that is part Manchurian Candidate and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122542 harsh conditions, unpredictable weather and desperate, part Close Encounters of the Third Kind. dangerous characters. Aliens, Conspiracies, Documentary, Special Hearts And Minds: The Criterion Cinedigm, Drama, History & Events, Mini- Interest, UFOs 85min. Collection (Blu-ray + DVD) (Blu- Series, Special Interest 429min. Cinedigm 03.06.2014 Cinedigm 10.06.2014 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122540 ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122552 A startling and courageous film, Peter Davis’s landmark 1974 documentary Hearts and Minds unflinchingly confronted the Mountain Men: Season Two United States’ involvement in Vietnam at the height of the Klondike (Blu-ray) foment that surrounded it. Using a wealth of sources - from Adventure, Animals & Nature, History interviews to newsreels to footage of the conflict and the Richard Madden, Sam Shepard, Tim Roth, Channel, Reality, Television, Wilderness upheaval it occasioned on the home front. Davis constructs a Ridley Scott 2012 704min. powerfully affecting picture of the disastrous effects of war. This three-part mini series/ (6 episodes) - (set in the Explosive, persuasive, and wrenching, Hearts and Minds is late1890s) centers on the friendship of two adventurers, Bill Lionsgate 20.05.2014 an overwhelming emotional experience and the most important Haskell and Byron Epstein, as they travel Northwest during 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122385 nonfiction film ever made about this devastating period in the Klondike Gold Rush. Along the way they must navigate history. harsh conditions, unpredictable weather and desperate, Documentary, Special Interest, Vietnam dangerous characters. Shiva Rea: Meditations War, War 1974 112min. Drama, History & Events, Mini-Series, Shiva Rea Special Interest min. Quiet your thoughts and renew your spirit under the Criterion 17.06.2014 reassuring direction of Shiva Rea, „one of the world’s 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122641 Cinedigm 10.06.2014 greatest yoga masters“ (Vanity Fair), as she helps you 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122579 navigate your breathing and focus your mind. This collection of meditations from her award-winning DVDs provides a Corey Holcomb: Your Way Ain’t calming oasis where you can leave behind life’s stresses Working (DVD + UltraViolet) Komodo - Secrets of the Dragon while being transported to tranquil settings such as a Greek Get up close and personal with one of the most island and New Mexico’s White Sands National Park. Corey Holcomb - Dir. Leslie Small fearsome predators in Komodo: Secrets of the Dragon. The Unwind and rejuvenate with over 100 minutes of meditations Get ready for a dose of reality - The Love Doctor is in, and most dangerous lizard in the world, with a powerful set of in Shiva’s Yoga Matrix, which allows you to customize your starring in the hilarious new stand-up comedy special Corey jaws used to rip prey apart, may actually have a secret practice for a calming and restorative experience. Start your Holcomb: Your Way Ain’t Working! Filmed live before a weapon - extremely poisonous venom. This film follows morning with an energizing solar segment or end a busy day packed house at the Mandalay Bay Hotel & Casino, Las scientist Bryan Fry’s quest to truly understand this dragons with a serene lunar meditation. From centering chants to Vegas, this comedy event features Holcomb doing what he deadly bite, beyond its ripping teeth. healing hand movements and breathing techniques, Shiva’s does best: offering spirited, opinionated advice about Animals & Nature, BBC, Television min. mix-and-match segments offer endless possibilities for relationships gone awry. Holcomb is best likened to a perfect attaining inner peace. Includes meditations from previously blend of legendary comedians, and Richard Pryor, Warner Bros. 03.06.2014 released programs Daily Energy, More Daily Energy, A.M. with a sprinkle of Rudy Ray Moore. He’s explicit, honest, and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122490 Energy, Fluid Power, Yogini, Yoga Trance Dance, Radiant his thoughts are loaded with raunchy, in-your-face comedy. Heart Yoga, and Yoga in Greece. Holcomb is as authentic as it gets, and the prescriptions he’s The Lamp Fitness, Health, Instructional, Special serving up are not for the weak at heart or thin-skinned. Interest, Yoga 102min. Comedy, Special Interest, Stand-Up 2012 A sharply intelligent novelist, Stanley has everything — a Image Ent. 03.06.2014 60min. successful career, a beautiful home and a loving wife and son. But when his little boy is killed in a tragic accident, Stanley 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122751 Lionsgate 03.06.2014 cannot accept his loss, and proceeds to poison his marriage 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122688 and everything around him with his bitterness and grief. Two years have passed since the tragedy, Stanley is on the verge Rise of the Nazi Party of leaving Lisa, his long-suffering spouse, and he hasn’t Joseph Kloska I Am Divine written a word since the death of his son. But a visit from a mysterious and magical , who offers him three How did Adolf Hitler and his small band of criminal Packed with great interviews and clips, this dynamic, fun and conspirators persuade the German people to follow him into a often poignant portrait of the legendary Divine brings to life a wishes, just may reawaken Stanley’s hope for the future — with a little help from a couple of needy foster kids next door, nightmare of brutality, genocide, and military defeat? This 10- complex understanding of John Waters’s favored muse episode documentary chronicles how Hitler and his inner Divine, aka Harris Glenn Milstead, from his humble Stanley and Lisa find that all their wishes can come true if they just believe. circle rose to power by exploiting the economic turmoil of beginnings as an overweight, teased youth to their time. The National Socialists created an illusion of internationally recognized drag superstar. Documentary, Drama, Family, Movies 92min. justice and legality, but behind the scenes they subverted Documentary, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Team Marketing 01.09.2011 democracy and planned a monstrous secret conspiracy. Their Special Interest 86min. tba BestellNr.: 40122465 gangster regime used violence and suppression to groom the German people into willing complicity in history’s worst Wolfe Video 08.04.2014 crimes. Through archival film footage, interviews, and 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122440 Live From Space dramatic reconstructions, this series tells the true story of the National Geographic goes out of this world to film in a $100 rise and fall of the Nazis, from Hitler’s recuperation in a

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 81 Newsletter 03/14 (Nr. 338) April 2014 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA hospital bed at the end of World War I to his dramatic final by twelve than carried by six.“ 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122574 days in a Berlin bunker. Instructional, Martial Arts, Special Interest Documentary, History & Events, Holocaust, min. The Universe: The Complete Special Interest, Television, War, World War Bayview Entertainment 27.05.2014 II 506min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122572 Season Seven Image Ent. 13.05.2014 How were ancient builders, including those at Stonehenge, 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122753 able to create structures around the world with one consistent Sesame Street: Cookie Monster unit of measurement, the „megalithic yard“, despite being oceans apart? This premium HISTORY miniseries event uses The Rivalry: Red V. Blue and Friends experts and CGI from THE UNIVERSE to reveal the answers and demonstrate how our past is connected to the history of From director Rory Owen Delaney and producer Wm. Wade Children’s, Children’s / Educational, Preschool, Sesame Street, Special Interest the universe. Smith comes The Rivalry: Red V. Blue, the first movie to Documentary, History Channel, Science, document college basketball’s ultimate rivalry: University of min. Space, Special Interest, Television 176min. Louisville vs. University of Kentucky. The film weaves current Warner Bros. 22.04.2014 events, including back-to-back national championships in Lionsgate 27.05.2014 2012 and 2013, with the intriguing history of a rivalry game 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122492 that didn’t exist for decades. From 1959 to 1983, the two 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122388 basketball teams refused to meet on the hard court! Red V. Blue features interviews with coaches, players and Sinbad: Make Me Wanna Holla The Universe: The Complete personalities, including Denny Crum, Joe Hall, Derek Sinbad Anderson, Luke Whitehead, Jim Host and John Y. Brown, Make Me Wanna Holla is an all-out stand-up special Season Seven (Blu-ray) among others. The movie also documents the real lives of featuring a riotous original performance by the king of comedy, How were ancient builders, including those at Stonehenge, super fans such as Mark Wagner and Robert Boone, two rival Sinbad, recorded live in his hometown of . Covering able to create structures around the world with one consistent barbers whose hilarious banter epitomizes what makes this everything he sees in his life, from the life advice his parents unit of measurement, the „megalithic yard“, despite being rivalry the most passionate in college basketball. The movie gave him, to why he is tired of people with no talent having oceans apart? This premium HISTORY miniseries event uses is a must-see for any true sports fan! clothing lines, as well as explaining who he „really“ is. Don’t experts and CGI from THE UNIVERSE to reveal the answers Basketball, Documentary, Special Interest, miss the chance to experience the „hit’em in the face“ style and demonstrate how our past is connected to the history of Sports 94min. from the king of comedy himself. the universe. Team Marketing 18.03.2014 Comedy, Stand-Up, Television 89min. Documentary, History Channel, Science, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122460 Comedy Central 17.06.2014 Space, Special Interest, Television 176min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122563 Lionsgate 27.05.2014 The Rivalry: Red V. Blue (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122412 From director Rory Owen Delaney and producer Wm. Wade Street Boxing - Feet/Fists Smith comes The Rivalry: Red V. Blue, the first movie to Orientation With Robert Paturel : Sensation - The Story document college basketball’s ultimate rivalry: University of Louisville vs. University of Kentucky. The film weaves current In this DVD, Robert Paturel gives an exclusive feet/fist Of Tommy events, including back-to-back national championships in boxing lesson filmed in October 2013. In this DVD Robert , - Dir. Mar- 2012 and 2013, with the intriguing history of a rivalry game brings forth new training ideas in order to automate certain that didn’t exist for decades. From 1959 to 1983, the two actions on your part. Even with the best video instruction, the tin Smith basketball teams refused to meet on the hard court! Red V. most valuable progress can only be achieved after many The Who’s seminal double album Tommy, released in 1969, is Blue features interviews with coaches, players and repetitions and rehearsals under the responsibility of a good a milestone in rock history. It revitalized the band’s career personalities, including Denny Crum, Joe Hall, Derek coach. This DVD is the next best thing to a good coach. With and established Pete Townshend as a composer and Roger Anderson, Luke Whitehead, Jim Host and John Y. Brown, his STREET BOXING concept, Robert Paturel wishes to Daltry as one of rock’s foremost frontmen. The first album to among others. The movie also documents the real lives of purify the actions as much as possible, removing all that is for be overtly billed as a „rock opera“, Tommy has gone on to sell super fans such as Mark Wagner and Robert Boone, two rival educational purposes but which can undermine the over 20 million copies around the world and has been barbers whose hilarious banter epitomizes what makes this effectiveness of the responses. European Champion of French reimagined as both a film by Ken Russell in the mid-seventies rivalry the most passionate in college basketball. The movie Boxing and 6 times champion of France, European Champion and a touring stage production in the early nineties. This new is a must-see for any true sports fan! of French Boxing, 6 times champion of France of French documentary film explores the background, creation and Boxing, RAID instructor, BEES 2 Professor of French Boxing, impact of Tommy through new interviews with Pete Townshend Basketball, Blu-ray, Documentary, Special Robert Paturel coached many champions. and Roger Daltry, archive interviews with the late John Interest, Sports 94min. Instructional, Martial Arts, Special Interest Entwistle, and contributions from engineer Bob Pridden, Team Marketing 18.03.2014 artowrk creator Mike McInnerney plus others involved in the min. creation of the album and journalists who assess the album’s 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122469 Bayview Entertainment 27.05.2014 historic and cultural impact. Tommy contains some of The 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122573 Whos’ best known songs including „Pinball Wizard“, „See Seattle Seahawks: Road To Su- Me, Feel Me. „The Acid Queen“, „I’m Free“, „Sensation“ and „We’re Not Gonna Take It“ and a selection of tracks from the per Bowl XLVIII Tiny album remains an integral part of the band’s live shows to th All the great moments from the unforgettable 2013 season Art & Architecture, Documentary, Special Documentary, Rock ‘N’ Roll, Special Interest playoff journey are here in the collectible game set of ALL Interest 62min. 113min. original network broadcast games. Eagle Vision USA 11.03.2014 Football, NFL, Special Interest, Sports min. First Run Features 03.06.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122734 Cinedigm 10.06.2014 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122501 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122545 Tosh.0: Collas & Exposed Arms The Who: Sensation - The Story Seattle Seahawks: Road To Su- Daniel Tosh Of Tommy (Blu-ray) Tosh.0 delves into all aspects of the Internet, featuring razor Pete Townshend, Roger Daltrey - Dir. Mar- per Bowl XLVIII (Blu-ray) sharp humor and biting commentary from comedian Daniel All the great moments from the unforgettable 2013 season Tosh. From the absolutely absurd to the incredibly ingenious, tin Smith playoff journey are here in the collectible game set of ALL the series features viral clips, sketches, and „Web The Who’s seminal double album Tommy, released in 1969, is original network broadcast games. Redemptions“ which give subjects of infamous viral videos a a milestone in rock history. It revitalized the band’s career Football, NFL, Sports min. second chance to redeem themselves from the embarrassment and established Pete Townshend as a composer and Roger with which they’ve become synonymous. Its cable TV’s most Daltry as one of rock’s foremost frontmen. The first album to Cinedigm 10.06.2014 trusted source for exhibitionist weirdos, injurious idiots and be overtly billed as a „rock opera“, Tommy has gone on to sell 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122578 all things Web. And now it’s on DVD and Blu-Ray! over 20 million copies around the world and has been reimagined as both a film by Ken Russell in the mid-seventies Comedy, Stand-Up, Television 462min. and a touring stage production in the early nineties. This new Self Defense - Defense Against Comedy Central 17.06.2014 documentary film explores the background, creation and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122564 impact of Tommy through new interviews with Pete Townshend Knives With Robert Paturel and Roger Daltry, archive interviews with the late John Robert Paturel, a RAID instructor for over 20 years, instructs Entwistle, and contributions from engineer Bob Pridden, on this new DVD (filmed in September 2013) how to use TWA Flight 800 artowrk creator Mike McInnerney plus others involved in the disarming methods and reflexes to stop a blade attack. Paturel An unprecedented account of the most controversial crash in creation of the album and journalists who assess the album’s gives many defense techniques against bladed weapons, but aviation history- the 1996 in-air explosion of TWA Flight 800 historic and cultural impact. Tommy contains some of The as he explains during his courses, against a knife it is better - guided by six former members of the original official Whos’ best known songs including „Pinball Wizard“, „See to negotiate or to flee. He prefers to work on body forms using investigation, who reveal how their work was undermined by Me, Feel Me. „The Acid Queen“, „I’m Free“, „Sensation“ and the „drill“ (repetitive movements) and especially chase away agents from the CIA, FBI and National Transportation Agency. „We’re Not Gonna Take It“ and a selection of tracks from the useless gestures. You will also learn how to use the Working with physicist Tom Stalcup, these extraordinary album remains an integral part of the band’s live shows to th environment and exploitable equipment (chair, stick, umbrella, whistleblowers meet with dozens of eyewitnesses and Documentary, Rock ‘N’ Roll, Special Interest etc.) and how to assist a person in danger. Constantly present hard forensic evidence revealing the true cause of the detailed with the law and real-life anecdotes, this DVD 113min. Paris-bound jetliners demise. Eagle Vision USA 11.03.2014 course is both instructive and informative. By putting the Disasters, Documentary, Special Interest student in a stressful situation, we quickly realize that in the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122685 street its different than in an exhibition when it comes time for 91min. self-preservation. Paturel often says, „It is better to be judged Passion River 20.05.2014

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WWE: Extreme Rules 2014 Documentary, Special Interest, War, World Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, Randy Orton, John War I 300min. Cena First Look 27.05.2014 With the rulebook thrown out the window, things are about to 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122655 get Extreme. WWE Superstars and Divas take their Telefonische intensified WrestleMania rivalries to new heights as stipulations are added, dangerous elements are thrown into Zombie Apocalypse Bestellannahme: the mix, and the opportunity for revenge makes each Staggering out of fiction and into a frightening new reality are Montags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr showdown personal. In the first pay-per-view after the living dead - zombies. Join scientists and self-styled Dienstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr WrestleMania 30, witness all the top stars such as John „zombie preppers“ as they explore the probability and impact a Cena, Randy Orton, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan and more start zombie plague would have in the real world. Plus, Apocalypse Donnerstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr the long trek toward WrestleMania 31 the only way they know How will explore the many other ways in which the human Freitags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr how Extreme Rules. race could meet its end. Four different episodes and four Special Interest, Sports, Sports different perspectives explore the fact and fiction of flesh- eating monsters and what it would take to prepare for them. In Mittwochs, Samstags, Sonn- Entertainment, Wrestling & Fighting, WWE this almost three-hour collection, we’ll venture to edge of und Feiertags (Baden- 180min. reality and back to be sure were ready for the unthinkable. Württemberg) bleibt unser Cinedigm 03.06.2014 Are you? Verkauf geschlossen. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122541 Apocalyptic Future, Documentary, Special Interest, Zombies 176min. WWI The Great War: 100th Cinedigm 17.06.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40122556 Anniversary Memorabilia Set

Newsletter 03/14 (Nr. 338) ISSN 1610-2606 Credits Redaktion: Wolfram Hannemann Design & Layout: Wolfram Hannemann Assistenz: Beate Hannemann

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