FREE MODEL AIRPLANES YANKEES SHAVE Get " Free Kit and Build VonneU Full Game From Athletics' Leac1 a Model Plalle. Tum WIU. 64 Will. StOlT to rale 6. on Page 5.

------~~~~--~~~~~~~--~~----~----~~~~~~~------~~~. VoIwne 29 6 PAGES AIl I 'ff.Jr;I~:_=~n:.-ln Iowa City, Iowa, Friday, August 9, 1929 hD~~ed";::" FIVE CENTS Number 6Q..

• SOVIET PLANE HEADS FOR UNITED STATES Col. Goehel in Burning Airpaine Graf Zeppelin Controller Decrees Great Britain, ';1 Woolaroc Due Carrie, Three to Student, Mwt Wear Death in Wyoming Cruises Near Shirt, at Stanford France, Italy ~ This Mornin~ OI\SI'ER, Wyo., Aug. 8 (f\P) , ..... Halfway Mark STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Cal., Split on Plan -M~j. W. I'. W arrlwel1, 36 years old, allli J~llr l Holty, 35 years Aug. 8 (AP}--Sun tan 01' no sun lan, Noted Honolulu Flyer old, /lJld George Cameron were ah Stanford mille students must wcar killed here tonight ",hen theIr I Messages State Liner shirts out oC doors In the future. Snowden Resume8 Figlit Will Land at Smith Illalle bursl Into Ilames, wenl Contl'ollel' A. E, Hoth or the unlver· Into a lall 8pln 'Uld lell several About 1,725 Milcs Against Young Plan ~lty so decreed today, I Field at 8 :30 huudred leet. The bodIes were of Settlement burncd bcynnd recognition. Out at Sea The ultimatum. characterized by , 10'11'& City Is to be visited ror the 1' h6 pilUle ",lIS piloted II,· some ot the students as "provincial (By The ASlIOClated Press) Wardwell, and a revel'slon to the mauve d~catle;' TIlE IlAGUE, Aug. 8 (AP), "flret time this morn Ing at 8 :30 by At the end of the fll"lll U & famous ocean·golng alrplo no and was supposed to have been occasioned - Fundamentally divided on thfl houl"II of her globe clrcUng m,ht, by the llctlon oC undel'gratluates who Ito pilot. Col. ArUmI' GOd (rom the 181e of LiparI. houl'ij a.fter the ta1/' p081t1on and lime. subjoct "Is clem' and expU()lt." lIs half ~IJI on d"J1~r al .• 1 I Senator 'Watson of Indiana, the »))niI" t tb.u r J)'I1l IIM'to...-.r fund for Ihe fil.,.t timp todll.Y anrt Ilrcmle" and an outspoken critic ot Dr. II ngo Eokenel', commande.' ot majority leadet' and membel' of thc the govcl'nmenl; Carlo ROHclIl, r01'1l1 ' UP and 11l'eoent a .cheme rOl' the re· loaned Iwo Florida dtru~ COOI)(>I·a· tho ocean dll'lglble, expected to be In visIon of that plan as concern. the finance committee, who made the Funeral for er protesHor of IlollUcal economy Itt tlve markeLlnf' organl ..,tlonM $300 ,. Frloorlchsbafen by Sunday, his six· Bluffs Laundry Ha method of payment a nd the repQl't!· I'ecess announcement, IlIlld the com· Geno/l Institute; and Bmllio J,1J8SU, otO to help them ml't't f'ovrl·nm .. nt President to ty-flrst birthday annlvcl'lllll'Y, After lion between the cI·edltors. The com· mlttee would have completed by who sI10ke out stl'ongly rOl' hl8 n,,· Fire Loss Estimated "gu!attond \\'Ith rr IWC't to the M~d· I' tuellng them the course lies over mlttcc would be cOmpolled oC dele· Aug, 19 the revision Of the rate and Victor Berger tlvc Sarinl" !,nd former ticrvlce men lIerranean fl'ult fly sCOUt·g ... Slbcl'1a to Tokyo, across the Pacific at, About $150,000 gale. Crom credllol' nations, with the Visit Friends tree Ust schedules of the house blll, In thec hllt11ber oC d~putie" and who Requests ho"e been nllld~ o! th~ to Los A.ngelcs. and so buck to Lake· GCl'mans exclud d. but tbat the additional time was waR fOllr tlmcs Moomteil ror hl~ board by II. group of Florldll cit, UII hurst and completion ot the first SvellkN tor Frallce req ulred to consider changes In the Held Saturday bravel'y during the \\-odd WIll" dirigible rught around tho world. COUNeIL BLU:r}o'S, Aug. S (.11.1') marketing associations to acl\' ron· A. 1,lndbergh, No Ilarticulnr ob­ death was doe to injUries r('celved man, manager, aeclal'cd launary prlsonel's oC great Importance. today relieved MI~s Vera Stone. I lea \'0 to somebody else the responSl· Iidered by th~ board tomorro", A l< rvallce Is plan ned. when struck b~ a stl'CCt cal' July 16. years old, of hlccoughs that had vllJued at $100,000 had been delivered bllity for the failure to take this op­ number of colton (l,'Aorlalions "r~ Mrs, Hoover, AlIan Hoover, .Jr., Detectivcs Search ThouJiandH of cltlzrns a"r expert· to customers before the (ke. An· cd to Plly their resnects to the In· tortured her Cor 69 days, portunity for finally scttllng the war I.!klng nnanclal 8lll)J)ort Crom lhe and !\ir. and Mrs. Herbert Hoover, for Broker After Prosecutor Drops When t'emedy after remedy tailed, other laundry hilS tU['\led Its equip' pI'oblemR, " Jr .. have been at tbe camp since tel'l1atlonal ,socialist learl' who died boerd to aid mal'ketlng And th her physician decided to attack the ment over to the Bluff 'Ily Inun(l,'y Concerning III. Chel'On's remarka last week·end. They wilt be JOI ned here yesterday, They will bc direct· boerd Is al1l

plalned, until In 1928 sli ghtly more :c:: Iowa City Society Prepares to Nellie Klay Wed, Professor Mott Improvemen18 on Hammill Puts than 8,000,000 tons were mined. State Historical Joh", R. Hedge, at Iowa Union to Be George T. Baker of Davenport. DER pl'esldent at tho sta.te bonrd ot edu· Little Brown Church Finished by Fall caUon, orfered the services of the Take Part in Unveiling Marker Makes .Survey Prof. Bartow equipment and slart ot science de· Society Given Ilartments at the University of Iowa The little bmwn chul'oh at Nll/lh· One Interior and one exterlot' Im­ a nd Iowa State college tor research at Herbert Hoover's Birthplace ua WaH tho sottlng ot the wedding of Newspapers provement Is a part of the co nSl!'uc­ on Committee In l.rnprovlng IOWa coal, Insofar as Gun Collection of Nollie K lny ot Cedar Rapid. and live program of beaullfylng Iowa appropriations ould permit. John Reed HI'dges, 412 S. Dodge Union. The ceiling Of tho entire Pilgrim Chapter Makes Plans for Marking Place street, Iowa Clly, Thul'sday a Cter· Thirteen Towns Aid in sun pol'cb from the reading room on Group Aims 'Jo Revive The collection of gu ns belol1glnr noon. the north to the fo unta.1 n on the "Good of the Soul" Cult to the late Clat'encll II. Fairall or in Wed Branch Where Hoover Was Born Mrs. Hedges, a gt'udulltc trom lhe Finding Out What south will be decorated before faU. Coal Industry in Iowa City nus oeen presented (0 lile unlvel'Hlty In 1926, has been em· The concrete beams will be shel­ Breaks Mountain Camp State Historical society, Prof. BenJ_ 55 Years Ago Sat,urday "loyed by the M! 'Klbbon Motor com· Persons Read lacked and stal ned a dark brown to Iowa Fields F. Shambaugh. announced yeslerday. pany at Cedar Rapids. She 18 a represent old wood. Panels between LYONS, Col., Aug. 8 (AP)-Sev. M.·. 1"aJrali Cqr nlllnY years hlld de­ member oC tho Kappa Delta sorority. \Vlth weekly newspapers In thlt·· the beams wHl be plastel'ed with a DES MOINES, Aug. 8 (APl-Re· eral members ot a- Cblcago cult that voted time and money to the collec· IOIVII City society is now centering its attention on the latest ven­ rough fi nish and glazed In old MI'. HedgC8 finished high school teen Iowa. towns cooP~l'a, tln~ , a vlval of the Iowa coal mining Indus­ came to Colorado to fast and cOm· tlon ot unique and anllquo firearm •. ture it:,! groups bas and is h'ory. The color oC tho pu nels Is ,Prior to bls, these had been which one of init iatcd carryillg to what In Iowa City and Is now a j unior In stflte·wlde survey ot t'elttl er Intorcst try to Its peak oC 10 yearIJ ago wJU mune with nature "tor the gOOd ot promises to be a great and snccessful finish I:)aturday, the college of pbarmaey at the unl, selected to blond with the brick the soul," have bee n fo t'ced to leave prcserved In a room 1n his borne at now 19 being conducted by the Unl· wall s. be the goal of a committee named 1015 E, College street, He had eI­ The Pilgrim chapter of the Dlll1ghLel'~ of tho American Hevolu­ verslty. He wlll complete his study their mountain wilderness by the a nd work In the LO Uis d"ug 6tore verslty of Iowa school of journailsm Ap)l l'oxlmately $6(10 will be ex­ here today at Gov. John Hammill's press of busIness at home. Jll'eased LL desire that the collection tion of Iowa City, has b cn entirely instrumental in obtaining a this coming yeal·. He Is affili ated under the direction of PrOf. ~'runk pended on t hl" work. 'fho plans conCerence of 200 miners, operators, Dr. George Huntley Aron, leader be kept Intact In his own,native town, inarker for the place where HCl'bert Hoover was born in West IVlth the Phi Kappa Sigma frate'" L. Mott. a"e a result ot nearly 18 monlhs of and consumers. 1'he group wlll co­ ot the tasters, said the summer Therefore his daughter, Mrs. E. H, Branch, and will unveil the marker at apPl'opl'iatc cel'cmonics Sat­ nlty. Some 1,950 persons will be Inter· study by Rufus H. Fltzgel'o.ld, operate with a committee of repre­ camp has not ended but has moved Hickey of Los Angeles, and sons, AI'lo urday. F'ollo wl ng a short weddtng trip, viewed as to their preferences In Un ion dlroctor, of decol'(l,tlve sentatives from southern Iowa Its sIte trom Camp Dlx, In St, Vrain Fairall oC Chicago, and Luwt-ence reading mutter-whethcr straight schcmes In large hotels and altruc· chambers of commerce who also met cunon, to Lyons. The fasters were Fairall of Des IIIolnes, have given It Many womon prominent ill Iowa City circles are taking part in Mr. and Mrs. Hedges will reside In I)y In Ih. tho Iowa apal'tments. news atoric., fealure articles, comiC Uvo buildings. hc.'e today to prepare an advertis­ Invited here by the' town's mayor. to the State Ulstorlcal society. ntl'Y Which the program saturday. The I'lI'0gl'am ----=------.-::....::--­ strips, editorials, or advel'tiscments. Workmen are laying sod In front Ing campaign promoting coal from Tbe collection Includes 29 musKets 'enunCiation IS open to the public alld will slart at Colomdo, Protessor O](n , was In a When the reports arc returned to of the Union between the building this state, a nd rifles and 22 revolvers. Many ot them ure vel'y old and sevel'(ll of .t he 'RtiOn as to 1:10 p.m. chemical wal'fare traIning camp, lhe . university, they will be tabulat· and the sidewalk and between the T.he governor's meeting empow­ Effort to Unite Two raised, It Others Doollned Ilieces date as early as the Revolutfon­ Mrs Will cd and the l'esult9 published next sidewalk and the curbing. The strip ered the southem Iowa committee Branches of Zionists ldll Circum. This project which has been curr! d Prot. und Mrs, J. N, Pearce are •Jeep I being covered Is apPt'Oxlmately 100 to represent It, but In addition ary war. There arc fllntlocl(s, match­ out by the Pllgt'lm chapter Is cspec· • January In a school of JOurnalism Stntps held viSiting Profcssor Pearce's sIster at feet by 15 teet. clloso the following conCel'eee: J. D. locks, and the first rotullng maga­ I. lly noleworthy when It I .. learned Blocked at Congress zillea us used In guns. The group as its own do. Au 1'0 t'a, Ill, Smith of Des Molncs, representing Illat several other organizations In ASSIst Rehder bunO~~;vey Unique, i\lott 8m a whole shows the evolution ot tha 'rhe survey, Professor M.olt be· Iowa United Mine workers; ilL G.' lations. the \hLs part of the country, Including Youngquist of Des MoInes, Iowa AURICH, Switzerland, Aug. 8 firearm from tho ancient musket to Fred Fordemwalt of Pulaski, who ileves, Is uniqUe or Hs kind ,unong Chester Reads ~ to the 110. jeveral state groups, were gl ven the mine operators; 'Wllham Allen Of (AP)- Jewlsh Telegraphic Agency­ the presen t day rifle. opportunJty for starling the venture. l'ccelved his M.S. In chemistry In Mrs. H. A. Jeep has been selected weekly pUI)ers In the United Statcs. The Zionist congrcss, which passed The'se fh'earms al'c to be In custody hp SU \Weme 1927, Is visiting In the city. Numa, southwest Iowa mlno opera· lhat "It can .\lready lhe group Is rllcelvlng no.· as full time secretary to assist Theo· In cach town, ' tho Interviewer will the first rcadlnG" of the Jewish of the !:itate Historical society and dO l'e Rehder, manage., of tho new tors; John Dl'8.belle ot Coedar Rap­ a war de. Uonal recognition for the work, n.nd work about a weck, und will obtain Snook Letters Ids, public u t1l!Ues; B. A, McDonald agency constitution uniting the when accomodatlons are afforded by 1fIth the project coming to a climax Prot. H. aregg Smith of the blo· students' employment bureau at Iowa answers from an a vemge or 150 Zioniltts and non·Zlonlsts early this the university tl\e coLleclion will be :ed tal' pur. chemistry department, left this Unlon. Mrs. Jeep, who was manu, of Mason City, cement firms; Will· qulsilion o( with the unveiling ceremonies and persons. lam GOdwin of Des MOines, clay morning reconvened laler to find put on exhibition. wcek to spcnd his vacation at his script typist at the child welfare 1'0· program Saturday, still mOl'O of tho Papet's which arc cooPPt'atln~ ar~: Prosecutor Endeavors to products Cirms; ''t. C. a, Bagley of that progress was again blockod . pralilO due the lomtl group .hould be home In Munslng, Ind. Lalor he search stilliOn lust year, will devote Monticello Express, DeWitt Observ­ The resolution authorizing the CH ILl> t'ALUS 60 t 'EET 'ently, lhere expects to go to Bolrton to attend part of hel' time to the work at pres· Mason City, president Iowa bankers nlted Statel forthcoming. er, AUdt(bon A.1' mlnO!" 10wII lI lty membot', wil l deliver Ilm,tto ,1f lhe ollenlng Ild~l'e88. Silks and Prints Mlna S' I1fo nnott "1~ltcd In Iowa. Tho 11I'og1'Hm will be co nrtned to wil l altO Cit)' yeeterday tor a few hours, SM ORE. I'.RO, m~mb('J·8. The educational , radulted ft'om tho university In loan fund will be discussed, this Paris COATS While They Lcut IS II whon 8he receIved hCt' h,\chelor • 101111 fund I ~ being used by young or .rt', degl'e. 1n 10~G ~h was ! women In lIle l:1nlvprslty of Iowa, L.A. at ~~Irded her maslCl"8 (lcgl'ce, sumplet II" wl'lI M 1111lny other Institutions, age~, 1I!1'R. MOli n ot Millml, }+'Ia., a tor. m I' I'l'gont of I),A,n., who Is elmlr­ lIr. and !Il1·S. John CIl~k, Jt'" ot Cleaners 8o10 n, were visiti ng In lhe city ye8' mlln of the rl'NI~ttlilll comm ittee, will pd' tel1lay, will be lil'esen!. alllO :r.lnme R, PI'OK' 1:30 8,nl. M 1', pl'csldent or Cotty college, No­ ,Phone •• 1 vndn, Mo" Ilnd l'tf l '~, (Jolly RlocKard, 11(1IUI .. $5 r will,'" ' Prof. and MI'~, rr. L. Olin "rlllmed outA'olnA' pl'cAllll'nt and fOlln(l~I' of >,Jjl uroP' "~\~ rdar aC~er _~vel·a.l weeks In Cott~, ~o ll ~ge, +fffffftttfff+fff ffftfffffffffff' t ttti'+fffffftttir------.--~--I --=::.;:;=:..... ·.::...---;..=..-.-.;..--=-.,...::::;:.--:;:---:;-...:-=;:~ ...... -~--':-t!.-~.:...&.-.. )R't...... , Page ~ ~' TIle ' Daily Iowan, Iowi City - • P~IIMylvanlll...... 9:; ~4i 94& R a dio orp...... 841 836 8Sa TILLIFJ THE· ToltER- "So,~" Flowers. Wheat Closes ~-..... --- /:lU)J'!! Roebuck ...... 191 18l 19~ Hln. on. 011 ...•...... 1GO~ 159 1 GO GE~ I 6l> DY·.I-O'o~. -lIigher After Hllind. 011 N. J ...... • 57.1: oS! 676 r-H'E O).D Studebaker ('01'1' • •... 78 71l 77; Union Pacific _...... 2091 266 269 TAtL Rains Relievc Drought Woolworth & 0 ••. 90 88! 89 in Argentina With Yel. T.·. & oa('h .. 3G~ 861 36~ Larger Exports

HICAOO. Aug. 8 (APl-In a rnp· Stock Prices IQly shifting market. wheat prices today ave,·lIged lower. but closed ,,1th an upward slant. Reports at Trend Upward: drought rellet -by rains In 80uthern Argentina, tpgether with Inc''I!ased Argentine shlpmeflts ot wheat to in Dull Mart Europe. tended to tavor the selling aide. and so. too. did uncertainty over the nlted !'Itates government Improvement in Call crop report due tomorrow afternoon. On the other hnnd. big buying of Mouey Prompts flo)Jr, especially In the southwest. Coverings filty of Iowa In I !)I):'. Sln r ~ thnt lime wa~ noted. and there were Indlen· ]14 \ lIaM hN' 1l ' 1 "l ~' U( 1 1 1 Ll L' tl with the tlons oC better export demand fot' Iowa Alumnus Unitod Stnll'. ('ullu, <'. "11<1 I" tit .. lI ut hll .. of ''''''''.1 losing Quotations' on whent were the,' Iml)rOVement In the c-all money THE GREEN ARCHER' ofln'lal IIull<'lln. I ~. u< a . • AuA'. 8 (AP)­ • Ions unchnnged to 20 ri1J 220 drop. dar. a mI 1>rl('es devNopM ('onRICer· ler or Sl'nolor 110",,,11 of l'clllls )·I· _"l am llfrald RO." ~lIld n owett. "'~'h<' Tho Chicil go Xa lillnalH dofoated ", Faced by unexpected lower Quota· ablc bouyancy In a rather dull mar· "'lllla, is seo r~hill g for her IIIMh· Re,'vonts admit thut they were out. Thc dpleriorll tion or ('ow'l'rt(" Re·,tling I nternn tlonal. In n. fin tlons at Liverpool. the wheat mar· keto Total Hales falling below 3.· er , E laine Jleltl , whO, l\FI Vll lel'ie and that lhey had s(,pn Valerie go dr"ln tilp In ""Iphat., (lnll 1111,,,11 Inn l n ~ ~xhlhlll"n g:l mo hN''' tod.l,. ket here mad a wavering stru·t to· 000.000 shnr e~. S UBpl'~I ~, WIIS h idd en in (i.' ...·e Into Lndy 'R mano,·. It·. my own wutp)'H, wl1lrh flo long ho!-\ h<'(,11 n 6 to 5. Rogl'rs JIornHhy hit a hoOJi day. but speedily advnnced as are· Milny traderR withheld opprallons. clllItie, the OW 'Wl' of whl.'h. A be fault; I RhoUld have kept more men with two on IJ,,!r where h e DE:::; l\fOU,E:::;, Aug . .: -·Olll' o!' the ~ i aDt capli\'(~ balloollH l1sC'd 1'hl's(' weI'''' tlwn h" uled to ~ll' ,l1· tIne fthlpmenls for the week werc rort to check the rlsl nil' b,'ok rage !lnrk thnt It was ImpOssible for the Moore. p has been k eeph~ Vall'rlc's m oth· large. 8.981.000 bushels. loan total. which In the week ending on th e wNitprn front dnring the.> World war will be bl'ought to low," ci ne lake. rhalned togethp,' rm' 1('t' ('('nt. No animal life Is r ound III Starting Walberg, I) The ohl man put down hi. lantern, the Inrlow waR small and nmounled tho lilke C'xc(' pt III mlnutp form ~ . Quin n, p ('IIAPTRR LXIX. took something rrom hIs pocket. car· only lO a trIckle. Jim knE'w t11at thp Pl·of. gdwln D. RtariJuek. hM!1 or R(,HuitR oC the expP"hl1pnts .'1''' TODAY Bond Prices Soften ('ellt ill ue.l ). J'1 ~ d It to the co,'nel' of the room. and greatet' the pressurc becnme the thl' .1!'pnrtment oC jJsYI·hologj·. Is In regareled 10 bp or g"pnt hnjlOrlll,l<'p Chicago Livestock "That dool' has never been elosed lit a IIgllt. T1e went to lhe other cor· g"~ntpr the dange,·. Geneva, Switzl:1"hnll, a t t(l'nding nn In thr concret" drain tile In(\uslt·j'. (Over the Week-End) in Dullcst Session before." said Mr. llowett In a troubled ner a ncl did the same. 'l'he ventilating shaFt waa flush wllh Internatlonul psYcholugy of relll\'lon Lt RfI'pmR to hdn~ tthoul ;1n (,1l(1 'i n , "Mr. Bellamy. let me out. I've told the roof; that was one comfort of thp II dlttleulty lhllt h"M <'xl"It'Il ~In ep CJTTCAOO, Aug. 8 (AP) - Hogs, ~onf(,"pn!'e a~ a del!,glltl' from Amp,', of Week's Market voice. " 1 remember spelng It; it was I you--" situation. llOW long It woulll take th(' invention oC l'ol'tinnd ('''II1''"T 2~.000. Including 4.000 dlr t; early Irn. 'l'hl' con!I',·en!'.' will IlIHt f"om nlways [Mtenod back to lhe waiL .Jlm heard the frantic shriek. And for the w3ter to rise. he wond ,·~ d . In 1824. trpde mORlIy on lighter welgMs, I A\1 ~ . ] 0 to 1!t. Pt'ofp~~l')r Ht:u hu('\< All Talking NEW YORK, Aug. 8 (Ar)-Bond a round eteady: top 12 .10; light hogs There arc fOlll' oth .. doors between flew up the stall's just as the old anti made n l"Ough calculation. btlSed \\'111 n 'l11ni" for nnolh!'r wc<,k to nt. Mr. ~Iillpr grallunll'cl from thl' ~ol· prices sottpned today In the ilullpst man vaulted over the bal·I·ler. Twice h II logl' o( pnglnl'e,'lng of the Dlllvpr· nil sold early. closing moslly on here nnd the ('aR LI e. and It means Jim fh'e limIt I:><'for(' the wate,' n 'ached and will not rpturn to the ('amI'''" and the 100Iustrial gl"Oup was able to holdover 5.000. Butchers 250- 300 make a IIttio pl"Og,·ess. Unltpd wllt never break them." "Get down." he shouted. and I('aped the roof. until late In R('ptC'mhr,·. Prof('~sor lbs 10.40 @ 11.35: 200-250 Ib8 10.90 .States government Issu ... s. d"cldedly "A re they locked?" the stnlrs. falling to hIs knees ns the RlIlrhuek will nttend the Tlll1th In· (1 12.00; 160-200 lb. 11.25 @ 12.10 ; "No. they're baned." sold th E' sen· tlrst ot the ex)loslons occurred. "I think we'd better gO out and get S.,eclat -and- ~ Inactive. s howe d unimportant tp"natlonal confer'pnrp or !,s),chuloll'l' r 130-160 Ibs 10.90 fiJ 12.00; packing ator. " There Is a thick steel btl,· at The sound deaJenecl hIm. and the on the step" benpath the library." he to \)p hpl.l in Npw lin vl'n. ('oli n .. changes. ,!loWS 9.00 (,/) 10.00; pigs 90-130 1M the bnck of each ot them. and the second thnt followed drove down and said . "The ladles will be on lhe top Convertibles felt the gcn('ral dull· in SPIll rill bpI'. HI' IK !'h,t\rmtln o( a Pictures 10.50 @ 11 .50. Rocket Is almost Impo s~ lbl e for you to broke a holc In the rOOf. seallerlng landing . YOU and Lac)' hall better take s.vmposlul11 on the p"ychology or r eo neSB of the trading and turnovers Cattle 7.000 ; cnh'cs 2.000; better fot·ce." JIe brooded a moment. "I'm chIps of stone In all directions. the nexl po~ltlon, and I Will take thp A Treat Too In most ot the active Issues were IIAlon. bringing- togpthpr Amp"I"an of the interior of the Gmf grade ted stecrs and y~arllngs sorry. gentlemen." he said In a low .. What Is It?" It was the tCl'flflcd next. I'm not beIng hel'ole." he said . thou~' ht on thp sub)!'r!. 1Tp will dp· well below normal for theso favor· steady, closed weak especIally on tone. "T hope(l that 1 wns showIng voice or Julius. "A II au.' heads will be nearly level IIvel' J1 \0 ctur!' at the meeting. Zepplin taken by a Pathe jje~ . In betwee n grndes; closing under· YOll an oasy way. but It seems that "Stand by that hole," said Jim Wltll lhe roof." 'fhe I'est or the atock option bonds "Rpn(p·tlml' (o"ma c1ptcl'mlnlng phil. Rare to Miss! tone bellrlsh; top 17.00; s t(' rs 1300- I have given you a more difficult 'I'tly. "And you. Lacy. come here. Ills p"ecautlOns were justified. II' osophlclli and religious hellers and News Photographer who hnd nn !t"'egular day. llUt closed 1500 Ib" 14.00 ri1J 17.00; 1100-1300 lila tasle than If I haa askNl you t o force 'Vhy dldn't you tell me that the old stollped only to tum out all lhe gas gene.-ally higher. Amel'lenn Tele· aUitudl'~." 13.75 @ 17.00; 950-1100 lbs 13.50 ri1J the doors of the castle." man was there?" befoJ"e he rejoined them. antI he wa~ made the trip with the phone 4 1·2'8 slid down to 195 1·2 16.90; common & m edium 850 Ibe up They turned bo ck. Spike was the " I dldn·t see hlm-" began Lacy. hardly out of the rOom before there Lut "a-IIIM to 198 at the finish tor II. Mae Tinee c1a!1ses this 9.00 1ft) ]3.75; ted yearlings 750-950 most disappoInted or all. It the sena· "You sow him and henrd him. You wns a cmah a nd the barricade hl'ok . BARRY 1'0 REFEEE Giant Air Liner, as net ndvance of 1 1·2. Ibs 13.16 @ 16.25; helters 850 Ibs tor be excepted. were tryIng to get him to let yoU out '['he wate,' was up lO his knees Il<'fore The easiness of the mils brought one of the greatest shows down 13.25 1ft) 15 .00; common & medl· "Do you thJnk Miss TIowett was and lpnve us to die like rats." he renched the stairs. W ATRRLOO, Aug. 8 (Al'l-Dave ou t the losses In Chesapeake & um 7.75 @ 13.25; cows 8.00 fiJ 12.25; "'What's thnt noIse?" crIed Julius. ""'hat did you put the lights out Darry of Chicago. has llCC pted an giving it Ohio general 4 1·2·s. Baltimore & It's Nice and Cool of the Reason common & medium 7.25 ri1J 9.00: low " It Is It." said Jim. for'!" asked Lacy angrilr. "That orCcr to referee the Gus So nnen· I Ohio 6·s. Atchison ndjustment 4's, cutter and culler 5.75 1ft) 7.25 ; bulls The gns fla"e was burnll')g a nd the meanA we're going to die In the dark." berg·Stanley Pinta heavyweight her superlative rating- Ol'eat North ... rn 7·s. New Yorl, Cen· CHICAGO GRAIN dungeon was slightly lIIumlnatl"l'e 2.894 bushels. Ves· on substantial buying. moved up 1·2, 14 .00; sheep steady yearlings 11.00; "What Is It? \\ hat Is It .. blub· was lenee de~Jl bofol'c he went up an· ForeIg n bonds and utilities hpld sci "oom was chartered for 240.000 Illness and injul"ip. hovp tuk!'n SHOWING fnt ewes 5.00 @ 0.75; feeding lambs bel'ed Lacy. "Whnt Is he doing?" other step. Lusllels to Bu CroJo. no fresh export B:tb{' I uth r.. om the Yank e lineup "KING OF THE steady. but theIr mnrket was nar· very low. quotable weak to lower. "You'lI see 1n a moment." sal<1 J'lm. "ValeriI'. will you come here?" . a-o~ . Bl ltlsh Unltl'(l Kingdom 5 b usiness was uncoverE'd up to the thrE'(' times lhlA s('aaon. IAmbs 92 Ib8 down 13.26 @ 14.00; and as he s poke there came bounding She joined him In the dal'knefJII. aad ' 1·2's closed at th"lr year's low of close. KYBIIER RIFLES" medium 11.50 @ 13.25; cull & com· down tho stair. a veritable torrent of he put his Jll'm about Iwr. lie WlI" 102. T he corn trade was mOderate. wate... In such volume a ln(ul. Jr.t. Harvester ...... 123 12111 122 HIgh 1929 ... _.... .234.4 100.4 321.3 ping sales aggregated 91.000 bush· the wat('r. which hE'1<1 up t he (o"ee of " I don' l suppose we C01l1(l have (\onl' mystery .N . Y. Central ...... 2361 233l 233l Low 1929 ...... 201.7 128.6 193.1 els. Sales to go to store were 15, the blow. much. anyway." said Jim nt In st. Packard Motors .... 1391 131 1 3 9~ Total sales, 2.831.370 s h~ . . • 000 bushels to GeorgIan Bar. J ulius was all'cady behln

.,_ ___a_d_ill-:-- ' g-----Tr-~~ntli~l ~I~·et"""_t_:~~ .. ··s- · _6 _-4__ a_t _P~' h_il_a---:-.--~_el__ p_hi __ ~ Bunches TWO HELENS MAY RECAPTl/RE WIGHTMAN CUP M~Q~ Grolip, OVERNIGHT REPUTATION N. Y. 1 :\.' '_l, Brame Holds., . Hits in First Wil]:~·M~t , · m ~ Cardinals as Three Frames ", ~olf Tour*~y Bucks, Win 5·1 I' , " . ' i· .w ~ Take Odd EJlgagement Represf.(ntatlves .. rom Alexaiufer Allows Six of Three Game Six St~tes to Play Safeties as 'Bllcb Serics in Quarterfinals Score Heavy

PlIILADEIJPIIIA, Ang. 81 FORES1: PARK, ST, LOUIS, Aug. J'I'l"l'SBUROlT, Aug, 8 (AP)-EI" (AP)-The Y (lIlkccs d('fl'l1teu S (AP)-Four clerks. two salesm .. n. a mall man a nd a 16·year·old student vln Bl'ame l(>t the Cardinals down Ith thrpe hltR today, Rnd the PI· tbe Athletic; hy 6 to 4 here todAy ,·t'pre8~ntlng ,!leven ciUes in six stllte! rntes won 5 to 1. Orover Alexander in 1he odd ('nlln~mcnt of 1h .. Inney of Louisville, ~entuck¥ ama. Fl'lsch. 2b1 ...... 3 0 0 3 1 0 and olu Jilek QlJinn for thr A 's tNn' champlolT, who sells nutomp· Boltomley, Ib ...... 4 0 1 0 0 0 hilI'S; John Boyd. 21 ·Yi>nI··0Id Phlln· llarpy, Ie ...... 4 0 0 3 U U turned it into a pitcbt' l' 's battlr. del pilla b.-wk clerk; Wesley Casper. l1oettgC'r, rt ...... 4 0 1 2 0 0 Moore h('lcl the Mnckm en to a Loulsvlll£' mill clerk, 1~28 Kentvcky GeltlPl't, ,," ...... 3 0 0 1 4 1 olle hi t afl ~ r re li f'v ing l'rnnock nmMpur tltieholdPS Milton $oncrant, WII",". ,...... 2 1 0 1 1 1 Alpxnnde,', I) ...... 1 0 0 0 2 0 witilnone ont in the firth, Iln cl a mall man f"om Toledo, and FI'onk Connolly, a salesman and Dett'olt mu· :eOr"lllll ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Qllin nlimit.erl tIll' YankR to four nlcil)al links champion. l1aW, p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 blows after takIng \10 \Va1oPI'g'A ! 'rhpy sco"M their vlctorifos In 18 burd en with non~ gone In th" thlrli. hole rounds In the mOI'i1lng and uftel" 'rotnlf:t ...... 20 1 3 24 10 2 Th~ Ynnkees clinched t.h ... gam~ by noon and will struggle against each ·Jllltl~d tor Alpxan

MAURETANIA. FAILS .1'0 'fIN BACK LOST LAURE~S . geant; GUll Pusateri, lupply IIlr· Funeral Rites for Lodge to Hold Hospital " Unit g~ant; BOb Schell, mess sergeant; Students Give ' Sergt. Charles Schmitt, pollclnl Mrs. Anna Dimity company alld hOspital area; Sergt. Annual Picnic Honors Gifford Clarence Brown, hospital details; Held at St. Mary's Sergeants Lester Herl'lng and An· Club drew lArew, charge of mess h ..11 and Funeral 8ervlce tor Mrs, An nil. I. O. F. Sets Aug. 14 National Guards Give quartet·s; Corp, Art Brown, company Dimity, 49 years old, 19 Park road; o. clerk; OorporalM TIm l!'alrchl1d and was held yesterday at 9 I\,m, a.t St. Entertain Rotariall8 for Big Program Sergeant Party Bernard SherldlLn, charge of wBf!te Mary's churoh. She died at her Weekly Luncheon and gal'bage disposal. hOme Tuesda.y afternoon attor an at City Park TomOITow 'rom MIx; and hlH horse, IUness or eight months. Volume- A. By GUS PUSATERI Tony, wOl a ppeRr In pOI'son to give For the last 15 yean she 11Bf! IIvell M em bel'S of the Rotary clUb a special perrormance at tho camp, Eureka. Lodge No. H, 1.O.O.F will (Specll\l to The Daily )owlln) In low .. CIty, She come to Iowa. are 8u mm r sosslon student. at bold Ita annual family picnic at lhe CAMP DODOE, Aug.8-Although City at the age of tlve with her t08' university, provided a. progrlnt Iowa City was having a cIrcus, we tel' mother, from New 'fork city, the club's lunch eo n hour Iowa Cily park Wednesday, Aug. U, Of the 168th hospital company, Iowa and lived Itt IUverslde, Fr. Flanagan's Boys yesterday at Hotel Jcffel'8on, from noon until midnight. An en· national ' guard, ha d R little tun of She Is survived by her husband, tertalnlng program hu been ar· our own. Tuesday WBf! the birth· Will Play at Hoover ThOmas Dimity, She leaves no oth· Sevel'1\1 solos Rnd a number ranl'ed for the afternoon and eve' day oC Top Set'geant Glerol'd. A er relatl ves as she was I&fl an or· readings were PI·esented. The nlng, featuring slunts, athletic con· eake with red candles was set at Birthday Marking phan at tho age of five. mltteo In charge was: Wilbur teets, baseball game, play, and dance. the table. After the blrtbday din· Interment was mad" In the St, ton, Council Bluffs; Associated Press Photo tlth, Oska loosa; Albert H, The program w\1l begin at noon ner our well liked top sergeant was Father Flanagan's boy's band of Joseph's cemetery, I J ndlanola, and CeCil H, NiCki., with a picnic dinner tor all Odd Fel· NEW YORK, Aug, (AP)-The 22 yeal' old 'uDarder MatH'clanin camc to port today after her run through a belt line and gIven Omaha, will be on tpe program ot lows and Rebekahs. Free coffee and speediest \\'cstward crossing of the Atlantic but even that was not sufficient to reelaim the l'ccol'd a warm reception. ley Junction. the unveiling of the mal'ker oC Her· (JOURT HOUSE NEWS The luncheon menu Included lemonade will be gl ven wltb tbe din· Ten aIrplanes of the H3th pUl'sult - now held by the ncw liner Bremen, One cuse In law and One In equity sEont by George Oay and nero squadron arrived In camp Tuesday bert Hoover's blrthplace In West 0 aD were riled yesterday for l1earlng In From 1:30 to 3 p.m., there will be Retal'(lcd by bud wCElthel' und a curtailment f spc!.'d for operation aboal'd, the lIIatu' tania noon from Kansas City. While here BranCh Saturday at 2:30 p.m, They Spene " from northern 8. stunt program In which lodges and passed Ambrose light 'hip, the "tape" at this side, 4 dRYS, 21 hours aBd 44 minutes, after she len thn September term oC dl sll'lcL co urt. where they have been recently lhey will work In the maneuvers In will an'ive In the mOl'lllng and will In tho first, the Farmers Mutunl a tl6hlng trip. memberlt will participate. There Chel'bourg brcakwuter last atUl'day OD It voyage of 3,078 miles. connection with the ground troops. give a program at night, besides Hall Insurance company Il.llks judg' G uesls of the Rotarians were: will be athlelic contests Crom 3 to 4 Following the Inspection of cloth· The time was 4 hOUl'S and 50 minutes betler tha n hel" oll'n record, but 4 hours and 2 minutes be· ment ..galnsl I. A. CUppy tor the eral Judge Martin .T , Wade p.m. A baseball game wlll be plal'ed Ing Tuesday, new uniforms and the special numbers on tho pro' or hind the timc of Ih Bremen, sum of $174,94 with Intet'est Ilt 8 per City, Roswell D, Trimble, between tbe Eureka lodge and the shoes wcre Issued to the men. Each gram, Timber Wolves Crom 4 until 8 p.m. cent trom Jan, I, 1929 for unpaid hall Va.; B. leT :MIller, Kansas man In the company came In for Each year thlB ot'.phan boy's band Insurance premiums. Ernest Rice, Iowa City; At 8 p.m., there will be a picnic sup· ot several months. She was born Borne new Items. ma kes it pllgl'lmagOi to an Interest· per; also Cree corCee and lemonade. NEWS ABOUT TOWN · R· I In the second M, D. :Mille I' b"lngs Smith, Iowa City; Charles N, enlson ltes ncar North Uberty Nov. 27, 1854. Each morning followIng revelne, Ing place In the courlll'y, Last year 8ult against unknown c1 .. "nants and rows, Indianola; O. 1', Barry, From 7 untU 8 p.m., there wlll be D Her parents had lived on the old mass exercises are directed by Sergt. they vi sited Coo lidge at hi" summer Ulrick Summer, ct ai, asking that he Clly; Floyd B. Haworth. boxlog and wrestling, h(,meslead prior to her birth tor Oeorge Krotz, In their spare time heme at Brule, ,Wls .. and the sum· The play, " Parlor Matches" will RCi'overlll~ After Fall be decreed all absolute ownership tor Rol! Renier, Iowa City; Recovering from Injuries that were H e ld S a t urd ay nIore than 15 years, national guard members are en· OI er before were at Rapid City. certain described real estate. Cedar Rapids; Fred be given from 8·9:30 p,m, She Is survived by her sister a nd gaged at baseball, horse shoe pitch· S. D. The CBf!t characters for the received as the reBult oC a 20 foot Madison, and A. n, Eaton of ot one brother, Dave E. Denl"on, North lng, and swimming. Ortlcers or the Pllg,·tm chapter ot tall Tuesday, "~'I'l\nk 'Burnett, 1019 Mose Solomon, Columbus semi· City. play, a comedy In two acts are: Other oCfleers have the following E. Market street, was reported bet· Fu neral service tor Marla Denl. Liberty. the D.A,H, In charge ot the cere· pro, meant It last sp,'lng when h e be· Vance Trelford---oul' movie actor The body w1ll be taken bOnle to· duties: Sergt. Otto Bettag, charge monies Saturday feel that the visit and woman hate I'-Alfred Oathout. tcr "today. While pulntlng a roof of came a holdout from the ranks oC the son, member of one of the oldest morrow from the Oathout funeral of hospital dispensary; Sergt. by the orphan boys Is especially Don Rodey-not a woman hater­ a house on north Dodge stroet, the Canton, Centra~ league club. I\fose Mark Koenig tlnally convinced pioneer famlUes In Johnson county, parlors, Interment \\ 111 be made George Bauer, charge of hospItal appropriate as Hoover was the !lrst Wilbur Cerny. ladder On which he was working held his ground until lale July be· ler Hllgglns that he was Il better will be held tomorrow ut 2:30 p.m. In the family lot In North Liberty laboratory; Isaac Larew, duty ser· orphan boy to be elected preBident. slop tha.n Leo Durocher, slipped' and M,'. Burnett fell to the tore yielding to persuasion. Ferdinand Poppleton-who t"led to at the Jl1ethodlHt churCh at North cemetel'y, flirt once-Adolph Souchek. cement drive b('low. His right hand Liberty. • ==~====~~~======~======~. Margaret Belloon-Don's sweet· and arm were Injured, She died at 6:15 a .m. yesterday heart-Violet Rees. at the home of her sister, Mrs. Ju· Dave Shade may g t a title ftght • Jorkes- the butler-Leroy Walter. Records One Birth 11<1. Sentman, Tiffin, atter an Illness . with champion Mickey "·aiker. Mrs, Selton- the parlor match· The birth of Ruth on July 31 to m aker-Mlnnle Struble. Mr. a nd Mrs. Vernon II, Shepard of Suzanne Selloon-who had her tor· Lone Tree was recorded at the ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++~ tune told-Wilma Darby. county clerk'H orrtce yesterday. Oal1 Laurence---our feminine A.B. , Mod'el -EUzabeth McLachlan. Firemen Answer Coli Ablgall Mullen-the new maid alao Firemen an.'rcred It call at the an A.B,-Mary Kolalk. Wlllenhro('k Molor company at 8 . n. Whiting, coach. Clinton and Burllngt.on stl'cets Wed· Airplane Kits A dance at the park paviliOn will Pork and Beans nesday when a cal' In the gamga conclude the pl'ogram, caught on ih·e. The blaze was ex· A cordial Invitation Is extended to Ungulshed with a slight lollS. CampbeU's or Armour's all Bllmmer IIchool 8tudents to at· + tend the arternoon program and play. III'rlop Loses Car Curtiss Robin,. Curtiss Hawk,. Eagle Rock W,hlle Wrutcr liarlop was vIsiting with friends In ('edar Rapid" Wed· 3 CANS nesday night 80me one drove away Bullet,. Waco · Fokker Tri.. Motor Koser Agency with his parked Oldsmobile coupe. ZSe 'fhe cat· hoI' a Johnson county II· cense, was gl'ay eolol'ed, had wll'e to List Rentals, wheels, and a trunr. on the real'. TODAY AND TOMORROW House Changes Znger Fines Two Hub Odell lInd Jack Rya.n W81'e Powdered. 25c fined $1 and cOMts on II. charge or ~a;k~~I,I, ...... Sugal', 3 Ibs, ... __ . Intoxication yestel'dllY by Police 11 c Following Is a list of renlalH and Judge Charles L. Zager, Pat Flem· Strained Vegetables, changes of residence made during I ng and J. :M. Fishel' were also a r· P. & G. Soap, 19c the last week, according to an· rested for being found Intoxlwted, 5 bars ...... nouncement by Koser Brothers ~e::::'~:...... __ ...... 25c They weI' released on a $20 ap' Ilaency, pearance bonu, hut tOI'Celted the Chocolate Chips, Halli- Campfire Marshmal. Edwin H, Wadsworth and wlfe­ bond When they (tIlled to appea,' ye8' lows, ) lb, from Cedar Rapids to Orand ave· terday, 28c nue, University heights: Dr. Walt<:'1' ~~;:s,.. ~~~ ..~~ : ...... 39c pkg, -- .. --... -- .... ,.. --. 'V. Hermann-to 512 E. ])avenport Itreet; Chal'les H, Swlndal-309 S. MalIC Ono Arrest Savories, Lobster, Crab, Salmon and Anchovy Clinton stl'eet to 1175 E. Court "Hed" Hoyt was lodged In the city street; E, R. Chapman-327 N, Capl· jail last night on a charlie of Intoxl· Paste, per jar ...... 29c tOI stl'eet to 221 N, Clinton street; cation, Delicious for Sandwiches Dr, C, J. Rowan-Callfornla. to Woodlawn apartments; C. E , Shan· Phone Your Order We Deliver non-725 E, Washington IIlt'eet to Moses N. Thisted S19 S, Lucas sll'eet . 128-PHONE-129 .T. F. Turley-819 Iowa avenue to Accepts Position 1162 E. 'ourt street; EJ, HoUts-to 14 E. Court street; Phi Kappa RhO Moses N. 'l'hl"l~d, oC lIlllwaukee, fraternity-to 400 N. Clinton stl'eet; Wis., who received his mBf!ter ot Mrs. B, W. Lannlng-328 N, Linn a l'ts degree In the July convocation, Wilkinson & Condon etl'eet to 220 E, Davenport street; has accepted a Position In th Pur· Dr. ,William Malamud...... to No. 6 due unh'erslty al La. Fuyette, Ind. Belle Vista place. Mr, 'l'hlHted wIll I) an Instl'Uctor + South of Jefferson Hotel !II rs, Charlotte B. oamblo-Oska· ot eduCllllon and phllosoph.v, His 1001!3 to 614 Iowa avenue; M, M, dutl('s will begin with the opening of Crayne-629 E. Market street to 902 the full tm'l1l. I Newton road, west side; Maude Mc· ~+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*+++++++ Broom-5 E. Davenport street to 2 Belle Vista place; J . F. Hamllton- 228 S. Summit street to 926 Bowery .treet; Dr. Dolmage-DeWltt to 1tll Sheridan avenue; Dr, E, O. 01'098- New Haven, Conn.. to 220 Ronald. street; Margaret Oroepper­ St. Louis, Mo., to 526 N. Linn stl'eet; James Fottel, 232 E, Bloomington street to 403 E. Jefferson street; PrOf, HerbCl·t 0, Lyte- 122 McLean street to 222 Ronalda street; Dr. C, W. Rutherfol'd-2 Belle Vista place to 419 S. Lucas street; M 1'8. L. H , Huston-4Cedal' Rapids to 411 E. Brown street. BOYS! Oeorge HI_West Liberty to 825 N, Dubuque street; Prot. J. H, Bo· You are invited to din&-Phlladelphla, Pa" to 609 El. Court street; Prof, C. M. Updegratt -401 Melrose Court to 120 Grand avenue court; HarrIett Root--()ak Park, III., to Summit apartments; ~ Join ~ R. H. OJemann- Chlcago to Wood· lawn apartments, Sullivan Held The American for Desertion Air Cadets Authorities from Wheaton, lJI .. ... 111 al'rlve Sunday to take back Here's how you cau get these absolutely free. Clip out the John Gordon Sulllvlln, who WIIS ar· Learn to build and fly r""ted lIere yesterday on a charge I ot wife dellCrUon. your own above "Flying Circu6-" picture, color or paint it-use any Sullivan had rcslded (or two weeks &1 114 E. Court street until yester· '.'IM day when word was received by colors you wish. Bring it to The Daily Iowan office, or Cbler of Pollee C. F. Benda that he was wanted. Model Airplanes l<''' Extradition was walved, and Sulll· va n Is In the city jail where he will mail it to the "Flying Circus Editor," care of The Daily remain until authorities from Whea· Join A A C Club Mow ton arrive to take him baek. Iowan, not later than Tuesday noon, Aug. 13. The five rlngemrnl Playf.u Dog Bites at hilt time boys or girls turning in the best colored clippings of the • td Stale!! Local Man in Leg made tOOllY COmpany n Philip Omsl",', 127 N. GII~rt stl'eet, "Flying Circus" will each receive one of the above model Dl ent, ..."s wIIl'ned ycstcl'd"y by PoUrs Judge Charles L. zager to have his Oellllnn dog tied l!eCurely as 8. result of bit· airplane kits absolutely free. These kit8 sell for 85,00. to fty over I Ing C. J. Ladd. Tho dog Is a play· fui thing, and Inad,'el·tently bit Ladd 10 deliver In the leg call"lng mediCAl atlentlon The liner 11'11 to be l'o ndpl,.,d. It 5;00 p,m, Information was (\led against OntB' due at ler on a chal'ge of owning a dog which cl'eated .. nuisance. The dog W('9 following ordered tied tor 10 days, III Ihe end Thursdny of which tlllle If .La~d'~ Injury does 11111 l~a ve I'ot pl'ove "~I'lou" the uhargo will ~ Kit contain, everything you need lor th8 bu.ilding, If, how~vp,·. I'ables dev"l, op, then th~ dog ",III bo dl"I>o"ed of, wltl, u. tine Impo"ed on Om "1m', 01 the plalle Ooooe Oo.lIn was fined $1(10 rOl' , Jolltin.,l{ II flilchl'd hllil II'IWIl till' J)enrh ~ll\'nllllc!l olh~rwl~!l.