FREE MODEL AIRPLANES YANKEES SHAVE Get " Free Kit and Build VonneU Full Game From Athletics' Leac1 a Model Plalle. Tum WIU. 64 Will. StOlT to rale 6. on Page 5. -----------------------------------------------~~~~--~~~~~~~--~~----~----~~~~~~~------------~~~. VoIwne 29 6 PAGES AIl I 'ff.Jr;I~:_=~n:.-ln Iowa City, Iowa, Friday, August 9, 1929 hD~~ed";::" FIVE CENTS Number 6Q.. • SOVIET PLANE HEADS FOR UNITED STATES Col. Goehel in Burning Airpaine Graf Zeppelin Controller Decrees Great Britain, ';1 Woolaroc Due Carrie, Three to Student, Mwt Wear Death in Wyoming Cruises Near Shirt, at Stanford France, Italy ~ This Mornin~ OI\SI'ER, Wyo., Aug. 8 (f\P) , ..... Halfway Mark STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Cal., Split on Plan -M~j. W. I'. W arrlwel1, 36 years old, allli J~llr l Holty, 35 years Aug. 8 (AP}--Sun tan 01' no sun lan, Noted Honolulu Flyer old, /lJld George Cameron were ah Stanford mille students must wcar killed here tonight ",hen theIr I Messages State Liner shirts out oC doors In the future. Snowden Resume8 Figlit Will Land at Smith Illalle bursl Into Ilames, wenl Contl'ollel' A. E, Hoth or the unlver· Into a lall 8pln 'Uld lell several About 1,725 Milcs Against Young Plan ~lty so decreed today, I Field at 8 :30 huudred leet. The bodIes were of Settlement burncd bcynnd recognition. Out at Sea The ultimatum. characterized by , 10'11'& City Is to be visited ror the 1' h6 pilUle ",lIS piloted II,· some ot the students as "provincial (By The ASlIOClated Press) Wardwell, and a revel'slon to the mauve d~catle;' TIlE IlAGUE, Aug. 8 (AP), "flret time this morn Ing at 8 :30 by At the end of the fll"lll U & famous ocean·golng alrplo no and was supposed to have been occasioned - Fundamentally divided on thfl houl"II of her globe clrcUng m,ht, by the llctlon oC undel'gratluates who Ito pilot. Col. ArUmI' GO<!bel, one the Gennan dirigible Oraf Zep­ distribution of German repara,. of the natlon's outstanding avllllors played tennis clad only in gymnas· pelin eafly today W&Ij appro~l. lum It·unks. tions Great Britain on the today, and winner or the Dole prlz 80,000 Dress IIIl1tel)' half way across the At· o~e of 126,000 Aug. 17, 1927. when ho lanlle Ocean. hand and France and Italy on piloted the "Woolaroc" to Honolulu A me8Sale to the navy depart. the other tonight appeared to Irom San Francisco, Is !Klheduled to Mal{ers Strike ment al. IO p. 111. C.S,T, repOrted atllve Itt Smith flrh1 here at 8:30, the glllnt airship 1,7%5 land rnlles Bishop Cannon have brought to a deadlock the Goebel will be f1y<Jng the "Wool· ClIst of New York c:lty. financial committee of the inter. t,I'OC," completely equlpJ){'d lUI It W08 Fight "Sweat Shops" in TaU wInds, forecast by the when be made the famous flight weather bureau, wenl aidIng ma­ Answers Attack na tioual conf rencc to make thfl over the PacJCIc. \Vhrn Goo\)('1 Nine Cities' terially In the dirigible's prog" Young pllln effecti ve. made that flight the" Wool roc" Witl! ress. one of the best planes money could Philip Snowden, British ohan. NEW YORK. Aug, 8 (AP)-The The weathef bureau fOnH!lUlt Will Explain Church's buy and equip. Today It ls hope­ said that for "OUfS at least, ('eilor of the exchequer, resumed g~lleral ,,~cutlve board of the Inter· 12 lenty old-fashioned. bellnnlng .. little more than an Stand in Election hi!i offeusive against the Young Chler among the reasons for mak· nallonal ladles' gMment workers' hour betofe midnIght, favoring plan and for the third time in III Ing the last flIght Is to demonetrat union today authorll,ed a $tl'lkc of wlntls should a(ld %0 or %5 miles WASllINGTON, Aug, 8 (AP) the rapid strlde8 avlallon Is making, HO,OOO wOI'ker" In the women's dl'e"~ muny duys declared that Great an bour to the epeed of the ship. Bishop James Cannon, Jr" an. M 600n IIll the flight Is rlnlshcd, IndusU'y In the United States and Britain will not acccpt shares in There are to be three stops before nounced In a statement today that Flank Pllllllp3. who owns the Canada. thc rCI Rl'ation annuities accord­ Nln cities are affected, New Yorl<, she gets back to Lakehurst, how· h had w~ltten to AttOI'I1('y General IIWoola.roo," plans to "bury" the ever, each of 8everal days' duration, Mitchell offering access to any In· ed by the committlle of expert", plane. Philadelphia, B08ton, Chicago, leve· lanll, Baltimore, Kansas City, Toledo, a nd It Is not likely that the Cavor· formation. deSi red by the lattel·. con. ~vill llot consent to the division of Already an all'steel and concrete able condItions of the first lew hours cernlng the operations ot thc board blngar nas been constl'uct"d on Mr. and Tol'onto, the strike In each to go the annuities into conditiontl. Into efrect at Ihe discretion of Ihe Russian Flyers Land at wlJl continue dUring the journey of tempel'ance and social service or and unconditional parts, and will not Phillips' ranch at Bartlesville, Ok Ia.. , House Tariff Three Italians over two oceans and three conti· the 1Io1ethodist Episcopal church, where the plane wllJ be placed. Mr. local union. Omsk, Siberia, on al)pI'ove continued payments by de· David Dubinsky, acting pl'esldent ncnts, SCuth, and tho bishop's personal ac· IIvedes In kInd. PhJUlps, who Is presjd nt or lhe The Ora! left Lakehurst [It 10:40 Uvltles In lhe 1928 presidential cam· Phillips Petroleum company, Is mak· ot the International union. said the First Hop Snowdcn's attack provoked eharp strike In New York, Involving 45,000 Bill Delayed Escape Prison o'clock, C. S, T" Wednesday night. palgn. Ing up a large museum whl h be ell;' ~ a nllwel's trolU French. Italian and wOI'kers. hnd bet'n sN tor Dcc. 1. at heading seaward for her rJrst stop The statement, made In response BelS'lnn delegll tea who declarf'd they peels to present !l.8 a gift to thc 9MSK, Siberia. U.S.S.R.. Aug, 8 at Frledrlch8haJten, Germany, to a letter [rom Reprpijentatlvo .tate o! Oklahoma In the ncal'tutuI'e. the expiration 0( the lll'e H~nt con· are equally as dotel'mlned to maintain (AP)-A 1111) ahelld or the dirigible Thursday It reported Its posItion Thikham, republican, Mas8<l.Chu. Two pathrlndln., planell aJ'e due tract, A t the "'lme tlm~ Iln Immedl· Senate Will Discuss Anti.Fascist Trio Break the Young plan as lhe British leem GrM Z~ppelln, which i" to follow a several tlmc~ by wireless and Lwo BHts, to the attorney gencl'lll 1'0' 10 arrive bal( an hour ahead or Ilte slt'lke of 7.000 workcrs hel'e, 90 10 be to revise It. route morc ~outhel'iy lo America, a ocean IIncl's and two trelghters I lQu~ C ~ltlg all. Investigation of the Colonel Goebel this morning. pel' cent of them women. Will! ordered Measure Sept. 3 From Dreaded Jail Snowden Insists on Polut by the board COl' the embroider)' Russian airplane landed herc this af· sighted It plowln&, along lh"ough tbe bishop and 'lhc board, decll1.red, Undoubtedly the committee 18 In wOI'ker8' luckel's', plclltets,' and WASHINGTON, Aug. 8 (AP) ternoon uft"I' Ihe I(mgcsl ..cheduled PARIS. Aug, 8 (AP)- Three m(,n atmosphel'lc sea. "'{'inkhnm's attack upon me Is slm· danger oC deadlock but nobody pro· At 11 It. Ill. Thursday almost 12 DIy one his Ilel'iodlcal attacks hemstltchc,'s' unions. '1'hls will be a A two weeks' postponement until flight In It. ltin~rary f!'Om Moscow ot {eases to see any way ot IIlltisfylntr the who escal)(>d (rom the 181e of LiparI. houl'ij a.fter the ta1<co(f, lhe dlt1glble upon the south, pl'ohlbltion and stl'lke COl' a 4U·hour week, Dublll~k .v Sept. 3 of tbe beginning or senate to New l'ol'k. British demands. known as OIlC of the most ~tl'ongly reported to lhe navy that It was 6S0 JIlethodlsm to convince bls wet Ro· Farm Board ..aid, consideration of the tariff was de· l..eavlng Moscow al 3:% a,m" the The British chancellor 88.ld hie trov· A gcne"nl strike of 1,800 cloakmak· cided upon today by party leaner.... "land oC the soviets" (01' "stl'una ~ov· gUlll'decl Drison. In thc wodd II nd miles elUlt of New York. The ships man Catholic Boston constituency ernment ,·"gal·ded He demand ror an which sighted the dirigIble. the tha.t he IIhould be retained as their erR In Toronto al80 was ordl'l'ed 1m· Under [ n agl'cement I'eached be·. lelov") maintained un avo rage speed d"eaded foJ' thc lonliness and strIct Incl'eUJ!cd .hlll'e oC G~rman J'epara.· mlJ~8 Roosevelt, the Rocha mbea\l, the represcntative In congl'esM whlell Makes First mediately, Dubinsky saM, tween 'republican and democ"atlc of JOO on hou,' ovel' thc 1,368 tlons as a Cundamental pOint Ilnd confinement encounlcre<l there, were Comll1el'Clal Tradel' and the Tomal· many of them seemed BPl'lously to DublnKky saliI Ih"t the .. I ,'Ike WI"" chlertalns, the " nate. schedulecl to miles of mountain an<1 plan to land Ihat lhe question must be lIeWed be· tllC hel'ocs of antl· I ·"a~clst cit'oles va, gave scant detnlis, but one men· doubt In the last elE'rtlon," cnll!'d to tight ""went .hop" conch· reconvene Aug.
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