Registered with the Registrar Registered No. PY/44/2018-20 of Newspapers for under No. 10410 WPP No. TN/PMG(CCR)/WPP-88/2018-20 Dated : 25-7-2020 Price : ` 59-00 Amflºƒˆ \VWÈ ∂´E>µ La Gazette de L' État de Poudouchéry The Gazette of Puducherry


∂]ÔV´D ÿ√u≈ Publiée par Published by ÿkπX| Autorité Authority sÁÈ : ` 59-00 Prix : ` 59-00 Price : ` 59-00

®ı Amflºƒˆ ƒM¬˛wÁ\ 2020 } ÛÁÈ | 25 { No. 104 Poudouchéry Samedi 25 Juillet 2020 (3 Sravana 1941) No. Puducherry Saturday 25th July 2020


No. 1821/DCE/TP/AUC/2020-21. Puducherry, the 25th July 2020.

NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred in rule 143 of the Puducherry Excise Rules, 1970, the right of retail vend of toddy and arrack for the lease year 2020-21 in respect of the shops located in the region of Puducherry and Karaikal of the Union territory of Puducherry and whose licences are not renewed for the lease period from 01-08-2020 to 30-06-2021 under rule 156-A of the Puducherry Excise Rules, 1970 shall be disposed off by ‘‘Auction’’ through online auction platform of the Department viz. (By order of the Lieutenant-Governor)

SHASHVAT SAURABH, I.A.S., Deputy Commissioner (Excise).


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ƒV‚EÔ^ : (1) (2) PART - I] LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT 517

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mÁ gÁBÏ (ÔÈV_), ƒV‚EÔ^ : (1) (2) 518 LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT [PART - I

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∞ÈD ÿ>V¶∫zk>uz x[√VÔ mÁ gÁBÏ (ÔÈV_) ∂kÏÔ·V_ √˛´∫Ô\VÔ √Ω›m¬ ÔV‚¶©√‚¶ \uÆD ∂´E>µ ®ı 104, º>] 25á07á2020á_ ÿkπl¶©√‚¶ ∂§s©∏_ Ôı|^· ∂Á™›m W√Õ>Á™ÔÁ·•D ÂV[ Â[≈VÔ ∂§ºk[.

ÂV[ ÔV©A› ÿ>VÁÔÁB Ô‚Ω s¶°D \uÆD z›>ÁÔ Œ©√Õ>›Á>•D, ~| ÿƒF•D kÁÔl_ ÿÔV|›m^· ÿƒV›m¬Ôπ[ ∂¶\V™ √›]´›Á>•D su√Á™ ∂§s©∏_ z§©∏‚|^· ÔVȬ ÿÔ|suz^ WÁ≈ºku§ √]° ÿƒFºk[ ®[ÆD ÷>[JÈD ÂV[ cÆ]Bπ¬˛º≈[.

ÔV©A›ÿ>VÁÔ Ô‚¶› >k§™VºÈV z›>ÁÔ Œ©√Õ>›Á>•D ∂¶\V™ √›]´›Á>•D WÁ≈ºku§ √]° ÿƒFB› >k§™VºÈV ®™m ∞È› ÿ>VÁÔ cÆ] ÿƒFB©√‚¶m >V™VÔºk ÷´›>V˛s|D ®[√º>V| \‚|\_ÈV\_, su√Á™ ∂§s©∏[√Ω ˛¸]› ÿ>VÁÔÁB x[√\VÔ Ô‚¶ ºkı|D ®[√Á>•D, ÷Õ> su√Á™ W√Õ>Á™ÁB ∏[√u≈› >k§™V_ ∞u√|D sÁ·°ÔÁ·•D ÂV[ Â[≈VÔ ∂§ºk[.

®™ºk, ÂV[ W√Õ>Á™ÔÁ· ∏[√u≈› >k§™V_, ®™m ÔV©A› ÿ>VÁÔÁB √§x>_ ÿƒFB°D cÆ]ÿƒF> gÁÁB ÷´›m ÿƒFB°D ÂV[ Œ©A¬ÿÔV^k>VÔ ÷>[JÈD cÆ]Bπ¬˛º≈[.


sk´ ∂‚¶kÁ – I >k·¬z©√D kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ´Vx°¬zfl ÿƒVÕ> Am©∏¬Ô©√‚¶ ÔÁ¶Ô^ ÷¶\V™ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 141/2÷_ º´V‚Ωuz ˛w¬z \uÆD ÿ>uz, ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]uz k¶¬z, gÆxÔ ˛´V\Ë ƒV´VBD WÈ›]uz º\u˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. Amflºƒˆ √z] \V.z.s. : ` 2,58,474 ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 194 o. I. ∂ˆBV∫z©√D ÿÔVDR[ √fiƒVB›m cˆ\D ®ı 1 : ∂ˆBV∫z©√D — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ \ÿkπ II. √VÌÏ ÿÔVDR[ √fiƒVB›m kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ƒıxÔD \Á™s Ai√V ∂kÏÔ”¬z cˆ\D ®ı 5 : √VÌÏ — ÷¬ÔÁ¶, √VÌÏ kÚkVF ÿƒVÕ>\V™ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 47/3á_ c^· WÈ›]_, ZáƒÏºk ®ı 47/3á_ \Á™ ®ı 168 ˛w¬˛KD ZáƒÏºk ®ı 47/3á_ ˛´V\D A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 46, ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬˛_ √VÌÏ \Á™ ®ı 166 º\uz ZáƒÏºk ®ı 47/3á_ \Á™ ®ı 187 º´V‚Ωuz º\u˛KD, ÔÁ´º\| º´V‚Ωuz ÿ>u˛KD ÿ>u˛KD ZáƒÏºk ®ı 47/3á_ \Á™ ®ı 188 k¶¬˛KD kVF¬ÔVK¬z k¶¬˛KD, >Ï\o∫ÔD WÈ›]uz ˛w¬˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. \V.z.s. : ` 2,97,602 \V.z.s. : ` 5,51,250 ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 223 o. ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 413 o.

cˆ\D ®ı 4 : ØÏV∫z©√D — ÷¬ÔÁ¶, cˆ\D ®ı 6 : Ô[MB¬ºÔVl_ — ÷¬ÔÁ¶, Ø´V∫z©√D kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ R. ®a_´VÎ \©√‚| kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ \Æ ∂·Ák ®ı 6á_ ®[√kÚ¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 18/18 c^· WÈ›]_, ÷>u¬z ˛w¬z \uÆD º\u¬z \Æ ∂·Ák ®ı 8, ÿ>u¬ºÔ z·›m¬z º√VzD √VÁ>¬z ˛w¬˛KD, ºÔƒk[ WÈ›]uz ÔÁ≈•D k¶¬ºÔ º´V| c^· ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]^ º\u˛KD, Am¬z©√D º√VzD º´V‚|¬z k¶¬˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. z·›m¬z ÿ>u˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. (∂_Èm) \V.z.s. : ` 1,51,855 ÷¬ÔÁ¶, \©√‚| kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ \Æ ∂·Ák ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 114 o. ®ı 133/1/F/1/A/11á_ c^· s.n.∏. ÂÔˆ_ ]Ú. Ek¬z\VÏ cˆ\D ®ı 5 : ∂∏º≠Ô©√V¬ÔD — ÷¬ÔÁ¶, >/ÿ√. ƒfl∑>V™Õ>D ÿƒÕ>\V™ \Á ®ı 374, 375, 376, ∂∏º≠Ô©√V¬ÔD kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_, ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z º´V| A]B 377 \uÆD 378á_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ÷m ˛w¬ºÔ 389 ƒÏºk ®ı 117á_, ´∫ÔVÿ´‚Ω©√VÁ·B›]_ ÷ÚÕm \uÆD 390, º\u¬˛_ √VÁ>•D, k¶¬ºÔ A]B √VÁ>•D, ]D\ÂVB¬Ô[√VÁ·B›]uz© º√VzD √VÁ>l_ ∂´∑ ÿ>u¬ºÔ \Á ®ı 379á_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. A≈Dº√V¬z º´V‚Ωuz º\uz, ˛w¬z \uÆD k¶¬˛KD A]B \V.z.s. : ` 11,39,250 ƒÏºk ®ı115/2 ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z kVF¬ÔVK¬z ÿ>u˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 854 o. \V.z.s. : ` 2,75,580 cˆ\D ®ı 15 : cflEº\| — ÷¬ÔÁ¶, cflEº\| ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 207 o. kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ZƒÏºk ®ı 151/6á÷_ ºÔƒk[ ®[√kÚ¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™ WÈ›]_, cflEº\| º´V‚Ωuz cˆ\D ®ı 7 : ÔVƒV[]‚| — ÷¬ÔÁ¶, >k·¬z©√D ˛w¬˛KD, ´V∑ ÂV¶VÏ WÈ›]uz k¶¬˛KD, ºÔƒk[ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈD A]B ƒÏºk ®ı WÈ›]uz ÿ>u˛KD, g]JÈD WÈ›]uz º\u˛KD 141/3á_ º´V‚Ωuz ˛w¬z, z©AƒVt WÈ›]uz ÿ>uz, √wMBD\V^ WÈ›]uz º\u˛_, ®_ÁÈBD\V^ WÈ›]uz ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. k¶¬˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. \V.z.s. : ` 3,33,900 (∂_Èm) ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 250 o. PART - I] LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT 521

IV. ÿ‚¶©√V¬ÔD ÿÔVDR[ √fiƒVB›m V. cwkÏÔÁ´ ÂÔ´V‚E cˆ\D ®ı 3 : ÔˆB\VˬÔDáII — ÷¬ÔÁ¶, cˆ\D ®ı 3 : ∏^Á·flƒVkΩ — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ÔˆB\VˬÔD kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ]Ú ∞ÔÂV>–¬zfl ∏^Á·flƒVkΩ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 196á÷_ ÿƒVÕ>\V™ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 66/2, \Á™ ®ı 88 \uÆD ]Ú\] >tµflÿƒ_s¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™ \Á™ ®ıÔ^ 47 89á÷_ ®ı 87á¬z º\uz \uÆD A]B √VÁ>¬z ÿ>uz \uÆD 48á_, A]B √VÁ>¬z º\uz ∑©√´VB¬Ô°ı¶Ï ∞ˆ©√V¬ÔD º´V‚Ωuz k¶¬z \uÆD \Á™ ®ı 90á¬z \uÆD Ák›]o∫ÔD WÈ›]uz ˛w¬z, \Á™ ®ı 46á¬z ˛w¬˛_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. k¶¬z ZáƒÏºk ®ı 196á¬z WÈ›]uz ÿ>uz ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. (∂_Èm) \V.z.s. : ` 3,91,125 ÷¬ÔÁ¶, ÔˆB\VˬÔD kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ZáƒÏºk ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 293 o. ®ı 32á_ c^· ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ÷m ZáƒÏºk ®ı 36á¬z º\uzD, ZáƒÏºk ®ı cˆ\D ®ı 7 : Ô√]ÿƒ‚Ω¬z·D — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ 39á¬z k¶¬zD, ª´_ z‚Á¶l_ *>x^· ÷¶›]uz ÔVÈV©√‚| kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 150/4á÷_ ∂´∑ ˛w¬z \uÆD ÿ>u˛_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ÷>uz ÂV[z \V.z.s. : ` 3,65,505 ®_ÁÈÔ^ ƒVt¬Ôıb WÈ›]uz º\u˛KD √VÁ>¬z ÿ>u˛KD º¶ƒ Ô°ı¶Ï WÈ›]uz k¶¬˛KD ÿ√V[™©√¬ ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 274 o. Ô°ı¶Ï WÈ›]uz ˛w¬˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D.

cˆ\D ®ı 5 : ∞D√ÈD — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ∞D√ÈD kÚkVF (∂_Èm) ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 212/1á÷_ c^· ƒÕmÚ´V>V ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ÔVÈV©√‚| kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 150/ \uÆD Ô™Ô´VÎ WÈ›]_ A]B √VÁ>¬z ÿ>uz \uÆD 2á÷_ ÊMkVƒ[ WÈ›]_ cÁ¶BkÏ WÈ›]uz º\u˛KD º\u˛KD, \Á™ ®ı 31á¬z ˛w¬˛KD, \Á™ ®ı 34 √VÁ>¬z ˛w¬˛KD ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]uz ÿ>u˛KD \uÆD 35á¬z k¶¬˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. E∫z WÈ›]uz k¶¬˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. \V.z.s. : ` 7,01,190 \V.z.s. : ` 11,63,450 ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 526 o. ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 873 o.

cˆ\D ®ı 6 : Ôˆ¬ÔÈVD√V¬ÔD–I — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ VI. Amflºƒˆ xME√Vo‚Ω Ôˆ¬ÔÈVD√V¬ÔD kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ]Ú. ´Vx >/ÿ√. — √VÈ˛Úib¬z ÿƒVÕ>\V™ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 53/7á÷_ cˆ\D ®ı 1 : ÿÔVD√V¬ÔD ÷¬ÔÁ¶, ÿÔVD√V¬ÔD kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ∂¶∫˛B kVÏ| L, ∏·V¬ c^· \|ÔÁ´ º´V‚Ωuz ÿ>u˛KD ÿk∫Ô¶ ˛Úi ®ı 2, ¶°[ ƒÏºk ®ı 18/5 \uÆD 18/6á_ ÿÔVD√V¬ÔD ÿ´‚ΩBVÏ. WÈ›]uz k¶¬˛KD, √VkVÁ¶ƒVt ∏·V‚Ωuz¬ ∂Ú^tz ÿƒ∫Ôø›m \VˆBD\[ ºÔVl_ WÈ\VzD. ˛w¬˛KD, s¤B cÁ¶BVÏ WÈ›]uz º\u˛KD ∂Á\>_ T. S. No. 18/1á¬z ˛w¬˛KD, 18/8á¬z º\u˛KD, 18/4á¬z ºkı|D. k¶¬˛KD \uÆD 14/7á¬z ÿ>u˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. \V.z.s. : ` 3,57,788 \V.z.s. : ` 7,38,675 ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 268 o. ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 554 o.

cˆ\D ®ı 8 : √ı¶ºƒVwÂ_ŸÏ — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ √ı¶ºƒVwÂ_ŸÏ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ]Ú. VII. s_oB˚Ï ÿÔVDR[ √fiƒVB›m x›mÂV´VB[, >/ÿ√. ÷´V\o∫Ô›]uz ÿƒVÕ>\V™ cˆ\D ®ı 1 : ºƒ>´V©√‚|— ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ºƒ>´V©√‚| A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 75/5á÷_ ÂV´VBƒVt ÷¶›]uz kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 50/1, c^· ˛w¬˛KD, ´Vx WÈ›]uz k¶¬˛KD ÿƒV´©ØÏ º´V‚Ωuz x›m¬z\V´ƒVt WÈ›]_, ºƒ>´V©√‚| ÿƒ_KD º´V‚Ωuz º\u˛KD, kVF¬ÔVK¬z ÿ>u˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ˛w¬˛KD, >–∑ kÁÔB≈V°¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™ WÈ›]uz º\u˛KD, >∫Ô´V…K ÂVB¬ÔÚ¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™ WÈ›]uz \V.z.s. : ` 2,99,931 k¶¬˛KD, cÁ¶BkÏ WÈ›]uz ÿ>u˛KD ∂Á\>_ ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 225 o. ºkı|D. 522 LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT [PART - I

\V.z.s. : ` 20,62,200 \V.z.s. : ` 2,38,142 ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 1,547 o. ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 179 o.

cˆ\D ®ı 3 : ∂ˆRÏ— ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ∂ˆRÏ kÚkVF cˆ\D ®ı 13 : ˇµ∂¬´ÔV´D—÷¬ÔÁ¶ ]Ú¬ÔVfiE ˛´V\›]_ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 158/5á_ ]Ú ´V¤ºÔV√_ >/ÿ√. kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ >Vº\V>´[ ®[√k´m WÈ›]_ A]B ÂV´VBƒVt Ô°ı¶Ï WÈ›]_ \Æ ∂·Ák ® 158/4á¬z ƒÏºk ®ı 147/2á÷_ gÆxÔD \uÆD ºÔVsÕ>ƒVt ˛w¬zD ºkKxÚÔ[ WÈ›]u¬z º\u¬zD \Æ ∂·Ák WÈ›]uz ˛w¬z, gÆxÔD WÈ›]uz ÿ>uz, Ôı©√[ ®ı 158/6á¬z k¶¬zD √∫ÌÏ º´V‚Ωuz ÿ>u˛_ ∂Á\>_ WÈ›]uz k¶¬z \uÆD º´V‚Ωuz º\u˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ºkı|D. \V.z.s. : ` 5,30,880 (∂_Èm) ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 398 o. ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ]Ú¬ÔVfiE kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ]Ú\] cˆ\D ®ı 7 : \∫ÔÈD— ÷¬ÔÁ¶, \∫ÔÈD \VBVk] ®[√k´m WÈ›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 161/2á÷_ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ G. ´V¤V›]¬z ÿƒVÕ>\V™ A]B ƒÏºk ]Ú¬ÔVfiE ˛´V\›]_ Ô¶ŸÏ º´V‚Ωuz ˛w¬z, kVF¬ÔV_ ®ı 106 pt. kVF¬ÔVK¬z k¶¬z, \|ÔÁ´ √VÁ>¬z ÔÁ´¬z º\uz \uÆD k¶¬z, √wM \[™V>[ WÈ›]uz ˛w¬z, ´V¤V›] WÈ>]uz º\u¬z \uÆD ƒVÁÈlKÚÕm ÿ>u˛_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. 20 *.á¬z ∂©√V_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. \V.z.s. : ` 2,61,897 \V.z.s. : ` 2,59,953 ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 196 o. ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 195 o. cˆ\D ®ı 18 : AmÂÔÏ (ÔbkV©º√‚Á¶) — cˆ\D ®ı 8 : Ô´ÛÏ— ÷¬ÔÁ¶ Ô´ÛÏ kÚkVF ÷¬ÔÁ¶ s_oB˚Ï kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ZáƒÏºk ˛´V\›]_ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 29/8 ÿÔVı¶ ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z ®ı 277/2á_ x›mƒVt ®[√kÚ¬z ÿƒVÕ>\V™ ÷¶›]_ WÈ›]_ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 29/8pt. c^· WÈ›]uz ÿ>u˛KD, ZáƒÏºk ®ı 37 ÿÔVı¶ W_›]uz k¶¬˛KD, A]B ƒÏºk ®ı ]Ú¬ÔVfiE º´V‚Ωuz ˛w¬z, cÁ¶BkÏ WÈ›][ *>x^· 29/7 ÿÔVı¶ W_›]uz ˛w¬˛KD, º´V‚Ωuz º\u˛KD, √VÔ›]uz k¶¬z º\uz \uÆD ÿ>u˛_ ∂Á\>_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ºkı|D. \V.z.s. : ` 2,08,376 \V.z.s. : ` 90,948 ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 156 o. ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 68 o.

cˆ\D ®ı 9 : ÿ>Vı¶\V›>D — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ÿ>Vı¶\V›>D kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı sk´ ∂‚¶kÁ – II 44 pt. c^· ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_, m›]©√‚| º´V| Am©∏¬Ô©√‚¶ ÔÁ¶Ô^ \u≈D EÆ √VÈ›]uz º\uºÔ•D ∞ˆ¬z ˛w¬ºÔ•D, ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›m¬z k¶¬záÿ>uºÔ•D ¿Ï›º>¬Ô Ô^ ÿ>V‚Ω¬z 200 *‚¶Ú¬Ô©√V_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. Amflºƒˆ √z] \V.z.s. : ` 3,13,210 ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 235 o. III. \ıVΩ©√‚| ÿÔVDR[ √fiƒVB›m

cˆ\D ®ı 11 : Ek´VÕ>ÔD — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ∂ˆRÏ cˆ\D ®ı 2 : ºƒVD√‚|—÷¬ÔÁ¶ kV>V˚Ï kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_ A]B ƒÏºk kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ xME√_ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈD ZáƒÏºk ®ı 184/5 ∂ˆRÏ º´V‚Ωuz º\u˛KD, ˛w¬z, k¶¬z ®ı 6á_ ]ÚkıV\ÁÈ º´V‚Ωuz k¶¬˛_, \uÆD ÿ>u˛_ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 184/5 ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. º´V‚ΩoÚÕm 10 *‚¶Ú¬Ô©√V_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. (÷¬ÔÁ¶ ∂ˆRÏ º´VΩoÚÕm 50 *‚¶Ï ÿ>VÁÈs_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D). \V.z.s. : ` 28,716 PART - I] LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT 523

IV. ÿ‚¶©√V¬ÔD ÿÔVDR[ √fiƒVB›m 11 \V.z.s : ` 19,23,572 cˆ\D ®ı 7 : Ô_\ı¶√D — ÷¬ÔÁ¶, \V.z.s. : ` 1,74,870 √ı¶ºƒVwÂ_ŸÏ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 128á_ k|z©√D º´V‚Ωuz ÿ>uz, A]B ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 1,92,357 ƒÏºk ®ı 127á¬z º\uz ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z¬z ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 131 o. k¶¬z,√VÁ>¬z ˛w¬ºÔ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. \V.z.s. : ` 27,768 cˆ\D ®ı 8 : ]D\ÂVB¬Ô[√VÁ·BD — ÷¬ÔÁ¶, T.N. √VÁ·BD kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 177/2_ ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_ Ôı[ WÈ›]uz k¶¬˛KDD, sk´ ∂‚¶kÁ – III AÚº≠V›>\ ÿ´‚ΩBVÏ WÈ›]uz º\u˛KD, Ák›]o∫Ô ∞ÈD s¶©√¶°^· ÔÁ¶Ô^ ÿ´‚ΩBVÏ WÈ›]uz ˛w¬˛KD, ÿk∫Ôº¶ƒ[ WÈ›]uz ÿ>u˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ƒV´VBD Amflºƒˆ √z] (∂_Èm) ÷¬ÔÁ¶, T.N. √VÁ·BD kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ \Æ ∂·Ák I. ∂ˆBV∫z©√D ÿÔVDR[ √fiƒVB›m ®ı 178 ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_ gu§uz ˛w¬˛KD, cˆ\D ®ı 2 : \ÿkπ — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ \ÿkπ AÚº≠V›>\ ÿ´‚ΩBVÏ WÈ›]uz º\u˛KD, º´V‚Ωuz kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 70/1/A, ∏·V‚ ®ı 23 k¶¬˛KD \uÆD ∑|ÔV‚Ωuz ÿ>u˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. & 24, 3600 ƒm´ ∂Ω ∂·s_, ∏·V‚ ®ı 19 & 20¬z 11 \V.z.s : ` 38,02,791 ÿ>u˛_, A]B √VÁ>¬z k¶¬˛_, ∏·V‚ ®ı 22á¬z º\u˛_ \uÆD ∏·V‚ ®ı 25á¬z ˛w¬˛_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. \V.z.s. : ` 3,45,708 11 \V.z.s : ` 92,51,550 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 3,80,279 \V.z.s. : ` 8,41,050 ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 259 o. ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 9,25,155 ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 631 o. II. √VÌÏ ÿÔVDR[ √fiƒVB›m cˆ\D ®ı 1 : ÔÁ´BVDA›mÏ — ÷¬ÔÁ¶, cˆ\D ®ı 3 : ÿ√ˆB T´VD√‚Ω™D — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ÔÁ´BVDA›#Ï kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ s¤B´∫Ô›]uz ∂ˆBV∫z©√D kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ÿ√ˆB T´VD√‚Ω™D ÿƒVÕ>\V™ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 78/1, c^· WÈ›]_ ˛´V\›]_ \Æ ∂·Ák ®ı 100/4, ®[≈ ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z ÿ>[ÿ√ıÁBVu§uzfl ÿƒ_KD √VÁ>¬z¬ º\uz, A]B WÈ›]uz ÔÁ¶ElKD, \Æ ∂·Ák ®ı 119uz º\u˛KD, \Æ ∂·Ák ®ı 102uz ÿ>u˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ƒÏºk ®ı 77á¬z ˛w¬z A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 86á¬z ÿ>uz \uÆD A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 79áWÈ›]uz k¶¬˛KD ÷¬ÔÁ¶ 11 \V.z.s : ` 18,59,550 ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. \V.z.s. : ` 1,69,050 11 \V.z.s : ` 1,70,14,883 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 1,85,955 \V.z.s. : ` 15,46,808 ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 127 o. ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 17,01,488

cˆ\D ®ı 6 : Â_ÈkV| — ÷¬ÔÁ¶, Ø´V∫z©√D ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 1,160 o. kÚkVF¬ ˛´V\›]_ ˛´V\›]uz c‚√‚¶ Â_ÈkV| ˛´V\›]_ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 133/5á_ ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_, cˆ\D ®ı 2 : \º\| — ÷¬ÔÁ¶, \º\| Ôº¤Õ]´[ WÈ›]uz ˛w¬z \uÆD ÿ>u˛KD \uÆD kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı. 103, ∂´∑ A≈D√V¬z gÆxÔ ˛´VtË WÈ›]uz k¶¬z, º\u˛KD ∂Á\>_ WÈ›]_ ÿ√ıÁBVu§[ k¶¬˛KD, guÆ©√|ÁÔl[ ºkı|D. ˛w¬z, º\uz \uÆD ÿ>u˛_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. 524 LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT [PART - I

11 \V.z.s : ` 1,62,14,468 cˆ\D ®ı 8 : Ô|k˚Ï — ÷¬ÔÁ¶, Ô|k˚Ï \V.z.s. : ` 14,74,043 kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ c^· ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 38á÷_ >tµÂV| ®_ÁȬz º\u˛KD, ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 16,21,447 Ô|k˚Ï ∞ˆ¬z ˛w¬z \uÆD k¶¬˛KD, ÔÁ´BVDA›#Ï ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 1,106 o. º´V‚Ωuz ÿ>u˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. >uº√Vm ÷B∫zD ÷¶›]oÚÕm 30 *. ÿ>uz ºÂV¬˛ ÂÔÏ›] ∂Á\>_ cˆ\D ®ı 3 : zÚs›>D — ÷¬ÔÁ¶, zÚs›>D ºkı|D. kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ]Ú. √´∑´V\[ >/ÿ√. \Vˆx›m ®[√kÚ¬z ÿƒVÕ>\V™ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 3/4á÷_, 11 \V.z.s : ` 48,51,000 ®¸. AÚº≠V›>\[ ÷_È›]uz ˛w¬˛KD gÏ. AÚº≠V›>\[ \V.z.s. : ` 4,41,000 WÈ›]uz k¶¬z \uÆD º\u˛KD, E›º>ˆ º´V‚Ωuz ÿ>u˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 4,85,100 11 \V.z.s : ` 1,22,54,550 ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 331 o. \V.z.s. : ` 11,14,050 cˆ\D ®ı 9 : √[M›]‚| — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 12,25,455 ˛Ú\VD√V¬ÔD kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ \Æ ∂·Ák ®ı 106/ 5á÷_ È‚∑t, Ô/ÿ√. ˛ÚiJÏ›]¬z ÿƒVÕ>\V™ ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 836 o. ÷¶›]_, kVF¬ÔVK¬z ÿ>uz \uÆD º\u]KD, cˆ\D ®ı 4 : g´VFflE¬z©√D — ÷¬ÔÁ¶, ÔÚi´VÎ ÿ´‚ΩBVÏ \uÆD √´º\¸kˆ WÈ›]uz √ˆ¬Ô_√‚| kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ √VÏ›]√[ ®™√kÚ¬zfl ˛w¬˛KD, √[M›]‚| º´V‚Ωuz k¶¬˛KD ∂Á\>_ ÿƒVÕ> ÷¶\V™ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 182/7á_ ÿ>[ ºkı|D. ÿ√ıÁBVuƬz k¶¬zD, ƒº´¤V (®) ƒ´¸k] WÈ›]uz› 11 \V.z.s : ` 28,06,650 ÿ>uzD,º´V‚Ωuz º\uzD, √VkVÁ¶ WÈ›]uz¬ ˛w¬zD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. \V.z.s. : ` 2,55,150 (∂_Èm) ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 2,80,665 ÷¬ÔÁ¶, √ˆ¬Ô_√‚| kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ]Ú\] kƒÕ>V ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 191 o. ∂kÏÔ”¬z ÿƒVÕ>\V™ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 183/7á_ ÿ>[ cˆ\D ®ı 10 : x^º·VÁ¶ — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ √VÌÏ ÿ√ıÁBVu§uz ÿƒ_KD º´V‚Ωuz º\uzD, kƒÕ>V kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ c^· \Æ ∂·Ák ®ı 343/2á_ ÷¶›]uz ˛w¬z \uÆD ÿ>uz √VÏ›]√[ WÈ›]uz √VÈxÚÔ[ ÂÔˆ_ \Á ®ı 36. 37 \uÆD 38á_ k¶¬˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ÷m ˛w¬˛_ \Á ®ı 35, 12 \V.z.s : ` 1,49,68,800 º\u¬˛_ \Á ®ı 39, k¶¬˛_ º´V| \uÆ\ z‚Á¶ ÿ>u¬˛_ A]B √VÁ>. \V.z.s. : ` 13,60,800 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 14,96,880 (∂_Èm) ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 1,021 o. ÷¬ÔÁ¶ cflEº\| kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ \Æ ∂·Ák ®ı 45/1á_ ÿ√Ú\V^ ÔV϶[ ÂÔˆ_ ]Ú\] ∑√p >/ÿ√. cˆ\D ®ı 7 : \©√‚| — ÷¬ÔÁ¶, \©√‚| ÿƒ_k´VÎ ∂kÏÔ”¬z ÿƒÕ>\V™ \Á ®ı 3 \uÆD kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ c^· JÏ›]¬z©√D º√VzD √VÁ>¬z¬ 4á_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ÷m ˛w¬˛_ \Á ®ı 35, ˛w¬˛_, \©√‚ΩuzD JÏ›]¬z©√›]uzD ÷Á¶l_ A]B º\u¬˛_ \Á ®ı 202, k¶¬˛_ \Á ®ı 5 \uÆ\ ƒÏºk ®ı 218/3á÷_, ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_ ∂Á\>_ ÿ>u¬˛_ \Á ®ı 2. ºkı|D. A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 218/3á¬z ÿ>uz, k¶¬z, º\uz. 11 \V.z.s. : ` 2,04,59,093 11 \V.z.s : ` 28,87,500 \V.z.s. : ` 18,59,918 \V.z.s. : ` 2,62,500 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 2,88,750 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 20,45,909 ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 197 o. ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 1,395 o. PART - I] LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT 525

cˆ\D ®ı 11 : ∂´∫Ô˚Ï — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ∂´∫Ô˚Ï cˆ\D ®ı 14 : ´DÁ√ — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ∏^Á·BVÏz©√D kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ]Ú\] k·Ï\] ∂kÏÔ”¬zfl kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ \Æ ∂·Ák ®ı 174/1 c^· ∂´∑ ÿƒVÕ>\V™ Z. ƒÏºk ®ı 109/11á_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_ ´DÁ√ º´V‚Ωuz ÿ>u˛KD, A]B k·Ï\] WÈ›]uz ˛w¬˛KD, ÿ>uz k¶¬z \uÆD √VÌÏ ƒÏºk ®ı 135/5á¬z ˛w¬˛KD *>x^· A]B ƒÏºk ®ı ÿ\l[ º´V‚Ωuz º\u˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. 174/1á¬z º\uz \uÆD k¶¬˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. (∂_Èm) 11 \V.z.s : ` 27,48,900 ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ∂´∫Ô˚Ï kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_, ZáƒÏºk ®ı 78/2, \V.z.s. : ` 2,49,900 ∂Ú^, >/ÿ√. x›Á>FBV ÂV•|°¬z ÿƒVÕ>\V™ WÈ›]_, ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 2,74,890 ÿkÿ·Õ]´ kVF¬ÔVK¬z ÿ>u˛_, √VÌÏás_oB˚Ï º´V‚|¬z º\u˛_, cÁ¶BkÏ *>x^· WÈ›]uz ˛w¬z ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 187 o. \uÆD k¶¬˛_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. cˆ\D ®ı 16 : ºƒVˆBV∫z©√D ÷¬ÔÁ¶, √VÌÏ 11 \V.z.s : ` 19,26,921 ÿÔVDR[ zÚs›>D kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ]Ú ´Vx @ \V.z.s. : ` 1,75,175 ´V\JÏ›]¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 197/3á÷_ º´V‚Ωuz º\uzD, ÿ>uzD gu§uz k¶¬z \uÆD ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 1,92,692 kƒÕ>´V\[ WÈ›]uz ˛w¬˛_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 131 o. 11 \V.z.s : ` 1,76,25,300 cˆ\D ®ı 12 : √Á™BΩ¬z©√D — ÷¬ÔÁ¶, \V.z.s. : ` 16,02,300 √Á™BΩ¬z©√D kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_, A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 30/ ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 17,62,530 2á÷_ c^· A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_ ∞ˆ kVF¬ÔV_ k¶¬ºÔ•D, A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]uz ˛w¬záº\uºÔ•D, ∑©√Vÿ´‚ΩBVÏ ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 1,202 o. WÈ›]uz ÿ>uºÔ•D ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. 11 \V.z.s : ` 29,70,452 III. \ıVΩ©√‚| ÿÔVDR[ √fiƒVB›m \V.z.s. : ` 2,70,041 cˆ\D ®ı 1 : \o©√‚| — ÷¬ÔÁ¶, \o©√‚| kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ÿ¤B√V_ (®) ÿƒ∫ºÔˬz ÿƒVÕ>\V™ ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 2,97,045 A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 24/14, 1/3 º´V‚Ωuz ÿ>u˛KD, T´©√[ ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 203 o. WÈ›]uz k¶¬˛KD, √VÏk] ∏·V‚Ωuz ˛w¬˛KD Á´¸ t_K¬z ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. cˆ\D ®ı 13 : zΩlÚ©A©√VÁ·BD — ÷¬ÔÁ¶, ºƒoBº\| kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ÂVÔx›m¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™ (∂_Èm) A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 161/5á÷_ g]∫Ô©√‚| º´V‚Ωuz ÿ>uz ÷¬ÔÁ¶, \o©√‚| kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ∂´∑ ∂´∑ kVF¬ÔVK¬z k¶¬z, º\uz, y√VfiƒV[ WÈ›]uz A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 9/1á_ ∂Á\>_ ˛w¬˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ºkı|D. (∂_Èm) (∂_Èm) ÷¬ÔÁ¶, ºƒoBº\| kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ZáƒÏºk ®ı ÷¬ÔÁ¶, \o©√‚| kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ V.G. ºƒÔÚ¬z 139 ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_, ZáƒÏºk ®ı 139 ˛w¬z ÿƒVÕ>\V™ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 5/1á_ T´VƒVt WÈ›]uz ÿƒfiE \uÆD k¶¬˛KD ZáƒÏºk ®ı 137á¬z ÿ>u˛KD ZáƒÏºk º´V‚Ωuz k¶¬˛KD, ˛w¬ºÔ >tµÂV| ®_ÁÈ•D kV‚¶Ï ®ı 140á¬z º\u˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. º¶∫˛uz º\u˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. 11 \V.z.s : ` 24,94,800 11 \V.z.s : ` 59,17,400 \V.z.s. : ` 2,26,800 \V.z.s. : ` 5,37,945 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 2,49,480 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 5,91,740 ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 170 o. ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 403 o. 526 LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT [PART - I

cˆ\D ®ı 2 : ]Ú¬Ô–VÏ — ÷¬ÔÁ¶, \ıVΩ©√‚| 11 \V.z.s : ` 45,17,274 kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 107/2á_ K. EkÔV\∑Õ>ˆ \V.z.s. : ` 4,10,661 ®[√kÚ¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™ WÈ›]_ EkV \Á™¬z¬ ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 4,51,727 ˛w¬˛KD, ºkÈV•>D \Á™¬z º\u˛KD, sø©A´D ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 308 o. º´V‚Ωuz› ÿ>u˛KD, ÔıB[ \Á™¬z k¶¬˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. cˆ\D ®ı 6 : ºƒV´©√‚| — ÷¬ÔÁ¶, ºƒV´©√‚| kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈD A]B ƒÏºk ®ı (∂_Èm) 66/2á_ ]ÚkıV\ÁÈ º´V‚Ωuz ÿ>uz, º\VZ¸ ÷¬ÔÁ¶, \ıVΩ©√‚| kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ]Ú¬Ô–VÏ ÷fiQVE WÈ›]uz k¶¬z, Ô·›m¬z º\uz, ºƒV´©√‚| A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 105/9 x›mÈ‚∑t¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™ WÈ›]_, ∏^Á·BVÏ ºÔVl_ WÈ›]uz ˛w¬˛_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. Ôı[ \Á™¬z¬ ˛w¬˛KD, ˛Úi[ \Á™¬z (∂_Èm) º\u˛KD, ]ÚkıV\ÁÈ º´V‚Ωuz ÿ>u˛KD, x›mƒVt ÷¬ÔÁ¶, ºƒV´©√‚| kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z \Á™¬z k¶¬˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. WÈD A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 87á_, ZáƒÏºk ®ı 80á¬z ÿ>uz, 11 \V.z.s : ` 1,14,98,660 ZáƒÏºk ®ı 87/5á¬z ˛w¬z \uÆD k¶¬˛KD ZáƒÏºƒ ®ı 88 º´V‚Ωuz º\u˛_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. \V.z.s. : ` 10,45,333 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 11,49,866 11 \V.z.s : ` 27,79,842 ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 784 o. \V.z.s. : ` 2,52,713 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 2,77,984 cˆ\D ®ı 3 : ºƒVD√‚| — ÷¬ÔÁ¶, kV>V˚Ï kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈD ZáƒÏºk ®ı 6á÷_ ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 190 o. ]ÚkıV\ÁÈ ÿƒ_KD º´V‚Ωuz k¶¬˛_, º´V‚ΩoÚÕm cˆ\D ®ı 7 : Am¬z©√D — ÷¬ÔÁ¶, Am¬z©√D 10 *‚¶Ú¬z ∂©√V_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z kÚkVF ˛´V\D A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 84 c^· º´V‚Ωuz ∂Ú˛_ WÈ›]uz ˛w¬z º\uz, ÿ>u˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. c^· ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_ Á\ÈD º´V‚Ωuz ˛w¬z, A›º>ˆ¬z º\uz, A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 84á_ *>x^· ÷¶›]uz 11 \V.z.s : ` 19,36,184 k¶¬z \uÆD ÿ>u˛_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. \V.z.s. : ` 1,76,017 11 \V.z.s : ` 15,54,387 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 1,93,618 \V.z.s. : ` 1,41,308 ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 132 o. ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 1,55,439 cˆ\D ®ı 4 : gıΩBVÏ√VÁ·BD — ÷¬ÔÁ¶, ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 106 o. ÔoyÏ›>V^z©√D kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ÔVÏ›]ºÔB[, >/ÿ√. cˆ\D ®ı 8 : z©√D — ÷¬ÔÁ¶, z©√D kÚkVF ¶´V¤™¬zfl ÿƒÕ>\V™ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 135/14á_ ˛´V\›]_ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 103 c^· ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z kVF¬ÔVK¬z k¶¬˛KD, ÿ\l[ º´V‚Ωuz ÿ>u˛KD, WÈ›]_, ∑›m¬ºÔË º´V‚Ωuz› ÿ>[A≈D ∏.ºÔ. 4500 Á´¸t_K¬z º\u˛KD, zΩlÚ©A© √z]¬z¬ ˛w¬˛KD Á\_ Ô_o[ º\u˛_ ÷¬ÔÁ¶ º\u√Ω Á\_ Ô_ooÚÕm ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. 50 *‚¶Ï ÿ>VÁÈs_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. 11 \V.z.s : ` 34,31,112 11 \V.z.s : ` 18,32,454 \V.z.s. : ` 3,11,919 \V.z.s. : ` 1,66,587 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 3,43,111 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 1,83,245 ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 234 o. ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 125 o. cˆ\D ®ı 5 : ]Úkı¶VϺÔVl_ — ÷¬ÔÁ¶, cˆ\D ®ı 9 : ÿƒ_o©√‚| — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ÿƒ_o©√‚| ]Úkı¶VϺÔVl_ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ZáƒÏºk ®ı kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ \Æ ∂·Ák ®ı 32/4á_ ∂Ï… Ô°ı¶Ú¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™ WÈ›]_, ∂Ïfl∑[ WÈ›]uz 162/2 ]Ú. ºÔV√VÈ˛Úi[ >/ÿ√. ÿƒ‚Ω ®[√kÚ¬zfl ÿ>uz \uÆD º\u˛KD, ÿƒ_o©√‚| º´V‚Ωuz ˛w¬˛KD ÿƒVÕ>\V™ WÈ›]_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D, AmÁk \VWÈ \uÆD ]ÚkıV\ÁÈ ƒVÁȬz k¶¬˛KD ∂Á\>_ ®_ÁȬz ÿ>uzD, ∑|ÔV‚Ωuz ˛w¬zD ºÔV√VÈ˛Úi[ ºkı|D. WÈ›]uz ÿ>uzD ∑|ÔV‚| √VÁ>¬z k¶¬˛_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. (∂_Èm) PART - I] LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT 527

÷¬ÔÁ¶, ÿƒ_o©√‚| kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ \Æ ∂·Ák cˆ\D ®ı 13 : kDA©√‚| — ÷¬ÔÁ¶, kDA©√‚| ®ı 34/1á_ \uÆD 34/4 ]Ú √ˆE›m ∂kÏÔ”¬z kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_, A]B ƒÏºk ÿƒVÕ>\V™ WÈ›]_, {Á¶¬z ˛w¬˛KD, ´V\˛Úi[ ®ı 57á_, A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 56/5á¬z ˛w¬z, º\uz \uÆD \uÆD z\V´ƒVt WÈ›]uz º\u˛KD, ]ÚkıV\ÁÈ k¶¬z, \VEÈV\Ë WÈ›]uz› ÿ>u˛_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. º´V‚Ωuz ÿ>u˛KD, z©AƒVt WÈ›]uz k¶¬˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. 11 \V.z.s : ` 31,76,250 11 \V.z.s : ` 64,91,100 \V.z.s. : ` 2,88,750 \V.z.s. : ` 5,90,100 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 3,17,625 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 6,49,110 ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 217 o. ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 443 o. cˆ\D ®ı 14 : ƒ[MBVE¬z©√D — ÷¬ÔÁ¶, cˆ\D ®ı 10 : kV>V–VÏ — ÷¬ÔÁ¶, kV>V–VÏ ƒ[MBVE¬z©√D kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 54/4á_, kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A>B ZáƒÏºk ®ı 101/2 c^· c^· ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_ ˆ≠√D ºÔVl_ º>V©∏uz zºƒÔ´–¬z ÿƒÕ>\V™ ÷¶›]_ ]ÚkıV\ÁÈ º´V‚Ωuz ÿ>uºÔ•D, z©AƒVt ÿ´‚ΩBVÏ WÈ›]uz k‚¬ºÔ•D, √DÁ√ gu§uz› ÿ>uºÔ•D, º´V‚Ωuz k¶¬ºÔ•D, xÚºÔƒ[ Ô°ı¶Ï WÈ›]uz¬ ˛w¬ºÔ•D, º\uºÔ•D, º>k´V∑ WÈ›]uz¬ ˛w¬ºÔ•D ∂Á\>_ ÷|ÔV‚|¬z© º√VzD √VÁ>¬z º\uºÔ•D ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ºkı|D. 11 \V.z.s : ` 18,22,740 11 \V.z.s : ` 26,37,443 \V.z.s. : ` 1,65,704 \V.z.s. : ` 2,39,768 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 1,82,274 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 2,63,744 ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 124 o. ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 180 o. cˆ\D ®ı 11 : A´VE∫z√VÁ·BD —÷¬ÔÁ¶, cˆ\D ®ı 15 : z\V´©√VÁ·BD — ÷¬ÔÁ¶, \ıVΩ©‚| ÿÔVDR[ kV>V˚Ï kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ º>›>VD√V¬ÔD kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 70 c^· ]Ú g]ºÔƒk–¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 209/4á÷_ ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_ ƒ∫Ô´V√´Ë gu§uz k¶¬ºÔ•D, A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 210/3, 210/1, 210/4á¬z º\uz \uÆD ƒ∫Ô´V√´Ë gu≈∫ÔÁ´¬z ˛w¬ºÔ•D º\uºÔ•D, >tµÂV| ®_ÁȬz ÿ>uz A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 209/3 k¶¬z º´V‚Ωuz ÿ>uºÔ•D ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. \uÆD >tµÂV| ®_ÁȬz ˛w¬˛_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. 11 \V.z.s : ` 49,31,850 11 \V.z.s : ` 35,92,050 \V.z.s. : ` 4,48,350 \V.z.s. : ` 3,26,550 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 4,93,185 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 3,59,205 ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 336 o. ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 245 o. cˆ\D ®ı 12 : ÿÔV›>AˆÂ›>D — ÷¬ÔÁ¶, cˆ\D ®ı 16 : ∑›m¬ºÔË — ÷¬ÔÁ¶, ∑›m¬ºÔË ]ÚkVı¶VϺÔVl_ kÚkVF ˛´V\D ZáƒÏºk ®ı 53/6á_ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈD A]B ƒÏºk ]Ú. g™Õ>˛Úi[ >/ÿ√. ÿ√Ú\V^Ô°ı¶Ï WÈ›]_, ®ı 95á÷_, º´V‚Ωuz ÿ>uz, A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 96/2á¬z kVF¬ÔV_ √VÁ>¬z ˛w¬˛KD, ]ˆƒ∫z WÈ›]uz k¶¬˛KD k¶¬z, A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 95á¬z ˛w¬ºÔ \uÆD º\u˛_ ∑|ÔV‚| √VÁ>¬z ÿ>u˛KD, º¶ƒ[ WÈ›]uz º\u˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. 11 \V.z.s : ` 32,99,246 11 \V.z.s : ` 18,65,325 \V.z.s. : ` 1,69,575 \V.z.s. : ` 2,99,931 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 1,86,533 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 3,29,925 ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 127 o. ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 225 o. 528 LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT [PART - I

cˆ\D ®ı 17 : o∫ÔVÿ´‚Ω©√VÁ·BD — ÷¬ÔÁ¶, ÷¬ÔÁ¶, Ôo›yÏ›>V^z©√D kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ÔV‚º¶ˆ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ c^· o∫ÔVÿ´‚Ω©√VÁ·B›]_ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 83/7á_ ∂Á\Õm^· ]Ú G. >tµ\Ë A]B ZáƒÏºk ®ı 39á_ c^· ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_, WÈ›]_. ˛w¬z, º\uz, ÿ>uz √z]l_ ∂Á\Õm^· √V©√V[ z·›]uz¬ ˛w¬ºÔ•D, o∫ÔVÿ´‚Ω© G. >tµ\Ë WÈ›]_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. √VÁ·B›]oÚÕm kV˚Ú¬zfl ÿƒ_KD º´V‚Ωuz k¶¬ºÔ•D, gÆxÔD WÈ›]uz º\uºÔ•D, º´V‚ΩoÚÕm 11 \V.z.s : ` 23,18,870 10 *‚¶Ú¬Ô©√VKD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. \V.z.s. : ` 2,10,806 11 \V.z.s : ` 76,92,300 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 2,31,887 \V.z.s. : ` 6,99,300 ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 158 o. ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 7,69,230 cˆ\D ®ı 21 : \ıVΩ©√‚| — ÷¬ÔÁ¶, ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 524 o. \ıVΩ©√‚| kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ZáƒÏºk ®ı 1/13á_ ]Ú\] Ôs>V Ô/ÿ√. \] (®) ºk∫Ôº¶ƒ[ ∂kÏÔ”¬z cˆ\D ®ı 18 : ÌMflƒD√‚|— ÷¬ÔÁ¶, ÌMflƒD√‚| ÿƒVÕ>\V™ WÈ›]_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ÷m ˛w¬z \uÆD kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 108á_ ÿƒV¬Ôo∫Ô º\u¬˛_ Ôs>V ∂kÏÔ^ \Á, º>u¬ºÔ º´V|D, k¶¬˛_ Ô°ı¶Ú¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™ WÈ›]_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ∑©´\ËB ∑kVt ºÔVlK¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™ WÈ›]_ \o©√‚| º´V‚Ωuz º\uz, ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]uz ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. k¶¬z, ÿƒV¬Ôo∫ÔD *>x^· WÈ∫Ô”¬z ˛w¬záÿ>uz. (∂_Èm) (∂_Èm) ÷¬ÔÁ¶, \ıVΩ©√‚| kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ZáƒÏºk ÷¬ÔÁ¶, ÌMflƒD√‚| kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ZáƒÏºk ®ı ®ı 1/14á_ ∑©´\ËB ∑kVt ºÔVlK¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™ 51/2á_ ºÔVÁ>, W/o. ÿk∫Ôº¶ƒ[ ®[√kÚ¬z ÿƒVÕ>\V™ WÈ›]_ (˛w¬zák¶¬˛KD) ]ÚkıV\ÁÈ º´V‚Ωuz, ÷¶›]_ \o©√‚| √VÁ>¬z ˛w¬z, ∂ˆ˛Úi[ ºÔVsÕ>[ WÈ›]uz º\u˛KD ƒ>VEk ÿ´‚ΩBVÏ WÈ›]uz \Á™¬z º\uz, z‚Á¶¬z k¶¬z, gÆxÔD \Á™¬z ÿ>u˛_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ÿ>u˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. 11 \V.z.s : ` 27,02,608 11 \V.z.s : ` 61,51,461 \V.z.s. : ` 5,59,224 \V.z.s. : ` 2,45,692 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 6,15,146 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 2,70,261 ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 419 o. ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 184 o. cˆ\D ®ı 22 : Â_ŸÏ zflE©√VÁ·BD — cˆ\D ®ı 19 : ÿƒ‚Ω©√‚|— ÷¬ÔÁ¶, ÿƒ‚Ω©√‚| ÷¬ÔÁ¶, \>ÔΩ©√‚| kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ \Æ ∂·Ák ®ı kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ c^· ZáƒÏºk ®ı 1/6á÷_ ∂ˆ>V¸, >/ÿ√. ˛ÚiJÏ›] ®[√kÚ¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™ WÈ›]_. 22/1á_ ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_ \Æ ∂·Ák ®ı 4á¬z ∑z\V´[ WÈ›]uz (˛w¬z) ºÔVsÕ>ƒVt WÈ›]uz (º\uz) ˛w¬˛KD, º´V‚Ωuz º\u˛KD, \Æ ∂·Ák ®ı 23á¬z ƒVtÂV>[ WÈ›]uz (k¶¬z) ƒ∫Ô´V√VË gu§uz ÿ>u˛KD ZáƒÏºk ®ı 22/1á_ *>D c^· WÈ›]uz (ÿ>uz). k¶¬˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. 11 \V.z.s : ` 60,41,793 (∂_Èm) \V.z.s. : ` 5,49,254 ÷¬ÔÁ¶ \>ÔΩ©√‚| kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ \Æ ∂·Ák ®ı 52/5á_ ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_ \Æ ∂·Ák ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 6,04,179 ®ı 52/1á¬z k¶¬˛KD, \Æ ∂·Ák ®ı 4 \uÆD 11á¬z ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 412 o. ÿ>uz \Æ ∂·Ák ®ı: 4á¬z ˛w¬˛KD, \Æ ∂·Ák ®ı 52/5á_ *>D c^· ÷¶›]uz º\u˛KD ∂Á\>_ cˆ\D ®ı 20 : EK¬ÔVˆ©√VÁ·BD— ÷¬ÔÁ¶, ºkı|D. Ôo›yÏ›>V^z©√D kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 92/3á_ ∂Á\Õm^· ]Ú ´s, >/ÿ√ ÿ√V[–´∫ÔD 11 \V.z.s : ` 21,56,501 ∂kÏÔπ[ WÈ›]KD, ´VË WÈ›]uz ˛w¬˛KD, ÂV>[ \V.z.s. : ` 1,96,046 ÔDÿ√M¬z ÿ>u˛KD, ´s WÈ›]uz k¶¬˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 2,15,650 (∂_Èm) ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 147 o. PART - I] LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT 529

cˆ\D ®ı 23 : \>ÔΩ©√‚| — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ \>ÔΩ©√‚| 11 \V.z.s : ` 25,49,697 kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ \Æ ∂·Ák ®ı 16á_ ∂´∑ \V.z.s. : ` 2,31,791 A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_, ˛w¬z, k¶¬z, \uÆD ÿ>u˛_ \Æ ∂·Ák ®ı 16áD, √VÁ>¬z º\u˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 2,54,970 11 \V.z.s : ` 33,14,850 ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 174 o. \V.z.s. : ` 3,01,350 cˆ\D ®ı 7 : ∞ˆ©√V¬ÔD — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ∞ˆ©√V¬ÔD ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 3,31,485 ˛´V\›]_ ]Ú. J. >Vı¶kJÏ›]¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™ A]B ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 226 o. ƒÏºk ®ı 90/2á÷_ ]Ú ´Vx WÈ›]uz ˛w¬˛KD, ´V¤∑Õ>´D WÈ›]uz º\u˛KD, ºÔVsÕ>ƒVt WÈ›]uz IV. ÿ‚¶©√V¬ÔD ÿÔVDR[ √fiƒVB›m k¶¬˛KD, Ôı[ WÈ›]uz ÿ>u˛KD ∂Á\>_ cˆ\D ®ı 1 : \|ÔÁ´ — ÷¬ÔÁ¶, \|ÔÁ´ kÚkVF ºkı|D. ˛´V\›]_ \Æ ∂·Ák ®ı 86/10á_ c^·, \|ÔÁ´ p \´¬ÔV‹¸k´Ï ºÔVlK¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™ WÈ›]_ 11 \V.z.s : ` 29,22,150 ÿ>[º\uz JÁÈlKD, ÿÂ_o¬z©√D º´V‚Ωuz \V.z.s. : ` 2,65,650 º\u˛KD, ∞ˆ kVF¬ÔVK¬z› ÿ>u˛KDá˛w¬˛KD, \|ÔÁ´ p \´¬ÔV‹¸k´Ï ºÔVlK¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™, *>x^· ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 2,92,215 WÈ›]uz k¶¬˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 199 o. (∂_Èm) cˆ\D ®ı 9 : Ôˆ¬ÔÈVD√V¬ÔD–II —÷¬ÔÁ¶ ÷¬ÔÁ¶, \|ÔÁ´ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ \Æ ∂·Ák ®ı Ôˆ¬ÔÈVD√V¬ÔD kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ]Ú. ¤™VÏ›>™[, 43/2á_ c^·, \|ÔÁ´ p \´¬ÔV‹¸k´Ï ºÔVlK¬zfl >/ÿ√. ´V\˛Úib¬z ÿƒVÕ>\V™ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı ÿƒVÕ>\V™ WÈ›]_ EÆkÕ>V| ƒVÁȬz ÿ>u˛KD, \|ÔÁ´ 142/10, √VÌÏ Ôˆ¬ÔÈVD√V¬ÔD º´V‚Ωuz ˛w¬˛KD, p \´¬ÔV‹¸k´Ï ºÔVlK¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™, *>x^· WÈ›]uz ˛w¬˛KD, ´ƒV ÿ´‚ΩBVÏ WÈ›]uz º\u˛KD ÿk∫Ô¶∑©√V ÿ´‚ΩBVÏ WÈ›]uz º\u˛KD, \È‚¶Vˆ[ \uÆD >tµÂV| ®_ÁȬz k¶¬˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. k¶¬˛KD, ∑|ÔV‚| √VÁ>¬z ÿ>u˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. 12 \V.z.s : ` 1,85,37,750 (∂_Èm) \V.z.s. : ` 16,85,250 ÷¬ÔÁ¶ Ôˆ¬ÔÈVD√V¬ÔD kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ]Ú. ´Vx ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 18,53,775 >/ÿ√. √VÈ˛Úi[ ÿƒVÕ>\V™ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 100/1/ ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 1,264 o. 6á÷_ c^· WÈ›]_ >™ºÔVΩ WÈ›]uz ˛w¬˛KD, ÔoBÿ√Ú\V^ ÷¶›]uz ÿ>u˛KD, Ôˆ¬ÔÈVD√V¬ÔD ÿƒ_KD cˆ\D ®ı 2 : ÔˆB\VˬÔDáI— ÷¬ÔÁ¶, º´V‚Ωuz k¶¬˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ÔˆB\VˬÔD kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ \Æ ∂·Ák ®ı 209/3á÷_ c^· ∂´∑ A≈Dº©V¬z WÈ›]_ ÿ´‚ΩBVÏ 11 \V.z.s : ` 19,75,050 WÈ›]uz ˛w¬˛KD WÈ›]uz º\u˛_, \|ÔÁ´ º´V‚Ωuz \V.z.s. : ` 1,79,550 k¶¬˛_ \uÆD º\_ WÁÈ ¿Ï º>¬Ô› ÿ>V‚Ω¬z ÿ>u˛_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 1,97,505 11 \V.z.s : ` 36,55,356 ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 135 o. \V.z.s. : ` 3,32,305 cˆ\D ®ı 10 : Ô_\ı¶√D —÷¬ÔÁ¶ ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 3,65,536 √ı¶ºƒVwÂ_ŸÏ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 249 o. WÈ›]_ \Æ ∂·Ák ®ı 157á÷_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. cˆ\D ®ı 4 : ÿ‚¶©√V¬ÔD — ÷¬ÔÁ¶, 11 \V.z.s : ` 36,10,530 ÿ‚¶©√V¬ÔD kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 95/2á÷_ c^· Ák›]BÂV>[ \Ô[ Ê™–¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™ WÈ›]_, \V.z.s. : ` 3,28,230 Ek[ ºÔVl_ WÈ›]uz› ÿ>uºÔ•D, º¶ƒ[ WÈ›]uz¬ ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 3,61,053 ˛w¬ºÔ•D, xME√_ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]uz º\uºÔ•D, E[™√‚| º´V¤V WÈ›]uz k¶¬ºÔ•D ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 246 o. 530 LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT [PART - I

V. cwkÏÔÁ´ ÂÔ´V‚E 11 \V.z.s : ` 2,26,47,818 cˆ\D ®ı 1 : ƒfiÊs´VB[º√‚Á¶ — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ \V.z.s. : ` 20,58,893 gÈ∫z©√D kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 26/5á÷_ ÿƒ∫ºBËBD\[ ºÔVl_ WÈ›]_, ]ıΩk™D º´V‚Ωuz ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 22,64,782 ÿƒ_KD √VÁ>¬z k¶¬˛KD, BºƒVÁ>BD\V^ WÈ›]uz› ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 1,544 o. ÿ>u˛KD \fiEM Ô°ı¶Ï WÈ›]uz¬ ˛w¬˛KD ÿƒ∫ºBËBD\[ ºÔVl_ WÈ›]uz º\u˛KD ∂Á\>_ cˆ\D ®ı 6 : >Ú\VAˆ — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ >‚¶VfiƒVkΩ ºkı|D. kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 7/8á÷_ ]Ú ∂Ú˛ˆ 11 \V.z.s : ` 60,17,666 \Á™s \ÈÏÿÔVΩ ∂kÏÔ”¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™ \Á™ ®ı \V.z.s. : ` 5,47,061 5á÷_ A]B √VÁ>¬z ˛w¬z, {Á¶ √VÁ>¬z º\uz, \Á™ ®ı 56á¬z k¶¬z, \Á™ ®ı 54á¬z ÿ>u˛_ ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 6,01,767 ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 410 o. 11 \V.z.s : ` 31,26,516 cˆ\D ®ı 2 : ÔVÈV©√‚| — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ÔVÈV©√‚| \V.z.s. : ` 2,84,229 kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ]Ú\] kƒÕ] ®[√kÚ¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™ ƒÏºk ®ı 184/1á÷_ A]B √VÁ>¬z k¶¬z \uÆD ÿ>u˛KD ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 3,12,652 ºÔVsÕ>D\V^ WÈ›]uz ˛w¬˛KD ÿƒ_È©√[ WÈ›]uz ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 213 o. º\u˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. 11 \V.z.s : ` 58,54,245 VII. s_oB˚Ï ÿÔVDR[ √fiƒVB›m \V.z.s. : ` 5,32,204 cˆ\D ®ı 2 : ∏^Á·BVÏ z©√D-I— ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 5,85,424 ∏^Á·BVÏz©√D kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ V. ÿ√V[–ƒVt¬zfl ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 399 o. ÿƒVÕ>\V™ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 31/8á_ º´V‚Ωuz º\u˛KD, √wM¬ Ô°ı¶Ï ÷¶›]uz ˛w¬˛KD, ÁkBVAˆ ÷¶›]uz cˆ\D ®ı 4 : ÔÚkΩ¬z©√D — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ k¶¬˛KD, √Á´Bk´>[ WÈ›]uz ÿ>u˛KD ∂Á\>_ ÔÚkΩ¬z©√D kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 147/3 ºkı|D. \uÆD 147/4á÷_ Ω. Ê–kVƒ[ \uÆD Ω. √VÈ∑©√´\ËB[ ∂˛BkÏÔ”¬z ÿƒVÕ>\V™ ÷¶›]_ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 147/4á¬z 11 \V.z.s : ` 37,76,850 k¶¬˛KD, ÔÚkΩ¬z©√D º´V‚Ωuz ÿ>u˛KD ZáƒÏºk \V.z.s. : ` 3,43,350 ®ı 147/2á¬z ˛w¬˛KD, ZáƒÏºk ®ı 146/2á¬z º\u˛KD ÔÚkΩ¬z©√D º´V‚Ωuz 20 *‚¶Ú¬Ô©√V_ ∂Á\>_ ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 3,77,685 ºkı|D. ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 258 o. 11 \V.z.s : ` 2,13,67,500 \V.z.s. : ` 19,42,500 cˆ\D ®ı 4 : cÚÁkBVÆ— ÷¬ÔÁ¶ cÚÁkBVÆ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 39/14, ∂´∑ ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 21,36,750 A≈Dº√V¬z ÷¶›]_ º\uºÔ ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z z·›]uz ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 1,457 o. ∂Ú˛_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D.

(∂_Èm) cˆ\D ®ı 5 : º\‚|©√VÁ·BD — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ cwkÏÔÁ´ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ]Ú ºƒV\∑Õ>´D ÷¬ÔÁ¶ cÚÁkBVÆ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®[√kÚ¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 188/5, Ô>V¸>Ï ®ı 941 \uÆD 942á÷_ cÁ¶BkÏ WÈ›]uz º\u˛KD, ®ı 39/13, ]Ú √wM¬z ÿƒVÕ>\V™ ÷¶›]_ ∂´∑ cwkÏÔÁ´ ÿ\l[ º´V‚Ωuz ˛w¬˛KD, ∂´∑ √D© A≈Dº√V¬z z·D º\uºÔ ƒÏºk ®ı 39/7, 39/11 \uÆD 39/ «°∑¬z k¶¬˛KD, kVF¬ÔVK¬z ÿ>u˛KD ∂Á\>_ 12, \∫Ô·D º´V‚Ω[ k¶¬ºÔ ƒÏºk ®ı 39/10, 39/7á_ ºkı|D. ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. PART - I] LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT 531

11 \V.z.s : ` 23,21,550 ÷¬ÔÁ¶ s_oB˚Ï kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 136/5á_ ]ÚxÚÔ[ ÂÔˆ_ ]Ú\] s¤BÈ‚∑t Ô/ÿ√. \V.z.s. : ` 2,11,050 √VÈ˛Úi[ ∂kÏÔ”¬z ÿƒVÕ>\V™ \Á ®ı 8 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 2,32,155 \uÆD 9, \Á ®ı 10á¬z ˛w¬zD, \Á ®ı 7á¬z º\u¬zD, A]B √VÁ>¬z k¶¬zD, kVF¬ÔVK¬z ÿ>u¬˛_ ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 158 o. ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. cˆ\D ®ı 5 : s_oB˚Ï— ÷¬ÔÁ¶ s_oB˚Ï 11 \V.z.s : ` 15,82,350 kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 30/8/A-_ \V.z.s. : ` 1,43,850 ∂Á\Õm^· p´V\ ÂÔˆ_ ]Ú √VK >/ÿ√. ºÔVsÕ>´V∑ ∂kÏÔ”¬z ÿƒÕ>\V™ \Á ®ı 13á_ ˛w¬ºÔ \Á ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 1,58,235 ®ı 14áKD, º\u¬ºÔ \Á ®ı 12áD A]B √VÁ>¬z ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 108 o. k¶¬zD, ÷Ú©A WÈ›]uz ÿ>u¬˛_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. (∂_Èm) cˆ\D ®ı 12 : k¶\∫ÔÈD — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ \∫ÔÈD kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 83/2Bá_ ∂Á\Õm^· ÷¬ÔÁ¶ s_oB˚Ï kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ]Ú\]. WR ºÔV_¶[ E‚Ωl_ ]Ú\] s¤BÈ‚∑t Ô/ÿ√. ¤BV™VÏ s¤BÈ‚∑t, Ô/ÿ√. ∂Ú^ÿƒ_kD ÿƒVÕ>\V™ ZáƒÏºk ®ı ®[√ku¬z ÿƒÕ>\V™ \Á ®ı 24á_, A]B √VÁ>¬z 30/8/B-_ ∂Á\Õm^· ˛w¬z \uÆD º\u˛_ >tµÂV| ˛w¬zD, \Á ®ı 32á¬z º\u¬zD, \Á ®ı ®_ÁÈ•D, k¶¬ºÔ kVFÔVKD \uÆD ÿ>uºÔ \Á™ ®ı 25á¬z k¶¬zD, \Á ® 23á¬z ÿ>u¬˛_ ∂Á\>_ 45á_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ºkı|D. 11 \V.z.s : ` 66,85,013 11 \V.z.s : ` 53,36,100 \V.z.s. : ` 6,07,728 \V.z.s. : ` 4,85,100 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 6,68,501 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 5,33,610 ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 456 o. ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 364 o.

cˆ\D ®ı 6 : ÔbkV©º√‚Á¶— ÷¬ÔÁ¶ cˆ\D ®ı 14 : \¬z©√D —÷¬ÔÁ¶ s_oB˚Ï kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 255/11 \¬z©√D kÚkVF ˛´V\D, A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 9 c^· c^· ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_ Œ]BD√‚| º´V‚Ωuz ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_, Ek´VÕ>ÔD º´V‚Ωuz k¶¬z, ∂FB™VÏ ºÔVlK¬z º√VzD T]¬z¬ ˛w¬z, ˛w¬ºÔ•D, √VÈ[ x>oBVÏ WÈ›]uz ÿ>uºÔ•D, ÔV_ÂÁ¶ \Ú›mk\Á™¬z º\uz, kVF¬ÔVK¬z› ÿ>uz, x›m¬z\´ƒVt WÈ›]uz k¶¬ºÔ•D, ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬˛uz ÷>uz‚√‚¶ ®_ÁȬz^ Œ]BD√‚| º´V‚Ωuz 30 º\uºÔ•D ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. *‚¶Ú¬Ô©√V_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. 11 \V.z.s : ` 59,14,362 11 \V.z.s : ` 30,37,650 \V.z.s. : ` 5,37,669 \V.z.s. : ` 2,76,150 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 5,91,436 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 3,03,765 ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 403 o. ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 207 o. cˆ\D ®ı 15 : ∏^Á·BVÏz©√D II—÷¬ÔÁ¶ cˆ\D ®ı 10 : gˆB©√VÁ·BD — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ∏^Á·BVÏz©√D kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ]Ú ´º\i, >/ÿ√. s_oB˚Ï kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 292/ T´©√–¬z ÿƒVÕ>\V™ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 77/6 c^· 3á_ c^· ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_ ˛w¬z, º\uz WÈ›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 77/4á¬z ˛w¬˛KD \uÆD k¶¬˛_ gu§[ ÔÁ≈•D, Amflºƒˆ kΩ ƒV´VB ∏^Á·BVÏz©√D º´V‚Ωuz º\u˛KD, ∑º´i WÈ›]uz gÁÈ k·VÔ›]uz ÿ>u¬˛_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. k¶¬˛KD kø>V∆Ï ƒVÁȬz ÿ>u˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. (∂_Èm) 532 LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT [PART - I

11 \V.z.s : ` 24,76,332 ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ÿ√Ú∫ÔjÏ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ \Æ ∂·Ák ®ı 6/1á_ ∂Á\Õm^· B.K.V. ÂÔˆ_ ]Ú. ƒÕmÚ ´V>V \V.z.s. : ` 2,25,121 >/ÿ√. E∫ÔV´D ´V>V ∂kÏÔ”¬z ÿƒVÕ>\V™ \Á ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 2,47,633 ®ı 5 \uÆD 6á_, \Á ®ı 4á¬z ˛w¬z, \Á ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 169 o. ®ı 7á¬z º\u¬z, ÿ√Ú∫Ô”Ï ƒVÁȬz k¶¬z, \Á ®ı 17 \uÆD 18á¬z ÿ>u¬˛_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. cˆ\D ®ı 16 : √∫ÌÏ — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ∂ˆRÏ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 36/5á_ ]Ú\] ÷Õ]´VË Ô/ 11 \V.z.s : ` 19,05,750 ÿ√. ÿk∫Ôº¶ƒ[ ®[√kÏ WÈ›]_, ∂Úı ÂÔÏ \V.z.s. : ` 1,73,250 \Á∏ˆ°¬z ˛w¬zD, ∂ˆRÏ ∂™Õ>A´D º´V‚Ωuz ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 1,90,575 º\u¬ÔD, \ˆBÛÁƒ WÈ›]u¬z k¶¬zD, ´°_ \uÆD √VfiƒVo WÈ›]u¬z ÿ>u¬˛_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 130 o. (∂_Èm) ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ∂ˆRÏ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı ƒV´VBD 50/1á_ ]Ú E[™´V∑ >/ÿ√. ∂ÆxÔD ®[√kÏ WÈ›]_ º´V‚Ωu¬Ô ˛w¬zD ƒÕ]´ºƒÔ´[ WÈ›]u¬z º\u¬zD, ÔVÁ´¬ÔV_ √z] ÔVE´V¤ \uÆD ÿ√V[–´∫ÔD WÈ›]u¬z k¶¬zD, I. ÔVÁ´¬ÔV_ ÂÔ´V‚E k´>´V∑ WÈ›]u¬z ÿ>u¬˛_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. cˆ\D ®ı 1 : ÔVÁ´¬ÔV_º\| — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ 11 \V.z.s : ` 32,57,100 ºÔVl_√›m kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ¶°[ ƒÏºk ®ı 25/2-Pt. \V.z.s. : ` 2,96,100 kVÏ|áC, ∏·V¬10, ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ÷¶D ∂Ú^tz ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 3,25,710 ÁÔÈVƒÂV>Ï \uÆD W›]B Ô_BVÿ√Ú\V^ ºÔVlK¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™m. ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 222 o. 11 \V.z.s : ` 56,99,925 cˆ\D ®ı 17 : ∂´ÛÏ — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ zÚD√VDº√‚ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ >ËÔºk_ ®[√kÚ¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™ \V.z.s. : ` 5,18,175 WÈD A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 108/2á÷_ º´V‚Ωuz k¶¬z, xÔ\m ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 5,69,993 R∑© WÈ›]uz ÿ>uz, ÿ¤Ôyƒ[ WÈ›]uz ˛w¬z \uÆD ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 389 o. ƒzÕ>ÈV WÈ›]uz º\u˛_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D.

11 \V.z.s : ` 61,54,683 cˆ\D ®ı 2 : ∏^Á·›ÿ>Ú kVƒ_— ÷¬ÔÁ¶ \V.z.s. : ` 5,59,517 ∂´∑¬z ÿƒVÕ>\V™ ºÔVs_√›m kÚkVF ˛´V\›Á>fl ºƒÏÕ> kVÏ|áΩ ∏·V¬ 3, Ω.®¸.®ı. 10á_ ∂Á\B ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 6,15,468 ºkı|D. ˛w¬z ∏^Á·›ÿ>ÚkVƒ_ º´V| k¶¬z \uÆD ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 420 o. ÿ>uz Ω.®¸. ®ı 10, kVÏ|áΩ, ∏·V¬ 3, kVfiEBVÏ √|ÁÔ WÈD, º\uz kVfiEBVÏ. cˆ\D ®ı 19 : ÿ√Ú∫ÔjÏ — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ÿ√Ú∫ÔjÏ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ \Æ ∂·Ák ®ı 6/1á_ 11 \V.z.s : ` 96,53,490 ´º\i ®[√kÚ¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™ \Á™ ®ı 27á¬z \V.z.s. : ` 8,77,590 ˛w¬˛KD, x>_ zƬz› ÿ>Úsuz k¶¬˛KD, \Á™ ®ı 30, 31á¬z ÿ>u˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 9,65,349 (∂_Èm) ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 658 o. PART - I] LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT 533

cˆ\D ®ı 3 : {|mÁ≈— ÷¬ÔÁ¶ {|mÁ≈ 11 \V.z.s : ` 1,38,85,988 kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ kVÏ|áL, ∏·V¬á1, ¶°[ ƒÏºk ®ı 24 \V.z.s. : ` 12,62,363 ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z ÷¶›]_ º\uz √z]l_, WÈD L/1/2á kVF¬ÔVK¬z ÿ>uz WÈD L/1/25 WÈ›]uz k¶¬z, ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 13,88,599 WÈD L/1/26 WÈ›]uz ˛w¬z, L/1/24 ∂´∑ A≈D º√V¬z ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 947 o. WÈ›]uz *>x^· ÷¶›][ º\uz √z]l_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D z›>ÁÔ>V´Ï Ô[MkVF¬ÔV_ º\_ ÔÁ¶¬z cˆ\D ®ı 2 : kˆflE¬zΩ (ÿ>uz) — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ÿƒ_È kƒ]BVÔ ŒÚ ÂÁ¶ √VÁ>ÁB ∞u√|›]¬ ÿÔV^· ∂´∑¬z ÿƒVÕ>\V™ kˆflE¬zΩ (ÿ>uz) kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ºkı|D. ZáƒÏºk ®ı 268á_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ZáƒÏºk ®ı 269/1, (∂_Èm) 269/4 k¶¬˛KD \uÆD kˆflE¬zΩá]Úºk‚¶¬zΩ º´V‚Ωuz ÿ>u˛KD ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ∑u§KD ∑uÆfl∑kÏ ÷¬ÔÁ¶ {|mÁ≈ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ kVÏ|áL, ∏·V¬á1, ∂Á\›m¬ ÿÔV^· ºkı|D. ¶°[ ƒÏºk ®ı 6/1/2/1 ]Ú. ÷´V¤ºƒÔ´[, >/ÿ√. Ek©∏´ÔVƒD ®[√kϬz ÿƒVÕ>\V™ ÷¶›]_ ∂Á\›>_ 11 \V.z.s : ` 1,21,39,628 ºkı|D. ÷m ¶°[ ƒÏºk ®ı L/1/7 ÷¶›]uz ˛w¬zD \V.z.s. : ` 11,03,603 ¶°[ ƒÏºk ®ı L/1/8 ®[≈ ÷¶›]uz ÿ>uzD ∂Á\›>_ ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 12,13,963 ºkı|D. ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 828 o. 11 \V.z.s : ` 47,15,172 \V.z.s. : ` 4,28,652 cˆ\D ®ı 3 : ºÔV‚|flºƒˆ —÷¬ÔÁ¶ ºÔV‚|flºƒˆ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 43 pt. ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 4,71,517 ∂´∑¬z ÿƒVÕ>\V™ ÂV‚¶VÆ kVFÔV_ ÔÁ≈l^ ∂Á\>_ ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 321 o. ºkı|D. k¶¬z ZáƒÏºk ®ı 42, º\uz ZáƒÏºk ®ı 44, ˛w¬z ZáƒÏºk ®ı 57 \uÆD ÿ>uz ZáƒÏºk cˆ\D ®ı 4 : >Ï\A´D— ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ÔVÁ´¬ÔV_ ®ı 55. kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ kVÏ| ®©.∏·V¬á1 ¶°[ ƒÏºk 11 \V.z.s : ` 72,13,206 ®ı 2pt c^· ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_ kVfiEBVÏ gu§[ º\uz ÔÁ´l_ ∑|ÔV‚|¬z ÿ>uºÔ, \>z¬z \V.z.s. : ` 6,55,746 k¶¬ºÔ >Ï\A´D º√VzD º´V‚ΩoÚÕm 100 *‚¶Ú¬Ô©√V_ ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 7,21,321 ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 492 o. 11 \V.z.s : ` 30,56,673 \V.z.s. : ` 2,77,879 cˆ\D ®ı 4 : \ı¶√›#Ï — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ]Úºk‚¶¬zΩ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 3,05,667 WÈ›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 226/4, 226/9á÷_ ∂Á\>_ ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 208 o. ºkı|D. k¶¬z ZáƒÏºk ®ı 226/2, 3 \uÆD 225/5, ÿ>uz ZáƒÏºk ®ı 226/5, 240/4, ˛w¬z 226/9, 227/1, II. ºÔV‚|flºƒˆ ÿÔVDR[ √fiƒVB›m 2A,3A,3B 339/2, 3 º\uz 226/2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. cˆ\D ®ı 1 : ÿÔV[™ÔVÿkπ— ÷¬ÔÁ¶ (∂_Èm) kˆflE¬zΩ (k¶¬z) kÚkVF ˛´V\›][ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 14/1 c^· A[ÿƒF WÈ›]_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. º\u√Ω ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ]Úºk‚¶¬zΩ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ZáƒÏºk ÷¶D Ø©∏´V‚Ω @ x_ÁÈBD\V”¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™m. ®ı 230/2 ∂Ú^tz ]Úº\M ∂wÔÏ ºÔVlK¬zfl ÷¬ÔÁ¶ S. >™√V_ WÈ›]uz ˛w¬zD Â[¶ÈVƬz ÿƒVÕ>\V™ ÷¶›]_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. k¶¬z ZáƒÏºk ÿ>u¬zD \uÆD k¶¬zD, √°™D√V^ WÈ›]uz ÿ>uzD ®ı 230/1, ÿ>uz 231/2, ˛w¬z ZáƒÏºk ®ı 230/1 ®, ∂Á\›>_ ºkı|D. 1 ∏, º\uz 229/5∏. 534 LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT [PART - I

11 \V.z.s : ` 21,70,176 cˆ\D ®ı 4 : z·¬zΩ — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ÿ√V[º√›] kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ıÔ^ 2/6, 2/11 c^· \V.z.s. : ` 1,97,289 A[ÿƒF WÈ›]_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ÷¬ÔÁ¶ Âı¶ÈVÏ ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 2,17,018 gu≈∫ÔÁ´loÚÕm 20 *‚¶Ú¬Ô©√V_ ∂Á\B ºkı|D, ÷Õ> ÷¶D T, ∂ÚVflƒÈ›]uzfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™m. ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 148 o. ˛w¬ºÔ ∑©√´\ËB[ WÈxD º\u¬ºÔ ºkÈV•>D WÈxD Â[¶ÈVÆ ÔÁ≈¬z ÿ>u¬z, k¶¬ºÔ ∂ÚVƒÈD III. ÿÂ|∫ÔV| ÿÔVDR[ √fiƒVB›m WÈ›]uzD ∂Á\›>_ ºkı|D. cˆ\D ®ı 1 : Â_ÈV›#Ï — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ zÚD√Ô´D (∂_Èm) kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 2/4 c^· ∂´∑¬zfl ZáƒÏºk ®ı 2/2, ÿ√V[º√›] kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ÿƒVÕ>\V™ AfiÁƒ WÈ›]_ Âı¶ÈVu§[ ÿ>[ÔÁ´lKD, ºkÈV•>›]uz ÿƒVÕ>\V™ ÷¶›]_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. Am©√VÁ·B›]uz¬ ˛w¬˛KD º\È©√|ÁÔ º´V‚Ωuz k¶¬z Âı¶ÈVÆ ˛w¬zDáÿ>uzD ºkÈV•>D ÂfiÁƒ k¶¬˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. WÈD, º\uz ´V\ƒVt AfiÁƒ WÈD. 11 \V.z.s : ` 3,39,69,128 11 \V.z.s : ` 97,62,638 \V.z.s. : ` 30,88,103 \V.z.s. : ` 8,87,513 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 33,96,913 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 9,76,264 ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 2,316 o. ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 666 o.

cˆ\D ®ı 2 : ∂[™kVƒ_ — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ÿÂ|∫ÔV| IV. W´s ÿÔVDR[ √fiƒVB›m kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 22/2á_ ]Ú\] Ú¬\˺>s Ô/ÿ√. º¶ƒ[ ∂kÏÔ”¬z ÿƒVÕ>\V™ cˆ\D ®ı 1 : \V™Vx‚Ω — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ sø]RÏ ÷¶›]_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ZáƒÏºk ®ı 22/3á¬z kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 54 ÿÔı¶ ∂´∑ ˛w¬˛KD, ZáƒÏºk ®ı 22/1á¬z º\u˛KD, ZáƒÏºk A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_ ÔV∫ºÔB[ kVF¬ÔV_ ÔÁ´¬z ®ı 16á_ ∂Á\Õ]Ú¬zD zD√ºÔVD º´V‚Ωuz 10 *‚¶Ï ÿ>[A≈›]KD, \V™VDº√‚Á¶ º´V| ÷Æ]¬z ÿ>u˛KD, ZáƒÏºk ®ı 19á_ ÂV‚¶VÏ kVF¬ÔVK¬z º\uz©A≈›]_ 45 *‚¶Ú¬Ô©√V_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. k¶¬˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. 11 \V.z.s : ` 3,00,87,750 11 \V.z.s : ` 1,25,44,709 \V.z.s. : ` 27,35,250 \V.z.s. : ` 11,40,428 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 30,08,775 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 12,54,471 ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 2,051 o.

ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 855 o. cˆ\D ®ı 2 : ØÕº>V‚¶D º´V| — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ sø]RÏ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 7/6á_ ]Ú cˆ\D ®ı 3 : kV]lÚ©Afl ƒVÁÈ — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ÿ¤ÔÂV>–¬z ÿƒVÕ>\V™ ÷¶›]_ ØÕº>V‚¶D º´V‚Ω≈z ÿÂ|∫ÔV| kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ∂´∑¬z ÿƒVÕ>\V™ 20 *‚¶Ú¬z ∂©√V_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ˛w¬z ZáƒÏºk ZáƒÏºk ®ı 281/4á_ ∂Á\B ºkı|D. z›>ÁÔ>V´Ï ®ı 7/5, º\uz ZáƒÏºk ®ı 7/7, ÿ>uz ZáƒÏºk ®ıÔ^ Ô[M kVF¬ÔVK¬z º\_ √VÁ> ∂Á\¬Ô ºkı|D. 7/6, 7/8, k¶¬z ZáƒÏºk ®ı 7/9. ˛w¬z ZáƒÏºk ®ı 281/5, º\uz ZáƒÏºk ®ı 281/1C, (∂_Èm) ÿ>uz ZáƒÏºk ®ı 281/5, k¶¬z ZáƒÏºk ®ı 281/1C. ÷¬ÔÁ¶ sø]RÏ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 11 \V.z.s : ` 30,45,065 157/2á_ ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. \V.z.s. : ` 2,76,824 k¶¬z ZáƒÏºk ®ı 18 ÿƒ_ŸÏ kÚkVF ˛´V\D ∂´ƒÈVÆ, ÿ>uz ZáƒÏºk ®ı 157/4 ºƒ≠JÁÈ kΩkVF¬ÔV_ ˛w¬z ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 3,04,507 ZáƒÏºk ®ı 157/3 ÂÁ¶√VÁ>, º\uz ZáƒÏºk ®ı 157/1 ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 208 o. ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z ∂ÔÈ∫Ôıb ÿƒ_KD ka. PART - I] LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT 535

11 \V.z.s : ` 2,21,63,353 ÷¬ÔÁ¶ kVfiÛÏ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı \V.z.s. : ` 20,14,850 106 pt. ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z kVF¬ÔV_ ÔÁ≈l_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ZáƒÏºk ®ı 104-¬z k¶¬z, ZáƒÏºk ®ı 108¬z ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 22,16,335 ÿ>uzD, ZáƒÏºk ®ı 105 ˛w¬zD \uÆD >tµ ÂV| ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 1,511 o. ∞_ÁȬz º\u¬zD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. cˆ\D ®ı 3 : W´s — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ W´s kÚkVF 11 \V.z.s : ` 3,63,94,628 ˛´V\›]_ ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈD ZáƒÏºk ®ı 55/3á_ \V.z.s. : ` 33,08,603 ∂Á\B ºkı|D. º´V‚|¬z k¶¬z, ]Ú\ÁÈ´V¤™VÏ gu§uz ÿ>uz, ZáƒÏºk ®ı 55/2á¬z º\uz ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 36,39,463 √™∫ÔV‚¶V∫zΩ º´V‚|¬z ˛w¬z. ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 2,481 o. (∂_Èm) cˆ\D ®ı 2 : º\ÁÈRÏ— ÷¬ÔÁ¶ º\ÁÈRÏ ÷¬ÔÁ¶ W´s kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ∂Ú^\Ë ºƒÔÚ¬zfl kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 92/8 ]‚¶flºƒˆ ÿƒVÕ>\V™ WÈD ZáƒÏºk ®ı 59/6pt. ∂Á\B ºkı|D. º´V‚Ωuz 50 *‚¶Ï ∂©√V_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ÷Õ> ÿ>uz gu≈∫ÔÁ´ º´V|, º\uz ÂÁ¶√VÁ>, ˛w¬z ÷¶D Â|¬ÔD yÏ›> sÂVBÔÏ ºÔVsK¬z ÿƒVÕ>\V™m. ZáƒÏºk ®ı 59/9, k¶¬z ZáƒÏºk ®ı 59/6. 11 \V.z.s : ` 1,48,80,443 (∂_Èm) \V.z.s. : ` 13,52,768 ÷¬ÔÁ¶ W´s kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ·\Ô´V¤[ z\V´Ï ∑©√´\ËB[ ÿƒVÕ>\V™ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 59/5B ∂Á\›>_ ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 14,88,044 ºkı|D. ÷m ÿ>uz ZáƒÏºk ®ı 59/5A, k¶¬ºÔ ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 1,015 o. gu≈∫ÔÁ´ º´V|D, º\uºÔ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 59/5B, ˛w¬z ZáƒÏºk ®ı 59/3. cˆ\D ®ı 3 : ˇÁwRÏ (k¶¬z) — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ 11 \V.z.s : ` 52,55,793 ˇÁwRÏ (k¶¬z) kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ÿƒÕ]_z\VÏ, >/ÿ√. ]BVÔ´V¤–¬z ÿƒVÕ>\V™ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı \V.z.s. : ` 4,77,799 45/2á_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. k¶¬z ZáƒÏºk ®ı 44/3 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 5,25,579 z·D, º\uz ZáƒÏºk ®ı 45/1, 3 √VÁ>, ˛w¬z ZáƒÏºk ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 358 o. ®ı 45/6 kVF¬ÔV_, ÿ>uz ZáƒÏºk ®ı 45/3 √VÁ> \uÆD ZáƒÏºk ®ı 45/5 ÿƒ_k´VÎ WÈD. cˆ\D ®ı 4 : ÔV¬ÔVxa — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ˇw\Á™ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 38/1 ∂´∑ (∂_Èm) A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_ #mº√V™JÁÈ º´V‚Ωuz 3 *‚¶Ú¬z ∂©√VKD kVF¬ÔVK¬z 2 *‚¶Ú¬Ô©√VKD ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ˇÁwRÏ (k¶¬z) kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ZáƒÏºk ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ®ı 44/2 ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z ÷¶›]_ ∂Á\>_ ºk|D. ˛w¬z \uÆD k¶Ôz ÔV´©√V z·D ZáƒÏºk ®ı 44/3 11 \V.z.s : ` 89,81,234 \uÆD 44/1 º\uz \Ô›º>V©A º´V| ÿ>uz ZáƒÏºk \V.z.s. : ` 8,16,476 ®ı 45/1. ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 8,98,123 11 \V.z.s : ` 1,44,93,714 ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 612 o. \V.z.s. : ` 13,17,610 V. ]Ú\ÁÈ´VB[√‚Ω™D ÿÔVDR[ ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 14,49,371 √fiƒVB›m ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 988 o.. cˆ\D ®ı 1 : kVfiÛÏ — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ kVfiÛÏ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ]Ú ´sƒÕ]´[, >/ÿ√. ´V\o∫Ô›]uz VI. ]ÚÂ^·VÆ ÿÔVDR[ √fiƒVB›m ÿƒVÕ>\V™ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 105/2/A (\Á™ ®ı 24 á 27) ÷¶›]_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. º\uz \Á™ ®ı 28, cˆ\D ®ı 1 : ∂D√Ô´›#Ï— ÷¬ÔÁ¶ k¶¬ºÔ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 105/1 \uÆD ZáƒÏºk ®ı 105/2/A, ∂D√Ô´›#Ï kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 96/2pt. ˛w¬ºÔ \Á™ ®ı 23, ƒVÁȬz ÿ>u¬zD ∂Á\>_ ÿÔVı¶ ∂´∑¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™ A[ÿƒF WÈ›]_ ºkı|D. ∂D√Ô´›#Ï º´V‚Ωuz 30 *‚¶Ï #´›]_ ∂Á\>_ (∂_Èm) ºkı|D. 536 LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT [PART - I

11 \V.z.s : ` 3,70,13,130 ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ∑´¬zΩ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 180/4/Bál_ \V.z.s. : ` 33,64,830 ]Ú V. ∂Ú^\Ë ºƒÔ´[ ®[√kÚ¬z ÿƒVÕ>\V™ ÷¶›]_ k¶¬z 180/1, ÿ>uz 180/3 º\uz 180/4®1, ®2. ˛w¬z ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 37,01,313 180/6 ÷>uz‚√‚¶ ÷¶›]_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 2,524 o. 11 \V.z.s : ` 52,74,342 cˆ\D ®ı 2 : ºƒ›#Ï— ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ÿÂ_ÈøÕ#Ï kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 88/4á_ c^· ∂´∑ \V.z.s. : ` 4,79,486 A´Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_, ZáƒÏºk ®ı 88/3 ˛w¬z \uÆD k¶¬˛KD ÿÂ_ÈøÕ#Ï ∑|ÔV‚Ωuz ÿƒ_KD º´V‚Ω[ ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 5,27,434 ÿ>uz \uÆD º\u˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 360 o. 11 \V.z.s : ` 91,77,549 cˆ\D ®ı 6 : ∂›]©√|ÁÔ— ÷¬ÔÁ¶ º√‚Á¶ \V.z.s. : ` 8,34,323 ÿ´s[R ˛´V\›]_ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 141/6pt. & 145/2pt. ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 9,17,755 ]ÚÂ^·VÆ p >Ï√V´ºB¸k´¸kVt º>k¸>V™›]uzfl ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 626 o. ÿƒVÕ>V\V™ ÷¶›]_ ∂´ƒÈVÆ gu≈∫ÔÁ´ º´V‚Ωuz cˆ\D ®ı 3 : ÿ>[™∫zΩ— ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ÿ>[™∫zΩ k¶¬ºÔ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. pt. kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 217/ c^· ∂´∑ 11 \V.z.s : ` 26,92,305 A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_ √ıÁ kVF¬ÔV_ º\uz¬ÔÁ´l_ \V#Ï º´V‚Ωuz ÿ>u˛_ 30 *‚¶Ú¬Ô©√V_ ∂Á\>_ \V.z.s. : ` 2,44,755 ºkı|D. ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 2,69,231 11 \V.z.s : ` 29,10,600 \V.z.s. : ` 2,64,600 ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 184 o. ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 2,91,060 ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 198 o. sk´ ∂‚¶kÁ – IV cˆ\D ®ı 4 : ]ÚÂ^·VÆ— ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ]ÚÂ^·VÆ ∞ÈD s¶©√¶°^· ÔÁ¶Ô^ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 67/7á_ c^· ÷¶D, ZáƒÏºk ®ı 67/1 kVF¬ÔV_ k¶¬z \uÆD º\u˛KD, Ô^ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 69/8 ˛w¬˛KD, 67/6 \uÆD 69/7 ÿ>u˛KD ÷>uÔV™ √VÁ> ÔıË kVF¬ÔVo[º\_ ∞È>V´Ï ∂Á\Õm^·VÏ. Amflºƒˆ √z] 11 \V.z.s : ` 43,83,086 I. ∂ˆBV∫z©√D ÿÔVDR[ √fiƒVB›m \V.z.s. : ` 3,98,462 cˆ\D ®ı 1 : ∂ˆBV∫z©√D — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 4,38,309 \ÿkπ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ƒıxÔD \Á™s Ai√V ÿ√V.ƒV.∂. ÂVÿ·V[Ƭz : 299 o. ∂kÏÔ”¬z ÿƒVÕ>\V™ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 47/3á_ c^· cˆ\D ®ı 5 : ∑´¬zΩ— ÷¬ÔÁ¶ º>k\VA´D WÈ›]_, ZáƒÏºk ®ı 47/3á_ \Á™ ®ı 168 ˛w¬˛KD kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ZáƒÏºk ®ı 47/3á_ \Á™ ®ı 166 º\uz ZáƒÏºk ®ı ®ı 187/3á_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ˛w¬ºÔ A]B ƒÏºk 47/3á_ \Á™ ®ı 187 ÿ>u˛KD ZáƒÏºk ®ı 47/3á_ ®ı 153/2 ∑´¬zΩ kÚkVF ˛´V\D, º\uºÔ ±ÈVÆ k¶¬ºÔ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 186 º>k\VA´D kÚkVF \Á™ ®ı 188 k¶¬˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ˛´V\D \uÆD A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 153/2 ∑´¬zΩ kÚkVF 11 \V.z.s : ` 1,73,088 ˛´V\D, ÿ>uºÔ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 193 º>k\VA´D kÚkVF ˛´V\D. \V.z.s. : ` 15,735

(∂_Èm) ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 17,309 PART - I] LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT 537

cˆ\D ®ı 2 : Ø´V∫z©√D — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ 11 \V.z.s : ` 77,859 Ø´V∫z©√D kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 18/18á_ \V.z.s. : ` 7,078 ´. ®a_´VÎ ®[√kÚ¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™ WÈ›]_ z·›m¬z© º√VzD √VÁ>¬z ˛w¬˛KD, ºÔƒk[ WÈ›]uz º\u˛KD, ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 7,786 z·›m¬z ÿ>u˛KD, Am¬z©√D º√VzD º´V‚Ωuz k¶¬˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. cˆ\D ®ı 6 : ]D\ÂVB¬ÔÏ √VÁ·BD— ÷¬ÔÁ¶, T.N. √VÁ·BD kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 177/2_ 11 \V.z.s : ` 61,769 ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_ Ôı[ WÈ›]uz k¶¬˛KDD, \V.z.s. : ` 5,615 AÚº≠V›>\ ÿ´‚ΩBVÏ WÈ›]uz º\u˛KD, Ák›]o∫Ô ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 6,177 ÿ´‚ΩBVÏ WÈ›]uz ˛w¬˛KD, ÿk∫Ôº¶ƒ[ WÈ›]uz ÿ>u˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. cˆ\D ®ı 3 : Â_ÈkV| — ÷¬ÔÁ¶, Ø´V∫z©√D (∂_Èm) kÚkVF¬ ˛´V\›]_ ˛´V\›]uz c‚√‚¶ Â_ÈkV| ˛´V\›]_ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 133/5á_ ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_, ÷¬ÔÁ¶, T.N. √VÁ·BD kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ \Æ ∂·Ák Ôº¤Õ]´[ WÈ›]uz ˛w¬z \uÆD ÿ>u˛KD \uÆD ®ı 178 ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_ gu§uz ˛w¬˛KD, gÆxÔ ˛´VtM WÈ›]uz k¶¬z, º\u˛KD ∂Á\>_ AÚº≠V›>\ ÿ´‚ΩBVÏ WÈ›]uz º\u˛KD, º´V‚Ωuz ºkı|D. k¶¬˛KD \uÆD ∑|ÔV‚Ωuz ÿ>u˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. 11 \V.z.s : ` 42,781 11 \V.z.s : ` 95,888 \V.z.s. : ` 3,889 \V.z.s. : ` 8,717 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 4,278 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 9,589 cˆ\D ®ı 4 : ∂∏º≠Ô©√V¬ÔD — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ∏º≠Ô©√V¬ÔD kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ II. √VÌÏ ÿÔVDR[ √fiƒVB›m ´∫Ôÿ´‚Ω©√VÁ·B›]oÚÕm ]D\ ÂVB¬Ô[ cˆ\D ®ı 1 : ÔÁ´BVDA›#Ï— ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ÔÁ´BVDA›#Ï √VÁ·B›]uz º√VzD √VÁ>l_ ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬˛_ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ s¤B´∫Ô–¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™ A]B ƒÏºk ZáƒÏºk ®ı 117á÷_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ®ı 78/1á÷_ ÿ>[ÿ√ıÁBVu§uz ÿƒ_KD √VÁ>¬z 11 \V.z.s : ` 98,903 º\uz, A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 77á¬z ˛w¬z, A]B ƒÏºk ®ı \V.z.s. : ` 8,991 86á¬z ÿ>uz \uÆD A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 79á¬z k¶¬˛KD ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 9,890 11 \V.z.s : ` 5,48,163 cˆ\D ®ı 5 : ÔVƒÕ]‚| — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ Ø´V∫z©√D \V.z.s. : ` 49,833 kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ÔVƒÕ]‚Ω_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 141/3 c^· ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_ º´V‚Ωuz ˛w¬ºÔ•D ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 54,816 z©AƒVt Ô°ı¶Ï WÈ›]uz ÿ>uºÔ•D, ®_ÁÈBD\V^ WÈ›]uz k¶¬ºÔ•D √wMBD\V^ WÈ›]uz º\uºÔ•D cˆ\D ®ı 2 : \º\|— ÷¬ÔÁ¶ \º\| kÚkVF ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 103á÷_ ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_ ÿ√ıÁBVuƬz k¶¬z, guÆ√|ÁÔ¬z (∂_Èm) ÿ>uz, ˛w¬z \uÆD º\u˛_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ÷¬ÔÁ¶ Ø´V∫z©√D kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ´Vx ∂kÏÔ”¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™ A>B ƒÏºk ®ı 141/2á_ 11 \V.z.s : ` 4,64,310 √VÁ>¬z ˛w¬z \uÆD ÿ>uz, ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z \V.z.s. : ` 42,210 WÈ›]uz k¶¬z, gÆxÔ ˛´VtM WÈ›]uz º\u˛_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 46,431 538 LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT [PART - I

cˆ\D ®ı 3 : zÚs›>D— ÷¬ÔÁ¶, zÚs›>D ÷¬ÔÁ¶ cflEº\| kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ \Æ ∂·Ák kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ]Ú. √´∑´V\[ >/ÿ√. \Vˆx›m ®ı 45/1á_ ÿ√Ú\V^ ÔV϶[ ÂÔˆ_ ]Ú\] ∑√p >/ÿ√. ®[√kÚ¬z ÿƒVÕ>\V™ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 3/4á÷_, ÿƒ_k´VÎ ∂kÏÔ”¬z ÿƒÕ>\V™ \Á ®ı 3 \uÆD ®¸. AÚº≠V›>\[ ÷_È›]uz ˛w¬˛KD gÏ. AÚº≠V›>\[ 4á_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ÷m ˛w¬˛_ \Á ®ı 35, WÈ›]uz k¶¬z \uÆD º\u˛KD, E›º>ˆ º´V‚Ωuz º\u¬˛_ \Á ®ı 202, k¶¬˛_ \Á ®ı 5 \uÆ\ ÿ>u˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ÿ>u¬˛_ \Á ®ı 2. 11 \V.z.s : ` 2,16,782 11 \V.z.s : ` 2,15,535 \V.z.s. : ` 19,707 \V.z.s. : ` 19,594 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 21,678 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 21,553 cˆ\D ®ı 8 : ´DÁ√— ÷¬ÔÁ¶ cˆ\D ®ı 4 : g´VFflE¬z©√D— ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ∏^Á·BVÏz©√D kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ \Æ ∂·Ák √ˆ¬Ô_√‚| ˛´V\›]_ √VÏ›]√–¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™ A]B ®ı 174/1 c^· ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_ ´DÁ√ ƒÏºk ®ı 182/7á÷_ ÿ√ıÁBVuƬz k¶¬zD, º´V‚Ωuz ÿ>u˛KD, A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 135/5á¬z ˛w¬˛KD ƒº´V¤V (®) ƒ´¸k] WÈ›]uz› ÿ>uzD, º´V‚Ωuz *>x^· A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 174/1á¬z º\uz \uÆD º\uzD, √VkVÁ¶ WÈ›]uz¬ ˛w¬zD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. k¶¬˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. 11 \V.z.s : ` 1,41,453 11 \V.z.s : ` 4,12,335 \V.z.s. : ` 12,859 \V.z.s. : ` 37,485 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 14,145 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 41,234 cˆ\D ®ı 9 : Ô[MB¬ºÔVl_—÷¬ÔÁ¶, cˆ\D ®ı 5 : zΩlÚ©A√VÁ·BD—÷¬ÔÁ¶ \©√‚| kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ \Æ ∂·Ák ®ı 6á_ ºƒoBº\| kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 161/5á_ ÷>u¬z ˛w¬z \uÆD º\u¬z \Æ ∂·Ák ®ı 8, ÿ>u¬ºÔ ÂVÔx›m¬z ÿƒVÕ>\V™ WÈ›]_ág]∫Ô©√‚| º´V‚Ωuz ÔÁ≈•D k¶¬ºÔ º´V| c^· ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]^ ÿ>uz, ∂´∑ kVF¬ÔVK¬z º\uz k¶¬z, y√Vfiƒ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. WÈ›]uz ˛w¬z ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. (∂_Èm) (∂_Èm) ÷¬ÔÁ¶, \©√‚| kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ \Æ ∂·Ák ÷¬ÔÁ¶, ºƒoBº\| kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ZáƒÏºk ®ı ®ı 133/1/F/1/A/11á_ c^· s.n.∏. ÂÔˆ_ ]Ú. Ek¬z\VÏ 139 ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_, ZáƒÏºk ®ı 139 ˛w¬z >/ÿ√. ƒfl∑>V™Õ>D ÿƒÕ>\V™ \Á ®ı 374, 375, 376, \uÆD k¶¬˛KD ZáƒÏºk ®ı 137á¬z ÿ>u˛KD ZáƒÏºk 377 \uÆD 378á_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ÷m ˛w¬ºÔ 389 ®ı 140á¬z º\u˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. \uÆD 390, º\u¬˛_ √VÁ>•D, k¶¬ºÔ A]B √VÁ>•D, ÿ>u¬ºÔ \Á ®ı 379á_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. 11 \V.z.s : ` 4,56,225 11 \V.z.s : ` 2,41,707 \V.z.s. : ` 41,475 \V.z.s. : ` 21,973 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 45,623 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 24,171 cˆ\D ®ı 7 : x^º·VÁ¶—÷¬ÔÁ¶ √VÌÏ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ c^· \Æ ∂·Ák ®ı 343/2á_ cˆ\D ®ı 10 : ∂´∫Ô˚Ï— ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ∂´∫Ô˚Ï √VÈxÚÔ[ ÂÔˆ_ \Á ®ı 36. 37 \uÆD 38á_ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ]Ú\] k·Ï\] ∂kÏÔ”¬zfl ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ÷m ˛w¬˛_ \Á ®ı 35, ÿƒVÕ>\V™ Z. ƒÏºk ®ı 109/11á_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. º\u¬˛_ \Á ®ı 39, k¶¬˛_ º´V| \uÆ\ z‚Á¶ k·Ï\] WÈ›]uz ˛w¬˛KD, ÿ>uz k¶¬z \uÆD √VÌÏ ÿ>u¬˛_ A]B √VÁ>. ÿ\l[ º´V‚Ωuz º\u˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. (∂_Èm) (∂_Èm) PART - I] LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT 539

÷¬ÔÁ¶ ∂´∫Ô˚Ï kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_, ZáƒÏºk ®ı 78/2, III. \ıVΩ©√‚| ÿÔVDR[ ∂Ú^, >/ÿ√. x›Á>FBV ÂV•|°¬z ÿƒVÕ>\V™ WÈ›]_, √fiƒVB›m ÿkÿ·Õ]´ kVF¬ÔVK¬z ÿ>u˛_, √VÌÏás_oB˚Ï cˆ\D ®ı 1 : ]Ú¬Ô–VÏ — ÷¬ÔÁ¶, \ıVΩ©√‚| º´V‚|¬z º\u˛_, cÁ¶BkÏ *>x^· WÈ›]uz ˛w¬z kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 107/2á_ K. EkÔV\∑Õ>ˆ \uÆD k¶¬˛_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ®[√kÚ¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™ WÈ›]_ EkV \Á™¬z¬ ˛w¬˛KD, ºkÈV•>D \Á™¬z º\u˛KD, sø©A´D 11 \V.z.s : ` 1,47,182 º´V‚Ωuz› ÿ>u˛KD, ÔıB[ \Á™¬z k¶¬˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. \V.z.s. : ` 13,380 (∂_Èm) ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 14,718 ÷¬ÔÁ¶, \ıVΩ©√‚| kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ]Ú¬Ô–VÏ cˆ\D ®ı 11 : √Á™BΩ¬z©√D—÷¬ÔÁ¶ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 105/9 x›mÈ‚∑t¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™ WÈ›]_, √Á™BΩ¬z©√D kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 30/2 Ôı[ \Á™¬z¬ ˛w¬˛KD, ˛Úi[ \Á™¬z c^·, ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_ ∞ˆ kVF¬ÔVK¬z º\u˛KD, ]ÚkıV\ÁÈ º´V‚Ωuz ÿ>u˛KD, x›mƒVt k¶¬ºÔ•D, A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]uz ˛w¬záº\uºÔ•D, \Á™¬z k¶¬˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ∑©√Vÿ´‚ΩBVÏ WÈ›]uz ÿ>uºÔ•D ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. 11 \V.z.s : ` 1,60,060 ` 11 \V.z.s : ` 94,236 \V.z.s. : 14,551 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 16,006 \V.z.s. : ` 8,567

∏.ÿ>V. : ` 9,424 cˆ\D ®ı 3 : o∫ÔVÿ´‚Ω©√VÁ·BD—÷¬ÔÁ¶ ÔV‚º¶ˆ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 39á_ cˆ\D ®ı 12 : √VÌÏ — ÷¬ÔÁ¶, √VÌÏ kÚkVF o∫ÔVÿ´‚Ω©√VÁ·B›]_ √V©√V[ z·›]uz ˛´V\D A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 46, ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬˛_ √VÌÏ ˛w¬˛KD,gÆxÔD WÈ›]uz º\u˛KD o∫ÔVÿ´‚Ω© º´V‚Ωuz º\u˛KD, ÔÁ´º\| º´V‚Ωuz ÿ>u˛KD √VÁ·B›]oÚÕm kV˚Ï º√VzD º´V‚Ωuz k¶¬˛_ 10 kVF¬ÔVK¬z k¶¬˛KD, >Ï\o∫ÔD WÈ›]uz ˛w¬˛KD *‚¶Ú¬Ô©√V_ ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_ ∂Á\>_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ºkı|D. 11 \V.z.s : ` 4,46,292 11 \V.z.s : ` 2,62,254 \V.z.s. : ` 40,572 \V.z.s. : ` 23,841 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 44,629 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 26,225 cˆ\D ®ı 4 : ]ÚkVı¶VϺÔVl_—÷¬ÔÁ¶, cˆ\D ®ı 13 : \©√‚|—÷¬ÔÁ¶, \©√‚| ]Úkı¶VϺÔVl_ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ZáƒÏºk ®ı kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ c^· JÏ›]¬z©√D º√VzD √VÁ>¬z¬ 162/2 ]Ú. ºÔV√VÈ˛Úi[ >/ÿ√. ÿƒ‚Ω ®[√kÚ¬zfl ˛w¬˛_, \©√‚ΩuzD JÏ›]¬z©√›]uzD ÷Á¶l_ A]B ÿƒVÕ>\V™ WÈ›]_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D, AmÁk \VWÈ ƒÏºk ®ı 218/3á÷_, ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_ ∂Á\>_ ®_ÁȬz ÿ>uzD, ∑|ÔV‚Ωuz ˛w¬zD ºÔV√VÈ˛Úi[ WÈ›]uz ÿ>uzD ∑|ÔV‚| √VÁ>¬z k¶¬˛_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 218/3á¬z ÿ>uz, k¶¬z, º\uz. ºkı|D. 11 \V.z.s : ` 1,31,358 11 \V.z.s : ` 95,472 \V.z.s. : ` 11,942 \V.z.s. : ` 8,679 ` ∏.ÿ>V. : 13,136 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 9,547 540 LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT [PART - I

cˆ\D ®ı 5 : ÁÔ¬Ô_√‚|—÷¬ÔÁ¶ ÿÔV¶V›#Ï cˆ\D ®ı 8 : A´VE∫z©√VÁ·BD — kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ƒÏºk ®ı 44/2 c^· xME√_ ÷¬ÔÁ¶, kV>V–VÏ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ \Æ ∂·Ák ®ı A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_, √VÁ>¬z ˛w¬˛KD, ∑›m¬ºÔË 284/3á_ ]Ú √´º\¸k´–¬z ÿƒVÕ>\V™ WÈ›]_, ∂Á¬z º\u˛KD, z©AƒVt \Á™¬z ÿ>u˛KD, ]Ú¬Ô˚Ï ƒVÁȬz ˛w¬˛KD, A]>VÔ ∂Á\¬Ô©√‚¶ k¶¬˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ƒVÁȬz ÿ>u˛KD, ´V\˛Úi ÿ´‚ΩBVÏ WÈ›]uz k¶¬˛KD \uÆD *>x^· A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 284/3á÷_ 11 \V.z.s : ` 83,530 º\u˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. \V.z.s. : ` 7,594 11 \V.z.s : ` 1,58,882 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 8,353 \V.z.s. : ` 14,444 cˆ\D ®ı 6 : ºƒV´©√‚|—÷¬ÔÁ¶ ºƒV´©√‚| ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 15,888 kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈD A]B ƒÏºk ®ı66/2 ]ÚkıV\ÁÈ º´V‚Ωuz› ÿ>uz, º\VZ¸ cˆ\D ®ı 9 : kDA©√‚| — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ kDA√‚| ÷fiQVE WÈ›]uz k¶¬z, Ô·›m¬z º\uz, ∏^Á·BVÏ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ∂´∑© A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ºÔVl_ WÈ›]uz ˛w¬z. ®ı 57á_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 56/5¬z ˛w¬z, º\uz \uÆD k¶¬z, \VEÈV\Ë WÈ›]uz ÿ>u˛_ ∂Á\>_ (∂_Èm) ºkı|D. ÷¬ÔÁ¶, ºƒV´©√‚| kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z 11 \V.z.s : ` 1,63,063 WÈD A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 87á_, ZáƒÏºk ®ı 80á¬z ÿ>uz, ZáƒÏºk ®ı 87/5á¬z ˛w¬z \uÆD k¶¬˛KD ZáƒÏºƒ ®ı 88 \V.z.s. : ` 14,824 º´V‚Ωuz º\u˛_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 16,306

11 \V.z.s : ` 1,81,208 cˆ\D ®ı 10 : ƒ[MBVE¬z©√D — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ \V.z.s. : ` 16,473 ƒ[MBVEz©√D kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 54/·4 c^· ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_ ˆ≠√D ºÔVl_ ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 18,121 º>V©∏uz k¶¬ºÔ•D, √DÁ√ gu§uz ÿ>uºÔ•D, cˆ\D ®ı 7 : ÿƒ_o©√‚| — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ÿƒ_o©√‚| º´V‚Ωuz º\uºÔ•D, º>k´V∑ WÈ›]uz ˛w¬ºÔ•D kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ \Æ ∂·Ák ®ı 39/3á_ ∑Õ>´›]uz ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ÿƒVÕ>\V™ WÈ›]_, ∂Ïfl∑[ WÈ›]uz ÿ>uz \uÆD 11 \V.z.s : ` 1,07,935 º\u˛KD, A]>VÔ ∂Á\Õ> \Á™©∏ˆsuz ˛w¬˛KD \uÆD ]ÚkıV\ÁÈ ƒVÁȬz k¶¬˛KD ∂Á\>_ \V.z.s. : ` 9,812 ºkı|D. ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 10,793 (∂_Èm) cˆ\D ®ı 11 : z\V´©√VÁ·BD — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ÷¬ÔÁ¶, ÿƒ_o©√‚| kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ \Æ ∂·Ák º>›>VD√VÁ·BD kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ z\V´√VÁ·B›]_ ®ı 34/1á_ \uÆD 34/4 ]Ú √ˆE›m ∂kÏÔ”¬z c^· ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 70á_ ÿƒVÕ>\V™ WÈ›]_, {Á¶¬z ˛w¬˛KD, ´V\˛Úi[ ƒ∫Ô´V√´Ë gu§uz k¶¬ºÔ•D, ƒ∫Ô´V√´Ë \uÆD z\V´ƒVt WÈ›]uz º\u˛KD, ]ÚkıV\ÁÈ gu≈∫ÔÁ´¬z ÿ>uºÔ•D, º\uºÔ•D, ˛w¬ºÔ•D \uÆD º´V‚Ωuz ÿ>u˛KD, z©AƒVt WÈ›]uz k¶¬˛KD ∂Á\>_ º´V‚Ωuz ÿ>uºÔ•D ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ºkı|D. ` 11 \V.z.s : ` 1,67,475 11 \V.z.s : 2,56,410 \V.z.s. : ` 15,225 \V.z.s. : ` 23,310 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 16,748 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 25,641 PART - I] LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT 541

cˆ\D ®ı 13 : gıΩBVÏ√VÁ·BD — 11 \V.z.s : ` 4,00,785 ÷¬ÔÁ¶, ÔoyÏ›>V^z©√D kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ \V.z.s. : ` 36,435 ÔVÏ›]ºÔB[, >/ÿ√. ¶´V¤™¬zfl ÿƒÕ>\V™ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 135/14á_ kVF¬ÔVK¬z k¶¬˛KD, ÿ\l[ º´V‚Ωuz ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 40,079 ÿ>u˛KD, Á´¸t_K¬z º\u˛KD, zΩlÚ©A© √z]¬z¬ ˛w¬˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. cˆ\D ®ı 16 : ÌMflƒD√‚|— ÷¬ÔÁ¶, ÌMflƒD√‚| kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 108á_ ÿƒV¬Ôo∫Ô 11 \V.z.s : ` 93,567 Ô°ı¶Ú¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™ WÈ›]_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. \V.z.s. : ` 8,506 \o©√‚| º´V‚Ωuz º\uz, ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]uz k¶¬z, ÿƒV¬Ôo∫ÔD *>x^· WÈ∫Ô”¬z ˛w¬záÿ>uz. ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 9,357 (∂_Èm) cˆ\D ®ı 14 : EK¬ÔVˆ©√VÁ·BD — ÷¬ÔÁ¶, Ôo›yÏ>V^z©√D kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ZáƒÏºk ÷¬ÔÁ¶, ÌMflƒD√‚| kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ZáƒÏºk ®ı ®ı 83/3-A ]Ú A. gÆxÔD ∂kÏÔ”¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™ 51/2á_ ºÔVÁ>, W/o. ÿk∫Ôº¶ƒ[ ®[√kÚ¬z ÿƒVÕ>\V™ ÷¶›]_ ƒ´¸k] WÈ›]uz k¶¬z kV∑º>k x>oBVÏ ÷¶›]_ \o©√‚| √VÁ>¬z ˛w¬z, ∂ˆ˛Úi[ WÈ›]uz ˛w¬z EK¬ÔVˆ©√VÁ·BD º´V‚Ωuz ÿ>uz \Á™¬z º\uz, z‚Á¶¬z k¶¬z, gÆxÔD \Á™¬z \uÆD º´V‚Ωuz º\u˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ÿ>u˛_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. (∂_Èm) 11 \V.z.s : ` 2,83,784

÷¬ÔÁ¶, Ôo›yÏ›>V^z©√D kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ \V.z.s. : ` 25,799 ZáƒÏºk ®ı 83/7á_ ∂Á\Õm^· ]Ú G. >tµ\Ë ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 28,378 WÈ›]_. ˛w¬z, º\uz, ÿ>uz √z]l_ ∂Á\Õm^· G. >tµ\Ë WÈ›]_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. cˆ\D ®ı 17 : \>ÔΩ©√‚| — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ \>ÔΩ©√‚| kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ \Æ ∂·Ák ®ı 16á_ ∂´∑ 11 \V.z.s : ` 96,419 A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_, ˛w¬z, k¶¬z, \uÆD ÿ>u˛_ \Æ \V.z.s. : ` 8,765 ∂·Ák ®ı 16áD, √VÁ>¬z º\u˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 9,642 11 \V.z.s : ` 2,26,149 cˆ\D ®ı 15 : \ıVΩ©√‚| — ÷¬ÔÁ¶, \V.z.s. : ` 20,559 \ıVΩ©√‚| kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ZáƒÏºk ®ı 1/13á_ ]Ú\] Ôs>V Ô/ÿ√. \] (®) ºk∫Ôº¶ƒ[ ∂kÏÔ”¬z ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 22,615 ÿƒVÕ>\V™ WÈ›]_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ÷m ˛w¬z \uÆD º\u¬˛_ Ôs>V ∂kÏÔ^ \Á, º>u¬ºÔ º´V|D, k¶¬˛_ cˆ\D ®ı 18 : ]ÚAkÁ™√VÁ·BD — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ∑©´\ËB ∑kVt ºÔVlK¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™ WÈ›]_ \>ÔΩ©√‚| kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ \Æ ∂·Ák ®ı 130á_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_, ˛w¬z, ÿ>uz \uÆD º\uzD \Æ ∂·Ák ®ı 130áD, k¶¬ºÔ \Æ ∂·Ák ®ı 129áD (∂_Èm) ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ÷¬ÔÁ¶, \ıVΩ©√‚| kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ZáƒÏºk ®ı 1/14á_ ∑©´\ËB ∑kVt ºÔVlK¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™ 11 \V.z.s : ` 2,99,815 WÈ›]_ (˛w¬zák¶¬˛KD) ]ÚkıV\ÁÈ º´V‚Ωuz, \V.z.s. : ` 27,256 ºÔVsÕ>[ WÈ›]uz º\u˛KD ƒ>VEk ÿ´‚ΩBVÏ WÈ›]uz ÿ>u˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 29,981 542 LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT [PART - I

IV. ÿ‚¶©√V¬ÔD ÿÔVDR[ √fiƒVB›m 11 \V.z.s : ` 5,49,260 cˆ\D ®ı 1 : \|ÔÁ´ — cˆ\D ®ı 1 : \V.z.s. : ` 49,933 \|ÔÁ´ — ÷¬ÔÁ¶, \|ÔÁ´ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ \Æ ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 54,926 ∂·Ák ®ı 86/10á_ c^·, \|ÔÁ´ p \´¬ÔV‹¸k´Ï ºÔVlK¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™ WÈ›]_ cˆ\D ®ı 4 : ∞D√ÈD — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ∞D√ÈD ÿ>[º\uz JÁÈlKD, ÿÂ_o¬z©√D º´V‚Ωuz kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ c^· A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 212/1á_ c^· º\u˛KD, ∞ˆ kVF¬ÔVK¬z› ÿ>u˛KDá˛w¬˛KD, \|ÔÁ´ ƒÕmÚ ´V>V \uÆD Ô™Ô´VÎ WÈ›]_ ∂Á\>_ p \´¬ÔV‹¸k´Ï ºÔVlK¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™, *>x^· ºkı|D. ÷>[ ƒ¬z√Õ] A]B √VÁ>¬z ÿ>uz, √VÁ>¬z WÈ›]uz k¶¬˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. º\uz, \Á™ ®ı 31á¬z ˛w¬z, \Á™ ®ı 34 \uÆD (∂_Èm) 35á¬z k¶¬z. ÷¬ÔÁ¶, \|ÔÁ´ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ \Æ ∂·Ák ®ı 11 \V.z.s : ` 5,25,525 43/2á_ c^·, \|ÔÁ´ p \´¬ÔV‹¸k´Ï ºÔVlK¬zfl \V.z.s. : ` 47,775 ÿƒVÕ>\V™ WÈ›]_ EÆkÕ>V| ƒVÁȬz ÿ>u˛KD, \|ÔÁ´ p \´¬ÔV‹¸k´Ï ºÔVlK¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™, *>x^· ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 52,553 WÈ›]uz ˛w¬˛KD, ´ƒV ÿ´‚ΩBVÏ WÈ›]uz º\u˛KD \uÆD >tµÂV| ®_ÁȬz k¶¬˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. cˆ\D ®ı 5 : ∞ˆ©√V¬ÔD — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ∞ˆ©√V¬ÔD ˛´V\›]_ ]Ú. J. >Vı¶kJÏ›]¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™ A]B (∂_Èm) ƒÏºk ®ı 90/2á÷_ ]Ú. ´Vx WÈ›]uz ˛w¬˛KD, ÷¬ÔÁ¶, \|ÔÁ´ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ >‚EVJÏ›], >/ ´V¤∑Õ>´D WÈ›]uz º\u˛KD, ºÔVsÕ>ƒVt WÈ›]uz ÿ√. Ô]ϺkK¬z ÿƒVÕ>\V™ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 32/A/1, 2, k¶¬˛KD, Ôı[ WÈ›]uz ÿ>u˛KD ∂Á\>_ ÿ¤B√V_ WÈ›]uz º\u˛KD, ∏º´\V WÈ›]uz k¶¬z ºkı|D. \uÆD ˛w¬˛KD, º´V‚Ωuz ÿ>u˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. 11 \V.z.s : ` 1,16,655 11 \V.z.s : ` 14,66,850 \V.z.s. : ` 10,605 \V.z.s. : ` 1,33,350 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 11,666 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 1,46,685 cˆ\D ®ı 6 : \|ÔÁ´áII — ÷¬ÔÁ¶, \|ÔÁ´ cˆ\D ®ı 2 : ÔˆB\VˬÔDáI — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 34/1 J. ´VË ÔˆB\VˬÔD kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 209/ ®[√kÚ¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™ WÈ›]_ ∑©´\Ël[ 3á÷_ c^·, ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_ ∂Á\>_ WÈ›]uz¬ ˛w¬˛KD, ÿƒaB[ WÈ›]uz º\u˛KD ºkı|D. ˛w¬záÿ´‚ΩBVÏ WÈD. º\uzáz·D, ºÔV>ı¶√VË kÁÔB≈V WÈ›]uz k¶¬˛KD, k¶¬zá\|ÔÁ´ º´V| \uÆD ÿ>uzáº\_WÁÈ ¿Ïº>¬Ô› ÿ\V·©√V¬ÔD º´V‚Ωuz ÿ>u˛KD ∂Á\>_ ÿ>V‚Ω. ºkı|D. 11 \V.z.s : ` 1,68,006 11 \V.z.s : ` 9,38,068 \V.z.s. : ` 15,273 \V.z.s. : ` 85,279 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 16,801 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 93,807

cˆ\D ®ı 3 : ÿ‚¶©√V¬ÔD — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ cˆ\D ®ı 8 : Ôˆ¬Ô·VD√V¬ÔD — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ÿ‚¶©√V¬ÔD kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 95/2á_ Ôˆ¬ÔÈVD√V¬ÔD kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ]Ú. ´Vx >/ÿ√. Ák›]BÂV>[ z\V´Ï Ê™[ ®[√kÚ¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™ √VÈ˛Úib¬z ÿƒVÕ>\V™ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 53/7á÷_ WÈ›]_, Ek[ ºÔVlK¬z› ÿ>uºÔ•D, º¶ƒ[ WÈ›]uz¬ c^· \|ÔÁ´ º´V‚Ωuz ÿ>u˛KD ÿk∫Ô¶ ˛Úi ˛w¬ºÔ•D, xME√_ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]uz º\uºÔ•D, ÿ´‚ΩBVÏ. WÈ›]uz k¶¬˛KD, √VkVÁ¶ƒVt ∏·V‚Ωuz¬ E[™ √‚|º´V¤V WÈ›]uz k¶¬ºÔ•D ∂Á\>_ ˛w¬˛KD, s¤B cÁ¶BVÏ WÈ›]uz º\u˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ºkı|D. PART - I] LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT 543

11 \V.z.s : ` 1,35,401 cˆ\D ®ı 4 : º\‚|©√VÁ·BD — ÷¬ÔÁ¶, cwkÏÔÁ´ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ºƒV\∑Õ>´D ®[√kÚ¬z \V.z.s. : ` 12,309 ÿƒVÕ>\V™ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 188/5, Ô>V¸>Ï ®ı 941, ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 13,540 942á÷_, cwkÏÔÁ´ º√VzD º´V‚Ωuz ˛w¬˛KD, cÁ¶BkÏ WÈ›]uz º\uz, k¶¬z \uÆD ÿ>u˛KD V. cwkÏÔÁ´ xME√Vo‚Ω ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D.

— cˆ\D ®ı 1 : ÔVÈV©√‚| ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ÔVÈV©√‚| 11 \V.z.s : ` 1,49,792 kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ kƒÕ]¬z ÿƒVÕ>\V™ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 184/1á_ ÿƒ_È©√[ WÈ›]uz º\u˛KD, ºÔVsÕ>D\V^ \V.z.s. : ` 13,617 \Á™¬z ˛w¬˛KD, A]B √VÁ>¬z ÿ>u˛KD, k¶¬˛KD ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 14,979 ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. cˆ\D ®ı 5 : >Ï\VAˆ — ÷¬ÔÁ¶, >‚¶VfiƒVkΩ 11 \V.z.s : ` 1,29,418 kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 7/8á_, \V.z.s. : ` 11,765 ]Ú\]. \ÈÏÿÔVΩ W/o. ∂Ú˛ˆ ∂kÏÔ”¬zD ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 12,942 ÿƒVÕ>\V™ \Á™ ®ı 55á_ A]B √VÁ>¬z¬ ˛w¬z, {Á¶ √VÁ>¬z º\uz, \Á™ ®ı 56á¬z k¶¬z, \Á™ cˆ\D ®ı 2 : ∏^Á·flƒVkΩ — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ®ı 54á¬z ÿ>u˛_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ∏^Á·flƒVkΩ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 196á_ ]Ú\]. >tµflÿƒ_s¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™ \Á™ ®ıÔ^ 47 11 \V.z.s : ` 32,871 \uÆD 48á_ A]B √VÁ>¬z º\uz, ∑©√´VB¬ Ô°ı¶Ï \V.z.s. : ` 2,988 \uÆD Ák›]o∫ÔD WÈ›]uz ˛w¬z, \Á™ ®ı 46¬z k¶¬˛KD, ZáƒÏºk ®ı 196á¬z ÿ>u˛KD ∂Á\>_ ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 3,287 ºkı|D. cˆ\D ®ı 6 : Ô√] ÿƒ‚Ω¬z·D — ÷¬ÔÁ¶, 11 \V.z.s : ` 61,850 ÔVÈV©√‚| kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 150/4 ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ÷>uz ÂV[z \V.z.s. : ` 5,623 ®_ÁÈÔ^ ƒVt¬Ôıb ÿƒ‚ΩBVÏ WÈ›]uz º\uz, ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 6,185 A≈Dº√V¬z √VÁ>¬z ÿ>uz, º¶ƒ¬Ô°ı¶Ï WÈ›]uz k¶¬z, ÿ√V[™©√¬ Ô°ı¶Ï WÈ›]uz ˛w¬z. cˆ\D ®ı 3 : ÔÚkΩ¬z©√D — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ÔÚkΩ¬z©√D kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 147/3, (∂_Èm) 147/4á_. Ω. Ê–kVƒ[ \uÆD Ω. √VÈ∑©∏´\ËBD g˛BkÏÔ”¬z ÿƒVÕ>\V™ WÈ›]_ ∂Á\>_ ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 150/2á÷_ ÊMkVƒ[ WÈ›]_ ºkı|D.A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 147/4á¬z k¶¬z, ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D ÷>uz ÂV[z ®_ÁÈÔ^ ÊMkVƒ[ ÔÚkΩ¬z©√D º´V‚Ωuz ÿ>uz, A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 147/2 WÈ›]uz º\uz √VÁ>¬z ˛w¬z ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]uz ˛w¬z, A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 146/2 WÈ›]uz º\uz, WÈ›]uz ÿ>uz E∫z WÈ›]uz k¶¬z ÔÚkΩ¬z©√D º´V‚Ωuz 20 *‚¶Ú¬z ∂©√V_.

11 \V.z.s : ` 1,81,254 11 \V.z.s : ` 2,09,171

\V.z.s. : ` 16,478 \V.z.s. : ` 19,016 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 18,125 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 20,917 544 LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT [PART - I

VI. Amflºƒˆ xME√Vo‚Ω cˆ\D ®ı 3 : s_oB˚Ï—÷¬ÔÁ¶ s_oB˚Ï kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 30/8/A-_ ∂Á\Õm^· cˆ\D ®ı 1 : ÿÔVD√V¬ÔD —÷¬ÔÁ¶, p´V\ ÂÔˆ_ ]Ú √VK >/ÿ√. ºÔVsÕ>´V∑ ∂kÏÔ”¬z ÿÔVD√V¬ÔD kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ∂¶∫˛B kVÏ| L, ∏·V¬ ÿƒÕ>\V™ \Á ®ı 13á_ ˛w¬ºÔ \Á ®ı 14áKD, ®ı 2, ¶°[ ƒÏºk ®ı 18/5 \uÆD 18/6á_ ÿÔVD√V¬ÔD º\u¬ºÔ \Á ®ı 12áD A]B √VÁ>¬z k¶¬zD, ÷Ú©A ∂Ú^tz ÿƒ∫Ôø›m \VˆBD\[ ºÔVl_ WÈ\VzD. WÈ›]uz ÿ>u¬˛_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. T. S. No. 18/1á¬z ˛w¬˛KD, 18/8á¬z º\u˛KD, 18/4á¬z (∂_Èm) k¶¬˛KD \uÆD 14/7á¬z ÿ>u˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ÷¬ÔÁ¶ s_oB˚Ï kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ]Ú\]. 11 \V.z.s : ` 75,976 s¤BÈ‚∑t, Ô/ÿ√. ∂Ú^ÿƒ_kD ÿƒVÕ>\V™ ZáƒÏºk ®ı \V.z.s. : ` 6,907 30/8/B-_ ∂Á\Õm^· ˛w¬z \uÆD º\u˛_ >tµÂV| ®_ÁÈ•D, k¶¬ºÔ kVFÔVKD \uÆD ÿ>uºÔ \Á™ ®ı ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 7,598 45á_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. cˆ\D ®ı 2 : xÚ∫Ô©√V¬ÔD —÷¬ÔÁ¶, 11 \V.z.s : ` 2,14,102 xÚ∫Ô©√V¬ÔD kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ >™√V_, >/ÿ√. \V.z.s. : ` 19,464 >∫Ôºk_ ÿƒVÕ>\V™ kVÏ| O, ∏·V¬á4, ¶°[ ƒÏºk ®ı 2/16á_ \Æ ∂·Ák ®ı 213/12 √z]l_ ˛w¬z, ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 21,410 º\uz \uÆD k¶¬˛_ ∂kÚÁ¶B WÈ›]_ ∂Á\>_ cˆ\D ®ı 4 : ÔbkV©º√‚Á¶—÷¬ÔÁ¶, s_oB˚Ï ºkı|D. kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ Œ]BD√‚| º´V‚Ωuz k¶¬z nB™VÏ 11 \V.z.s : ` 88,935 ºÔVlK¬z º√VzD T]¬z¬ ˛w¬z, ÔV_ÂÁ¶ \Ú›mk\Á™¬z º\uz, kVF¬ÔVK¬z› ÿ>uz, \V.z.s. : ` 8,085 Œ]BD√‚| º´V‚Ωuz 30 *‚¶Ú¬Ô©√V_, A]B ƒÏºk ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 8,894 ®ı 255/11 c^· ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_ ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. VII. s_oB˚Ï ÿÔVDR[ √fiƒVB›m 11 \V.z.s : ` 68,838

cˆ\D ®ı 1 : ∏^Á·BVÏz©√Dá I —÷¬ÔÁ¶, \V.z.s. : ` 6,258 ∏^Á·BVÏz©√D kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ V. ÿ√V[–ƒVt¬z ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 6,884 ÿƒVÕ> ÷¶\V™ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 31/8 º´V‚Ωuz º\uºÔ, √wM¬Ô°ı¶Ï WÈ›]uz ˛w¬z, √Á´Bk´>[ WÈ›]uz cˆ\D ®ı 5 : Ô´ÛÏ—÷¬ÔÁ¶, Ô´ÛÏ kÚkVF ÿ>uz ÁkBVAˆ WÈ›]uz k¶¬ºÔ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ˛´V\›]_ 29/8 ZáƒÏºk ®ı ÿÔVı¶ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_, ZáƒÏºk 29/8pt. c^· WÈ›]uz ÿ>u˛KD, 11 \V.z.s : ` 1,10,395 ZáƒÏºk ®ı 37 ÿÔVı¶ WÈ›]uz k¶¬˛KD, A]B ƒÏºk \V.z.s. : ` 10,036 ®ı 29/7 ÿÔVı¶ WÈ›]uz ˛w¬˛KD, º´V‚Ωuz º\u˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 11,039 11 \V.z.s : ` 1,30,446 cˆ\D ®ı 2 : \∫ÔÈD—÷¬ÔÁ¶, \∫ÔÈD \V.z.s. : ` 11,859 kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ G. ´V¤V›]¬z ÿƒVÕ>\V™ A]B ƒÏºk ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 13,045 ®ı 106 pt. kVF¬ÔVK¬z k¶¬z, \|ÔÁ´ √VÁ>¬z ˛w¬z, ´V¤V›] WÈ>]uz º\u¬z \uÆD ƒVÁÈlKÚÕm cˆ\D ®ı 6 : ÿ>Vı¶\V›>D — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ 20 *.á¬z ∂©√V_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ÿ>Vı¶\V›>D kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 44pt. 11 \V.z.s : ` 6,06,375 c^· ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_ m›]©√‚| º´V| \uÆD EÆ√VÈ›]uz º\uºÔ•D ∞ˆ¬z ˛w¬ºÔ•D. ∞ˆ¬ÔÁ´ \V.z.s. : ` 55,125 A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ∫Ô”¬z k¶¬záÿ>uºÔ•D ¿Ïº>¬Ô ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 60,638 ÿ>V‚Ω¬z 100 *‚¶Ú¬Ô©√V_ ∂Á\›>_ ºkı|D. PART - I] LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT 545

11 \V.z.s : ` 2,08,789 cˆ\D ®ı 10 : ˇµ∂¬´ÔV´D (]Ú¬ÔVfiE) — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ]Ú¬ÔVfiE kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ˇµ ∂¬Ô´ÔV´D \V.z.s. : ` 18,981 ˛´V\›]_ ]Ú\] \VBVk] ®[√k´m WÈ›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 20,879 ®ı 161/2á÷_ ]Ú¬ÔVfiE ˛´V\›]_, Ô¶KVÏ º´V‚Ω_ ˛w¬z, kVF¬ÔV_ ÔÁ´¬z º\uz \uÆD k¶¬z, √wM \[™V>[ cˆ\D ®ı 7 : gˆB©√VÁ·BD — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ WÈ›]uz ÿ>u˛_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. s_oB˚Ï kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 292/ (∂_Èm) 3á_ c^· ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_ ˛w¬z, º\uz ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ]Ú¬ÔVfiE kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ >Vº\V>´[ \uÆD k¶¬˛_ gu§[ ÔÁ≈•D, Amflºƒˆ kΩ ƒV´VB ®[√k´m WÈ›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 147/2á_ gÆxÔD gÁÈ k·VÔ›]uz ÿ>u¬˛_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. \uÆD ºÔVsÕ>ƒVt WÈ›]uz ˛w¬z gÆxÔD WÈ›]uz (∂_Èm) ÿ>uz Ôı©√[ WÈ›]uz k¶¬z \uÆD º´V‚Ωuz º\u˛KD ∂Á\›>_ ºkı|D. ÷¬ÔÁ¶ s_oB˚Ï kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 136/5á_ ]ÚxÚÔ[ ÂÔˆ_ ]Ú\] s¤BÈ‚∑t Ô/ÿ√. 11 \V.z.s : ` 1,49,607 √VÈ˛Úi[ ∂kÏÔ”¬z ÿƒVÕ>\V™ \Á ®ı 8 \V.z.s. : ` 13,601 \uÆD 9, \Á ®ı 10á¬z ˛w¬zD, \Á ®ı 7á¬z ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 14,961 º\u¬zD, A]B √VÁ>¬z k¶¬zD, kVF¬ÔVK¬z ÿ>u¬˛_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. cˆ\D ®ı 11 : \¬z©√D á ÷¬ÔÁ¶, \¬z©√D 11 \V.z.s : ` 94,260 kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 9 c^· A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_ Ek´VÕ>ÔD º´V‚|¬z ˛w¬ºÔ•D. √VÈ[ x>oBVÏ \V.z.s. : ` 8,569 WÈ›]uz ÿ>uºÔ•D, x›m¬z\V´ƒVt cÁ¶BVÏ WÈ›]uz k¶¬ºÔ•D, ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬˛uz º\uºÔ•D ∂Á\›>_ ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 9,426 ºkı|D. cˆ\D ®ı 8 : Ek´VÕ>ÔD — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ∂ˆRÏ 11 \V.z.s : ` 60,938 kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_ A]B ƒÏºk \V.z.s. : ` 5,540 ®ı 184/5 ∂ˆRÏ º´V‚Ωuz º\u˛KD, ˛w¬z, k¶¬z \uÆD ÿ>u˛_ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 184/5 ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 6,094 (÷¬ÔÁ¶ ∂ˆRÏ º´VΩoÚÕm 50 *‚¶Ï ÿ>VÁÈs_ cˆ\D ®ı 12 : ∏^Á·BVÏz©√DáII — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D). ∏^Á·BVÏz©√D kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ÂV´BƒVt 11 \V.z.s : ` 1,42,065 ®[√kÚ¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 80/3á_ ∂Á\›>_ ºkı|D. ÷>uz ƒ¬z √Õ] ∏^Á·BVÏz©√D \V.z.s. : ` 12,915 º´V‚Ωuz ÿ>uz ÿÔV‚¶VAo WÈ›]uz º\uz, Ôok´>[ ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 14,207 WÈ›]uz ˛w¬z, ÂV´BƒVt WÈ›]uz k¶¬z. 11 \V.z.s : ` 94,052 cˆ\D ®ı 9 : k¶\∫ÔÈD — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ \∫ÔÈD \V.z.s. : ` 8,550 kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 83/2Bá_ ∂Á\Õm^· WR ºÔV_¶[ E‚Ωl_ ]Ú\] s¤BÈ‚∑t Ô/ÿ√. ¤BV™VÏ ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 9,405 ®[√ku¬z ÿƒÕ>\V™ \Á ®ı 24á_, A]B √VÁ>¬z ˛w¬zD, \Á ®ı 32á¬z º\u¬zD, \Á ®ı cˆ\D ®ı 13 : √∫ÌÏ — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ∂ˆRÏ kÚkVF 25á¬z k¶¬zD, \Á ® 23á¬z ÿ>u¬˛_ ∂Á\>_ ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 36/5á_ ]Ú\] ÷Õ]´VË Ô/ ºkı|D. ÿ√. ÿk∫Ôº¶ƒ[ ®[√kÏ WÈ›]_, ∂Úı ÂÔÏ \Á∏ˆ°¬z ˛w¬zD, ∂ˆRÏ ∂™Õ>A´D º´V‚Ωuz 11 \V.z.s : ` 1,60,857 º\u¬ÔD, \ˆBÛÁƒ WÈ›]u¬z k¶¬zD, ´°_ \uÆD √VfiƒVo WÈ›]u¬z ÿ>u¬˛_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. \V.z.s. : ` 14,623 (∂_Èm) ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 16,086 546 LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT [PART - I

÷¬ÔÁ¶ ∂ˆRÏ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 11 \V.z.s. : ` 19,450 50/1á_ ]Ú E[™´V∑ >/ÿ√. ∂ÆxÔD ®[√kÏ WÈ›]_ \V.z.s. : ` 1,768 º´V‚Ωu¬Ô ˛w¬zD ƒÕ]´ºƒÔ´[ WÈ›]u¬z º\u¬zD, ÔVE´V¤ \uÆD ÿ√V[–´∫ÔD WÈ›]u¬z k¶¬zD, ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 1,945 k´>´V∑ WÈ›]u¬z ÿ>u¬˛_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. cˆ\D ®ı 4 : {|mÁ≈ — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ {|mÁ≈ 11 \V.z.s : ` 97,956 kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ kVÏ|áL, ∏·V¬á1, T.S. No. 24 ∂´∑ \V.z.s. : ` 8,905 A≈Dº√V¬z ÷¶›]_ º\uz √z]l_ WÈD L/1/2- kVF¬ÔVK¬z ÿ>uz, WÈD L/1/25 WÈ›]uz k¶¬z, WÈD ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 9,796 L/1/26 WÈ›]uz ˛w¬z, L/1/24 ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]uz *>x^· ÷¶›][ º\uz √z]l_ ∂Á\>_ Ô^ ºkı|D. z›>ÁÔ>V´Ï Ô[MkVF¬ÔV_ º\_ ÔÁ¶¬z ÿƒ_È kƒ]BVÔ ŒÚ ÂÁ¶√VÁ>ÁB ∞u©√|›]¬ÿÔV^· ÔVÁ´¬ÔV_ √z] ºkı|D. I. ÔVÁ´¬ÔV_ xME√Vo‚Ω 11 \V.z.s. : ` 1,39,351 cˆ\D ®ı 1 : ÔVÁ´¬ÔV_º\| — ºÔVl_√›m \V.z.s. : ` 12,668 ÿ´s[R ˛´V\›]_, ¶°[ ƒÏºk ®ı 25/2 pt., kVÏ| ‘C’ ∏·V¬á10 ∂Ú^tz ÁÔÈVƒÂV>Ï∑kVt \uÆD W›]B ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 13,935 Ô_BVÿ√Ú\V^ ºÔVlK¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™ ÷¶›]_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ÷m ∂´∑ kVF¬ÔV”¬z ˛w¬z, II. ºÔV‚|flºƒˆ ÿÔVDR[ √fiƒVB›m º´‚Ωu¬z k¶¬z, ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]uz ÿ>u¬˛_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. cˆ\D ®ı 1 : ÿÔV[™ÔVÿkπ— ÷¬ÔÁ¶ kˆflE¬zΩ 11 \V.z.s. : ` 2,53,950 (k¶¬z) ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 14/1 c^· A[ÿƒF WÈ›]_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. º\u√Ω ÷¶D Ø©∏´V‚Ω @ \V.z.s. : ` 23,086 x_ÁÈBD\V”¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™m. >™√V_ WÈ›]uz ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 25,395 ˛w¬z, Â[¶ÈVÆ ÔÁ≈¬z º\u¬zD \uÆD k¶¬z, √°™VD√V_ WÈ›]uz ÿ>uz ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. cˆ\D ®ı 2 : ∏^Á·› ÿ>ÚkVƒ_ — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ∂´∑¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™ ºÔVs_√›m kÚkVF ˛´V\›Á>fl 11 \V.z.s. : ` 57,092 ºƒÏÕ> kVÏ| D ∏·V¬ 3á_ Ω.®¸. ®ı 10á_ ∂Á\B \V.z.s. : ` 5,190 ºkı|D. ˛w¬zá∏^Á· ÿ>ÚkVƒ_ º´V|, º\uzá kVfiEBVÆ k¶¬z & ÿ>uzákVfiEBVuÆ √|ÁÔ D/3/10 . ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 5,709

11 \V.z.s. : ` 76,138 cˆ\D ®ı 3 : kˆflE¬zΩ—÷¬ÔÁ¶ ∂´∑¬z \V.z.s. : ` 6,922 ÿƒVÕ>\V™ kˆflE¬zΩ (ÿ>uz) kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ R.S. No. 268á_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D.k¶¬ºÔ R.S. No. 269/1, 269/4 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 7,614 \uÆD kˆflE¬zΩá]Úºk‚Á¶¬zΩ º´V‚Ωuz ÿ>uz ÷¬ÔÁ¶ÁBfl ∑u§KD ∑uÆ ∑kÏ ∂Á\›m¬ ÿÔV^· cˆ\D ®ı 3 : >Ï\A´D — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ÔVÁ´¬ÔV_ ºkı|D. kÚkVF ˛´V\D kVÏ| ‘F’ ∏·V¬á1 ¶°[ ƒÏºk ®ı 2 pt.-_ c^· ∂´∑¬z ÿƒVÕ>\V™ WÈ›]_ kVfiEBVÏ guƬz 11 \V.z.s. : ` 32,964 º\uz ÔÁ´l_ ∑|ÔV‚|¬z ÿ>uºÔ, \>z¬z k¶¬ºÔ \V.z.s. : ` 2,997 >Ï\A´D ÿƒ_KD º´V‚|¬z 100 *‚¶Ï #´›]_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 3,296 PART - I] LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT 547

cˆ\D ®ı 4 : ºÔV‚|flºƒˆº\|— ÷¬ÔÁ¶ 11 \V.z.s. : ` 1,02,934 ˇwÔVƒVzΩ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ kVÏ|áI, ∏·V¬á5, T.S. No. 1 & 2 ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D \ı¶√›#Ïá \V.z.s. : ` 9,358 ÔVÁ´¬ÔV_º\| º´V‚Ωuz ˛w¬z, I/5/2 & 3á¬z º\uz, ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 10,293 I/5/1 & 2á¬z k¶¬z, ÿ>uz. 11 \V.z.s. : ` 1,20,120 cˆ\D ®ı 2 : z·¬zΩ— ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ÿ√V[º√›] kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ıÔ^ 2/6, 2/11 c^· \V.z.s. : ` 10,920 A[ÿƒF WÈ›]_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ÷¬ÔÁ¶ Âı¶ÈVÏ ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 12,012 gu≈∫ÔÁ´loÚÕm 20 *‚¶Ú¬Ô©√V_ ∂Á\B ºkı|D, ÷Õ> ÷¶D T, ∂ÚVflƒÈ›]uzfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™m. — cˆ\D ®ı 5 : ºÔV‚|flºƒˆ ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ºÔV‚|flºƒˆ ˛w¬ºÔ ∑©√´\ËB[ WÈxD º\u¬ºÔ ºkÈV•>D WÈxD kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 43 pt. ∂´∑¬z Â[¶ÈVÆ ÔÁ≈¬z ÿ>u¬z, k¶¬ºÔ ∂ÚVƒÈD ÿƒVÕ>\V™ ÂV‚¶VÆ kVFÔV_ ÔÁ≈l^ ∂Á\>_ WÈ›]uzD ∂Á\›>_ ºkı|D. ºkı|D. k¶¬z ZáƒÏºk ®ı 42, º\uz ZáƒÏºk ®ı 44, ˛w¬z ZáƒÏºk ®ı 57 \uÆD ÿ>uz ZáƒÏºk (∂_Èm) ®ı 55. ZáƒÏºk ®ı 2/2, ÿ√V[º√›] kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ 11 \V.z.s. : ` 89,905 ºkÈV•>›]uz ÿƒVÕ>\V™ ÷¶›]_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. \V.z.s. : ` 8,173 k¶¬z Âı¶ÈVÆ ˛w¬zDáÿ>uzD ºkÈV•>D ÂfiÁƒ ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 8,991 WÈD, º\uz ´V\ƒVt AfiÁƒ WÈD. 11 \V.z.s. : ` 71,275 cˆ\D ®ı 6 : \ı¶√›mVÏ— ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ]Úºk‚¶¬zΩ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_ A]B ƒÏºk \V.z.s. : ` 6,480 ®ı 226/4 & 9á÷_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. k¶¬z ZáƒÏºk ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 7,128 ®ı 226/2,3 \uÆD 225/5 ÿ>uz ZáƒÏºk ®ı 226/5, 240/4, ˛w¬z 226/9,227/1,2A, 3A, 3B, 339/2,3. º\uz cˆ\D ®ı 3 : ∂[™kVƒ_— ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ÿÂ|∫ÔV| 226/1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 22/2á_ ]Ú\] (∂_Èm) Ú¬\˺>s Ô/ÿ√. º¶ƒ[ ∂kÏÔ”¬z ÿƒVÕ>\V™ ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ]Úºk‚¶¬zΩ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ZáƒÏºk ÷¶›]_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ZáƒÏºk ®ı 22/3á¬z ®ı 230/2 ∂Ú^tz ]Úº\M ∂wÔÏ ºÔVlK¬zfl ˛w¬˛KD, ZáƒÏºk ®ı 22/1á¬z º\u˛KD, ZáƒÏºk ÿƒVÕ>\V™ ÷¶›]_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. k¶¬z ZáƒÏºk ®ı 16á_ ∂Á\Õ]Ú¬zD zD√ºÔVD º´V‚Ωuz ®ı 230/1, ÿ>uz 232/2, ˛w¬z ZáƒÏºk ®ı 235/1®, ÿ>u˛KD, ZáƒÏºk ®ı 19á_ ÂV‚¶VÏ kVF¬ÔVK¬z 1∏ º\uz 229/5∏. k¶¬˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D.

11 \V.z.s. : ` 30,342 11 \V.z.s. : ` 41,903

\V.z.s. : ` 2,758 \V.z.s. : ` 3,809 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 3,034 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 4,190

III. ÿÂ|∫ÔV| ÿÔVDR[ √fiƒVB›m cˆ\D ®ı 4: kV]lÚ©A ƒVÁÈ— ÷¬ÔÁ¶, cˆ\D ®ı 1 : Â_ÈV›mVÏ— ÷¬ÔÁ¶ zÚD√Ô´D ÿÂ|∫ÔV| kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ∂´∑¬zfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 2/4á_ c^· ∂´∑ R.S. No. 281/4á_ ∂Á\B ºkı|D. z›>ÁÔ¬ÔV´Ï A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_ Âı¶ÈVu§[ ÿ>uz¬ ÔÁ´l_ Ô[MkVF¬ÔVK¬z º\_ √VÁ> ∂Á\›>_ ºkı|D. Am√VÈ›m¬z ˛w¬ºÔ º\È√|ÁÔ º´V‚|¬z k¶¬ºÔ ˛w¬ºÔ R.S. No. 281/5, º\uºÔ R.S. No. 281/1C. ÿ>uºÔ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. R.S. No. 281/5, k¶¬ºÔ R.S. No. 281/1C. 548 LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT [PART - I

11 \V.z.s. : ` 30,446 11 \V.z.s. : ` 82,375 \V.z.s. : ` 2,768 \V.z.s. : ` 7,489 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 3,045 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 8,237 cˆ\D ®ı 4 : W´s— ÷¬ÔÁ¶ W´s kÚkVF IV. W´s ÿÔVDR[ √fiƒVB›m ˛´V\›]_ ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈD ZáƒÏºk ®ı 55/3á_ ∂Á\B ºkı|D. º´V‚|¬z k¶¬z, ]Ú\ÁÈ´V¤™VÏ cˆ\D ®ı 1 : \V™Vx‚Ω— ÷¬ÔÁ¶, sø]RÏ gu§uz ÿ>uz, ZáƒÏºk ®ı 55/2á¬z º\uz kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 54 c^· ∂´∑¬zfl √™∫ÔV‚¶V∫zΩ º´V‚|¬z ˛w¬z. ÿƒVÕ>\V™ Â[ÿƒF WÈ›]_ ÔV∫ºÔB[ kVF¬ÔV_ ÔÁ´¬z› ÿ>[A≈›]_ 10 *‚¶Ï ÿ>VÁÈsKD \V™VD√‚| (∂_Èm) º´V‚Ω[ º\uz A≈›]_ 45 *‚¶Ï ÿ>VÁÈsKD ∂Á\>_ ÷¬ÔÁ¶ W´s kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ∂Ú^\Ë ºƒÔÚ¬zfl ºkı|D. ÿƒVÕ>\V™ WÈD ZáƒÏºk ®ı 59/6pt. ∂Á\B ºkı|D. ÿ>uz gu≈∫ÔÁ´ º´V|, º\uz ÂÁ¶√VÁ>, ˛w¬z 11 \V.z.s. : ` 1,76,588 ZáƒÏºk ®ı 59/9, k¶¬z ZáƒÏºk ®ı 59/6. \V.z.s. : ` 16,053 (∂_Èm) ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 17,659 ÷¬ÔÁ¶ W´s kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ·\Ô´V¤[ z\V´Ï ∑©√´\ËB[ ÿƒVÕ>\V™ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 59/5B ∂Á\›>_ cˆ\D ®ı 2 : ØÕº>V‚¶D º´V|— ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ºkı|D. ÷m ÿ>uz ZáƒÏºk ®ı 59/5A, k¶¬ºÔ sø]RÏ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ gu≈∫ÔÁ´ º´V|D, º\uºÔ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 59/5B, ˛w¬z ZáƒÏºk ®ı 7/6á_ ]Ú ÿ¤ÔÂV>–¬z ÿƒVÕ>\V™ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 59/3. ÷¶›]_ ØÕº>V‚¶D º´V‚ΩoÚÕm 20 *‚¶Ú¬z ∂©√V_ 11 \V.z.s. : ` 99,931 ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ZáƒÏºk ®ı 7/5á¬z ˛w¬z, ZáƒÏºk \V.z.s. : ` 9,085 ®ı 7/7á¬z º\uz, ZáƒÏºk ®ı 7/6, 7/8á¬z ÿ>uz ZáƒÏºk ®ı 7/9á¬z k¶¬˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 9,993

(∂_Èm) V. ]Ú\ÁÈ´VB[√‚Ω™D ÿÔVDR[ √fiƒVB›m ÷¬ÔÁ¶ sø]RÏ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı cˆ\D ®ı 1 : kVfiÛÏ — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ kVfiÛÏ kÚkVF 157/2á_ ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 106 pt. ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z k¶¬z ZáƒÏºk ®ı 18 ÿƒ_ŸÏ kÚkVF ˛´V\D ∂´ƒÈVÆ, kVF¬ÔV_ ÔÁ≈l_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ZáƒÏºk ®ı 104- ÿ>uz ZáƒÏºk ®ı 157/4 ºƒ≠JÁÈ kΩkVF¬ÔV_ ˛w¬z ¬z k¶¬z, ZáƒÏºk ®ı 108¬z ÿ>uzD, ZáƒÏºk ®ı 105 ZáƒÏºk ®ı 157/3 ÂÁ¶√VÁ>, º\uz ZáƒÏºk ®ı 157/1 ˛w¬zD \uÆD >tµ ÂV| ∞_ÁȬz º\u¬zD ∂Á\>_ ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z ∂ÔÈ∫Ôıb ÿƒ_KD ka. ºkı|D. 11 \V.z.s. : ` 8,43,681 11 \V.z.s. : ` 3,45,230 \V.z.s. : ` 76,698 \V.z.s. : ` 31,385 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 84,368 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 34,523 cˆ\D ®ı 2 : º\ÁÈRÏ— ÷¬ÔÁ¶ º\ÁÈRÏ cˆ\D ®ı 3 : ÔV¬ÔVxa— ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ˇw\Á™ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 92/8 ]‚¶flºƒˆ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 38/1 ∂´∑ º´V‚Ωuz 50 *‚¶Ï ∂©√V_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ÷Õ> A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_ #mº√V™JÁÈ º´V‚Ωuz ÷¶D Â|¬ÔD yÏ›> sÂVBÔÏ ºÔVsK¬z ÿƒVÕ>\V™m 3 *‚¶Ú¬z ∂©√VKD kVF¬ÔVK¬z 2 *‚¶Ú¬Ô©√VKD \uÆD ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ∑|¬ÔV‚| √VÁ>loÚÕm 40 *‚¶Ï ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ÿ>VÁÈs_ ∂Á\›>_ ºkı|D. PART - I] LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT 549

11 \V.z.s. : ` 2,37,075 cˆ\D ®ı 4 : ]ÚÂ^·VÆ— ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ]ÚÂ^·VÆ \V.z.s. : ` 21,552 kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 67/7á_ c^· ÷¶D, ZáƒÏºk ®ı 67/1 kVF¬ÔV_ k¶¬z \uÆD º\u˛KD, ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 23,708 ZáƒÏºk ®ı 69/8 ˛w¬˛KD, 67/6 \uÆD 69/7 ÿ>u˛KD cˆ\D ®ı 3 : ˇÁwRÏ (k¶¬z) — ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ÷>uÔV™ √VÁ> ÔıË kVF¬ÔVo[º\_ ∞È>V´Ï ˇÁwRÏ (k¶¬z) kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 44/2 ∂Á\Õm^·VÏ. ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z ÷¶›]_ ∂Á\>_ ºk|D. ˛w¬z \uÆD k¶Ôz ÔV´©√V z·D ZáƒÏºk ®ı 44/3 \uÆD 11 \V.z.s. : ` 55,301 44/1 º\uz \Ô›º>V©A º´V| ÿ>uz ZáƒÏºk ®ı 45/1. \V.z.s. : ` 5,027

11 \V.z.s. : ` 2,66,228 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 5,530 \V.z.s. : ` 24,203 cˆ\D ®ı 5 : ∑´¬zΩ— ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ∂´∑ A≈Dº√V¬z ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 26,623 WÈD ZáƒÏºk ®ı 187/3á÷_ º>k\VA´D kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ˛w¬z ZáƒÏºk ®ı 153/2, ∑´¬zΩ kÚkVF ˛´V\D, º\uz VI. ]ÚÂ^·VÆ ÿÔVDR[ √fiƒVB›m ±ÈVÆ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 186 º>k\VA´D kÚkVF ˛´V\D cˆ\D ®ı 1 : ∂D√Ô´›mVÏ— ÷¬ÔÁ¶, ∂D√Ô´›#Ï \uÆD ZáƒÏºk ®ı 153/2 ∑´¬zΩ kÚkVF ˛´V\D kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ 96/2 pt. A]B ƒÏºk ®ı ÿÔVı¶ ÷ku§uz ÿ>uºÔ º>k\VA´D kÚkVF ˛´V\D ZáƒÏºk ®ı A≈Dº√V¬z WÈ›]_ ∂D√Ô´›mVÏ º´V‚Ωuz 30 193á¬z k¶¬z ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. 11 \V.z.s. : ` 1,17,383 (∂_Èm) \V.z.s. : ` 10,671 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 11,738 ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 180/4/B ∑´¬zΩ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ]Ú. V. ∂Ú^\Ë ºƒÔ´–¬z ÿƒVÕ>\V™ ÷¶›]_ k¶¬z cˆ\D ®ı 2 : ºƒ›#Ï— ÷¬ÔÁ¶ ÿÂ_ÈøÕ#Ï ZáƒÏºk ®ı 180/1, ÿ>uz ZáƒÏºk ®ı 180/3, ˛w¬z kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 88/4á_ c^· ∂´∑ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 180/6. º\u¬ºÔ ZáƒÏºk ®ı 180/4A/1 \uÆD A≈Dº√V¬z ÷¶›]_, ZáƒÏºk ®ı 88/3 ˛w¬z \uÆD ZáƒÏºk ®ı 180/4A/2 ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. k¶¬˛KD ÿÂ_ÈøÕ#Ï ∑|ÔV‚Ωuz ÿƒ_KD º´V‚Ω[ ÿ>uz \uÆD º\u˛KD ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. 11 \V.z.s. : ` 58,997

11 \V.z.s. : ` 2,75,906 \V.z.s. : ` 5,363

\V.z.s. : ` 25,082 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 5,900 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 27,591 cˆ\D ®ı 6 : ∂›]©√|ÁÔ— ÷¬ÔÁ¶, º√‚Á¶ cˆ\D ®ı 3 : ÿ>[™∫zΩ— ÷¬ÔÁ¶, ÿ>[™∫zΩ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_ A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 141/6/pt. &145/2 pt.á_ kÚkVF ˛´V\›]_. A]B ƒÏºk ®ı 217/ pt.á_ c^· ∂´∑¬z gu≈∫ÔÁ´, ƒVÁȬz k¶¬ºÔ ]ÚÂ^·VÆ ÿƒVÕ>\V™ \Á™l_ √ıÁ kVF¬ÔV_ º\uz ÔÁ´l_, p>Ï√V´ıºB¸k´¸kVt º>k¸>V™›]uzfl ÿƒVÕ>\V™ \V#Ï º´V‚Ω_ ÿ>[A≈›]oÚÕm 30 *‚¶Ú¬z ∂©√V_ ÷¶›]_ ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. ∂Á\>_ ºkı|D. 11 \V.z.s. : ` 89,847 11 \V.z.s. : ` 2,44,825 \V.z.s. : ` 22,257 \V.z.s. : ` 8,168 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 24,483 ∏.ÿ>V. : ` 8,985 550 LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT [PART - I

GOVERNMENT OF PUDUCHERRY bidders are liable to pay the rental to the Government DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE AND DISASTER for the entire lease period of 11 months from MANAGEMENT 01-08-2020 to 30-06-2021 on the monthly rent at which the shops have been knocked down by them. The sale No. 1821/DCE/TP/AUC/2020-21. of the shops in each of the region will be conducted by Puducherry, the 25th July 2020. the Deputy Commissioner (Excise) and it will commence on the date and time given below : NOTICE OF SALE OF TODDY AND ARRACK Sl. Name of the Date Time SHOPS LICENCES FOR THE PERIOD No. region FROM 01-08-2020 TO 30-06-2021 (1) (2) (3) (4) Pursuant to the provisions contained in rule 144 in Chapter–IX of the Puducherry Excise Rules, 1970, PUDUCHERRY the following notification is published for the 1 Arrack 01-08-2020 12.00 noon to information of the public. (Saturday) 01.00 p.m. or till bid continues. NOTIFICATION 2 Toddy 01-08-2020 03.00 p.m. to Public are hereby informed that the application of (Saturday) 04.00 p.m. or till the lessees to whom exclusive privilege of selling bid continues. Toddy and Arrack were leased out for the period from KARAIKAL 01-07-2019 to 30-06-2020 of the lease year 2019-20 1 Arrack 01-08-2020 12.00 noon to and who have applied for renewal of their lease as per (Saturday) 01.00 p.m. or till the Rules 144 and 156-A of the Puducherry Excise bid continues. Rules, 1970 have been accepted and the lease of the 2 Toddy 01-08-2020 03.00 p.m. to Arrack shops specified in Schedule–I and Toddy shops (Saturday) 04.00 p.m. or till specified in Schedule-II are renewed and leased out to bid continues. the same lessees for the lease period from 01-08-2020 to 30-06-2021. The lease period may likely 3. The sale shall be subject to the provisions of to be extended or reduced as and when the the Puducherry Excise Act and Rules, 1970 and the Government thinks fit. conditions herein set forth. 2. The exclusive privilege of selling Toddy and Conditions of Sale Arrack in the unrenewed shops for the lease period from 01-08-2020 to 30-06-2021 for the lease year 1. The sales shall commence at the time and on the 2020-21 subject to the provisions of Rules, 144 and date indicated above and the same shall continue until 156-A of Puducherry Excise Rules, 1970 as furnished the offers of bid cease. in Schedule-III (specified for Arrack shops) and 2. (a) The lease period is from 1-8-2020 to Schedule-IV (specified for Toddy shops) situated in 30-6-2021 of the lease year 2020-21, and which is Puducherry and Karaikal regions, will be disposed of not likely to be renewable for next lease year as per by auction through online auction platform/website rule 144 since, the current year is the third and last having URL viz.; lease year of block year 2018-2021. As such, all the shops will be auctioned afresh for the next lease year. The lease period may likely to be extended or reduced However, the shops for which the application for as and when the Government thinks fit. renewal of lease as prescribed in rule 156-A of the (b) Those Arrack and Toddy shops which are Puducherry Excise Rules, 1970 is received before the cancelled/terminated in the midst of the lease year for date notified for auction, will be scrutinised, and if reason of non payment of kist, Bank Guarantee (or) any accepted, such shops will not be auctioned. The final other reason, will not be considered for renewal for the list of shops to be auctioned will be displayed at subsequent lease year as provided under Rule 144 of 10.00 a.m. on the day of auction at the respective Puducherry Excise Rule, 1970. Office of Deputy Commissioner (Excise). The 3. The details of the location, upset price for 11 intending bidders shall offer their bids on a monthly months, monthly upset price, Earnest Money Deposit basis for the duration of the lease period. The successful (EMD) and guaranteed quota per day of the shops for PART - I] LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT 551 which auction is to be conducted are furnished in (iv) A certificate from the concerned Tahsildar Schedule-III and IV of this Notification. The sale to the effect that the person has paid off all conditions and the list of shops on sale will also be outstanding arrears due to the Government and displayed on the online platform/website at the above the Municipalities/Commune Panchayats of this stated address. Union Territory. 4. Any person desiring to participate in the auction (v) A certificate from a Gazetted Officer or M.L.A. shall furnish the following certificates to the Deputy Commissioner (Excise) along with the application or M.P. that the bidder has not been sentenced by any prescribed for the purpose by 5.00 p.m. of 31-07-2020 Court of Law for an offence involving moral turpitude. without fail. The application in this regard may be (vi) Birth Certificate/Age proof. obtained from the Office of the Deputy Commissioner (Excise). 5. A person shall be disqualified from participating (i) A challan for payment of Earnest Money in the auction if he/she,— Deposit to an amount equal to 10% of the 11 months upset price for the shop. (i) is a minor or an undischarged insolvent or is of unsound mind; or (ii) A certificate as to the solvency of the tenderer shall be produced from the concerned (ii) is holding an office of profit under Union Territory, Tahsildar, for an amount exceeding the annual State or Central Government; or lease amount. The tenderer shall simultaneously (iii) has not paid any arrears of Government, produce the title deeds for the property as reflected in the solvency certificate afore-stated, to the Municipality/Commune Panchayat dues or Excise dues Deputy Commissioner (Excise). The intending or Sales tax dues; or bidder may also produce a Bank guarantee (iv) has been sentenced by any Court of Law for an equivalent to the said amount in lieu of the offence involving moral turpitude. solvency certificate. Before a property is offered as security the intending bidder shall ensure 6. The intending bidders shall furnish an undertaking that the property offered as security is free from to the Deputy Commissioner (Excise) in Form-U-1 all encumbrances and he possesses the title appended in Annexure-III before the day of auction. In the deeds in original. Only properties situated in the Union territory of Puducherry shall be event of the intending bidder being declared as offered as security and covered in the solvency Provisional Auction Purchaser by the Deputy certificates. The intending bidder is permitted Commissioner (Excise), he/she shall enter into an to bid only up to 1/11th of the total solvency agreement if necessary along with his/her surety as the amount produced by him before the Deputy case may be, with the Deputy Commissioner (Excise) in Commissioner (Excise). The bidder is strictly the agreement form prescribed in Annexure-II and also prohibited from bidding beyond the limit furnish an undertaking in Form U-2 appended in prescribed for him/her in this regard. In case he/ Annexure-IV, within 24 hours of being so declared. she offers bids for more than one shop, the aggregate of all such bids should be within the 7. (i) The intending bidder shall offer their bids through prescribed limit as determined by the solvency online auction platform having URL viz.:– produced. In case he/she offers bid beyond this limit the same will be considered as void ab initio and will not be considered for any purpose. For this purpose the intending bidders who satisfy all the conditions will use password, user name and alter-name Note: If the intending bidder proposes to rely on the solvency of his/her sureties, he/she shall also to maintain their confidentiality. The intending bidder can furnish an undertaking in the form prescribed in enter his bid for any Toddy or Arrack shop from any place Annexure-I along with the title deeds referred to therein. at the time and date notified above by having access to (iii) Additional EMD and solvency may be auction site in the Internet through his password and submitted on the day of auction before 10.30 a.m. user-name. The identity of the bidder will be kept for auctions scheduled for the afternoon on the confidential; however, the bid will be registered and bid same day and before 5.00 p.m. for auctions amount alone will be displayed. A training will be scheduled for the next day so that the additional imparted to the bidders who desire to have such training EMD and solvency may be registered in the website. in the auction procedure prior to the conduct of auction. 552 LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT [PART - I

(ii) The minimum bid amount shall be Rs. 1000 for Provided that the Excise Commissioner and Arrack shops and Rs. 200 for Toddy shops or the multiples the Deputy Commissioner (Excise) shall have of such amount subject to a ceiling of Rs. 2,000 for Toddy powers to accept or reject such securities of the and Rs. 10,000 for Arrack shops per bid. non-nationalised scheduled banks for the reasons to be recorded in writing. (iii) Any bid offered within the concluding 15 minutes of the auction will have 15 minutes of time from (b) execute and register an agreement of such bid for registering a counter bid. Similarly, counter lease (in Form L.A. as prescribed under the rules) bids will also have fresh 15 minutes time to improve the with the Government incorporating the terms and bid. The bidding thereafter will come to a close in the conditions under which the right of retail vend of liquor event of no bidding (inactivity) for 15 minutes and the is leased in his/her favour within 15 working days amount last quoted shall be construed as the highest from the date of receipt of the confirmation order; bid offered for the said shop. (c) mortgage [in Form D.M.1] the property (iv) The auction will be conducted through online offered as security towards the lease amount due auction platform in the regional language i.e. in Tamil. to Government after paying five months kist as (v) The Excise Department shall not be responsible security deposit and one month advance kist, the for any unforeseen external disturbances preventing the property being not less than 11 months rental intending bidder from participating in the auction through amount due to Government. The mortgage deed the Internet. shall also be registered within 15 working days (vi) After the shops are thus auctioned, the Deputy from the date of receipt of the confirmation order Commissioner (Excise) may provisionally accept for the 12 months rental amount due to Government the highest amount quoted at the auction on the next at the time of execution of Mortgage Deed. day at 9.00 a.m. (2) If the person fails to furnish the security 8. The Deputy Commissioner may, for reasons to be deposit in full as mentioned in sub-clause (1)(a) recorded in writing, postpone the auction to any other day within 15 working days of receipt of the confirmation notified by him. The undisposed shops shall be disposed of order, the confirmation order shall stand by the Deputy Commissioner (Excise) after fixing another date. automatically cancelled without notice and the right 9. The Deputy Commissioner may reject any bid offered of retail vend shall be offered to the next highest for any reason to be recorded in writing. bidder by the Excise Commissioner, if the offer 9. (a) Single bid will be accepted for all Arrack/Toddy made by the next bidder is not less than 90% of the shop by the Deputy Commissioner (Excise) depending highest bid.The earnest money deposit made by upon the situation. such person shall be liable to be forfeited to the Government by the Excise Commissioner and the 10. The acceptance of a bid by the officer conducting person shall also be liable for loss of revenue, if the sale shall be subject to confirmation by the any, on account of reauction consequently. Government. The order of the confirmation or refusal to confirm shall be communicated to the person concerned, (3) If the person in whose favour the within a reasonable time. disposal is confirmed fails to execute and register an agreement of lease and mortgage the property 11. As per Rule 156 : offered as security for the annual lease amount for (1) The person whose bid is confirmed shall— the lease period, and register the mortgage deed (a) remit into the State Bank of India or the within 15 working days from the date of receipt of Government Treasury, or open a term deposit or the confirmation order, the confirmation order shall fixed deposit or bank guarantee in the name of the be automatically cancelled without notice and the Deputy Commissioner (Excise) in any scheduled deposit made by such person shall be forfeited bank in the Union territory of Puducherry, as and the right of retail vend of liquor shall be given security deposit equal to five months bid amount to next highest bidder by the Excise Commissioner of the knocking down price within 15 working days if the offer made by him is not less than 90% of the from the date of communication of the confirmation highest bid, or shall be reauctioned by the Excise order, deduction being made of the earnest money Commissioner if the next highest bidder refuses deposited earlier : to accept the offer. PART - I] LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT 553

12. The successful bidder, as the case may be, will 16. The rates of duty, on the several kinds of excisable not be required to fulfil the conditions specified in articles are, as follows:— sub-clauses (1)(a) and (1)(c) of the foregoing clause if (i) Arrack .. Rs. 1,215 per bulk he/she has already paid the entire knocking down price. hectolitre of pure alcohol. 13. On the provisions of clause 11 being complied (Rs. 4.50 per litre) with the licence shall be issued to run the shop. No (ii) Tree-tax per tree,— lessee shall be entitled to exercise the right of retail vend of liquor until the licence is issued to him/her. (a) Coconut tree .. Re. 1 for 6 months (b) Sago palm tree .. Rs. 4 per year 14. The earnest money deposit will be refunded to the unsuccessful bidders. (c) Palm tree .. Re. 1 per year (d) Date-tree .. Re. 1 per year. 15. (1) (i) The lease period shall commence from the dates on which the lessee is permitted to run the shop (iii) Tree-rent for .. Rs. 1.75 per tree per year and the 11 months rent is payable in 11 equal monthly Government tree instalments. (iv) The strength of arrack is about 37°. (ii) The lessee shall pay the monthly kist in advance on or before the 30th or 31st or the last working day of the 17. (1) The Excise Duty on arrack shall be collected preceding month. The advance kist for the first month shall by the Distillery and paid to the Government account. be paid within five days from the date of confirmation order . (2) In addition to the rent (lease amount) which (2) Failure to pay the next months kist in advance shall be payable as indicated in clause 15, the tree-tax before the due date shall render the licence liable to be and tree-rent in full in respect of Government trees and cancelled by the Excise Commissioner within 30 days tree-tax in full in respect of private trees shall be paid and after giving notice and the shop will be put to reauction. the challan enclosed with the application to be made to the Excise Inspector for the issue of a tapping licence. (3) In case the lessee pays the advance kist with interest of 9% before reauction, the Excise Commissioner 18. Arrack shall be sold to the lessees at the price may permit him to run the shop. However, the cost of fixed by the Puducherry Distilleries Limited, from time to advertisement regarding re-auction of the shops time. The lessees shall enter into an agreement with the published in the newspapers shall be recovered from Puducherry Distilleries Limited (A Government of the defaulting lessees. Puducherry Undertaking), Puducherry that they will abide (4) In addition to the interest, the defaulting lessee by the price fixed and other terms and conditions laid by shall be jointly and severally liable for the loss that may the Puducherry Distilleries Limited before drawal of accrue to the Government as a result of the reauction arrack. This is exclusive of the Excise Duty, Sales Tax and made for the remaining period. The arrears of the monthly Income-Tax and the Central Income-Tax Act at the rates in kist and the loss accrued to the Government shall be force from time to time. recovered as arrears of land revenue under the 19. (1) The lessee selling arrack in retail should only provisions of the Puducherry Revenue Recovery Act, 1970. use capacity measures of 100 and 50 mililitres and in bottles. The lessee shall lift 50% of the quota of arrack (5) The Deputy Commissioner (Excise) may stop the in cans and 50% of the quota in bottles (including issue of liquor or tapping of trees for realisation of the Coloured/Flavoured arrack of at least 0.5%) and it shall kist amount, tree tax and tree rent. be reviewed from time to time. (6) The security deposit of the licensee shall be (2) The Government shall reserve the right to fix from adjusted towards the rent of the last five months of the time to time, during the currency of the lease, the sales lease period. The interest, if any, accrued from a term tax, excise duty and the alcoholic strength of arrack to be deposit or fixed deposit made under the Puducherry supplied to the lessees. Excise Rules in the name of the Deputy Commissioner (Excise) in the nationalised bank or scheduled bank shall be 20. (1) No arrack except that is obtained from adjusted against such sum, if any, as may be found due the Government Distillery or any other Distillery or to the Government under the Puducherry Excise Rules, 1970 Depot duly authorised by the Government in this and the balance remaining shall be refunded to the behalf shall be kept or sold in the premises depositor. licensed to sell arrack. 554 LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT [PART - I

(2) The lessee shall be entitled to draw arrack fixed for the shop. Where such taking over of the stock by as per the quota per day prescribed for each arrack the succeeding licensee is not possible, the Deputy shop in Schedule-I appended. Commissioner (Excise) may arrange for the disposal (3) The lessee shall lift the minimum guaranteed of the balance in any manner as he thinks fit and the quota regularly and on no account the lessees shall not amount realised by such disposal shall be disbursed lift below 50% of the quantum of the minimum of to the previous year's licensee. guaranteed quota in a particular month. Failure to lift the (11) The arrack kept in the shop and the arrack sold 50% of the minimum guaranteed quota in a particular shall be unadulterated and undiluted and it shall be of month shall lead to cancellation of the licence by the the same quality and strength as issued from the Excise Commissioner. Government Distillery or any other Distillery or Depot duly (4) The Deputy Commissioner may, for any authorised by the Government. special reason, permit the licensee to lift the short 21. The use of metric weights and measures, in all drawn guaranteed quantity pertaining to any the licensed shops is compulsory. particular month other than May and June in the next succeeding month. 22. (1) The responsibility to secure suitable sites for location of the shops within the boundaries (5) The Excise Commissioner may whenever he specified in the Schedule-I to Schedule-IV shall solely deems it necessary, permit the licensee to lift the short rest with the lessee. He shall not be entitled to any drawn guaranteed quantity of any month other than the claim for compensation on the plea of non-availability months of May and June in any subsequent month or months. of suitable sites within the boundaries specified in the (6) The licensee shall not claim lifting of such short Schedule-I to Schedule-IV. No claim also will be drawn guaranteed quantity as a matter of right and shall entertained regarding the non-suitability of the sites be liable to pay the full agreed kist; whether or not he/she selected. The lessee of a shop who occupies the site is permitted by the Excise Commissioner or Deputy during a lease year should vacate the site immediately Commissioner (Excise) as the case may be, to lift the after the lease period is over and hand over short drawn quantity of arrack of a month in the succeeding possession of the same to the successful lessee of month or in any of the subsequent months. the shops in question for the next lease year. Similarly, the lessee should hand over the site to the next lessee, if (7) The licensee shall have an option to pay the entire the shop is re-auction in the midst of lease year by default kist and to lift such short drawn guaranteed quantity in on the part of lessee. the succeeding month or any of the subsequent months, as he may be permitted by the Excise Commissioner. (2) The shops should be built in such a way that they do not encroach on pavements, streets or public (8) No such short drawn guaranteed quantity shall thoroughfares. The running of the shops beyond the be permitted to be lifted beyond 30th June. specified limits in the Schedule-I to Schedule-IV is prohibited and the sale of toddy or arrack outside the (9) The licensee of arrack shop shall not claim supply licensed premises is also prohibited. of arrack over and above the guaranteed quantity fixed for his shop provided, however, that subject to availability, (3) Subject to the provisions of clause (1) wherever the excess quantity required may be allowed to be drawn the lessee chooses a site belonging to the Government subject to the payment of additional kist proportionate to or a local body within the boundaries specified in the excess quantity allowed to be drawn and such other Schedule-I to IV as the case may be, he/she shall pay terms and conditions as may be determined by the such fair rent, as may be fixed by the Revenue Department. Excise Commissioner. 23. If during the currency of the lease period, the (10) Any balance of arrack held in stock by the shifting of a shop beyond the boundaries specified in licensee at the expiry of the term of the previous the Schedule-I to IV is considered necessary, the year's licence shall be taken over by the succeeding licensing authority, may, for reasons to be recorded in licensee after payment of issue price fixed therefor. writing, direct the shifting of a shop from one place to Such balance taken over by the succeeding licensee another and the licensee shall not be entitled to any shall be adjusted against the guaranteed quantity compensation on account of such shifting. PART - I] LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT 555

24. Each shop shall have over the main entrance made by the lessee. It shall indicate the name of the a signboard bearing the words ''Toddy/Arrack Shop lessee, the number of the shop, the place from where No.....'' written in regional language in letters of not toddy is brought, the quantity to be carried, the place to less than 10 centimeters height and size. which it is taken, the means of conveyance and the time within which it has to be carried to its destination. 25. The shops shall be kept open on all days from 6.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. Special authorisation may be 29. No remission shall be granted in cases where the granted by the concerned Deputy Commissioners for arrack shop remains closed on account of non-supply of keeping the shops open beyond the prescribed hours. arrack for not exceeding seven consecutive working days.

26. The licence cannot be sub-leased and it shall not 30. Toddy intended for sale in the shop should be pure be transferred except with the previous permission of the of good quality, unadulterated either with water or with licensing authority. However, in the event of death of a any other extraneous substances. licensee, the running of the shop can be entrusted to the heirs with the consent of the sureties. If either the sureties 31. The lessees shall not employ— withdraws the security or if the heirs do not undertake to (a) persons below the age of 18 years; and run the shop, the lease shall be terminated and the (b) persons suffering from any contagious licence cancelled and the shop shall be reauctioned in disease. the prescribed manner. (c) any women 27. (1) The transport of arrack shall always be, covered 32. Liquor should not be sold or otherwise given to the by a permit issued by the Office of the Deputy following persons:— Commissioner (Excise), Puducherry in the prescribed (a) insane persons; form. (b) persons known or believed to be drunk; (2) The permits shall be carefully kept by the lessee (c) persons known or suspected about to take and handed over on the 10th of each month to the part in a riot or disturbance of public peace or concerned Tahsildar or Deputy Tahsildar, as the case commission of any crime; may be, along with a balance-sheet in duplicate (d) persons below the age of 18 years. relating to the trading in the shop in respect of the previous month. Such balance-sheet shall indicate the 33. No quantity of liquor should be allowed to be taken day-wise quantity of liquor procured and that sold and out of the shop except to the extent permitted by rules. shall mention the selling price and the stock. It should 34. Gambling, dancing, gathering, feasting or any kind be consistent with the account books maintained by of entertainment or unlawful act should not be permitted the lessee. The movement of arrack shall be prohibited in the shop. between 6.00 p.m. and 6.00 a.m. 35. The lessee shall give due intimation to the police 28. Stocking of toddy or arrack in any place other than officers of any thief or persons suspected to have the licensed premises is prohibited. Toddy should be committed any offence when such person is in the shop. carried straight from the tapped trees to the licensed shop 36. The following days shall be observed as dry days bearing the number marked on the tree. The toddy shop lessee should compulsorily provide the toddy tappers and on those days all Toddy and Arrack shops shall employed by him with a permit indicating the correct location remain closed and there shall be no sales of toddy and and the number of trees to be tapped as well as the arrack. No arrack will be supplied for the dry days to the number of the shop for which toddy is extracted. Such lessees of Arrack shops : permit signed by the lessee should be produced upon (1) Gandhi Jayanthi Day ; request by the inspecting staff. If the said permit is not (2) The Government shall have the right to order the produced tapping shall be considered as fraudulent and closing of the Toddy and Arrack shops for reasons of the persons concerned shall be liable to the penalties security or law and order or any other purpose on the prescribed, by the rules in force. In respect of shops following days : situated in the enclaves, the movement of toddy should always be covered by a transit pass issued by the (a) On the date of election and on two preceding concerned Deputy Commissioner upon application days ; 556 LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT [PART - I

(b) On any other days as may be intimated by 44. (a) No trees shall be tapped nor toddy drawn from the Deputy Commissioner (Excise) concerned. the assigned trees until the trees have been marked. Trees may, however, be prepared for tapping after the 37. No liquor shall be sold except for cash. tree-tax is paid. 38. (1) No persons other than the one duly authorised (b) No lessee shall permit tapping of any trees, not by the lessee by an authorisation shall be in-charge of registered with the Excise Department. In the event of the shop. any violation, not only will the tapper be liable for action (2) The authorisation shall be given in consultation but the lessee also will be liable to be prosecuted by closure of the shop, after suspending the licence. with the Deputy Commissioner (Excise) and the lessee shall be bound by all acts of the persons so authorised. 45. In the case of the date-trees, tapping period shall 39. The lessee shall report breach of the conditions be ordinarily four months but in special cases the Deputy Commissioner may grant extension which shall of the licence or the provisions of the Puducherry Excise not exceed one month. Act, 1970 or the rules made thereunder, to the concerned Deputy Commissioner, and he shall comply with all 46. In the case of coconut trees, the tapping period orders issued in this behalf. shall be half-year i.e. from 1-8-2020 to 31-12-2020 and from 1-1-2021 to 30-6-2021. But in special cases the 40. The lessee shall not have any pecuniary Deputy Commissioner may grant extension which will transactions with the officers of the Excise, Police or not exceed one month. But under no circumstances Revenue Department. tapping will be permitted beyond 30-6-2021. 41. (a) The following officers shall have authority to 47. Marking will be made during the fifteen days before inspect any shop :— 31st July for convenience, but pots shall not be attached (i) any Excise Officer not below the rank of Sub- before the evening of 31st July or the date of confirmation Inspector ; whichever is later.

(ii) any Revenue Officer not below the rank of 48. Toddy shall not be drawn or kept anywhere else Tahsildar/Deputy Tahsildar ; and other than the licensed premises between 8.00 p.m. and 6.00 a.m. (iii) any Gazetted Officer of the Medical and Health Department. 49. The lessee shall not purchase toddy from any other licensee except with the previous permission of the (b) The lessee shall produce the receptacles kept for concerned Excise Inspector who may, on application measurement of liquors at the time of inspection. He made in this behalf grant the required permit on proof shall give all facilities for conducting inspection of the of necessity in the following cases :— shop or trees. (a) Where there is an unusual demand for toddy in (c) The lessee shall maintain an inspection book and a shop due to a festival, etc., or for any other reasons to other registers as may be prescribed by the Deputy be recorded in writing by the Excise Inspector ; Commissioner (Excise) and keep a record of all (b) Where trees have ceased to yield toddy during inspection notes and make proper entries. The inspection the last few days of a lease ; book shall be delivered to the Excise Officer on the termination of the lease period. (c) Where toddy drawn by one shop-keeper at the end of the lease period cannot reach the shop before 42. Where the licence to vend liquor is cancelled first few days of the new lease. during the currency of the lease the licensee shall not be entitled to any compensation of any kind. 50. The tapping of trees shall be subject to the following conditions :— 43. The lessee shall be assigned such Government (a) No date-tree shall be tapped often than once in trees or and such private trees if he has obtained the three months or for more than four months in the year. written consent of the owner of such trees from which he But the Deputy Commissioner may allow them to be may tap toddy or being supplied to the licensed shop tapped in alternate years if in his opinion the tapping is subject to payment of tree-tax and tree-rent. necessary for want of other trees ; PART - I] LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT 557

(b) The trees shall not be over tapped or tapped 54. (1) No arrack shall be kept for sale except in everyday, but may be tapped on alternate days during bottles, Porcelain jars or wooden casks and plastic the currency of the tapping permit ; containers or any other receptacles which the Deputy (c) No initial incision shall be made in the case of Commissioner Excise may specially permit. date-trees at any point within two metres from the foot (2) The lessee shall keep in the shop, gauge of trees or forty-five centimetres from the top of any rods and receptacles certified by the Excise other incision ; Inspector concerned to facilitate measurement (d) The depth and width of the incision shall during inspection. not be more than one-third of the diameter of the tree at the point of incision and the length of the (3) The licensee should provide electricity facilities, incision shall not exceed twenty centimetres ; potable water and urinals in the licensed premises. (e) Not less than eight leaves shall be left excluding the central spike-like cluster on the face (4) The licensed premises should have proper of the tree on which incision is made, above the ventilation and should be cleaned daily with top line of the incision ; disinfectants. The licensee should ensure that eatables are stored in glass jars or kept under proper net. (f) The central spike-like cluster shall not be touched; (5) The bottles of arrack shall be kept in full view (g) The lessee shall not cut or injure or permit of consumers and the lessees shall open the to be cut or injured the trees licensed to him ; bottles in the presence of consumers and after (h) The lessee shall not prepare or make opening the bottles may be kept in full view. The incision into the date-tree licensed to him that will aluminium caps may be crushed to avoid any cause its death ; repeated use.

(i) The lessee shall not be entitled to any 55. The lessee shall maintain true and correct compensation if his licensed trees are withdrawn daily accounts in the prescribed form. He shall for public purposes or if his shop is resold due to preserve all permits covering the receipts of the non-payment of Government and Municipality/ shop in a serial order. The registers shall be the Commune Panchayat dues. property of the Government and the lessee shall (j) The licensee of Toddy shop may insure the return them to the concerned Excise Officer on the toddy tappers suitably and deposit insurance expiry of his licence. policies to Excise Department. 56. A licence may be suspended/cancelled by the 51. The lessee vending arrack shall construct a Deputy Commissioner when the lessee makes counter in the shop not more than one metre height. default in payment of the rent, tree-tax and tree-rent 52. The lessee shall use receptacles and bottles or for violation of any of the conditions of the sale for sample arrack that can be effectively closed and notice or for any reasons mentioned in section 28 of sealed for the transport of the arrack issued from the the Puducherry Excise Act, 1970. Government Distillery or any other distillery or Depot duly authorised by the Government. 57. As regards matters not specifically mentioned in 53. The sample bottle of arrack shall have a this notification, the rules and conditions prescribed minimum capacity of 750 millilitres. The lessee under the Puducherry Excise Act, 1970, shall apply. shall not break the seal and sell the arrack contained in the sample bottle issued by the Distillery or Depot until the consignment of the ABHIJIT VIJAY CHAUDHARI, I.A.S. arrack to which it relates is completely sold. Excise Commissioner. 558 LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT [PART - I

ANNEXURE—I UNDERTAKING Note : In a stamp paper to the value of Rs. 2.50

I, Thiru ...... son/wife/daughter of Thiru ...... residing at No...... hereby covenant with the President of India represented by the Deputy Commissioner (Excise), Puducherry/Karaikal,— (1) that I offer myself as a surety in favour of Thiru ...... who proposes to bid for shop No...... in auction to be conducted on ...... for disposal of the right of retail vend of toddy/arrack in the above shop ;

(2) that I produce herewith a solvency for an amount of Rs...... together with the title deeds of the properties mentioned therein with an intention to create charge over them in the event of the said Thiru ...... becoming the successful bidder in the auction and his bid being confirmed by the Government ; (3) that this undertaking is irrevocable except when the bid offered by the said Thiru ...... is not accepted or confirmed ; (4) that I shall indemnify the Government for all the losses that will be sustained by the Government on account of any breach committed by the said ...... of the conditions of sale notified by the Excise Commissioner under rule 144 of the Pondicherry Excise Rules ; (5) that this undertaking had been given without prejudice to any other document or instrument which I may be required to execute under the Puducherry Excise Rules in the event of the bid offered by the said ...... being confirmed.

In witness whereof the parties have affixed their signature in this deed on ......

Signed and delivered by the Sureties. Witnesses :



Witnesses : Signed and delivered by the Provisional Auction Purchaser. 1.

2. Sureties identified by me.

Auction purchaser.

Signed, sealed and delivered by the Deputy Commissioner (Excise) for and on behalf of the President of India.

Witnesses :




Note : In a stamp paper to the value of Rs. 2.50

This deed of agreement executed by Thiru ...... (hereinafter referred to as the Provisional Auction Purchaser) and the President of India represented by ...... witnesseth :

Whereas the Provisional Auction Purchaser has offered the highest bid for Shop No...... in the auction conducted on ...... ;

And whereas the bid offered by the Provisional Auction Purchaser is pending confirmation before the Government;

Now, therefore, it is agreed by the Provisional Auction Purchaser that the offer made by him shall not be withdrawn until the Government confirms or refuses to confirm the bid and the Provisional Auction Purchaser shall remain bound by the offer until such time the Government communicate its acceptance or non- acceptance of the bid offered by the Provisional Auction Purchaser and in the event of his withdrawing the offer, the Government will be indemnified for the losses that will be sustained by the Government on account of such withdrawal.

In witness whereof the parties have affixed their signature in this deed on ......

Signed and delivered by the Provisional Auction Purchaser. Witnesses : 1.

2. Signed and delivered by the Sureties. Witnesses : 1.


Sureties identified by me.

Auction purchaser.

Signed, sealed and delivered by the Deputy Commissioner (Excise) for and on behalf of the President of India.

Witnesses :



ANNEXURE—III FORM—U–I [See 151 (2A) (ii)]


I ...... S/o ...... residing at Puducherry am an intending bidder for the Arrack/Toddy Shop No...... of ...... Commune Panchayat/Municipality in the auction to be held on ......

I am aware of all the conditions of sale and other formalities to be complied with by the bidders participating in the auction as published in Extraordinary Gazette No. 104, dated 25-07-2020 and the Puducherry Excise Rules, 1970.

I undertake that in case I am the successful bidder, I shall pay the security deposit, execute and register lease agreement, mortgage deed, etc., within the stipulated time. In case of failure on my part to complete these formalities, I shall abide by the action taken against me in accordance with the conditions of sale.

Participant. ————

ANNEXURE—IV FORM—U–2 [See rule 153 A] (Undertaking by Successful Bidder)

Whereas in the auction held on ...... I have been declared provisionally as the successful bidder for the Arrack/Toddy Shop No...... Pondicherry at a monthly kist of Rs...... ;

Whereas I am aware of all the conditions set out in the notification published in Gazette No. 104, dated 25-07-2020 and read out openly before the auction by the Deputy Commissioner (Excise);

Whereas I hereby undertake to pay the security deposit, execute and register lease agreement and mortgage the properties offered as security within the stipulated time provided in the sale notice;

Whereas I am also aware of the payment of advance kist as per sale notice and consequences of failure to adhere to the conditions of sale, apart from the fact that confirmation of bid shall stand automatically cancelled for failure to pay security deposit, execute and register lease agreement and mortgage deed;

Now, therefore, I hereby undertake to agree that in case of failure on my part to adhere to the conditions, the security deposit shall be forfeited and the confirmation order be cancelled.

Participant. PART - I] LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT 561

SCHEDULE —I This shop should be set up in R.S.No.141/2 of Thavalakuppam Revenue Village, belonging to LICENCE RENEWED B.Ram, to the east and south of Road, to the north of ARRACK SHOPS Government Poramboke land, to the west of PUDUCHERRY REGION Arumuga Gramini land. Monthly upset price : ` 2,58,474 I. ARIANKUPPAM COMMUNE PANCHAYAT G.Q. per day : 194 litres Licence No. 1 : ARIANKUPPAM—This shop should be set up in land bearing R.S. No. 47/3 of Manavely Revenue Village, belonging to Pushpa W/o. II. BAHOUR COMMUNE PANCHAYAT Shanmugam to West of Plot No. 166 to the East of Licence No. 5 : BAHOUR—This shop should be Plot No. 168 to the South of Plot No. 187 and 188 to set up in the Government poramboke land bearing the North of Kuber Nagar Main Road. R.S.No.46 of Bahour Revenue village, on the Monthly upset price : ` 2,97,602 western side of the road leading from Bahour, to the G.Q. per day : 223 litres south road, to the north of the Channel, to the east of the Dharmalingam land. Licence No. 4 : POORANANKUPPAM—This shop Monthly upset price : ` 5,51,250 should be set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 18 / 18 of Pooranankuppam Revenue village, belonging G.Q. per day : 413 litres to R. Ezhilraja, to the east of pathway to Kulam, to the west of Kesavan land, to the south of Licence No. 6 : KANNIKOIL—This shop should be Government poramboke kulam and to the north of set up in the Plot Nos. 374, 375, 376, 377 and 378 of Pudukuppam Road. V.I.P. Nagar bearing R.S. No. 133/1/F/1/A/11 of Manapattu Revenue Village, belonging to Thiru Monthly upset price : ` 1,51,855 Sivakumar, S/o. Sachithanantham, to the East of Plot G.Q. per day : 114 litres Nos. 389 and 390, to the West of Road, to the North of New path way and to the South of Plot No. 379. Licence No. 5: ABISHEKAPAKKAM—This shop (OR) should be set up in the Government Road poramboke land bearing R.S. No. 117, of This shop should be set up in the Government Abishekapakkam Revenue village, way leading to Poramboke Land bearing R.S. No. 6 of Manapet Ranga reddipalayam to Thimanaikkanpalayam, to Revenue Village, to the East of R.S. No. 8, to the West the south of Government Poramboke vaikkal of and South of Bund, to the North of Road. R.S.No. 115/2 and to the east, west and north of remaining Government Porambok land. Monthly upset price : ` 11,39,250

Monthly upset price : ` 2,75,580 G.Q. per day : 854 litres

G.Q. per day : 207 litres Licence No. 15 : UTCHIMEDU —This shop should be set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 151/6 of Licence No 7 : KASANTHITTU—This shop should be Utchimedu Revenue Village, belonging to Kesavan, to the set up in the Government poramboke land bearing East of Utchimedu road to the north of Rasunadar R.S. No. 141/3, of Thavalakuppam Revenue Village, land, to the south of Kesavan land and to the west of to the east of road, to the south of Kuppusamy Adimoolam land. Counder land, to the north of Ellayammal land and to the west of Palaniammal land. Monthly upset price : ` 3,33,900

(OR) G.Q. per Day : 250 litres 562 LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT [PART - I


Licence No. 3 : KARIAMANICKAM–II—This shop Licence No. 3 : PILLAICHAVADY—This shop should be located in the plot Nos.88 & 89 of R.S.No should be set up in the land bearing plot Nos. 47 66/2 at Kariyamanicam Revenue Village, belonging to and 48 of R.S. No. 196 of Pillaichavady Revenue Thiru. M.Eganathan, to the east of Plot No.90, to the Village, belonging to E. Tamizhselvi, to the west of New Street, to the east of Subbaraya Counder & west of Plot No 87, to the North of Eripakkam Road Vaithilingam land, to the north of plot No. 46 and to and to the South of new pathway. the south of part of land of R.S. No. 196. (OR) Monthly upset price : ` 3,91,125 This shop should be located in the Government G.Q. per day : 293 litres Promboke land bearing R.S. No. 32 of Kariyamanicam Revenue Village, to the east and south of remaining Licence No. 7 : KANAPATHYCHETTIKULAM—This land of ural kuttai, to the west of R.S. No. 36, to the shop should be set up in the Government north of R.S. No.94. poramboke land bearing R.S. No.150/4 of Kalapet Revenue Village, to the south of pathway, to the west Monthly Upset Price : ` 3,65,505 of Samikannu land, to the north of Natesa coundar G.Q. per day : 274 litres land and to the east of Ponnappa Coundar land. (OR) Licence No. 5 : EMBALAM—This shop should be set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 212/1 pt. This shop should be set up in the land bearing of Embalam Revenue Village, belonging to R.S. No. 150/2 of Kalapet Revenue Village, belonging to Thiru. Srinivasan, to the west of Thiru Chandruradha and Canagaraj, to the south of remaning land of the owner, to the east of pathway, new path way, to the west of pathway, to the east of plot to the south of Government poramboke land and to No. 31 and to the north of plot No. 34 & 35. the north of Singh land. Monthly Upset Price : ` 7,01,190 Monthly Upset Price : ` 11,63,450 G.Q. per day : 526 litres G.Q. per day : 873 litres

Licence No. 6 : KARIKALAMPAKKAM –I —This shop VI. PUDUCHERRY MUNICIPALITY should be set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 53/7 of Licence No. 1 : KOMBAKKAM—This shop Karikalampakkam Revenue Village, belonging to Thiru. should be set up in land bearing Ward-L, Block-2, Ramu to the south of Madukarai Road, to the north of T.S. No. 18/5 and 18/6 of Kombakkam Revenue Venkatakrishna Reddiar land to the east of Pavadaisamy village, belonging to Arulmigu Sengazhuthumariamman plot to the west of Vijaya Odayar land. Temple, Kombakkam, to the east of the land of T.S. Monthly Upset Price : ` 3,57,788 No. 18/1, to the west of the land of T.S. No.18/8, to the north of the land of T.S. No. 18/4 and to the south of G.Q. per day : 268 litres the land of T.S. No. 14/7.

Licence No. 8 : PANDASOZHANALLUR—This Monthly upset price : ` 7,38,675 shop should be located in the land belonging to G.Q per day : 554 litres Muthunarayanan, S/o. Ramalingam in R.S. No. 75/5 of Pandasozhanallur Revenue Village to the east of VII . VILLIANUR COMMUNE PANCHAYAT Narayanassamy land and north of Manavely Ramu Licence No.1: SEDARAPET : This shop should be land to the west of Sorapoor Road and south of set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 50/1 of Sedarapet Channel. Revenue village, belonging to Muthukumarasamy to the east of road leading to Sedarapet, to the west of Monthly Upset Price : ` 2,99,931 land of Danasu and others and to the north of land of G.Q. per day : 225 litres Thangarajalu Naicker and to the south of the land owner. PART - I] LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT 563

Monthly upset price : ` 20,62,200 Monthly upset price : ` 2,38,142

G.Q. per day : 1,547 litres G.Q. per day : 179 litres

Licence No. 3 : ARIYUR: This shop should be set Licence No. 13 : KEEZHAGRAGARAM—This shop up in the land bearing R.S. No. 158/5 of Ariyur should be set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 147/2 Revenue Village, belonging to Thiru Rajagopal S/o. of Thirukanji Revenue village, belonging to Narayanasamy Coundar, to the East of R.S. No. 158/ 4, to the West of Velmurugan Land, to the North of P. Thamodara counder, to the east of Arumugam and R.S. No. 158/6 and to the South of Pangur Road. Govindasamy land, to the south of Arumugam land, to the north of Kannappan land and to the west of Monthly upset price : ` 5,30,880 road. G.Q. per day : 398 litres (OR)

Licence No. 7 : MANGALAM—This shop should This shop should be set up in the land bearing be set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 106 pt. of R.S. 161/2 of Thirukanji Revenue village, belonging Mangalam Revenue village, belonging to G. Rajathy to Thiru D. Mayavathi, to the east of Road, to the north of channel, to the east of Maducarai road to the west and north of bund and to the south Palani to the west of land belonging to G. Rajathy, 20 metres away from the main road. Mannadhan land. Monthly upset price : ` 2,59,953 Monthly upset price : ` 2,61,897 G.Q. per day : 195 litres G.Q. per day : 196 litres

Licence No. 8 : KARASUR—This shop should be Licence No. 18 : PUDUNAGAR (KANUVAPET) - set up in Government poramboke land bearing This shop should be set up in the land bearing R.S. R.S. No. 29 / 8 of Karasur Revenue village, to the No. 277/2 of Villianur Revenue village, belonging to south of R.S. No. 29 / 8 pt., to the north of land G. Muthusamy, and to the east of the road leading to R.S. No. 37, to the east of land R.S. No. 29 / 7 and to Thirukanji from Kanuvapet and to the west, North the west of road. and south of remaining portion of the owner's land. Monthly upset price : ` 2,08,376 Monthly upset price : ` 90,948 G.Q. per day : 156 litres G.Q. per day : 68litres Licence No. 9 : THONDAMANATHAM—This shop should be set up in Government poramboke land bearing R.S. No. 44 pt. of Thondamanatham SCHEDULE — II Revenue village, to the west of Thuttipet road and LICENCE RENEWED culvert, to the south and north of Government poramboke land, to the east of lake and at a TODDY SHOPS distance of 100 metres away from the water tank. PUDUCHERRY REGION Monthly upset price : ` 3,13,210 III. MANNADIPET COMMUNE PANCHAYAT G.Q. per day : 235 litres Licence No. 2 : SOMPET—This shop should be Licence No. 11 : SIVARANTHAGAM— This shop set up in the Government Poramboke land bearing should be setup in Government Promboke land R.S.No. 6 of Vadhanur Ravenue village, to the north bearing R.S.184/5 of Ariyur Revenue Village, of Thiruvannamalai Road at 10 mts. away from the Road belonging to the west of Ariyur Road, to the east, and to the east, west & south of Government north, sourth of R.S.184/5 (This Shop should be Poramboke land. setup 50 Mts. away towords North from the existing Road). Monthly upset price : ` 28,716 564 LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT [PART - I

IV. NETTAPAKKAM COMMUNE PANCHAYAT 11 Months upset price : ` 19,23,572 Licence No. 7 : KALMANDAPAM—This shop Monthly upset price : ` 1,74,870 should be set up in the Government poramboke land E.M.D : ` 1,92,357 bearing R.S. No. 128 of Pandasozhanallur Revenue village, to the south of vadukuppam road, to the west G.Q. per day : 131 litres of R.S. No. 127, to the north of Government Poramboke land and east of path way. Licence No. 8 : T.N. PALAYAM—This shop should be set up in the Government Poramboke land Monthly Up set Price : ` 27,768 bearing in R.S. No. 177 / 2 of T.N. Palayam Revenue village, to the east of Vaithilingam land, to the west SCHEDULE — III of Purushothaman land, to the north of Kannan land SHOPS TO BE AUCTIONED and to the south of Vengatesan land. (OR) ARRACK SHOPS PUDUCHERRY REGION This shop should be set up in the Government Poramboke land bearing in R.S. No. 178 of T.N. Palayam I. ARIANKUPPAM COMMUNE PANCHAYAT Revenue village, to the east of river to the west of Purushothaman Reddiar land, to the north of road Licence No. 2 : MANAVELY—This shop should be and to the south of graveyard. set up in the land bearing Plot No. 23 & 24, Extent : 3600 Sq.fts in R.S. No 70/1/A, of Manavely 11 Months upset price : ` 38,02,791 Revenue Village, to the South of Plot No. 19 & 20, Monthly upset price : ` 3,45,708 to the North of new Road, to the east of Plot No. 25 and to the west of Plot No. 22. E.M.D : ` 3,80,279

11 Months upset price : ` 92,51,550 G.Q. per day : 259 litreses

Monthly upset price : ` 8,41,050 II. BAHOUR COMMUNE PANCHAYAT E.M.D : ` 9,25,155 Licence No. 1 : KARAYAMBUTHUR—This shop G.Q. per day : 631 litres should be set up in the land bearing R.S. No.78/1 of Karayambuthur Revenue village, land belonging to Vijayarangam to the west of road leading to Then Licence No. 3 : PERIAVEERAMPATTINAM—This Penniar river, to the east of R.S. No. 77 to the south shop should be set up at farthest end, in the of R.S. No. 86 and to the north of R.S. No. 79. Government Poramboke land bearing R.S. No 100/4 of Periaveerampattinam hamlet of Ariankuppam 12 Months upset price : ` 1,70,14,883 Revenue Village, to the west of R.S. No 119, and to the Monthly upset price : ` 15,46,808 east, north & south of the remaining Government Porambok land. E.M.D : ` 17,01,488

11 Months upset price : ` 18,59,550 G.Q. per day : 1,160 litres

Monthly upset price : ` 1,69,050 Licence No. 2 : MANAMEDU—This shop should E.M.D : ` 1,85,955 be set up in the Government Poramboke land bearing R.S. No. 103 of Manamedu Revenue G.Q. per day : 127 litres village, to the north of Pennaiyar river and to the east, west and south of the bank of the river. Licence No. 6 : NALLAVADU—This shop should 11 Months upset Price : ` 1,62,14,468 be set up in the Municipal Poramboke land bearing R.S. No. 133/5, of Pooranankuppam Revenue Monthly upset price : ` 14,74,043 Village, to the east, west and north of uppanar river E.M.D. : ` 16,21,447 and to the south of Nallavadu road (Opposite to Pooranankuppam road). G.Q. per day : 1,106 litres PART - I] LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT 565

Licence No. 3 : KURUVINATHAM—This shop Licence No. 8 : KADUVANUR—This shop should should be set up in the land belonging to be set up in the land bearing R.S. No.38 classified Parasuraman S/o. Marimuthu in R.S.No. 3/4 in as Government Tank (Ery) of Kaduvanur Revenue Kuruvinatham Revenue village, to the North and village, to the west of border, to the West of R. Purushothaman land, to the East of east, north of lake and to the south of Karaiyamputhur S. Purushothaman and to the South of Sitheri Road. road. Should be setup 30 m. away towards south for the existing location. 11 Months upset price : ` 1,22,54,550 11 Months upset Price : ` 48,51,000 Monthly upset price : ` 11,14,050 Monthly upset price : ` 4,41,000 E.M.D. : ` 12,25,455 E.M.D. : ` 4,85,100 G.Q. per day : 836 litres G.Q. per day : 331 litres

Licence No. 4 : ARACHIKUPPAM—This shop Licence No. 9 : PANNITHITTU—This shop should should be set up in the land bearing R.S. No.182/7, be set up in the land bearing R.S.No.106/5 of of Parikkalpet Revenue village, belonging to Kirumambakkam Revenue Village, belonging to Tmt. S. Parthiban, to the north of the river Then Lakshmi W/o Krishnamoorthy to the south and west of Pennaiyar, to the south of Saroja @ Saraswathi land, Channel, to the East of Krishnaraj Reddiar & to the west of road and to the east of Pavadai land. Parameshwari land and to the north of Pannithittu Road. (OR) 11 Months upset price : ` 28,06,650

This shop should be set up in the land bearing Monthly upset price : ` 2,55,150 R.S. No. 183/7, of Parikkalpet Revenue village, belonging to Tmt. S. Vasantha, to the west of road E.M.D. : ` 2,80,665 leading to the Then Pennaiyar River, to the east and G.Q. per day : 191 litres south of the land owner and to the north of Parthiban land. Licence No. 10 : MULLODAI—This shop should be set up in the Plot Nos. 36, 37 and 38 of 11 months upset price : ` 1,49,68,800 Balamurugan Nagar bearing R.S. No. 343/2 of Monthly upset price : ` 13,60,800 Bahour Revenue Village, belonging to Thiru Gopu, S/o. Perumal, to the East of Plot No. 35, to the West E.M.D : ` 14,96,880 of Plot No. 39, to the North of Road and Kuttai and to G.Q. per Day : 1,021 litres the South of New Pathway. (OR) Licence No. 7 : MANAPET—This shop should be set up in the Government poramboke land bearing This shop should be set up in the Plot Nos. 3 R.S. No. 218/3 of Manapet Revenue village, to the and 4 of Perumal Garden bearing R.S. No. 45/1 of east of the road leading to Moorthikuppam Utchimedu Revenue Village, belonging to Tmt. Subashree, D/o. Selvaraj, to the East of Plot No. 35, between Manapet and to the west, south & north of to the West of R.S. No. 202, to the North of Plot No. 5 the R.S. No. 218/3. and to the South of Plot No. 2.

11 Months upset price : ` 28,87,500 11 months upset price : ` 204,59,093

Monthly upset price : ` 2,62,500 Monthly upset price : ` 18,59,918

E.M.D. : ` 2,88,750 E.M.D : ` 20,45,909

G.Q. per day : 197 litres G.Q. per Day : 1,395 litres 566 LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT [PART - I

Licence No. 11 : ARANGANUR—This shop 11 months upset price : ` 24,94,800 should be set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 109/11 Monthly upset price : ` 2,26,800 of Aranganur Revenue village, belonging to Tmt. Valarmathi, to the east, south and north of the E.M.D : ` 2,49,480 remaining land of the owner and to the west of G.Q. per Day : 170 litres Bahour main road.

(OR) Licence No. 14 : NARAMBAI— This shop should be set up in the Government Poramboke land bearing This shop should be set up in the land bearing R.S.No.174/1 of Pilliarkuppam Revenue Village, to the R.S.No.78/2 of Aranganur Revenue village, south of Narambai Road, to the west and north of remaining belonging to Thiru. Arul S/o Muthaiya Naidu, to the land of R.S.No.174/1 and to the east of R.S.No.135/5. south of Velendira canal, to the west of Bahoor - Villianur road, to the east and north of remaining 11 Months upset price : ` 27,48,900 land of the owner. Monthly upset price : ` 2,49,900 11 Months upset price : ` 19,26,921 E.M.D : ` 2,74,890 Monthly upset price : ` 1,75,175 G.Q. per Day : 187 litres E.M.D. : ` 1,92,692

G.Q. per day : 131 litres Licence No. 16 : SORIANKUPPAM—This shop should be set up in the land bearing R.S No. 197/3 of Licence No. 12 : PANAYADIKUPPAM—This shop Kuruvinatham Revenue Village, Bahour Commune, should be set up in the Government poramboke land Puducherry, belongs to Thiru. Ramu @ Ramamurthy, to bearing R.S. No. 30/2, of Panayadikuppam Revenue the south of Road, to the north of Then Pennaiyar village to the north of Erivaikal, to the east and west River, to the east of Vasantharaman Land, and to the of Government poramboke land and to the south of west of Road. Subba Reddiar land. 11 Months upset price : ` 176,25,300 11 Months upset price : ` 29,70,452 Monthly upset price : ` 16,02,300 Monthly upset price : ` 2,70,041 E.M.D : ` 17,62,530 E.M.D : ` 2,97,045 G.Q. per Day : 1,202 litres G.Q. per Day : 203 litres

Licence No. 13 : KUDIYIRUPPUPALAYAM—This III. MANNADIPET COMMUNE PANCHAYAT shop should be set up in land bearing R.S. No. 161/5 Licence No. 1 : MANALIPET—This shop should of Seliamedu Revenue village, belonging to be set up in land bearing R.S. No. 24/1A of Manalipet Nagamuthu to the south of Adingapet Road, to the Revenue Village, belonging to Jayabal @ Sengeni to west and north of Government Channel and to the the south of road to the north of Veerappan lan to the east of Deepanjan land. east of Parvathi Plot and to the west of rice mill. (OR) (OR) This shop should be set up in the land bearing This shop should be set up in the Government R.S. No. 139 Government Promboke of Sellimedu Poramboke land (Tamarind Thoppu) bearing R.S. No. Revenue Village, to the East and North of R.S. No. 139 9/1 of Manalipet Revenue Village. to the South of R.S. No. 37 to the West of R.S. No. 140. (OR) PART - I] LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT 567

This shop should be set up in the land bearing 11 Months upset price : ` 34,31,112 R.S. No. 5/1 of Manalipet Revenue Village, Monthly upset price : ` 3,11,919 belonging to V.G. Segar, to the south of Veerasamy land, to the north of Gingee Road, to the east of E.M.D. : ` 3,43,111 Tamil Nadu border and to the west of water tank. G.Q. per day : 234 litres 11 Months upset price : 59,17,400 ` Licence No. 5 : THIRUVANDARKOIL—This shop Monthly upset price : ` 5,37,945 should be set up in the land bearing R.S. No.162/2 of Thiruvandarkoil Revenue Village, belonging to E.M.D. : ` 5,91,740 Gopalakrishnan S/o. Chetti, to the West of G.Q. per day : 403 litre Puducherry U.T. Boundary, to the East of graveyard, to the South of Gopalakrishnan land and to the North Licence No. 2 : THIRUKANUR—This shop should of pathway from graveyard leads to Gopalakrishnan be set up in land bearing R.S.No.107/2 of land. Mannadipet Revenue Village, belonging to K. Sivagamasundari, to the east of Sivamanai land, 11 Months upset price : ` 45,17,274 to the south of Villupuram road and to the north of Monthly upset price : ` 4,10,661 Kannayam manai, to the west of Velayudham land. E.M.D : ` 4,51,727 (OR) G.Q. per day : 308 litres This shop should be set up in land bearing Licence No. 6 : SORAPET—This shop should be R.S. No. 105/9 of Mannadipet Revenue Village, set up in Government Poramboke land bearing belonging to K.Muthulakshmi, to the east of Kanna R.S. No. 66/2 of Sorapet Revenue Village, to the south Naidu manai, to the west of Krishnan manai, to the of Thiruvannamalai road, to the north of Morris south of T.V. Malai road and to the north of lgnacy’s land, to the west of threshing floor and to Muthusamy land. the east of Pillaiyarkoil land of Sorapet. 11 months upset price : ` 1,14,98,660 (OR) Monthly upset price : ` 10,45,333 This shop should be set up in Government EMD : ` 11,49,866 Poramboke land bearing R.S. No. 87 of Sorapet Revenue Village, to the south of R.S. No. 80, to the G.Q. per Day : 784 litres. north and east of R.S. No. 87/5 to the west of R.S. Licence No. 3 : SOMPET—This shop should be set No. 88 road. set up in the Government Poramboke land bearing 11 Months upset price : ` 27,79,842 R.S. No. 6 of Vadanur Revenue Village, to the north of Monthly upset price : 2,52,713 Thiruvannamalai road at 10 metres away from the road ` and to the east, west & south of Government poramboke E.M.D. : ` 2,77,984 land. G.Q. per day : 190 litre 11 Months upset price : ` 19,36,184 Licence No. 7 : PUDUKUPPAM—This shop should Monthly upset price : ` 1,76,017 be set up in the Government poramboke land on the side of the road bearing R.S. No. 84 of Pudukuppam E.M.D : ` 1,93,618 Revenue village, to the east of Mailam road, to the G.Q. per day : 132 litres west of Puthari, to the north and south of remaining portion of R.S. No. 84. Licence No. 4 : ANDIARPALAYAM—This shop should be set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 135/14 of 11 Months upset price : ` 15,54,387 Kalitheerthallkuppam Revenue village, belonging to Thiru. Monthly upset price : ` 1,41,308 N. Karthikayan, to the north of Government channel, to the west of Rice Mill, to the south of Main Road and to the E.M.D. : ` 1,55,439 east of residential houses. G.Q. per day : 106 litres 568 LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT [PART - I

Licence No. 8 : KUPPAM— This shop should be Licence No. 11 : PURANASINGUPALAYAM—This set up in the Government Poramboke land bearing shop should be set up in the land bearing R.S No. R.S. No.103 of Kuppam Revenue village, to the 209/4 of Vadhanur Revenue Village, belonging to south of Suthukeny road and to the west of Milestone Thiru. Adhikesavan , to the South and east of Tamilnadu Boundary, to the north of R.s.NO.209/3, P.K. 4500, at a distance of 50 metres away from the and to the west of R.S.No.210/3,210/1 & 210/4. said milestone. 11 Months upset price : ` 35,92,050 11 Months upset price : ` 18,32,454 Monthly upset price : ` 3,26,550 Monthly upset price : 1,66,587 ` E.M.D : ` 3,59,205

E.M.D. : ` 1,83,245 G.Q. per Day : 245 litres G.Q. per day : 125 litres Licence No. 12 : KOTHAPURINATHAM —This Licence No. 9 : SELLIPET— This shop should be shop should be set up in the land bearing R.S No. 53/6 of Thiruvandarkoil Revenue Village, belonging set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 32/4 of Sellipet to Thiru Anandhakrishnan, S/o. Perumal Coundar, to Revenue Village, belonging to Thiru Arjuna Counder, the east of channel path, to the north of Thirusangu to the south and west of Arjuna land, to the east of land, to the south of Burial ground path and west of Sellipet Road and to the north of Thiruvannamalai Natesan land. Road. 11 Months upset price : ` 18,65,325 (OR) Monthly upset price : ` 1,69,575 This shop should be set up in the land bearing E.M.D. : ` 1,86,533 R.S. No. 34/1 and 34/4 of Sellipet Revenue Village, G.Q. per day : 127 litre belonging to Thiru N. Parisithu, to the east of Odai, to the north of Kuppusamy land, to the south of Licence No. 13 : VAMBUPET—This shop should Thiruvannamalai Road and to the west of be set up in the Government poramboke land Ramakrishnan and Kumarasamy land. bearing R.S. No. 57 of Vambupet Revenue village, to the East, West and North of R.S. No. 56/5 and to the 11 Months upset price : ` 64,91,100 South of Maasilamani land. Monthly upset price : ` 5,90,100 11 Months upset price : ` 31,76,250

E.M.D. : ` 6,49,110 Monthly upset price : ` 2,88,750

G.Q. per day : 443 litres E.M.D. : ` 3,17,625 G.Q. per day : 217 litres Licence No. 10 : VADHANUR—This shop should be set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 101/2, of Vadhanur Licence No. 14 : SANNIYASIKUPPAM—This Revenue village, belonging to S. Gunasekaran, to the shop should be set up in Government Poramboke south of Thiruvannamalai road, to the north of Kuppusamy land bearing R.S. No. 54/4 of Sanniyasikuppam Reddiar land, to the east of Murugesa Counder land and Revenue village, to the north of Rishapamkoil thope, to the west of burial ground. to the south of Pambaiar, to the west of road and to the east of Devarasu land. 11 Months upset price : ` 26,37,443 11 Months upset price : ` 18,22,740 Monthly upset price : ` 2,39,768 Monthly upset price : ` 1,65,704 E.M.D : ` 2,63,744 E.M.D. : ` 1,82,274

G.Q. per Day : 180 litres G.Q. per day : 124 litres PART - I] LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT 569

Licence No. 15 : KUMARAPALAYAM—This shop This shop should be set up in the land bearing should be set up in Government poramboke land R.S. No. 51/2 of Kunichempet Revenue village, bearing R.S. No. 70 of Thethambakkam Revenue belonging to Kothai, W/o. Venkatesan, to the east of village, to the north of Sankaraparany river, to the Manalipet Road, to the west of Arikrishnan manai, east and west of Sankaraparany river bank and to to the south of Arumugam land and to the north of the south of road. Kuttai. 11 Months upset price : ` 49,31,850 11 Months upset price : ` 27,02,608 Monthly upset price : ` 4,48,350 Monthly upset price : ` 2,45,692 E.M.D. : ` 4,93,185 E.M.D. : ` 2,70,261 G.Q. per day : 336 litres G.Q. per day : 184 litre Licence No. 16 : SUTHUKENY—This shop should be set up in the Government poramboke land Licence No. 19 : CHETTIPET—This shop should be bearing R.S. No. 95 of Suthukeny Revenue village, to set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 1/6 of Chettipet the south of main road to the north of R.S. No. 96/2 to the Revenue village, belonging to Aridas S/o. east and west of R.S. No. 95. Krishnamoorthy, to the east of sugumaran land to the west of Govindasamy land to the North of saminathan 11 Months upset price : ` 32,99,246 land and to the south of Sangarabarani river. Monthly upset price : ` 2,99,931 11 Months upset price : ` 60,41,793 E.M.D. : ` 3,29,925 Monthly upset price : 5,49,254 G.Q. per day : 225 litres ` E.M.D : ` 6,04,179 Licence No. 17 : LINGAREDDIPALAYAM—This shop should be set up in the Government G.Q. per Day : 412 litres Poramboke land bearing R.S. No. 39 of Kateri Licence No. 20 : SILUKKARIPALAYAM—This shop Revenue village, to the east of Papankulam, to the north of road leading from Lingareddipalayam to should be set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 92/3 of Vanur and to the west of Arumugam land at 10 metres Kalitheerthalkuppam Revenue village, belonging to away from the road. Thiru Ravi S/o Ponnurangam, to the west of Thirukanur Road, to the East of Rani Land, to the South of Nathan 11 Months upset price : ` 76,92,300 Company and to the North of Ravi Land. Monthly upset price : ` 6,99,300 (OR) E.M.D. : ` 7,69,230

G.Q. per day : 524 litres This shop should be set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 83/7 of Kalitheerthalkuppam Revenue village, Licence No. 18 : KUNICHEMPET—This shop belonging to G.Tamilmani, to the East, West and South should be set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 108 of remaining belonging to G. Tamilmani. of Kunichempet Revenue village, belonging to S. Sokkalingam, to the west of Manalipet Road, to 11 Months upset price : ` 23,18,870 the north of Government Poramboke land, to the Monthly upset price : ` 2,10,806 east and south of remaining land of Thiru Sokkalingam. E.M.D : ` 2,31,887

(OR) G.Q. per Day : 158 litres 570 LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT [PART - I

Licence No. 21 : MANNADIPET—This shop 11 Months upset price : ` 33,14,850 should be set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 1/13 of Monthly upset price : ` 3,01,350 Mannadipet Revenue Village, belonging to Tmt. Kavithai, W/o. Mathi @ Vengadesan, to the East and West of E.M.D : ` 3,31,485 Kavitha Plot, to the South of Road, to the North of G.Q. per Day : 226 litres Murugan Koil Land. IV. NETTAPAKKAM COMMUNE PANCHAYAT (OR)

This shop should be set up in the land bearing Licence No. 1 : MADUKARAI—This shop should be R.S. No. 1/14, of Mannadipet Revenue village, located in the extreme south-west corner of the land bearing belonging to Subramaniya samy Temple land to the the R.S. No. 86/10 of Madukarai Revenue Village, belonging east and north of T.V. Malai Road, to the west of to Sri Marakaleeswarar temple, Madukarai, to the west of Govindan land and to the south of Sadasiva Reddiar road, to the south and east of Eri channel and land. to the north of the remaining land of Sri Marakaleeswarar Temple. 11 Months upset price : ` 61,51,461 (OR) Monthly upset price : ` 5,59,224 This shop should be setup in the land bearing R.S.No.43/ E.M.D. : 6,15,146 ` 2 of Madukarai Revenue Village, belonging to Sri G.Q. per day : 419 litre Marakaleeswarar Temple, to the south Siruvanthadu main Road, to the east of the remaining land of Marakaleeswarar Licence No. 22 : NALLURKUCHIPALAYAM—This Temple land, to the west of Narasa Reddiyar Land and to shop should be set up in the Government the north of both Pondicherry and Tamilnadu lands. Poramboke land bearing R.S. No. 22/1 of (OR) Madagadipet Revenue Village, to the east of R.S. No. 4 to the west of Road, to the south of R.S. No. 23 and This shop should be located in the land belonging to the north of remaining land of R.S. No 22/1. to Datchinamurthy, S/o. Kathirvel in R.S. No. 32/A/1,2 in Madukarai Revenue Village, to the west of Jayabal land to (OR) the east and north Prema land to the south of road.

This shop should be set up in the Government 11 Months upset price : ` 1,85,37,750 Poramboke land bearing R.S. No. 52/5 of Monthly upset price : ` 16,85,250 Madagadipet Revenue Village, to the north of R.S. No. 52/1, to the south of R.S. Nos. 4 and 11, to E.M.D : ` 18,53,775 the east of R.S. No.4 and to the west of G.Q. per Day : 1,264 litres remaining land of R.S. No. 52/5.

11 Months upset price : ` 21,56,501 Licence No. 2 : KARIAMANICKAM–I—This shop should be set up in the Government Poramboke land Monthly upset price : ` 1,96,046 bearing R.S. No. 209/3 of Kariamanickam Revenue E.M.D : ` 2,15,650 Village, to the east of Reddiar land, to the west of Pond, to the north of Maducarai Road and to the G.Q. per Day : 147 litres south of overhead tank.

Licence No. 23 : MADAGADIPET—This shop 11 Months upset price : ` 36,55,356 should be set up in the Government Poramboke Monthly upset price : ` 3,32,305 Land bearing R.S. No. 16 of Madagadipet Revenue Village, to the East, North & South of remaining land E.M.D. : ` 3,65,536 of R.S. No 16, to the West of new path way. G.Q. per day : 249 litres PART - I] LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT 571

Licence No. 4 : NETTAPAKKAM—This shop Licence No. 10 : KALMANDABAM—This shop should be set up in the land bearing R.S. No.95/2 of should be set up in the Government Poramboke Eri Nettapakkam Revenue Village, belonging to bearing R.S.No.157 of Pandasozhanallur Revenue Seenan, S/o. Vaithianathan, to the south of Sivankoil Village. land to the east of Natesan land, to the west of 11 Months upset price : ` 36,10,530 Municipal poramboke land and to the north of Sinnapatturoja land. Monthly upset price : ` 3,28,230

11 Months Upset Price : ` 25,49,697 E.M.D. : ` 3,61,053

Monthly Upset Price : ` 2,31,791 G.Q. per day : 246 litres E.M.D. : ` 2,54,970

G.Q. per day : 174 litres V. OULGARET MUNICIPALITY Licence No. 1 : SANJIVIRAYANPET—This shop Licence No. 7 : ERIPAKKAM—This shop should should be set up in the land bearing R.S. No.26/5 of be set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 90/2 of Allankuppam Revenue Village, belonging to Eripakkam Revenue Village, belonging to Thiru. Sengeniamman Koil land, to the north of way leading J. Thandava Moorty, to the east of Ramu land, to the to Tindivanam road, to the south of west of Rajasundaram land, to the north of Yashodhayammal land, to the east of Manjini Govindasamy land and to the south of Kannan land. Counder land and to the west of Sengeniamman 11 Months Upset Price : ` 29,22,150 Koil land.

Monthly Upset Price : ` 2,65,650 11 Months upset price : ` 60,17,666

E.M.D. : ` 2,92,215 Monthly upset price : ` 5,47,061

G.Q. per day : 199 litres E.M.D. : ` 6,01,767

G.Q. per day : 410 litres Licence No. 9 : KARIKALAMPAKKAM–II —This shop should be set up in the land of R.S. No. 100/1B Licence No. 2 : KALAPET—This shop should be set of Karikalampakkam Revenue Village, belonging to up in the land bearing R.S. No. 184/1 of Kalapet Revenue Thiru. Ramu S/o. Balakrishnan, to the east of Dhanakodi land, to the west of Kanaga land, to the Village, belonging to Vasanthi, to the East of south of Kaliaperumal land and to the north of the Govindammal Land, to the West of Sellappan land and to road leading to Karikalampakkam. the South and North of New Pathway.

(OR) 11 Months upset price : ` 58,54,245

This shop should be located in the land Monthly upset price : ` 5,32,204 belonging to Janarthanan, S/o. Ramakrishnan in E.M.D. : ` 5,85,424 R.S. No. 142/10 of Karikalampakkam,Revenue Village to the east of Bahour Kariakalampakkam G.Q. per day : 399 litres Road to the west of Vengadasubbu Reddiar land, to the north of Malattaru and to the south of Graveyard Licence No. 4 : KARUVADIKUPPAM—This shop path should be set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 147/3 and 147/4 of Karuvadikuppam Revenue Village, 11 Months upset price : ` 19,75,050 belonging to T. Srinivasan and T. Balasubramanian, to Monthly upset price : ` 1,79,550 the north of R.S. No.147/4, to the south of Karuvadikuppam Road, to the east of R.S. No.147/ E.M.D. : ` 1,97,505 2, to the west of R.S. No.146/2 and 20 metres G.Q. per day : 135 litres away from the Karuvadikuppam Road. 572 LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT [PART - I

11 Months upset price : ` 2,13,67,500 Licence No. 4 : URUVAIYAR—This shop should be set up in the Government promboke land bearing Monthly upset price : ` 19,42,500 R.S. No. 39/14 Uruvaiyar Revenue Village to the west E.M.D. : ` 21,36,750 of the Government promboke pond.

G.Q. per day : 1,457 litres (OR)

This shop should be set up in the land bearing Licence No. 5 : METTUPALAYAM—This shop R.S. No. 39/13 of Uruvaiyar Revenue Village belongs should be set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 188/5, to Palani to the west of Government Promboke Pond Cadastre No. 941 and 942 of Oulgaret Revenue to the east of land R.S. No. 39/7, 39/11 and 39/12 Village, belonging to Thiru.R. Somasundaram, to to the north of Mangalam road to the south of the east of Olugaret Main Road, to the North of R,S. 39/10, 39/7. Government Pump house, to the south of canal and tothe west of owner land. 11 Months upset price : ` 23,21,550

11 Months upset price : ` 2,26,47,818 Monthly upset price : ` 2,11,050

Monthly upset price : ` 20,58,893 EMD : ` 2,32,155

E.M.D. : ` 22,64,782 G.Q. per day : 158 litres

G.Q. per Day : 1,544 litres Licence No. 5 : VILLIANUR—This shop should be set up in the Plot No. 13 of Sri Ram Nagar Licence No. 6 : DHARMAPURI— This shop bearing R.S. No. 30/8/A of Villianur Revenue Village, should be set up in the land bearing plot No. 55 of belonging to Thiru Balu, S/o. Govindarasu, to the R.S. No. 7/8 of Thattancahavady Revenue Village, East of Plot No. 14, to the West of Plot No. 12, to the belonging to Malarkodi W/o of Arunagiri, to the east North of New path way and to the South of reserve of new pathway, to the west of Odai pathway to the land. north of plot No. 56 and to the south of plot No. 54. (or) 11 Months upset price : ` 31,26,516 This shop should be set up in the Plot No. 44 Monthly upset price : ` 2,84,229 bearing R.S. No. 30/8/B of Villianur Revenue Village, belonging to Tmt. Vijayalakshmi, W/o. Arulselvam, to E.M.D. : ` 3,12,652 the East of newly propsed road, to the West of G.Q. per day : 213 litres Tamilnadu boundary, to the North of channel and to the South of plot No. 45. VII . VILLIANUR COMMUNE PANCHAYAT 11 Months upset price : ` 66,85,013 Licence No.2 : PILLAIYARKUPPAM-I — This shop Monthly upset price : ` 6,07,728 should be set up in land bearing R.S. No. 31/8 of Pillaiyarkuppam Revenue village, belonging to E.M.D. : ` 6,68,501 V. Ponnusamy to the west of road, to the east of G.Q. per day : 456 litres. Palani Counder land, to the north of Vaiyapuri land, to the south of Paraya Varadhan Land. Licence No.6 : KANUVAPET: This shop should be set up in the Government Poramboke land bearing 11 Months upset price : ` 37,76,850 R.S. No. 255/11 of Villianur Revenue village, to the Monthly upset price : ` 3,43,350 north of Odiampet road, to the east of road leading EMD : ` 3,77,685 to the Iyyanar Temple to the west of Veterinary Dispensary, and to the south of Channel to be G.Q. per day : 258 litres located 30 mts. away from Odiampet road. PART - I] LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT 573

11 months upset price : ` 30,37,650 11 Months upset price : ` 59,14,362

Monthly upset price : ` 2,76,150 Monthly upset price : ` 5,37,669

E.M.D : ` 3,03,765 E.M.D. : ` 5,91,436

G.Q. per day : 207 litres. G.Q. per day : 403 litres

Licence No. 10 : ARIYAPALAYAM—This shop Licence No. 15 : PILLAYARKUPPAM-II This shop should be set up in the Government Poramboke land should be located in the land belomging to Ramesh, bearing R.S. No. 292/3 of Villianur Revenue Village, S/o. Veerappan in R.S.No 77/6 of Pilliyarkuppam to the East, to the West and North of Bund, to the Revenue Village to the East of R.S.No.77/4, in the South of M/s. PDL Premises. west of Pillayarkuppam Road to the north of Suresh land and in the south of Vazhudhavur Road. (OR) 11 Monthsupset price : ` 24,76,332 This shop should be set up in the plot Nos. 8 and 9 of Thirumurugan Nagar-2 bearing R.S. No. 136/5 of Monthly upset price : ` 2,25,121 Villianur Revenue Village belonging to E.M.D. : ` 2,47,633 Tmt. Vijayalakshmi, W/o. Balakrishnan, to the East of Plot No. 10, to the West of Plot No. 7, to the North of G.Q. per day : 169 litres New path way and the South of Channel. Licence No. 16 : PANGUR— This shop should be 11 Months upset price : 15,82,350 ` set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 36/5 of Ariyur Monthly upset price : ` 1,43,850 Revenue Village, belonging to Tmt. Indirani, W/o. Vengadesan to the East of Arun Nagar layout, E.M.D. : ` 1,58,235 to the West of Ariyur - Ananthapuram Road, to the G.Q per day. : 108 litres North of Mariyasusai Land and to the South of Ravul and Panjali Land. Licence No. 12 : VADAMANGALAM—This shop (OR) should be set up in the Plot No. 24 of New Golden City bearing R.S. No. 83/2B of Mangalam Revenue This shop should be set up in the land bearing Village, belonging to Tmt. Vijayalakshmi, W/o. Iyyanar, R.S. No. 50/1 of Ariyur Revenue Village, belonging to to the East of New Path Way, to the West of Plot Thiru Chinnarasu, S/o. Arumugam to the East of No. 32, to the North of Plot No. 25 and to the South of Road, to the West of Chandirasegaran Land, to the Plot No. 23. North of Kasiraja and Ponnurangam Land and to the South of Varadarasu Land. 11 Months upset price : ` 53,36,100 11 months upset price : ` 32,57,100 Monthly upset price : ` 4,85,100 monthly upset price : ` 2,96,100 E.M.D. : ` 5,33,610 EMD : ` 3,25,710 G.Q per day. : 364 litrestres G.Q. per day : 222 litres Licence No. 14 : MANAKUPPAM—This shop should be set up in the Govenrment poramboke land Licence No. 17 : ARASUR — This shop should be bearing R.S. No. 9 of Manakuppam Revenue village, set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 108/2 of to the east of Sivarandhagam road, to the south of Kurumabapet Revenue village, belonging to Balan Mudaliar land, to the north of Thanigaivel, to the North of road, to the South of Md. Muthukumarasamy land and to the west of Yusif land, to the East of Jagadeesan land and to the Government poramboke land. West of Sagundala land. 574 LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT [PART - I

11 Months upset price : ` 61,54,683 11 Months upset price : ` 96,53,490 Monthly upset price : ` 5,59,517 Monthly upset price : ` 8,77,590 E.M.D. : ` 6,15,468 E.M.D. : ` 9,65,349

G.Q. per day : 420 litres G.Q. per day : 658 litres

Licence No. 19 : PERUNGALUR - This shop Licence No. 3 : ODUTHURAI— This shop should should be set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 6/1 of be set up in the western side of the Government Perungalur Revenue Village, belonging to Ramesh, poramboke land bearing ward No. L, block-1, T.S. S/o. Datchinamurthy, to the east of Plot No. 27, to the No.24 in Oduthurai Revenue Village, necessary north of Ist Cross Street, and to the south of Plot No. pathway has to be provided over the Kannivaikal by 30 and 31. lessee. North L/1/2 channel, south L/1/25, west L/1/ 26, east remaining portion of L/1/24. (OR) (OR) This shop should be set up in the Plot Nos. 5 and 6 of B.K.V. Avenue bearing R.S. No. 6/1 of Perungalur This shop should be set up in theWard L, Block-I, Revenue Village, belonging to Thiru Chandru Radha, T.S. No. 6/1/2/1, R.S. No. 142/5B pt., R.S. No. 142/5A S/o. Singaram Radha, to the East of Plot No. 4, to pt., O.S. No. 125 pt. in Oduthurai Revenue Village, to the West of Plot No. 7, to the North of Perungalur the east of T.S. No. L/1/7, south of T.S. No. L/1/8. The Road and to the South of Plot Nos. 17 and 18. land belongs to Thiru Rajasegaran, S/o. 11 Months upset price : ` 19,05,750 Sivapragasam. Monthly upset price : ` 1,73,250 11 Months upset price : ` 47,15,172 E.M.D. : ` 1,90,575 Monthly upset price : ` 4,28,652

G.Q. per day : 130 litres E.M.D. : ` 4,71,517 G.Q. per day : 321 litres ARRACK SHOP Licence No. 4 : DHARMAPURAM—This shop KARAIKAL REGION should be set up in the land bearing T.S. No. 2/pt., Ward-F, Block-1 of Karaikal Revenue Village on the I. KARAIKAL MUNICIPALITY west bank of Vanjiar river, south to burial ground, Licence No. 1 : KARAIKALMEDU—This shop north to culvert and 100 metres away from the road should be set up in the land bearing Ward-C, leading to Dharmapuram. The land belongs to Block-10 T.S. No. 25/2-pt. of Kovilpathu Revenue Village, Government. the land belongs to Arulmigu Kailasanathasamy and 11 Months upset price : ` 30,56,673 Nithiyakalyana Perumal Devasthanam, Karaikal. Monthly upset price : ` 2,77,879 11 Months upset price : ` 56,99,925 E.M.D : ` 3,05,667 Monthly upset price : ` 5,18,175 G.Q. per Day : 208 litres E.M.D : ` 5,69,993


Licence No.2 : PILLAITHERUVASAL- This shop Licence No. 1 : KONNAKAVELY—This shop should should be set up in the Government poramboke land be set up in the dry land bearing R.S. No.14/1 of bearing ward-D, block-3, T.S. No.10 of Kovilpathu Varichikudy(North) Revenue Village. The land Revenue Village, to the East Pillaitheruvasal road, belong to Tmt. Poopiratti @ Mulliyambal to the east west vanjiyar south and north T.S. No.10, Ward-D, of S. Dhanabal land, west and north of Nandala Block 3 land of Vanjiyar padugai. Bank, south of Ponnammal land. PART - I] LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT 575

11 Months upset price : ` 1,38,85,988 11 months upset price : ` 21,70,176

Monthly upset price : ` 12,62,363 Monthly upset price : ` 1,97,289

E.M.D. : ` 13,88,599 E.M.D : ` 2,17,018

G.Q. per day : 947 litres G.Q. per Day : 148 litres

Licence No. 2 : VARICHIKUDY -The shop should III. NEDUNGADU COMMUNE PANCHAYAT be set up in the government Poramboke land bearing R.S. No. 268 of Varichikudy (South) Revenue Licence No. 1 : —This shop should Village, North of R.S. No. 269/1 and 269/4 and be set up in the dry land bearing R.S.No. 2/4 of South of existing Varichikudy to Thiruvettaikudy Kurumbagaram Revenue Village, on the South bank Road. With a condition to provide a pre-cost cement of Nandalar river, East of puthupalam, North of wall around the shop. Melpadugai Road. The land belong to Government

11 Months upset price : ` 1,21,39,628 11 Months upset price : ` 3,39,69,128

Monthly upset price : ` 11,03,603 Monthly upset price : ` 30,88,103

E.M.D. : ` 12,13,963 E.M.D. : ` 33,96,913

G.Q. per day : 828 litres G.Q. per day : 2,316 litres

Licence No. 3 : KOTTUCHERRY—This shop Licence No. 2 : ANNAVASAL—This shop should should be set up in the Government Poramboke land be set up in the R.S. No. 22/2 of Nedungadu bearing R.S. No. 43 pt., in Kottucherry Revenue Revenue Village the land belongs to Tmt. Village (Nattaru Vaickkal Bed) to the east of R.S. No. Rukmanidevi, W/o. Natesan, East of R.S. No.22/3, 57, to west of R.S. No. 44, to the south of R.S. No. 55 West of R.S. No. 22/1, South of R.S. No. 16, and to the north of R.S. No. 42. Kumbakonam road and North of R.S.No. 19, Nattar Vaikkal. 11 Months upset price : ` 72,13,206 11 Months upset price : ` 1,25,44,709 Monthly upset price : ` 6,55,746 Monthly Kist : ` 11,40,428 E.M.D : ` 7,21,321 E.M.D : ` 12,54,471 G.Q. per Day : 492 litres G.Q. per Day : 855 litres Licence No. 4 : MANDAPATHUR—This shop should be set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 226/ Licence No. 3 : VADHIYIRUPPUSALAI—This shop 4 & 9 of Thiruvattakudy Revenue Village. Boundaries: should be set up in the land bearing R.S.No. 281/4 North: R.S.No. 226/2; 3 and 225/5 South: R.S. No. of Nedugadu Revenue Village, the land belongs to 226/5 240/4, East: R.S. No. 226/9, 227/1, 2A, 3A, 3B Government. Neccessary Pathway has to be 339/2, 3 West: R.S. No. 226/2, 4 to 8 the land provided over the Kannivaikkal by lessee East R.S. belongs to Government. No.281/5, west R.S. No.281/1C, south R.S.No.281/5, (OR) North R.S. No.281/1C.

This shop should be set up in the land bearing R.S. 11 Months upset price : ` 30,45,065 No. 230/2 Thiruvattakudi Revenue Village north of R.S. Monthly upset price : ` 2,76,824 No. 230/1 south of R.S No. 231/2 east of R.S. No. 230/1A, E.M.D : ` 3,04,507 1B west of R.S. No. 229/5B the land belongs to Arulmigu Thirumeni Azhagar Devasthanam, Thiruvattakudi. G.Q. per Day : 208 litres. 576 LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT [PART - I

Licence No. 4 : KULAKUDY—This shop should be 11 Months upset price : ` 2,21,63,353 set up in the dry land bearing R.S.No.2/11, 2/6 of ponbethy Revenue Village 20 mtrs. away from the Monthly upset price : ` 20,14,850 Nandallar river bank. The land belongs to Thiru E.M.D : ` 22,16,335 T. Arunachalam to the east of Subramanian land west of Velayatham land south of Nandalar River Bank G.Q. per Day : 1,511 litres and to the north of T. Arunachalam land. Licence No. 3: NERAVY—This shop should be (OR) setup in the Government Poramboke land bearing This shop should be set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 55/3 of Neravy Revenue Village. North R.S. No. 2/2 of Ponpethy Revenue Village the land ofRoad, South of Thirumalai rajanar River. West of belongs to P. Vellayudham. North to Nandalar East R.S. No. 55/2, east of Panankattakudy Road. and South to wet land of P. Vellayudham west to the Dry land of Ramasamy. (OR) 11 Months upset price : ` 97,62,638 This shop should be set up in the landbearing Monthly upset price : ` 8,87,513 R.S. No. 59/6 of Neravy Revenue Village.South of E.M.D. : ` 9,76,264 Adrangarai road, West of public pathway, East of G.Q. per day : 666 litres R.S. No. 59/9 and North of R.S.No.59/6 and the land belongs to Thiru Arulmanisekaran. IV. NERAVY COMMUNE PANCHAYAT (OR) Licence No. 1 MANAMUTTI—This shop should be set up in the land of R.S.No.54 Government This shop should be set up in the landbearing Porambokku land of Vizhidiyur Revenue Village, 10 R.S. No. 59/5B belongs to P.R.N. Subramanian, mtrs. on the southern side of the Gangayan channel S/o. P.R. Nalamaharajan of Neravy Revenue Village bank and 45 mtrs. from the western side of the to the South of R.S. No. 59/5A to the north of Manampet road end. Atrangarai Road and to the east of R.S. No.59/3 and 11 Months upset price : ` 3,00,87,750 the west of R.S. No. 59/6. Monthly upset price : ` 27,35,250 11 Months upset price : ` 52,55,793 E.M.D. : ` 30,08,775 Monthly upset price : ` 4,77,799 G.Q. per day : 2,051 litres E.M.D. : ` 5,25,579 Licence No. 2 : POONTHOTTAM ROAD—This shop should be set up in the land ofR.S. No. 7/6 of G.Q. per Day : 358 litres Vizhidiyur Revenue Village, 20 mtrs.away from Poonthottam Road, east of R.S. No. 7/5,west of R.S. Licence No. 4 : KAKAMOZHI—This shop should No. 7/7, south of R.S. No. 7/6, 7/8, northof R.S. No. 7/9. be set up in the land of R.S.No.38/1 of Keezhamanai The land belongs to Jaganathan. Revenue Village and 3 mtrs. away from the Thoothuponaamoolai road and 2 mtrs. away from (OR) the channel. The land belongs to Government. This shop is to be set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 157/2 of Vizhidiyur Revenue Village, 11 Months upset price : ` 89,81,234 belongs to Government Poramboke, North of Arasalar Sellur Revenue Village, South of 157/4, Monthly upset price : ` 8,16,476 Seshamoolai Vadivaikal, East of 157/3 pathway, E.M.D. : ` 8,98,123 West of 157/1 Government Poramboke land leading to Agalankannu. G.Q. per Day : 612 litres PART - I] LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT 577

V. T.R.PATTINAM COMMUNE PANCHAYAT This shop should be set up in the Government Poramboke land bearing R.S. No. 44/2 of Keezhaiyur Licence No.1: VANJOOR: This shop should be (North) Revenue Village East, and North- set up in the R.S. No. 105/2A, Plot No. 24, 25, 26 Karappakulam R.S. No. 44/1 and 44/3. West and 27 Vanjoor Revenue Village belonging to Mahathoppu Road, South R.S. No. 45/1. R. Ravichandiran, S/o. Ramalingam to south of 11 Months upset price : ` 1,44,93,714 existing road, to the east of Plot No.23, to the west of Plot No. 28, to the north of R.S. No. 105/1 and Monthly upset price : ` 13,17,610 R.S. No. 2A pt. E.M.D. : ` 14,49,371

(OR) G.Q. per day : 988 litres

VI. THIRUNALLAR COMMUNE PANCHAYAT This shop should be set up in Government Poramboke land bearing R.S.No. 106 pt. of Vanjoor Licence No. 1 AMBAGARATHUR—This shop Revenue Village to the east of R.S. No. 105 to the should be set up in the land bearing R.S. No.96/ west of Tamil Nadu boundary to the north of R.S. No. 2pt., of Ambagarathur Revenue Village 30 mtrs. away 104 to the south of R.S. No. 108. from Ambagarathur Road. The land belongs to Government. 11 Months upset price : ` 3,63,94,628 11 Months upset price : ` 3,70,13,130 Monthly upset price : ` 33,08,603 Monthly upset price : ` 33,64,830 E.M.D. : 36,39,463 ` E.M.D. : ` 37,01,313

G.Q. per Day : 2,481 litres G.Q. per day : 2,524 litres

Licence No. 2: MELAIYUR—This shop should be Licence No. 2 : SETHUR—This shop should set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 92/8 of T.R. be set up in the Government Promboke land bearing Pattinam Revenue Village, 50 mtrs away from R.S. No. 88/4 on the Nallzzhandur Revenue Village, Thittacherry Road, 40 mtrs away from the Road on the east and north of R.S. No. 88/3 south and leading to Burial Ground in the Existing Toddy shop. west of road leads to Nallzzhandur Gravy yard. The land belongs to Nadukkm Theertha Vinayagar 11 months upset price : ` 91,77,549 Temple. Monthly upset price : ` 8,34,323 11 Months upset price : ` 1,48,80,443 EMD : ` 9,17,755 Monthly upset price : ` 13,52,768 G.Q. per Day : 626 litres E.M.D. : ` 14,88,044 Licence No. 3 : THENNANKUDI—This shop should G.Q. per day : 1,015 litres be set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 217 pt., of Thennankudi Revenue Village, Western side of Licence No. 3 : KEEZHIYUR (NORTH)—This shop Pannai Vaikal and 30 metres away from Southern should be set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 45/2 side of Mathur road. The land belongs to of Keezhiyur North Revenue Village, North R.S. Government. No. 44/3 Kulam, West R.S. No. 45/1, 3 pathway east R.S. No. 45/6, channel. South R.S. No. 45/3 pathway 11 Months upset price : ` 29,10,600 R.S. No. 45/5 land of Selvaraju. This land belongs Monthly upset price : ` 2,64,600 to Thiru. Senthil Kumar, S/o. Thiagarajan. E.M.D. : ` 2,91,060

(OR) G.Q. per day : 198 litres 578 LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT [PART - I

Licence No. 4 : THIRUNALLAR—This shop should SCHEDULE — IV be set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 67/7, SHOPS TO BE AUCTIONED Thirunallar Revenue Village, north and west of R.S. No. 67/1 Vaikkal, east of R.S. No. 69/8, south TODDY SHOPS of 67/6 and 69/7. Necessary pathway has to be PUDUCHERRY REGION provided over the Kannivaikkal by the lessee. I. ARIANKUPPAM COMMUNE PANCHAYAT 11 months upset price : ` 43,83,086 Licence No. 1 : ARIANKUPPAM—This shop should Monthly upset price : ` 3,98,462 be set up in land bearing R.S. No. 47/3 of Manavely Revenue Village, belonging to Pushpa W/o. EMD : ` 4,38,309 Shanmugam to West of Plot No. 166 to the East of G.Q. per Day : 299 litres Plot No. 168 to the South of Plot No. 187 and 188 to the North of Kuber Nagar Main Road.

Licence No. 5 : SORAKUDY—This shop should be 11 Months upset price : ` 1,73,088 set up in the Government poramboke land in R.S. No. 187/3 of Devamapuram Revenue Village, East Monthly upset price : ` 15,735 R.S. No. 153/2 of Surakudy Revenue Village, West E.M.D. : ` 17,309 Noolar River. North R.S. No. 186 Devamapuram Revenue Village and R.S. No. 153/2 of Sorakudy Licence No. 2 : POORANANKUPPAM—This shop Revenue Village South R.S. No. 193 of should be set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 18 /18 Devamapuram Revenue Village. belonging to R. Ezhilraja, to the east of pathway to Kulam, to the west of Kesavan land and to the south (OR) of Government poramboke kulam, to the north of Pudukuppam Road.

This shop should be set up in the land bearing 11 Months upset price : ` 61,769 R.S. No. 180/4/B of Sorakudy Reveue Village. The land belongs to V. Arulmani Sekaran to the south Monthly upset price : ` 5,615 R.S. No. 180/3 north 180/1, west 180/4/A/1, 180/4/A/ E.M.D. : ` 6,177 2, east R.S. No. 180/6. Licence No. 3 : NALLAVADU—This shop should 11 Months upset price : ` 52,74,342 be set up in the Municipal poramboke land bearing R.S. No. 133 / 5, of Pooranankuppam Revenue Monthly upset price : ` 4,79,486 village, to the east, west and north of Uppanar river E.M.D. : ` 5,27,434 and to the south of Nallavadu road (Opposite to Pooranankuppam road). G.Q. per day : 360 litres 11 Months upset price : ` 42,781 Licence No. 6 : ATHIPADUGAI—This shop should Monthly upset price : ` 3,889 be set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 141/6 pt., and 145/2pt., of Pettai Revenue Village to the North of E.M.D. : ` 4,278 Arasalar River bank road and the land belongs to Sri Darparanyeswara Swamy Devasthanam. Licence No. 4 : ABISHEKAPAKKAM—This shop should be set up in the Government Road 11 Months upset price : ` 26,92,305 poramboke land bearing R.S. No. 117, of Abishekapakkam Revenue village, way leading to Monthly upset price : ` 2,44,755 Ranga reddipalayam to Thimanaikkanpalayam, to the south of Government Poramboke vaikkal of E.M.D : ` 2,69,231 R.S.No. 115/2 and to the east, west and north of G.Q. per day : 184 litres remaining Government Porambok land. PART - I] LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT 579

11 Months upset price : ` 98,903 11 Months upset price : ` 5,48,163

Monthly upset price : ` 8,991 Monthly upset price : ` 49,833

E.M.D. : ` 9,890 E.M.D : ` 54,816

Licence No. 5: KASANTHITTU — This shop should Licence No. 2 : MANAMEDU—This shop should be set up in the Government poramboke land be set up in the Government Poramboke land bearing R.S. No. 141/3, of Pooranankuppam bearing R.S. No. 103 of Manamedu Revenue Village, Revenue village, to the east of road, to the south of to the North of Pennaiyar river and east, west and Kuppusamy Counder land, to the north of south of the bank of the river. Ellayammal land and to the west of Palaniammal land.

(OR) 11 Months upset price : ` 4,64,310

This shop should be set up in R.S.No.141/2 of Monthly upset price : ` 42,210 Pooranankuppam Revenue village, belonging to E.M.D. : ` 46,431 B.Ram, to the east and south of Road, to the north of Government Poramboke land, to the west of Licence No. 3 : KURUVINATHAM—This shop Arumuga Gramini land. should be set up in the land belonging to 11 Months upset price : ` 77,859 Parasuraman S/o. Marimuthu in R.S.No. 3/4 in Monthly upset price : ` 7,078 Kuruvinatham Revenue village, to the North and West of R. Purushothaman land, to the East of E.M.D. : ` 7,786 S. Purushothaman and to the South of Sitheri Road.

Licence No.6 : T.N. PALAYAM—This shop should 11 Months upset price : ` 2,15,535 be set up in the Government Poramboke Land Monthly upset price : ` 19,594 bearing R.S. No. 177 / 2 of T.N. Palayam Revenue village, to the east of Vaithilingam land, to the west E.M.D. : ` 21,553 of Purushothaman land, to the north of Kannan land and to the south of Vengatesan land. Licence No. 4 : ARACHIKUPPAM—This shop (OR) should be set up at Parikkalpet Village, in this land bearing Re-survey No. 182/7, of Parikkalpet This shop should be set up Government Revenue village, belonging to Thiru S. Parthiban, Poramboke Land bearing R.S. No. 178 of T.N. Palayam to the north of the river Pennaiyar, to the south of Revenue village, to the East of River, to the West of Purushothaman Reddiar Land, to the North of Road Saroja @ Saraswathi land, to the west of road and and to the south of the graveyard, Vengetesan Land. to the east of Pavadai land.

11 Months upset price : ` 95,888 11 Months upset price : ` 4,12,335 Monthly upset price : ` 8,717 Monthly upset price : ` 37,485

E.M.D. : ` 9,589 E.M.D. : ` 41,234

II. BAHOUR COMMUNE PANCHAYAT Licence No. 5 : KUDIYIRUPUPALAYAM—This shop should be set up in the land bearing Licence No. 1 : KARAYAMBUTHUR—This shop R.S. No. 161/5 of Seliamedu Revenue village, should be set up in the land bearing R.S.No.78/1 belonging to Nagamuthu to the south of Adingapet of Karayambuthur Revenue village, belonging to Road, to the west and north of Government Channel Vijayarangam to the west of road leading to Then and to the east of Deepanjan land. Pennaiar river, to the east of R.S. No. 77 to the south of R.S. No. 86, to the north of R.S. No. 79. (OR) 580 LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT [PART - I

This shop should be set up in the land bearing This shop should be set up in the Government R.S. No. 139 Government Promboke of Sellimedu Poramboke Land bearing R.S. No. 6 of Manapet Revenue Village, to the East and North of R.S. No. 139 Revenue Village, to the East of R.S. No. 8, to the West to the South of R.S. No. 37 to the West of R.S. No. 140. and South of Bund, to the North of Road.

11 Month upset price : ` 4,56,225 11 Month upset price : ` 2,41,707 Monthly upset price : ` 41,475 Monthly upset price : ` 21,973 E.M.D. : ` 45,623 E.M.D. : ` 24,171

Licence No. 7 : MULLODAI: This shop should be Licence No. 10 : ARANGANUR—This shop should set up in the Plot Nos. 36, 37 and 38 of be set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 109/11 of Balamurugan Nagar bearing R.S. No. 343/2 of Aranganur Revenue village, belonging to Bahour Revenue Village, belonging to Thiru Gopu, Tmt. Valarmathi, to the east, south and north of the S/o. Perumal, to the East of Plot No. 35, to the West remaining land of the owner and to the west of of Plot No. 39, to the North of Road and Kuttai and Bahour main road. to the South of New Pathway. (OR)

(OR) This shop should be set up in the land bearing R.S.No.78/2 of Aranganur Revenue village, This shop should be set up in the Plot Nos. 3 belonging to Thiru. Arul S/o Muthaiya Naidu, to the and 4 of Perumal Garden bearing R.S. No. 45/1 of south of Velendira canal, to the west of Bahoor - Utchimedu Revenue Village, belonging to Tmt. Villianur road, to the east and north of remaining Subashree, D/o. Selvaraj, to the East of Plot No. 35, land of the owner. to the West of R.S. No. 202, to the North of Plot No. 5 and to the South of Plot No. 2. 11 Months upset price : ` 1,47,182 11 Month upset price : ` 2,16,782 Monthly upset price : ` 13,380 Monthly upset price : ` 19,707 E.M.D. : ` 14,718 E.M.D. : ` 21,678 Licence No. 11 : PANAYADIKUPPAM—This shop should be set up in the Government poramboke Licence No. 8 : NARAMBAI—This shop should be land bearing R.S. No. 30/2, of Panayadikuppam set up in the Government Poramboke land bearing Revenue village to the north of Erivaikal, to the east R.S.No.174/1 of Pilliarkuppam Revenue Village, to the and west of Government poramboke land and to the south of Narambai Road,to the west and north of south of Subba Reddiar land. remaining land of R.S.No.174/1 and to the east of R.S.No.135/5. 11 Months upset price : ` 94,236

11 Months upset price : ` 1,41,453 Monthly upset price : ` 8,567 Monthly upset price : ` 12,859 E.M.D. : ` 9,424

E.M.D. : ` 14,145 Licence No. 12 : BAHOUR—This shop should be set up in the Government poramboke land bearing Licence No. 9 : KANNIKOIL—This shop should be R.S.No.46 of Bahour Revenue village, on the set up in the Plot Nos. 374, 375, 376, 377 and 378 of western side of the road leading from Bahour, to the V.I.P. Nagar bearing R.S. No. 133/1/F/1/A/11 of south Karaimedu road, to the north of the Channel, Manapattu Revenue Village, belonging to Thiru to the east of the Dharmalingam land. Sivakumar, S/o. Sachithanantham, to the East of Plot 11 Months upset price : ` 2,62,254 Nos. 389 and 390, to the West of Road, to the North of New path way and to the South of Plot No. 379. Monthly upset price : ` 23,841 (OR) E.M.D. : ` 26,225 PART - I] LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT 581

Licence No. 13 : MANAPET—This shop should be Licence No. 4 : THIRUVANDARKOIL—This shop set up in the Government poramboke land bearing should be set up in the land bearing R.S. No.162/2 R.S. No. 218/3 of Manapet Revenue village, to the of Thiruvandarkoil Revenue Village, belonging east of the road leading to Moorthikuppam to Gopalakrishnan S/o. Chetti, to the West of Puducherry U.T. Boundary, to the East of graveyard, between Manapet and to the west, south & north of to the South of Gopalakrishnan land and to the North the R.S. No. 218/3. of pathway from graveyard leads to Gopalakrishnan land. 11 Months upset price : ` 1,31,358 11 Months upset price : ` 95,472 Monthly upset price : ` 11,942 Monthly upset price : ` 8,679 E.M.D. : ` 13,136 E.M.D. : ` 9,547

III. MANNADIPET COMMUNE PANCHAYAT Licence No. 5 : KAIKALPET—This shop should be Licence No. 1: THIRUKANUR—This shop should set up in the Municipal poramboke land R.S. No. 44/2 of Kodathur Revenue village, to the east of be set up in land bearing R.S.No.107/2 of way, to the west of Suthukeny Dam and to the south Mannadipet Revenue Village, belonging to and north of manai of Kuppusamy. K. Sivagamasundari, to the east of Sivamanai land, to the south of Villupuram road and to the north of 11 Months upset price : ` 83,530 Kannayam manai, to the west of Velayudham land. Monthly upset price : ` 7,594

(OR) E.M.D. : ` 8,353

Licence No. 6 : SORAPET—This shop should be This shop should be set up in land bearing set up in Government Poramboke land bearing R.S. R.S. No. 105/9 of Mannadipet Revenue Village, No. 66/2 of Sorapet Revenue Village, to the south of belonging to K.Muthulakshmi, to the east of Kanna Thiruvannamalai road, to the north of Morris lgnacy’s Naidu manai, to the west of Krishnan manai, to the land, to the west of threshing floor and to the east south of T.V. Malai road and to the north of of Pillaiyarkoil land of Sorapet. Muthusamy land. (OR)

12 Months upset price : ` 1,60,060 This shop should be set up in Government Poramboke land bearing R.S. No. 187 of Sorapet Monthly upset price : ` 14,551 Revenue Village, to the south of R.S. No. 80, to the E.M.D. : ` 16,006 north and east of R.S. No. 87/5 to the west of R.S. No. 88 road. Licence No. 3 : LINGAREDDIPALAYAM—This shop 11 Months upset price : ` 1,81,208 should be set up in the Government poramboke land bearing R.S. No. 39 of Kateri Revenue village, Monthly upset price : ` 16,473 to the east of Papankulam, to the north of road E.M.D. : ` 18,121 leading from Lingareddipalayam to Vanur and to the west of Arumugam land at 10 metres away from the Licence No. 7 : SELLIPET—This shop should be road. set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 32/4 of Sellipet Revenue Village, belonging to Thiru Arjuna Counder, 11 Months upset price : ` 4,46,292 to the south and west of Arjuna land, to the east of Sellipet Road and to the north of Thiruvannamalai Monthly upset price : ` 40,572 Road.

E.M.D. : ` 44,629 (OR) 582 LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT [PART - I

This shop should be set up in the land bearing 11 Months up set price : ` 2,56,410 R.S. No. 34/1 and 34/4 of Sellipet Revenue Village, Monthly up set price : ` 23,310 belonging to Thiru N. Parisithu, to the east of Odai, to the north of Kuppusamy land, to the south of E.M.D. : ` 25,641 Thiruvannamalai Road and to the west of Licence No. 13 : ANDIARPALAYAM—This shop Ramakrishnan and Kumarasamy land. should be set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 135/14 11 Months up set price : ` 1,67,475 of Kalitheerthallkuppam Revenue village, belonging to Thiru. N. Karthikayan, to the north of Government Monthly up set price : 15,225 ` channel, to the west of Rice Mill, to the south of Main E.M.D. : ` 16,748 Road and to the east of residential houses.

Licence No. 8 : PURANASINGUPALAYAM—This 11 Months up set price : ` 93,567 shop should be set up in the land bearing R.S No. 284/ Monthly up set price : ` 8,506 3 of Vadhanur Revenue Village, belonging to Thiru. T. Parameshwaran, to the east of Thirukanur Main Road, E.M.D. : ` 9,357 to the south of newly formed road, to the north of Licence No. 14 : SILUKKARIPALAYAM - This shop Ramakrishna Reddiar land and to the west of the should be set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 83/3A remaining land of R.S No. 284/3. of Kalitheerthalkuppam Revenue village, belonging 11 Months upset price : ` 1,58,882 to A. Arumugam, to the east of Vasudevamudaliar land, to the south of silukaripalayam road, to the Monthly upset price : ` 14,444 north of Saraswathi land and to the west of road.

E.M.D. : ` 15,888 (OR)

Licence No. 9 : VAMBUPET—This shop should This shop should be set up in the land bearing R.S. be set up in the Government poramboke land No. 83/7 of Kalitheerthalkuppam Revenue village, bearing R.S. No. 57 of Vambupet Revenue village, belonging to G.Tamilmani, to the East, West and South to the East, West and North of R.S. No. 56/5 and to of remaining belonging to G. Tamilmani. the South of Maasilamani land. 11 Months up set price : ` 96,419 11 Months up set price : ` 1,63,063 Monthly up set price : ` 8,765 Monthly up set price : ` 14,824 E.M.D. : ` 9,642 E.M.D. : ` 16,306 Licence No. 15 : MANNADIPET —This shop Licence No. 10 : SANNIYASIKUPPAM—This shop should be set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 1/13 should be set up in Government poramboke land of Mannadipet Revenue Village, belonging to bearing R.S. No. 54/4 of Sanniyasikuppam Revenue Tmt. Kavithai, W/o. Mathi @ Vengadesan, to the East village, to the north of Rishapamkoil thope, to the and West of Kavitha Plot, to the South of Road, to south of Pambaiar, to the west of road and to the the North of Murugan Koil Land. east of Devarasu land. (OR) 11 Months up set price : ` 1,07,935 This shop should be set up in the land bearing Monthly up set price : ` 9,812 R.S. No. 1/14, of Mannadipet Revenue village, belonging to Subramaniya samy Temple land to the E.M.D. : ` 10,793 east and north of T.V. Malai Road, to the west of Licence No. 11 : KUMARAPALAYAM—This shop Govindan land and to the south of Sadasiva Reddiar should be set up in Government poramboke land land. bearing R.S. No. 70 of Thethambakkam Revenue 11 Months upset price : ` 4,00,785 village, to the north of Sankaraparany river, to the south, east and west of Sankaraparany river bank Monthly upset price : ` 36,435 and to the south of road. E.M.D. : ` 40,079 PART - I] LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT 583

Licence No. 16 : KUNICHEMPET—This shop This shop should be setup in the land bearing R.S.No.43/ should be set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 108 2 of Madukarai Revenue Village, belonging to Sri of Kunichempet Revenue village, belonging to Marakaleeswarar Temple, to the south Siruvanthadu main S. Sokkalingam, to the west of Manalipet Road, to Road, to the east of the remaining land of Marakaleeswarar the north of Government Poramboke land, to the Temple land, to the west of Narasa Reddiyar Land and to east and south of remaining land of Thiru the north of both Pondicherry and Tamilnadu lands. Sokkalingam. 11 Months upset price : ` 14,66,850 (OR) Monthly upset price : ` 1,33,350 This shop should be set up in the land bearing E.M.D. : ` 1,46,685 R.S. No. 51/2 of Kunichempet Revenue village, belonging to Kothai, W/o. Venkatesan, to the east of Licence No. 2 : KARIAMANICKAM–I—This shop Manalipet Road, to the west of Arikrishnan manai, should be set up in the Government Poramboke to the south of Arumugam land and to the north of land bearing R.S. No. 209/3 of Kariamanickam Kuttai. Revenue Village, to the east of Reddiar land, to the west of Pond, to the north of Maducarai Road 11 Months upset price : ` 2,83,784 and to the south of overhead tank. Monthly upset price : ` 25,799 11 Months upset price : ` 1,68,006 E.M.D. : ` 28,378 Monthly upset price : ` 15,273 Licence No. 17 : MADAGADIPET—This shop E.M.D. : ` 16,801 should be set up in the Government Poramboke Land bearing R.S. No. 16 of Madagadipet Revenue Licence No. 3 : NETTAPAKKAM—This shop Village, to the East, North & South of remaining should be set up in the land bearing R.S. No.95/2 land of R.S. No 16, to the West of new path way. of Nettapakkam Revenue Village, belonging to Seenan, S/o.Vaidyanathan, to the south of Sivankoil 11 Months up set price : ` 2,26,149 land to the east of Natesan land, to the west of Monthly up set price : ` 20,559 Municipal poramboke land and to the north of Sinnapatturoja land. E.M.D. : ` 22,615 11 Months upset price : ` 5,49,260 Licence No. 18 : THIRUBUVANAIPALAYAM— This shop should be set up in the Government Monthly upset price : ` 49,933 Poramboke Land bearing R.S. No. 130 of E.M.D. : ` 54,926 Madagadipet Revenue Village, to the East of R.S. No. 130, to the North of R.S. No. 129, to the South Licence No. 4 : EMBALAM—This shop should be and West of R.S. No. 130. set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 212/1 pt. of Embalam Revenue Village, belonging to 11 Months upset price : ` 2,99,815 Chandruradha and Canagaraj to the south of new Monthly upset price : ` 27,256 path way, to the west of path way, to the east of plot No. 31 and to the north of plot No. 34 & 35. E.M.D. : ` 29,981 11 Months upset price : ` 5,25,525 IV. NETTAPAKKAM COMMUNE PANCHAYAT Monthly upset price : ` 47,775 Licence No. 1 : MADUKARAI—This shop should be located in the extreme south-west corner of the land E.M.D. : ` 52,553 bearing the R.S. No. 86/10 of Madukarai Revenue Licence No. 5 : ERIPAKKAM —This shop should Village, belonging to Sri Marakaleeswarar temple, be set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 90/2 of Madukarai, to the west of Nellikuppam road, to the Eripakkam Revenue village, belonging to Thiru south and east of Eri channel and to the north of the J. Thandavamoorthy, to the east of Ramu land, to the remaining land of Sri Marakaleeswarar Temple. west of Rajasundaram and to the north of (OR) Govindasamy land and to the south of Kannan land. 584 LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT [PART - I

12 Months upset price : ` 1,16,655 11 Months upset price : ` 61,850

Monthly upset price : ` 10,605 Monthly upset price : ` 5,623 E.M.D. : ` 11,666 E.M.D. : ` 6,185

Licence No. 6 : MADUKARAI-II —This shop should Licence No. 3 : KARUVADIKUPPAM—This shop be set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 34/1 of should be set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 147/3 Madukarai Revenue village, belonging to J. Rani, and 147/4 of Karuvadikuppam Revenue Village, to the east of Subramanian land, to the west of belonging to T. Srinivasan and T. Balasubramanian Chezhian land to the north of Gothandapani and to the north of R.S. No.147/4, to the south of others land and to the south of Molapakkam Road. Karuvadikuppam Road, to the east of R.S. No.147/2, to the west of R.S. No.146/2 and 20 metres away from 12 Months upset price : ` 9,38,068 the Karuvadikuppam Road. Monthly upset price : ` 85,279 11 Months upset price : ` 1,81,254 E.M.D. : ` 93,807 Monthly upset price : ` 16,478

Licence No. 8 : KARAIKALAMPAKKAM—This shop E.M.D. : ` 18,125 should be set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 53/7 of Karikalampakkam Revenue Village, belonging Licence No. 4 : METTUPALAYAM—This shop to Thiru. Ramu to the south of Madukarai Road, to should be set up in the land bearing R.S.No.188/5, the north of Venkatakrishna Reddiar land to the east O.S. No. 941, 942 of Oulgaret Revenue Village, of Pavadaisamy plot to the west of Vijaya Odayar belonging to Somasundaram, to the east of road, land. leads to Oulgaret, west, north and south of remaining lands of Somasundaram. 11 Months Up set Price : ` 1,35,401 11 Months upset price : ` 1,49,792 Monthly Up set Price : ` 12,309 Monthly upset price : ` 13,617 E.M.D. : ` 13,540 E.M.D. : ` 14,979 V. OULGARET MUNICIPALITY Licence No. 5 : DHARMAPURI—This shop should Licence No. 1 : KALAPET—This shop should be be set up in the land bearing plot No. 55 of R.S. set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 184/1 of Kalapet No. 7/8 of Thattancahavady Revenue Village, Revenue Village, belonging to Vasanthi, to the East belonging to Malarkodi W/o. Arunagiri, to the east of of Govindammal Land, to the West of Sellappan land new pathway, to the west of Odaiway pathway, to the and to the South and North of New Pathway. north of plot No. 56 and to the south of plot No. 54.

11 Months upset price : ` 1,29,418 11 Months upset price : ` 32,871

Monthly upset price : ` 11,765 Monthly upset price : ` 2,988

E.M.D. : ` 12,942 E.M.D. : ` 3,287

Licence No. 2 : PILLAICHAVADY—This shop Licence No. 6 : KANAPATHICHETTIKULAM: This should be set up in the land bearing plot Nos. 47 shop should be set up in the Government and 48 of R.S. No. 196 of Pillaichavady Revenue poramboke land bearing R.S. No.150/4 of Kalapet Village, belonging to E. Tamizhselvi, to the west of Revenue Village, to the south of path way, to the New Street, to the east of Subbaraya Counder & west of samikannu land, to the north of Nates Vaithilingam land, to the north of plot No. 46 and to coundar land and to the east of Ponnappa coundar land. the south of part of land of R.S. No. 196. (OR) PART - I] LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT 585

This shop should be set up in the land bearing Licence No. 2: MANGALAM: This shop should be R.S. No. 150/2 of Kalapet Revenue Village, set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 106 pt. of belonging to Srinivasan, to the west of remaining Mangalam Revenue village, belonging to G. Rajathy land of the owner, to the east of pathway, to the south to the north of channel, to the east of Maducarai road of Government poramboke land and to the north of to the west of land belonging to G. Rajathy, 20 metres singh land. away from the main road.

11 Months upset price : ` 2,09,171 11 Months upset price : ` 6,06,375 Monthly upset price : ` 19,016 Monthly upset price : ` 55,125 E.M.D. : ` 20,917 E.M.D. : ` 60,638

VI. PUDUCHERRY MUNICIPALITY Licence No. 3 : VILLIANUR—This shop should be set up in the Plot No. 13 of Sri Ram Nagar bearing Licence No. 1 : KOMBAKKAM—This shop should R.S. No. 30/8/A of Villianur Revenue Village, be set up in land bearing Ward-L, Block-2, T.S.No.18/5 and belonging to Thiru Balu, S/o. Govindarasu, to the 18/6 of Kombakkam Revenue village, belonging to East of Plot No. 14, to the West of Plot No. 12, to Arulmighu Sengazhuthumariamman Temple , the North of New path way and to the South of Kombakkam, to the east of T.S. No. 18/1 to the, west reserve land. of T.S. No. 18/8, to the north of T.S. No. 18/4 and to the south of T.S. No. 14/7. (OR)

11 Months upset price : ` 75,976 This shop should be set up in the Plot No. 44 bearing R.S. No. 30/8/B of Villianur Revenue Village, Monthly upset price : 6,907 ` belonging to Tmt. Vijayalakshmi, W/o. Arulselvam, to E.M.D. : ` 7,598 the East of newly propsed road, to the West of Tamilnadu boundary, to the North of channel and to Licence No. 2 : MURUNGAPAKKAM—This shop the South of plot No. 45. should be set up in land bearing Ward-O, Block No.IV, T.S.No.2/16 of R.S. No. 213/12 of Murungapakkam 11 Months upset price : ` 2,14,102 Revenue village, belongs to Danabal, S/o. Thangavel Monthly upset price : ` 19,464 Nadar to the south of Newly proposed road, to the east, north and west of remaining land of Danabal, E.M.D. : ` 21,410 S/o. Thangavel Nadar. Licence No. 4 : KANUVAPET— This shop should 11 Months upset price : ` 88,935 be set up in the Government Poramboke land bearing R.S. No. 255/11 of Villianur Revenue village, Monthly upset price : ` 8,085 to the north of Odiampet road, to the east of road E.M.D. : ` 8,894 leading to the Iyyanar Temple to the west of Vetenary dispensary and to the south of Channel to be located VII. VILLIANUR COMMUNE PANCHAYAT 30 mrts. away from Odiampet road.

Licence No. 1 : PILLAIYARKUPPAM-I—This shop 11 Months upset price : ` 68,838 should be set up in land bearing R.S. No. 31/8 of Pillaiyarkuppam Revenue village, belongs to Monthly upset price : ` 6,258 V. Ponnusamy, to the west of road, to the east of E.M.D. : ` 6,884 Palani Counder land, to the north of Vaiyapuri land, Licence No. 5 : KARASUR —This shop should be to the south of Paraya Varadhan Land. set up in Government poramboke land bearing 11 Months upset price : ` 1,10,395 R.S. No. 29 / 8 of Karasur Revenue village, to the Monthly upset price : ` 10,036 south of R.S. No. 29 / 8 pt., to the north of land R.S. No. 37, to the east of land R.S. No. 29 / 7 and E.M.D. : ` 11,039 to the west of road. 586 LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT [PART - I

11 Months upset price : ` 1,30,446 Licence No. 9: VADAMANGALAM— This shop should be set up in the Plot No. 24 of New Golden Monthly upset price : ` 11,859 City bearing R.S. No. 83/2B of Mangalam Revenue E.M.D. : ` 13,045 Village, belonging to Tmt. Vijayalakshmi, W/o. Iyyanar, to the East of New Path Way, to the West of Plot Licence No. 6 : THONDAMANATHAM—This shop No. 32, to the North of Plot No. 25 and to the South should be set up in Government poramboke land of Plot No. 23. bearing R.S. No. 44 pt. of Thondamanatham 11 months upset price : ` 1,60,857 Revenue village, to the west of Thuttipet road and culvert, to the south and north of Government Monthly upset price : ` 14,623 poramboke land, to the east of lake and at a E.M.D. : ` 16,086 distance of 100 metres away from the water tank. Licence No. 10: KEEZHAGRAGARAM—This shop 11 Months upset price : ` 2,08,789 should be set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 147/2 of Thirukanji Revenue village, belonging to P. Thamodara Monthly upset price : ` 18,981 Coundar, to the east of Arumugam and Govindasamy E.M.D. : ` 20,879 land, to the south of Arumugam land, to the north of Kannappan land and to the west of road. Licence No. 7 : ARIYAPALAYAM—This shop (OR) should be set up in the Government Poramboke land bearing R.S. No. 292/3 of Villianur Revenue This shop should be set up in the land bearing Village, to the East, to the West and North of Bund, R.S. No. 161/2 of Thirukanji Revenue Village, to the South of M/s. PDL Premises. belonging to Thiru D. Mayavathi, to the east of Cuddalore Road, to the west and north of bund and (OR) to the south Palani Mannadhan land. 11 months upset price : ` 1,49,607 This shop should be set up in the plot Nos. 8 and 9 Monthly upset price : 13,601 of Thirumurugan Nagar-2 bearing R.S. No. 136/5 of ` Villianur Revenue Village belonging to E.M.D. : ` 14,961 Tmt. Vijayalakshmi, W/o. Balakrishnan, to the East of Plot No. 10, to the West of Plot No. 7, to the North of Licence No. 11 : MANAKUPPAM—This shop New path way and the South of Channel. should be set up in the Govenrment poramboke land bearing R.S. No. 9 of Manakuppam Revenue village, 11 Months upset price : ` 94,260 to the east of Sivarandhagam road, to the south of Balan Mudaliar land, to the north of Monthly upset price : ` 8,569 Muthukumarasamy land and to the west of E.M.D. : ` 9,426 Government poramboke land. 11 Months upset price : ` 60,938 Licence No. 8 : SIVARANTHAGAM—This shop should be set up in Government Poromboke land Monthly upset price : ` 5,540 bearing R.S.184/5 of Ariyur Revenue village, to the E.M.D. : ` 6,094 west of Ariyur Road, to the east, north, south of R.S. No. 184/5. Licence No.12 : PILLAYARKUPPAM-II—This shop should be set up in land bearing R.S. No. 80/3 of 11 Months upset price : ` 1,42,065 Pillayarkuppam Revenue village, belonging to Narayanasamy, to the south of Pillayar kuppam road, Monthly upset price : ` 12,915 to the west of Kottapuli land, east of Kalivaradhan's E.M.D. : ` 14,207 land and to the north of Narayanasamy land. PART - I] LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT 587

11 Months upset price : ` 94,052 11 Months upset price : ` 76,138

Monthly upset price : ` 8,550 Monthly upset pricet : ` 6,922 E.M.D. : ` 9,405 E.M.D. : ` 7,614

Licence No. 13 : PANGUR—This shop should be Licence No. 3 : DHARMAPURAM —This shop set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 36/5 of Ariyur should be set up in the land bearing T.S. No. 2/pt., Revenue Village, belonging to Tmt. Indirani, Ward-F, Block-1 of Karaikal Revenue Village on the W/o. Vengadesan to the East of Arun Nagar layout, west bank of Vanjiar River, south to burial ground, to the West of Ariyur - Ananthapuram Road, to the north of a culvert and 100 metres away form the road North of Mariyasusai Land and to the South of Ravul leading to Dharmapuram. This land belongs to and Panjali Land. Government.

(OR) 11 Months upset price : ` 19,450 This shop should be set up in the land bearing Monthly upset price : ` 1,768 R.S. No. 50/1 of Ariyur Revenue Village, belonging to Thiru Chinnarasu, S/o. Arumugam to the East of E.M.D. : ` 1,945 Road, to the West of Chandirasegaran Land, to the North of Kasiraja and Ponnurangam Land and to the Licence No. 4 : ODUTHURAI—This shop should South of Varadarasu Land. be set up in the western side of the Government poramboke land bearing ward No. L, block-1, T.S. 11 Months upset price : ` 97,956 No.24 in Oduthurai Revenue Village, necessary Monthly upset price : ` 8,905 pathway has to be provided over the Kannivaikal by lessee. North L/1/2 channel, south L/1/25, west L/1/ E.M.D. : ` 9,796 26, east remaining portion of L/1/24.

TODDY SHOPS 11 Months upset price : ` 1,39,351 KARAIKAL REGION Monthly upset price : ` 12,668 I. KARAIKAL MUNICIPALITY E.M.D. : ` 13,935

Licence No. 1 : KARAIKALMEDU—This shop should be set up in the land bearing T.S. No. 25/2 pt., II. KOTTUCHERRY COMMUNE PANCHAYAT Ward-C, Block-10 of Kovilpathu Revenue Village. The Licence No.1 : KONNAKAVELY—This shop should land belongs to the present trustee of Arulmeghu be set up in the dry land bearing R.S. No.14/1, of Kailasa Natha Swamy Temple and Nithyakalyana Varichikudi North Revenue Village. The land belongs Perumal Devasthanam, Karaikal to the west of to Tmt. Poopirathi @ Mullaiyammal to the east of S. Karaikalmedu Road to the east of Government Vaikal Dhanabal land to the west and north of Nandalar to the north of Road and to the south of Government Bank to the south of Pounambal land. porambake and Keezhavely Village Limit. 11 Months upset price : ` 57,092 11 Months upset price : ` 2,53,950 Monthly upset price : ` 5,190 Monthly upset pricet : ` 23,086 E.M.D. : ` 5,709 E.M.D. : ` 25,395

Licence No. 2 : PILLAITHERUVASAL—This shop Licence No. 2 : VARICHIKUDY—This shop should should be set up in the Government land in bearing, be set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 268 of Ward-D, Block-3 of T.S. No.10 of Kovilpathu Revenue Varichikudy (South) Revenue Village, North of R.S. Village on the east pillaitheruvasal road, west No. 269/1, 269/4 and South of existing Varichikudy to Vanjiyar river North and South T.S. No. 10 Ward-D, Thiruvettaikudi Road. To be provide a pre-cost Block-3, (Vanjiyar badugai). cement compound wall around the shop. 588 LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT [PART - I

11 Months upset price : ` 32,964 III. NEDUNGADU COMMUNE PANCHAYAT

Monthly upset price : ` 2,997 Licence No. 1 : NALLATHUR—This shop should be set up in the Government Poramboke land bearing E.M.D. : 3,296 ` R.S. No. 2/4 of Kurumbagaram Revenue Village, on the South bank of Nandalar river, East of puthu Licence No. 3 : KOTTUCHERRYMEDU—This palam, North of Melpadugai Road. shop should be set up in the Government poramboke land bearing Ward No. I, Block No. 5, 11 Months upset price : ` 1,02,934 T.S. No. 1 & 2 in Keezhakasakudy Revenue Village, Monthly upset price : ` 9,358 East of Mandapathur & Karaikalmedu Road, West of E.M.D. : ` 10,293 Ward I, Block No. 5, T.S. No. 2 & 3, North & South of Ward I, Block No. 5, T.S. No. 1 & 2. Licence No. 2 : KULAKUDY—This shop should 11 Months upset price : ` 1,20,120 be set up in the dry land bearing R.S.No.2/11, 2/6 of ponbethy Revenue Village 20 mtrs. away from the Monthly upset price : ` 10,920 Nandallar river bank. The land belongs to Thiru E.M.D. : ` 12,012 T. Arunachalam to the east of Subramanian land west of Velayatham land south of Nandalar River Bank Licence No. 4 : KOTTUCHERRY—This shop and to the north of T. Arunachalam land. should be set up in the Government Poramboke land (or) bearing R.S. No. 43 pt., in Kottucherry Revenue This shop should be set up in the land bearing Village (Nattaru Vaickkal Bed) to the east of R.S. No. 57, R.S. No. 2/2 of Ponpethy Revenue Village the land to west of R.S. No. 44, to the south of R.S. No. 55 belongs to P. Vellayudham. North to Nandalar East and to the north of R.S. No. 42. and South to wet land of P. Vellayudham west to the 11 Months upset price : ` 89,905 Dry land of Ramasamy.

Monthly upset price : ` 8,173 11 Months upset price : ` 71,275

E.M.D. : ` 8,991 Monthly upset price : ` 6,480 E.M.D. : ` 7,128 Licence No. 5 : MANDAPATHUR—This shop should be set up in the land at R.S. No. 226/4&9. Licence No. 3 : ANNAVASAL—This shop should Thiruvettaikudi Revenue Village North R.S. No.226/2, 3, be set up in the R.S. No. 22/2 of Nedungadu 225/5 South R.S. No. 226/5, 240/4 East R.S. No. Revenue Village belonging to Tmt. Rukmanidevi, 226/9 227/1, 2A, 3A, 3B, 339/2, 3 West R.S. No. 226/2, W/o. Nadesan to the East of R.S. No. 22/3, West of 4 to 8 the land belongs Government. R.S.No.22/1, South of R.S.No.16, Kumbakonam road and North of R.S. No. 19 Nattar Vaikkal. (OR) 11 Months upset price : ` 41,903 This shop should be set up in the land bearing Monthly upset price : ` 3,809 R.S. No. 230/2 of Thiruvettakudi Revenue Village. North R.S. No. 230/1, South R.S. No. 231/2, East E.M.D. : ` 4,190 R.S. No. 230/1A & 1B, West R.S. No. 229/5B the land belongs to Arulmigu Thirumeniyazhagar Devasthanam Licence No. 4 : VATHIYIRUPPU SALAI—This shop Thiruvettaikudi should be set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 281/4 of Nedungadu Revenue Village. The land belongs to 11 Months upset price : ` 30,342 Government. Necessary pathway has to be provided Monthly upset price : ` 2,758 over the Kannivaikal by lessee, East: R.S. No. 281/5, West: R.S. No. 281/1C, South: R.S. No. 281/5, North: E.M.D. : ` 3,034 R.S. No. 281/1C. PART - I] LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT 589

11 Months upset price : ` 30,446 Licence No. 4 : NERAVY—This shop should be Monthly upset price : ` 2,768 setup in the Government Poramboke land bearing R.S. No. 55/3 of Neravy Revenue Village. North E.M.D. : ` 3,045 ofRoad, South of Thirumalai rajanar River. West of R.S. No. 55/2, east of Panankattakudy Road.


Licence No. 1 : MANAMUTTI—This shop should This shop should be set up in the landbearing be set up in the land R.S. No. 54 of Vizhidiyur R.S. No. 59/6 of Neravy Revenue Village.South of Revenue Village, 10 meters on the Southern side of Adrangarai road, West of public pathway, East of the Gangayan chennel bank and 45 metres from the R.S. No. 59/9 and North of R.S.No.59/6 and the land western side of the Manampet Road end. The land belongs to Thiru Arulmanisekaran. belongs to Government. (OR) 11 Months upset price : ` 1,76,588 This shop should be set up in the landbearing Monthly upset price : ` 16,053 R.S. No. 59/5B belongs to P.R.N. Subramanian, S/o. E.M.D. : ` 17,659 P.R. Nalamaharajan of Neravy Revenue Village to the South of R.S. No. 59/5A to the north of Atrangarai Licence No. 2 : POONTHOTTAM ROAD—This Road and to the east of R.S. No.59/3 and the west of shop should be set up in the land of R.S. No. 7/6 of R.S. No. 59/6. Vizhidiyur Revenue Village, 20 mtrs. away from 11 Months upset price : ` 99,931 Poonthottam Road, east of R.S. No. 7/5, west of R.S. No. 7/7, south of R.S. No. 7/6, 7/8, north of Monthly upset price : ` 9,085 R.S. No. 7/9. The land belongs to Jaganathan. E.M.D. : ` 9,993 (OR)

This shop is to be set up in the land bearing R.S. V. T.R. PATTINAM COMMUNE PANCHAYAT No. 157/2 of Vizhidiyur Revenue Village, belongs to Licence No. 1 : VANJOOR—This shop should be Government Poramboke, Noth of Arasalar Sellur set up in Government Poramboke land bearing Revenue Village, South of 157/4, Seshamoolai R.S.No. 106 pt. of Vanjoor Revenue Village to the Vadivaikal, East of 157/3 pathway, West of 157/1 east of R.S. No. 105 to the west of Tamil Nadu Government Poramboke land leading to Agalankannu. boundary to the north of R.S. No. 104 to the south of 11 Months upset price : ` 3,45,230 R.S. No. 108.

Monthly upset price : ` 31,385 11 Months upset price : ` 8,43,681

E.M.D. : ` 34,523 Monthly upset price : ` 76,698 E.M.D. : ` 84,368 Licence No. 3 : KAKAMOZHI—This shop should be set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 38/1 of Licence No. 2: MELAIYUR—This shop should be Keezhamanai Revenue Village and 3 mtrs. away set up in the R.S. No. 92/8 of T.R. Pattinam Revenue from the Thoothuponaamoolai road and 2 mtrs. Village 50 metres away from Thittacherry road. This away from the channel. The land belonging to land belongs to Theertha Vinayagar Temple, 40 m. Government. away from the road leading to burial ground.

11 Months upset price : ` 82,375 11 Months upset price : ` 2,37,075

Monthly upset price : ` 7,489 Monthly upset price : ` 21,552

E.M.D. : ` 8,237 E.M.D. : ` 23,708 590 LA GAZETTE DE L'ETAT [PART - I

Licence No. 3 : KEEZHIYUR (NORTH)—This shop Licence No. 4 : THIRUNALLAR—This shop should should be set up in the Government Poramboke be set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 67/7, land bearing R.S. No. 44/2 Keezhiyur North Thirunallar Revenue Village, north and west of Revenue Village, east and north Karappakulam R.S. No. 67/1 Vaikkal, east of R.S. No. 69/8, south of R.S. No. 44/1, 44/3 west Mahathoppu Road south 67/6 and 69/7. Necessary pathway has to be R.S. No. 45/1. provided over the Kannivaikkal by the lessee.

11 Months upset price : ` 2,66,228 11 Months upset price : ` 55,301

Monthly upset price : ` 24,203 Monthly upset price : ` 5,027

E.M.D. : ` 26,623 E.M.D. : ` 5,530

IV. THIRUNALLAR COMMUNE PANCHAYAT Licence No. 5 : SORAKUDY—This shop should be set up in the Government poramboke land in R.S. Licence No. 1 : AMABAGARATHUR— This shop No. 187/3 of Devamapuram Revenue Village, east should be set up in the land bearing R.S. No.96/2pt., R.S. No. 153/2 of Sorakury Revenue Village, West of Ambagarathur Revenue Village 30 mtrs. away from Noolar river, North R.S. No. 186 of Devamapuram Ambagarathur Road. The land belonging to Revenue Village and 153/2 of Sorakudy Revenue Government. Village South R.S. No. 193 of Devamapuram 11 Months upset price : ` 1,17,383 Revenue Village.

Monthly upset price : ` 10,671 (OR)

E.M.D. : ` 11,738 This shop should be set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 180/4/B of Sorakudy Revenue Village, Licence No. 2 : SETHUR—This shop should belongs to V. Arulmani Sekaran to the north of R.S. No. be set up in the Government Poramboke land 180/1 to the south of R.S. No. 180/3 to the east of bearing R.S. No. 88/4 on the Nallzzhandur Revenue R.S. No. 180/6 and to the west of R.S. No. 180/4/A/1 Village, on the east and north of R.S. No. 88/3 south and 180/4/A/2. and west of road leads to Nallzzhandur Gravy yard. 11 Months upset price : ` 58,997 11 Months upset price : ` 2,75,906 Monthly upset price : ` 5,363 Monthly upset price : ` 25,082 E.M.D. : ` 27,591 E.M.D. : ` 5,900

Licence No. 3 : THENNANKUDI—This shop should Licence No. 6 : ATTHIPADUGAI—This shop should be set up in the land bearing R.S. No. 217 pt., of be located in land bearing R.S. No.141/6 and Thennankudi Revenue Village, western side of 145/2 pt. Pettai Revenue Village to the North of pannai vaikal and 30 metres away from southern Arasalar River Bank road and the land belongs to Sri side of mathur road. The land belong to Government. Darparanyeswara Swamy Devasthanam Temple Land.

11 Months upset price : ` 2,44,825 11 months upset price : ` 89,847 Monthly upset price : ` 22,257 Monthly upset price : ` 8,168

E.M.D. : ` 24,483 E.M.D. : ` 8,985


online publication at “” Published by The Director, Government Press Printed at: Government Central Press, Puducherry. Posted at: Puducherry HPO on every Tuesday