FORENSIC SCIENCE 293 doi: 10.3325/cmj.2011.52.293 New cell separation technique Cai-xia Li1,2, Gui-qiang Wang1,2,Wan-shui Li1,2, for the isolation and analysis of Jiang-ping Huang3, An- cells from biological mixtures in quan Ji1,2, Lan Hu1,2 1Institute of Forensic Science, Ministry of Public Security, Beijing, forensic caseworks China 2Key Laboratory of Forensic Genetics, Ministry of Public Security, Beijing, China Aim To isolate mucosal cells of the perpetrator in a sexual 3Chinese Peoples Public Security assault case from a complex mixture of his mucosal cells University, Beijing, China and the victim’s skin by micromanipulation prior to ge- nomic analysis. Methods To capture and analyze mucosal cells we used the micromanipulation with on-chip low volume poly- merase chain reaction (LV-PCR). Consensus DNA profiles were generated from 5 replicate experiments. Results and conclusions We validated the use of micro- manipulation with on-chip LV-PCR for genomic analysis of complex biological mixtures in a fatal rape case. The perpe- trator’s mucosal cells were captured from nipple swabs of the victim, and a single-source DNA profile was generated from cell mixtures. These data suggest that micromanipu- lation with on-chip LV-PCR is an effective forensic tool for the analysis of specific cells from complex samples. Received: January 28, 2011 Accepted: May 2, 2011 Correspondence to: Dr Lan Hu Institute of Forensic Science Ministry of Public Security Beijing 100038, China
[email protected] 294 FORENSIC SCIENCE Croat Med J. 2011; 52: 293-8 In sexual assault cases, swabs from the victim’s vagina cell separation method was employed to genotype the and skin surface are collected and analyzed for DNA and perpetrator’s DNA for forensic analysis.