
Operation Wallacea site: Peru

Common species to spot on your expedition

Common name: Saddlebacked Tamarin Latin name: Saguinus fuscicollis Very small and curious monkey and part of the same family as marmosets.

Common name: Red Howler monkey Latin name: Alouatta seniculus The largest (but not longest) and definitely the loudest of the PS primates. Gorgeous red colour in the sunlight and mostly seen lying around.

Common name: Brown Capuchin Latin name: Cebus paella The carpenter of the forest, listen out for their hammering of palm nuts. Marcelle from friends was a cousin to these guys!

Common name: Squirrel Monkey Latin name: Saimiri boliviensis Often heard crashing through the trees to flush out tasty insects. Non-territorial and troops will some- times merge together to form super-troops!

Common name: Black Spider monkey Latin name: Ateles paniscus Not very frequently seen, as prefers areas of high ground, unaffected by flooding, but quite distinctive when they do pass through, very long looking monkey.

Common name: Night monkey Latin name: Aotus vociferans Very strange looking monkey because of its big wide eyes. Nocturnal, although sometimes disturbed during day and so sometimes seen. Operation Wallacea site: Peru

Common species to spot on your expedition

Common name: Southern Tamandua Latin name: Tamandua tetradactyla A small member of the anteater family, also known as the ‘tree anteater’, it is an arboreal species with a prehensile tail and is usually solitary (except when carrying its young).

Common name: Tayra Latin name: Ayra Barbara Like an overgrown polecat, a member of the mustelid family. Dark in colour with light ‘bib’ under chin only noticeable in young ‘uns. Head and neck grow lighter with age.

Common name: South American Coati Latin name: Nasua nasua Relative of the raccoon. Males are normally solitary, but females and young can form large groups.

Common name: Southern Two-Toed Sloth Latin name: Choloepus didactylus Three toed & Two toed sloths are found in Peru, this is a species of the two-toed. Active at night. All sloths are only found in the Neotropics!

Common name: Brown throated Three-toed Sloth Latin name: Bradypus variegates Active during the day and a lot smaller than the two- toed sloth and has distinct patterns on its fur.

Common name: Collared Peccary Latin name: Tayassu tajacu Small pig like . Occurs in far smaller groups than the bigger white-lipped peccary of the highland forests. Operation Wallacea site: Peru

Common species to spot on your expedition

Common name: Capybara Latin name: Hydrochaeris hy- drochaeris Largest of all rodents, size of a small pig! Rarely seen, but in the isolated lakes, especially when the lilies encroach.

Common name: Agouti Latin name: Dasyprocta fuliginosa Rabbit sized rodent, hunted as a bushmeat species.

Common name: Pink river Dolphin Latin name: Inia geoffrensis Also known as the ‘Boto’. A lot of myths and legends surround the river dolphin, make sure you ask about them! The characteristics which define the Pink river dolphin are it’s very long snout, reduced dor- sal fin and it is far longer and heavier body than the grey species . It also has a prominent frontal lobe.

Common name: Grey River Dolphin Latin name: Sotalia fluviatilis The grey river dolphin is a more recent decedent of the oce- anic species and so more familiar to us. Its dorsal is like that of a bottle nosed-dolphin and is smaller than the pink, so more likely to leap out of the water. Operation Wallacea site: Peru

Common species to spot on your expedition

Common name: Spectacled/Common Caiman Latin name: Caiman crocodilus ‘Spectacled’ refers to the ridge between the eyes.

Common name: Black Caiman Latin name: Caiman niger Darker, with markings or patches often on its face. Is the largest of the caiman, with reports of reaching lengths beyond 5m!

Common name: Smooth fronted Caiman Latin name: Paleosuchus trigonatus Smallest and rarer of the 3 caiman found in the Pa- caya Samiria. Has a heavier armour then the other two, with substantial plating.

Common name: Fer-de-lance Latin name: Bothrops atrox Lance-shaped or arrow-shaped head. A member of the pit viper family, actively seeks prey and has a very effective venom. One of the dangerous species to avoid. Colour varies.

Common name: Bushmaster Latin name: Lachesis muts Another species with powerful venom. The bushmaster is a sit and wait predator and will use its camouflage to lay un- discovered. Colour varies. Operation Wallacea site: Peru

Common species to spot on your expedition

Common name: Blue and Yellow Macaw Latin name: Ava ararauna Very likely to see these, a large and vocal macaws species

Common name: Chestnut fronted Macaw Latin name: Ara severus Distinguished from the red bellied and smaller parakeets, by its red/chestnut underwings and tail.

Common name: Red bellied Macaw Latin name: Orthopsittaca manilata The smallest of the macaws, it’s call is more of a squeak than the low rasping calls of the larger macaws.

Common name: White-throated Toucan Latin name: Ramphastos tucanus Like other toucans, the White-throated Toucan is brightly marked and has a huge bill.

Common name: Horned Screamer Latin name: Anhima cornuta Heavy looking , with strange ‘horn’ (which is actually a modified feather) protruding from front of head. Operation Wallacea site: Peru

Common species to spot on your expedition

Common name: Great Egret Latin name: Ardea alba Also known as common egret, quite likely you will see plenty of these as they follow the fish migrations down river in large numbers.

Common name: Snowy Egret Latin name: Egretta thula Smaller and daintier than the Great Egret, but will be dotted amongst the other wading . They stand out with their yellow feet.

Common name: Neotropic Cormorant Latin name: Phalacrocorax brasilianus Will amass in their thousands at certain points of the season, following fish migrations.

Common name: Amazon Latin name: Chloroceryle amazona Very similar colouring to green kingfisher and will find both, so keep an eye out to compare size.

Common name: Green-and-Rufous Kingfisher Latin name: Chloroceryle inda Also has a smaller, but almost identical alter-species, which is the American pygmy kingfisher!

Common name: Latin name: torquata Largest of the that you will see and the most dis- tinct in colouration. Operation Wallacea site: Peru

Common species to spot on your expedition

Common name: Long-tailed Hermit Latin name: Phaethornis superciliosus All of the hermits are the more duller coloured hummingbirds, which can make them quite hard to ID, so make sure you are using a good bird book to define the differences.

Common name: White-bearded hermit Latin name: Phaethornis hispidus Gorgeous green sheen to its plumage, but it is the grey- er belly that distinguishes from other hermits.

Common name: Violet-bellied Hummingbird Latin name: Damophila Julie An example of one of the lovely, tiny, bursts of col- ours that are the hummingbirds. Sometimes curi- ous, may have them hover in front of you.

Common name: Wire-tailed manakin Latin name: Pipra filicauda If you have ever seen the youtube clip of the ‘Moonwalking’ bird, this is he! (If not, check it out) Does a lovely little display dance.

Common name: Green and gold Tanager Latin name: Tangara schrankii One example of the very colourful tanagers.

Common name: Black-spotted Bare-eye Latin name: Phlegopsis nigromaculata So-named because of the bare patch of skin around its eye. Operation Wallacea site: Peru

Common species to spot on your expedition

Common name: Crimson Crested Woodpecker Latin name: Campephilus melanoleucos A very large woodpecker mostly seen chipping out holes, often quite large, while searching out insects in trees. Listen out for a loud tap- ping sound in the trees, often one of these guys.

Common name: Ferruginous Pygmy Owl Latin name: Glaucidium brasilianum A small owl species, different to most species as hunts during the day.

Common name: Blue-crowned Mot Mot Latin name: Momotus momota Very charismatic multicoloured bird, it is distinguisha- ble by its centre tail feathers which twitch like the pen- dulum of a clock when the motmot is perched.

Common name: Chesnut-capped Puffbird Latin name: Bucco macrodactylus Like its name suggests it has a bright chestnut cap. It is usually found near water at forest edges but can also be found in scrubby forest away from water.

Common name: Royal Flycatcher Latin name: Onychorhynchus coronatus Large-billed flycatcher, with a spectacular col- ourful crest which is rarely seen except while preening, in courtship and when being han- dled.