Element Status Designations by Scientific Name Arizona Game And

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Element Status Designations by Scientific Name Arizona Game And Element Status Designations by Scientific Name Arizona Game and Fish Department, Heritage Data Management System Updated: 10/15/2019 COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME ELCODE ESA DATE CRITHAB BLM USFS NESL MEXFED SGCN NPL SRANK GRANK TRACK TAXON Sleepy Orange Abaeis nicippe IILEPB4110 S? G5 Y Invertebrate A Giant Water Bug Abedus herberti IIHEM08040 S4S5 GNR N Invertebrate A Giant Water Bug Abedus herberti herberti IIHEM08041 S4S5 GNRTNR N Invertebrate A Giant Water Bug Abedus herberti utahensis IIHEM08042 S1 GNRTNR Y Invertebrate Dwarf Sand‐verbena Abronia nana PDNYC010H0 S1 G4 N Plant Dwarf Sand‐verbena Abronia nana var. nana PDNYC010H3 S1 G4T3T4 Y Plant Pima Indian Mallow Abutilon parishii PDMAL020E0 SC 1996‐02‐28 S S SR S3S4 G3 Y Plant Yellow Indian Mallow Abutilon reventum PDMAL020J0 S2S3 G3G5 Y Plant Sweet Acacia Acacia farnesiana PDFAB021V0 S2.SE3 G5 P Plant California Copperleaf Acalypha californica PDEUP01130 S2S3 G4 Y Plant Common Redpoll Acanthis flammea ABPBY06010 SA G5 N Bird Green Stripe Acanthochiton wrightii PDAMA04010 S2? G5 Y Plant Cooper's Hawk Accipiter cooperii ABNKC12040 PR S4 G5 N Bird Northern Goshawk Accipiter gentilis ABNKC12060 SC 1996‐02‐28 S S 4 A 1B S3G5PBird Apache Northern Goshawk Accipiter gentilis apache ABNKC12063 SC 1996‐02‐28 S S A 1B S1S2 G5T3Q NBird Northern Goshawk Accipiter gentilis atricapillus ABNKC12061 SC 1996‐02‐28 S S 4 A 1B S3 G5T5 N Bird Sharp‐shinned Hawk Accipiter striatus ABNKC12020 No Status 2004‐03‐04 PR S4 G5 N Bird Skinner's Dusky Wing Achalarus albociliatus IILEP15030 SA G5 Y Invertebrate Desert Hoary Edge Achalarus casica IILEP15020 S? G5 Y Invertebrate Coyote Skipper Achalarus toxeus IILEP15040 S? G5 Y Invertebrate White Sturgeon Acipenser transmontanus AFCAA01050 No Status SEH G4 N Fish Arizona Monkshood Aconitum infectum PDRAN01030 S1 G1Q YPlant Nevada Point‐headed Grasshopper Acrolophitus nevadensis IIORT10040 S? G2G3 Y Invertebrate Arizona Bugbane Actaea arizonica PDRAN07020 CCA 1998‐12‐01 S HS S2 G2 Y Plant Red Baneberry Actaea rubra PDRAN02020 S3S4 G5 N Plant Spotted Sandpiper Actitis macularius ABNNF04020 S3S4 G5 W Bird Arizona Sister Adelpha eulalia IILEPL4040 S2 G5 Y Invertebrate Wright's Dogweed Adenophyllum wrightii PDASTD0010 S S1 G1? Y Plant American Maidenhair Adiantum pedatum PPADI030B0 S5 G5 N Plant Sunrise Skipper Adopaeoides prittwitzi IILEP59010 S S2 G2G4 Y Invertebrate Clark's Grebe Aechmophorus clarkii ABNCA04020 4 1C S2B,S3N G5 P Bird Western Grebe Aechmophorus occidentalis ABNCA04010 1C S3 G5 P Bird Northern Saw‐whet Owl Aegolius acadicus ABNSB15020 4 1C S4 G5 N Bird A Sphinx Moth Aellopos clavipes IILEX0U020 SA G4G5 N Invertebrate Titan Sphinx Aellopos titan IILEX0U030 SA G5 N Invertebrate A Grasshopper Aeoloplides chenopodii IIORTA5020 S? G4 Y Invertebrate White‐throated Swift Aeronautes saxatalis ABNUA06010 1C S5 G5 N Bird Sensitive Joint Vetch Aeschynomene villosa PDFAB04070 S2? G4 Y Plant Variable Darner Aeshna interrupta IIODO14070 S? G5 Y Invertebrate Aeshna interrupta interna IIODO14073 S? G5T5 Y Invertebrate Paddle‐tailed Darner Aeshna palmata IIODO14120 S? G5 Y Invertebrate Persephone's Darner Aeshna persephone IIODO14130 S? G3 Y Invertebrate An Arctiid Moth Afrida exegens IILEY1D030 SU GU Y Invertebrate An Arctiid Moth Afrida ydatodes IILEY1D020 S? G5 Y Invertebrate A Caddisfly Agapetus boulderensis IITRI33190 S? G5 Y Invertebrate Rosy‐faced Lovebird Agapornis roseicollis ABNQA16010 SE4 GNR N Bird Barber Giant Hyssop Agastache pallida PDLAM03090 S1? G4? Y Plant Thread‐leaf Giant Hyssop Agastache rupestris PDLAM030D0 S2S3 G3? Y Plant Netwing midge Agathon arizonicus IIDIP46010 S S1 G1 Y Invertebrate Mojave Giant Skipper Agathymus alliae IILEP87200 S4 G4 N Invertebrate Arizona Giant Skipper Agathymus aryxna IILEP87080 S4 G4G5 N Invertebrate Bauer's Giant Skipper Agathymus baueri IILEP87090 S? G4 Y Invertebrate Freeman's Agave Borer Agathymus baueri freemani IILEP87091 S? G4T2T3 Y Invertebrate Huachuca Giant‐skipper Agathymus evansi IILEP87110 S S1 G2G3 Y Invertebrate 1 Element Status Designations by Scientific Name Arizona Game and Fish Department, Heritage Data Management System Updated: 10/15/2019 COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME ELCODE ESA DATE CRITHAB BLM USFS NESL MEXFED SGCN NPL SRANK GRANK TRACK TAXON Gentry's Giant‐skipper Agathymus gentryi IILEP87220 S1? G3G4 Y Invertebrate Neumogen's Giant Skipper Agathymus neumoegeni IILEP87010 S3 G4G5 Y Invertebrate Poling's Giant Skipper Agathymus polingi IILEP87190 S2 G4 Y Invertebrate Golden Flowered Agave Agave chrysantha PMAGA01040 SR S4S5 G4G5 N Plant Tonto Basin Agave Agave delamateri PMAGA010W0 SC 1996‐02‐28 S HS S2 G2 Y Plant Mckelvey Agave Agave mckelveyana PMAGA010D0 SR S4 G4 W Plant Hohokam Agave Agave murpheyi PMAGA010F0 SC 1996‐02‐28 S S HS S2? G2? Y Plant Small‐flowered Agave Agave parviflora PMAGA010L0 A HS S3 G3 N Plant Santa Cruz Striped Agave Agave parviflora ssp. parviflora PMAGA010L2 SC 1996‐02‐28 S A HS S3 G3T3 Y Plant Phillips Agave Agave phillipsiana PMAGA01100 S HS S2S3 G1 Y Plant Schott Agave Agave schottii PMAGA010N0 S5 G5 N Plant Trelease Agave Agave schottii var. treleasei PMAGA010N2 SC 1996‐02‐28 S HS S1 G5T1Q YPlant Toumey Agave Agave toumeyana PMAGA010R0 S3 G3 N Plant Toumey Agave Agave toumeyana var. bella PMAGA010R1 SR S3 G3T3 W Plant Utah Agave Agave utahensis PMAGA010S0 S3 G4 N Plant Kaibab Agave Agave utahensis var. kaibabensis PMAGA010S2 SR S3 G4T3 W Plant Utah Agave Agave utahensis var. utahensis PMAGA010S4 SR S2 G4T3? Y Plant Sacred Mountain Agave Agave verdensis PMAGA01120 S SR S2 G2 Y Plant Ajo Agave Agave x ajoensis PMAGA01020 SHYB GNA N Plant Arizona agave Agave x arizonica PMAGA01030 No Status 2006‐06‐19 HS SHYB G1Q NPlant Page Springs Agave Agave yavapaiensis PMAGA01130 S SR S1 G1 Y Plant Red‐winged Blackbird Agelaius phoeniceus ABPBXB0010 S5 G5 N Bird A Grasshopper Ageneotettix salutator IIORT60030 S? G4? Y Invertebrate Lemmon's Thorough‐wort Ageratina lemmonii PDASTBX0L0 S1 G3? Y Plant Santa Rita Snakeroot Ageratina paupercula PDASTBX0N0 S3 G3G4 W Plant Cluster Daisy Ageratum corymbosum PDAST08020 S1 G5? Y Plant Milbert's Tortoiseshell Aglais milberti IILEPK6040 S? G5 Y Invertebrate Longfin Dace Agosia chrysogaster AFCJB37150 SC 1996‐02‐28 S A 1B S3S4 G4 NFish Gila Longfin Dace Agosia chrysogaster chrysogaster AFCJB37151 SC 1996‐02‐28 S A 1B S3S4 G4T3T4 P Fish Yaqui Longfin Dace Agosia chrysogaster ssp. 1 AFCJB37152 SC 1996‐02‐28 S A 1B S1 G4T1 Y Fish Gulf Fritillary Agraulis vanillae IILEPH9010 S? G5 Y Invertebrate Hook‐nosed Agrimony Agrimonia gryposepala PDROS03030 S4 G5 N Plant Pink‐spotted Hawkmoth Agrius cingulata IILEX01010 S? G5 Y Invertebrate Gold‐spot Aguna Aguna asander IILEP07010 SA G5 Y Invertebrate Agylla septentrionalis IILEY1F010 S? G1G3 Y Invertebrate Rufous‐crowned Sparrow Aimophila ruficeps ABPBX91090 S4 G5 N Bird Yuma Rufous‐crowned Sparrow Aimophila ruficeps rupicola ABPBX91095 S2S3 G5T2T3 P Bird Wood Duck Aix sponsa ABNJB09010 1B S2B,S3N G5 P Bird A Cave Obligate Pseudoscorpion Albiorix anophthalmus ILARAD4010 S? G1G2 Y Invertebrate Chukar Alectoris chukar ABNLC03010 SE1SE2 G5 N Bird Vagabond Parsnip Aletes macdougallii PDAPI03050 S2 G3 Y Plant Sessileflower Indian Parsley Aletes sessiliflorus PDAPI03060 S1 G3 Y Plant Alexicles aspersa IILEY1J010 S? G1G2 Y Invertebrate Clifford's Aliciella Aliciella cliffordii PDPLM07010 S1 G1 Y Plant San Juan Gilia Aliciella haydenii PDPLM040K0 S2 G3 Y Plant Narrowleaf Water‐plantain Alisma gramineum PMALI01010 S? G5 N Plant Northern Water‐plantain Alisma triviale PMALI01050 S4 G5 N Plant A Caddisfly Alisotrichia arizonica IITRID7010 S? G3 Y Invertebrate Trailing Allionia Allionia incarnata PDNYC03040 S5 G5 N Plant Trailing Windmills Allionia incarnata var. incarnata PDNYC03041 S5 G5TNR N Plant Trailing Windmills Allionia incarnata var. villosa PDNYC03043 S3 G5TNR W Plant Dark‐red Onion Allium atrorubens PMLIL02060 S1 G4 N Plant Dark‐red Onion Allium atrorubens var. cristatum PMLIL02063 SR S1 G4T4YPlant Bigelow Onion Allium bigelovii PMLIL02070 SR S2S3 G3 Y Plant 2 Element Status Designations by Scientific Name Arizona Game and Fish Department, Heritage Data Management System Updated: 10/15/2019 COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME ELCODE ESA DATE CRITHAB BLM USFS NESL MEXFED SGCN NPL SRANK GRANK TRACK TAXON Patis Onion Allium bisceptrum PMLIL02080 S3 G4G5 N Plant Aspen Onion Allium bisceptrum var. palmeri PMLIL02082 SR S3 G4G5T3T4 WPlant Goodding Onion Allium gooddingii PMLIL02120 CCA 1997‐01‐01 S 3 HS S2 G4 Y Plant Parish Onion Allium parishii PMLIL021N0 S SR S1 G3 Y Plant Plummer Onion Allium plummerae PMLIL021V0 SR S3 G4 W Plant Redflower Onion Allium rhizomatum PMLIL02320 SR S1 G3?Q YPlant Arizona Alder Alnus oblongifolia PDBET01040 S3S4 G3G4 N Plant Short‐awn Foxtail Alopecurus aequalis PMPOA07010 S3S4 G5 N Plant Common Bee Brush Aloysia gratissima PDVER02010 S3 G5 W Plant Torrey's Amaranth Amaranthus torreyi PDAMA041J0 S3 GNR N Plant Berylline Hummingbird Amazilia beryllina ABNUC29080 S1 G5 P Bird Cinnimon Hummingbird Amazilia rutila ABNUC29140 SAN G5 N Bird Violet‐crowned Hummingbird Amazilia violiceps ABNUC29150 S 1B S3 G5 P Bird Rock Bass Ambloplites rupestris AFCQB06040 SEH G5 N Fish Montane Giant Tiger Beetle Amblycheila baroni IICOL0C050 S1 G3 Y Invertebrate Plateau Giant Tiger Beetle Amblycheila picolominii IICOL0C020 S2 G3G4 Y Invertebrate Mojave Giant Tiger Beetle Amblycheila schwarzi IICOL0C040 S1 G3 Y Invertebrate Bronze Roadside Skipper Amblyscirtes aenus IILEP80040 S? G5 Y Invertebrate Cassus Roadside Skipper Amblyscirtes cassus IILEP80030 S? G5 Y Invertebrate Elissa Roadside‐skipper
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