Arizona Rare Plant Advisory Group Sensitive Plant List -June 2014

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Arizona Rare Plant Advisory Group Sensitive Plant List -June 2014 ARIZONA RARE PLANT ADVISORY GROUP SENSITIVE PLANT LIST -JUNE 2014 •.. -e 'I"': ~ ~ •.. ·s o 0 .g o rn u rn '•".. ..>: ::s ~ ~ ~ 0"' tU I': ~ ~ Z ..•.. ~ '" u ::... 0 ~ E 0 u -; •.. is '5 rn 0 0 ~ ;::l ~ "g u d iL< ..>: ~ 0 •.. ~ s •.... "B .. § 0 ; 0 ~ ~ U ~ il< < ~ E-< ~ VERY HIGH CONCERN Agave delamateri Hodgs. & Slauson Asparagaceae w.e L Tonto Basin Agave 7 7 7 c Asparagaceae Agave phillipsiana w.e Hodgs wand Canvon Centurv Plant 7 7 7 nc Aotragalus crt!mnophylax uar: crt!mnophylax Bameby Fabaceae Sentrv Milk-vetch 7 8 7.5 c AOfragalus holmgreniomm Bameby Fabaceae Holmgren (Paradox) Milk-vetch 7 7 7 c Orobanchaceae Castilleja mogollonica PeJ2lJell Mogollon Paintbrush 7 8 7.5 Lv c Apiaceae Eryngium sparganophyllum HemsL Ribbonleaf Button Snakeroot 6 8 7 v? nc Lotus meamsii var. equisolensis].L Anderson Fabaccae Horseshoe Deer Vetch 6 8 7 nc Cactaceae Pediacactus brat!Ji L Benson Brady Pincushion Cactus 7 7 7 c Boraginaceae Phacelia cronquistiana S.L Wel,.h Cronquist's Phacelia 7 8 7.5 nc PotClltil1a arizona Greene Rosaceae Arizone Cinquefoil 6 8 7 nc Sphaeralcea gierischii N.D. Atwood & S.L Welsh Malvaceae Gierisch globemallow 7 7 7 nc HIGH CONCERN Ranunculaceae Actaea arizonica (S. Watson) J. Compton Arizona Buzbane 6 6 6 c Agave murpheyi F. Gibson Asparagaeeae Hohokam Agave 6 6 6 c Asnaragaceae Agave yavapaiensis Yavapai Agave 6 7 6.5 ne Aletes macdougalli ssp. macdougaftiJM. Coulto & Rose Apiaceae MacDougal's Indian parsley 6 6 6 nc Alide/la cliffordii J.M. Potter Polernoniaceae Clifford's Gilia 5 7 6 nc Antic/ea vaginata Rydb. Melanthiaceae Sheathed deathcamus 6 7 6.5 nc Astragalus ampullarius S. Watson Fabaccae Gumbo Milk-vetch 6 7 6.5 cr Astragalus beathii Ced. Porter Fabaceae Beath Milk-vetch 5 7 6 c Astragalus cretJJ/lophy/ax uar: hevronii Barneby Fabaceae Marble Canyon Milk-vetch 6 7 6.5 c Astragalus geyeri var. tnqueina (A. Groy) M.E. Jones Fabaceae Beaver Dam Milk-vetch 5 7 6 nc AOfragallls sopboroides M.B. Jones Fabaceae Tuba City Milk-vetch 5 7 6 e Atriplexgarrettii uar nauqioensis (CA. Hanson) S.L Welsh & Amaranthaceae Cromtuon Garrett's saltbush 5 7 6 nc Carex endlichii !(uk Cvneraceae Endlich's carex 5 7 6 Lv nc Carex ultra H.L Bailey Cyperaceae Bailev's sedge 5 7 6 Lv nc ARIZONA RARE PLANT ADVISORY GROUP SENSITIVE PLANT LIST -JUNE 2014 ., .., ., '" "0 w 0 = 's u 0.. .g <.:l CJl U CJl ., ..LoI .ri '" :9 ..loI •.. ~ ·c 0"= = (1\ 0; ~ Z ..., c:.::'" = u ;.., 0 ~ c 0 u ., is ·s .$ :§ 0 0 ;::l ;:!l CJl 0/) u ~ ..LoI E = ;:!l 2:l .,'".. .\<., 0 ., 0 § 0 ~ ~ ~ u ~ ~ < ;:!l I-< ~ Castilleja kaibabe!lsis N.H. Holmgren Orobanchaccac Kaibab Paintbrush 6 (j (j V C Chylismia exilis (p.H. Raven) WL Wagner & Hoch Onagraceae Cottonwood Springs suncup 6 7 6.5 c Asteraceae Cirsuo» panyi up. mogollonica e. Schaack and G. Goodwill Mogollon lrustle 5 7 6 c Boraginaceae Cryptantba semiglabra Bamehy Smooth Catseve 6 6 6 nc 0cladenia humi/is uar:fonesii (EartIV') SL WeLrh & N.D. Apocvnaceae Atwood Tones' Cvcladenia 6 6 6 c Echillomastus ereaocentrus uar: acunensis (W. T. Marsb.} H. Bravo Cactaceae Acuna Cactus 6 6 6 Iv c Asteraceae Erigeroll kuschei Eastv. Chiricahua Fleabane 5 7 6 c Eriogollum lachllo!!Jfltlm uar: sarabiae (N.D. .Atsood &A. Polvgonaceae CliffOrd) Reveal Scarlet Wild-buckwheat 5 7 6 nc rsortonianum Polvoonaceae Enogonum Revea/ Morton Wild-buckwheat 5 7 6 c Eriogonum riplryi j. T HOlvell Polvgonaccae Ripley Wild-buckwheat 6 7 6.5 c Polygonaceae Eriogollum terrenatum Reveal San Pedro River Wild-Buckwheat 6 6 6 nc Enogomo» thompsoniae var. atuoodii Reveal Polvgonaceae Zion Wild-buckwheat 6 7 6.5 c Fabaceae Errazuri:;ja rotundata (W.ootOll) Bamehy Roundleaf Errazurizia 5 7 6 c Escobaria robbinsiornm (W.H. Earle) D.R Hunt Cactaceae Cochise Pincushion Cactus 5 7 6 c Asteraceae Flaveria mcdougalki" Theroux, Pinkava & Ked Grand Canyon Flaveria 6 7 6.5 c Graptopetalum barlramii Rose+A10 Crassulaceae Bartram's Stonecrop 5 7 6 Iv? c Lilaeopsis schqffllentl1la uar. recurua (.A. IV: Hill) Affolter Apiaceae Huachuca Water-umbel 6 7 6.5 Iv V c Solanaceae Lycium califomiCtlm var. arizoniCtlm A. Gray Arizona Desert Thorn 5 7 6 ne Loasaceae Mmtzelia canyonensis JI Schenk, W.e. Hodgs. & L Ht<fford Grand Canyon Stickleaf 5 7 6 nc Loasaceae Mentzelia memorabilis N.H. Holmgren & P.K Holmgren September 11 Stickleaf 6 6 6 nc Lamiaceae Monardella epk·ngii Elvin, A e.S anders, ,j.L .Anderson Black Mountains MonardeUa 5 7 6 ne Muhlenberg/a curlifolia S cnbn. Poaceae Utah Muhlv 5 7 6 HC Cactaceae Pediocactus paradinei B. W Benson Houserock Vallev Pincushion Cactus 6 7 6.5 c Fabaceac PediomelulJJpelltap~yllum (L.) Rydb. Chihuahua scrurfpea 5 7 6 nc Pen"!y1eambrosiifok"a Greene ex A. Ponell & S. Yarborough Asteraccae e. Aio Rock Daisv 5 7 6 nc Pentyle gilensis uar. salensis A. Pouel! Asreraceae Salt River Rock Daisy 5 7 6 cr Boraginaceae Phacelia hughesii .Anuood Hughes' Phacelia 5 7 6 nc Phacelia pulchella var. atuoodii S.L WeLrh Boraginaceae Beautiful Scorpion-weed 6 6 6 nc Phacelia pulchella uar. gooddingii (Brand) T. Howell Borazinaceac J. Goodding's Phacelia 6 7 6.5 nc Phacelia weLrhiiN.D. .Atnood Borazinaceae Welsh Phacelia 5 7 6 c ARIZONA RARE PLANT ADVISORY GROUP SENSITIVE PLANT LIST -JUNE 2014 I1l en "Cl I•1l... ::: W 0 ~ r'..s:J U 0 .g rfJ U en ..Ii: sr: .Q ..Ii: ';:"I ~ ~ ::: ::: "E 0' u:: Z ~ ~'" es en U ;:... 0 ~ d 0 u os is 's s: ::iE rfJ 'J: eo 0 0 ~ ::: '" u ::: ~ ::iE ..Ii: '•..". .~ 0 e 0 § 0'" '" ~ es ~ § u ~ ~ ~ ::i'"E E-< ~ Potentilfa rf?yolitica uar. rf?yolitica Ertter Rosaceae Huachuca Cinquefoil 6 7 6.5 cr Puccine!lia panshzi" Hitchc. Poaceae Parish Alkali Grass 5 7 6 c Rosa ste!lata ssp. abyssa A.M. Phillips Rosaceae Grand Canyon Rose 5 7 6 c Salvia dorni ssp. meamsii (Britton) E.lvl. McClint Larniaceae Purple Sage 5 7 6 c Salvia pacf?ypf?ylla ssp. eremopidus RM. T qylor Lamiaceae Arizona Rose Sage 5 7 6 c S clerocactus terrae-canyonae Heil Cactaceae Longspine Fishhook Cactus 5 7 6 c Spiranthes deliteseens S heviak Orchidaceae Madrean Ladies' -tresses 6 7 6.5 'v c Toumsendia Jmithti Shultz &A.H. Holmgren Asteraceae LM. Blackrock Ground Daisy 5 7 6 c T nfolium neurophy!lum Greene Fabaceae Whjte Mountains Clover 5 7 6 c WATCH Agave sehottzi uar: treieasei(Toumry) Keamey & Peebles Asparagaceae T release agave 5 6 5.5 Iv c Asparagaceae Agave cerdensis Verde Valley Agave 5 6 5.5 nc .Amsonia keameyana WoodJon Apocvnaceae Kearney's Blue-star 5 5 5 c Argcmonc alizoniea G.B. Ownbry Papaveraceae Roaring Springs Pricklv-poppv 5 6 5.5 c Astragalus chuskanus Bameqy ( Barneby Fabaceae Chuska Mountains Milk-vetch 4 6 5 llC AJtragalus erenmophylax var. myriorrhophis Bamehy Fabaceac Cliff Milk-vetch 5 5 5 c AstragaluJ newberry; var. aquaru Ise!y Fabaceae Aquarius Milkvetch 5 6 5.5 c Astragalus tephrodes uar: eurylobus Bameby Fabaceae Garrett's saltbush 4 6 5 nc Astragalus toanus uar: Jcidulus S.L Webh & ND. .Atnood Fabaceae Diamond Butte Milkvetch 5 5 5 c Atriplex tOlTe)ii uargnJlithsii (StandL) G.D. Br. Amaranthaceae Griffith's salt bush 4 6 5 llC Berberis barrtsoniana Kearney & Peebies Berberidaceae Kofa Mt Barberry 4 6 5 c Carex specuicola T Howell Cvneraceae J. Navaio Sedge 5 5 5 c Choisya dumosa var. mollis (StandL) LD. Benson Rutaceae Santa Cruz star leaf 4 6 5 c Cbrysotbamma viseidifloms ssp plallifoltiu L C .Anderson Astcraceae Yellow Rabbitbrush 4 6 5 ne Chyltj'mia cOI!ftrtiflora (PH. Ra/le1l) W.L Wagner & Hoch Onazraceae Grand Canyon Suncup 4 6 5 nc Cor;phantha ssbeeri uar: rob",·tispinfl (Schott ex Ellge/m.) L Benson Cactaccac Pima Pineapple Cacrus 5 5 5 c Cr;ptantha afwoodzi"Higgins Boraginaceae Atwood Catsevc 4 6 5 nc Cyli1ldropzIIltia abyssii (Hester) Baekeb. Cactaceae Peach Springs CholJa 5 5 5 nc Dalea tentaculoides Gmlry Fabaceae Gentry Indigo Bush 4 6 5 Iv e ARIZONA RARE PLANT ADVISORY GROUP SENSITIVE PLANT LIST -JUNE 2014 0) (/) "0 0) :: •.. 0) '5 W 0 •.. 0 o 0 .;: o rJl U (/) ..I<: tr: 0) :g :s 0) :: ..I<: ~ os :: ~ 0"' ii: Z •..,. ~ os (/) u ;:... 0 0 ~ is ·s u <a 0) 0 !l rJL OIl 0 = ~ :1L "E o :: ~ ..I<: ~ 0 ., :1l 0) 'x :: s 0) 0 os 0 ~ ~ ~ § u ~ ~ < :1L !-< ~ Cactaceae Ecbinocaaus bonspntbaloni«: Vat: nicholii L Benson Nichol Turk's [-lead Cactus 5 6 5.5 Iv c Ecbinocattus po!Jcephaltis var. xerantbemoides Coui: Cactaceae Grand Canyon Cotton top Cactus 4 6 5 nc Eehinoeereus trigloehieliatus uar: arizol/ieus (Rose ex Orcutt) L Benson Cactaceae Arizona Hedgehog Cactus 5 5 5 c Enceliopsis a'l,opf?ylla (D. C. Eaton) A. Nelson Asteraceae Silverleaf Sunrav 5 6 5.5 cr Eremotbera gouleliz"(p.R. Raven) WL Wagner & Hoeh Onagraceae Gould Evening-primrose 5 6 5.5 nc Erigeron heliographis N8J"o1l1 Asteraceae GL Pinalcnos Fleabane 5 6 5.5 c Asteraceae Erigeron lemmolliiA. Gray Lemmon Fleabane 5 6 5.5 c Astcraceae Engero'l rhizo11latus Cronquist Zuni (Rhizome) Fleabane 4 6 5 c Erigeron sivinskii G.L Nesom Asteraceae Sivinski's Fleabane 5 6 5.5 c EriOgOl1t11l1ericifolitl1l1uar: ericifoliu1I1Torr. &A. Gray Polygonaceae Yavapai County Buckwheat 5 5 5 e Eriogonum beermanni: uar: subspinosum Reveal Polvzonaceae Heermann's Buckwheat 5 5 5 nc Eriogonum {joms uar: caaineum T. Howell Polvgonaceae I Atwood Wild-buckwheat 4 6 5 nc Gentionelh lVisliZeJli (Engeln'.) .111. Gillett Gentianaceac J Wislizeni Gentian 5 6 5.5 y ne Hekantbus nivetls ssp.
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