Administration of Burma
REPORT ON THB Administration of Burma FOR THE YEAR 1929-30 Rangoon Supdt., Govt. Printing and Stationery, Burma 1931 LIST OF AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. IN BURMA. AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSION PRESS, Rangoon. BISWAS & Co., 30, Lewis Street. Rangoon. BRITISH BURMA PRESS BRANCH, Rangoon. BURMA BOOK CLUB, LTD., Post Box No. 1068; Rangoon. INTERNATIONAL BUDDHIST BOO!! DEPOT, Post Box No. 97!, Rangoor., NEW LIGHT OF BURIIA. PRESS, 26 and 26A, Phayre Street. Rangoon. PROPRIETOR, THU DHAMA \VADI PRESS, 16-80,· Maung I{hine Street, Rangoon. RANGOON TIMES PRESS, Rangoon. MAUNG LU GALE. Law Book Depot, 42, Ayo-o-l!ale, Mandalay, MANAGER, CHAPPLE'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, 377, Lower Main Road llloulmein. IN INDIA, BOOK Co., LTD, 414A, College Square, Calcutta. BUTTERWORTH & Co. (India), LTD .. Calcutta. S. K. LAHIRI & Co.. 56, College Street, Calcutta. w. NEWMAN & co., Calcutta, THACKER, SPINK & co.. Calcutta ·and Simla, D. B. TARAPOREVALA, SONS & co., Bomhay, THACKER & Co. LTD., Bombay, CITY BOOK Co., Post Box No. 283, Madras. HIGGINBOTHA!I & Co., llladras. IN EUROPE, The ~ublications are obtainable either direct from the Office of the HIGH COMMISSIONER I<'OR INDIA, General Department, India Office Alclwych, Landon. \V,C.Z, or through any bookseller, Corrigendum. REPORT ON THE ADMINISTRATION OF BURMA FOR THE YEAR 1929-30. On page ii, line 10, . of the General Summary and on page 7, line 1, of the Report, for the words" His Excellency the Viceroy", substitute the words " His Excellency the Governor ". G.B.C.P.0.-No. 324, F. D., 8-9-31-570 TABLE OF CONTENTS. REPORT ON THE ADMINISTRATION OF BURMA FOR THE YEAR 1929-30, Part !.-General Summary.
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