APRIL 11, 2016 Hollywood, FL APRIL 4 – 6, 2016 This weeK, the FuNg Global Retail & TechNology team atteNded the Demandware XChange ’16 Conference in Hollywood, Florida. The annual show has become a techNology aNd cultural pheNomeNoN, growiNg every year aNd attractiNg capacity crowds. It brings together leadiNg retailers, iNNovative techNology compaNies, partNers and employees. This year, the emphasis was oN how to leverage uNified commerce to drive growth and transformation without disruption. DemaNdware, the iNdustry-leading provider of eNterprise cloud commerce solutioNs, now operates over 1,500 digital commerce sites for 331 customers aNd over 400 millioN shoppers worldwide. DemaNdware Commerce solutioNs supported 92 orders each secoNd this past holiday seasoN. Below, we recap the show, highlighting some of the excitiNg thiNgs we saw aNd heard. PREDICTIVE RECOMMENDATIONS Retailers looking to Keep up with consumer demand for individualized and seamless customer experiences have a New techNology optioN to coNsider. Demandware’s predictive recommendations and email intelligence technology is changing the relatioNship betweeN customer aNd braNd. The platform leverages data scieNce to deliver product recommendations that create personalized site experiences, while the predictive intelligence engine worKs with a retailer’s existing email solution to choose the optimal coNteNt for each email recipient. DEBORAH WEINSWIG, MANAGING DIRECTOR, FUNG GLOBAL RETAIL & TECHNOLOGY
[email protected] US: 917 .655.6790 HK: 852.6119.1779 CN: 86.186.1420.3016 1 Copyright © 2016 The Fung Group. All rights reserved. APRIL 11, 2016 In additioN, Newly introduced merchaNdising eNhaNcemeNts eNable retailers to drag and drop products withiN category grids and provide advanced search and filter capabilities withiN products aNd categories.