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L:\Annual Report\2003\Annual Re Message from the Chairman In five years, The Habibie Center has succeeded in accomplishing a number of important activities, in the midst of the extremely dynamic political and economic environment in Indonesia as well as in the world over the past year. The consolidation of various institutions under the center is underway and will prove useful as a foundation for future programs and activities. A variety of issues, from constitutional reform to umpowerment people through information technology, have been the focus of a series of discussions, seminars and workshops held by the center. This year, The Habibie Center had the honor of hosting a limited gathering among religious leaders around the world. The participants of the meeting which consisted of 40 chosen former world leaders agreed to generate the spirit of “Universally Declare Humankind’s Responsibility”. In the future, the Habibie Center hopes to conduct activities focused on efforts to uphold the values and principles of human rights and democracy in Indonesia, good governance as well as the accelerated process of regional empowerment through regional autonomy and decentralization. To accomplish this, the Habibie Center will forge ties with various organizations, both domestic and foreign, which have similar concerns in regard to these issues. Hopefully, working together we can set up positive and productive programs that will be beneficial to the Indonesian people. All forms of cooperation and collaboration will be undertaken, especially in efforts to secure financial assistance for the programs offered. Finally, we would like to express our gratitude to the various parties that have participated in the activities of the Habibie Center over the past year, and hope that we can improve our efforts in the future. Jakarta, December 1, 2003 Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie Annual Report 2003 • The Habibie Center | 1 Foreword “RECONCILIATION OF IDEAS” TOWARD A NEW INDONESIA The fundamental problem faced by Indonesia in the transitional era is how reform and democratization processes can prevail smoothly while at the same time the integrity of Indonesia as a nation remains solid. It is realized that reform and democratization processes led to a reassessment of various issues in the settings of paradigm, way of life, as well as national institution. Over three years of national journey in the reform and transitional eras we have been witnessing a variety of ‘review’ steps over diverse aspects of life which were once considered established and in fact sometimes seen as “untouchable”. On the other hand, as a consequence of abundant spirit to perform ‘review and reconstruction’ –on behalf of reform process- a variety of shaking events that generate tremendous impacts on the disruption of national pillars of life frequently happen. The threats of national disintegration is one of such consequences. Inter-ethnic, inter-religious and inter-group conflicts (read: conflict potentials), and the rise of narrow regionalism sentiment have made Indonesia realize the importance of ‘national reconciliation’. National reconciliation is a must in order for the reform process to prevail without ‘sacrificing’ national unity. One of the important elements of national integration is the conduct of intensive dialogues of ideas involving all components of the nation. Interaction and dialogues are needed to unify perception on the aspired future of the nation and on how to realize that future. The above elaboration shows that to achieve national reconciliation, ‘reconciliation of ideas’ is needed as a prerequisite. Reconciliation of ideas is a medium, means (tool) and product resulting from the process of interaction and dialogue of ideas. Reconciliation of ideas is a ‘conditio sine qua non’ for the realization of national reconciliation. A variety of programs and activities held by The Habibie Center over the past two years since its inception – in the form of seminars, studies, publication and research- are parts of the efforts to participate in constructing a ‘reconciliation of ideas’. The topics of The Habibie Center’s activities 2003 – contained in this activity report – are part of the long chain of THC’s works in its accomplishment of the mission to participate in developing the ‘reconciliation of ideas’ toward a new Indonesia, a civil society based on four pillars i.e.: culture, democracy, justice and technology. Jakarta, December 1, 2003 Ahmad W. Pratiknya Executive Director 2 | Annual Report 2003 • The Habibie Center Democratization Must Go On Annual Report 2003 • The Habibie Center | 3 REFLECTING ON 2003 On January 13, 2003 The Habibie Center problems that needed immediate action. (THC) prepared an annual Reflection Entering 2003 attended by journalists from The second part was aimed at raising two print and electronic media. points that could hopefully gain the attention from all of layers in the country The expectation and reflections program in searching of a cure to recover from the was a summary of a study which crisis and to continue with the dynamics of conducted by various divisions and the country’s developments. They were 1) researchers from THC. The summary of attempts to revitalize Indonesia’s potential their visions and assessment could not cover to become a Maritime Country, and 2) every aspect of the problems Indonesia face efforts to revitalize the nation’s ability to today, but it gave several outlooks and compete with other countries. solutions to recover from the country crisis. This reflection was an illustration of THC’s obstacles and hopes for a better future in Indonesia. The first part of the reflection revealed a number of the nation’s pressing issues and IMPLEMENTATION OF “LOCAL GOVERNMENT” IN SOUTH KOREA AND INDONESIA On February 24, 2003 a number of professors from several universities in South Korea visited The Habibie Center. Their visit was to discuss the concept and implementation of local government system in both countries, Indonesia and South Korea. The Korean universities delegation consisted of Yon Sei University, Sun Kyun Hwan University, The Academy of Korean Studies and Han Nam University. 4 | Annual Report 2003 • The Habibie Center Inter-Action Council Gathering: “Bridging the Divide” The Habibie Center in cooperation with (Hindi), Dr. Kamel Al-Sharif, Yjordan Inter-Action Council (IAC) held a limited (Muslim), Dr. A.T. Ariyatne, Srilanka gathering among religious leaders around (Buddhist), Archbishop, Francis P. Caroll, the world on March 11-12, 2003. The Australia (Catholic), Rev. Tim Costello, gathering was a prologue to another Australia (Protestant), Mr. James Jordan, gathering that was to be held in St. Australia (Greek Orthodox), Prof. Lee Petersburg, Russia, in the same year. Seung-hwan, Korea (Confucius), Rev. Dr. Konrad Raiser, Swiss (Protestant), Dr. The IAC is a non-governmental David Rosen, USA (Jewish). Present from organization whose members consist of 40 Indonesia were Prof. Dr. A. Syafii Maarif, chosen former world leaders. Since it was (Muslim), Rozi Munir (Muslim), Dr. Natan founded in 1983, the institution focuses Setiabudi (Protestant), Rev. I.N. Suwandha their attention on ethical and moral SH., (Hindi), Prof. Dr. Din Syamsudin standards in business and political (Muslim), Pastor Alex Widjojo SI (Catholic). leadership. The gathering resulted in a collective Present at the gathering in Jakarta were statement that declared all religious leaders former Prime Minister of Australia, Malcom should firmly reject any form of religious Fraser, former Prime Minister of The justification towards violence and Netherlands, Andries Van Agt, former terrorism. This forum also pushes world President of Ecuador, Jamil Mahuad and leaders to take positive steps in bridging former President of Indonesia Prof. Dr. Ing. differences within religion and ethnic B.J. Habibie who is also the Founder and groups; to create a more cooperative world Chairman, Board of Trustees of The where an exchange of ideas and consensus Habibie Center. will determine the final result, and to struggle for justice among all countries Local as well as international religious around the world. leaders attended the gathering. Among the list were Rev. Swami Agnivesh, India Those who attended the meeting also agreed that now is the right moment to generate the spirit to “Universally Declare Humankind’s Responsibility”. What we need to do now is to make policies and take concrete action for the sake of living peacefully and harmoniously and to fight for justice among countries around the world, then to underline the basic principles of global ethics: the human right “For all to be treated human” and “Do not do unto others as you would not like others do unto you”. Annual Report 2003 • The Habibie Center | 5 INDONESIAN RECOVERY POST IMF A discussion on “Indonesian Recovery cooperation with IMF was one of their Post IMF” presented Dr. Prabowo B. considerations. Moreover, Indonesia Sudjana from UNSFIR and Umar Juworo became increasingly under pressure to from The Habibie Center as speakers. The actualize agendas appointed by the IMF. discussion was held at THC on April 9, 2003, raising the topic on the pro and On the same day of this event, The Habibie contra of continuing Indonesia’s Center also signed an MoU with UNSFIR cooperation with IMF. (United Nations Support Facility for Indonesian Recovery) which took place at The topic became a hot issue after the THC building. This cooperation is People’s Consultative Assembly UNSFIR’s effort to build a network with recommended the government to stop aid various institutions to conduct research and programs with the IMF. The fact that analysis of policies taken by Indonesia Indonesia has not felt the benefit of its during crisis. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION BILL AND THE PROSPECTS OF THE 2004 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Since the stance on the Presidential Election Bill became a topic of discussion among members of the Indonesian Legislative Assembly, The Habibie Center held a discussion on May 11, 2003, themed “The Development of Presidential Election Bill and the Prospects of the 2004 Presidential Election”.
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