Democratization Must Go On!

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Democratization Must Go On! Democratization Must Go On! Annual Report 2009 Message from the Chairman 3 Foreword 5 Democracy 6 Human Rights 14 International Cooperations 18 Media 24 Social and Culture 28 Visits 32 Chat 34 Publications 38 Appendix 39 People Behind the Center 40 Financial Report 43 Text: Ahmad Jayadi and Vita Handayani Copy Editor: Don Wilkey Lay Out and Design: Aryati Dewi Hadin ©The Habibie Center 2010 Message from The Chairman Democratization Must go on In 2009, The Habibie Center along with every Indonesian education and science and technology issues in Indonesia celebrated the grand democratic elections. The legislative (and the world) in recent years. In addition, The Habibie and presidential elections generally went smoothly and Center has conducted researches, scientific researches, ad- successfully despite the growing criticism. The people have vocacy, training, publications and collaborations with for- directly chosen their representatives in the House of Rep- eign and national institutions. resentatives, the Regional Representative Council and the President and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Through these activities, The Habibie Center has been for the 2009-2014 period. participating in accelerating democratization in Indonesia through developing superior human resources of the high- However, in the midst of the political feast, Indonesia est calibre, and which have a well-balanced combination of was also afflicted with natural and humanitarian disasters science and technology, culture and religion. which claimed many lives and caused severe infrastructural damage to the country, including the earthquakes in West We acknowledge that these activities would have not been Java and West Sumatra and the floods in Jakarta. At the successful without the cooperation of many parties, either end of the year, Indonesia also lost a great thinker, democ- from institutions or individuals, from in or outside the racy figure, leader of the nation, and the fourth President country. Through public support, the media, and especially of Indonesia, Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur). The Habi- the hard work of administrators and staffs of our organiza- bie Center sympathizes for this national calamity. tion, eventually The Habibie Center, with all its advantages and drawbacks, has been able to stand firm for the last 10 2009 has been an important year for The Habibie Center years. because it marked the 10th anniversary of The Habibie Center. 10 years is a mature age for an independent think Finally, I would like to express my appreciation to The Ha- tank and non-profit institution such as The Habibie Cent- bibie Center staff, partners and supporters, who have been er to become a platform that carries its objectives. participating and cooperating in our activities. Hopefully in the coming years, there will be more activities that we do for In its ten-year establishment, The Habibie Center has been the betterment of Indonesia. conducting various activities in promoting its causes which are to advocate democracy, uphold human rights and to develop reliablehuman resources (HR). These activities include seminars (national and internation- al) and discussions that address the technical and substan- tive political , economic, legal, social, cultural, religious, Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie Annual Report 2009 3 Strong Democracy for a Better Indonesia Indonesia successfully held general and presidential elec- For instance, facing the elections of 2009, the representa- tions in 2009. The president and vice president-elect have tion of women legislators in the parliament became a major a strong power-base upon which to run the government topic of The Habibie Center. Following the issue, we organ- because they won on only the first round of the elections. ized training for a selection of potential women legislative They earned more than 50% of the mass vote. Moreover, the candidates. The training provided appropriate knowledge Democratic Party, the political party that supported Susilo and skills to the participants for their campaigns. After the Bambang Yudhoyono-Boediono (SBY-Boediono), in the elections, we organized a series of discussions on the elec- previous election also had the highest vote. Thus, there is tions and training for the elected women legislators. no reason for SBY-Boediono to be skeptical in running the government. The Habibie Center has carried out a variety of programs and activities over the past ten years such as seminars, stud- As the ruling party, the Democratic Party with the coali- ies, research and publications as part of its efforts to par- tion parties (Golkar, PKS, PPP, PKB and PAN) must sup- ticipate in consolidating democracy. The ten years of our port president SBY and the cabinet to build a better democ- involvement in strengthening democracy, however, would racy and human rights in Indonesia. As we know, Indonesia not have succeeded without the support and cooperation is now facing the great challenge of improving the quality of several other parties. of life of those Indonesians in need such as through: in- creasing people’s welfare, reducing the poverty rate, pro- We would like to extend our thanks to those who have viding job opportunities, lowering prices of basic goods, helped us in this partnership. Our mutual trust needs to be eradicating corruption, improving the quality of education, maintained in the future. This 2009 report shows the vari- etc. These are not simple tasks. To achieve them, Indonesia ety of The Habibie Center’s activities as part of our aim to needs strong leadership and a strong government. make democratization work towards a better Indonesia. However, in a democratic country, besides the executive, legislative and judiciary power, the media and civil society organizations (CSO) play a big role in controlling govern- ment. The Habibie Center, as one of the CSOs is trying to take a part and play the best possible role to keep democ- racy in place. By raising some major issues in Indonesia, The Habibie Center looks for solutions and in turn makes rec- ommendations to address the myriad of Indonesia’s more substantial and far-reaching problems. Prof. Dr. Muladi 4 Annual Report 2009 Foreword Envisaging Indonesia and The Habibie Center in the Future 2009 was a year of double delight for The Habibie Center. riety of activities, such as the ASEAN-China Free Trade We celebrated two very exciting events. One was an im- Agreement (ACFTA); Korea-ASEAN cooperation; devel- portant nationwide event, which was the 2009 elections opment of Iran’s science and technology; EU-ASEAN co- and another one was a small-scale party, the 10th anni- operation; position of Turkey in Europe; Libya in Africa; versary of The Habibie Center. China’s economic progress; comparative law in Europe and so on. Indonesia’s future will be determined this year. The Indo- nesian people have chosen their leaders. The president The Habibie Center’s commitment in supporting democ- and his cabinet program will determine the economic de- racy and human rights is manifested through The Habibie velopment, political certainty, law enforcement, defense Center’s activities such as training, seminars, workshops, and security stability, social welfare, advancement in edu- and dialogue. Another form is the regular publication cation, business, etc., from 2009 until 2014. of The Habibie Center’s journal, Postscript, its book re- search and publishing program , and through its input to Similarly for The Habibie Center; ten years is an impor- conference proceedings and television broadcasts. tant milestone for us as we move forward. The Habibie Center’s activities since its inception, in 1999, are more Ten years of The Habibie Center’s experience as a think focused on issues of democracy and human rights in the tank, research, collaboration and advocacy institution has country. In the future, The Habibie Center will try to give proven The Habibie Center’s position as a neutral and ob- more attention to democracy and human rights issues at jective institution. the regional level such as the ASEAN and Asia. Our gratitude goes to the parties who have engaged in The Habibie Center’s activities throughout 2009 were cooperation in The Habibie Center’s activities in the past characterized by a great deal of discussion about the elec- years. Hopefully, now, after 10 years, The Habibie Centeris tions. Election problems such as: processes and stages of able to stand more firmly in advocating our ideals. the elections; the elections commisions; political parties contesting the elections; the representation of women in parliament; campaign themes and methods; and leader- ship criteria for the president-vice president of RI 2009- 2014 became topics of discussion and heated debate at The Habibie Center. In addition to national topics, The Habibie Center in Ahmad W. Pratiknya 2009 also raised regional and international topics in a va- Executive Director Annual Report 2009 5 Democracy Chat Reflection and Perspective Roundtable Discussion: ‘Public’s 2008 REFLECTIONS AND Understanding and Expectations of PERSPECTIVES 2009 Women Leaders Candidates’ January 13, 2009, The Habibie Center February 3, 2009, The Habibie Center As a preliminary workshop on Women Legislative Candidates, The Habibie Center in cooperation with the Hanns Seidel Foundation held a Roundtable Discussion on the topic “Pub- lic’s Understanding and Expectations of Women Leader Can- didates”. This discussion focused on the agenda of women’s empow- erment, especially in the political field. The speakers in the discussion expected women’s increasing involvement (both in terms of quantity and quality) in the political decision-making in state institutions such as the parliament, the DPD RI and in government in general. Trigger speakers in the discussion were Sri Budi Eko Ward- hani (UI), Ani Sucipto (UI), Maria Hartiningsih (KOMPAS) and Educate Suprianto (JPPR). Discussions were moderated by Lilis Mulyani (THC). The participants in the discussion also To start off 2009, The Habibie Center (THC) held a discus- included Sulasikin Moerpratomo (THC), Dewi Fortuna Anwar sion on the 2008 Reflections and Perspectives 2009 with (THC), R.
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