Your Donations in Action
LAST RAMADAN YOU WERE AMAZING YOUR DONATIONS IN ACTION Ramadan and Qurbani 2015 Update “They give food, out of love for Him (swt), to the poor, the orphan, and the slave, saying: We feed you only for Allah’s (swt) pleasure - we desire from you neither reward nor thanks.” Al-Qur’an (76:8-9) 2 The charity you gave enabled us IT’s true, to serve some of the most deserving people across the world. last Your donations brought relief, rest, health and sustenance to vulnerable and poor men, women and children. Those living in conflict-torn areas, abject poverty or affected by natural RAMADAN disasters. People who are in desperate need of some of the basic human necessities that many of us take for granted. YOU WERE Your donations didn’t just enable us to provide short-term aid, but enabled us to better serve these people by developing education and skills programmes. Things that will continue to AMAZING. make a significant difference to their lives for years to come and give them the skills to change their lives. You gave them hope. You gave them a future. You are amazing. 3 SADAQAH JARIYAh “When a man passes away, his good deeds will also come to an end except for three: Sadaqah Jariyah (continuous charity); knowledge which is beneficial, or a virtuous descendant who prays for him.” Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), Muslim. The giving of charity is an act Our vision is the alleviation of which defines us as humans poverty, education for all and and strengthens ties within our the provision of basic amenities communities.
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