Postal Himal QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE NEPAL AND TIBET PHILATELIC STUDY CIRCLE NTPSC Homepage (courtesy of Rainer Fuchs) Number 123 3rd Quarter 2005 Postal Himal is a quarterly publication of the Nepal & Tibet Philatelic Study Circle. Membership subscriptions run from January through December of each year. Dues should be paid in local currency at the prevailing exchange rate to the Society representative in your area. One Year Three Years Life Member Great Britain £12 £33 £250 USA $18 $50 $375 Europe €19 €52 €390 American Philatelic Society Affiliate # 122 British Philatelic Federation Affiliate #435 Secretary: Mr. Colin T. Hepper Editor: Mr. Richard M. Hanchett cn Calle Miguel Angel 6 Rainbow C01ll1 El Sueno - Fase 1 Warwick, RI 02889-1 I 18 El Chaparral USA 03184 Torrevieja Phone (40 I) 738 0466 Alicante email: editorofpostalhi mal@coxnet Spain Phone & Fax 34 96 678470 I email:
[email protected] The Board ofDirectors: President: Prof. Armand Singer,
[email protected] Past President: Dr. vVolfgang C Hellrigl Vice President: Mr. Dick van der Wateren Secretary: Mr. Colin T. Hepper Treasurer: Mr. Colin T. Hepper Auctioneer: Mr Leo Mal1yn Members at large: Mr. Christopher Kinch, Mr. Alan Warren Editor: Mr. Richard M. Hanchett Representatives: Europe: Mr. Colin T. Hepper - see address above Nepal: Mr. Surendra Lal Shrestha, G. P. O. Box 72, Kathmandu, epal USA Mr. Roger Skinner, 1020 Covington Road, Los Altos, CA 94024, USA Life Members Mario C. Barbiere, Jeremy Brewer, GeotTrey Flack, P. Gupta, Richard M. Hanchett, Wolfgang C Hellrigl, William Janson, Kenneth Javonovich, G.