GENERAL Ekaterina Kozitskaia Fleishman INFORMATION: Date of birth: 03/15/1970 (Minsk, Belarus') Home address: 927 Mackenzie Drive, Sunnyvale CA 94087. Tel. (h): (408) 738–4739 E-mail: [email protected] Citizenship: Russian Federation, U.S. permanent resident, applied for U.S. citizenship

MARITAL STATUS: married, one son (born September 24, 2003)

EDUCATION: 2000-2002 - Post-doctoral studies, Tver’ State University 1998 - Ph.D. dissertation defense, Tver’ State University, Russia 1992-1995- Graduate studies in Russian Literature, Tver’ State University 1986-1991- Department of Philology, Tver’ State University. M.A. diploma in Russian Language & Literature, with high honors

HONORS 2000 - Soros Foundation travel grant to participate in an international AND GRANTS: conference in (Poland) 1989-1991 - Award for the outstanding academic achievement, Tver’ State University

WORK November 2004 – present – Manuscript Processing Assistant for EXPERIENCE: Slavic collections and Special collections, Stanford University Libraries 2003, April - September- Archive cataloguer, Special Collections, Stanford University Libraries 1999 - 2002 - Associate Professor (Docent), Department of Literary Theory, Tver’ State University 1994-1999 - Assistant Professor, Department of Literary Theory, TSU 1992-1994- Assistant Professor, Department of Russian Literature, TSU 1991-1992 - Lecturer, Department of Russian Literature, TSU

ADDITIONAL 2000 - Visiting Research Fellow, EXPERIENCE: Russian State University for the Humanities (Moscow) 1998-2000– Lecturer, Institute “Verkhnevolzh’e” (Tver’) 1998-2000 - Editor, Publishing house “DMK” (Moscow) 1998 - Administrative assistant and interpreter, Charitable Foundation “Seeds” (Tver’) Contributor to Tver’ newspapers and magazines (Teletver’, 2001-2002, Tver’ Business Club, 1995; Novaia Gazeta, 1993; Iarmarka, 1992-1993; Tverskie Vedomosti, 1992)

CONFERENCE 2006 PARTICIPATION 1. Organized the panel “The and his predecessors (39th IN RECENT YEARS: annual AAASS convention to be held in New Orleans, Louisiana, November 15-18, 2007). 2. 30th Annual Stanford / Berkeley Conference on Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies “Glasnost’ evaluated: 1986-2006”. March 3d; delivered a paper on Soviet and post-Soviet rock poetry. 3. 38th Annual AAASS convention (Washington, D.C.), November 16-19; organized the panel “The Poetics of Joseph Brodsky”, delivered a paperon Brodsky’s poem “Darling, Tonight I Went Out Late…”.

2002 1. International conference, “The Phenomenon of Title”. Moscow, March 28-29. 2. International seminar, “Poland - Russia: The Aspects of the Contemporary Culture”. Tver’, May.

2001 1. International conference, “The Phenomenon of Title”. Moscow, April. 2. International conference, “The Poetics of Russian Literature”. Moscow, April. 3. International conference, “Text-2000”. Izhevsk, April. 4. International seminar, “Poland - Russia: The Aspects of the Contemporary Culture”. Tver’, May 8-12. 5. International seminar, “Russian Rock Poetry: The Problems and Methods of Study”. Tver’, May 24-27. 6. International conference, “Tolerance and Multiculturalism in Contemporary Russian Culture”. Ekaterinburg, May 29-30. 7. International conference, “Russian Studies in Contemporary Europe”. Poznan’ (Poland), September 11-13. 8. International conference, “The Motive of Wine in the Russian and West European Literatures of the XVIII-XX centuries”. Tver’, October 27-31. 9. Conference, “V.Vysotskii, A.Galich, B.Okudzhava”. Moscow, November.

2000 1. Conference, “Alexander Blok and World Culture”. Velikii Novgorod, March 14-17. 2. “Teaching Philology at Secondary and High School”. Tver’, April 11-12. 3. International conference, “ ‘Moscow-Petushki’ by Venedikt Erofeev”. Tver’, May 18-21. 4. Conference “Rock Poetry as a Social and Cultural Phenomenon”. Cherepovets, May 27-28. 5. International conference on William Shakespeare. Vladimir, September 14-16. 6. International conference, “Russian Rock Poetry: Text and Context”. Tver’, September 17-19. 7. Conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Ural State University and the 60th anniversary of its Department of Philology. Ekaterinburg, October 10-11. 8. International conference, Institute of Russian Philology, Warsaw University, October 26-27.

1999 . International conference, “The World of Romanticism: In memory of Prof. N.A.Gulyaev”. Tver’, February 9-11. 2. Conference, “Teaching Philology at Secondary and High School”. Tver’, April 9-10. 3. International conference, “Poetics of Russian Literature: In honor of Prof. Iury Mann”. Moscow, April 26-28. 4. International conference, “Artistic Text and Culture”. Vladimir, May 13-16. 5. The Second Annual International Conference, “On Drama and Theatre”. Tver’, May 21-22. 6. Conference, “Russian Rock Poetry: Text and Context”. Tver’, May 29 – June 2. 7. International conference, “The Phenomenon of Literary Title”. Moscow, June 4. 8. International conference, “Kitsch and Popular Culture”. Częstochowa (Poland), October 18-20.

INTERESTS: Russian literature, late Soviet and post-Soviet culture, cultural studies, literature and history, East European Jewry, Slavic world, East European literature and history

SKILLS: Languages: Russian (native); English (fluent); German (elementary); Ukrainian (good); reading knowledge of Polish, Byelorussian, basic Latvian.

Computer: working knowledge of Microsoft Word, Windows, Microsoft Excel, and the Internet. Extensive travel experience (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus’, Poland, Czech Republic, Holland, Finland, Egypt, Latvia, , Estonia, Mongolia).

REFERENCES: Prof. David Bethea (University of Madison-Wisconsin – Oxford), Prof. Nikolai Bogomolov (Moscow State University), Prof. Wolf Schmid (Hamburg University), Prof. Tomas Venclova (). EKATERINA KOZITSKAIA FLEISHMAN



1. Semantic Functions of Citation in Poetic Texts. Tver’ State University Publishing House, 1999. 2. Allusions in the Language of Newspaper and Advertisement. Tver’ State University Publishing House, 2001.


2007 . “ ‘For time, when it collides with memory...’: on Brodsky’s poem “Darling, tonight I went out late…”, Iskusstvo poetiki – iskusstvo poezii. K 70-letiiu I.V.Fomenko. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov. Tver’, 2007.

2003 . “Lyrical adressee in Brodsky's poetry”, Poetika Iosifa Brodskogo. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov. Tver’, 2003.

20022. “The ‘I-Thou’ relationship in 's lyrics”, Kormanovskie chteniia: Materialy mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii “Tekst-2000”. Vypusk 4. Izhevsk, 2002. 3. “The peculiarities of the ‘I-Thou’ relationship in lyrics of the ‘bards’”, Aktual’nye problemy filologii v vuze i shkole. Materialy 16-oi tverskoi mezhvuzovskoi konferentsii uchenykh-filologov i shkol’nykh uchitelei. Tver’, 2002. 4. “The mythological motive of water in ’s poetry”, Arkhetipicheskie struktury khudozhestvennogo soznaniia. Vypusk 3. Ekaterinburg, 2002. 5. “The status of author in Russian rock culture”, Russkaia rok-poeziia: tekst i kontekst – 6. Tver’, 2002. 6. “Wine and intoxication in Bulat Okudzhava's poetry”, Literaturnyi tekst. Problemy i metody issledovaniia. Tver’, 2002. 20017. “The non-traditional type of author’s self-representation in Russian rock poetry”, Dergachevskie chteniia-2000. Russkaia literatura: natsional'noe razvitie i regional'nye osobennosti. Ekaterinburg, 2001. 8. “The types and codes of behavior in Russian rock culture: female fans, characters, singers”, Tolerantnost' v kontekste mnogoukladnosti rossiiskoi kul'tury: Tezisy mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii. Ekaterinburg, 2001. 9. “Authorial and alien word in Mikhail Levitin's drama”, Drama i teatr-II. Tver’, 2001. 10. “Sub-languages and sub-cultures in Russian rock culture”, Russkaia rok-poeziia: tekst i kontekst – 5. Tver’, 2001. 11. “Wine and intoxication in Bulat Okudzhava's poetry”, Motiv vina v literature: Materialy nauchnoi konferentsii. Tver’, 2001. 2000 . “Reception of traditional cultural myths, ‘eternal images’ and plots in modern Russian rock poetry”, Russkaia rok- poeziia: tekst i kontekst – 3. Tver’, 2000. 13. “The way toward death and its meaning in the poem ‘Moscow-Petushki’ by Venedikt Erofeev”, Materialy Tret’ei mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii “Literaturnyi tekst: problemy i metody issledovaniia”. Tver’, 2000. 14. “The ‘I-Thou’ relationship in modern homosexual lyrics”, Potaennaia literatura. Issledovaniia i materialy. Vypusk 2. Ivanovo, 2000. 15. “Borrowing of names from Shakespeare’s dramas in Russian rock poetry”, Shekspirovskie chteniia-2000. Moskva- Vladimir, 2000. 16. “New cultural self-consciousness in Russian rock culture”, Russkaia rok-poeziia: tekst i kontekst – 4. Tver’, 2000. 17. “The ‘I-Thou’ structure of romantic ballad (‘The triumph of winners’ by Vasilii Zhukovskii)”, Mir romantizma: Materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii. Vypusk 3 (27). Tver’, 2000. 1999 . “Literary allusions in headlines and advertising texts”, Aktual’nyie problemy filologii v vuze i shkole. Materialy 13-oi tverskoi mezhvuzovskoi konferentsii uchenykh-filologov i shkol’nykh uchitelei. Tver’, 1999. 19. “Academic tradition of literary scholarship and the problems of studying Russian rock poetry”, Russkaia rok- poeziia: tekst i kontekst – 2. Tver’, 1999. 20. “Functions of literary allusions”, Khudozhestvennyi tekst i kul’tura – 3. Materialy i tezisy dokladov na mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii. Vladimir, 1999. 21. “An epigraph and a text: semantic mechanism”, Literaturnyi tekst. Problemy i metody issledovaniia. “Svoe” i “chuzhoe” slovo v chudozhestvennom tekste. V. Tver’, 1999. 22. “Quotation, ‘alien word’, intertext: bibliographical materials”, Ibid. 23. “The features of the romantic poetics in Viktor Tsoi’s works”, Mir romantizma: Materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii. Vypusk 1 (25). Tver’, 1999. 1998 24. “Auto-quotation and intertextuality (two poems by Bulat Okudzhava)”, Literaturnyi tekst. Problemy i metody issledovaniia. IV. Tver’, 1998. 25. “An attempt at entry for the onomastic glossary of the Leningrad’s rock poetry” (in cooperation with N.V.Vinogradova and J.V.Domansky), Materialy 2-oi konferentsii “Literaturnyi tekst: problemy i metody issledovaniia. Tver’, 1998. 26. “Inner dialogue in lyrical poetry (‘I’ and ‘Thou’ in Aleksandr Blok’s poem ‘V glubokikh sumerkakh sobora...’)”, Kormanovskie chteniia. Vypusk III. Materialy mezhvuzovskoi nauchnoi konferentsii. Izhevsk, 1998. 27. “The functions of quotation in Russian rock poetry”, Vtorye Maiminskie chteniia. Pskov, 1998. 28. “ ‘Alien word’ in Russian rock poetry”, Russkaia rok- poeziia: tekst i kontekst. Tver’, 1998. 1997 29. “Salient and hidden quotation in a poetic text”, Problemy i metody issledovaniia literaturnogo teksta. K 60-letiiu I.V.Fomenko. Tver’, 1997. 30. “Allusive functions of the ‘key words’ in poetic texts”, Khudozhestvennyi tekst i kul’tura – 2. Tezisy dokladov na mezhdunarodnoj konferentsii. Vladimir, 1997. 31. “The ‘mirrors’ of Georgii Ivanov’s poetry: the inner dialogue in a lyrical text”, Vzaimodeistvie literatur v mirovom literaturnom protsesse (Problemy teoreticheskoi i istoricheskoi poetiki). Materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii. Grodno (Belarus’), 1997. 1995 32. “The archetype of water in A.Akhmatova’s poetry”, Akhmatovskie chteniia. A.Akhmatova, N.Gumilev i russkaia kul’tura nachala XX veka. Tver’, 1995. 33. “The peculiarities of metrical ‘quotation’”, Aktual’nye problemy filologii v vuze i shkole. Materialy 9-oi tverskoi mezhvuzovskoi konferentsii uchenykh-filologov i shkol’nykh uchitelei. Tver’, 1995. 1994 34. “An ‘alien word’ in the structure of poem. The problem of dialogue in lyrical poetry”, Literaturnyi tekst: problemy i metody issledovaniia. Tver’, 1994. 35. “On the function of the ‘Stanza’ title in Osip Mandel’štam’s lyrical poetry”, Aktual’nye problemy filologii v vuze i shkole. Materialy 8-oi tverskoi mezhvuzovskoi konferentsii uchenykh-filologov i shkol’nykh uchitelei. Tver’, 1994. 36. “Auto-quotation in the lyrical poetry as an element of poetic text”, Gumanitarnoe znanie i pedagogicheskaia deiatel’nost’. Tezisy respublikanskoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii. Perm’, 1994. 1993 37. “Quotation in Russian postmodernist poetry”, Aktual’nye problemy filologii v vuze i shkole. Materialy 7-oi tverskoi mezhvuzovskoi konferentsii uchenykh-filologov i shkol’nykh uchitelei. Tver’, 1993. 1992 38. “The role of quotation in Mandel’štam’s poetics”, Aktual’nye problemy filologii v vuze i shkole. Materialy 6-oi tverskoi mezhvuzovskoi konferentsii uchenykh-filologov i shkol’nykh uchitelei. Tver’, 1992.