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- Tributary Connectivity, Confluence Aggradation and Network Biodiversity
- Hood, WG. 2010. Tidal Channel Meander Formation by Depositional Rather Than Erosional Processes
- Floodplains Book A
- 4 GREAT RIVERS of EUROPE 6Th President’S Cruise from Luxembourg to Budapest June 16, 2019 - 21 Days
- Spatial Identification of Tributary Impacts in River Networks
- Answer Key Tributary Activity
- The Drainage Basin System
- Hydromorphological Implications of Local Tributary Widening for River Rehabilitation M
- Estimation of 50-And 100-Year Tributary Accretion Floods Lewiston Dam to Treadwell Bridge, Trinity River, California
- Drainage Basins, Channels, and Flow Characteristics of Selected Streams in Central Pennsylvania
- Unit 1: Floods and Floodplain Management
- Crofton Tributary Stream Restoration Anne Arundel County, Maryland
- Small and Medium-Scale River Flood Controls in Highly Urbanized Areas: a Whole Region Perspective
- Geomorphological Effectiveness of Floods to Rework Gravel Bars: Insight from Hyperscale Topography and Hydraulic Modelling
- River System Cloze
- Tributary/Mainstem Interactions, the River Continuum Concept and the Grande Ronde River
- Comparison of Flow Dynamics and Bifurcation Angles in Tributary and Distributary Channel Networks Thomas Coffey University of Arkansas, Fayetteville