Social capital
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- 2018 Annual Letter from Social Capital
- Social Capital, Community, and Place a Primer
- Assessing the Role of Social Capital in the Community Development
- Social Capital and Civic Engagement of Marginalized Youth on Myspace Investigator: Anne C
- Online Social Networks, Social Capital and Health-Related Behaviors: a State-Of-The-Art Analysis," Communications of the Association for Information Systems: Vol
- The Effect of Social Network Sites on College Students' Social Capital
- Social Capital on Social Networking Sites: a Social Network Perspective
- THE FORMS of CAPITAL 7 8 Pierre Bourdieu 9 10 Richardson, J., Handbook of Theory and Research for the Sociology of Education (1986), 1 Westport, CT: Greenwood, Pp
- Structural Holes Versus Network Closure As Social Capital
- Measurement and Consequences Robert Putnam This Paper Starts with a Discussion of Definitions of Social Capit
- The Internet, Social Capital and Local Community
- Using Social Network Analysis (SNA) to Map Social Capital and Social
- The Social Production of Intergenerational Exchange: the Value of Social Capital
- Libraries, Trust and Social Capital Libraries Are Highly Trusted Institutions That Cultivate Social Capital in the Communities They Serve
- The Role of Social Capital in Supporting Economic Mobility
- Understanding and Measuring Social Capital
- Social Network Measures of Social Capital a Methodological Perspective
- Social Capital in Indian Country: the Effects of Bridging and Bonding on Job Acquisition