Scientific realism
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- Duns Scotus and Peirce on the Importance of Universals and Scientific Realism”
- The Illusion of Scientific Realism: an Argument for Scientific Soft Antirealism Peter Carmack
- The Epistemological Status of Scientific Theories: an Investigation of the Structural Realist Account
- Scientific Realism Again
- Newman's Objection and the No Miracles Argument
- SCIENTIFIC REALISM and METAPHYSICS Stathis Psillos 1. Introduction There Are Two Ways to Conceive of What Scientific Realism Is
- Aristotle, the Pythagoreans, and Structural Realism Owen Goldin Marquette University, [email protected]
- Towards a Naturalization of Roy Bhaskar's Early Realist Ontology
- The Realism/Antirealism Debate in the Philosophy of Science
- SCIENCE and the QUEST for REALITY MAIN TRENDS of the MODERN WORLD General Editors: Robert Jackall and Arthur J
- Scientific Realism Meets Metaphysics of Quantum Mechanics
- Ways of Knowing: Realism, Non‐
- The Principles of Bertrand Russell's Scientific Realism
- 1 Why Critical Realists Ought to Be Transcendental Idealists Guus
- Realism, Science, and Pragmatism
- Russell's Scientific Realism by Michael Bradie
- Divine Action, Determinism, and the Laws of Nature
- 1 the Aristotelian Realist Point of View