Reformasi (Malaysia)
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- Electoral Politics in Malaysia: 'Managing' Elections in a Plural
- Laporan Tahunan Kongres Ke-15 (Parti
- 233 How Indonesia Sees ASEAN and the World: a Cursory Survey of The
- ECFG-Indonesia- Mar-19.Pdf
- A Muslim Archipelago ISBN 978-1-932946-19-2 ISBN PCN 5160 a Muslim Archipelago: Islam and Politics in Southeast Asia
- Thesis Template
- Islamic Doctrine and Violence: the Malaysian Case
- Islamic Doctrine and Violence: the Malaysian Case
- Malaysia Policy Paper
- 25 Masyarakat Sivil Dan Demokratisasi Politik Di Malaysia
- Sity of Jakarta and Its Civic Education Course During Reformasi (1998–2004)
- Malaysia's Changing Media Environment and Youth Political Engagement—Student Voices from 2010 a Dissertation Presented To
- The 1965 Coup and Reformasi 1998: Two Critical Moments in Indonesia-Malaysia Relations During and After the Cold War Ali Maksum* and Reevany Bustami
- Political Change and Institutional Rigidity in Malaysia: Is There a Way Out?
- The Military and Democracy in Indonesia: Challenges, Politics, and Power
- From Nationalism to Post-Developmentalism: the Intersection of Gender, Race and Religion in Malaysia Mahnaz Binti Mohamad Universiti Sains Malaysia
- Title the Politics of National Identity in West Malaysia
- MINORITAS MUSLIM THAILAND Asimilasi, Perlawanan Budaya Dan Akar Gerakan Separatisme1