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- Procellariiformes ~ Ciconiiformes ~ Pelecaniformes ~ Suliformes
- Breeding Success, Nest Site Fidelity and Mate Fidelity in the European Storm-Petrel Hydrobates Pelagicus
- Black-Footed Albatross Phoebastria Nigripes
- Title of the Paper: Centered, Uppercase, 14 Point Times
- Breeding Phenology, Distribution and Conservation Status of Markham's Storm-Petrel Oceanodroma Markhami in the Atacama Desert
- The Breeding Biology of Northern White-Faced Storm Petrels (Pelagodroma Marina Maoriana) and a Feeding Trial in Preparation for Translocation, New Zealand
- Oceanographic Habitats of Two Sympatric North Pacific Albatrosses During the Breeding Season
- SHORT-TAILED ALBATROSS Phoebastria Albatrus
- Status Assessment of Laysan and Black-Footed Albatrosses, North Pacific Ocean, 1923–2005
- List of Storm-Petrels with References
- A New Species of Pliocene Shearwater (Aves: Procellariidae) from New Zealand Alan J.D
- Procellariiformes Mortality Assessment by Systematic Beach Surveys in Brazil
- A Marine Biogeographic Assessment of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands
- Dispersal Under the Seabird Paradox: Probability, Life History, Or Spatial Attributes?
- LAYSAN ALBATROSS Phoebastria Immutabilis
- Status and Conservation of Madeiran Storm-Petrel Oceanodroma Castro in Farilhão Grande, Berlengas, Portugal: Relevance to the Management Plan of This Protected Area
- Ainley, Et Al. Seabird Flight Behavior and Height in Response to Altered
- Evolved Increases in Hemoglobin-Oxygen Affinity and the Bohr Effect Coincided with the Aquatic Specialization of Penguins