Procellariiformes Observed Around Papua New Guinea Including the Bismarck Archipelago from 1985 to 2007

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Procellariiformes Observed Around Papua New Guinea Including the Bismarck Archipelago from 1985 to 2007 September 2010 9 Procellariiformes observed around Papua New Guinea including the Bismarck Archipelago from 1985 to 2007 NEIL CHESHIRE Abstract in PNG waters is not well documented and breeding status is poorly known. Early Procellariiformes were recorded during research information came from German colonists voyages to the maritime Exclusive Economic Zone such as Finsch (1879) and was summarised of Papua New Guinea between 1985 and 2007. by Reichenow (1899). The Whitney South Sea Species seen, but not previously recorded in the Expedition visited the eastern part of the study area, were Herald Petrel Pterodroma heraldica, area and specimens obtained mainly by Rollo Bulwer’s Petrel Bulweria bulwerii, Christmas Beck were documented by Murphy (1928 and Shearwater Puffinus nativitatus, White-faced 1930). An overall summary of seabirds in the Storm-Petrel Pelagodroma marina, Leach’s Storm- southwest Pacific that included Papua New Petrel Hydrobates leucorhoa and Matsudaira’s Guinea was made by Mayr (1945). Sea-going Storm-Petrel Hydrobates matsudairae. Seasonal members of the Royal Naval Birdwatching distribution of Streaked Shearwater Calonectris Society recorded seabirds during occasional leucomelas, Wedge-tailed Shearwater Ardenna voyages through the area from the late nineteen pacifica, Short-tailed Shearwater Ardenna fifties onwards (Bourne and Dixon 1973; Bourne tenuirostris, Tahiti Petrel Pseudobulweria 1983, 1998; Simpson 1990). Observations of rostrata, Black-bellied Storm-Petrel Fregetta Procellariiformes were made by Greensmith tropica and Matsudaira’s Storm -Petrel is discussed. (1975) during a yacht voyage through the Sightings of Heinroth’s Shearwater Puffinus Bismarck and Solomon Seas. Around the same heinrothi and a probable sighting of Black-footed time members of the New Guinea Bird Society Albatross Phoebastria nigripes are documented. made boat trips to outlying islands producing several interesting records (Coates 1970a; Finch INTRODUCTION 1981b, 1983c). Hadden rediscovered Heinroth’s Shearwater Puffinus heinrothi on Bougainville This paper presents distribution data of Island in 1979 (Hadden 1981). Seabirds around Procellariiformes I saw during 20 research the Madang area from September to November vessel voyages between 1985 and 2007 to the 1989 were recorded by Bailey (1992). Dutson seas around Papua New Guinea including (2001) reported on seabirds seen on passage the northern Coral Sea, the Solomon Sea, the during 1997-98 when he visited many islands Bismarck Sea and the adjacent Equatorial in the PNG area. Shirihai made a short voyage Pacific. The area considered in this survey in 2003 and another in 2007 in the area of is limited to the Exclusive Economic Zone the eastern Bismarck Archipelago and Buka (EEZ) of Papua New Guinea (see Fig.1). This resulting in the rediscovery of Beck’s Petrel zone extends up to 200 nautical miles (370km) Pseudobulweria becki (Shirihai 2004, 2008). offshore and gives a good sample of inshore Procellariiformes recorded in New Guinea and oceanic habitat. Prescott, in Carter (1983a) were listed by Beehler and Finch (1985). recommended the EEZ of a state as a logical and Their list covers the whole island of New gazetted sea area for a checklist to consider. The Guinea, its satellite islands and the western occurrence and abundance of Procellariiformes and eastern Papuan islands but excludes the 10 South Australian Ornithologist 36 (1 & 2) Bismarck Archipelago and Bougainville. The southeast trade wind belt reaches its maximum authors did not define the exact sea area that northerly extent followed by September and their list covers. Coates (1985) in a chapter on October as the time of transition. Procellariiformes considered the area covered by the political boundaries of Papua New Guinea, Coral Sea including the Bismarck Archipelago and In this study the northern Coral Sea includes the Bougainville, but again did not define the sea Gulf of Papua and waters south of Papua New area covered. A summary of current knowledge Guinea and south of the Louisiade Archipelago. as I understand it is given in Table 1. The shelf area where depths are less than 200 m is narrow being from five to twenty km along METHODS most of the coast widening to 180 km in the western Gulf of Papua. Elsewhere depths range Oceanographic Environment and Climate mostly between 2000 and 4000 m. The area lies The seas of the Papua New Guinea EEZ can within the westward flowing South Sub-Tropical be divided into four distinct geographical and Current, though in the northwest there is some environmental areas: the northern Coral Sea, the eastward flow from the Torres Strait during the Solomon Sea, the Bismarck Sea and Equatorial Austral summer. During this study sea surface Pacific waters (Fig. 1). January and February is temperatures ranged from 25.6°C (Aug) to 29.5° the time of the maximum southerly extension C (Feb) and the salinity from 34.64‰(parts per of the northwest monsoon with April and May thousand) to 35.03‰. Salinity is lower where the time of transition. In July and August the large rivers such as the Fly enter the Gulf of Figure 1. the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of Papua New Guinea (shaded). Youngmi Choi of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community gave permission to use this map. September 2010 11 CORAL SEA SOLOMON BISMARCK EQUATORIAL SEA SEA PACIFIC SPECIES A B A B A B A B REFERENCES Black-footed Albatross 1 ? Southern Giant-Petrel Ba Hudson & Conroy 1975 Tahiti Petrel 2-10 S > 10 > 10 > 10 > 10 2-10 > 10 Greensmith 1975; Coates 1985 Beck’s Petrel 2-10 S Shirihai 2008 Pseudobulweria sp. 2-10 1 Shirihai 2004, 2008 Kermadec Petrel S? Finsch 1879 Herald Petrel 2-10 Providence Petrel 1 Shirihai 2004, 2008 Bourne & Dixon 1973; Finsch Gould’s Petrel 1 1 S? 1879; Mayr 1941 Pycroft’s Petrel Ba Pierce 2010 Fairy Prion S ? Mayr 1941 Bulwer’s Petrel 1 2-10 2-10 Dutson 2001 Streaked Shearwater > 10 > 10 2-10 > 10 > 10 > 10 > 10 >10 Greensmith 1975; Coates 1985 Greensmith 1975; Coates 1985; Wedge-tailed Shearwater > 10Br > 10 2-10 > 10 > 10 > 10 1 > 10 Weston 1975 Flesh-footed Shearwater 1 1 1 1 Bailey 1992; Finch 1981b Sooty Shearwater 1 ? 2-10 ? 1 2-10 ? 1 ? Greensmith 1975 Short-tailed Shearwater 2-10 S 2-10 > 10 Finsch 1879; Finch 1983c Christmas Shearwater 1 1 Shirihai 2008 Hutton’s Shearwater 1 ? Finch 1983c Trop. Audubon’s Sw. 1 1 1 1 1 Dutson 2001 2-10 Dutson 2001; Murphy 1930; Heinroth’s Shearwater 1 2-10 2-10 S 2-10 SBr Hadden 1981 Wilson’s Storm-Petrel 1 1 1 Roberts 1940; Coates 1985 White-faced Storm-Petrel 2-10 1 Black-bellied Storm-Petrel 1 > 10 1 Whitney Expedition White-bellied Storm-Petrel 2-10 Tubb 1945; Coates 1985 Leach’s Storm-Petrel 2-10 Marchant & Higgins 1990; Matsudaira’s Storm-Petrel 2-10 > 10 > 10 Hadden 2004; Shirihai 2008 Table 1. Summary of Procelliformes records in the EEZ of Papua New Guinea (Fig. 1). Column A = Previous Records; Column B = This Study. (Ba = banding record, S = specimen record, Br = breeding record). 12 South Australian Ornithologist 36 (1 & 2) Papua. The area lies within the trade wind belt west of the Admiralty group. Elsewhere depths with south easterly winds persisting from May range between 1000 and 2000 m. There are to October often reaching 25 to 30 knots (46-56 many small islands of volcanic origin, some still km/hr) in July and August, resulting in rough active. The Equatorial Pacific waters within the seas and heavy swells. From November to May EEZ of PNG are considered those north of 2° S winds are usually much lighter and tend north latitude and north east from New Ireland and westerly, but during this time an average of two Bougainville. There are almost no shelf waters cyclones occur. Rainfall is high, ranging from as the islands of the area rise abruptly from the 2500 mm/year along the south coast of PNG surrounding deep ocean. Depths range from to 1500 mm/year further south. (Taylor 1973; 1000m along the north coast of New Ireland Australia Pilot Vol 3 NP15, 2005). and Bougainville to over 5000m in the West Melanesian Trench and the Equatorial area. The Solomon Sea Bismarck Sea and Equatorial Pacific waters of The Solomon Sea lies between south east PNG PNG are in the immense pool of surface waters and Bougainville/Solomon Islands with the warmer than 28°C in the equatorial region island of New Britain forming the northern between the central Indian Ocean and 180° border and the Louisiade Archipelago the longitude. The area is between the major trade southern. There are extensive reef areas along wind belts and is subject to monsoonal winds. the PNG coast and around the Louisiades. Average winds are mostly light, but locally Elsewhere shelf areas are narrow and depths strong in Vitiaz Strait between New Guinea and range from 2000 m in the south east to over New Britain. During my voyages sea surface 8000 m in the New Britain trench. The wind and temperature and salinity ranged from 27.1°C to current regime is similar to the northern Coral 30.2°C and 33.08‰ to 34.60‰ in the Bismarck Sea except that most of the area lies north of the Sea and 29°C to 30.2°C and 33.53‰ to 35.02‰ in cyclone zone. Sea surface temperatures during the Equatorial Pacific. A feature of the Bismarck the study ranged from 26.6° C (Aug) to 29.5° C Sea is that it receives considerable run off of (Feb) and the salinity from 33.26‰ to 34.70‰. nutrient rich waters from river systems such Rainfall is high averaging 3500-4000 mm/year as the Sepik.
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    WESTERN BIRDS Volume 30, Number 1, 1999 SEABIRDS IN SOUTHEASTERN HAWAIIAN WATERS LARRY B. SPEAR and DAVID G. AINLEY, H. T. Harvey & Associates,P.O. Box 1180, Alviso, California 95002 PETER PYLE, Point Reyes Bird Observatory,4990 Shoreline Highway, Stinson Beach, California 94970 Waters within 200 nautical miles (370 km) of North America and the Hawaiian Archipelago(the exclusiveeconomic zone) are consideredas withinNorth Americanboundaries by birdrecords committees (e.g., Erickson and Terrill 1996). Seabirdswithin 370 km of the southern Hawaiian Islands (hereafterreferred to as Hawaiian waters)were studiedintensively by the PacificOcean BiologicalSurvey Program (POBSP) during 15 monthsin 1964 and 1965 (King 1970). Theseresearchers replicated a tracklineeach month and providedconsiderable information on the seasonaloccurrence and distributionof seabirds in these waters. The data were primarily qualitative,however, because the POBSP surveyswere not basedon a strip of defined width nor were raw counts corrected for bird movement relative to that of the ship(see Analyses). As a result,estimation of density(birds per unit area) was not possible. From 1984 to 1991, using a more rigoroussurvey protocol, we re- surveyedseabirds in the southeasternpart of the region (Figure1). In this paper we providenew informationon the occurrence,distribution, effect of oceanographicfactors, and behaviorof seabirdsin southeasternHawai- ian waters, includingdensity estimatesof abundant species. We also document the occurrenceof six speciesunrecorded or unconfirmed in thesewaters, the ParasiticJaeger (Stercorarius parasiticus), South Polar Skua (Catharacta maccormicki), Tahiti Petrel (Pterodroma rostrata), Herald Petrel (P. heraldica), Stejneger's Petrel (P. Iongirostris), and Pycroft'sPetrel (P. pycrofti). STUDY AREA AND SURVEY PROTOCOL Our studywas a piggybackproject conducted aboard vessels studying the physicaloceanography of the easterntropical Pacific.
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