Plaid Cymru
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- Paradox of Cornish Nationalism
- Plaid Cymru General Election Manifesto 2019
- Plaid Cymru's Manifesto
- Gwynedd Council
- Online Appendix Measuring Knowledge of Parties' Legislative
- U.K. Independence Party Wales Plaid Annibynlaeth Y Dernas Unedig Cymru Manifesto for the National Assembly of Wales Election on 1St May, 2003
- General Election Results, 9 April 1992
- PCC Elections 2021
- Introduction to EFA Group in the EP
- 1859 and All That: the Enduring Failure of Welsh Conservatism
- UK General Election 2019: Where Do the Parties Stand on Drug Policy?
- Political Party Affiliation, Regional Variation and the Demographic Correlates of Euroscepticism on the Isle of Great Britain Jared Figgins [email protected]
- English Democrats Pro Patria Anglorum
- A Hung Parliament
- Critical Mass: the Impact and Future of Female Representation in the National Assembly for Wales
- The Cases of Plaid Cymru and the SNP Compared
- 22/Spring 1999
- 1859 and All That the Enduring Failure of Welsh Conservatism 1859