Pinus kesiya
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- Pinus Kesiya Pinaceae Royle Ex Gordon
- Pinus Kesiya Botanical Name: Pinus Kesiya Common Name: Khasi Pine
- Pinus Merkusii Jungh
- Conifer-Feeding Aphids (Insecta: Hemiptera: Aphididae) of India, Bhutan and Nepal with Descriptions of Three New Species of the Genus Cinara
- Effect of Morphological and Environmental Factors on Oleoresin Yield in Pinus Roxburghii Sargent
- The Mammals of Mt. Amuyao: a Richly Endemic Fauna in the Central Cordillera of Northern Luzon Island, Philippines
- Table 1. Top 100 Trees for Planting in Tropical Countries Based on Compilation from Geographically and Functionally Diverse Databases
- The International Timber Trade
- Issn: 2277–4998
- Wood Density and Mechanical Properties of Pinus Kesiya Royle Ex Gordon in Malawi
- Pinus Kesiya Royal Ex Gordon
- Allometric Models for Aboveground Biomass of Benguet Pine (Pinus Kesiya) Jones T
- Pinus Kesiya Royle Ex Gordon), Northern Thailand
- Gold Work, Filing and Black Iling and Black Iling and Blackened Teeth
- Forest Rehabilitation in Vietnam
- Estudio Sobre El Estado Actual De Las Especies Exóticas
- Natural Regeneration and Ecological Succession in Pinus Kesiya Watershed Plantations in Northern Thailand: Implications for Plantation Management