Physics (Aristotle)
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- Aristotle's Theory of Actuality SUNY Series in Ancient Greek Philosophy Author : Bechler, Z
- Aristotle & the Corpus Aristotelicum
- Aristotle's Appeal to Nature and the Internal Point of View
- Are Potency and Actuality Compatible in Aristotle?
- Aristotle's Physics
- Maimonides on the Meaning of 'Perplexity' (Hayra = Aporía)
- Barnes, Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J
- Deciphering Aristotle's Physics.Pdf (384.4Kb)
- Aristotle's Physics: a Physicist's Look
- Aristotle's Physics
- The Rediscovery of the Corpus Aristotelicum
- Quantum Mechanics and the Soul
- Potentiality, Actuality and Non-Separability in Quantum and Classical Physics: Res Potentiae in the Macroscopic World
- Aristotle Study Guide LART602 Prof
- Immanent Powers Versus Causal Powers (Propensities, Latencies and Dispositions) in Quantum Mechanics
- Greek Sources and Arabic Innovations by Andreas Lammer (Review)
- Aristotelian Physics
- Aristotle Physics