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- Tectonics of the Middle Triassic Intracontinental Xuefengshan Belt
- Orogeny Can Be Very Short
- Evolution of the Longmen Shan Foreland Basin (Western Sichuan, China) During the Late Triassic Indosinian Orogeny
- Decelles, P.G., 2012, Foreland Basin Systems Revisited
- Control of 3D Tectonic Inheritance on Fold-And-Thrust Belts
- Orogeny Through Time: an Overview
- Laramide Orogeny
- Thrust and Strike-Slip Faults Near Jackman, Maine
- An Ophiolite Obduction-Driven Orogen in the Late Cretaceous of the Neo-Tethyan South Margin A.M
- Terrane Processes at the Margins of Gondwana: Introduction
- Collisional Orogeny in the Scandinavian Caledonides (COSC): Some Preliminary Results from Drilling of the 2.276 Km Deep COSC-2 Borehole, Central Sweden
- The Evolution of Foreland Basins Megan Mueller Field Geology Summer 2020 2
- Slab Rollback Orogeny in the Alps and Evolution of the Swiss Molasse Basin
- Deformation Processes at the Leading Edge of the Sevier Fold and Thrust Belt, Southwest Utah
- From Orogeny to Rifting: Insights from the Norwegian 'Reactivation Phase'
- OMAN: an Obduction-Orogen
- Folding/Faulting: Topographic Expression of Folded Strata
- An Alternative Hypothesis for the Mid-Paleozoic Antler Orogeny in Nevada