Ochetellus glaber
Top View
- The Fauna of Sri Lanka: Status of Taxonomy, Research and Conservation
- Ants and Their Control Ants and Their Control
- Abiotic Factors Affecting the Foraging Activity and Potential Displacement
- Ant Species Accumulation on Lord Howe Island Highlights The
- Species List
- Roadside Survey of Ants on Oahu, Hawaii
- Ecology of Some Lesser-Studied Introduced Ant Species in Hawaiian Forests
- Appendix A. Species Lists
- Biodiversity Summary: Namoi, New South Wales
- Testing Ant-Attracting Artificial Nectaries to Employ Ants As Plant Defenders
- Nishida, G. M. and N. L. Evenhuis. 2000. Arthropod Pests of Conservation Significance in the Pacific
- A Survey of Invasive Exotic Ants Found on Hawaiian Islands: Spatial Distributions and Patterns of Association
- Removal Experiment Reveals Limited Effects of a Behaviorally Dominant Species on Ant Assemblages
- Eurofins Agroscience Services Public & Environmental Health Australia
- Invasive Species in the Pacific: a Technical Review and Draft Regional Strategy Invasive Species in the Pacific: a Technical Review and Draft Regional Strategy
- A Guide to the Ants of South-Western Australia
- A Review of the Association of Ants with Mealybug Wilt Disease of Pineapple